CONTENTS No. Subject Pages 1. Acknowledgement 2. Contents 3. Coursework Question 4. Collaboration Forms 5. Materials 6. Introduction . !udget "ro#osal $. %ail& !udget "ro#osal '. Mont(l& !udg et "ro#osal 1). Annual !ud get "ro #os al 11. Conc lusi on 12 . *e +l ec ti on 13. *e+e rences 14. A# #endic es

Math : Numerical Numeracy

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No. Subject Pages1. Acknowledgement2. Contents3. Coursework Question4. Collaboration Forms

5. Materials6. Introduction. !udget "ro#osal$. %ail& !udget "ro#osal'. Mont(l& !udget "ro#osal1). Annual !udget "ro#osal11. Conclusion

12. *e+lection13. *e+erences14. A##endices

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I am a secondar& sc(ool teac(er and married. M& wi+e is a #rimar& sc(ool

teac(er. ,(e also teac( tuition at (ome. -e (ae +i/ed salar& eac( mont( and also

e/tra income +rom teac(ing tuition at (ome. -e (ae two kids and now t(e& are in

standard two and standard si/ res#ectiel&. !ut at certain time0 we still +acing some

+inancial #roblem. -e (ae to #a& car loan and (ouse loan +or eer& mont(. -(en it

comes to +inancial #roblem0 I t(ink t(at I s(ould do budgeting. ,o t(at0 I can organie

m& e/#enses wisel&. I need to #lan a budget #ro#osal +ar dail&0 mont(l& and annual

e/#enses based on gaette mont(l& income and releant deduction. As we all know0

budgeting is a good (abits since it will makes us s#end mone& in t(e rig(t wa&.

-e must be a smart consumer in order to sae mone&. In order to (ae a

good budget #ro#osal and #lanning0 we can a##l& t(e numerical literac& to (el# us.

 A#art +rom t(at0 we can im#roe our skill o+ management b& #lanning budget since

we learn (ow to manage t(e income t(at we (ad and make sure we use it wisel&.

I (ae *M35)).)) as m& basic salar&. -(ile0 m& wi+es basic salar& is

*M25)).)). And t(e income comes +rom teac(ing tuition is *M5).)). uition +ees

+or eac( o+ t(e student is *M5).)) and we (ae 15 student.

(e tuition +ee t(at receied e/tra income *M5).)) / 15 #erson


!asic ,alar& *M35)).))7 *M 25)).))

8/tra Income *M 5).))

otal ,alar& *M65).))

,o0 t(e total income we receied #er mont( is *M65).))

(e ob9ecties we #lan t(is budget:

• o oercome our +inancial #roblem

• o be t(e smart consumers

• o s#end minimum allocation +or t(e e/#enses.

• o sae ma/imum mone&.

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• o instill t(e (abit o+ manage our mone& b& smart #lanning.

• o sae mone& +or our c(ildrens +uture

Numerical Numeracy

;umerac& is t(e abilit& to reason wit( numbers and ot(er mat(ematicalconce#ts. o be numericall& literate0 a #erson (as to be com+ortable wit( logic andreasoning. ,ome o+ t(e areas t(at are inoled in numerac& include: basic numbers0orders o+ magnitude0 geometr&0 algebra0 #robabilit& and statistics.

,o0 w(at is <numerate mean= *at(er t(an giing a de+inition0 it ma& be moreuse+ul to mention some +eatures t(at are inoled. >ace&1''$ o++ers t(at it is an at?(omeness wit( numbers@ knowing (ow number relate to eac( ot(er. !esides0 it is aisualiing number lines or suares or ot(er #atterns w(ic( being able to see in &our(ead. It can be using mat(ematical language to communicate ideas orall&0 and t(enin writing0using words0 diagrams and gra#(s. Finall&0 it can be mentall& calculatingand deelo#ing written met(ods +or more com#le/ calculations.

(e #ortmanteau o+ Bnumerical literac&B was coined in 1'5' b& t(e DCommittee on 8ducation0 #resided oer b& ,ir Eeo++re& Crowt(er . Innumerac& is alack o+ numerac&. In t(e nited ,tates0 numerac& is also known as Quantitatie>iterac&0 and is +amiliar to mat( educators and intellectuals. (ere is also substantialoerla# between conce#tions o+ numerac& and conce#tions o+ statistical literac&.

umans mentall& re#resent numbers in two ma9or wa&s +rom obseration not+ormal mat(. (ese re#resentations are innate@ t(e& are not t(e result o+ indiiduallearning or cultural transmission. (e& are a##ro/imate re#resentations o+ numericalmagnitude and #recise re#resentations o+ distinct indiiduals.

!ot( s&stems (ae limited e/#ressie #ower@ +or instance0 neit(er allows +ractions nor negatie numbers to be re#resented. Furt(er re#resentations reuire arduous#rocesses t(at are #robabl& onl& ac(ieed t(roug( education. Ac(ieement in sc(oolmat(ematics is related to unlearned mat(ematical abilit& s#eci+icall&0 oura##ro/imate number sense.

 A (ig( leel o+ numerac& is reuired +or some 9obs0 +or e/am#le:mat(ematician0 #(&sicist0 accountant0 actuar&0 +inancial anal&st0 engineer 0 andarc(itect. 8en outside t(ese s#ecialied areas0 #oor numerac& can reduceem#lo&ment o##ortunities and career #rogress. For e/am#le0 car#enters and interiordesigners need to be able to measure0 use +ractions0 and (andle budgets.

(e "o&nter Institute includes numerac& as one o+ t(e skills reuired b&com#etent 9ournalists0 and Ma/ Frankel +ormer e/ecutie editor o+ The New YorkTimes argues t(at "deploying numbers skillfully is as important to communication asdeploying verbs."  oweer0 9ournalists o+ten s(ow #oor numerac& skills@ +or e/am#le0in a stud& b& t(e ,ociet& o+ "ro+essional Gournalists0 5$H o+ 9ob a##licantsinteriewed b& broadcast news directors lacked an adeuate understanding o+statistical materials. ;umerical a#titude tests are increasingl& becoming an essential#art o+ t(e a##lication #rocess +or graduate and #ro+essional 9obs. (ese tests

demonstrate a candidates abilit& to deal wit( numbers uickl& and accuratel&. (eresults #roide additional in+ormation in candidate selection.

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-e (ae *M 65).)) as our mont(l& income. 8er& mont(0 we need to #a& car and

(ouse loan0 w(ic( are:?

Car loan : *M 55).))

ouse loan : *M $)).))

(us0 a+ter deduct car and (ouse loans0 our income +or eer& mont( is:?

*M 65).)) *M 55).)) *M $)).)) *M 54)).))

(en0 we (ae to diide b& 3) da&s to get t(e amount we can s#end #er da&.(e mone& we can s#end #er da& *M54)).))J3)da&s

  *M1$).)) #er da&


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Daily Expenses ist!

Items 8/#enses


!reak+ast 1).))

>unc( 2).))

%inner 2).))

"(one !ills 5.))

*eading Materials 5.))

"ocket Mone& +or C(ildren 1).))

rans#ort 1).))

Kt(ers and saings 1)).))

otal *M1$).))

Daily bu"get proposal!

Items %ebit *M Items Credit *M "ercentage H

Income 1$).)) !reak+ast 1).)) 5.56H

>unc( 2).)) 11.11H

%inner 2).)) 11.11H

"(one bill 5.)) 2.$H

*eading Materials 5.)) 2.$H

"ocket Mone& +or C(ildren 1).)) 5.56H

rans#ort 1).)) 5.56H

Kt(ers and saings 1)).)) 55.56Hotal *M 1$).)) otal *M1$).)) 1))H


M& wi+e and I did a discussion and decided to do a budget #ro#osal to aoid +inancial

#roblem. A+ter consideration0 +inall& I made out t(e decision t(at our budget will be

like as stated as below :

• (e total e/#enses o+ brea#$ast +or dail& budget are *M1).)) t(at is 5.56H o+


• (e total e/#enses o+ lunc% +or dail& budget are *M2).)) t(at is 11.11H o+


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• (e total e/#enses o+ "inner  +or dail& budget are *M2).)) t(at is 11.11H o+


• (e total e/#enses o+ p%one bill +or dail& budget are *M5.)) t(at is 2.$H o+


• (e total e/#enses o+ rea"ing materials +or dail& budget are *M5.)) t(at is

2.$H o+ *M1$).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ poc#et money $or c%il"ren +or dail& budget are

*M1).)) t(at is 5.56H o+ *M1$).)).

(e total e/#enses o+ transport +or dail& budget are *M1).)) t(at is 5.56H o+*M1$).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ ot%ers an" sa&ings +or dail& budget are *M1)).)) t(at

is 55.56H o+ *M1$).)).


8er& da&0 m& +amil& will s#end *M $).)) +or dail& e/#enses and t(is will be 44.44H

o+ our mont(l& income. I would like to sae some mone& since t(ere are e/#enses +or

mont(l& and annuall&. ,o t(at I must allocate uite large number o+ m& salar& +or

ot(ers and saings0 t(at is 55.56H.

(e allocation o+ *M $).)) is diided among t(e items o+ break+ast0 lunc(0 dinner0

#(one bill0 reading materials0 #ocket mone& +or c(ildren0 and trans#ort.

(. )oo" *brea#$ast+ lunc%+ an" "inner,

(e total amount allocatedis

*M1).)) 7 *M2).)) 7 *M2).))


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M5).)) J *M1$).)) / 1))H


I allocate uite a large #ortion +or +ood because I t(ink as a (uman0 +ood is our dail&

needs t(at #roide energ& and nutrients. M& wi+e and I ensure t(at our +amil&

members are (ealt(&. Furt(ermore0 our c(ildren are in t(e growing stage and t(e&

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need a lot o+ nutrient during t(is #eriod. -e (o#e we can gie t(e best care to our

c(ildren. ,o0 we s#end a lot o+ mone& +or +ood.

-. P%one ill 

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M5.)) J *M1$).)) / 1))H


-e s#end *M5.)) #er da& +or #(one bill t(is is because we seldom use t(e #(one

unless +or emergenc& #ur#ose or +or o++ice need. (e #(one bill includes (ome and

mobile #(ones0 so I t(ink it is uite reasonable.

/. Rea"ing 0aterial 

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M5.)) J *M1$).)) / 1))H


*eading materials is includes news#a#er and also some magaines t(at related to

education. As m& wi+e and me bot( are teac(ers0 I t(ink it is im#ortant +or us to bu&

magaines or news#a#ers so t(at we can broaden our (orions and gain more

knowledge to #roide t(e correct in+ormation +or students.

1. Poc#et 0oney $or C%il"ren

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M1).)) J *M1$).)) / 1))H 5.56H

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!ot( o+ m& kids are going to #rimar& sc(ool. Kne is stud& in ,tandard ,i/ and

anot(er one is in ,tandard wo. (e& s#end most o+ t(eir time at sc(ool. (e& also

will need mone& to use at sc(ool. -e gie t(em *M5.)) #er da& as t(eir #ocket


2. Transport

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M1).)) J *M1$).)) / 1))H


!e+ore I go to sc(ool to work eer&da&0 I (ae to dro# m& wi+e and c(ildren to t(eir

sc(ool. 8er&da&0 I need to drie +rom m& (ouse to send m& wi+e and c(ildren to t(eir

sc(ool res#ectiel& be+ore I (eaded to m& own sc(ool. ,o0 I t(ink it is uite

reasonable +or me to allocate some mone& +or our trans#ortation.


 As I allocated *M$).)) +or m& dail& e/#enses0 I le+t t(e remainder o+ *M1)).))as m& dail& saings. (is saings are +or t(e emergenc& uses or to oercome our

+inancial #roblems.


0ont%ly Expenses ist!

Items 8/#enses*M

Food 15)).))

rans#ort 3)).))

ouse >oans $)).))

Car >oans 55).))

ouse(old Installments 65.))

Mont(l& !ills 235.))

"(one !ills 15).))Clot(ing 2)).))

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Eroceries 15).))

"ocket Mone& +or C(ildren 3)).))

Fees *elated to C(ildren 155.))

Insurances 2)).))

*eading Materials 2)).))

"ersonal ;eed 1)).))8ntertainment 15).))

,aings 16'5.))

Total R03425.55

0ont%ly u"get Proposal!

Items %ebit*M Items Credit*M "ercentage


!asic ,alar& 6))).)) Food 15)).)) 22.22H


5).)) rans#ort 3)).)) 4.44H

ouse >oans $)).)) 11.$5H

Car loans 55).)) $.15H

ouse(old Installments 65.)) ).'6H

Mont(l& !ills 235.)) 3.4$H

"(one bills 15).)) 2.22H

Clot(ing 2)).)) 2.'6H

Eroceries 15).)) 2.22H

"ocket Mone& +or C(ildren 3)).)) 4.44H

Fees *elated to C(ildren 155.)) 2.3)HInsurance 2)).)) 2.'6H

*eading Materials 2)).)) 2.'6H

"ersonal ;eeds 1)).)) 1.4$H

8ntertainment 15).)) 2.22H

,aings 16'5.)) 25.11H

Total R0


Total R03425.55 (55.556

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M& wi+e and me do a discussion and decide to do a budget #ro#osal to aoid

+inancial #roblem. A+ter consideration0 +inall& I make out t(e decision our budget will

be like as stated as below :

• (e total e/#enses o+ $oo" +or mont(l& budget are *M15)).)) t(at is 22.22H

o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ transport +or mont(l& budget are *M3)).)) t(at is

4.44H o+ *M65).)). .

• (e total e/#enses o+ %ouse loans +or mont(l& budget are *M$)).)) t(at is

11.$5H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ car loans +or mont(l& budget are *M55).)) t(at is

$.15H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ %ouse%ol" installments +or mont(l& budget are

*M65.)) t(at is ).'6H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ mont%ly bills +or mont(l& budget are *M235.)) t(at is

3.4$H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ p%one bills +or mont(l& budget are *M15).)) t(at is

2.22H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ clot%ing +or mont(l& budget are *M2)).)) t(at is

2.'6H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ groceries +or mont(l& budget are *M15).)) t(at is

2.22H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ poc#et money $or c%il"ren +or mont(l& budget are

*M3)).)) t(at is 4.44H o+ *M65).)).

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• (e total e/#enses o+ $ees relate" to c%il"ren +or mont(l& budget are

*M155.)) t(at is 2.3)H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ insurance +or mont(l& budget are *M2)).)) t(at is

2.'6H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ rea"ing materials +or mont(l& budget are *M2)).))

t(at is 2.'6H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ personal nee"s +or mont(l& budget are *M1)).)) t(at

is 1.4$H o+ *M65).)).

(e total e/#enses o+ entertainment +or mont(l& budget are *M15).)) t(at is2.22H o+ *M65).)).

• (e total amount o+ sa&ings +or mont(l& budget are *M16'5.)) t(at is

25.11H o+ *M65).)).


-e will (ae t(e mont(l& salar& o+ *M65).)) including t(e tuition +ees t(at we

receied and our bot(s basic salar&.

otal mont(l& income basic salar& 7 tuition +ees I receied

*M6))).)) 7 *M 5).))

  *M6 5).))

(. )oo"!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M5).)) / 3) da&s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M15)).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


I allocated about 22.22H o+ m& mont(l& income on +oods. As we all know0 +ood is t(e

basic needs +or (uman being. I allocate about *M15)).)) +or onl& +oods. (is is

because +oods #roide energ& and nutrient to our bod& to continue our (ealt(& li+e.

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M& wi+e and I (o#e our +amil& members are (ealt(&. Furt(ermore0 our c(ildren are in

growing stage and t(e& need a lot nutrient in t(eir growing. Foods also includes +ood

su##lement +or our c(ildren t(at are in growing stage. (e +ood su##lement is

e/#ensie. ,ometime0 a bottle o+ itamins ca#sules mig(t be *M5).)). Alt(oug( it is

e/#ensie0 it is reall& good +or our c(ildrens (ealt(. !esides t(at0 ma&be once in a

mont(0 we need to bu& some +ruit0 drinks and #er(a#s some biscuits. ,o I t(ink it is

more #re+erable i+ we allocate big amount o+ mone& into t(is #ortion.

-. Transport!

(e total amount allocated is

*M1).)) / 3) da&s


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M3)).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


I allocated about 4.44H o+ our mont(l& income +or trans#ort. It is almost eer&da& we

will use car. (e amount o+ allocated is +or t(e mone& +or #etrol +illing and also +or car

serice i+ needed. -e use about *M6).)) o+ #etrol #er week.

• "etrol +illing +or 1 mont(

  *M6).)) / 4 weeks


• (e balance +rom t(e allocated mone&

  *M3)).)) *M24).))


(e balance o+ *M6).)) is allocated +or t(e car serice e/#enses. !ecause car does

not reuires to be serice eer& mont(0 it can be serice once +or two mont(s since it

will reduce t(e #robabilit& o+ t(e car to be s#oilt. ,o0 I t(ink it is uite reasonable +or

me to allocate some mone& +or our trans#ortation.

/. 7ouse an" car loans!

(e total amount allocatedis

ouse >oan 7 Car >oan

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*M$)).)) 7 *M55).))


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M135).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


(e (ouse loans *M$)).)) and t(e car loans *M55).)) will be t(e ma9or

e/#enses too since t(e total o+ t(em are *M 135).)). It also t(e e/#enses t(at

cannot be aoided. (e #ercentage o+ bot( loans is 2).))H. I+ we got a (ouse0 I

t(ink our +uture is more secure and I (ae a +amil&. Furt(ermore0 t(e rent #a&ment is

 9ust almost t(e same wit( t(e (ouse loans. ,o I t(ink it is better +or us to bu& a

(ouse. Kn t(e ot(er (and0 I boug(t a car since it is more conenient to us to go

an&w(ere es#eciall& as a trans#ortation to go to work and broug(t m& wi+e and

c(ildren go to sc(ool eer& da&.

1. 7ouse%ol" appliances installment !

(e total amount allocated is

*M35.))was(ing mac(ine 7 *M3).))electric sewing mac(ine


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M65.)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


I (ae boug(t a was(ing mac(ine and electric sewing mac(ine +or m& beloed wi+e.

(e installment duration is 36 mont(s. And t(e mont(l& #a&ment is as s(own below.

•(e #rice o+ t(e 8as%ing mac%ine  *M126).))

  (e mont(l& #a&ment wit(out interest

  *M126).)) J 36 mont(s


• (e #rice o+ t(e electric se8ing mac%ines  *M1)$).))

  (e mont(l& #a&ment wit(out interest

  *M1)$).)) J 36 mont(s  *M3).))

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,o0 t(e total installment amount need to #a& +or t(e (ouse(old a##liances is

*M65.)) w(ic( is ).'6H o+ t(e mont(l& income. (ere+ore0 it is necessar& +or me to

allocate a budget +or t(e installment.

2. 0ont%ly ills!

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M235.)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


(e mont(l& bills are included electric bill0 water bill0 stream&/ bill and also Astro

satellite c(annel bill. (ese e/#enses stands 3.4$H o+ m& mont(l& income. (e

electric bill and t(e water bill are t(e e/#enses t(at cannot be aoided. (e reason I

subscribe to stream&/ serice is to use t(e internet serice at (ome. -(ile t(e

reason I subscribe to Astro satellite c(annel is to enable our c(ildren watc( t(e

educational c(annels. ,o t(ese bills also cannot be aoided. Kur electric bill usuall&

(ig( since we teac( tuition at (ome. %uring teac(ing tuition0 we usuall& use man&lig(ts and also +ans. (ats w(& I allocated *M235.)) +or t(e e/#enses o+ t(e

mont(l& bills. ,o I t(ink t(is allocation will be enoug(.

3. P%one bill!

(e total amount allocated is

*M5.)) / 3) da&s


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M15).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


I do not increase t(e mont(l& e/#enses o+ #(one bill since I t(ink it is uite su++icient

+or bot( o+ us to use *M15).)) 9ust +or t(e #(one. ,o it is remain t(e same0 t(at is

*M5.)) #er da& and make it *M15).)) #er mont(. It stands 2.22H o+ m& t(e total

mont(l& income0 w(ic( is *M15).)).

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4. Clot%ing!

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M2)).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


I allocated about *M2)).))0 w(ic( is 2.'6H o+ m& total mont(l& income. (e clot(ing

e/#enses is included +or +our o+ us. (e mone& allocated is +or #urc(ase +ormal

clot(s +or m& wi+e and also me. !eside t(at0 I also (ae to bu& clot(s +or m& kids.

,ometimes we (ae to attend some occasion0 so its better to (ae some nice clot(

to wear +or. ,o t(e e/#enses t(at I allocated +or clot(ing is reasonable.

9. :roceries!

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M15).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


(e groceries will be taking amount o+ *M15) or 2.22H o+ t(e total mont(l&

e/#enses. I (ae to allocate some mone& +or t(ese t(ings because ma& be we need

to bu& dail& reuirements t(at we use dail&. For e/am#le gas0 cooking oil0 +lour0

detergent0 and so on. It is reasonable +or us to allocate some mone& +or groceries

since most o+ t(e time we s#end at outside and (aing our +ood at outside too. ,o t(e

allocation o+ *M15).)) +or t(e groceries is enoug(.

;. Poc#et money $or c%il"ren!

(e total amount allocated is

*M1).)) / 3) da&s

*M3)).))(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

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*M3)).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


(e mone& I allocated +or our c(ildrens #ocket mone& is *M3)).)) #er mont(.

"ocket mone& +or m& bot( c(ildren in 1 week is *M5).)).• (e& go to sc(ool 4 weeks in 1 mont(

  *M5).)) / 4 weeks


• (e balance mone&

  *M3)).)) *M2)).))

  *M1)).))-(ile t(e balance *M1)).)) is use +or t(e e/#enses o+ t(eir #ocket mone& +or


(5.)ees relate" to c%il"ren!

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M155.)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


I allocated *M155.)) +or m& c(ildrens +ees.

• (ese +ees included t(eir tuition +ees and also t(eir learning skills classes:

− uition +ees +or t(e one in ,tandard wo *M5).))

− uition +ees +or t(e one in ,tandard ,i/ *M5).))

− Fees +or #iano class *M3).))

− Fees +or aekwondo class *M25.))

− otal *M155.))

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(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M2)).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


Kbiousl&0 -e also s#end 2.'6H o+ our salar& t(at is *M 2)) to bu& insurance. I

t(ink t(at it is essential +or us to bu& insurance. -e are more secure wit( insurance

coerage and t(e most im#ortant t(ing is it will (el# to reduce our burden w(en we

+ace emergenc& #roblems0 like accident or +acing an& (ealt( #roblem.

• (e #a&ment o+ insurance +or +our o+ us are as s(own below:

− Mont(l& #a&ment +or mine insurance *M55.')

− Mont(l& #a&ment +or m& wi+es insurance *M4.$)

− Mont(l& #a&ment +or m& +irst kids insurance *M4.)

− Mont(l& #a&ment +or m& second kids insurance *M4$.6)

12.otal #a&ment *M2)).))

(/.Rea"ing materials!

(e total amount allocated is*M2)).))

(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M2)).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


-e need news#a#er and magaine to im#roe our knowledge since we are teac(ers0

we are also a learner at t(e same time. !esides t(at0 m& wi+e also (ae to b&

re+erence books +or (er tuition students. Furt(ermore m& two c(ildren also need to

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bu& t(eir sc(ool te/tbook and also re+erence book. ,o0 I allocated suc( a big amount

on reading materials and I t(ink its reall& reasonable.

(1.Personal nee"s!

(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M1)).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


"ersonal needs including #urc(asing o+ stationar&0 an& necessar& t(ing +or our

c(ildren and also m& c(ildrens sc(ool necessar& #a&ments. ,ometimes it doesnt

cost muc(. ,o allocation o+ *M1)).)) is enoug( +or it.


(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is

*M15).)) J *M65).)) / 1))H


-e also s#end *M 15).)) or 2.22H o+ m& mont(l& income +or t(e #art o+

entertainment. ;ormall&0 I will broug(t m& +amil& go +or a tri# during weekend. Kr

sometime we will bring our c(ildren to cinema to watc( some cartoons or scienti+ic

moies. ,o I will consider it as a need in m& budget since bot( o+ us t(ink t(at

*M15).)) is uite reasonable. (e entertainment will (el# to release our #ressure

during sc(ool and could s#ent t(is (a##& (our wit( m& +amil& wisel&.


(e total amount allocated is


(e #ercentage o+ total amount allocated is *M16'5.)) J *M65).)) / 1))H

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In order to sae mone& +or +uture and urgent e/#enses0 we allocated 25.11H o+ our

salar& to be our saings0 w(ic( is *M16'5.)). -e can use t(e mone& to earn t(e

interest too.


<nnually Expenses ist!

Items 8/#enses*M

Food 1$2)).))

rans#ort 36)).))

ouse loans '6)).))

Car loans 66)).))

ouse(old Installments $).))

Mont(l& !ills 2$2).))

"(one !ills 1$)).))

Clot(ing 25)).))

Eroceries 1'5).))

"ocket Mone& +or C(ildren 36)).))

Fees *elated to C(ildren 1$6).))

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Insurances 24)).))

*eading Materials 24)).))

8ntertainment 1')).))

Income ta/ 4)).))

a/es 1)).))

Inda( -ater Fee 25.))"ersonal needs 12)).))

rgent 8/#enses 11).))

,aings 1$)'5.))

Total R0 9(555.55

<nnually u"get Proposal

Items %ebit *M Items Credit *M "ercentage H

otal ,alar& $1))).)) Food 1$2)).)) 22.4H

rans#ort 36)).)) 4.44H

ouse loans '6)).)) 11.$5H

Car loans 66)).)) $.15H

ouse(old Installments $).)) ).'6H

Mont(l& !ills 2$2).)) 3.4$H

"(one !ills 1$)).)) 2.22HClot(ing 25)).)) 3.)'H

Eroceries 1'5).)) 2.41H

"ocket Mone& +or C(ildren 36)).)) 4.44H

Fees *elated to C(ildren 1$6).)) 2.3)H

Insurances 24)).)) 2.'6H

*eading Materials 24)).)) 2.'6H

8ntertainment 1')).)) 2.35H

Income ta/ 4)).)) ).4'H

a/es 1)).)) ).12H

Inda( -ater Fee 25.)) ).)3H"ersonal needs 12)).)) 1.4$H

rgent 8/#enses 11).)) 1.44H

,aings 1$)'5.)) 22.34H

otal $1))).)) $1))).)) 1))H


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M& wi+e and me do a discussion and decide to do a budget #ro#osal to aoid

+inancial #roblem. A+ter consideration0 +inall& I make out t(e decision our budget will

be like as stated as below :

• (e total e/#enses o+ $oo" +or annuall& budget are *M1$2)).)) t(at is

22.4H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ transport +or annuall& budget are *M36)).)) t(at is

4.44H o+ *M$1))).)). .

• (e total e/#enses o+ %ouse loans +or annuall& budget are *M'6)).)) t(at is

11.$5H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ car loans +or annuall& budget are *M66)).)) t(at is

$.15H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ %ouse%ol" installments +or annuall& budget are

*M$).)) t(at is ).'6H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ mont%ly bills +or annuall& budget are *M2$2).)) t(at

is 3.4$H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ p%one bills +or annuall& budget are *M1$)).)) t(at is

2.22H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ clot%ing +or annuall& budget are *M25)).)) t(at is

3.)'H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ groceries +or annuall& budget are *M1'5).)) t(at is

2.41H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ poc#et money $or c%il"ren +or annuall& budget are

*M36)).)) t(at is 4.44H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ $ees relate" to c%il"ren +or annuall& budget are

*M1$6).)) t(at is 2.3)H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ insurance +or annuall& budget are *M24)).)) t(at is

2.'6H o+ *M$1))).)).

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• (e total e/#enses o+ rea"ing materials +or annuall& budget are *M24)).))

t(at is 2.'6H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ entertainment +or annuall& budget are *M1$)).)) t(at

is 2.22H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total amount o+ income tax +or annuall& budget are *M4)).)) t(at is

).4'H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total amount o+ taxes +or annuall& budget are *M1)).)) t(at is ).12H o+


(e total amount o+ In"a% =ater $ee +or annuall& budget are *M25.)) t(at is).)3H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total e/#enses o+ personal nee"s +or annuall& budget are *M12)).))

t(at is 1.4$H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total amount o+ urgent expenses +or annuall& budget are *M11).)) t(at

is 1.44H o+ *M$1))).)).

• (e total amount o+ sa&ings +or annuall& budget are *M1$)'5.)) t(at is

22.34H o+ *M$1))).)).


(e total mont(l& salar& I can get *M65).))

(e total salar& I will get #er &ear *M65).)) / 12mont(s

  *M $1))).)) #er &ear 

(. )oo"!

(e total amount allocatedis *M1$2)).))

(e original annnuall& e/#enses +or is

*M15)).)) / 12 mont(s


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(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M1$2)).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


I allocate e/tra *M2)).)) +or t(e +ood e/#enses since I t(ink I s(ould consider aboutt(e C(inese ;ew Lear and ot(er +estial t(at will a##roac(ing soon. (e e/tra

allocation s(ould be enoug( +or me to bu& t(e kui( and beerage t(at used to sere

t(e guests. !esides t(at0 t(e mone& allocated also include t(e e/#enses +or +ood

su##lement o+ m& c(ildren. ,o I t(ink t(e allocation is uite reasonable.

-. Transport!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M3)).)) / 12 mont(s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M36))).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


rans#ort w(ic( s(ould cost +or bot( #etrol +illing and also t(e e/#enses +or car

serice. As I allocated about *M6).)) +or car serice e/#enses #er mont(0 so t(e

mone& acculated +or annuall& is *M2).)). t(is amount san be use car serice

e/#enses as I onl& serice m& two mont(s once. A+ter t(e deduction o+ t(e mone& +or

car serice0 t(e balance is t(e e/#enses +or t(e #etrol +illing.

/. 7ouse an" Car oans!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M$)).)) 7 *M55) / 12 mont(s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M162)).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


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(e (ouse and car loans are t(e e/#enses t(at I cannot aoid but it s(ould not be a

#roblem +or me since I #a& it mont(l&. !ot( o+ t(e e/#enses cost *M162)).)) and

2).))H o+ m& e/#enses. ,ince bot( o+ t(em consume lots o+ mone&0 I t(ink I s(ould

#ut t(em into annual budget #ro#osal.

(e sum o+ (ouse loans #er &ear *M $)).)) / 12 mont(s


(e sum o+ car loans #er &ear *M 55).)) / 12 mont(s


1. ills an" P%one ill!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M235.)) 7 *M15).)) / 12 mont(s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M462).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


(e mont(l& bill and #(one bill (as made u# 5.)H o+ t(e total e/#enses.

(e sum o+ mont(l& bills *M235.)) / 12 mont(s

  *M2$2).)) #er &ear 

(e sum o+ #(one bill *M15).)) / 12 mont(s


5. .Clot%ing!

(e total amount allocatedis *M25)).))

(e original annnuall& e/#enses +or is

*M2)).)) / 12 mont(s


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(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M25)).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


(e cost o+ clot(ing is *M24)).)) in amont(l& #ro#osal and I made it *M25)).)) in

t(e annual #ro#osal. ,o it becomes 3.)'H o+ t(e total e/#enses. It (as *M1)).))

e/tra. ,o0 I can boug(t new dresses +or m& +amil& and me +or celebrating C(inese

;ew Lear w(ic( will be coming soon.

3. :roceries!

(e total amount allocatedis *M1'5).))

(e original annnuall& e/#enses is

*M15).)) / 12 mont(s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M1'5).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


(e e/#enses o+ groceries (as e/tra *M15).)) also and made it become

*M1'5).)) and 2.41H +rom t(e total e/#enses. (e e/tra mone& allocated is to

#urc(ase some groceries during an& +estial or an& s#ecial ocasions.

4. Insurance!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M2)).)) / 12 mont(s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M24)).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


I also #ro#ose *M24)).)) o+ t(e annuall& e/#enses to become m& insurance

e/#enses w(ic( is t(e sum o+ mont(l& insurance e/#enses. I t(ink t(e e/#enses will

not be a #roblem +or me since I #a& it mont(l&. And it will not burden so muc(. (e

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e/#enses I s#end +or insurances are aluable since it reduce our burden w(en we

need e/tra mone& +or emergenc& use.

9. Entertainment!

(e total amount allocatedis *M1')).))

(e original annnuall& e/#enses is

*M15).)) / 12 mont(s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M1')).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


(e cost o+ entertainment included e/#enses +or traeling0 games0 and leisure. I t(ink

t(is can make m& +amil& and I become closer a#art to release t(e #ressure and

tension we +aced eer& da& es#eciall& m& two c(ildren w(ic( are in growing stage.

(ere are an e/tra o+ *M1)).)) allocation and 2.35H o+ total e/#enses.

;. Income Tax an" Ot%er Taxes!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M4)).)) 7 *M1)).))


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M5)).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


(e income ta/ and ta/es w(ic( cost *M5)).)) or s(are t(e ).2H o+ t(e total

e/#enses are t(e needs to #a& eer& &ear. ,o I t(ink we s(ould allocate mone& +or it.

(5.Personal nee"!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M1)) / 12mont(s


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(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M12)).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


(e allocation +or t(e #ersonal needs include e/#enses +or stationar& and e/#enses

+or t(e decoration +or t(e +estial or s#ecial occasion.. All o+ t(ese e/#enses s(ould

be s#end since t(ese are our needs. -e need bu& stationar& +or our c(ildren. -e

also (ae to decorate our (ouse +or t(e +estials. Fut(ermore0 I (ae to bu& ot(er

stud& reuirement +or m& kids.

((.Rea"ing materials!

(e total amount allocatedis

*M2)) / 12mont(s


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M24)).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


I allocated 2.'6H o+ m& annual salar& +or t(e e/#enses +or reading materials suc( as

news#a#er and magaine to im#roe our knowledge. ,ince we are teac(ers0 we are

also a learner at t(e same time. !esides0 we (ae to bu& some e/ercise and

re+erence books0 so t(at we can more +amiliar wit( t(e teac(ing s&llabus. And we

also (ae to bu& books +or our tuition students.

(-.Urgent Expenses!

(e total amount allocatedis


(e #ercentage o+ t(e total amount allocated is

*M11).)) J *M$1))).)) / 1))H


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I also set *M11).)) or 1.44H o+ total e/#enses +or urgent s#ending since I t(ink I

need to kee# some mone& in (ome in case we need to use mone& suddenl& and we

cannot wit(draw +rom bank.


1. ;umerical.*etried on 2$ ,e#tember +rom


2. Measuring u# to numerical literac&. *etried on 2$ ,e#tember +rom


3. Measuring centuries o+ numerical literac&. *etried on 2$ ,e#tember +rom



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4. Mat(ematics +or ,"M "urre Mat(ematics@ "enerbit Fa9ar !akti ,dn. !(d.

Kng !eng ,(in

5. "M* Form 1 Mat(ematics@ "earson Mala&sia ,dn.!(d.2))4. C(ai Mun

6. ;ew ision Mat(ematics Form 10 20 3@ ,;" "an#acM ,dn.!(d. .>.C(un

. Mat(ematical Dnowledge +or "rimar& eac(ers@%aid Fulton "ublis(er >td.

Genni+er ,uggate0 Andrew %aris0 Maria Eoulding

$. !asic Mat(ematics and "re?Algebra@ Career "ress. Godi >. !randon