Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 6/2005 Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras Organised by Idun Reiten (Trondheim) Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld) February 6th – February 12th, 2005 Abstract. Methods and results from the representation theory of finite di- mensional algebras have led to many interactions with other areas of math- ematics. The aim of this workshop was, in addition to stimulating progress in the representation theory of algebras, to further develop such interactions with commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, group representation theory, Lie-algebras and quantum groups, but also with the new theory of cluster algebras. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 16Exx, 16Gxx, 16L60, 16W35, 18Exx, 18Gxx. Secondary: 13Dxx, 15Axx, 20Cxx, 14Lxx, 16Sxx, 17Bxx. Introduction by the Organisers The workshop was well attended with about 50 participants from many conti- nents. The core group was from the representation theory of algebras, with several experts from related areas. The previous Oberwolfach meeting devoted to representations of finite-dimen- sional (associative) algebras took place in 2000. After discussions with the then director, we decided to shift the activities to other mathematical centers. We are grateful to the new director who convinced us that all parts of active mathematical research are again welcome at Oberwolfach. The 2005 Oberwolfach meeting was preceded by a two days conference held at Bielefeld with the title Perspectives in Mathematics: Algebras and Represen- tations. The lectures at Bielefeld provided outlines of new developments. They

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Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach

Report No. 6/2005

Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras

Organised byIdun Reiten (Trondheim)

Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld)

February 6th – February 12th, 2005

Abstract. Methods and results from the representation theory of finite di-mensional algebras have led to many interactions with other areas of math-ematics. The aim of this workshop was, in addition to stimulating progressin the representation theory of algebras, to further develop such interactionswith commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, group representation theory,Lie-algebras and quantum groups, but also with the new theory of clusteralgebras.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 16Exx, 16Gxx, 16L60, 16W35, 18Exx, 18Gxx.

Secondary: 13Dxx, 15Axx, 20Cxx, 14Lxx, 16Sxx, 17Bxx.

Introduction by the Organisers

The workshop was well attended with about 50 participants from many conti-nents. The core group was from the representation theory of algebras, with severalexperts from related areas.

The previous Oberwolfach meeting devoted to representations of finite-dimen-sional (associative) algebras took place in 2000. After discussions with the thendirector, we decided to shift the activities to other mathematical centers. We aregrateful to the new director who convinced us that all parts of active mathematicalresearch are again welcome at Oberwolfach.

The 2005 Oberwolfach meeting was preceded by a two days conference heldat Bielefeld with the title Perspectives in Mathematics: Algebras and Represen-tations. The lectures at Bielefeld provided outlines of new developments. They

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were given by J. F. Carlson (Athens), W. W. Crawley-Boevey (Leeds), S. Iyen-gar (Lincoln), J. C. Jantzen (Aarhus), M. Reineke (Munster), I. Reiten (Trond-heim), R. Rouquier (Paris, New Haven), J. Schroer (Leeds), Jie Xiao (Beijing), A.Zelevinsky (Boston), and E. Zelmanov (San Diego). Since most of the Oberwol-fach participants took part in the Bielefeld conference, it was possible to arrangethe Oberwolfach schedule in a complementary way.

By now, the usefulness of methods and results from the representation theoryof algebras is well-known. In particular, the notion of a quiver, its representationsand the corresponding quiver varieties have become quite popular in many partsof mathematics. In this way, there have been a lot of interactions between therepresentation theory of algebras and other areas. A main focus of this meetingwas to promote the interaction with such areas, and most of the talks dealt withtopics of general interest.

One of the important connections with other areas is given by the Hall algebrasand their connection with quantum groups. Recent developments in this area,partially inspired also by work of Drinfeld, were presented by Hubery and byKeller. The latter report was based on a recent construction of Toen.

The cluster algebras introduced by Fomin–Zelevinsky have had a lot of influ-ence on various parts of algebra, including representation theory of algebras. Somerecent investigations on quantum cluster algebras were presented by Zelevinsky,with challenging questions about further connections with finite dimensional al-gebras. The work on cluster algebras inspired work on what are called clustercategories and cluster tilted algebras, which gives some feedback on the theory ofcluster algebras, in particular in the acyclic case. This was discussed in talks byMarsh and Buan. The cluster tilted algebras are of interest for several reasons:they provide a new class of algebras whose representation theory is controlled bya quadratic form, and they shed light on the tilted algebras themselves: any tiltedalgebra is the factor algebra of a corresponding cluster tilted algebra. Further re-lationship between cluster algebras and finite dimensional preprojective algebraswas discussed by Geiß.

The cluster categories are Calabi-Yau categories of dimension 2 (and relatedcategories give arbitrary dimensions). They contain the stable categories of pre-projective algebras of finite type, and such stable categories are Calabi-Yau ofdimension 2 for finite dimensional preprojective algebras in general. This has putan emphasis on the study of Calabi-Yau categories and their dimensions for cate-gories related to finite dimensional algebras, in particular for stable categories ofselfinjective algebras. Results of this nature were discussed by Erdmann. Iyama’shigher analogue of almost split sequences in maximal n-orthogonal subcategoriesis also related to this, and his talk dealt with complements in Calabi-Yau cate-gories. There are interesting examples in commutative ring theory, as discussedby Yoshino. With many experts on areas where Calabi-Yau categories appear, anevening session was organized to provide a survey on Calabi-Yau phenomena, withcontributions by Buchweitz, Geiß, Hille, Lenzing, Neeman and Van den Bergh. Awide range of topics was touched, for example mirror symmetry and reflexive

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Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras 9005

polytopes, A∞ categories, elliptic curves. Three short abstracts concerning theseevening lectures are included at the end of the report.

Derived and triangulated categories were also discussed from other points ofview, in connection with coherent sheaves by Burban, infinitesimal deformationsby Keller, thick subcategories by Krause, and with homotopy categories of pro-jectives and of injectives by Iyengar. And we have to mention here the variousaspects of Koszul duality. The corresponding Koszul algebras are a topic of centralinterest. Questions concerning Koszul algebras were discussed by Martınez-Villa,Martsinkovsky, Green, and Zacharia.

An important collection of problems in finite dimensional algebra theory are thehomological conjectures, including the finitistic dimension conjecture, the (gener-alized) Nakayama conjecture and the Gorenstein symmetry conjecture. Some ofthese problems are of interest also in commutative algebra. A survey, along withnew ideas for attacking the first conjecture, was given by Xi, and ideas for theGorenstein symmetry conjecture by Beligiannis. A simple counterexample to amore general conjecture of Auslander was presented by Smalø. Here, a first ex-ample was given within commutative algebra. A related homological conjectureis the conjecture of Happel, that the eventual vanishing of Hochschild cohomol-ogy implies finite global dimension, where a counterexample was given in thetalk by Green. Homological techniques in commutative algebra were discussed byAvramov.

Various aspects of quiver representations were dealt with in talks by Reinekeand Buchweitz, and de la Pena discussed problems related to spectral radii. Ap-plications of techniques and results for proving finite, tame or wild representationtype were given by Schmidmeier and Farnsteiner.

The workshop presented a vivid picture of the present state of the art. Andit provided a clear sight of the many still open problems, and on methods whichmay be helpful to attack them. We are sure that the interaction between theparticipants will lead to further progress in the coming years.

We thank Angela Holtmann (Bielefeld) for her careful preparation of this report.

Trondheim and Bielefeld, May 16th, 2005Idun Reiten, Claus Michael Ringel

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Workshop: Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Alge-bras

Table of Contents

Karin Erdmann (joint with Andrzej Skowronski)The Calabi-Yau dimension of tame symmetric algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9011

Jose Antonio de la Pena (joint with Helmut Lenzing)On the growth of the Coxeter transformations ofderived-hereditary algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9013

Andrew HuberyQuantum affine gln via Ringel-Hall algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9015

Bernhard KellerAn introduction to B. Toen’s construction of derived Hall algebras . . . . . . 9016

Amnon NeemanThe K-theory of triangulated derivators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9017

Robert J. Marsh (joint with Aslak B. Buan, Markus Reineke, Idun Reitenand Gordana Todorov)Cluster tilting I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9020

Aslak B. Buan (joint with Robert J. Marsh and Idun Reiten)Cluster tilting II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9023

Henning Krause (joint with Aslak B. Buan and Øyvind Solberg)The prime ideal spectrum of a tensor triangulated category . . . . . . . . . . . . 9024

Apostolos BeligiannisCohen-Macaulay modules and virtually Gorenstein algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . 9026

Ragnar-Olaf BuchweitzFree divisors in representation varieties of quivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9028

Yuji YoshinoRigid Cohen-Macaulay modules over a three dimensionalGorenstein ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9031

David Benson (joint with John Greenlees)Modules with injective cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9034

Andrei ZelevinskyQuantum cluster algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9036

Osamu IyamaMaximal orthogonal subcategories of triangulated categoriessatisfying Serre duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9039

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Christof Geiß (joint with Bernard Leclerc and Jan Schroer)A construction of maximal 1-orthogonal modules forpreprojective algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9041

Edward L. Green (joint with Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Dag Madsen andØyvind Solberg)Resolutions over Koszul algebras and a question of D. Happel . . . . . . . . . . 9043

Sverre O. SmaløLocal Ext-limitations do not exist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9044

Michel Van den BerghDouble Poisson algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9044

Markus ReinekeMicroscopy of simple representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9045

Dan ZachariaAuslander-Reiten sequences, locally free sheaves andChebysheff polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9047

Changchang XiOn the finitistic dimension conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9049

Luchezar L. Avramov (joint with Oana Veliche)Stable cohomology over local rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9052

Srikanth Iyengar (joint with Henning Krause)An equivalence between the homotopy categories ofprojectives and of injectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9054

Jeremy RickardAlgebras derived equivalent to self-injective algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9057

Alex Martsinkovsky (joint with Roberto Martınez-Villa)The Gabriel-Serre category, the Tate-Vogel category, andKoszul duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9059

Roberto Martınez-Villa (joint with Øyvind Solberg)Graded and Koszul categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9061

Markus SchmidmeierA remark by M. C. R. Butler on subgroup embeddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9063

Igor Burban (joint with Bernd Kreußler)On the derived category of coherent sheaves on anirreducible projective curve of arithmetic genus one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9067

Lutz HilleParabolic group actions and tilting modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9068

Rolf Farnsteiner (joint with Andrzej Skowronski and Detlef Voigt)Block representation type for groups and Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9071

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Bernhard Keller (joint with Christof Geiß)Infinitesimal deformations of derived categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9074

Steffen Konig (joint with Luca Diracca)Reducing cohomology by split pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9075

Lutz HilleCalabi-Yau varieties and reflexive polytopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9076

Michel Van den BerghIntroduction to super potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9079

Amnon NeemanAbelian varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9082

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The Calabi-Yau dimension of tame symmetric algebras

Karin Erdmann

(joint work with Andrzej Skowronski)

Let K be a field and T a K-linear triangulated category which has Serre duality,that is there is a triangle functor S such that DHomT (X,−) ∼= HomT (−, SX)for each object X in T . By a definition of Kontsevich [8], T is Calabi-Yau if S isisomorphic to some power of the shift of T , if so, then the CY-dimension is theminimal d ≥ 0 such that S is isomorphic to [d] (see also [7]).

Let A be a finite-dimensional selfinjective algebra over K and assume that K isalgebraically closed. The stable category mod(A) is triangulated, with shift givenby Ω−1, which is the inverse of the functor which sends a module M to the kernelΩ(M) of a minimal projective cover. The stable category mod(A) has Serre dualitygiven by Ων. Here ν is the Nakayama functor ν = DHomA(−, A). Then mod(A)is Calabi-Yau of CY-dimension d if d ≥ 0 is minimal such Ω ν is isomorphic toΩ−d. When A is symmetric, Ω ν ∼= Ω−d if and only if Ωd+1 is isomorphic to theidentity on mod(A).

Suppose A is symmetric. If mod(A) has finite CY-dimension then it is necessarythat all simple A-modules are Ω-periodic. Recently we completed classifying tamesymmetric algebras which have only Ω-periodic simple modules [4]. These areprecisely the algebras whose connected components are, up to Morita equivalence,

(1) symmetric algebras of Dynkin type;(2) symmetric algebras of tubular type;(3) algebras of quaternion type;(4) socle deformations of algebras in (1) or (2).

The algebras in (1) and (2) are of the form B/(ϕ) where B is the repetitivealgebra of B and ϕ is an appropriate root of the Nakayama automorphism νB .Here the algebras B are tilted of Dynkin type (in (1)), or of tubular type (in (2));for details and further references see [3]. An algebra A is of quaternion type ifit is connected, tame and symmetric with non-singular Cartan matrix, and suchthat all indecomposable non-projective A-modules are periodic of period ≤ 4. Anysuch algebra belongs, up to Morita equivalence, to a small list, explicitly given byquivers and relations [2].

These algebras have been known and studied extensively over the last years. In[4] we show that these are all tame symmetric algebras with only periodic simplemodules. Moreover, we have:

Theorem 1. Assume A is tame and symmetric. Then mod(A) has finite CY-dimension if and only if A is one of the algebras in this list.

This is proved in [3]. In each case, we determine the Calabi-Yau dimension ofmod(A) explicitly. For algebras as in (1) the CY-dimension is given by a formula

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involving the Coxeter number of the associated Dynkin diagram, and it turns outthat all integers can occur. These are the symmetric algebras of finite type. As acontrast, for selfinjective algebras of finite type, the stable category need not havefinite CY-dimension. For the algebras in (2) the CY-dimensions are precisely theprime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11.

If A is an algebra of quaternion type, then the stable module category has CY-dimension 3. As the main part of the proof, we show, using [6], that all derivedequivalence classes of such algebras, except for a few (which are of tubular type),contain an algebra which has a periodic bimodule resolution of period 4. As aconsequence we can complete the classification of algebras of quaternion type.Namely it follows that for the algebras in the list given in [2], all indecomposablenon-projective modules have Ω-period at most 4.

Furthermore, we study arbitrary selfinjective algebras A such that mod(A) hasCY-dimension 2. For this to happen it is necessary that every simple A-module Ssatisfies ν(S) ∼= Ω−3(S); and algebras with this property were studied in [1]. Themain result is:

Theorem 2 ([1]). Let A be a connected finite-dimensional selfinjective algebra.Then the following are equivalent:

(a) Every simple A-module S satisfies ν(S) ∼= Ω−3(S);(b) A is either generalized preprojective, i. e. A is Morita equivalent to P (∆)

with ∆ either Dynkin of type ADE, or of type L, or A is Morita equivalentto a certain deformation P f (∆).

Moreover, any such algebra has a periodic bimodule resolution.

The preprojective algebra P (∆) for ∆ a Dynkin graph has quiver Q∆ obtainedfrom ∆ by replacing each edge by a pair of vertices, one in each direction, denotedby a and a, setting ¯a = a. Then P (∆) = KQ∆/I where I is the ideal of the pathalgebra generated by all relations of the form


aa (v a vertex of Q∆).

The algebra P (Ln), which we call generalized preprojective, is defined similarly.Its quiver is obtained from QAn

by by attaching a loop, ε say, to one of the endvertices. We set ε = ε and define P (Ln) by the same relations as the preprojectivealgebras; see also [7]. The algebras P f (∆) are deformations of P (∆) where only therelation at the branch vertex (or at the loop) is deformed. The precise definition isgiven in [1]. This theorem is proved by exploiting subadditive functions, as studiedin [5].

The stable category of an algebra P (∆) in the Dynkin case is known to haveCY-dimension 2; and for ∆ = Ln this also holds. Our theorem implies that thestable categories of the deformed algebras P f (∆) have finite CY-dimension. Wedo not know at present whether they also have CY-dimension 2.

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[1] J. Bia lkowski, K. Erdmann and A. Skowronski, Deformed preprojective algebras of generalizedDynkin type, to appear in Trans. A.M.S.

[2] K. Erdmann, Blocks of tame representation type and related algebras. Lecture Notes in Math-ematics 1428, Springer, 1990.

[3] K. Erdmann, A. Skowronski, The Calabi-Yau dimension of tame symmetric algebras.Preprint 2005, submitted.

[4] K. Erdmann, A. Skowronski, Classification of tame symmetric algebras with only periodicmodules. In preparation.

[5] D. Happel, U. Preiser, C.M. Ringel, Binary polyhedral groups and Euclidean diagrams,Manuscripta Math. 31 (1980), 317-329.

[6] T. Holm, Derived equivalence classification of algebras of dihedral, semidihedral and quater-nion type, J. Algebra 211 (1999), 159-205.

[7] B. Keller, On triangulated orbit categories. Preprint 2005.[8] M. Kontsevitch, Triangulated categories and geometry. Course at the ENS Paris, notes taken

by J. Bellaiche, J.F. Dat, I. Marin, G. Racinet, H. Randriambolona, 1998.

On the growth of the Coxeter transformations of derived-hereditaryalgebras

Jose Antonio de la Pena

(joint work with Helmut Lenzing)

For a finite dimensional k-algebra A of finite global dimension, the Coxeter trans-formation ϕA is an automorphism of the Grothendieck group K0(A). Moreover,for any complex X• in the bounded derived category D(A) := Db(modA) of finitedimensional A-modules, we have [X•]ϕA = [τD(A)X

•], where τD(A) is the auto-morphism of D(A) given by the Auslander-Reiten translation. The characteristicpolynomial χA(T ) of ϕA, called the Coxeter polynomial and the correspondingspectral radius ρ(ϕA) = ‖λ‖ : λ ∈ SpecϕA control the growth behavior of ϕA

and hence of τD(A). Clearly, χA and ρ(ϕA) are invariant under derived equiva-lences of the algebra A and provide natural links between the representation theoryof finite dimensional algebras and other theories: the theory of Lie algebras, thetheory of C∗-algebras, the spectral theory of graphs and the theory of knots andlinks, among other topics.

In the representation theory of algebras several cases have been extensively

studied. For a hereditary algebra A = k[~∆] associated to a finite quiver ~∆ withoutoriented cycles, either ∆ is Dynkin or affine and ρ(ϕA) = 1, or A is of wild type andρ(ϕA) is a simple root of the Coxeter polynomial; moreover, if A is wild for any non-preprojective indecomposable moduleX , the sequence of vectors ([τn

AX ])n∈N growsexponentially with ratio ρ(ϕA), where τA denotes the Auslander-Reiten translationin the module category modA. Moreover, if A is wild, we have ρ(ϕB) < ρ(ϕA) for

any algebra B = k[~∆′] where ∆′ is a proper full subgraph of ∆. For a canonicalalgebra A = A(p,λ), associated to a weight sequence p = (p1, . . . , pt) of positiveintegers and a parameter sequence λ = (λ3, . . . , λt) of pairwise distinct non-zeroelements from the base field k, the K-theory is well understood. In this case

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ρ(ϕA) = 1, even while A is a one-point extension B[M ] of the hereditary starB = Tp1,...,pt

(1, p1 − 1)

(2, p2 − 1)

(t, pt − 1)

(1, 2)

(2, 2)

(t, 2)

· · ·

· · ·

· · ·


(1, 1)

(2, 1)

(t, 1)













which has spectral radius ρ(ϕB) arbitrarily large. In case A is wild, that is Tp1,...,pt

is not Dynkin or affine, the growth of τA is more complicated than in the hereditarycase, since there are indecomposable A-modules X and Y for which ([τn

AX ])n and([τ−n

A Y ])n grow exponentially with ρ(ϕB) while ([τ−nA X ])n and ([τn

AY ])n growlinearly.

We consider the case of an algebra A derived equivalent to a hereditary algebra

k[~∆]. These algebras may be obtained by a finite sequence of tilting processes

starting from k[~∆]. Moreover, if ∆ is of Dynkin or affine type, the construction ofA and its Auslander-Reiten quiver is well described. In general, ϕA is conjugateto ϕk[~∆], hence if ∆ is of wild type, ρ(ϕA) is a simple root of χA(T ). On the

other hand, we show simple examples of derived hereditary algebras A and B,with B a full convex subcategory of A and ρ(ϕB) > ρ(ϕA). We give conditions ona B-module M such that, for the one-point extension A = B[M ], the inequalityρ(ϕB) ≤ ρ(ϕA) is satisfied. Namely, we prove that such a module should bederived-directing, that is, M = F (X) for X a direct sum of directing complexes in

D(k[~∆]) and F : D(k[~∆])→ D(A) an equivalence of triangulated categories.We describe all possible one-point extensions B[M ], of certain representation-

finite algebrasB derived equivalent to wild hereditary algebras, by an indecompos-able B-module M . For modules which are not derived-directing, we find algebrasA = B[M ] which are not derived canonical or derived tame or wild hereditary;nevertheless, the spectral radius ρ(ϕA) of the Coxeter polynomial is 1, but not aneigenvalue of ϕA. This new class of algebras will be further studied.


[1] M. Barot and H. Lenzing, One-point extensions and derived equivalences. J. Algebra 264

(2003), 1–5.

[2] W. Geigle and H. Lenzing, A class of weighted projective curves arising in representationtheory of finite dimensional algebras. In Singularities, representation of algebras and vectorbundles. Springer LNM 1273 (1987), 265–297.

[3] W. Geigle and H. Lenzing, Perpendicular categories with applications to representations andsheaves. J. Algebra 144 (1991), 273–343.

[4] D. Happel, Auslander-Reiten triangles in derived categories of finite dimensional algebras.Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 (1991), 641–648.

[5] H. Lenzing and J. A. de la Pena, Supercanonical algebras. J. Algebra 282 (2004), 298–348.

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[6] H. Lenzing and J. A. de la Pena, A link between knot theory and representations of finitedimensional algebras. To appear.

[7] J. A. de la Pena, Periodic Coxeter matrices. Linear Alg. Appl. 365 (2003), 135–142.[8] C. C. Xi, On wild hereditary algebras with small growth numbers. Communications in Algebra

18 (1990), 3413–3422.

Quantum affine gln via Ringel-Hall algebras

Andrew Hubery

Ringel-Hall algebras were introduced in [6] and provide a generalisation of theclassical Hall algebra of a discrete valuation ring with finite residue field to anarbitrary finitary ring. It was later shown in [4] that in the case of a hereditaryalgebra, the (twisted, generic) composition algebra (informally, the subalgebra ofthe Ringel-Hall algebra generated by the simple modules) realises the quantumgroup of the same type. In particular, this isomorphism identifies the simplemodules with the Chevalley generators.

For an affine Lie algebra, Drinfeld gave a ‘new realisation’ of the quantisedenveloping algebra by quantising the loop-algebra construction of the Lie algebra[2]. An explicit isomorphism between the two presentations was given by Beck [1]in the untwisted case, but the question of understanding the Drinfeld generatorsin terms of Ringel-Hall algebras remained open.

In the talk, we solved this problem for the affine Lie algebra sln using theRingel-Hall algebra of the cyclic quiver with n vertices. In fact, we extended the

result to include gln and thus proved a conjecture of Schiffmann [9].Let Cn be the cyclic quiver with vertices 1, . . . , n and arrows i→ i+ 1 mod n.

The (generic) composition algebra Cv(Cn) was originally studied in [7], and thenSchiffmann [8] proved that the whole Ringel-Hall algebra Hv(Cn) consists of thecomposition algebra together with a central polynomial subalgebra Zn on count-ably many generators. In particular, since the composition algebra is isomorphic to

the affine quantum group of type sln, this result showed that the whole Ringel-Hall

algebra is isomorphic to the quantum group of type gln.Explicit generators for this central subalgebra were subsequently given in [5],

where it was also shown that this is in fact the whole of the centre of the Ringel-Hallalgebra. Furthermore, a Hopf algebra monomorphism was given from Macdonald’sring of symmetric functions to the centre Ψn : Λ→ Zn.

Let gir for i = 1, . . . , n and r > 0 be the Heisenberg generators for Drin-

feld’s new realisation of Uv(gln) (see for example [3]). Then the isomorphismbetween the quantum group and the Ringel-Hall algebra sends virgir to the ele-ment −πir + vrπi−1r , where r

[r]πir is the image of the r-th power sum function

under the composition ΛΨi−−→ Zi ⊂ Hv(Ci) → Hv(Cn). (Here we have used the

natural embedding of the Hall algebras arising from the embedding of the modulecategories modCi → modCn which identifies the first i− 1 simple modules.)

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We remark that this Hopf algebra isomorphism restricts to Green’s isomor-

phism U+v (sln) → Cv(Cn) (after using Beck’s isomorphism, suitably normalised).

Moreover, the natural ‘upper left corner’ embeddings on the quantum group side,as described in [3], correspond to the natural embeddings of Ringel-Hall algebrasmentioned above.


[1] J. Beck, Braid group action and quantum affine algebras, Commun. Math. Phys. 165 (1994),555–568.

[2] V. G. Drinfeld, A new realization of Yangians and of quantum affine algebras, Soviet Math.Dokl. 36 (1998), 212–216.

[3] E. Frenkel and E. Muhkin, The Hopf algebra Rep Uqbgl∞

, Selecta Math. (N.S.) 8 (2002),537–635.

[4] J. A. Green, Hall algebras, hereditary algebras and quantum groups, Invent. Math. 120 (1995),361–377.

[5] A. Hubery, Symmetric functions and the centre of the Ringel-Hall algebra of a cyclic quiver,to appear in Math. Z.

[6] C. M. Ringel, Hall algebras and quantum groups, Invent. Math. 101 (1990), 583–591.[7] C. M. Ringel, The composition algebra of a cyclic quiver. Towards an explicit realization of

the quantum group of type An, Proc. London Math. Soc. 66 (1993), 507–537.[8] O. Schiffmann, The Hall algebra of a cyclic quiver and canonical bases of Fock spaces, Inter-

nat. Math. Res. notices 8 (2000), 431–440.[9] O. Schiffmann, Noncommutative projective curves and quantum loop algebras, Duke Math.

J. 121 (2004), 113–168.

An introduction to B. Toen’s construction of derived Hall algebras

Bernhard Keller

The Ringel-Hall algebra H(A) of a finitary abelian category A is the free abeliangroup on the isomorphism classes of A endowed with the multiplication whosestructure constants are given by the Hall numbers fZ

XY , which count the numberof subobjects of Z isomorphic to X and such that Z/X is isomorphic to Y , cf. [1].Thanks to Ringel’s famous theorem [6] [7], for each simply laced Dynkin diagram∆, the positive part of the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group Uq(∆) (cf. e.g. [4]) isobtained as the (generic, twisted) Ringel-Hall algebra of the abelian category of

finite-dimensional representations of a quiver ~∆ with underlying graph ∆. SinceRingel’s discovery, it has been pointed out by several authors, cf. e.g. [3], that anextension of the construction of the Ringel-Hall algebra to the derived category

of the representations of ~∆ might yield the whole quantum group. However, ifone tries to mimic the construction of H(A) for a triangulated category T byreplacing short exact sequences by triangles, one obtains a multiplication whichfails to be associative, cf. [2]. A solution to this problem has been proposed byBertrand Toen in his recent preprint [8]. He obtains an explicit formula1 for thestructure constants φZ

XY of an associative multiplication on the rational vector

1not yet included in the first version of [8]

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space generated by the isomorphism classes of any triangulated category T whichappears as the perfect derived category of a dg category T over a finite field allof whose Hom-complexes have homology of finite total dimension. The resultingQ-algebra is the derived Hall algebra. Toen’s formula for the structure constantsreads as follows:

φZXY =




|Ext−i(X,Z)|(−1)i |Ext−i(X,X)|(−1)i+1


where f ranges over the set of orbits of the group Aut(X) in the set of morphismsf : X → Z whose cone is isomorphic to Y , and Aut(f/Z) denotes the stabilizer off under the action of Aut(X). Toen’s proof of associativity is inspired by methodsfrom the study of higher moduli spaces [11] [9] [10] and by the homotopy theoreticapproach to K-theory [5]. It remains to be investigated if and how the derived

Hall algebra of the category of representations of ~∆ over a finite field is related tothe quantum group Uq(∆). In any case, it seems likely that Toen’s constructionwill prove influential in the study of Ringel-Hall algebras.


[1] B. Deng and J. Xiao, On Ringel-Hall algebras, Representations of finite dimensional algebrasand related topics in Lie theory and geometry, Fields Inst. Commun., vol. 40, Amer. Math.Soc., Providence, RI, 2004, pp. 319–348.

[2] A. Hubery, From triangulated categories to Lie algebras: A theorem of Peng and Xiao,preprint, arXiv:math.RT/0502403.

[3] M. Kapranov, Heisenberg doubles and derived categories, J. Algebra 202 (1998), no. 2,712–744.

[4] C. Kassel, Quantum groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 155, Springer-Verlag, NewYork, 1995.

[5] D. Quillen, Higher algebraic K-theory. I, Algebraic K-theory, I: Higher K-theories (Proc.Conf., Battelle Memorial Inst., Seattle, Wash., 1972), Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 341,Springer verlag, 1973, pp. 85–147.

[6] C. M. Ringel, Hall algebras and quantum groups, Invent. Math. 101 (1990), no. 3, 583–591.[7] C. M. Ringel, Hall algebras revisited, Quantum deformations of algebras and their repre-

sentations (Ramat-Gan, 1991/1992; Rehovot, 1991/1992), Israel Math. Conf. Proc., vol. 7,Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat Gan, 1993, pp. 171–176.

[8] B. Toen, Derived Hall algebras, arXiv:math.QA/0501343.[9] B. Toen, The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory,

arXiv:math.AG/0408337.[10] B. Toen and M. Vaquie, Moduli of objects in dg-categories, in preparation.[11] B. Toen and G. Vezzosi, Homotopical algebraic geometry II: Geometric stacks and applica-

tions, arXiv:math.AG/0404373.

The K-theory of triangulated derivators

Amnon Neeman

It has been known for a long time that chain complexes are very useful, and it isa good idea to study categories of chain complexes. If A is an abelian category

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then the chain complexes in A are sequences

. . .∂−−−−→ X i−1 ∂−−−−→ X i ∂−−−−→ X i+1 ∂−−−−→ . . .

with ∂∂ = 0. It is an old idea to look at categories whose objects are the chaincomplexes.

It is not quite so clear what the morphisms in the category should be. Thereare two traditional choices. In the derived category D(A) the morphisms betweentwo chain complexes X and Y are composites of homotopy equivalence classesof chain maps and of inverses of homology isomorphisms. The derived categoryD(A) satisfies a short list of properties, which are formulated as the axioms of atriangulated category. One can find an extensive treatment of this subject in, forexample, [9].

Another very classical construction is to consider the category C(A). The ob-jects are still the chain complexes, but the morphisms are now the chain maps (nothomotopy equivalence classes, and nothing formally inverted). It is customary toview C(A) as a model category. There are at least three ways to give an axiomaticdescription of model categories: Quillen closed model categories [7], Waldhausenmodel categories [10] and the complicial biWaldhausen categories of Thomason [8].In all of these we assume we are given a mapping cone functor. We also declaresome morphisms to be special. Certain of the morphisms are the so–called cofibra-tions, while some others are declared to be weak equivalences. The combined datais assumed to satisfy a fairly long list of axioms. For us the important feature isthat the category C(A), with all the added structure that it carries by virtue ofbeing a model category, carries the information needed to construct the derivedcategory D(A). Given any model category C there is an associated homotopycategory hoC, and hoC(A) is just D(A).

For various reasons people have, over the last decade, been led to considerconstructions intermediate between model categories and triangulated categories.The constructions fall into two broad categories:

(1) dg–categories, or the more general A∞ categories.(2) Grothendieck derivators.

I will say almost nothing about (1). The basic idea of a dg–category (or of themore general A∞ categories) is to consider the morphisms in C(A) not as groups,but as chain complexes of abelian groups. For any two objects of C(A), that isfor any two chain complexes X and Y in A, we construct a natural chain complexHom(X,Y ) of abelian groups, whose 0th homology is the usual group of morphismsup to homotopy. The axioms of dg–categories (or A∞ categories) encapsulate theproperties this construction has. The literature is enormous; for a sample, thereader is referred to [1] and [6].

A completely different way to obtain a construction, intermediate betweenmodel categories and triangulated categories, is (2) above; it goes by the nameGrothendieck derivator. The idea is to consider not just the derived category ofA, but the derived categories of all functor categories Hom(Iop,A).

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Suppose I is a small category, and A is any (fixed) abelian category. Then thecategory Hom(Iop,A) is naturally an abelian category. We can form the derivedcategory of Hom(Iop,A), that is

D(I) = D(Hom(Iop,A)


If F : I −→ J is a functor of small categories, we get an induced functor oftriangulated categories

D(F ) : D(J) −→ D(I).

If F,G are two functors F,G : I −→ J and φ : F =⇒ G is a natural transformation,then we deduce a natural transformation

D(φ) : D(G) =⇒ D(F ).

This data assembles to give a 2–functor from the category Cat of small categoriesto the category Tri of triangulated categories. Since this 2–functor is contravariant,we denote it

D : Catop −−−−→ Tri.

The idea of derivators is to encapsulate the extra structure of the 2–functorsD : Catop −→ Tri which arise as D


). For example, they have the

useful property that for any functor F : I −→ J of small categories, the inducedfunctor D(F ) : D(J) −→ D(I) has both a right and a left adjoint.

The first attempt to describe this was made by Heller [4]. Independently, but alittle later, there is Keller’s PhD thesis [5], and the manuscript by Grothendieck [3].Still later there is the work of Franke [2], which cites Heller and Keller. Heller,Keller and Franke should undoubtedly receive recognition for their independentcontributions. But in the last few years the name that has become attachedto these is “Grothendieck derivators”, possibly because the manuscript whichGrothendieck wrote was so massive.

In the late 1990s Maltsiniotis took it upon himself to edit Grothendieck’s man-uscript and publish it. The work is still ongoing, with contributions by Cisinskiand Keller. Much more can be found on Maltsiniotis’ web page


In the process of editing the manuscript Maltsiniotis has done a great deal of work.In particular he defined for every derivator D a K–theoryK(D). And he formulatedthree conjectures about the K–theory of triangulated derivators (see pages 6–8 ofthe manuscript La K–theorie d’un derivateur triangule on Maltsiniotis’ web page,as above). We wish to report on recent progress regarding Conjecture 3.

Conjecture 3 of Maltsiniotis says that additivity should hold for derivator K–theory. One way to formalise the conjecture is the following: A derivator D is afunctor from small categories to triangulated categories. Given a derivator D wecan define a new derivator D′ by the rule

D′(I) = D(1× I),where 1 is the category

1 = · −→ ·

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There are two inclusions of the one–point, terminal category into 1. These inducetwo inclusions of I into 1× I , and hence two maps

D(I)π0←−−−− D(1× I) π1−−−−→ D(I)

As we let I vary, these give two natural transformations, π0 and π1, from D′ to D.They induce two maps in K–theory

K(D)K(π0)←−−−− K(D′)

K(π1)−−−−→ K(D).

Conjecture 3 of Maltsiniotis, the “additivity conjecture”, asserts that the map


0@ K(π0)K(π1)


−−−−−−−−−→ K(D)×K(D)

is an isomorphism.Very recently Garkusha proved the conjecture in the special case where the

derivator comes from a biWaldhausen complicial model. Garkusha’s paper shouldappear soon in Mathematische Zeitschrift. A little later Cisinski, Keller, Maltsin-iotis and I found a proof that works for a general derivator.


[1] V. Drinfeld, DG quotients of DG categories, J. Algebra 272 (2004), no. 2, 643–691.[2] J. Franke, Uniqueness theorems for certain triangulated categories possessing an Adams

spectral sequence, K-theory Archives 139 (1996).[3] A. Grothendieck, Les derivateurs, Manuscript, 1990, electronically edited by M. Kunzer, J.

Malgoire and G. Maltsiniotis.[4] A. Heller, Homotopy theories, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 71 (1988), no. 383, vi+78.[5] B. Keller, Derived categories and universal problems, Comm. in Algebra 19 (1991), 699–747.[6] B. Keller, Introduction to A-infinity algebras and modules, Homology Homotopy Appl. 3

(2001), no. 1, 1–35 (electronic).[7] D. G. Quillen, Homotopical algebra, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 43, Springer-Verlag,

Berlin, 1967.[8] R. W. Thomason and T. F. Trobaugh, Higher algebraic K–theory of schemes and of derived

categories, The Grothendieck Festschrift ( a collection of papers to honor Grothendieck’s60’th birthday), vol. 3, Birkhauser, 1990, pp. 247–435.

[9] J.-L. Verdier, Des categories derivees des categories abeliennes, Asterisque, vol. 239, SocieteMathematique de France, 1996 (French).

[10] F. Waldhausen, Algebraic K-theory of spaces, Algebraic and geometric topology (NewBrunswick, N.J., 1983), Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1126, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1985,pp. 318–419.

Cluster tilting I

Robert J. Marsh

(joint work with Aslak B. Buan, Markus Reineke, Idun Reiten and GordanaTodorov)

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1. Tilting Theory

For an introduction to tilting theory, see e.g. [1]. The initial motivation wasprovided by Gabriel’s Theorem [11], which states that the path algebra H = kQof a quiver Q over an algebraically closed field k has finite representation typeif and only if Q is a Dynkin quiver of type A, D or E. Bernstein, Gelfand andPonomarev [3] found an alternative proof employing so-called reflection functors,which relate the representation theory of a quiver with that of a second quiver inwhich all arrows incident with a fixed source or sink of the original quiver havebeen reversed.

These reflection functors can be realised as Hom-functors; see [2]. If S is aprojective noninjective simple module corresponding to the source or sink, thenthe reflection functor is realised in the form Hom(T,−), where T is the direct sumof τ−1S and the indecomposable projective modules not isomorphic to S.

2. Cluster-tilting theory

A key result in the work on cluster-tilted algebras [4, 6] has been the generalisationof APR-tilting theory to arbitrary vertices of Q. Let S be the simple moduleassociated to a vertex i in Q. Then it is shown in [4] that there is an algebraB with simple module S′ such that modH

add(S) ' modBadd(S′) , where add(M) denotes the

additive subcategory generated by a module M . In fact, this result, suitablyadapted, holds more generally for a large family of algebras known as the cluster-tilted algebras. This theory was inspired by recent development of the theory ofcluster algebras (see [10]).

We define the cluster category C = CH as the quotient of the bounded derivedcategory of its module category by the autoequivalence F = [1]τ−1 (see [6]),where [1] denotes the shift. Keller [12] has shown that C is naturally triangulated.A combinatorial/geometric definition in type An has been given in [8]. Clustercategories are also studied in [7, 9, 5, 13, 14]. We also remark that the clustercategory is Calabi-Yau of dimension 2. This category can be regarded as anextension of the usual module category in which any almost complete cluster-tiltingobject has precisely two complements. An object T in C is labelled a (cluster-)tilting object if Ext1C(T, T ) = 0 and T has a maximal number of nonisomorphicindecomposable direct summands. Any tilting module over H can be regarded asa tilting object in C.

A cluster-tilted algebra is an algebra of the form EndC(T )op where T is a tiltingobject in C; it is easy to see that H itself is cluster-tilted. Suppose that T is analmost complete tilting object in C. Then in [6] it is shown that there are preciselytwo ways in which T can be completed to a tilting object, giving rise to tiltingobjects T = T ⊕M and T ′ = T ⊕M ′. Let A = End(T )op and B = End(T )opp.In [4] it is shown that, in this situation,


add(S)' modB


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where S and S′ are certain simple modules over A and B respectively. Thus itis natural to define B as an algebra “cluster-tilted” from A at the vertex corre-sponding to M . APR-tilting is a special case of this construction. For exam-ple, the quiver of the algebra cluster-tilted from the path algebra of the quiverin Figure 1(a) at the vertex 2 is shown in Figure 1(b), with relations given byab = bc = ca = 0.

1 2 3• • •// //

1 2


• •





Figure 1. Cluster-tilting in type A3


[1] I. Assem, Tilting theory — an introduction, Topics in algebra, Part 1 (Warsaw, 1988),127–180, Banach Center Publ., 26, Part 1, PWN, Warsaw, 1990.

[2] M. Auslander, M. Platzeck and I. Reiten, Coxeter functors without diagrams, Trans. AMS.250 (1979), 1–46.

[3] I. N. Bernstein, I. M. Gelfand and V. A. Ponomarev, Coxeter functors and Gabriel’s theorem,Uspehi Mat. Nauk 28, no. 2 170 (1973), 19–33. English Translation in Russian Math. Surveys28 (1973), no. 2, 17–32.

[4] A. Buan, R. J. Marsh and I. Reiten, Generalised APR-tilting, PreprintarXiv:math.RT/0402054, February 2004, to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.

[5] A. Buan, R. J. Marsh and I. Reiten, Cluster mutation via quiver representations, PreprintarXiv:math.RT/0412077, 2004.

[6] A. Buan, R. J. Marsh, M. Reineke, I. Reiten, G. Todorov, Tilting theory and cluster combi-natorics, Preprint arXiv:math.RT/0402054, February 2004.

[7] P. Caldero and F. Chapoton, Cluster algebras from cluster categories, PreprintarXiv:math.RT/0410187, 2004.

[8] P. Caldero, F. Chapoton and R. Schiffler, Quivers with relations arising from clusters (An

case), Preprint arXiv:math.RT/0401316, 2004, to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.[9] P. Caldero, F. Chapoton and R. Schiffler, Quivers with relations and cluster tilted algebras,

Preprint arXiv:math.RT/0411238, 2004.

[10] S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky, Cluster algebras I, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (2002), no. 2,497–529.

[11] P. Gabriel, Unzerlegbare Darstellungen. I, Manuscripta Math. 6 (1972), 71–103; correction,ibid. 6 (1972), 309.

[12] B. Keller, Triangulated orbit categories of derived categories of hereditary algebras, Preprint,2003.

[13] B. Zhu, BGP reflection functors and cluster combinatorics, Preprint, 2004.[14] B. Zhu, Tilting theory in cluster categories of hereditary abelian categories, Preprint, 2004.

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Cluster tilting II

Aslak B. Buan

(joint work with Robert J. Marsh and Idun Reiten)

This talk was part two in a series, where the first part was given by RobertMarsh. This part is mainly based on results of [2], a paper motivated by theinterplay between the recent development of the theory of cluster algebras definedby Fomin and Zelevinsky in [4] (see [5] for an introduction) and the subsequenttheory of cluster categories and cluster-tilted algebras [3, 1]. Our main resultscan be considered to be interpretations within cluster categories of the essentialconcepts in the theory of cluster algebras.

1. Matrix mutation

Given a skew-symmetric integer n × n-matrix B = (bij), and an index k ∈1, . . . , n, let a mutation in direction k denote the following operation

b′ij =

−bij if k = i or k = j,

bij +|bik|bkj+bik |bkj |

2 otherwise.

One can associate with B a quiver QB with n vertices and with bij arrowsfrom i to j if bij > 0. It is clear that QB will have no loops and no orientedcycles of length two. In fact, the skew-symmetric integer matrices are in one-one correspondence with quivers with these properties. So mutation induces anoperation on such quivers.

2. Matrix mutation via quiver representations

Let H = KQ be a hereditary algebra which is the path algebra of a quiver Q forsome algebraically closed field K. Given a cluster-tilted algebra Γ = EndCH

(T )op,with T = T1 q · · · q Tn a direct sum of n nonisomorphic indecomposable objectsTi in CH , there is a unique indecomposable object T ∗i 6' Ti in CH , such that we geta tilting object T ′ by replacing Ti by T ∗i . Our main result is to obtain a formulafor passing from the quiver of Γ = EndC(T )op to the quiver of Γ′ = EndC(T

′)op,not involving any information on relations. In fact, we show that this formulacoincides with the formula for matrix mutation in direction i.

3. Cluster algebras

This has a nice interpretation in the case of cluster algebras. A cluster alge-bra (without coefficients) is defined via a choice of a free generating set x =x1, . . . , xn in the field F of rational polynomials over Q and a skew-symmetriz-able integer matrix B indexed by the elements of x. The pair (x,B), called aseed, determines the cluster algebra as a subring of F . More specifically, for eachi = 1, . . . , n, a new seed µi(x,B) = (x′, B′) is obtained by replacing xi in x byxi′ ∈ F , where xi

′ is obtained by a so called exchange multiplication rule andB′ is obtained from B by applying so called matrix mutation at row/column i.

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Mutation in any direction is also defined for the new seed, and by iterating thisprocess one obtains a countable number of seeds. For a seed (x,B), the set x iscalled a cluster, and the elements in x are called cluster variables. The desiredsubring of F is by definition generated by the cluster variables. Given a finitequiver Q with no oriented cycles, one can define on the one hand a cluster algebraA, and on the other hand the cluster category C of kQ.

It was shown in [3] that in case Q is a Dynkin quiver, the cluster variables ofA correspond to the indecomposable objects of C, and that this correspondenceinduces a correspondence between the clusters and the tilting objects in C. Thiswas also conjectured to generalize to arbitrary quivers, except that in this casethe exceptional objects should correspond to the cluster variables. Combining thiswith the results of [2], one obtains for finite type a precise interpretation of clusteralgebras in terms of tilting theory in cluster categories. In [2] there is also aninterpretation beyond finite type.


[1] A. Buan, R. J. Marsh and I. Reiten. Generalised APR-tilting, PreprintarXiv:math.RT/0402054, February 2004, to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.

[2] A. Buan, R. J. Marsh and I. Reiten, Cluster mutation via quiver representations, PreprintarXiv:math.RT/0412077, December 2004

[3] A. Buan, R. J. Marsh, M. Reineke, I. Reiten, G. Todorov, Tilting theory and cluster combi-natorics, Preprint arXiv:math.RT/0402054, February 2004.

[4] S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky, Cluster algebras I, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (2002), no. 2, 497–529.[5] A. Zelevinsky, Cluster algebras: notes for 2004 IMCC (Chonju, Korea, August 2004).

Preprint arXiv:math.RT/0407414, (2004)

The prime ideal spectrum of a tensor triangulated category

Henning Krause

(joint work with Aslak B. Buan and Øyvind Solberg)

Given a triangulated category, it is an interesting challenge to classify all thicksubcategories. In my talk, I presented some recent work of Paul Balmer [1]. Hedefines a prime ideal spectrum for each tensor triangulated category and assignsto each object its support. This idea leads to a complete classification of all thicktensor ideals. The model for such a classification is Thomason’s classification ofthick tensor ideals for the category of perfect complexes on a scheme [3].

Balmer’s classification provides an extremely elegant and conceptual explana-tion of various existing classifications. This includes the classification of thicktensor ideals for the category of perfect complexes on a scheme [Hopkins, Neeman,Thomason] and a similar classification for the stable category of representationsof a finite group [Benson, Carlson, Rickard].

It turns out that Balmer’s idea can be extended to obtain classifications of idealsin various settings. This should be relevant in representation theory, in particularwhen one studies the support varieties of representations.

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The general set-up for the classification of ideals in terms of the prime idealspectrum is the following: We consider an ideal lattice, that is, a partially orderedset L = (L,≤), together with an associative multiplication L× L→ L, such thatthe following holds.

(L1) The poset L is a complete lattice, that is∨


a := supA and∧


a := inf A

exist in L for every subset A ⊆ L.(L2) The lattice L is compactly generated, that is, every element in L is the

supremum of compact elements.(L3) We have for all a, b, c ∈ L

a(b ∨ c) = ab ∨ ac and (a ∨ b)c = ac ∨ bc.(L4) The product of two compact elements is again compact.

For example, the thick tensor ideals in a small tensor triangulated category formsuch an ideal lattice. The compact elements are precisely the finitely generatedideals.

Call p ∈ L prime if ab ≤ p implies a ≤ p or b ≤ p for all a, b ∈ L. An elementq ∈ L is semi-prime if aa ≤ q implies a ≤ q for all a ∈ L. Let SpecL denote theset of all primes in L. For a ∈ L, let

U(a) = p ∈ SpecL | a ≤ p and supp(a) = p ∈ SpecL | a 6≤ p.The subsets of SpecL of the form U(a) for some compact a ∈ L are closed underforming finite intersections and finite unions; they form the basis of a topology onSpecL.

Theorem. The assignments

L 3 a 7→ supp(a) =⋃

b≤ab compact

supp(b) and SpecL ⊇ Y 7→∨

supp(b)⊆Yb compact


induce mutually inverse and inclusion preserving bijections between

(1) the set of all semi-prime elements in L, and(2) the set of all subsets Y ⊆ SpecL of the form Y =

⋃i∈Ω Yi with quasi-

compact open complement SpecL \ Yi for all i ∈ Ω.

To give an example, take a commutative noetherian ring R and let L(R) denotethe lattice of thick tensor ideals of the category of perfect complexes over R. Notethat in this case all elements in L(R) are semi-prime. Using the description ofL(R) due to Hopkins and Neeman, one can show that SpecL(R) is homeomorphicto the prime ideal spectrum of R, endowed with the usual Zariski topology.

This example, as well as many more, are beautifully explained in Balmer’s work[1]. What seems to be new is the general approach via ideal lattices. It coversfor instance equally well the related classification of Serre subcategories of thecategory of finitely generated modules over a commutative noetherian ring.

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[1] P. Balmer, The spectrum of prime ideals in tensor triangulated categories.arXiv:math.CT/0409360.

[2] M. Hochster, Prime ideal structure in commutative rings. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 142

(1969), 43–60.[3] R. W. Thomason, The classification of triangulated subcategories. Compositio Math. 105

(1997), 1–27.

Cohen-Macaulay modules and virtually Gorenstein algebras

Apostolos Beligiannis

Let Λ be an Artin algebra. We denote by Mod-Λ the category of all right Λ-modules and by mod-Λ the full subcategory of finitely generated modules. Welet CM(Mod-Λ) be the category of Cohen-Macaulay modules which is defined asthe maximal subcategory of Mod-Λ which contains the projectives as an Ext-injective cogenerator. Following [3] we let P≺∝

Λ be the subcategory of modules ofvirtually finite projective dimension which is defined as the right Ext-orthogonalsubcategory of CM(Mod-Λ). The full subcategories CoCM(Mod-Λ) of CoCohen-Macaulay modules and I≺∝

Λ of modules of virtually finite injective dimension aredefined dually. Note that CM(Mod-Λ), resp. CoCM(Mod-Λ), is an exact Frobeniusdefinable subcategory of Mod-Λ and its stable category modulo projectives, resp.injectives, is a monogenic compactly generated triangulated category. Also thesubcategories P≺∝

Λ and I≺∝Λ are resolving and coresolving subcategories of Mod-Λ

and there exist cotorsion pairs(CM(Mod-Λ),P≺∝




Λ ,CoCM(Mod-Λ))


Mod-Λ. Λ is called virtually Gorenstein if P≺∝Λ = I≺∝

Λ , see [3].In this talk I shall report on some recent results, extracted from [2] and [3], on

Cohen-Macaulay modules and virtually Gorenstein algebras. We study the virtualGorensteinness property by using the above cotorsion pairs in the module categoryMod-Λ and the induced torsion pairs in the stable category of Mod-Λ modulo pro-jectives or injectives. The class of virtually Gorenstein algebras, which provides acommon generalization of Gorenstein algebras and algebras of finite representationor Cohen-Macaulay type, on the one hand is closed under various operations andon the other hand has rich homological structure and satisfies several represen-tation/torsion theoretic finiteness conditions. In this context we characterize thevirtually Gorenstein algebras in terms of finitely generated modules by showing,among other equivalent conditions, that Λ is virtually Gorenstein if and only ifthe class of finitely generated Λ-modules of virtually finite projective dimension(which coincides with the class of finitely generated Λ-modules of virtually finiteinjective dimension) is contravariantly finite, or equivalently covariantly finite inmod-Λ. Moreover, we show that virtually Gorenstein algebras enjoy the followingproperties, referring to [2], [3] for more details:

(1) The virtual Gorensteinness property is left-right symmetric.(2) The class of virtually Gorenstein algebras is closed under derived equiva-

lences and stable equivalences of Morita type.

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(3) If the Artin algebra Λ is virtually Gorenstein, then:(a) The full subcategories CM(Mod-Λ) and CoCM(Mod-Λ) are functori-

ally finite in Mod-Λ, and their full subcategories of finitely generatedmodules are functorially finite in mod-Λ with free Grothendieck groupof finite rank.

(b) The full subcategory P≺∝Λ = I≺∝

Λ is thick, definable and functoriallyfinite in Mod-Λ, and its full subcategory of finitely generated modulesis thick and functorially finite in mod-Λ, hence it has Auslander-Reiten sequences, with free Grothendieck group of finite rank.

(c) The full subcategories CM(Mod-Λ), CoCM(Mod-Λ), P≺∝Λ and I≺∝


are completely determined by their intersection with the finitely gen-erated modules (as their closure under filtered colimits).

(d) The subcategory of compact objects of the compactly generated tri-angulated category of Cohen-Macaulay modules modulo projectivesadmits a Serre functor and therefore has Auslander-Reiten triangles.

In addition, virtual Gorensteinness provides a useful tool for the study of theGorenstein Symmetry Conjecture and modified versions of the Telescope Conjec-ture for module or stable categories. Recall that the former asserts that Λ isGorenstein provided it has finite right or left self-injective dimension [1], and ageneralized version of the latter asserts that any torsion pair of finite type, in thesense of [3], in a suitable “homotopy” category C is generated in a certain sense bycompact objects induced from C, see [4], [5], [6]. For instance, we show that Λ isvirtually Gorenstein if and only if the monogenic compactly generated triangulatedcategory of Cohen-Macaulay modules modulo projectives is smashing if and only ifall of its compact objects are induced from finitely generated modules. Moreover,in the context of the above conjectures we show (in particular) the following:

• The Gorenstein Symmetry Conjecture holds for any virtually Gorensteinalgebra.

• The Telescope Conjecture holds in the stable category modulo projectivesfor the torsion pair induced by the Cohen-Macaulay modules over a vir-tually Gorenstein algebra.

In particular, both conjectures hold for any algebra lying in the derived equiv-alence class or the stable equivalence class (of Morita type) of an algebra of finiterepresentation or Cohen-Macaulay type.

As it is clear from the above that the class of virtually Gorenstein algebras israther large, since it contains on the one hand algebras or finite global dimensionand self-injective algebras or, more generally, Gorenstein algebras, and on theother hand algebras of finite representation or Cohen-Macaulay type. This givesthe motivation for the following:

Problem: Find an Artin algebra which is not virtually Gorenstein.


[1] M. Auslander, I. Reiten and S. Smalø, Representation Theory of Artin Algebras, CambridgeUniversity Press, (1995).

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[2] A. Beligiannis, Cohen-Macaulay Modules, (Co)Torsion Pairs and Virtually Gorenstein Al-gebras, preprint 51 pp. (2004), to appear in J. Algebra.

[3] A. Beligiannis and I. Reiten, Homological and Homotopical Aspects of Torsion Theories,preprint 200 pp. (2002), to appear in Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.

[4] B. Keller, A remark on the generalized smashing conjecture, Manuscripta Math. 84 (1994),no. 2, 193–198.

[5] H. Krause, Smashing Subcategories and the Telescope Conjecture – An Algebraic Approach,Invent. Math. 139, (2000) No.1, 99–133.

[6] A. Neeman, The connection between the K-theory localization theorem of Thomason,

Trobaugh and Yao and the smashing subcategories of Bousfield and Ravenel, Ann. Sci. EcoleNorm. Sup. (4) 25 (1992), no. 5, 547–566.

Free divisors in representation varieties of quivers

Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz

1. Let K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. A formal powerseries f ∈ S = K[[z1, ..., zN ]] is a free divisor if there exists a discriminant matrixA for f , that is, a N ×N–matrix over S that satisfies:

detA = f and


∂z1, ...,



)· A ≡ 0 mod f .

If f is square free, an equivalent description can be obtained through logarithmicvector fields along the hypersurface f = 0. These are those derivations D on Swith D(log f) = D(f)/f ∈ S. By Saito’s criterion, f is a free divisor, iff the S–module ΘS(− log f) of all such is free of rank N (and that explains the name. . . )Equivalently, theJacobian ideal describing the singular locus of f = 0 is a maximalCohen–Macaulay module on that hypersurface. All these characterizations implythat f is “highly singular”. Indeed, it is already rare for a polynomial or powerseries to be representable as a determinant in a nontrivial way.

2. This concept of free divisors was first isolated by K. Saito [6] in the contextof discriminants in versal deformations of isolated hypersurface singularities andincludes the classical discriminants of polynomials in one variable. It was shownby Teissier (isolated complete intersection singularities; see [4]), van Straten (someclasses of curve singularities [9]), Damon et al. (bifurcation sets of versal unfold-ings; see [1] for a survey), Buchweitz–Ebeling (Gorenstein surface singularities in5–space; in preparation), Buchweitz (Hilbert scheme of a smooth surface; in prepa-ration) and various others that discriminants in versal deformations are often (butnot always) free divisors. Another rich source of free divisors are free (hyperplane)arrangements, and the survey [5] is a good starting point.

3. Here we identify the discriminants in representation varieties of certain realSchur roots of quivers as yet another source of such free divisors that are evenlinear, that is, the discriminant matrix has only linear entries. (Together withD. Mond we are currently investigating further such examples and variationsthereof.) The key point is to interpret representation varieties as versal defor-mations of quiver representations.

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4. To be explicit, fix a finite connected quiver Q = (Q0, Q1) without oriented cy-cles, d ∈ (N>0)

Q0 a sincere real Schur root of Q. With tα ∈ Q0 the tail of an arrowα ∈ Q1 and hα ∈ Q0 its head, the representation variety Rep(Q,d) is the affine K–

space of families of matrices∏



) ∼= AP


K .

Its dimension is δ :=∑

α∈Q1d(hα)d(tα) = −1 +


d(i)2. The ring of poly-

nomial functions on Rep(Q,d) is written R = K[X(α), α ∈ Q1], where each

X(α) = (xrs(α))s=1,...,tαr=1,...,hα is a matrix of indeterminates. The representation vari-

ety carries the universal d–dimensional representation M of Q, a (right) moduleover the path algebra RQ on Q with coefficients in R, and Rep(Q,d) constitutesa versal deformation of the Q–representation M(p) at each of its points p.

5. The group GL(d) =∏

i∈Q0GL(d(i)) acts on Rep(Q,d) through (Ai)i∈Q0 ∗

(Xα)α∈Q1 := (AhαXαA−1tα )α∈Q1 , and the orbits correspond to the isomorphism

classes of d–dimensional representations of Q over K. The action factors throughthe projective linear group PGL(d) = GL(d)/K∗. As d is a real Schur root,there is a (unique) open dense orbit and, by [3], its complement is the union ofn − 1 distinct components of codimension one, where n = |Q0| is the numberof vertices of Q. The polynomials f1, ..., fn−1 ∈ R defining these componentsare algebraically independent and span the ring of semi-invariants RSL(d), withSL(d) = (Ai)i∈Q0 ∈ GL(d) | ∏

i detAi = 1 the corresponding special lineargroup. They can be obtained explicitly as shown by Schofield [7], Schofield–Vanden Bergh [8], and Derksen–Weyman [2].

6. With ΘR = DerK(R) ∼= R⊗KRep(Q,d) ∼=∏




the module of derivations of R or vector fields on Rep(Q,d), the group action yieldsa homomorphism of K–Lie algebras pgl(d) → ΘR, [(Ai)i∈Q0 ] 7→ (AhαX(α) −X(α)Atα)α∈Q1 , that extends to an R–linear map ϕ : R ⊗K pgl(d) → ΘR, with

cokernel equal to Ext1RQ(M,M). The projection ΘR → Ext1RQ(M,M) is theKodaira–Spencer map for Rep(Q,d) as a versal deformation, and the support ofExt1RQ(M,M) is its discriminant, the locus of non-rigid representations.

7. As d is a real Schur root, ϕ is injective, with source and target of ϕ free R–modules of the same rank. Moreover, the image of ϕ is a sub K–Lie algebra ofΘR(− log f), the Lie algebra of logarithmic vector fields along the discriminantf = f1 · · · fn−1, that is, the complement of the open orbit. In case of equality, (theTaylor series of) f is a free divisor (at each point) and its discriminant matrix, thematrix of ϕ, has only linear entries. This provides for families of examples of suchlinear free divisors and exhibits at the same time yet another special property ofthe hypersurfaces bounding the open orbit. We may summarize the results thus.

Theorem. With notation as explained above, one has

(1) (Basic facts) The determinant of ϕ is a homogeneous semi-invariantpolynomial of degree δ and of weight


(det GL(di))in(i)−out(i), where

in(i) is the in–degree and out(i) is the out–degree of the vertex i. It has theform detϕ = (a unit) · fa1

1 · · · fan−1

n−1 , with aν the dimension of the space ofself extensions of the generic module over the component fν = 0.

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(2) (Openness of Versality or Voigt’s Lemma) A component fν = 0contains itself an open dense orbit, if, and only if, aν = 1.

(3) (Saito’s Criterion) If each aν = 1, then f is a linear free divisor.

Condition (3) is, in particular, satisfied if Rep(Q,d) is union of only finitely manyorbits, for example, if the quiver Q is of finite representation type.

A simple example may suffice to illustrate the result.

Example. Let ∆ν , for ν = 1, . . . , n − 1, be the maximal minors of a generic(n− 2)× (n− 1)–matrix. The product f = ∆1 · · ·∆n−1 is then such a free divisorthat arises as a discriminant in a suitable representation variety of a quiver withn vertices.

Exercise: Write down the discriminant matrix and verify that f is a linear freedivisor! What are possible quivers Q and dimension vectors d for this example?Hint: For n = 4, the Dynkin quiver Q = D4, in any orientation, and the dimension

vector d =


1 2 1

), will do.


[1] J. Damon, Nonlinear sections of nonisolated complete intersections, in: New developmentsin singularity theory (Cambridge, 2000), NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem. 21, 405–445,Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001.

[2] H. Derksen and J. Weyman, Semi-invariants of quivers and saturation for Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (2000), 467–479.

[3] V. G. Kac, Infinite root systems, representations of graphs and invariant theory. II, J. Algebra78, (1982), 141–162.

[4] E. J. N. Looijenga, Isolated singular points on complete intersections, London MathematicalSociety Lecture Note Series 77, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, xi+200.

[5] B. E. Sagan, Why the characteristic polynomial factors, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 36

(1999), 113–133.[6] K. Saito, Theory of logarithmic differential forms and logarithmic vector fields, J. Fac. Sci.

Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math. 27 (1980), 265–291.[7] A. Schofield, Semi-invariants of quivers, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 43, (1991), 385–395.[8] A. Schofield and M. Van den Bergh, Semi-invariants of quivers for arbitrary dimension

vectors, Indag. Math. 12 (2001), 125–138.[9] D. van Straten, A note on the discriminant of a space curve, Manuscripta Math. 87 (1995),


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Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras 9031

Rigid Cohen-Macaulay modules over a three dimensional Gorensteinring

Yuji Yoshino

1. Main theorem

Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let S = k[[x, y, z]]be a formal power series ring in three variables x, y and z. The cyclic groupG = Z/3Z of order 3 acts linearly on S in such a way that

xσ = ζx, yσ = ζy, zσ = ζz,

where σ is a generator of G and ζ ∈ k is a primitive cubic root of unity. We denoteby R the invariant subring of S by this action of G. It is easy to see that

R = k[[monomials of degree three in x, y, z]],which is often called (the completion of) the Veronese subring of degree three. It isknown and is easy to prove that R is a Gorenstein complete local normal domainthat has an isolated singularity.

The action of G gives a G-graded structure on S such as

S = S0 ⊕ S1 ⊕ S2,

where each Sj is the R-module of semi-invariants that is defined as

Sj = f ∈ S | fσ = ζjf.Note that S0 = R. It is known that Sj (0 5 j 5 2) are maximal Cohen-Macaulaymodules over R, and in particular they are reflexive R-modules of rank one, whoseclasses form the divisor class group of R;

Cl(R) = [S0], [S1], [S2].In particular, any maximal Cohen-Macaulay module of rank one over R is isomor-phic to one of Sj (0 5 j 5 2).

It is not difficult to see that the category CM(R) of maximal Cohen-Macaulaymodules over R is of wild representation type. Actually, one can construct a familyof nonisomorphic classes of indecomposable maximal Cohen-Macaulay modulesover R in relation with the representations of the following quiver.

Q =

(−→• −→ •−→


In this talk I am interested in rigid maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules that aredefined as follows:

Definition. An R-module M is called rigid if Ext1R(M,M) = 0. And we denotethe full subcategory of modR consisting of all rigid maximal Cohen-Macaulaymodules by C.

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By computation, the modules Sj (0 5 j 5 2) and any of their syzygies andany of their cosyzygies are rigid (and indecomposable). Our main theorem is thefollowing:

Theorem. Let S be a sequence of indecomposable rigid maximal Cohen-Macaulaymodules defined as follows:

S = (· · · ,Ω−2S1, Ω−2S2, Ω−1S1, Ω−1S2, S1, S2, Ω1S1, Ω1S2, Ω2S1, Ω2S2, · · · ).Then any object in C is isomorphic to a module of the following form:

P a ⊕Qb ⊕Rc,

where a, b, c are nonnegative integers and P,Q is a pair of two adjacent modulesin the sequence S.

2. Outline of Proof

The proof of the theorem is divided into the following four steps.

2.1. First Step (Approximation).Let E be the full subcategory of modR consisting of modules M which can be

embedded in an exact sequence of the following type:

(∗) 0 −−−−→ Sn1 −−−−→ Sm

2 ⊕R` −−−−→ M −−−−→ 0

If M ∈ E , then the sequence (∗) gives a right addRS-approximation of M that is,of course, right minimal.

Claim 1. Let M be an indecomposable object in C. Suppose that M is isomorphicneither to S1 nor Ω−1S2. Then M belongs to E.

The claim means that Ind(C) = Ind(C ∩ E) ∪ S1,Ω−1S2.

2.2. Second Step (Rigidity).

Claim 2. Let M and M ′ be objects in C ∩ E. Suppose there are exact sequences:

0 −−−−→ Sn1

f−−−−→ Sm2 ⊕R` −−−−→ M −−−−→ 0,

0 −−−−→ Sn′

1f ′

−−−−→ Sm′

2 ⊕R`′ −−−−→ M ′ −−−−→ 0.

If n = n′ and m = m′, then M and M ′ are stably isomorphic to each other.

2.3. Third Step (Tate-Vogel cohomology).The Tate-Vogel cohomology for maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules is defined

as follows:


R(M,N) = HomR(ΩiM,N),

for any i ∈ Z and M,N ∈ CM(R). We define

eij(M) = dimk Ext


R(Sj ,M)

for any i ∈ Z, j ∈ G and M ∈ CM(R).

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Claim 3. Let M be an object in C ∩ E, and suppose there is an exact sequence:

0 −−−−→ Sn1 −−−−→ Sm

2 ⊕R` −−−−→ M −−−−→ 0.

Then n = e11(M) and m = e02(M).

Now we define a mapping e from the isomorphism classes of modules in C ∩ Eto nonnegative integral vectors Z2


e(M) = (e11(M), e02(M)).

Note that it follows from Claim 2 that the mapping

e : C ∩ E/ ∼= −→ Z2=0

is an injection. Hence, to classify the objects in C ∩ E , it is enough to determinethe image of the mapping e.

Remark. Note that the Auslander-Reiten-Serre duality says that


R(M,N), R) ∼= Ext2−i

R (N,M),

for any i ∈ Z and M,N ∈ CM(R). Therefore, the triangulated category CM(R) is2-Calabi-Yau.

2.4. Fourth Step (Root system).Let H be the set of nonnegative integral vectors (x, y) with x2 − 3xy + y2 = 1:

H = (x, y) ∈ Z2=0 | x2 − 3xy + y2 = 1

It is easy to see that H = H+ ∪H− where

H+ = (x, y) ∈ Z2=0 | 2x− (3 +

√5)y = 0,

H− = (x, y) ∈ Z2=0 | 2x− (3−

√5)y 5 0,

each of which is a semigroup. We can prove the following claim.

Claim 4. The image of the mapping e : C ∩ E → Z2=0

is exactly H.

The main theorem follows from this claim with a little observation.


[1] Y. Yoshino, Rigid Cohen-Macaulay modules over a three dimensional Gorenstein ring,Preprint (in preparation), 2005.

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Modules with injective cohomology

David Benson

(joint work with John Greenlees)

Let G be a finite group, and let k be an algebraically closed field of charac-teristic p. Then the cohomology ring H∗(G, k) = Ext∗kG(k, k) is a Noether-ian graded commutative k-algebra, so we can form the maximal ideal spectrumVG = max specH∗(G, k). This is a closed homogeneous affine variety, and wasstudied extensively by Quillen [6, 7]. If M is a finitely generated kG-module thenthere is a ring homomorphism

H∗(G, k)M⊗k−−−−−→ Ext∗kG(M,M),

and the support variety VG(M) is defined to be the subvariety of VG determinedby the kernel of this homomorphism. Support varieties have been investigatedextensively by Carlson and others.

If p is a homogeneous prime ideal in H∗(G, k) corresponding to a closed homo-geneous irreducible subvariety V of VG, then there is a kappa module κp = κV ,introduced by Benson, Carlson and Rickard [1], with the following properties:

(i) V ⊆ VG(M) ⇐⇒ κV ⊗k M is not projective,(ii) κV is idempotent, in the sense that κV ⊗k κV ∼= κV ⊕ (projective), and(iii) κV is usually not finite dimensional.

The modules κV were used by Benson, Carlson and Rickard in [1] to developa theory of varieties for infinitely generated kG-modules. Instead of associating asingle variety to M , we associate a collection of subvarieties of VG:

VG(M) = V ⊆ VG | κV ⊗k M is not projective.For example, VG(κV ) = V . One of the most important properties of this varietytheory is the tensor product formula

VG(M ⊗k N) = VG(M) ∩ VG(N).

This, together with the statement that VG(M) = ∅ if and only if M is projective,are what make the variety theory useful.

The purpose of the joint work with Greenlees was to determine the cohomologyof these modules κV . It turns out that it is more sensible to ask about Tate coho-mology. The answer, together with some consequences, is given by the followingtheorem.

Theorem (Benson and Greenlees [2]). (i) The Tate cohomology of the kappamodules is given by

H∗(G, κV ) ∼= Ip[d].

Here, Ip denotes the injective hull of H∗(G, k)/p in the category of gradedmodules over H∗(G, k), and d is the dimension of the variety V (i.e., theKrull dimension of H∗(G, k)/p).

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(ii) The kappa modules are the representing objects for the Matlis dual of Tatecohomology:

HomkG(M,κV ) ∼= HomH∗(G,k)(H∗(G,M), Ip[d]);

these representing objects were investigated in [3].(iii) The modules κV are pure injective—there are no phantom maps into them.

(iv) Ext∗

kG(κV , κV ) ∼= H∗(G, k)∧

p = lim←−n

H∗(G, k)/pn.

The extraordinary thing about the theorem is that its proof involves translatingto the context of modules over E∞ ring spectra and solving the problem there.The context is as follows. Let BG be the classifying space of G, so that ΩBG ' G.The Rothenberg–Steenrod construction gives for any space X a quasiisomorphismbetween the differential graded algebras R EndC∗(ΩX)(k) and C∗(X ; k). In par-ticular, for a finite group G this gives R EndkG(k) ' C∗(BG; k). Writing R forR EndkG(k) and C for C∗(BG; k), the following diagram of categories and functorsexplains the route we took:

Mod(kG) //


R HomkG(k,−)//


Rkoo ' // D(C)


Here, D(kG) stands for the derived category of all chain complexes of kG-modules.Similarly, D(Rop) is the derived category obtained from the homotopy categoryof differential graded right R-modules by inverting quasi-isomorphisms. SinceR ' Rop, this is equivalent to the derived category formed from the differentialgraded left R-modules. We regard C (or rather, the Eilenberg–MacLane spectrumof C) as an E∞ ring spectrum; here, E∞ means “commutative and associative upto all higher homotopies.” This allows us, for example, to take two objects A andB in D(C) and regard A ⊗L

C B as another object in D(C), just as we can regardthe tensor product of two modules over a commutative ring as another moduleover the same ring. For this purpose, it is essential to be working in a category ofspectra in which the smash product is commutative and associative up to coherentnatural isomorphism, and not just up to all higher homotopies; there are nowadaysa number a candidates for such a category, and we chose to work in the frameworkof Elmendorf, Krız, Mandell and May [5].

Another construction requiring the E∞ structure is localization at a prime idealin the homotopy. Since π∗C = H−∗(G, k), we can form the localization Cp, andthen use tensor products to apply a stable Koszul type construction with respectto a homogeneous system of parameters in p. This construction gives the imagein D(C) of a suitable lift to D(kG) of the kappa module κp in StMod(kG). Thisconstruction can therefore be regarded as a sort of local cohomology object inD(C) for the prime p. The statement that its cohomology is injective is a sort ofGorenstein duality for Cp.

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The statement that C is Gorenstein in the appropriate sense appeared in thework of Dwyer, Greenlees and Iyengar [4]. The usual proof that localization at aprime ideal of a Gorenstein ring gives a Gorenstein ring no longer works in thiscontext, because it relies on the characterization of Gorenstein via finite injectivedimension, which doesn’t make much sense in this context. So proving that Cp

is Gorenstein went via a different route. We applied Grothendieck duality withrespect to a normalization coming from an embedding of G in SU(n), and provedthe corresponding dual statement.

To summarize, the proof involves translating the original problem from modularrepresentation theory into the language of modules over an E∞ ring spectrum fromalgebraic topology, and then using methods from commutative algebra to solve theproblem there. The level of machinery involved is formidable, but the hope is thatother problems in modular representation theory will succumb to a similar route.


[1] D. J. Benson, J. F. Carlson, and J. Rickard, Complexity and varieties for infinitely generatedmodules, II, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 120 (1996), 597–615.

[2] D. J. Benson and J. P. C. Greenlees, Localization and duality in topology and modular repre-sentation theory, Preprint, 2004.

[3] D. J. Benson and H. Krause, Pure injectives and the spectrum of the cohomology ring of afinite group, J. Reine & Angew. Math. 542 (2002), 23–51.

[4] W. G. Dwyer, J. P. C. Greenlees, and S. Iyengar, Duality in algebra and topology, Preprint,2002.

[5] A. D. Elmendorf, I. Krız, M. A. Mandell, and J. P. May, Rings, modules and algebras in stablehomotopy theory, Surveys and Monographs, vol. 47, American Math. Society, 1996.

[6] D. G. Quillen, The spectrum of an equivariant cohomology ring, I, Ann. of Math. 94 (1971),549–572.

[7] D. G. Quillen, The spectrum of an equivariant cohomology ring, II, Ann. of Math. 94 (1971),573–602.

Quantum cluster algebras

Andrei Zelevinsky

Cluster algebras were introduced and studied by S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky in[3, 5, 1]. This is a family of commutative rings designed to serve as an algebraicframework for the theory of total positivity and canonical bases in semisimplegroups and their quantum analogs. Here we report on a joint work with A. Beren-stein [2], where we introduce and study quantum deformations of cluster algebras.

We start by recalling the definition of cluster algebras (of geometric type). Letm and n be two positive integers with m ≥ n. Let F be the field of rationalfunctions over Q in m independent (commuting) variables.

Definition 1. A seed in F is a pair (x, B), where

• x = x1, . . . , xm is a free (i.e., algebraically independent) generating setfor F .

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• B is an m×n integer matrix with rows labeled by [1,m] = 1, . . . ,m andcolumns labeled by an n-element subset ex ⊂ [1,m], such that, for somepositive integers dj (j ∈ ex), we have dibij = −djbji for all i, j ∈ ex.

The subset x = xj : j ∈ ex ⊂ x (resp. c = x − x) is called the cluster (resp.

the coefficient set) of a seed (x, B). The seeds are defined up to a relabeling ofelements of x together with the corresponding relabeling of rows and columns ofB.

Definition 2. Let (x, B) be a seed in F . For any k ∈ ex, the seed mutation in

direction k transforms (x, B) into a seed (x′, B′) given by:

• x′ = x−xk∪x′k, where x′k ∈ F is determined by the exchange relation

(1) x′k = x−1k (



i +∏



i ) .

• The entries of B′ are given by

(2) b′ij =

−bij if i = k or j = k;

bij +|bik|bkj + bik|bkj |


The seed mutations generate an equivalence relation: we say that two seeds(x, B) and (x′, B′) are mutation-equivalent if (x′, B′) can be obtained from (x, B)by a sequence of seed mutations.

Fix a mutation-equivalence class S of seeds. Let X ⊂ F denote the unionof clusters, and c the common coefficient set of all seeds from S. The clusteralgebra A(S) associated with S is the Z[c±1]-subalgebra of F generated by X .

We now define a family of q-deformations of A(S). The following setup is asimplified version of that in [2]. The main idea is to deform each extended cluster

x to a quasi-commuting family X = X1, . . . , Xm satisfying

(3) XiXj = qλijXjXi

for some skew-symmetric integer m × m matrix Λ = (λij ). Let Fq denote the

skew-field of fractions of the ring Z[q±1/2, X1, . . . , Xm], where X1, . . . , Xm arealgebraically independent variables satisfying (3). For any a = (a1, . . . , am) ∈ Zm,we set

(4) Xa = q12

Pi>j λijaiajXa1

1 · · ·Xamm .

Definition 3. A free generating set for Fq is a subset Y1, . . . , Ym ⊂ Fq of the

following form: Yj = ϕ(Xcj ), where ϕ is a Q(q±1/2)-linear automorphism of Fq ,and c1, . . . , cm is a basis of the lattice Zm.

Note that the subset Y1, . . . , Ym can be used instead of X1, . . . , Xm in thedefinition of the ambient field Fq, with the matrix Λ replaced by CT ΛC, where Cis the matrix with columns c1, . . . , cm.

Definition 4. A quantum seed in Fq is a pair (X, B), where

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• X = X1, . . . , Xm is a free generating set for Fq .

• B is am×n integer matrix with rows labeled by [1,m] and columns labeledby an n-element subset ex ⊂ [1,m], which is compatible with the matrix Λgiven by (3), in the following sense: for some positive integers dj (j ∈ ex),we have




bkjλki = δijdj (j ∈ ex, i ∈ [1,m]) .

As in Definition 1, the quantum seeds are defined up to a relabeling of elementsof X together with the corresponding relabeling of rows and columns of B.

Note that (5) implies that dibij = −djbji for all i, j ∈ ex, i.e., B is as inDefinition 1.

Example. Let m = 2n, ex = [1, n], and let B be of the form

B =



where I is the identity n× n matrix. Here B is an arbitrary integer n× n matrixsatisfying dibij = −djbji for some positive integers d1, . . . , dn: in other words, Bis skew-symmetrizable, that is, DB is skew-symmetric, where D is the diagonalmatrix with diagonal entries d1, . . . , dn. An easy calculation shows that the skew-symmetric matrices Λ compatible with B in the sense of (5) are those of the form

(6) Λ =

(Λ0 −D − Λ0B

D −BT Λ0 −DB +BT Λ0B


where Λ0 is an arbitrary skew-symmetric integer n× n matrix.

Definition 5. Let (X, B) be a quantum seed in Fq. For any k ∈ ex, the quantum

seed mutation in direction k transforms (X, B) into a quantum seed (X′, B′) givenby:

• X′ = X− Xk ∪ X ′k, where X ′k ∈ Fq is given by

(7) X ′k = X−ek+

Pbik>0 bikei + X


bik<0 bikei ,

where the terms on the right are defined via (4), and e1, . . . , em is thestandard basis in Zm.

• The matrix entries of B′ are given by (2).

The fact that (X′, B′) is a quantum seed is not automatic: for the proof see [2,Proposition 4.7].

Based on definitions (4) and (5), one defines the quantum cluster algebra associ-ated with a mutation-equivalence class of quantum seeds, in exactly the same wayas the ordinary cluster algebra. It is shown in [2] that practically all the structuralresults on cluster algebras obtained in [3, 5, 1] extend to the quantum setting.This includes the Laurent phenomenon obtained in [3, 4, 1] and the classificationof cluster algebras of finite type given in [5].

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[1] A. Berenstein, S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky, Cluster algebras III: Upper bounds and doubleBruhat cells, Duke Math. J. 126 (2005), 1–52.

[2] A. Berenstein and A. Zelevinsky, Quantum cluster algebras, to appear in Adv. in Math.[3] S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky, Cluster algebras I: Foundations, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (2002),

497–529.[4] S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky, The Laurent phenomenon, Adv. in Applied Math. 28 (2002),

119–144.[5] S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky, Cluster algebras II: Finite type classification, Invent. Math. 154

(2003), 63–121.

Maximal orthogonal subcategories of triangulated categories satisfyingSerre duality

Osamu Iyama

1. Motivation

The classical Auslander correspondence gives a bijection between the set of Morita-equivalence classes of representation-finite finite-dimensional algebras Λ and thatof finite-dimensional algebras Γ with gl. dimΓ ≤ 2 and dom. dim Γ ≥ 2. Ourmotivation comes from a higher dimensional generalization [5] of the Auslandercorrespondence in Theorem 1.2.

Definition 1.1. Let T be a triangulated category (resp. a full subcategory ofabelian category) and n ≥ 0. For a functorially finite full subcategory C of T, put

C⊥n := X ∈ T | Exti(C, X) = 0 for any i (0 < i ≤ n),⊥nC := X ∈ T | Exti(X,C) = 0 for any i (0 < i ≤ n).

We call C a maximal n-orthogonal subcategory of T if C = C⊥n = ⊥nC holds[4].

By definition, T is a unique maximal 0-orthogonal subcategory of T.

Theorem 1.2. For any n ≥ 1, there exists a bijection between the set of equiv-alence classes of maximal (n − 1)-orthogonal subcategories C of mod Λ with ad-ditive generators M and finite-dimensional algebras Λ, and the set of Morita-equivalence classes of finite-dimensional algebras Γ with gl. dimΓ ≤ n + 1 anddom. dim Γ ≥ n+ 1. It is given by C 7→ Γ := EndΛ(M).

Important examples of maximal orthogonal subcategories appear in the workof Buan-Marsh-Reineke-Reiten-Todorov on cluster categories [1], that of Geiß-Leclerc-Schroer on preprojective algebras [3], and in considerations of invariantsubrings of finite subgroups G of GLd(k) (see [4]). Let us find some kind ofhigher dimensional analogy of Auslander-Reiten theory by considering maximalorthogonal subcategories.

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2. Triangulated categories

In this section, let T be a triangulated category with a Serre functor S, and C amaximal (n− 1)-orthogonal subcategory of T.

Theorem 2.1 ([6]). (1) Sn := S [−n] gives an autoequivalence of C.(2) C has “Auslander-Reiten (n+ 2)-angles”, i.e. any X ∈ C has a complex

SnXfn−→ Cn−1

fn−1−→ · · · f1−→ C0f0−→ X

which is obtained by glueing triangles Xi+1 −→ Cifi−→ Xi −→ Xi+1[1],

0 ≤ i < n, with X0 = X, Xn = SnX, Ci ∈ C and the following sequencesare exact.

C(−, SnX)·fn−→ C(−, Cn−1)

·fn−1−→ · · · ·f1−→ C(−, C0)·f0−→ JC(−, X) −→ 0

C(X,−)f0·−→ C(C0,−)

f1·−→ · · · fn−1·−→ C(Cn−1,−)fn·−→ JC(SnX,−) −→ 0

It is quite interesting to study the relationship among all maximal (n − 1)-orthogonal subcategories of T. In the rest of this section, assume that T is n-Calabi-Yau, i.e. Sn = 1. For example, if Λ is a d-dimensional symmetric order,then CMΛ is (d− 1)-Calabi-Yau.

Definition 2.2. Assume that C satisfies the strict no-loop condition, i.e. for any

X ∈ indC, X /∈ add⊕n−1

i=1 Ci holds in Theorem 2.1, (2). Define a full subcategoryµX,i(C) of T by

ind µX,i(C) := (indC\X) ∪ Xi (X ∈ indC, i ∈ Z/nZ)

where Xi is the term of the triangle in Theorem 2.1, (2). This can be regarded asa higher dimensional generalization of the Fomin-Zelevinsky mutation in [1] and[3].

Theorem 2.3 ([6]). Assume that C satisfies the strict no-loop condition. For anyX ∈ indC, µX,i(C) | i ∈ Z/nZ is the set of all maximal (n − 1)-orthogonalsubcategories of T containing indC\X.2.4. It is an interesting question when transitivity holds in T, i.e. the set of allmaximal (n − 1)-orthogonal subcategories of T is transitive under the action ofmutations defined in Definition 2.2. It is known that transitivity holds for clustercategories T [1], and T = CM Λ for the Veronese subring Λ of degree 3 of k[[x, y, z]](see [8]).

3. Derived equivalence

It is suggestive to relate our question in 2.4 to Van den Bergh’s generalization[7] of the Bondal-Orlov conjecture [2] in algebraic geometry, which asserts thatall (commutative or non-commutative) crepant resolutions of a normal Gorensteindomain have the same derived category. Let us generalize the concept of Van denBergh’s non-commutative crepant resolutions [7] of commutative normal Goren-stein domains to our situation.

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3.1. Let Λ be an R-order which is an isolated singularity. We call M ∈ CM Λa NCC resolution of Λ if Λ ⊕ HomR(Λ, R) ∈ addM and Γ := EndΛ(M) is anR-order with gl. dimΓ = d. We have the remarkable relationship below betweenNCC resolutions and maximal (d− 2)-orthogonal subcategories [5].

Proposition. Let d ≥ 2. Then M ∈ CM Λ is a NCC resolution of Λ if and onlyif addM is a maximal (d− 2)-orthogonal subcategory of CM Λ.

3.2. We conjecture that the endomorphism rings EndΛ(M) are derived equivalentfor all maximal (n−1)-orthogonal subcategories addM of CM Λ. This is an analogyof the Bondal-Orlov and Van den Bergh conjecture by 3.1, and true for n = 2.

Theorem ([5]). Let Ci = addMi be a maximal 1-orthogonal subcategory of CM Λand Γi := EndΛ(Mi), i = 1, 2. Then Γ1 and Γ2 are derived equivalent.

Corollary 3.3 ([5, 6]). All NCC resolutions of Λ are derived equivalent if

(1) d ≤ 3, or(2) Λ is a symmetric order and transitivity holds in CMΛ (2.4).


[1] A. Buan, R. Marsh, M. Reineke, I. Reiten, G. Todorov, Tilting theory and cluster combina-torics, preprint.

[2] A. Bondal, D. Orlov, Semiorthogonal decomposition for algebraic varieties, preprint.[3] C. Geiß, B. Leclerc, J. Schroer, Rigid modules over preprojective algebras, preprint.[4] O. Iyama, Higher dimensional Auslander-Reiten theory on maximal orthogonal subcategories,

preprint.[5] O. Iyama, Higher dimensional Auslander correspondence, preprint.[6] O. Iyama, Maximal orthogonal subcategories of triangulated categories satisfying Serre dual-

ity, preprint.[7] M. Van den Bergh, Non-commutative crepant resolutions. The legacy of Niels Henrik Abel,

749–770, Springer, Berlin, 2004.[8] Y. Yoshino, Rigid Cohen-Macaulay modules over a three dimensional Gorenstein rings,


A construction of maximal 1-orthogonal modules for preprojectivealgebras

Christof Geiß

(joint work with Bernard Leclerc and Jan Schroer)

For a Dynkin quiver Q = (Q0, Q1, t, h) we consider its double Q, which is obtainedfrom Q by adding an extra arrow a∗ : h(a)→ t(a) for each arrow a : t(a)→ h(a) inQ1. The preprojective algebra Λ = kQ/〈∑a∈Q1

[a, a∗]〉 is in this situation a finitedimensional, selfinjective algebra.

Let F : Λ→ Λ be the universal covering of Λ. Consider moreover an embedding

J : ΓQ → Λ where ΓQ is the Auslander algebra of kQ. To be precise, we shouldreplace here our algebras by locally bounded categories, and consider contravariantfunctors instead of right modules.

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Consider now I ′Q = Homk(ΓQ, k) as a right ΓQ-module and define the Λ-module

IQ := FλJ·(IQ). Here, Fλ : mod- Λ → mod-Λ is the usual push down functor

associated to F and J · : mod- ΓQ → mod- Λ is the “extension by 0” associated toJ . Clearly, IQ is a direct sum of |ΠQ| pairwise non-isomorphic indecomposablesummands, where ΠQ is the set of positive roots associated to Q.

We can describe EQ = EndΛ(IQ) as a quiver with relations: The quiver AQ ofEndΛ(IQ) is obtained from the Auslander-Reiten quiver AQ of kQ by inserting anadditional arrow ρx : x→ τx for each non-projective vertex x of AQ. The relationsare the usual mesh relations for AQ and, moreover, for each arrow β : x→ y withy not a projective vertex there is a relation τ(β)ρx − ρyβ (interpret this as ρyβ ifx is projective). In other words, precisely for each arrow α : u→ v in AQ with notboth u and v injective there is a homogeneous relation of length 2 from v to u.

Now, a slightly tricky calculation shows that

(1) dimk EQQ = qQ(dim IQ),

where qQ is the quadratic form associated to Q.

Remarks. (1) For X ∈ mod- Λ let v = dimX. If we denote by x the corre-sponding point in the preprojective variety Λv, one has

dim Ext1Λ(X,X) = 2 codimΛv(Glv ·x) = 2(dim EndΛ(X)− qQ(v)).

We conclude from (1) that IQ is rigid, i.e. Ext1Λ(IQ, IQ) = 0.(2) In [4] it was shown that |ΠQ| is an upper bound for the number of pairwise

non-isomorphic direct summands of a rigid module. As we have seen forIQ, this upper bound is reached. We call such modules complete rigid.

(3) In [3] we show that if there exists a complete rigid module T such that thequiver of EndΛ(T ) has no loops, then each complete rigid module is evenmaximal 1-orthogonal in the sense of Iyama [5].

(4) Let now k = C and N be a maximal unipotent subgroup of a simple (com-plex) Lie group of type |Q|. It follows from [1] that the coordinate ringC[N ] has the structure of an (upper) cluster algebra. The exchange matrixfor the initial seed constructed there can be codified in a quiver which coin-cides with the quiver of our EQ (for a proper reduced word for the longestelement in the corresponding Weyl group).


[1] A. Berenstein, S. Fomin, A. Zelevinsky, Cluster algebras III: Upper bounds and double Bruhatcells. Duke Math. J. 126 (2005), No. 1, 1-52.

[2] C. Geiß, B. Leclerc, J. Schroer, Semicanonical bases and preprojective algebras. Ann. Sci

Ecole Norm. Sup. (to appear), 52 pages. arXiv:math.RT/0402448.[3] C. Geiß, B. Leclerc, J. Schroer, Rigid modules over preprojective algebras. Preprint in prepa-

ration.[4] C. Geiß, J. Schroer, Extension-orthogonal components of preprojective varieties. Trans. Amer.

Math. Soc. 357 (2005), 1953-1962.[5] O. Iyama: Higher Auslander-Reiten theory on maximal orthogonal subcategories. 24 pages,


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Resolutions over Koszul algebras and a question of D. Happel

Edward L. Green

(joint work with Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Dag Madsen and Øyvind Solberg)

Suppose that Λ is a finite dimensional K-algebra where K is a field. We denotethe n-th Hochschild cohomology group of Λ by HHn(Λ). In [5], Dieter Happelasked: If HHn(Λ) = 0 for sufficiently large n, then is the global dimension of Λfinite? Using the quantum exterior algebra in two variables as an example, wegive a negative answer to the question [2]. It should be noted that L. Avramovand S. Iyengar [1] show that if Λ is a commutative finite dimensional K-algebra,then Happel’s question has an affirmative answer.

We now give the example. Let Λq = K 〈x, y〉 /(x2, y2, xy + qyx) where K 〈x, y〉is the free associative algebra in two variables and q ∈ K. We have the followingfacts. For all q ∈ K, the dimension of Λq is 4 and the global dimension of Λq isinfinite. If q 6= 0 then Λq is a self-injective Koszul algebra with Koszul dual beingthe quantum affine plane K 〈x, y〉 /(yx− qxy). We note that a minimal projectiveresolution of K, as a right Λq-module, is

· · · −→ Λ4q


x y 0 00 qx y 00 0 q2x 0


−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Λ3q

0@ x y 0

0 qx y


−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Λ2q

“x y

−−−−−−−→ Λq −→ K −→ 0.

Using this resolution, we are able to find a minimal projective Λeq-resolution

of Λq, where Λeq is the enveloping algebra Λop

q ⊗K Λq. We use this resolution tocalculate the Hochschild cohomology groups.

We prove the following result.

Theorem. Let Λq = K 〈x, y〉 /(x2, y2, xy + qyx) such that q is not a root ofunity in K. Then the Hochschild cohomology ring, HH∗(Λq) is isomorphic toK[z]/(z2)×K ∧∗(u0, u1) as graded algebras where z has degree one, u0 and u1 areof degree 1 and ∧∗(u0, u1) denotes the exterior algebra in two variables.

From this theorem, we see that dimK(HH0(Λq)) = 2 = dimK(HH1(Λq)),

dimK(HH2(Λq)) = 1, and HHn(Λq) = 0 for n ≥ 3. Thus, each Λq, q not aroot of unity in K, provides a counterexample to Happel’s question.

If q is a root of unity in K, then the Hochschild cohomology ring for Λq, in allcharacteristics, is also completely described in [2]. In particular, it follows thatin this case, HHn(Λq) 6= 0 for an infinite number of n’s. On the other hand, byappropriate choices of the root of unity q, it is shown that there can be arbitrarilylarge gaps where the Hochschild cohomology vanishes.

The story of the Hochschild homology groups of the Λq is different. Y. Han [4]shows that for any q, HHn(Λq) 6= 0 for all n.

The main technique to describe the Hochschild cohomology rings is to find aminimal projective Λe

q-resolution of Λq. It turns out that the basic requirement infinding such resolutions is that Λq is a Koszul algebra for q 6= 0. The techniqueswe employ generalize to arbitrary Koszul algebras and can be found in [3].

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[1] L. Avramov and S. Iyengar, Gaps in Hochschild cohomology imply smoothness for commu-tative algebras, arXiv:math.AC/0412259.

[2] R. Buchweitz, E. L. Green, D. Madsen, Ø. Solberg, Finite Hochschild cohomology withoutfinite global dimension, arXiv:math.KT/0407108.

[3] R. Buchweitz, E. L. Green, N. Snashall, Ø. Solberg, Comultiplicative structures for Koszulalgebras, preprint 2004.

[4] Y. Han, Hochschild (co)homology dimension, arXiv:math.RA/0408402.[5] D. Happel, Hochschild cohomology of finite-dimensional algebras, Seminaire d’Algebre Paul

Dubreil et Marie-Paul Malliavin, 39eme Annee (Paris, 1987/1988), 108-126, Lecture Notes inMath., 1404, Springer, Berlin, 1989.

Local Ext-limitations do not exist

Sverre O. Smalø

In this talk it was shown that for k a field and the four dimensional algebraΛ = k〈x, y〉/〈x2, y2, xy+qyx〉 when qn 6= 1, 0 for all n, there exist a two dimensionalmodule M and a family of two dimensional modules Mi, i = 1, 2, . . . , such thatdimk Exti

Λ(M,Mj) = 1 for i = 0, j and j+ 1 and zero otherwise. This is probablythe easiest example giving a negative answer to a question raised by MauriceAuslander.


[1] S. O. Smalø, Local Limitations of the Ext-Functor do not exist. To appear in Bull. of LondonMath. Soc.

Double Poisson algebras

Michel Van den Bergh

Let k be a field. If Q is a finite quiver and Q is its associated double quiver, thenkQ/[kQ, kQ] is equipped with a natural Lie bracket −,−, the so-called necklacebracket [1, 5, 6].

The necklace bracket has a connection with representation spaces as follows. Letα be a dimension vector. Then Rep(Q, α) is the cotangent bundle of Rep(Q,α),and as such it comes equipped with a classical Poisson bracket. The trace map

Tr : kQ/[kQ, kQ]→ O(Rep(Q,α))Gl(α)

is a Lie algebra homomorphism.This theory is somewhat unsatisfying since

• As kQ/[kQ, kQ] has no algebra structure, it cannot itself be regarded asa kind of (non-commutative) Poisson algebra.

• The above trace map only explains the Poisson bracket between invariantfunctions on Rep(Q,α).

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To solve these problems we introduce the notion of a double Poisson structure ona non-commutative algebra A [7]. This is by definition a bilinear map

−,− : A⊗A→ A⊗Asatisfying suitable analogues of the axioms of a Poisson algebra. If A is a doublePoisson algebra then A/[A,A] carries an induced Lie bracket −,− and further-more all representation spaces of A carry an induced Poisson bracket.

We show that kQ has a natural double Poisson structure whose associated Liebracket is the necklace bracket and which induces the standard Poisson structureon Rep(Q, α).

The algebra DA of double poly-vector fields associated to A is defined asTA Der(A,A ⊗ A) [2]. This definition can be motivated by showing that the ele-ments of DA induce poly-vector fields on all representation spaces. We show thatDA has a natural (super) double Poisson structure which induces the Schoutenbracket on all representation spaces. If A is quasi-free, then a double Poissonbracket on A can be described as an element P of (DA/[DA,DA])2 such thatP, P = 0.

For more information on non-commutative Poisson geometry, and in particularan application to the multiplicative preprojective algebras recently introduced byCrawley-Boevey and Shaw [4], see [7]. For a related approach see [3].


[1] R. Bocklandt and L. Le Bruyn, Necklace Lie algebras and noncommutative symplectic geom-etry, Math. Z. 240 (2002), no. 1, 141–167.

[2] W. Crawley-Boevey, Preprojective algebras, differential operators and a Conze embedding fordeformations of Kleinian singularities, Comment. Math. Helv. 74 (1999), no. 4, 548–574.

[3] W. Crawley-Boevey, P. Etingof, and V. Ginzburg, Noncommutative geometry and quiveralgebras, available as math.AG/0502301.

[4] W. Crawley-Boevey and P. Shaw, Multiplicative preprojective algebras, middle convolutionand the Deligne-Simpson problem, available as math.RA/0404186.

[5] V. Ginzburg, Non-commutative symplectic geometry, quiver varieties, and operads, Math.Res. Lett. 8 (2001), no. 3, 377–400.

[6] M. Kontsevich, Formal (non)commutative symplectic geometry, The Gel’fand Mathematical

Seminars, 1990–1992 (Boston, MA), Birkhauser Boston, Boston, MA, 1993, pp. 173–187.[7] M. Van den Bergh, Double Poisson algebras, available as math.QA/0410528.

Microscopy of simple representations

Markus Reineke

Let Q = (Q0, Q1) be a finite quiver, and let d ∈ NQ0 be a dimension vector. Ayear ago I proved:

Theorem 1. There exists a polynomial aQd (t) ∈ Z[t] such that, for any finite field

k, the evaluation aQd (|k|) equals the number of isomorphism classes of absolutely

simple representations S of kQ of dimension vector d (i.e. k ⊗k S is a simple

representation of kQ).

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Computer experiments show that the nature of these polynomials is rathermysterious. However, a special value has a simple interpretation:

Theorem 2. If dim d > 1, the polynomial aQd (t) has a zero at t = 1, and





equals the number of cyclic equivalence classes of primitive cycles in Q of weightd.

A cycle ω in Q is of weight d if it passes di times through each vertex i ∈ Q0.It is called primitive if it is not a proper power of another cycle. The equivalencerelation is cyclic rotation of paths.

The proof works as follows:Step 1: Let Rd(Q) =


Hom(Cdi ,Cdj ) be the variety of complex

representations of Q of dimension vector d, on which the algebraic group Gd :=∏i∈Q0

GLdi(C) acts by base change. The projective space PRd(Q) contains an

open subset U corresponding to the simple representations, which admits a geo-metric quotient PMd(Q) := U/Gd, a smooth, but non-projective complex variety.

By Theorem 1 and some properties of `-adic cohomology, the valueaQ





the Euler characteristic in cohomology with compact support χc(PMd(Q)). Thisreduces the theorem to a topological statement.

Step 2: The Borel localization formula in equivariant cohomology gives the fol-lowing: given a torus action on a complex variety, the Euler characteristic χc ispreserved under passage to the fixed point set. Here we have an action of thetorus TQ = (C∗)Q1 on Rd(Q) by rescaling of arrows, which passes to an action onPMd(Q). It thus suffices to compute (the Euler characteristic of) PMd(Q)Tq .

Step 3: Given an indivisible vector λ ∈ NQ1, define a quiver Qλ (an almostuniversal abelian covering of Q) with set of vertices Q0 × ZQ1/Zλ and arrows(α, µ) : (i, µ) → (j, µ + eα) for all (α : i → j) ∈ Q1 and all µ ∈ ZQ1/Zλ. Given

d ∈ NQ0, consider dimension vectors d ∈ N(Qλ)0 such that∑

µ di,µ = di for alli ∈ Q0.

Proposition. The fixed point set PMd(Q)TQ is isomorphic to the disjoint union⋃λ, ed PMed(Qλ) running over all λ and d as above.

By additivity of Euler characteristic and Step 2, χc(PMd(Q)) equals the sum∑λ, ed χc(PMed(Qλ)).

Step 4: The theorem can now be proved by induction on |Q0|, assuming in eachstep w.l.o.g. that supp(d) = Q and that Q is connected. The reduction process

ends with quivers Q such that either PMd(Q) = ∅, or Q is an An-quiver withcyclic orientation, and di = 1 for all i ∈ I , in which case PMd(Q) is a single point,thus of Euler characteristic 1. To count how many times this quiver is producedin the reduction process, its arrows have to be labelled (up to cyclic permutation)by arrows of the original quiver Q which form a primitive cycle. This provesTheorem 2.

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This principle of proof may be called microscopy for two reasons: on theone hand, the iterated application of localization ”zooms” into the moduli spacePMd(Q) of simple representations. On the other hand, simples belonging to thefixed point set PMd(Q)TQ possess an inner structure (they lift to a simple repre-sentation of some Qλ), so the proof also ”looks at simples under a microscope”.

Auslander-Reiten sequences, locally free sheaves and Chebysheffpolynomials

Dan Zacharia

Let R be the exterior algebra in n + 1 variables, and let S denote the symmet-ric algebra in n + 1 variables. It is well known that R is a selfinjective Koszulalgebra and S is its Koszul dual. By KR and KS we denote the categories oflinear R-modules (S-modules respectively) where the morphisms are the degreezero homomorphisms. The Koszul duality can be then used to obtain mutuallyinverse dualities between the category of linear R-modules and that of the linearS-modules:


E ** KS



By coh(Pn) we denote the category of coherent sheaves over the projective n-

space, and if M is a finitely generated graded S-module, we set M ∈ coh(Pn)to be its sheafification. A theorem of Avramov and Eisenbud [1] states that forevery finitely generated graded S-module M, there exists an integer k such thatthe shifted truncation M≥k[−k] = Mk ⊕Mk+1 ⊕ . . . [−k] is a linear S-module.This means that every indecomposable coherent sheaf F , is the sheafification ofthe graded shift of some linear R-module, and using the Koszul duality we can

write F ∼= ˜E(M)[i] for some linear R-module M and some integer i.The main ingredient is the following theorem from [2]:

Theorem 1. Let M be an indecomposable linear nonfree R-module. Then thereexists an exact sequence 0 → A → B → M → 0 that is an Auslander-Reitensequence in KR. Moreover the Loewy length of A is precisely 2.

It turns out that if we denote by J the radical of R, then the module M/J 2M isindecomposable, and the induced sequence 0 → A → B/J2B → M/J2M → 0 isan Auslander-Reiten sequence in the category gr0R/J

2 of graded R/J2-modulesgenerated in degree zero. Since the algebra R/J2 is stably equivalent to the gener-alized Kronecker algebra we can use this algebra to describe the Auslander-Reitenquiver of KR:

Theorem 2. Let R denote the exterior algebra in n+1 variables, where n > 1. TheA-R quiver of KR has a connected component that coincides with the preinjectivecomponent of gr0R/J

2, a component consisting only of the module R, and all theremaining connected components are quivers of the type N−A∞.

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We can use now the Koszul duality and Serre’s theorem to show that certainsubcategories of the category of coherent sheaves over the projective n-space haveone sided Auslander-Reiten sequences, and describe the shapes of their Auslander-Reiten quivers. First, for each integer i, denote by KS [i] the graded shifts of

the category of linear S-modules and by KS [i] their sheafifications. We have thefollowing:

Theorem 3. For each integer i, the category KS [i] has left Auslander-Reiten

sequences, that is, given an indecomposable coherent sheaf F in KS [i], there existan exact sequence

0→ F → B → C → 0

that is almost split in KS [i]. Moreover, the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the subcat-

egory KS [i] of coh(Pn), where n > 1, has one preprojective component, and theremaining components are all quivers of the type NA∞.

We can use the fact that every coherent sheaf is the sheafification of a linearS-module, to compute the rank of a locally free sheaf. Namely, if F is locally free,

then we can write F = E(M) for some linear R-module M , and then we haverkF =

∑pi=0(−1)i dimMi where the Mi are the graded pieces of M. Using the

Koszul duality we can prove that if a component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver

of some KS [i] contains a locally free sheaf, then all the sheaves in that componentare locally free. Then it is easy to show that each sheaf lying in the preprojective

component of one of the KS [i] is locally free. We have the following:

Proposition. Let F0,F1,F2 . . . be the locally free sheaves lying in the preprojective

component of the subcategory KS [i] of coh(Pn). Denote by

Tk(x) =




(k −mm


the Chebysheff polynomials of the second kind. Then for each k ≥ 1, we have

rkFk = Tk(n+ 1

2)− Tk−1(

n+ 1


In addition, if n > 1, then for each k, rkFk+1 > rkFk.

It is a long standing problem to determine whether there are indecomposablelocally free sheaves of small ranks over Pn. In this regard we have the followingtheorem.

Theorem 4. Let n > 1. For each integer i, each A-R component of KS [i] containsat most one locally free sheaf of rank less than n. Moreover, in each componentthe ranks increase exponentially.

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[1] L. Avramov, D. Eisenbud, Regularity of modules over a Koszul algebra, J. Algebra 153

(1992), 85–90.[2] E. L. Green, R. Martınez-Villa, I. Reiten, Ø. Solberg, D. Zacharia, On modules with linear

presentations, J. Algebra 205, (1998), no. 2, 578–604.[3] E. G. Evans, P. Griffith, The syzygy problem, Annals of Mathematics (2) 114 (1981), no. 2,


[4] R. Hartshorne, Algebraic vector bundles on projective spaces: a problem list, Topology, vol.18 (1979), 117–128.

On the finitistic dimension conjecture

Changchang Xi

1. Introduction

Given an artin algebra A, the finitistic dimension of A is defined to be the supre-mum of the projective dimensions of the finitely generated left A-modules of finiteprojective dimension. The famous finitistic dimension conjecture says thatfor any artin algebra A the finitistic dimension of A is finite. This conjecture wasproposed 45 years ago and still remains open, and has been related to at least fiveother homological conjectures (see the last 6 conjectures of the total 13 conjecturesin the book [4]):

Strong Nakayama conjecture [7]: If M is a non-zero module over an artinalgebra A, then there is an integer n ≥ 0 such that Extn

A(M,A) 6= 0.Generalized Nakayama conjecture [2]: If 0 → AA → I0 → I1 → . . . is

a minimal injective resolution of an artin algebra A, then any indecomposableinjective is a direct summand of some Ij . Equivalently, if M is a finitely generated

A-module such that add(A) ⊆ add(M) and ExtiA(M,M) = 0 for all i ≥ 1, then

M is projective.Nakayama conjecture [15]: If all Ij in a minimal injective resolution of an

artin algebra A, say 0 → AA → I0 → I1 → . . ., are projective, then A is self-injective.

Gorenstein symmetry conjecture: Let A be an artin algebra. If the injec-tive dimension of AA is finite, then the injective dimension of AA is finite.

In general, all the above conjectures are still open. They have the following well-known relationship: The finitistic dimension conjecture =⇒ the strong Nakayamaconjecture =⇒ the generalized Nakayama conjecture =⇒ the Nakayama conjec-ture. And, the finitistic dimension conjecture =⇒ the Gorenstein symmetry con-jecture.

In this talk I shall report on some new developments attacking the finitisticdimension conjecture. Our idea to approach the conjecture is to use a chain ofsubalgebras with certain radical conditions. Let us introduce the following notion:

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Definition. (1) Given an artin algebra A, we say that the left representationdistance of A, denoted by lrep. dis(A), is the minimum of the lengths ofchains of subalgebras A = A0 ⊆ A1 ⊆ · · · ⊆ As such that rad(Ai) is a leftideal in Ai+1 for all i and that As is representation-finite. Here we havedenoted the Jacobson radical of A by rad(A).

(2) A homomorphism f : B −→ A between two algebras A and B is said tobe radical-full if rad(A) = rad(BA).

Note that the left representation distance of an artin algebra is always finiteby [19] and invariant under Morita equivalences. Every surjective homomorphismis radical-full. Note that if B is a subalgebra of an artin algebra A, the inclusionmap being radical-full does not imply that rad(B) is a left ideal in A.

2. Main results

In this section we shall summarize some new results in the recent papers [19, 20].For some known results on finitistic dimension conjecture we refer to [3, 9, 10, 8,11, 16] and many other papers. (I apologize that I could not display all literaturehere.)

Our main results are the following.

Theorem 1. Let A be an artin algebra.

(1) If lrep. dis(A) ≤ 2, then the finitistic dimension conjecture is true for A.(2) Let B be a subalgebra of A such that rad(B) is a left ideal of A and that

the inclusion map is radical-full. If the global dimension of A is at most4, then the finitistic dimension conjecture is true for B.

We may also use a chain of factor algebras to bound the finitistic dimension.In this direction, we have the following result.

Theorem 2. Let A be an artin algebra, and let I and J be two ideals in Awith IJ rad(A) = 0. If A/I and A/J are representation-finite, then the finitisticdimension conjecture is true for A.

The proofs of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 are based on the following lemmas.

Lemma 1. Suppose B is a subalgebra of A such that rad(B) is a left ideal inA. Then, for any B-module X and integer i ≥ 2, there is a projective A-moduleQ and an A-module Z such that Ωi

B(X) ' ΩA(Z) ⊕ Q as A-modules, where ΩB

stands for the first syzygy over the algebra B.

Lemma 2 ([11]). For any artin algebra A there is a function Ψ from the finitelygenerated A-modules to the non-negative integers such that

(1) Ψ(M) = proj. dim(M) if M has finite projective dimension.(2) For any natural number n, Ψ(

⊕nj=1 M) = Ψ(M).

(3) For any A-modules X and Y , Ψ(X) ≤ Ψ(X ⊕ Y ).(4) If 0 → X → Y → Z → 0 is an exact sequence in A-mod such that the

projective dimension of Z is finite, then Ψ(Z) ≤ Ψ(X ⊕ Y ) + 1.

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Based on the above results, there are many elementary questions, for example,if the left representation distance of A is 3, could we prove the finitistic dimensionconjecture for A? For more information and the details of the proofs of the abovemain results we refer to the papers [19, 20]. Preprints can be downloaded fromhttp:/math.bnu.edu.cn/∼ccxi/.

The research work is supported by the CFKSTIP(704004) and the Doctor Pro-gram Foundation, Ministry of Education of China; and the NSF of China.


[1] M. Auslander, Representation dimension of artin algebras. Queen Mary College Mathemat-ics Notes, Queen Mary College, London, 1971.

[2] M. Auslander and I. Reiten, On a generalized version of the Nakayama conjecture. Proc.Amer. Math. Soc. 52 (1975), 69–74.

[3] M. Auslander and I. Reiten, Applications of contravariantly finite subcategories. Adv. inMath. 85 (1990), 111–152.

[4] M. Auslander, I. Reiten and S. O. Smalø, Representation theory of Artin algebras. CambridgeUniversity Press, 1995.

[5] H. Bass, Finitistic dimension and a homological generalization of semiprimary rings. Trans.Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (1960), 466–488.

[6] F. U. Coelho and M. I. Platzeck, On the representation dimension of some classes of alge-bras. J. Algebra 275 (2004), no. 2, 615–628.

[7] R. R. Colby and K. R. Fuller, A note on the Nakayama conjectures. Tsukuba J. Math. 14

(1990), 343–352.[8] K. Erdmann, T. Holm, O. Iyama and J. Schroer, Radical embeddings and representation

dimension. Adv. Math. 185 (2004), no. 1, 159–177[9] E. L. Green, E. Kirkman and J. Kuzmanovich, Finitistic dimensions of finite-dimensional

monomial algebras. J. Algebra 136 (1991), no. 1, 37–50.[10] E. L. Green and B.Zimmermann-Huisgen, Finitistic dimension of artin rings with vanishing

radical cube. Math. Z. 206 (1991), 505–526.[11] K. Igusa and G. Todorov, On the finitistic global dimension conjecture for artin algebras.

Preprint, (2002), 1–4.[12] K. Igusa and D. Zacharia, Syzygy pairs in a monomial algebra. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 108

(1990), 601–604.[13] O. Iyama, Finiteness of representation dimension. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no.

4, 1011–1014.[14] Y. M. Liu and C. C. Xi , Constructions of stable equivalences of Morita type

for finite dimensional algebras II. Math. Z. (to appear). Preprint is available athttp://math.bnu.edu.cn/∼ccxi/Papers/Articles/mstable2.pdf/

[15] T. Nakayama, On algebras with complete homology. Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 22

(1958), 300–307.[16] Y. Wang, A note on the finitistic dimension conjecture. Comm. in Algebra 22 (1994), no.

7, 2525–2528.

[17] A. Wiedemann, Integral versions of Nakayama and finitistic dimension conjectures. J. Al-gebra 170 (1994), no.2, 388–399.

[18] C. C. Xi, On the representation dimension of finite dimensional algebras. J. Algebra 226

(2000), 332–346.[19] C. C. Xi, On the finitistic dimension conjecture I: related to representation-finite algebras. J.

Pure and Appl. Alg. 193 (2004) 287-305. Erratum to “On the finitistic dimension conjectureI: related to representation-finite algebras. J. Pure and Appl. Alg. 193 (2004) 287–305”.Preprint is available at http://math.bnu.edu.cn/∼ccxi/Papers/Articles/correctumnew.pdf/.

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[20] C. C. Xi, On the finitistic dimension conjecture II: related to finiteglobal dimension. Adv. in Math. (to appear), Preprint is available athttp://math.bnu.edu.cn/∼ccxi/Papers/Articles/finchain.pdf/.

[21] C. C. Xi, Representation dimension and quasi-hereditary algebras. Adv. in Math. 168

(2002), 193–212.[22] K. Yamagata, Frobenius Algebras. In: Handbook of Algebra. Vol.1 (1996), 841–887.

Stable cohomology over local rings

Luchezar L. Avramov

(joint work with Oana Veliche)

In the mid-1980s Pierre Vogel introduced a cohomology theory that associates

to each pair (M,N) of modules over an associative ring A groups Extn

A(M,N)defined for every n ∈ Z, which vanish when either M or N has finite projectivedimension. The first published account is in [5], and different constructions wereindependently found by Benson and Carlson [2] and by Mislin [8]. Kropholler’ssurvey [6, §4] contains background and details. Known as stable cohomology, thistheory contains as a special case Tate’s cohomology theory for modules over a

finite group G (namely, Extn

ZG(Z, N) = H(G,N), where ZG is the group ring), aswell as its extension by Buchweitz [3] to two-sided noetherian Gorenstein rings.

Little is known about the meaning or the properties of stable cohomology out-side of the original context of group representations. One reason for that may bethe fact that the stable groups, and the multiplicative structures they support, arenot readily amenable to computations through classical techniques.

We develop new approaches to their computation and present applications tocommutative algebra. For the rest of this text, R denotes a commutative local ringwith residue field k. Historical precedents indicate that considerable ring theoreticinformation on R is reflected in the homological behavior of k, so we focus on thestable cohomology of that module.

The classical Auslander-Buchsbaum-Serre theorem characterizes regular localrings as the local rings of finite global dimension. In particular, when R is regular

all functors Extn

R(−,−) are trivial. We prove a strong converse:

1. If Extn

R(k, k) = 0 for a single n ∈ Z, then R is regular.

When R is Gorenstein and M is finitely generated, Extn

R(M,N) can be com-puted from a complete resolution ofM , which is a complex of finite free R-modules.

It follows that if N is finitely generated as well, then so is Extn

R(M,N) for eachn ∈ Z. No characterization of Gorenstein rings is known in terms of the numbersrankk Extn

R(k, k), so the next result comes as a surprise:

2. If rankk Extn

R(k, k) <∞ for a single n ∈ Z, then R is Gorenstein.

The statements above concern R-module structures, but their proofs use the

fact that E = ExtR(k, k) and S = ExtR(k, k) are graded k-algebras, linked by a

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canonical homomorphism ι : E → S. The structure of E has been the subject ofnumerous investigations. The structure of S is a major topic of the talk.

When R is regular, 1. yields S = 0. Martsinkovsky [7] proved that for singularrings ι is injective. We reprove this as part of the next result, where Σ denotesthe translation functor and E acts canonically on I = Homk(E , k). This theoremleads to an effective procedure for checking the finiteness condition in 2.

3. If R is singular, then there is an exact sequence

0 −→ E ι−−→ S −→∞∐


(Σ−iI)µi+1 −→ 0

of graded left E-modules, where d = depthR and µi = rankk ExtiR(k,R).

One measure of the singularity of R is provided by a non-negative number,codepthR = edimR − depth R, where edimR denotes the minimal number ofgenerators of m and depthR the depth of the ring. One has codepthR = 0 preciselywhen R is regular. The condition codepthR ≤ 1 characterizes hypersurface rings.Their stable cohomology algebra, determined by Buchweitz [3], satisfies:

4. When R is a hypersurface, S = E [ϑ−1], where ϑ ∈ E2 is a central non-zero-divisor and E/(ϑ) is an exterior algebra on edimR generators of degree 1.

Except for the special case of group algebras of finite abelian groups, little isknown about the structure of S for local rings R having codepthR ≥ 2.

Our results on the subject involve the number

depth E = infn ∈ Z | ExtnE(k, E) 6= 0.

Clearly, one always has depth E ≥ 0. When R is regular, the k-algebra E is finitedimensional, so depth E = 0. The converse also holds, but this time for a non-trivial reason. Indeed, a fundamental structure theorem, due to Milnor and Moore,Andre, and Sjodin, shows that E is the universal enveloping algebra of a graded Liealgebra πR. If R is singular, then π2

R 6= 0, so the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theoremimplies depth E ≥ 1; see [1] for details on πR. Felix et al. [4] pioneered the use ofdepth E in the study of the structure of E . We show that this invariant providesalso a lot of information on the structure of the k-algebra S.

To describe the structure of S we use the subset

N = τ ∈ S | E> iτ = 0 for some i ≥ 0 .For instance, if codimR = 1, then 4. shows that depth E = 1 and N = 0. Fromthe next result a completely different picture emerges ‘in general’.

5. If R is a Gorenstein ring and one of the following conditions holds:

(a) depth E ≥ 2; or(b) codepthR ≥ 2, and E> 1 contains a central non-zero-divisor,

then N is a two-sided ideal of S, such that

S = ι(E) ⊕N and N 2 = 0 .

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The theorem applies in many cases. For example, we prove that (a) holds whenR is Gorenstein and codimR = 3; when R has minimal multiplicity; when R is alocalization of a graded Gorenstein Koszul algebra; or when R is a tensor productof singular Gorenstein algebras over a field. Condition (b) is known to apply toall complete intersection rings R with codepthR ≥ 2.

However, there exist examples of Gorenstein rings for which depth E = 1 andE> 1 does not contain non-zero central elements. The structure of their stablecohomology algebra is not known at present.

Our results on the structure of the stable cohomology algebra S = ExtR(k, k)for a Gorenstein ring R are similar to—and partly motivated by—results of Benson

and Carlson [2] on the structure of the Tate cohomology algebra H(G, k) for a finitegroup G. The similarity is rather unexpected, as the cohomology algebra H(G, k)is always noetherian, while the absolute cohomology algebra E = ExtR(k, k) isnoetherian precisely when R is complete intersection.

The structure of the algebra S when R is not Gorenstein is the subject of workin progress. We have found out that in some cases S can be described in terms ofι(E) and N , as in 5., but that fundamentally new phenomena also occur.


[1] L. L. Avramov, Infinite free resolutions, Six Lectures in Commutative Algebra (Bellaterra,1996), Progr. Math. 166, Birkhauser, Basel (1998), pp. 1–118.

[2] D. J. Benson, J. F. Carlson, Products in negative cohomology, J. Pure Appl. Alg. 82, (1992),107–130.

[3] R.-O. Buchweitz, Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules and Tate-cohomology over Gorensteinrings, Preprint, Univ. Hannover, 1986.

[4] Y. Felix, S. Halperin, C. Jacobsson, C. Lofwall, J.-C. Thomas, The radical of the homotopyLie algebra, Amer. J. Math. 110 (1988), 301–322.

[5] F. Goichot, Homologie de Tate-Vogel equivariante, J. Pure Appl. Alg. 82 (1992), 39–64.[6] P. H. Kropholler, Hyerarchical decompositions, generalized Tate cohomology, and groups of

type (FP )∞, Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory (Edinburgh, 1993), London Math.Soc. Lecture Notes Ser. 204, Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1995.

[7] A. Martsinkovsky, A remarkable property of the (co)syzygy modules of the residue field of anonregular local ring, J. Pure Appl. Alg. 110 (1996), 9–13.

[8] G. Mislin, Tate cohomology for arbitrary groups via satellites, Topology Appl. 56 (1994),293–300.

An equivalence between the homotopy categories of projectives and ofinjectives

Srikanth Iyengar

(joint work with Henning Krause)

Let R be a commutative noetherian ring with a dualizing complex D; thus D is abounded complex of injective R-modules, with H(D) finitely generated, and thenatural morphism R → HomR(D,D) is a homology isomorphism. The startingpoint of the work described in this talk was the realization that K(ProjR) and

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K(InjR), the homotopy categories of complexes of projective and injective R-modules, respectively, are equivalent. This equivalence comes about as follows: Dconsists of injective modules and, R being noetherian, direct sums of injectives areinjective, so D ⊗R − defines a functor from K(ProjR) to K(InjR). This functorfactors through K(FlatR), the homotopy category of flat R-modules, and providesthe lower row in the following diagram:


// K(FlatR)πroo

D⊗R−// K(InjR)


The triangulated structures on the homotopy categories are preserved by π andD⊗R−. The functors in the upper row of the diagram are the corresponding rightadjoints; πr exists because π preserves coproducts and K(ProjR) is compactlygenerated; the latter property was discovered by Jørgensen [3]. Then one has:

Theorem 1. The functor D ⊗R − : K(ProjR) → K(InjR) is an equivalence oftriangulated categories, with quasi-inverse πr HomR(D,−).

This equivalence is closely related to, and may be viewed as an extension of,Grothendieck’s duality theorem for Df (R), the derived category of complexeswhose homology is bounded and finitely generated. To see this connection one hasto consider the commutative diagram of functors:

Kc(ProjR)D⊗R− // Kc(InjR)

Df (R)'P

RHomR(−,D) // Df (R)

' Q

where the top row consists of the compact objects in K(ProjR) and K(InjR),respectively. The functor P is the composition of HomR(−, R) : K(ProjR) →K(R) with the canonical functor K(R) → D(R); it is a theorem of Jørgensen [3]that P is an equivalence of categories. The functor Q is induced by K(R)→ D(R),and Krause [4] proves that it is an equivalence. Given these descriptions it isnot hard to verify that D ⊗R − preserves compactness; this explains the toprow of the diagram. Now, Theorem 1 implies that the D ⊗R − restricts to anequivalence between compact objects, so the diagram above implies RHomR(−, D)is an equivalence; this is one form of the duality theorem; cf. Hartshorne [2].Conversely, given that RHomR(−, D) is an equivalence, it follows that the toprow of the diagram is an equivalence; this is the crux of the proof of Theorem 1.

We develop Theorem 1 in two directions. The first one deals with the differ-ence between Kac(ProjR), the category of acyclic complexes in K(ProjR), andKtac(ProjR), its subcategory of totally acyclic complexes. We consider also theinjective counterparts. The main new result in this context is summarized in:

Theorem 2. The quotient triangulated categories Kac(ProjR)/Ktac(ProjR) andKac(InjR)/Ktac(InjR) are compactly generated. The compact objects in each ofthese categories are equivalent to Thick(R,D)/Thick(R), up to direct factors.

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The quotient Thick(R,D)/Thick(R) is a subcategory of Df (R)/Thick(R), thestable category of R. Since D has finite projective dimension if and only if Ris Gorenstein, we deduce: R is Gorenstein if and only if every acyclic complexof projectives is totally acyclic, if and only if every acyclic complex of injectivesis totally acyclic. An interesting feature of Theorem 2 is, that it draws our at-tention to the (monogenic) category Thick(R,D)/Thick(R) as a measure of thefailure of a ring R from being Gorenstein. Its role is thus analogous to that ofthe full stable category with regards to regularity: Df (R)/Thick(R) is trivial ifand only if R is regular. This observation, and others of this ilk, suggest thatThick(R,D)/Thick(R) is an object worth investigating.

Next we turn to the functors induced on D(R) by the ones in Theorem 1.This involves two different realizations of the derived category as a subcategoryof K(R), both obtained from the localization functor K(R) → D(R): one byrestricting it to K-proj(R) the subcategory of K-projective complexes, and theother by restricting it to K-inj(R), the subcategory of K-injective complexes.The inclusion K-proj(R) ⊆ K(ProjR) admits a right adjoint p, the inclusionK-inj(R) ⊆ K(ProjR) admits a left adjoint i, and one obtains a diagram




' // K(InjR)






// K-inj(R)



where G is i (D ⊗R −) restricted to K-proj(R), and F is p πr HomR(D,−)restricted to K-inj(R). It follows that (G,F) is an adjoint pair of functors. However,the equivalence in the upper row of the diagram does not imply an equivalence inthe lower one. Indeed, using Theorem 1, we prove:

The natural morphism X → FG(X) is an isomorphism if and only if the map-ping cone of the morphism (D ⊗R X)→ i(D ⊗R X) is totally acyclic.

The point being that the mapping cones of resolutions are, in general, onlyacyclic. Complexes in K-inj(R) for which the morphism GF(Y ) → Y is an iso-morphism can be characterized in a similar fashion. This is the key observationthat allows us to describe the subcategories of K-proj(R) and K-inj(R) where thefunctors G and F restrict to equivalences. A further extension of these results,when translated to the derived category, reads:

Theorem 3. A complex X of R-modules has finite G-projective dimension if andonly if the morphism X → RHomR(D,D ⊗L

R X) in D(R) is an isomorphism andH(D ⊗L

R X) is bounded on the left.

This theorem, together with its counterpart for G-injective dimensions, recoversrecent results of Christensen, Frankild, and Holm [1], who arrived at them fromanother route. In the talk I focused on commutative rings. However, the resultscarry over, with suitable modifications in the statements and with nearly identical

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proofs, to non-commutative rings that possess dualizing complexes. The detailsare given in our article, which we intend to post on the Math arXiv shortly; I amwriting this on 26th February, 2005.


[1] L. W. Christensen, A. Frankild, H. Holm, On Gorenstein projective, injective and flatdimensions—A functorial description with applications. Preprint (2004).

[2] R. Hartshorne, Residues and duality, Springer Lecture Notes Math, 20 (1966).[3] P. Jørgensen, The homotopy category of complexes of projective modules. Adv. Math. 193

(2005), 223–232.[4] H. Krause, The stable derived category of a noetherian scheme. Compositio Math. (to ap-


Algebras derived equivalent to self-injective algebras

Jeremy Rickard

This talk describes some work from the recent PhD thesis of my student SalahAl-Nofayee. [1]

Recall that two algebras A and B over a field k are said to be derived equivalentif the derived categories D(A −Mod) and D(B −Mod) of the module categoriesof A and B are equivalent as triangulated categories.

Many properties are preserved under derived equivalence. Here is one examplethat we proved some time ago.

Theorem 1 ([2], Corollary 5.3). A finite-dimensional algebra derived equivalentto a symmetric algebra is itself symmetric.

In fact, there is a rather more satisfactory proof than the one that appearsthere, as symmetric algebras can be characterized by properties of their derivedcategories.

Theorem 2 ([3], Corollary 3.2). A finite dimensional algebra A is symmetricif and only if the vector spaces Hom(P,M) and Hom(M,P ) are naturally dualwhenever M and P are objects of D(A −Mod) such that M is isomorphic to abounded complex of finitely generated modules and P is perfect (i.e., isomorphicto a bounded complex of finitely generated projective modules).

For some time, the corresponding statement for self-injective algebras has beenopen. Recently, in his PhD thesis, it was proved by Salah Al-Nofayee.

Theorem 3 (Al-Nofayee, [1]). A finite-dimensional algebra derived equivalent toa self-injective algebra is itself self-injective.

The proof uses a result of Saorın and Zimmermann-Huisgen on rigidity of tilt-ing complexes [4], stating that for a given finite sequence Pi, i ∈ Z of finitelygenerated projective modules for a finite dimensional algebra, there are, up toisomorphism, only a finite number of tilting complexes of the form

· · · → P1 → P0 → P−1 → . . . .

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In fact, Saorın and Zimmermann-Huisgen prove this for algebras over an alge-braically closed field, but it is easy to deduce from this the statement for generalfields.

Using this result, one can show that if T is a tilting complex for a self-injectivealgebra A, then there is some power νt

A of the Nakayama functor νA =? ⊗A DAfor which

νtA(T ) ∼= T.

This implies that if B is derived equivalent to A, and therefore isomorphic to theendomorphism algebra of some tilting complex for A, then some power (LνB)t

of the left derived functor of the Nakayama functor takes projective modules toprojective modules. From this one can prove by reverse induction on t that this istrue for all powers of LνB , and in particular, an injective cogenerator νB(B) = DBis projective, and so B is self-injective.

Unfortunately there seems to be no simple property of the derived categorythat characterizes the self-injective algebras, as there is in the case of symmetricalgebras.

With the help of this theorem, Al-Nofayee also generalized a theorem [3, Theo-rem 5.1] that characterizes the sets of objects in the derived category of a symmet-ric algebra that correspond to the simple modules under some derived equivalence.For a self-injective algebra, his necessary and sufficient conditions for such a setX1, . . . , Xn of objects of Db(A−mod) are:

• Hom(Xi, Xj [t]) = 0 for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n and t < 0.• Hom(Xi, Xj) = 0 for i 6= j, and End(Xi) is a division ring for every i.• X1, . . . , Xn generate Db(A−mod) as a triangulated category.• The set X1, . . . , Xn is closed (up to isomorphism) under the Nakayama

functor νA.

The last condition is automatic for symmetric algebras, since then the Nakayamafunctor is isomorphic to the identity functor, but for non-symmetric algebras thereare simple examples that show that the first three conditions are not sufficient.


[1] S. Al-Nofayee, Derived equivalence for self-injective algebras and t-structures, PhD thesis,University of Bristol (2004).

[2] J. Rickard, Derived equivalences as derived functors. J. London Math. Soc. (2), 43 (1) (1991),37–48.

[3] J. Rickard, Equivalences of derived categories for symmetric algebras. J. Algebra, 257 (2002),460–481.

[4] B. Zimmermann-Huisgen and M. Saorın. Geometry of chain complexes and outer automor-phisms under derived equivalence. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 353 (2001), 4757–4777.

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The Gabriel-Serre category, the Tate-Vogel category, and Koszulduality

Alex Martsinkovsky

(joint work with Roberto Martınez-Villa)

The BGG correspondence [1] establishes an equivalence

gr(∧•V n+1) ' Db(coh(Pn))

between the stable category of finitely generated graded modules over the exterioralgebra on n + 1 letters and the bounded derived category of coherent sheaveson the n-dimensional projective space. Using Koszul duality, this result can besignificantly generalized [2]. In this paper, we provide a more transparent and lesstechnically involved proof of that result. Our approach is based on Koszul dualityand universal constructions.

Let Λ be a finite-dimensional graded algebra such that Λ1 is a semisimple Λ0-module. The Yoneda algebra of Λ will be denoted Γ. It is naturally graded bythe cohomological degree. Let gr(Λ) be the category of finitely generated gradedΛ-modules. Our first goal is to produce, for an arbitrary M ∈ gr(Λ), a complexof finitely generated projective graded Γ-modules. This was done in [2]. We shallnow review that construction. Starting with the multiplication map Λ1⊗Λ0 Mn →Mn+1 and applying the functor D(−) := HomΛ0(−,Λ0), we have a homomorphismof Γ0-modules D(Mn+1)→ D(Mn)⊗Γ0 Γ1. To this map, we can apply the functors−⊗Γ0 Γl, which results, for each n, in a degree zero homomorphism of graded Γ-modules

dn+1 : D(M)−n−1 ⊗Γ0 Γ→ D(M)−n ⊗Γ0 Γ[1].

Lemma. d2 = 0.

Thus the above construction yields a (linear) complex of projectives in gr(Γ).In fact, the construction is functorial and we have a contravariant functor

λ : gr(Λ)→ LCPb(gr(Γ)),

where the target is the category of bounded linear complexes of finitely generatedprojective graded Γ-modules.

Proposition. If Λ is quadratic, then λ is a duality. If λ is Koszul, then M is (ashift of) a Koszul module if and only if λ(M) is exact at the non-minimal degrees(i. e., λ(M) is a (shifted) projective graded resolution of the Γ-module Koszul-dualto M).

Composing λ with the tautological functor LCPb(gr(Γ))→ Db(gr(Γ)), we havea functor

γ : gr(Λ)→ Db(gr(Γ)).

Taking the Verdier quotient of the target category by the subcategory of all com-plexes isomorphic to finite complexes of graded modules of finite length and iden-tifying the result with the bounded derived category Db(Qgr (Γ)) of finitely gen-erated graded Γ-modules modulo modules of finite length, we have a composite

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π : Db(gr(Γ))→ Db(Qgr (Γ)).

If M ∈ gr(Λ) is projective, then λ(M) is semisimple and πγ(M) is a zero objectin Db(Qgr (Γ)). Therefore the composition πγ factors through the stable cate-gory gr(Λ). On that category, the syzygy operation Ω becomes an endofunctor.Applying πγ to the short exact sequence 0 → ΩM → P → M → 0, where P isprojective, we see that πγ(ΩM) ' πγ(M)[−1]. In other words, πγ “inverts” Ωand therefore factors, in a unique way, through the Tate-Vogel category v(gr(Λ)).1

The above observations are codified in the following commutative diagram:

gr(Λ)γ //











v(gr(Λ))θ //______ Db(Qgr (Γ))

We can now state our main result.

Theorem. Suppose Λ is a finite-dimensional Koszul algebra such that Λ1 is asemisimple Λ0-module and the Yoneda algebra Γ is noetherian. Then the functorθ is a (contravariant) equivalence of triangulated categories.

If Λ is an exterior algebra, then we recover the BGG correspondence.


[1] I. N. Bernstein, I. M. Gel’fand, and S. I. Gel’fand, Algebraic vector bundles on P n and prob-lems of linear algebra. (Russian) Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 12 (1978), no. 3, 66–67.

[2] R. Martınez Villa and M. Saorın, Koszul equivalences and dualities. Pacific J. Math. 214

(2004), no. 2, 359–378.

1This category is a universal solution to the problem of inverting an endofunctor, in ourcase, Ω.

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Graded and Koszul categories

Roberto Martınez-Villa

(joint work with Øyvind Solberg)

1. Graded categories

Let K be a field, and let C be an additive K-category. We say C is gradedif for each pair of objects, C and D we have a decomposition HomC(C,D) =⊕

i∈ZHomC(C,D)i as Z-graded K-vector spaces and if f is in HomC(C,C

′)i andg is in HomC(C

′, D)j , then gf is in HomC(C,D)i+j . In particular, the identitymaps are in degree zero.

Examples. (1) Let Λ =⊕

i≥0 Λi be a positively graded K-algebra. Denote

by Gr(Λ)0 the category of graded modules and degree zero maps, andby Gr(Λ) the category of graded modules and maps HomGr(Λ)(M,N) =⊕

i∈ZHomGr(Λ)0(M,N [i]). Then Gr(Λ) is a graded

(2) Let C be an additive K-category and denote by radC the radical of C. Thenthe associated graded category Agr(C) has the same objects as C and maps

HomAgr(C)(C,D) =⊕

i≥0 radi(C,D)/ radi+1(C,D).

(3) Let C be an abelian K-category with enough projective (injective) objects.The Yoneda or Ext-category E(C) has the same objects as C and maps

HomE(C)(A,B) =⊕

k≥0 ExtkC(A,B).

2. Functors between graded K-categories

Let C and D be two graded K-categories. A contravariant functor F : C → D isa functor of graded categories if it is a functor such that it induces a degree zerohomomorphism of K-vector spaces F : HomC(C,D)→ HomD(F (C), F (D)).

Example. Let C be a graded K-category. For an object C in C the representablefunctors HomC(C,−) : C → Gr(K) and HomC(−, C) : Cop → Gr(K) are functorsof graded categories.

Denote by Gr(C)0 the category with objects the functors of graded categoriesF : Cop → Gr(K) and morphisms the natural transformations η : F → G with eachηC : F (C)→ G(C) a degree zero morphism. This is an abelian category.

Let Gr(C) be the category with the same objects as Gr(C)0 and mapsHomGr(C)(F,G) =


HomGr(C)0(F,G [i]). The category Gr(C) is a graded K-category.

3. Weakly Koszul and Koszul categories

Let C be a graded K-category. We say that C is generated in degree zero andone, if it is positively graded, that is: HomC(C,D) =

⊕i≥0 HomC(C,D)i and

for any triple of objects A, B and C and for i, j ≥ 0 the maps HomC(A,C)i ×HomC(C,B)j → HomC(A,B)i+j given by (f, g) 7→ gf are onto.

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Definition 1. A functor F in Gr(C)0 is a Koszul functor if there exists an exactsequence of graded functors and degree zero maps

· · · → HomC(−, Ck)[−k]→ · · · → HomC(−, C2)[−2]

→ HomC(−, C1)[−1]→ HomC(−, C0)→ F → 0

Definition 2. Let C be a Krull-Schmidt category, then the simple functors Cop →ModK are of the form SC = HomC(−, C)/ rad(−, C) with C indecomposable.

Assume that C is graded and generated in degrees zero and one, then it is Koszulif every graded simple object SC : Cop → Gr(K) is Koszul.

Definition 3. Let C be a Krull-Schmidt K-category (not necessarily graded).

(1) A functor F : Cop → ModK is weakly Koszul if it has a minimal projectiveresolution · · · → Pk → Pk−1 → · · · → P1 → P0 → F → 0 with Pi finitelygenerated and radi+1(Pj)∩Ωj+1(G) = radi(Ωj+1(G)) for j ≥ 0 and i ≥ 1.

(2) If every simple functor in mod(C) is weakly Koszul, then C is weakly Koszul.

The results for weakly Koszul algebras obtained in [4, 5] extend to weaklyKoszul categories.

4. Applications of Koszul categories to the representation theoryof finite dimensional algebras

Let Λ be a finite dimensional K-algebra, and denote by ind Λ the category ofindecomposable finitely generated modules. The category Agr(ind Λ) has the same

objects as ind Λ and maps HomAgr(indΛ)(X,Y ) =⊕

i≥0 radi(X,Y )/ radi+1(X,Y ).The objects in ind Λ decompose as a disjoint union ∪σ∈ΣCσ , where Cσ are

Auslander-Reiten components. The category Agr(ind Λ) is a disjoint union∪σ∈ΣAgr(Cσ) of categories. Hence, Gr(Agr(ind Λ)) =

∏σ∈Σ Gr(Agr(Cσ)). The

categories Gr(Agr(ind Λ)) and each Gr(Agr(Cσ)) have global dimension 2.We obtain generalizations of results given by the first author and results related

to the hereditary categories with Serre duality studied by D. Happel, H. Lenzing,I. Reiten and M. Van den Bergh.

Theorem 1. (a) The category ind Λ is weakly Koszul.(b) The category Agr(ind Λ) is Koszul, in particular each Agr(Cσ) is Koszul.(c) Denote by Fin(Agr(Cσ)) the full subcategory of Gr(Agr(Cσ)) of all functors

whose minimal projective resolutions consist of finitely generated projectivefunctors. Then for each F in Fin(Agr(Cσ)) there exists a subfunctor G ofF such that some shift G[i] is Koszul and F/G is of finite length.

(d) Any simple SC with C indecomposable non-projective satisfies the Goren-stein condition, that is;(i) Hom(SC ,HomAgr(Cσ)(−, X [n])) = 0 for all X and n.

(ii) Ext1Gr(Agr(Cσ))(SC ,HomAgr(Cσ)(−, X [n])) = 0 for all X and n.

(iii) Ext2Gr(Agr(Cσ))(SC ,HomAgr(Cσ)(−, X [n])) = SτC [n + 2](X), where

SτC = HomAgr(Cσ)(τC,−)/ rad(τC,−) and τC is the Auslander-Reiten translation of C.

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Theorem 2. Let C be a regular Auslander-Reiten component of a finite dimen-sional algebra Λ and E(S(C)) the associated Ext-category. Then the followingstatements are true.

(a) E(S(C)) is a Frobenius category of radical cube zero.

(b) The categories E(S(C))/ socE(S(C)) and Cop/ rad2 are equivalent andGr(Cop/ rad2) is stably equivalent to Gr(S), where Gr(S) decomposes as aproduct of sections Gr(S) =

∏j Gr(Sj)×Gr(Sop

j ) and each Sj is a hered-

itary category such that Sj and Si have the same quiver Q but Sj and Sopj

have opposite quivers.(c) If the quiver Q of Sj is finite, then Sj is of infinite representation type.

Theorem 3. Let C be a regular Auslander-Reiten component of a finite dimen-sional algebra Λ. Assume the quiver Q of the sections Sj of E(S(C)) is infiniteand is not of type A∞, D∞, or A∞∞.

(a) Then any finitely presented functor F in gr(Agr(C)) is either of finite lengthor it has infinite Gelfand-Krillov dimension.

(b) The category of finitely presented functors gr(Agr(C)) is not noetherian.(c) If E(S(C)) has sections of type A∞, D∞ or A∞∞, then it is noetherian of

Gelfand-Krillov dimension 2.

Our last theorem is the following.

Theorem 4. Let C be a regular Auslander-Reiten component of a finite dimen-sional algebra Λ. Assume that E(S(C)) has sections of type A∞, D∞ or A∞∞. Thenthe quotient category of the finitely presented functors modulo the functors of finitelength, Qgr(Agr(C)), is hereditary and noetherian with Serre duality.

If the sections of E(S(C)) are not infinite of type A∞, D∞ or A∞∞, thenQgr(Agr(C)) is not noetherian.


[1] M. Auslander, I. Reiten, Representation theory of artin algebras III. Almost split sequences,Communications in Algebra 3 (1975), 239-294.

[2] M. Auslander, I. Reiten, S. O. Smalø, Representation Theory of Artin Algebras, CambridgeStudies in Advanced Mathematics, 36, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1995).

[3] A. Beilinson, V. Ginzburg, W. Soergel, Koszul duality patterns in representation theory,Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 9, no. 2., (1996), 473–527.

[4] E. L. Green, R. Martınez-Villa, Koszul and Yoneda algebras, Representation theory of alge-bras (Cocoyoc, 1994), 247–297, CMS Conf. Proc., 18, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,(1996).

[5] E. L. Green, R. Martınez-Villa, Koszul and Yoneda algebras II, Algebras and modules, II(Geiranger, 1996), 227–244, CMS Conf. Proc., 24, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, (1998).

A remark by M. C. R. Butler on subgroup embeddings

Markus Schmidmeier

An object in the submodule category S(Λ) is a pair M = (M0;M1) which consistsof a finitely generated Λ-module M0 together with a Λ-submodule M1 of M0. A

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morphism f : M → N in S(Λ) is given by a Λ-linear map f : M0 → N0 whichpreserves the submodules, that is, f(M1) ⊆ N1 holds. In this abstract, Λ usuallywill be a commutative local uniserial ring; we will call Λ uniserial for short. Theradical factor field will be denoted by k and t will be a radical generator (thusΛ/〈t〉 = k).

We have two special cases in mind: In the first case, Λ is the ring Z/〈pn〉 wherep is a prime. Then we are dealing with the category of all possible embeddings ofa subgroup in a pn-bounded finite abelian group. The classification problem forthe objects in S(Z/〈pn〉) was raised by Birkhoff [1] in 1934. In the second case,Λ is the factor ring k[T ]/〈T n〉 of the polynomial ring one variable T over the fieldk. Then we consider the possible invariant subspaces of a nilpotent operator: Theobjects in S(k[T ]/〈T n〉) may be written as triples (V, φ, U), where V is a k-space,φ : V → V is a k-linear transformation with φn = 0 and U is a subspace of V withφ(U) ⊆ U .

The type t(B) of a finite length Λ-module B is the partition µ = (µ1, . . . , µt)

such that B ∼=⊕t

i=1 Λ/〈tµi〉. Thus the pair (t(B); t(A)) is an isomorphism invari-ant of a submodule embedding (B;A). Birkhoff showed that the number of isomor-phism classes of subgroup embeddings (B;A) ∈ S(Z/〈p6〉) with t(B) = (6, 4, 2)and t(A) = (4, 2) tends to infinity with p; namely, for each value 0 < λ < p, thefollowing embeddings are pairwise nonisomorphic. The group B is generated byelements x, y, z of order p6, p4, p2, respectively, and the subgroup Aλ is given bythe generators p2x+ py + z and p2y + pλz of order p4 and p2, as pictured below.

Is this family (B;Aλ) of pairwise nonisomorphic subgroup embeddings the firstfamily which occurs? We know from [2] that the category S(Z/〈p5〉) has finitetype, and hence in Birkhoff’s example the exponent of the big group, which is p6,is minimal. However, the exponent of the subgroup, which is p4, is not minimal,as the above examples of embeddings (D;Cλ) in S(Z/〈p7〉) shows, where thisexponent is p3.

For Λ a uniserial ring of length n, and m ≤ n, let Sm(Λ) be the full subcategoryof S(Λ) of all pairs (B;A) where tmA = 0. For each pair (n,m) where m ≤ n,the representation type of the category Sm(k[T ]/〈Tn〉) has been determined in [5],see also [4] for several finite cases. Recall that the categories S3(k[T ]/〈T 6〉) andS2(k[T ]/〈T 7〉) have finite type, in fact, all categories of type S2(k[T ]/〈Tn〉) arerepresentation finite. It follows that in case Λ = k[T ]/〈T n〉, the above two familiesare minimal in the following sense: If we fix the exponent of the submodule (or thebig module) then the exponent of the big module (the submodule, respectively,)is as small as possible.

In the classical case where Λ = Z/〈pn〉, the results in [5] per se do not answerthe question whether or not the above two families are minimal. This is the point

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of Butler’s remark. In fact, it is not surprising that the special case Λ = k[T ]/〈T n〉is better understood, since in this case many powerful techniques are available (inparticular covering theory). In the following we describe two example classes wherethe representation theory is independent of the underlying commutative uniserialring Λ. Our last theorem can be used to answer the question in the positive.

Controlled wildnessLet A be an additive category and C a class of objects (or a full subcategory) in A.Given objects A,A′ in A, we will write Hom(A,A′)C for the set of maps A → A′

which factor through a (finite) direct sum of objects in C. Here we attach to C theideal 〈C〉 in A generated by the identity morphisms of the objects in C. The sameconvention will apply to a single object C in A: We denote by Hom(A,A′)C the setof maps A→ A′ which factor through a (finite) direct sum of copies of C. Given anideal I of A, we write A/I for the corresponding factor category, as usual. It hasthe same objects asA and for any two objects A,A′ ofA, the group HomA/I(A,A

′)is defined as HomA(A,A′)/I(A,A′). In particular, the categoryA/〈C〉 has the sameobjects as A and HomA/〈C〉(A,A

′) = HomA(A,A′)/Hom(A,A′)C .

Definition. We say that A is controlled k-wild provided there are full subcate-gories C ⊆ B ⊆ A such that B/〈C〉 is equivalent to mod k〈X,Y 〉 where k〈X,Y 〉 isthe free k-algebra in two generators. We will call C the control class, and in caseC is given by a single object C then this object C will be the control object.

Theorem 1. ([3, Theorem 2]) Let Λ be a uniserial ring of length n ≥ 7 and letk be its radical factor. Then the category S4(Λ) is controlled k-wild.

Auslander-Reiten quivers in the representation finite caseFor P a (finite) poset, let subΛ P denote the category of Λ-linear subspace repre-sentations of P . For example, if P is the one point poset then subΛ P = S(Λ). Weconstruct Auslander-Reiten sequences which are not split exact in each component.

Notation. ForX a Λ-module and S a subset of P denote byXS the representationwhich has the space X in each component labelled by a point in S and which iszero otherwise.

Suppose that 0 → X → Y → Z → 0 is an Auslander-Reiten sequence inmod Λ and i ∈ P and let X → E be the injective envelope for X . Then there isan Auslander-Reiten sequence in the category subΛ P of the following type.

(∗) 0→ X≤i ⊕E 6≤i → Y =i ⊕X<i ⊕E 6≤i ⊕ Z>i → Z≥i → 0.

This sequence is split exact in each component different from the i-th.

Lemma. Each other Auslander-Reiten sequence 0→ A→ B → C → 0 in subΛ Pis split exact in each component, that is, for each i ∈ P, Bi = Ai ⊕ Ci holds.

Corollary. If Λ is a uniserial ring then the type detects:

• projective modules in subΛ P and their radicals,• injective modules in subΛ P and the end term of their source maps, and• starting terms and end terms of AR-sequences in subΛ P of type (∗).

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Theorem 2. Suppose Λ,∆ are commutative uniserial rings of the same length, Cand D are connected components of their Auslander-Reiten quiver and K and Lare slices in C and D, respectively. Suppose

(1) K and L are isomorphic as graphs,(2) their points correspond to objects of the same type and(3) certain objects in K are determined uniquely by their type.

Then the connected components C and D are isomorphic as graphs and condition(2) holds for all points.

Example. Let P be the chain of three points and Λ any uniserial ring of length2. We obtain the following Auslander-Reiten quiver. In fact, the AR-sequencesstarting at a module with simple total space are exactly the sequences of type (∗);these sequences form a slice.






[1] G. Birkhoff, Subgroups of abelian groups, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 38 (1934), 385–401.[2] F. Richman and E. A. Walker, Subgroups of p5-bounded groups, in: Abelian groups and

modules, Trends Math., Birkhauser, Basel, 1999, pp. 55–73.[3] C. M. Ringel and M. Schmidmeier, Submodule Categories of Wild Representation Type,

manuscript, 1–13, see http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0409417.

[4] W. Rump, Irreduzible und unzerlegbare Darstellungen klassischer Ordnungen, BayreutherMathematische Schriften 32, Bayreuth, 1990.

[5] M. Schmidmeier, Bounded Submodules of Modules, to appear in J. Pure Appl. Alg., 1–33,see http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0408181.

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On the derived category of coherent sheaves on an irreducibleprojective curve of arithmetic genus one

Igor Burban

(joint work with Bernd Kreußler)

In my talk based on a joint work with B. Kreußler I am going to discuss vari-ous properties of the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on a singularWeierstrass cubic curve.

Singular Weierstrass curves are irreducible one-dimensional Calabi-Yau mani-folds and the study of their derived category is important from the point of viewof the homological mirror symmetry [6], applications to F-theory [5] and to thetheory of the Yang-Baxter equation [7].

A classification of the indecomposable objects of the derived category of co-herent sheaves on a smooth elliptic curve follows from the classification of vectorbundles of Atiyah [1]. The main difference in the case of a singular Weierstrasscurve is that the homological dimension of the category of coherent sheaves is in-finite, and hence there are indecomposable complexes with an arbitrary numberof non-zero cohomologies, see [3]. In the singular case there are indecomposablevector bundles and torsion free sheaves which are not semi-stable and there areindecomposable sheaves which are neither torsion sheaves nor torsion free sheaves.The indecomposable objects of the derived category of a nodal cubic curve weredescribed in [3], in [4] the Fourier-Mukai transform on Weierstrass curves wasstudied. One of the goals of my talk is to compare common features and to pointout main differences between the derived category of a smooth and a singularWeierstrass cubic curve.

Let E be a a Calabi-Yau curve, i.e. a curve with trivial canonical bundle ωE = Oand let E be a spherical object of Db(CohE), i.e. a perfect complex such that

Hom(E , E [i]) =

k if i = 0, 10 otherwise.

It was shown by Polishchuk [7] that one can associate to a pair (E, E) a solutionof the classical Yang-Baxter equation over the Lie algebra g = sl(n). Motivatedby this application the following two conjectures were posed [7]:

(1) Let E be a Calabi-Yau curve, E be a spherical object, then there existsF ∈ Aut(Db(CohE)) such that E = F(OE);

(2) The group Aut(Db(CohE)) is generated by Aut(E), Pic0(E) and tubularmutations.

I use the technique of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations in triangulated categories[2] to prove these conjectures in the case of Weierstrass cubic curves.


[1] M. Atiyah, Vector bundles over an elliptic curve, Proc. London Math. Soc., 7 (1957), 414–452.

[2] T. Bridgeland, Stability conditions on triangulated categories, arXiv:math.AG/0212237.

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[3] I. Burban, Yu. Drozd, Coherent sheaves on singular curves, Duke Math. J. 121 (2004), no.2, 189–229.

[4] I. Burban, B. Kreußler, Fourier-Mukai transforms and semi-stable sheaves on nodal Weier-strass cubics, arXiv:math.AG/0401437.

[5] R. Friedman, J. Morgan, E. Witten, Vector bundles over elliptic fibrations, J. Algebr. Geom.8, No. 2 (1999), 279-401.

[6] M. Kontsevich, Homological algebra of mirror symmetry, Proceedings of the internationalcongress of mathematicians, ICM ’94, Zurich, Switzerland. Vol. I. Basel: Birkhauser (1995),120–139.

[7] A. Polishchuk, Classical Yang-Baxter equation and the A∞-constraint, Adv. Math. 168,(2002), no. 1, 56–95.

Parabolic group actions and tilting modules

Lutz Hille

1. Parabolic group actions

Let k be an algebraically closed field and V0 = 0 ⊂ V1 ⊂ V2 ⊂ . . . Vt−1 ⊂ Vt

be a flag of finite dimensional vector spaces with di := dimVi − dim Vi−1. Thestabiliser of this flag is a parabolic subgroup in GL(Vt) denoted by P (d). It is alsothe group of invertible elements in EndkAt

(⊕P (i)di), where the modules P (i) are

the indecomposable projective modules over the path algebra kAt of a directedquiver of type At. Let further I be a subset in (i, j) | 1 ≤ i < j ≤ t so thatfor all (i, j) in I also (i, j + 1), for j < t, and (i − 1, j), for i > 1, are both in I .The set I can be seen as a root ideal in the positive roots of the root system oftype At or simply as a subset closed under taking right and upper neighbours. Tosuch a subset we associate a function h : 1, . . . , t −→ 0, . . . , t − 1 defined byh(j) := maxi | (i, j) ∈ I if such an i exists and h(j) = 0 otherwise. Using thisnotation we can define the group P (d) and several Lie algebras in P (d).

P (d) := f ∈ Aut(Vt) | f(Vi) ⊆ Vipu(d) := f ∈ End(Vt) | f(Vi) ⊆ Vi−1

n(I, d) := f ∈ End(Vt) | f(Vi) ⊆ Vh(i)pu(d)(l) := f ∈ End(Vt) | f(Vi) ⊆ Vi−1−l

Main Question: When does P (d) act with a dense orbit on n(I, d) and pu(d)(l)?

Example 1. a) By a classical result of Richardson, it is well-known thatP (d) acts always with a dense orbit on pu(d).

b) Let I be the set generated by (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6) and d = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),where t = 6, then P (d) does not act wit a dense orbit on n(I, d).

c) Let l = 1, t = 9 and d = (2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2), then P (d) ⊂ GL15 does notact with a dense orbit on pu(d)(1).

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The aim of the talk is to present an equivalent problem to the questions above forthe existence of certain modules without self extensions over certain subalgebrasof the Auslander algebra of k[T ]/T t. Moreover, we present several partial resultsconcerning the question above.

2. Subalgebras of the Auslander algebra of k[T ]/T t

To the ideals defined above one can associate certain subquotient algebras of theAuslander algebra of k[T ]/T t. We denote by At the algebra End(

⊕ti=1 k[T ]/T i)

(it is the Auslander algebra of k[T ]/T t). The quiver of this algebra consists of tvertices and arrows αi (corresponding to the inclusion of k[T ]/T i into k[T ]/T i+1)and of arrows βi (corresponding to the projection of k[T ]/T i+1 onto k[T ]/T i.The subquotient algebras A(I) and At,l corresponding to the ideals n(I, d) and

pu(d)(l) have arrows αi and γj consisting of certain compositions of the arrows βi:the algebra At,l has arrows αi (starting in i and ending in i+1) for i = 1, . . . , t−1and arrows γj (starting in j+ l+ 1 and ending in i) for j = 1, . . . , t− 1− l definedas γj := βjβj+1 . . . βj+l. The algebra A(I) has arrows αi (starting in i and endingin i + 1) for i = 1, . . . , t − 1 and arrows γj (starting in h(j) and ending in j) forall pairs (h(j), j) in I with (h(j) + 1, j + 1) ∈ I) defined as γj := βjβj+1 . . . βh(j)

(see [1] for details).Note that the constructions coincide in the special cases when I = (i, j) | 1 ≤

i < j − l ≤ t− l.Theorem 2.1. The algebras A(I) are quasi-hereditary and the category of ∆–goodmodules coincides with the set of all modules M satisfying one of the followingequivalent conditions

a) the maps M(αi) are injective,b) the projective dimension of M is at most 1, andc) the restriction of M to the subalgebra generated by αi (it is the path algebra

of a directed quiver of type At) is projective.

It is proven in [6, 2] that the orbits for the P (d) action are in bijection with theisomorphism classes of modules over the corresponding algebra A(I).

3. Richardson’s result and tilting modules(joint work with T. Brustle, C. M. Ringel, and G. Rohrle)

Richardson’s result (see Example 1,a), [7]) implies that for each dimension vectore with ei − ei−1 ≥ 0 there exists precisely one good module M(e) of dimensionvector e without self extensions (it is not indecomposable in general). We constructthis module explicitly (so we also construct all indecomposable modules withoutself extensions explicitly). Moreover, we can use an analogous construction to getso called standard modules over the algebra At,l and also over the algebra A(I),which also do not have self extensions. For l = 1 and t ≥ 6 there exist moduleswithout self extensions which are not standard (see Example 2).

Let P be the largest indecomposable finite dimensional projective At–module(it is the projective cover of the simple module S(t)). Note that P has all finite

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dimensional indecomposable projective modules P (i) as a submodule, they aregenerated by one element say p(i) in P . Let A = a1, . . . , ar for 1 ≤ a1 < a2 <. . . < ar ≤ t be an ordered set of natural numbers. For each such set A we definea unique submodule ∆(A) of P which is ∆–good as the module generated by theelements αai−i(p(i)) (where αai−i denotes the composition of ai − i arrows αi, sothat αai−i(p(i)) makes sense).

Theorem 3.1. An indecomposable ∆–good module without self extensions is iso-morphic to ∆(A) for some subset A. Each basic tilting module (note that a moduleof projective dimension at most one is already ∆–filtered) is isomorphic to the di-

rect sum⊕t

i=1 ∆(σ(1), . . . , σ(i)) for some element σ in the symmetric group St.

4. A reduction theorem

The classification of all pairs (I, d), so that P (d) acts with a dense orbit on pu(I, d)seems to be more difficult than the classification of all pairs (t, l), so that P (d)acts with a dense orbit on pu(d)(l). In this part we claim, that both classificationsare equivalent. One direction is obvious, so we concentrate on the non-obviousone. We show two results. First, if we allow d to have entries 0, then one canshow, that pu(I, d) is isomorphic (together with the group action) to some pu(d)(l)

(where d is a certain dimension vector obtained from d by filling in some zeros) by[5], Theorem 1.4.2. Using [5], Theorem 1.4.1 we can even replace d by a dimensionvector d without an entry zero, so that P (d) acts with a dense orbit on pu(d)(l)

precisely when P (d) acts with a dense orbit on pu(d)(l).

5. Actions of the Borel subgroup(joint work with S. Goodwin)

In this section we consider the special case, when di ≤ 1 (for simplicity we allowdi = 0, instead of working with the subset I , however, both approaches are equiva-

lent by Section 4). If we consider an ideal b(1)u ⊆ n ⊆ bu, then we can ask whether

B acts with a dense orbit (it corresponds to a good module over At,1 without selfextensions and dimension vector e with ei − ei−1 ≤ 1) and whether this orbit isindecomposable (it corresponds to an indecomposable good module). A dimen-sion vector d as above consists of certain strings of entries 1 of some length, saya0, . . . , ar with ai > 0. The strings not in the beginning and the end are calledintermediate, so the length of the intermediate strings is a1, . . . , ar−1.

Theorem 5.1. Let d be a dimension vector with di ≤ 1. Then B acts with adense orbit on pu(d)(1) precisely when one of the following conditions is satisfied:

a) if di = 1 for some i, then di−1 = 0 and di+1 = 0 (d is standard) orb) there is at most one intermediate string of entries 1 of even length.

The orbit above is indecomposable precisely when d is either standard or thereexists precisely one intermediate string of even length.

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Example 2.

a) The dimension vector in Example 1,b) is (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1), so it is theminimal dimension vector d, so that B does not act with a dense orbit onpu(d)(1).

b) The minimal non-standard dimension vector, so that B acts with a denseorbit and the orbit is indecomposable is (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1).


[1] T. Brustle, L. Hille, Matrices over upper triangular bimodules and ∆-filtered modules overquasi-hereditary algebras. Colloq. Math. 83 (2000), no. 2, 295–303.

[2] T. Brustle, L. Hille, Actions of parabolic subgroups in GLn on unipotent normal subgroupsand quasi-hereditary algebras. Colloq. Math. 83 (2000), no. 2, 281–294.

[3] T. Brustle, L. Hille, C. M. Ringel, G. Rohrle, The ∆-filtered modules without self-extensionsfor the Auslander algebra of k[T ]/〈T n〉. Algebr. Represent. Theory 2 (1999), no. 3, 295–312.

[4] S. Goodwin, L. Hille, . . . , in preparation.[5] L. Hille: Actions of Algebraic Groups, Geometric Quotients and Quivers (German), Habili-

tationsschrift, Hamburg (2003)[6] L. Hille, G. Rohrle, Variation on a theme of Richardson. Special issue on linear algebra

methods in representation theory. Linear Algebra Appl. 365 (2003), 239–246.[7] R. W. Richardson, Conjugacy classes in parabolic subgroups of semisimple algebraic groups.

Bull. London Math. Soc. 6 (1974), 21–24.

Block representation type for groups and Lie algebras

Rolf Farnsteiner

(joint work with Andrzej Skowronski and Detlef Voigt)

Group Algebras. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0.Throughout, all algebras and modules are assumed to be finite dimensional. Anassociative k-algebra Λ decomposes into a direct sum Λ = B1 ⊕ B2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Bs oftwo-sided ideals, that are indecomposable associative k-algebras. The relevanceof this block decomposition for representation theory was first observed by Brauerand Nesbitt in their study of non-semisimple group algebras of finite groups.

Because of these historical origins, results on group algebras have often servedas a paradigm for other classes of algebras, such as reduced enveloping algebras ofrestricted Lie algebras or distribution algebras of infinitesimal group schemes. Inmy talk, I will compare the representation theories of finite groups and restrictedLie algebras, focusing on the notion of representation type. In retrospect, mostphenomena characteristic of infinitesimal group schemes already occur at the levelof restricted Lie algebras [2, 3, 4].

Let me begin by collecting some of the methods and results from the modularrepresentation theory of finite groups. We fix a finite group G, and recall that theunique block B0(G) ⊂ k[G] containing the trivial k[G]-module k is the principalblock.

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Mackey Decomposition. If H ⊂ G is a subgroup and M is an H-module, then

k[G]⊗k[H] M |H ∼=⊕


k[H ]⊗k[H∩gHg−1 ] Mg.

In particular, M is always a direct summand of the restriction of the inducedmodule. Mackey’s result leads to the important notion of the defect: Each blockB ⊂ k[G] gives rise to a p-subgroup DB ⊂ G that measures the complexity of B.Since the defect group of B0(G) is a Sylow-p-subgroup, it is the most complicatedblock of k[G].

The aforementioned facts together with Brauer correspondence imply that repre-sentation type behaves well under passage from the principal block to other blocks,or from a group to a subgroup.

Reduced Enveloping Algebras. Let (g, [ , ]) be a Lie algebra, B ⊂ g a basis.If for every element x ∈ B the p-th power of the inner derivation adx : g −→g ; y 7→ [x, y] is again inner, then a theorem by Jacobson ensures the existenceof a map [p] : g −→ g ; x 7→ x[p] that enjoys the basic properties of the p-poweroperator of an associative algebra. In particular, we have

(adx)p = adx[p] ∀ x ∈ g.

The pair (g, [p]) is then referred to as a restricted Lie algebra.In the 1970’s Kac and Weisfeiler noticed that much of the representation theory

of g, or equivalently that of its universal enveloping algebra U(g), is captured byan algebraic family of (Uχ(g))χ∈g∗ of associative algebras of dimension pdimg. Thestudy of this family has since been one of the focal points in the representationtheory of modular Lie algebras. By definition, we have Uχ(g) := U(g)/Iχ, where

Iχ := (xp − x[p] − χ(x)p1 ; x ∈ g). The algebra Uχ(g) is a Frobenius algebra,though in general not symmetric. Contrary to finite groups, the Cartan matrixof Uχ(g) may be singular. The example of the Steinberg module shows that onecannot expect to have good control of the composition of induction and restrictionin the sense of Mackey. By analogy with finite groups, special attention is givento the principal block B0(g) ⊂ U0(g). In a similar vein, the algebra U0(g), beinglocated at the generic point of the family, is thought of as the most complicatedmember of the family.

To this date, the most promising replacement of a defect appears to be given byCarlson’s concepts of support varieties and rank varieties, that were transferredto our context by Friedlander-Parshall [7]. Let Vg := x ∈ g ; x[p] = 0 be thenullcone of g. Given a Uχ(g)-module M the rank variety Vg(M) is defined via

Vg(M) := x ∈ Vg ; M |Uχ|kx(kx) is not free ∪ 0.

If B ⊂ Uχ(g) is a block with simple modules S1, . . . , Sn, then we put

VB :=



Vg(Si) ⊂ Vg.

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This is our replacement of a defect. Again, VB ⊂ VB0(g) = Vg, so that B0(g) hasthe largest defect.

Facts. Let B ⊂ Uχ(g) be a block.(1) B is representation-finite if and only if dimVB ≤ 1.(2) If B is tame (and representation-infinite), then dimVB = 2.

From now on we assume that p ≥ 3. In the early eighties, Drozd, Rudakov andFischer independently showed that B0(sl(2)) is Morita equivalent to the trivialextension of the Kronecker algebra. It turns out that for Lie algebras g = Lie(G)of algebraic groups, all tame blocks of U0(g) are of this type [1].

Examples. We consider the Lie algebra g := sl(2) ⊕ kz, where [z, sl(2)] = (0).Using the standard basis e, h, f ⊂ sl(2), we introduce two p-maps on g:

(1) The algebra sl(2)n is defined via e[p] = 0 ; h[p] = h ; f [p] = z ; z[p] = 0.(2) The algebra sl(2)s is defined via e[p] = 0 ; h[p] = h+ z ; f [p] = 0 ; z[p] = 0.

Let C(g) := x ∈ g ; [x, g] = (0) be the center of g. By general theory, we havea “Fitting decomposition”

(∗) C(g) = t⊕ u

of C(g) into its toral and unipotent parts. Here is a recognition criterion fortameness:

Theorem ([2]). Let g be a restricted Lie algebra.(1) Then B0(g) is tame if and only if g/C(g)[p] ∼= sl(2), sl(2)s.(2) If B0(g) is tame and C(g) is unipotent or toral, then U0(g) is tame.

In particular, the block B0(sl(2)n) is wild, while the algebra U0(sl(2)s) is tame.Moreover, h := ke⊕kz is a p-subalgebra of⊂ sl(2)s with U0(h) ∼= k[X,Y ]/(Xp, Y p).Thus, U0(h) ⊂ U0(sl(2)s) is wild, while U0(sl(2)s) is tame.

Using rank varieties and schemes of tori one first shows that g/C(g) ∼= sl(2),with u ⊂ C(g) being generated by one element [5, 6]. Let P be a principalindecomposable U0(g)-module, B ⊂ U0(g) the block belonging to P , and set HP :=

Rad(P )/Rad3(P ).

Proposition 1 ([2]). The block B is tame if and only if HP is decomposable.

Filtrations by Verma modules and Auslander-Reiten Theory then yield the list ofdecomposable hearts. Let me illustrate one technical aspect. By general theory,the central extension g is given by a p-semilinear map ψ : sl(2) −→ C(g). Thedecomposition (∗) of C(g) provides a p-semilinear map ψt : sl(2) −→ t. One thenhas

U0(g) ∼=⊕



where X(t) is the character group of t, and χγ(x+u)p = γ(ψt(x)) ∀ x ∈ sl(2), u ∈u.

The map ψ also gives rise to a p-semilinear form ψ : sl(2) −→ C(g)/C(g)[p] ⊂ k.For χ ∈ sl(2)∗ ⊂ g∗, we define

d(ψ, χ) := dimVsl(2) ∩ ker ψ ∩ kerχ.

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A linear form χ ∈ sl(2)∗ is nilpotent if it corresponds via the Cartan-Killing formto a nonzero nilpotent element of sl(2).

Proposition 2 ([2]). Let g be a central extension of sl(2) with ψ 6= 0.(1) If C(g) is unipotent, χ is nilpotent, and d(ψ, χ) 6= 0, then Uχ(g) is wild.(2) If d(ψ, χγ) 6= 0 for some nilpotent χγ, then U0(g) possesses a wild block.

Examples. (1) Let χ ∈ sl(2)∗s be defined via χ(e) = 0 = χ(h) ; χ(f) = 1 ; χ(z) = 0.Then U0(sl(2)s) is tame, while Uχ(sl(2)s) is wild.

(2) Let g := sl(2)⊕ kz ⊕ kt, [kz ⊕ kt, g] = (0), e[p] = 0 ; h[p] = h+ z ; f [p] =t ; z[p] = 0 ; t[p] = t. Then B0(g) is tame, while U0(g) is wild.


[1] R. Farnsteiner, Block representation type of Frobenius kernels of smooth groups, J. reineangew. Math. (to appear)

[2] R. Farnsteiner and A. Skowronski, Classification of restricted Lie algebras with tame principalblock, J. reine angew. Math. 546 (2002), 1–45

[3] R. Farnsteiner and A. Skowronski, The tame infinitesmal groups of odd characteristic, Nico-laus Copernicus University Preprint 7/2003

[4] R. Farnsteiner and A. Skowronski, Galois actions and blocks of tame infinitesimal groupschemes, University of Bielefeld Preprint 2004

[5] R. Farnsteiner and D. Voigt, Schemes of tori and the structure of tame restricted Lie algebras,J. London Math. Soc. 63 (2001), 553–570

[6] R. Farnsteiner and D. Voigt, On infinitesimal groups of tame representation type, Math. Z.244 (2003), 479–513

[7] E. Friedlander and B. Parshall, Support varieties for restricted Lie algebras, Invent. math.86 (1986), 553–562

Infinitesimal deformations of derived categories

Bernhard Keller

(joint work with Christof Geiß)

According to Kontsevich-Soibelman [3, section 2.1], cf. also [1], the shifted Hoch-schild complex C(A,A)[1] of a differential graded algebra A over a field of char-acteristic 0 is the ‘moduli space of A∞-categories’. We propose to interpret thisstatement to the effect that the differential graded Lie algebra C(A,A)[1] shouldcontrol the deformations of the derived Morita class [8] [2] [9] of A, or, in moresloppy terms, the deformations of the derived category DA. In particular, one ex-pects a canonical bijection between the second Hochschild cohomology HH2(A,A)and the equivalence classes of infinitesimal deformations of DA. We show thatsuch a bijection does indeed exist in many cases, notably if A itself has rightbounded homology. In the general case, we obtain a bijection between the equiva-lence classes of Morita deformations of A and the 2-cocycles which act nilpotentlyin the graded endomorphism ring of each perfect object over A. Our proof startsfrom the observation that a Hochschild 2-cocycle c naturally gives rise to a defor-mation Ac[ε] of A in the category of curved A∞-algebras and that the (flat) derived

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category of Ac[ε] admits a compact generator: the lift to Ac[ε] of the cone overthe graded endomorphism of the free module A induced by c. The links of theseresults with Lowen-Van den Bergh’s deformation theory for abelian categories [6][7] [5] [4] remain to be elucidated.


[1] S. Barannikov, Non-commutative periods and mirror symmetry in higher dimensions, Comm.Math. Phys. 228 (2002), no. 2, 281–325.

[2] B. Keller, Deriving DG categories, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (4) 27 (1994), no. 1, 63–102.[3] M. Kontsevich and Y. Soibelman, Deformations of algebras over operads and the Deligne

conjecture, Conference Moshe Flato 1999, Vol. I (Dijon), Math. Phys. Stud., vol. 21, KluwerAcad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2000, pp. 255–307.

[4] Wendy Tor Lowen, Deformation theory and Hochschild cohomology of abelian categories,PhD thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2005.

[5] Wendy Tor Lowen, Obstruction theory for objects in abelian and derived categories,arXiv:math.KT/0407019.

[6] Wendy Tor Lowen and M. Van den Bergh, Deformation theory of abelian categories,arXiv:math.CT/0405226.

[7] Wendy Tor Lowen and M. Van den Bergh, Hochschild cohomology of abelian categories andringed spaces, arXiv:math.KT/0405227.

[8] Jeremy Rickard, Morita theory for derived categories, J. London Math. Soc. 39 (1989), 436–456.

[9] Bertrand Toen, The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory,arXiv:math.AG/0408337.

Reducing cohomology by split pairs

Steffen Konig

(joint work with Luca Diracca)

In order to compare cohomology in two abelian categories, and in particular toshow non-vanishing of certain cohomology, the following situation is studied:

Let A and B be two additive categories. A pair (F,G) of additive functorsF : A → B and G : B → A is a split pair of functors (between A and B) if thecomposition F G is an autoequivalence of the category B. If the categories areequipped with exact structures, and if the two functors are exact with respect tothese exact structures, the split pair is called an exact split pair of functors (betweenA and B).

An exact split pair on abelian level induces a split pair on derived level; hencecohomology can be compared.

Easy examples of exact split pairs (A,B) are:Split quotients: B is a split quotient of A, if B is a subring of A (via an

embedding ε sending the unit of B to that of A) and there exists a surjectivehomomorphism π : A→ B, such that the composition π ε is the identity on B.

Morita equivalences.Corner rings eAe, provided Ae is projective over eAe.

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A more general class of examples is the following:Let A be a ring, e an idempotent, and B a split quotient of eAe (viewed as a

subring of eAe). Then we call B a corner split quotient if there is a left A- andright eAe-module S, which is projective as a right B-module (via the embedding ofB into eAe) and which satisfies eS ' B as left B-modules.

Up to composition with certain Morita equivalences, every exact split pair be-tween module categories is a corner split quotient.

Applications include a proof of some cases of the strong no loops conjecture,and results relating Brauer algebras with various symmetric groups in the contextof [2].


[1] L. Diracca and S. Konig, Cohomological reduction by split pairs. Preprint (2005).[2] R. Hartmann and R. Paget, Young modules and filtration multiplicities for Brauer algebras.

Preprint (2005).

Special evening session: Calabi-Yau phenomena

On 10 February, 2005, a special session on Calabi-Yau phenomena was organised.Besides the talks of Helmut Lenzing on weighted projective spaces of Calabi-

Yau type, of Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz presenting a theorem by Bogomolov–Tian–Todorov and a simplification of the proof by Z. Ran, and of Christof Geiß ona generalisation of triangulated categories (so called 4-angulated categories) andtheir Calabi-Yau dimensions, the following three talks were given:

Calabi-Yau varieties and reflexive polytopes

Lutz Hille

1. Calabi-Yau varieties in Pn

Let k be the field of complex numbers and Pn the projective n-space over k. Theanticanonical sheaf ω−1 is isomorphic to O(n + 1), and we can identify a globalsection in ω−1 with a homogeneous polynomial of degree n+1 in the n+1 variablesx0, . . . , xn.

a) Let n = 2, then a generic polynomial f of degree 3 defines an elliptic curveE in P2.

b) Let n = 3, then a generic polynomial of degree 4 defines a K3-surface inP4.

c) Let n = 4, then a generic polynomial of degree 5 defines a 3–dimensionalCalabi-Yau variety in P5.

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All these varieties X are Calabi-Yau varieties (see definition below), in particu-lar, ωX ' O (the canonical sheaf is trivial) and the Serre duality is of the form

Extl(F ,G) ' Extn−l(G,F)∗.We can also (using the action of the torus kn on Pn) identify the space of

polynomials of degree n with all formal linear combinations of elements in a latticepolytope ∆(n). (The elements in ∆(n) correspond to a torus invariant basis of thespace of homogeneous polynomials of degree n+ 1 in n+ 1 variables, for the torusaction (λ1, . . . , λn)(x0, x1, . . . , xn) := (x0, λ1x1, . . . , λnxn) this basis consists justof the monomials.) So we get

∆(n) := a ∈ Zn+1 |∑


ai = n+ 1, ai ≥ 0,

a simplex in the lattice Zn+1. This is a polytope which has precisely one innerlattice point (a lattice point not on the boundary of ∆(n)), it is (1, 1, . . . , 1).

On the projective n–space, there exists a sequence of line bundles O,O(1), . . . ,

O(n) without any self extensions (ExtlPn(O(i),O(j)) = 0 for all 0 ≤ i, j ≤ n and

all l) generating the derived category of coherent sheaves on Pn. Classical resultson the derived category of coherent sheaves on Pn allow us to describe it usingderived categories of modules over the endomorphism ring of


2. Calabi-Yau varieties

Definition. A Calabi-Yau variety X is a smooth projective variety satisfying

(1) ωX ' O (the canonical sheaf is trivial), and

(2) Hl(X ;OX) = 0 for all 1 ≤ l ≤ dimX − 1.

The definition above can be generalised, sometimes one only wants X to becomplete, and in dimension greater or equal to 4, one often allows some mildsingularities. Calabi-Yau varieties can be constructed in Fano varieties, we explainthe construction in more detail below.


a) Let X ⊂ Pn be a hyper surface defined by a generic homogeneous polyno-mial of degree n+ 1 (as in section 1), then X is a Calabi-Yau variety.

b) Let F be a smooth Fano variety satisfying Hl(F ;OF ) = 0 for all 1 ≤l ≤ dimX. Take a generic element f in H0(F ;ω−1

F ), then the hypersurface X defined by f is a Calabi-Yau variety. Condition 1) follows fromthe adjunction formula and condition 2) from the long exact cohomologysequence applied to

0 −→ ωF −→ OF −→ OX −→ 0.

To find Calabi-Yau varieties, we need to find Fano varieties F satisfying thecondition Hl(F,OF ) = 0 for all 1 ≤ l ≤ dimX . The conditions on F can bechosen weaker at several places. E. g., it is sufficient that F has only isolatedsingularities (a generic section does not meet these singularities), and one can

also take partial resolutions F of singular Fano varieties F satisfying ω eF ' O eF .

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There exists a large class of those varieties that can be constructed using so-calledreflexive polytopes, the class of toric (possibly singular) Fano varieties (see [5]).

3. Reflexive polytopes

Definition. Let M be a lattice in MR ' Rn. A lattice polytope ∆ in MR is theconvex hull in MR of a finite number of lattice points (that is points in M). Weassume dim ∆ = n and 0 be an interior lattice point of ∆. The polytope ∆ isreflexive if its dual polytope

∆ := n ∈M∗R | n(m) ≥ −1 ∀m ∈ ∆is also a lattice polytope. A lattice polytope is smooth if for each vertex v thecone spanned by ∆ − v (we shift the polytope so that v becomes the zero pointand consider the cone with apex in 0 generated by the shifted elements in ∆) isgenerated by a Z–basis of MR.

To each lattice polytope ∆ one can associate a toric variety F∆. If ∆ is smooth,then F∆ is smooth, and if ∆ is reflexive, then F∆ is a Fano variety. Conversely,each toric Fano variety also comes from a reflexive polytope, the sections in ω−1


form a reflexive polytope (similar to the example in section 1).Let ∆ be a lattice polytope. We define a cone C(∆) as the cone with apex in

0 generated by ∆ × 1 ⊂ MR × R. The lattice points C(∆)Z in C(∆) form asemi-group, and we consider the semi-group ring S(∆) of C(∆)Z. It is a gradedring, the degree comes from the additional element, so deg(x, a) := a for x ∈ a∆.Then we define the projective algebraic variety F∆ as Proj(S(∆)). This varietyis of dimension n, and it comes with an action of an n–dimensional algebraictorus T ' kn, the torus acts with a dense orbit. If we consider the T–action onH0(F∆,OF∆(1)) (where OF∆(1) is taken with respect to the given embedding inPN , where N is the number of lattice points in ∆), then the T–invariant pointsform the lattice points of the n–dimensional lattice polytope ∆.

We conclude this section with an overview of the classification of reflexive poly-topes.

n = 1: There exists precisely one reflexive simplex, it is the convex hull of −1 and1 in R.

n = 2: It is an exercise to classify them, there exist precisely 16 reflexive polytopesand 5 of them are smooth. These five smooth ones correspond to the fivetoric del Pezzo surfaces: P2, P1 × P1, and the blow up of P2 in one, twoor three points (the three points must not lie on a common line).

n = 3: A classification of the smooth reflexive polytopes can be found in [10],there exist 18. They can be classified using certain double weighted tri-angulations of the plane. The classification of all reflexive polytopes isdone by a computer, the algorithm can be found in [8], there exist 4, 319of them (see [11]).

n = 4: The classification of 4–dimensional smooth reflexive polytopes was doneby Batyrev in [5], there exist 124 of them. The classification of all reflexive

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polytopes is mainly a problem on hard disc space (as one of the authorstold me), there exist 473, 800, 776 of them (see [9, 11]).

For reflexive simplices the classification is much simpler and consists essentially ofthe classification of so-called weight systems. These weight systems also appearfor weighted projective spaces in the sense of Baer, Geigle and Lenzing ([3]).

4. Quivers and reflexive polytopes

Surprisingly, one can construct some reflexive polytopes using quivers, howeverthe class of these polytopes is not very large (see [1, 6]). On the other hand, asmooth reflexive polytope constructed from a quiver comes always with a sequenceof line bundles without any self extension (see [1]). There exist also several otherapproaches to construct exceptional sequences of line bundles on toric varieties. Itis an open problem (see [2, 7]) whether there exists on any smooth toric variety afull strong exceptional sequence of line bundles, (similar to the one on Pn). Thisproblem is even open for toric surfaces.


[1] K. Altmann, L. Hille, Strong exceptional sequences provided by quivers. Algebr. Repre-sent. Theory 2 (1999), no. 1, 1–17.

[2] D. Auroux, L. Katzarkov, D. Orlov, Mirror symmetry for weighted projective planes andtheir noncommutative deformations. arXiv:math.AG/0404281.

[3] D. Baer, Tilting sheaves in representation theory of algebras. Manuscripta Math. 60 (1988),no. 3, 323–347.

[4] V. V. Batyrev, On the classification of toric Fano 4-folds. Algebraic geometry, 9.J. Math. Sci. (New York) 94 (1999), no. 1, 1021–1050.

[5] V. V. Batyrev, Dual polyhedra and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in toricvarieties. J. Algebraic Geom. 3 (1994), no. 3, 493–535.

[6] L. Hille, Quivers, cones and polytopes. Special issue on linear algebra methods in represen-tation theory. Linear Algebra Appl. 365 (2003), 215–237.

[7] A. King, Tilting bundles on some rational surfaces. Preprint 1997.[8] M. Kreuzer, H. Skarke, Classification of reflexive polyhedra in three dimensions.

Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998), no. 4, 853–871.[9] M. Kreuzer, Skarke, Complete classification of reflexive polyhedra in four dimensions.

Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 4 (2000), no. 6, 1209–1230.[10] T. Oda, Convex bodies and algebraic geometry. An introduction to the theory of toric va-

rieties. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3) 15. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1988.

[11] Calabi-Yau data, http://tph16.tuwien.ac.at/∼kreuzer/CY/

Introduction to super potentials

Michel Van den Bergh

Boundary conditions for open strings (branes) form a triangulated category. In theB-model, this triangulated category is the derived category A of coherent sheavesover a Calabi-Yau manifold [6].

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It is often useful to consider triangulated subcategories B ⊂ A which are derivedequivalent to Db(f.l.A) where A is the (completed) path algebra of a quiver withrelations. These are the so-called quiver gauge theories (see e.g. [4]).

A standard example is given by the derived category of the canonical bundle onP2. This is a non-compact Calabi-Yau. The derived category of sheaves supportedon the zero section is equivalent to Db(k[[x, y, z]] ∗ (Z/3Z)) (see [5]).

It seems therefore interesting to be able to construct A such that Db(f.l.A) isCalabi-Yau. Physicists have a construction of such A in terms of so-called superpotentials. It is not clear exactly when this construction works, but if it works,then the resulting algebra is Calabi-Yau of dimension 3.

For notational simplicity ,we will explain the construction in the case that Ahas only one simple module. The general case is entirely similar.

Put F = k〈〈x1, . . . , xn〉〉. For a general monomial a ∈ F , we define the circularderivative of a with respect to xi as





The circular derivative extends to a linear map∂

∂xi: F/[F, F ]→ F.

The ordinary partial derivative of a with respect to xi is defined as




u⊗ v.

This extends to a linear map

∂xi: F → F ⊗ F.

It is convenient to write∂2a





and it is easy to check that


∂xi∂xj= τ



where τ(p⊗ q) = q ⊗ p.A super potential is an element w ∈ F/[F, F ] containing only monomials of

degree ≥ 3. Put

A = F/I,

where I is the twosided ideal topologically generated by

ri =∂w


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Put dxi = xi ⊗ 1− 1⊗ xi. We consider the following complex of A-bimodules.

0→ Ae (·dxi·)i−−−−−→ (Ae)n

“· ∂2w

∂xj ∂xi·”

ij−−−−−−−−→ (Ae)n (·dxj ·)j−−−−−→ Ae → A→ 0

Here Ae is A⊗A equipped with its outer bimodule structure. If this complex isexact then it represents a resolution of A as an A-bimodule.

Furthermore, from the fact that the resolution is self-dual, one may deduce,using standard homological algebra, that Db(f.l.A) is indeed Calabi-Yau.

Remark. I haven’t checked the details, but it seems not unlikely that the aboveconstruction is reversible and that a 3-dimensional Calabi-Yau algebra A is alwaysgiven by a super potential.

Remark. Super potentials form an (infinite dimensional) affine space. This isreminiscent of the smoothness of the moduli-spaces of compact Calabi-Yau mani-folds (Tian, Bogomolov, Ran, and Kawamata). See the talk by Ragnar Buchweitzduring this evening seminar.

Unfortunately, the construction does not always work (take the zero super po-tential). For a generic super potential, one would expect that the constructionworks if there are enough variables (or arrows in the quiver case), but this isentirely speculative. The following non-example was communicated to me byBerenstein.

• •

•w = xyz





In this case, it is easy to see that the resulting algebra is self-injective, but notCalabi-Yau.

Cases that are completely understood are, when there are either three or twovariables and the degree of w is 3 or 4 respectively. This follows from the classifi-cation of 3-dimensional Artin-Schelter regular algebras [1, 2, 3].


[1] M. Artin and W. Schelter, Graded algebras of global dimension 3, Adv. in Math. 66 (1987),171–216.

[2] M. Artin, J. Tate, and M. Van den Bergh, Some algebras associated to automorphisms ofelliptic curves, The Grothendieck Festschrift, vol. 1, Birkhauser (1990), pp. 33–85.

[3] M. Artin, J. Tate, and M. Van den Bergh, Modules over regular algebras of dimension 3,Invent. Math. 106 (1991), 335–388.

[4] D. Berenstein and M. Douglas, Seiberg duality for quiver gauge theories, available asarXiv:hep-th/0207027.

[5] T. Bridgeland, T-structures on some local Calabi-Yau varieties, available asarXiv:math.AG/0502050.

[6] A. Kapustin and D. Orlov, Lectures on mirror symmetry, derived categories, and D-branes,available as arXiv:math.AG/0308173.

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Abelian varieties

Amnon Neeman

In representation theory one is interested in Calabi–Yau triangulated categories.These few lectures were an attempt to survey the classical analogue in algebraicgeometry and complex analysis. In this abstract I treat the case of abelian varieties.Much more detail on everything I say may be found in [2, 3].

For the sake of definiteness, we begin with the definitions.

Definition 1. A Calabi–Yau manifold is a connected, compact, complex manifoldwith trivial sheaf of top differential forms.

In other words a connected, compact, complex manifold X of dimension g willbe Calabi–Yau if the sheaf Ωg

X has a nowhere vanishing holomorphic section. Werecall

Theorem 1 (Serre Duality). Let X be a connected, compact, complex manifold ofdimension g. If D is the bounded derived category of chain complexes of coherentanalytic sheaves on X, then there is a natural isomorphism


(A,B)∗ ' Hom


(B,A⊗ Ωg

X [g]).

In the language of [1] the category D has a Serre functor S, given by the formula

S(−) = (−)⊗ ΩgX [g].

D is a Calabi–Yau triangulated category if and only if ΩgX ' OX , that is if and only

if the manifold X is Calabi–Yau. The dimension of the Calabi–Yau triangulatedcategory D agrees with the complex dimension of the manifold X . One veryclassical case of this is complex tori. We recall the definition

Definition 2. A complex torus is a connected, compact, complex Lie group.

We note that every complex torus is automatically Calabi–Yau. The point isthat the line bundle Ωg

X has a unique trivialisation by a left invariant g–form.Take any non–vanishing g–form at the identity, and extend it (uniquely) to a leftinvariant g–form on all of X .

Let us say a little more about connected, compact, complex Lie groups. Weobserve

Theorem 2. Any connected, compact, complex Lie group is commutative.

Proof. The result is well–known but we include a proof. Let X be a connected,compact, complex Lie group. Consider the map

f : X ×X −→ X

given byf(x, y) = xyx−1y−1.

If e ∈ X is the identity, then f(e, y) = e for all y ∈ X . Now let V ⊂ X be a smallball around e. Then f−1V must contain an open set of the form U ×X , with Uan open neighbourhood of the identity e ∈ X . For any u ∈ U , the map f induces

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a holomorphic map from the compact manifold u × X to the ball V , and anysuch map is constant. But then

f(u, y) = f(u, e) = e;

that is, f sends all of U ×X to the singleton e. Now analytic continuation tellsus that f collapses all of X ×X to e.

It follows that the Lie algebra of X is commutative; it is just the trivial Liealgebra Cg . Furthermore, the exponential map Cg −→ X is a group homomor-phism, which is locally a diffeomorphism. The image is an open subgroup of theconnected group X , and hence the exponential map is surjective. This means thatX is isomorphic to a quotient group Cg/Λ, where Λ is a discrete closed subgroupof Cg . Since X is compact, Λ must be a lattice. That is the natural map

R⊗Z Λ −→ Cg

is an isomorphism. We summarise:

Theorem 3. Any connected, compact, complex Lie group is Cg/Λ, where Λ ⊂ Cg

is a lattice.

Remark 1. Theorem 3 justifies the terminology of Definition 2. By Theorem 3a connected, compact, complex Lie group is Cg/Λ, which is nothing other than a2g–dimensional real torus with a complex structure. Hence, we call these complextori.

Now we come to the question of how many different complex tori are there. Theanswer is clear. Two complex tori Cg/Λ and Cg/Λ′ will agree if there is a lineartransformation in GL(g,C) taking Λ to Λ′. If we choose a basis for Λ, we canalways, up to a linear transformation in GL(g,C), assume that g elements of thisbasis are the standard basis vectors for Cg . Our freedom in varying Λ amountsto the freedom in selecting the other g basis vectors. The space of choices is an

open subset of Cgg = Cg2

. There are g2 “degrees of freedom” in choosing ag–dimensional complex torus.

Definition 3. A complex torus is called an abelian variety if it can be given thestructure of an algebraic variety. Equivalently, this means it can be embedded asa complex analytic submanifold of projective space.

How many complex tori are abelian varieties? One classical way to answer theproblem is using Theta functions. We briefly explain.

If X admits an embedding into projective space, then it must have a line bundleon it, with plenty of sections. Pulling back the line bundle by the exponential mapCg −→ X , we get a holomorphic line bundle on Cg, but all such bundles are trivial.The sections of the line bundle on X pull back to sections of the trivial bundle(that is, functions) on Cg, with certain periodicity properties. These functionshave been studied classically as Theta functions.

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Without giving much detail, Theta functions are constructed as infinite sums. Ifz ∈ Cg and Ω is a symmetric g×g matrix over C with a positive definite imaginarypart, we can form the sum

Θ(Ω, z) =∑



tnΩn+ 2 tnz)

If we fix Ω and view this as a function in z, we get one of our sections of holomorphicline bundles on Cg. The point we want to make is that, as we vary the parameterΩ over the symmetric g×g matrices, the dimension of the parameter space is onlyg(g+1)/2. There is only a g(g+1)/2–dimensional space of g–dimensional abelianvarieties. Therefore, most complex tori do not admit the structure of algebraicvarieties.

The physics literature is divided on whether abelian varieties should be admittedas Calabi–Yau manifolds. From the point of representation of quivers, some ofthe most interesting examples come from elliptic curves, which are 1–dimensionalabelian varieties. Undoubtedly, the quiver theoretic statements one can makeabout the categories of sheaves over elliptic curves (equivariant with respect tothe action of suitable automorphisms) all generalise to higher dimensional abelianvarieties.

An elliptic curve admits an involution, which is nothing other than the maptaking x ∈ X to −x ∈ X . Much has been made of the quiver representationsgiving the category of equivariant sheaves on X . There is no reason why thisshould not generalise to higher dimension.

If σ : X −→ X is the involution taking x ∈ X to −x ∈ X , one can study thevariety X/σ. If X is a curve, then X/σ is nothing other than P1, in particularX/σ is smooth. In higher dimensions X/σ is singular. But the singularities ofX/σ are not too bad and are well understood. For example, if X is a surface(that is, 2–dimensional), then X/σ has exactly 16 singular points. A minimalresolution of these 16 points gives an Enriques surface. It is not quite Calabi–Yau,

but almost. The sheaf ΩgX is not trivial, but Ωg


= ΩgX ⊗Ωg

X is. That is, there

is an isomorphism ΩgX

2 ' OX . In other words, the Serre functor

S(−) = (−)⊗ ΩgX [g].

is not a shift, but

S2(−) = (−)⊗ ΩgX


is a shift.


[1] A. I. Bondal and M. M. Kapranov, Representable functors, Serre functors, and reconstruc-tions, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 53 (1989), no. 6, 1183–1205, 1337.

[2] D. Mumford, Abelian varieties, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Studies in Mathe-matics, No. 5, Published for the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, 1970.

[3] D. Mumford, Tata lectures on theta. I, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 28, Birkhauser BostonInc., Boston, MA, 1983, With the assistance of C. Musili, M. Nori, E. Previato and M.Stillman.

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Reporter: Angela Holtmann

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Prof. Dr. Hideto Asashiba

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Dept. of MathematicsOsaka City UniversitySugimoto, Sumiyoshi-KuOsaka 558-8585JAPAN

Prof. Dr. Luchezar Avramov

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Prof. Dr. David J. Benson

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Prof. Dr. Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz

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Igor Burban

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Max-Planck-Institut fur MathematikVivatsgasse 753111 Bonn

Prof. Dr. Jon F. Carlson

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Prof. Dr. Flavio Ulhoa Coelho

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Department of MathematicsUniversity of Sao PauloCidade UniversitariaRua do Matao 1010Sao Paulo SP 05508-090Brasil

Prof. Dr. Karin Erdmann

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Prof. Dr. Rolf Farnsteiner

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Fakultat fur MathematikUniversitat BielefeldUniversitatsstr. 2533615 Bielefeld

Prof. Dr. Christof Geiss

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Instituto de MatematicasU.N.A.M.Circuito ExteriorCiudad Universitaria04510 Mexico, D.F.MEXICO

Prof. Dr. Edward L. Green

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Department of MathematicsVirginia Polytechnic Institute andState UniversityBlacksburg, VA 24061-0123USA

Prof. Dr. Dieter Happel

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Fakultat fur MathematikTU Chemnitz09107 Chemnitz

Dr. Lutz Hille

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Fachbereich MathematikUniversitat Hamburg20141 Hamburg

Dr. Angela Holtmann

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Fakultat fur MathematikUniversitat BielefeldUniversitatsstr. 2533615 Bielefeld

Dr. Andrew Hubery

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Institut fur MathematikUniversitat Paderborn33095 Paderborn

Dr. Osamu Iyama

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Department of MathematicsUniversity of HyogoShosha 2167Himej, Hyogo 671-2201JAPAN

Prof. Dr. Srikanth B. Iyengar

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Prof. Dr. Otto Kerner

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Mathematisches InstitutHeinrich-Heine-UniversitatGebaude 25.22Universitatsstraße 140225 Dusseldorf

Dr. Steffen Konig

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Department of MathematicsUniversity of LeicesterUniversity RoadGB-Leicester, LE1 7RH

Prof. Dr. Henning Krause

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Institut fur MathematikUniversitat Paderborn33095 Paderborn

Prof. Dr. Helmut Lenzing

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Institut fur MathematikUniversitat PaderbornWarburger Str. 10033098 Paderborn

Prof. Dr. Graham Leuschke

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Mathematics DepartmentSyracuse UniversitySyracuse NY 13244-1200USA

Dr. Robert J. Marsh

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Department of MathematicsUniversity of LeicesterUniversity RoadGB-Leicester, LE1 7RH

Prof. Dr. Roberto Martinez-Villa

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Instituto de MatematicasU.N.A.M.Campus MoreliaApartado Postal 61-358089 Morelia, Michoacan,MexicoMEXICO

Prof. Dr. Alex Martsinkovsky

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Dept. of MathematicsNortheastern University567 Lake HallBoston, MA 02115-5000USA

Prof. Dr. Amnon Neeman

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Centre for Mathematics a.i.Appl.Mathematical Sciences InstituteAustralian National UniversityCanberra ACT 0200AUSTRALIA

Prof. Dr. Jose Antonio de la Pena

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Instituto de MatematicasU.N.A.M.Circuito ExteriorCiudad Universitaria04510 Mexico, D.F.MEXICO

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Prof. Dr. Maria Ines Platzeck

[email protected]

Instituto de MatematicaUniversidad Nacional del SurAv. Alem 12538000 Bahia BlancaARGENTINA

Dr. Markus Reineke

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Fachbereich 10 - Mathematik undInformatikUniversitat MunsterEinsteinstr. 6248149 Munster

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Prof. Dr. Jeremy Rickard

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Prof. Dr. Claus Michael Ringel

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Fakultat fur MathematikUniversitat BielefeldPostfach 10013133501 Bielefeld

Prof. Dr. Markus Schmidmeier

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Department of Mathematical ScienceFlorida Atlantic UniversityBoca Raton FL 33431-0991USA

Dr. Jan Schroer

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Department of Pure MathematicsUniversity of LeedsGB-Leeds LS2 9JT

Prof. Dr. Andrzej Skowronski

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Faculty of Mathematics andComputer ScienceNicolaus Copernicus Universityul. Chopina 12/1887 100 TorunPOLAND

Prof. Dr. Sverre O. Smalo

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Institutt for matematiske fag.NTNUN-7491 Trondheim

Prof. Dr. Oeyvind Solberg

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Institutt for matematiske fag.NTNUN-7491 Trondheim

Dr. Luise Unger

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Prof. Dr. Jie Xiao

[email protected]

Department of Mathematical SciencesTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084CHINA

Prof. Dr. Yuji Yoshino

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Dept. of MathematicsFaculty of ScienceOkayama University3-1-1 Tsushima-nakaOkayama 700-8530JAPAN

Prof. Dr. Dan Zacharia

[email protected]

Dept. of MathematicsSyracuse UniversitySyracuse, NY 13244-1150USA

Prof. Dr. Andrei V. Zelevinsky

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Dept. of MathematicsNortheastern University567 Lake HallBoston, MA 02115-5000USA

Grzegorz Zwara

[email protected]

Faculty of Mathematics andComputer ScienceNicolaus Copernicus Universityul. Chopina 12/1887 100 TorunPOLAND