^*»^-/V^W«^T , ^^'$<*^^":M1^.JW'.« WVi™ "y t,Y^r**-y*+*J<w{#™ VOBTMI^S ton Driver Indicted . 'MEMORIAL SEBYIC^^M^ For 2 Cjrash Eteaths HAL L SUNDAY EVENING =5™gjC0UNTY, NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1936 '•NXJMBEKia.;.- tein Paces' Charge of Man- ^hter—Two Named in Break '^-John Arliss Sharpstein of ni was indicted for riianslaugh- loijd degree, on two counts when -"fed jury reported to Justice Er- ;$Rogers in supreme court Pri- 'fernoon. Sharpstein is the re- driver of a car owned by Dr. '.E. Hall, Canton veterinarian, Arrangements, have been completed for Memorial Day service to be held in Music hall, Sunday, May -24. The' uprogram will be in charge of Arthur N. Tebo' and will commence at eight o'clock with a selection by the High school orchestra, followed by advance of flag" and singing America. Invoca- tion, Rev. F. E., Loan; selection, High school chorus; reading, Rev. L. F. Haley; address, Hon. W. Allen Newell, ting m :ivas involved, i n ' a n accident. ™ embe ?' of assembly; National An- iDekalb the night of March 19,'! ™ em ; benediction, Rev. H. W. Freer; the death of "two Potsdam r rlT1 g of the flag. , le^rH, tUrC !f y u M a y 3 0 ' m e ~l •Ruth Seaver and Miss Edith' park ^9^ be held o n t h e vil ^ge purses at Potsdam hospital and a " m ^ igers in the Ha|.lcar, died dur- Charles R. NiltlS M •' ' ' %week of March 20; as a result, n . , ~ xy " llf >> °o, |ries suffered when the carj Ule <* Sunday Afternoon eil down an embankment, juhip-'p 0rme R.,;I_„.^ M IT , £ e k and fence and W l y stop, ^ \ Z f « * ^ Lo - i„ its top in the creek. | -Fo^era! He.d YeLer day strict; Attorney Andrew J. Han- . ' Said a warrant will be issued for Charles R. Nims, S3, a resident of •stein. .- . " Norwood for "" Watertown Loses Track i Meet to Norfolk Eight Displayed Exceptional Strength I|n Hard Fought 'Contest Saturday at Watertown Watertown.—Norfolk high school's- small but fighting, eight man track team, displaying exceptional strength m the field events, handed Watertown high school its second defeat of the season on Knickerbocker field Satur- day afternoon, 52-38. Watertown tracksters built up an early lead of seven points in the mile -220, and 440 events, but Norfolk, plac- ing first and second in the century, tied the score at 18-all, with Water- town again taking the lead with a clean sweep of all three' paying posi- tions in the half mile, heading at that juncture, 27-18. From that point on it was a dog fight with Norfolk bidding strongly and placing well in the field events me Court Closed Session Friday Waddington Village Negligence Case Is Put Over the Term as. Tejn or 15 Cases Are Disposed ef Un- expectedly to End Session of. Court Canton, May 16.—The May term of supreme court came to rapid and un- expected conclusion here Friday af- ternoon with the disposition without trial of some ten or 15* cases which had been placed on the day calendar or otherwise scheduled for trial. •. , At least five out-of-court settle- ments were reached and a number of cases were put over the term or mark ed off the calendar by Justice Erskine C. Rogers. Among the cases going over the term were four negligence actions against the village of Wad- dinton brought by Jefferson county residents as the result of an accident last summer. The four plaintigs, Norfolk swept the shot putto"'^™ '' rTvi^w ff attorn , e y> elarence un f-n n Ho „.;+], m t _4. nVT-<>/. Crabb, Watertown, seek to recover an A f OS! years,, died at 1:30 h V D l 'a^^ Uliam P. Walsh and Joseph Cen- f unda >' afternoon, May 17, 1936, a t ' a n / took %1 \%?**%?* ^sending are Stuart and Ida Montondo, Water- - ' chase ! 1,s , h0 , m u e > 22 p ™spect street, where p *t,? f W S / n ^ t0 ' town ' and Geor S e Murray-and Mary he had been ill two months of heart : came down tnH? ' 1™ , t6amS > Washburn, Philadelphia. d '? T aSe ; i lasT event on tt T^- b ad ° Jum P | Among "tlTe negligence actions set-. Mr. Nims was around his home" up S « V t ^ T ' ^ W 4 those of Sante A a.day before hi, condition suddenly ' ^ dtte^SS**? seven points against | the New York Cent * ral ^ * ana then took first and second, in that „* aA „+„.*„. T „™„i, n„„„,„ „. ..event to put the meet away. in this village Watertown thrid. {, who led state police a three northern counties fol- g a burglary and assault upon a i officer in Massena in March', ••indicted on three counts, for bur- £ • Ucly De \ thrid degree; _grand larceny, u ed w 'J degree, and criminally receiv- 'tolen property. Centolella is free us Walsh appeared and enter- '.plea of not guilty... orse Saturday night. The merchant was in the grocery ant in Main street. He had conduct- tied were those of Sante Aduini against 'the New York Central rail- road et ario; Joseph —Groove against mn ,.„~,i J u rr . . -. „ „ , j Cecile Sweeney et ano, and Orman H. 100-jard dash-Zag, Norfolk.first; McCo nivlle against George J. Mad- ! den et ano. No conditions of the set- prior to that four years In- T r ^ r J ^; LaPlan t e -Norfolk second; William^ Time, 11.2-5. »•*""*•- ^ e£LHxocerv-^ lw i, « • ^ 7 ' - ^ 220 >' ard dash-B. Zagrobelny, Nor- ! tlem ™\ ° f ^ f f theS6 *f°™ W6re | eery store. For 10 years he traveled e men are chcv i6 v. u »..«» ^^^^^. 6 1 _•!.._ ,• n« , 'ibolman Gerald Woods who at- Iat T er , ln Mechanic street In his younger days he was employ „_J D T TO ,. <r * „ ,,.',' °ne in which the plaintiff, a passen- un "- H ?-T' T N °^ lk ' th w ' sev with the defendant, was injured 440- yard fash-La Fleur Water-, ^ hen the car . ated b the defend . town, first; A Molnar, Norfolk sec- ,. a n t s t e u c k a c o ^ o n t h e Qgdensburg- ond; Boldgett Watertown, thrid. Canton road last falL . Time, 58 seconds , The causes of ' charleg M _ plynn Half mile-Bar lette Watertown, a ainst j o h n Manville> action on ' con . 5 -A, t y ; W !u 6 ^ 0W !l'- Se nd; . tnust, and Theodore S. Barnett as ex- Smith, Water own thrid Time 2.17.3 ecuto ' a ^ L e o H et ano> ac _ Mile-Brouty Watertown, first;..! tion 0 ^ « ote were ,both-settled. It Cordm., Watertown, second; J. Mol- was announced also'that suit- of Glenn nar Norfolk, thrid. Time, 5-25 I Sullivan, South Cotton, as. guardian 1t P ^ e t va " lt T^ P i ante ' N ° rf0lk first for his small son,, against -Nornftm ii. ; o u' Wa * ertown ' T second ' Waterson, had been settled. The ac- th A m f T SS ' Nprfolk ' cideht invlved injuries to the boy. I £, \ TW ;, . T,, ,„•„.,• ' The following cases were marked ;on bail are Charles H. Yerden, on^onV Hlroira Nims^clda.'^y ' feet 7 ircnTs fiSt. ZaS-'obeS N ! ' ° ff t h e ^ ^ Eupert a n d E ^" KPangallo, Rocco Carhone, Her- edftor o f t h e Daily n isDatch : \J 0 ^ Ll\ A f S Jl± ^T^.^fe' pl ^y a S ains t L ° ui ^ °- ^ elt * °& tGasby, Jack Hartmanj -Ge&rge to stop thein during the burl , ,, m . . ' - . . ed on the R. W. & O. branch of the , '• 4. j 00 • J- "«. New York Central railroad. He had rand-jury, reported 33 indict- been ticket a J s : .?gamst 43 defendants.- Per- served as b B n a J^Z Meted for burglary, thrid de- conductor on & $. ^ ^ i*e Richard E^LaPkir, Levi G. Mr . Nims ^ hom p ^gure, Herbert F.Lahjnde, Jeffers on-county, Oct. 5, 1852, a son Ji Walker, Edwin D. ^uAatm, o f M r . „,-,, M r s c Dwi ^ h ' « e Deboe, Edward B. Fi^ette, married M F ^ * s^Bhyson, ErnesVEvans, Wil- Wall> 0ntari flt p otgdam ' ^Thompson John. E Doyle and 1888 _ R e v G e o Earkne ' ss> to ; f-and Elmer Upell,.all of whom o f t h e Presbyterian churcl ^ orm _. led and pleaded not guilty. e d t h e ceremony . indicted for burglary .and Survivin besides t b e w l d are ST, 'LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY . TO BROADCAST EVENTS Washington.—The Federal Com- munications Commission's has granted St. Lawrence • university of Canton .special temporary authority to oper- ate radio station ^CAD from 1;30 to 3:00 p. m., and from 4 to 7:15-p. m. May 22,^25 and 30, 1936; also' from 1:30 to 3:00 p. m.' and from 4:00 to. 7:45 p. m. June 6; from 9:45 to 12:30 p. m., June 7 and 8; from 2:15 to 3:0.0 p. m., June 7, and from 1:30 to 3:00 p. m Vl .June 8, in order to broadcast baseball games and commencement exercises. All hours are eastern stand ard. Addison J. Ekey, Siv Rites Held Sunday Former Supervisor of Madrid, Passed Away The funeral of Addison Ekey was held from the family - home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. He died at 1:30 Friday morning, May 15, 1936. Mr.. Ekey had been in failing health for~the past 2 years and had been con- firmed to his bed for the last 6 weeks. Mr. Ekey was born in the town pf Madrid, July 12, 1854,.the son of the' late William and Nancy Ekey. He had one sister, Miss Minnie Ekey, who died at the age of 23-—He h'ad- spent his entire life in Madrid with the exception of 2 years spent in Oak- land, Calif., Where he conducted a gro- to - and from Evansville,—Wisconsin~-as-| a dealer iri poultry. Mr. Ekey was educated in the schools of Madrid, Massena and Nor- wood and in early life was a school teacher, o He served on the town board of Madrid for about 30 years and was supervisor for 17 years and chairman of the board of supervisors during 1919 and 1920. •>—His later life has been spent quiet- ly at his farm home in Madrid. He was married to Jennie Ruther- ford on Dec. 8, 1894. She survives with two children, Ethel Rutherford Ekey of Lynbrook, L. I., and William Addison Ekey of Madrid and two grandchildren, Marion Margaret arid Daily Dispatch; two folk ' second" 35 feet Thi'ches'-'Mol'nar '¥**? **%"*, L °? i? °" ^ V * * Marjorie Ann Ekey, -,... : JL ._'J.V..1. xr:_- I0lK ' sec0llQ > -Joieet, b incnes, ivioinar densburg; Frederick C- and Kathryn '•>£„. , nr0 . o 0 ;w,t The large attendance at the fun-, jjva Clark Estate Suits ' Dropped,iGourt Closes Actions Charging Fraud Discontinued Before Adjournment ' Canton.—Suits charging fraud .in- stituted against Congressman Bert;- rand H. Snell of Potsdam and others in connection with the settlement^ of the estate of Nathan B. Clark,.former Potsdam farmer and assessor, have been dropped Jn supreme court, it was learned Friday. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kilbourn, daugh- ter of the late Nathan Clark, was. the plaintiff in two actions placed oh the calendar for trial.- before Justice Er- skine C. Rogers and a jury. : "' . A settlement was announced in the negligence action of Joseph Growe vs Cecile Sweeney and another slated for trial next week. Allen L. Gurley also announced settlement of the negli- gence action of Glenn Sullivan, as guardian vs Noianan Waterson". *_ Joseph Monica of Norfolk,, received a directed award .of $108 in a sealed verdict returned to Justice; Rogers Friday. Monica sought $270..as. com- mission for the sale of tree's and shrubs to Frank P. Cumnlings, .as agent of the defendant company, Chase Brothers of Rochester. ... A verdict of no cause for action _was returned by a jury. Friday .after- noon in .the negligence action of F.. M.. S. Motors, Inc., of Norwobd vs. Dr. S.. Pope Brown, Potsdam, St. Lawrence county coroner. Plaintiff sought $300 damages- ........ —. Justice Rogers adjourned court wfthout date. • He will go to Brooklyn where Qn Monday he will preside at a special session while a special grand jury, reports its finding as result of an investigation arising out. of the famous Druckman murder case. Village Case Over Terra The joint negligence actions of Stuart and Ida Montondo of Water- town, George Murray and Mary Wash burn of Philadelphia against the vil- lage of Waddington were put over the term. The plaintiff's seek approxi- mately $65,000 for personal injuries, suffered, when the- Murray car struck a pole in Waddington April 22 last year. S P T S na Snn al 7Tohn ^ » ^ h M ^ Dwi * h t a n d ' ;Jack Nims >. NVrfoik7ihird7 sTfeet, 10 inches. _$enneth H. McDonald, John both of Qneida; two sister, the Miss- Broad ium ' p. L aPlan<-e *Norf, m Carl M. Pritty, Charles L. s s B h . d a n [ , - nor:enM N ims, Azusa,' first 18 f ee T V inches Za^robelnv" Dal ^ anU "T' u ?"^ a " y . c " a > showed the high esteem in which Mr.' tTrnV'onT ™¥oTbV' Leon^" GtoT S;and.Michael C. Butcher. r.HWni, >, ftrst, 18 leet, J ^ inches, Zagrobelny, negl ig enc e. The injunction action of E W w q s hp ^ , n Mnrir . H nTlH mr .l™?J2J otl0n by heon ^ ^?' teeu, lu incnes. . TT A,,hrav no-ninst th* Vir*t NaHotial "'"" "," 1 ^ v ' " l - t -""" 1 "- c " ,j "" c . '•"••-< ±jva Jacques' separation action LaPlante,'Norfolk Z . ^ T n S T Z ^ " * ^ZZ. er ~ a ' and . the . . mm 7 floral . tnbu . tes against Roy Jacq ues was put over the ,, r,_V.!..,_.. i>anK ana iiusu company 01 iviassena, R f, nvVB ^ + v, e ^icVi ostoom in <a,ninh Mr i, * 1. * California. lf.Rutley was indicted for Funeral services were held Tuesday tjy^second degree, oil S' counts, afternoon at the late home with Rev. uflder indictment for • forgery Francis Loan, pastor of the M. E. rgeW. Simpson and Elizabeth church, in charge.- Bearers were Geo. Mister on two counts each, and Milo Fletcher, William Leonard, |.~Smith, James M. L. McAdam Jesse Stearns, Perry Nichols, Edward jamin H. Phillips. ' . .E. .Wright. Burial was in Riverside JgWKippeared to plead not guil- cemetery, in charge of George L. other are on bail. Shepard. pjr ;.Cutrie was indicted for Ijlarceny," first degree^ He en- Enlargement of ftpot guilty plea. Jesse E. Day J a i l }g Urged licted for grand larceny, first Is;on bail. Albany, May 16.—Enlargement of ^"toiehjs charging grand larceny the St. Lawrence county jail at Can- 4 ^ e , were returned f^r Har- ton, is urged in an ii.spection report ijWgmwright and William *K. approved to.day by the state commis- r^Berbert Gasby; Jack Hart- sion df correction. "fflajferge Atler. . ', "-' "There is no question of the inade- Brown and Leslie Brown are quacy of the jail to properly house " dictments charging assault prisoners and it would appear that Pee. the state commission of correction .M.'Martin pleaded* not guil- would be justified in requiring the »indictment charging a crim- board of suyerviso-rs- to provide addi- ""luU second degree. j tional quarters for the male prison- ' W. Snickles and Mrs. Ethel ers," the report stated. 1 pleaded guilty to an indict- "The overcrowding in this jail has "King a statutory offense, been noted in several previous reports ve been confined to the county of inspection and it is so common an »d»ys. Justice Rogers Bentenc- occurence as to warrant the belief "Wi to that number of days for- that it will continue,", the report, also •and and then released them. said. •'There is no question of the m- '* is unmarried. ~ - < adequacy of the jail to properly house pendants are expected to ap-' prisoners and it would appear that the J* 0» special arraignment term state commission of correction woum * * «urt at 1:30 o'clock Mon- be fully justified in requiring the fttnoon, May 25, to plead be-' board of supervisors to provide addi- ™» William D. Ingram. tional quarters for male prisoners. "Enlargement of the jail or the *4 Indenenffonfci erection of quarters at the county tt£ £ - ^ r m or some other oute.de pomt " M l O p e n i n g G a m e ^ h o u l d be considered. K6h,. rTT" "The matter of the safety razor ffir. Inde P e J»dcnt* opened b , ades> criticised in the last report rf corrected, and t»t of vermin have entirely successful, it John Creighton et ano .against John Norfolk, second, 18 feet, 2 inches Spaziani, Watertown, thrid, 16 feet, swift, "et" anoV'was dismissed"." 9 2 inches. j n the conc i u( iing case a jury ren- High-jump—LaPlante and Bregg, dered a n o cause j o r a c ti 0 ri verdict Norfolk, tied for first place, five feet, in favor o f D r . S . p ope Brown, Pots- six inches. Bonney, Waterttown)- third1^ dam coroner> in the negligence action five feet, four inches. Half mile—Won with Norfolk second-and Watertown, third. Winning team—Ivers, Williams Kellar and LaFleur. ANNUAL WHITNEY PRIZE CONTEST HELD AT MADRID Grand Matron Visits Ekey was held in rounding towns. Winthrop Pupils Present Madrid and sur- pi a j n tifp s attorney. i- Settlement was announced in the I negligence action of Sante Arduini of ! Ogdensburg vs. New York Central TWO Plays" in Assembly i railroad and Mr. Caldwell, of Ogdens- _• _ burg. brought by the P. M. S. Motors, Inc.,' Winthrop, May 16.—Mrs. Edith! Through Arthur S. Lamphier of AI- Half mile—Won by Watertown, p ots dam to recover for damages done Wagstaff's pupils of the primary de-|bany, Arduni, the father of 13 chil- uu XT„_*.II -J — J «r-a.-_i-— to its-car on Jan 24 in-a-collission - partmeciuenter-tained-at-an-assembly1 dren, brought $75,000 damages for in- with the sedan of Dr. Brown at the in the auditorium of Brasher and juries suffered when the Caldwell car corner of Waverly and Garden streets Stockholm-High school Friday morn- in which he was riding and a gasoline Potsdam • I in S- Jack Snyder was announcer. scooter owend by the railway were in •' ' Patricia Munson gave a piano solo, j collision October 16 last year at a crossing four miles south of Ogdens r burg. Recitations were given by Florence 3 1 f ° ° s »""tey W de*! inspection has been c ^'lOgdansburg-13.2, Score J ^ to rid the jai _ _ _ been almost entirel fc.,,, B H E was stated." ^ -•&?r i3 i i6 ii D,SH0 ' ™*™ ! ^ m,m ttA Til . y 2 ^» Norwood wm T „, „ . iahnn 2,** league game of the! R t . R*Y* G. Ashton Oldham, bishop J**\' «t ttcreation ptitk ^ithiof the Diocese of Albany, will visit "iMM^na-Mewhanfa.. TlnVSt Philin's Episcopal church this The annual Whitney prize speaking contest of the town of Madrid, was held Tuesday evening, May 12, in the high school auditorium, and was at- tended by a large crowd. John Fra#> cis Tiernan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tiernan, and Hilda Emily O'Neil, daughter of Mr. and MTS/ Thomas O'Neil, each received second prize. Both children"are'pupils of Miss Dor- othy Jane Creighton of district No. 5, Madrid. COMMUNISM FOE OF ALL, SAYS POPE Vatican City—Pope Pius, receiving a Hungarian pilgrimage led by Car- dinal Seredi, characterized Commun- ism as "the common enemy menacing everyone and everything." The pontiff said: "Communism everywhere tries to qpfnniTSt law Bissrrirt Dunn ' Tomm y Duftn > Bobb y Murray oeconp. at. ijaw. uisuici Ann Clark) Gera i d Ballou and Jack Potsdam.-More than 400 members ' | nyde ^ F iye J* 0 * 3 ' ? obb y MaGinn ' of the Eastern Star chapters of the i ^ ^ Steemberg, Leon Johnson, second St. Lawrence district gathered/ i oim Rusaw and Jack A Snyder sang, in the Civic center auditorium here I Frances Keegan and Audrey Munspn Monday night on the occasion of the dld ta P d ^. ce / s ; A play was given by official visit of Alice* M. Scardefield, I Tommy MaGmn, Joyce Shampme, Kingston, grand matrom of the gr&nd | ^" o n Qapstpa ^ „ Nor , ma i Mur ^ ay r«M«t L. 2ii5 sharp and P L - arcal hot eowlert» »o s Ifamesare, Coltoft! w 8«»her at Bwsher Fall* »i?!!!ll c,ub N0.i win ^ * ^ * e T o w n ^ s t t d crik:k< S"*mw nt«ht. 7:30 for z *m *«9|p-'#fe'g|^ St, Philip's Episcopal (Wednesday) wenfagr at wnftrrttation service. On Thursday morning at 8.46^there will UMoly Communion serv.ee with Bishop OMhamjejebrant. . Water Rent I W IH receive water « nt •** e State L k S f Norwood dunn^bank- ing hours. . v ' illa g 6 Treas, blMuits for shortcake^ -^rhrec, four W b «^ f 6il itoves ftt Shepard's. was not present as he is recovering from an operation at Hepburn hos^ pital. '/'•'. The event was opened with a re- ception at:5:30 o'clock at the Arling- j ton inn, followed by a dinner at 6 penetrate, and unfortunately already") o'clock 1 . - The reception committee has penetrated to so many sections— j comprised Gertrude E< Howard, past some with violence, some with am?. district deputy grand matron, and bush and some with trickery, even in other present and- past matrons and the guise of the best of counsels." | patrons of the second St. iawrence ~ '• ~ I district! . " ' • NORFOLK STUDENT DIES ; The program l n fte auditorium in- IN POTSDAM HOSPITAL eluded: Organ recital by Gilbert „„ T . T t. 4. MacFarland: overture, Winthrop Ban- Potsdam, May 19--Lois Johnston, jo orchestra m a n d o c e l l o > M e d a s . Kell 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs nehaxl t enor-mandola, Louise Farns- William Johnston Norfolk, died at worth Mafeel R L acti d Potsdam hospital this mornrng short- conductress introducing the d j strict ly after 2, She had been a patient d mafcron and Corinne at thr institution for the past five Hamilton wag acti associate grand Bobby Murray, Bobby MaGinn, Ger- ald Bal^6u, , Glendon Bopthe, Donald Pike,. Gloria. Letrace, Laura Sham- pine, Harold Clark, Tommy Dunn and ay was given by Barbara Devitt, Gloria Le- trace, Dorothy Clark, Arlene Steem- Dr"telknis be f^» Norma Murray, Patricia Mun- ' son, Gerald Ballou, John Rusaw, Bob- by MaGinn, Kenneth Steemberg, Har- old Clark and Donald Pike. At. the close a talk was given by Principal B> A. Tiayser. chapter O. E. Si, of the State 6f Mew. York, and Harry Mi Godersoh, New York City, grand patron. Ada M. Folsom, "Winthrop; district' £ me \ na ™/, a . ^ larK > ionimy u deputy grand-matron of the "second I Bermce . White. Another pi, St. Lawrence district, and Charles E Elkins, Massena, assistant grand tec turer, were also'honored days. She was born near Norfolk, Oct. conductress There was also a solo, "Homing Del to the convention by W.. Martha. Ure, 28, 1922, a daughter of Willara and R{ CJara Rard &nd wekome Mary Jackson Johnston, She was a s " student in the Norfolk school. " ~~". _ A i.j Lyra chapter, Norwood A colored magazine cover,.mounted v J r ,L on stiff pacer or card board, may make gay pictures for .the wall of a ST. LAWRENCE AMATEUR LEAGUE OPENS SUNDAY .The St. Lawrence county amat^u# baseball league of six, teams Will' start play next Sunday afternoon. • Of- ficers' of ;the-> league and managers of the teams will meet in the chamber of commerce rooms Massena Thurs- day evening to complete plans for the opening. Managers will turn in players' lists at the meeting. Each team is per- mitted 18 men for the season. The schedule will be approved and other business disposed of. Helena, defending champions; Mas- seaa Mechanics, Brasher Falls, Pots- dam Merchants, Norwood Independ- ents and a Colton team will play in JI1UB.E 8»J r -— • i»„„1* child's room or for hia scrap book* —Norwood Townsertd club will sertfe a chic** *»*<* ^ Q W^Jj hall, Thursday, May 21, from 5 until 9 p. m. Price 35c. Everybody cor- dially invited. „Get that" cedar chest now. Keep mothes from your' furs m Woolens. Shepards. . ^-pori*t forget the f ownaend chifefc- eii dinner tomorrow night. . and-Tespbnse by^ Erastus Wilkins. of _ the league this year. Potsdam and Colton are new-comers to the circuit. JUNIOR CONTESTS • j ^t%^&\ *TJ^J^U lit ;WATERTOWN MAY » ] g £ i ^ *%J d ^ C o l ^ t The N, Y. Federation of Music ^ubs | Potsdam at Coney island, announces that the Junior contests jn j Easteijl( st „ ^f otice piano (solo andensemble) will be held j There Vllfhe w ^ of t^J.°±^T 1 ' fiW^JS'lflrm Chapter on Wednesday, May 20, Summer Session Starts June 29 Potsdam, May 16.—Dr. R. T. Cong- don, principal of the. State Normal school, has issued material relative to • the summer session which will be con- ducted from June 29 to August 7. Any person who has taught or who intends to teach iri the public schools of the state will be admitted to the session. A wide, scope of subjects will" be offered. The eleinentary teachers' course alone consists' of approximate^ ly 30 different phases of child educa- tion. A wjde range of work for rural teachers will also be- offered. It is expected that the especially recom- mended group will include diagnostic and remedial measures iri reading, children's literatuirey English studies for rUal school's, .social- studies, actiy- . ity training, arts and crafts courses, trends in Sural. 'education and con- temporary social problems; Dr. Congdon said that students should pjeserit themselves for regis- tration on the morning of June 29. Class work will begin promptly at 7:50 June 30. He pointed out that students may attend classes as audi- tors, or listeners, without taking p*rj; in class discussions or receiving credit for courses. Saturday afternoon, May 23rd, and will be conducted by Etta Hamilton Morris, acting Junior counselor for the balance of this season, The reg- istration begins\at 2:00 p. m. ( and the contests at 2:30. —Ney iron, bed* and »pring» at] Shepard'* at. 8, o'clock, hostess. Sister Grace Whipple* —Food sale Wednesday, May 27th, Hardy's store. Hot dishes at 11:3U Congregational church, Group IV. —General electric refrigerators at Shepard'f. ^ NOTICE Take noticj&ifc the undersigned, clerk of the-,jMpBe of Norwood, have received the tax'roll arid warrant for the collection of "taxes levied for the present year^-and I will attend at the office of the village clerk, in said vil- lage, from June 1st to June 30th, ex- cepting Saturdays, Sunday and holi- days from nine o'clock in the forenobn until four o'clock,iri the afternoon of each day,, and for said period of time taxes may be paid without additional charge, but on air*such' faxes' remain- ing unplaid after June 30th, five per, cent will'be added fox* the first month arid an additional one-half of one pet 1 cent for each month or fraction there- of thereafter until paid. Dated May f3th,' 1936.' Harold 'J, Hathaway. . —Congoleum rugs at Shepard's. 5 *" « i' ilk"*! HI if u

MEMORIAL SEBYIC^^M^ L SUNDAY EVENINGnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075693/1936-05-20/ed-1/seq-1.pdf^*»^-/V^W«^T,^^'$

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Page 1: MEMORIAL SEBYIC^^M^ L SUNDAY EVENINGnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075693/1936-05-20/ed-1/seq-1.pdf^*»^-/V^W«^T,^^'$

^ * » ^ - / V ^ W « ^ T , ^ ^ ' $ < * ^ ^ " : M 1 ^ . J W ' . « WVi™ "y t,Y^r**-y*+*J<w{#™


ton Driver Indicted . 'MEMORIAL SEBYIC^^M^ For 2 Cjrash Eteaths H A L L SUNDAY EVENING

= 5 ™ g j C 0 U N T Y , NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1936 '•NXJMBEKia.;.-

tein Paces' Charge of Man-^hter—Two Named in Break

' ^ - J o h n Arliss Sharpstein of ni was indicted for riianslaugh-loijd degree, on two counts when -"fed jury reported to Justice Er-;$Rogers in supreme court Pri-'fernoon. Sharpstein is the re-driver of a car owned by Dr. '.E. Hall, Canton veterinarian,

Arrangements, have been completed for Memorial Day service to be held in Music hall, Sunday, May -24. The'

uprogram will be in charge of Arthur N. Tebo' and will commence at eight o'clock with a selection by the High school orchestra, followed by advance of flag" and singing America. Invoca­tion, Rev. F. E., Loan; selection, High school chorus; reading, Rev. L. F. Haley; address, Hon. W. Allen Newell,

ting m

: i v a s involved, i n ' a n accident. ™embe?' o f assembly; National An-iDekalb the night of March 19,'! ™ e m ; benediction, Rev. H. W. Freer;

the death of "two Potsdam r™ r lT1g of the flag. ,

l e ^ r H , tUrC!fyu M a y 3 0 ' m e ~ l •Ruth Seaver and Miss Edith' park ^ 9 ^ b e h e l d o n t h e v i l ^ge

purses at Potsdam hospital and '° a" m ^ igers in the Ha| . lcar , died dur- C h a r l e s R . Ni l t lS M •' ' ' %week of March 20; as a result, n . , ~ xy"llf>> °o, |ries suffered when the carj Ule<* S u n d a y A f t e r n o o n eil down an embankment, j u h i p - ' p 0 r m e R . , ; I_„ .^ M IT , £ e k and fence and W l y stop, ^ \ ™ Z f « * ^ L o-i„ its top in the creek. | -Fo^e ra ! He.d YeLerday

strict; Attorney Andrew J. Han- . ' Said a warrant will be issued for Charles R. Nims, S3, a resident of •stein. .- . " Norwood for ""

Watertown Loses Track i Meet to Norfolk Eight

Displayed Exceptional Strength I|n Hard Fought 'Contest Saturday

at Watertown

Watertown.—Norfolk high school's-small but fighting, eight man track team, displaying exceptional strength m the field events, handed Watertown high school its second defeat of the season on Knickerbocker field Satur­day afternoon, 52-38.

Watertown tracksters built up an early lead of seven points in the mile -220, and 440 events, but Norfolk, plac­ing first and second in the century, tied the score at 18-all, with Water-town again taking the lead with a clean sweep of all three' paying posi­tions in the half mile, heading at that juncture, 27-18.

From that point on it was a dog fight with Norfolk bidding strongly and placing well in the field events

me Court Closed Session Friday

Waddington Village Negligence Case Is Put Over the Term as. Tejn or

15 Cases Are Disposed ef Un­expectedly to End Session

of. Court

Canton, May 16.—The May term of supreme court came to rapid and un­expected conclusion here Friday af­ternoon with the disposition without trial of some ten or 15* cases which had been placed on the day calendar or otherwise scheduled for trial. •. , •

At least five out-of-court settle­ments were reached and a number of cases were put over the term or mark ed off the calendar by Justice Erskine C. Rogers. Among the cases going over the term were four negligence actions against the village of Wad-dinton brought by Jefferson county residents as the result of an accident last summer. The four plaintigs,

Norfolk swept the shot p u t t o " ' ^ ™ '' r T v i ^ w ff a t t o r n , ey> e l a r e n c e

u n f-n n Ho „.;+], m t _4. nVT-<>/. Crabb, Watertown, seek to recover an „ A f OS! years,, died at 1:30 h V D l ' a ^ ^

Uliam P. Walsh and Joseph Cen- f u n d a>' afternoon, May 17, 1936, a t ' a n / t o o k %1 \%?**%?* ^ s e n d i n g a r e Stuart and Ida Montondo, Water-- ' chase !1,s,h0,m

ue> 2 2 p™spect street, where *£p * t , ? f W S / n ^ t 0 ' t o w n ' a n d G e o r S e Murray-and Mary

he had been ill two months of heart : came down tnH? ' 1™ , t 6 a m S > Washburn, Philadelphia. d ' ? T

a S e ; i lasT event on t t T ^ - b ™ a d ° J u m P | Among "tlTe negligence actions set-. Mr. Nims was around his home" up S « V t ^ T ' ^ W 4 those of Sante A

a.day before hi, condition suddenly ' ^ d t t e ^ S S * * ? seven points a g a i n s t | t h e N e w Y o r k C e n t* r a l

^ * ana then took first and second, in that „ * a A „+„.*„. T„™„i, n„„„,„ „. ..event to put the meet away.

in this village

Watertown thrid.

{, who led state police a three northern counties fol-

g a burglary and assault upon a i officer in Massena in March', ••indicted on three counts, for bur- £ •Ucly De

\ thrid degree; _grand larceny, u ™ e d w

'J degree, and criminally receiv-'tolen property. Centolella is free u s

Walsh appeared and enter-'.plea of not guilty...

orse Saturday night. The merchant was in the grocery

ant in Main street. He had conduct-

tied were those of Sante Aduini against ' the New York Central rail­road et ario; Joseph — Groove against

mn ,.„~,i J u rr . . -. „ „ , j Cecile Sweeney et ano, and Orman H. 100-jard dash-Zag, Norfolk.first; M c C onivlle against George J. Mad-

! den et ano. No conditions of the set-prior to that four years In- T r ^ r J ^; L a P l a n t e -Nor fo lk second; William^ Time, 11.2-5.

»•*""*•- ^ e£LHxocerv-^ l w i, « • ^ 7 ' - ^ 2 2 0 > ' a r d dash -B . Zagrobelny, Nor- ! tlem™\ ° f ,°f f

t h e S 6 *f°™ W 6 r e | eery store. For 10 years he traveled e men are chcvi6v.u »..«» ^^^^^.6 1 _•!.._ ,• n« , 'ibolman Gerald Woods who at- I a t

Ter , l n Mechanic street

In his younger days he was employ

„_J D T TO ,. <r * „ , , . ' , ' °ne in which the plaintiff, a passen-un "- H ?-T' T N ° ^ l k ' t h w • ' sev with the defendant, was injured 440- yard f a s h - L a Fleur Water-, ^ h e n t h e c a r . a t e d b t h e d e f e n d .

town, first; A Molnar, Norfolk sec- , . a n t s t e u c k a c o ^ o n t h e Qgdensburg-ond; Boldgett Watertown, thrid. C a n t o n r o a d l a s t f a l L . Time, 58 seconds , The c a u s e s o f ' c h a r l e g M_ p l y n n

Half mile-Bar lette Watertown, a a i n s t j o h n M a n v i l l e > a c t i o n o n ' c o n .

5 -A, w ° ty ; W !u 6 ^ 0 W ! l ' - S e o ° n d ; . tnust, and Theodore S. Barnett as ex-Smith, Water own thrid Time 2.17.3 e c u t o ' a ^ L e o H e t a n o > ac_

Mile-Brouty Watertown, first;..! t i o n 0 ^ « o t e w e r e ,both-se t t led . It Cordm., Watertown, second; J. Mol- w a s a n n o u n c e d also'that suit- of Glenn nar Norfolk, thrid. Time, 5-25 I Sullivan, South Cotton, as. guardian

1 tP ^ e

tv a " l t T ^ P i a n t e ' N ° r f 0 l k first for his small son,, against -Nornftm

i i . ; o u' W a * e r t o w n ' Ts e c o n d ' Waterson, had been settled. The ac-

th A m f T SS' N p r f o l k ' cideht invlved injuries to the boy. I £, \ TW ;, . T,, , „ • „ . , • ' The following cases were marked

;on bail are Charles H. Yerden, on^onV H l r o i r a N i m s ^ c l d a . ' ^ y ' feet 7 ircnTs fiSt. ZaS-'obeS N ! ' ° f f t h e ^ ^ E u p e r t a n d E ^ " KPangallo, Rocco Carhone, Her- e d f t o r o f t h e D a i l y n i s D a t c h : \J0 ^ Ll\AfSJl± ^ T ^ . ^ f e ' pl^y a S a i n s t L ° u i ^ ° - ^ e l t * °& tGasby, Jack Hartmanj -Ge&rge

to stop thein during the burl , ,, „ m • . . ' - . . ed on the R. W. & O. branch of the

, '• 4. j 00 • J - "«. N e w Y o r k Central railroad. He had rand-jury, reported 33 indict- b e e n t i c k e t

a J s:.?gamst 43 defendants.- Per- s e r v e d a s b

B n aJ^Z

Meted for burglary, thrid de- c o n d u c t o r o n & $. ^ ^ i*e Richard E^LaPk i r , Levi G. M r . N i m s ^ hom p

^ g u r e , Herbert F . L a h j n d e , J e f f e r son-county, Oct. 5, 1852, a son Ji Walker, Edwin D. ^uAatm, o f M r . „,-,, M r s c D w i ^ h ' « e Deboe, Edward B. Fi^ette, m a r r i e d M F ^ * s^Bhyson, ErnesVEvans, Wil- W a l l > 0 n t a r i flt p o t g d a m '

^Thompson John. E Doyle and 1888_ R e v G e o Earkne'ss> t o ; f-and Elmer Upell,.all of whom o f t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c l ^ o r m _ . led and pleaded not guilty. e d t h e c e r e m o n y .

indicted for burglary .and S u r v i v i n b e s i d e s t b e w l d a r e


Washington.—The Federal Com­munications Commission's has granted St. Lawrence • university • of Canton

.special temporary authority to oper­ate radio station ^CAD from 1;30 to 3:00 p. m., and from 4 to 7:15-p. m. May 22,^25 and 30, 1936; also' from 1:30 to 3:00 p. m.' and from 4:00 to. 7:45 p. m. June 6; from 9:45 to 12:30 p. m., June 7 and 8; from 2:15 to 3:0.0 p. m., June 7, and from 1:30 to 3:00 p. mVl.June 8, in order to broadcast baseball games and commencement exercises. All hours are eastern stand ard.

Addison J. Ekey, Siv Rites Held Sunday

Former Supervisor of Madrid, Passed Away

The funeral of Addison Ekey was held from the family - home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. He died at 1:30 F r iday morning, May 15, 1936. Mr.. Ekey had been in failing health for~the past 2 years and had been con­firmed to his bed for the last 6 weeks.

Mr. Ekey was born in the town pf Madrid, July 12, 1854,.the son of the' late William and Nancy Ekey. He had one sister, Miss Minnie Ekey, who died at the age of 23-—He h'ad-spent his entire life in Madrid with the exception of 2 years spent in Oak­land, Calif., Where he conducted a gro-

to -and from Evansville,—Wisconsin~-as-| a dealer iri poultry.

Mr. Ekey was educated in the schools of Madrid, Massena and Nor­wood and in early life was a school teacher, o He served on the town board of Madrid for about 30 years and was supervisor for 17 years and chairman of the board of supervisors during 1919 and 1920. •>—His later life has been spent quiet­ly at his farm home in Madrid.

He was married to Jennie Ruther­ford on Dec. 8, 1894. She survives with two children, Ethel Rutherford Ekey of Lynbrook, L. I., and William Addison Ekey of Madrid and two grandchildren, Marion Margaret arid

Daily Dispatch; two f o l k ' second" 35 feet Thi'ches'-'Mol'nar '¥**? **%"*, L ° ? i ? °" ^ V * * Marjorie Ann Ekey, -,...:JL ._'J.V..1. xr:_- I 0 l K ' sec0llQ> -Joieet, b incnes, ivioinar densburg; Frederick C- and Kathryn '•>£„. , n r 0 . o 0 ; w , t The large attendance at the fun-, jjva

Clark Estate Suits ' Dropped,iGourt Closes

Actions Charging Fraud Discontinued Before Adjournment

' Canton.—Suits charging fraud .in­stituted against Congressman Bert;-rand H. Snell of Potsdam and others in connection with the settlement^ of the estate of Nathan B. Clark,.former Potsdam farmer and assessor, have been dropped J n supreme court, i t was learned Friday.

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kilbourn, daugh­ter of the late Nathan Clark, was. the plaintiff in two actions placed oh the calendar for trial.- before Justice Er­skine C. Rogers and a jury. • : "'

. A settlement was announced in • the negligence action of Joseph Growe vs Cecile Sweeney and another slated for trial next week. Allen L. Gurley also announced settlement of the negli­gence action of Glenn Sullivan, as guardian vs Noianan Waterson". *_ •

Joseph Monica of Norfolk,, received a directed award .of $108 in a sealed verdict returned to Justice; Rogers Friday. Monica sought $270..as. com­mission for the sale of tree's and shrubs to Frank P. Cumnlings, .as agent of the defendant company, Chase Brothers of Rochester.

... A verdict of no cause for action _was returned by a jury. Friday .after­noon in .the negligence action of F.. M.. S. Motors, Inc., of Norwobd vs. Dr. S.. Pope Brown, Potsdam, St. Lawrence county coroner. Plaintiff sought $300 damages- . . . . . . . . — .

Justice Rogers adjourned court wfthout date. • He will go to Brooklyn where Qn Monday he will preside at a special session while a special grand jury, reports its finding as result of an investigation arising out. of the famous Druckman murder case.

Village Case Over Terra

The joint negligence actions of Stuart and Ida Montondo of Water-town, George Murray and Mary Wash burn of Philadelphia against the vil­lage of Waddington were put over the term. The plaintiff's seek approxi­mately $65,000 for personal injuries, suffered, when the- Murray car struck a pole in Waddington April 22 last year.

S P T S n a S n n a l 7 T o h n ^ » ^ h M ^ D w i * h t a n d ' ; J a c k N i m s >. NVrfoik7ihird7 sTfeet, 10 inches. _$enneth H. McDonald, John b o t h o f Qneida; two sister, the Miss- B r o a d i u m ' p. LaPlan<-e *Norf, m Carl M. Pritty, Charles L. s s B h . d a n [ , - n o r : e n M Nims, Azusa,' first 18 f e e T V inches Za^robelnv" D a l ^ a n U " T ' u ? " ^ a " y . ™ ™ c " a > showed the high esteem in which Mr.' tTrnV'onT ™ ¥ o T b V ' L e o n ^ " GtoT S;and.Michael C. Butcher. r . H W n i , >, ftrst, 18 leet, J ^ inches, Zagrobelny, n e g l i g e n c e . The injunction action of E W w q s hp^ ,n M n r i r . H nTlH mr.l™?J2J ™ o t l 0 n b y heon ^ ^?'

teeu, lu incnes. . TT A,,hrav no-ninst th* Vir*t NaHotial "'"" ","1^v' " l- t-"""1"-c " , j ""c. '•"••-< ±jva Jacques' separation action LaPlante,'Norfolk Z . ^ T n S T Z ^ " * ^ Z Z . er~a' a n d . t h e . . m m 7 floral . t n b u . t e s against Roy Jacq ues was put over the ,, r,_V.!..,_.. i>anK ana i iusu company 01 iviassena, Rf,nvVB +v,e icVi ostoom in <a,ninh Mr i, * 1. • • • *

California. lf.Rutley was indicted for Funeral services were held Tuesday

tjy^second degree, oil S' counts, afternoon at the late home with Rev. uflder indictment for • forgery Francis Loan, pastor of the M. E. rgeW. Simpson and Elizabeth church, in charge.- Bearers were Geo.

Mister • on two counts each, and Milo Fletcher, William Leonard, |.~Smith, James M. L. McAdam Jesse Stearns, Perry Nichols, Edward

jamin H. Phillips. ' . .E. .Wright. Burial was in Riverside JgWKippeared to plead not guil- cemetery, in charge of George L.

other are on bail. Shepard. pjr ;.Cutrie w a s indicted for Ijlarceny," first degree^ He en- E n l a r g e m e n t of ftpot guilty plea. Jesse E. Day J a i l }g U r g e d

licted for grand larceny, first Is;on bail. • Albany, May 16.—Enlargement of "toiehjs charging grand larceny the St. Lawrence county jail at Can-

4 ^ e , were returned f^r Har- ton, is urged in an ii.spection report ijWgmwright and William *K. approved to.day by the state commis-

r ^ B e r b e r t Gasby; Jack Hart- sion df correction. "fflajferge Atler. . ', "-' "There is no question of the inade-

Brown and Leslie Brown are quacy of the jail to properly house " dictments charging assault prisoners and it would appear that Pee. the state commission of correction

.M.'Martin pleaded* no t guil- would be justified in requiring the »indictment charging a crim- board of suyerviso-rs- to provide addi-

""luU second degree. j tional quarters for the male prison-' W. Snickles and Mrs. Ethel ers," the report stated. 1 pleaded guilty to an indict- "The overcrowding in this jail has "King a statutory offense, been noted in several previous reports ve been confined to the county of inspection and it is so common an

»d»ys. Justice Rogers Bentenc- occurence as to warrant the belief "Wi to that number of days for- that it will continue,", the report, also •and and then released them. said. •'There is no question of the m-'* is unmarried. ~ - < adequacy of the jail to properly house pendants are expected to ap - ' prisoners and it would appear that the

J* 0» special arraignment term state commission of correction woum * * «urt at 1:30 o'clock Mon- be fully justified in requiring the fttnoon, May 25, to plead be- ' board of supervisors to provide addi-™» William D. Ingram. tional quarters for male prisoners.

— "Enlargement of the jail or the * 4 Indenenf fonfc i erection of quarters at the county

tt£ £ - „ ^ r m or some other oute.de pomt "Ml O p e n i n g G a m e ^ h o u l d be considered.

K6h,. r T T " "The matter of the safety razor ffir. IndePeJ»dcnt* opened b , a d e s > criticised in the last report rf

corrected, and t»t of vermin have

entirely successful, it

John Creighton et ano .against John Norfolk, second, 18 feet, 2 inches Spaziani, Watertown, thrid, 16 feet, swift, "et" anoV'was dismissed"." 9 2 inches. j n t h e c o n c i u ( i ing case a jury ren-

High-jump—LaPlante and Bregg, d e r e d a n o c a u s e j o r a c t i0ri verdict Norfolk, tied for first place, five feet, i n f a v o r o f D r . S . p o p e Brown, Pots-six inches. Bonney, Waterttown)- third1^ d a m c o r o n e r > i n the negligence action five feet, four inches.

Half mile—Won with Norfolk second-and Watertown, third. Winning team—Ivers, Williams Kellar and LaFleur.



Ekey was held in rounding towns.

Winthrop Pupils Present

Madrid and sur- • piajntifp s attorney. i- Settlement was announced in the I negligence action of Sante Arduini of ! Ogdensburg vs. New York Central

T W O P l a y s " i n A s s e m b l y i railroad and Mr. Caldwell, of Ogdens-_ • _ burg.

brought by the P. M. S. Motors, Inc., ' Winthrop, May 16.—Mrs. Edith! Through Arthur S. Lamphier of AI-Half mile—Won by Watertown, p o t s dam to recover for damages done Wagstaff's pupils of the primary de-|bany, Arduni, the father of 13 chil-

uu XT„_*.II - J — J «r-a.-_i-— to its-car on Jan 24 in-a-collission - partmeciuenter-tained-at-an-assembly1 dren, brought $75,000 damages for in-with the sedan of Dr. Brown at the in the auditorium of Brasher and juries suffered when the Caldwell car corner of Waverly and Garden streets Stockholm-High school Friday morn- in which he was riding and a gasoline Potsdam • • I i n S- J a c k Snyder was announcer. scooter owend by the railway were in

• ' ' Patricia Munson gave a piano solo, j collision October 16 last year at a crossing four miles south of Ogdensr burg.

Recitations were given by Florence

3 1 f ° ° s»""tey W de*! inspection has been c ^ ' lOgdansburg-13 .2 , Score J to r i d the jai

_ _ _ been almost entirel fc.,,, B H E was stated." ^

- •&?r i 3ii 6 i iD , S H 0 ' ™*™ !^m,m

ttA T i l . y 2^» Norwood wm T — „, „ . iahnn

2 , * * league game of t h e ! Rt. R*Y* G. Ashton Oldham, bishop J**\' «t ttcreation ptitk ^ i t h i o f the Diocese of Albany, will visit

"iMM^na-Mewhanfa.. T l n V S t Philin's Episcopal church this

The annual Whitney prize speaking contest of the town of Madrid, was held Tuesday evening, May 12, in the high school auditorium, and was at­tended by a large crowd. John Fra#> cis Tiernan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tiernan, and Hilda Emily O'Neil, daughter of Mr. and M T S / Thomas O'Neil, each received second prize. Both children"are'pupils of Miss Dor­othy Jane Creighton of district No. 5, Madrid.


Vatican City—Pope Pius, receiving a Hungarian pilgrimage led by Car­dinal Seredi, characterized Commun­ism as "the common enemy menacing everyone and everything."

The pontiff said: "Communism everywhere tries to

q p f n n i T S t l a w B i s s r r i r t D u n n ' T o m m y Duf tn> B o b b y Murray

oeconp. at. ijaw. uisuici Ann Clark) G e r a i d Ballou and Jack Potsdam.-More than 400 members ' | n y d e ^ Fiye J*0*3' ? o b b y M a G i n n '

of the Eastern Star chapters of the i ^ Steemberg, Leon Johnson, second St. Lawrence district gathered/ ioim R u s a w a n d J a c k

A Snyder sang, in the Civic center auditorium here I Frances Keegan and Audrey Munspn Monday night on the occasion of the d l d t a P d ^ . c e

/s ; A play was given by

official visit of Alice* M. Scardefield, I Tommy MaGmn, Joyce Shampme, Kingston, grand matrom of the gr&nd | ^ " o n „ Q a p s t p a ^ „ N o r , m a „ i

M u r ^ a y

r«M«t L . — 2ii5 sharp and

P L - a r c a l h o t eowlert» »os

Ifamesare, Coltoft!

w8«»her at Bwsher Fall*

»i?!!!llc,ubN0.i win

^ * ^ * e T o w n ^ s t t d crik:k< S"*mw nt«ht.

7:30 for

z*m *«9|p-'#fe'g|^

St, Philip's Episcopal (Wednesday) wenfagr at wnftrrttation service.

On Thursday morning at 8.46^there will UMoly Communion serv.ee with Bishop OMhamjejebrant.

. Water Rent I WIH receive water « n t •** ™e

State L k S f Norwood dunn^bank-

ing hours. . v ' i l l a g 6 Treas,

blMuits for s h o r t c a k e ^

-^rhrec , four W H« b « ^ f 6 i l

itoves ftt Shepard's.

was not present as he is recovering from an operation at Hepburn hos^ pital. ' / ' • ' .

The event was opened with a re­ception at:5:30 o'clock a t the Arling-

j ton inn, followed by a dinner at 6 penetrate, and unfortunately already") o'clock1. - The reception committee has penetrated to so many sections— j comprised Gertrude E< Howard, past some with violence, some with am?. district deputy grand matron, and bush and some with trickery, even in other present and- past matrons and the guise of the best of counsels." | patrons of the second St. iawrence

~ '• ~ I district! . " ' • NORFOLK STUDENT DIES ; T h e p r o g r a m l n fte auditorium in-

IN POTSDAM HOSPITAL eluded: Organ recital by Gilbert „„ T . T t. 4. MacFarland: overture, Winthrop Ban-

Potsdam, May 19--Lois Johnston, j o o r c h e s t r a m a n d o c e l l o > M e d a s . K e l l

13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs n e h a x l tenor-mandola, Louise Farns-William Johnston Norfolk, died at w o r t h M a f e e l R L a c t i d

Potsdam hospital this mornrng short- c o n d u c t r e s s i n t r o d u c i n g t h e d j s t r i c t

ly after 2, She had been a patient d m a f c r o n a n d C o r i n n e

at t h r institution for the past five H a m i l t o n w a g a c t i a s s o c i a t e g r a n d

Bobby Murray, Bobby MaGinn, Ger­ald Bal^6u,, Glendon Bopthe, Donald Pike,. Gloria. Letrace, Laura Sham-pine, Harold Clark, Tommy Dunn and

ay was given by Barbara Devitt, Gloria Le­trace, Dorothy Clark, Arlene Steem-

Dr"telknis • bef^» Norma Murray, Patricia Mun-' son, Gerald Ballou, John Rusaw, Bob­by MaGinn, Kenneth Steemberg, Har­old Clark and Donald Pike.

At. the close a talk was given by Principal B> A. Tiayser.

chapter O. E. Si, of the State 6f Mew. York, and Harry Mi Godersoh, New York City, grand patron.

Ada M. Folsom, "Winthrop; district ' £ m e \ n a™/,a . ^ l a r K> ionimy u deputy grand-matron of the "second I Bermce . White. Another pi, St. Lawrence district, and Charles E Elkins, Massena, assistant grand tec turer, were also'honored

days. She was born near Norfolk, Oct. conductress

There was also a solo, "Homing Del

to the convention by W.. Martha. Ure,

28, 1922, a daughter of Willara and R{ C J a r a R a r d & n d w e k o m e

Mary Jackson Johnston, She was a s " student in the Norfolk school.

" ~~". _ „ „ A i . j Lyra chapter, Norwood A colored magazine cover,.mounted v J r ,L

on stiff pacer or card board, may make gay pictures for .the wall of a


.The St. Lawrence county amat^u# baseball league of six, teams Will' start play next Sunday afternoon. • Of­ficers' of ;the-> league and managers of the teams will meet in the chamber of commerce rooms Massena Thurs­day evening to complete plans for the opening.

Managers will turn in players' lists at the meeting. Each team is per­mitted 18 men for the season. The schedule will be approved and other business disposed of.

Helena, defending champions; Mas-seaa Mechanics, Brasher Falls, Pots­dam Merchants, Norwood Independ­ents and a Colton team will play in

JI1UB.E 8 » J r -— • i»„„1*

child's room or for hia scrap book*

—Norwood Townsertd club will sertfe a chic** *»*<* ^ Q W ^ J j hall, Thursday, May 21, from 5 until 9 p. m. Price 35c. Everybody cor­dially invited.

„Get that" cedar chest now. Keep mothes from your' furs m Woolens. Shepards. .

^-pori*t forget the f ownaend chifefc-eii dinner tomorrow night.

. and-Tespbnse by Erastus Wilkins. of _ the league this year. Potsdam and Colton are new-comers to the circuit.

JUNIOR CONTESTS • j t % ^ & \ *TJ^J^U lit ;WATERTOWN MAY » ] g £ i ^ *%Jd ^ C o l ^ t

The N, Y. Federation of Music ^ubs | Potsdam a t Coney island, announces that the Junior contests jn j E a s t e i j l ( s t „ ^fotice

piano (solo andensemble) will be held j T h e r e Vllfhe w ^ o f

t^J.°±^T1' fiW^JS'lflrm Chapter on Wednesday, May 20,

Summer Session Starts June 29

Potsdam, May 16.—Dr. R. T. Cong-don, principal of the. State Normal school, has issued material relative to • the summer session which will be con­ducted from June 29 to August 7. Any person who has taught or who intends to teach iri the public schools of the state will be admitted to the session. A wide, scope of subjects will" be offered. The eleinentary teachers' course alone consists' of approximate^ ly 30 different phases of child educa­tion.

A wjde range of work for rural teachers will also be- offered. I t is expected that the especially recom­mended group will include diagnostic and remedial measures iri reading, children's literatuirey English studies for rUal school's, .social- studies, actiy- . ity training, arts and crafts courses, trends in Sural. 'education and con­temporary social problems;

Dr. Congdon said that students should pjeserit themselves for regis­tration on the morning of June 29. Class work will begin promptly at 7:50 June 30. He pointed out that students may attend classes as audi­tors, or listeners, without taking p*rj; in class discussions or receiving credit for courses.

Saturday afternoon, May 23rd, and will be conducted by Etta Hamilton Morris, acting Junior counselor for the balance of this season, The reg­istration begins\at 2:00 p. m.( and the contests a t 2:30.

—Ney i ron , bed* and »pring» a t ] Shepard'* •

at . 8, o'clock, hostess.

Sister Grace Whipple*

—Food sale Wednesday, May 27th, Hardy's store. Hot dishes a t 11:3U Congregational church, Group IV.

—General electric refrigerators at Shepard'f.

^ NOTICE Take noticj&ifc the undersigned,

clerk of the-,jMpBe of Norwood, have received the tax ' ro l l arid warrant for the collection of "taxes levied for the present year^-and I will attend at the office of the village clerk, in said vil­lage, from June 1st to June 30th, ex­cepting Saturdays, Sunday and holi­days from nine o'clock in the forenobn until four o'clock,iri the afternoon of each day,, and for said period of time taxes may be paid without additional charge, but on air*such' faxes' remain­ing unplaid after June 30th, five per, cent will'be added fox* the first month arid an additional one-half of one pet1

cent for each month or fraction there­of thereafter until paid.

Dated May f3th,' 1936.' Harold 'J, Hathaway. .

—Congoleum rugs at Shepard's.

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