MEDIA PACK 2015 - LeasingWorld Planner 2015.pdf · Brothers Business Barometer, a quarterly survey that canvasses the opinion of SME ... October at the top European event, ... way

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Page 2: MEDIA PACK 2015 - LeasingWorld Planner 2015.pdf · Brothers Business Barometer, a quarterly survey that canvasses the opinion of SME ... October at the top European event, ... way

september 2014




bLUestONe ACqUisitiONBluestone Credit Management Limited has

announced the acquisition of specialist

debt collection agency empingham Limited.

empingham’s founder and Ceo,Mark Bailey,

will join Bluestone’s senior team as National

sales director.Mark Bailey said, “i am delighted that

empingham will become part of the

Bluestone Group and strongly believe that

being part of a bigger organisation will allow

us to further enhance our levels of service

and performance to existing clients.”Ken Maynard, who recently joined Bluestone

as Managing director, said, “the acquisition

of empingham is an important step forward

in the expansion of Bluestone in the UK credit

market and our plans to become a high profile

quality player in a number of key sectors.

i am very pleased that Mark Bailey will be

joining Bluestone’s senior Management

team bringing his entrepreneurial skills to

the business.”Bluestone, which recently expanded its

offices in sheffield, will continue to operate

the empingham brand. the acquisition of

empingham offers Bluestone an opportunity

to build further scale, strengthening its

presence in the market and demonstrating to

existing and potential clients it’s commitment

to the sector for the long term.Bluestone has ambitious growth plans and

is seeking to become a major player offering

a range of quality and competitive services.

the business recently announced a major

investment by LdC, the UK’s leading mid

market private equity player,and they are a

significant shareholder in Bluestone.Alistair Jeffery, executive Chairman said,

“this is the first of what we hope will be

a number of strategic acquisitions in this

market. the sector is ripe for consolidation

and we expect to continue our expansion

through a combination of acquisition

and organic growth. the acquisition of

empingham and involvement of Mark and

his team is an important element of our

expansion strategy.”


a PwC press release says: Banks, insurers

and other financial services firms across

Europe face extra VAT costs running into

£100 millions in the UK alone, following

an ECJ judgment in September. The ruling

means services supplied between a group’s

headquarters and its branches may now

be subject to VAT. Today’s judgment

concerned Skandia America Corporation

and the Swedish Tax Authority. Other

tax authorities across the EU will now

consider how they implement the rules.

Stephen Morse, tax partner at PwC,

commented: “The case significantly expands the VAT

net for financial services firms. Banks and

insurers are likely to be affected most.

It’s standard for head office costs to be

shared between a group’s subsidiaries. Any

internal costs between a firm’s branches

will now face VAT, rather than just the

external costs. Many financial services

firms will see their VAT bills soar.

“It’s surprising the ECJ decided any

supply between a firm’s headquarters and

its branches is liable to VAT, rather than

focusing on specific scenarios. We need to

see how different countries will interpret

the ruling, and until then there will be

considerable uncertainty for the financial

services sector. Banks and insurers need to

consider how they could be affected.”

more huge vat bills

sMEs are saying a lack of innovation is

harming their potential. Two-fifths of

small and medium sized firms in the UK

are unhappy with their current business

performance, admitting that they could

be more innovative and proactive when it

comes to identifying growth opportunities.

The figure comes from the latest Close

Brothers Business Barometer, a quarterly

survey that canvasses the opinion of SME

owners and senior management from a

variety of sectors across the UK.

CEO of Close Brothers Asset Finance,

Mike Randall assesses the situation as

follows: “While many firms are striving

for growth our survey shows there are

factors holding them back from achieving

their full potential.“Innovation is a critical part of many firms

growth strategies, and yet our survey has

highlighted that the ability to be innovative

is a stumbling block for many businesses.

Less than a third of the companies we talked

to felt that they are sufficiently innovative.

As the economy continues to gather pace,

we need to prioritise the creation of a

business environment that encourages the

commercialisation of new ideas.“That means financiers investing in small

business so they in turn can invest in the

things that they need to be truly innovative

– whether that’s research and development,

new machinery, the latest technology or

additional staff.”The Business Barometer revealed that

38 percent of those surveyed intend to

seek funding for growth within the next

12 months, but of that figure, half are

concerned that their request for finance will

be turned down by their bank. Mike Randall sees the solution to be

working more closely together: “We found

that many businesses still aren’t aware of

the full range of funding options available to

them. In fact, 44 percent of those surveyed

hadn’t heard of asset finance, and a fifth

were totally unaware of any alternatives to

traditional bank lending. “That is why we are working with

businesses across the UK to further

understanding of the wider spectrum of

finance options available so that firms will

be well capitalised, able to innovate, and

in a position to proactively pursue growth

opportunities.”For more information is available at


Small businesses may not be achieving their full potential

september 2014 VOL 9 I NO 97

f o r t h e e q u i p m e n t l e a s i n g a n d a s s e t f i n a n c e p r o f e s s i o n a l

n FeAtUre rising to the Challenge (Health sector) pAge 14

n prOFiLe Five Arrows: exploiting the Niche pAge 18

n prOFiLe sword Apak’s global growth revolution pAge 24

n FeAtUre the future: extrapolation or scenarios? pAge 30www.leasingworld.co.uk


the nichephilip Davies, mD

Five Arrows Leasing group Ltd



• Leasing World prides itself on its portfolio of media channels spanning Print, Digital, and Events. Our Media Planner anticipates your cross-media needs in the leasing and asset finance markets with high quality, relevant, and focused solutions. The asset finance and leasing industry is relatively compact and Leasing World editorial staff are leasing professionals with an excellent range of contacts and relationships built up over many years.

• Our flagship print publication is Leasing World magazine (print and digital version), published by the same company since 2005, unparalleled for informed reporting and analysis spanning the UK, EMEA, and International leasing landscapes.

• We also publish the highly acclaimed and widely read BrokerWorld magazine which targets the dynamic UK asset finance and leasing broker market, and is an essential read for leasing brokers and broker funders.

• Our print publications are augmented with leasing news and information via our website www.leasingworld.co.uk, our digital magazine (Yudu page-turner), and enewsletter channels.

• The reputation of our portfolio of channel solutions is further leveraged by our well established annual Leasing World Awards Dinner, and its complementary Leasing World EXPO, celebrating their 7th year, in 2015.

PRInTLeasing World publishes 52-page, full-colour, high gloss cover, perfect bound issues of its prestigious hard copy magazine, 10 times per year, with a bridging edition in July/August, and October/November.

Our subscribers take satisfaction from getting almost double the annual printed page count from Leasing World, than they might get from any of our competitor publications.

Subscriber Profile• 98.5 percent Directors, Partners, and Heads of lessors and

leasing services companies. • Geographic: 75 percent UK, 25 percent mainland Europe• Average print run: 400• Pass-through: we calculate an average of 3 times,

(1200 additional readers) • Digital LeasingWorld receives and extra 180-200 readers

per issue.• Feedback: Leasing World receives strong and positive

feedback from its many subscribers, attesting to its expertise in subject matter, coverage of the issues that really matter, and attractive visual presentation.

Additional distributionLeasing World is open to cooperating with other media/events companies on a reciprocal basis, by acting as media partner, and distributing complimentary issues of Leasing World at their events. For example, an extra 200 copies are distributed in October at the top European event, the Leaseurope Annual Convention (this year to be held in Barcelona), also extra free distribution at most non-association leasing conferences, and complimentary digital editions sent from time to time sent to our 5,000 strong mailing lists.


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DIGITAl Leasing World digital magazine, a copy of the printed edition in “page-turner” form powered by Yudu, is available exclusively to corporate subscribers (i.e. those with two or more print subscriptions), who have staff spread over a number of locations, therefore benefit from our digitally accessible copy which comes with permission to distribute within their own company.

Our digital magazine overcomes the traditional pass-through rate bottleneck of print magazines in large organisations, as the digital version is made available throughout the company via email or intranet. In this way extra readership is generated in an interesting new segment, the up and coming junior managerial layer, and our statistics for the digital magazine show it generated a useful 50,000 extra page views in 2014.

Naturally, our print advertisers enjoy the extra benefits of appearing in the digital magazine as well.

OnlInEWebsite banner

Rolling Skyscraper and standard size banners are available on our website homepage, on our information pages, in our Jobs pages, and on individual news stories.

Our annual website traffic Statistics continue to grow, not many people know that our website was first launched back in 2003, predating many of the current leasing

websites. Currently we are attracting around 13,000 visits PER MONTH, giving around 80,000 impressions, from 210,000 hits.

Banners can click through to the client’s chosen web address, or any other URL, or can be set to harvest an email address before downloading a report like a White Paper, for example. Passive banners typically receive 280 clicks per month, while an interesting download can attract 200-300 visitors. Enews Blast banner

Approximately 40,000 per month. Our short, attention-holding bi-weekly Enews Blast goes out to c. 4,500 recipients. Our philosophy is not to clutter up recipients’ Inboxes with daily communication, which customer feedback tells us is unwelcome, nor to require our recipients to login to read the stories.

Enews Story banner

Approximately 10,000 full reads per month, which makes banner placement above or alongside the full story text a great place to be seen.

Leasing Videos library Our YouTube leasing video library record had grown to 6,500 by the end of 2014, as video continues to grow in interest in the asset finance world.



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Leasing World Annual UK Awards Dinner

Our flagship and highly popular Awards event will be held on Thursday October 1st, 2015. In 2014, a 200 sellout attendance enjoyed the ceremony which sported a total of Twenty awards and commendations.

We confidently expect a full house for the 2015 UK Awards, all members of the top leasing organisations in the UK are represented, it’s a terrific networking event and sponsorship opportunity.

Sponsorship extends beyond the branding of Total Event, Reception, and Menus, to the prominent video screen slide shows throughout the evening. Sponsorship packs are available from March 2015.

Leasing World EXPO

The EXPO will be in its 7th year in 2015, and will be held on the afternoon of the LeasingWorld Awards Dinner, Thursday 1st October 2015, and at heart it invites everyone in leasing to an informative and well-attended event.

For advertisers, funding one of the many sponsorship opportunities ensures regular brand advertising and exposure in the long pre-event marketing campaign, straddling print, online and digital channels.

For hands-on marketers, taking an inexpensive EXPO stand opens the doors to making many new contacts on the day. Sponsorship packs are available from March 2015.



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MEDIA PlAnnER 2015

Forward features can be negotiated with advertisers or their PR agencies, according to client requirements. The first edition of the year is always Outlook for the Year ahead, and the last edition of the year is a Review of the Year just passed.

Leasing World recommends client Proflies sponsored columns and magazine sections. For example, a great value way of maintaining brand awareness is to sponsor a general section such as UK News, the common landing page for all readers, Databank, or the Upcoming Events page (which also appears on the website homepage).

Software companies can sponsor and contribute to our regular section, Systems etc. which features relevant news and stories on IT topics, or take the whole section to promote a White Paper for example.

For Recruitment companies we have On the Move (for significant hires), Recruitment Map (for European presence), and The Right Move (expert advice to employers and candidates) sections.

For Lawyers we welcome regular legal contributions on legal topics in the form of regular monthly columns, like Top of My Mind and separate articles.

The Full List of our Leasing World magazine sections is as follows:

• UK News• European News• International News• Corporate Profiles• UK mini Features (e.g. surveys, accounting, compliance,

regulation, marketing etc)• Aspects of Fraud• Top of Mind (sponsored legal column)• Systems etc. (sponsored software column)• Round the Blog• Captives Corner• City Chatter• City Page• Westminster World• Databank• Meanwhile Back at the Office• The Right Move• On the Move• Recruitment Map• Events• Marketplace

Other news and press releases should be sent for consideration for our News and mini-feature pages to [email protected] Press releases containing hi-res photos are given preference. Leasing World Editorial deadline for submissions is 10th of the month of publication.




Page 6: MEDIA PACK 2015 - LeasingWorld Planner 2015.pdf · Brothers Business Barometer, a quarterly survey that canvasses the opinion of SME ... October at the top European event, ... way

Broker World magazine has completed its third year of publication, and is firmly established with the UK’s asset finance and leasing broker community. Certainly the 450 brokers and funders who receive it think so, as does the full house of advertisers and supporters of the magazine.

Broker World is a stimulating yet “easy read” and mirrors the fast moving world of the broker, so is actively used by advertisers to communicate directly with readers, with a high hit rate of responses. It is a full colour, gloss paper, centre-stapled 12-page publication individually mailed to readers. The normal advertising policy is “one-price / one-size” with advertisers all paying exactly the same for any size up to half a page. The front and back pages are premium positions, and there is a discount for contracts of three months or longer.

Broker World ships 450 copies each month, to a very accurately targetted list of brokers, funders and service providers that attend to this market. The list was built initially from funders’ own lists, so is very relevant to advertisers wishing to interact with the market.

Advertisers tend to block book particular slots in Broker World for long periods, and there is a priority queue for the most sought after positions, such as front or back page. Long term advertisers also regularly change their advertising messages as new products are launched, and some funders do so to signal their own increased appetites for new business.

Sponsoring a Profile is a popular way for advertisers to introduce themselves and promote their latest message to the market. At the start of a run of a minimum of three adverts, an advertiser can supply up to 400 words detailing its message, and showcase it all in a personalised Profile piece set prominently in the middle of the magazine.

A special additional benefit to advertisers is available at the time of the NACFB Expo at the mid-year, when advertisers can have their Expo stand number added to their advertisement for free, and one advertiser can secure an exclusive right to distribute the latest Broker World, hot from the press, from its stand at Expo.

Editorial and advertisement submission deadline is normally the 1st of the month of publication, but check our 2015 publications timetable for precise details.


BrokerWorldfor the professional business finance broker

issue 34 noVeMber 2014


A major attraction of Leasing World’s

EXPO, which could now be renamed

the Broker Conference given its

unrelenting focus on this industry segment,

is the programme of expert panels drawn

together to discuss the knotty issues of

our industry. Last month we presented the

discussions of the private equity and other

outside investors who have become involved

with the broker community. This month

we capture a selection from the discussions

of CEOs of the traditional broker funder

“insiders”, comprising Mike Randall, CEO of

Close Brothers Asset Finance, Mike Francis,

Head of Investec Asset Finance, Philip

Davies, CEO of Five Arrows Leasing Group,

Jon Maycock, Head of Sales at Aldermore

Asset Finance, and Andy Taylor, Director

at Hitachi Capital Business Finance. The

panel was chaired by industry veteran John

Bennett, MD of JB Associates.

Chair: “Have funders had brokers

proposing doing only unregulated business

as a way of reducing the regulatory burden

on themselves?”

Mike Francis: “ Not to any great degree,

no. We have a relatively

small family, we

would be aware of this happening, we also

advise that it’s a risk-based approach we

take, we do have a number of brokers that

only do non-regulated business anyway, so

it’s not so much a request, it’s just business

as usual.”

Andy Taylor: “I think I’d like to take a

little step back in time to January this year

when I was at an FLA seminar and I was

Andy Wise, Thames Valley Asset Finance, p.9

the challenges of regulation,

technology, and aging

Close Brothers Business Finance is a trading style of Close Brothers Limited. Close Brothers Limited is registered in England and Wales (Company Number 00195626)

and its registered office is 10 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4FT.

Speak to us today on 0333 200 6256

or visit www.closebusinessfinance.co.uk

Speed of service

Smart funding

Working across a variety of industries, from agriculture and

construction to manufacturing and transport, our team of

specialists understand the challenges faced by businesses.

Our speed of service enables us to support Brokers with finance

solutions responding directly to the customers’ needs.

Speak with one of our local Broker Development Managers

today to discuss the smart funding options for your clients.


Feature AngloScottish full FCA approval 6

Asset Finance News

Love Lending Week a Hit 8

SMEs can’t switch off 8

Broad spectrum SME funds 10

Asset Advantage’s advantages 8

6 october 2014

Asset Finance News

Investec conference success

Over 110 brokers attended this second

Investec Broker conference in the West

Midlands, even more than the inaugural

conference held last year in Liverpool.

Starting at 14.00 with a warm welcome

and introduction from Investec’s Head

of Asset Finance, Mike Francis, the

afternoon covered the UK economy,

market, FX, Wealth and Investment

management, regulation, and the highlight

of the afternoon, the global outlook from

Robert Peston, the BBC’s economics

correspondent (pictured).A feature of the Investec broker

conferences is the very high standard of

hospitality and great atmosphere, helped

in part by good choice of comedian,

in this case Ed Byrne, and the exciting

charity auction event for children’s charity

Wooden Spoon, with numerous high

value prizes with a sporting flavour. For

example, a framed Ryder Cup 2014 flag

signed by the victorious European team

(which raised the highest bids), shirts

signed by Gary Lineker, Jack Wilshere,

Chris Robshaw and Alex Cuthbert, tickets

to the Derby, Ashes test matches, rugby

matches, and Wooden Spoon’s Aurora

Ice Ball. As a result of the generosity of the

delegates, Wooden Spoon (West Midlands

branch) were able to announce that the

£18,000 raised on the night had helped it

achieve its regional target of £1 million.

Mike Francis commented proudly,

‘Wooden Spoon is our chosen charity

and it does fantastic work across the

UK. I am proud that we could play a

small part in helping the West Midlands

team reach the £1 million landmark.

They provide funding to projects, both

big and small, that really do make a

difference to the lives of the children

who they support.”Asset Advantage new business leapAsset Advantage, the independent,

privately owned finance business

established in 1995, which provides

finance between £15,000 and £350,000 for

UK SMEs, has announced a 48 percent

increase in new business volumes to £34

million, for their financial year ending 30

September 2014.Commenting on the increased volumes

Managing Director, Jonathan Eddy, said,

“We have invested heavily in our ability

to write these volumes and I am greatly

encouraged that we have a credit appetite

that brokers are keen to use.” Philip Knight, Credit & Risk Director,

added, “We take both a forensic and a

common sense approach to underwriting

which has enabled us to not only get to

deals other funders won’t touch, but to

also keep bad debt at a very low level.

It’s a win-win, which works for us and

our introducer panel.”Find out more at http://www.assetadvantage.co.uk/

Office-warming for Liberty

Fresh from winning the LeasingWorld

Independent Lessor of the Year Award

(see photo of Award being eyed by

Freddie Flintoff) , Liberty Leasing

celebrated moving into their spacious

new offices in Warsash, Southampton on

October 16th. Some 40 guests were invited

to the new office for 12pm, and then

around 12.40pm a coach took the party

to Warsash Marina to board the elegant

craft, Seafin, for a trip around the Solent.

Back on land at 4pm, the party

continued well into the evening, first to

Oxford Street in Southampton for drinks,

NEWS IN BRIEF Investing for growth

Aldermore Bank PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

(Financial Services Register number: 204503). Registered Office: 1st Floor, Block B, Western House, Lynch Wood, Peterborough PE2 6FZ. Registered in England No. 947662.

aldermore.co.uk0118 955 6600

Tony Reid, Managing Director, Radar Finance and Leasing

Limited and Steve Frixou, Managing Director, Evolve Pack

As one of the UK’s leading contract packing companies,

Evolve Pack have developed their product offering with a

unique multi-option service. Their customers can either use

their packing facilities in Ashby de la Zouche or have their

products packed on site. In this case, Evolve Pack will take

their packing equipment to the food manufacturer’s

premises or set up at a location nearby.This exceptional service has proved to be hugely popular and Steve

Frixou, Managing Director of Evolve Pack, wanted to further realise his

company’s ambitions and actively pursue his nearest competitors by

increasing productivity from 6 million cases in 2012 to 14 million cases

packed per year. To help him and his business achieve this goal, he

needed to invest in two new flow wrapping machines. Steve called in

the help of Tony Reid at Radar Finance and Leasing Limited to advise

him on where he could get the best deal. Tony knew that Aldermore

would be the right fit.

Working with our network of introducers, Aldermore is supporting the

funding needs of SMEs right across Britain. For all your clients’ needs – from

small ticket to multi-million pound transactions, we’ve got the expertise to

finance a broad range of assets. We’ve already committed over £1.3bn to

support the investment needs of British businesses to help them grow.

Asset Finance to support British businesses.

Aldermore mirror many SMEs across the country: they

have vision, drive, and they do things differently and

quickly. They always go over and above to find a solution

for all my clients so I knew I could rely on Aldermore to

provide Steve with a timely and thorough service.

Tony Reid, Managing Director – Radar Finance and Leasing Limited

407651.003 AF Testimonial Ad_Evolve Pack_297x210mm.indd 1

04/09/2014 14:17

Jonathan eddy

philip knight

l-r Martin herries, Jennifer brown ,philip shaw, Mike francis, robert peston

robert peston





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We have greatly simplified our rates in terms of period discounts and multiplicity of prices. (All prices are ex.VAT, subscriptions are zero rated)

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1 month 3-plus months

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Vertical third-page £495 £425

Full page (limited to 2 clients per edition) £895 £750

Magazine inserts in Leasing World or BrokerWorld from £250 (two sheets) per mailout, adjusted for weight

(Ex. VAT)


Jan SzmiginPublisherLeasingWorld LtdOakhill HouseUphamptonDroitwich SpaWorcs.WR9 OJR, UK

T: +44 (0)1905 621444E: [email protected]


Online sign-up from Website, PayPal or WorldPay. Annual subscriptions can alternatively be paid against invoice in company name, on request. Apps are payable on iTunes and Android.


1) Leasing World Print (10 editions) £335

2) Leasing World Corporate £695 (two hard copies of Leasing World plus digital edition)

3) BrokerWorld Print (12 editions) £60 Monthly

1) Leasing World full Print, single issue £30

2) Leasing World International App 1.99c (Apple and Android platforms)

3) BrokerWorld Monthly £5 (online sign-up, PayPal or WorldPay)

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Third page (D) 270 x 60mm

Market Place Large Classified (MPA) 86 x 62mm

Full bleed ads must include an additional 3mm for bleed on all four sides, together with crop or registration marks.

OnlInE BAnnERs

Contact Jan Szmigin for advertising details on +44 (0)1905 621444 or email: [email protected]


Press information / acceptable media

LeasingWorld is an A4 publication, printed 4-colour process.

We accept PRESS READY PDF FILES ONLY. PDF’s must be prepared to our specifications and we cannot be held responsible for advert reproduction if specifications are not adhered to.

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Advert quality control is dependent on properly generated pdfs. PDF/X-1a certified files are the most reliable and are preferred. Files should be created using Adobe Acrobat Distiller. PDF Writer files are NOT acceptable. If you have any questions regarding advert specs please contact Jan Szmigin on +44 (0)1905 621444.

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