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Media Mock Ups

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Page 1: Media Mock Ups

Cover, Contents and Double Cover, Contents and Double Page spread developmentPage spread development

Page 2: Media Mock Ups

Front Cover Front Cover

This was the first mock up of the magazine I had done I had thought This was the first mock up of the magazine I had done I had thought of using black and white so as to differentiate my magazine from of using black and white so as to differentiate my magazine from others as this was a major case in grabbing a readers attention. others as this was a major case in grabbing a readers attention.

Page 3: Media Mock Ups

First Mock upFirst Mock up

This mock up was what I had come up without taking into consideration my specifications such as theme and colour. I had wanted to use black and white as it grabs a readers attention and differentiates from the other magazines

Page 4: Media Mock Ups

Final ProductFinal Product

This was the cover I decided to focus on using the feedback I had This was the cover I decided to focus on using the feedback I had been given by my audience. Most people had told me to use more been given by my audience. Most people had told me to use more colours as it is a techno magazine and this should be expressed colours as it is a techno magazine and this should be expressed through the cover.through the cover.