SAMPLE PAGES Excerpts from my 297-page Master the TOEIC: Strategies book! M M M a a a s s s t t t e e e r r r t t t h h h e e e L L i i s s t t e e n n i i n n g g & & R R e e a a d d i i n n g g T T O O E E I I C C S S t t r r a a t t e e g g i i e e s s Effective Techniques and Methods to improve your TOEIC test score by Chris Quinn ® TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service. This publication has been neither reviewed nor endorsed by the Educational Testing Service. ®

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Excerpts from my 297-page Master the TOEIC: Strategies book!

MMMaaasssttteeerrr   ttthhheee          

LLiisstteenniinngg && RReeaaddiinngg

TTOOEEIICC  SSttrraatteeggiieess  EEffffeeccttiivvee  TTeecchhnniiqquueess  aanndd  MMeetthhooddss  

ttoo  iimmpprroovvee  yyoouurr  TTOOEEIICC  tteesstt  ssccoorree    


by Chris Quinn

® TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service. This publication has been neither reviewed nor endorsed by the Educational Testing Service.


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Table of Contents

Pages in BLUE are Pages included in this

Sample Book

A Message from the Author......................................5 The Most Important Strategy in this Book ...............6 The 2nd Most Important Strategy in this Book .........7 The TOEIC Test .......................................................8 TOEIC Skills

How to Study for the TOEIC ..............................9 Sample Study Schedule ....................................12 TOEIC Practice Test Answer Grid ..................14 READ THIS! How to Scan ...............................15 READ THIS! How to Skim ...............................17 British Accent Websites ....................................19 Phrasal Verbs and Idiom Websites ..................19 Business English ..............................................20 The Website to Study Every Day! .....................20

TOEIC Test Day

Registering for the TOEIC Test .......................21 Preparing for TOEIC Test Day........................21 Reducing Stress During the TOEIC Test .........24 Test Center Procedures and Regulations ........25 Dismissal from Test Session.............................26

Chapter 1: Photographs

Photographs Method ........................................28 Photograph Tricks ...........................................33 More Photograph Strategies ............................34 Photograph Method Quiz .................................35

Chapter 2: Question-Response

Question-Response Method...........................37 Examples of each Question Type ..................41 Question Response Tricks .............................43 More Question Response Strategies .............45 Question-Response Method Quiz .................46

Chapter 3: Short Conversations

Short Conversation Method .............................48 More Short Conversation Strategies ................54 Short Conversation Tricks ...............................55 Short Conversation Method Quiz.....................58

Part 4: Short Talks

Short Talk Method............................................59 More Short Conversation Strategies ................64 Short Talk Tricks ..............................................65 Short Talk Method Quiz ...................................67

Chapter 5: Incomplete Sentences

Incomplete Sentence Method ...........................69 More Incomplete Sentence Strategies ..............75 Incomplete Sentence Tricks ..............................76 Incomplete Sentence Method Quiz ...................78

Chapter 6: Text Completion

Text Completion Method ..................................80 More Text Completion Strategies ....................88 Text Completion Tricks ....................................89 Text Completion Method Quiz .........................90

Chapter 7: Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension Method .....................92 Reading Comprehension Tricks .....................102 More Reading Comprehension Strategies .....104 Types of Texts ...............................................105 Reading Comprehension Method Quiz ..........119

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Appendix A:

TOEIC Strategy Practice Test How to Use this Practice Test ..............................121 Practice Test Answer Grid ...................................122 Part 1: Photographs

Photographs Method ......................................124 Exercise Descriptions ....................................125 Photographs ...................................................126 Exercise #1: Predicting Answers...................131 Exercise #2: Tricks ........................................133 Photographs Questions Transcript ................135

Part 2: Question-Response Question-Response Method.........................137 Exercise Descriptions ...................................138 Exercise #1: Question Type & Key Words ....139 Exercise #2: Tricks ........................................140 Question-Response Questions Transcript ......145

Part 3: Short Conversations Short Conversation Method ...........................148 Exercise Descriptions ....................................149 Short Conversation Questions .......................150 Exercise #1: Key Words ................................155 Exercise #2: Main Ideas & Inferences ..........158 Exercise #3: Tricks ........................................159 Short Conversation Questions Transcript .....165

Part 4: Short Talks Short Talk Method..........................................168 Exercise Descriptions ....................................169 Short Talk Questions ......................................170 Exercise #1: Key Words ................................175 Exercise #2: Main Ideas & Inferences ..........178 Exercise #3: Tricks ........................................180 Short Talk Questions Transcript ....................186

Part 5: Incomplete Sentences Incomplete Sentence Method .........................189 Exercise Descriptions ....................................190 Incomplete Sentence Questions ......................191 Exercise #1: Part of Speech in Answers ........195 Exercise #2: Part of Speech in Question .......199 Exercise #3: Tricks ........................................200

Part 6: Text Completion Text Completion Method ................................205 Exercise Descriptions ....................................206

Text Completion Questions ............................207 Exercise #1: Skimming ..................................210 Exercise #2: Question Type, Part of Speech, and Related Meanings..............................211 Exercise #3: Context Clues & Tricks ............212

Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension Method ...................214 Exercise Descriptions ....................................215 Reading Comprehension Questions ...............216 Exercise #1: Purpose of the Text ...................235 Exercise #2: Key Words ................................238 Exercise #3: Tricks ........................................243

Appendix B: Business English

How to use this Section ..................................254 How to make Flashcards ...............................254

Topic Index ...................................................255 Word Index ...................................................255 Buying & Selling ..........................................258 Communication ..............................................261 Describing Objects, Actions & Ideas .............263 Describing People ..........................................264 Employment....................................................265 Giving & Receiving ........................................267 Insurance........................................................269 Mail ................................................................270 Marketing .......................................................271 Meetings .........................................................273 Money: Counting Money ................................275 Money: Making & Losing Money ..................277 News & Weather ............................................279 Office Life.......................................................281 Organizations .................................................283 Problem-Solving ............................................284 Product Creation ...........................................287 Projects & Planning ......................................288 Time................................................................293 Travel .............................................................294

A Final Word from Chris .....................................297

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

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Part 2



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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

Question-Response Directions Directions: You will hear a question or statement followed by three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

The Question-Response Method 1. Identify the Question/Statement Type.

Common types: why where who when duration what action method choice request amount statement yes/no opinion Some wh-words may be in the middle of a Question. Pay attention to the first 1-2 words of the Question. Remember! Tag-Questions are Yes/No Questions.

2. Decide what the Question is asking.

Listen for Key Words that give the Subject, Object, Topic and Action. Listen for Negative Words in the Question. Listen for the Verb Tense.

3. Listen to Responses and Eliminate Tricks.

Correct Responses don’t normally repeat key words unless asking for clarification. Some correct Responses are only related to the question by Context. Responses to Tag-Questions must answer the main statement appropriately, NOT the tag-


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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

1. Identify the Question/Statement Type.

Common types: why where who when duration what action method choice request amount statement yes/no opinion Some wh-words may be in the middle of a Question. Pay attention to the first 1-2 words of the Question. Remember! Tag-Questions are Yes/No Questions.

Listening to the first 1-2 words of a Response is very important. Often they will determine what

type of question it is answering.

Example: “What are you going to do after the meeting?” Question Type: what action (“what”, “do”)

Example: “Did you make a dinner reservation?” Question Type: yes/no (“did”)

If you know the Question/Statement Type, you can more easily hear wrong answers—almost 30% of

all Wrong Responses are wrong because they are Responses to a different Question Type.

However, be careful! In some questions, the type is not clear until later in the question.

Example: “Do you want to go to the store tomorrow OR today?”

In the above Example, though this looks like a Yes/No question at first, only at the end is it clear that

it the Question is asking for a Choice.

Remember that all Tag-Questions are Yes/No Questions.

Example: “These instructions are difficult to understand, aren’t they?” Question Type: yes/no (“are”)

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

2. Decide what the Question is asking. Listen for Key Words that give the Subject, Object, Topic and Action. Listen for Negative Words in the Question. Listen for the Verb Tense. After identifying the Question Type, you want to listen for Key Words. Key Words could be the Subject of the sentence:

Example: “What are YOU going to do after the meeting?”

Key Words could be the Object of the sentence:

Example: “Did you fix the COPIER?”

Key Words could be the Topic of the sentence:

Example: “What are you going to do AFTER the MEETING?”

Key Words could be the Action of the sentence:

Example: “What are you GOING TO DO after the meeting?”

You want to remember these Key Words while listening to the responses—you will use these Key

Words to identify Wrong Responses.

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

3. Listen to Responses and Eliminate Tricks.

Correct Responses don’t normally repeat key words unless asking for clarification. Some correct Responses are only related to the question by Context. Responses to Tag-Questions must answer the main statement appropriately, NOT the tag-


Sometimes, the correct Response to the Question does not answer the Question, but may explain

why they cannot answer the Question.

Example: Can you tell me how to get to the station? (A) The train comes every 30 minutes. (B) I am too tired to walk to the station. (C) I'm not sure. I'm a stranger here. This is the correct answer.

Tag Questions

The only purpose of a Tag-Question at the end of a statement is to request agreement or

disagreement with the main statement. When answering Tag-Questions, focus on the main statement.

The correct response will either agree or disagree with the main statement. The whole Response must

either agree or disagree with the main statement, NOT the tag-question.

Example: “These instructions are difficult to understand, aren’t they?” Response A: No, they are pretty hard. Incorrect. The “No” is disagreeing with the

statement, but the rest of the Response is agreeing with the statement.

Response B: Yes, they are pretty easy. Incorrect. The “Yes” is agreeing with the

statement, but the rest of the Response is disagreeing with the statement.

Response C: No, they are pretty easy. Correct. The “No” is disagreeing with the

statement, and the rest of the Response is disagreeing with the statement.

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

Examples of each Question Type

Amount The answer will be about the quantity of something.

Example: How much paper will we need to buy?

Choice The question will use “or”. The answer needs to pick one of the choices.

Example: Will you come Wednesday or Thursday?

Duration The answer will be about the length of time for an action.

Example: How long are you going to stay in Tokyo?

Method The answer will be about a process or method.

Example: How did you get to work?

Request The question will either ask someone to do something, or ask for permission to do something. The answer will either: accept/turn down the request or give/not give permission.

Example: Can you open the door for me, please?

Statement The answer will be about: the same topic or the same positive/negative feeling. Listen for context and use logic.

Example: Q: Hey, the printer is out of ink. R: Well then, we’ll have to order some.

What Action The answer will be about an action.

Example: What did you do yesterday?

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

Examples of each Question Type (continued)

When / The answer will be about time. What time

Example: What time does the train leave?

Where The answer will be about a place or location.

Example: Where were you yesterday?

Who The answer will be about a person, group, organization or job title.

Example: Who is your supervisor?

Why The answer will be about a cause or reason. The answer may not use the word


Example: Why did you apply for your current position?

Listen for negative forms of why Questions.

Example: Why didn’t you apply for your current position?

Yes/No The answer will say either “yes” or “no” or a synonym of those words. There may also be

a tag question.

Example: You're not going to resign, are you?

Opinion The answer will be about someone’s opinion.

Example: What do you think about the new boss?

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

Question-Response Tricks 1. Similar-Sounding Words. Listen for near-homophones (“freeze”, “sneeze”). If the word sounds

strange, it might be the wrong word!

Example: Q: Can you take the boss to tomorrow’s meeting? R: I don’t know when the bus leaves. 2. Topic-Related Words. These wrong Responses use words related to the topic of the Question, but

give information that the Question does not ask for.

Example: Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting? R: We need to discuss the sales report. 3. Word Repetition. Like other sections of the TOEIC, many Tricks will repeat words or phrases

from the Question but not be correct answers. In English, important words from Questions are

usually not repeated in Answers. Beware of words that can be both nouns and verbs (Ex: “can”).

Example: Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting? R: The meeting was very informative. 4. Wrong Question Type. These wrong Responses will use pieces of information from the Question,

but they are answers to a different type of Question (“who” instead of “where”).

Example: Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting? R: It’s at the branch office.

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

Question-Response Tricks (continued) 5. Wrong Subject/Object. These wrong Responses will use the correct Question Type (“where”), but

refer to different Subject or Object (“where is someone” Question and a “where is something”

Response) than that in the Question.

Example: Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting? R: She would be happy to. 6. Wrong Verb Tense. These wrong Responses will use an incorrect verb tense. For example: the

Question asks about the future, but the Response refers uses the past tense.

Example: Q: Can you drive the boss to tomorrow’s meeting? R: Yes, I drove him to the meeting.

NOTE: Some Wrong Answer Choices have 2 or more kinds of Tricks in them!

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

More Question-Response Strategies Listen for what is wrong with an Answer Choice, not what is right. Sometimes you don’t like

any of the Answer Choices. Remember, it is often easier to hear what is wrong with an Answer

Choice. Always ask yourself, “What is wrong with this Answer Choice?” If you can’t find

anything wrong except that it might be an inference, keep your pencil on that Answer Choice—it

may be the correct answer.

All Answer Choices, even wrong Answer Choices, will be grammatically correct.

If you miss a response, keep listening! Responses can be very short. If you are able to eliminate

the other two responses, you can still get the correct answer.

Wh-questions cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”. However, some Yes/No questions CAN

be answered without a “yes” or “no”.

Example: Q: Can you take the boss to tomorrow’s meeting? R: I’ll have to ask my supervisor. Some “Yes/No” questions will begin with wh-words.

Example: Q: When the boss gets here, can you take her to the meeting?

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Master the TOEIC Part 2: Question-Response

Now that you’ve studied this part of the TOEIC, test your memory of its Method! Each time you practice this part of the TOEIC, return to this page and test your knowledge of the Master the TOEIC Method. Soon, you will Master it!

The Question-Response Method Quiz

1. Identify the ______________.

Common types: 1______________ 5______________ 8______________ 11______________ 2______________ 6______________ 9______________ 12______________ 3______________ 7______________ 10______________ 13______________ 4______________

Pay attention to the ______________ words of the Question. Remember! Tag-Questions are ______________ Questions.

2. Decide ______________.

Listen for Key Words that give the ______________, ______________, ______________ and ______________.

Listen for ______________ words in the Question. Listen for the Verb ______________.

3. Listen to Responses and ______________.

Correct Responses don’t normally ______________ key words unless asking for clarification. Some correct Responses are only related to the Question by ______________. Responses to Tag-Questions must answer the ______________ statement appropriately, not the


Answers are on Page 37.

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Master the TOEIC Part 7: Reading Comprehension

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Part 7

Reading Comprehension


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Master the TOEIC Part 7: Reading Comprehension

Types of Texts In Part 7 (and Part 6!) of the TOEIC, you will see various kinds of Texts. You need to be able to quickly

and easily find the Headings and Title in each kind. You will also want to know where (or if) the Topic and

Purpose of the Text is most likely located.

On the following pages are different types of Texts you may see on the TOEIC. Study these pages and the

information (in yellow boxes) given.

Advertisement ..........................p. 106 Email........................................p. 107 Fax ...........................................p. 108 Invoice .....................................p. 109 Job Advertisement ...................p. 110 Letter ........................................p. 111 Memo .......................................p. 112 News Report.............................p. 113 Notice .......................................p. 114 Phone Message ........................p. 115 Purchase Order .......................p. 116 Schedule ..................................p. 117 Table ........................................p. 118

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Master the TOEIC STRATEGY EXERCISES Part 1: Photographs

Advertisement Advertisements (also called “ads”) can often look like other types of Texts—sometimes they look

like Letters, sometimes like Notices. However, they will all have certain pieces of information:

Are you paying too much calling overseas? Do you feel that with the money you spent calling a friend or loved one in another country you could have flown to see them?

Don’t let that happen to you! Save 50% on your next international phone call when you switch to CONNEXUS, the leading international telecommunication company in over 30 countries. Simply call 1-800-CONNEXUS, and tell us which country you call the most—and lock in a 50% discount for all calls to that country for the next year! We will even help you in switching from you current international call carrier to us by contacting your current carrier and doing all the work for you! It’s never been more easy or rewarding to join CONNEXUS! We understand that with family and friends all over the world, you need an inexpensive and reliable service to help you keep in touch with those you love--CONNEXUS, with over 10 years experience and one of the most advanced networks on the planet, is there for you.

The Teaser: The Title of an Ad is often called a “teaser”, hinting at what they are selling, but NOT TELLING YOU DIRECTLY.

The Call to Action: This is the MAIN IDEA of the Ad, telling the reader what they SHOULD DO.

The first 1-2 sentences of an Ad often do not give the MAIN IDEA or PURPOSE of the Ad, but hint at it.

Why Us: This part of the Ad explains WHY you SHOULD USE the product or company.

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Master the TOEIC STRATEGY EXERCISES Part 2: Question-Response

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Strategy Exercises

Part 2 Question-Response


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Master the TOEIC STRATEGY EXERCISES Part 2: Question-Response

Question-Response Directions Directions: You will hear a question or statement followed by three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

The Question-Response Method 1. Identify the Question/Statement Type.

Common types: why where who when duration what action method choice request amount statement yes/no opinion Some wh-words may be in the middle of a Question. Pay attention to the first 1-2 words of the Question. Remember! Tag-Questions are Yes/No Questions.

2. Decide what the Question is asking.

Listen for Key Words that give the Subject, Object, Topic and Action. Listen for Negative Words in the Question. Listen for the Verb Tense.

3. Listen to Responses and Eliminate Tricks.

Correct Responses don’t normally repeat key words unless asking for clarification. Some correct Responses are only related to the question by Context. Responses to Tag-Questions must answer the main statement appropriately, NOT the tag-


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Master the TOEIC STRATEGY EXERCISES Part 2: Question-Response

Question-Response Exercises

Do the following Exercises for each Question, one Question at a time.

Question-Response Exercise 1: Identifying the Question Type & Key Words Now go to Page 135 and look at the Answer Choices for that Photograph. . Try to identify what Type of Question it is, and any Key Words in the Question. Write them down on a sheet of paper. Compare your answers to ours on Page 139. Example:

Question Type Key Words/Topic

what action going to do (future), after meeting

Question-Response Exercise 2: Identifying Tricks

Now go to Page 145 and look at the Question and Responses. Try to identify the correct Answer Choice. If you can identify a Trick used by a wrong Answer Choice, write them down next to it. Compare your answers to ours on Page 140. Example:

Correct? Trick Type

(A) Wrong Verb Tense


(C) Wrong Question Type (Q: “What action”, R: “Why or Yes/No”)

The Transcripts for all Question-Response Questions are on Page 145.

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Master the TOEIC Business English


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Appendix B

Business English


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Master the TOEIC Business English


If you are looking for a specific Topic to study, look for that Topic in the TOPIC INDEX below. If you are looking for a specific Word, look for that Word in the WORD INDEX below.


Buying & Selling #1 .............................................. 258 Buying & Selling #2 .............................................. 259 Buying & Selling #3 .............................................. 260

Communication #1 ................................................ 261 Communication #2 ................................................ 262

Describing Objects, Actions & Ideas ..................... 263

Describing People .................................................. 264

Employment #1 ..................................................... 265 Employment #2 ..................................................... 266

Giving & Receiving #1 .......................................... 267 Giving & Receiving #2 .......................................... 268

Insurance................................................................ 269

Mail ....................................................................... 270

Marketing #1 ......................................................... 271 Marketing #2 ......................................................... 272

Meetings #1 ........................................................... 273 Meetings #2 ........................................................... 274

Money: Counting Money #1 .................................. 275 Money: Counting Money #2 .................................. 276

Money: Making & Losing Money #1 .................... 277 Money: Making & Losing Money #2 .................... 278

News & Weather #1 .............................................. 279 News & Weather #2 .............................................. 280

Office Life #1 ........................................................ 281 Office Life #2 ........................................................ 282

Organizations ......................................................... 283

Problem-Solving #1 ............................................... 284 Problem-Solving #2 ............................................... 285 Problem-Solving #3 ............................................... 286

Product Creation .................................................... 287

Projects & Planning #1 .......................................... 288 Projects & Planning #2 .......................................... 289 Projects & Planning #3 .......................................... 290 Projects & Planning #4 .......................................... 291 Projects & Planning #5 .......................................... 292

Time ...................................................................... 293

Travel #1 ............................................................... 294 Travel #2 ............................................................... 295 Travel #3 ............................................................... 296

WORD INDEX ST = something or some idea SO = someone SA = some action


a sure thing ............................... 288 about to (S(A) ........................... 288 accommodation ......................... 294 according to (SO or ST) ............ 261 account ...................................... 258 account for ................................ 284 accountant ................................. 275 across the board ........................ 281 adjourn a meeting .................... 273 advance notice .......................... 293 agenda ....................................... 273 aim ............................................ 288 allege ........................................ 279 analyst ....................................... 265 annex ........................................ 283 annual ...................................... 293 appliance ................................... 287 arrest ......................................... 279

aspire ......................................... 288 asset ........................................... 275 at a loss ...................................... 284 auction ....................................... 258


back and forth ........................... 273 back up ...................................... 284 bail (SO) out / bail out ............... 267 ball park figure/estimate ............ 275 balance ...................................... 275 bankrupt .................................... 277 behind-the-scenes ...................... 288 benefit ....................................... 265 bi-monthly ................................. 293 bi-weekly ................................... 293 board of directors ...................... 273 book a ticket/flight .................... 294 bookkeeping .............................. 275

borrow ...................................... 267 bottom line ................................ 288 branch ....................................... 283 brand ......................................... 271 break down (ST) ....................... 288 break even ................................. 277 breaking news ........................... 279 brink .......................................... 288 brochure .................................... 271 busy signal ................................ 261 buy a stake in (ST) ................... 277 buy off (SO) .............................. 277 buy out (SO) ............................. 277 bystander ................................... 279


calculated risk .......................... 289 call a meeting to order ............. 273 candidate ................................... 265 carry out (S(A) .......................... 289

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Master the TOEIC Business English


carry through with (S(A) .......... 289 cartridge .................................... 281 cater .......................................... 281 CEO .......................................... 265 client ......................................... 258 closed-door meeting/session ..... 273 C.O.D. (cash on delivery) ........ 270 come up .................................... 284 come up with (ST) .................... 289 commission ............................... 258 commute ................................... 294 commuter ................................. 294 compensation ............................ 267 complimentary .......................... 258 component ................................ 287 confirmation sheet .................... 258 congestion ................................. 294 connection ................................. 294 consistent .................................. 263 constructive criticism ................ 273 consult ..................................... 261 contact ...................................... 271 contract .................................... 258 cost-effective ............................ 277 courier ....................................... 270 credit ......................................... 263 cut a deal ................................... 258 cut back .................................... 289 cut corners ............................... 289 cut off / cut (SO or ST) off ....... 261 cut short ................................... 273


day timer ................................... 281 deal with (ST) ........................... 289 debt ........................................... 277 deductible ................................ 269 demand .................................... 271 denomination ............................ 275 deposit ...................................... 277 derailment ................................. 294 display ..................................... 271 distribution ................................ 275 donate ....................................... 267 double check ............................. 284 drop in ...................................... 294 drum up ..................................... 271


editorial ..................................... 279 end up (SA) ............................... 289 endless ...................................... 293 entrepreneur .............................. 265 esteem ....................................... 264 estimate ..................................... 275 exchange rate ............................ 276 extension ................................... 261 eye-witness ............................... 279


faulty ......................................... 284 feedback .................................... 274 field ........................................... 264 figure out ................................... 290 figures ....................................... 276 find out ...................................... 284 first-hand knowledge ................. 261 fiscal .......................................... 276 flurries ....................................... 280 flying colors .............................. 263 forecast ...................................... 280 fragile ........................................ 270 freight ........................................ 295 frequent flyer ............................. 295 full coverage ............................. 269 fundraiser .................................. 267


gather dust ................................. 259 get a raise ................................. 265 get ahead ................................... 290 get (ST) off the ground ............. 290 get rid of (SO or ST) ................. 284 get through (ST) ........................ 290 give (SO) the green light .......... 290 go over (ST) .............................. 285 go through (ST) ......................... 285 go with ...................................... 290 gossip ........................................ 261 guideline .................................... 290


hail a taxi/cab ........................... 295 have the floor ............................ 274 historic ....................................... 263 hit .............................................. 271 homemaker ................................ 264 hospitality .................................. 295 hotline ....................................... 261 human resources ........................ 265


illustrious ................................... 264 implement .................................. 287 in black and white .................... 261 in case / in case of .................... 290 in favor of (SO or ST) ............... 291 in order to (S(A) ........................ 291 in stock ..................................... 259 in the black ............................... 278 in the market for (ST) ................ 259 in the red .................................... 278 income ....................................... 278 indispensable ............................. 264 innovation .................................. 287

innovative ................................. 263 insert ......................................... 271 inspection .................................. 281 institute ..................................... 291 interest ..................................... 267 intersection ............................... 295 investigate ................................. 285 invoice ...................................... 259 itemize ...................................... 276 itinerary ..................................... 295


jack up the price of (ST) ........... 259 joint venture .............................. 283


keep (SO or ST) in mind ........... 291


landmark ................................... 263 last-minute ............................... 293 layover ...................................... 295 leaflet ........................................ 272 lease .......................................... 267 lend ........................................... 268 loan ........................................... 268


maintenance ............................. 281 make a difference ...................... 285 make sense ............................... 291 mean business .......................... 264 metered (mail) ........................... 270 merger ....................................... 283 money order .............................. 270 mortgage ................................... 268 multinational ............................. 283


negotiations .............................. 262 net income ................................. 276


objective .................................... 291 off-season .................................. 295 ominous .................................... 263 open to (ST) .............................. 291 open-door meeting/session ....... 274 out of the loop ........................... 262 outbreak .................................... 280 outstanding ................................ 263 overcast ..................................... 280 overdraft .................................... 278 overhead .................................... 276 overhead compartment .............. 295 overtime .................................... 265

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Master the TOEIC Business English



package tour ............................. 295 pamphlet ................................... 272 panel ........................................ 274 parcel ........................................ 270 peak season .............................. 296 perk ........................................... 265 personnel................................... 266 philanthropist ............................ 268 plant .......................................... 283 podium ...................................... 274 policy ................................ 269, 281 power cut .................................. 282 power outage ............................ 282 poverty-stricken ........................ 268 premises .................................... 283 premium .................................... 269 procrastinate ............................. 291 profit ......................................... 278 promotion ........................ 266, 272 proofread................................... 285 proposal .................................... 292 pros and cons ........................... 292 prospect .................................... 272 pull into ..................................... 296 pump money into (ST) .............. 292 put (SO) on hold ...................... 262 put (ST) on hold ....................... 292 put out ....................................... 272


quality control ........................... 282 quarter ....................................... 293 quick with numbers .................. 264


R & D ....................................... 287 Re: ........................................... 262 ream .......................................... 282 rebate ........................................ 259 recipient .................................... 262

records ....................................... 282 red-eye ...................................... 296 refreshments .............................. 296 refund ........................................ 259 registered mail ........................... 270 renowned ................................... 264 reputation .................................. 264 resign ......................................... 266 resources ................................... 292 retrace ........................................ 285 reveal ......................................... 285 revenue ...................................... 278 role model ................................. 264 rotary phone .............................. 262 rule out (SO or ST) .................... 285 run into (ST) .............................. 286 run short .................................... 259 runway ....................................... 296


sales force ................................. 272 scale ........................................... 270 seasonal work/job ..................... 266 second-hand .............................. 262 sell like hotcakes ...................... 260 seniority .................................... 266 shut-eye ..................................... 296 smooth out the bumps ............... 286 snail mail ................................... 270 software ..................................... 287 solicit ......................................... 274 sort ............................................. 270 spreadsheet ................................ 276 statement ................................... 276 stick with (SA or ST) ................ 292 stock .......................................... 260 store ........................................... 260 stranded ..................................... 296 strategy ...................................... 292 structural flaw ........................... 286 subordinate ................................ 266 subsidiary .................................. 283 suit ............................................. 263

surcharge .................................. 260 suspect ...................................... 280 symposium ................................ 274


table a discussion ..................... 274 take a pay cut ............................ 266 take minutes .............................. 274 take place .................................. 286 takeover .................................... 283 tamper ....................................... 286 target market ............................. 272 terminate ................................... 266 theft ........................................... 280 throw money at (ST) ................. 286 toll-free ..................................... 262 toner .......................................... 282 touch tone phone ....................... 262 trend .......................................... 272 trial offer ................................... 260 turbulence ................................. 296 turnover ..................................... 266 turn out ...................................... 286 tutorial ....................................... 287


underprivileged ......................... 268 up to (SO) to (S(A) ................... 292 union ......................................... 282 upgrade ..................................... 287


virus .......................................... 286


warranty .................................... 260 withdrawal ................................ 278 word processing ........................ 262 work out .................................... 292

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Buying & Selling #1 account auction client commission complimentary confirmation sheet contract cut a deal

account: (noun) A file that includes all information about a single


Can you bring me the Mitchell account? I would like to review our contract with them.

auction: (verb) To sell something by having people offer amounts of money. (noun) An event where objects or prizes are sold to the person who offers the most money.

Because our company is moving to the next state, we will be auctioning off all of our big office equipment.

Will you attend this year’s charity auction? They’re going to have some great items for sale to the highest bidder.

client: (noun) Someone who buys goods or services. Synonym: customer

She is one of our most loyal clients; she has been using our services for over 5 years.

commission: (noun) The money which a salesperson receives for making a sale.

A car salesperson usually receives a commission every time they sell a car.

complimentary: (adjective) Free.

You will receive a complimentary tote bag when you donate money to public television.

confirmation sheet: (noun) A document that gives extra proof that something that is true/happened.

After I bought my camera online, I received a confirmation sheet along with my receipt.

contract: (noun) A written agreement. (verb) To be temporarily hired to do something.

Can you draw up a contract for the services you will provide our company?

We were contracted to build the annex to the main offices of Nike.

cut a deal: (verb) To make a business arrangement or contract.

I was able to cut a deal with the contractor and we paid very little for our new kitchen.