ME 440: Numerically Controlled Machine Tools Department of Mechanical Engineering Middle East Technical University CNCSIMULATOR http://www.cncsimulator.com

ME 440 - CNC Simulator (Rev. 1)

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Page 1: ME 440 - CNC Simulator (Rev. 1)

ME 440: Numerically Controlled Machine Tools

Department of Mechanical EngineeringMiddle East Technical University


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CNCSIMULATORChoose the correct application (Milling, Turning or Plasma Cutting)

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MILLING / Editing Tools

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MILLING / Editing Tools

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MILLING / Setting Dimension of Work piece

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MILLING / Setting Dimension of Work piece

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MILLING6 different point on the workpiece could be defined as zero point;

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Click here to execute the program


Program is written here

Indicates coolant statusOperation Time is

presented here

Feed RateTool No


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G0 or G00 Rapid movement

G1 or G01 or L Linear interpolation

G2 or G02 or DR- Clockwise interpolation

G3 or G03 or DR+ Anti-clockwise interpolation

G40 Turns off cutter compensation

G41 Cutter compensation to the left

G42 Cutter compensation to the right

G92 Zero point displacement


G-codes for milling

G-codes for milling:

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MILLINGM-codes for milling :

M0 or M00 Program stop

M3 or M03 Spindle start clockwise

M4 or M04 Spindle start anti-clockwise

M5 or M05 Spindle stop

M8 or M08 Coolant on

M9 or M09 Coolant off

M17 Return from subprogram

M30 or M02 or M2 Program end

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Other codes for milling :


F Feed rate

S Spindle speed

N Block number



X Code for the X-axis

Y Code for the Y-axis

Z Code for the Z-axis

I Incremental distance to the center in the X-axis

J Incremental distance to the center in the Y-axis

K Incremental distance to the center in the Z-axis

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Simulation Time

Execute the whole program Execute only the present line of the program

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TURNINGChoose the correct application (Turning)

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TURNINGSet the dimension of the workpiece;

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TURNINGLet make a drill operation with Tool 21 to a workpiece Diameter of 52mm

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TURNINGWhat is the drill diameter? Or you want to drill this hole with a 50 mm. Which tool corresponds to 50 mm?

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TURNINGEdit Tool Box of the Turning Mode does not give any sufficent information about the dimensions of the tools. Therefore, you must go to the files of the tools in the program directory to get the information about their dimensions or to modify them

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TURNINGOpen the related file with Wordpad or NotePad

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TURNINGYou will see some numbers written in a sequence orders.

E.g. (0 0 10 -18 200 -18 200 18 10 18 0 0)

They are the coordinates of the tool 21 sharp points such as;

P1 (0,0)P2 (10,-18)P3 (200,-18)P4 (200,18)P5 (10,18)P6 (0,0) P1,P6

P2 P3


Diameter of the Tool 21 is calculated as 36 mm from the coordinates of the points.

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TURNINGLet’s change the diameter of the T21 such as 50 mm. Modify the text program written in the wordpad and then, save the file or give a new name

E.g. (0 0 10 -25 200 -25 200 25 10 25 0 0)

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TURNINGLet’s run the program again with this modified Tool 21.

(Workpiece Dia : 52 mm, Tool Dia : 50 mm)

Therefore, you can modify or generate desired Tools by writting appropriate numbers in a sequencial order.

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TURNINGG-codes for turning :

G0 or G00 Rapid movement

G1 or G01 Linear interpolation

G2 or G02 Clockwise interpolation

G3 or G03 Anti-clockwise interpolation

G25 Subprogram call

G26 Separate subprograms (disk)

G90 Absolute programming

G91 Incremental programming

G92 Zero point displacement

G94 Specify feed rate in mm/min

G95 Specify feed rate in mm/revolution

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TURNINGM-codes for turning:

M0 or M00 Program stop

M3 or M03 Spindle start clockwise

M4 or M04 Spindle start anti-clockwise

M5 or M05 Spindle stop

M8 or M08 Coolant on

M9 or M09 Coolant off

M17 Return from subprogram

M30 Program end

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TURNINGOther codes for turning :

F Feed rate

S Spindle speed

N Block number

T Tool

X Code for the X-axis

Z Code for the Z-axis

I Incremental distance to the center in the X-axis

K Incremental distance to the center in the Z-axis

R or Z Arc <180 grader

R- or Z- Arc >180 grader

L Threading cycle parameter diam/radius, point A

D Threading cycle depth mm/cut

H Threading cycle total thread depth

U Sub program amount of repetitions

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CNCSIMULATORThe Program has a very useful Help Guide