PROF. DR. EDUARD APETREI Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor Honoris Causa Universitatea de Medicina Gr.T.Popa Iasi Membru Academia de Stiinte medicale

Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti

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Page 1: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Medic primar cardiolog

Profesor de cardiologie

Doctor Honoris Causa Universitatea de

Medicina Gr.T.Popa Iasi

Membru Academia de Stiinte medicale

Page 2: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti



1956 - Absolvent Liceul Teoretic Bacau (Ferdinand)

1960 – Absolvent Facultatea de Medicina, Iasi

1964 – Secundar Medicina Interna

1965 – Curs de cardiologie ASCAR 1 an, Bucuresti

1967 – Specialist cardiologie

1972 – Stagii de cardiologie 3 luni - Helsinki (Finlanda),

Bruxelles(Belgia), Haga (Olanda) , Paris (Franta)

1973 - Doctor in Medicina, Universitatea de Medicina Carol

Davila, Bucuresti

1974 – Medic Primar Cardiolog


Page 3: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Cardiologie clinica

Cardiologie pediatrica


Ecografie Doppler vasculara

Ecocardiografie transesofagiana

Evolutie profesionala

1965 - Preparator. UMF Carol Davila,Bucuresti

1966 – Asistent universitar. UMF Carol Davila,Bucuresti

1977 – Sef lucrari. UMF Carol Davila,Bucuresti

1988 – Sef Laborator de Ecocardiografie, Institutul de Boli

Cardiovasculare Prof.Dr.C.C.Iliescu

1991 – Conferentiar, Cardiologie, UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti

1993 - Profesor Cardiologie , UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti

1992-2003 – Sef de clinica Cardiologie. Institutul de Boli

Cardiovasculare “Prof.Dr.C.C.Iliescu” Bucuresti

2001 –2007 Director: Centru de Excelenta: Cercetari in

Cardiologie “C.C. Iliescu » Bucuresti

1993 si in prezent Conducator lucrari de doctorat

Activitatea didactica

Am continuat traditia clinicii de invatamant post universitar apoi din anul

1994 si invatamant cu studentii. Am organizat clinica pentru a face fata acestor

sarcini didactice.

Cursurile anuale cu rezidentii au fost frecventate de rezidenti din toate

centrele universitare din tara

Page 4: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Am introdus cursuri noi cum ar fi ecocardiografia, ecocardiografie

transesofagiana, Eco-Doppler vascular, Electrofiziologie, Cardiologie

interventionala ....

In anul 1981 am tinut primul curs de ecocardiografie din tara.

In total au absolvit,cat am condus eu clinica, cursul de ecocardiografie

transtoracica peste 1100 medici, ecocardiografie transesofagiana peste 500

medici cardiologi si medici anestezisti, eco Doppler vascular - 670 medici de

diverse specialitati.

Competenta in ecocardiografie a fos introdusa in Romania in anul 1991,

iar la nivel European in anul 2002

Am indrumat un numar de 20 doctoranzi, 14 au terminat pregatirea ,1 in

desfasurare, 2 eliminati, 3 s-au retras.


1982 si in prezent-membru in Comitetul de conducere

Socitatea Romana de Cardiologie

1990 - 1994 Secretar Societatea Romane de Cardiologie

1991 – 1994 Presedinte al Grupului de lucru de ecocardiografie

1994 - 1998 Presedinte Societatea Romana de Cardiologie

2000 - 2002 Presedinte al Grupului de lucru de ecocardiografie

2002- 2005 Presedintele Grupului de lucru Cardiopatie ischemica

2005- 2008 Presedinte Grup de lucru HTA


Fellow al Societatii Europene de Cardiologie din 1995

Membru Corespondent al Societatii Franceze de Cardiologie

din 1995

Membru al Asociatiei Americane de Cardiologie (AHA) –

Grup de lucru HTA – 1995

Page 5: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Membru al Federatiei Mondiale de Cardiologie din 1986

Membru al Asociatiei Europene de Ecocardiografie din 1992

Membru al Societatii Internationale de Ultrasunete

cardiovasculare din 1996

Membru al Societatii Britanice de Ecocardiografie din 1992

Membru al Asociatiei Internationale de Cardiologie de Limba

Franceza din 1998

Membru in Comitetul Stiintific al Congreselor Europeene de

Cardiologie (1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001).

Membru in International Scientific and Advisary Board– la 5

Congrese Mondiale de Ecocardiografie 2000-2005

Visiting Profesor- SUA -3 luni.

Invitat ca speaker si moderator la 19 Congrese

Mondiale si Europene de Cardiologie si Ecocardiografie

Membru in Comisia Europeana pentru specialitate

Cardiologie ( 1996 – 2015 ).

Membru in Comisia Europeana pentru acreditare in

Ecocardiografie (2002-2005).

Editor revista

1991 –2004 Editor coordonator al Revistei Romane de


2004-2015 Redactor Sef - Revista Romana de Cardiologie

Membru in comitetele de redactie al urmatoarelor reviste medicale

Medicina Interna

Annals of Fundeni Hospital

Journal of Translational Medicine and Research

Revista Romana de Aritmii si Electrofiziologie

Page 6: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Medicina Moderna

Practica Medicala

Portuguese Journal of Cardiology

JACC-Journal of the Amer Coll.Card.(ed l.rom)

Therapeuties Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology

Cercetarea stiintifica

- 19. Tratate si monografii medicale

- 38 Capitole in tratate medicale

- 198 Lucrari stiintifice publicate

- din care - 81 cotate ISI

- 117 non ISI

- 320 lucrari stiintifice comunicate


Am desvoltat cardiologia moderna in Romania, initiata de Prof. C.C.

Iliescu si Prof C.Carp

Am contribiut la desvoltarea si modernizarea invatamantului medical de

cardiologie in Romania.

Am participat la introducerea primelor teste de efort la bolnavii cu infarct

miocardic si am dezvoltat procesul de recuperare/reabilitare a acestor

bolnavi in Romania.

Am introdus Ecocardiografia, in Romania metoda de explorare esentiala

a afectiunilor cardiovasculare.

Am introdus in Romanai competenta in Ecocardiografie inaitea multor

tari din Europa.

Au redactat ca autor unic sau in colaborare 19 carti de specialitate.

Page 7: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Am organizat si condus studiul URZICENI privind prevalenata bolilor

cardiovasculare si factorii de risc in localitatea Urziceni (19.000 locuitori).

si studiul prevalenta HTA in populatia industriala din Slatina.

Am participat la 2 cercetari populationale internationale :

- Programul MONICA(Monitorizarea bolilor cardiovasculare in


-Prgramul OMS privind Infarctul Miocardic in Europa

Am condus la nivel national studii/trialuri privind cercetarea unor noi medicamente ( cum


Clinica de cardiologie a fost nominalizata ca Centru de Excelenta in

Cardiologie, unde am fost numit director. A fost primul centru de

cardiologie din tara ce a primit aceasta distinctie.

Am contribuit la dezvoltarea Societăţii Romane de Cardiologie pe care am

condus-o ca secretar apoi ca presedinte timp de 10 ani. Din anul 1982 si in

prezent sunt membru in comitetul de conducere al Societatii. Societatea

Romana de Cardiologie este apreciata ca cea mai puternica si mai bine

organizta societate stiintifica medicala din tara.

Am organizat si prezidat multiple Congrese si Conferinte Nationale de


Am fost timp de 10 ani editor sef al revistei Romanian Journal of


Page 8: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


4. Premii, distinctii

- Ordinul National: Serviciul Credincios in grad de Comandor

- Doctor Honoris Cauza al Universitatii de Medicina Gr.T.Popa

din Iasi

- Visiting Profesor la Facultatea de Medicina Bowman Gray din

Carolina de Nord, SUA ( 3 luni)

- Cetatean de onoare Com. Blagesti – Jud. Bacau

- Cetatean de onoare al Orasului Bacau

- Distinguished Fellow of International Society of Ultrasound (SUA)

- Membru de onoare al Societății de Cardiologie din Republica


- Premiul Iuliu Hateganu al Academiei Romane (2004) pentru

volumul „Electrocardiografie” (327 pagini) Editura InfoMedica

Bucuresti 202

- Premiul „CC Iliescu „ Academia de Stiinte Medicale”(2016) pentru

volumul „Cardiologia Clinica” Editura Callisto Bucuresti (1250


- Diploma de excelenta UNESCO –Romania

- Din anul 2019 spitalul din Buhusi se numeste Spital orasenesc

„Prof.Dr. Eduard Apetrei”

Prezenta in “WHO’S WHO”

Who’s in Romania

Who’s Medical

Enciclopedia Medicala Romaneasca secolul XX

Clasificat (2002) printre primii 10 medici din Romania

Page 9: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti



1. Eduard Apetrei, E. Viciu: Mecanofonocardiografia - Editura

Medicala, Bucuresti, 1977, 163 pagini –tiraj 10.850 exemplare

2. E. Viciu, Eduard Apetrei: Arteriopatii periferice - Editura

Medicala, Bucuresti, 1979, 455 pagini tiraj 4,100 exemplare

3. L Kleinerman, Eduard Apetrei, H. Cionca, Liliana Dosius, M.

Efraim: Cardiopatia ischemica - Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 1981, 429


4. Eduard Apetrei: Ecocardiografie –ISBN: 973-39 005-1, Editura

Medicala, Bucuresti, 1990, 256 pagini

5. L. Gherasim. Eduard Apetrei: Actualitati in cardiologie ISBN:

973-9397-007-592 pagini, Editura Amaltea Bucuresti, 1998

6. Eduard Apetrei, lleana Arsenescu: Clasificari si unele ghiduri

practice in bolile cardiovasculare. Editia I-a ISBN:973-9394-19-1 -

Editura Info-Medica. Bucuresti, 1999, 180 pagini

7. Eduard Apetrei, lleana Arsenescu: Clasificari si unele ghiduri

practice in bolile cardiovasculare. Editia a II-a SBN:973-9394-63-9,-

Editura Info-Medica. Bucuresti, 2001, 180 pagini

8. Carmen Ginghina, Eduard Apetrei, C. Macarie: Boli congenitale,

ISBN: 973-96286-9-4, Editura Amaltea, Bucuresti, 2001,256 pagini

9. Cezar Macarie, Eduard Apetrei , Carmen Ginghina: ISBN: 973-

96286-8-2, Insuficienta cardiaca. Editura Amaltea, Bucuresti, 2001, 211


Page 10: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


1o. Eduard Apetrei, loana Stoian: Electrocardiografia - ISBN: 973-

9394-84-1. Editura Info-Medica, Bucuresti, 2002, 327 pg. Premiata de

Academia Romana 2004

11. Eduard Apetrei, B.A. Popescu: Ecocardiografie in imagini CD si

volum ISBN: 973-85970-0-5, Ecocardiografie in imagini CD si volum, Ed.

INSEI Print, Bucuresti, 2002, 310 imagini + 56 pagini

12. Eduard Apetrei, Carmen Ginghina, C. Macarie: Cardiologie

(Cazuri comentate si ilustrate) Vol. I ISBN:973-9394-90-1- Editura Info-

Medica, Bucuresti, 2002, 167 pagini

13. Eduard Apetrei: Cardiologie (Cazuri comentate si ilustrate)

Vol. II - ISBN:973-9236-55-3 Editura Stiintifica si Tehnica, Bucuresti, 2003

,187 pagini

14. Eduard Apetrei: Cardiologie (Cazuri comentate si ilustrate)

Vol. Ill - ISBN:973-7912-30-6 Editura Info-Medica, Bucuresti, 2004,253


15. Eduard Apetrei, lleana Arsenescu: Evaluarea ultrasonografica

vasculara Compact disc - Editura INSEI, Bucuresti, 2004

16.Eduard Apetrei, Carmen Ginghina: Cardiologie, cazuri

comentate si Ilustrate. vol.IV ISBN:973-7995-53-8 Editura Pro 2004, 275


17. Maladiile lui Eminescu şi maladiile imaginare ale eminescologilor.

Simion Eugen, Popescu Irinel, Pop Aurel, Victor Voicu, Buda

Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir.

Fundaţia Naţională pentru Ştiinţă şi Artă, Bucuresti 2015 ISBN978-606-


18. Eduard Apetrei (sub redactia) Cardiologie clinica .Editura Calisto.

Bucuresti 2015.ISBN-13:978-606-8043-18-0. 1250 pagini.

Premiata de Academia de stiinte Medicale in anul 2016

Page 11: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


19. Eduard Apetrei Clinica de Cardiologie „Prof. Dr. C.C.

Iliescu”.Scurta istorie. Editura Media Med Publicis Bucuresti 2017.

ISBN-978-606-8463-42-1. 128 pagini


1. Eduard Apetrei, V. Cunescu: Angina pectorala si infarctul

miocardic cu coronare permeabile In: Actualităţi In diagnosticul bolilor de

inima. V. Cunescu, D. Draghici, Ed. Medicala Bucureşti 1976, pp.223-242

2. Eduard Apetrei, D. Draghici: Bolile orificiului aortica. In:

Actualităţi in diagnosticul bolilor de inima, Ed,. Medicala Bucureşti, pp. 130-


3. Eduard Apetrei, D. Draghici, C. Carp: Pericarditele. In: Îndreptar

de diagnostic si tratament in bolile cardiovasculare. Sub redacţia: C. Carp, Ed.

Medicala Bucureşti, 1989, pp. 211-223

4. Eduard Apetrei: Cordul pulmonar acut. In: Îndreptar de diagnostic

si tratament In bolile cardiovasculare. Sub redacţia: C. Carp, Ed. Medicala

Bucureşti, 1989, pp. 268-272

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5. Eduard Apetrei: Cardiomiopatii. In: Îndreptar de diagnostic si

tratament in bolile cardiovasculare. Sub redacţia: C. Carp, Ed. Medicala

Bucureşti, 1989, pp. 278-293

6. Eduard Apetrei: Ecocardiografie. In: Îndreptar de diagnostic si

tratament in bolile cardiovasculare. Sub redacţia: C. Carp, Ed. Medicala

Bucureşti, 1989, pp. 17-21

7. C. Carp, A. Mihail, L. Gherasim, P. Popescu, E. Apetrei:

Depistarea si tratamentul hipertensiunii arteriale. In. "Îndreptar de diagnostic

si tratament in bolile cardiovasculare. Sub redacţia C. Carp, Ed. Medicala,

Bucureşti, 1989, pp.358-383

8. V. Popescu, C. Negoita, R. Petrescu, T. Popescu, E. Apetrei:

Depistarea si tratamentul hipertensiunii arteraile. In: tidreptar de diagnostic

si tratament in bolile cardiovasculare Sub redacţia C. Carp, Ed. Medicala,

Bucureşti, 1989, pp.389-403

9. C. Streian, F. Caruntu, E Apetrei: Profilaxia endocarditei

infectioase In: Îndreptar de diagnostic si tratament in bolile cardiovasculare.

Sub redacţia: C. Carp, Ed. Medicala Bucureşti, 1989, pp. 404-408

10. C. Carp, Petronela Vintila, L.Gherasim, D. Dragfhici, E Apetrei:

Regulament de funcţionare. Unitate de terapie intensiva pentru bolnavii

coronarieni si alte urgente cardiovasculare. In: Îndreptar de diagnostic si

tratament in bolile cardiovasculare. Sub redacţia: C. Carp, Ed. Medicala

Bucureşti, 1989, pp. 421-425

11. E. Apetrei: Noţiuni practice de electrocardiografie in cardiopatia

ischemica. In: Cardiopatia ischemica. Sub redacţia L. Kleinerman, Ed.

Medicala, Bucureşti, 1991 pp.71-94

12. E. Apetrei: Fonomecanograma in cardiopatia ischemica. In:

Cardiopatia ischemica. Sub redacţia L. Kleinerman, Ed. Medicala, Bucureşti,

1991 pp. 94-103

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13. E. Apetrei: Ecocardiografia in cardiopatia ischemica. In :

Cardiopatia ischemica. Sub redacţia L. Kleinerman, Ed. Medicala, Bucureşti,

1991 pp. 103-117

14. E. Apetrei: Reabilitarea bolnavilor coronarieni (activitatea

fizica după infarctul miocardic). In Cardiopatia ischemica. Sub redacţia L.

Kleinerman, Ed. Medicala, Bucureşti, 1991 pp. 408-431

15. E. Apetrei: Diagnosticul ecocardiografic in miocardiopatia

hipertrofica obstructiva. In: Miocardiopatia obstructiva. Sub redacţia; Z.

Mlronescu Craiova, 1982 p. 58-70

16. E. Apetrei: Fonocardiografia si mecanogramele In: Tratat de

medicina interna. Bolile cardiovasculare partea I. Sub redacţia R. Păun.

Coordonator: L. Gherasim, Ed. Medicala, Bucureşti, 1988, pp. 380-415

17. E. Apetrei, I. Bruckner: Ecocardiografia. In: Tratat de medicina

interna in Bolile cardiovasculare partea I. Sub redacţia R. Păun. Coordonator:

L. Gherasim, Ed. Medicala, Bucureşti, 1988, pp. 416-464

18. E. Apetrei, N. Stancioiu: Bolile arteriale periferice. In: Tratat de

medicina interna. Bolile cardiovasculare partea IV. Sub redacţia R. Păun.

Coordonator: L Gherasim, Ed. Medicala, Bucureşti, 1988, pp. 41-110

19. E.Apetrei, I. Brucker, M. Cinteza: Cardiologie clinica. In: Teste

de Cradiologie si Endocrinologie. Sub redacţia: M. Coculescu, M. Cinteza, I.

Bruckner, Ed. Universităţii "Carol Davila" Bucureşti, 1995, pp. 58-126

20. E. Apetrei: Valvulopatiile. In: Medicina interna vol. 2 Bolile

cardiovasculare si metabolice Sub redacţia L. Gherasim, Ed. Medicala,

Bucureşti, 19p, p. 58-126

21. I. Coman, E. Apetrei: Evoilutia plăcii de aterom. In: Actualităţi in

Cardiologie, L. Gherasim, E. Apetrei, Ed. Medicala, Amaltea, Bucureşti 1998,

pp. 15-23

22. E. Apetrei, I. Brukner: Actualitati in Ecocardiografie. In:

Actualitati in Cardiologie L. Gherasim, E. Apetrei, Editura Amaltea, 1997,

pag. 151-156

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23. Patricia Come (Boston, SUA), E. Apetrei: Insuficienta aortica.

Evaluare ECO-DoppIer. In: Actualităţi in Cardiologie, L. Gherasim, E.

Apetrei, Ed. Medicala Amaltea, Bucureşti 1998, pp. 97-109

24. E. Apetrei, Patricia Come (Boston USA): Evaluarea Doppler a

stenozei aortice. In: Actualităţi in Cardiologie, L. Gherasim, E. Apetrei, Ed.

Medicala, Amaltea, Bucureşti 1998, pp. 97-118

25. Patricia Come (Boston, SUA), E. Apetrei Evaluarea Eco-Doppler

a hipertensiunii arteriale pulmonare. In: Actualităţi in Cardiologie, L.

Gherasim, E. Apetrei, Ed. Medicala Amaltea, Bucureşti 1998, pp. 131-150

26. Mihaela Rugina, E. Apetrei Cardiomiopatia hipertrofica -

evaluare ECO-Doppler. In: Actualităţi in Cardiologie, L. Gherasim, E.

Apetrei, Ed. Medicala Amaltea, Bucureşti 1998, pp. 157-173

27. Rodica Cioranu, E. Apetrei; Cardiomiopatia dilatativa. In

Actualităţi in Cardiologie, L. Gherasim, E. Apetrei, Ed. Medicala Amaltea,

Bucureşti 1998, pp. 173-183

28. Carmen Ginghina, E. Apetrei - Actualitati in abordarea

tehicardiilor ventriculare. In: Actualităţi in Cardiologie, L. Gherasim, E.

Apetrei, Ed. Medicala Amaltea, Bucureşti 1998, pp. 273-296

29. R. Cristodorescu E. Apetrei I. Bruckenr, A. . Info Medica

Bucuresti, 1999 pp. 1-40

30. L. Gherasim, E. Apetrei, C. Carp, A. Ciocalteu, R.

Cristodorescu: Hipertensiunea arteriala. In: Ghiduri de practica medicala, voi.

I, Ed Info Medica Bucuresti, 1999 pp. 41-88

31. R. Jurcut, E. Apetrei: Inflamation, diabetes and atherosclerosis

From pathology to risk stratification. In: Celular function in atherosclerosis

and diebetes. Maia Simionescu, Anca Simionescu, Anca Sima, Doina Popov,

Ed. Romanian Academy Publishing House Bucharest 2004 pp. 373-386

32. E. Apetrei, R.O. Jurcut Diabetes ateheroscleiosis and

Inflammation In: Vascular involvement in diabetes: Clinical and experimental

data: Editor: D. M. Chetea, Bucharest and Karger-Basel 2004, pp. 179-190

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33. Maria Dorobantu, E. Apetrei, E. Badila. Roxana Darabont –

Prevalenta, tratamentul si controlul HTA – ce au adus nou ultimele ghiduri

Date epidemiologice din Romania (Studiul SEPAAR) pp. 77-108 In

„Progrese in Cardiologie – Vol. I Editie Ingrijita de R. Capalneanu Media

Med. Publices Bucuresti 2006

34 C.Carp, I.David, G.Nandris, G.Calagiu, D.Enachescu, E.Apetrei.

"Two industrial population in România" in "Assesment Hypertension Control

and Management" sub redacţia T.Strasser si L.Wilhelmsen. Editura WHO

PUBLICATION; European Series, no 17, 1993:pp. 69-75

35. E. Apetrei, I. Coman, S. Georgesc, C. Capraru, C.Carp: Correlation

between the electrocardiographic and echocardiografic changes in 145 cases

of hypotrophic cardiomiopahty. In: Electrocardiology, 1987, Editor E.

Schmidt; Academic Varlag, Berlin 1988 pp. 591-596

36. Ruxandra Jurcut, Mihaela Rugina, Carmen Ginghina. E. Apetrei –

Abordarea actuala a stratificarii riscului in sindroamele coronariene acute fara

supradenivelare ST. Utilizarea biomarkerilor In „Progrese in Cardiologie –

Vol. I pp. 32-58. Editie Ingrijita de R. Capalneanu, Media Med Publices –

Bucursti 2006

37.E.Apetrei, S Zbenghe Capitol”Cardiologia” In:Enciclopedia

Medicala Romaneasca.Dela origini pana in prezent Ursea N.,(sub redactia)

Editura Universitara”Carol Davila,Bucurest.2008, pag 1696-1742

ISBN 978-973-708-358-6

38.Matei C, Apetrei E. Hipertensiunea şi ateroscleroza. În: „Punct şi

contrapunct în hipertensiunea arterială”, Dorobanţu M, Gusbeth-Tatomir P Ed.

Univ. „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2016, pag 93-112, ISBN 978-973-708-920-5

39. Apetrei E.,Matei C. Importanța hipertensiunii arteriale în practica clinică

"Hipertensiunea arteriala - de la practica la teorie, de la pacienti la ghiduri" Editori:

Viviana Aursulesei, Elisabeta Badila, Daniela Bartos Pag 19-33 Editura Niculescu


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7. Lista articole publicate in reviste cotate ISI

Lucrari ISI

Lucrari publicate inainte de anul 1977 in reviste cotate ulterior ISI

1. Anghelescu F, Apetrei E, Izbasescu A Lonescu F.Consideraţii clinice

si pletismografice in terapia sindromului de ischemie periferica cronica.

Medicina Interna, Bucureşti, 1966, vol. 18, nr. 7, 823.

2. Paunescu Podeanu A, DemirianH, ApetreiE, GorceaV,

RubingherL.Contribution on to the study of myocardial disturbance in

chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis. Medicina interna, Bucureşti,


3. Paunescu-PodeanuA, DemiriaH, Apetrei E, StanicaV, RubingherI,

GorceaV.Hipertensiunea arteriala si uricemia.Studii si cercetări Med. Int.,

1967, 5, 349.

Page 17: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


4. Rogozea D, ApetreiE, DumitrescuO, GoldsteinL,

VasilescuV.Conversia electrica a doua cazuri de fibriiatie ventriculara prin

soc electric extern. Med. lnt., Bucureşti, 1968, 20,1.

5. KlienermanL, ApetreiE, IliescuM, CioncaH, ConstantinescuS,

ZagreanulM.Tulburarea metabolismului glucidic in cardiopatiile ischemice.

Med. interna, Bucureşti, 1970, 9,1071.

6. KlienermanL, IliescuM, IacobiniP, ApetreiE. Probleme medicale si

indicaţii chirurgicale in Tetralogia Fallot. Med. Int., Bucureşti, 1970,12,1505.

7. DraghiciD, CunescuV, VintilaP, ApetreiE.Asocierea blocului

complet de ramura dreapta cu hemibiocul intraventricular anterior

stang(Consideraţii generale pe marginea a 31 de observaţii). Med. Int.

Bucuresti, 1971,12,1427.

8. Orha I, Apetrei E.Antrenamentul fizic la bolnavii cu infarct

miocardic (nota I).Medicina Interna, Bucureşti, 1975, p. 73-77

9. Marcus S, Apetrei E, Cherebetiu G, Orha I. Oral nitroglycerin and

physical work capacity in patients with ischemic heart disease. Cardiology.

1977, 62: 144-144.

In total 9 + 78 = 87

Dupa anul 1977

Citation Report: 78

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h-index [?] : 9

(from Web of Science Core Collection)

1 Edoxaban versus Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

By: Giugliano, Robert P.; Ruff, Christian T.; Braunwald, Eugene; et al.(Apetrei E.incl)

Group Author(s): ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 Investigators

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Volume: 369 Issue: 22 Pages: 2093-2104

Published: NOV 28 2013

Highly Cited Paper

Times Cited : 852

As of November/December 2016, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place

it in the top 1% of the academic field of academic fields based on a highly cited threshold for the

field and publication year.

Data from Essential Science Indicators℠

2. Rosuvastatin in older patients with systolic heart failure

By: Kjekshus, John; Apetrei, Eduard; Barrios, Vivencio; et al.

Group Author(s): CORONA Grp

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Volume: 357 Issue: 22 Pages: 2248-2261

Published: NOV 29 2007

Times Cited: 739

(from Web of Science Core Collection)

Highly Cited Paper

As of November/December 2016, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it

in the top 1% of the academic field of academic fields based on a highly cited threshold for the

field and publication year.

Page 19: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Data from Essential Science Indicators℠

3. Comparison of sibrafiban with aspirin for prevention of cardiovascular events after acute

coronary syndromes: a randomised trial

By: Topol, CE; Califf, RM; Simes, RJ; et al.( Apetrei E.incl.)

Group Author(s): SYMPHONY Investigators

LANCET Volume: 355 Issue: 9201 Pages: 337-345 Published: JAN 29 2000

View Abstract

Times Cited: 199

4. Intravenous NPA for the treatment of infarcting myocardium early - InTIME-II, a double-blind

comparison of single-bolus lanoteplase vs accelerated alteplase for the treatment of patients with

acute myocardial infarction

By: Braunwald, E; Neuhaus, KL; Antman, E; et al. (Apetrei E.incl)

Group Author(s): InTIME II Investigators; Operat Comm

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 21 Issue: 24 Pages: 2005-2013 Published: DEC


Times Cited: 113

(from Web of Science Core Collection)

5. Coenzyme Q(10), Rosuvastatin, and Clinical Outcomes in Heart Failure A Pre-Specified

Substudy of CORONA (Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Study in Heart Failure)

By: McMurray, John J. V.; Dunselman, Peter; Wedel, Hans; et al. ( Apetrei E.incl.)

Group Author(s): CORONA Study Grp


Pages: 1196-1204 Published: OCT 5 2010

Times Cited: 50

6. Conflict of interest policies and disclosure requirements among European Society of Cardiology

National Cardiovascular Journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al.

Group Author(s) Apetrei E. incl. Network European Soc Cardiology

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 33 Issue: 5 Pages: 587-594 Published: MAR


Times Cited: 40 7. The role of European national journals in education

By: Mills, Peter; Timmis, Adam; Huber, Kurt; et al.(Apetrei E.incl.)

HEART Volume: 95 Issue: 24 Article Number: e3 Published: DEC 15 2009

Times Cited: 22

8. The effects of amlodipine and enalapril on renal function in adults with hypertension and

nondiabetic nephropathies: A 3-year, randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled


By: Esnault, Vincent L. M.; Brown, Edwina A.; Apetrei, Eduard; et al.


Volume: 30 Issue: 3 Pages: 482-498 Published: MAR 2008

Times Cited: 12

9. Conflict of interest policies and disclosure requirements among European Society of Cardiology

national cardiovascular journals

By: Alfonso, F.; Timmis, A.; Pinto, F. J.; et al.

Group Author(s): European Soc Cardiology Task Force

Page 20: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


NETHERLANDS HEART JOURNAL Volume: 20 Issue: 6 Pages: 279-287 Published: JUN


10. Subaortic stenosis produced by an accessory mitral valve: The role of echocardiography

By: Popescu, BA; Ghiorghiu, I; Apetrei, E; et al.


ALLIED TECHNIQUES Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 39-41 Published: JAN 2005

11. Anterolateral papillary muscle rupture: Diagnosis and successful treatment (a case report)

By: Apetrei, E; Rugina, M; Iliescu, V; et al.



Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Pages: 143-144 Published: FEB 2002

Times Cited: 4

12. The Role of European National Journals in Education

By: Mills, Peter; Timmis, Adam; Huber, Kurt; et al (Apetrei E.incl.).

Group Author(s): European Soc Cardiology; ESC Affiliated Soc Cardiovasc Jour

REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: 1494-1497

Published: DEC 2009

Full Text from Publisher

Times Cited: 3

13. Romanian dilated cardiomyopathy register

By: Cioranu, R; Apetrei, E; Stancu, M; et al.


World Congress of Cardiology Location: RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL Date: APR 26-30, 1998

Pages: 665-668 Published: 1998


Times Cited: 3

14. Conflict of interest policies and disclosure requirements among European Society of

Cardiology national cardiovascular journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al.(Apetrei E.incl)

Group Author(s): Editors Network European Soc Cardi

HEART Volume: 98 Issue: 7 Pages: E1-E7 Published: APR 2012

Times Cited: 2

15. Conflicts of interest policies and disclosure requirements among European Society of

Cardiology national cardiovascular journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al.(Apetrei E.incl)

Group Author(s): Editors Network European Soc

JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Pages: 386-394

Published: JUN 2012

View Abstract

Times Cited: 1

16. Ambulatory ECG indications still actual

By: Matei, C.; Pop, I.; Rugina, M. Apetrei E.; et al.

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 27 Supplement: 1 Pages: 138-138 Published:

AUG 2006

Page 21: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Times Cited: 1





293-307 Published: 1980

Times Cited: 1

18. The relationship between clinical and echocardiographic characteristics and beta-blockers and

antialdosteronic treatment in patients with heart failure

By: Raileanu, G. Gabriela; Chivulescu, M.; Coman, I. M.; et al.

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE Volume: 18 Special Issue: SI Supplement: 1

Pages: 193-

Times Cited: 0

19. Cardiorenal Outcomes and the Efficacy of Darbepoetin in Patients With Heart Failure,

Reduced Ejection Fraction, Anemia and Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease

By: Desai, Akshay S.; Krum, Henry; Yu, Changhong; et al.( Apetrei E.incl.)

CIRCULATION Volume: 130 Supplement: 2 Meeting Abstract: 12684 Published: NOV 25


Times Cited: 0

20. The Romanian Journal of Cardiology

By: Apetrei, Eduard

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 34 Issue: 47 Pages: 3593-3593 Published: DEC


22. The prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in a Roma ethnic sample population

By: Bartos, D.; Apetrei, E.; Badila, E.; et al.

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 34 Supplement: 1 Pages: 478-478 Published:

AUG 2013

Times Cited: 0

23. Conflict of Interest Policies and Disclosure Requirements Among European Society of

Cardiology National Cardiovascular Journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al (Apetrei E.incl).

Group Author(s): Network European Soc Of Cardiol Ta

CIRCULATION JOURNAL Volume: 76 Issue: 7 Pages: 1542-1549 Published: JUL 2012

Times Cited: 0

24. Conflict of Interest Policies and Disclosure Requirements among European Society of

Cardiology National Cardiovascular Journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al.( Apetrei E.incl)

Group Author(s): Soc Europeia Cardiologia

ARQUIVOS BRASILEIROS DE CARDIOLOGIA Volume: 98 Issue: 6 Pages: 471-479

Published: JUN 2012

25. Conflict of Interest Policies and Disclosure Requirements Among European Society of

Cardiology National Cardiovascular Journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al.(Apetrei E.incl.)

Group Author(s): Cardiology Task Force

HELLENIC JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY Volume: 53 Issue: 3 Pages: 179-188 Published:

MAY-JUN 2012

Full Text from Publisher

Times Cited: 0

Page 22: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


26. Conflict of interest policies and disclosure requirements among European Society of

Cardiology National Cardiovascular Journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl.)

Group Author(s): Network European Soc Cardiology Ta

REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE CARDIOLOGIA Volume: 31 Issue: 4 Pages: 329-336

Published: APR 2012

27. Conflict of interest policies and disclosure requirements among European Society of

Cardiology national cardiovascular journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Faust J.; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl.)


Published: 2012

Times Cited: 0

28. Conflict of interest policies and disclosure requirements among European Society of

Cardiology national cardiovascular journals

By: Alfonso, Fernando; Timmis, Adam; Pinto, Fausto J.; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl.)

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY Issue: 2 Pages: 5-14 Published: 2012

29. Cardiovascular risk factors in a Roma community

By: Apetrei, E.; Matei, C.; Creteanu, M.; et al.

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 32 Supplement: 1 Pages: 850-850 Published:

AUG 2011

Times Cited: 0

30. The role of European national journals in education

By: Mills, Peter; Timmis, Adam; Huber, Kurt; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl.)

Group Author(s): ESC Natl Soc Cardiovasc Journals E


Published: JAN 2010

31. The Role of European National Journals in Education

By: Mills, Peter; Timmis, Adam; Huber, Kurt; et al.(Apetrei E.incl)

Group Author(s): ESC; ESC Affiliated Soc Cardiovasc Jour

HELLENIC JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY Volume: 50 Issue: 6 Pages: 461-464 Published:

NOV-DEC 2009

32. The role of European national journals in education .(Apetrei E.incl)

By: Mills, Peter; Timmis, Adam; Huber, Kurt; et al.

KARDIOLOGIA POLSKA Volume: 67 Issue: 11 Pages: 1320-1323 Published: NOV 2009

Times Cited: 0




By: Jurcut, R.; Arsenescu, I.; Puscariu, T. Apetrei E; et al.

ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Pages: 45-45 Published: MAY


34. Should electrocardiographic changes precede the appearance of ecocardiographic hypertrophy

in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? (Study of 51 families)

By: Apetrei, E.; Rugina, M.; Stoian, I.; et al.

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 28 Supplement: 1 Pages: 405-405 Published:

SEP 2007

Times Cited: 0

35. The value of ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI) in patients with metabolic syndrome

By: Pop, I.; Matei, C.; Rugina, M.; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 28 Supplement: 1 Pages: 245-246 Published:

SEP 2007

Page 23: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


36. Influence of arterial hypertension on mid-term outcome of patients with acute myocardial

infarction treated with fibrinolytic agents

By: Apetrei, E.; Rugina, M.; Jurcut, R.; et al.

Volume: 25 Supplement: 2 Pages: S95-S95 Published: JUN 2007

37. The role of geometric remodeling of left ventricle in hypertensive patients for estimation the

risk of coronary heart disease

By: Rugina, M.; Stanca, I.; Jurcut, R.; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION Volume: 25 Supplement: 2 Pages: S94-S95 Published:

JUN 2007

38. Multiple interatrial septal defects: assessment of morphology and pathological associations

By: Ginghina, C.; Teodorescu, A.; Siminiceanu, C.; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 27 Supplement: 1 Pages: 797-797 Published:

AUG 2006

39. Detection coronary artery fistulas in asymptomatic patients. The role of two-dimensional

Doppler echocardiography

By: Ginghina, C.; Rugina, M.; Popescu, B. A.; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 27 Supplement: 1 Pages: 803-803 Published:

AUG 2006

Times Cited: 0

(from Web of Science Core Collection)

40. Is interleukin 18 a determinant of endothelial dysfunction and prothrombotic status in patients

with unstable angina?

By: Jurcut, R.; Arsenescu, I.; Puscariu, T.; et al. (Apetrei E.incl)

ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Pages: 93-93 Published: JUN


41. Is inflammation the common pathway towards aortic sclerosis and atherosclerosis?

By: Rugina, M.; Jurcut, R.; Salageanu, A.; et al. (Apetrei E.incl)

ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Pages: 236-236 Published: JUN


Full Text from Publisher

42. Spontaneous echo contrast of unexpected etiology

By: Serban, Marinela; Ghiorghiu, Ioana; Craciunescu, Ileana; et al. (Apetrei E.incl)


Published: JUN 2006

43. Journals focus

By: Apetrei, E; Jurcut, R

CIRCULATION Volume: 113 Issue: 3 Pages: F12-F12 Published: JAN 24 2006

44. Predictors of calcification development in patients with aortic sclerosis

By: Apetrei, E.; Rugina, M.; Jurcut, R.; et al.


Volume: 26 Supplement: 1 Pages: 188-188 Published: SEP 2005

45. Sephar - Study for evaluation of prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular risk in an adult

population in Romania

By: Dorobantu, M; Darabont, R; Badila, E; et al. (Apetrei E.incl)

JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION Volume: 23 Supplement: 2 Pages: S196-S196 Published:

JUN 2005

46. Overweight is both a strong and early component in the development of the metabolic


By: Ionescu-Tirgoviste, C; Apetrei, E; Ioacara, S; et al.

Page 24: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


DIABETES Volume: 54 Supplement: 1 Pages: A445-A445 Published: 2005

47. Baseline and evolution characteristics of patients developing ischaemic mitral regurgitation

after acute myocardial infarction

By: Rugina, M; Ciobanu-Jurcut, R; Deleanu, D; et al. (Apetrei E.incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 25 Supplement: S Pages: 413-413 Published:

AUG-SEP 2004

48. The prevalence of hypertension and of left ventricular hypertrophy in a Romanian population.

A clinical-echocardiographic study

By: Ginghina, C; Popescu, BA; Serban, M; et al. (Apetrei E.incl)

JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION Volume: 22 Supplement: 2 Pages: S307-S307 Published:

JUN 2004

49. Long-term effect of Amlodipine versus enalapril on renal function in non-diabetic patients

with nephropathy.

By: Esnault, VLM; Brown, E; Apetrei, E; et al.


Pages: 443A-443A Published: NOV 2003

50. Validation of the RECPAM in-hospital risk score after acute myocardial infarction myocardial

infarction: follow-up of 537 patients

By: Apetrei, E; Rugina, M; Jurcut, RO; et al.

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 24 Supplement: S Pages: 300-300 Published:

AUG-SEP 2003

Full Text from Publisher

51. Reinfarction as a complication of acute myocardial infarction in the PRIMVAC registry.

Clinical profile and determinant factors

By: Apetrei, E; Rugina, M; Jurcut, RO; et al.

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 24 Supplement: S Pages: 300-300 Published:

AUG-SEP 2003

Full Text from Publisher

52. Myocardial infarction and patent coronary arteries - is this such an uneventful association?

By: Ginghina, C; Apriotesei, R; Marinescu, M; et al.(Apetrei E. incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 24 Supplement: S Pages: 78-78 Published: AUG-

SEP 2003

53. Inflammation and endothelial dysfunction - correlations with with TIMI risk score in unstable

angina patients

By: Jurcut, RO; Gavrila, A; Rugina, M; et al. 51. .(Apetrei E. incl)

Volume: 24 Supplement: S Pages: 76-76 Published: AUG-SEP 2003

54. The diagnostic value of negative U-wave in acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment


By: Marinescu, M; Ginghina, C; Dragomir, D; et al. .(Apetrei E. incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 24 Supplement: S Pages: 384-384 Published:

AUG-SEP 2003

55. Cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndromes with and without ST-segment

elevation: clinical, echocardiographical and angiographical particularities

By: Rugina, M; Jurcut, RO; Mereuta, A; et al. .(Apetrei E. incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 24 Supplement: S Pages: 296-296 Published:

AUG-SEP 2003

56. The impact of the metabolic control on systolic and diastolic function in diabetic patients with

heart failure

By: Dragomir, D; Marinescu, M; Ginghina, C; et al. .(Apetrei E. incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 22 Supplement: S Pages: 404-404 Published:

SEP 2001

Page 25: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


57. The pattern of aortic dilatation progression in patients with Marfan syndrome: could be a

decision factor for optimum timing of surgery?

By: Ginghina, C; Stoian, I; Coman, I; et al. .(Apetrei E. incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 22 Supplement: S Pages: 599-599 Published:

SEP 2001

Times Cited: 0

58. The relation between right ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular wall motion score

By: Stoian, I; Ginghina, C; Coman, I; et al. .(Apetrei E. incl)

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Volume: 22 Supplement: S Pages: 580-580 Published:

SEP 2001

59. Spectrum of associated lesions in Marfan Syndrom echographic study of 42 patients

By: Ginghina, C; Apetrei, E; Rotaru, L; et al.

Edited by: Kimchi, A


717-721 Published: 2001

60. The spectrum of echocardiographic findings in restrictive cardiomyopathy

By: Ginghina, C; Florescu, A; Stoica, E; et al. .(Apetrei E. incl)

Edited by: Bae, JH; Nanda, NC


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 113-118 Article Number: UNSP B520R9061 Published:


61. Arrhythmia and prognosis in dilated cardiomyopathy

By: Stanescu, RC; Stancu, M; Minescu, B; et al.(Apetrei E.incl)

Edited by: Lewis, BS; Halon, DA; Flugelman, MY; et al.

ADVANCES IN CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Pages: 491-495 Published: 2001

62. Post PTCA CK-MB levels could be influenced by left ventricular mass (determined by


By: Carp, A; Chioncel, O; Macarie, C; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl).


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 127-131 Published: 2000

63. Unstable angina class III Braunwald - Evolution at 2 years

By: Cioranu, R; Marcus, S; Ginghina, C; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

Edited by: Lewis, BS; Halon, DA; Flugelman, MY; et al.


Published: 2000

64. Ischemic vs nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy - Is evolution different?

By: Cioranu, R; Marcus, S; Florea, A; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

Edited by: Lewis, BS; Halon, DA; Flugelman, MY; et al.


Published: 2000

65. Romanian dilated cardiomyopathy register - Evolution over time. Role of echocardiography

By: Cioranu, R; Apetrei, E; Florea, A

Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 133-137 Published: 2000

66. E-Er intervals in normal and hypertrophic hearts

By: Coman, IM; Bejat, T; Giuca, A; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 139-144 Published: 2000

67.Aorto-right atrium tunnel with significant left-to-right shunting in adults

By: Coman, IM; Serban, I; Ginghina, C; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl)

Page 26: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 145-150 Published: 2000

68. Impact of echocardiography in the assessment of coronary artery fistulas (27 cases)

By: Ginghina, C; Apetrei, E; Stoian, I; et al.

Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 45-49 Published: 2000

69. The impact of echocardiographic data in coherent interpretation of various entities included in

restrictive cardiomyopathy

By: Ginghina, C; Apetrei, E; Stoian, I; et al.

Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 175-180 Published: 2000

70. Left atrial appendage dysfunction and the risk of systemic embolism. Transesophageal

echocardiography study

By: Macarie, C; Rugina, M; Iliuta, L; et al. .(Apetrei E.incl

Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 227-231 Published: 2000

71. Association of risk factors in a ten-year survey - Monica programme

By: Marin-Tarlea, M; Carp, C; Apetrei, E; et al.

Edited by: Lewis, BS; Halon, DA; Flugelman, MY; et al.

72. Risk factors may aggregate in lower educated people?

By: Marin-Tarlea, M; Carp, C; Apetrei, E; et al.

Edited by: Lewis, BS; Halon, DA; Flugelman, MY; et al.


Published: 2000

73. Assessment of haemodynamics by 2D and Doppler echocardiography, compared with

catheterization data in patients with atrial septal defect

By: Popa, A; Ginghina, C; Stoian, I; et al.(Apetrei E.incl.)

Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 233-237 Published: 2000

74. New insights in the evaluation of the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure in patients with

coronary artery disease and pseudonormal filling pattern

By: Rugina, M; Apetrei, E; Macarie, C; et al.

Edited by: Aziz, OA


VASCULAR ULTRASOUND Pages: 239-243 Published: 2000

75. Long-term (25 years) efficacy of comprehensive post myocardial infarction rehabilitation


By: Marcus, S; Orha, I; Cioranu, R; et al.

Edited by: NavarroLopez, F Sponsor(s): European Soc Cardiol


Published: 1999

76. Hypertension does not influence prognosis in aortic dissection

By: Apetrei, E; Cioranu, R; Ginghina, C; et al.





Page 27: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti


77. Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

By: Apetrei, E; Rugina, M; Stoian, I; et al.








CARDIOLOGY Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 144-144 Published: 1977

9. Lista articole publicate in reviste indexate PUB MED - 74

Articole publicate in extenso, non ISI : PUB MED 74 + 43 = 117

Google scolar : 127 lucrari

Citation indices All

Citations 249

h-index 9

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i10-index 9




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new ESC search engine.

Alfonso F, Gonçalves L, Pinto F, Timmis A, Ector H, Ambrosio G, Vardas P; Editors'

Network European Society of Cardiology Task Force..

Rev Port Cardiol. 2015 May;34(5):373-80. doi: 10.1016/j.repc.2013.09.003. Epub 2013 Oct


PMID: 26062994 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



Risk of Stroke in Chronic Heart Failure Patients Without Atrial Fibrillation: Analysis of the

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Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Insufficienza Cardiaca-Heart Failure (GISSI-

HF) Trials.

Abdul-Rahim AH, Perez AC, Fulton RL, Jhund PS, Latini R, Tognoni G, Wikstrand J,

Kjekshus J, Lip GY, Maggioni AP, Tavazzi L, Lees KR, McMurray JJ; Investigators of the

Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Study in Heart Failure (CORONA).; GISSI-Heart

Failure (GISSI-HF) Committees and Investigators..

Circulation. 2015 Apr 28;131(17):1486-94; discussion 1494. doi:

10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.114.013760. Epub 2015 Mar 25.

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2014 ESC Guidelines on diagnosis and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the

Task Force for the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy of the

European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Authors/Task Force members., Elliott PM, Anastasakis A, Borger MA, Borggrefe M, Cecchi

F, Charron P, Hagege AA, Lafont A, Limongelli G, Mahrholdt H, McKenna WJ, Mogensen J,

Nihoyannopoulos P, Nistri S, Pieper PG, Pieske B, Rapezzi C, Rutten FH, Tillmanns C,

Watkins H.

Eur Heart J. 2014 Oct 14;35(39):2733-79. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehu284. Epub 2014 Aug 29.

No abstract available.

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Edoxaban versus warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation.

Giugliano RP, Ruff CT, Braunwald E, Murphy SA, Wiviott SD, Halperin JL, Waldo AL,

Ezekowitz MD, Weitz JI, Špinar J, Ruzyllo W, Ruda M, Koretsune Y, Betcher J, Shi M, Grip

LT, Patel SP, Patel I, Hanyok JJ, Mercuri M, Antman EM; ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48


N Engl J Med. 2013 Nov 28;369(22):2093-104. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1310907. Epub 2013

Nov 19.

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ESC search engine.

Alfonso F, Gonçalves L, Pinto F, Timmis A, Ector H, Ambrosio G, Vardas P; Editors'

Network European Society of Cardiology Task Force..

Heart. 2014 Mar;100(6):450-5. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2013-304596. Epub 2013 Jul 30. No

abstract available.

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Page 29: Medic primar cardiolog Profesor de cardiologie Doctor ......Octavian,Apetrei Eduard, Codrut Sarafoleanu, Belis Vladimir. Fundaţia Naţională pentru ùtiinţă úi Artă, Bucuresti




Treatment of anemia with darbepoetin alfa in systolic heart failure.

Swedberg K, Young JB, Anand IS, Cheng S, Desai AS, Diaz R, Maggioni AP, McMurray JJ,

O'Connor C, Pfeffer MA, Solomon SD, Sun Y, Tendera M, van Veldhuisen DJ; RED-HF

Committees.; RED-HF Investigators..

N Engl J Med. 2013 Mar 28;368(13):1210-9. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1214865. Epub 2013 Mar


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Failure trial (RED-HF).

McMurray JJ, Anand IS, Diaz R, Maggioni AP, O'Connor C, Pfeffer MA, Solomon SD,

Tendera M, van Veldhuisen DJ, Albizem M, Cheng S, Scarlata D, Swedberg K, Young JB;

RED-HF Committees Investigators..

Eur J Heart Fail. 2013 Mar;15(3):334-41. doi: 10.1093/eurjhf/hfs204. Epub 2013 Jan 17.

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Fostering diffusion of scientific contents of national society cardiovascular journals: the new

ESC search engine.

Alfonso F, Gonçalves L, Pinto F, Timmis A, Ector H, Ambrosio G, Vardas P, Antoinades O,

Apetrei E, Aschermann M, Bologneze L, Dilic M, Edes I, Filipiak KJ, Guliyev F, Haouala H,

Hassanein MM, Heras M, Hoglund C, Hulin I, Huber K, Ivanusa M, Marinskis G, Masic I,

Ostojic M, Pachinger O, Raev D, Rogava M, Rodevand O, Sansoy V, Shlyakhto E, Shumakov

VA, Van der Wall E, Videbaek J, Luscher TF.

Med Arch. 2013;67(5):308-13. No abstract available.

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R, Cohen A, Edes I, Elias J, Galeano J, Guarda E, Haouala H, Heras M, Höglund C, Huber K,

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MF, Masic I, Pinho-Moreira LF, Mrochek A, Oganov RG, Raev D, Rogava M, Rødevand O,

Sansoy V, Shimokawa H, Shumakov VA, Tajer CD, van der Wall EE, Stefanadis C, Videbæk

J, Lüscher TF.

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0. The role of European National Journals in education. Mills P, Timmis A, Huber K, Ector H, Masic I, Ivanusa M, Antoniades L, Aschermann M,

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Ambrosio G, van der Wall EE, Kułakowski P, Pinto FJ, Apetrei E, Oganov RG, Kamensky G,

Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Tajer CD, Lau CP, Márquez MF,

Krittayaphong R, Arai K, Alfonso F.

Arch Cardiol Mex. 2009 Oct-Dec;79(4):286-9. No abstract available.

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heart failure (from the CORONA Study).

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Mills P, Timmis A, Huber K, Ector H, Masic I, Ivanusa M, Antoniades L, Aschermann M,

Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Chiarello M, Bolognese L,

Ambrosio G, van der Wall EE, Kuakowski P, Pinto FJ, Apetrei E, Oganov RG, Kamensky G,

Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Tajer CD, Lau CP, Márquez M,

Krittayaphong R, Arai K, Alfonso F.

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M, Bolognese L, Ambrosio G, van der Wall EE, Kułakowski P, Pinto FJ, Apetrei E, Oganov

RG, Kamensky G, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Tajer CD, Lau

CP, Márquez M, Krittayaphong R, Arai K, Alfonso F; Europe Society of Cardiology.;

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Chiariello M, Bolognese L, Ambrosio G, van der Wall EE, Kulakowski P, Pinto FJ, Apetrei E,

Oganov RG, Kamensky G, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Tajer

CD, Lau CP, Márquez M, Krittayaphong R, Arai K, Alfonso F; European Society of

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Aschermann M, Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Chiarello

M, Bolognese L, Ambrosio G, van der Wall EE, Kułakowski P, Pinto FJ, Apetrei E, Oganov

RG, Kamensky G, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Tajer CD, Lau

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The role of European national journals in education.

Mills P, Timmis A, Huber K, Ector H, Lancellotti P, Masic I, Ivanusa M, Antoniades L,

Aschermann M, Videbaek J, Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Vardas P, Stefanadis C,

Chiariello M, Bolognese L, Ambrosio G, Van Der Wall EE, Kułakowski P, Pinto FJ, Apetrei

E, Oganov RG, Kamensky G, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V,

Tajer CD, Lau CP, Márquez M, Krittayaphong R, Arai K, Alfonso F; European Society of

Cardiology (ESC) National Society Cardiovascular Journals Editors.; ESC Affiliated Societies

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The role of European national journals in education.

Mills P, Timmis A, Huber K, Ector H, Lancellotti P, Masic I, Ivanusa M, Antoniades L,

Aschermann M, Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Chiarello

M, Bolognese L, Ambrosio G, van der Wall EE, Kułakowski P, Pinto FJ, Apetrei E, Oganov

RG, Kamensky G, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Tajer CD, Lau

CP, Márquez M, Krittayaphong R, Arai K, Alfonso F; European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

National Society Cardiovascular Journals Editors..

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Waagstein F, Grande P, Hradec J, Kamenský G, Korewicki J, Kuusi T, Mach F, Ranjith N,

Wikstrand J; CORONA Study Group..

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Huber K, Ector H, Masic I, Tarnovska R, Ivanusa M, Stanek V, Videbaek J, Hamed M,

Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Cohen A, Rogava M, Böhm M, Fleck E, Heusch G,

Klawki R, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Tenczer J, Chiariello M, Elias J, Benjelloun H, Rødevand

O, Kulakowski P, Apetrei E, Lusov VA, Oganov RG, Obradovic V, Kamensky G, Kenda MF,

Höglund C, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Jokhadar M, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Timmis

A, Tajer CD, Coard K, Hajar R, Lau CP, Chopra HK, Tabatabaei SA, Márquez MF, Samad A,

Galeano J, Doubell A, Kuo CT, Krittayaphong R, Arai K, Bacal F, Guzmán L; Grupo de

Trabajo de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología..

Arch Cardiol Mex. 2009 Apr-Jun;79(2):157-64. Spanish. No abstract available.

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SD, Sun Y, Swedberg K, Tendera M, van Veldhuisen DJ, Wasserman SM, Young JB; RED-

HF Committees and Investigators..

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Cardiology., Nibouche D, Adamyan K, Huber K, Ector H, Masic I, Tarnovska R, Ivanusa M,

Stanek V, Videbaek J, Hamed M, Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Rogava M, Böhm

M, Fleck E, Heusch G, Klawki R, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Tenczer J, Nicolosi G, Elias J,

Moustaghfir A, Rødevand O, Kułakowski P, Lusov VA, Oganov RG, Ristic A, Kamensky G,

Kenda MF, Höglund C, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Kabbani S, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov A,

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European National Society Cardiovascular Journals. Background, rationale and mission

statement of the "Editors' Club" (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology).

Alfonso F, Ambrosio G, Pinto FJ, van der Wall EE, Kondili A, Nibouche D, Adamyan K,

Huber K, Ector H, Masic I, Tarnovska R, Ivanusa M, Stanek V, Videbaek J, Hamed M,

Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Cohen A, Rogava M, Böhm M, Fleck E, Heusch G,

Klawki R, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Tenczer J, Chiariello M, Elias J, Benjelloun H, Rødevand

O, Kułakowski P, Apetrei E, Lusov VA, Oganov RG, Obradovic V, Kamensky G, Kenda MF,

Höglund C, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Jokhadar M, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Timmis

A; Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology..

Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2008 Jun;36(4):207-13. No abstract available.

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Cardiology Editor's Club..

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Alfonso F, Ambrosio G, Pinto FJ, Van der Wall EE, Kondili A, Nibouche D, Adamyan K,

Huber K, Ector H, Masic I, Tarnovska R, Ivanusa M, Stanĕk V, Videbaek J, Hamed M,

Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Cohen A, Rogava M, Böhm M, Fleck E, Heusch G,

Klawki R, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Tenczer J, Chiariello M, Elias J, Benjelloun H, Rødevand

O, Kułakowski P, Apetrei E, Lusov VA, Oganov RG, Obradovic V, Kamensky G, Kenda MF,

Höglund C, Lancellotti P, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Jokhadar M, Haouala H, Sansoy V,

Shumakov V, Timmis A; Task Force of the Erupean Society of Cardiology..

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[European National Society cardiovascular journals. Background, rationale and mission

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Grupo de trabajo de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología., Alfonso F, Ambrosio G, Pinto FJ,

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R, Ivanusa M, Stanĕk V, Videbaek J, Hamed M, Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Artigou JY,

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Tenczer J, Chiariello M, Elias J, Benjelloun H, Rødevand O, Kułakowski P, Apetrei E, Lusov

VA, Oganov RG, Obradovic V, Kamensky G, Kenda MF, Höglund C, Lüscher TF, Lerch R,

Jokhadar M, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Timmis A.

Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008 Jun;61(6):644-50. Spanish. No abstract available.

PMID: 18570788 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free Article

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European National Society Cardiovascular Journals. Background, rationale and mission

statement of the "Editors' Club".

Alfonso F, Ambrosio G, Pinto F, Van der Wall E, Nibouche D, Adamyan K, Huber K, Ector

H, Masic I, Tarnovska R, Ivanusa M, Stanek V, Videbaek J, Hamed M, Laucevicius A,

Mustonen P, Artigou JY, Rogava M, Böhm M, Fleck E, Heusch G, Klawki R, Vardas P,

Stefanadis C, Tenczer J, Nicolosi G, Elias J, Moustaghfir A, Rødevand O, Kułakowski P,

Lusov VA, Oganov RG, Ristic A, Kamensky G, Kenda MF, Höglund C, Lüscher TF, Lerch R,

Kabbani S, Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov A, Adam T; Task Force of the European Society

of Cardiology..

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European National Society cardiovascular journals. Background, rationale and mission

statement of the "Editors' Club" (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology).

Alfonso F, Ambrosio G, Pinto FJ, Van der Wall EE; Task Force of the European Society of

Cardiology., Kondili A, Nibouche D, Adamyan K, Huber K, Ector H, Masic I, Tarnovska R,

Ivanusa M, Stanek V, Videbaek J, Hamed M, Laucevicius A, Mustonen P, Cohen JY, Rogava

M, Böhm M, Fleck E, Heusch G, Klawki R, Vardas P, Stefanadis C, Tenczer J, Chiariello M,

Elias J, Benjelloun H, Rødevand O, Kułakowski P, Apetrei E, Lusov VA, Oganov RG,

Obradovic V, Kamensky G, Kenda MF, Höglund C, Lüscher TF, Lerch R, Jokhadar M,

Haouala H, Sansoy V, Shumakov V, Timmis A.

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- Coordonator national – 5 studii







- Investigator – 4 studii

Contracte de cercetare :

- Programul MONICA(Monitorizarea bolilor cardiovasculare in Europa),

- Prevalenta HTA in populatia industriala din Slatina

- Prgramul OMS privind Infarctul Miocardic.

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Times Cited : 852

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field and publication year.

2. Rosuvastatin in older patients with systolic heart failure By: Kjekshus, John; Apetrei, Eduard; Barrios, Vivencio; et al.

Group Author(s): CORONA Grp

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Volume: 357 Issue: 22 Pages: 2248-2261

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citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of academic fields based

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3.Conflict of Interest Policies and Disclosure Requirements Among European

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4.The effects of amlodipine and enalapril on renal function in adults with

hypertension and nondiabetic nephropathies: A 3-year, randomized, multicenter,

double-blind, placebo-controlled study By: Esnault, Vincent L. M.; Brown, Edwina A.; Apetrei, Eduard; et al.

Group Author(s): AVER Study Grp

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