THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY TUESDAY MA 8 1900 a v J f WOMEN IN TEOUBLS- Tbo Approach of Motherhood is the Anxiety to All woman dreads the ordeal rihraagh which she must pass in becom a mother The pain suffering wkkih is in store is a source of constant fear and dread to say nothing of the danger which the coning incident entails The joyous anticipations with which she for to coming gives way to an dadeseribbk dread of the ordeal when she fully realizes the critical and trying eveot which will soon approach and Shave to be endured Women should hail with delight a 3 naedr which insures to them im Tjnunky from the pain and incidental to childbearing Sack a remedy is now offered and not fear the hour of ofaOdbirth Mothers Friend is a scientific if used before confinement gently and surely prepares tfike for the great requirements land changes it is undergoing insures to both and stakes her through the event with com ease comfort This won erfal remedy is praised by every womnn has it Wkat woman is not interested in x3ftotfaer s Friend This wonderful has been tested and its price Xess woe proven by the experience of 3koasnds of mothers who it ed it during the most critical of womans life the culmination of motherhoo- dIt Ins won their everlasting praise- it gave them and hope tieir most trying hour aajost needed Every woman some seed Mothers Friend The little books Before Baby is Born tailing all about it and when it should will of interest and ioeoeftt to expectant mothers and pm be sent free to any address to the Regulator mpany Atlanta Ga eWitts Little Early Risers are the finest pills I evw used D J Moore MiMbrook Ala They qalrklv cure Aver ad bowel trooWes WT Brooks If yarn are sick all over and dont Botow jest what tails yon its ten to one kidneys are out of order Foleys Kidney Care will bring you health and may dark Kenney W 5 Moastfr Millheim Pa saved ielife of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Care when she was dying with croup It is the only harm iees remedy that gives immediate re saltB It quickly cures coughs colds grippe asthma and all throat and long troubles W T Brook After suffering front piles for fifteen Tears I was cured bv using two boxes of DeWItts Which Hazel Salve writes WJ Baxter North Brook N C It heals ewytbinK Beware of counte- rfeits W T Brook The blood is strained and purified by Abe kidneiys hope f health while 40 IcMiMgv wren Foisiys Kidney Cure wfli make healthy kidney and pure mood Clrrke Kenney After severe dyspepsia over twelve years and using many remedies without permanent good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It did toe BJ much good I recommend it- o eTaryoiie writes J E Watkins Clerk and Recorder Chilicothe Mo It digests what yon eat WT Brooks Bumps or Bruises 43praia or sorbs burns or scalds wound cots tetter or ecze a a1 quickly Beared by Banner Salve the most healing the world Nothing else jut as good Clarke Kenney J Q Hood Justice of the Peace Crosby Miss makes the following state- ment I can certify that One Minute Congh Cure will do all that is claimed for it My wife could not get her sand the first dose of it relieved her It bas also benefited inv whole family It jacts immediatelv and cures coughs colds croup grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat and lung troubles W T SBrorts- Avr advertised dealer is authorized to aaraatee Banner Salve for tetter ecxeroa piles sprains cuts scalds burns icloera and open or old sore Clarke lUemney Does It Pay To Buy Cheap- A oheap remedy tor coughs and colds ls all right but you want eomething that relieve and cnre the more esevere and dangerous results of throat lung troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more regular climate Yes if posible if not posible then in either case take the OtLT remedy that has been introduced all civilized countries with snccess jgn severe throat and lung troubles Boflchees German Syrup It not he ils and stimulates the tissues the germ disease but allays in ffffammaKnn causes easy expectoration ogives a good nights rest and cures the Try orE bottle Reccoinmend many years by all druggist in the world Sold by dealers in all civilized 5Quntries oct27ly Hacking COUGH A hacking cough is a graveyard oogh sooner titer Dont wait until it develops into consumption but use the cele Srrmp at once and will cure a deepseated or cold in a few Cough Syrup cure a small to take Doctors end it I I Oooasion of Much omen linimentand save stolid prove B ed I j I bro cldtis U No from or in you fin r Jbrated Dr John W Bulls It is a I for all throat and affec ofdons I DEBulrs I noses are and pleasant n At all druggists t w a 1 r arstite r I I e t oar t t are t suffering 1 t 3 l I j a edloine breath- E 1 r i end for only to- y patient 1 wonderful i I t I > < > ¬ < ¬ + = MILLERSBURG J G Allen and Sanford Allen visited relatives in Sliarpsburg Sunday Mr John Kriener Matt Talbott and Fred Donaldson of Paris visited hera Sunday Fifteen colored men left there yes- terday for West Va to work in ovens R B Bonldon visited relatives at at and Maysville Friday and Saturday FOR SALE Several thousand Stras burg and Bermuda sweet potato plants 3t RUFUS BUTLER The ladies of the Methodist Church will give a strawberry and ice cream supper Friday night at the Masonic Hall- I have several fine varieties of tomato cabbage and Strasburg sweet potato plants now ready to set 2t SAMUBL DODSOX The Female College commencement 780 p in contest for music medal Saturday 20th 780 m graduating recital of Miss Manue L Best the 27th 1090 a m baccalaureate ser- mon by Rev Lewis Powell of Louis ville same day 780 pm annual mis- sionary sermon Monday 28th 780 p m grand concert Tuesday 20th 1030 a m graduating exercises and literary address by Rev Lewis Powell There will be five graduates- J W Showalter of Georgetown has sailed on the Red Star liner Noord land for Antwerp He will take part in the International Chess Tournament at the Paris Exposition I I will be as follows May 25th i Fashut ton ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ s f t t t 1 i + THROUGH CARS TO MICH Reopening of Sleeping Car Lines from Louisville and Cincinnati Sleeping cars to resorts running via Pennsylvania Short Lines and connections will be established for the season as follows From Louisville- to car will be operated over Pennsylvania Short Lines via Logansport and Wa bash Railroad will begin making trips the latter part of leaving Louisville about 8 p m after ar rival of trains from the South Detroit will be reached next morning in time for rail and steamer connections for resorts on the St Clair River and in Canada From Louisville to Mackinaw City This line will be about June 17th over Pennsylvania Short Line via via Richmond and the G R I Ry The through car will leave Louisville about 4 pm arriving- at Petoskey Harbor Springs City and Northern resorts next morning connecting at latter point with steamer reaching Mackinac Islands before noon will be served in dinning car en route From Cincinnati to Macinaw City This through car will also begin running daily about June 18th over the vania Short Line via Richmond and G R I Ry Cincinnati about 7 p m arriving Petoskey Mackinaw City resorts Northern Michigan next morning Breakfast be en car running on the through train Tourist tickets may be obtained on and after June 1st over the Louisville Detroit Line through Detroit to St Clair River resorts also to Niagara Falls and over the Louisville and Cincinnati and Mackinaw lines to resorts in Northern Michigan For information E Rockwell A G P Agt Cincinnati O Question Answered Yes August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never of using anything elee for indigestion or billions ness Doctors were scarce and seldom heard of Appendicts Nervous Prostration or failure etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of un- digested food regulate the action of the liver simulate the nervous and organic action of the system and that is allthey took when feeling dull and bad with headaches other aches You only need a few doces of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you there is nothing serious the mat ter with you Sold by dealers in all civilized countries oct27ly J C Kennedy Roanoke I cannot say too much for Witch Hazel Salve One box of it cored what the doctors called an in curable ulcer on my jaw Cures piles and all skin disease Look out for worthless imitations W T Brooks DetroitThe Tenn says DeWitts m s sat- isfied ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being I be- gan to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It has done me so much good I called it the savior of my life wrifes W R Wil kinson Albany Tenn It digests what you eat W T Brooks A cared till ¬ Confederate Reunion Notes A npvel feature of the reunion will be the presence of a company of Chero- kee Indians from their reservation in South Carolina A number of these are Confederate veterans They have written to the Entertainment Com- mittee saying that all they ask in the way of amusement is one ride on a steamboat That noted organization the Stone wall Jackson Brigade Band is to be there during the reunion and will take part in the parade Gn May 81 it will give a concert in Exchange Hall at which all the music dear to the heart of the Southerner will be played My Old Kentucky Home Suwaiiee River Old Ned Old Black Joe Dixie Massas in the Cold Cold Ground are some of the songs on the program On May 25 the band will give a concert in Staunton Va to raise money to pay the expenses of the trip to Louisville snOUT NEWS STORIES Brief Iurugriiphs About Important Gen J B Gordon will lecture at Danville on the 2Cth on the subject The First Days of The Confederacy A Philadelphia florist has succeeded in producing a pink American beauty rose which is five inches in diameter Hap- penings ¬ ¬ ¬ The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorating- the system is to take DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels W T Brooks Womans Rights Many women suffer all sorts of so called female weaknesses just because their kidneys are out of order and they have a right to know Foleys Kidney Cure is just what is needed by most ail- ing women Clarke Kenney v- i To Asthma Sufferers Lawson Elvidge of Harrington 111 says he was cured of chronic asthma f long standing by Pholeys Honey and Tar It gives positive relief in all cases asthma so this disease when not com pletely cured is robboed of all its ter rors by this great remedy Clarke Kenney LH Landman H D Of No 503 W Ninth Snoei umcinnan Ohio Will be at the Windsor Hotel Paris iv gTUESDAY MAY 8 1900 returning every second Tuesday in each month leading physician In aris Kentucky Wheels In carriage repository on corner of High Fourth streets I have three floors filled with a select CARRIAGES BUGGIES BAROUCHES ROAD WAGONS Ete If you want anything in the line come to see me and I am sure you will find what you want My stock is all new and brigh- tJ H HAGGARDParis Ky Strayed or Stolen From the pasture on the Jackstown pike near Blacks Cross Roads a two year old steer weight about 1000 pounds and branded hip A liberal reward for his recovery 4t CLAY FERENcEEvery Everything- On r line J p Ii 1Ji i r of fash- ionable veil C- on JAM ICSE ¬ ¬ ¬ < Charlea Alien Thoma has closed- a successful revival at with twenty additions- IF you dont know you should know that J T Hinton shows the line of wall papers in Ken- tucky and at prices that not be duplicated Experieued men W do your work J Free rs Repair furnished free of charge on Plaiio BUders and Mowers and subject to field trial with other make Guaranteed the running on the market Sample at Haggards Sample Avery Threshing machine at Lexington court days See this line of gojds buy Sold by W F P13DD LCOK Paris Ky DR RGDLD T I Of 544 Fourth Avenue Ky Will be at the Fordharn Hotel PariaKy i On Friday May IO 1900 Returning once every mouth Eyes ex- amined and glasses scientifically ad justed sep2ly Rev Emiu nce most com- plete Central can Rap 1- Wore you I I I I 1 y Lou- isville ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ That od sore or ulcer which has bsen a source of pain worry and anxiety for Em mm five or ten heal because you are not the treat- ment but are to cure it salves and washes While these are soothing and relieve paia to some extent no real permanent good can come from their use the disease SmB B Earn is in the far beyond the reach of external applications- A sore heals promptly when the blood is in condition but neVGF if it is diseased The tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse spreading and eating deeper into the flesh that does because no other can reach blood troubles Ordinary Sarsaparilla potash mixture are too weak and to vercome a deadly poison that has taken of blood Do not wastt valuable time experimenting with them AS S S makes a rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers and is the only i A Gunshot Wound S S S is the only purely vegetable blood known is made of roots and herbs of purifying which no poison can resist S S S effectually clears the blood of all morbid humors and the old troublesome sore heals At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up When a little scratch or hurt fails to heal readily you may be sure your blood bad S S S will soon put it in order and keep so Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made blood diseases a study If you will them your case they will gladly furnish or wanted without any charge whatever Address SWIFT SPECIFIC GIL ATLANTA GA DRAIN TIlE find SYSTEMp to you Ell All yearsmaybe longerdoesnt are a constant upon the system and sap the A persons capacity for work or in the great desire and search for something to cure- S Some rs I was shot in the left leg receiving what I considered a wound It developed into a running sore and me t deal of pain I was treated doctors and took a remedies but none me any good I had s s S highly recommended and concluded to it a trial The result was truly ss S to right at the trouble and forced the poison out of blood soon afterwards the sore up and was cured sound and well I now have perfect use of the leg was swollen and stiff for a long time H MCBRAYER Iawrenceburg y rifier all SfIFes Ucers goo drain ruin Fe pleasure soon lost possession Y gave man did heard m very J Y- r sss Heres Something that Unlock PocketBook I HEYM NS Will Your- I ladies black figured Skirts well made 95c well worth I2J Ladies black Silk Luster Skirts 224 Ladies handsome Appliqu- ed Serge Skirts worth 4 at 2 75 448 for Ladies Dress i Skirts in Homespuns and handsomely ap tailor made fully 6 650 for Ladies Dress Skirts strictly tailor made in navy black and grey made of fineCheviots and Venetian Cloth box pleated in front and back worth 8jo now 650 25 pieces printed dimi ties all new patterns 5c per yard Ladies Vests low neck and no sleeves taped neck arms lOc regular price 15c Ladies Vests no sleeves low neck silk taped neck and arms white 15c regu- lar 2jc Vests Jersey ribbed Vests made of finest Egyptian bleached cotton and sleeves 25c I I I pram t Chevi J s pic ued wo tho I and and low meek ¬ ¬ Ladies Bleached SHkaline Vests handsofneFy foishea low neck and no sleeves Lad sbleached Vests with long sleeves witfi pants to snatch each 25c worth 35c Childrens Seamless Rib- bed Waists 2 to o 15e same as Waists Dog Collar Bells beauti- fully trimmed aad finished in tan grey or bFcpfn leather and kid special price 48G Ladies black pent lea her Belts 25c Pulley Ribbon Belts in black and 50c 200 Straw for boys and girls sainipfe lot wel to 2S Mens fine EgypHiin Under- shirts and Drawers All sizes Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers regular value joe at 39c ca h- Mens fancy colored Socks polka dots high spliced tees lOc This is a ijc sot 290 sizes N zareth 5e and t vortn from n at leach l i I whiten Hats doe u L ¬ ¬ ¬ > i Through Before you begin house clean jjj ing come to see our stock of car flf- m pets mattings rugs curtains etc 1U- m HI We have a large stock of these in lines and the prices will make you III ill See us before you house m lii clean and you will begin it with W j a lighter heart and a heavier pock etbook jj jj Of course we have a large stock of dry goods and notions with all latest Spring novelties ill fff TWIN BROS 11 m mm fam p m o m I rtJ 4II- i U1 U1 U- CI 161 eanlngre nt- A Y 1 Ut 6 uuu1- U jl a 9 U lI1 Ut n IJ II 4Ri 4J 4I IP o I- Ii it t Z Rouse tflT t tTt 1 e ttr ttt glad I AL- t T fl 1 > > < < < >

may leach sss · a THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY TUESDAY MAv 8 1900 J f WOMEN IN TEOUBLS- Tbo Approach of Motherhood is the Anxiety to All woman dreads the ordeal rihraagh which she must

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Page 1: may leach sss · a THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY TUESDAY MAv 8 1900 J f WOMEN IN TEOUBLS- Tbo Approach of Motherhood is the Anxiety to All woman dreads the ordeal rihraagh which she must


WOMEN IN TEOUBLS-Tbo Approach of Motherhood is the

Anxiety to Allwoman dreads the ordeal

rihraagh which she must pass in becoma mother The pain suffering

wkkih is in store is a source ofconstant fear and dread tosay nothing of the danger which the

coning incident entails The joyousanticipations with which she for

to coming gives way to andadeseribbk dread of the ordeal whenshe fully realizes the critical and trying

eveot which will soon approach andShave to be endured

Women should hail with delight a3 naedr which insures to them imTjnunky from the pain and

incidental to childbearingSack a remedy is now offered and

not fear the hour ofofaOdbirth Mothers Friend is a

scientific if used beforeconfinement gently and surely prepares

tfike for the great requirementsland changes it is undergoing insures

to both andstakes her through the event with com

ease comfort This wonerfal remedy is praised by every

womnn has itWkat woman is not interested in

x3ftotfaer s Friend This wonderfulhas been tested and its price

Xess woe proven by the experience of3koasnds of mothers who

it ed it during the most criticalof womans life the

culmination of motherhoo-dIt Ins won their everlasting praise-

it gave them and hopetieir most trying houraajost needed Every woman some

seed Mothers Friend Thelittle books Before Baby is Borntailing all about it and when it should

will of interest andioeoeftt to expectant mothers and

pm be sent free to any addressto the Regulator

mpany Atlanta Ga

eWitts Little Early Risers are thefinest pills I evw used D J MooreMiMbrook Ala They qalrklv cure

Aver ad bowel trooWes W T Brooks

If yarn are sick all over and dontBotow jest what tails yon its ten to one

kidneys are out of order FoleysKidney Care will bring you health andmay dark Kenney

W 5 Moastfr Millheim Pa savedielife of his little girl by giving herOne Minute Cough Care when she wasdying with croup It is the only harmiees remedy that gives immediate resaltB It quickly cures coughs colds

grippe asthma and all throatand long troubles W T Brook

After suffering front piles for fifteenTears I was cured bv using two boxesof DeWItts Which Hazel Salve writesW J Baxter North Brook N C It

heals ewytbinK Beware of counte-rfeits W T Brook

The blood is strained and purified byAbe kidneiys hope f health while40 IcMiMgv wren Foisiys KidneyCure wfli make healthy kidney and pure

mood Clrrke Kenney

After severe dyspepsiaover twelve years and using manyremedies without permanent good Ifinally took Kodol Dyspepsia CureIt did toe BJ much good I recommend it-o eTaryoiie writes J E Watkins

Clerk and Recorder Chilicothe MoIt digests what yon eat W T Brooks

Bumps or Bruises43praia or sorbs burns or scalds wound

cots tetter or ecze a a1 quicklyBeared by Banner Salve the most healing

the world Nothing elsejut as good Clarke Kenney

J Q Hood Justice of the PeaceCrosby Miss makes the following state-ment I can certify that One MinuteCongh Cure will do all that is claimedfor it My wife could not get her

sand the first dose of it relieved her Itbas also benefited inv whole family Itjacts immediatelv and cures coughscolds croup grippe bronchitis asthmaand all throat and lung troubles W TSBrorts-

Avr advertised dealer is authorized toaaraatee Banner Salve for tetter

ecxeroa piles sprains cuts scalds burnsicloera and open or old sore ClarkelUemney

Does It Pay To Buy Cheap-

A oheap remedy tor coughs and coldsls all right but you want eomethingthat relieve and cnre the moreesevere and dangerous results of throat

lung troubles What shall you doGo to a warmer and more regularclimate Yes if posible if not posible

then in either case take theOtLT remedy that has been introduced

all civilized countries with snccessjgn severe throat and lung troubles

Boflchees German Syrup It nothe ils and stimulates the tissues

the germ disease but allays inffffammaKnn causes easy expectorationogives a good nights rest and cures the

Try orE bottle Reccoinmendmany years by all druggist in the

world Sold by dealers in all civilized5Quntries oct27ly


A hacking cough is a graveyardoogh sooner

titer Dont wait until it developsinto consumption but use the cele

Srrmp at once

and will cure a deepseatedor cold in a few

Cough Syrupcure a

small to take Doctorsend it



Oooasion of Much





B ed




bro cldtis









Jbrated Dr John W BullsIt is a

Ifor all throat and affecofdons



noses are and pleasantn At all druggists








II e











ja edloine






only to-y




iI t



< >




+ =


J G Allen and Sanford Allen visitedrelatives in Sliarpsburg Sunday

Mr John Kriener Matt Talbott andFred Donaldson of Paris visited heraSunday

Fifteen colored men left there yes-terday for West Va to work inovens

R B Bonldon visited relatives atat and Maysville Fridayand Saturday

FOR SALE Several thousand Strasburg and Bermuda sweet potato plants


The ladies of the Methodist Churchwill give a strawberry and ice creamsupper Friday night at the MasonicHall-

I have several fine varieties of tomatocabbage and Strasburg sweet potatoplants now ready to set


The Female College commencement

780 p in contest for music medalSaturday 20th 780 m graduatingrecital of Miss Manue L Bestthe 27th 1090 a m baccalaureate ser-

mon by Rev Lewis Powell of Louisville same day 780 p m annual mis-sionary sermon Monday 28th 780 pm grand concert Tuesday 20th 1030a m graduating exercises and literaryaddress by Rev Lewis Powell Therewill be five graduates-

J W Showalter of Georgetown hassailed on the Red Star liner Noordland for Antwerp He will take partin the International Chess Tournamentat the Paris Exposition



will be as follows May 25th


Fashut ton






s ft




THROUGH CARS TO MICHReopening of Sleeping Car Linesfrom Louisville and CincinnatiSleeping cars to resorts

running via Pennsylvania Short Linesand connections will be established forthe season as follows From Louisville-to car will beoperated over Pennsylvania Short Linesvia Logansport and Wabash Railroad will begin making

trips the latter part of leavingLouisville about 8 p m after arrival of trains from theSouth Detroit will be reached nextmorning in time for rail and steamerconnections for resorts on the St ClairRiver and in Canada

From Louisville to Mackinaw CityThis line will be about June17th over Pennsylvania Short Line viavia Richmond and theG R I Ry The through car willleave Louisville about 4 p m arriving-at Petoskey Harbor SpringsCity and Northern resorts nextmorning connecting at latter pointwith steamer reaching Mackinac Islandsbefore noon will be servedin dinning car en route

From Cincinnati to Macinaw CityThis through car will also begin runningdaily about June 18th over thevania Short Line via Richmond and GR I Ry Cincinnati about 7p m arriving Petoskey MackinawCity resorts Northern Michigannext morning Breakfast be en

car running on thethrough train

Tourist tickets may be obtained onand after June 1st over the LouisvilleDetroit Line through Detroit to StClair River resorts also toNiagara Falls and over the Louisvilleand Cincinnati and Mackinawlines to resorts in Northern MichiganFor information ERockwell A G P Agt Cincinnati O

Question AnsweredYes August Flower still has the

largest sale of any medicine in thecivilized world Your mothers andgrandmothers never of usinganything elee for indigestion or billionsness Doctors were scarce andseldom heard of Appendicts NervousProstration or failure etc Theyused August Flower to clean out thesystem and stop fermentation of un-digested food regulate the action of theliver simulate the nervous and organicaction of the system and that is alltheytook when feeling dull and bad withheadaches other aches You onlyneed a few doces of Greens AugustFlower in liquid form to make you

there is nothing serious the matter with you Sold by dealers in allcivilized countries oct27ly

J C Kennedy RoanokeI cannot say too much for

Witch Hazel Salve One box of itcored what the doctors called an incurable ulcer on my jaw Cures pilesand all skin disease Look out forworthless imitations W T Brooks


Tenn saysDeWitts










I had stomach trouble twenty yearsand gave up hope of being I be-gan to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Ithas done me so much good I called itthe savior of my life wrifes W R Wilkinson Albany Tenn It digests whatyou eat W T Brooks A

cared till


Confederate Reunion Notes

A npvel feature of the reunion willbe the presence of a company of Chero-

kee Indians from their reservation inSouth Carolina A number of theseare Confederate veterans They havewritten to the Entertainment Com-

mittee saying that all they ask in theway of amusement is one ride on asteamboat

That noted organization the Stonewall Jackson Brigade Band is to bethere during the reunion and will takepart in the parade Gn May 81 it willgive a concert in Exchange Hall atwhich all the music dear to the heart ofthe Southerner will be played MyOld Kentucky Home SuwaiieeRiver Old Ned Old Black Joe

Dixie Massas in the Cold ColdGround are some of the songs on theprogram On May 25 the band willgive a concert in Staunton Va to raisemoney to pay the expenses of the trip toLouisville


Brief Iurugriiphs About Important

Gen J B Gordon will lecture atDanville on the 2Cth on the subject

The First Days of The Confederacy

A Philadelphia florist has succeeded inproducing a pink American beauty rosewhich is five inches in diameter





The easiest and most effective methodof purifying the blood and invigorating-the system is to take DeWitts LittleEarly Risers the famous little pills forcleansing the liver and bowels W TBrooks

Womans RightsMany women suffer all sorts of so

called female weaknesses just becausetheir kidneys are out of order and theyhave a right to know Foleys KidneyCure is just what is needed by most ail-ing women Clarke Kenney v-


To Asthma SufferersLawson Elvidge of Harrington 111

says he was cured of chronic asthma flong standing by Pholeys Honey andTar It gives positive relief in all casesasthma so this disease when not completely cured is robboed of all its terrors by this great remedy ClarkeKenney

L H Landman H DOf No 503 W Ninth Snoei umcinnan

OhioWill be at the Windsor Hotel ParisivgTUESDAY MAY 8 1900

returning every second Tuesday in eachmonth

leading physician Inaris Kentucky

WheelsIn carriage repository on corner of

High Fourth streets I have threefloors filled with a select


If you want anything in theline come to see me and I am sure youwill find what you want My stock isall new and brigh-


Strayed or Stolen

From the pasture on theJackstown pike near Blacks CrossRoads a two year old steer weight about1000 pounds and branded

hip A liberal reward forhis recovery 4t




On r



Ii 1Ji i r

of fash-ionable









Charlea Alien Thoma has closed-a successful revival at withtwenty additions-

IF you dont know you should knowthat J T Hinton shows the

line of wall papers in Ken-

tucky and at prices that not beduplicated Experieued men W do yourwork J

Free rsRepair furnished free of charge on

Plaiio BUders and Mowers andsubject to field trial with othermake Guaranteed the runningon the market Sample at Haggards

Sample AveryThreshing machine at Lexington courtdays See this line of gojdsbuy Sold by

W F P13DD LCOKParis Ky

DR RGDLD T IOf 544 Fourth Avenue


Will be at the Fordharn Hotel PariaKyi

On Friday May IO 1900Returning once every mouth Eyes ex-

amined and glasses scientifically adjusted sep2ly

RevEmiu nce

most com-plete Central




Wore you













That od sore or ulcer which has bsen a source of pain worry and anxiety for Em mmfive or ten heal because you are not the treat-ment but are to cure it salves and washes While these are soothing and relievepaia to some extent no real permanent good can come from their use the disease SmB B Earn

is in the far beyond the reach of external applications-A sore heals promptly when the blood is in condition but neVGF if it is diseased The

tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse spreading and eating deeper into the flesh

thatdoes because no other can reach blood troubles Ordinary Sarsaparilla potash mixtureare too weak and to vercome a deadly poison that has taken of blood Do notwastt valuable time experimenting with them


S S makes a rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers and is the onlyi

A GunshotWound

S S S is the only purely vegetable blood knownis made of roots and herbs of purifyingwhich no poison can resist S S S effectually

clears the blood of all morbid humors and the old troublesome sore healsAt the same time the general health is invigorated and built up When a little scratchor hurt fails to heal readily you may be sure your blood bad S S S will soonput it in order and keep so

Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians who have madeblood diseases a study If you will them your case they will gladlyfurnish or wanted without any charge whatever Address SWIFT SPECIFIC GIL ATLANTA GA


to you Ell Allyearsmaybe longerdoesnt

are a constant upon the system and sap theA persons capacity for work or in the great desire and search for something to cure-


Some rs I was shot in the left leg receiving what I considered a wound Itdeveloped into a running sore and me t deal of pain I was treated doctors andtook a remedies but none me any good I had s s S highly recommendedand concluded to it a trial The result was truly s s S to right at thetrouble and forced the poison out of blood soon afterwards the sore up and was cured sound and well I now

have perfect use of the leg was swollen and stiff for a long time H MCBRAYER Iawrenceburg y



SfIFes Ucersgoo

drain ruin Fepleasure soon lost


Ygave mandid heard

mvery J Y-

r sss

Heres Something thatUnlock



Will Your-I

ladies black figured Skirtswell made 95c well worth

I2JLadies black Silk

Luster Skirts 224Ladies handsome Appliqu-

ed Serge Skirts worth 4 at2 75

448 for Ladies Dressi Skirts in Homespuns and

handsomely aptailor made fully


650 for Ladies DressSkirts strictly tailor madein navy black and grey madeof fineCheviots and VenetianCloth box pleated in frontand back worth 8jo now65025 pieces printed dimi

ties all new patterns 5cper yard

Ladies Vests low neckand no sleeves taped neck

arms lOc regular price15c

Ladies Vests no sleeveslow neck silk taped neck

and arms white 15c regu-lar 2jc Vests

Jersey ribbed Vests madeof finest Egyptian bleachedcotton and sleeves25c



I pram

t Chevi J spic uedwo tho




low meek



Ladies Bleached SHkalineVests handsofneFy foishealow neck and no sleeves

Lad sbleached Vests withlong sleeves witfi pants tosnatch each 25c worth 35c

Childrens Seamless Rib-

bed Waists 2 to o 15esame as Waists

Dog Collar Bells beauti-fully trimmed aad finishedin tan grey or bFcpfn leatherand kid special price 48G

Ladies black pent lea herBelts 25c

Pulley Ribbon Belts inblack and50c

200 Straw for boysand girls sainipfe lot wel

to 2S

Mens fine EgypHiin Under-shirts and Drawers

All sizes Balbriggan Shirtsand Drawers regular valuejoe at 39c ca h-

Mens fancy coloredSockspolka dots high spliced teeslOc This is a ijc sot


sizesN zareth

5e and

t vortn from n at






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Before you begin house cleanjjj ing come to see our stock of car flf-

m pets mattings rugs curtains etc 1U-

mHI We have a large stock of these in

lines and the prices will make youIII ill

See us before you house mlii clean and you will begin it with Wj a lighter heart and a heavier pock

etbook jj

jj Of course we have a largestock of dry goods and notionswith all latest Spring novelties

ill fff


m mm fam p m o m


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