Math 54 Reviewer problems

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Antiderivatives, Definite Integral, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

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  • U P K E M

    M E M B E R S H I P A C A D E M I C D E V E L O P M E N T

    Math 53

    4th Long Exam Notes

    Heavily based from

    C.G. Tapia lectures


    This handout is intended as a reviewer only and

    should not be substituted for a complete lecture,

    or used as a reference material. The goal of this

    reviewer is to refresh the student on the concepts

    and techniques in one reading. But this is more

    than enough to replace your own notes :)

    1 Antiderivatives or Indefinite


    Theorem 1. If F is an antiderivative of f on

    an interval I, then every antiderivative of f on

    I is given by F (x) + C, where C is an arbitrary


    Remark 1.1. The antiderivative of F is not

    unique, and F1 and F2 differ only by a constant.

    1.1 Theorems on Antidifferentiaion


    dx = x+ C

    2. If a is any constant, thenaf(x) dx = a inf f(x) dx

    3. If f and g are defined on the same interval,(f(x) g(x)) dx =

    f(x) dx

    g(x) dx

    4. If n is any rational number and n 6= 1, thenxn dx =


    n+ 1+ C

    1.2 Antiderivatives of Trigonometric Func-



    sinx dx = cosx+ C


    cosx dx = sinx+ C


    sec2 x dx = tanx+ C


    csc2 x dx = cotx+ C


    secx tanxdx = secx+ C


    cscx cotxdx = cscx+ C

    1.3 Substitution Rule


  • University of the Philippines Chemical Engineering Society, Inc. (UP KEM)

    Math 53 4th Long Exam Reviewer

    Theorem 2. If u = g(x) is a differentiable func-

    tion whose range is an interval I and f is con-

    tinuous on I, thenf(g(x))g(x) dx =

    f(u) du

    1.4 Rectilinear Motion Revisited

    Suppose that a particle is traveling along a straight

    line and s(t), v(t), anda(t) are the equations of mo-

    tion, velocity and acceleration, respectively, of the

    particle. Also,

    v(t) = s(t) and a(t) = v(t)

    Therefore, s(t) is a particular antiderivative of

    v(t) while v(t) is a particular antiderivative of


    2 Definite Integral

    2.1 Area of a Plane Region.

    Riemann Sum

    Definition (Summation notation). If n is a posit-

    ive integer and F is a function such that {1, 2, . . . , n}is in the domain of F , then


    F (i) := F (1) + F (2) + + F (n)

    2.1.1 Some summation identities

    If n is a positive integer, c R and F and G arefunctions defined on the set {1, 2, . . . , n},



    c = cn



    cF (i) = c


    F (i)



    (F (i) +G(i)) =


    F (i) +





    i =n(n+ 1)




    i2 =n(n+ 1)(2n+ 1)


    2.1.2 Area of a Plane Region

    Definition (Riemann Sum Limit). The area of a

    plane region AR is given by the limit of a Riemann


    AR = limn


    f(xi ) x

    where xi is any number in the ith subinterval, theheight of the ith rectangle is f(xi ), and x is thewidth of the ith rectangle

    2.2 The Definite Integral

    Definition (Definite Integral). Let f be defined

    on [a, b]. The definite integral of f from a to b is ba

    f(x) dx = limxk0


    f(xi ) xk

    If the limit exists and does not depend on the

    choice of partitions or on the choice of numbers

    xi in the subintervals, the function is said to beintegrable on [a, b].

    Remark. xk is the width of a partition under

    a curve and f(xi ) as the height of the partition.Also, if a function is continuous on [a, b], then it

    is integrable on [a, b].

    2.3 Properties of the Definite Integral

    Let f and g be integrable on [a, b], and let c R.



    f(x) dx = ab

    f(x) dx



    f(x) dx = 0

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    cdx = c(b a)



    cf(x) dx = c


    f(x) dx

    5. ba

    (f(x) g(x)) dx = ba

    f(x) dx ba

    g(x) dx

    6. If f is integrable on a closed interval I containing

    {a, b, c}, ba

    f(x) dx =


    f(x) dx+


    f(x) dx

    Regardless of the order of a, b, c.

    3 The Fundamental Theorem

    of Calculus

    Theorem 3. If the functions f and g are integ-

    rable on [a, b], and if f(x) g(x) for all x in [a, b],then b


    f(x) dx ba

    g(x) dx

    Theorem 4. Suppose f is continuous on the

    closed interval [a, b]. If m and M are the absolute

    minimum function value and absolute maximum

    function value, respectively, of f in [a, b], then

    m(b a) ba

    f(x) dx M(b a)

    Theorem 5 (Mean Value Theorem for Integrals).

    If the function f is continuous on the closed in-

    terval [a, b], then there exists a number c in [a, b]

    such that ba

    f(x) dx = f(c)(b a)

    Definition (Average value). If the function f is

    integrable on [a, b], the average value of f on [a, b]


    fave =


    f(x) dx

    b a

    3.0.1 The First Fundamental Theorem of Cal-


    Theorem 6. Let f be a function continuous on

    [a, b] and let x be any number in [a, b]. If F is the

    function defined by

    F (x) =


    f(t) dt


    F (x) = f(x)

    Remark 6.1. Suppose

    F (x) =


    f(t) dt

    where f is a function continuous on [a, b] and let

    g(x) [a, b]. If we let

    H(x) =


    f(t) dt

    then F (x) = H(g(x)).

    Using the chain rule, we get

    F (x) = H (g(x))g(x)

    By the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

    H (x) = f(x). So, F (x) = f(g(x))g(x).

    3.0.2 The Second Fundamental Theorem of Cal-


    Theorem 7. Let f be a function continuous on

    [a, b]. If F is any antiderivative of f on [a, b], then


    f(x) dx = F (x)


    = F (b) F (a)

    Remark 7.1. By the Second Fundamental The-

    orem of Calculus and the Substitution Rule, ba

    f(g(x))g(x) dx = g(b)g(a)

    f(u) du

    letting u = g(x)

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    4 Applications of the Definite


    4.1 Area of a Plane Region

    Theorem 8. If f and g are continuous functions

    on the interval [a, b] and f(x) g(x) for all x [a, b], then the area of the region R bounded above

    by y = f(x), below by y = g(x) and the vertical

    lines x = a and x = b is

    AR =


    (f(x) g(x)) dx

    where [a, b] is the interval I covered by the region

    along the x-axis.

    Remark 8.1. When horizontal rectangles are

    used, the variable of integration is y and the in-

    tegrand is expressed in terms of y.

    4.2 Arc Length

    Theorem 9. If y = f(x) is a smooth curve on the

    interval [a, b], then the arc length L of this curve

    from x = a to x = b is

    LR =


    1 +



    )2dx =


    1 + [f (x)]2 dx

    where [a, b] is the interval I covered by the region

    along the x-axis.

    4.3 Solids of Revolution

    4.3.1 Discs or Washers

    1. Disc method (that is, the solid is not hollow).

    Suppose we have a region R bounded above by

    r(x), below by the y = y0 and on the sides

    by x = a and x b. The volume of the solidgenerated by revolving R about y = y0 is:

    VR = pi


    ([r(x)]2 y20


    Remark. For disc method, r(x) is orthogonal

    to the variable of integration. In this particular

    case, we use vertical discs. The formula can be

    reworked to horizontal discs. When y0 = 0, we

    revolve the region about the x-axis. If y0 >

    r(x) for all x [a, b], then switch them to geta positive value.

    2. Washers (that is, the solid has hollow parts

    or a boundary of R does not lie on the axis

    of revolution). Suppose we have a region R

    bounded above by r2(x), below by r1(x) and

    on the sides by x = a and x b. The volumeof the solid generated by revolving R about

    y = y0 6= r1(x) 6= r2(x) for some x [a, b]is:

    VR = pi



    2 [r1(x)]2)


    Remark. Almost similar remarks as for the

    disc method. Just keep in mind that r2(x) is

    always the one farther away from the axis of


    4.3.2 Cylindrical shells

    Suppose R is the region bounded above by y =

    f(x), below by y = g(x), and the vertical lines

    x = a and x = b and let f and g be continuous

    functions on [a, b]. If the line x = x0 does not

    intersect the interior of R, then the volume of the

    solid of revolution obtained when R is revolved

    about the line x = x0 is given by:

    VR = 2pi


    r(x)h(x) dx

    Where r(x) and h(x) are the radius and the

    height, respectively, of a cylindrical shell at an

    arbitrary x in [a, b].

    Remark. The particular case above can be re-

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    worked for horizontal shells.

    Remark. In all cases above, we considered R to

    have left and right bounds x = a and x = b. In

    some cases, R is completely bounded by just the

    two functions and {(a, f(x)), (b, f(b)} are the in-tersection points of the said functions.

    4.4 Volume by Slicing

    Let S be a solid bounded by two parallel planes

    perpendicular to the x-axis at x = a and x =

    b. If the cross-sectional area of S in the plane

    perpendicular the x-axis at an arbitrary x in [a, b]

    is given by a continuous function A(x), then the

    volume of the solid is

    V =


    A(x) dx

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    Antiderivatives or Indefinite IntegralsTheorems on AntidifferentiaionAntiderivatives of Trigonometric FunctionsSubstitution RuleRectilinear Motion Revisited

    Definite IntegralArea of a Plane Region.Riemann SumSome summation identitiesArea of a Plane Region

    The Definite IntegralProperties of the Definite Integral

    The Fundamental Theorem of CalculusThe First Fundamental Theorem of CalculusThe Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

    Applications of the Definite IntegralArea of a Plane RegionArc LengthSolids of RevolutionDiscs or WashersCylindrical shells

    Volume by Slicing