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The two images on the left are from the Dear John trailer. They are both of the production companies and both very similar colours. The ones on the right are mine from my The promise trailer. I have also used the same colours in both my idents. But also they are very plain like the ones from Dear john.

Page 3: Media eq 1

The left image is from my trailer, the other is from Dear John. I chose these as they are very similar shots both medium shots of them meeting but also passing an item to one another.

The left image is my own from my trailer. The other is from Dear John. I chose these as they both show letters. And both these trailers show the story through letters.

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The top two images are from my trailer the others are from the Dear John trailer. They all show the names of the actors in the trailer. But both have the text in the same place. In the middle but also it’s a large font so its easy to read and the main focus of the screen at this moment.

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The first image on the left is from my trailer the other from Dear John. I chose these images as they are both of of writing but also love letters. Although the one from Dear John is an extreme close up whereas mine is a close up.

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The top images are from my trailer and the bottom ones are from Dear John. They are both idents. I chose these as they are very similar. As mine are both the same font and background colours for each. Whereas the Dear John ones are the same fonts and the same background colours. They both show the name of the film but also the date.

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The first poster is the one for One Day I chose this as the colours are similar to my film poster. They both have a ‘vintage’ feel. But also they way they have placed the title and text. They are both at the bottom and the production names are under the title.

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