MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191 members & 2 associate members. India became a member on 12 th Jan 1948. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION

MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191

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Page 1: MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191

MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self

governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191 members & 2 associate members. India became a member on 12th Jan 1948.


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INDEX Introduction Origins of WHO Important dates in the history of WHO & Oral Health Unit The constitution of WHO Memberships in WHO The staff of WHO Structural organization of WHO The first World Health Assembly Regionalization of WHO


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The Headquarters & Regional Offices of WHOMember countries of WHO in South East Asia RegionBudget & finance of WHOPurposes of WHOThe WHO agendaThe work of WHORole of WHO in Public HealthWHO Oral Health UnitWHO Publications & Journals Languages of WHO The World Health Day

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The world health organization is a specialized agency within the charter of the United Nations, which is non political in its functions.It is the directing & coordinating authority for health which was established in the year 1948 by 61 Governments “for the purpose of co-operation among themselves & with others to promote the health of all people.

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Page 7: MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191

THE ORIGIN OF WHO The charter of United Nations was adopted & signed at San Francisco Conference in May 1945.At this conference, Brazil & China suggested the establishment of an International Health Organisation. The economical & social council convened an International Health Conference for the summer of 1946,& a preparatory committee met previously in Paris to draft a constitution .The 18 members of Technical Preparatory Committee, whose chairman was Dr.Rene Sand of Brussels, a pioneer of social medicine with Dr.Brock Chisholm, a Canadian psychiatrist & administrator who became the first Director General of WHO.

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THE World Health Conference met in New York for month in June/July 1946,& adopted the Constitution of the future WHO. Thus the WHO was officially born on the 7th April 1948,when the 26th govt. (out of the 61 who signed it)formally ratified it in its national parliament.

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MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self

governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191 members & 2 associate members. India became a member on 12th Jan 1948.

THE IMPORTANT DATES IN THE HISTORY OF WHO & ORAL HEALTH UNIT 1946- Constitution of WHO was approved by International Health Conference of 51 Nations in New York 1948- Birth of WHO at Geneva 1961- WHO published the 1st Directory of Dental Schools(2nd edition in 1967) 1969- a) 22nd World Health Assembly adopted a resolution in favor of water fluoridation for dental caries preventionb)Global Oral Data Bank was initiated

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1977- 30th World Health Assembly fixed target of health for all by the year 2000. 1978- a)Joint WHO & UNICEF International Conference adopted a declaration on primary health care as the key to attaining health for all by 2000.b)31st World Health Assembly reinforced dental caries prevention.

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1979- The global goal for dental caries was established at less than 3 DMFT at the age of 12 years. 1981- a)WHO unanimously adopted the global strategy for health for all by the year 2000.b)The United Nations General Assembly endorsed the global strategy & urged collaboration with the WHO by other concerned international organization. 1987- International program started to help developing countries create a national oral health plan.

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THE CONSTITUTION OF WHO“The state parties to this constitution declare, in conformity with the charter of the United Nations, that the following principles are basic to the happiness, harmonious relations & security of all people;a) Health is a state of complete physical, mental

& social well being & not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

b) The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race , religion, political belief, economic or social condition.

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c) The health of all people is fundamental to the attainment of peace & security & dependent upon the fullest co-operation of individuals & states

d) The achievement of any state in the promotion & protection of health is of value to all.

e) Healthy development of the child is of basic importance; the ability to live harmoniously a changing total environment is essential to such development.

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c) The extension to all people of the benefits of medical , psychological &related knowledge is essential to the fullest attainment of health.

d) Informed opinion & active co-operation on the part of the public are the utmost importance in the

Improvement of the health of people.h) Governments have a responsibility for the

health of their peoples, which can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health & social measures.

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MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self

governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191 members & 2 associate members. India became a member on 12th Jan 1948.

MEMBERSHIP IN WHOThe membership is open

to all countries with non self governing territories as associate members

1948 – 56 member countries

1998 January - 191 members & 2 associate members

India became a member on 12th January 1948

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THE STAFF OF WHOAmong the technical staff , many are medical & public health specialists, but nursing , pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, sanitary engineering, biology, chemistry, economics, statistics & library science are also represented. The only staff specified by constitution of the organization are the Director General & 6 Regional Directors. The Director General is assisted by a Deputy Director General & 5 Assistant Director General.

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The current DG is Dr.Margaret Chan (9 Nov 2006) Former DGs include Lee Jong-Wook(2003-06),Gro Harlem BrandHand(1998-2003),Hiroshi Nakajima(1988-98),Halfdan J Mahler(1973-88),Marcolino Gomes Candan(1953-73) & Brock Chis holm(1948-53) Anders Nordstorm was acting DG for 6 months in 2006 following the death of Lee while in office.

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MEMBERSHIP IN WHO The membership is open to all countries with non-self

governing territories as associate members. 1948- 56 member countries. 1998- 191 members & 2 associate members. India became a member on 12th Jan 1948.

Dr. Margaret Chan

Former Directors of smallpox eradication program

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1)The World Health Assembly/ Parliament

2)The Executive Board / Cabinet

3)The Secretariat

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THE WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY This is the “Health Parliament” of nations & supreme governing body of organization.

It meets annually, usually May, &generally at headquarters in Geneva(14th Assembly met at New Delhi-1961)


i. To determine international health policy & programs.

ii. To review the work of past year.iii. To approve the budget needed for the following

year.iv. To elect member states to designate a person

to serve for 3 years on the executive Board &to replace the retiring members.

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THE EXECUTIVE BOARD• 30 -31 members, providing that no fewer

than 3 are to be elected from each regions.

• Board meets at least twice a year, generally in January &shortly after the meeting of the World Health Assembly

• Main work is to give effect to the dicisions & policies of the Assembly

• The board also has the power to take actions in an emergency

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THE SECRATARIATE• Headed by DG•4475 international public servants(1985)• Primary function is to provide member states with technical & managerial support for their national health development prorammes.• The secretariat composed of several divisions(31 Dec 1985-14 divisions)

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THE FIRST WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLYThe 1st World Health Assembly met in Geneva in June/July 1948 & decided that the WHO should formally come into existence on 1st Sept 1948.Geneva was chosen as the headquarters& it was also decided to push ahead with regionalization.

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REGIONALIZATION OF WHO A characteristic feature of WHO is its decentralization. It has 6 regional organizations, each consisting of a Regional Committee & a Regional Offices The Regional Offices were set up between 1948 & 1952.

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THE HEADQUARTERS OF WHO• Situated in Geneva, Switzerland• Responsible for establishing technical & administrative policies & procedures that are applicable throughout the organization.

THE REGIONAL OFFICES• Responsible for formulating of a regional character & for monitoring regional activities.•The Regional Director is the technical &administrative head of the regional office.

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1 South East Asia Region New Delhi, India

2 Eastern Mediterranean Region

Alexandria, Egypt

3 Region of the Americas Washington D.C.,USA

4 African Region Brazzaville, Congo

5 Western Pacific Region Manila , Philippines

6 European Region Copenhagen , Denmark

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THE SOUTH EAST ASIA REGIONThe headquarters of the SEARO is in New Delhi(World Health house, Indraprastha, Delhi)


19,May, 1972 Bangladesh 143.8

1982 Bhutan 2.2

12, Jan, 1948 India 1049.5

23, May, 1950 Indonesia 217.4

8, March, 1982 Korea 22.5

5, Nov, 1953 Maldives Islands 0.3

1, July, 1948 Myanmar 48.9

2, Sept, 1953 Nepal 24.6

7, July, 1948 Sri Lanka 18.8

26, Sept, 1947 Thailand 62.2

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THE PURPOSES OF WHO To help governments strengthen their health services. To promote better teaching standards in medicine and

its related professions. To inform, advice and help in the field of health. To promote in cooperation with other specialized

agencies where necessary- the improvement of nutrition, housing, sanitation,recriation,economic or working condition& other aspects of environmental hygiene.

To promote cooperation among scientific and professional group which advance the cause of good health.

To promote maternal and child health and welfare and foster the ability to live harmoniously in a changing environment.

To foster activities in the field of mental health especially those affecting the harmony of human relations.

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To promote and conduct research in field of health.

To stimulate the irradiations of epidemic, endemic and other diseases.

To propose international conventions and agreement in health matters.

To develop internationals standers for food, biological and pharmaceutical products.

To assess in developing and informed public opinion among all peoples on matters of health.

To study and report on administrative and social techniques affecting public health and medical care from preventive and curative points of view, including hospital services and social security

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Promoting development Fostering health security Strengthening health systems Harnessing research, information and

evidence Enhancing partnership Improving performance

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Prevention and control of specific diseasesThe global irradiation of smallpox is an

outstanding example of international health cooperation's.

It is now directing the global battle against AIDS Development of comprehensive health

services.WHO’s most important single function is to promote and support national health policy development of comprehensive national health programes'.

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Environmental health A number of programmers have been developed such

as “WHO Environmental Health Criteria Program” And “WHO Environmental Health Monitoring Programes” towards improving environmental health

Health statistics WHO publishers “International Classification Of Disease”

which is updated every 10 year. The 10 revision of ICD came into effect from first January 1993

• Family health Family health is one of the major program activities of WHO since 1970,and is broadly subdivided into maternal and child health care, human reproduction, nutrition and health education

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Corporations with other organizationsWHO collaborates with the UN and with the

other speacialed agencies, and maintained various degrees of working relationship.

• Biomedical research The WHO does not it self do research, but stimulate and coordinate research work.• Health literature and informationThe WHO library is one of the satellite centers of the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval system(MEDLARS )of the US National Library Of Medicine.

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ROLE OF WHO IN PUBLIC HEALTH Providing leadership on matters critical to

health and engaging in partnership work joint action is needed.

Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and Dissemination of valuable knowledge.

Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation.

Articulating ethical and evidence base policy option.

Providing technical support, catalyzing change and building sustainable institutional capacity.

monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends.

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• Established in 1956 • The who oral health programs have developed and

expanded considerably over the last 2 decades.• WHO plays an important role in the advancement of

oral epidemiology.• The WHO has published a manual titled ”ORAL HEALTH SURVAYS:BASIC METHODS which deals extensively with the procedures and steps in carrying out an oral survey, identification of dental caries ,periodontal diseases , malocclusion , fluorosis, etc.

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• WHO has also published “GUIDE TO ORAL HEALTH EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS” which can be used for more elaborate oral health surveys.

• Another manual entitled “APPLICATON OF THE INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OFDISEASES TO DENTISTRY & STOMATOLOGY” ,it facilitates the collection of data from records related to the rarer oral conditions

• The WHO has established a GLOBALORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY DATA BANK , from which data are available in response to a variety of questions

• WHO International Collaborative Study on Dental Manpower Systems is another special program of WHO

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Another program established is WHO ORAL DISEASE PREVENTIVE PROGRAMMEOne of the main objectives of the this program is to develop model preventive programs That can be recommended for use in countries or areas with different disease levels and with Different progression patterns

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BUDGET & FINANCE OF WHOThe scale to the assesment of the budjet is based broadly on population and income per head .The united state of America -32%USSR- 12%United kingdom-7%India-2% Besides its regular budjet, WHO receives voluntary contributions

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THE WHO PUBLICATIONS & JOURNALSKEY PUBLICATONS:a) The World Health Reportb) International Travel &Healthc) International Health Regulationsd) The International Classification of Diseasese) International Pharmacopeia

WHO JOURNALS:f) Bulletin of the WHOg) Weekly Epidemiological Recordh) WHO Drug Information

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THE WHO ORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT FORM THE who ORAL health Assessment form 1997 is a universally accepted & used recording methodology for oral health surveys.It includes1) Survey identification information2) General information3) Extra oral examination4) TMJ assessment5) Oral mucosa6) Enamel opacities/hypoplasia

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7) Dental fluorosis

8) CPI

9) Loss of attachment

10) Dentition status & treatment need

11) Prosthetic status

12) Prosthetic need

13) Dent facial anomalies

14) Need for immediate care & referral

15) Notes

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French Working languages


Russian Official languagesSpanish

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The Constitution of WHO came into force on 7th April 1948 & since then 7th April every year is celebrated as “World Health Day” .Every year a theme is selected & global attention is focused on that particular theme.

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1950 - Know your own health services

1951 - Health for your child& the world’s children

1952 - Healthy surroundings make healthy people

1953 - Health is wealth

1954 - The Nurse: Pioneer of health

1955 - Clean water means better health

1956 - Destroy disease carrying insects

1957 - Food & health

1958 - Ten years of health progress

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1959 - Mental illness & mental health in the world today

1960 - Malaria irradiation-A world challenge

1961 - Accidents need not happen

1962 - Preserve sight-Prevent blindness

1963 - Hunger: Disease of millions

1964 - No trace of Tuberculosis

1965 - Small pox-constant alert

1966 - Man & his cities

1967 - Partners in health

1968 - Health in the world of tomorrow

1969 - Health,Labour & productivity

1970 - Early detection of cancer saves life

1971 - A full life despite diabetes

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1972 - Your heart is your health

1973 - Health begins at home

1974 - Better food for a healthier world

1975 - Small pox-point of no return

1976 - Foresight prevents blindness

1977 - Immunize & protect your child

1978 - Down with high B.P

1979 - A healthy child-A sure future

1980 - Smoking or health :The choice is yours

1981 - Health for all by the year 2000

1982 - Add life to years

1983 - Health for all by 2000:The count down has begun

1984 - Children's Health : Tomorrow’s wealth

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1985 - Healthy youth: our best resource

1986 - Healthy living-everyone a winner

1987 - Immunization-A chance for every child

1988 - Health for all-All for health

1989 - Let’s talk health

1990 - Our planet-our health; Think globally, act locally

1991 - Should disaster strike-Be prepared

1992 - Heart beat the rhythm of life

1993 - Handle life with care-Prevent violence& negligence

1994 - Oral health for a healthy life

1995 - Target 2000, A world without polio

1996 - Healthy cities for better life- A challenge

1997 - Emerging infectious disease- Global alert &global response

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1998 - Safe Motherhood :Pregnancy is precious-Let’s make it special

1999 - Healthy aging, healthy living, start now

2000 - Safe blood starts with me-blood saves life

2001 - Mental Health : Stop exclusion –Dare to care

2002 - Move for health

2003 - Healthy environment for children

2004 - Road safety is no accident

2005 - Make every mother and child count

2006 - working together for health

2007 - Invest in health, build a safer future

2008 - Protecting health from climate change

2009 - Save lives – Make hospitals safe in emergencies

2010 - 1000 cities,1000 lives

2011 - Anti microbial resistance and its global spread

2012 – Aging & Health

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International health has come to comprise those problems in the field of health, which require consideration and action by more than one country. Such problems may be dealt with officially by governments or unofficially by national or international voluntary assosiations . WHO plays an important role in this

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Essentials of Preventive & Community Dentistry

-Soben PeterPark’s Preventive & Social MedicineText Book of Community Dentistry -Satish Chandra -Shaleen ChandraAshok’s Public Health & Preventive


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