Media techologies eq 4

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Through out my coursework I have really relied on the internet. I have used loads of websites for many different reasons. One main reason is for researching genres, posters, magazines and recent films. The most used website for this was google. As it allowed me to find out a lot of research easily and effiently. After production I was able to post my trailer onto youtube but also socailnetworking sites for feedback. Youtube was the main website used for this. I also used youtube for researching other trailers. I watched many romance trailers online so get ideas but also regonise the codes and conventions needed for my genre.

I also used other websites for research like wikipediaand IMDb. Wikipedia helped me research codes and convetions but also into nicholas sparks. IMDb showed me statistics etc about films but also what films related to my ideas.

These websites helped me define my target audience and the style of editing and storylines I needed to attract my target audience.

The most important website I used was blogger. I kept all my progress and research on blogger but also it helps the audience understand the progress I went through to create the trailer. On my blog I posted about research, planning, development and my finished pieces. In my blog I used different ways of posting. One was using the website slide share. Where I can create powerpoints and post them onto slide share so it became easier to view onto my blog. Slide share allowed me to research from other alevel media blogs by viewing their powerpoints. I also used photographs. For example showing pictures off highstreet shops advertising clothes which fitted into my costume ideas. This was to give my audience a more realistic view before creating the trailer.

In created my coursework I started by creating a written storyboard but to put this on my blog I had to scan it in. After this I used a sanyo camera to film the footage. I am also a photography student which really helped me with composition but also editing. For the editing I used a Apple Mac. For my ancillary products I used my own DSLR camera to take the images. Then uploading them onto my Macbook.

Final cut express was the main program used to edit my footage together. This is an Apple program and I could only use this at school. It allowed me to change the colours and saturation of the footage so I could create a vintage and old look on the clips of the child actors.

I also used photoshop cs6 on my macbook to edit the accillary products. I was able to do this at home giving me more time to focus on editing the trailer at school. Being a photography student I know how to use photoshop well and was able to layer mulitple images together for a better effect.

I used live type to create idents for my production companies but also for the end of trailer the show the name of my film and when its due to be realsed.

I also used soundtrack pro to create the background music for my trailer.

To create my poster and magazine cover I used Indesign Cs6.