1 May, 2011 Eastertide Our Worship Life Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM, Rite 1 10:30 AM, Rite 2 Church School Classes meet at 10:30 AM Wednesday 12:10 PM, Holy Eucharist T h e N e w s l e t t e r o f T h e E p i s c o p a l C a t h e d r a l o f S a i n t J o h n A Word From Our Dean... Dear Cathedral Family, This entire month we continue to celebrate the Great 50 Days of Eastertide! I hope that you are sharing this pleasure with all of your family and friends. I am suggesting that you do this because our world is not very much at ease these days and everyone should hear the good news Easter offers. We’ve seen the horrors of tsunamis and tornados, the wars in which we are involved drag on, unemployment is still too high and far too many feel little hope for tomorrow. The message is simple and anyone can share it. Paul Tillich, the 20 th century theologian, had a simple way to remember it. He reduced the Easter message to 3 R’s! Reconciliation: This is the message of forgiveness which Jesus told the disciples about when he met with them in the upper room after his resurrection. Not only are we to seek forgiveness for wrongdoings, but we must likewise accept forgiveness offered by others. And if others seek your forgiveness you must offer it so that they can have another chance. It’s a two way street. Reunion: Easter is about reunion. This means not just getting together with family and friends or seeking out acquaintances from the past. Rather, it expects that we all indulge in a new sense of giving and receiving. Jesus gives us new life, we receive that new life for ourselves, but then we pass it on to others, even people we don’t know. Resurrection: Easter is not about dead bodies; it’s about new life. In this mighty fact of history God offers you and me nothing less than new life and a second chance to get things right. Think how much things can change if you and I share this kind of good news. It will be time very well spent if we do. Please pass this good news on as you continue to enjoy the Easter Feast. With every good wish, With every good wish, Harry

May 2011 The Record

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Monthly newsletter of The Cathedral of Saint John, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

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Page 1: May 2011 The Record


May, 2011 Eastertide

Our Worship Life

Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM, Rite 1

10:30 AM, Rite 2

Church School Classes meet at

10:30 AM

Wednesday 12:10 PM,

Holy Eucharist


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A Word From Our Dean... Dear Cathedral Family, This entire month we continue to celebrate the Great 50 Days of Eastertide! I hope that you are sharing this pleasure with all of your family and friends. I am suggesting that you do this because our world is not very much at ease these days and everyone should hear the good news Easter offers. We’ve seen the horrors of tsunamis and tornados, the wars in which we are involved drag on, unemployment is still too high and far too many feel little hope for tomorrow. The message is simple and anyone can share it. Paul Tillich, the 20th century theologian, had a simple way to remember it. He reduced the Easter message to 3 R’s! Reconciliation: This is the message of forgiveness which Jesus told the disciples about when he met with them in the upper room after his resurrection. Not only are we to seek forgiveness for wrongdoings, but we must likewise accept forgiveness offered by others. And if others seek your forgiveness you must offer it so that they can have another chance. It’s a two way street. Reunion: Easter is about reunion. This means not just getting together with family and friends or seeking out acquaintances from the past. Rather, it expects that we all indulge in a new sense of giving and receiving. Jesus gives us new life, we receive that new life for ourselves, but then we pass it on to others, even people we don’t know. Resurrection: Easter is not about dead bodies; it’s about new life. In this mighty fact of history God offers you and me nothing less than new life and a second chance to get things right. Think how much things can change if you and I share this kind of good news. It will be time very well spent if we do. Please pass this good news on as you continue to enjoy the Easter Feast. With every good wish,

With every good wish,


Page 2: May 2011 The Record


From The Deacon’s Bench

Dear Friends in Christ, As you know, we are entering a time in our diocese when we will prayerfully consider the election of a new bishop within the next year. The information to nominate someone for one of the two committees that will lead in this effort is on the diocesan blog, found at: http://episcopalri.blogspot.com/2011/04/committee-nominations-open-for-bishop.html Simply copy and paste this address to your web browser. On this site, you will be able to look at the qualifications that the Standing Committee lists for possible service on either the nominating committee or on the transition committee. As you know, the relationship of The Cathedral with the Bishop is a very special one, and it is really important that members of the Cathedral parish prayerfully consider if you may feel called to be considered to do this work. Below is a copy of the prayer that The Rev. Jennifer Philips has written, so that we may direct our thought and prayers each day toward the support of Bishop Wolf, the Standing Committee, the formation of the working committees for the election, and for all of us as we go forward in the diocese. Your sister in Christ, Deacon BarbaraDeacon BarbaraDeacon BarbaraDeacon Barbara

Prayer for the Calling of a Bishop for Rhode Island Gracious God who sets the seas in their bounds and gives life to all your creatures, who continually renews the face of the earth and is faithful to your covenant from generation to generation: Lift up and guide the people of the Diocese of Rhode Island as we seek the next bishop to lead us; renew our strength in the baptismal ministries to which you call us; watch over and inspire the work of the committees entrusted with this task; and, by the power of your Spirit, draw your people always toward the vision of your holy reign; we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

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A Memorial Service for Josephine Krauss So many of you have asked about when there would be a service for my mother who died on 17 February whilst I was in hospital. On Saturday, the 4th of June at 11 o’clock, we will have a simple service of The Order for the Burial of the Dead with hymns as Mother requested. There will be a collation afterwards in Synod Hall. Later in the month I will go to Philadelphia to inter her remains with those of my father. Again, I am indebted to so many of you who have sent me messages of condolence and your prayers. Mother had a remarkable rich and full life (especially at 99) for which she was grateful. In addition, I know that she was ready for the next part of life in the Church Expectant! The Dean

“Precious in the sight of The Lord is the death of His saints.”

-Thoughts from the Senior Warden- With our focus on friendship, fun, food and funds, the Cathedral Chapter once again hosted a gourmet pasta party last month to raise money for the Food Pantry. In regard to the ‘funds’, attendance was strong and we were able to add approximately $1500.00 to Food Pantry’s resources. Regarding ‘food’, the Chapter is comprised of some very talented cooks and bakers and the various dishes offered were first rate and delicious. Equally important however, (it seems to me) was the ‘friendship and fun’. It was an evening of lively conversation, much laughter, happy music (thanks to Brink) and it just doesn’t get better than that. We even got a lesson in aeronautical engineering from Rose and all the children who proved once and for all that pigs do indeed fly. The Chapter is grateful to all who attended and were so generous. And I’d personally like to thank all the Chapter members who worked so hard, in addition to Dean Krauss, Deacon Barbara, and Len and Sara Walker. Well done! God’s Peace To All Leah

A note of thanks to Bishop Joslin. On his last Sunday with us, we all enjoyed a cake to celebrate his time with us

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ECW Seeks nominees for the 2012 Triennial Distinguished Woman Award

Every three years women from across the nation and around the world gather for the Episcopal Church Women’s (ECW) Triennial meeting, that is held in conjunction with the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. The Distinguished Woman Award is presented to one woman from each diocese. Rhode Island’s ECW Board requests that each parish nominate a candidate for the coming 2012 award. Therefore, we ask that any parishioner at the Cathedral may make a nomination to a member of the Chapter so that the Chapter may make a nomination to RI ECW. The deadline for nomination will be the May meeting of the Chapter. The guidelines that were snet out by RI ECW are as follows: ♦ Why do you believe that this woman should be honored? ♦ The candidate should be someone whose life reflects her beliefs— someone whose life in the secular

community demonstrates her Christian values and whose presence makes a difference in our world. ♦ What gift does she bring to the church (her own parish and the larger church), to the community, to her

family and to the world around her? ♦ This person may be well known or someone who works quietly, behind the scenes, never seeking the

limelight, recognition or applause. Once selected, the Chapter will submit the required paperwork, and the Diocesan Board of ECW will review all applicants and choose this year’s Rhode Island recipient in November. The winner will then be sent— all expenses paid— to the 2012 Triennial meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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PURE WARTER (ONE YEAR LATER) I can’t believe that it has actually been one entire year since Edie and I fled the “wilds of Rhode Island” and moved lock, stock, and barrel to Beaufort , SC! Seeing Andy and Lynn Costa on their recent trip to Savan-nah redirected our thoughts to the faith family at the Cathedral that Edie and I continue to hold so dear in our hearts and prayers. It has been quite the eventful year to say the least; filled with innumerable joys and blessings but not with-out its share of trials. Beaufort has been wonderful; everything we hoped for and more. It is an incredibly welcoming and joyful community that (unlike some of its neighbors) has thankfully stopped fighting the Civil War. It is currently celebrating its Tercentennial, as is the church where I am a deacon, The Parish Church of St Helena which you can view at www.sthelenas1712.com. St Helena is a very evangelical, mission-focused church that enjoys an abundance of support and dedication. As an example; during our Wednesday night bible study classes, we will hold and feed 400 parishioners. Combined attendance at the three services on an average Sunday is around 800. I think that I’ve been designated the resident heretic, but for some reason they seem to like me hanging around. Edie has made good friends and is staying very busy with volunteering at the local school and in our com-munity; all this in spite of the fact that she has had a year of incredible highs and low. Among the highs is the birth of our fifth grandchild, Archie Lacy, who is so large for his age, we’re expecting a call from the Smithsonian asking us to have him bronzed, and getting to spend some extended times with our family (which is another advantage to living in a moderate climate). On the down side, as you may have heard, she unexpectedly lost both her brother and sister within months of each other, and most recently went into the hospital for minor arthroscopic knee surgery and ended up throwing a pulmonary embolism that thank-fully lodged in her lung and not her heart or brain. She spent a week in PCU at the hospital and will have to be on blood thinners for 3-6 months but thanks to our Lord, she is okay. When not at St Helena’s I still do executive search and am Chaplain to the Fire Department. The Police De-partment wishes me to serve there also, but I think that would require too much time while I am still work-ing. Other than that, I fish whenever I get the chance and the two of us walk the beaches looking for sand dollars most Sunday afternoons. Well, we just wanted to give you an update and let you know how much all’ya’all (nice touch, don’t you think?) remain in our thoughts, hearts, and prayers. Blessings, Edie and Mark

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The Standing Notices If you are interested in Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Burial or House Blessings, please contact Dean Krauss at 401-331-4622 as soon as possible. Instruction must be held and deadlines met for each of these rites with the exception of Burial and House Blessings. Altar Flowers We are mindful that in these strained economic times the contribution of $75.00 for Altar flowers may be to expensive. We will only have flowers on the Altar the first Sunday of each month or on special occasion such as Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas. On other Sundays we will have plants at the Altar. Also, you are more then welcome to join with others to contribute the memorials for the first Sunday of the month. For those of you who wish to have flowers on the altar to commemorate a special occasion of your own, please call Miss Tinker at least two weeks in advance to give us time to make the necessary arrangements with Jephry. The Vigil Light, Cathedral Candles, Anthems, Service Music Parishioners who wish to sponsor the Vigil Light, Cathedral candles, anthems or service music during the year, to glorify God, to remember or give thanks for someone or to celebrate a special occasion, please let us know as soon as possible. The donation for the Vigil Light and candles are $10.00. To make these arrangements, please call Miss Tinker at 331-4622 The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on Tuesdays, at 9:30AM in the Deacon’s Office. Cathedral Food Pantry News Do you like mandarin oranges? The hungry folks who come to our Cathedral Food Pantry every week sure do! It costs about 30 dollars for 60 cans, which we buy every week. If you would like to donate the funds for the fruit, please specify it on your weekly envelope. Our clients thank you!

Shoppers are needed for the food pantry. If you are able to help us, please see or speak to Meg LoPresti 401-353-5473 or Leah Nastasi 401-949-2364. This ministry is extremely important and we are very grateful to the dedication of all of the volunteers who make it possible. Thank you and many blessings.

Knitters Continue to help in the Community The Knitters Guild of The cathedral of Saint John made these Prayers shawls and afghans for Hospice, as well as an amazing number of hats for newborn infants at Kent County Hospital.

The Guild continues to meet on Tuesdays, from 9AM to Noon. For more information, please call

Deacon Barbara at the church office.

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Applications for vendors are available. Please email: [email protected], [email protected] or call 401-331-4622

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3rd Annual Crafting & Art Festival The Cathedral of Saint John

271 North Main Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903

January 7, 2011 Dear Artisans, Yes, we are having our Annual Crafting and Art Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2011. The hours are, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The Show will be a juried and will benefit the Cathedral’s Restoration Fund. The vendor table fee is $35.00 as you will see below. The fee provides you with an 8’x10’ space. Morning refreshments and lunch will be provided for vendors. location of the Cathedral is perfect for this event, being minutes from Downtown Providence, as well as directly accessible from Interstate 95 and 195. There is ample street parking as vehicles are not ticketed for overtime parking on the weekends. As always, it is our hope that this will encourage many of you to join us in the Spring. The Cathedral of Saint John is currently one of The Ten Most Endangered Historical Sites of Providence Pres-ervation Society, and is in dire need of repairs and restoration. One of the ways that we intend to raise funds for the Cathedral is by offering this event and others to the community. There will be comprehensive coverage, in-cluding local as well as state wide newspapers, internet and television advertising, as well as direct mailings and community flyer drops. Please fill out the included application, and send not more than 4 pictures of items for jury. Only items from our juried decision may appear in your booth. Check-in will be on Friday evening, September 30 at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM or on Saturday morning, October 1st , by no later than 9:00 AM. Exceptions will not be allowed. Once again, thank you for your consideration and support,

**** Please note: Application for the Crafting and Art Festival is available by calling 331-4622, or by emailing Deacon Barbara at [email protected] or Miss Tinker LaBoy at [email protected] or by visiting our

website, www.cathedralofstjohn.org . *****

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DEADLINES FOR The RECORD The Record, our parish newsletter, is published monthly and is available by email, hard copy and on the Cathedral website. If you would like to receive the Record electronically, please give your email address to our Parish Administrator, Miss Tinker or call the church office at (401) 331-4622. Please send articles to Deacon Barbara at [email protected]. The deadlines for submission to The Record are as follows:

May 23 for the June edition June 23 for the July edition

July 23 for the August edition

The Very Reverend Harry E. Krauss, Dean Arline Walker, Clerk [email protected] [email protected] Toni Harrison, Treasurer William B. McBorrough [email protected] [email protected] Leah Nastasi, Senior Warden *The Right Reverend David Joslin, Assisting Bishop [email protected] [email protected] Harrington Evans, Junior Warden Richard Smith [email protected] [email protected] *Keith Hudson [email protected] *Non parishioners

2011 Chapter Members

Many thanks to Carolyn Fahm, for her lovely pictures of the Cathedral and the cemetery.

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HE 8:30&10:30AM

Choir R

ehearsal 9:50 AM

Church S

chool 10:30AM

2 3 Prayer S

hawl 9:30AM

Mealsite 4


Choir R

ehearsal 7PM

4 HE 12:10

5 HE and H

ealing 7PM

6 7 ECW Breakfast 9


Food P

antry 11AM

8 M

other’s Day

HE 8:30&10:30AM

Choir R

ehearsal 9:50 AM

Adult E

d. 9:45 AM

Church S

chool 10:30AM

Sam Dorbor M

eeting (SH) 5-7PM

9 10 Prayer S

hawl 9:30AM

Mealsite 4


Choir R

ehearsal 7PM

11 HE 12:10


Girl Scouts 5



Wedding 3


14 Food P

antry 11AM


HE 8:30&10:30AM

Choir R

ehearsal 9:50 AM

Adult E

d. 9:45AM

Church S

chool 10:30AM

RI Aid’s Q

uilt Gathering 7


16 17 Prayer S

hawl 9:30AM

Mealsite 4


Hispanic M

inistries 2:30PM

(Crooker Room)

Choir R

ehearsal 7PM

18 HE 12:10

19 20

21 Food P

antry 11AM

22 HE 8:30&10:30AM

ECW Meeting 9

:30AM (SH)

Choir R

ehearsal 9:50 AM

Adult E

d. 9:45 AM

Church S

chool 10:30AM

23 24 Prayer S

hawl 9:30AM

Mealsite 4


Choir R

ehearsal 7PM

25 HE 12:10

Parish A


Luncheon 1



Girl Scouts 5

:30PM (SH)

Chapter M

eeting 7PM

27 28 Food P

antry 11AM

29 HE 8:30&10:30AM

Choir R

ehearsal 9:50 AM

Adult E

d. 9:45 AM

Church S

chool 10:30AM

30 Memorial D


Cathedral O



31 Prayer S

hawl 9:30AM

Mealsite 4


Choir R

ehearsal 7PM

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The Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John 271 North Main Street Providence, RI 02903

The Record

The Very Rev. Harry E. Krauss, Dean The Rev. Barbara Mays-Stock, Deacon

Mr. Brink Bush, Music Director/Organist Leah Nastasi, Senior Warden

Harrington Evans, Junior Warden

Church Office Hours 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Monday through Friday Office closed on Saturday

Office Phone: (401) 331-4622

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

The Newsletter of

The recordThe recordThe recordThe record

Ways to Contact Us

Our website: http://www.cathedralofstjohn.org

Our Blog: http://


To join us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/cathedralstjohn