zmwrn:?. •msm jj^^^jf ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s &&& safe; is«liiis ^»l*w4 ttV"« (?J^^W|^ffjWJ'JWf! 'wwigiww.-'^v^^tft-^y-n^^ AYER'S ByMiDDES . ... NEWSEAPERa- HCT^R^iY'S DBITG STQBE. %N MATOES OF Tl Great CjtjLe?, Wo, the undersigned Mayors, hereby cer- tity that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Physicians of; our several cities *»W "fltfW? a dooumen* of assurance to UB tliat the rem- edies of DB. J. O. AYES. St, QO., of iKOTiell, (Ayefp aarssparilltt, PUIS. At&e Cttte, snd Cherry;FeoloHil,) have been found to bo moatolJKJs''8l"BreBt exoeUenoe»-and-wortihjr the confidence of the community. .... HOW. JAMES COOK, , Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON. AXBINbW^Sui. - -vM«yo«.ofc«3LNOHBa»raiB, W. H. t^f^S«r«r^C>HFOBp,N. H. HONi*^t^^t®PO.fflK, .»'Mayor;of'WOBOESTEB, MASS. *«f Afo ' ' ' •>' : . • - ~ ifayor of BAWBBt MAB8. 11 A Domestic'and Conaen-ative NeWBpapm I i in the City 6( New,.York,. ' The N-. X|Sfe^^A^ T^s*^ m. 7b Resfaretht Um'onrandnratnfat'n,^ <(!!!•"««- r J>f BOBSPdl!^ MA8S: I 1 i >= J* r>,fl '1/ I*/*!! M |*r * HON. F.*»vsr» •u v M HON. WK M. BOnMAlV, Mayer Of HBOVTMOTOB, B. I. HOtf. AWOa.W-. EB^lgEgCE,,, ^ydrfof NOBMffOH, CONN. HON. j^^mg^m,:,,. . TtowWmWxmDoxr, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODEEB, HON;' ^j™,.^ .... v Ma3r«'Of ! KB^SOBK Oily. HOJfi|m^i;KI3?S!H&^Y; - •. <**• "li^^of^taeenSar, 'a. w. 'HOlft^M^^fcl.. ^ r ,M»yof"«f^Bt3SRK>, c..w. HON. S* m OBaapppBB,' ••"" •• M»or%ri.6tnB*ILLE, KV. HON,. jojgs^o^,-^.,. . HON. JAHE8 MCPEOTEE3, - . HON. «n«jpftgf&B*- H»N.,^^|fe^^ir8B, Jr., teiM4aBoorWSHa^»'W3Bsiai. MB. ,HON^J®SBBS H k *EBK, . ' Mayor of PBEDBB1CTON, K. B. HON. SmM^ymTin, •• - ' ^Mayor of HEW BBDFOBP, M4B8. HQir«|^BtftlHPW'lw9T^* ' , MASS.' HON^J1W...H, CBA'NSJPbg, - i Mayer of SSTW^OBT, B; -X HOMY K R E D SXAHJTJ, llij •',. r" .... Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HOKU JOHN HODSBBiri^r^^- -, . ... Mayor of. DtTBCTOTEi IOWA. HOW. THOMAS CaTTTCHPlEgD, Mayor' of CHATTANOOGA; TBBTN. HON, .BOfBEM* &X£m?£\T'\ /, Mayor of TUBCAL008A, ALA. BON. B. D. BATJGH, ~" . .. ,Mayor of MKMKHIB, THNN. BON. GBRART) STUCK, Mayor of NSTW OBLEANS, LA. 40N. Bt ID. SCBANTOW, Mayor of BOOHEaTEB, N. Y, HON. BE WITS? C. GBOVE, Mayoj.of TJjnOA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBTJBO. FA HON. C. U. BXJBX, Mayor of DETBOIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN I,. PAGE, ,&?.••:•*"* Mayor of MILWAXfKIB, yriB. i>f* .' Mayor of KBNOBHA, WIS. I JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. F OR several y.oars the Pe iseryfttlv'p sentiment of tlio•JL^^ ; b^1^^8ftroanqv4lW* to tlic nows3ity Drliolug^lhrally'ftutt»olj i ^K«?nt t?d by a OraV claHR Nowspttii6r, puWlsip^U* tho^Cltyjjol- Kew york.iMtauteft^oiKipulflrcIrcuUnca^tpnil \y|nm tng a wliotesbino influpnco throughoht'ifeVtliiittDi- Ttic great^iinVhafl^Ben-andi9-a-i»iip*r^-!^lifqtKBll^^va tain the gamft-fpdgtlPW t9 tl»e Iiomo'orattb^alfl 1 finaivty ativo principles, aa docs the Jf<jw Xoi:te-'|ril»ijUg"tt> *" Abolitionism' arid all kiuda of - l^lca1&"hii^fi?»p«r conducted with tplont and prudon^oi-i^iUiC-'cpn^Si^P nreolatlon ofHIQ trut? principles ori ! Qafc;Coyiernmcnt Urn!^ftdelicy ieiUem.,lu,aU respects a;flirefcicTais$ news' paper, aha yet aflbradd at a price bringing It wiUHa th6 roach of the masses of thu Veoplo tbroughou.t,Uic, Country." » Hie uudRrsigned, iVoui tbeir'counpxkin wlthtbe Al bony Atlas & Argus—ono of the oldest and bcs( knoirra Democratic papers tu Uio Union—liovo been constant . ly urged, during tholaslthrco or four years, to re- spond to this demand, by establlshingB first, class Wooldy nowppaper in tbo City ofNow York, adaptfid- to general circulation. W& yield to tho \yishetf of our political friends- and nave tborofore detonninod to transfer the publication of the Weekly Atlas Jb' Argus to the City of New York,and issue it under tho name Tt»e New York WecWyArgiu. It will be published InQuarto.foxnlt^ottheBtaiof the leading New rorlrW«Ules,aiid.vro,^pnttniiso that In Its News, Editorial, xaterary;MIsc^llane<)ua andAgri cultural Departments, m.tte<:Uarkotfteport3, and mall other respects,iltBhftU'bo.atleaaVGqaaltoauy paper published in that^ity.. \VhUo dovotlbg to it our own edltoMactrtc^lllT^UtiOilonAvothe benefit of (he entire ilmo and.coijstoj^HupeiTlalon of Sir.- EWN.COW- stoci,Ib>"flE!voralyea*»oa'oof tboEditor^of the New Tort; Joarnal of Commerce, a gentleman of recognized editorial ability and experience. Tho editors will therefore bo --< OALVteBT pOMSTOOK, WttUAH CASSIDT, EtOK CoSlSTOCK, witbjample additional special asstatanco in tho sevora doportmonts or the paper. Tho publication of the papor m Ne^? _ York will hi commpnepd on. Saturday t December 7th,- Single subscriptions per annum *2 00 .Thrco copies onoyear t 500 £ight " " \ WOO Additional copies 81,20 each. Tfitiritycoplos, to one addivss. 3000 wlttran extra copy to the poison eending*'tft»'CIub. ^Tlu ^ cases tho money most accompany the-or dor fbr tho papers. _. . To ; any person semllnir a Club ol ll» Vro will son? tbo Albany Dally Atlns & Arjfus, one year,^ra,ttB. SubscrlpUoDs.to commence with tho Volume shoulu reach u s b y tho.Qrst ot;peoemher. Thoy may, how over, commehce with any uumher.. tetters, whethci contalning.remittaucea or otherwise, should bo ad dressed to the undersigned, Corner or Broadway au» Park Place, (opposite City HalYTarkO Kcw.Vock. 17 COMSTOCK&CASSU)y,Prop f a MEDICAL. / MEDICAL. jrOTfi: JSrUMBEBONE! COZSZEN'S PatentPi^ire Kerosene. THE ONLY KEROSENE! S I X T Y ^ E N T S 11 S I X T V 1 1 1 S13TY I IP DEGBAIff'S ELECTBrt#iM* T HE modus oporMa^o^t>^e'rB»»W^voJ.sWr' ni>lo Rheumatic (win,»llnftS^ra-wSSStoSsfN nmuklml; wholhor Ita loraMon^itRslwa coverlas of the norvcs, UlftfiW^WwS the coating or an IbflataMtUiimKdJ 1 !!^ anco of Uio olootrlo OuiS ltsoJf:,,.«o>.t!Unyt%.,,„, ;y-_,. •'Bcctrlo on'i la roaiUlySlKoth#^toKlM>:MMisK actually aujipfy a ooodofl doUotj^^^t^Mlcl'i^W! ch|arXfe:U0M»S9«Sp^^M^l^t t W^ i lBs tho Joints of NockrSIso.Tiilpiallon—to toraovo "Ojlf Bonmesa and swclllug. " . •'•{ MOST BEMABKABI.13 CURES. $100 will bo given, If any of the fallowing persons cannot bo fouud. SlOO If thoy oro not of tho highest respectability -in the city of Philadelphia and vicinity. Hfi««na«snt.—F. Duffy, Esq.f'corner or Looust and Twelfth St., Philadelphia- Rheumatism.—ilr. W. Blauchard, 208 Kloventh .St., Philadelphia. ' BaeumaKim.-Jolm aiuton, 70 !>'. N i n t h St., r h ^ dolphin. ' , BJeutiahiM.—Davl.1 Strclttcli, No. 1 I^vhnrn St, kiraiiLl Vrtit—\V. Kranklliv, 24 a. EighthSt.,Phtt- odelnhla. - • fljon.—W. Kluo(ide,aiKlghthSt.,HUUdelnhlo. Sprained IFrirf.-JohnBible,400 Aroh.ph|ladolphia. Gout.—Jamea I*gan, 2 Goorgo St., Philadelphia, ifeuroloio.—nrrWood,-Wt»d'8Slusoum,Philadolp,hla. ZnflaniaatorK OmU—is. \T. •Humphrey, Fifth tjftd )lcSnmSrSis.,l'hUadolphla. ' V , - » 'hlladelphla. •Mrs. Sarah Sutton. 832 South Eighth Stetson, Filbert St., ab. Kigfiw, Tim Boston Journal FOR 1862. •El** New Kngi»nd K*w»p»per. T 315 trying times dnho nation's history In which v/6 live', render a LIVE HEWSPAPEE an indispensible necessity to over} - man who would- teephimself iuformedof thoimportanl„csen(5 'which are daily transpiring. So furnish &papcr which wiff meet the-just expectations ottho pnbllo In sach a timo as the present reqaErraen amoontof labor and of.,ex- traoirdlnary espouse of-which the community *U«Tgc hard no conception. Thoproprictorsof-XHEJOCESAIis have snared no effiirts or money to make it, all that' its -*rek4era could reasonably expect. Bcsidfsrtmproving firi^BtreDgtheDtng their home force during tho past year, they have, afc-great expense-, sent- sevoratofctlie best reporters and letter writers to the country with the nrmy and navy, and haveCrequenUy^glven the New Qlgland pUblic^thellrst and fullest accounts by- tola- grafah and by mail, of ItQportant events at the Seat or Wilfc -The only special reporter from Xow England at the Hatteras and Port Royal victories was THE JODE- NA£ reporter, and his reiwrts of those events, with aK«eior* , eaxletoa, M of the Bull Ran flghl, " B e r l e y ' s " leuers Orom Washington, 'fBay State's" from the pp- perPotomac,and THE JODBNAL'S letters from MIs- soori and Kentucky; are universally acknowledged OB among the host reports and letters published by tho .American Press. What the proprietors of THE JOUR- ~NAJ* havo done is hut on earnest of what they Intend . t o d*> In order to give its readers the earliest and best accounts of every eve it of interest connected with the rebellion, and at the s.uno time have the Journal main- -ialn its reputation ns Uie hat general Xewrpaper in New Tho increasp in the circulation of t h o JOURNAL dur- ing 'theyear is tho best ovidenru orthoextont which thefNew England Public rely upon It for the oews of thsiday. Its circulation now ranges from Bfxty Tliottfland to JBIgbty Thousand ponday; and it has frequently daring tho year in times of etxeitement, reached over one hundred thousand per, dajf—testing^he capacity of both qur fast^pmsea to thesntmost to supply the dwtnand." Tjhe following are the prices of the several tniltlooa or THE JOURNAL: - THE BOSTON DAI&Y JOUBKAL. ' MOXXINO AXD BVBXJXG, Circulation dvo times as large as that of any pa>wr of Its class lo New England. SIK I>oII*r« a Year; Single Copies M CU. THE SEMT-WEEKIY JOTTRHAL. rf -IRutdiHt dmlt)rfda^Mormng$, Three Dollars a Tear/ TO CLUBS. HOI f HON: T&. 3. k.' TraAgH, Mayor of 8ELMA, ALA. HON. A. J, JfOBlVE. Mayor of JttOJJ'i'OdMEHY; ALA. HON. W 4 p. HQliTBAD,, "• l Mayor of OOItTJMBUS, QA. f % DON ESPABTEBO MAMTJEL, Mayor of VBBA OBUZ. DON METRE DE CABAU.O, Mayor of MEXICO. DON EfSTEPHAHrE BOBBIGOEB, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHBVBBA, Mayor of LIMA, PBBU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL DON MABO SESQTTIPEDAT.TA, Mayor of BIO JANBtBO, BEAZIL. Certify-that the resident Dm^psts have assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1B an e x c e l l e n t r e m e d y , and worthy the con* fldenee of the oommunity. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. i *" I-/ ' - ; * *' l ^ o r S p r i n g DUeakea. For Purifying tho Blood. r •-< For ScTotu)m\or KliKg^a SiTllv For ?nnWM, U l c e r s , I Q I . S o r e s . Po^KrHptlpji^aftd JPimple«._-— For Bloiialies. Blalua, and Bolls. ^Por Bt* Anthony's Plre, Rose, or Elr^« ^ Foe Tetter or S a l t B - h e u m . [alpclaa. ' F o i * a % ^ d ^ H e K d ( * n a , Blngwonn. . For faanccr and CaAcerotis Sores. For Sofce JElycs, Sore Elnrs. and Hamon, For^|in'a"l« diseases, . ^ For &ttp~2>ressfon a.t>d Irregularity. For Sypiiili* or VeneVeat'k>l«eases. For ftlvef Complaints. F o r D i s e a s e s 6t tlic Heart. Five copies, ouo year, •Ten *' *' Twefve dollars fifty cents Twenty dullars THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, Published on T7ntr*day Morning. One copy, one yi»ar, Two dollars Two copies '• Three " Five " " Six ** Ten *' ' Ton " And one to gtiller-up of rlub. TwenTy cTiplw,.mre year, Twemy-rtottarff And tw» to rjettcr up ofclub. As Ax AnvER-nsrsfl MKDIUM. THK JOURN.tl, lias no tnjtui) iu Now Kaglftna. lm prices are uniform, and the xdvcrttscmeitts *i*o set up ih a clear and conspicuous manner,,, judiciously arrangd and classified under appropriate* heads, and appear In both the morning nod evening papers without oxtra charge. t ITS. CiKCULATION is more than five times that of any "two cent,"; or subscription paper in New England, Tho public aro' reminded that no dxumrturt for odverliritiff arc ever employed by this establishment. T H E G A S H PRINCIPLE. In all cases, the u cash principle" will ho adhered to, and no notice will bo taken of any orders not accom- panied by the money. All papers aro discontinued at the expiration of the timu }»i«l for. *yThe Journal is for salo al alt tbo Newspaper Depots, and' On all tho railroads throughout Now Eng- land, i' All orderB tuiuuld bo addressed to CHARLES O. ROGERS, Journal Building, 118 AND 120 WAHHIXOTOX ST., BOSTON, JU8S. GOOD OIL FOBJltJfc* ^EROSRKK LAMPS .. Fifty-five Cents Per 1M. OLD LAMPS FITTED WITH KEEOSENE BURfEES ! FORWO SHILLINGS r-.ACH ! TWO SHILLINGS ! •a- HUMPHREY, Number One, Potsdam. _j * DO NOT MISTAKE! HUMPHREY'S WHIG STORE Is the place, and no othor. to g«t things GOOD and C H E A P ! 1: 10 6m "' Bheu) St.jl'hiladolphla. Rheumatism.—i Philadolphla. . _. , ; , Sprained Jt&k, also Entargemtni tfEtfcwfo&tftr John Ilrapor, 307 Market Street. sTiPFlir-KGite^ im&cr (if £mt> .Vaoorfne Ouml hittaittaueotas^ Gnaw) nocss,TraupsipnUr PROF. CHAM. DKGR.\Tn:—I freely glvoUoRmyopinto 'that vour Electric Oil is among tho most wondortc remedies of modern times. At the camost request of. alady, who alleged that she had beoh relieved of a most painful affection by Its use, I was induced to try a bottle, though at the timo of purchasing, I fully ho- llered It to be a qiuicfc modicmo tind a catchpenny humbug. But a tridl cvuvluces me that it possesses a magic r»owor,ai)'I its use will prove a blessing to suffer lug humani^' TrecoutlT'took a cold sleeping hi damp sheets, and y neck bewmwso much swola could not tutu my head. my ueck bewmwso much swouou and painful, that I After ushig. without success, everything prescribed bymy phvsicUn.I lnsV-avcniPK tried your Electric OIL This morning I am well, the relief having been as complete as it was Instantaneous. .. A'oUm, very truly, i . ~ JOHN UVINGSTON.:, Etiitor Monthly I^fw Mogaiiiib, 157 Broadway and 120 West 14th Street, New-York. Mr Livingston belongs to the old, wealthy, and higb- Iv respectable fttratUcs or tha drat settlers of New York. Any one can addrcss'hlu) on tho subject, of tho above letter, which will he answered with pleasure. Sold by all Dcuggteti}. Depot 217 S^fitb St.,Philadelphia. S7;fim DABLEY'S DRY GOODS. &r Fall Dress &oods. The Best Paper for the Times! H OOBE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER, widely known as the moHt Valuablo and Populttr-Journal in Its Sptiere—OB the Best aud.CheapOst combiaod AgrWUt- tural, Horticultural, Literary aud Faniily Nowepffpor on the Continent—wilt enter upon Its thirteenth Year and Volume in January. 1802. It has long su/pasiiod all rlvals'in Variety and Uftefulnesd of Contents, andaf. late JB, mora than ever before, *;*&£? THE FAVORITE HOME WEEKLY 1 * Tub is proved by Its" Immense and rapidly-increasing circulation throughout tho Free States, Canada's,Ac. and among all' intelligent classes both in -Town. and Country. In addition to a areat onjAunt. ojLErac.Ucal, Instructive and Ehtertafolng Beading upon Agriculture, Horticulture, Domestic Economy, Science, Art, Educa. t{on, &o.. with a variety of Engravings', Masl'c, Talcs, ^etrjV&o. ( ^. r ^^•coBtMw^^^-eemp^etc^ : «nd~oaroftlr^- - pjropared Weekly Summary of the Latest War News, So that every reader may bo Hilly dftftflud of tho Events of the War/or the Union. ThO'IlfSiAi. ardently labors for the preservation and perpetuity of tho Afmorican Union, as the great means or securing- iho permanent prosperity of tho Pwiiie and Country. Tho* standing aloof from party politics, it is au>nys and flrmly for Tho UuJon, the Constitution, ahd^th'tf TAws, Honco It Is, and tVill continue to be, llB8i>EI.I*, PEIKSON & CO., 41 North Pearl Street, ALBANY, IN. Y. (OPPOSITE FEMALE ACADEMY,) Would call attention to their aflsortm^nt of I1RR83 GOODS, suitable for the present season, in BE L_AINS S VAXKNCIAS AND POPLINS, PL&Itf and PlGCBED OTTOMONS, PLA1V and PUIXTED MEB1NOES. SILKS, PLAIN AND FANCY, MUIRE ANTIQUES.Rich Brocades, BOTH IN SILK AND VELVET. ENGLISH, PBEKCH.au.l ^ DOMESTIC i CALICOES. I-iEOE A8S0BTMKOT CI J I B S n > CASSHJIBRR., EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, ami itotSERY i U.BT.R ASSoirnawT or ^ Linens, also Table Damask, Napkins, Tow- els, Diaper, Quilts, Toilet Covers, r, &c, &c. MOURNING DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. CLOAKS, S H A W L S a n d MANTILLAS. Our Cloak, and Mantilla Dopartuienl will be conduct- od aallewtotbre, updo.r our own-supervision r and hopo to merit iliat patronagb from our friends which has been llbarally bestowed on us in tbc past. 9 ly .Fall Arrangement. ~y Photogi-apli ai|:,iwQiS|ptype *& ,_ .„aU:d^ ^-^™^™ fw} = f -^.., COXSDMTOOJt. It;)s'rwtimmtiiil«il '!}•,,. - , ntia Wiyalolivns In tho Bolted Stoics and liuropo-liav lug bi-wi used with wSous raauuuMJ*, >» ^jJSr .viisovjiraasfc, __ _ ,_ „„, r '^i i| ^ Tlio HyiHinhosphlira torn a " f W * S!'f. *»SH5 the onb lid acUou:on.thoon01ioliil,«or^Wte> , i'!S*)Wn (31 SJNSWTOTIS NIKVOUSWBlGYj.TOaimUho yaw, AGENT KNOffN._ Iu casta "[ Norvqua Dobilll}' or Frustration if tho" Vital powortf, ({«» any.oauso, tills Romotly lias no suportor. , .,. ' b l h o only reKn&fc fti'fm or J tWs trt'&iiosllAf&,'%t!ldo nrtortUoorlginflllforinulii.ojpr.AurclillI. . «5-iJtqraRfc rdS'AJSlS'BSE NO 6THEB.-^II;, ' «-A Fair Trial li a Certain Our^.-^o PBlCSS:-lnToE,Bottl«s,'SI.-^lx Bottfcs-ti!r '$)'• In 10 02,?»trt6SJ?S.—ajiiMO-IUf,^' J»»"Jj!L *ftjK sncntniilo Brugglsis, nnd at Ihs^ola .©nntal- ponpw. j United States, J, ^'^p:^i^j.ij!6;Jpli^|,^. y, Spermatortlje»i i^ef^r&S^Mtg&ScWBl. Geneial teiteWi^mfertlieBSex... . too woU Known to igfelw A«ji.a»J}.wBiln< «ft Bl *B»« •them,laoriiotthnmoatUtsl6jofeto.d tUcndbre<m- gorons.oroll OfeTloiigcSMogll^liiiSninnIlls. UKlJB the very springs or Wl>, raddly tadornitaes Uio eon. stltatiou, and sinks tho unhappy victim tololmheclllty and atfrefciattrro-gravis I- FronTonotoslsrhoiosolitho Sl'KCIWO PliJ,ar<i sufflolent.to effec^A radicaloirro iu tho most nggro.Ya.tod cases whether consWuftonfll, or arising front^P«&(6r^tcS«afe.f'.'.;_...' ' ! - M E D I C A t . TESTIMONY., We Iwllovo tt lo>e, In tho treatment ofSpCTUiator. rhea, as near a snjenno as any modloluo can be.—B. KEITH, M. D. lAm. Jmir. rf ATediwUScienci!. I hayo'found" Uioui all that "ionld ho dcplrod.. Their effect Has been truly uxmderful 1 .used them lu a case of Spermatorrhea of limg dandititf, which has been un- der treatment fat years. I think three boxes wil comploto the ouf &—B.1'. DICKKE. St. I>- O-Thts Is n o t u. noinroopathlcltomcdy, hor is tucro any mercury or othcr'deletcrioiis tngrrdient combined with it. Price l 8 1 B«r Box—Sti Boxes for $3 i By Mall. For sale by ail druggists, and ;U the A'lo Gt-ueral pepot in the Untied States, by JT. WINCHESTER. isiy 36jffflSsr.,N,..y., For sal* by S. Humphrey, Potsdam. Those :rwifflWo;n'#y, ftW,Mi^'is!|ffii try "' " ' - •'• - c •' ' • •••' ' ' ftititX vory foBl)lotttiWeu.'j'.j good assortment m ) beautiful siylcifiOfBhl - Partlom6#u^WP,W.## Canton, January. ISO? j , .•;•'-• .•^.•V"' g •' 'f'' townl&ih-ond,lsl---^~"-' ""•' ' " ' " ^ooivoa and k'e'ena tent lot of Embtaclite cvoryMUorn bud" Jhm WflnvUm-largejtt.. " Co^li«jHtbvraVvfftnJbbCTt«» lncht%rrr*HhrnHny»fe^ TlwOuhlvator, BreiE'ry, "Ymmg America, Woodland, • ' TSortliorrtShihi, . Vormoutor, and Rival. large Office Meat&rs; Parlor, Fancy and Slump; Boom Slovcs of allslKB. All • orvvhIchwfflhOfioldnttllo'.lpycatprlOis. . Store on east rtlte.ot^a^6(StKH*P|o^^MtH0fflco. PoTsoaa. January, 1800. ' - " ALSOrPIWS FOR SALE By • W t f ' E.' TVXt^Wfi 0 *' i HEAL THE SICK. C O N i r t M MEWCfNE T HE only reliable remedy ftir Heaves. Coughs, Colds, Thick und Brofcon Wind, or any complaint uft>ct- Ing tbo wind of the horso, also for WORMS, YKLLOW "WATER, LOSS OP APPCTITE, and all derangements of" tho digestive organs. Asa\ condliion medicine it has ao equaj^as all who haVe., tisad it testify; it lias restated to perf*H:i sounduess thiiusands of horses supposed tu be broken down and %lmost worthless, all traces of disease having been completely removed,'and have afterwards been sold for from £50 to S100 moro lhaif; t,hfy, would haw pro- vinasly brought. Many peretwis who' deal in horse* use it, by which the condition nod appearance of their horses are so mnch impro\*cd that thoy sell more road- Uy„ and for higher price. It is i-asy to ghre, nor to cwrt. and safe at.tl times and In ail casos, and dues hot prevent tho Horxe iro.ii bfing worked while using it- It mil- lifci'wise iKrgmui t" Uorntd CaiSe. I> . W . H V R D . 93 Maiden I-an«-, N. Y., Sole Prop. For riale l»i C. M Peck, Usher A* Tiiatcjier, S. Hum Smith U Skjo, (iiiuon; John Rindge.Ogdcn sburgb; J. Dewoy. Waddington; M. W. S-ors, Madrid, and by all dealers In Medicine. IS 6m 'Si ESI * -fK^-sgir^isS? wr MEDI04L., ^ LMW1%»!S».. 4.u?t ,___,_ www thdWr^VbTuttof *i*ri.. '"A Ucothoj lit hV« hejrcljy Bnmairitiraui snwar'tiw ~, .„i«,W)tiVjl! IMmMTOMJft'WIl'uJl *n» lite (lift? Btt Cforkof 8L.tt»rl!ir;<ifeiltityi<n the m" nC3iu\!i«W>'J«o3.t!H.tW itmonevpy'uf ^,0,1" -• * -uuitirttioHr^t ^ItWc Mwf^totite »,iu„ ^Wffl!iirii^teSW»»^r."8>e"wrvtr;.''7/',. BumWoWfftxoWitt)«»tMrtha day.of mrvim, m ti„.... «(fts'IUtilW>.t((g!mmtngal>»t»imlt.r sv.v,.,,,, ,,',.., M l W t t f tMOSMtttsjWlJh- hllorest mi riltv •. . it«»ll»*ilW» toWJoJJ JTUt,,!!)!)^ „od ..,; », . m J«iy i?t^ w! <y$gJ8S$b .< n ,^ wwff5wi»io!btoi..\ , '•pit : 5t»iiii m lw»ii»itoWB. Kttll'NTl Hil8}»= Btaton»(iliWnfrtimn slobo mai«wfiwnm»wte(i|tteT(iii*t!t-i!arsi.i.| 3i •iif'b To ConsM-iuptivcs.—The Advertiser, having been restored to health mvf a.few w.ccka by a very simpltf remedy t ^fter having, suffered 'aeypral > ..yeara|; with a Bovbittflung'a.flecHon; an,d t h a t arcadalsejJBO, Consumption—is anxious to raofeo k n o w n to his follow- jtuflerersthemoailsofcuTO. '• •—-- To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used, (freoof charge,) with tho direc- tions fbr preparing and using -the Borno, which thoy < will find a SOTO Cure fbr Consumption, Asthma/ Bronchitis, $c. Tho only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit tho 'afflicted, and spread information which" he cOncolves'to be, In- valuable, and he hopes every, puflfctflu will, try hlav remedy, as It will coat thom nothing, and may prove & blessing, - - , ' " Parties wishing theprosorlpttonwUlplfeaieadaress V UEV.T3DW-A1U? ^ . . :, snL80N, 263m' VIIlIamslrargh.'KlnBsC'dimty, »..Y. M3SDIC1L. A\ r on|fenaf«cim^accoBirantedJya fac similte of ^o^w%m^icrojiun-o/Z>r.i?. L. SOULK £ Co. txpon(h£fi£e^f'<cac& Bos. Every day brings new testimony of the triumphant cffectlrota tlic u s e of "SOCLirs PHJ>\ " What better- oviderico can bo given of the SUPERIORITY of a Reme- dial Ageut than tlwt ALL THE WORLDuse ttf It is an unquestionahle fact that "SOCLE'S PilXS" give better TjaUsfaction than any Pills now bororc tbo public. Of .tb'eproofoTthis assertion, every Druggist <ur Agent who tolls ftem will testify. We might cite the afflicted lo many cases where CCftES.bave' been efltcled by their use, were it ueces- sary here, but for this purjHwe we 1 refer thi-m to our Circnlai^j which can befoUnd with our Agents men- tioaed "below. C. N.TCTTLE. Adburn, N. Y., Ok-neral .Ag<<bt for New York und Michigan. For sale by C. M. Pecfe, Usher A: TfaaK^Mr.S HUmpIiT wy.JBrtWara, j+E. B, Wjnsjow, J. $..$$&* SJ^I»t feSad^Gantoh. JomiEln^o.OgdBn^urgfe'lirs.'Ifewey W;a4dIngton. M. \% Seap», Madrht; -aiid by all deal- ers in Medicines. 18 ly LINgS OP; TSAJVgL. y,: Watertown, Home and Cape Vincent, Railroad. Tho Early Phys a Ocgcuoracy OF AHEEICAN PJB0P££.„. Just Published bv Br. Stone, Physician to the-Troy Lung and 3Ji- gienic Institute* A TRfeATISE ON THR CAUSES^ OF EAM.Y PHYS- irAi^DEOLnTE OP ASrEKlCAN-.P&SpLEf THE CAtfSE OF KBfeVOUg i»«iB|LJTyJ' CONSCMPTION AND VARASMUS. T Hli= WORK is of high, moraj tone, written in, chaste yutthrlllingjanluago, midapptoalBjdirectly tq the moral cot^ciousriesV of' Alt FATIRSTS and' GUABmAsS, rcapccially detailing scientific, and trc.lia)bloj aids and troalmtMiis for cure. It will he 6<utt by mail ou receipt pf two S cent stamps. . jSg-Pufcuts and Ottardlimst fall not to scud and got this buok. 'Young Meti! lail uut to send and get this book. Ladies! you, too,fihould<M onco secure a cayty or tbUbvok. , A word-of Solema,Ool5iWeritl6uM^cpt% ^clas^lina^dieS-prOTmti^fcaWa^ muui£^;a'winTnfeatIcastlM^^6.utE^of-l>oth'sB^s ! t o afl•citrlygrn'v f o. ,, SlbsodiBoas'oata'fivery ImpBrfoetly" •"u^e^o^^fwl^^ernttl- matjUefitaltoffe-dre'symp- tonisor^Df^«ES"!Hfe?RelaxaU6rt nUd'Kshhiistion;. HaxaBtn€3-w?^(tt|g^^M^onsuraption of-the tiRSUos of the who-lp bodyjfinortricssbrbrcRthing', -or hurried breathing oh ascending a hill or flight of slops, -groat palpitation tiftbgrllcart-: Asthma, Bronchitis: and Soro > Throat^haklugofibe-hand.* and limbfc, .aVcraian to society and tof business or study; dimness of cyO sight, loss of memory, dizamess of the^fccad:^euralglc pains Jp, varius parus of the body, pains in thftbackor limbSj dyspepsia or indigestiou, irregularit5t'-of the bowels, -deranged sections of the kidneys apt! other' gItmds_or ^c.o wm£ui&&WffiS3&ei. rriHS' most romaVlcablo >imd«*'ffectunt«-Bem'edyiiror Jl Coltorttuglis^rokeh#Indl^aw:Sf»r>.ina!pd1f--- r3o wMei-aObob llto'wlBdiOt:aie-h!ii»a^. atoRi,r4ho. no ft)*bTof ihj.R'jDjorntes' so , 6l(i§al!y1fiJfBKJring.ta; given thoso a trial, prortoudco them tho' "best prepaMfr' tliln'orthffltlndover o|fgtg41to-Stlip}pnJi!^f;Eir that most nseTu! animal, -yiqHo^o, -• ..,*;"•'£:.<,-, Tho Unlvofial SmB it fim'TowdcrS are caually-MnoOr?'' lal to Oattlo In all5HtBetat<s, Md. tisjifiCTally-'tcP-Mllch Oows. ''HniidrfldB of oer'tlllcatM 6afr'ht?prddlicoa f from men whosejoputatlonsare.catahlis.hod',, .•,- •.. ^ ,0'z% Tho animalcanjne/wprlcod. .while nnder,..tlut«4reat- m^nt.Qtthoso powders, aud no bad effect >j8.,produced When ihoircaseilstdisc^ntlnucdK'V-'' ,•„: ;:ii.;.. ;* ,'v£'i j&S-:The L«gest,PltclcafioToi:.Ute niouoy, ..Oivoithem, atrinl?ii<)tily25oont8. -,:- .:-». ,- W. SAWE$&^cCO; r .Solo proprietors of the, aho*Q2 ty-ttvollnlcstonutouinUcrfi , „„ „, f .ln to a atone sniilt'teilio.ctn.t'r'or Uw rnm 1,, in'Marsh.v.fcjonu||(4U-.',Uwcft.a|finB the r,„ irc»a^«Ui-MOe|&t.oiift,,*lin(n (Uty-fuiu i„ •qnwnosunlrtothoconuirofjwld rond; tii™,.,. • :.7B^!®isttWoolmlriH8DllnK».tt>JtaloilOi tlieor,. ' LB^S^mttwo'olffllpsIxiJSilSht. Units t„ piulcm 11M Senior of the urattnimtloued r™,i iMeM&^FfW^i-jpiin'ii,Vlll»eo. 1 „ _,msTOhl,or8aiifrdnji; fbti Hih rfay ,,r 1., ft IMSJI at 1 O'olock P. M. of that du\r Hativl i',,u •ft ', to-" < W * ' 8,«IRUnC. Slierlll. •;*iB3v; .; ^ p . 0". WitKtiiKK.i, ,, .Juo aWo salo' Is Welly Jiosipon'od' Vi iv.n,,, lMtdayorKohfiiary, 1802Jnt-thh nanw (ilnn- ,1,,;, Mayas obovo.r-Datod Potsdam, Jan. 11, isca :..,- ^. - aB.«aaBv,Ki«.iiir ,, a . B y 0 : 0 . WiiKKfcu, |. Hedtclnc, Watertown,N. X.- . . ,•, . ,..-. .Sold by4hoprincipal Dealers thrpuguo.u.tjthQ£uun. try. • t.> •, , tVt,04^ J. T. BockwitU,252 Greonwlch 8tr.eet, attdJwttflll, Marsh & flardlner. No. 10 Gold Street,, wnpjesalo agents, Now Yo/k City; / - 1 gn>i For sale iu Potsdam by Ualiof. & Thatcher., auJ ; C. M. Pock..., , - . . . • i & v T "For sale at Canton toy.),. K. B. Winalow, H^.Sniltb,it, SoVnnd J. S. Bale. ' . .^Jfi-ebi"' .!:: TJiME TABLE Ti, Into effect on JTputlay, Nov. 4 ,'tlttCi SVIXTEK ARRANbEHKNT.' «. ; ... 1.; <»< Deulou'a IU;satn cur, ^ Coogbs, Colds, beals and BtrcnRth-Tis the 1 JIOKK ; v. ill care Bleeding of lb© l u n g s InfUmation of ih'.- Ijiugr' nod Asthma. DENTIN'S BALSAM oe in 1S61 GOING SOLTH. Accorfl. A. M. 1801 GDlN-fi NOKTH. STATIONS. 1'tavMayora of the chief cities of tbe Uni- ted Statesi-Canudaa, and Britdsli Frovtacei,. OhiB^jemaj, Brazil, Mexico^ andtotootal- most all £n^ ^titaes on this continent, have :.isned_thia.(3ocumont, to asaure their people whnj r^^esdioithBy may tue with Bttfety nnd ooitfdgrB!ot-^Sat bur spaoo will only admit a p6rfS5h of thorn., •• Ayer's Sarsaparilla, AVer's Cherry Pectoral, A.yer'B v Pills, and Ayer'a Ague Cure, 1^ -^ PltEUAREp OV- - - ' . IfWJ..'jr f C. Aycr * Co., LOWELL, MASB;,- A r ti'il sold'by Druggists every where. 01$ ^Qjats^^TpVG DONE Ji^&trWftfs-igreiilars, Prograiumoa, labels, pos. i r *yClli(p|{tt,'ii'otofl" Ac-, A^/m^oXn^o4' Patriotfe,xxv B rers ;' •'':'!^-RS;?«f>'ri; InbolbJ variety o r beraortho;Famil; Rlgbtana.ionfcm tnonts are. uiftrn'cU^-j and Nows,ftaitm, ' theUofa(~- —^ -rthoconi ^Jotorcst; Home Itod. TBCTGOODS It To be sold cheaper tlwn (iver, l>y * M.& N. PRANK, Iu Amtnrhia^bMK^^Kti^t.ljufeii. dwits, labor ,Wroriacr.,W;Bura:a8TTO,snteri(l| and what*v*«aiiSHASBW tho counlry--*,)SptfJralB&tlK5ti!i of tho P^blSinjaip*;- jtMnSii W&-^jBVglv«ffln*^lbMrfjf r? --' : " v mm- (able •^... _ Intent, • ia;auil«oijoat sucsper.fyi OBBssivir5)riu» ... ......... „,_,.>!%fhy&!ua. .,„™^lorffraiABlMtsf.rgtAziB- ST\ LJJ,'r0ttife*EK,l&Si ( %C. VUUIK XIII, for 18'oa,. will maintain tub enviable reputation tbe Buraljiow, YojSor. Jia'S-iflvjmreil for both Contents and ApWn"ra'hcS. ft' Will WJ nnUliBWd In Superior Style—with New Typo, MWfcytlllto-Pnperi and matt" "—'"•—"•'--- .f-'-J-*- /..--."' thoflami rago, TS!HaM tl jy,W,»M In A<lvulte«-»2nyoar: 3 ooplosf WtelJMkfo;lQ for J10: tt for i21( aOfdn! t2J—Willi sriKcS'Wpyifoi'cVory club of six or more.. 4»-Now Hrns-mlCTroScaecjami /so poiw xsw Ctcre. Bllclent Local Agents wonted fnoll places reached by thffUnltmimtmilad'0®rp!J*ill8. to whom wo shafl try to giv* floea ^.fhrairQWfcOood^.&rsfclmen tesovttneut of tvhlto and Coloffid (MM 7 End ~^'"'" _i ' ' ' Ford Street. Ogdensburgh, Hf. Y, Who liaM Just returned from tliu Sew York and ltniif>u inarjfctfl, i>nd nromiow reeoiving everything NEW km DESIRABLE! IN THE l.isfe OF DRY OOcDDS, Whirli tlioy pttrchaso cxrlinttmly, fur GASH, and aro bound t^ Bell at prires wlllrti DEFY COMPETITION. IN DRESS GOODS THEY HAVK t EmprthjaiOlotfi. Velincia, Persian Cloth, Beppa, Velvalfura, Mobairs, Cashmeres, De Iiain6a,, 1 'E'rMfibk}iri'l^ EoglWh Merjnoes, printed and'PJain'Coburg, filain rffid 6gBr<«l Wool Do LoibeS/ Black and figured Bilks, Afci&c. f . ••..•-_ THBV tttWE 'French, Eugllsli add American Prints,plain and fan. oy,rinnnel,ptoad Cloths, ladles' Cloths, Doe Skins, •Qiisira«l'c»,tSrtttoe<t8,Twoods, Bleached and Drown •'mblolJnoni»Wpor,Crash, Ticking, SWIpos,Checks, gicotlng8ondBIilrtlng,l)toiJipdr,nr»lij'-Ld,ljo»tCloakB, Woolsud Brocha Shawiff, Hoopaud Batntoral-okfrts. hHo»ICtyOT6t{*s;YJfflKMXonoN8; nod. A IhollMoa .AfTiH* *4>f Alan AA'A HitWlf»-Atltt i A. AinMI l A^ * h - HnFnZLrwunloWK , 4a., at ctoso of year, complete for binding. " < ' {,}&$fiEL AKI> EXXSHSf ITTHK 8TOG liiind. Also, Bristol and Knntooled f oral OTsitlng and wfi ddinc pui tig purposi KKR i CC CO., Proprlotors d community by introdticlnjf iUt)fB.)}or to n ol not fro and support. > Addroes D« B . T. BIOO KOCI wdl cxin- Pains l_n the Fide. Ftomach or Broast, Aem [ti« face orliroasf. nt'rvoTiSaPSv.TrroveT and Kidnej* »tmplaiut, I.imf Bai-t, DKXTOX'S BAI-8A5J enh-H P.iIjnutic-1 Hf i!it' He.-ift, ftyspcissia, Liver Com- i,i.ti:it CuJ.,-, am! ri-giiUim t&r ^tomarh^ind Bowels. i DENTON'S BAI^SAH cur*-* aii Stires.-SoreneHS in th<* flesh. Burns nnd Bruts- hi "ii muii and beast. ' DEKTON'S BALSAU curfflCliilblniiifi. Rheumatism, takes Soreness o a t of any part «f the body of man oriBcast. * DEXTON'H IJA1J!AM euros SumnuT (VtmpfajuLx Wornut in'ohildren., «pd Ctwausi* lli«. Blood. DKNTON'S BAI-SAM ^ i t i wirefiS.tr'- Mouth. Sort* Throat, Whooping Coogh,CKfnp' I/iss ci( A|I|H-II(P, Corns on iocs. DESTO.V'S BAlAtM is a rnre for Uie i'i!i#, by Warm Injcctioria.of thetEai- sam. Cures Hioflh«t in sheep, rattle and horses," applied warm B-^»i ri-ni*-dy tor heaves In hdrfl^B; • give tt in fetid. ,. :,.i , v Tiiere t.* &ehmptsafr—*rtfe&«r tin* most tender Infant —and certain vmedy for Lluisc dreudfnl numnlus toman- kind, thnt remcly in " • , DKNTON'S Vegetable Healing Balsam, which fur many vi-arti \VH? never known to fail giving yood satiHiJU-itun; it leaves the -patient wuli, and he noedH no oihi'j medicine to purge ilfrom iltc system. This is not 'Hi" of the new elscovcrics; it is an old and established nrttolr, und there are myrUttsof living "vld^ncesof ItH edliziir-y. ~ *• Put up in IwUtlea aL onlv 25 rents eaCh> •-•: •-- Great Imposition -and Fraud! CAUTItJNJraEjttBCIUBRrfg;^ . „.., Bo eure ttiut the name of B. Denton's loallng Balsam is b|pwn In tin* bottle,'and his likeness m tbo torjrbf> every boitlo,iiri you sue above. Nonb other cahrCsft genuine. •.- . -. * .^'("^f Purchasers will call du Agents and get & Pamphlety wlt&Cerllflcafcfl -of Recommends from dislnteroste^ persons. - - . -r. , nnpton'B TtMinm \n frnffl by all the prihclpair>rngglH>n and ilerclinnta m the Union. Br DENTON, Proprietor, -- 18 6m Anbum.N. Y.„ , C. N. Tutllc, s»noTal a|jont, Aubnro, N. Y, of 8aTo by C. M. Perk, t'sbcr is Tbatcber, g.'Humphrey, Pots dam. u E. B. wlnsto,w, JameS».v,-»ic. Harry Smith &Son.CiiriU>». .fbbn KindeoiOidousliur^h. J,H. Dewoy Waddington. H. W. SearJvMndrld.ond 'jjfall doalers* In m *•* ;oo J30 620 5Ki 9 13 980 WIO 10 40 11 OS 1132 12 OS 12 23 12 50 1 00poi5 15 7"55 a 6~45a S 00 I 8 55 I Potsdam Junction I'oLsdain CaoUin Hermou DeKalb Kicbrlilc Gouvernour tfirf,n.-q Antwcr[> Pbuadolpiiln Evaus Mills Sanford 'H Cornors Water biwii Watertown Jonctn Accom. A. tl. 11 40 H 'JL 10 35" 10 05 9 5 0 • 930 900 ft.. Hill .. ..Hy(s 1'. >l. 12 JO 12 21 1148 1125 1113 1100 10 35 1014 " Watertowii' Junction 12 601 1245-a 11 36 12 00 Rome 8 00 4 45 ADDISON PAY.Sup't. Northern Railroad frTgy-Tmrf HfrrftitrfiMIH* mi Jt@r WINTER ARRASGFAfENT.-^ft .Jhrovgh from Ogdensburgh lo /feirion 07m* iV>u» FdrJt the Same day. O K AND A P T F R MOSiUYf^A^f; 011^1862, PASSES- «ER TilAlXS will nin as follow*- (Sundaysexcept- THROUOH KXPREBS. leaves Ogdcnshnrgh at 11^0a. m., stopping al all Stations—(diue at Malonc)—arrive at Iloukc T s Point al i,45 p. m., conntfeting with a night train tyUh" a sp:«- did sleeping car attached,orrivlhg at Boston tho fo| lowing morriing, and New York the fotlowingaftem(»oni HBTOBNING. " Leave Ewton at 7 30 a. m., BOO p. UJ-, and Hcv York at 7.00 a. m., arrivlnfT at Oj{densburg0 at 2 pj m. the foliowing day A Trofght Ttalrr Vr\i\ leavTOgdonsbOTSli'nt^lfti'- m . having a second class car attached for tho* conven- ience drpi^e^^ersJbritwe^n^)gdf<nsm1i^h^uid Mnlnno. All Trains connect'at Potsoam' Juuitlon wrth Trafni) oa the Rome and- Watertown Railroad y_i ^Aj^HOYL^SuptU; B<ji'f^!iteDto0J!S5 J c|.p ; . • MAIOXE, N. V., JAX. iti 4BBY the body,as Ijqucprrhma'Sr l^lonr Al^npi^qi,^flrfko.- wise Epllopa>-, Hysteria arid Nervous gpnsumsi- -*•'''' Now, in ntnety-lilue cases out .of every- hundred oil H.C ahuvooumed dfeonlers. .audj^a.^OSt. " " ' nam»Hl,as cmcsmnptHra Of t|ie-Xuiiga^imd tlic ahuvooamed disorders. .andyi a,,bost Tofothers-not nam<Hl,ns cousnuiption Of thpJiUngs^imd U^tmost-nv sidious'and wUyforav*f'eonfiUJriptwh , , r ^,.^o J ^u^nl. Nerves, known as Tabes fiorsalofi! mid. aabes^Spsent -^ lea, have their scat nnd origin in discascsof t h o & m e Yiceca,-Hcnco tho wont of succcsa.qf ih'u, pld ecnool' prftctico ir»&^|og. symptoms only. I)r.j.\HdrowSra: " " ic, Physician lo the Troy'Lung and Ic InrUUiition^l^-nowr'engaged.in trpatlffc^this class of modern maladleA with tho most" astbuisltlng sacc^. Tlie treatmeni adopted by the institution Is new=; it if based upon scientific principles,'wltb the new discovered remedies, without minerals orpolsnuB. The fjti'i" - a "X '"in- «re» Etirh that patients-caff be cur<y) at i-ifu ii-.ui--, tu any part or tho country, froxa accural descriptlotm oMlnir ejwe, by letter; and have the nv--.tcinrs m*M tliein by llai! or KlpreSs. IMOted JntcrruptUn-ies will be forwarded on •application. /^-OoRSumptlon, (.iiiarrF.'nn'd t or tiib iff mat cured its well at the liotner; or the patients as at t h e In- stitution, by semilog tho Cold Mediated Inhaling Bai- siunic Vapors, with inhaler, and ample ihrectlons for their ifsu, and dint-1 correspondence. fifar-l'aiRnttf applyiug for Interrogatories or udvloe mui^ metcse n-turu sUtmps to me*it attention. ley-TV iitUiiiflingpnysiclati wilrb*? rouhd ai th<- lo- stituto for cociFultatjun, from Q A. M. to 5 r. u. of «acb day. .Sunday in the forenoon. Address DR. ANDKEW STONE, Physician lo tnc Troy Lung and Hygienic Instituto ; dnd Pbynli-lan for Diseases pr fjio Heart, Throat and I-anKs. 9B FiflU SC.mipWS, Y. r TO PpEAJrjES. ^feiiibl^eliStdnej: -• Who is lbi,rM&WfV^M^aMi.MMSMX\iSl>^i i or tbo jnaiiy ainicoft iaq5(3^t#puSMlaam(Bliinoro modern origin, aud wall d e v b t o ^ c l n s i v o 'iaK'6'nlion to this ufam t,f dbJeases peculiar to ber sex. AmonK the many <l iseuws ilally met with, and wltich she treats Willi unheard of success, aro cllriiiilc'lndsmmallon and ulceration of tbe wonib. Xr^-TnB Asi^siiixa ilKWCATia, I t o m i s , a miwt lib-. portant prcvcnlivo for married ftroalea. Kent by Kx- press SotM, by Slail for $0. Females can consult Sirs. Doclress Stone, coufidcti. tially, by U-tlerur personally. Address ' MBS. N. O. STONE, M. D.Y i Matron to the Institution. 46 ly - . .<• -.i TrolA. %._ _ vlfMoSfOMQ o*couUi»ti l«ii'n4«it of ti„ ,•„, J S Wart,of SL'UKlynctriOeiimTytStnlo of N,.» v l^f 4 t W M ^ * ^ # m * ( > W I » d anil i, BW0'WMltt*Wfflir«W#UlllU-ltlO KM il »Sl»lfilBfel9muM&s^MiiN^or, ip aim,,. i|ttl^^/«clor|)arco);or4ajnil stiunteui n,„,, ..... „;.. „...„»- „,..,o„,^ .., ..... _.., Mi( i b the i ,.. ITormoii iu, ruiiitiutf trura'tlieuoo Soutlt^fi .^iBtOno-elmin > SffjJllt 1tS«4 o w,, '' : AislGlIBE'S SAJLB. . ,, i,"^ undctslgbjOd usslKUqc, l'or the benolll c,r,,.,;, iU prs of Henry D. Morgan, will soil lit public am i w. wayhltnoy'sHoM.'In-'ffio-vllfigo'of' Sacquelvill,. \ s Vw<!ntho 16lh day or February, .1882, a t 3 I' \i , !timlng about HiM hcrclt:9ManrhinorniOKh«s, a, •,. voyqd to saltfDarflel'Moi'San; Wfirence hblng m.,.:,., £.%-'A Ilfl.edElottsonveyanpO'.to. hlin; for greater partlcm.,,,,, O^^ttaiilotJo oxhlbitfilottbosiUo: the intoresi i„ i„ soldMng^afccorreoyif byjsMdJricnryjnyiorg,.,,,,, assIferaontftn'tB^bndorslEh<!d/datoa'8lliJIay INH! 'fl0,iitorc3 of,Jiaid-nirniBoutherlyofroad lomtiti^ u ,tl - ^ ^ J ^ W S S r ^ a i S f t a j i n M g s l i f S O acres tl.-r, of on «tH6rty sldo sftsafeoWjui b stlhject lo lire i™, -toip|o Cynthia Morgan, wno also has'a like lease tu u,; open Wr r WJJ!SS. 1 < iu S 0, , 1 A h , 1 -'A»S t -'nJ 1 , 0 l'«|io dweiim houao'ltsaru'1ar^t w1i U'-tb^?aarnhoi i «vW It »•" Cdminon use of tho collar undbr^it.fnr said Cyntln-i family, with Bffi&r/ftCTmma-fgrbsjjfcnd frpn, -MUhbdorlilgneP—" CI '- J «•"•''- •• .^^r^ r cfyy'cjtOtow w(th ono rnolodeon. 5fhalei iiho^maindor.of tlio persoi $Vfr°nsJsj|ng pf wagons, siui^i no'usohohl fiirnitiiri ^. , odeon. %SSt¥K»S?$ al * sta to and Jvlffoitplro on tho J iporsonnl „, next, TfiS*rJdltrJra.oftho«»id Hi oil others interested .will nloal rjecj81sts'" , -* ? ~ i '-' e - mm, JQJB ^^ : ...AtffflSit'iiJijeSSbutldnsto'ine directed ami .'.. Jd5Ii#e,r«4pl»silbatQnt,o:t-itBo«St;Lawroncc Cuunn Oourt'£ngalMt : ft«lahd5)-jenemraits,jnid real cstah .'. J)pIphrisu3S.rappi«!,decea'Ei!ttfiT-haVo solxed an Hi. right, tiUKMpV^torkatSiKhlfehjjtlra^sald Bolnlm. r ^PJ<in'hM^'.*!»P'.h'U^yi'oy!iIarch, 1800, or at u.. limp thBliiftncrjIpJVJKanuBto^thdi'Wliowlng.descr i n.'. P'ropotty^tciwH^llthaf.'iraijt-Oi: parcolofiand su,...i in thMoynor^ltonj'iCoialtyniilirtsaid.-bOBinnlng nit..- norm:f^lncornop!OfarlQtjfurmerlyowniyi by said imi 3onghs, UoldsyiCWnpl^rtlp^lg-fioopirigf' Congji/gbr'eTlirM^ronfflr^Brpar®' ,_( nes8^T5||Jeii^») i |^f^ipti-Agne:V'' It is y^rnTnnic&oVoliovoraojlBiln^toiinlnutes. To broakiippcomsnpncdldjin-ft-slnglonights* ,^s^ •. .To relievo Jhq.4sjJnriaraLonag« j: ,, , JPo cure.aH co.ltglls^"ii,^%nXCfeo^tho^ungs,previous to ulceration- To brealrhp 1 . Fropi Mop.. MosaW.'iijB,. Jfagooit *a.rr^ savorost.oolds t ov«r. oipetjpncejljiso.ttllng .ujop? mys jRi(tth28=*eit f enain 2STiB4s' ? oh"tho' tflSt I tangs,,anrtpr4itucing^ioaiwness and.n^corajtantiaods »Idroad>to I CTniorfsta!oisthon'co sodth'Olvc «•- Slstrossuis(;!iiigh,.Iwaslrjdpcc,a,to try .yunfc m e j g f >D.o»alns5.fena>rncriBtakolthodBa soi«h'28 r = ™-i; Vb#e$&fflmmlf Its effecla.tyas surjirfairig.o 4%i)pi>m ^halna5;IUnl£B-to a cornor Btrike; thonco north 01 \ cn«l i fny.«iigb nt onqo and In, p short, ilmo roJleyedV -eaat to tha place of beginning, containing 25100 i i Tttentt,psettar. I jhlni It has noMpalfcr, W » ( M « » ofland.anfl bolng 8 tho s&o p°ero°SI convey ^r^rnn.ended. r Montpo,.o,,Oct..5 ?? ^^ ^ , f J*», SM S ,,^u,MteWm ^ f ^ t e g ^ n ^ l I e t r l S a •fcometime since, while laboring, undor^seypra^gja* »K> wit: Boglngfng at tho most southeasterly cornr, and hoaraenosa, I triad Week's Magic Componnd oM. 8S 40-100 acre< or land ihis day^lnSdca''to 0 w found it very Wncficlal. rnow oftbn tisa.lt.rmoT.talfd, hyiJamesSj Blls nhtt wlfo, anoint In tho conlr,- pleasure In sayln that for coualis. colds. sbreTtWoal-™«»^t«»:«Aoii^J.l-i.LSS_!J ,_.".. 01ur ' and boarneaess, I find it an < pleasure in sayln that for coughs, colds, sb'ro throat *senesa, I find it an excellent rilmeily^Buri- liigtoa,Vt.,«arc!I2,1801. ; J. s. ADAMS.' TIUAIj BOTTLES OHATIS. S&l"'"' """" for WestcrnnnnTgft « . JOfLYN £: SOX.Barton, VI., Wholesale Agnnla .«-«.- ">-— a -- Kow York, to^wlmmidiot- dels slitHtld 1,'b Hdllri^afii " «5^.-<old"bTalTl TjICHNISHHB Telagraph Roiiorts, includlngkew York ^L' Martrots, 12 hours ahead or any dther^B^ca. ' Also a choice vartoly-Ot lotsat ond- llUccllaueous natter. h \>my\ to IpaHy, hot s.ostaln*jho caiisV'cr'.VSeL lovornment anilihoPeAnwa tnowm'iiVitlriiltrisf&rM.'* Oovdrfi'Heiiil snd \ho'Pi.oBS's. torrrom'cntlCtltfiilatt? •ndoitaajodjscoaspdlWcWobd 0ihSrtueiU6s«fS- candt^1ndepcndimt , n«d'Il!afteiatn«h6er: « ^ H» regular Dally Ctrratlatlon ii,njirf "over.,-. ., ~-Z- TWJjjrrYJprVE HLTNDItED, !r''"• and It is irKWui' exception tho titijif ADVEBTIBINO medium In Northern New York. . It Is published every ccoavog at logouts per wook, or 85,00 per year. • " / • ' J The Watertown Weekly Hewv • Is rnntidupfrum tho boai-nwtter or tiny Bany^-bas few advertisements, and'ela'lnw to bo a yiRST CLASS MJIIMTPAPER. l%8II»ho.| overy SmmW'Sm- low price 0f41'por year. A. H.HAWa Proprlolor, Arcailo Building, Wnterlown, M. Y, l $^^fr"tty}>$'><'"> flf.-i'egi'nnrng', « gMOO oTr»n hero ofrand, bo tho samo more or OeWg.thftgmo^r^fseaconveyeOj to said ts*,j, -, ^PP«rJby^k1irw;'Smrth'nfld wlfo by ,i..-. ,i yopronrySsdjJSoS. ^ Also^tll-tiuH cerlaiu otlier ^ract or parcel of ii, r- ato.hi«ijd(Wlon^rl^undoil-»lins:,rier;liiiii™. . norlb^^tc^orafa-MHirSltuI op* lnpo .... -, Mvtomton BUton} dlsKjii Wu links torn the,. „• thijhlgjway.troni'thelice "tunning nuVili " Wonotht! west lino ofsaid rontl-ono clialn tw.-m. 1 K'M^*SFffi>'' nWMM " t KolS;c , west nt.. r 1 ».«/jrfip«J«MBtBmo < ^tjinf!j!hain;24 i-i. boglrmIng,"r^OTMg^.lO(roi: an arrooflm.' convoyen by Martin Cardlrlcll and Eailroad. sMarEaxw Stoves GAUDINEBS Rlioamatic & Neuralgia Compound, A •Certaln-Bi^roaud^crtnari.Ctlt curt Noumlgfivaotl Salt iBfitmot. ,5j UMi lurternal -relnedy, drtvincoat and entirely eradicating the diH__ oaso, rcqnTrlo^ no change Ih du5t orbualneESi andnlay 4>e taken by children and liorsorrsof 'tbo rnost dclfohto^ ^onKllttUlonAteltltpoffcet'SSfotyy-l /**,- . .. , .;"•• ^ For Sale! ijl^ following ilcscribcd-pFOtierty- Is for Bale at this MA^FWKiff »A. M., a witb: '0., coni.octlbBii«»iri.(f it™ wiuiii tun oest inouicintMortirofuscaso ty^tver plirWW#lr»MIW>y«*fAi %>|th, Ko. 7 ( 01iIStatoHbu»o-.a«ttiii ( IBIVerTunctMyfifn^raortbern? Aftel'.'tnmirlngMtthRhliiitotnlirt tMn luuoii- TioMffponlbiea.tiM •KuMur '*&*titiri!ly ctiriiU tatciaaufmHcanoa-*; _ T^AySnt, J6 WadV||it.%r«et ) -BoBtoii, -., WoWcatcf, SO,, (orff .tWtad«OTWttbSulll*M , Barlford, NowKfliivo SrrjyWKiu UOJI" IJdiiujroWlJny. '6e(l)'li'oi , 16 t 18M,, GSTOCK, nild yOiTWIII JUT. &_X. PRANK., "&(k'b JkJLaEi. Something for ttjid Tttieff!! A N(M*S]TY IN.EVEBY HOBSHIOLtH I joiiNs &• cw§i$f& American, OenieiitC.d'lue. The Stro%e« Glue in M World Alabaster, Bone, Coral, The only article of the_kin'4<fe^|^pyo, dttced which wllTwithstanftlrlTOKrl KXT!tACiT6 » **#*~t Iff x ' Every houRekooperfthou.dImvo a supply of Jomtife Crosjcy'fl American Gvmt 1 !!! GIUo/'—N Y. t\am^Tm aBSUfSd rdfjgostoo, WoWcatcf, so, toh UgjUJi. M.J at *"'-"- •-' Boston, SprtngBuldj ' 'm&mk6^VM<^M$> both tho nigHtle*. press Traiflflrnoning between House's PWnt atid IWBtoti* tho&clpaV8talIona. ^ * a. SlfiBBILI . St.Al*a.tt|jVt;. 1 JIay»t|i,W01. man ns. & Crosloy'a American Gvmi'nt Mil: "It IsBocoiivcnfeiit'iln lidvo 1n llto- house. York Express, ' . . . . ' • "It Is alwnye ready tuns commends It toovnry body.'r -X.V.!udol>afiHollt. * "Wo have tried it, and flHiUf as useful In our bouse ns water."—IVHkes'.giiiHt oftiiB Times. Price 25 CJents W a t t l e . Very l ^ B r i r f l t ^ ^ M » e » a l « i orally tbrc .„_.„ htmn ' o (Solo manufacturers)) tBJkxaMA "".i (nu-nor of l.llicrty Htrool,) I»1K 3fJ,' VOllIC. 40 l y For sale at tlllu O/fice itiril al tho Dfffn; Storeg. •Ifc 1861. '"Xoavet , .. ..... „-,-..*.,...„,,.--Jy n -.. York,vl»BurltagtrmdndBilfIiind-»arffilii#atltiitl3nd nt 12^10 (iilgliM Troy JOifJOh »n, Og,leJ»biirgB"2S0 P WnttBrt AnitAKd|M|g'.« . j. LjwrejJloW T ^ S ^ o M ^ r o y ' l a , ! ! ) p,'ra,'Bu(lnllil 4^6 p m, arriving at BurllugtoU 7,20 - — "- A " " Point 7?I0 a rn, llontroal 10,01 p m . '••*• •••• 3. V. Cilcnoli, Oonornl Agilnt, Ogaoiisburgh!' -TESWllOSttXiS. Gardiner's Rheumatic and Xcuraigtiv Corapnuna ti the best medfcidfefiiHhBiuseaBO'B.AVcT ruevr^^tfxB. twiiJntvsyatiB f and. jw NewftSiith. -i't": fe^fforal KclHiL-irsbtpirim Ili'j'anl & Hlrattou's Com- merclal Colleges. . - ,.\»x « V<m> N«» Asoa <^IStn.ainSftn|fflfeK,.!s ttwntirac. «irSl.A quantity ifelWlIf ,%V(SiftW^'}|llterlcan Ce- ment Clue, a desI«uttBSWt«»»jo%r«ri. . - Haymonl r e « o l > » P » j o 3 ^ B v 1 S « » ^ P«rtlM Jauiagroo, AllJ&lliftaMSIJiarn^^ "property can ««*flyWE^WiJ *' ^nt*3 kBInil UUM •^1 .,._ iWf^^wESjasISfWKrf n^jirt>a4«irj^p<on«reiycflrou i uy'tuh'nsftor«Hi!ii»o,W^ W-iuufria^ TOiR.IUaufmtic^^ ^Ay«J!),J6J'i ; ao|||it.%«et ) -BOBto"B> /' i, pain to the trtal,orndmborl»s'r«Moate/l*#ltll»at a hl>S, |alhlUirrellor4V(o» Induced to tryi5((ttrfllti ( rrfti,.iBHoW/» mlitta j(nil NoltteKla OiHioojtnd. ...n»Vo;tnki!n but ono airjtil&nli'd sn«tVaiy«ll.«.l>: HUgJctof, Pry Good» ^At'J Ll»#l»1# i S©rM ao& 4 than A catt ba, .l|rjgham7Trnhn|t?u,N.Y., .^••' ity BQII, umjmmm, byu^MMtt y.cV« n g^catsiirtSrer;fr«ft^!f|hcBn4pi»ll«^ 8oxeBmi(|,wc6n'atiW|ftSi««0.Uto^'ryiwr.mm^^ .odroii ^mm&m&s ' Ino'ryiKir.Cjimpoiini Mardmcrto-lMlnat^^^^ ton-7,26 p'in,"iioSsv» ' v ? tf,Mt a m^m%ifm-^^mmmni\ m w Mit&&vit}tvm$ffiat <M?k am, Ogdohsbnrgh 2,00. ontlrply cnted K ^ { ^ 0 » % W - r i W. 0. Tliomn^n,. j4 » 'T'if^i.'i »" »,•• «< j S S w w i VV .piirVhnidil tho Itor*o», cSr«ng?S hftl eijlnpiip ^A. M. iroiwuox.and trlllWopa ' A , .", ' FJOtST CLASS^IwMv;^ 'f' ii'Btree MJpln!tig"thogW| ©rrtee|,wl^fi „.Watikfalfi;r4*pjUit-jiatrounge, n •continuance is „, 'i*octrnlly,80lrcftoa»T, .,»,.. 'potsuVlln,Itardflaftl»(!J,'" r ' ***• . , .?>\1.f j /ySV?- .^plnltigtho^EaVHlfci.toWl* Oood Horses and !&rrte!%w;Ut;sa>ontr-dMwrs, nlwoys In Readiness. 'tal^K^rjjflorXia.nSiiBlioil, charges Kfnsooablo. 80.lv -trwturthnjt «!fftteuviJ&.f.'pHildan 'Wte»dfai(i|ijfl..M "rwnjCll lif>unml|i<r'Ciini- POTSDi lino -of atCj-Drapor'Silotia. tdlts Ihtcirseilion « „ road lcadlhgiby Vfat Butler'a honso-jnencenonl, ;- west two chains and olghty-eighMlilfis •along ih.-.. ""•^..i- 0 "•sftnentloncil r o a d t n ^ ^ m i u y u ...Is dSy: . tt»T) chains and_twenty.flvc lluk* .. CWOt.1 r Dainhnsa Toppor Bid otto Silas Hawlcy by .1. aSlh otjruuoa8S6yftflfllji solo; M poWlc ven.la. hlgbMSbldtfiriit fco ofOio of-'Dart * T»ii|«i, virjigoofPottdarn.fr. Y,,ontho Mth day .-( tl jl8o2, at 12 o'clock noon of thnt day.—Dotal. J... " *> "*« liCHAMBKHUIN.tt SUMMONS. ffl*'rikttirrjaorc]|^ ooi ••. Or^|tlblto^.nbrritiffj.again»i Reuiien J p... •S^Sb'ol^lirWinit., ddUtwl: YroaWher^»urraitoi^to.nMWor tin' o«.e OrrlnWcbolilputlntut, vhShms 1 nieii in ti- Uio Clerk er6UUw«it:o,CoDntJf on the 3.i the anh^l^n^lrfjtsgo.ca-tftriton, In saw i • within twenty days nifcr.tlidiorviw of this ••m. fxclusWo of tho <l«y ofitiiryjeo, ortho plaimui»• li.iifefflw&Bittr tlollacs 10.1 ^«S.»^f^rI.th'e ton.. IVfrani tho fkstitiiy"' " '^ferVlB'VTWft- pStjKtffyiXtaM,-- Judgment nralii»i cento irllhiaa dtra % mm ^**W' .'vT - *^"»*'i tonea/fto., &o.i M i|i«Jlr ' " WrnBli .__ _.,_ ...... '• 'Tho nhdorelg,. ,..._. OhrdlnoWWi5nornfl6JnfS»'iiifi '•"'""•"'%]!' ibtouoMndBN^ > A.itu. '.',.„.. ,, '-^ti^i&^imif' rsn«r-' A," ' f S i ^ ' i ' W « C W > V $ B M , 1 V , OKTHRCAUfil ife A » l ) (Ml B<H> BoWlJlATollfalliu, WMtJMl'i mm , ., Jialftit ftMa Willi) (fntrttloh of- ,f,a. wmiA ALE. I'tilUid Btutos. Vrtun genHllllittigiess sjgno ' r nAiiDmrai. '' II Peek., Agoiil.Polfldnni, N ' f,2 ly JRySWfr 1 ""'"" 1 o^iig«tdii»,.«iirgf41.opiirHloiii|,, midBliouI.I ho read *)£.<!&;#fetliBtjil oyor>,ttl»ff.r|{. lOImiil, -; HOBiuf AHBIGHT. H ^MOJurtlhlulM tUoankory tbrrooriy ••» IL D. anrdor.'ftth'iSWii'crof Main «..i >' 01 FUH theWtni^nnpj^^tfebjiiki, oinnnou ••• fifankovsVAihr«bi*^rs^inicr«t)bni, *rotmin«i. . . tetoWaaionicll twice .. ieoi, - %4 s*-*- j^^^^hW^M'WtM'wi, ^^«<'i'j i»ii;4y|^, mix,®.- 'An K^^Q^H 7 ^ 1 mm B , 75 6tS. for Gallon {fiilS^' 1 |" vl "8 f and. i«" ni'work ""• wm { (il i. 1, 1 * ! tj '«- * j ^ ,51 < J\ •vjv! i**&i r^mmr^^^sm^im *ty '."N «< .i - ' 4' u,\%gr„lp •:> isMj. ,„\.. H" v f-~n

MATOES OF Tl T^s*^ ELECTBrt#iM* Photogi-apli ai|:,iwQiS ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1862-02... · t?d by a OraV claHR Nowspttii6r, puWlsip^U* tho^Cltyjjol- Kew york.iMtauteft^oiKipulflrcIrcuUnca^tpnil

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Page 1: MATOES OF Tl T^s*^ ELECTBrt#iM* Photogi-apli ai|:,iwQiS ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1862-02... · t?d by a OraV claHR Nowspttii6r, puWlsip^U* tho^Cltyjjol- Kew york.iMtauteft^oiKipulflrcIrcuUnca^tpnil

zmwrn:?. •msm jj^^^jf ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ s &&& safe; is«liiis ^ » l * w 4

ttV"« (?J^^W|^ffjWJ'JWf! 'wwigiww.-' v^^tft-^y-n^^


% N

MATOES OF Tl Great CjtjLe?,

Wo, the undersigned Mayors, hereby cer-tity that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Physicians of; our several cities * » W "fltfW? a dooumen* of assurance to UB tliat the rem­edies of D B . J . O. AYES. St, QO., of iKOTiell, (Ayefp aarssparilltt, PUIS. At&e Cttte, snd Cherry;FeoloHil,) have been found to bo moatolJKJs''8l"BreBt exoeUenoe»-and-wortihjr the confidence of the community. ....


HON. AXBINbW^Sui. -•

-vM«yo«.ofc«3LNOHBa»raiB, W. H.

t^f^S«r«r^C>HFOBp,N. H.

HONi*^t^^t®PO.fflK, .»'Mayor;of'WOBOESTEB, MASS. *«f A f o ' ' ' •>' : . • -

• ~ ifayor of BAWBBt MAB8.

11 A Domestic'and Conaen-ative NeWBpapm I i in the City 6( New,.York,. „

' The N-. X | S f e ^ ^ A ^

T^s*^ m.

7b Resfaretht Um'onrandnratnfat'n,^ <(!!!•"««-

rJ>f BOBSPdl!^ MA8S:

I1 i

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HON. F.*»vsr» • u v M


HOtf. AWOa.W-. EB^lgEgCE,,, ^ydrfof NOBMffOH, CONN.

HON. j^^mg^m,:,,. . TtowWmWxmDoxr, CONN.

HON. CHAS. S. RODEEB, HON;' ^ j ™ , . ^

. . . . v M a 3 r « ' O f ! K B ^ S O B K O i l y . HOJfi|m^i;KI3?S!H&^Y; - •. <**• " l i ^^of^ taeenSar, 'a. w. ' H O l f t ^ M ^ ^ f c l . .

^ r • • ,M»yof"«f^Bt3SRK>, c..w.

H O N . S* m OBaapppBB,' ••"" •• M » o r % r i . 6 t n B * I L L E , KV.

HON,. j o j g s ^ o ^ , - ^ . , . .


. H O N . • « n « j p f t g f & B * -

H » N . , ^ ^ | f e ^ ^ i r 8 B , Jr., teiM4aBoorWSHa^»'W3Bsiai. MB.

,HON^J®SBBSHk *EBK, . ' Mayor of PBEDBB1CTON, K. B .

HON. SmM^ymTin, •• - ' ^Mayor of HEW BBDFOBP, M4B8.

HQir«|^BtftlHPW'lw9T^* ' , MASS.'

H O N ^ J 1 W . . . H , C B A ' N S J P b g , • - • i Mayer o f SSTW^OBT, B; -X

HOMY K R E D S X A H J T J , l l i j •',. r" . . . . Mayor of GALENA, ILL.

HOKU JOHN H O D S B B i r i ^ r ^ ^ -- , . ...Mayor of. DtTBCTOTEi IOWA.


HON, .BOfBEM* &X£m?£\T'\ / , Mayor of TUBCAL008A, ALA.

BON. B . D . BATJGH, ~" . . . ,Mayor of MKMKHIB, THNN.


4 0 N . Bt ID. SCBANTOW, Mayor of BOOHEaTEB, N. Y,

HON. B E WITS? C. GBOVE, Mayoj.of TJjnOA, N. Y.



HON. H E M A N I , . P A G E , ,&?.••:•*"* Mayor of MILWAXfKIB, yriB.

i>f* .' Mayor of KBNOBHA, WIS.


FOR several y.oars the Pe iseryfttlv'p

sentiment of tlio•JL^^;b^1^^8ftroanqv4lW* to tlic nows3ity Drliolug^lhrally'ftutt»olji^K«?nt t?d b y a OraV claHR Nowspttii6r, puWls ip^U* tho^Cltyjjol-Kew york.iMtauteft^oiKipulflrcIrcuUnca^tpnil \y|nm tng a wliotesbino influpnco throughoht'ifeVtliiittDi- Ttic great^iinVhafl^Ben-andi9-a-i»iip*r^-!^lifqtKBll^^va t a in t h e gamft-fpdgtlPW t9 tl»e Iiomo'orattb^alfl1 finaivty a t ivo pr inciples , aa docs the Jf<jw Xoi:te-'|ril»ijUg"tt>

*" Abolitionism' arid al l kiuda of - l ^ l ca1&"h i i^ f i ?»p«r conducted wi th tplont and prudon^oi-i^iUiC-'cpn^Si^P nreolatlon o f H I Q trut? principles ori!Qafc;Coyiernmcnt Urn!^ftdelicy ieiUem.,lu,aU respects a;flirefcicTais$ n e w s ' p a p e r , aha y e t aflbradd at a pr ice b r ing ing It wiUHa th6 roach of the masses of thu Veoplo tbroughou.t,Uic, Country." »

H i e uudRrsigned, iVoui tbeir 'counpxkin w l t h t b e Al bony Atlas & Argus—ono of t h e oldest a n d bcs( knoirra Democratic papers tu Uio Union—liovo been constant . ly u r g e d , dur ing t h o l a s l t h r c o o r four y e a r s , to r e ­spond to th i s demand, by e s t a b l l s h i n g B first, class Wooldy nowppaper in tbo City ofNow York, adaptfid-to general circulation. W& yield to tho \yishetf of our political friends- a n d nave tborofore de tonninod to transfer the publication of the Weekly A t l a s Jb' Argus to the City of New York ,and issue i t u n d e r tho name

T t » e N e w Y o r k W e c W y A r g i u .

I t will be published InQuarto.foxnlt^ottheBtaiof the leading New rorlrW«Ules,ai id.vro,^pnttni iso tha t In Its News, Editorial, xaterary;MIsc^llane<)ua a n d A g r i cultural Depar tments , m.tte<:Uarkotfteport3, and ma l l o the r respects , i l tBhf tU'bo.a t leaaVGqaal toauy paper published in t h a t ^ i t y . . \VhUo dovotlbg t o it our own e d l t o M a c t r t c ^ l l l T ^ U t i O i l o n A v o t h e benefit of ( h e e n t i r e i lmo and.coijstoj^HupeiTlalon of Sir.- EWN.COW-stoci,Ib>"flE!voralyea*»oa'oof t b o E d i t o r ^ o f the New T o r t ; J o a r n a l of C o m m e r c e , a gent leman of recognized editorial ab i l i ty a n d experience. Tho editors will therefore bo --<


witbjample additional special asstatanco in tho sevora doportmonts or t h e paper.

Tho publication of the papor m Ne^?_ York will hi commpnepd on. Sa turday t December 7th,-

Single subscriptions per annum *2 00 .Thrco copies o n o y e a r t 5 0 0 £ i g h t " " \ WOO Additional copies 81,20 each . Tfitiritycoplos, to one addivss. 3 0 0 0

w l t t r a n e x t r a copy to t h e poison eending*'tft»'CIub. ^ T l u ^ cases tho money m o s t accompany the-or

dor fbr tho papers . _. . To ;any person semllnir a Club ol l l » Vro will son?

tbo Albany Dally Atlns & Arjfus, one year ,^ra , t tB. SubscrlpUoDs.to commence wi th tho Volume shoulu

reach us b y tho.Qrst ot;peoemher. T h o y m a y , how over , commehce wi th any uumher. . t e t t e r s , whethci contalning.remittaucea or o therwise , should bo ad dressed to t h e undersigned, Corner o r Broadway au» Park Place, (opposite City HalYTarkO Kcw.Vock.





PatentPi^ire Kerosene.


S I X T Y ^ E N T S 11 S I X T V 111 S 1 3 T Y I IP


ELECTBrt#iM* THE modus oporMa^o^t>^e'rB»»W^voJ.sWr'

ni>lo Rheumatic (win,»llnftS^ra-wSSStoSsfN nmuklml; wholhor Ita loraMon^itRslwa coverlas of the norvcs, UlftfiW^WwS the coating or an IbflataMtUiimKdJ1!!^ anco of Uio olootrlo OuiS ltsoJf:,, .«o>.t!Unyt%.,,„, ; y-_,. •'Bcctrlo on'i la roaiUlySlKoth#^toKlM>:MMisK actually aujipfy a ooodofl d o U o t j ^ ^ ^ t ^ M l c l ' i ^ W !

c h | a r X f e : U 0 M » S 9 « S p ^ ^ M ^ l ^ t t W ^ i l B s tho Joints of NockrSIso .T i i lp i a l lon—to toraovo "Ojlf Bonmesa and swclllug. " . • •'•{

M O S T B E M A B K A B I . 1 3 C U R E S . $100 wil l bo given, If a n y of the fallowing persons

cannot bo fouud. SlOO If thoy oro not of tho highest respectabili ty -in

the c i ty of Philadelphia and vicinity. Hfi««na«snt.—F. Duffy, Esq.f'corner or Looust and

Twelfth St . , Philadelphia-Rheumatism.—ilr. W. Blauchard, 208 Kloventh .St. ,

Philadelphia. ' „ BaeumaKim.-Jo lm a i u t o n , 70 !>'. Ninth St. , r h ^

dolphin. ' , BJeutiahiM.—Davl.1 Strclttcli, No. 1 I^vhnrn S t , k i r a i i L l V r t i t — \ V . Kranklliv, 24 a. EighthSt . ,Pht t -

odelnhla. - • fljon.—W. Kluo(ide,a iKlghthSt . ,HUUdelnhlo. Sprained IFr i r f . - JohnBible ,400 Aroh.ph|ladolphia. Gout.—Jamea I*gan, 2 Goorgo St. , Philadelphia, ifeuroloio.—nrrWood,-Wt»d'8Slusoum,Philadolp,hla. ZnflaniaatorK OmU—is. \T. •Humphrey, Fifth tjftd

) lcSnmSrSis. , l 'hUadolphla. ' V , - » 'hlladelphla. •Mrs. Sarah Sutton. 832 South Eighth

Stetson, Filbert St. , a b . Kigfiw,

Tim Boston Journal FOR 1862.

•El** N e w K n g i » n d K * w » p » p e r .

T315 t rying t imes d n h o na t ion ' s h i s tory In which v/6 live', render a

L I V E H E W S P A P E E an indispensible necessity t o over} - m a n who would-t e e p h i m s e l f iuformedof t h o i m p o r t a n l „ c s e n ( 5 'which a r e da i ly t ranspi r ing . So furnish & p a p c r which wiff mee t the-just expectations o t t h o pnb l lo In sach a t imo as t h e present reqaErraen amoon to f l abor a n d of.,ex-traoirdlnary espouse of-which the communi ty *U«Tgc h a r d no conception. Thoproprictorsof-XHEJOCESAIis h a v e snared no effiirts or money to m a k e it, al l that ' i ts

-*rek4era could reasonably expect . Bcsidfsr tmproving firi^BtreDgtheDtng their home force d u r i n g tho past y e a r , they have , afc-great expense-, sent- sevoratofctlie be s t reporters and let ter w r i t e r s to t h e country wi th the n r m y a n d navy , and haveCrequenUy^glven the New Qlgland pUblic^thellrst and fullest accoun t s by- tola-grafah a n d b y ma i l , of ItQportant e v e n t s a t t h e Seat or Wilfc -The o n l y special repor te r from X o w England at the H a t t e r a s and Port Royal victories w a s THE JODE-N A £ repor te r , a n d h i s reiwrts of those even t s , w i t h aK«eior* ,eaxletoa,M of the Bull Ran flghl, " B e r l e y ' s " l e u e r s Orom Washington, 'fBay S t a t e ' s " from t h e p p -p e r P o t o m a c , a n d THE JODBNAL'S l e t t e r s from MIs-soor i and Kentucky; are universally acknowledged OB among t h e host reports and letters published by tho .American Press . What the proprietors of THE JOUR-~NAJ* havo done is hut on earnest of w h a t t hey Intend .to d*> In order t o give its readers the ear l i es t and best accounts of e v e r y e v e it of interest connected with the rebellion, and a t the s.uno t i m e have t h e Journal main--ialn i ts reputat ion ns Uie hat general Xewrpaper in New

Tho increasp in the circulation of tho JOURNAL dur­ing ' t h e y e a r is tho best ovidenru o r thoex ton t t« which thefNew England Public rely upon It for t h e oews of ths iday . I t s circulation now ranges from

Bfxty T l i o t t f l a n d t o J B I g b t y T h o u s a n d p o n d a y ; and it h a s frequently daring tho year in t imes of etxeitement, reached over one hundred thousand per , dajf—test ing^he capacity of both q u r fas t^pmsea to thesntmost t o supply the dwtnand." •

Tjhe following are the prices of the s e v e r a l tniltlooa or THE JOURNAL: -


Circulation dvo t imes as large as tha t of any pa>wr of Its class lo New England.

S I K I > o I I * r « a Y e a r ; S i n g l e C o p i e s M C U .

THE SEMT-WEEKIY JOTTRHAL. rf -IRutdiHt dmlt)rfda^Mormng$, Three Dollars a T e a r /


f HON: T&. 3. k.' TraAgH, M a y o r o f 8 E L M A , A L A .

HON. A . J , JfOBlVE. M a y o r o f J t t O J J ' i ' O d M E H Y ; A L A .

HON. W4 p. HQliTBAD,, "• l Mayor of OOItTJMBUS, Q A .

f %

DON E S P A B T E B O MAMTJEL, M a y o r o f V B B A O B U Z .




DON M. G. MILANGNO, M a y o r of V A L P A R A I S O , C H I L L


Certify-that the resident Dm^ps t s have assured them

Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1 B a n e x c e l l e n t r e m e d y , a n d w o r t h y t h e c o n *

fldenee of t h e o o m m u n i t y .

Ayer's Sarsaparilla. i*" I - / ' - ; * *'

l ^ o r S p r i n g D U e a k e a .

F o r P u r i f y i n g t h o B l o o d . r

•-< F o r ScTotu)m\or K l i K g ^ a S i T l l v

F o r ? n n W M , U l c e r s , I Q I . S o r e s .

P o ^ K r H p t l p j i ^ a f t d J P i m p l e « . _ - —

F o r B l o i i a l i e s . B l a l u a , a n d B o l l s .

^ P o r B t* A n t h o n y ' s P l r e , R o s e , o r E l r ^ «

^ F o e T e t t e r o r S a l t B - h e u m . [ a l p c l a a .

' F o i * a % ^ d ^ H e K d ( * n a , B l n g w o n n .

. F o r faanccr a n d C a A c e r o t i s S o r e s .

F o r So fce J E l y c s , S o r e E l n r s . a n d H a m o n ,

F o r ^ | i n ' a " l « d i s e a s e s , .

^ F o r & t t p ~ 2 > r e s s f o n a . t > d I r r e g u l a r i t y .

F o r S y p i i i l i * o r V e n e V e a t ' k > l « e a s e s .

F o r ftlvef C o m p l a i n t s .

F o r D i s e a s e s 6 t t l i c H e a r t .

Five copies, ouo year , •Ten *' *'

Twefve dollars fifty cents Twenty dullars

THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, Published on T7ntr*day Morning.

One copy, one yi»ar, Two dollars Two copies '• Three " Five " " Six ** Ten *' ' Ton "

And one to gtiller-up of r l u b .

TwenTy cTiplw,.mre year, Twemy-rtottarff And tw» to rjettcr up ofclub.

As Ax AnvER-nsrsfl MKDIUM. THK JOURN.tl, lias no tnjtui) iu Now Kaglftna. lm prices a re uniform, and the xdvcrt tscmeit ts *i*o set up ih a clear and conspicuous manner,,, judiciously arrangd and classified under appropriate* heads, and appear In both the morning nod evening papers wi thout oxt ra charge . t

ITS. CiKCULATION is m o r e than five t imes that of any " t w o cent , " ; o r subscription paper in New England, Tho public a ro ' reminded that no dxumrturt for odverliritiff arc ever employed by this establishment.

T H E G A S H P R I N C I P L E .

In all cases, the u cash pr inciple" will ho adhered to , and no notice will bo taken of any orders not accom­panied by the money. All papers aro discontinued a t the expiration of the timu }»i«l for.

* y T h e Journa l is for salo al alt tbo Newspaper Depots, and' On all tho railroads throughout Now Eng­land, i '

All orderB tuiuuld bo addressed to

C H A R L E S O. ROGERS, J o u r n a l B u i l d i n g ,




.. Fifty-five Cents Per 1M.





• a -

H U M P H R E Y ,

Number One, Potsdam. _ j • *

DO N O T M I S T A K E !


Is the place, and no othor. to g«t things

GOOD and C H E A P ! 1: 10 6m

"' Bheu) St.jl 'hiladolphla.

Rheumatism.—i Philadolphla. . _. , ; ,

Sprained Jt&k, also Entargemtni tfEtfcwfo&tftr John Ilrapor, 307 Market Street.

sTiPFlir-KGite^ im&cr (if £mt> .Vaoorfne Ouml hittaittaueotas^ •

Gnaw) n o c s s , T r a u p s i p n U r PROF. CHAM. DKGR.\Tn:—I freely g lvoUoRmyopin to

' that vour Electric Oil is among tho most wondortc remedies of modern t imes. At the camost request of. a l a d y , who alleged t h a t she had beoh relieved of a most painful affection b y Its use, I was induced to t r y a bot t le , though at the timo of purchasing, I fully ho­llered It to be a qiuicfc modicmo tind a catchpenny humbug. But a tridl cvuvluces me that it possesses a magic r»owor,ai)'I its use will prove a blessing to suffer lug human i^ '

TrecoutlT'took a cold sleeping hi damp sheets , and y neck bewmwso much swola

could not tu tu my head. my ueck bewmwso much swouou and painful, tha t I

After ushig. without success, everything prescribed b y m y phvsicUn.I lnsV-avcniPK tried your Electric OIL This morning I a m well, the relief having been as complete as it was Instantaneous.

. . A'oUm, v e r y truly, i . ~ JOHN UVINGSTON.:,

Etiitor Monthly I^fw Mogaiiiib, 157 Broadway and 120 West 14th Street, New-York. Mr Livingston belongs to the old, wealthy, and higb-

Iv respectable fttratUcs or tha drat settlers of New York. Any one can addrcss'hlu) on tho subject, of tho above letter, which will he answered with pleasure. Sold by all Dcuggteti}. Depot 217 S^fitb St.,Philadelphia.




Fall Dress &oods.

The Best Paper for the Times!

HOOBE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER, widely known as the moHt Valuablo and Populttr-Journal in Its

Sptiere—OB the Best aud.CheapOst combiaod AgrWUt-tu ra l , Horticultural , Literary aud Faniily Nowepffpor on the Continent—wilt enter upon Its t h i r t e e n t h Year and Volume in January . 1802. It has long su/pasiiod all rlvals'in Variety and Uftefulnesd of Contents , a n d a f . l a te JB, mora than ever before, *;*&£?

THE FAVORITE HOME WEEKLY 1 * T u b is proved by Its" Immense and rapidly-increasing circulation throughout tho F r e e States , Canada ' s ,Ac . and among all' intelligent classes both in -Town. and Country. In addition to a a r e a t onjAunt. ojLErac.Ucal, Instruct ive and Ehtertafolng Beading upon Agriculture, Hort icul ture , Domestic Economy, Science , Ar t , Educa. t{on, &o.. with a variety of Engravings', Masl'c, Talcs, ^ e t r j V & o . (^. r^^•coBtMw^^^-eemp^etc^ :«nd~oaroftlr^- -pjropared

Weekly Summary of the Latest War N e w s , So that every reader may bo Hilly dftftflud of tho Events of t h e War/or the Union. ThO'IlfSiAi. ardent ly labors for the preservation and perpetui ty of t h o Afmorican Union, as the great means o r securing- i h o permanent prosperity of tho Pwiiie and Country. Tho* standing aloof from par ty politics, i t is au>nys and flrmly for Tho UuJon, the Constitution, ahd^th'tf TAws, Honco It Is, and tVill continue to be,

l lB8i>EI.I*, P E I K S O N & CO. ,

41 North Pearl Street,


Would call at tention to their aflsortm^nt of I1RR83 GOODS, suitable for the present season, in

B E L _ A I N S S V A X K N C I A S AND P O P L I N S ,

P L & I t f a n d P l G C B E D O T T O M O N S ,

P L A 1 V a n d P U I X T E D M E B 1 N O E S .




E N G L I S H , P B E K C H . a u . l

^ D O M E S T I C i C A L I C O E S .



i U.BT.R ASSoirnawT or ^

Linens, also Table Damask, Napkins, Tow­els, Diaper, Quilts, Toilet Covers,

r, &c, &c.


C L O A K S , S H A W L S a n d M A N T I L L A S .

Our Cloak, a n d Mantilla Dopartuienl will be conduct-od aallewtotbre, updo.r our own-supervision r a n d hopo to merit iliat patronagb from our friends which has been llbarally bestowed on us in tbc past . 9 ly

.Fall Arrangement.


Photogi-apli ai|:,iwQiS|ptype


,_ .„aU:d^ ^-^™^™ f w }= f -^ . . ,

COXSDMTOOJt. It;)s'rwtimmtiiil«il '!}•,,. - , ntia Wiyalolivns In tho Bolted Stoics and liuropo-liav lug bi-wi used with wSous raauuuMJ*, >» ^ j JSr .viisovjiraasfc, __ _ ,_ „ „ , r ' ^ i i | ^

Tlio HyiHinhosphlira torn a " f W * S!'f. *»SH5 the onb lid a c U o u : o n . t h o o n 0 1 i o l i i l , « o r ^ W t e > , i ' ! S * ) W n ( 3 1


AGENT KNOffN._ Iu casta "[ Norvqua Dobilll}' or Frustration i f tho" Vital powortf, ({«» any.oauso, tills Romotly lias no supor tor . , .,. '

b l h o only reKn&fc fti'fm orJtWs trt '&iiosllAf&,'%t!ldo nrtortUoorlginfl l lforinuli i .ojpr.Aurcli l lI . .

«5-iJtqraRfc rdS'AJSlS'BSE NO 6THEB.-^II;, ' • « - A Fai r T r i a l l i a Certain Our^.-^o

PBlCSS:-lnToE,Bottl«s,'SI.-^lx Bottfcs-ti!r '$)'• In 10 02,?»trt6SJ?S.—ajiiMO-IUf, ' J»»"Jj!L *ftjK sncntniilo Brugglsis, nnd at Ihs^ola .©nntal- ponpw. j United S ta tes ,

J , ' ^p:^ i^ j . i j !6 ;Jpl i^ | ,^ . y,

Spermatortlje»i i^ef^r&S^Mtg&ScWBl. Geneial teiteWi^mfertlieBSex... .

too woU Known to igfelw A«ji.a»J}.wBiln< «ftBl*B»« •them,laoriiotthnmoatUtsl6jofeto.d tUcndbre<m-gorons.oroll OfeTloiigcSMogll^li i iSninnIlls . UKlJB the very spr ings or Wl>, raddly tadornitaes Uio eon. stl tatiou, and s i n k s tho unhappy victim tololmheclllty and atfrefciattrro-gravis I- FronTonotos l s rho ioso l i tho Sl'KCIWO Pl iJ ,a r<i sufflolent.to effec^A radicaloirro iu tho most nggro.Ya.tod cases whether consWuftonfll, o r

arising front^P«&(6r^tcS«afe.f ' . ' . ;_. . . ' ' ! -

M E D I C A t . T E S T I M O N Y . , We Iwllovo t t l o > e , In tho treatment ofSpCTUiator.

rhea , as near a snjenno as any modloluo can be.—B. KEITH, M. D. lAm. Jmir. rf ATediwUScienci!.

I hayo'found" Uioui all tha t "ionld ho dcplrod. . Their effect Has been truly uxmderful 1 .used them lu a case of Spermatorrhea of limg dandititf, which has been un­der treatment fat years. I think three boxes wil comploto the ouf &—B.1 ' . DICKKE. St. I>-

O - T h t s Is n o t u. noinroopathlcltomcdy, hor is tucro any mercury or othcr'deletcrioiis tngrrdient combined wi th it. P r i c e l 8 1 B « r B o x — S t i B o x e s f o r $ 3 i

B y M a l l . For sale by ail druggists , and ;U the A'lo Gt-ueral

pepot in the Untied States , by JT. W I N C H E S T E R .

i s i y 36 j f f f lSs r . ,N , . . y . , For sal* by S . Humphrey, Potsdam.

Those :rwifflWo;n'#y, ftW,Mi^'is!|ffii

t r y "' " ' • - •'• - c •' ' • •••' ' '

ftititX vory foBl)lotttiWeu.'j'.j good assortment m ) beautiful siylcifiOfBhl

- P a r t l o m 6 # u ^ W P , W . # # Canton, January. ISO? j

, .•;•'-• . •^ . •V" ' g •' ' f ' '

townl&ih-ond,lsl---^~"-' ""•' ' " ' " ooivoa and k'e'ena tent lot of

Embtaclite cvoryMUorn bud" Jhm WflnvUm-largejtt.. " Co^li«jHtbvraVvfftnJbbCTt«»

lncht%rrr*HhrnHny»fe^ • •

TlwOuhlvator, BreiE'ry, "Ymmg America, Woodland, • ' TSortliorrtShihi, . Vormoutor, and Rival.

large Office Meat&rs; Par lor , Fancy and Slump; Boom Slovcs of al ls lKB. All

• orvvhIchwfflhOfioldnttl lo ' . lpycatprlOis. . S tore on east rtlte.ot^a^6(StKH*P|o^^MtH0fflco.

PoTsoaa. January , 1800. ' - "

ALSOrPIWS FOR SALE By • W t f ' E . ' T V X t ^ W f i 0 * ' • i


C O N i r t M MEWCfNE THE only reliable r e m e d y ftir Heaves. Coughs, Colds,

Thick und Brofcon Wind, o r any complaint uft>ct-Ing tbo wind of the horso , also for


and all derangements of" tho digestive organs. A s a \ condliion medicine it has ao equa j^as all who haVe., tisad it testify; it lias restated to perf*H:i sounduess thiiusands of horses supposed tu be broken down and

%lmost worthless, all traces of disease having been completely removed, 'and have afterwards been sold for from £50 to S100 moro lhaif; t,hfy, would h a w pro-vinasly brought. Many peretwis who' deal in horse* use i t , by which the condition nod appearance of their horses a re so mnch impro\*cd that thoy sell more road-Uy„ and for higher pr ice . It is i-asy to ghre, n o r to cwrt. and safe a t . t l t imes and In ail casos, and dues hot prevent tho Horxe iro.ii bfing worked while using it- It mil- lifci'wise iKrgmui t" Uorntd CaiSe.

I> . W . H V R D . 93 Maiden I-an«-, N. Y., Sole Prop.

For riale l»i C. M Peck, Usher A* Tiiatcjier, S. Hum Smith U Skjo, ( i i iuon; John Rindge.Ogdcn sbu rgb ; J . Dewoy. Waddington; M. W. S-ors, Madrid, and by all

dealers In Medicine. IS 6m

' S i


- f K ^ - s g i r ^ i s S ?

wr MEDI04L.,




,___,_ www thdWr^VbTuttof * i * r i . .



lit hV« hejrcljy Bnmairitiraui snwar'tiw ~, .„i«,W)tiVjl! IMmMTOMJft'WIl'uJl *n» lite (lift? Btt Cforkof 8L.tt»rl!ir;<ifeiltityi<n the m" nC3iu\!i«W>'J«o3.t!H.tW itmonevpy'uf ,0,1"

-• * -uuitirttioHr^t ItWc Mwf^ to tite »,iu„ ^ W f f l ! i i r i i ^ t e S W » » ^ r . " 8 > e " w r v t r ; . ' ' 7 / ' , . BumWoWf ftxoWitt)«»tMr tha day.of mrvim, m ti„.... «(fts'IUtilW>.t((g!mmtngal>»t»imlt.r sv.v,.,,,, ,,',.., M l W t t f tMOSMtttsjWlJh- h l lo res t mi riltv •. .

i t « » l l » * i l W » toWJoJJ JTUt,,!!)!)^ „od ..,; », .

m J«iy i?t^ w! <y$gJ8S$b .< n , ^ wwff5wi»io!btoi..\ ,

'•pit :5t»iiii

m lw»ii»itoWB.

Kttl l 'NTl

Hil8}»= Btaton»(iliWnfrtimn slobo mai«wfiwnm»wte(i|tteT(iii*t!t-i!arsi.i.|

3i •iif'b

T o C o n s M - i u p t i v c s . — T h e Adver t i ser , h a v i n g been restored to health m v fa.few w.ccka by a v e r y simpltf remedy t ^ f t e r having, suffered 'aeypral> . .yeara | ; w i t h a Bovbittflung'a.flecHon; an,d t h a t arcadalsejJBO, Consumption—is anxious to raofeo k n o w n to h i s follow-j tuf lerers themoai lsofcuTO. ' • •—--

To all who desire it , h o will s e n d a copy of t h e prescript ion used, (freoof charge , ) • w i t h tho d i r e c ­t i o n s fbr prepar ing and using -the Borno, which t h o y < wil l find a SOTO Cure fbr Consumpt ion , A s t h m a / Bronchi t is , $ c . Tho only object o f t h e advert iser i n sending the Prescription is to benef i t tho 'afflicted, a n d spread information which" h e cOncolves'to be, I n ­valuable, and he hopes every, puflfctflu will , t r y hlav remedy, as It will coat thom no th ing , and may p r o v e & blessing, • - • - „ , '

" Par t ies wishing theprosor lp t tonwUlpl fea ieadaress V • UEV.T3DW-A1U? ^ . . : , s n L 8 0 N ,

2 6 3 m ' VIIlIamslrargh. 'KlnBsC'dimty, » . . Y .


A \ r o n | f e n a f « c i m ^ a c c o B i r a n t e d J y a fac similte of ^ o ^ w % m ^ i c r o j i u n - o / Z > r . i ? . L. SOULK £ Co. txpon(h£fi£e^f'<cac& Bos.

Every day b r i n g s new testimony of t h e t r iumphant cffectlrota t l ic u s e of "SOCLirs PHJ>\ " What better-oviderico can b o given of t h e SUPERIORITY of a Reme­dial Ageut t h a n t l w t ALL THE WORLDuse t t f It is an unquestionahle fact that "SOCLE'S PilXS" give better

TjaUsfaction t h a n any Pills now bororc tbo public. Of .tb'eproofoTthis assert ion, every Druggist <ur Agent who tolls ftem wil l testify.

We might c i t e the afflicted lo many cases where CCftES.bave' b e e n efltcled by their use , were it ueces-s a ry here, b u t fo r this purjHwe we1 refer thi-m to our Circnlai^j w h i c h can befoUnd with our Agents men-tioaed "below.

C. N.TCTTLE. Adburn, N. Y., Ok-neral .Ag<<bt for New York und Michigan.

F o r sale by C. M. Pecfe, Usher A: TfaaK^Mr.S HUmpIiT wy.JBrtWara, j+E. B, Wjnsjow, J . $..$$&* S J ^ I » t feSad^Gantoh. JomiE ln^o .OgdBn^urg fe ' l i r s . ' I f ewey W;a4dIngton. M. \% Seap», Madrht; -aiid b y all deal­e r s in Medicines. 18 l y


Watertown, Home and Cape Vincent,


T h o E a r l y P h y s a O c g c u o r a c y


Just Published bv Br. Stone, Physician to the-Troy Lung and 3Ji-




THli= WORK is of high, moraj tone , wri t ten in, chas te yut thr l l l ing jan luago, midapptoalBjdirectly tq t h e

moral cot^ciousriesV of' A l t FATIRSTS and' GUABmAsS, rcapccially detailing scientific, and •trc.lia)bloj aids and troalmtMiis for cure .

I t will he 6<utt by mail ou rece ip t pf two S c e n t s t amps . .

jSg-Pufcuts and Ottardlimst fall not to scud and got t h i s buok.

'Young Meti! lail uut to send and ge t this book. Ladies! you, too,fihould<M onco secure a cayty o r

t b U b v o k . ,

A word-of S o l e m a , O o l 5 i W e r i t l 6 u M ^ c p t %

^ c l a s ^ l i n a ^ d i e S - p r O T m t i ^ f c a W a ^ m u u i £ ^ ; a ' w i n T n f e a t I c a s t l M ^ ^ 6 . u t E ^ o f - l > o t h ' s B ^ s !

t o afl•citrlygrn'vfo.,, SlbsodiBoas'oata'fivery ImpBrfoetly" • " u ^ e ^ o ^ ^ f w l ^ ^ e r n t t l - matjUefitaltoffe-dre'symp-ton i so r^Df^«ES" !Hfe?Re laxaU6r t nUd'Kshhiistion;. HaxaBtn€3-w?^(t t |g^^M^onsurapt ion of - the tiRSUos of the who-lp bodyjfinortricssbrbrcRthing', -or hur r i ed breathing oh ascending a hill or flight of slops, -groat palpitation tiftbgrllcart-: Asthma, Bronchitis: and Soro > Throa t^hak lugof ibe-hand .* and limbfc, .aVcraian to society and tof business or s tudy; d imness of cyO s igh t , loss of memory, dizamess of the^fccad:^euralglc pa in s

Jp , varius parus of the body, pains in thf tbackor limbSj dyspepsia or indigestiou, irregularit5t'-of the bowels , -deranged sections of the kidneys apt! o the r ' gItmds_or

c.o wm£ui&&WffiS3&ei. r r i H S ' mos t romaVlcablo >imd«*'ffectunt«-Bem'edyiiror J l Co l to r t t ug l i s^ rokeh#Ind l^aw:Sf» r> . ina !pd1f - - -

r 3 o wMei-aObob llto'wlBdiOt:aie-h!ii»a^. a t o R i , r 4 h o .

no ft)*bTof ihj.R'jDjorntes' so ,6l(i§al!y1fiJfBKJring.ta;

given thoso a trial, prortoudco them tho' "best prepaMfr' t l i ln'orthffltlndover o|fgtg41to-Stlip}pnJi!^f;Eir that most nseTu! animal, - y i q H o ^ o , -• ..,*;"•'£:.<,-,

Tho Unlvofial S m B it fim'TowdcrS a r e caually-MnoOr?'' lal to Oatt lo In all5HtBetat<s, M d . tisjifiCTally-'tcP-Mllch Oows. ''HniidrfldB of oer'tlllcatM 6afr'ht?prddlicoa ffrom men whosejoputatlonsare.catahlis.hod',, .•,- • . . ,0'z%

Tho animalcanjne/wprlcod. .while nnder,..tlut«4reat-m^nt.Qtthoso powders, aud no bad effect >j8.,produced When ihoircaseilstdisc^ntlnucdK'V-' ' ,•„: ;:ii.;.. ;* ,'v£'i

j&S-:The L«gest,PltclcafioToi:.Ute niouoy, ..Oivoithem, atrinl?ii<)ti ly25oont8. - , : - .:-». ,-

W. SAWE$&^cCO; r.Solo proprietors of the, aho*Q2

ty-ttvollnlcstonutouinUcrfi , „„ „,

f .ln to a atone sniilt'teilio.ctn.t'r'or Uw rnm 1,, in'Marsh.v.fcjonu||(4U-.',Uwcft.a|finB the r,„ irc»a^«Ui-MOe|&t.oiift,,*lin(n (Uty-fuiu i„

•qnwnosunlrtothoconuirofjwld rond; tii™,.,. • :.7B^!®isttWoolmlriH8DllnK».tt>JtaloilOi tlieor,. ' LB^S^mttwo'olffllpsIxiJSilSht. Units t„ „ piulcm 11M Senior of the urattnimtloued r™,i

iMeM&^FfW^i-jpiin'ii,Vlll»eo. 1 „ _,msTOhl,or8aiifrdnji; fbti Hih rfay ,,r 1., ft IMSJI at 1 O'olock P. M. of that du\r Hativl i',,u

•ft ', to -" < W * ' 8 , « I R U n C . Slierlll. •;*iB3v; . ; ^ p . 0". WitKtiiKK.i, ,, .Juo aWo salo' Is Welly Jiosipon'od' Vi iv.n,,, lMtdayorKohfiiary, 1802Jnt-thh nanw (ilnn- ,1,,;, Mayas obovo.r-Datod Potsdam, Jan. 11, isca :..,- ^ . - aB.«aaBv,Ki«.iiir

,, a . By 0 : 0 . WiiKKfcu, | .

Hedtclnc, Water town,N. X.- . . ,•, . ,..-. .Sold by4hopr inc ipa l Dealers thrpuguo.u.tjthQ£uun.

try. • t.> • , , t V t , 0 4 ^ J. T. BockwitU,252 Greonwlch 8tr.eet, attdJwttflll ,

Marsh & flardlner. No. 10 Gold Street,, wnpjesalo agents, Now Yo/k Ci ty; / - 1 gn>i

For s a l e iu Potsdam b y Ualiof. & Thatcher., auJ ; C. M. Pock.. . , , - . . . • i & v T "For sa le at Canton toy.),. K. B. Winalow, H^.Sniltb,it, SoVnnd J. S. Bale. ' . .^Jfi-ebi"'


T J i M E T A B L E

Ti, I n to effect on JTputlay, Nov. 4 ,'tlttCi


« . ; . . . 1 . ; • < » <

Deulou'a IU;satn cur, Coogbs, Colds, beals and BtrcnRth-Tis the 1 JIOKK ; v. ill care Bleeding of lb© l u n g s InfUmation of ih'.- Ijiugr' nod Asthma.

D E N T I N ' S B A L S A M

o e in



Accorfl. A. M.




1'tavMay ora of the chief cities of tbe Uni­ted Statesi-Canudaa, and Britdsli Frovtacei,. OhiB^ jemaj, Brazil, Mexico^ and to toot al-most all £n^ titaes on this continent, have :.isned_thia.(3ocumont, to asaure their people whnj r^^esdioithBy may tue with Bttfety nnd ooitfdgrB!ot-^Sat bur spaoo will only admit

• a p6rfS5h of thorn., • •

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, AVer's Cherry Pectoral,

A.yer'B vPills, and Ayer'a Ague Cure,

1 ^ -^ PltEUAREp OV- - - ' .

IfWJ..'jr f C. A y c r * Co . , LOWELL, MASB;,-

Arti'il sold'by Druggists every where. •

01$ ^ Q j a t s ^ ^ T p V G DONE

Ji^&trWftfs-igreiilars, Prograiumoa, labels, pos. ir*yClli(p|{tt,'ii'otofl" Ac-, A^/m^oXn^o4'

Patriotfe,xxvBrers ;' • ' ': '!^-RS;?«f>'ri;

I n b o l b J variety o r

beraor tho;Famil ; Rlgbtana . ionfcm tnonts are. uiftrn'cU^-j a n d Nows,ftaitm, ' t h e U o f a ( ~ - — ^ - r thocon i

^Jotorcst; Home Itod.

T B C T G O O D S It

To be sold cheaper tlwn (iver, l>y *

M.& N . P R A N K ,

Iu A m t n r h i a ^ b M K ^ ^ K t i ^ t . l j u f e i i .

dwits, labor ,Wroriacr.,W;Bura:a8TTO,snteri(l| and w h a t * v * « a i i S H A S B W tho counlry--*,)SptfJralB&tlK5ti!i of tho P^blSinjaip*;- jtMnSii W&-^jBVglv«ffln*^lbMrfjfr?--':"v


•^... _ Intent, • ia;auil«oijoat

sucsper.fyi OBBssivir5)riu»

... ......... „,_,.>!%fhy&!ua. .,„™^lorffraiABlMtsf.rgtAziB-

ST\ LJJ,'r0ttife*EK,l&Si(%C. VUUIK XIII, for 18'oa,. will maintain tub enviable

reputation tbe Bura l j iow, YojSor. Jia'S-iflvjmreil for both Contents and ApWn"ra'hcS. ft' Will WJ nnUliBWd In Superior Style—with New Typo, MWfcytlllto-Pnperi and matt" "—'"•—"•'--- .f-'-J-*- / . . - - . " ' thoflami rago,

T S ! H a M t l j y , W , » M I n A < l v u l t e « - » 2 n y o a r : 3 o o p l o s f WtelJMkfo;lQ for J10: tt for i21 ( aOfdn! t2J—Willi sriKcS'Wpyifoi'cVory club of s ix or m o r e . . 4 » - N o w Hrns-mlCTroScaecjami / s o poiw xsw Ctcre . Bllclent Local Agents wonted fnoll places reached by t h f f U n l t m i m t m i l a d ' 0 ® r p ! J * i l l 8 . t o whom wo shafl t ry to giv* floea ^ . f h r a i r Q W f c O o o d ^ . & r s f c l m e n

tesovttneut of tvhlto and Coloffid ( M M 7 End ~^ '" ' " _ i ' ' '

Ford Street. Ogdensburgh, Hf. Y,

Who liaM Jus t re turned from tliu Sew York and ltniif>u inarjfctfl, i>nd nromiow reeoiving



DRY OOcDDS, Whirli tlioy pttrchaso cxrlinttmly, fur GASH, and a ro

bound t^ Bell a t prires wlllrti

D E F Y C O M P E T I T I O N .


t EmprthjaiOlotfi. Velincia, Persian Cloth, Beppa, Velvalfura, Mobairs, Cashmeres, De Iiain6a,,1'E'rMfibk}iri'l EoglWh Merjnoes, printed and'PJain'Coburg, filain rffid 6gBr<«l Wool Do LoibeS/ Black and figured Bilks, Afci&c. f. •• . . •-_

THBV tttWE 'French, Eugllsli add American P r in t s ,p l a in and fan.

oy , r innne l ,p toad Cloths, l ad l e s ' Cloths, Doe Skins, •Qiisira«l'c»,tSrtttoe<t8,Twoods, Bleached and Drown • 'mblolJnoni»Wpor ,Crash, Ticking, SWIpos,Checks, gicotlng8ondBIilrtlng,l)toiJipdr,nr»lij'-Ld,ljo»tCloakB, Woolsud Brocha Shawiff, Hoopaud Batntoral-okfr ts .

hHo»ICtyOT6t{*s;YJfflKMXonoN8; nod . A IhollMoa .AfTiH* *4>f Alan AA'A HitWlf»-Atltt i A. AinMI l A ^ * h -

H n F n Z L r w u n l o W K , 4 a . , a t ctoso of year, complete for binding. " < ' {,}&$fiEL AKI> EXXSHSf ITTHK 8TOG

liiind. Also, Bristol and Knntooled f o ra l OTsitlng and w f i ddinc pui tig purposi

KKR i CC CO., Proprlotors

d community by introdticlnjf iUt)fB.)}or to n ol not fro and support. >

Addroes D« B . T . BIOO KOCI

wdl cxin- Pains l_n the Fide. Ftomach or Broast, Aem [ti« face orliroasf. nt'rvoTiSaPSv.TrroveT and Kidnej* » tmpla iu t , I.imf Bai-t,


enh-H P.iIjnutic-1 Hf i!it' He.-ift, ftyspcissia, Liver Com-i,i.ti:it CuJ.,-, am! ri-giiUim t&r ^tomarh^ind Bowels.


cur*-* aii Stires.-SoreneHS in th<* flesh. Burns nnd Bruts-hi "ii muii and beas t .

' D E K T O N ' S B A L S A U

curfflCliilblniiifi. Rheumatism, takes Soreness o a t of any part «f the body of man oriBcast.

* D E X T O N ' H IJA1J!AM euros SumnuT (VtmpfajuLx Wornut in'ohildren., «pd

Ctwausi* lli«. Blood. D K N T O N ' S BAI-SAM ^ i t i

wirefiS.tr'- Mouth. Sort* Throat, Whooping Coogh,CKfnp' I/iss ci( A|I |H-II(P, Corns on iocs.

DESTO.V'S BAlAtM is a r n r e for Uie i'i!i#, by Warm Injcctioria.of thetEai-

sam. Cures Hioflh«t in sheep, rat t le and horses," applied warm B- »i ri-ni*-dy tor heaves In hdrfl^B;

• give tt in fetid. ,. :,.i , v

Tiiere t.* &ehmptsafr—*rtfe&«r tin* most t ende r Infant —and certain vmedy for Lluisc dreudfnl numnlus t o m a n -kind, thnt remcly in " • ,

D K N T O N ' S

Vegetable Healing Balsam, which fur many vi-arti \VH? never known to fail giving yood satiHiJU-itun; it leaves the -patient wul i , and he noedH no oihi'j medicine to purge i l from iltc sys tem.

This is not 'Hi" of the new elscovcrics; it is an old and established nrttolr, und there are myrUt tsof living "vld^ncesof ItH edliziir-y. ~ *•

Put up in IwUtlea aL onlv 25 ren t s eaCh> •-•: •--

Great Imposition -and Fraud! CAUTItJNJraEjttBCIUBRrfg;^ . „..,

Bo eure ttiut the name of B. Denton's loallng Balsam is b |pwn In tin* bottle, 'and his likeness m tbo torjrbf> every boitlo,iiri you sue above. Nonb other cahrCsft genuine. •.- . -. * .^'("^f

Purchasers will call du Agents and get & Pamphlety wlt&Cerllflcafcfl -of Recommends from d i s l n t e r o s t e ^ persons. - - . -r. ,

nnpton'B TtMinm \n frnffl by all the prihclpair>rngglH>n • and ilerclinnta m the Union.

Br DENTON, Proprietor, --18 6m A n b u m . N . Y . „ , C. N . Tutllc, s»noTal a|jont, Aubnro, N . Y, of 8aTo

by C. M. Perk, t ' sbcr is Tbatcber, g. 'Humphrey, Pots dam. u E. B. wlnsto,w, JameS».v,-»ic. Har ry Smith &Son.CiiriU>». .fbbn KindeoiOidousliur^h. J ,H. Dewoy Waddington. H. W. SearJvMndrld.ond 'jjfall doalers* In m *•* •

;oo J 3 0 6 2 0 5Ki 9 13 980

W I O 10 40 11 OS 1132 12 OS 12 23 12 50 1 0 0 p o i 5 15

7"55 a 6~45a S 00 I 8 55 I

Potsdam Junction I'oLsdain CaoUin Hermou DeKalb Kicbrli lc Gouvernour tfirf,n.-q Antwcr[> Pbuadolpiiln Evaus Mills Sanford 'H Cornors Water biwii Watertown Jonctn

Accom. A. t l . 11 40 H ' JL 10 35" 10 05

9 5 0 • 9 3 0 9 0 0

ft.. Hill.. ..Hy(s 1'. >l. 12 JO 12 21 1148 1125 1113 1100 10 35 1014

" Watertowii' Junct ion 12 601 1245-a

11 36 12 00 Rome 8 00 4 45 ADDISON P A Y . S u p ' t .

Northern Railroad frTgy-Tmrf HfrrftitrfiMIH* • mi

Jt@r WINTER ARRASGFAfENT.-^ft .Jhrovgh from Ogdensburgh lo /feirion 07m* iV>u» FdrJt

the Same day.

O K AND APTFR MOSiUYf^A^f; 011^1862, PASSES-«ER TilAlXS will nin as follow*- (Sundaysexcept-

THROUOH KXPREBS. leaves Ogdcnshnrgh at 1 1 ^ 0 a . m. , s topping a l all

Stations—(diue a t Malonc)—arrive a t IloukcTs Point al i ,45 p. m., conntfeting with a night train tyUh" a s p : « -did sleeping ca r a t tached ,or r iv lhg a t Boston tho fo| lowing morriing, and New York the fotlowingaftem(»oni


Leave Ewton a t 7 30 a. m. , BOO p . UJ-, and Hcv York at 7.00 a. m . , arrivlnfT at Oj{densburg0 at 2 pj m. the foliowing day

A Trofght T t a l r r Vr\i\ leavTOgdonsbOTSli 'nt^lfti '-m . having a second class car attached for tho* conven­ience drpi^e^^ersJbritwe^n^)gdf<nsm1i^h^uid Mnlnno.

All Trains c o n n e c t ' a t Potsoam' Juui t lon wrth Trafni) oa the Rome and- Watertown Railroad

y_i ^ A j ^ H O Y L ^ S u p t U ; B<ji'f^!iteDto0J!S5Jc|.p ; . • MAIOXE, N . V . , J A X . iti


t h e b o d y , a s I jqucprrhma'Sr l^lonr Al^npi^qi,^flrfko.-wise Epllopa>-, Hysteria arid Nervous gpnsumsi- - * • ' ' ' '

Now, in ntnety-lilue cases out .of every- hundred oil H.C ahuvooumed dfeonlers. .audj^a.^OSt. " " ' nam»Hl,as cmcsmnptHra Of t|ie-Xuiiga^imd tlic ahuvooamed disorders. .andy ia, ,bost Tofothers-not nam<Hl,ns cousnuiption Of thpJiUngs^imd U ^ t m o s t - n v s id ious 'and wUyforav*f 'eonf iUJr ip twh , , r ^ , .^o J ^u^nl . Ne rves , known as Tabes fiorsalofi! mid. aabes^Spsent -^ lea , have their scat nnd origin in d iscascsof t h o & m e Yiceca , -Hcnco tho wont of succcsa.qf ih'u, pld ecnool ' prftctico i r » & ^ | o g . symptoms on ly .

I)r.j.\HdrowSra: " " ic, Physician lo t h e Troy 'Lung a n d Ic InrUUiition^l^-nowr'engaged.in trpatlffc^this

class of modern maladleA with tho most" astbuisltlng s a c c ^ . Tlie t reatmeni adopted b y t h e institution Is new=; it if based upon scientific p r inc ip les , 'w l tb the new discovered remedies, without minerals orpolsnuB. The f j t i ' i " -a "X '"in- «re» Etirh t h a t patients-caff be cur<y) at i-ifu ii-.ui--, tu any part or t h o country, froxa accural • descriptlotm oMlnir ejwe, b y le t te r ; and h a v e the nv--.tcinrs m*M tliein by llai! o r KlpreSs. IMOted JntcrruptUn-ies will be forwarded on •application.

/^-OoRSumptlon, (.iiiarrF.'nn'd t or tiib iff m a t cured its well a t the liotner; or the pa t ients as a t t h e In­st i tut ion, by semilog tho Cold M e d i a t e d Inhaling Bai-siunic Vapors, with inhaler, and ample ihrectlons for their ifsu, and dint-1 correspondence.

fifar-l'aiRnttf applyiug for Interrogatories or udvloe mui^ metcse n-turu sUtmps to me*it a t tent ion.

l ey -TV iitUiiiflingpnysiclati wilrb*? rouhd ai th<- lo-s t i tu to for cociFultatjun, from Q A . M. to 5 r . u. of «acb day. .Sunday in the forenoon. Address

DR. ANDKEW STONE, Physician lo tnc Troy Lung and Hygienic Ins t i tu to ;

dnd Pbynli-lan for Diseases pr fjio H e a r t , Throat and I-anKs. 9B F i f l U SC.mipWS, Y.

r TO PpEAJrjES. ^feiiibl^eliStdnej: -•

Who is lbi,rM&WfV^M^aMi.MMSMX\iSl>^iior tbo jnaiiy a in icof t i a q 5 ( 3 ^ t # p u S M l a a m ( B l i i n o r o modern origin, aud wall d e v b t o ^ c l n s i v o 'iaK'6'nlion to this ufam t,f dbJeases peculiar to be r sex . AmonK the many <l iseuws ilally met with, and wltich she t r ea t s Willi unheard of success, aro cllriiiilc'lndsmmallon and ulceration of tbe wonib.

Xr^-TnB Asi^siiixa ilKWCATia, I t o m i s , a miwt lib-. portant prcvcnlivo for married ftroalea. Kent by Kx-p r e s s S o t M , by Slail for $0. •

Females can consult Sirs. Doclress Stone, coufidcti. t ia l ly, by U-tlerur personally. Address

' MBS. N. O. STONE, M. D.Y i Matron to t h e Institution.

46 l y - . .<• - . i T r o l A . %._

„ _ vlfMoSfOMQ o*couUi»ti l«ii'n4«it of ti„ ,•„, J S Wart,of SL'UKlynctriOeiimTytStnlo of N,.» v l ^ f 4 t W M ^ * ^ # m * ( > W I » d anil i, BW0'WMltt*Wfflir«W#UlllU-ltlO KM i l

»Sl»lfilBfel9muM&s^MiiN^or, ip aim,,. i|ttl^^/«clor|)arco);or4ajnil stiunteui n,„,, . . . . . „ ; . . „ . . . „ » - „ , . . , o „ , ^ . . , . . . . ._ . . , M i ( i b

the i ,..

ITormoii i u ,

ruiiitiutf trura'tlieuoo Soutlt fi .^iBtOno-elmin > SffjJllt 1tS«4 o w,,

' ' : A i s l G l I B E ' S S A J L B . .

, , i , " ^ undctslgbjOd usslKUqc, l'or the benolll c , r , , . , ; , i U prs of Henry D. Morgan, will soil lit public am i w. wayhltnoy'sHoM.'In- ' f f io-vl lf igo 'of ' Sacquelvill,. \ sVw<!ntho 16lh day or F e b r u a r y , .1882, a t 3 I' \i ,

! t imlng about H i M hcrclt:9ManrhinorniOKh«s, a, • , . voyqd to saltfDarflel'Moi'San; Wfirence hblng m.,.:,.,

£.%-'A Ilfl.edElottsonveyanpO'.to. hlin; for g r ea t e r partlcm.,,, , , O ^ ^ t t a i i l o t J o b» oxh lb i t f i l o t t bos iUo : the intoresi i„ i„

s o l d M n g ^ a f c c o r r e o y i f byjsMdJr icnryjnyiorg , . , , , , , ass I feraont f tn ' tB^bndors lEh<!d/da toa '8 l l i J Iay INH! 'fl0,iitorc3 of ,J ia id-ni rniBouther lyofroad lomtiti^ u ,tl - ^ ^ J ^ W S S r ^ a i S f t a j i n M g s l i f S O acres tl.-r, of on « t H 6 r t y sldo sftsafeoWjui b stlhject lo lire i ™ ,

-toip|o Cynthia Morgan, wno also h a s ' a like lease tu u,; open WrrWJJ!SS.1< iuS0,,1Ah,1-'A»S t-'nJ1,0l'«|io dweiim h o u a o ' l t s a r u ' 1 a r ^ t w 1 i U ' - t b ^ ? a a r n h o i i « v W It » • " Cdminon use of tho collar undbr^it.fnr said Cyntln-i family, wi th B f f i & r / f t C T m m a - f g r b s j j f c n d frpn,

- M U h b d o r l i l g n e P — " C I ' - J « • " • ' ' - •• . ^ ^ r ^ r

cfyy'cjtOtow w(th ono rnolodeon. 5fhalei

i i ho^ma indo r .o f tlio persoi

$Vfr°nsJsj|ng pf wagons, siui i no'usohohl fiirnitiiri ^ . , odeon.

%SSt¥K»S?$al*stato and Jvlffoitplro on tho J iporsonnl „, next, TfiS*rJdltrJra.oftho«»id Hi oil others interested .will nloal rjecj81sts'",-*? ~ ™ •i'-'e- —

mm, J Q J B

^ ^ :

. . .AtffflSit ' i iJijeSSbutldnsto'ine directed ami .'.. Jd5Ii#e,r«4pl»silbatQnt,o:t-itBo«St;Lawroncc Cuunn Oourt'£ngalMt:ft«lahd5)-jenemraits,jnid real cstah .'. J)pIphrisu3S.rappi«!,decea'Ei!ttfiT-haVo solxed an Hi. right, tiUKMpV torkatSiKhlfehjjtlra sald Bolnlm. r ^PJ<in'hM '.*!»P'.h'U^yi'oy!iIarch, 1800, or at u.. limp thBliiftncrjIpJVJKanuBto^thdi'Wliowlng.descr i n.'. P'ropotty tciwH llthaf.'iraijt-Oi: parcolofiand su,...i in thMoynor^ltonj'iCoialtyniilirtsaid.-bOBinnlng ni t . . -norm:f lncornop!OfarlQtjfurmerlyowniyi by said imi

3onghs, UoldsyiCWnpl^rtlp^lg-fioopirigf' Congj i /gbr'eTl irM^ronff lr^Brpar®'

,_( nes8^T5||Jeii^») i |^f^ipti-Agne:V'' I t i s y^rnTnnic&oVoliovoraojlBiln^toiinlnutes. To broakiippcomsnpncdldjin-ft-slnglonights* , ^ s ^

•. .To rel ievo Jhq.4sjJnriaraLonag« j : , , , JPo cure.aH co.ltglls^"ii,^%nXCfeo^tho^ungs,previous

to ulceration-To breal rhp 1

. Fropi Mop..

MosaW.'iijB,. Jfagooit * a . r r ^ savorost.oolds t ov«r. oipetjpncejljiso.ttllng .ujop? m y s j R i ( t t h 2 8 = * e i t f enain 2STiB4s' ?oh"tho' tflSt I tangs,,anrtpr4itucing^ioaiwness and.n^coraj tant iaods » Id road>to I CTnior f s t a !o i s thon ' co s o d t h ' O l v c « • -Slstrossuis(;!iiigh,.Iwaslrjdpcc,a,to t r y .yunfc m e j g f >D.o»alns5.fena>rncriBtakolthodBa soi«h '28 r = ™ - i ; Vb#e$&fflmmlf I t s effecla.tyas surjirfairig.o 4%i)pi>m ^halna5;IUnl£B-to a cornor Btrike; thonco north 01 \ cn«l i fny .« i igb nt onqo and In, p shor t , ilmo roJleyedV -eaat to tha place of beginning, containing 25100 i i

Tttentt ,psettar . I j h l n i It has noMpal fc r , W » ( M « » of land.anfl bolng8tho s & o p°ero°SI convey ^ r ^ r n n . e n d e d . r M o n t p o , . o , , O c t . . 5 ? ? ^ ^

^ , f J * » , S M S , , ^ u , M t e W m ^ f ^ t e g ^ n ^ l I e t r l S a •fcometime since, whi le laboring, u n d o r ^ s e y p r a ^ g j a * »K> w i t : Boglngfng a t tho m o s t southeaster ly cornr ,

and hoaraenosa, I t r i ad Week's Magic Componnd o M . 8S 40-100 acre< or land i h i s day^lnSdca ' ' to 0 w found it very Wncficlal. r now oftbn tisa.lt.rmoT.talfd, hy i JamesSj B l l s nhtt wlfo, a n o i n t In tho conlr,-pleasure In sayln t h a t for coualis. colds. s b r e T t W o a l - ™ « » ^ t « » : « A o i i ^ J . l - i . L S S _ ! J , _ . " . . 0 1 u r ' and boarneaess, I find it an < pleasure in sayln t h a t for coughs, colds, sb'ro t h roa t

*senesa, I find it an excellent r i lme i ly^Bur i -l i i g toa ,V t . , «a r c ! I2 ,1801 . ; J . s . ADAMS.'

TIUAIj BOTTLES OHATIS. S & l " ' " ' """"

for WestcrnnnnTgft « . JOfLYN £: SOX.Barton, VI. , Wholesale Agnnla .«-« . - ">-—a-- Kow York, to^wlmmidiot-

dels slitHtld 1,'b Hdllri^afii " «5^.-<old"bTalTl

TjICHNISHHB Telagraph Roiiorts, inc ludlngkew York ^L' Martrots, 12 h o u r s ahead or a n y d ther^B^ca . '

Also a choice var to ly-Ot lotsat ond- llUccllaueous na t te r .

h \>my\to 1° IpaHy, hot s.ostaln* jho caiisV 'cr'.VSeL lovornment an i l i hoPeAnwa tnowm'iiVitlriiltrisf&rM.'* Oovdrfi'Heiiil snd \ho'Pi .oBS's . torrrom'cntlCtltfiilatt?

• n d o i t a a j o d j s c o a s p d l W c W o b d 0 i h S r t u e i U 6 s « f S -candt^1ndepcndimt ,n«d'I l!afteiatn«h6er: ™ « ^

H» regular Dally Ctrratlatlon ii,njirf "over.,-. ., ~-Z-

T W J j j r r Y J p r V E HLTNDItED, !r ''"• and It is irKWui' exception tho titijif ADVEBTIBINO medium In Northern New York. .

It Is published e v e r y ccoavog a t logouts per wook, or 85,00 per year. • " / • ' J

The Watertown Weekly Hewv • Is rnntidupfrum tho boai-nwtter or tiny Bany -bas few adver t i sements , and'ela'lnw to bo a yiRST CLASS MJIIMTPAPER. l%8II»ho.| overy SmmW'Sm-low p r i c e 0f41'por y e a r . •

A. H . H A W a Proprlolor, Arcai lo Building, Wnter lown, M. Y,

-£l$^^fr"tty}>$'><'"> flf.-i'egi'nnrng', « gMOO oTr»n hero ofrand, bo t h o samo more or OeWg. thf tgmo^r^fseaconveyeOj to said ts*,j, -, ^ P P « r J b y ^ k 1 i r w ; ' S m r t h ' n f l d wlfo by ,i..-. ,i yopronrySsdjJSoS. ^ Also^tll-tiuH cerlaiu otlier ^ r ac t or parcel of ii, r-a to .h i« i jd(Wlon^r l^undoi l -» l ins : , r ie r ; l i i i i i™. . n o r l b ^ ^ t c ^ o r a f a - M H i r S l t u I o p * l n p o . . . . - , Mvtomton BUton} dlsKjii Wu l inks torn t he , . „• t h i j h l g j w a y . t r o n i ' t h e l i c e " tunning nuVili 2« " Wonotht! wes t l ino ofsaid rontl-ono clialn tw.-m.

1 K ' M ^ * S F f f i > ' ' n W M M " t K o l S ; c , west nt . . r 1 » . « / j r f i p « J « M B t B m o < ^ t j i n f ! j ! h a i n ; 2 4 i-i.

b o g l r m I n g , " r ^ O T M g ^ . l O ( r o i : an a r roo f lm . ' convoyen b y Martin Cardlrlcll and


sMarEaxw S t o v e s


Rlioamatic & Neuralgia Compound, A •Certaln-Bi^roaud^crtnari.Ctlt cur t

Noumlgfivaotl Salt iBfitmot. ,5j UMi lurternal -relnedy, drtvincoat and entirely eradicating the diH__ oaso, rcqnTrlo no change Ih du5t orbualneESi andnlay 4>e taken by children and liorsorrsof ' tbo rnost dclfohto^ ^onKllttUlonAteltltpoffcet'SSfotyy-l /**,- . .. , .;"••


For Sale! i j l ^ following ilcscribcd-pFOtierty- Is for Bale a t this


»A. M., a witb: ' 0 . , coni.octlbBii«»iri.(f it™ wiuiii t u n oest inouicintMortirofuscaso ty^tver

p l i r W W # l r » M I W > y « * f A i %>|th, Ko. 7(01iIStatoHbu»o-.a«ttiii( IBIVerTunctMyfifn^raortbern? Aftel'.'tnmirlngMtthRhliiitotnlirt tMn luuoii- TioMffponlbiea.tiM •KuMur '*&*titiri!ly ctiriiU

tatciaaufmHcanoa-*; _ T^AySnt, J6 WadV||it.%r«et)-BoBtoii,

-., WoWcatcf, SO,, (orff .tWtad«OTWttbSulll*M , Barlford, NowKfliivo

SrrjyWKiu UOJI"

IJdiiujroWlJny. '6e(l)'li'oi,16t18M,,

GSTOCK, nild yOiTWIII JUT. &_X. P R A N K . ,

"&(k'b JkJLaEi.

Something for ttjid Tttieff!! A N(M*S]TY IN.EVEBY HOBSHIOLtH I •

joiiNs &• cw§i$f& American, OenieiitC.d'lue. The Stro%e« Glue in M World

Alabaster, Bone, Coral,

The only article of the_kin'4<fe | pyo, dttced which wllTwithstanftlrlTOKrl

KXT!tACiT6 » **#*~t Iff x' Every houRekooper fthou.d Imvo a supply of Jomtife Crosjcy'fl American Gvmt1!!! GIUo/'—N Y. t\am^Tm

aBSUfSd rdfjgostoo, WoWcatcf, so, toh UgjUJi. M.J a t * " ' - " - • - ' Boston, SprtngBuldj

' 'm&mk6^VM<^M$> both tho nigHtle*. press Traiflflrnoning between House's PWnt atid IWBtoti*

t h o & c l p a V 8 t a l I o n a . ^ * a. SlfiBBILI . S t . A l * a . t t | j V t ; . 1 J I a y » t | i , W 0 1 .

man ns.

& Crosloy'a American Gvmi'nt Mil:

" I t IsBocoiivcnfeiit'iln lidvo 1n llto- house. York Express, • ' . . . . ' •

" I t Is alwnye ready t u n s commends It toovnry body. ' r -X.V.!udol>afiHollt . *

" W o have tried i t , and flHiUf as useful In our bouse ns water."—IVHkes'.giiiHt oftiiB Times.

Price 25 CJents W a t t l e . Very l ^ B r i r f l t ^ ^ M » e » a l « i

orally tbrc .„_.„

htmn ' o • (Solo manufacturers))

tBJkxaMA "".i (nu-nor of l.llicrty Htrool,) I » 1 K


V O l l I C .

40 l y

For sale at tlllu O/fice itiril al tho Dfffn; Storeg.



'"Xoavet , .. ..... „-,-..*.,...„,,.--Jy n -.. York,vl»BurltagtrmdndBilfIiind-»arffilii#atltiitl3nd nt 12 10 (iilgliM Troy JOifJOh »n, Og,leJ»biirgB"2S0 P

WnttBrt AnitAKd|M|g'.« . j .

LjwrejJloW T ^ S ^ o M ^ r o y ' l a , ! ! ) p,'ra,'Bu(lnllil 4 ^ 6 p m, a r r i v i n g at BurllugtoU 7,20 - — " - A " " Point 7?I0 a rn , l lontroal 10,01 p m . '••*• ••••

3. V. Cilcnoli, Oonornl Agilnt, Ogaoiisburgh!'

- T E S W l l O S t t X i S . Gardiner's Rheumatic and Xcuraigtiv Corapnuna ti

the best medfcidfefiiHhBiuseaBO'B.AVcT ruevr^^tfxB.


jw NewftSii th. • - i ' t " : fe^fforal KclHiL-irsbtpirim Ili'j'anl & Hlrattou's Com-

merclal Colleges. . - ,.\»x « V<m> N«» Asoa <^IStn.ainSftn|fflfeK,.!s ttwntirac. «irSl.A quantity i f e l W l I f ,%V(SiftW^'}| l l terlcan Ce­ment C lue , a d e s I « u t t B S W t « » » j o % r « r i . . - Haymonl r e « o l > » P » j o 3 ^ B v 1 S « » ^ P«rt lM J a u i a g r o o , A l l J & l l i f t a M S I J i a r n ^ ^ "property can « « * f l y W E ^ W i J *'

^nt*3 kBInil

UUM • ^ 1 .,._ i W f ^ ^ w E S j a s I S f W K r f

n^jirt>a4«irj^p<on«reiycflrouiuy'tuh'nsftor«Hi!ii»o,W^ W-iuufria^ TOiR.IUaufmtic^^

^Ay«J!),J6J'i ;ao|| |it.%«et )-BOBto"B> / ' i ,

pain to the trtal,orndmborl»s'r«Moate/l*#ltll»atahl>S, |alhlUirrellor4V(o» Induced to tryi5((ttrfllti(rrfti,.iBHoW/» mlitta j(nil NoltteKla OiHioojtnd. ...n»Vo;tnki!n but ono

airjtil&nli'd sn«tVaiy«ll.«.l>: HUgJctof, Pry Good»

^At'J L l»#l»1# i S©rM ao&4thanAcatt ba,

. l |rjgham7Trnhn|t?u,N.Y., . ^ • • '

ity BQII, umjmmm, byu^MMtt y.cV« n g^catsiirtSrer;fr«ft^!f|hcBn4pi»ll«^ 8oxeBmi(|,wc6n'atiW|ftSi««0.Uto 'ryiwr.mm^^

.odroii mm&m&s ' Ino'ryiKir.Cjimpoiini

Mardmcrto-lMlnat^^^^ ton-7,26 p'in,"iioSsv» ' v?tf,Mtam^m%ifm-^^mmmni\m w Mit&&vit}tvm$ffiat <M?k a m , Ogdohsbnrgh 2,00. ontlrply cn t ed K ^ { ^ 0 » % W - r i W . 0 . T l i o m n ^ n , . j 4 » ' T ' i f ^ i . ' i »" »,•• « < j S S w w i

V V .piirVhnidil tho Itor*o», cSr«ng?S h f t l e i j lnpi ip ^ A . M. iroiwuox.and trlllWopa ' A ,

.", ' FJOtST CLASS^IwMv;^ 'f'

i i ' B t r e e MJpln!tig"thogW| ©rrtee | ,wl^fi

„.Watikfalfi;r4*pjUit-jiatrounge, n •continuance is „ , ' i*octrnlly,80lrcftoa»T, . , » , . .

' po t suVl ln , I t a rd f l a f t l» ( ! J , ' " r ' ***• . , .?>\1.f j / y S V ? -

. ^ p l n l t i g t h o ^ E a V H l f c i . t o W l * Oood Horses and !&rr te!%w;Ut ;sa>ontr -dMwrs , nlwoys In Readiness. ' ta l^K^rj j f lorXia .nSi iBl ioi l , charges Kfnsooablo.


- t r w t u r t h n j t « ! f f t t e u v i J & . f . ' p H i l d a n

'Wte»dfai(i|ijfl..M "rwnjCll



l ino -of atCj-Drapor 'Silotia. t d l t s Ihtcirseilion « „ road lcadlhgiby Vfat Butler'a honso - jnencenon l , ; -west two chains and olghty-eighMlilfis •along ih . - . . " " • ^ . . i - 0 "•sftnentloncil road t n ^ ^ m i u y u

...Is dSy: . t t»T) chains and_twenty.flvc lluk* ..

C W O t . 1 r

Dainhnsa Toppor Bid otto Silas Hawlcy by .1. aSlh otjruuoa8S6yftflfllji solo; M poWlc ven.la. hlgbMSbldtfir i i t fco ofOio of- 'Dart * T»ii|«i, vir j igoofPottdarn.fr . Y , , o n t h o Mth day .-( tl

jl8o2, a t 12 o'clock noon of t h n t day.—Dotal . J...

" *> " * « l i C H A M B K H U I N . t t

S U M M O N S .

ffl*'rikttirrjaorc]|^ ooi ••. Or^|tlblto^.nbrritiffj.again»i Reuiien J p... •

•S^Sb'ol^lirWinit. , ddUtwl: YroaWher^»urraitoi^to.nMWor tin' o«.e OrrlnWcbolilputlntut, vhShms1 nieii in ti-Uio Clerk er6UUw«it:o,CoDntJf on the 3.i

the anh^l^n^lrfjtsgo.ca-tftriton, In saw i • within twenty days nifcr.tlidiorviw of this ••m. fxclusWo of tho <l«y of itiiryjeo, ortho plaimui»•

li.iifefflw&Bittr tlollacs 10..1 ^ « S . » ^ f ^ r I . t h ' e ton..

IVfrani tho fkstitiiy"' " '^ferVlB'VTWft-


Judgment nralii»i cento irl lhiaa




^**W' .'vT-*^"»*'i

tonea/fto., &o.i M

i | i « J l r ' " WrnBli .__ _ . , _ . . . . . .

'• 'Tho nhdorelg,. ,..._. OhrdlnoWWi5nornfl6JnfS»'iiifi

' • " ' " " • " ' % ] ! '

i b t o u o M n d B N ^ > A.itu. '.',.„.. ,, '-^ti^i&^imif' rsn«r-'

A," ' fS i^ ' i ' W«CW>V$BM,1V, OKTHRCAUfil i f e A » l ) (Ml B<H> BoWlJlATollfal l iu , W M t J M l ' i

mm , ., Jialftit ftMa Willi)

(fntrttloh of-

,f,a. wmiA

ALE. I'tilUid Btutos. Vrtun genHllllittigiess sjgno • '

r nAiiDmrai. ' ' II Peek., Agoiil.Polfldnni, N ' f,2 ly

• JRySWfr1""'""1 o iig«tdii»,.«iirgf41.opiirHloiii|,, • midBliouI.I ho read *)£.<!&;# fetli Btjil oyor>,ttl»ff.r|{.

lOImiil, - ; w»

HOBiuf AHBIGHT. H^MOJurtlhlulM tUoankory tbrrooriy ••» •

IL D. anrdor.'ftth'iSWii'crof Main «..i >'

01 FUH theWtni^nnpj^^t febj i ik i , oinnnou ••• fifankovsVAihr«bi*^rs^inicr«t)bni, *rotmin«i.

. . t e t o W a a i o n i c l l twice ..

ieoi, -

%4 s*-*-

j^^^^hW^M'WtM'wi, ^ ^ « < ' i ' j i » i i ; 4 y | ^ , mix,®.-


K^^Q^H 7 ^ 1

mm B, 75 6tS. for Gallon

{ f i i lS^' 1 |" v l "8 f and. i«" ni'work ""•



( i l i. 1, 1 * ! t j '«- * j ^ ,51 <


•vjv! i**&i r^mmr^^^sm^im

*ty '."N «< . i -

' 4 ' u,\%gr„lp •:> isMj.

, „ \ . . H" v f- ~n