"" ( 74 ) GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR CIVIL SECRETARIAT-FINANCE DEPARTMENT Subject:-Constitution of Department Promotion Committee. Government Order No. 251-F of 2006. Dated 08-08-2006. For facilitating the process of promotion of ministerial cadre borne on the establishment of J&K Accounts and Treasuries Organization. J&K Funds Organization. J&K Audit and Inspections Organization. Accountancy Training Schools and J&K Local Fund Audit Cell. sanction is hereby accorded to the constitution of common Departmental Promotion Committee comprising of:- I. Director Codes ... Chairman .., Director Audit and Inspection Member ... ... Director Funds Organization Member J. . .. f 4. Director Accounts & Treasuries ... Member 5. D\'. Director (Central) A&T ... Me m ber-Sec rctary The Dy. Director (Central) Accounts and Treasuries will be Member Secretary Cor the Departmental Promotion Committee. The Committee after examining the cases of prospective prornotces will make recommendations to the Commissioner/Secretary (Finance) for his approval. The PO\\ crs for inter-organ izat ion a I post ings/aJj u stmcnts of the promotccs w ill vest w ith the Director Accounts and Treasuries. By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. (Sd.) B. 13. VYAS. IAS. Commissioner/Secretary to Govt., Finance Department. No. A/49 (06)-60 I Dated 9-8-2006.

Member - jakfinance.nic.injakfinance.nic.in/IMP_REFERENCE/COMPENDIUMS/2006/COMPENDIU… · Divisional Commissioner, ... of increments retrospectively in the functional/non-functional

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( 74 )


Subject:-Constitution of Department Promotion Committee.

Government Order No. 251-F of 2006.

Dated 08-08-2006.

For facilitating the process of promotion of ministerial cadre borneon the establishment of J&K Accounts and Treasuries Organization.J&K Funds Organization. J&K Audit and Inspections Organization.Accountancy Training Schools and J&K Local Fund Audit Cell. sanctionis hereby accorded to the constitution of common DepartmentalPromotion Committee comprising of:-

I. Director Codes ... Chairman.., Director Audit and Inspection Member...

... Director Funds Organization MemberJ. ...f

4. Director Accounts & Treasuries ... Member

5. D\'. Director (Central) A&T ... Me m ber-Sec rctary

The Dy. Director (Central) Accounts and Treasuries will beMember Secretary Cor the Departmental Promotion Committee. TheCommittee after examining the cases of prospective prornotces willmake recommendations to the Commissioner/Secretary (Finance) forhis approval.

The PO\\ crs for inter-organ izat ion a I post ings/aJj u stmcnts of thepromotccs w ill vest w ith the Director Accounts and Treasuries.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) B. 13. VYAS. IAS.

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. A/49 (06)-60 I Dated 9-8-2006.



( 75 )Copy to the:

I. Director Codes, Finance Department.2. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Department.3. Director, Funds Organization, Finance Department.4. Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Finance Department.5. Dy. Director (Central), Accounts and Treasuries for information

and necessary action.

(Sd.) ................................................

Under Secretary to Government,Finance Department.


Subject :-Amendments in Jammu and Kashmir Book ofFinancial Powers.

Reference :-Approval of Hon'ble Chief Minister in Coordinationconveyed vide No. GDC-l 07 /CM/('6 dated9-8-2006,

Government Order No. 252-F of 2006

Dated 11-08-2006.

In Chapter 2 of Book of Financial Powers, the followingmendments shall be made :-

'Sr. No. 83-Director General Tourism' under the headingClass I Officers-A-Major Heads of Departments shall bedeleted.

'Sr. No. 114-DirectorTourism' under the heading B-OtherOfficers (Class I Officers) shall be deleted.

Under the heading Class I Officer-A-Major Heads ofDepartment, the words "Director Tourism, Kashmir/Jammu' shall be inserted against S. No. 83.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Government,Finance Department.

No. A/68(01)-Temp.l949. Dated 11-08-2006

opy to the :-I. Advocate General J&K, Srinagar.2. All Financial Commissioners.

( 77 )

Accountant General, Sri nagar .. ,t.1I Principal Secretaries to Government. ,

All Commissioner/Secretaries to Government.Resident Commissioner, 6-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir/Jammu.Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar/Jammu.Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court. Srinagar/Jammu.Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.Secretary to Government/Chief Minister/Public ServiceCommission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.Director/Dy. Director, Fund Organization, Srinagar/Jammu.Director/Dy. Director. Audit & Inspections, Finan, (' Department.FA & CAO, Flood Control & Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.Director, Information J&K, Srinagar/Jammu.Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.All Financial Advisors & CAOs.All Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers.General Manager. Govt. Press, for publication in Govt. Gazette.Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.Private Secretary to Ministers/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers forinformation of the Honble Ministers.Private Secretary to Chief Secretary.All Officers/Sectional Officers of Finance Department.

(Sd.) B. L. MATTOO.

Director Codes,Finance Department.




OM No. A/89(05)-984

Dated 22-08-2006.

Subject :-Clarification of SRO-160 dated 10-05-2006.

Doubts have been expressed by various Departments/employeeswith regard to regulating annual increment for unqualified AccountsAssistants in terms of explanation below Rule \ 0-8 of Schedule XIof Jammu and Kashmir CSRs Vol. II recast vide SRO-\60 dated10-05-2006 which interalia provides that •Pending cases shall bedecided accordingly' as to whether the said SRO provides for releasingof increments retrospectively in the functional/non-functional pay scalein respect of pending cases.

The matter has been examined in the Finance Department and ithas been decided that the actual import of the concluding line ofSRO-\60 dated 10-05-2006 is that any Accounts Assistant with oneyear or more continuous service, but having not qualified requisite ACCexamination may be allowed only one increment in the existingfunctional/non-funcitional pay scale as on date i.e. issuance of SRO-160 dated 10-05-2006.

The following clarification is issued to remove the doubtsexpressed by various quarters :-

S. No. Point of Doubt Clarification

1. Does SRO-160 dated10-05-2006 (amended Rule10-8) make the provisionof releasing incrementsretrospectively in theFunctional/Non-functional

It is clarified that the amendedRule 10-8 vide SRO-\60 dated10-05-2006 does not make provisionfor releasing of incrementsretrospectively in Functional/Non-functional Pay Scale. The increment

Pay Scales in respect ofpending cases.

2. From which date the annualincrement is to be allowedin favour of unqualifiedAccounts Assistants.Whether from the date he/she stands appointedagainst the post ofAccounts Assistant (4000-6000) and is still unqualifiedor from the date of issueof SRO.

( 79 )

is to be allowed as per clarification atS. No. 2 below in the existing payscale as on date of issue of SRO.

The case has been examined in theFinance Department and it is clarifiedthat the benefit of 1stannual incrementshall commence in such cases fromthe date of issue of SRO-160 datedi.e. 10-05-2006 subject to the conditionthat he/she has one-year service ason date. The future increments shallbe allowed annuaily after putting inone year's incremental periodsrestricted to 5 increments. The 6thannual increment shall be released bythe Finance Deptt. only after passingthe requisite examination.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Government,Finance Department.

Copy to the :-I. Advocate General.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. All Principal Secretaries to Government.


4. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Government.5. Resident Commissioner, 6-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.7. Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir/Jammu.8. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar/Jammu.9. General Manager (Adm.), J&K Bank, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.11. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.12. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive of

State P~Us/Autonomous Bodies.

( 80 )Secretary to Government/Chief Minister/Public ServiceCommission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.All District Development Commissioners.Director/Dy. Director Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.Director/Dy, Director, Fund Organization, Srinagar/Jammu.Director/Dy. Director, Audit & Inspections, Finance Department.FA & CAO, Flood Control & Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.Director, Information J&K, Srinagar/Jammu.Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.Principal, Accountancy Training School. Sri nagar.All Financial Advisors & CAOs .

.3. All Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers.:4. General Manager, Govt. Press, for publication in Govt. Gazette.S. Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.6. Private Secretary to Ministers/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for

information of the Hon'ble Ministers.7. Prpl. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary.8. All Officers/Sectional Officers of Finance Department..9. President, Non-Gazetted/Lower Grade Employees Union Civil


(Sd.) B. L. MATTOO,

Director Codes,Finance Department.

( 81 )



Subject :-Revision to Compensatory Allowance Order videSRO-201 dated 15-06-2006.

Hon 'ble MLA, Gurez brought to the notice of Finance Departmentthrough GAD that as consequence of SRO-20 1 dated 15-06-2006 theCompensatory Allowance to areas of Gurez has not been increased.The matter has been examined in Finance Department and it has come tolight that at the time of printing of Annual Compendium of 1999 the areasof District Baramulla and Kupwara qualifying for Compensatory Allowancehave erroneously got bracketed with areas of District Kathua instead ofDistrict Leh and Kargil during winter months. Since revised rates notifiedvide SRO-20 1 dated 15-06-2006 were based on the Annual Compendium,the error got repeated.

Accordingly, it has been decided to club item III (District Baramullaand Kupwara in winter) with item I (District Doda in winter) and item II(District Leh and Kargil), instead of item IV (District Kathua). TheCompensatory Allowance applicable to District Doda, and Leh and Kargilin winter shall be applicable to identified areas of District Baramulla andKupwara in winter.

The above correction shall be deemed to have been issued from15-06-2006 i.e. the date of issue ofSRO-201 of 2006 and applicable fromthe date of effect of said SRO i.e. 01-04-2006.

- As a consequence of above correction the rates of Compensatory/Border Allowance in respect of following areas of District Baramulla andKupwara (in winter) shall be as under:


( 82 )

"Rate of Compensatory Allowance..

Name of Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basicthe place in Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Paythe respective upto from from from from from from from fromDistricts Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

2650 2651 3721 4876 6061 7253 8501 9651 11301to to to to to to to and

3720 4875 6060 7252 8500 9650 11300 above

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ill. DistrictBaramullaand Kupwara

(In Winter) ,

(a) Entire GurezNiabat

(b) TangdarSub-Division 585 780 975 1170 1365 1680 1960 2240 2520

(c) Keran lIIaqas

(d) Matchil ..(e) Budnumbal

Area .


Director Codes,Finance Department.

No. All 02(87)/009. Dated 30-08-2006.

Copy to the :-I. Advocate General J&K, Sri nagar.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. Accountant General, Sri nagar.4. All Principal Secretaries to Government.5. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Government.6. Resident Commissioner, 6-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.7. Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir/Jammu.8. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar/Jarnrnu.9. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

· .

( 83 )

10. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.II. Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.12. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive of

State PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.13. Secretary to Government/Chief Minister/Public Service

Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.14. All District Development Commissioners.15. Director Budget, Finance Department.16. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Organization, Srinagar/Jammu.17. Director/Dy. Director, Audit & Inspections, Finance Department.18. FA & CAO, Flood Control & Hydel Projects, Srinagar.19. Director, Information J&K, Srinagar/Jammu.20. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.21. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.22. All Financial Advisors & CAOs.23. All Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers.24. General Manager, Govt. Press, for publication in Govt. Gazette.25. Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.26. Private Secretary to Ministers/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for

information of the Hon'ble Ministers.27. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary.


Director Codes,Finance Department.

visit: jakfinance.nic.in/reference.htm

( 84 )



Srinagar 16th October, 2006.

SRO-332.-In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso tosection 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governoris pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be carried outin the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (Medical Attendance-Cum-Allowance) Rules, 1990 :

In the said Rules :

The following shall be inserted as proviso below Rule 6(i) :-

"Provided that Director General of Police J &K is delegated withthe powers to allow Non-Gazetted Police personnel who sufferinjuries' during actual operations, to proceed for treatment inrecognized Hospitals outside the State after fulfilling otherformalities under these rules viz non-availability of the treatmentwithin Hospital maintained by the State/under Private Sector of theState, du!>, certified by the Head of the Speciality not below therank of Associate Professor of Govt. Medical College/DirectorHealth Services/Associate Professor, SKIMS of the relevantdiscipline as per Form D of these rules."

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. AI12(73)-XVII-1167. Dated 16-10-2006.

Copy to the :-1. Advocate General, J&K Srinagar.2.. All Financial Commissioners.3. Accountant General SrinagarlJammu.



I. 22.(


( 85 )

All Principal Secretaries to Govt.All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.Resident Commissioner, 5-Pritllvi Rai Road, New' Dellli.Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Sri nagar.Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.Registrar General. J&K High Court. Srinagar/Jammu.Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, J&K.All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.All District Development Commissioners.Director Budget, Finance Deptt.Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections. Finance Deptt.FA.& CAO, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Srinagar.Director Information, J&K SrinagarlJammu.Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute. Jammu.Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.All Financial Advisors & CAOs.All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf..to the Hon'ble Ministers.Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.

c-:(SD.) B. L. MATOO.

Director Codes,Finance Department.





( 86 )


Subject :-Payment of Dearness Allowance to State GovernmentEmployees-Revised rates effective from 1-07-2006.

Reference :-Cabinet Decision No. 238/Cir. dated 19-10-2006.

Government Order No. 308-F of 2006

Dated 19-10-2006.

In continuation to Government Order No. 194-F of 2006 dated27-6-2006, it is hereby ordered that the State Government Employeesincluding Work Charge/whole time contingent paid employee's workingin the regular time scale of pay, shall be paid additional instalment ofDearness Allowance @ 5% of Baslc Pay from 01-07-2006. The revisedrates will be as under :


Date from whichpayable

Existing rate of DA(including previousinstalments)

Revised rate ofQA

01-07-2006" 24,Cfo 29%

I. The term "Basic Pay" for the purpose of calculation of DearnessAllowance shall be the pay drawn in the prescribed scale of pay,including Dearness Pay, stagnation personal pay but shall notinclude any ottier type(s) of pay like special payor personal paygranted for the. promotion of Small Family norms ..

2. The arrears on: account of revision of DA as per above enhancedrates w.e.f. 1-7-2006 to 30-9-2006 (three months) shall becredited to individual GP Fund Accounts of the employees.However, from )-I 0-2006, the enhanced DA shall" be paid incash~uch of the Government employees who have retired ormay retire up to 31-12-2006 shall be paid arrears in cash.

( 87 )

3. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving afraction of 50 paisa and above shall be rounded off to the nextrupee and the fractions of less than 50 paisa shall be ignored.

4. The provisions of this Order shall also apply, mutatis mutandis.in the case of officers of All India Services serving in connectionwith the affairs of the State.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. A/24(2K)-II-1170. . Dated 19-10-2006.

Copy to the :-1. Advocate General.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.4. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.5. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.6. Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.7. Accountant General, Srinagar/Jammu.8. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar.9. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.11. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive of

State PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.12. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/

Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.All District Development Commissioners.Director/Dy. Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.FA & CAO, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.Director, Information J&K Srinagar/Jammu.Principal. Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.

( 88 )

17. FA & CAO, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.18. Director, Information J&K Srinagar/Jammu.19. Principal, Northern Zonal AccountancyTrainrng Institute, Jammu. "20. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Sri nagar.21. All Financial Advisors & CAOs.22. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.23. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.24. Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.25. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf.

to the Hon'ble Ministers.26. Prpl. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.27. All officers/Sectional Officers of Finance Deptt.28. President, Non-Gazetted/Lower Grade Employees Union Civil


(SD.) B. L. MA TOO,

Director Codes,Finance Department.

( 89 1


Subject :-Payment of Dearness Allowance to State GovernmentPensioners/Family Pensioners-Revised rate effectedfrom 1-7-2006.

Refereeee :-Cabinet Decision No. 238/Cir. dated 19-10-2006.

Government Order No. 309-F of 2006

. Dated 19-10-2006.

In continuation to Government Order No. 195-F of 2006 d•. .:d27-6-2006, it is hereby ordered that the State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners shall be allowed additional instalment of DearnessAllowance @ 5% of Basic Pension from 01-07-2006. The revised ra·.;sshall be as under :

Existing rate of DA(including previousinstalments)

Revised rate ofDA

Date from whichpayable

24% 29% 01-07-2006

(i) Payment ofDA involving a fraction ofa rupee shall be roundedto the next rupee.

(ii) Personal pension, if any, will not be taken into account fordetermining DA on pension.

(iii) The other provisions governing grant of Dearness Allowance011 Pension/Dearness PensionlFamily Pension such as regulationof DA during employment/re-employment, regulation of DAwhere more than one pension is drawn etc. and other provisionof the existing orders/rules (as are not in contlict with thepruvi"ion:t of this order) shall continue to remain in' force.


( 90 )

(iv) The Dearness Allowance as per this order shall henceforth bepaid by the concerned Treasury Officers/paying branches ofthe J &K Bank without waiting for further authorization fromthe Accountant General/General Manager, J&K Bank as perthe practice in vogue.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS.

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. A/24(2K)-II-1171. Dated 19-10-2006 .

Copy to the :-1. Advocate General.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.4. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.5. Resident Commissioner) 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.6. Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.7. Accountant General, Srinagar/Jammu.8. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Sri nagar.9. General Manager (Adm.), J&K Bank, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.11. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.12. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive of

State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies.13. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission!

Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.14. All DistrictDevelopment Commissioners.15. Director/Dy, Director, Accounts & Treasuries Srinagar/Jammu.16. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.17. Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.18. FA & CAO, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.19. Director, Information J&K Srinagar/Jammu.20. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.21. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Sri nagar.

( 91 )

22. All Financial Advisors & CAOs.23. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.24. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.25. Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.26. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for info

to the Hon 'ble Ministers.27. Prpl. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.28. All officers/Sectional Officers of Finance Deptt.29. President, 'Non-Gazetted/Lower Grade Employees Union Civil


(Sd.) B. L. MATOO,

Director Codes,Finance Department.

visit: jakfinance.nic.in/reference.htm

( 92 )


Subject :-Enhancement of Medical Allowance in favour of StateGovernment Pensioners/Familys Pensioners-Revisedrate effective from 1-7:.2006.

Reference :-Cabinet Decision No. 239/Cir. dated 19-10-2006.

Government Order No. 31 O-F of 2006

Dated 19-10-2006.

ill continuation to Government Order No. 9-F of 1999 dated10th February, 1999, it is hereby ordered that State GovernmentPensioners/Family Pensioners shall be paid Medical Allowance @Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) per month with effect from 1stOctober, 2006.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir ..,

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. A/87(2006)-1172. Dated 19-10-2006.

Copy to the:1. Advocate General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.4. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.5. Divisional Commissioner Srinagar/Jammu.6. Accountant General, Srinagar/Jammu.7·. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.8. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court Srinagar/Jammu.9. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

( 93 )

10. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.

11. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.

12. All District Development Commissioners.13. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.14. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu ..15. Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.16. FA & CAD, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Srinagar.17. Director, Information J&K Srinagar/Jammu.18. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.19. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.20. All Financial Advisors & CADs.21. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.22. General Manager, Govt. Press for publicatiorr in Govt. Gazette.23. Chief Accounts Officer Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.24. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for info

to the Hon'ble Ministers.25. Prpl. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.26. Comm.lSecretary to Labour Commission for taking necessary

action in reference to CPF accounts.

(Sd.) B. L. MATOO,

Director Codes,Finance [)eparqneot.

( 94 )



Srinagar, 19th October, 2006.

SRO-344.-ln exercise of the powers conferred by proviso tosection 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governoris pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be carried outin the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (Medical Attendance-Cum-Allowance) Rules, 1990 :-

In Rule 7 (1) of the said Rules:

the words and figures viz. "Rs, 100/- per month" shall besubstituted by URs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred) per month."

This shall be deemed to have come into effect w.e.f. 01-10-2006.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. A/87(2006)-1173. Dated 19-10-2006.

Copy to the:I. Advocate General.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. Accountant General, Srinagar/Jammu.4. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.5. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.6. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.7. Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.8. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar.9. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Registrar General J&K High Court Srinagar/Jammu.II. Director General. Accounts & Treasuries, J&K.

( 95 )

12. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/Autonomous Bodies.

13. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.

14. All District Development Commissioners.15. Director Budget, Finance Department.16. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org. Srinagar/Jammu.17. Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.18. FA & CAO, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.19. Director, Information J&K, Srinagar/Jammu.20. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.21. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Sri nagar.22. All Financial Advisors & CAOs.23. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.24. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.25; Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.26. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for info.

to the Hon'ble Ministers.27. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.28. All officers/Sectional Officers of Finance Deptt.29. President all J&K Non-Gazetted/Lower Grade Employees


(Sd.) B. L. MATOO,-r-,

Director Codes,Finance Department.

( 96 )


Subject :-Corrigendum to Govt. Order No. 310-F of 2006dated 19-10-2006.

Reference :-Cabinet Decision No. 239/Cir. dated 19-10-2006.

Please read 0 I-I 0-2006 instead of 01-07-2006 in the subject ofabove Govt. Order.

(Sd.) B. L. MA TOO,

Director Codes,Finance Department.

o. A/87(2006)-1176. Dated 19-10-2006.

opy to the:I. Advocate ..General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.4. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.5. Divisional Commissioner Srinagar/Jammu.6. Accountant General, Srinagar/Jammu.7. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.8. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court Srinagar/Jammu.9. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.

II. Secretary to Governor/Chief MinisterlPublic Service Commission!Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.

12. All District Development Commissioners.13. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.14. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.15. Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.16. FA & CAD, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Srinagar.17. Director, Information J&K Srinagar/Jammu.


( 97 )

18. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.19. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.20. All Financial Advisors & CADs.21. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.22. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.23. Chief Accounts Officer Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.24. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf.

to the Hon'ble Ministers.25. Prpl. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary. '26. Comm./Secretary to Labour Commission for taking necessary

action in reference to CPF accounts.


( 98 )



Jammu, the 15th November, 2006.

ISRO-349.-ln exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section

124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir. the Governor is pleased todirect that the following amendments shall be carried out in the Jammu andKashmirCivil Service Regulations Vol. I, namely:-

In the said Regulations;

(i) In Art. 318(a) of J&K Civil Service Regulations. Vol. I recastvide SRO-35I dated 22-12-1998 the following third alterative inthe category of Class I Officer (Rs. 16400/- and above) shall beinserted :-


at prescribed rates for ordinary Taxi when journey is actuallyperformed by Taxi/own Car."

(ii) The proviso below Note 3 of Art. 318(b) introduced vide SR0-35 1dated 22-12-1998 shall be deleted.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. A/ 17(73 )-11-1197. Dated 15-11-2006.

Copy to the :-I. Advocate General. J&K Sri nagar.2. All Financial Commissioners.






( 99 )

Accountant General Srinagar/Jammu.All Principal Secretaries to Govt.All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.Resident Commissioner, 5-PritlIvi Rai Road, New DellIi.Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar.Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, J&K.All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/Autonomous Bodies.Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.All District Development Commissioners.Director Budget, Finance Deptt.Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.FA.& CAO, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.Director Information, J&K Srinagar/Jammu.Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.All Financial Advisors & CAOs.All Treasury OfficerslDistrict. Treasuries Officers.General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf ..to the Hon'ble Ministers.Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.


Director Codes,Finance Department.


'( 100 )



Jammu. the 17th November, 2006.

SRO-351.-ln exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased todirect that the following amendments shall be made in Jammu and KashmirCivil Service Regulations, VoL I :-

In the said Regulations;

In Annexure-B to Chapter III (refer to Art. 41-BBBBB) as inter aliainserted vide Finance Department Notification SRO-20 I dated 15-6-2006,serial III under the caption, "District Baramulla and Kupwara (in winter)"shall be recast as under :-

"Name of Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basthe place in Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay Pay PIthe respective upto from from from from from from from froDistricts Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. R

2650 2651 3721 4876 6061 1.253 8501 9651 113(to to to to to to to II

3720 4875 6060 7252 8500 9650 11300 abo-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1C

III. DistrictBaramullaand Kupwara(in Winter)w.e.f.01-4-2006

(a) Entire GurezNiabat

(b) TangdarSub-Division

(c) Keran lIIaqas 585 780 975 1170 1365 1630 1960 2240 2520(d) Matchil(e) Budnumbal





By order of the Governor.

No. A/I02(87)-1 0 14.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

Dated 17-11-2006.

( 101 )

Copy to the :-1. Advocate General, J&K Srinagar.2. All Financial Commissioners. '3. Accountant General Srinagar/Jammu.4. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.5. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.6. Resident Commissioner, 5-PritlIvi Rai Road, New Dellli.7. Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.8. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar.9. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.11. Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, J&K. '12. ,All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive of

State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies.13. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission!

Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.14. All District Development Commissioners.15. Director Budget, Finance Deptt.16. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.17. Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.18. FA.& CAO, Flood-Control and Hydel Projects, Sri nagar.19. Director Information, J&K Srinagar/Jammu.20. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.21. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Sri nagar.22. All Financial Advisors & CAOs.23. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.24. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.25. Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.26. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf..

to the Hon 'ble Ministers.27. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.

(SD.) B. L. MA TOO.

Director Codes.Finance Department.



( 102 )


Subject :-Admissibility of initial higher starting salary of JuniorEngineers with Degree in Engineering in terms ofProvision's of J&K Civil Service Revised Pay Rules,1987 and subsequent Pay Revisions of 1992 and 1998.

Government Order No. 354-F of2006

Dated 30-11-2006.

Sanction is hereby accorded to the creation ofa Committee offollowingofficers :-

I. FA/CAO, Power Development Department.

2. Sr. Law Officer, Finance Department.

3. Accounts Officer Codes, Finance Department.

The Committee shall co-ordinate effective and joint response to theWrit Petitions before Hon'ble High Court and keep the respectiveDepartments informed about the status of the matter. Senior most officerof the above Committee shall act as its Convenor.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) .

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. NI66(95)-1275. II. Dated 30-11-2006.

Copy to the :I. Principal Secretary to Government, Power Dev.2. FAlCAO, Power Development Department.3. Sr. Law Officer, Finance Department.4. Accounts Officer Codes, Finance Department.

(Sd. ) .

Deputy Secretary to GovernmentFinance Department



( 103 )


Subject :-Grant of honorarium to the Dy. Director FundsOrganization, Jammu and his typist.

Government Order No. 359-F of2006

Dated 6th December, 2006.

Sanction is hereby accorded to the payment of honorarium to thefollowing Officer/Officials of Funds Organization, Jammu w.e.f. 1-4-2005to 31-3-2006 for attending the work relating to disbursement of Pension toMigrant Central/Civil Pensioners of'Kasl.mir Valley :- '

(i) Dy. Director Funds J&K Organization Rs.2500/-

(ii) Typist Rs.1200/

The order is issued with the agreement of Chief Controller of Pensions,Ministry of Finance, Government of India conveyed vide their sanctionNo. CPAO/Tech.'iHonr.lJ&KNol.-1II/2001-06/244 dated 27-9-2006. Theexpenditure is debitable under Major Head 2071-Pension and OtherRetirement Benefits.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) .

No. A/81 (90)-1-1151.

CommissioneriSecretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

Dated 6-12-2006.

. Copy to the :1. Advocate General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu .2. All Financial Commissioners.3. "All Principal Secretaries to Govt.4. All 'Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.

~, "

( 104 )

5. Divisional Commissioner Srinagar/Jammu.6. Accountant General, Srinagar/Jammu.7. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.8. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court Srinagar/Jammu.9. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jarnmu.

10. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.

11. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.

12. All District Development Commissioners.13. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.14. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srin~gar/Jammu.15. Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.16. FA & CAD, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Srinagar.17. Director, Information J&K SrinagariJammu.18. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.19. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Sri nagar.20. All Financial Advisors & CADs.21. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.22. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.23. Chief Accounts Officer Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.24. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf.

to the Hon'ble Ministers.25. Prpl. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.26. Comm.lSecretary to Labour Commission for taking necessary

action in reference to CPF accounts.

(Sd.) B. L. MA TOO,

Director Codes,Finance Department.


( 105 )



Jammu, the 19th December, 2006.

SRO-385.-ln exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased todirect that the following amendments shall be made in the Jammu andKashmir Civil Services Regulations, Vol. I :-

The following shall be inserted as Art. 360-J, under the captionPanches/Sarpanches.

Panches/Sarpanches :

"Art. 360-J. Panches/Sarpanches selected by the Government forparticipation in Panchayat conferences within or outside the Stateshall be treated as Class III Officer for purpose of regulation ofTA/DA."

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) B. B. VYAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. All 7(73)-714. Dated 19-12-2006.

Copy to theJ-1. Advocate General, J&K Srinagar.2. All Financial Commissioners,3. Accountant General Srinagar/Jammu .4. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.5. All Commissioner/Secretaries ~o Govt.

. 6. Resident Commissioner, 5-Pr:tllvi Rai Road, New Dellli.7. Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.8. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar.


( 106 )

11. Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, J&K.12. All Head of DepartmentslManaging Director/Chief Executive of

State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies.13. Secretary to Governor/Chief MinisterlPublic Service Commission!

Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.14. All District Development Commissioners.15. Director Budget, Finance Deptt.16. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.17. Director/Dy. Director. Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.18. FA.& CAO, Flood Controt and HydeI Projects, Srinagar.19. Director Information, J&K Srinagar/Jammu.20: Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.21. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.22. All Financial Advisors & CAOs.23. All Treasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.24. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.25. Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.26. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf..

to the Hon 'ble Ministers. _.. -~ •"27. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.

(Sd.) B. L. MATTOO,

Director Codes,Finance Department.

( 107 )


Subject :-Drawal of Pay and Allowances IIr tile month ofDecember, 2006.

Government Order No. 383-F of 2006

Dated 27th December, 2006.

In relaxation of Rule 4.1 (1) of J&K Financial C~e, Volume I, itis hereby ordered that the pay and allowances of the Sta. Employeesfor the month of December, 2006 shall be drawn and di,sbursed on or after28-12-2006.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) .

Commissioner/Secretary to Govt.,Finance Department.

No. Al6:1{16HI-1475. Dated 27-12-2006.

Copy to the:1. Advocate General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.2. All Financial Commissioners.3. All Principal Secretaries to Govt.4. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt.5. Divisional Commissioner Srinagar/Jammu.6. Accountant General, Srinagar/Jammu.7. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.8. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court Srinagar/Jammu.9. Registrar General, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. All Head of Departments/Managing Director/Chief Executive ofState PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies.

11.. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council.

( 108 )

12. All District Development Commissioners.13. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.14. Director/Dy. Director, Fund Org., Srinagar/Jammu.]5. Director/Dy. Director, Audit and Inspections, Finance Deptt.]6. FA & CAD, Flood Control and Hydel Projects, Srinagar.17. Director, Information J&K Srinagar/Jammu.18. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.19. Principal, Accountancy Training School, Srinagar.20. All Financial Advisors & CADs.21. AI! "rcasury Officers/District. Treasuries Officers.22. General Manager, Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette.23. Chief Accounts Officer Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell.24. Pvt. Secretary to Minister/State Ministers/Dy. Ministers for inf.

to the Hon'ble Ministers.25. Prpl. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.26. Comm.lSecretary to Labour Commission for taking necessary

action in reference to CPF accounts.

(Sd.), B. L. MA TOO,

Director Codes,Finance Department.


visit: jakfinance.nic.in/reference.htm