MASTER OF THEOLOGY LESSON # 1 BI 501 GENESIS 1. Discuss the concept of “In the beginning”. 2. Does God have a beginning. Explain. 3. What do you think one must do to accept God as the first cause of the Universe? 4. From what did God create “The heaven and the earth”? 5. Describe how the Spirit of God was active in creation. 6. What is conveyed by the repeated words “And God said” (v. 20)? 7. What did God create on the fifth day? 8. How does the phrase “after his kind” ( v. 21) show that evolution was not in God’s plan? 9. In what way was the earth “without form and void” (v. 2)? 10. How does today’s world differ from the original creation? See Romans 8:22. 11. Can the corruption we see in the world be blamed on God.? (v. 31). 12. In light of the fact that the Bible says God’s creation was spoken into existence, how would you respond to the argument that it does not matter how God created as long as He is acknowledge as the Creator?

MASTER OF THEOLOGY LESSON # 1 BI 501 GENESIS · LESSON # 1 BI 501 (continued) GENESIS CHAPTER 4 26. What was the first event in the new life of Adam and Eve outside the garden? 27

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Page 1: MASTER OF THEOLOGY LESSON # 1 BI 501 GENESIS · LESSON # 1 BI 501 (continued) GENESIS CHAPTER 4 26. What was the first event in the new life of Adam and Eve outside the garden? 27


LESSON # 1 BI 501


1. Discuss the concept of “In the beginning”.

2. Does God have a beginning. Explain.

3. What do you think one must do to accept God as the first cause of the


4. From what did God create “The heaven and the earth”?

5. Describe how the Spirit of God was active in creation.

6. What is conveyed by the repeated words “And God said” (v. 20)?

7. What did God create on the fifth day?

8. How does the phrase “after his kind” ( v. 21) show that evolution was not in

God’s plan?

9. In what way was the earth “without form and void” (v. 2)?

10. How does today’s world differ from the original creation?

See Romans 8:22.

11. Can the corruption we see in the world be blamed on God.?

(v. 31).

12. In light of the fact that the Bible says God’s creation was spoken into

existence, how would you respond to the argument that it does not matter how

God created as long as He is acknowledge as the Creator?

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LESSON # 1 BI 501 (continued)


13. On day two of creation it seems that this work day was not recognized by

God as “good” what is your opinion or explanation of this.?

14. Describe the two steps in which God made man. Gen. 2:7

15. How is man distinct from animals? (v. 27) . Explain.

16. When God commanded the man was it in the man best interest?

Explain (v. 15-17)

17. What was God’s solution to advance the divine plan to fill the earth with

Adam’s descendants?

18. How is permanent, monogamous marriage supported in verses 23, and


19. Was the creation of Eve an after thought? Explain verse 18.

20. What did God give to man in the garden?

21. What do you think is significant of man naming the animals?

22. What does it mean “they became one flesh”?


23. How did temptation begin?

24. What did God curse after Adam and Eve disobeyed?

25. Because of man’s disobedience what became inevitable?

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LESSON # 1 BI 501 (continued)



26. What was the first event in the new life of Adam and Eve outside the


27. What was “the first recorded death and how did God use the victims.?

28. What was the second recorded death, and discuss the motive for the killing

and why the murderer was not put to death for the murder which he


29. Enoch’s translation before the flood is a type of what?

30. Who was Methuselah, how long did he live and when did he die?

31. What does Methuselah’s name mean?

32. What age was Noah when introduced in the Bible narrative and what were

the names of his sons?


33. What is your opinion of the identity of the sons of God in Genesis 6? Why.

34. Investigate recent and current and secular theories of the origin of the

solar system (e.g. Planetesimal theory and tidal theory).

35. Write a brief character sketch of Noah.

36. What characterized the world before the flood? (Gen. 6:5?)

37. Comment on the presence of Terah and Lot with Abraham during his


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LESSON # 1 BI 501 (continued)


38. Do you think God intended Abram to retain the company of his relatives?

Did they hinder his obedience to God?

39. Make a list of the ten natural divisions of the book of Genesis. Each may

be identified by the expression “generations of”.

40. Explain in what sense Christians can be said to be Abraham’s seed. (Gal:

3: 29).

41. How can Terah’s age be reconciled with other data about when Abram left

Haran? (Gen 11:32)

42. What are some of the sacrifices we have to make in order to follow the

Lord? (Gen 12: 1; Matt 10: 32)

43. Do the promises to Abram still hold true with regard to his descendants

today? (Gen 12:3). Explain

44. How does Abram’s interaction with the Lord in Gen 15: 1-3 illustrate that

he was “the friend of God” (James 2: 23)

45. What does Genesis 15:6 tell us about the nature of genuine faith? (c/f

Rom: 4: 1-25)

46. What factor made the command to sacrifice Isaac and was this

particularly hard for Abraham to obey? (Gen: 22:2)

47. How did Abraham respond to Isaac’s question regarding the lamb for

sacrifice? (Gen 22: 7, 8)

48. Who intervened to save Isaac? (Gen 22: 7, 8.)

49. How would you describe the character of both Esau and Jacob based on

Gen 25: 27-34. What does verse 28 suggest about the character of Isaac and


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LESSON # 1 BI 501 (continued)


50. Discuss how the providence of God was demonstrated even through the

deception that led Isaac to bless Jacob rather than Esau. (Gen: 27: 30-35; Gen

25: 21-23; 27: 1-29)

51. Who was Moses? give a biographical sketch.

52. Does Moses appear in the book of Genesis?

53. What is the Theme of Genesis?

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LESSON # 2 BI 502


Read the Poetical books Job-Ecclesiastes

1. Six types of parallelism are found in Hebrew poetry. Please define the


(1) Synonymous (2) Antithetic (3) Emblematic (4) Climactic (5) Introverted.

2. Using your encyclopedia or other sources describe Parallelism.

3. Describe poetry.

4. Generally, Hebrew poetry is either lyric or didactic which of the two can be

put to music?

5. Among these poetical books which are didactic and which is poetry:

Lamentation; Ecclesiastes; Psalms; Song of Solomon; Proverbs.

6. Was Job a historical character and what does Ezekiel and James say about

him? Ezek 14: 20; James 5:11.

7. What is the theme of Job?

8. Does God give any explanation of Job’s suffering? Explain

9. Characterize the man Job.

10. How does God describe Job to Satan? (Job 1:8)

11. What did Elihu have to say to Job and also to Eliphaz, Bildad and

Zophar? (Job 32-37)

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LESSON # 2 BI 502 (continued)


12. The Psalms are in five books or divisions each ending in a doxology. I

Psalms 1-42 II 43-72 III 73-89 IV 90-106 V 107-150.

Of the six list classification of Psalms give the meaning of four or more:

(1) Penitential Psalms (2) Acrostic Psalms (3) Hallelujah Psalms (4)

Imprecatory Psalms (5) Historical Psalms (6) Prophetical Psalms.

13. Read Psalms chapters 41; 109 and John 13:18. What does Psalms 41 and

109 picture?

14. Read Psalms chapters 22 and 69 along with Matthew 27: 34, 35; John 19:

24, 29 and tell how they relate to Christ.

15. In your opinion can the imprecatory Psalms be justified? Ps 58:6; 109:10;

137: 8, 9; Matt. 5:44; Romans 12: 17-21.

16. After reading the first few verses of Proverbs state the purpose of the


17. Read Proverbs 8: 22-31; 23:11 and 30:4. Is there a relation found of


18. How did Solomon obtain his wisdom? 1st Kings 3:12.

19. What does the key phrase “The fear of the Lord” means?

20. What does Ecclesiastes mean?

21. Philosophy is man’s search for truth. It investigates causes and laws

underlying reality. There are two main schools of thoughts in philosophy:

Empiricism and rationalism. See Eccel. 2:4, 7; 1:17. The conclusion in both

quests is stated “All is vanity”. Just how is truth to be known?

22. What is the purpose of Ecclesiastes?

23. What is the closing admonition of Ecclesiastes?

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LESSON # 2 BI 502 (continued


24. How many songs did Solomon write?

25. Read Song of Solomon, how many times does his name appear and who do

you suppose wrote this book?

26. What is the purpose of The Song of Solomon?

27. In this book there is no direct reference to God. What other Old

Testament books records no name of God?

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Book: “Christian Counseling” Gary R. Collins

1. Is counseling biblically mandated? Why.

2. What effective counselor characteristic does the Holy Spirit’s presence help

in the care of all true Christians? (Gal 5:22, 23)

3. What does the Holy Spirit do? (John 14: 16, 26; 16: 7-15).

4. Is it possible for every Christian to be an effective counselor, or is

counseling a gift, received for select members of the body of Christ? (Rom

12:7; Eph 4:11).

5. Do scriptures give Christians an option to help others? Why. (Rom 14: 19;

15:7, 14; 12:10, 18; Gal 5:13; 6:2; Eph 4:32; Col 3:16; 1st Thess 5:11; James

5:16; 1st John 4:7)

6. How does the Bible describe Jesus The Counselor’s Counselor?

7. When Job’s life suddenly fell apart how did Elihu help as a counselor?

Read Job 1-2; 32-37.

8. It is reported that only 10% of pastoral counseling deals with religious

issues more often people come with marriage tension, crises, depression,

interpersonal conflicts, confusion and other problems in living. How does

Jesus respond to these kinds of problems? John 10:10; John 3:16.

9. What should the Christian counselor’s life show evidence of? (Gal 5:22-23;

1st Cor 13).

10. Environmental influences affect counseling in several ways. One is that it

can create stress and complicate counseling. In the midst of Christ’s busy life,

how did he handle environmental pressures? (Mark 1: 32-35)

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LESSON # 3 CHPSY 501 (continued)


11. Read Acts 2:42. This is probably the beginning of group help. What did

they do as a group?

12. Most Christian counselors would agree that human problem begin when

sin entered the world Satan was involved then as now. Ephesians 6 teaches

that the Christians are engaged in “spiritual warfare”. How is Satan

described? 2nd

Cor 2:11; 11:14; 1st Peter 5:8.

13. Read 2nd

Cor 11:16-33. In the Bible “anxiety” is used in two ways, a

healthy concern and as fret or worry. How does Paul deal with anxiety?

14. How does the Bible tell us to handle anxiety? (Matt 6:25-31; Phil 4: 6-7).

15. Read Philippians 4. Does it give a formula for preventing anxiety as well as

an approach to counseling? Explain.

16. How did God deal with Adam’s loneliness? (Gen 2:18)

17. Read Psalms 69, 88, 102 and Psalms 43. Do the scriptures deal with the

condition of depression? Explain your answer.

18. Read Philippians 4: 8-19. There is no evidence that we can prevent many

of the biologically produced attacks of depression. Paul stated that he had

learned to be content in all circumstances. How can one be contented?

19. Read John 16: 33, James 1: 2-3, 12. It is realistic to smile and laugh in

trials and temptation, pretending that we are never going to be discouraged?


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LESSON # 3 CHPSY 501 (continued)


20. Are there expressions of anger that is appropriate, but others are morally

wrong? (Eph 4:26).

21. When others are angry in what way should we respond?

(Proverbs 15:1)

22. The scriptures condemn vengeance, bitterness, hatred, revenge. Read Rom

12:19; 14:4; Eph 4:31; Heb 12:15; Matt 7:1-5.

23. Guilt is at the bases of much human suffering. Is it possible to help people

deal with their sin or objective guilt without creating unhealthy guilt feeling.

Explain (2nd

Cor 7: 8-10; 1st Peter 2:24)

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LESSON # 4 TH 501

ESCHATOLOGY: Doctrine of Last Things

1. According to Isaiah will there be a universal judgment and how many

people are to be left? (Isa 24: 1-6; Zeph 1; Rev 9:15)

2. What will happen to the rebellious angels?

3. What will be the result of the wicked, Satan, and the fallen angels?

4. What is “the day of the Lord” (Joel 2: 1-2; Zeph 1: 14-18).

5. Describe what will happen to the moon and sun.

6. How is “The day of the Lord” related to the tribulation?

(Matt 24:5-14).

7. What is another name for that day? (Jer 30: 7)

8. According to the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, and Luke. Jesus stated in the

Olivet Discourse which has a large area of prophecy dealing with coming

trouble, Christ’s coming again and exhortation to watchfulness.

In what passage does Christ plainly declare that He will return?

(John 14).

9. Read Matt 24: 45-51; Matt 25: 1-13; Matt 25: 14-30; Mark 13: 34-37; Luke

10: 30-35; Luke 19: 12- 27 is Christ in these parables? Describe him in each.

10. What is the manner of Christ’s return? (Matt 24: 27, 39, 43; Matt 16: 27;

24:30; 25: 31).

11. When is the time of Christ’s return? (Matt 25:19; Luke 19: 12).

12. What will be happening during Christ’s absence?

Matt 24: 6-8, 14.

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LESSON # 4 TH 501 (continued)

ESCATHOLOGY: Doctrine of Last Things

13. What is the purpose of His return? (Acts 24: 25; Romans 2:15; Heb 9:27;

Gen 18:25; Matt 25: 31-46)

14. Read Revelation. These prophecies focus on the eschatological triumph of

Christ over the Antichrist. Who is the revelator of this book and who is the


15. Bible Scholars recognize four basic methods of interpreting the book of

Revelation: the Preterist Method, the Historicist Method, the Futurist Method

and the Idealist Method. Read 1st Cor 2: 16-16; James 1:5) Do you think that

the guidance of the Holy Spirit is essential in the interpretation? Why.

16. Was Daniel’s prophecy understood by him? Why. (Dan 12: 4-9)

17. What does Rev 1:1-3 pronounce?

18. Read Matthew 24: 4-8 and compare the four stages of things with

Revelation 6.

19. Compare Matthew 24: with Rev 6: 9-11. What is your opinion of these


20. What ushers in the day of God’s wrath? (Rev 6: 6-9; Matt 24:29)

21. Read Daniel 7: 13, 14; Rev. 5: 6-10. How do these scriptures relate to each


22. How does the Antichrist come into power? (Dan 7:24, 25; 12: 7; Rev 13:4;

11:1-3; 12:6,14.

23. Who will be his religious associate? (Rev 13: 11-17; 16: 13-16; 19: 20; 20:


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LESSON # 4 TH 501 (continued)

ESCHATOLOGY- Doctrine of Last Things

24. What do the seven trumpets of the seventh seal represent and who sends

them upon the earth? (Rev 8-11:6)

25. What happen when the seventh trumpet sounded? (Rev 11: 7-19)

26. Who is the white horse rider of Rev 19: 11 and what identity did Daniel

give to him. (Dan 2: 34, 35; Matt 24: 16-30).

27. What enemies of Christ are defeated in Revelation 11: 17-20 in order to

prepare the way for the new heavens and the new earth?

28. Give a brief account of the final event and doom of the devil and his


29. What function shall the saints exercise during the reign of Christ?

(Rev. 20:6; Rev 5:10)

30. Who gives the beast (Antichrist) his power, and how will he use it? Rev.

13: 2.

31. What will he (Antichrist) control in his position? Daniel 11:38-43; Rev. 13:

17; 18: 1-24; 6: 5,6.

32. Read Zach. 14: 1-5; Matt. 24: 27,28; Rev. 16: 14; 19: 11-21. What is this

battle called and what armies will be involved against Christ?

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LESSON # 5 TH 502


Books: The World’s Religion, by H. Smith or Book, the World’s

Religion by Brandon Toropov and Father Luke Buckles.

1. What is the oldest Brahmanic Hinduism scriptures called?

2. Name two other scriptures used by the Hindus.

3. Name the Hindus three general levels of temperament.

4. What is the Atman?

5. What is the supreme One referred to in Hinduism?

6. What are the names of the three gods that Hindus believe are carrying out

the continual creation?

7. Define reincarnation.

8. What is the difference between the Hindu and Christian second birth. (re-

birth vs. new birth).

9. What is Yoga?

10. Give a biographical sketch of Siddhartha Gautama and why is he called

the “Buddha”.

11. In Buddhism which is the shortest word by which god might be


12. Name the “Eightfold Path” that Gautama suggested for people to release

themselves from the clutches of their own desires.

13. What is meant by Nirvana?

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LESSON # 5 TH 502 (continued)


14. According to Gautama how does transmigration and unhappiness cease?

15. What two things did Gautama tell his disciples that he teaches?

16. What is the Bo-tree a symbol of for the Buddhist?

17. Name the two branches of Buddhism.

18. What is the Buddha answer to the question “Why am I Unhappy”?

19. What is the answer to the question “How can I be Happy?”

20. In Judaism what is “Sh’ma”.

21. What are the first five books of Moses called?

22. To which biblical figure or linage can Judaism be traced to?

23. What is meant by covenants?

24. Why did God send prophets to Israel?

25. Name the three major Jewish Holidays.

26. Zionism is a philosophy that made its first appearance in the 19th


What was its goal?

27. What other religion trace their linage to the Patriarch Abraham?

28. Besides the Law, name two other sections of the Jewish Bible.

29. Give a biographical sketch of Moses.

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LESSON # 5 TH 502 (continued)


30. What does “Islam” mean?

31. Give a biographical sketch of Muhammad.

32. What are the Muslims five articles of faith?

33. Through whose linage does Muslims claim their ties to Abraham?

34. Name two Muslim sects.

35. The Qur’an (Koran) outlines five obligations or pillars as essential to the

lives of Muslims. Name them.

36. What is a mosque and where does the gibla wall face?

37. What is Ramadan?

38. Jesus is a Latinized form of the Greek “Iesous” which is a transliteration

of what Hebrew name?

39. How is the Christian Bible divided or grouped?

40. Name the three branches that Christianity can be divided.

41. What is the Roman Catholic doctrine of apostolic succession?

42. Protestants reject the authority of the pope “but claim” the priesthood of

all believers. By their claim what do they assert?

43. What is Christian’s concept of deity.

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LESSON # 5 TH 502 (continued)


44. Identify the religion of which the following quotes are from:

(1) “Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he

loves for himself”.

(2) “Hurt not others with that which pains yourself”.

(3) “What is hurtful to yourself do not to your fellow man. That is the

whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary”.

(4) “This is the sum of duty: do naught to others which, if done to thee,

would cause pain”.

(5) “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye

even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets”.

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LESSON # 6 TH 503



Theology came from the Greek word Theos (deity) and Logos (discourse).

This course has to do with the existence and nature of God and man’s

relationship to Him.

1. Can man know God by wisdom? (Job 1:7).

2. Do you think that the trinity is implied in Genesis 1:26? Why.

3. What processes did God use to communicate with mankind.

Read Gen 18, 19; Daniel 7:1; Isa 1:1; Ezek 1:1; 8:3; 11:24; 43:3; Hosea 12:10;

Ex 3:2; Judg 6:37; Ex 4:12.

4. Was it God’s will for his chosen people to resort to war to accomplish His

plan for them? Did God sanction war? (Gen 15:16; Deut 6: and 7.

5. In what ways is man distinct from animals? (Gen 1:24- 2:20.

6. What does the image of God consist of? Read Ecclesiastes chapter 7.

7. How were the human pair Adam and Eve different from all the other pairs?

Read Genesis 2:20-24.

8. For what reason did God make woman? (Gen 2: 18-24)

9. Why did Eve disobey God’s command not to eat of the “tree of the

knowledge of good and evil”? (Gen 2: 16-3:7; James 1:15; 1st Tim 2:15)

10. Adam’s sin was willful. In your opinion why did God clothe them in coats

of skin and what does the skin signify? (Gen 3:24; Heb 9:22; Job 29:14).

11. What was God’s purpose of expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden of

Eden? (Gen 3: 22-24).

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LESSON # 6 TH 503 (continued)


12. There is much debate concerning Genesis 6:2. What is your opinion as

who are “the sons of God”? Read Isa 43:6; Matt 22:7; Gen 5th


13. Read Genesis Chapters 4 through 6. Why did God bring judgment on the

earth? (Eccl. 8:11).

14. Why was Noah and his family spared? (Gen 6: 8-22)

15. Why did the Lord scatter mankind when it seems that they were united?

(Gen 11: 1-9).

16. Name the two promises given Abraham. (Gen 12).

17. Name the six-fold promise God made to Abraham.

18. Eight days after Isaac was born he was circumcised. Why?

19. What is the significance of Jacob’s name changed to Israel?

20. What was God’s relationship with Joseph? (Gen 39: 2, 20)

21. What was Moses first encounter with God like? (Ex 3rd


22. What medium of communication did God use to speak with Abimelech?

23. Exodus is called the book of redemption because it reports God’s

deliverance of Israel. Read Leviticus what do you view as the prominent


24. What is the Hebrew title of Leviticus?

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LESSON # 6 TH 503 (continued)


25. God instituted holy days (holy times) read Lev. 23-25. Which of the holy

days was the most important day of Israel’s calendar?

26. Read Numbers and 2nd

Samuel 24: Why was Moses numbering of the

people ok while David incurred guilt by doing so.

27. Read Deuteronomy. What did God say would happen to Israel if they

would not hearken to His Voice?

28. Read Joshua. How did Israel get total victory over the inhabitants of the

land of Canaan?

29. Did the Israelites take Jerusalem in the time of Joshua?

30. Read Judges. Did the Israelites forget God’s past deliverance and begin to

worship Baal?

31. When they cried out to God for deliverance what did God do?

32. Read 2nd

Samuel 24 and 1st Chronicles 21. How do you reconcile these


33. Read the book of Isaiah. He was contemporary of Jonah, Amos, and Hosea

in Israel but younger than they. He was contemporary with Micah and Judah

also. What does God say about the prophets? (2nd

Kings 17:13; 1st Samuel


34. Jeremiah was contemporary with the prophetess Hulda and Habakkuk,

Zephaniah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Nahum. How did he begin his mission? (Jer 1:

7, 8).

35. Read Malachi. What are the sins that he rebuked?

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LESSON # 7 TH 504


1. Read Romans. Why does man need salvation?

2. How does God save sinners?

3. When Christ’s Righteousness is reckoned as ours, this is called what?

4. Why would Paul wish to visit Rome?

5. Who may have founded the church at Rome?

6. Was Peter the founder of the church at Rome?

7. How much sorrow did the Jews rejection of the Gospel bring to Paul?

8. What advantage and privileges did the Jews have?

9. Why did the Gentiles obtain righteousness?

10. Why did the Jews not succeed in obtaining righteousness?

11. What good came out of Israel’s rejection of Christ?

12. Read 1st Corinthians. What was the basic problem in the church in


13. What did Paul appeal for from his readers?

14. What was Paul’s primary work?

15. Read 1st Corinthians 4: What does being a faithful steward of the Gospel


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16. How does the catalog of sins in 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10 compare with those

forbidden by the Ten Commandments?

17. Where is the only place that is free from the contamination of sinners and

their sins?

18. If my bodily member belong to Christ, how can I prevent using them for

sinful practices? (Romans 6 :).

19. What does it mean to be sanctified?

20. Read 1st Corinthians 7. What does “due benevolence” mean?

21. What is meant by a person defrauding his spouse?

22. What restriction is placed on a believer who separates from his Christian


23. Read 1st Corinthians 15. What false doctrine was being believed, by some

in the church in Corinth?

24. Why is Christ’s resurrection vital to the Gospel Message?

25. Read 2nd

Corinthians. Why is Paul’s reference to his Apostleship in 2nd

Corinthians 1:1 so significant?

26. Read Galatians. What was the false teaching the Galatians had embraced?

27. In Galatians 4th

chapter. How did Paul illustrate the inferior status of

those under the law?

28. Why did God send His Son into the World?

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29. Read Ephesians. In chapter 2 what was Paul building toward?

30. What label was a point of pride to the Jews?

31. What is the foundation of the church?

32. Read Philippians. What did Paul tell the Philippians concerning suffering?

33. How does Paul underscore Christ’s absolute Deity?

34. Read Colossians. What describes the believers in 1: 4-5?

35. What does it mean that Christ is “The image of the invisible God”?

36. On what is Christ’s supremacy over creation grounded. (Col 1:16).

37. Read 1st and 2

nd Thessalonians. What is meant by “Wrath” in 5: 9?

38. What does it mean to be “caught up”?

39. Who is “the man of lawlessness”?

40. Read 1st and 2

nd Timothy. What remedial discipline did Hymenaeus and

Alexander receives?

41. What does the phrase “out of the lion mouth” refer to? (1st Peter 5:8).

42. Read Titus. How did God bring His word to light?

43. What example was Titus to set?

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44. Read Philemon. Where did the church meet?

45. How was Philemon to receive Onesimus upon his return?

46. Read Hebrews. What are some ways in which God has spoken to man?

47. Name the sevenfold description of Christ. (Heb 1: 1-3).

48. Who are the “partakers of Christ”?

49. How did the writer of Hebrews express confidence that he was writing to


50. How can God know the feeling of man?

51. What does “within the veil” (Heb 6:19) refer?

52. What proves the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice for sin?

53. Read James. To whom did James write?

54. How is it possible to consider testing to be pure joy?

55. Why could James not dismiss favoritism as a minor matter?

56. Read 1st and 2

nd Peter. How does the expression “Lively hope” (1

st Peter

1:3) relate to Jesus’ resurrection?

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57. What did Peter mean when he told the elders to “feed the flock of God”?

58. Why do Christians need to be alert to danger at all times?

59. What word in 2nd

Peter 1:2 reveals a major emphasis of 2nd


60. Who are the blind people referred to in 2nd

Peter 1:9?

61. How will the new heavens and earth differ from the present creation?

62. Read 1st 2

nd and 3

rd John. What did John call Jesus Christ at the outset of

his epistle?

63. How can we know that we have passed out of death into life?

64. How did John approach his readers in 2nd

John on the subject of love?

65. Against what standard did John measure Gaius prosperity?

66. Read Jude. What three examples of Judgment does Jude reinforce as the

certainty of the false teacher’s judgment?

67. What is meant by “The way of Cain”?

68. Read Revelation. There are seven beatitudes in Revelation.

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69. What does the following represent? Rev 1: 12-16.

(1) His Clothing (2) His White Hair (3) His Flaming Eyes) (4) His Bronze

like feet. (5) His thunderous voice (6) The two-edge sword (7) His shinning


70. What does the marriage supper of the Lamb represent?

71. How does Revelation 22: 20-21 end?

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Webster’s Dictionary define dispensation as a system of rules for

ordering affairs. The Greek word for dispensation is the word

OIKONOMIA. It is made up of two words OIKOS= house and

NOMAS= Law, meaning the law of the house.

1. Look up the word “Steward” in a dictionary and in the Greek using

Strong’s Concordance, define the word and compare it with

dispensation. See Luke 16: 2-4; 1st Cor 4:2.

2. Why is the first dispensation in which Adam and Eve Found

themselves called “innocence”. (Gen 1: 28- 2:13; 1st Tim. 2:14.

3. Why do you suppose that after the fall of man we call the

second dispensation “conscience”. (Gen 3:23-7:23).

4. After the Flood God laid down the basic for Human Civil

Government, which we call the third dispensation

Name the responsibilities place upon man. (Gen 8: 20-11:9).

5. The fourth dispensation was given to Abraham and his seed and must be

distinguished from the fourth of Abrahamic covenant. The fourth

dispensation Promise ended when Israel accepted the Law. (Gen 12:1- Ex

19:8). What is the distinction between dispensation and the Abrahamic

Covenant, and did the Law abrogate the Abrahamic Covenant?

6. The fifth dispensation Law extended to the cross. Why did God give the

Law? (Ex 19:8; Matthew 27:35). Also Read Galatians.

7. Read John 1:17 and name the sixth dispensation and define what it means.

8. The Seventh Dispensation Kingdom is found in Ephesians 1:10. This

dispensation is the final form of moral testing. When will this dispensation

commence, where will it spread, and how long will it last?

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1. Who are the leading candidates for the authorship of Hebrews? Read 2


Peter 3:15; Heb 13:23; Heb 2-3.

2. Why do you suppose that the western church doubt the authorship by


3. Read Hebrews. Why are the prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua, and Aaron

used as comparisons with Christ?

4. What are two Great warnings of Hebrews?

5. There are three great ‘better’ connected with Jesus Christ. Name them.

6. Why is it that the Aaronic priests could not make men perfect?

7. Was the old Mosaic system perfect? Why.

8. Why is Christ greater than Moses? (Heb 3: 1-19).

9. Why is Christ great than Joshua? (4: 1-16).

10. Why is Christ greater than Angeles? (1: 4-2, 18).

11. Why is Christ greater than Aaron?

12. Read Psalms 110:4; Gen 14; Heb 7: 1-10, 18. What does the name

Melchizedek mean? Compare and Melchizedek.

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Option 1. Thesis. This option requires research in an area related to the

student’s field of ministry and present a thesis of no less than 8,000 words in

the form of two bound copies to J.C.T.U. One copy is for J.C.T.U. and one

copy is to be returned to the student.

The title of the thesis and subject matter must be presented to J.C.T.U. for

approval prior to the beginning of the research project.

Option 2. The student may elect to do one extra course and a research project

of 10,000 to 15,000 words. (12 SH CREDIT)

It is suggested that anyone planning to do a doctorate write the thesis.

Options1, or Option 2 must be footnoted and include an extensive
