MEGA MINDSEERS - STAGE 1 (EYFS & KS1) M e g a M i n d s e t t e r s


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ega Mindsetters


Welcome to Mega MindseTTersWhat is Mega MindseTTers?Mega Mindsetters is a Wellbeing club full of fun activities to help children better understand how to manage their mental health.

We think of our Wellbeing as being Happy and Healthy.

The light-hearted activities in this club are designed to equip children with some strategies that they can use to help manage their thoughts, feelings and actions and have a better understanding of what mental health/wellbeing is and how they can look after it.

The desired outcomes are that children will:• Become more aware of their Wellbeing and how it affects them

• Have fun learning and talking about Wellbeing

• Learn strategies and techniques to help them with their Wellbeing

Ground rules of Mega MindseTTers:• Respect each other and ourselves

• Provide a safe space to share opinions

• Follow the school’s safeguarding procedures should you have any concerns

• Do not share the resources with any other school or organisation

Though the club and activities are inclusive it maybe that you need to adapt an activity as you know the children and their needs.

The main thing is to have FUN and ENJOY learning about Wellbeing and becoming a MEGA MINDSETTER!

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 1 - welcome |• To introduce the club

• To get to know each other

• To set some club “values”

Learning objectives

• Get to know you questions on small pieces of paper (Resource 1.1)

• Blue tack

• Flipchart sheet and pens

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRODUCTIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Welcome everyone to MEGA MINDSETTERS

Let’s get to know each other. On the walls around the room you will see pieces of paper. One at a time they will take a piece of paper and read the question that is on it and then answer it. [You will need to read out the questions for some of the children].

Activity 1[25 mins]

BEING A MEGA MINDSETTERThroughout this term, you’re going to be learning to become a MEGA MINDSETTER, in other words – someone who has a great attitude! What does the word MEGA mean here? It means BRILLIANT, FANTASTIC, AMAZING! We’re going to have lots of fun learning about something called wellbeing.

Explain that wellbeing is being happy and healthy.

Can we be happy and healthy all of the time? Explain that we can not be happy and healthy all of the time.

We’re going to work as a team throughout this term – we’re going to learn together.

We are going to play a game of ‘charades’. Take it in turns to act out an animal. The rest of the club needs to try and guess the animal that they are acting out.

This activity leads us nicely into setting some “Club Values” to follow – ask them if they have any ideas on what we should include on there and write them down on a flipchart paper (remember to bring this along each week). The type of things we are looking for are around respecting you, respecting each other, always listening, being kind and thoughtful, asking for help if need-be.

Activity 2[15 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 1 - welcome |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEHold up the laminated clock and say to the children that at the end of every session, we are going to do a Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute. What is great about it is that you don’t just have to do this at Mega Mindsetters club, you can do it anywhere at any time to help you to feel cool, calm and chilled! We call it one of our CHILL SKILLZ.

Ask the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. If they’re sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 3[10 mins]

| resource A: Mindful Minute Clock |





| resource 1.1: get to know you |









| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 2 - I can’t do it YET! |• To start learning about what it means to have a mega mindset

• To understand that we can change “I can’t do it” to “I can’t do it YET”Learning objectives

• A piece of paper for each child and some colouring in pencils

• Mr Men / Little Miss outline sheets (Resource 1.2)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Today we’re going to learn more about what it means to be a MEGA MINDSETTER!

Hands up if you’ve ever said “I can’t do it”? (Put your hand up too!).

Sometimes we face challenges, it may be a subject you’re finding hard at school or it might be something you’re doing in your PE lessons. Share an example and if the class want to also, then encourage discussion.

Let’s think about walking….when we were babies, we couldn’t walk at first – in fact we couldn’t even sit up for a while, eventually we may have started to crawl and then eventually to walk.

Have you ever seen a baby learning to crawl? It usually takes a bit of time and a lot of effort! At first it seems like they won’t be able to do it, but with practice – they can do it.

When we tell ourselves “I can’t do it” – we probably won’t end up doing it, because we don’t believe in ourselves. For example, if I told you that I wanted to learn to juggle. If I just say “I can’t do it – I’ll never be able to do it” – that isn’t going to make me feel very positive or hopeful! How do you think I can change that phrase “I can’t do it”? Any ideas?

Instead I could say “ I can’t do it YET”

Activity 1[10 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 2 - I can’t do it YET! |MR MEN & LITTLE MISSIn a moment, you’re going to design your very own Mega Mindsetter Mr or Little Miss character.

First, let’s play a game.

Ask the children to stand up and make sure they have some space.

Explain that you will say a Mr Men or Little Miss character and they have to move like him or her.






- MR MUDDLE (walk backwards)












If the children can think of anymore, they can suggest them at the end.

Now I would like you to design your very own Mr Men or Little Miss character – with a focus on having a MEGA MINDSET.

[If there are some younger children in the class who need to be paired with someone else, then feel free to do so].

Ask them to think of a name for their new character (ideas could be Mr Mega, Little Miss “I can do it”!) and to draw him/ her on the paper provided.

If time at the end, ask them all to hold up their character and tell the rest of the group about it.

So next time we find ourselves saying “I can’t do it” – let’s remember that little word – YET!

Activity 2[30 mins]


Ask the children whether they can remember what we did at the end of the last session.

We are going to try it again now. Remember every now and then, it is helpful to have some quiet time – to rest your bodies and your minds, ready for the day ahead.

Ask the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. If they are sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.



Activity 3[5 mins]

| resource 1.2: MR MEN & LITTLE MISS |

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 3 - Fun & laughter |• To laugh a lot!

• To learn about the benefits of smiling and laughterLearning objectives

• The book or video: “Mr Funny upsets Mr Fussy”

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Ask everyone how they are doing and how their week is going. Remind them about what we learnt about last week – what was the really important 3-letter word we talked about? Y-E-T! Instead of saying “I can’t do it” – it is much better to say “I can’t do it YET!”.

Today though we are going to focus on having A LOT OF FUN! Well I am hoping you enjoy it as much as I will.

I set you some homework last week, who has done it?

Go round the circle with each child sharing their favourite joke, share one of yours too!

So apart from all of these hilarious jokes, what makes you laugh? Talk to the person next to you. Then get the children to share with the rest of the group.

Laughter is really good for us! It helps to keep us healthy. When we feel angry, it can help us to feel calmer. It feels so good to laugh with someone, it builds our connections too.

Remember though that it’s important we don’t laugh AT people in an unkind way!

Activity 1[15 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 3 - Fun & laughter |LAUGHTER YOGALaughter is infectious! So we’re going to do some exercises now to get us all laughing! Everyone stand up & make sure you have some space around you. The aim of these activities is…to laugh! Don’t worry if you feel a bit silly – just let yourself enjoy it!

The 1st one is called the TRAFFIC JAM.

Imagine you’re all driving cars and the traffic is terrible. When the leader shouts “Green Light”, everybody drives around the room, holding their steering wheels and making driving sounds. When the leader shouts “Red Light!” everybody stops moving and laughs. Repeat often for maximum merriment.

Here’s the next one…LAUGHING UP YOUR BODY

Start laughing with your tummy and make the sound “Ho ho ho” (like Santa Claus), patting your belly as you breathe out. Move your laughter to your shoulders - shake your shoulders and laugh with a “Ha ha ha” as you breathe out. Now laugh in your throat with a big witch’s cackle – “Heh heh heh” - as you stir your cauldron! Laugh as raucously and as cackle-y as possible! Now, use your face and make the sound “Hoo hoo hoo”, like a cheeky monkey as you breathe out. You can also move around the room like a monkey while you do this one. Finally, tap the top of your head – and make a really high-pitched “Hee hee hee” sound as you wave your hands in the air!



The group stands or sits in a circle – with one person in the middle. The group leader demonstrates three animal movements:

- Elephant - wave hand in front of nose to make trunk

- Monkey - blow out cheeks and hold ears

- Crocodile - extend arms and snap together for croc’s mouth.

The person in middle points to someone in the group and that person has to immediately become an elephant, while the person on their right has to be the monkey and the person on their left, the crocodile. The last to do it goes in middle and points for the next round.

Activity 2[15 mins]

MR FUNNY UPSETS MR FUSSY [If you do not have the book Mr Funny upsets Mr Fussy, here’s the link to the story so you can play it to the group: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmpIFvAL0OgI thought we would read a story now. Following on from the Mr Men/ Little Miss theme from last week, let’s sit and listen to Mr Funny upsets Mr Fussy.

Activity 3[10 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 3 - Fun & laughter |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTESo hopefully today’s session has taught us that laughter is good for us. We all have a difference sense of humour – so we all find different things funny.

As usual, let’s end with our Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute.

Ask the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. If they’re sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 4 - Me & my feelings |

• To learn about feelingsLearning objectives

• Paper plates or plate template sheet (Resource 1.3)

• Pens / crayons

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Today we are going to talk about feelings. We are going to start by doing some singing! Singing is actually great for our wellbeing – it can make us feel really good!

Which nursery rhymes did you love when you were a bit younger? Let’s choose one now - we are going to sing a verse in each of the following voices:

1. Your usual voice

2. Your excited voice

3. Your grumpy voice

4. Your happy voice

Read this poem to the children:

I have feelings, you do tooLet’s all sing about a few.I am happy, I am sad,I get scared, I get mad.I am proud of being me.That’s a feeling too, you see.I have feelings, you do too.We just sang about a few.

If you are allowed, give each child a copy of the poem to take home.

Activity 1[10 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 4 - Me & my feelings |SIMON SAYSPlay Simon says with the children substituting feeling phrases for the usual directions. For example, say: “Simon says, look happy. ” In between commands you can ask them questions about those feelings, such as “What makes you feel happy?”

Activity 2[10 mins]

HAPPY PLATEGive each child a paper plate or plate template and ask them to decorate it in anyway that makes them feel happy.

They could draw a smiley face. They may like to do different patterns in the colours that make them feel happy.

This is a chance for the children to be creative. This is very good for their wellbeing and helps express their feelings through art.

If you are allowed to it would be good to display the plates on the wall.

Activity 3[20 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEBefore we do today’s Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute, tell me – do you ever try this at home? Why don’t you give it a go this week sometime, maybe get a family member to join in with you too!

Ask the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. If they are sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| resource 1.3: happy plate |

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 5 - Being happy with me |• To understand that we are all different, and that’s a good thing!

• To learn how to be happy with who I amLearning objectives

• Compliments postcards (Resource 1.4)

• Elmer pictures (A3) (Resource 1.5)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONLet’s start today’s session with the bean game, just for fun!

The children begin by walking around the room in any direction. Then when you say one of the commands below, they act out the appropriate action:

• JUMPING BEAN – Jump around the room

• RUNNER BEAN – Run around the room/ on the spot

• BROAD BEAN – Stretch your arms and legs out as wide as you can

• BAKED BEAN – Lie on the floor & sunbathe

• JELLY BEAN – Wobble like jelly

• CHILLI BEAN – Shiver and shake

• FRENCH BEAN – Strike a pose and shout “Bonjour”

• COFFEE BEANS - All cough madly (hands over mouths of course)

• SANTA’s BEEN - Walk about wobbling your tummy saying “Ho,Ho, Ho”

• FULL OF BEANS - Dance around really energetically!

Last week I talked about ways of looking after our bodies. Well today we are going to explore a different topic – being happy with who I am!

Activity 1[5 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 5 - Being happy with me |I’m not sure about you, but sometimes I used to compare myself to my friends and wish I was more like them. I wish I was better at ….. or I wish I looked more like ….. – but actually, we are all different and that is a good thing, imagine if we were all same!

Let’s watch a video now, about Elmer. www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSo9fQmpZs0

What did you learn from this video?

Be proud of who you are! When you look round the room, we all look different in lots of ways. Can you give me some examples?

[hair colour, skin colour, size, height, eye colour].

What about other ways that we are different to each other?

[our character and personality, our interests and hobbies, our talents].

Activity 2[10 mins]

There are two options for this activity (or feel free to do both if you have time and they are age appropriate):

COMPLIMENTSHow does it make you feel when someone gives you a compliment? Giving compliments is a lovely act of kindness, it can cheer someone up and make them feel good about themselves.

Let’s do that now. Use the postcards to write a compliment for a friend or family member [or you can encourage them to write a compliment for the person to their right, so they each have one to take away. They can do more than one and make them look nice too].

Many of us find it easy to give out compliments and say nice things to other people – but it is also important to say nice things to ourselves too and to be kind to ourselves. That helps us to be happy with who we are!

ELMERUsing the Elmer elephant picture, decorate Elmer and draw or write down what makes you unique in the various patchwork squares. [Give them examples of how yours would look].

Activity 3[25 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish or keep them open. If they are sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| resource 1.4: compliments postcards |

My compliment to you is... My compliment to you is...

My compliment to you is... My compliment to you is...

| resource 1.5: Elmer |

Name: .............................

Age: .................................






| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 6 - Looking after my body |• To learn about how to look after my body

• To make positive choices when taking care of my bodyLearning objectives

• Picnic basket sheets (A3 ideally) – one per child (Resource 1.6)

• Picnic blanket [not essential]

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONLet’s recap on the last session – can you remember what we covered? We talked about how we are all different and that is great! The differences are what makes us unique.

Today we are going to talk about something completely different – our bodies. One way of feeling good about ourselves is to take good care of our bodies. We can have a mega mindset (a really great attitude) towards this by CHOOSING to do certain things. Any ideas?

- get plenty of SLEEP

- brush our teeth every day twice a day for at least two minutes!

- do lots of exercise

AND the one we’re going to focus on today……Eat healthily!

Activity 1[5 mins]

THE PICNICLay a picnic blanket down on the floor then ask them to sit on or around it.

Who has had a picnic recently?

So we’re going to play a memory game now. One person starts off by saying “I’m going to a picnic and I’m taking a ….. The next person repeats what the person next to him/ her said and then adds something new. Try to think of all the things we might need at a picnic and some of the food we might take along too.

I’d like you to imagine that we’re having a picnic today. [Hand out the Picnic Basket sheets]. You can spend some time creating your own picnic by drawing it out – it has to be a HEALTHY one though! What kind of healthy things might feature?

Activity 2[35 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 6 - Looking after my body |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 3[5 mins]

| resource 1.6: the picnic |




| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 7 - Kindness & Friendships |

• To learn what it means to be a good friend and show kindnessLearning objectives

• ‘Kindness’ letters (Resource 1.7)

• Friendship cake activity sheets (Resource 1.8)

• Certificates (Resource 1.9)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONSpend some time recapping the previous session: physical wellbeing – how we look after our bodies. Remind them that our minds and bodies are connected and we need to look after both. If one doesn’t feel too good this can affect the other and vice versa.

Explain that today we will be looking at kindness and friendship; what it means to be a good friend and show kindness to others.

Activity 1[5 mins]

KINDNESS LETTER JUMBLEGive out the letters that spell ‘KINDNESS’. See if the children can work out what the letters spell. They can do this in small groups, or you can do it as a whole group.

After the children have discovered what the words spells (perhaps with some help), have a discussion about what it means to show kindness. Explain that we can show kindness to ourselves as well others.

Can the children think of examples of how to be kind either to themselves or to others?

• Sharing

• Holding the door open for others

• Saying nice things to ourselves and others

Activity 2[10 mins]

| stage 1 (eyfs & ks1) - Session 7 - Kindness & Friendships |BEING A GOOD FRIENDWe are going to talk next about how we can be good friends. Who likes cake here? Show me your excited face! Well I’m afraid it’s far too early in the day for cake, but we are going to talk about cake now – hope it doesn’t make you feel too peckish!

Who has helped make a cake before? It’s quite a process isn’t it – lots of different ingredients go into a cake. What ingredients can you think of? [eggs, flour, sugar, butter, cocoa powder, vanilla extract]. Every cake is different and so needs different ingredients. For example, a Victoria Sponge doesn’t need Cocoa Powder! Just as every cake is different, so are our friendships. There are certain “ingredients” that go into making a really great friendship too! We’ve said one of them this morning already – KINDNESS. What else? [Trust, Love, Honesty, Having things in common, Fun, Respect, Understanding, Forgiveness, Generosity].

Cakes take time and work – but the result is worth it! It is the same with our friendships – let’s take time and put lots of effort into them.

I would like you all to make your own cake now (but it’s a friendship one!). On the sheet of paper, you will see a mixing bowl. I want you to write in it just 5 friendship “ingredients” – the ones which you think are most important to you. Then, you can decorate the cake (choose a flavour/ type of cake first) on the other side of the sheet.

Activity 3[20 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit or lie. They can close their eyes if they wish or keep them open.

Once comfortable, ask them to practise breathing through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[2 mins]

CELEBRATION CERTIFICATEGive each child a certificate to celebrate their commitment, effort and for becoming a MEGA MINDSETTER!

Activity 5[2 mins]









| resource 1.8: friendship cake |

| resource 1.8: friendship cake |






ega Mindsetters


Welcome to Mega MindseTTersWhat is Mega MindseTTers?Mega Mindsetters is a Wellbeing club full of fun activities to help children better understand how to manage their mental health.

We think of our Wellbeing as being Happy and Healthy.

The light-hearted activities in this club are designed to equip children with some strategies that they can use to help manage their thoughts, feelings and actions and have a better understanding of what mental health/wellbeing is and how they can look after it.

The desired outcomes are that children will:• Become more aware of their Wellbeing and how it affects them

• Have fun learning and talking about Wellbeing

• Learn strategies and techniques to help them with their Wellbeing

Ground rules of Mega MindseTTers:• Respect each other and ourselves

• Provide a safe space to share opinions

• Follow the school’s safeguarding procedures should you have any concerns

• Do not share the resources with any other school or organisation

Though the club and activities are inclusive it maybe that you need to adapt an activity as you know the children and their needs.

The main thing is to have FUN and ENJOY learning about Wellbeing and becoming a MEGA MINDSETTER!

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 1 - welcome |• To introduce the club

• To get to know each other

• To set some club “values”

Learning objectives

• ‘How well do you know your friends’ word document (Resource 2.1)

• Large paper and pens

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRODUCTIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Welcome everyone to MEGA MINDSETTERS and introduce yourself to the group.

HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR FRIENDS?Let’s get to know each other. Give children a strip of paper with three questions on and a pen/pencil. Ask them to write the answers to each question then fold them in half. Collect them all in. Coach to read them out one by one. Can you guess whose is who?

• My favourite thing to do is______________

• When I grow up I want to be ______________

• I’m MEGA because __________________

Activity 1[15 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 1 - welcome |BEING A MEGA MINDSETTERThroughout this term, you’re going to be learning to become a MEGA MINDSETTER, in other words – someone who has a great attitude! What does the word MEGA mean here? It means BRILLIANT, FANTASTIC, AMAZING! We’re going to have lots of fun learning about something called wellbeing.

Explain that wellbeing is being happy and healthy.

Can we be happy and healthy all of the time? Explain that we can’t feel happy and healthy all of the time.

We’re going to work as a team throughout this term – we’re going to learn together.

We are going to take it in turns to make their body into the first letter of their name. The group will try and guess what letter it is.

If the group all know each other really well then ask them to freeze in a pose of one of their favourite hobbies – the rest of the group have to guess what it is.

This activity leads us nicely into setting some “Club Values” to follow – ask them if they have any ideas on what we should include on there and write them down on a flipchart paper (remember to bring this along each week). The type of things we are looking for are around respecting you, respecting each other, always listening, being kind and thoughtful, asking for help if need-be.

Activity 2[20 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEHold up the laminated clock and say to the children that at the end of every session, we are going to do a Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute. What is great about it is that you don’t just have to do this at Mega Mindsetters club, you can do it anywhere at any time to help you to feel cool, calm and chilled! We call it one of our CHILL SKILLZ.

Ask the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. If they’re sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 3[5 mins]

| resource 2.1: How well do you know your friends |

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

My favourite thing to do is ____________________

When I grow up I want to be ____________________

I’m MEGA because ____________________

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 2 - I can’t do it…yet |

• To start learning about what it means to have a mega mindset

• To start new habits of saying “I can’t do it…yet.’Learning objectives

• Giraffes can’t dance text/video clip www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UNRduYI_04• Roll a dance activity - pictures printed (play as a whole group with soft die or one set of pictures for every 4/5 children) (Resource 2.3)

• OPTIONAL soft die with spaces for you to put the pictures

• A selection of music-to waltz, rock, tango, cha-cha, reel, free style to. (use YouTube or Spotify, Apple Music)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

RECAPWho can remember what we did last week? That’s right! We learned about this club, what it means to have a Mega Mind, playing getting to know you games and completed our first mindful minute.

INTRODUCTIONSToday is a new session, all about our minds. Your brains are mega already but we are going to learn how to make them even more mega today. How do you think we will do that?

Listen to the chn’s ideas.

Activity 1[5 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 2 - I can’t do it…yet |GIRAFFES CAN’T DANCEHands up if you’ve ever said “I can’t do it”? (Put your hand up too!).

Sometimes we face challenges, it may be a subject you’re finding hard at school or it might be something you’re doing in your PE lessons or a friendship that keeps going wrong. Share an example and if the class want to also, then encourage discussion.

Let’s think about walking….when we were babies, we couldn’t walk at first – in fact we couldn’t even sit up for a while, eventually we may have started to crawl and then eventually to walk.

Have you ever seen a baby learning to crawl? It usually takes a bit of time and a lot of effort! At first it seems like they won’t be able to do it, but with practice – they can do it.

There’s a special phrase I would like you to get into the habit of saying. ‘I can’t do it…yet’. Let’s try it. Encourage the children to say things that they can’t do yet. “I can’t ride my bike…yet.” “I can’t do my 7x table yet.” etc

Read ‘Giraffes can’t dance to the children / or play the video of the story and discuss how Gerald felt during the story and how the other animals treated him.

Activity 2[15 mins]

ROLL A DANCE (play as a whole group or in smaller groups)Have the pictures ready in your die or laid out in front of the children face down. Explain that we are going to have some fun being a bit silly. We are going to see what it felt like for Gerald to dance to music that he wasn’t familiar with.

Roll the die or ask children to choose one at a time a picture from in front of them. Whatever genre of music has been selected, that child will be encouraged to dance to. If they are shy, coach and children to dance with them. Encourage children to not worry about feeling silly.

**E.g. if rhino’s rock is selected, child will dance to some rock music.

Ask the children how it felt doing that activity. It’s good to feel a bit silly sometimes, even if it makes us feel a bit uncomfortable If you never try, you may never reach your potential. Getting it wrong is not as bad as never trying anything.

Remember, we can’t all be good at things straight away and we have to start saying ‘I can’t do it yet’ but at least I gave it a go. Making mistakes and trying is all part of learning.

Activity 3[10 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. They can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| resource 2.3: Roll a dance activity |

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 3 - Let’s laugh…A LOT |

• To laugh a lot!

• To learn about the benefits of smiling and laughterLearning objectives

• Enough cones for one each

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Ask everyone how they’re doing and how their week is going. Remind them about what we learnt about last week – what was the really important 3-letter word we talked about? Y-E-T! Instead of saying “I can’t do it” – it is much better to say “I can’t do it YET!”. We’re going to come back to this topic later in the programme.

Today though we are going to focus on having A LOT OF FUN! Well I am hoping you enjoy it as much as I will.

Who knows any good jokes? Go round the circle with each child sharing their favourite joke, share one of yours too!

Activity 1[5-10 mins]

HEADS, SHOULDERS, KNEES AND CONESLet’s play a game up to warm up and get giggling.

Who here knows the song ‘heads shoulders knees and toes’? it’s very popular. This game is based on this song.

• You will need a cone.

• Stand up with the cone in front of you.

• Teacher will say commands-heads, shoulders, knees, and other body parts.

• When you hear ‘cone’, it is a race to get your cone and put it on your head as quickly as possible.

• Extension- this can be played on tummies (one arm stretched out away from the cone). children have to jump up on to two feet before they can grab the cone.

Activity 2[10 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 3 - Let’s laugh…A LOT |LAUGHTER YOGALaughter is infectious! So we’re going to do some exercises now to get us all laughing! Everyone stand up & make sure you have some space around you. The aim of these activities is…to laugh! Don’t worry if you feel a bit silly – just let yourself enjoy it!

This is called WIGGLE GIGGLE.

I’m going to associate a different laughter sound to four different parts of my body. When I wiggle each one, you must make that sound.

Left arm-“ho ho ho”

Right arm-“ha ha ha”

Left leg-“he he he”

Right leg-“hi hi hi”

Start slowly so children can try to remember each body part and its given sound then get quicker, moving all body parts and just making all sorts of noises. This bit should get all the children laughing naturally and not necessarily focussed on the given sounds.

Allow a child to take the lead to play this game. Can we think of new sounds?

Come back together and discuss what else makes us laugh/feel good.

How do our bodies feel when we feel good? Has anyone ever laughed so hard they cried? Has anyone ever laughed so hard they got a stitch or their face started hurting? What happened?

Activity 3[15 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. They can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 4 - Me and my feelings |

• To explore a range of different feelings Learning objectives

• Paper, pencils, pens

• Emoji pictures sheet (Resource 2.4)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Ask everyone how they are doing and how their week is going. Remind them about what we learnt about last week.

Today though we are going to focus on feelings and emotions. What are emotions? Emotions are what we feel when we experience different situations.

Activity 1[5 mins]

‘I went to the shop and felt’…..(feeling)Sit in a circle. Explain that we are going to playing the ‘I went to the shop and felt..’ game but instead of buying foods we are going to say we felt…….

The first person starts with ‘I went to the shop and felt… and choose an emotion/feeling. The next person then says ‘I went to the shop and felt - says the first person’s emotion and then adds their own and so on.

Praise the children for their efforts. Explain that we have two different types of emotions- comfortable and uncomfortable. Feelings on their own are not good or bad but they can lead to us making good or bad choices. E.g. if we feel angry and we count to 10 to calm down again, that’s a good choice. But if we shout at someone because we are angry that’s a bad choice. Feeling angry is natural though. Everyone feels angry sometimes.

Activity 2[10 mins]

DESIGN A MEGA MINDSETTER EMOJIShare the picture cards of some emojis. What does this one represent? Which ones represent comfortable/uncomfortable emotions? Why? Discuss how weather has an impact on our mood too.

Have some plain paper and pens available for children to design their own Mega Mindsetter emoji. It will be like a club mascot. Will you choose a face/animal/body part?

Chn could mix the features of two or more emojis- love heart eyes with different mouth for example?

Activity 3[20 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 4 - Me and my feelings |

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. They can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| resource 2.4: emojis |

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 5 - Happy being me |

• To learn to be happy with who I am and what I look like

• To learn about self-compassionLearning objectives

• Self Esteem Dice (Resource 2.5)

• All you need is love posters (Resource 2.6)

• Colouring Pencils

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONLet’s recap on the last session – can you remember what we covered?

SELF-COMPASSION and ESTEEMToday we are going to talk about something different - ourselves. Has anyone heard of self-compassion? Self-compassion is where you like or even love who you are. You are happy with the way you look and try not to compare yourself to others. Self-compassion is like giving yourself a big hug.

What is meant by Self -Esteem?

Recognising what you are good, having confidence in your abilities and yourself – self-respect. Not needing others to recognise you are good at something for you to know you are.

Activity 1[5-10 mins]

SELF ESTEEM DICE GAMEUsing the dice, get the children to roll one at a time and finish the statement on the dice. If any discussion point come from what has been said, encourage as it can lead someone to feel better about that aspect of themselves as someone is taking an interest.

Activity 2[10 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 5 - Happy being me |SECRET COMPLIMENTS We are going to play a game now. The aim of the game is to take it in turns to compliment someone else in the group and we have to guess who they are describing.

Give some time to the children to think of someone secretly and think of a few things they can say to compliment and make them feel good about themselves.

Coach to go first to show good examples of what we can say.

**Only say things you would like to have said about you. Comment on their skills, talents, looks, personality.

Activity 3[10 mins]

TAKE A COMPLIMENT POSTERDo you tell yourself the same things that your do to your friends?

Would you call a friend ugly? No? Then why do we say horrible things to ourselves about ourselves?

Today, you are going to make a poster that can go on your mirror to remind yourself to be kind to yourself. You are going to compliment yourself. Show children made up poster.

(The poster has strips at the bottom where they need to write their compliments, positive quotes, jokes, which can be torn off. The top of the poster can be decorated with positive quotes, telling someone ‘need cheering up, tear of a compliment’

There are three options, one already with compliment to design the poster, a blank one for them to do on their own or a black and white one for them to colour in.)

Activity 4[20 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 5[5 mins]

| resource 2.5: self esteem dice |

23 things I love about me are...

1I’m really good at...

6It’s great to be me


53 words that best describe

me are...

3The best

compliment I ever got was...

4I am special because...


All you



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(( HUGS ))









(( HUGS ))

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 6 - Looking after my body |

• To understand what physical wellbeing is.

• To understand how to look after my physical wellbeing.Learning objectives

• Cones

• A4/3 paper for posters

• Colouring pens/pencils

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRODUCTIONRecap from last session- can you remember what we covered – Happy Being Me.

We have two types of wellbeing – mental wellbeing (how we look after our minds) and our physical wellbeing (how we look after our bodies). They are not separate and we should think of them making up our wellbeing as a whole. If your mental wellbeing isn’t good then this can affect your physical wellbeing and vice versa.

Activity 1[10 mins]

HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEE AND CONE (5 mins)Play head, shoulders, knee and cone. When cone is called the children have to react the quickest to pick up the cone and balance it on their head. You can introduce forfeits e.g 5 star jumps for the child who reacts the slowest.

INTRODUCE THE IDEA OF LOOKING AftER OUR BODIES FROM HEAD TO TOE. (5mins)Talk to the children about how we can look after our physical wellbeing from head to toe e.g Hair – Wash, brush, style, keep head lice free etc. Other things to consider – protection from the sun, finger/toe nails, keeping clothes clean, potions and lotions – how do some soaps/shower gels affect our skin, eczema etc.

Activity 2[10 mins]

CREATE A PHYSICAL WELLBEING POSTERNow using your understanding of physical wellbeing, can you create a poster to show others how they can care for their body?

This can be easily be done by drawing a picture of themselves in the middle and labelling the body parts, detailing how to look after them. However, if some of the children wish to get creative with their posters this is fine, so long as it covers physical wellbeing.

They can also include exercise / healthy diet too if they want.

Activity 3[20 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 6 - Looking after my body |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish or keep them open. If they’re sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 7 - Kindness |

• To learn what my community is

• To learn about the different ways I can show kindness within my community.Learning objectives

• Clear Bowl with water in

• Food colouring

• A-Z of Kindness sheet (Resource 2.7)

• Complimentary cards (Resource 2.8)

• Certificates (Resource 2.9)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONLet’s recap on the last session – can you remember what we covered? Physical Wellbeing, how we can look after our body as well as our minds.

Today we are going to look at kindness. Kindness is something that we are all able to give and be. We are able to be kind to others and ourselves. When we are kind it not only makes the person we are kind to feel happy it can also make you feel happy too.

How do you show kindness to people?

Activity 1[10 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 7 - Kindness |KINDNESS RIPPLE EFFECTNeed a clear bowl, water and food colouring.

Have students gather around a table. Place the bowl of water in the centre, and give 4-5 students small bottles of food colouring (they should all have the same colour). Explain to the students that the bowl represents the classroom or school community. Ask one student to lightly squeeze 1 drop of food colouring into the water.

Explain that one drop of colour represents one kind act. Ask students to look at the food colouring and make inferences about how one kind act affects the school community. The blue drop pretty much stays in one place but it does spread a little bit to the water right around the drop. Ask another student to add a drop on the edge of the blue water from the first drop. Ask students to notice what’s happening with the water now that the second drop has been added. Continue adding one drop at a time on the edge of the blue water.

Discussion: • What happened when we had just one kind in the bowl?

• What happened each time there was another kind act?

• What does this food colouring and water demonstration tell you about acts of kindness and your community?

One kind act, or drop of blue, spread to the water right around it. When one person shows kindness, it spreads to the people around them. When those people experience kindness, they spread kindness to others, just like adding another drop of blue to the water. As each person experiences kindness and then in turn shows kindness to others, there’s a ripple effect. This is just like when the drop of blue hit the water and there were ripples in the water, spreading the colour to the water close by. Kindness spreads in the same way. As we experience kindness, we want to show others kindness. Then those people want to show others kindness, and the kindness spreads like a ripple through the water!

Activity 2[15 mins]

A-Z OF KINDNESSIn Pairs, the children see if they can come up with an act of kindness for every letter of the alphabet.

A… is for asking someone to play with my friends and me.

B … is for being considerate

C …. Is for complimenting each other


Activity 3[10 mins]

Complimentary CardsMake their own cards with compliments on to give to others, or colour in the pre-made sheet.

Activity 4[15 mins]

| stage 2 (y3 & y4) - Session 7 - Kindness |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 5[5 mins]

CELEBRATION CERTIFICATEGive each child a certificate to recognise their commitment and effort. Celebrate that they are all MEGA MINDSETTERS!!

Activity 6[5 mins]

| resource 2.7: A-Z of kindness |

a b c d e f g

h i j k l m n

o p q r s t u

v w x y z

It’s people like you who make the world a beTTer place.

your smile makes my day

| resource 2.8: Complimentary cards |

try to be a rainbow in someone’s

cloudyour smile

makes my dayyou have a great smile!

everything would be beTTer if more people were like you

you are like sunshine on a rainy day






ega Mindsetters


Welcome to Mega MindseTTersWhat is Mega MindseTTers?Mega Mindsetters is a Wellbeing club full of fun activities to help children better understand how to manage their mental health.

We think of our Wellbeing as being Happy and Healthy.

The light-hearted activities in this club are designed to equip children with some strategies that they can use to help manage their thoughts, feelings and actions and have a better understanding of what mental health/wellbeing is and how they can look after it.

The desired outcomes are that children will:• Become more aware of their Wellbeing and how it affects them

• Have fun learning and talking about Wellbeing

• Learn strategies and techniques to help them with their Wellbeing

Ground rules of Mega MindseTTers:• Respect each other and ourselves

• Provide a safe space to share opinions

• Follow the school’s safeguarding procedures should you have any concerns

• Do not share the resources with any other school or organisation

Though the club and activities are inclusive it maybe that you need to adapt an activity as you know the children and their needs.

The main thing is to have FUN and ENJOY learning about Wellbeing and becoming a MEGA MINDSETTER!

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 1 - welcome |• To introduce the club

• To get to know each other

• To set some club “values”

Learning objectives

• Strips of paper and pens/pencils

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)Resources required

INTRODUCTIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Welcome everyone to MEGA MINDSETTERS and introduce yourself to the group.

FACT OR FIB?Let’s get to know each other a little better. Have some facts and fibs prepared on strips of paper. Read them aloud to the chn. Tell them that two are facts and therefore true and one is a fib. Can you guess which one is the lie?

Give children strips of paper to write on and play as a group; guessing everyone’s fib.

Activity 1[15 mins]

BEING A MEGA MINDSETTERThroughout this term, you’re going to be learning to become a MEGA MINDSETTER, in other words – someone who has a great attitude! What does the word MEGA mean here? It means BRILLIANT, FANTASTIC, AMAZING! We’re going to have lots of fun learning about something called wellbeing.

Explain that wellbeing is being happy and healthy.

Can we be happy and healthy all of the time? Explain that we’re going to work as a team throughout this term – we’re going to learn together.

So let’s do a team game…. ‘Do as I say, not as I do’.

In a circle one person starts by acting out an action, for example ‘climbing a ladder’ but says ‘I am brushing my teeth’. The person to their left has to start the action of ‘brushing teeth’ but says they are doing something else and so on. The person to the left has to do the action that is said out loud.

This activity leads us nicely into setting some “Club Values” to follow – ask them if they have any ideas on what we should include on there and write them down on a flipchart paper (remember to bring this along each week). The type of things we are looking for are around respecting you, respecting each other, always listening, being kind and thoughtful, asking for help if need-be.

Activity 2[15 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 1 - welcome |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEHold up the laminated clock and say to the children that at the end of every session, we are going to do a Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute. What is great about it is that you don’t just have to do this at Mega Mindsetters club, you can do it anywhere at any time to help you to feel cool, calm and chilled! We call it one of our CHILL SKILLZ.

Ask the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. If they’re sitting down and feel embarrassed, they can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 3[10 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 2 - I can’t do it…yet |

• To start learning about what it means to have a mega mindset

• To start new habits of saying “I can’t do it…yet.’Learning objectives

• Positive pants - one per child (Resource 3.1)

• Colouring pens or crayons

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

RECAPWho can remember what we did last week? We learned about this club, what it means to have a Mega Mind, playing getting to know you games and completed our first mindful minute.

INTRODUCTIONSToday is a new session, all about our minds. Your brains are mega already but we are going to learn how to make them even more mega today. How do you think we will do that?

Listen to the chn’s ideas.

Activity 1[5 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 2 - I can’t do it…yet |SUNNY SPECS / POSITIVE PANTSHands up if you’ve ever said “I can’t do it”? (Put your hand up too!).

Sometimes we face challenges, it may be a subject you are finding hard at school or it might be something you are doing in your PE lessons or a friendship that keeps going wrong. Share an example and if the class want to also, then encourage discussion.

Let’s think about walking….when we were babies, we couldn’t walk at first – in fact we couldn’t even sit up for a while, eventually we may have started to crawl and then eventually to walk.

Have you ever seen a baby learning to crawl? It usually takes a bit of time and a lot of effort! At first it seems like they won’t be able to do it, but with practice – they can do it.

There is a special phrase I would like you to get into the habit of saying. ‘I can’t do it…yet’. Lets try it. Encourage the children to say things that they can’t do yet. “I can’t ride my bike…yet.” “I can’t do my 7x table yet.” etc

When we say things like this, we are being positive with our way of thinking. I would like you to try this in more things that you do- school and at home. Imagine that you have got some positive glasses on that only allow you to see things in a positive light rather than our gloomy glasses. Or we can say we have put on our positive pants rather than our pessimistic ones!

Give each child a set of positive pants to decorate however they wish. Explain that you hope to make a washing line with all our positive pants on so it can remind us all to stay positive. On those days where you are finding things tough and you are starting to say I can’t do it remember to pull up your positive pants and say I can’t do it YET!!!

Activity 2[25 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. They can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 3[5 mins]

| resource 3.1: POSITIVE PANTS |

| resource 3.1: POSITIVE PANTS |

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 3 - Let’s laugh…A LOT |

• To laugh a lot!

• To learn about the benefits of smiling and laughterLearning objectives

• A few copies of the tongue twisters printed and cut up (Resource 3.2)

• A silly mindset

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Ask everyone how they are doing and how their week is going. Remind them about what we learnt about last week – what was the really important 3-letter word we talked about? Y-E-T! Instead of saying “I can’t do it” – it is much better to say “I can’t do it YET!”. We are going to come back to this topic later in the programme.

Today though we are going to focus on having A LOT OF FUN! Well I am hoping you enjoy it as much as I will.

Who knows any good jokes? Go round the circle with each child sharing their favourite joke, share one of yours too!

JokesWhat do cows love doing at the weekend? Going to the MOOvies

What do ghosts like to eat? SPOOK-ghetti

What fruit teases you a lot? A Ba na..na..na..na..na!

Activity 1[10 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 3 - Let’s laugh…A LOT |TONGUE TWISTERS Ask children choose, in pairs, a tongue twister to rehearse. can you say it 5x without making a mistake?

Chn can come up to the front to share.

**Teaching point: energy and laughter encourages us to engage with others and ultimately have fun learning with people around us.

Activity 2[10 mins]

LAUGHTER YOGALaughter is infectious! So we’re going to do some exercises now to get us all laughing! Everyone stand up & make sure you have some space around you. The aim of these activities is…to laugh! Don’t worry if you feel a bit silly – just let yourself enjoy it!

The first one is called WIGGLE GIGGLE.

I’m going to associate a different laughter sound to four different parts of my body. When I wiggle each one, you must make that sound.

Left arm-“ho ho ho”

Right arm-“ha ha ha”

Left leg-“he he he”

Right leg-“hi hi hi”

Start slowly so children can try to remember each body part and its given sound then get quicker, moving all body parts and just making all sorts of noises. This bit should get all the children laughing naturally and not necessarily focussed on the given sounds.

Allow a child to take the lead to play this game. Can we think of new sounds?

The next two are called HA HA BREATH & LAUGHTER POTION• Ha ha breath: stand up straight with feet slightly apart and shoulders down/relaxed. Take a deep breath in through the nose and on the out breath

put one hand on your stomach and sharply say “HA!” repeat but this time say “HA!” twice on one out breath. Then four times and lastly eight. **Each time, the children are increasing the capacity of their lungs and making them stronger.

• Laughter potion: ask the children to imagine they have a bottle of laughing liquid in their hands. What colour is it? Let’s give it a big swirl then pour it down our throats. Now we can laugh! Laugh as hard as you can. Laugh until you are crying with laughter or until your face hurts. Just keep laughing! **Teacher to be as over the top as possible with this activity to encourage the children to laugh and not worry about feeling silly. **Both of these should be safe, loud and fun

Come back together and discuss what else makes us laugh/feel good.

How do our bodies feel when we feel good? Has anyone ever laughed so hard they cried? Has anyone ever laughed so hard they got a stitch or their face started hurting? What happened?

Activity 3[15-20 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 3 - Let’s laugh…A LOT |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. They can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| resource 3.2: tongue twisters |











| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 4 - Me and my feelings |

• To explore a range of different feelingsLearning objectives

• Yellow paper (if not then white is fine)

• Pens, scissors

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONStart today’s session with everyone sat in a circle.

Ask everyone how they are doing and how their week is going. Remind them about what we learnt about last week – we laughed, giggled and had fun.

Do you remember the laughter yoga and activities? What was your favourite joke?

Today though we are going to focus on feelings and emotions. What are emotions? Emotions are what we feel when we experience different situations.

Activity 1[5 mins]

A to Z of feelings/emotionsHow many different emotions can you think of? Challenge the children to think of five comfortable and 5 uncomfortable feelings. (comfortable feelings are those we enjoy/that make us feel good. Uncomfortable feelings are those we don’t enjoy/that make us feel bad)

**Get across that all feelings are natural though and everyone feels happy, mad, angry, calm etc at some point.Can you think of 5 similar words to happy? (joyful, content, cheerful, satisfied, merry) Can you think of 5 similar words to angry? (mad, red, displeased, cross, annoyed, irritated)

Go round the group, starting with the letter A – name an emotion that starts with that letter – see how many letters of the alphabet you can complete.

Feelings charadesAsk a member of the group to act out an emotion and the others have to guess what it is.

Activity 2[15-20 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 4 - Me and my feelings |EMOJI BOOK CORNERwww.youtube.com/watch?v=U21FQ9gRz2Q Have one already made to show the chn. Watch the video before the session and/or with the children and make one each together. Discuss what emojis they want to make. They could make up a new face.

Is yours showing a comfortable or uncomfortable emotion? The children can take these home with them.

Activity 3[20 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open. They can turn their chairs away from the others.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 5 - Happy being me |

• To learn to be happy with who I am and what I look like

• To learn about self-compassionLearning objectives

• My Self Esteem Passport (Resource 3.3)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONLet’s recap on the last session – can you remember what we covered?

Today we are going to talk about something different - ourselves. Has anyone heard of self-compassion? Self-compassion is where you like or even love who you are. You are happy with the way you look and try not to compare yourself to others. Self-compassion is like giving yourself a big hug.

Activity 1[5 mins]

SECRET COMPLIMENTSWe are going to play a game now. The aim of the game is to take it in turns to compliment someone else in the group and we have to guess who they are describing.

Give some time to the children to think of someone secretly and think of a few things they can say to compliment and make them feel good about themselves.

Coach to go first to show good examples of what we can say.

**Only say things you would like to have said about you. Comment on their skills, talents, looks, personality.

Activity 2[10 mins]

My Self Esteem PassportGive each child a Self Esteem Passport sheet. Ask them to fill in all the areas on the sheet. They can decorate it however they like.

Once all the areas are complete they can fold the sheet in half so the completed sections are on the outside. Then fold each section in from the right up to ‘This is me..’ showing on the left and ‘My Goals are:’ on the right and then fold the front cover over so that My Self Esteem Passport is on the front.

**highlight the fact that we’re all diFFerent. We look diFFerent, sound diFFerent and have diFFerent skills and talents. THIS SHOULD BE CELEBRATED. We don’t all want to be the same as one another. Let’s all learn to like being ME!

Activity 3[20 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 5 - Happy being me |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish or keep them open.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| resource 3.3: My Self Esteem Passport |

Why is it great to be me?

Things I like...

Things I dislike...THINGS I







My PSHE Passport


This is me... My family & our values....

My friends & our values....

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 6 - Looking after my body |

• To learn about how to look after my body

• To make positive choices when taking care of my bodyLearning objectives

• Dice

• Working off the calories activity (Resource 3.4)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONLet’s recap on the last session – can you remember what we covered?

Today we are going to talk about something completely different – our bodies. One way of feeling good about ourselves is to take good care of our bodies – this is sometimes called our physical wellbeing. We can have a mega mindset (a really great attitude) towards this by CHOOSING to do certain things. Any ideas?

• Get plenty of SLEEP

• Brush our teeth every day twice a day for at least two minutes!

• Do lots of exercise

AND the one we are going to focus on today……Eat healthily!

We all love a treat and this makes us feel good but this only lasts a short time. Eating healthily or having a balanced diet can help you feel good most of the time.

Activity 1[5 mins]

THE EXERCISE DICEAsk the children to give the numbers one to 6 an exercise.

Each time the dice is thrown you do that exercise for 30 seconds.

Ask the children at the end to put their hand on their chest.

Activity 2[10 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 6 - Looking after my body |WORKING OFF THE CALORIES Work in pairs or small groups to design as many meals as they can (up to four). All instructions on sheet. As with all of the activities within this pack, please be mindful of the children you have in the group. If discussing food and calories is sensitive (for example if a young person has issues around food or an eating disorder), please deliver this activity sensitively and only if appropriate.

Activity 3[20 mins]

THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 4[5 mins]

| resource 3.4: working oFF the calories |

Amazing Fact An American called Dan Gorske has eaten over 26,000 Big Macs in his Lifetime. In the Last 25 years, there have only been eight days on which he hasn’t eaten at Least one Big Mac.

When making food choices, it’s very important to think about whether you will be exercising enough to burn off the extra energy that food type provides. Many experts are now calling for food to be Labelled with this information to enable people to make healthy choices.

Here are some examples.

Food Calories Walk OFF Run OFFBlueberry Muffin 265 48 mins 25 mins

Can of soft drink (non diet) 138 26 mins 13 minsPacket of crisps 171 31 mins 16 mins

Packet of peanuts 296 54 mins 28 minsChicken & bacon sandwich 445 1 hr 22 mins 42 minsQuarter of a large pizza 449 1 hr 23 mins 43 mins

Medium hot chocolate 290 53 mins 28 minsCereal bar 180 30 mins 14 mins

Small fruit yoghurt 120 22 mins 8 minsBanana 90 10 mins 5 mins

Standard chocolate bar 229 38 mins 21 minsOne serving of pasta 150 29 mins 18 mins

One medium glass of semi-skimmed milk

50 5 mins 3 mins

| resource 3.4: working oFF the calories |Challenge

Using the food in the table, design four different meals and calculate the exercise you would need to take in order to burn off the calories from each meal. Remember to decide whether you will be running or walking or both! Show your calculations.




| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 7 - Kindness |

• To learn about the different ways I can show kindness within my community.

• To understand how I can stop bullying.Learning objectives

• Toothpaste

• Teaspoon

• Colouring pens and pencils

• A3 paper for posters

• Certificates (Resource 3.5)

• Mega Mindsetter Mindful Minute laminated clock face (Resource A)

Resources required

INTRO & DISCUSSIONLet’s recap on the last session – can you remember what we covered? Physical Wellbeing.

To finish off our Mega Mindsetters we are going to look at Kindness. Kindness is something we can all do. When we are kind it not only makes the other person feel good we feel good too. The other great thing about kindness is that you can help spread it. Hopefully you will find that the kindness you give out will spread and others will follow. Something as simple as holding the door open for someone can make a real difference to their day along with saying please and thank you!

Activity 1[10-15 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 7 - Kindness |ANTI BULLYING TOOTHPASTE CHALLENGE One tube of toothpaste, plate and teaspoon for the group.

You can either do this or select a child to do it.

Instructions:1. You have one minute to get every drop of toothpaste as possible out of the tube and onto the plate/paper.

2. Great! Look at the empty tube.

3. Next challenge: You have two minutes to fill the tube back up with toothpaste using the tea spoon.

Discussion:• How did you feel during this challenge?

• What did you think about?

• Picture the toothpaste as mean words. How are words like toothpaste?

It is easy to say things, but so much harder to take what we have said back. We can say something hurtful without thinking, but it is really hard to take the hurt and pain away when we realise what we have.

There are things we can do to stop this from happening. Any ideas as to what that could be?

Sayings? Before you speak THINK:

T is it true?

H is it helpful?

I is it inspiring

N is it necessary?

K is it kind?

Activity 2[10 mins]

PLAYTIME KINDNESS POSTER“How to make playtimes positive” poster

Create a poster that shows how the pupils in their school can have positive playtimes. Show how children can be kind to one another and be MEGA!

Activity 3[20 mins]

| stage 3 (y5 & y6) - Session 7 - Kindness |THE MEGA MINDSETTER MINDFUL MINUTEAsk the children to sit in their chairs (or lie on the floor, with plenty of space between them). They can close their eyes if they wish, or keep them open.

If sat down, ask them to get comfortable and practise breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth (demonstrate it to them). Then tell them that we are going to sit quietly for a minute.

Activity 3[5 mins]

CELEBRATION CERTIFICATEGive each child a certificate to celebrate their achievements and for being a MEGA MINDSETTER!

Activity 4[5 mins]