www.richlandareachamber.com Chamber Link May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - J June 24th at the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce Let us show you how much we appreciate you! April Chamber Coffee at the Kehoe Center Ribbon Cuttings April Boot Camp

may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,

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Page 1: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,


Chamber Link May 2016

Volume 61

Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page!

Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th at the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce

Let us show you how much we appreciate you!

April Chamber Coffee

at the Kehoe Center

Ribbon Cuttings

April Boot Camp

Page 2: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,


Step Up & Help Out By: Jodie A. Perry, IOM@RichlandAreaCh

I just love spring, don’t you? I love the fresh air, the owers star ng to bloom andthe evidence of life returning once again. It gives me a feeling of hope that be er andbrighter days are ahead. There is one part of spring that I don’t like, however, and that isall the trash you see everywhere! Once the winter snows melt away, it seems like you candrive anywhere and see plas c bags, empty cups, plas c bo les and other junk caught inthe weeds, ditches and far corners of our community.

I live up the street from an elementary school in our community so our street getsa fair amount of tra c. I am shocked at how much trash seems to accumulate in my yardin a given month. I grab a bag when I take the dog for a walk and try to pick it up, but it always seems to return.Even though it seems like I am gh ng a losing ba le, I con nue to ght on because I feel that it’s my duty as aci zen in this community.

This year, the Chamber has joined a great coali on of community organiza ons to support the “EarthStewardship” Program. It was started 20 years ago by the City of Mans eld, Richland Public Health, RichlandCounty Regional Solid Waste Authority, Downtown Mans eld and other partners to help celebrate and clean upour community. This year we at the Chamber decided to sign on in support of this program to help encourage morebusinesses to par cipate. Other partners include NECIC, Li le Buckeye Children’s Museum, Richland Soil & WaterConserva on District, OSU Extension and Friends of the Mans eld Parks.

The Earth Stewardship Celebra on is an opportunity for residents, churches, non pro t organiza ons,businesses, schools, and government agencies, and other groups to renew their commitment to our community byscheduling and conduc ng a li er clean up, beau ca on project, tree plan ng, and /or recycling project whichwill help to move us toward a sustainable community and environment of which we can be proud.

The projects can take place any me during April & May and I encourage to take the step of formallyregistering your project. They can give you bags and gloves to help assist you with the clean up process. If you arethinking about cleaning up a public area, it’s great to let them know that you will be helping out. There is so mucharea to cover that undoubtedly there is a great place for you to help out.

We need YOUR help in cleaning up our community. I hear so much talk of elimina ng blight. This is a greatway to help in that ght. Cleaning up sends the message that we care about our community…and we do! So grabsome co workers, choose a loca on, register your project and have fun. You’ll be amazed at the di erence you canmake in just 60 minutes! If you don’t have a group to work with but are interested in par cipa ng, call Kim Hildrethat the City of Mans eld at 419 755 9702 and she can help connect you to another group. You can always call me atthe Chamber as well 419 522 3211.

As I stated in last month’s column, the future of our community is up to all of us. If you want things to lookbe er, then step up and help out!

Ar cle originally appeared in the April edi on of the Mans eld News Journal

Chamber Sta Contact us @ 419 522 3211 or e mail us:

[email protected] Jodie A. Perry, IOM, PresidentBill Sharp, Chamber Founda on DirectorAngie Fanello, Marke ng & Communica onsKathy Fox, Programs & EventsLinda Montgomery, Finance & Administra on

Page 3: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,


Return to: Richland Area Chamber 55 N. Mulberry St., Mansfield, OH 44902 Phone: 419-522-3211 Fax: 419-526-6853

You can also register online using the Chamber event

calendar at richlandareachamber.com

Communica on is an essen al part of deliveringexcep onal customer service. In this class you will learn:

Helping you to help othersMaking a human connec onBeing a good listenerExpressing yourself clearlyCrea ng a posi ve experience for all rela onships

It’s a well known fact that it’s easier to retain customersthan nd new ones, so improving customer service isessen al to business growth.

Ideal training for:

Small Business Owners & Managers

Sta and Sales Team

Wednesday, June 1, 20167:30am to 9:00amPresenter: Jennifer Paramore, CCUFC

Direc ons Credit UnionCommunity Outreach Coordinator

Richland Area Chamber O ce$15 Members $25 Non MembersCon nental Breakfast Provided


May Boot Camp Reminder

Moving from Manager to Leader

May 4th at the Chamber o ce

RSVP’s due by May 2nd! Presented by Blake Wagner and

Beth Hildreth

Presented by:

Jennifer Paramore, CCUFC

Direc ons Credit UnionCommunity Outreach Educa on


Page 4: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,


Richland Community DevelopmentGroup, North Central State College and theChamber had a chance to tour ArcelorMi al inShelby to see their newest expansion.

DRM Produc ons was chosen to help YEA! studentslearn about various adver sing, marke ng, and publicrela ons strategies that are vital to small businesssuccess. Students learned how to enhance theircompany’s brand while a rac ng more customersand genera ng more sales. DRM Founder DavidDamron and partner Jay Miller will shared theirentrepreneurial success story with the students. YEA!students heard where the business idea came from,what the challenges have been and what skills it takesto keep the business running.

Page 5: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,

Business After Hours

Enjoy food, drink, networking andself guided tours of the Reformatory

Students from the Young EntrepreneursAcademy Class of 2016 (YEA! Richland) willshowcase their six new start up businesses!

Co sponsored by

Hosted by the Richland and AshlandArea Chambers of Commerce

FREE for Members if RSVP is received by Monday, May 9th

Call 419-522-3211 or register online at richlandareachamber.com

Page 6: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,


The Chamber is proud to join ahost of other communitypartners this year for the 20thAnniversary of the EarthStewardship celebra on. Weencourage our members toconsider par cipa ng with aclean up or beau ca onproject some me in May!

Richland Bank has appointed Chris Hiner to lead the bank when itscurrent president, John Brown, takes the helm at Security Na onalBank in Spring eld, a larger community bank division at ParkNa onal. John Brown has served on the Chamber Board for the last5 years and was the Board Chair for 2015. He was part of theleadership team that brought in our current President and has beeninstrumental in the extensive collabora on that has happenedbetween our organiza on and RCDG Richland CommunityDevelopment Group. We thank him for his many dedicated hours ofvolunteer work to help move Richland County forward. We alsowant to o cially welcome Chris Hiner to the community. We lookforward to showing him how much #RichlandRocks!

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5/4/16 — Business Boot Camp/Moving from Manager to Leader 7:30 9am 5/12/16 — Execu ve Commi ee Mee ng 7:30 9am5/12/16 — Business A er Hours/Old Reformatory w/

Ashland Chamber & YEA! 5 7pm (see pg. 5) 5/18/16 — Chamber Board Mee ng 7:30 9am5/20/16 — Ambassadors Mee ng 8 9am5/24/16 — YEA! Richland Gradua on 5/25/16 — Ac ve Shooter Training Event 6/1/16 — Business Boot Camp/Caring & Sharing

Communica on 7:30 9am (see page 3) 6/3/16 — Business A er Hours/Shelby Country Club 6/24/16 — Member Apprecia on Lunch 7/29/16 — Chamber Golf Classic 8/27/16 — Vendor Alley/Heart of the City Cruise In 10/12/16 — Savor & Sip Auc on 11/18/16 — Small Business of the Year Luncheon

Watch for upcoming e mails announcing more new events!

Inside Richland County o ers par cipants an overview ofissues, opportuni es and challenges currently facingRichland County. Using the community as a classroom,par cipants will travel to venues throughout the countyproviding an overview of:

• economic development• health & human services• agriculture• tourism• arts• poli cs

Inside Richland County's goal is to provide an educa onaloverview for community members with an interest in,and concern for, the area's welfare and poten al.While not a subs tute for the Leadership Unlimitedexperience, Inside Richland County’s snapshot of thecommunity is bene cial for individuals with limitedschedule exibility.

Inside Richland County is a program designed for amaximum of 20 par cipants, and membership must belimited to individuals willing to a end both scheduledclass mee ngs.

Dates: May 18 & May 25Times: 7:45am to 4:00pmSeminar Fee: $100Contact: Bill SharpLeadership Unlimited Director419 522 3211 x 225

Presented in coopera on withNorth Central State College

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Page 15: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,

Teams & Sponsorships Friday

July 29th


Golf Gi Sponsor—$3,000 Exclusive

Premier Event Sponsor—$1,000 1 remains

Hole in One Sponsor—$1000 Exclusive

Team of Four —$125 per person/$500 per team (if paid by July 8. A er July 8, $140 per person/$560 per team) Includes cart, greens fees, lunch at the turn, beverage ckets and bu et dinner.

Teams - limited to 36, so please register as soon as possible!

Sponsorships (see reverse side for more details)

Captain: Handicap

Player 2 Handicap

Player 3 Handicap

Player 4 Handicap

Captain’s email/telephone:

Company________________________________________________ Contact Name___________________________________

Total Payment for teams and/or sponsorship: ______________________(Amount) Check Enclosed__________

Visa/MC/Disc # ________________________________________________________ Exp. Date Sec. Code

Address of cardholder_________________________________________________________________ Zip Code_____________

Telephone: ________________________________Email invoice to:________________________________________________

Please indicate whether you wish to be included in the Skins compe on:

$40 per team

Lunch Sponsor—$500 3 available Breakfast Sponsor—$300 Exclusive Beverage Cart Sponsor—$250 4 available Proximity Contest Sponsor—$250 Hole and/or Tee Sponsor—$150 or 2 for $250

Premier Sponsors Presented by

Please be sure that all informa on is completed no fy the Chamber of any changes in players.


Richland Area Chamber of Commerce * 55 N. Mulberry Street * Mans eld, OH 44902 419 522 3211 * Fax: 419 526 6853 * Email: [email protected]

Handicap Compe on

Scratch Compe on (no handicap) _____

Page 16: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,

2015 A endance—144 Golfers

Audience—Business Leaders, Professionals, Non Pro t Leaders, Elected O cials

Adver sing—Email Blasts, Social Media Posts, Newsle er Ads, News Journal Adver sing

Title Sponsorship $5,000 (Exclusive)Entry for two (2) foursomes ($1,000 Value)Naming Rights (Golf Classic presented by your co.)Opportunity to set up a tent on the course to interact withgolfersCompany logo on all event correspondenceCompany logo (large) on tournament registra on*Company logo on tournament programCompany logo & link on event webpageBanner/signage in registra on & recep on areaCompany logo on email blasts for the eventOpportunity to give brief remarks at awards dinnerLogo promo on on all Chamber social mediaCompany logo (medium) on all hole signageOpportunity to include item in golfer goodie bagRight of rst refusal for 2017

Golf Gi Sponsorship $3,000 (Exclusive)

Entry for one (1) foursome ($500 Value)Company logo on exclusive golf gi for par cipantsOpportunity to set up a tent on the course to interact withgolfersCompany logo on tournament registra on*Logo & link on event webpageCompany logo on email blasts for the eventLogo promo on on all Chamber social mediaCompany logo (small) on all hole signageRight of rst refusal for 2017

Premier Event Sponsorship $1,000 (4 Available)

Entry for one (1) foursome ($500 Value)Company logo (small) on tournament registra on*Company logo on tournament programLogo & link on event webpageCompany logo on all email blasts for this eventLogo promo on on all Chamber social media channelsOpportunity to include item in golfer’s goodie bagCompany logo (small) on all hole signageRight of rst refusal 2017

*Sponsorship must be received at least six weeks in advance to take complete advantage of this bene t

Hole in One Sponsorship $1,000 (Exclusive)

Entry for one (1) foursome ($500 Value) **New in 2016Company logo included on signage at designated Par 3 holeOpportunity for sponsor to set up a tent at the designatedhole to interact with the golfersLogo promo on on social media channelsCompany name & web link on event webpageRight of rst refusal 2017

Golf Ball Sponsor $1,000 (Exclusive)

Entry for one (1) foursome ($500 Value) **New in 2016Company logo included on special commemora ve sleeve ofgolf balls designed for the eventLogo promo on on social media channelsCompany name & web link on event webpageRight of rst refusal 2017

Beverage Cart Sponsor—$250 (4 Available)

Company logo and name displayed on all beverage carts onthe courseCompany name on event webpageName on social media channels

Proximity Contest Sponsor $250

Signage on course at designated holeRecogni on at dinner when awards are given outCompany name on event webpageName on social media channels

Hole and/or Tee Sponsor—$150 or 2 for $250

Company name listed on sign at designated hole or teeCompany name on event webpage

Lunch Sponsor $500 (3 Available)

Company logo on signage at the lunch pavilionOpportunity to have a promo onal table/tent set up at thelunch to interact with the golfersLogo promo on on social media channelsCompany name & web link on event webpageCompany logo in the tournament program

Breakfast Sponsor $300 (Exclusive)

Company logo on signage at the breakfast pavilionLogo promo on on social media channelsCompany name & web link on event webpageCompany logo in the tournament program

Golf Sponsorships This was a sold out event for 2014 & 2015!

See reverse side for order form

Page 17: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,

New Member Recep on?

Please fax, email or mail this registration to the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce by Monday, May 30th, 2016 Cost: Free for Members (if registering on or before 5/30)


Is this your rst Business A er Hours? Join us for a “New Member Mixer” from 4:30 5:00pm hosted by the Chamber Ambassadors

Join us as we kick off the weekend and celebrate the opening of 1928 Grill at Shelby Country Club - 3885 Laser Road (Shelby)

55 N. Mulberry Street, Mansfield, OH 44902P:(419) 522-3211 F: (419) 526-6853

[email protected]

TGIF Business After Hours FRIDAY June 3rd

Back on Earth will be performing from 7:00 - 10:00pm. BAH attendees are invited to stay for their performance free of charge!

Page 18: may 2016 newsletter - Microsoft · May 2016 Volume 61 Many more photos can be found on the Chamber’s facebook page! Member Appreciation Lunch - JJune 24th ... Bank in Spring .eld,

You've probably heard that your business should have a blog. If you're looking for a way to get more traffic to your website, more engagement with your customers, and even more leads, then you should be blogging. Building a business blog can seem overwhelming, but with our Beginner to Blogger cohort you'll learn everything you need to know to launch, write, and promote a blog that gets results. You'll benefit from the feedback and support of the other members of the cohort, and you'll have the tools you need to be successful. You'll learn:

The different kinds of blogs and their best use in business. How to write for your target customer. The best way to prevent writers block. How to measure success. Best prac ces to market your blog.

Beginner to Blogger

An 8-Week Workshop Series


Please fax or mail this registra on to the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce by June 1st, 2016—you can also register online at www.RichlandAreaChamber.com Cost: $199/Members * $299/Non-Members

Company______________________________________________ _ Name of A endees______________________________________ _______ _______ Number A ending ______ Invoice Me ______ Check Enclosed ______ Credit Card # _______________________ Expira on Date _________ Security Code: _______

RICHLAND AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 55 N. Mulberry Street ~ Mansfield, OH 44902

Phone: 419-522-3211 Fax: 419-526-6853

Session starts Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 and follows on Thursdays for 8 weeks 7:30—9:00am at the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce Office

$199/Members ~ $299/Non-Members Includes 8 Weeks (12 hours) of instruc onal/cohort me

Presented by: Tracy Graziani, Graziani Mul media Tracy loves people, small businesses, and the local movement. She’s passionate about seeing other people succeed, which is why she splits her

me between her marke ng agency, Graziani Mul media, and her startup, Tog Lo . Tracy has wri en for digital publica ons such as Richland Source, The Americans for the Arts blog, The Seven Graces of Marke ng, Mind Body Align, her own business blogs, and as a ghost writer for various authors and publica ons. Currently she is engaged in a year-long collabora on, The Art of

People Project, with New York Times best-selling author Dave Kerpen. She’s also a mom, wife, daughter, friend, ar st, writer, and doer of impossible things. She believes in infinite possibility, so look out, she’s dangerous.

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Be sure to stay up to date on Chamber events by following us on facebook!