The International Asian Research Journal 01(01): 59-65, 2013 ISSN: 2310-337X ©TIARJ Publications, 2013 www.tiarj.com ROLE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA IN CHANGING VALUE SYSTEM IN PAKISTAN 1 Zafar Ali, 2 Mirza Jan and 3 Syed Qamar Bukhari 1 PhD Scholar, Department of Mass Communication, Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan. Email: [email protected] 2 Associate professor, Department of Mass Communication, Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan. 3 PRO/Registrar, Department of Public Relations and Publications, University of Agriculture Faisalabad Abstract: There are various medium of communication like electronic media, print media, internet and mobile communications. Present study focuses on electronic media and its impact on society-changing value system in Pakistan. It also tries to explore different roles and objective of electronic media in changing the society. The study measures diverse aspect of media which influence the society. Pakistan is an Islamic democratic country where media has faced numeral restriction in past eras. From last decade electronic media has got freedom in Pakistan and a large number of electronic channels are established in Pakistan. At the present time media has a powerful affect on individual’s lives. Especially electronic media reshape the masses lifestyle and promote a global culture. Keywords: Electronic Media, Media Influence, Value System, Cultural Change, Media Impact. I. WHAT IS ELECTRONIC MEDIA? Electronic Media” are those communication mediums which are based on electronic or electromechanical means of production and most often distinguished from print media. The primary electronic media sources familiar to the general public worldwide include radio, sound recordings, television, video recording and streaming internet content”. It denotes, “the main means of communicating with large number of people, especially television, radio, internet and satellite”. [1] The electronic media have four basic functions; to inform, entertain, educate and influence the public opinion. The 20 th century can be termed as the century of communication. The main mean of mass communication grew in succession as the century unfolded. Motion pictures arrived on scene in the first decade of this century. Regular radio broadcasts started in 1920s. Television entered the arena in 1940s, followed by cable television in 1950s, and satellite television in 1970s. Lastly the personal computer gave access to Internet in 1980s. It transformed the interconnected computer networks through World Wide Web by the 1990s. [2] II. WHAT IS VALUE SYSTEM AND CULTURE? Media messages have a deep impact on the society and are instrumental in creating the popularly accepted norms. Culture can be defined as the way of life which includes beliefs, aesthetics and institutions of a civilization. Considering today's way of life, we would be lying if we didn't admit that media is not an influential entity in our culture. In order to understand the concept of national cultural identity, it must be clear what is meant by “Culture”. Culture can be Corresponding Author: Syed Qamar Bukhari, PRO/Registrar, Department of Public Relations and Publications, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

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  • The International Asian Research Journal 01(01): 59-65, 2013ISSN: 2310-337XTIARJ Publications, 2013www.tiarj.com


    1Zafar Ali, 2Mirza Jan and 3Syed Qamar Bukhari1PhD Scholar, Department of Mass Communication, Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan.

    Email: [email protected] professor, Department of Mass Communication, Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan.

    3PRO/Registrar, Department of Public Relations and Publications, University of Agriculture Faisalabad

    Abstract: There are various medium of communication like electronic media, print media, internet andmobile communications. Present study focuses on electronic media and its impact on society-changingvalue system in Pakistan. It also tries to explore different roles and objective of electronic media inchanging the society. The study measures diverse aspect of media which influence the society. Pakistan isan Islamic democratic country where media has faced numeral restriction in past eras. From last decadeelectronic media has got freedom in Pakistan and a large number of electronic channels are establishedin Pakistan. At the present time media has a powerful affect on individuals lives. Especially electronicmedia reshape the masses lifestyle and promote a global culture.Keywords: Electronic Media, Media Influence, Value System, Cultural Change, Media Impact.


    Electronic Media are those communicationmediums which are based on electronic orelectromechanical means of production and most oftendistinguished from print media. The primary electronicmedia sources familiar to the general publicworldwide include radio, sound recordings, television,video recording and streaming internet content. Itdenotes, the main means of communicating withlarge number of people, especially television, radio,internet and satellite. [1] The electronic media havefour basic functions; to inform, entertain, educate andinfluence the public opinion.

    The 20th century can be termed as the centuryof communication. The main mean of masscommunication grew in succession as the centuryunfolded. Motion pictures arrived on scene in the firstdecade of this century. Regular radio broadcasts

    started in 1920s. Television entered the arena in 1940s,followed by cable television in 1950s, and satellitetelevision in 1970s. Lastly the personal computer gaveaccess to Internet in 1980s. It transformed theinterconnected computer networks through WorldWide Web by the 1990s. [2]


    Media messages have a deep impact on thesociety and are instrumental in creating the popularlyaccepted norms. Culture can be defined as the way oflife which includes beliefs, aesthetics and institutionsof a civilization. Considering today's way of life, wewould be lying if we didn't admit that media is not aninfluential entity in our culture. In order to understandthe concept of national cultural identity, it must beclear what is meant by Culture. Culture can be

    Corresponding Author: Syed Qamar Bukhari, PRO/Registrar, Department of Public Relations andPublications, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

  • The International Asian Research journal 01 (01): 13-21, 2013


    defined as, "a complete way of life of people, theshared attitude, values, goals and practices thatcharacterize a group, their customs, art, language,literature, religion, philosophy, etc, the pattern oflearned and shared behavior among the members of agroup"(Ali, 2010). [3] In short culture is a way of lifeshared by the members of a society. This includes theirideas, beliefs, language, values, knowledge, customsand the things they make.


    Lately the media theories that regard theaudience as a passive entity have been discarded andadvanced media theories that take into account theaudience response have been formulated. It is still afact that despite cognitive abilities of the audience, themedia has been successfully ingraining several valuesand elements into a large section of our society.

    First of all let me tell you that this is nomedia-bashing agenda. There is no doubt about thefact that there are certain media elements affecting ourculture and values for better because, had it not beenfor media, quick and easy flow of useful informationand education would not have been possible. Themedia has played a major role in positivedevelopments like fight against racism, fight againstgender bias, world poverty and spreading awarenessabout the world peace.

    This being said, there is no denying to thefact that certain media messages are detrimental to oursociety. We need to realize that although media is areflection of the society we live in but at times, themedia needs to do much more than reflect thesurroundings - it has to exaggerate, sensationalize andat times even trivialize the matters of utmostimportance to make way for entertainment. Themedia creates celebrities; it creates idols - celebritieswho thrive on fans, followers, and groupies! When wesay a certain type of music or a certain genre ofmovies is popular, it means a large number of peopleare following an ideology or a concept, which lies atthe heart of that song or the movie. One of the moststriking examples in this case would have to be thepopularity of violent and abusive rap songs amongstteenagers. [4] The glorification of violence, drugabuse and other unhealthy habits has a major role in

    the outburst of unfortunate incidents where childrenhave gotten extremely violent and out of control.

    Influence of Electronic MediaIn the last 50 years the media influence has

    grown significantly with the advance of technology,first there was the telegraph, then the radio, thenewspaper, magazines, television and now theinternet. We live in a society that depends oninformation and communication to keep moving in theright direction and do our daily activities like work,entertainment, health care, education, personalrelationships, travelling and anything else that we haveto do. What we need to be aware is that most of ourdecisions, beliefs and values are based on what weknow for a fact, our assumptions and our ownexperience. In our work we usually know what wehave to do base on our experience and studies,however on our daily lives we rely on the media to getthe current news and facts about what is important andwhat we should be aware of. We have put our trust onthe media as an authority to give us news,entertainment and education. However, the influenceof mass media on our kids, teenagers and society is sobig that we should know how it really works. [5]

    The electronic media has touched everysphere of the human aspect. In the present times,information and technology are interwoven with thesocietys economic progress. The evolution ofelectronic media has had an overwhelming impact onthe society. The Opportunities of communication havebroken all barriers across national boundaries and haveled to the germination of new ideas through the crosspollination of cultures. Electronic information has hada positive impact in the promotion of various socialregimes.


    The electronic media in Pakistan has maderapid progress. Only three or four decades ago, radioand state owned TV was considered to be the mainsources of information. Today, we have more than 77Satellite TV Channels, 2346 cable operators, 28landing TV Channels from abroad like BBC, CNN,Sky, Star etc. and more than 129 FM Stations(on airand in some cases licences issued) including 46 RadioChannels. The investment this year is expected US$

  • The International Asian Research journal 01 (01): 13-21, 2013


    1.5 billion. Total investment in this sector is US$ 2.5billion. The new jobs likely to be created are 150000.The indirect employment is 7 million. Theadvertisement market in 2008 was US$ 431 Millionand in 2009 it was estimated as US$ 691 million. Thisgrowth has made available more knowledge and up todate information in all spheres of life to the generalpublic. [6]

    TV started its test transmissions in 1964.Pakistan Television Corporation was incorporated as ajoint stock company in 1967 and in 1984 it wasconverted into a corporation under the CompaniesOrdinance. PTV has been a great source ofentertainment. TV has also effectively disseminatedinformation on a variety of subjects to its viewers.However, the objectives set out for PTV at the time ofits inception were:-

    Instruction and enlightenment. Enrichment of knowledge and information. Wholesome entertainment. Promotion of national outlook and

    integration. Presentation of news in a fair, objective,

    factual manner free from deception byimplication and omission.


    Radio: In Pakistan like other developing countries,radio is the major source of information andentertainment due to its reach to the far flung areas andbeing relatively economical. Broadcasts carry news,analyses, commentaries and advertisements. Thismedium, however, is losing attraction in the public.Television: TV due to its potentials to offer a greatervariety than other elements of electronic media hasbecome the strongest form of media to perform allfour functions, i.e. information, education, influenceand entertainment.Internet: Internet is the latest addition into the

    elements of medium of electronic communication. It isswiftly bringing a historic shift in the dynamics andprofile of the global information sector. The mediumalso provides instant access to the largest data basesand archives of information around the world. [7]


    The most critical obligation of electronicmedia is to act as the custodian of the facts. There arecertain realities and electronic medias mindset andpeculiarities, which to some extent are universal. Theelectronic media is a business, a billion dollar industryand thus its primary motive remains to earn moneyand not harmonize the society. Due to intensecompetition in the field of electronic media industry,media has to be competitive; to be Exclusive andFirst. The electronic media often looks forcontroversy, sensationalism and negative news tomake headlines. In some cases the electronic mediafeels that it has the right to interpret what is good orbad for society using its own standards.

    The electronic Media was primarily andpopularly used by our previous regimes as tool of selfpropaganda, the quality of news poor, unreliable andun-imaginative presentation of events and stories,ultimately losing the confidence of general public.Introduction of Satellite TV, Cable and PrivateChannels and Dish widened the scope of awareness ofpeople. The Government of Pakistan realized thesensitivity and potential of private electronic mediawhich could not be avoided through State controlledTV only. The governmental policies regardingelectronic media took a different direction, to regulatethis sector.

    Socio-Political FactorsIntolerance and near absence of civic

    responsibility, now manifested in our society is indeedthe outcome of a hierarchical structure and socialbarriers, further and enforced by policy approaches inthe 80s. Politicizing of religion and language is onemajor source of fractionalization. Presently, theculture and society of Pakistan are in the grip of anunprecedented upheaval. In the post 9/11 world, thepolitical, religious, and the social dynamics in Pakistanhave been under major internal transformation andintense international scrutiny. Ethnic and sectarianviolence which ravaged the country for the last twodecades has sharply polarized the society. VariousIslamic religious groups jostle violently for power.Religious faith, usually a matter of personalredemption, is flagrantly flaunted and a stunning lack

  • The International Asian Research journal 01 (01): 13-21, 2013


    of tolerance for difference increasingly definesPakistani society. [8]


    In Pakistan the electronic media is providinginformation at a very large scale. It is being recognizedas contributing significantly in important nationalissues. It has a role in accountability process. The PTVis pursuing an agenda of social responsibility there aretwo main challenges of sustainability of democracyand good governance face by the country. In such ascenario, role of media is to facilitate the democracy.The social impact of communication and media hasseeped deep into social and cultural institutions,paradoxically reviving traditions as well as introducingnew practices. Like other processes, communicationand information media are bound up with other socio-economic forces, thus making them a strong current ofsocial change. [9] The electronic media has createdmarkets resulting in the employment of greater workforce in gathering, processing and disseminatinginformation. The electronic media have a vital role toplay in the present day world in Pakistan.

    The independent electronic media candemonstrate better performance to provide goodquality information with its wider reach. Privatechannels highlight causes of miss-governance andbring them to the attention of those who areresponsible. They can raise public awareness aboutwhat the public itself should also do to ensure goodgovernance whether it is correct payment of taxes andbills or issues such as tax avoidance. Such practicesshould be discouraged and the media has a duty tolearn from other countries how this is being done.Private sector media have an enormous educative andmobilizing role to play when it comes to what societydo and certainly with respect to highlighting the socialresponsibility of the media and the citizens. [10]

    How does Pakistani society hold togetherdespite its ethnic divisions, segmentedclasses, and fragmented institutions?

    What are the processes that maintain itssocial cohesion?This two-part question raises a critical issue

    about some semblance of functional equilibrium ofsociety. The electronic media role give new directionto social behaviour, by changing the boundaries of

    social situations, electronic media do not simply giveus quicker or more thorough access to events andbehaviours. They give us instead, new events and newbehaviour. [11] Following are some of the roles, bothNegative and positive being played by electronicmedia in Pakistan.

    A. Positive Impact of Electronic MediaThe electronic media direct social change and

    values. The electronic media may be successful instimulating the change in the tightly held ideas andrigid attitudes to bring desired change. The media cangive direction to social change, and positively guidethe society towards the desired goals.

    i. The electronic media and Policy DialogueThe electronic media can greatly facilitate

    this exercise and help the people and government todiscuss the issues concerning society, to fulfil theirdesires and achieve their respective objectives. InPakistan, the people frequently need to be taken intoconfidence for the initiation of new policies andinitiatives. The objective discussion on political andpolicy issues media can generate support of people forpolicies of the government.

    ii. Social problems and mediaThe social problems of our society revolve

    around ignorance, traditionalism and backwardness.The Pakistani society is in transition, social and ethnicissues have become hard, it happens in many societies,but need to be averted in tolerance. It is an establishedfact that blaming circumstances, whether disorders orexternal factors, for what is happening for Pakistan isnot going to do any good for Pakistans survival as adignified an honorable nation. The electronic mediacan partly address the challenge of societaltransformation.

    iii. The effect of media on national issues:The electronic media has also been

    highlighting financial irregularities, corrupt practicesand inefficiencies of the government functionaries andnegative fallouts on the society of the acts of theextremist elements to adopt an appropriate strategy fortheir eradication. The media have a measurable effecton public affairs. In the matter of local, national,economic and social issues, they help to create aninformed citizenry by clarifying the complex mattersof public affairs which exist at the local and nationallevels. The formation of public opinion towards thecivic problems is generated. [12] As such the media

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    give the public a better understanding of these issueswith which it must deal and influence those who haveto resolve these issues.

    iv. Electronic Media Communication andInformationIdentification of social problems has always

    been a difficult job as they fall into a grey area andconsequently hard to be known. Advances incommunication and information dissemination, suchas television, videos, Internet, and CDs, haveincreased the circulation of ideas, symbols, and imagesacross national and regional borders. People haveaccess to new sources of news, facts, andentertainment. These media help rationalize, redirect,or impede changes that are underway througheconomic and social development.

    B. Negative Impact of Electronic Media

    i. Objectivity and Electronic MediaThe objectivity of media is becoming

    increasingly questionable, the coverage of issues ofnational interest demand care and restraint. The mediain Pakistan is devoid of objectivity, and just telecastsuch incidents that sometime are not factual. Thevery nature of media is subjective and selective, andtherefore suppressive. The general electronic mediacontent do cover non-event-centric aspects of life inPakistan. There is an imbalanced fixation with events,incidents, accidents and statements. In order toimprove their ratings and enhance viewersship, thetool of sensationalism is used. What is important is tothink as to what is being done to own sensibilities andsocial and moral values.

    ii. Causing Desperation among NationIn these days no news is good news on the

    Pakistani media. Media has taken away the sense ofhope from the masses and has made them oversensitive to their surroundings.

    iii. Commercialism and Electronic MediaIn todays world, there is a cross

    commercialization of the electronic media.Commercially driven, ultra-powerful media primarilyserves their sponsors rather than the public. Pakistanimedia is following the saying, We have no obligationto make history. We have no obligation to make art;we have no obligation to make a positive statement, tomake money is our only objective.

    iv. Electronic Media and Talk Shows

    Generally the talk shows do not meet basictests of responsible journalism; fairness, objectivity,balance and differentiation between fact andspeculation. Honest discussion must be ruled byreason, not emotion alone. Most anchors try to imposetheir own perspective, instead of objectivity.However, unfortunately, this role has moved fromdelineation to distortion. In essence, distortion is in-built into the very nature of media as it is unable torepresent totality of given situation. Therefore, mediamanagers in any ongoing situation in a society shouldstrive to minimize that inherent tendency to distort.[13]

    v. Polarization of the SocietyIn some instances, the electronic media is

    accessed by a small segment of society; due to vestedinterests this group projects its identitydisproportionately. The media coverage of suchgroups is likely to create a polarized society.

    vi. Negative Projection of the CountryAll events and happenings in Pakistan are not

    bad. On the contrary sometime nothing positive isdiscussed in the electronic media. The projection ofcrimes and anti- social elements all the time is erodingand diminishing the contours of our true identityacross the globe.vii. Pursuance of Foreign Agenda

    It is believed that some of Pakistani mediahas reportedly links with shady foreign characters, arebeing funded by different foreign elements and theiranchors are on their pay rolls and thus are furtheringtheir anti- state agendas.


    a) The role of electronic media to createvalues of nationalismIt is imperative to define the term Nation

    and Nationalism. We know that we are a nation;because we are part of a geographical entity. There is ageneral consensus that the term nationalism denotessentiment and consciousness, which bind peopletogether. It reflects a state of mind and a realizationnurtured over time. There is no set pattern orsequence in which the process of National Integrationshould be attempted. Karl W Deutsch is of the viewthat just as a house can be built from differentconstruction materials in varying sequences, National

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    Integration too can be attempted in a similar manner.[14] It may generally involve following five tasks, thecreation of a sense of territorial integrity; theestablishment of a national central authority; thebridging the elite-mass gap; the creation of aminimum value consensus; and the devising ofintegrative institutions and behaviour, ensuringadequate representation of all groups in institutionsand decision-making processes. [15] The electronicmedia can play an important role in this regard tohighlight the values of nationalism, in Pakistan.

    b) The role of electronic media to enhancenational cohesion and integrationInternal Security and Electronic Media-:

    The Pakistani electronic media can play its role toenhance national cohesion and integration, can givethe right direction and can still play a vital role tocreate awareness in all the spheres of its reach. Duringthe autocratic regimes government tried to curb themedia but it showed great resilience and resolve byputting up the resolute battle not only for its ownsurvival but also for the cause of restoration of variousdemocratic institutions.External Security and Electronic Media-: The

    electronic media can play an important role inmobilizing the masses on sensitive matters,concerning issues of external security. Thepublic opinion support is a significant tool todefend against the external threats. This willsensitize the public at large to the dictates ofnational security, cohesion and stability. ThePakistani electronic media may achieve thisgoal without dramatizing and blowing up theissues.

    c) Role of Electronic Media in DemocraticProcess

    The electronic media can play a very importantrole to strengthen the democratic process anddemocratic institutions in Pakistan. The media canassist in promoting a culture of tolerance, mutual co-existence and may help in evolving national characterto strengthen democratic process.

    d) Good Governance and MediaGood governance can be best achieved by

    strengthening the institutions of the country along withinternal and external accountability mechanism. Theelectronic media as a watch dog can play significantrole in scrutinizing the public policies through analysis

    and also with the feedback of public at large. It isobserved that the media reporters are extremely usefulsources in providing initial leads to probe into thescandals, mismanagement, nepotism and variouscorrupt practices causing loss to public exchequer.

    e) Role of Electronic Media in EconomicStabilityThe new currency for internal security is

    economics. The most significant factor contributing tothe growth and progress of a nation is its economicstrength. The electronic media can project thegovernment economic policies and their impact on thepeople. The media may also provide analysis ofinternational best practises for economic development.The media role in projecting economic well being ofthe people can generate cohesiveness in the society.

    f) Role of Electronic Media in PoliticalStabilityThe domestic environment especially the

    political instability directly affects the nationalsecurity. Pakistan can project any national policyglobally to get support of international community ifthe internal political environment is peaceful. Theelectronic media can play an important role in voicingpublic opinion to generate support for the governmentpolicies. The media can also peruse the politicians to anational political agenda, for institutional stability.

    g) Role of Electronic Media in Resolution ofSectarian CrisisThe track record of electronic media on

    ethnic and sectarian clashes between Mohajir Pathan, Mohajir Sindhi and Shia Sunni isextremely encouraging. The media has alwaysfollowed the neutral line and supported the efforts ofgovernment in fighting these internal security issues.The electronic media in this area can play a decisiverole as a continuous effort to keep the situationdefused by creating harmony between various sects.

    h) Role of Electronic Media against SocialEvilsThe electronic media can play a very vital

    role in educating the masses about ill effects of socialevils like ignorance and backwardness including gunculture and drugs in the society. The awareness canmake the society robust and well informed to fulfilltheir obligations.

  • The International Asian Research journal 01 (01): 13-21, 2013



    The forgoing analysis provides answers to;the question is whether the electronic media has therole of changing value system in Pakistan? It can beconcluded that the electronic media to some extent hasa role in enhancing national integration and cohesion.The electronic media because of its very fast growth inPakistan significantly influenced the public opinion onnational issues. However for an effective role ofelectronic media towards these national objectives,media has its inherent strengths and limitations.

    The electronic media in Pakistan has recordedtremendous growth in a limited time period. In termsof audience both television and radio has significantreach. It can be termed as fourth pillar of the state. Theelectronic media has impact on value system (bothpositive and negative) by generating public opinion onnational issues. The media, besides the society, has adirect linkage with the politics as well. The electronicmedia is an agent of change but the direction ofchange depends upon the reported information. Themedia has constraints and limitations, like vestedinterests, corruption, political motives and monetarygains. Because of lack of objectivity in its activitiesthe creditability of media is sometime questioned. Themedia reporting is also scandalous and unrealistic todefine an issue, this aspect of media needsimprovement.

    The education and training of media peoplemay be arranged at appropriate level to equip themwith knowledge and skills to improve quality ofreporting. The electronic media may identify societalconditions that resist change and cause disintegration,to bridge the gap in national development. Theinformation sharing in the development of humanresources, economic growth, modernization of thesociety; and shaping of a policy to redirect nationalaffairs is possible with a cooperative approachbetween the government and electronic media.Pakistani media is a business like other businesses, abillion dollar industry and thus its primary motiveremains to earn money. The media often looks forcontroversy, sensational and negative news to make itbreaking news. The Media feels it has the right tointerpret what is good or bad for society using its ownstandards. It, however, has its own agenda ofexploitation and money making, and it has alsopower of projection of its cause directly to the public.

    The relationship between electronic mediaexposure and behaviour is very complex and manyother factors do intervene. It is not possible to provethat the media has direct effects, to causedisintegration in the society however it has impact onpublic value system and culture.



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    15. http://www.waccglobal.org/en/19972-communication-and-national-ident