MEMBER SERVICES - PORACporac.org/wp-content/uploads/Membership_Brochure.pdfmembers or supervisors elected, thereby maximizing the benefit from their political endorsements. PORAC works

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iv ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

Largest Statewide Public SafetyOrganization in the Nation

Peace Officers Research Association of California ª 1


PORAC’s Mission .......................................................................................................2

Who We Are ..............................................................................................................3

Who We Serve ...........................................................................................................4

Member Information ...................................................................................................6

Government Affairs

Legislation ..................................................................................................7

Political Action ............................................................................................8

National Presence .......................................................................................9

Legal Defense Fund .................................................................................................10

Insurance and Benefits .............................................................................................11

Education & Training

Seminars ..................................................................................................12

Grass Roots Advocacy ................................................................................ 13

Retiree Medical Trust ................................................................................................14

POREF Scholarship Fund ........................................................................................... 15

Communications & Publication

www.porac.org ........................................................................................... 16

PORAC Law Enforcement News .................................................................... 17

Affiliate Organizations

California Peace Officers’ Memorial .............................................................. 18

Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada ............................................. 19

Retired Peace Officers ................................................................................ 19

Reserve Peace Officers ............................................................................... 20

Important Numbers ................................................................................................... 21

2 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

mission statement

The Mission of PORAC is to maintain a leadership role in organizing, empowering, and representing the interests of rank-and-file peace officers:

• To identify the needs of the law enforcement community and to provide programs to meet those needs;

• To represent and protect the rights and benefits of peace officers;

• To create an environment in which peace officers interact and work toward achieving common goals and objectives;

• To conduct research, to provide education and training, to define and enhance standards for professionalism;

• To promote public awareness that encourages and maintains the image of a “Professional Peace Officer.”

Peace Officers Research Association of California ª 3

WHo We aRe

The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) was incorporated in 1953 as a professional federation of local, state and federal law enforcement associations. PORAC was formed by peace officers for peace officers. PORAC’s objective has always been the welfare of law enforcement; economic, professional and social.

With more than 880 member organizations, representing 64,000-plus officers, PORAC is the largest law enforcement association in the state and the largest statewide association in the nation.

PORAC’s general direction and policies are established at our annual conference of members. Between conferences, PORAC is governed by a Board of Directors elected from different geographical chapters, together with “at-large” directors, who are appointed to the Board of Directors by associations having more than 500 members.

PORAC also has an Executive Committee that is responsible for PORAC’s affairs when the Board of Directors is not in session. This 11 member committee consists of the president, vice president, treasurer, and eight elected regional representatives.

As agents of PORAC, under the Corporations Code, the corporate officers, directors and committee chairs have the sole responsibility and authority to represent PORAC.

PORAC is the largest law enforcement association in the state and the largest statewide association in the nation.

4 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

WHo We seRve

Peace officers collectively join PORAC directly through their local peace officers’ association.

PORAC members are spread throughout California and Nevada and are divided into four geographic regions and subdivided into 15 chapters.

PORAC membership is made up of:

Police Airport Police

Sheriffs Port Authority Police

Firefighters Correctional Officers

District Attorney Investigators Park Rangers

Deputy District Attorneys Transit Police

Border Patrol Agents County Marshals

Probation Officers State University Police

Harbor Police State College Police

Welfare Fraud Investigators Community College Police

School Police Dispatchers

Specialized Police

Peace Officers Research Association of California ª 5

WHo We seRve

PORAC’s 15 ChAPteRs

6 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

memBeRsHiP inFoRmation

Our members are our life force. Every member has a voice in PORAC. Our organization maintains a complete open door policy to our members. No association is too small, no question is less important than another, and no call for assistance is ignored.

PORAC maintains a high retention rate because we continually strive to provide the types of services that are vital to our membership. Our directors keep in touch with our membership on a local level so that there is always a face to go along with the PORAC name.

Association leaders actively participate in individual association and chapter meetings, and provide input to PORAC’s directors so our organization can keep current with the needs of our members. All members are encouraged to attend our seminars, board meetings, and especially our annual conference to see PORAC at work.

Associations wanting information on PORAC membership are encouraged to call our corporate office. Staff members are on call to answer any questions, and our directors and association leaders would be glad to meet with any association to talk about the services that PORAC has to offer.

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GoveRnmentaL aFFaiRs

LegisLAtiOnEach year hundreds of bills are introduced in the state Capitol and monitored by PORAC’s lobbyists, Aaron Read & Associates, at the direction of the membership.

PORAC has been instrumental in drafting and working on some of the most significant pieces of legislation that have ever impacted peace officers, including Assembly Bill 301, which was the Peace Officers Procedural Bill of Rights, and Assembly Bill 1435, which provided for the constitutional protection of peace officers’ personnel records.

PORAC has sponsored many other major pieces of legislation that have provided for the constitutional protection of law enforcement officers, and have increased the benefits for workers’ compensation and retirement.

Of significant importance was PORAC’s effort at increasing survivors’ benefits by abolishing long-standing penalties imposed on surviving spouses and families of officers who have died in the line of duty.

PORAC was the dominant influence and force in the creation of the Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Commission, and actively worked to pass legislation that added two additional rank-and-file positions.

No other organization can claim the legislative victories that PORAC has achieved. PORAC has the clout to tie up and/or kill legislative issues that are detrimental to

public safety. Through its active involvement and logical presentation of the facts, PORAC is rated as one of the most effective lobbying groups in California.

8 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

GoveRnmentaL aFFaiRs

POLitiCAL ACtiOnPolitical Action is the backbone of PORAC’s legislative program. This involves keeping legislators in office who support us and removing legislators who fail to support us.

Our Political Action Committee (PAC) endorses our friends and supports them with monetary contributions from the PORAC PAC. The PORAC endorsement is the highest endorsement any candidate for public office can receive from the law enforcement community.

PORAC is also actively involved in aiding local associations in getting council members or supervisors elected, thereby maximizing the benefit from their political endorsements.

PORAC works with member associations on every aspect of getting their candidates elected, including conducting candidate interviews, creating campaign material and direct mail pieces, and developing media and press relations.

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NATIONAL PRESENCEPORAC has always known the necessity of keeping a strong presence in federal legislation and has worked diligently to strengthen its national position. PORAC has retained the services of a premier Washington, D.C. lobbying firm, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, to represent PORAC, track bills, and assist us in Congress. We also publish a monthly report on these activities in the PORAC Law Enforcement News to keep our members updated on federal legislation.

Each year PORAC Directors also take an active role in lobbying federal legislators. Directors travel to D.C. to meet with Senators and U.S. Representatives to keep them personally informed of our position on federal legislation. While in D.C. our lobbying firm sets appointments with the White House, select committees, and key congressional leaders. In essence, PORAC has also become influential on the national level.

PORAC has been instrumental in drafting and working on some of the most significant pieces of legislation that have ever impacted peace officers...

10 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

LeGaL DeFense FUnD

PORAC’s Legal Defense Fund provides representation to public safety employees in civil, criminal and administrative disciplinary actions. It litigates cutting edge issues for public safety employees in the appellate courts, including the United States Supreme Court. The Fund is run by five working public safety employees whose philosophy is to provide the best possible service at the lowest possible cost.

With over 92,000 members, the Fund has members in California and throughout the Western United States. The Plan counts among its membership; police officers, deputy sheriffs, correctional officers, probation officers and a variety of specialized police officers. The membership spans the local, state and federal sectors. It also includes civilian employees of law enforcement agencies.

The Legal Defense Fund pays all related costs for cases they handle, including investigation, expert witnesses, arbitrators, polygraphs, court reporters and other court costs. In cases of conflict of interest between officers, the Plan provides separate counsel.

With over 30 years of experience, the Legal Defense Fund is a stable, well-run plan with more than $7.5 million in reserves. The financial strength and experience of the Fund give PORAC the ability to customize plans and to provide different levels of representation depending on each association’s needs.

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insURance anD BeneFits

PORAC is able to provide special benefits and insurance offerings through our Insurance and Benefits Trust, committed to offering members the best benefits possible at the most affordable rates.

Individual and group plans are available, including: Long-Term Disability, Long-Term Care, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Term Life, Cancer, Intensive Care, Personal Short Term, Accident Expense, Recovery Plus, Sickness Indemnity, Auto and Home-Owners Insurance, Preferred Provider Health Insurance through Anthem Blue Cross via PEMHCA, and Vision and Dental Insurance.

Members who participate in any of PORAC’s insurance programs receive the added assurance of having the Trustees act on their behalf in any dispute with a contracted insurance company. The Trust is a true advocate for our members.

Two Trustees are elected from each of PORAC’s four regions to represent the members. The PORAC Board of Directors appoints one director, who serves as Trustee, and a retired peace officer, who also serves as a Trustee. The PORAC President or Vice President may also be appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees.

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eDUcation anD tRaininG


Providing ongoing educational training for members is a major part of PORAC’s philosophy. Each year PORAC schedules training throughout California and Nevada on Internal Affairs, Basic and Advanced Collective Bargaining, Leadership/ Ethics, and Political Action.

All courses are designed to enable our membership to be more effective within their organizations. Courses are offered to PORAC members with just a minimal registration fee per person.

In addition to the regular training schedule, PORAC offers specialized educational opportunities at our Annual Issues Symposium. This symposium brings key law enforcement issues to the forefront.

Many presentations involve group discussions and unique problem solving exercises that help members effectively deal with the issues facing our profession.

The training seminars—Internal Affairs, Association Leadership, Basic and Advanced Collective Bargaining, Political Action/PAC Management—all receive college credit. Internal Affairs, Issues/Labor Symposium, and the Annual Conference courses are generally POST certified.

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PORAC provides help to associations on an individual basis through our Labor Relations Program. Our training staff educates members on association leadership and collective bargaining issues.

Our representatives can help members establish new associations or help existing associations develop new services and resources.

Our experts also provide insight into the political action process and help associations learn the intricacies of the internal affairs process. PORAC can offer specialized direction depending on the needs of the members.

All courses are designed to enable our membership to be more effective within their organizations.

eDUcation anD tRaininG

14 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

RetiRee meDicaL tRUst

PORAC sponsors a retiree medical benefit plan for its member associations. It is funded through a tax exempt employee benefit trust called the PORAC Retiree Medical Trust.

Rising healthcare Costs

The cost of medical care continues to rise faster than overall inflation. Public sector retirees and employees are bearing a significant amount of the increasing cost associated with their health care.

Plan Features

A Retiree Medical Trust (RMT) is a healthcare pre-funding vehicle that is funded by defined contributions set in the labor agreement (MOU), and provides a stream of monthly payments for life, for those who meet the eligibility rules. The employer and/or employee contributions to the RMT are made during the active employment of participating employees.

Contributions are pooled and held in trust, which is a separate legal entity from the employee and the employer. The Trust is controlled and administered by a Board of Trustees.

The payments must be used to reimburse the retiree for medical premiums or medical expenses.







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PoReF scHoLaRsHiP PRoGRam

In 1980, PORAC formed a separate nonprofit public benefit corporation for educational and training purposes. This foundation is the Peace Officers Relief and Education Foundation (POREF). One of the main functions of the Foundation is the sponsorship of a Scholarship Program.

The Scholarship Program is part of PORAC’s ongoing effort to improve the quality of the law enforcement profession in California and Nevada. The Scholarship Program was developed from PORAC’s strong sense of commitment to individual communities and the PORAC members who serve those communities.

The funding for the POREF Scholarship Program comes from PORAC members, member associations, the general public, and corporate sponsors. Scholarships are not restricted upon the applicant’s field of endeavor. However, it is our hope that this scholarship will encourage young people to give serious consideration to the field of law enforcement as a career.

The Scholarship Program is administered by a committee comprised of volunteer members representing the four regions of PORAC. Appointed by PORAC’s president, the committee is responsible for soliciting contributions to the Fund, enlisting applicants, awarding scholarships and monitoring the program.

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Web PResenCeAlthough members have had access to information concerning PORAC’s services through the Internet, the redesign of our web site provides an interactive communications resource for the entire law enforcement community.

The latest news releases and legislative updates are available for viewing. Visitors to our site can access general information on our organization, link to related law enforcement sites, enroll in our classes, symposiums, and the annual conference.

The objective of the site is to provide our members with the current information concerning law enforcement and association issues. Communication is vital to PORAC, and our web presence is a great complement to the overall information network for our members.

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PORAC’s main communication source is its magazine, PORAC Law Enforcement News.

Published monthly and distributed nationally, PORAC Law Enforcement News is one of the most

well-read law enforcement publications in the West.

PORAC Law Enforcement News offers members up-to-date information on legislation and detailed descriptions of precedent setting court cases, along with late-breaking news stories.

The magazine also offers its readers the largest law enforcement employment opportunities section of any publication of its kind in the country.

Whether the topic concerns advancements in forensic investigation, or the latest in defensive tactics, PORAC Law Enforcement News is always straight-forward, informative and factual.

18 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

aFFiLiate oRGaniZations

CALiFORniA PeACe OFFiCeRs MeMORiAL FOUnDAtiOnPORAC was instrumental in the creation of the California Peace Officers’ Monument and Memorial Ceremonies that take place annually at the State Capitol in Sacramento.

Beginning in 1977, the Ceremony honors the officers who have fallen in the line of duty the preceding year and recognizes the sacrifices of those loved ones left behind.

PORAC has a seat on the Board of Directors for the California Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation. PORAC also maintains a separate Memorial Committee funded through POREF, to financially assist families of fallen officers in this time of need.

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PeACe OFFiCeRs ReseARCh AssOCiAtiOn OF neVADAIn order to better serve their members, the Nevada Chapter of PORAC incorporated as the Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada. This has enabled the Nevada members to remain as a Chapter, under the umbrella of PORAC, for legal defense and financial support while focusing on their own legislative issues.

PORAN directs their own legislative activities and while working diligently for Nevada peace officers, they have built a reputation as a premier law enforcement association in Nevada. For additional information refer to www.poran.org.

RetiReD PeACe OFFiCeRsPORAC has determined that there is a need for retired members to retain membership in order to continue with PORAC insurance products, and to assist retirees in influencing legislation, tax matters, and social policy for retired peace officers. PORAC has retained Aaron Read and Associates to advocate on the state level, and a premier Washington, D.C. lobbying firm to advocate on the federal level to protect the interests of retired peace officers.

Retired Associate Members (RAM) can take advantage of low cost health, dental, vision, long term care and other types of insurance coverage through PORAC’s Insurance and Benefits Trust. Retired members have a position on the Insurance and Benefits Trust to represent their issues and concerns.

RAM members also have the ability to join PORAC LDF for H.R. 218 coverage as well as denial of CCW privilege.

aFFiLiate oRGaniZations

20 ª Peace Officers Research Association of California

aFFiLiate oRGaniZations

ReseRVe PeACe OFFiCeRs Being a part-time peace officer is just as dangerous a profession as that of a regular officer. We are proud to have reserve officers as members of PORAC.

Although reserve officers do not receive all of the benefits of those in uniform on a full-time basis, PORAC is still there to answer any of their questions and to provide them with the most up-to-date information on law enforcement issues through our publication PORAC Law Enforcement News and through our Web site.

Additionally, PORAC provides special services for reserve members. All reserve officers are eligible to be covered under PORAC’s Legal Defense Plan.

Through a strong legislative effort on behalf of our reserve members and commitment to keeping them informed on all issues pertaining to law enforcement, PORAC encourages its reserve officers to fully participate as a part of the law enforcement community.

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Peace Officers Research Association of California4010 Truxel Road Sacramento, CA 95834-3725Toll-Free: (800) 937-6722Or (916) 928-3777Fax: (916) 928-3760www.porac.org

Insurance & Benefits Trust4010 Truxel RoadSacramento, CA 95834-3725Toll-Free: (800) 655-6397Fax: (916) 928-3771www.porac.org/ibt

Legal Defense FundPO Box 693130Stockton, CA 95269Toll-Free: (888) 556-5631www.porac.org/ldf

Retiree Medical Trust555 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Suite 320Stockton, CA 95207Toll-Free: (866) 258-1912www.porac.org/rmt

Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada, Inc.PO Box 40415Reno, NV 89504-0415(775) 830-8877www.poran.org

COMMON E-MAILSPORAC Membership: [email protected]

PORAC Insurance & Benefits Trust:[email protected]

PORAC Law Enforcement News:[email protected]

Memorial:[email protected]

COMMON NUMBERSAaron Read and Associates

(916) 448-3444

AFLAC (888) 712-3522

Anthem Blue Cross (800) 288-6928

California Casualty (866) 680-5142

Myers-Stevens & Toohey Northern (800) 995-1099 Southern (800) 827-4695

POST (916) 227-3909

Steptoe & Johnson LLP (202) 429-3000


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