May, 2007 The Impact of Privatisation on the SME Sector Survey results 2007

May, 2007 The Impact of Privatisation on the SME Sector Survey results 2007

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Page 1: May, 2007 The Impact of Privatisation on the SME Sector Survey results 2007

May, 2007

The Impact of Privatisation on the SME Sector

Survey results 2007

Page 2: May, 2007 The Impact of Privatisation on the SME Sector Survey results 2007

May, 2007

What we said about the importance of Privatisation for the Future of Kosovo?

Promotes productive use of SOE assets and land Promotes long-term investment in industry Creates new businesses Creates new job opportunities Promotes a growing private sector

All necessary for the sustainable economic development of Kosovo

Page 3: May, 2007 The Impact of Privatisation on the SME Sector Survey results 2007

May, 2007

Enterprises tendered to date: 23

NewCos tendered to date: 26

Total Privatisation proceeds : 19,216,134

Total Investment commitments: 0

Confidentiality Agreements 339

Privatisation as of 1st April 2004

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May, 2007

Enterprises tendered to date: 282

NewCos tendered to date: 460

Contracts signed: 260

OSO 243

SSO 17

Total Privatisation proceeds : 303,795,676

Total Investment commitments: 124,042,564

Registered Investors in KTA database: 7,904

Total “pre-qualified” investors 2,240

Privatisation as of 1st May 2007

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May, 2007

Revenues before and After Privatization










Gjilan Mtrovice Peja Pristina Prizren Total



ros SOE Revenues pa (past)

Forecast Revenues Newco

771% change

Survey Results - Revenues

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May, 2007

Survey Results – Real Employment

107% change

Change in Active Employment







Gjilan Mtrovice Peja Pristina Prizren Total





SOE Active Employees (Past)

Newco Active Employees

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May, 2007

Survey Results – Investment planned

454,438 Euro per Company

Investments in progress 42 NewCos







Gjilan Mtrovice Peja Pristina Prizren Total









Investments in progress

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May, 2007















Revenue InformationTotal Fully Answered Survey 8 6 7 6 10 37SOE Revenues pa (past) 3,486,204 208,754 996,301 5,111,668 1,424,458 11,227,385 Forecast Revenues Newco 5,066,000 3,060,000 3,545,000 33,700,000 41,180,160 86,551,160 % Change Revenues 145% 1466% 356% 659% 2891% 771%

Employment AnalysisTotal Fully Answered Survey 12 8 7 7 11 45SOE Active Employees (Past) 705 236 336 179 227 1683Newco Active Employees (Present) 490 261 221 310 517 1799% Change (present) 70% 111% 66% 173% 228% 107%

Investment AnalysisTotal Answered Survey 12 8 7 10 11 48Investments in progress 2,591,000 2,505,000 2,430,000 5,397,000 8,890,000 21,813,000 Investment/Newco 215,917 313,125 347,143 539,700 808,182 454,438

ExportsAdditional Export Revenue - - 100,000 30,000 177,000 307,000

Please note – all companies surveyed are Regular Spin Offs

Survey Results

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May, 2007

Kosovo Exports

2004 – 15.2 Million Euro 2005 – 45.5 Million Euro 2006 – 69.7 Million Euro

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May, 2007

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

Komuna - Prizren

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May, 2007

Printeks - Prizren

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

Kosovo Printing House - Prizren

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May, 2007

Germia - Pristina

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Krikos - Pristina

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Energo Montimi - Pristina

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Ramiz Sadiku - Peja

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Leather and Shoe Combine - Peja

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Unis - Peja

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Mitrovcanka - Mitrovica

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Bus Station - Skenderaj

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Strawberry Farm - Gjilan


Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007


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May, 2007

Mushroom Factory - Pristina

Kosovo Privatisation Survey May 2007

Before After

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May, 2007

Is Privatisation Working?

It is clear that Privatisation is promoting the productive use of SOE assets and land, promoting long-term investment in industry, created new businesses and new real job opportunities, and Promoting a growing private sector.

All necessary for the sustainable economic development of Kosovo.

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May, 2007

In Conclusion

This is not the success of the KTA, this is the success of the hard working entrepreneurial people of Kosovo. Part of the KTAs mandate was to preserve and enhance the value of the enterprises (SOEs) under its trusteeship. The key way to achieve this is to Privatise those assets and enable the private sector. This survey shows that with the help of the people of Kosovo, we have gone a very long way to achieving this.

Privatisation is Working!