Mean-Semivariance Analysis of Option-Based Strategies: A Total Asset Mix Perspective Harry S. Marmer and F. K. Louis Ng When investment strategies such as option-based strate- gies are designed to trun- cate returns below a speci- fied threshold level, their returndistributions are not normallydistributed. When a strategy is more likelyto produce returns that are much higher than the mean than returns that are much lower, variance is not an adequate measureof the strategy's risk. Semivari- ance, which focuses on the likelihoodof experiencing returns below a specified threshold, is a better gauge of such a strategy's possible failure. The differences between mean-variance and mean- semivariance analyses can be demonstrated in the context of a portfolio opti- mizationproblem involv- ing six investment alterna- tives, one of whichis an option-based strategy. This strategy, called synthetic equity,combinesinvest- ments in a zero-coupon bond and a call option on a specific equityindex and is designed to meetgiven minimum-return require- ments. When traditionalmean- variance analysis is used for portfolio optimization, the synthetic instrument entersthe efficientfrontier in only veryinsignificant amounts. When mean-semi- variance analysis is used, however, the synthetic plays a more important role,be- coming increasingly domi- nant as thereturn threshold is lowered. Transforming the mean-variance efficient frontier into the mean- semivariance space con- firms that using mean-vari- ance analysis to evaluate strategies withskewedre- turm distributions can lead to suboptimal portfolios. Derivative markets worldwide have grown rapidly over the past decade.1 Investment banks and brokerage firms have contributed to the development of the breadth and depth of these mar- kets by using options and futures for both risk-management and re- turn-enhancement strategies. In contrast, pension funds have been somewhat slow to enter de- rivative markets. Their tardiness may be attributedin part to a lack of understanding about how to evaluate some option-based strat- egies within the traditional asset mix setting. Options and futures strategies can skew a portfolio's return distribution, rendering conventional mean-variance anal- ysis inappropriate for solving op- timal asset mix problems. This article presents one ap- proach to evaluating a specific option-based strategyfrom a total asset allocation perspective. We first illustrate the drawbacks of mean-variance analysis for skewed strategies. Next we present alternative measures for evaluating skewed portfolios. Then we examine a specific op- tion-based strategy from a total asset mix perspective. Finally,we outline the investment manage- ment implications of our findings. Inadequacies of Mean- Variance Analysis Recent financial research has fo- cused on the problems of evalu- ating the performance of portfo- lios with skewed return distributions.2 These studies have demonstrated that variance fails to describe adequately the riskiness of asymmetrical return distributions. Performance evalu- ation of option-based strategies based on mean-variance analysis (e.g., the capital market line, Sharpe ratio and Treynor index) can distort decision-making. Using mean-variance optimiza- tion to determine efficient portfo- lios can result in "suboptimal mixes" when strategies with skewed return distributions are included as investment alterna- tives. For example, assume we have three investment choices with the return, risk and correla- tion statisticsdescribed in Table I. Risk is measured by the standard deviation of returns. The returns on Alternatives2 and 3 are highly correlated. However, both the re- turn and the risk of Alternative 2 are higher than those of Alterna- tive 3. The statistics in Table I were em- ployed to generate an efficient frontier based on mean-variance criteria. Table II lists some of the optimal asset mixes that lie on the efficient frontier and the return and risk associated with each mix. The optimal investments are Al- ternatives 1 and 2. Alternative 3 LUJ z :D z D 0 -J z z z 47 The CFA Institute is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Financial Analysts Journal www.jstor.org ®

Mean-Semivariance Analysis of Option-Based Strategies… · 2014-01-02 · Mean-Semivariance Analysis of Option-Based Strategies: ... the mean-variance analysis.10 ... actly half

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Mean-Semivariance Analysis of Option-Based Strategies: A Total Asset Mix Perspective

Harry S. Marmer and F. K. Louis Ng

When investment strategies such as option-based strate- gies are designed to trun- cate returns below a speci- fied threshold level, their return distributions are not normally distributed. When a strategy is more likely to produce returns that are much higher than the mean than returns that are much lower, variance is not an adequate measure of the strategy's risk. Semivari- ance, which focuses on the likelihood of experiencing returns below a specified threshold, is a better gauge of such a strategy's possible failure.

The differences between mean-variance and mean- semivariance analyses can be demonstrated in the context of a portfolio opti- mization problem involv- ing six investment alterna- tives, one of which is an option-based strategy. This strategy, called synthetic equity, combines invest- ments in a zero-coupon bond and a call option on a specific equity index and is designed to meet given minimum-return require- ments.

When traditional mean- variance analysis is used for portfolio optimization,

the synthetic instrument enters the efficientfrontier in only very insignificant amounts. When mean-semi- variance analysis is used, however, the synthetic plays a more important role, be- coming increasingly domi- nant as the return threshold is lowered. Transforming the mean-variance efficient frontier into the mean- semivariance space con- firms that using mean-vari- ance analysis to evaluate strategies with skewed re- turm distributions can lead to suboptimal portfolios.

Derivative markets worldwide have grown rapidly over the past decade.1 Investment banks and brokerage firms have contributed to the development of the breadth and depth of these mar- kets by using options and futures for both risk-management and re- turn-enhancement strategies.

In contrast, pension funds have been somewhat slow to enter de- rivative markets. Their tardiness may be attributed in part to a lack of understanding about how to evaluate some option-based strat- egies within the traditional asset mix setting. Options and futures strategies can skew a portfolio's return distribution, rendering conventional mean-variance anal- ysis inappropriate for solving op- timal asset mix problems.

This article presents one ap- proach to evaluating a specific option-based strategy from a total asset allocation perspective. We first illustrate the drawbacks of mean-variance analysis for

skewed strategies. Next we present alternative measures for evaluating skewed portfolios. Then we examine a specific op- tion-based strategy from a total asset mix perspective. Finally, we outline the investment manage- ment implications of our findings.

Inadequacies of Mean- Variance Analysis Recent financial research has fo- cused on the problems of evalu- ating the performance of portfo- lios with skewed return distributions.2 These studies have demonstrated that variance fails to describe adequately the riskiness of asymmetrical return distributions. Performance evalu- ation of option-based strategies based on mean-variance analysis (e.g., the capital market line, Sharpe ratio and Treynor index) can distort decision-making.

Using mean-variance optimiza- tion to determine efficient portfo- lios can result in "suboptimal mixes" when strategies with skewed return distributions are included as investment alterna- tives. For example, assume we have three investment choices with the return, risk and correla- tion statistics described in Table I. Risk is measured by the standard deviation of returns. The returns on Alternatives 2 and 3 are highly correlated. However, both the re- turn and the risk of Alternative 2 are higher than those of Alterna- tive 3.

The statistics in Table I were em- ployed to generate an efficient frontier based on mean-variance criteria. Table II lists some of the optimal asset mixes that lie on the efficient frontier and the return and risk associated with each mix. The optimal investments are Al- ternatives 1 and 2. Alternative 3

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Financial Analysts Journalwww.jstor.org


enters the efficient frontier only in an insignificant amount around the minimum-risk area.

Figure A illustrates the smoothed return distributions of Alterna- tives 2 and 3. The most obvious difference is that Alternative 3 cuts off the undesirable downside of the distribution while main- taining the upside potential of the investment. Furthermore, Alter- native 3 has significantly more positive skewness than Alterna- tive 2.

For Alternative 3, variance is clearly an inadequate measure of risk, since the return distribution is not symmetrical. Variance fails to take into account that Alterna- tive 3 has positive skewness and truncates the undesirable left tail of the distribution.

Alternative Measures Two alternative approaches have been recommended for analyzing

portfolios with skewed distribu- tions-stochastic dominance criteria and semivariance.

Stochastic dominance "is a port- folio selection approach that uti- lizes the entire distribution of re- turns rather than a finite number of moments."3 Stochastic domi- nance criteria have been success- fully employed to evaluate portfo- lios with options to determine if these portfolios dominate con- ventional portfolios.4 Unfortu- nately, employing stochastic dom- inance criteria to determine "optimal portfolios" is computa- tionally intractable.

Semivariance has also been pro- posed as a means to evaluate portfolios with skewed return dis- tributions.5 While variance mea- sures the degree of dispersion from the mean, semivariance is concerned with the probability of returns below a certain threshold


*Derivative Markets: Markets for derivatives-in- vestment instruments whose returns depend on the values of other investments.

*Goodness-of-Fit Tests: A procedure to check whether the assumed statistical model is valid, based on the ob- served data.

PMonte Carlo Simulation: A process in which outcomes are replicated many times and the frequency distribution of the outcomes is generated.

*Semivariance: The average of the squared differences between a speci- fied threshold and observa- tions below that threshold. Points above the threshold are given a value of zero.

*' Skewed Return Distribution: A distribution in which the probability of achieving a very high return is much larger than the probability of getting a very low return, or vice versa.

1Stocbastic Dominance: A portfolio selection approach that utilizes the entire distri- bution of returns rather than a finite number of moments.

*Syntbetic Equity: A derivative-based strategy that yields exposure to the returns of a particular market.

return-in other words, it pro- vides a measure of downside risk.

Calculation of semivariance is based on the deviation of returns below the target return. Mathe- matically, semivariance of a ran- dom variable Y with a threshold of b is:

Sb = E[(Y- b-]2

Table I One-Year Annualized Return Statistics for Three Invest- ment Altematives

Investment Expected Return Standard Deviation

Alternative 1 10.67 0.94 Alternative 2 17.73 19.33 Alternative 3 13.68 12.19

Correlation Matrix

Alternative Alternative Alternative 1 2 3

Alternative 1 1.000 Alternative 2 -0.035 1.000 Alternative 3 -0.024 0.941 1.000

Table II Mix of Three Alternatives in Mean-Variance Efficient Portfolios

Percentage Allocated to Each Asset Class

Exp. Std. Alternative Alternative Alternative Portfolio Return Dev. 1 2 3

a 17.73 19.33 0.0 100.0 0.0 b 17.00 17.33 10.3 89.7 0.0 c 16.00 14.59 24.5 75.5 0.0 d 15.00 11.85 38.7 61.3 0.0 e 14.00 9.11 52.8 47.2 0.0 f 13.00 6.39 67.0 33.0 0.0 g 12.00 3.69 81.2 18.8 0.0 h 11.00 1.25 95.3 4.7 0.0

10.75 0.95 98.9 1.1 0.0 10.70 0.94 99.6 0.4 0.6

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(Y - b)- = Y - b

if Y < b, 0 otherwise.

For example, for an investor con- cerned about the possibility of having a return less than 5%, b = 5%. If Y is the return on an invest- ment that takes on the values 10%, 5%, -4% and 0% with equal probability, then:

Sb = 1/4[( - 0.04 - 0.05)2

+ (0 - 0.05)2] = 0.00265.

Note that the variance of Y equals

1[(o.l - 0.05)2

+ (-0.04 - 0.05)2

+ (0 - 0.05)2] = 0.003275.

Semivariance was first proposed as a risk measure by Harry Markowitz in his seminal book Portfolio Selection. Markowitz suggested that "analyses based on S [semivariance] tend to produce better portfolios than those based on V IvarianceJ."6 Markowitz also felt that "superiority of variance with respect to cost, convenience, and familiarity does not preclude the use of semi-variance."7

Semivariance provides a valuable measure of risk for performance measurement and portfolio selec- tion when portfolios have skewed return distributions.8 Recent re- search has employed semivari- ance for performance measure- ment with options and portfolio optimization. We extend portfolio optimization using semivariance by looking beyond standard asset classes and including a deriva- tives-based strategy.9

Mean-Semivariance Analysis Portfolio optimization based on mean-semivariance analysis rede- fines the Markowitz mean-vari- ance efficient frontier as:

1. those portfolios that mini- mize the semivariance of re-

turns at each level of ex- pected return or, conversely,

2. those portfolios that maxi- mize the expected return at each level of risk as mea- sured by semivariance.

As described by Harry Markowitz, the optimal portfolios can be cal- culated by a critical-line algo-

rithm similar to the one used for the mean-variance analysis.10

Calculation of the semivariance of a security requires a time series of returns. The semivariance is calculated only in those periods in which the returns are less than the threshold. The observations for all the other periods are as- signed a value of zero. Hence, for

Figure A Smoothed Retum Distributions of Altematives 2 and 3


F ~~~~~~~~~~~~I I

I\ 6

I \ Alternative 3 _ I'\

4 -

2 I Atrative 2


-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Return (%)

Table III Summary of One-Year Return Statistics

EAFE S&P Can. $

T-Bills Bonds TSE Can. $ Total Synthetic

Mean 10.67 10.54 12.76 13.67 17.73 13.68 Std. Deviation 0.94 11.26 19.21 17.87 19.33 12.19 Skewness 0.05 0.40 0.56 0.42 0.34 0.75 SSD (Mean)* 0.66 7.51 12.58 11.76 12.97 7.65 SSD (7.5%) 0.00 5.73 9.68 8.45 7.63 3.83 SSD (5%) 0.00 4.44 8.44 7.30 6.58 2.45 SSD (0%) 0.00 2.36 6.24 5.34 4.71 0.00 Median 10.63 9.20 10.91 12.53 15.52 11.74

Correlation Matrix EAFE S&P Can. $

T-Bills Bonds TSE Can. $ Total Synthetic

T-Bills 1.000 Bonds 0.097 1.000 TSE -0.039 0.231 1.000 S&P 0.159 0.237 0.672 1.000 EAFE -0.035 0.211 0.391 0.454 1.000 Synthetic -0.024 0.247 0.424 0.432 0.941 1.000

* SSD = Semi-standard deviation.

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a symmetrical distribution, the semivariance with a threshold equal to the mean will equal ex- actly half the variance.

In the case of a portfolio consist- ing of a combination of different securities, the variance can be computed using the variances and covariances of the compo- nent securities. To calculate the semivariance of the portfolio, the time series of portfolio returns must be constructed and the semivariance calculated directly.

An Option-Based Strategy The option-based strategy we considered is called synthetic equity. A number of investment banks have successfilly marketed this type of product.11 Stripped to its essentials, synthetic equity is composed of a zero-coupon bond and a European-style, over-the- counter call option on a specific equity index.

The synthetic equity we examined consisted of a one-year, zero- coupon bond plus a European call on the Morgan Stanley Capital International EAFE (Europe, Aus- tralia and Far East) total return index in U.S. dollar terms. For each $100 invested in the syn- thetic equity, the investor pur- chases an AA rated financial insti- tution zero-coupon bond with a one-year maturity. The residual cash is invested in European at- the-money over-the-counter call option(s) on the total U.S. dollar return of EAFE in one year. The amount of option(s) bought de- pends on the price of the option and the amount of cash available to be invested.

This type of call option can only be obtained over the counter, as exchanges do not currently offer such an option. In synthetic eq- uity strategies, investment banks typically either sell the investor the call option or the complete strategy (i.e., bond plus option).

The expected return on the syn- thetic equity can be explained as follows. If the U.S.-dollar EAFE declines in value over the year

below the option's striking price, the option will expire valueless and the synthetic strategy will simply return the $100 maturity value of the zero-coupon bond. In this scenario, the strategy will have a rate of return equal to 0%. If the U.S.-dollar EAFE appreciates above the option's striking price, the strategy will be worth $100 plus the option value.

Hence the return on the synthetic equity investment depends on the U.S.-dollar EAFE's return and the amount of option(s) bought. The ratio of the amount available to invest in the option to the price of the option is called the participa- tion rate. For example, if the one- year zero costs $90, only $10 will be available to invest in the op- tion. If the option's price is $20 per $100 face value, the participa- tion rate will be 50% ($10/$20). If the one-year return on the U.S.- dollar EAFE is 10%, the synthetic equity will have a return of 5%,

since it only participates in 50% of the increase in the U.S.-dollar EAFE.

Method We examined the following six investment alternatives:

* Canadian T-bills as proxied by the ScotiaMcleod Inc. (SMI) 30-day T-bill total re- turn index;

* Canadian bonds as proxied by the SMI long-term bond total return index;

* Canadian stocks, proxied by the TSE 300 total return in- dex;

* U.S. stocks, proxied by the S&P 500 total return index in Canadian dollars;

* international stocks, proxied by the Morgan Stanley Capi- tal International EAFE (Eu- rope, Australia and Far East) total return index in Cana- dian dollars; and

* synthetic equity.

Table IV Mean-Variance Efficient Portfolio Allocations

Exp. Std Percentage Allocated to Each Asset Class Portfolio Ret. Dev. T-Bills Bonds TSE S&P EAFE Synthetic

a 17.73 19.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 b 17.00 17.33 9.8 0.0 0.0 0.9 89.3 0.0 c 16.00 14.59 24.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 75.2 0.0 d 15.00 11.85 38.5 0.0 0.0 0.3 61.2 0.0 e 14.00 9.11 52.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.2 0.0 f 13.00 6.39 67.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 0.0 g 12.00 3.69 81.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.8 0.0 h 11.00 1.25 95.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 0.0 i 10.89 1.07 96.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.0 j 10.69 0.93 99.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.6

Table V Mean-Semivariance Efficient Portfolio Allocations with Mean Return Threshold

Ep. Smi-Std. Percentage Allocated to Each Asset Class Porfolio Ret. Dev. T-Bills Bonds TSE S&P EAFE Synthetic

A 17.74 12.98 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 B 17.00 11.62 10.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.6 0.0 C 16.00 9.78 24.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 75.4 0.0 D 15.00 7.94 38.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.2 0.0 E 14.00 6.11 52.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.0 0.0 F 13.00 4.28 67.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.9 0.0 G 12.00 2.48 81.3 0.0 p.0 0.0 18.7 0.0 H 11.00 0.87 95.4 0.0 Q.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 I 10.85 0.72 97.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 J 10.70 0.66 99.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.6


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Calculating the semivariance of an asset class requires a time se- ries of return data. In contrast to the first five asset classes, the syn- thetic equity strategy does not have a "history" of returns. In order to obtain a time series of returns for synthetic equity, we employed Monte Carlo simula- tion. This consists of assuming an underlying joint distribution for the returns on the six investment alternatives and randomly gener- ating returns based on this joint distribution. As the returns on the different investment alternatives are correlated with one another, we mathematically simulated the returns of the six investment al- ternatives simultaneously.

We used the past 20 years of monthly historical return data, January 1971 to December 1990, to build the marginal return dis- tributions for both the stock and bond asset classes. (Because the

SMI T-bill index only started in June 1973, the marginal return distribution for T-bills was based on monthly returns from June 1973 to December 1990.) While other periods of time could have been selected to build the distri- butions for the asset class returns, the period we selected provides a fairly broad sweep of economic experience from which to gener- ate asset class expectations. Over the 20 years ending December 1990, the Canadian economy ex- perienced four economic expan- sions and three economic con- tractions.

Goodness-of-fit tests were per- formed on various transforma- tions of the monthly returns from each asset class. The monthly ac- cumulation factors for bonds and stocks were found to be lognor- mally distributed and the square root of the T:bill monthly returns were normally distributed. 12

Based on the fitted normal distri- butions and the correlations be- tween the transformed monthly returns, a Monte Carlo time series of 12 monthly returns for each asset class was produced. Com- pounding the 12 monthly returns yielded the one-year return for each asset class. The Monte Carlo simulation was repeated 100 times. Table III displays the aver- age one-year Monte Carlo return and risk statistics for the five tra- ditional asset classes and the syn- thetic equity.13

Based on the results of the Monte Carlo process, the asset class with the highest expected return was international stocks, followed by the synthetic equity, U.S. stocks, Canadian stocks, T-bills and bonds. International stocks had the highest risk, followed by Ca- nadian stocks, U.S. stocks, the syn- thetic equity, Canadian bonds and T-bills.

Mean-Semivariance Return Thresholds

As mentioned earlier, semivari- ance is concerned about the vol- atility of returns below a return threshold or target return. While there are no definite rules to guide investors on how to set target return, we considered the following four return thresholds as possible tarmets for pension plan sponsors:

* mean return, * actuarial funding interest rate

(assumed to be 7.5%), * expected inflation rate (as-

sumed to be 5%) and * zero rate of return.

The rationale for selecting these target returns can be explained as follows. Setting the return thresh- old equal to the mean return is a simplistic "first cut" at using a target return and is useful for the investor who is concerned about earning a return less than the expected return. Pension plan sponsors may also have a number of minimum-return expectations that relate to the fund's liability structure. The last three rates

Table VI Mean-Semivariance Efficient Portfolio Allocations with 71/2% Return Threshold

Exp. Smi-Std. Percentage Allocated to Each Asset Class Portfolio Ret. Dev. T-Bills Bonds TSE S&P EAFE Synthetic

A 17.73 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 B 17.00 6.69 9.3 0.0 0.0 2.0 88.7 0.0 C 16.00 5.42 23.6 0.0 0.0 1.8 74.6 0.0 D 15.00 4.15 37.9 0.0 0.0 1.5 60.6 0.0 E 14.00 2.90 52.4 0.0 0.0 1.0 46.6 0.0 F 13.00 1.62 67.6 0.0 0.0 0.4 32.0 0.0 G 12.00 0.59 72.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.6 15.4 H 11.76 0.31 73.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.1 19.2 I 11.38 0.07 83.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 11.5 J 11.16 0.0 93.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.8 0.0

Table VII Mean-Semivariance Efficient Portfolio Allocations with 5% Return Threshold

Exp. Semi-Std. Percentage Allocated to Each Asset Class Portfolio Ret. Dev. T-Bills Bonds TSE S&P EAFE Synthetic

A 17.74 6.58 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 B 17.00 5.65 8.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 87.8 0.0 C 16.00 4.40 22.5 0.0 0.0 3.6 73.8 0.0 D 15.00 3.18 37.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 59.9 0.0 E 14.00 2.01 48.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 43.4 6.5 F 13.55 1.48 47.7 0.0 0.0 1.2 31.9 19.2 G 13.00 0.86 47.7 0.0 0.0 0.3 18.5 33.5 H 12.40 0.21 49.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 46.1 I 12.00 0.00 62.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.6 33.1






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listed attempt to cover the range of return expectations.

Results The Monte Carlo simulation re- sults were used to produce a mean-semivariance efficient fron- tier with the mean as the thresh- old. A mean-variance efficient frontier, based on the statistics in Table III, was also produced for comparison. While there are cur- rently restrictions on foreign in- vesting in Canada, it was assumed, for illustrative purposes, that there were no restrictions on for- eign investing.15

Table IV gives the optimal asset mixes on the mean-variance effi- cient frontier. Tables V through VIII give the optimal asset mixes on the mean-semivariance effi- cient frontier for each return threshold-mean, 7.5%, 5% and 0%.

In the traditional mean-variance frontier, the optimal asset classes are essentially Canadian T-bills and international stock. The syn- thetic equity enters the frontier only at the minimum-risk asset mix and in a very insignificant amount. These results are similar to the mean-variance results dis- played in Table II. Synthetic eq- uity does not enter the mean- semivariance efficient frontier in any significant amount, either, when the return threshold equals the mean return.

These results are not surprising and can be explained intuitively as follows. International stock is the highest-returning asset class, with a high return-to-risk ratio. Given the extremely high corre- lation between the synthetic eq- uity and international equity, the optimization model selects inter- national stock as the dominant asset class. When the return threshold is set equal to the mean, the positive skewness of the synthetic equity is not large enough to overcome the statisti- cal attractiveness of international stock.

As the return threshold is low- ered, however, the synthetic plays an increasingly dominant role. This reflects the positive skew- ness of the synthetic's return dis- tribution, which is more valuable as the return threshold is low- ered.

Specifically, the positively skewed return distribution of the syn- thetic has a smaller probability of low returns than the symmetrical return distribution of interna- tional stock. While, by definition, portfolio semivariance falls as the return threshold is lowered, the

reduction in semivariance will be greater for portfolios with posi- tively skewed return distribu- tions. This means that the return- to-risk tradeoff is more attractive for the synthetic compared with other asset classes. More of the synthetic is used to reduce vola- tility as the target return is low- ered.

Optimal Portfolios The optimal portfolios generated from mean-semivariance analysis with the return threshold at 7.5%, 5% or 0% are significantly differ-

Table VIII Mean-Semivariance Efficient Portfolio Allocations with 0% Return Threshold

Exp. Semi-Std. Percentage Allocated to Each Asset Class Portfolio Ret. Dev. T-Bills Bonds TSE S&P EAFE Synthetic

A 17.74 4.71 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 B 17.00 3.83 4.1 0.0 0.0 6.2 84.8 4.9 C 16.87 3.68 3.8 0.0 0.0 5.9 81.4 8.9 D 16.00 2.67 2.3 0.0 0.0 4.2 58.8 34.6 E 15.00 1.52 0.9 0.0 0.0 2.3 33.1 63.7 F 14.00 0.36 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 7.8 91.6 G 13.69 0.00 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.9

Figure B Mean-Variance Optimal Portfolios in Mean-Semivariance Space and Mean-Semivariance Optimal

Portfolios with Mean Return Threshold 18 A

B a 17

c~~~ 16

Mean-Semivariance D Portfolios d

[ 14

13 Mean-Variance Transformed

12 _ _G Portfolios

11S K , ,l 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Semi-Standard Deviation (%)


z D


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U z z


ent from the optimal portfolios obtained from the mean-variance process.

To quantify our earlier statement that mean-variance analysis can lead to "suboptimal portfolios" when used to evaluate invest- ments with skewed return distri- butions, we plotted the mean- variance optimal portfolios in mean-semivariance space. Fig- ures B through E show the re- sults, along with the mean-semi- variance efficient frontiers for the return thresholds of mean, 7.5%, 5% and 0%.

As the return threshold is low- ered, the mean-semivariance ef- ficient portfolios increasingly dominate the mean-variance port- folios. The mean-semivariance portfolios provide for less risk, as measured by semivariance, at each level of return compared with the mean-variance portfo- lios. If the return distribution of the synthetic were symmetrically distributed, then all the mean- variance portfolios would lie on the mean-semivariance efficient frontier.

The positively skewed return dis- tribution of the synthetic has a smaller probability of low returns relative to a symmetrical return distribution with the same mean. As the return threshold is low-

ered, the reduction in semivari- ance will be greater for the syn- thetic because of its positively skewed return distribution. The greater reduction in semivariance means that the return-to-risk tradeoff is more attractive for the synthetic, compared with other asset classes. More synthetic eq- uity is used to reduce volatility as the target return threshold is low- ered.

Investment Management Implications The analysis has a number of interesting implications for in- vestment management. Money managers employing investment strategies with skewed return dis- tributions (for example, option- based strategies) should examine the entire distribution of these strategies. This will provide them with a clear picture of the "real" risks and returns of a specific strategy. Investors who have an aversion to returns below some investment target may find mean- semivariance analysis a more use- ful tool than traditional mean- variance analysis.

Figure C Mean-Variance Optimal Portfolios in Mean-Semivariance Space and Mean-Semivariance Optimal

Portfolios with 7.5% Return Threshold 18 A

B a 17 -

c~~~ C/ 16 -


Mean-Semivariance D 2 15 0 Portfolios


13- f 13 S g / Mean-Variance

Transformed 12 Portfolios

10 I l l .....

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Semi-Standard Deviation (%)

Figure D Mean-Variance Optimal Portfolios in Mean-Semivariance Space and Mean-Semivariance Optimal

Portfolios with 5% Return Threshold 18

17 -

16- Mean-Semivariance Portfolios D

' 1- 1 E

14 F

13 G H Mean-Vanrance

I {/YTransformed 12 g Portfolios

11 10 I I I IIII

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Semi-Standard Deviation (%)

ao a)


cr: D











Figure E Mean-Variance Optimal Portfolios in Mean-Semivariance Space and Mean-Semivariance Optimal

Portfolios with 0% Return Threshold


Ba 17 - Mean-Semivariance C B

Portfolios b 16 D

E 15 -

14 F Mean-ariance C < / e Transformed

13 Portfolios

12 g

h 11

j 10 l l l

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6

Semi-Standard Deviation (%)

Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz concluded in 1959 that variance is a superior risk measure to em- ploy in portfolio selection be- cause of its "cost, convenience, and familiarity."16 While comput- ers may have rendered the lower cost and convenience rationales passe, semivariance remains a useful tool for investment profes- sionals, and we hope this article has made it a more familiar one.

Footnotes 1. For example, daily volume at the

Chicago Board of Trade (CBO7) for financialfutures contracts has in- creased over sixfold from about 67,000 to approximately 453,000. Source: CBOT economics depart- ment and statistics.

2. See, for example, R. Bookstaber and R. Clarke, "Problems in Evaluating the Performance of Portfolios with Options," Financial Analysts Journal, January/February 1985; R. Book- staber and R. Clarke, "Options Can Alter Portfolio Return Distnibu- tions," Journal of Portfolio Manage- ment, Spring, 1981; and R. Book- staber and R. Clarke, "Option Portfolio Strategies: Measurement and Evaluation," Journal of Busi- ness 57 (1984), no. 4

3. j Booth, H Tebranian and G. Trennepohl, "Efficiency Analysis and Option Portfolio Selection," Journal of Financial and Quantita- tive Analysis, December 1985, p. 438. While it is beyond the scope of this article to discuss the various rules of stochastic dominance, in- terested readers are referred to Y Kroll and H Levy, "Stochastic Dom- inance: A Review and Some New Evidence," Research in Finance 2 (1980); Y Kroll and H. Levy, "Sto- chastic Dominance with Riskless Asset," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 11 (1976); H Levy and Y Kroll, "Ordering Uncer- tain Options with Borrowing and Lending," Journal of Finance, May 1978; and H Levy and G. Hanoch, "Relative Effectiveness of Efficiency Criteria for Portfolio Selection, " Journal of Financial and Quantita- tive Analysis, March 1970.

4 See, for example, Booth, Tehranian and Trennepohl, "An Empirical Analysis of Insured Strategies," op. cit

5. See H V Harlow and R. K Rao, "Asset Pricing in a Mean-Lower Partial Moment Framework: Theory and Evidence," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, September 1989; H V Harlow, "Asset Alloca- tion in a Downside Risk Frame- work," Financial Analysts Journat

September/October 1991; and A. Lewis, "Semivariance and the Per- formance of Portfolios with Op- tions," Financial Analysts Journat July/August 1990.

6 H Markowitz, Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Invest- ments (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959), p. 194.

7. Ibid 8. Refer to footnote 5; Lewis for perfor-

mance measurement and Harlow for portfolio optimization employ- ing mean-semivariance analysis.

9. When using semivariance for skewed return distributions, Harlow noted ("Asset Allocation in a Down- side Risk Framework," op. cit, p. 31) that semivariance is valid for the location scale family of return distributions. To the extent that the derivatives-based strategy employed in our analysis deviates from this family of distributions, then our results are only approximations. However, our results provide a bet- ter approximation for solving the problem of considering option- based strategies than mean-vari- ance analysis, since mean-semivari- ance analysis takes into account the asymmetry of the return distri- bution of option-based strategies.

10. See Markowitz, Portfolio Selection, op. cit, Chapter 9.

11. See, for example, S. Hansell, "Is the World Ready for Synthetic Equity?" Institutional Investor, August 1990.

12. The deviation from normal distri- bution confirms a result by R. Krish- nan and P. Potvin in "How 'Nor- mal' Are Common Stock Returns In Canada?" Canadian Investment Re- view, Fall 1990. They rejected the hypothesis that individual monthly common stock returns in Canada are normally distributed. However, they did not specify a return distri- bution for Canadian stocks. Our results provide support for research that has found asset class returns to be lognormally distributed.

13. The method used to value the over- the-counter option was based on the approach used by investment banks that market the product. The Black-Scholes option-pricing model was employed to value the at-the- money option assuming a volatility of 23%. This volatility estimate was provided by the option traders of an investment bank that markets synthetic equity products. According to these traders, one-year synthetic

Footnotes concluded on page 8.

LJ z D




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0 z u z


A positive term structure of infla- tion could account for why the term structure inversion in the summer of 1989 was so mild and for the steep upward slope since then. Incorporating the term structure of inflation could lead to improved forecasts.

Future Work There are a number of promising directions for further research. Harvey and Morrison have shown that the term structure model works in most of the G-7 coun- tries.3 Differences in the coun- tries' yield curves can even pre- dict differences in economic growth. Alvarez et al. have suc- cessfully applied the model in the context of a developing country.4

Roma and Torous have extended the formulation to allow for a time-varying intercept.5 They show that the term structure fore- casts should be applied to the cyclical component of growth (the deviations from stochastic trend). Their empirical work sug- gests an improvement in the fore- casts.

Given that the term structure forecasts economic growth, a number of studies have explored the possibility that the term struc- ture also forecasts stock returns. Campbell, Fama and French, and Harvey use the term structure to forecast U.S. equity returns. Harvey shows that the term struc- ture also forecasts international equity returns. Finally, Boud- oukh, Richardson and Whitelaw provide evidence that the relation between the term structure and stock returns is nonlinear.6

Footnotes 1. See C. R. Harvey, "Forecasting Eco-

nomic Growth with the Bond and Stock Markets," Financial Analysts Journat September/October 1989 and C R. Harvey, "The Real Term Structure and Consumption Growth," Journal of Financial Eco- nomics 22 (1988), pp. 305-34.

2. Based on the preliminary fourth- quarter 1992 GDP released on Janu- ary 28, 1993.

3. The application to the G-7 countries is contained in C R. Harvey, "The

Term Structure and World Economic Growth," Journal of Fixed Income 1 (1991), pp. 4-17; C R. Harvey, "Interest Rate Based Forecasts of German Economic Growth," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 127 (1991), pp. 701-18; C R. Harvey, "Les Taux d'Interet et la Croissance Economique en France," Analyse Financiere 86 (1991), pp. 97-103; C R. Harvey, C Kirby and S. Kaul, "La Capacita Previsiva della Strut- tura per Scadenza dei Tassi dInter- esse Italiani in Relazione alla Crescita Economica Reale" (Working paper, Gruppo IMI, 1992); C R. Harvey, "The Yield Curve, Stock Re- turns and the Prediction of Cana- dian Economic Growth" (Working paper, Duke University, 1993); and D. Morrison, "The Currency Markets: How Much Volatility Ahead?" (Gold- man Sachs, London, 1992).

4 For application to a developing country, see C Alvarez, D. Cademar- tori, M. Galea, 0. Gonzalez and C Romo, "Harvey's Modelfor Forecast- ing Economic Growth: An Explor- atory Study in Chile" (Working paper, Catholic University of Val- paraiso, 1992).

5. See A. Roma and W N Torous, "The Cyclical Behavior of Interest Rates" (Working paper, University of Cali- fornia at Los Angeles, 1992).

6 Some of the papers that use term structure variables to predict stock returns are: j Y. Campbell, "Stock Returns and the Term Structure," Journal of Financial Economics 18 (1987), pp. 373-400; E F Fama and K R. French, "Business Condi- tions and Expected Returns on Stocks and Bonds," Journal of Finan- cial Economics 25 (1989), pp. 23- 50; C R. Harvey, "Time-Varying Con- ditional Covariances in Tests of Asset Pricing Models, " Journal of Financial Economics 24 (1989), pp. 289-317; C R. Harvey, "The World Price of Covariance Risk, "Journal of Finance 46(1991), pp. 111-57; andj Boud- oukh, M. Richardson and R. White- law, "The Equity Risk Premium and the Term Structure: Two Centuries of Evidence" (Working paper, New York University, 1993).

Marmer and Ng concluded from page 54.

equity would be fairly priced "on the buy side" at this volatility level. In our simulations, the participation rate for synthetic equity was 73%.

Our analysis could be extended to determine how sensitive the re- sults are to different volatility as- sumptions. However, our efforts were dedicated to examining the synthetic equity strategy from a to- tal asset mix perspective.

14. Alternative return thresholds that could have been considered in- clude the pension expense discount rate, the risk-free rate and the ex- pected return on bonds. The last may be appropriate for investors who view synthetic equity as an alternative to bonds with a dura- tion equal to the term of the syn- thetic equity.

15. Recent amendments to the foreign property investment limits allow Canadian pension fund sponsors to invest up to 18% of the book value of their pension plan assets in for- eign property content in 1993, fol- lowed by 20% in 1994

16. Markowitz, Portfolio Selection, op. cit, p. 193.



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