Med Com's Thorax

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  • 7/31/2019 Med Com's Thorax


    Important Points Of


    1. Diaphragmatic Aperture:

    Spinal Levels:

    Aortic Hiatus...(12 letters)...T12

    Esophagus ....(10 letters)....T10

    Vena Cava........(8 letters)....T8

    2. In thorax all veins r on right side n arteries on left side,on increase blood flow veins

    expand enormously while large arteries don't,due to creation of dead space tumors n

    fluids r likely to project in right side

    3. PREVERTBRAL fascia of deep cervical fascia is attached inferiorly to 4th thoracic

    vertebra so infection to this fascia extend only to superior mediastinum,but pretracheal

    fascia is also the fascia on neck,blends with arch of aorta,the infection b/w the above 2

    fascia can extend in superior as well as posterior mediastinum.

    4. Right vagus nerve is crossed by azygous vein left vagus by left phrenic nerve.

    5. Reflections in pleura of lungs r to mark the extensions of pleural cavity. pain

    sensations in visceral pleura.

    6. Blood supply of lungs is bronchial vessels not pulmonary vessels.

    7. Hilum: where the bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves enter and leave the lungs.

    8. Root: by which the lung is connected to the heart and the trachea. 5.hilum is not

    covered by pleura but root is by parietal pleura.

    9. Pulmonary ligament provides dead space into which veins expand on increased venous


    10. Extent of root of lung is t5-t7

    11. No anastomosis b/w superficial n deep lymphatic vessels but some can open.

  • 7/31/2019 Med Com's Thorax


    12. During pulmonary segment removal surgeons work along pulm. vein 10. pulmonary

    vein don't accompany arteries/bronchi so each bronchopulmonary segment is not


    13. Smallest cardiac veins have direct openings in rt.atrium

    14. Transverse pericardial sinus separates arteries 4m veins n oblique sinus is duereflection of pulmonary veins.

    15. Left n right coronary artery arise 4m right n left aortic sinus,post sinus is non

    coronary sinus.

    16. Crista terminalis separates auricle from right atrium,crista terminalis absent in left


    17. Right coronary artery dominates the coronary circulation of heart. 16.damage 2

    suprapleural membrane cause pneumothorax.

    18. Thorax wall have 3 layers of muscles,

    Outer layer: serratus post sup.+serratus post inf+levator

    costae+external intercostal

    Middle layer: internal intercostal

    Inner layer:subcostal+intercostal intimi+transversus thoracis

    19. Each half of diaphragm have its own sided phrenic nerve supply,on abdominal side

    this nerve divides into ant+post+lat branch.

    20. 4th intercostal space is b/w t4 n t5,not b/w t3 n t4.

    21. Simple thoracotomy is done along 5th or 6th rib but thoracoabdominal incision is

    done along 8th or 9th rib

    22. Superficial cardiac plexus lies ant to ligmentum arteriosum n deep plexus lies post to

    it,left recurrent laryngeal nerve hook around it.

    23. Pericardial drainage is done on 45 degree angle.

    24. Angle of lois is 140 degree.

    25. Esophagus starts from C6 passes 4m diaphragm at T10 n enters stomach at T11.

    26. Venous anastomosis around esophagus is on T8 level

  • 7/31/2019 Med Com's Thorax


    27. On level of t5 esophagus returns to midline n thoracic duct comes to right side of it

    28. Pleural aspiration is done by choice of any space but generally its 4th space

    29. On both sides of lungs apical segment of lower lobe is supplied by bronchus

    30. Material aspirated by supine,comatose,anesthetized patient would tend to go sup.

    segment of right lower lobe

    31. Cardiac temponade is heart compression

    32. Supine position central tendon of diaphragm is on level of T9 n in sitting or standing

    upright position its on T9-T10

    33. HEMOPTYSIS is 95% due to hemorrhage in bronchial vessels 4.hematogenous

    metastasis of bronchogenic carcinoma is towards brain,bones,lungs,suprarenal gland

    35. Irritation 2 costal n diaphragmatic part of diaphragmatic pleura results pain in thoracic

    and abdominal wall

    36. Irritation 2 mediastinal n central diaphragmatic parts of pleura cause pain to root of neck

    and over shoulder(C3-C5)

    37. Thoracentesis is for getting sample of fluid,remove blood/pus n its done in 9th costal


    38. Insertion of chest tube(tube thoracostomy)is for removal of major amount of

    blood,fluid,pus,air n its done in 5th /6th costal space

    39. On lung collapse actually pulmonary cavity is not decreasing on inspiration but size of


    40. Chest pain also occur in gallbladder,intestinal,musculoskeletal disorder

    41. The most common septal defect is membranous interventicular septal defect

    42. The most common stenosis is Aortic stenosis

    43. In axilla all lobes of lung can be checked physically

    44. Chances of coronary occlusion LAD 50%,RCA 40%,circumflex 20%

    45. Great cardiac vein is on ant interventicular groove with LAD,n middle vein is with post

    interventicular branch of RCA

  • 7/31/2019 Med Com's Thorax


    46. Anesthetic material is injected around the nerve not in the nerve 14.pleural space

    normally contains 5-10ml of pleural fluid

    47. Collection of pus without air in plural space is emphysema,and collection of serous fluid

    is pleural effusion

    48. Left atrium lies in close relation of esophagus so left sided heart failure can be checked

    by help of esophagus

    49. Azygous vein collects all blood from inf vena cava but not from liver


    Q.which areas of heart gets ischemic if there is sudden occlusion in artery lying in post

    interventicular groove?

    Ans: Artery will be post interventicular artery branch,so it supplies 1/3 of interventicular

    septum,little of post part of left ventricle,little part of left atrium n if we take completeright coronary artery then additional right atrium ventricle,SA node,AV node will be

    affected,n if you take left coronary artery then remaining parts will b ans

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