jdinlnlx,.raiors SiIp! ATTHS ATlNGLD PLACE, Six mlios from Memphis, on the Horn Lake KoatL Tafttliy, Juooary, 19. 1HHO. At ten n'e'tyk. a.ni., twill sell t auction, to the lilKhet blil'W, tw following named articles belong-i- u tntli' e.ttntent r . M. Air.o ii, deceased. Three horses. J env. : chIws lobeml of hoys, 1 two-lior- wnon. tarinlntr nlfnsils. 1 chest c.r(Mir's tools some ,'M or i'(H tnilils or corn. Mini IihT ur.H t,i,iMr iiirw or lour stands or Ik. household mi., I kltrhun lurtdtur" imd (owls. Terms of . tale cull. i.KOlt tH rKKKMAN. . M. Arfmid. dtiiise,! l'Hl N.l IMS LtiANK. . v mult mi. an n Well Imnroved. In a high )U slut of ctilnvn'.lon. ut lillls Station, 2V4 miles from cllr. on V. unci c. K. R. APt'iJ w .1. A. KOI HKST A CO 111 Monroe st, MTUAYCI) I 8TOLKSI. urwaud-Tw- o claihank or yel jVL low mure mules; atx ut 15l hands blub. The Btwve reward will te fidd on their delivery toI.J Hu"bT .t or t'liwrig .loin's. AlJi OK KXCHAIkW K. EVIDENCE - A commodious anil desirable resi- dence K la Bolivar. Tenn., for like prorwrty In Memphis. . . u3.s. i. 5V15 Main street. i:kvai:i. BONr--10- hKWAHO-T- he following C"tITV of Memphis Bonds hive been stolen, viz: No. Itt.l. HIBI. :i.'ill, rtiCJ, 4d oiw, imiii irw. i H.-- .ii Mir-rt- vii.ui. 7h7. ',! 1. H0H4 and :i04W. nl as tlie are istt due, parties de.iilli'K n bonds would do well to make a note of this. One hundred dol lar, reward for their return t ine ptni C. M'CA LL bes removed his law ofllce to No. H . 41 Msdlson street "TR. J. H. POWELL can be found at all hours at I ) Nj. 'J7 South t street. R. L. LA-- has removed his residence and DR. MAIN ST.. between Monroe and Vnlon. ov- -r Beitr" loae s ore TON--- ? 20( ) R F. W A RD from M. andL RR OIT 24, 1 x7W, Nine B'i Cotton: B. It. over W. T. vv.. ; ciia"oiid M-- L. ., 2; diamond M 9. J.I: fllnmon-- M-- W. C , 1 ; dlamnnt M I. 1 ; uiHiiiowl M - U . 1: i. T. K.. 2. The a oove reward will lie i hIiI for ai-- loroiiuatlon that will lead to the reeoT-r- of the cotton and conviction of thieves, or a proiiorlloriHie amount for what Is Sulci coi'ori wm loaded on a dray and a wUKQii, and not delivered at destination. H. M PA T l KKON CO. OOM9 Knmlfhed rooms and board; also day- - boMnlliiK, at 12S Court street. A Hit ft KK iN T H" ,oM Kumlshed or unfnr-Jnlshe- I dresslr k room attache-- i if desired. Terms to suit. ta b anlers wanted. 77 MARKET ST. OARD Klratla:S d and one nice room, at juu. m. ii. imhho, Nn, im MHcilson street. o Miiy f uriiisiitil ruin, win board, at 2IH 1iiHsii street Heierences reijuirea. "liiao.NT kimi.H lundshrd, at No. 104 JD Court street. tHiltable lor (tentleman and wlte, or two single Ketttleineti. RHteienc ?s; -- Nice turnlahel rooms, cheat", at n . m ain pthkft. COLT f'ne bay mare, 12 or 1 4 year old, MARE mare nmM coll. H months old, from Kor- - rest fill I, Tenn. SlO reward will be paid for delivery of them to J. A. torre-- t t Co.'s si able, HI Monroe St., Memphis. T. B. ALLEY, rorrest hiu A COWS AND CALVES One red anil white cow, h wit 11 yellow or pale red, nnd white-spotte- calf. One dark brlinlle cow, with white face; calf red. One wr .le ow, with some small red pldes; calf white and red pools. One heller, white Willi red sreeks. If tnken up will please deliver to HKAKfK. HI'UlH t C. Carriage Klarksmltb. Address SITUATION-A- s I. .1. K-- , Aptx-a- l ollloe. AOS. IKON, METALS, and all (trades of Cotton. Orders liy mall piomptiy attended to. S. HA HA V, Agent, Nos II, l.tend loBeale street. 1 1 ot)l CoOK To (to to wittMnirg, Arkaraas, to JT ocok anil do general household woik In a small family. White woman preferred, but would take a good colored woman Address it . Appeal ofllce. ol rui TIO.nA Tiituiflfist of twenty years expert O ence: good e ilejuian: w,ints a situation In a country ton or store, taiaiy mol-rat- e. Relerenoes tint-clas- Address .lAHUa MONROE, caretihroyer ft 10., N. 1 I ourt street. Oil I' A IK IN tij a young iiMn ot business habits, O who wrl'.es a gootl ban 1, and Is a graduate of the Va. A. and M. College, desires a sltuallou as clerk, or some ptiics wh-r- e he call earn ait honest living. Address W W. K KKANKUN, Ihls ofllce. I -- Or room and toard, jy at mh Madison st inaHSU MII.K COW rf Fox's wood-- J yard. Poplar st., ijetwoen Third and Kourtu. ,TY KAi'M itl( r.cres cf No. 1 land; all above i.L ovetllow; 4oi) neres umler gool fence; thirty miles up the Mlssisrippl rlvr; one mile ftom Sex- ton's Landing. Crluenden countv, Arkansas; all In No. I conoltlon: core e'.ongh on thu place for the season; will sell 011 time or exchange fur city prop- erty, or rent lor live )ears. . Ij. WARNRB. 2n0 Front s'. J ALtX)N With Cxtiirej, At If-r- t MAIN PTRKET. 4D acres, six miles south of Memphis, very LAND for cash, it upylled for very aoon. Apply to W. C BROWN, Corner Looney and Ewlng slreet.hejsea. HINf I NtTMTT E tT AU AnXTbINDERY Having pun based the Typ". Pre.ses i lloe, Campbell and tiordoin. Botk lllixlery and Machinery of the late "Boy te Prlntltii: Cuiiipany," w-- j will sell the same lu ouanlllles to rult (i.iirhasers. Ad tress S. C. TlQK ft CO.. Memphis. Two well nn d Mlodle Tennessee Jacks; JACKS hands: well broke; pedigree furnished. J. A. FOKItt Sr A CO., f. I ai d 7:1 Monroe stre:L T OTM-T- mi unimproved-- io s oil tieorla street. Joseph's Church. T J. LATH j,XllMO0ll si, I Nr. a nrsi I'mss ei yuie, tl home iower, K cheap. JOHN M ANOHI'E. Ptl Main, Memphis. A tCtl KU MAHHn -- one plr; rockaway and M nee-i- buvny, louroesxs, two Iron safes spleialld uilli-- table, letter press, and one upright millinery showcase. O. Wo ILDHIDHK, .No. lt Planters los. Building. Madison street. N tlVS KCH Kt -- 0110 power engine 'j nnd boiler (or will tiade (or f mailer one or other property). doulile-oti.c- o l esk Stove. IT. A VANAOli ft 'O..HW Main at. iThicK B nvrr .r r.ul. y i.ir.tity and ijiiality J Kiiaranteeit 1,. e oroers ,ti Jolin A Denle's, Hn-- J V rout street, or W. Cliase Co.'s, 1'J Main St reel. o. n. P. VIPKK ."."tint ooe.sior, nonhea-- t comer C"liTTAiB--- : and Hioadwiy; six or seven rooms, ;;uod cistern. an I nil cin.venl'iicen. Rent low 10 good tena.-- . II. kH:''JltWI),SH MadlsonL Vance sTreet. now occupied KKtDFACK-T'o4t- f; Uvii m.pij friiiue, wilh all modern csvnvenlences; stab.o atai carnt-g- h'uise. Po. ses- sion gUen at onco. Apply lul'H A.i T. PATEltdON, illlee liiiMlers cooipiiiiT. 41 Mnillson St. rnilH CO IS RK.ilDi'.Ni'M.-2- 7i Lltiilen street. AP X. ply to CLAoKK, JOU.NSn.N ft CJ., 870 Front street. f LA NT AVION-T- he i.undy PI ten miles south ..L of Memphis, oonl oiling HOO aces of good clearrd laud lor rem tor one or mora years; plenty or water and line utock rantre. At ply to U. Diuliey Krajscr, No. 9 Mmilou stre-- or Zr.NO T. HARRI3, at JA h He II .tve 1. Tenn. yrXjff XTITTn - Oneof too iii. est plantations on the Mississippi river acre-.- i cleared, steam vtn, tine ilwi'ltlngand place lull) stocked with haiuls. will rent or lease lor a term pf ytu.rs. Address, L. H. C. care Appeal. IOLSU AND PLACE. Kor the coming yrar-th- e Lons- - ",alo Place; a story house, contain- ing fourteen to sixteen rooms, a short distance d the corporation line. The lut contains four acres, well Improve 1, with shade trees, msgtiollas and other everp'wns, wilh a good garden; two lmt cisterns ami a well, s'eMcs, bams and other V HI lr reti ei low 1 a good tenant. Apply to .'I. Kll'UM l.NI 20 ,Madioiiat 1 (.iu.1tXaive on 'in' nulled front nana, with small X room ivntii-- ' Ui (,rai tie h oJ.with gotd board, lit 72 Court stnet. References required. hurt ilie.rr"uiiiuinl-hel- , single or In LyooMS- - wiiiiunt tM'ind: m artiueiiUi suited lor Uttlit liooeki e.l!i,'. at liMjInTersoii streeU itwllb;iK At,d lots st tail's stailou. MX J LI RAYNER. ' f otiilH l 'nlurnisiitd; In a 1 mate family; uuex-- ceptloliHb.e ivlerences tenulred. Address "K," this office. f Itwo lillH K t'.s-U- ti Hernando slriHst. Nos. L 2SH and 2s; Its 7 iihiius eai'h. In exi'tlliut or rli-- newly papert Apply to I uotnaa HU or 1.. (oiloo, limit. il Agent, Iw Madisou St. 1OOMS-l"priil.sl'- id rtanns, Stl toSS per moiilh, Jelii ison "tteet. "iL.-- n KMK.s- -- Two s'lean. eimir.udloua resl-XTt- v deoiH-s- . ltee f.om fver liifeclioti. MINiitt ilEhlW KlliK.lt. 24.1 IVcond sL AM ItouViS-l- u the Planters OKHCKS HtilMlog, a few s olllces and sleplng-rooiiis.a.- i i.ll nonlrr-- i Improvements, and thoioi'i'lil s"d nlfssl sii-e- the ei.lilinl'.. l0,0 0O POUNDS French iinl Stick Caiuly, Assorted Nuts, Kaisins, izs, Currauts, Citron, lite, At mi:ciajli-- y imw r rices THI3JWEEK. - Ai.isu Fancy AipIos aiul Oranges, r lain and Fancy Crackers, 3Ia)lo Sugar ami JSyrun, tjeir-rlssiii- g Uuckwheat, Self-risin-g Flour, M'llOLEs) tliK ASU RETAIL "B.M.STRATTON r' KI BBIK'M TIIKATKK. A ( Kormerly Memphis Theater.) DAVEY & BUOOkb i'ropilelors hud Managers. SIX NIUHT3. WEDNESDAY AMI SATURDAY MATINEES. Commencing Monday. January 5th. MILEVS 4LVKMLE TlXaFORE CO. 40 CHILDREN 40 In their great success. II. 31. H. I'lNAfOKE. NEW SCIENKUY ! EI.KfiANT WARDROBES. Heals ou s.tle al Ibillenbeig's. January 15. lit. 17 Air. JUriKI'FI M1RP1IY. 9ir.lt II AN 3II MKI M, i V f.a. an 91 ill n street. Oieu from a.m. to 10 pm.,wltti performances each hour. The Egyptian Mystery.or London Ghost Show. School of Trained Animals. Largest 15-ee- nt show In the world, over ."K Curiosities-Bchoo- l children admitted for 5 cents on Saturdays. 1CfclL.H-a.lHm- BIUI4BUU! CO.NYERSE'S UliLIAUD PARLOR I No. 13 Monroe Street. BILLIAKII AXD POUI. TABLES 1 And all kinds of Sporting Goods. THE n. W. COl.LFNDER CO. GOOD LUCK! GOOD LUCK! SHIRTS ! SHIRTS I ! AT KI UK LAND'S! KIRKLAXD'3 ! ! PEABODY HOTEL. Exact weltfht of Horse Shoe, fl lbs. 14 unices. No 107 guessed H2l lb . and took the oO bond. No r'l Kiiecsed H3 Itn., and took the EOld watch. N'os. not! and21H messed W) lbs Tie for third. No. 7:t( guessed iriM) ounce, or HJlIbs. 12 ounces; also a tie for thlro prize Ut prize has been paid over to Walter Ekj.; 2d to Mr. Ben. Marsh, and the ;id Is still unsettled, and waits fur claimants. I. I. CU9IAWAY, No. Bladlmoa utreet. Proierty Rented, Collections Made, Taxes 1'ald, Interests carefully watched and cared for. Mrs. I. D CONAWAY (for the past four lears In the ofllce of the late principal) assisted by J. F. M'KEPN, an active, experienced collector, will give r roinpt at- tention to business committed to her care. General collections made without delay, on best terms. Fro ceeds promptly turned over or remitted. BIRDS !....5I5JiIS!- - . IUKDM I EXTRA INDUCEMENTS I HABTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIK8! BK4T BIKUKKM ARK OFFERED AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES : Bplemlld Singers S 8 00 Choice Select Slngerj 3 25 Kemale Canaries 1 F() Caues ...IromilScents to 5 00 Presentation Cages from $7 to 60 00 Also, a fine selection of Fancy Grasses, Bouquets, HtPglng-Basket- s, Vases, Goldllsli, Aquari- ums, etc. such as Garden-fencin- g anil Wlre-guard- a for doors and at MEUfKIN B1K1) STORE, 11 (MIS HTHHRT. TO SKXCSIANUK. LOT A Rood comer lot, near CORNER an.l Tennensee for wagin and or horse nod bmttry. Call at No. rl Muiherrr st. Hoaste d Coffee I l'OUNl) TACKAGES- - Vith the best known and latest Iinprovrtl machinery, we are daily rousting- - an A 1 grade of CcfTee and patlioar it up In POUND PACKAGES, under the "SILVER MOOS" brand of Rest Golden Rio Coffee. The wrap- per is neat and showy, sealed air- tight and packed in cases of 30 and oO pound?. We nell the same Coffee loose, cither glossed or plain roasted, put up in cleuu new barrels made for the pur- pose. We also liOAST PEAXOTfj, nicely and evenly, which can be shipped either In Rajrs or Uarrels. Merchants wishlus their own Cof-U- n roastf d and put iu tight new bar- rels, caa have It done by sending to ns. OLIVER, FINNIE& CO WHOLESALE GF.OCERS, LOCAL TAilAGKAl'MS?. &0 card about Dun & Co.'s Reference Southern fruiU are Kollint? in our market at low prices. Joe Murphy will be the attraction at the 1 boater utxt week. . Setts, of inu J cin be found in every street and alley ut present. The Miss'Bippi continues to advance upon Lith-wat- er mark. l'hmfor by tbo Juvenile oprcra troupe at tbe Theater The' ruin, mud and gloomy weather continued rfp to lute last nigbt. A white femala barbershop will open up next SjuJay, with fivo lady barbers. The catton stiiple coutioui s to bail the mutkt t; it is on the upward movement. The police should haul in some of tbo mii!ci;ht diBturbira, politely called seren- ade. The time is arriving when every citizen will have, his own telephone and electric liKht. Impassable cropsinps, deep mud-hol- es and aloppy streets describes Memphis at present. The regular meeting of the legislative couuti! will lake place this afternoon at three o'clock, A well-know- n blende printer of this city will soon lead to the altar one of the fairest daughters ot Memphis. Washinston sheet bayou bridge neefs another putcb, and there is a dangerous hole near it that aHo needs tilling. Tho United Slates marshtl has the sieoiuer H n id Transit, in custody ior claims for wages and supplies furnihhed, Motqtiitoes are as lively an evsr in niany roouis and builuings throughout the city. Tips indicates an cpen, warm winter. To-nig- at the Greenlaw Operahouse, n r.ieetiug of those who oppose the privy-vau- lt t.!ing-u- health ordinanL-- will bo held. At the probnto court yesterday, Thomaa Owning took out ins first papers declaring his intention to become an American citizen. Tho meetings for prayer in tha Court street Cumberland I'resbyteiiun church com- mence precisely at three o'clock every attcr- - tOJD. We are requested ft say what tho oiiy school teaelv ra will delight to hear that the bal.tr.ee of their November salary is ready for tiieta.- - Dr. G. B. Thornton, president cf the Memphis board of health, is now a member ot tho State board of heaith, vie Dr. Maury, resigned. A dark sky, with lambent lightuiag and muttering thunder iu the tar away, were the prevailing weather symptoms at one o'clock this morning. Mr. John Taylor, of Brownsville, is in-f- or med that he can pet a copy of the Master of Red Leaf by writing to Ciapp & Taylor, OOv'ks,. Iters, of this city. At the criminal court yosterd iy and last niht the case of Tno State va. Charley Woods, indictment for the murder of Airs. Foster, was progressing in argument of coun- sel. Tho M'Clelland Guards yesterday sent their bond to tho governor for tho muskets now in their possession. Hon. Casey Young and General Colton Greene are the bonds- men. The county quarterly court was engaged yesterday in acting on accounts and petitions lor reduction of luasssiuents. Court adjourned over to cine o'clock on Monday morning ceil. Tbe Theater matinee yesterday was not largely attended. It is a dillicult matter iu Memphis to run ono play or opera through eight prcsenU:t.c-a- s in one week and have go J house. Tho opponenU of filling (up privy-vault- s and the temporary eaith-cloK- system are clamorous to have Mr. John Overton as suc- cessor to Dr. l'orter aa president of the Taxi- ng- I hatricL Tbe city engineer should take a survey of I'oplar street and nil up a lew, it not all, the t'eep holes. Cili'ca ot the eighth waul liv-n- g along the line talk of holding an indigna- - Iuuu Above iucuiiuk. the mouth of Wolf river is an THEMEMPHM DAILY chored a scboouer-buil- t revenue cutter, the property of the United States government. She presents rather a piratical appearance when viewed from the bluff's. The Taxing-Distric- t offices will be closed to-da- from ten until cce o'clock, out of re- spect to the memory of the firemen who were killed at tbe fire on Tuesday night, and who will be buried to-da- y at Calvary cemetery. The county quarterly court yesterday passed a resolution inKtrncting the county Buperintendent of education to call a meeting of the (IntrictEchool directors and discuss the advisability of rcdinlricticg the school dis- tricts. In the thirteenth, district y an elec- tion will be held for magistrate, to till the vacancy caused by tbo death of William H. Ltoegel. Five white men and three colored men are said to be aspirants for the vacant position. The only topic of public conversation at present is the vault-filling-u- plan. It is an unsanitary battlefield, and one disagreeable to many people who desire to discuss litera- ture, politics or religion from a polite society point of view. As was said yesterday by a Memphian: "There are people who think that Dr. Porter oufcht cot to resign, but that he Bhould hold the bag which five members of the council made while they escaped on the snipe-hun- t ing expedition. Even small boys know this game. At ten o'clock y the funeral services ol the dead firemen, Peter Meath and Ed- ward Leonard, will take place from St. Pat- rick's church. The remains will be escorted to Calvary cemetery by the members of the fire deoartment and a detachment Irom the police force. At a regular meeting of Memphis lodge, .No. 6, Knights of Pythias, held last night, the following effiser were elected for the en- suing term: A. Atkeson. C. C; D. Powers, V. C ; II. W. Furnam, P,; M. Cohen, M. of E ; S. W. Alien, M. Ot F.; W. H. Atkinson, K. R. S.; M. A. Frcst, M. at A.; Henry Co- hen, I. G.; A. J. Carlson, O. G. Yesterday afternoon C. O. Dawson, watch- man on board the steamer J. D. Parker, was arrested by the police authorities on tbe charge of shooting a negro on board the boat while at Cairo. Dawson eays that the negro was only grazed by tbe bullet, and that be wis committing a nuisance on board the boat when he (Dawson) shot at him. Said a merchant yesterday: "The man who succeeds Dr. Porter must remain here even though the yellow-fev- er breass out in our city next summer. If be runs away, he will be forever disgraced, just as a genetal would who would desert his army when the battle began, or the captain of a ship when h.s poor passenger.) remain on board." The following marriage licenses were ifRued by the county court clerk yesterday: Colored Thomas Williams and Miss Caro- line 15id, Squire Veeon and Miss Lula Love, John Bealo and Miss Ellen Norwood, Howard Winchester and Miss Maliuda Thompson, Isaao Rowlings and Miss Lueila Kelly. White William R. Weight and Miss Fanrve M. Bojd, Presley S. Smithwick and Miss Bertha Graham, Isaac Harris acd Miss Cora Williams, A. T. Bll and Mies Laura II. Firth, L. G. Wells add Miss M. E. Tucl r. At the Shelby circuit court yesterday Therefa Stein filed a petition for divorce against Andrew Stein. The petition shows that they intermarried in this city in July, 1870, by Ktv. Dr. Witherspoon, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, but in 1S72 de- fendant became an habitual drunkard, and remained so for many years; that he beat and treated her inhumanly, and in January, 1379, beat and cujsed her; but in June, li?79, petitioner was forctd to leave him; therefore she asks for a divorce, and to be restored to her former name, Theresa Yaeger, etc. PEKSONALB. Mr. Ben Eiseman, of St. Louis, is at the Peabody. Mr. Theodore Winkisoham, of the bar ot Kansas City, Missouri, is in the city. Major G. A. Mortimer, of New Yotk, agent ot the Joe Murphy combination, is at the Peabody. Mr. W. W. Hoskiss, of the Lexington, Holmes county (Miss.) Adartlser, is in tbe city on business. G. W. Naill is selling off a very large stock of window-shade- s and at 3i2 and 354 Main street. Colonel James Montgomery, superin- tendent ot the Memphis and Louisville rail- road, is at the Peabody. Miss Helen e A. Thiers, the celebrated lady aeronaut, is here, and will no doubt give an exhibition of her skill. A magnificent military ball is shortly to come off at Helena, Arkansas. Tracy & Co. have orders to get up euperb invitations. Messrs. W. S. Hughes, W. E. Dab'os, W. S. Cock, and W. B. Grady, of Forest City, Arkansas, are la the city, guests of the Peabody Mr. Roescher, of the Jet Palace, requests us to state that he will be ready for business in a few days, and will announce location in daily papsrs. A magnificent military ball comes off at Helena in a few days. Tracy & C). have or- ders to get up the invitations, which will be dono in the highest style of art. Prof. Harry Gilbert, the well-know- aeronaut, is in our city, and will endeavor to make a balloon ascension, if he can make ar- rangements with our citizens to that effect. In another column appears the card of Mr. Roth, of the New York carpet renovating company, who has opened out for business at 2ol Second street, and is prepared to restore carpets to their original color. Tub St. Paul Pioneer and Press, of Fri- day, contains the foil. wing item of semi-Memph- is news: "The marriage of Mr. Gus Itees, of Minneapolis, and Sliss Mihus, of Memphis, is announced to take place on Jan- uary 20th." Dr. and Mrs. J. C. P. Hammond are in the city at the residence of tueir sou, Judge Hammond. The friends of Dr. Hammond in this city, where he formerly resided, will regret to bear that he is confined to the house by Captain James Montgomery, superin- tendent of tbe Memphis division ot the Mem- phis and Louisville railroad, arrived in the city yesterday for the purpose of supervising the construction cf the draw in Ha'.ehio river bridge, near Brownsville, which work begins to day. On yesterday, the seventh instaut, at the residence of the bride, CC4 Vance street, an interesting marriage ceremony occurred, the groom being Mr. Lyttleton F. Hall, of Poco-mok- e City, Maryland, and the bride being Mis: Lizzie Piper, of this city. The cere- mony was performed by R-- v. T. F. Gailor. AMUSEMENTS. Theater. Yesterday afternoon the Miles Juveniie Pinafore opera troope presented Pinafore be- fore an audience that was amused and pleased. Last night it wm again presented. Pinafore will be rendered by the little folks each night during thi week, and at tbe nr.it-iae- o on Saturday. The ptrformanc-- j is well worth witnessing. It is amusing and enjoy- able throughout. LAW UEPOUTS. Criminal Court IXorrlcao. Judge. Ctiminnl court calendar for Thursday, Jan- uary t, 1880: 59, Henry Harm-- ; 202, Stephen Petty; 1:30, Walt Polk; 14, Henry Saiitb. Circuit Court linn. James O. Pierre, J uitire. Calendar for y: 6193, Mrs. A. F. Dod vs W. P. Miller; 6212, John Kirkup et al vs Thomas Fox et al; 6213, Firman & Chandler vs W. H. P. Mattox; 6214, NK. Bjwman va P. Wickersham; 6215, James Lagtill vs Ella Renrdoa; 6217, J. B. Saiat vs M. Blessing et al; 6218, Fred Voikruar vs Gcjrge BMow; 6219, A. Lacomarsino vs Charles tjuentel; 6220, T. U. Maxley vs C. A. Srilmao; (5222. George T. Tweedy vs F. U. Finnie; Glfe, Bluff City terra cotta works vs F. H. Finnie; 6224, Catharine Ferguson vs Owen Dlveney; 6227, J. J. Busby A: Co. vs Charlia Warden; 6228, Thomas Moffat t vs Kelly & M'Cadden; 6229. sitae vs same; 62o2, J. R. Godwin t Co.vs J. M. Sanderhu, administrator; 6128, M. C. Epparsoa & Bro. vs Arbiiekle iV Tucker. Sim Xlenochsberg; & .?o., Will icopen a new and fresh stock of goods as soon as they cun arrive. Mr. Henochsberg will go cast and will have a Gne stock on exhibition at 375 Main street in a very short lime, and asks his patrons to withhold purchases until they see his new stock. Urowa & Joue.H. Pittsbarz, Hhotwell and Cancel C'ua'. Mata strett. French Steam Dye-Work- a, Ladies' sud gentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at Louis Reigel's, 62 Jefferson street. Uave You Seen The Dauntless sewing-machine- ? Ob, yes; it is like the Domestic, only more so. I iound it at Aldrich Je Co.'a, Second street. Pride of tii e Wcat Beer faucet retains the strength, puri- ty ana freshness to the last drop. ft'rits rremrert A Co.. Mole Agents. ! THE FIRE-FIEN- AppeA nee of the Ruins of Tuesday kt's Klre Curiosity-Hunter- s 7 at Work. lAHt, of Insurance ou BaUilat and Mtoel-- s funeral or the Deaa i firemen. An Atpeal reporter yesterday visited the scene of tbe fire which occurred at Henoch-berg- 's on Tuesday night. The entire block, an old two-stor- y brick, containing four stores, was in ruins. It looked like a rookery, which it was. The walls were death traps, and no firewalls were between the stores only thin partitions. The rookery was built during the war upon the cheapest possible plan, and a spark of fire was liable at any time to set it in a blaze. During yesterday, notwithstanding the efforts of the solitary policeman on guard, curiosity hunters white men, negroes snd children were prowling around among the dbris, searching for relics or valuables. At Henochberg's store, pic- tures that, a few days since, won the admira- tion ot street-lounger- were crisped and burned so as to defy identity. There was one exception, however; that waB a painting cf the "Virgin and Child," in a large gilded frame, which was in the front window. This survived the wreck of matter, acd shone out strangely beautiful amid the smoking and charred ruins. Tbe fire had scorched the painting in such a manner that a crisped halo appeared above the head ot the mother of Christ. The gilded frame was blackened by tbe fire and but tbe painting was intact, and in its smoked state resembled the works of tbe old masters. It was a curious thing in a strange place, surviving the heat and crumbling ruins of the fire that burled two brave firemen to death. LOSSES AND INSURANCE. The block was owned by the heirs of the late Colonel James T. Leath. The insurance ou the building and the stocks of goods con- tained in the stores is as follows: Insurance on building, 14600; of this $2000 was in the Bluff City, of Mempb's; $1300 in the Bom", of New York, and $1300 in the Imperial, o! London, the two latter being in Carrington Mason's agencies. The house No. 3S3 Main street, was occupied by Leu s Lange as a cor- set factory, and the loss is given at $2000; in- sured for $1000 in the Qaeen's, of London. House No. 385, occupied oy I. Koescher as a jewelry stand, was not insured. Loss stated to be about $1000. House No. 387. where the fire originated, was occupied by M. Hen- ochsberg. The loss is claimed to be near $5000; insurance. $4000; divided, $3000 in the Qaeen's, of London, and $1000 in tbe Mississippi v'alley, of Memphis. Total in- surance, as far as heard, $4600, of which $2000 is in local companies. THE DEAD FIREMEN. The remains of the late Peter Meath and Ed Leonard will be taken to St. Patrick's church this morning at nine o'clock, and at ten o'clock tbe funerals will take place from tbe church. The bodies of the dead firemen will be interred at Calvary cemetery, and will be escorted to the grave by the members of the fire department and a detachment of the police force. THE WOUNDED FIREMAN. Pat M'Carty, who was one of the pipemen of the No. 2 engine company, and who was covered up ia the wreck of the fall- ing wall, was in a fair way of recovery last night. He received cumeioas external and some internal injuries, but bis physician is of opinion that he is all right and will soon be able to resume his duties in the department. COTTON EXCHANGE. Annual Meeting Last Night -- Report of Superintendent Kates ou the condition or the Exchange, Tribute or Respect to the Memory of Deceased Members of the ,Kx-ehan- ge Otfcer Business. Last night the annual meeting of the cot- ton exchange was held, at which quite a number ot members attended. President D. P. Hadden occupied the chair and called the meeting to order. Secretary acd Superin- tendents. M. Gates read the following re- port upon the financial and other conditions of the exchange: THE SUPERINTENDSNT'8 BEPORT. Cotton Exchange. Room, 1 Memphis, Tbnn , January 7, 1880. I Mr. President and Gentlemen of Memphis Cotton Exchange: In accordance with article 2 of tbe s of the exchange It is directed Uiat an annual mee lng shall be hela on the Wednesday preceding the election of officers and boar.ljof directors for the succeeding year at sevea o'clock In tbe evening, at which meet- ing shall be presented by the board of directors a general statement ot tue ailalrs and li nances of the exchange, together wltb an estimate of the expense for the next year. It Is a source ot deep regret to your secretary and superintendent that jour board ot directors have not seen Ut to appoint, as has been usual hitherto, one of Its members tn make presen tation to you of the Qnanclsl condition of your ex- - cnange, us general workings as wen, out nave ae-v- o ved that, to him unpleasant duty, upon your sec- retary. He accepts tbe duty wUb mu. h dlflldenee for the reason that to him Is confided the chief and general execution of its workings, and largely tue financial Interests of the exchange, ami be feels that the Interests of your exchange should have required this presentation at other hands. In making this annual report, you will bear In mind, that it Includes In its exhibit of expenses $422 '20 for the month ot November. 1878. not be- longing 10 the past fiscal year. My predecessor, Mr. Toof. having letlred on the eleventh of that mouth, his settlement with the treasurer at that date was tbe one upon which the report of the previous year was predicated. At that date there was a balance In the bands of your treasurer ot 1081 8d. From that date to December 1 , 1 8711. there was paid Into tbe hands of your treasurer 884 10. Ot this amount $100 was received from Captain Joseph Lenow, owner ot the exchange rooms, as a donation to the exchange. Eighty members palu full annual dues, amounting to S8000; 8 members paid dues for fractional parts of the year, amounting to and 810 10 was paid as an arbitration fee, thus making the total resources of the exchange, for the period mentioned. SH4H1 86. The expendi- tures of the exchange during tbe same period have been t !0'28 88. subdivided as follows, as shown by exhibit, accompanying this report, viz : Salaries, $:il 1 2 rttt; telegrams, S30t7 08; rent of exchange rouins. 1704; printing account (which Includes a new set u( reooru books), S'Jrtl .'8; postage account, $104 74; stationery, S24 20; fuel, SoO; gtS.SiCt HO; ice. 2 05; street car tickets, $.'!; repalrs,$188 75; Incidental, SKCt 22; making tbe total of &'.ii)28 KM, of which amount, as already staled, $422 20 belongs to the liscal years ot 1877-8- . leaving tbe actual ex- penditures for the years 1878-- to be SwtiOtt KJ. Of this expeuditure there was $434 H7 tba' may prop- erly be termed extraordinary, v z., $54 47 out of tbe Incidental account paid fcr charges on a premium bale of cotton exhibiled at Amsterdam, SI 14 for furniture, ano St'O 10 for new record books, leaving the actual sura paid out for ordinary expenses of the exchange durlcg the year to be $8161 10. The total expenditures as reported at your last annual meet-I- n for the year J 877 8 were$7nll 86, to which should be added $422 20 In part of expenses of pre- ceding November, which amount would have made the normal expenditures for that year $8:i:i4 06. It is made Incumbent upon your board of directors In furnish you with an estimate ot expenses for tbe eurreti" jear. In response to this, i would say that without any Increase of your present facilities for Information or other expenditures, my maxlum estimate - of expenditures of the exchange for the current year Is S80OO To meet this you had In tbe bands of your treasurer at tbe close of the past liscal year a balance or S4f:i 0:1. You have an member- ship of elghty-bv- e, giving an Income of $8500; to till-- , you may reasonably estimate $200 for member- ship of fractional parts of tbe year, which estimate. If approximately true, will give you a total resource of 5riHtl:i for the current year, which, without an In- crease ot present routine expenses, should leave at the close of tbe year a balance of about $600 In the bands of your treasurer. At tbe close of this report seventy Ave ot your members have paid their annual dues, and your secretary conlldently believes that all will bsve been paid In another week. Thus far members have shown an unusual alacrity In making settlement Ileretolore a collector has had to beein-I'kije- il to this end, which 1 ain quite coi.uuent will be avolued this year, thus saving an item of expense. On January 2d. of last year, your board of directors instructed your treasurer to discount end cancel the then eight remalnlrg rent notes for tbe year, of $150 each, which was done at a saving ot $:pi. The material changes from the usual routine of previous years have been the adoption of a resolution allowing each firm membar but one visitor, to be a tM title employe; also, extending tbe courtesies of the exchange to the crucial reporters of our newspa- pers, the agent ot tbe Associated Press, ofiisers of the United states signal service, of the telegraph oltlce and Its messengers. A resolution declaring ail the employes of your exchange having salaries, to be conslderej as employed by the month Instead of by the year, as heretolore. The subject of renew- ing our membership with tho national cotton ex- change has been discussed on several occasions by your boaid or directors, but wltbout at any time se- curing favorable action. Tbe question of better pro- tection of cotton tn handling and from espionage was brought fonnally before your board on the thirsty-firs- t ultimo, and resulted In the appointment of a committee of three to draft suitable resolutions relative thereto, which will doubtless receive early action. At tbe same time, In response to a commu- nication troni a number of your leading members, relative to the dilatoriness of telegraphic com- munications between this city and eastern points, your secretary was Instructed to com- municate with Mr. Ludwtg. the general agent of tbe Gold and Stock telegraph company, relative thereto, and toflnclose a copy of the communication with the object of remedying the evil. This has been done, your secretary adding his strongest testimony as to the facts ot the exist- ing evlL on the twenty-fourt- h of November yonr secretary communicated to your board of directors the demise of tour of Its most worthy members during the year, namely: Mr. Albeit T. Wooley, of Manchester, England; Major W. W. Guy of tbe late firm of Guy, Dlllard & Collin; Albert T. Harris, of the late firm of Harris, Mallory & Co.. and W. A J. Slaughter, of the late llrm of W. A. 1. Slaughter & Co. In ac- cordance with resolutions adopted, your president appoluled a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. C. P. Hunt. John W. Dlllard and Robert Woolienden, to prepare for reooid a suitable me- morial to be presented for your consideration. That committee will report at this meeting. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Ex- changeI should Indeed prove recreant to myself without adding my own testimony to that of yours, as to the fidelity and indefatigable efforts on part of your assistant secretary, Mr. Henry Hotter, In the promotion of the Interests of your exchange, ner can I pas your young protttr, Phillip Btrrow. who has exhibited unusual energy nnd capacity for one of bis age In the discharge of his duties. To you, Mr. President, tbe board of directors, and the members enerali; of this exchange, I tender thanks for unl-ot- m f jO'ioesles to mjsslL Very respectfully. . SAM M. tATES. Secretary and Superintendent. The report was, on motion of Mr. John S. Toof, received and adopted. The report of the committee to draft a suitable memorial, as to the deaths of mem bers of the exchange during the past year was called for and read, as follows; IN MEMORl AM. Mr. President and Gentlemen ot the Memphis Cotton Exchange: Since our last annual meeting death bas once again invaded our ranks and taken from among us A T. Wooley, ol Townaend, Wooley Jc Co.; W. W .I THUESDlY. JANUARY S. lSSO. Our. of Guy, Dlllard A Coffin; A. L Harris, of Harris, Mallory & Co.. and W. A. J. Slaughter, of W. A. J. Slaughter A Co., have paid the penalty which, sooner or later, all of us must pay, and have gone from our midst to be seen no more among men. While It Is with sadness we refer to their "un- timely cutting oft," yet It Is a pleasing duly to bear testimony to their many virtues and sterling iiuall-tle- s. In all the walks of lire they were honest, manly and sincere. As cltlz-ns- ,- merchants and gentlemen they ha. J few equals, and as friends, hus- bands and lathers they, who were nearest and dear- est to them who mos: miss their kindly smiles and cheery word- s- can best tell the estimation In which tbey were held and bow sadly they are missed. To all of them we say, God help ye, and In behalf of the exchange your behalf beg leave to offer them our most tender sympathies and heartfelt condol- ence Let us hope that time, tbe gentle assurer of all the Ills and pains of life, may in its fliKht miti- gate the grief it can never entirely heal. arm lend to sorrowing memories only I be pleasing recollection of vhtues which shall have survived their posses- sors. C. P. HUNT, - BOBKRT WOOLFENDEN. The memorial was unanimously adopted." President I). P. Hadden ado'reased the meeting at some length. He relet red to the report of the secretary, Mr. Gates, his oner- ous duties, and his bravery during the past yellow-fev- er epidemic, In attending to the business of the exchange, and keeping up the books and reports as nsual, for which he de- served the thanks of the exchange, in view of his faithfulness ia tbe peiformance of his duty. He also referred to the quality of the cotton quotations iu this market, and urged the protection of cotton received here for market. Mr. John S. Toof said he admired the re- port of tbe secretary, Mr. Gates, and he was glad to know that the fiuancial condition of the exchange was in so prosperous a condi- tion. He said they owed a debt of gratitude and a vote cf thanks to Mr. Gates for his fidelity to I ho exehane during the past epi- demic, acd he moved that a vote of thanks be extended to him and the president and committee of quotations, which latter com- mittee he regarded as the most important connected with the exchange. He believed that supervision of cotton was indispensable in our great market. The vote of thanks, as proposed by Ai r. Toof, was adopted unani- mously by the meeting. Mr. J. R. Godwin stated that the telegraph quotations did not a' rive at the proper time and that soma measures were necessary to remedy the evil. Pro dent Hidden explained that a com- mittee had been appointed for that purpose, to investigate, eta., but that the committee had not yet bad time to make a report ; that it was believed that all unnecessary delay would be avoided, as a memorial had been sent to the superintendent ot the telegraph company so as to secure direct messages here- after. There being no other basinest before the meeting an ar'jjurameat was moved and carried. When the Hps are dry orsctrred. When the teeih are dark or dull. When the tongue Is hot and hard. And fills the tainted mouth t :o full. The mai:l3 sozoctont supply. And all tnose ills Oelore it t,;. Which ia the Cheapest, A package of Duke's Djritam, containing twenty pipe fulls of the best tmoiing tobacco made, or one common cigar? Eich costs tj,i cents. Seel strain. Black, White, and Ked Seed Oatc, low to the Trade. JB. C. BICHAJTAV A CO., IO ami IN Union street. Keceitt lliscoyeries. The discoveries and inventions of the past few years have been among tbe most remark- able in the history ot tbe world, and first among those for the removal ot disease are Warner's safe kidney and liver cure, safe diabetes cure, gale bitters, safe tonic, safe pills and safe nervine. A. Sensible Canadian. Mr. Gadboss, of Brocsville, Canada, after being cured of a prostrating malarial disease, contracted in Texas, by means of Warne r's safe pills and sale bitters, writes to us: "I shall never travel in that climate with out your safe pil's and safe bitters as a part of my outfit." Nan Ue Wright's Orange Pnraam. Floyd's Candle". For the old; for the young; and everybody eats Floyd's candies. ISKWINGH ACII1KKS! WHOLESALE AMD It ETA II. Kidredge, Ilowr , Klnger, Domestic, Dauntless, American, St. Jshn, Wilson, Wheeler A Wilson, White and Weed. J. B. ALDRICH A CO., 254 Second streeL Thirty fears Experience of an Old Xurse. Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup is the pre- scription of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and hss been used for thirty years with never-faifia- g saibty and success by millions ot mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of tho stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health acd com- fort to mother and child. We believe it tbe best and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of dysentery and diarrhea in children, whether it arises horn teething or froct any other cause. Fall directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the facsimile of Curtis Perkins is on the outside wrapper. Kold by all medicine deal-er- a. 25 cents a bottle1 Steamed oysters at John 8 tarla'a, cor- ner Main and Union- - Removal. The Southern boopskirt and corset manu- factory will be in full operation within two days, at 355 Main street. Gents' boote, saltern , and. slippers cheap at Adler A Bro.'g,6Q Beale street. Save One Dollar! By buying your hat from Wilder Clark's marble block. Dr. G. It. Thornton, Has novel his ofllce to 9!o. 4 SI ad Ison street. tumoke Wright's Orange Inrham. Flojd's Ue,taurant. The only place for ladies. Dinner parties a specialty. AH fine desserts mid 3 aud served at Fioyd's. Htyllsh and cheap boots and shoes. John Condon', 333 Wain, near Union. For Thirty Days! Lidies' custom-mad- e goat and kid side-lac- e shoes at two dollars, at Wilder's, 292 Main. Sew and cheap boots nnd shoes. John Condon's, SH3 Main, near ITniou. LOCAJb SOTiCES. For finest flavor, smoke Wright's Or-an- ge llsrhim. It excel all. Invalids requiring a stimulant made from pure grain and free from f usd-o- il should pur- chase Green Brier. Our home manufacturers ere all busy. Latting's soaps are having a great run since the fever. Their quality is superior to all others. Lynn Haven Bay shell Oysters re- ceived dully per express ut Henry Laelirnaaa's, call anil try them. Cesar covered his bald head ar.d grsy bair with a laurel crown. Ayer's hair vigor covers gray heads with the still more wel- come locks of youth. Klexant and cheap boots and shoes' John Condon's, 333 Main, near Union. Floyd's Jce-Crea- ui. Made every day of pure cream, and deliv- ered to any part ot the city. Nothing nicer lor dessert. Fresh Oyster and Celery Received Dally, by express. VICTOR D. ITCGtM, Nos. S0 Bad 4 1 Jefferson Htreet. Smoke Wright's Orange Durham. Dr. W. C. Cavcnash. Residence 179 Union street, where he can be found at night. Office 247 Second etreet, near Court square. - Multitudes of Teople Keqnire an Al- terative to restore the healthy action of their system and correct the derangements that creep into it. Ayer's sarsaparilla tones and vitalizes the blood, and restores the vigor of health. Shell oysters cooked by steam at John if nrla'e, corner wml "Uwiku. MasonicTempIc Bonds THE January. 1880, Coupons of the Masonic Bonds will be pal l by W. W. Thacher, treas- urer, at the First National Bank, on and after Jan-uar- y 10th. R. C. WILLIAMSON. Becretaiy. J. G. GITEDECOR ATTOlINaY- - AT-- L A. W, NO. 41 MADISON ST.. MEMPHIS J.A.FORREST & CO DEALERS in Horses and Mules. til Sc C3 Monroe St uear Peabody Hotel. Wl are receiving dally a large assortment oi HORSES and MULES. Persons wanting stock will save money by calling before purcbasimt elsewhere. Everything sold by us fully guaranteed. Oiders solicited.., To Sell Ont the entire Stock of W1NTEK GOODS, we - have concluded to ltedo.ee. the Prices of same to f ally One-Hal- f of their Value?, and to facilitate this Impor- - tan t Sale we will have AND A FT 13 If, onrSfock arrangrd a follow: COUATLK 1 An immense lot or IrKESS ti(MH, embracing' all kinds and finalities in Worsted, Silk and Velvet r fleets, costing heretofore from 7 oc to 1 ftu per yarn, ail at tne 100 GS0SS VIOLETS pr C'OUAXEK 11 An Immense Jot or UK ESS WOODS, embracing loads or Elegant (roods, w.irth from $1 50 to $2 50 per yard, all at the nniform price of SI per yard. WHOLE FIELDS ol Beautiful but Artificial ROSES at 5c APIECE. C0U3TEK 111 A very, very lar.re and beautiful line or TKiMtltD 11 ATS, worth from S5 to 87 50, all at the nniform price or 82 50. $nFNCRYl Meano ULUHIUU3 wrl COU-Vifci- K IV 25U handsomely THIHBED HATS, worth from 87 50 to 810, all at the nniform price oi 8-- . 0E THOUSAND ORNAMENTS TfcJi TUOUSAM) Kilt One grand and mighty kingdom B1KUS, worth rrom SI to 8-- i ach. yonr choice for any at 5Qc each. 1,000 ORNAMENTS, worth 25c to 5c each, for 10c APIECE. USE LOT or LtlUK ' J tCKETS CLOAKS Worth rrom 87 50 to 810, all at the nniform price or 85 each. PERIN0T 2 BUTTON KID GLOVES A 151 or JSK OF THK E1A1SI A.TT1E KUTIONS! ONE COUNTER WITH HOLIIUY GOODS, embracing many, many useful and lovely tilings for the ornamentation of our homes, at on tbe Dollar of their present marked prices understand us well, at just one half of what the thine are now marked and our Roods all mai ked tn plain Roman furures. nicies ma'ked. for instance, 50c SI. or 81 50. and well worth It everywhere else In mar- ket, will b sold at 25c. 50. 75c. eta. The sale ot this Soeclal Line of Hoods will be continued for ONE WKK ONLY, at tie expiration of which rime we will park the goods. The Idea of this Sale Original, New and Kxtraordinarv! 253 and 255 STEAMBOATS. Memphis & Ohio River &PACKET COMPANY. roK Cairo, Louisvilis and Cincinnati BTEAUERs AMY IUU, t'OSS MILLAR. JAMES W. GAFF, VINT SBISKLE, JAS I). l'AHEEB, VIKC; IE LEE. Steamers of this line leave Memphis for CAIRO, LOUISVILLE ANO CINCLN'NAlI Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays AT 6 OCLOCK P.M., Connecting at Cincinnati with Ballroads and Steam- ers for all Eastern, Northern and Western Point;, Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS, CHICAGO. TOLEDO. BUFFALO, RICHMOXD XEW XOBK, WASHINGTON CITr. PHILA- DELPHIA AND BO&TQK. Eastern toorlsts will find the La Belle River Rou e Sale, Delightful and Economical. Kates by this line Cheaper than any otber firvt-cla- route. Meals and Staterooms Free e checked through. For lull information, apply to R. W. LIGHTBCRNE, General Freight and Ticket Agent. No. 7 Monroe s'reet, Memphis. t37"Passenger8 can rely on a d trip by this Hue, as the steamers are all flrsl-c'as- having been expressly built for tbe accommodation of passen-eer- s. Each stesmer carries a full Band. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Pine Bluff U. S. Mall Line. For Fine Bluff, Little Bock, and through to Kort Smith-S- tr. liatle Elouper, 3& Ed. Nowland master I J. N. Thomson clerk Leaves as above SATURDAY, Jan. 10th, at 5 p.m. For li eight or passage apply to JOH N N. HAHBLN. aup't. 1Q2Vt Front st FOR VICKSBURG. 1st. lionts and ViekMbnrc Anchor lAne United Mtntes Mall For Vlcksburg. City of Helena, M!'Kft6 ..... m&stcr Will leave tbe Anchor Line wharfboat THIS DAY, Jan. 8th, at 5 p.m. For freight or passage apply to AD STORM. Sup't. on wharfboat. Adams United Mtates Mall Llae-T- he elegant steamer Coaiiomn, ,1 E. O. Banks master Wm. Smither cierk Leaves Memphis as ab3V3 every TUESDAY, at 5 p.m. Ofllif. io. H Madison st. ARKANSAS CITY aud PINE BLUFF RR. Adams Stml-uffkl- v 11. M. Mall Line For Arkansas City, Pine Bluff Railroad and all way landings The elegant steamer ' nacnita lielle, Mark R. Cheek... master I A. L. Cummins. ..clerk Leaves as above every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 5 p m. Ollice, No. 3 Madison street. LEE LINE STEAMERS. For lendBje. Helena, ead Krlars Point Jame JLee. Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow. ..clerk Will leave as above on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P.m. Office Ko. 3 Martlson street. FOK COMMERCE AND THE BENDS. jr men is and coniiKatK. PLANTERS AND BENDS DAILV PACKET. The elegant aid new passenger steamer Wm. Ashford master I Ed, W. Crowell clerk LEAVES MEMPHIS DAILY. AT 5 P.M., for Commerce and the bends. For f relent or passage pply on bnard FOR OSCEOLA. Keiaptiis ana Osceola 17. S. Stall racket Retmlar ly U. S. Mall Packet for Baidolpt, Fuitoo. Osceola and all way landings The ele- gant passenger steamer Osceola Helle, jg2 J. 3. Andrews Master I B. O. Mlchell Clerk. Leaves Memphis every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 p.m. For freight or oaasagn uppiv on hoard. FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. MILT IIAItHY LIMC. nemshls tVbttn River and KlurB liitct V. H- - ai all I'arkets. For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall's Bluff, Des Arc, Augusta, .laeksonport, Wfot Point, Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, aud Pocahontas. The new steamer ote Marry, Sf. R. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, cierk. Leaves "Memphis oa and after November 2d, ever, SATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with the new Black river U. S. mail packet MILT HARRY for Powhattan end Pocahontts, and with Dally Packets to Batesvill i and Upper While river. Through lates to all points. Freight ccnigned to Milt Harry Line, Memphis ot Terrenft wl'l be promptly forwarded. Freight wll' be at nil times on the R. E. Lee Wharfboat J. T- - WASH1NHTOV, AtMt, Lee wharfboat. R. W. LIGHTBURNB. Jr . scent, 5 Madison st FOR HALES POINT. Kcznlar Asbport and Hales &otat Pkt For Osceola. Ash port. Hales Point and all Interme- diate landings The elegant passenger steamer ieo. W. Cliccli, Henry Cooper master I Nell Becker clerk Will leave as above on MONDAYS aod WEDNE-i-DAY- for Afbport; and on FUIDaYS for Hales Point, riving special attention to ail way busintas. For freight or passage npplv on FOR WHITE KIVEK. RSemphis & White River Packet. Reenlar Independent Memphis and Wnlte River Packet For Augusta, Jacksonport Searcy, and way points. The regular independent Packet HAKB CASH, 2 Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal clerk Will leave Memphis EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 5 P.m. For freight or passage apply to R. W. LIUH TBURNB, Ko. 7 Monroe St., opp. Peabody hetoL H. P. UI.RNN. on Whsrfhwt FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. SleiUDhtH and St. rraaels ttlvcr U. ts. JMnil B.Snt The light-dra-ft steamer BA'S'jasvii.riK, O.K. Joplln master! A. L. Banning clem Will leave Memphis EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 5 p.m., for Marlanna, the Cut-o- ff and all intermediate landings. For freight or passage apply ou board, or to 1. D. RANDALL. Sttp'f. Ilf) ntinn MAY UK FOUNT) ON 1 1V a Wl tnil ltOH"ELLrO'8 IVewspaper Advertising Bureau 10 iSPBCCR TRKET. WHKKB AD-- W fmm g m J ft M If VKKI ISINO CONTRACTS V I Ft U may be made tor it lu i6nl WllUl Memphis Floral Co. ARE growing the largest stock of Bedding and Plants ever grown In tbe south. Bed- ding Flan's and Roses a specialty. Imported Hy- acinths, Tulips, Crocus and Narcissus Bulbs, and Flower Seeds fresh and reliable. Send for prices and save time aud money. STORE. 357 MAIN ST., MEMPHIS Vaults Emptied! nnnan AUOKLKKM KXCAVATINtr CO. OF-- v tlev,4S Madison street. and 192 Wellington. uniform price or auc yard. AT 5c PER DOZEN. of I'bO W KKH, the Kewtst .sd I'reliiMt, from ?nt. 1 aorar, frrttn xfK W AT 5c EACH. AT $1 PAIR. very ANO Cents are Thus: is HERZOG & CO. Main Street. n mm foir ' Ac CORNER ' ain Madison, stoetc of Boots and Shoe this season Is OUR large and well selected. We assure our patrons that they wIU get better suited at our estab- lishment and save from 16 to 25 per cent, beside. Come and see for yourselves. Mall Orders promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Send for our Order-slips- . We are also Soit Agentt for cblldrens' "Aski Hnpporters," an Inval- uable Invention for weak ankles. ZKI.LNKK A' V.U.. SSS Wain at. OWEN LILLY Practical Builder OF LightGarriages I KEEP A SELECT STOCK (cxcinslvelr or ray own muafsrtarr) CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I am also prepared to build (TO OR- DER) any er all or tbo naodern styles of Hassle, and Family Carriages now hi use. I use nothing but theVEBY BEST MATERIAL, and employ strictly first-cla- ss mechanics. BEPA1BISG, In all Its branches, done promptly and tn tbe best manner. OWKN t,IL,l.V 44 Allans at. CO o o 0 o H 3 3 H W 59 ICQ TO THE PLANTERS OF THE- - Mississippi Bottom. Tbe attention of all who sbtn Cotton seed to Memphis is called to the following quotation from tbe Ledger, of the 31st of December: " A rich reward Is enjoyed this season by tbe Cot- ton -- sed oil men. The raw material costs no more than last year, freights are aa cheap, or cheap r, and their productions are largely advanced In value. Crude oil is now worth at New Orleans 87?3HC per gallon, aud reuned at 4Kt?4ic per gallon. Seed-me-al is $15 to O 50 per too, and cake 822 to 2S 50 per ton." These figures, we are assured, are substantially correct, and In view of the low prices paid In Mem-phi- s for Cotton seed an arbitrary price being fixed all the season round by the Cotton-see- d Associa- tion we feel that some action should be taken for our common protection. So safe are tbe here In tbe price iiied, that no changes were made on account of fluctuations In tbe oil market. It Is an absolute monopoly, by an understanding wltb a similar association In New Orleans, from which there la no appeal exeeiit by the united action of thoee who produce the teed. We, the undersigned, therefore unite in calling for a convention of the Planters of tbe Mississippi Valley who sbip seed to to be beld In this city, at the PEABODY HOTEL, at 10 o'clock, on Monday. Jannary Ittih. to take Into consideration our Interests aod the best means for their protection. T. H. Allen x Sons, A. J. Foster. E. E. Clarke, Jefferson A H'igbes, F. M. White 4 Co.. C. P. Hunt Co, E. M. Appersoa 4 Co., J F. M'Elnney, J. R. slatlbews, Frank M'Connel, Russell Huibert, W. K. Scan'.an, Clarke Brewejr, Joe Earle, Fox Bros., West Harris. Barney Armstrong,- - Henry Grider, Pete Burgett. Collins Bios., Robert Ward. JENNINGS' SANITARY DEPOT, A. u. ,uius, .Hanocer, 94 Beekman SL, New York. wg JENNINGS' TRAPLESS WATER CLOSET. PLUMBERS' GOODS having for their object cleanliness, durability, mA .relation of SEWER OAS. 2E5 iEX 5. 3 Farm in North Alabama. I HAVE one of the most desirable farms In North Alab una, containing 50 acres, which I will sell In a body, or In two tracts ot nearly equal size. It adjoins Tuscumbta on the northwest. Spring Creek ruus through it. and It lies along the Tennessee river for nearly a mile. There Is a fine Steamboat Land- ing on It, with a good Warehouse. While specially adapted to cotton, tbe land produces all kinds of grain and grasses remarkably well. Never-fallin- g springs and an abundance of timber and firewood nn it. and Is one ot tbe most healthful localities In North Alabama. Only offered to raise money for a special purpose, and a great bargain may be bad by a cash buyer within the next thirty days. A. H. KKLI.KR. Election Notice. GERMAN NATIONAL BANK. Memphis, Tknn., December 11, 1879. rnSifrffv0? Wl" be,h.eld 8t Ue,r Banklnghouse on January 18, 18H0, between the hours of .liSnii Pm" ,or.tne PUfPoe of electing serve tbe ensuing year. W. C. M'CLURE. Cashier KOT1CJK. rTVH K undersigned has been appointed admlnls--- L trator ot toe estate of Josephs Duttllnger, de- ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to tile same with me, prop- erly probated, within tbe time required by law; and all persons Indebted to. said estate will savecosla by a prompt settlement. JOSEPH UHL. Sweeping I Lull jL.T -- V In order to reduce our Immense GOODS, we ivill during the BXTRAORDIWARY Dress Goods, At 10 cents, worth 15 cents 15 cents, worth 25 cents 25 cents, worth 50 cents Alpaca, At 15 cents, worth 25 cents 25 'cents, worth 40 cente BIk FrenchCaslimere At 40 cents, worth 60 cents 50 cents, worth 65 cents 60 cents; worth 75 cents VRBY MI i 1500 Remnants of SILK, exceedingly cheap. Great Reduction on Cloaks, Dolmans, Suits, Circulars, Ulsters and Shawls. Handsome Calico Wrappers at SI. Handsome Worsted Wrappers at S3. Ladles' and Genu' Woolen Underwear. Ladles' and Children's Muslin Underwear. Great Drives In Hosiery, F.annels. Comforts, Blankets, Felt Skirts. BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. B"ffe mean to make it LI i'KA.Y THIS 9f OSTH, belar determined to redaee oar Immense stocks. B. & JfHMlMIMsnWsnVsynOTHt-BMMHs-asnVsVsMs- H BLACK AND OOLOREDPLLES LOWEHSTBH J. T. FARGflSOtJ ft Bp... Wholesale Grocers and Cotton IFactors. 369 Front street, Npmphla. Tennessee, aid Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 190 Uravler street, Aw llnrans, la. I TE HAVE OPENED A PERMANENT BRANCH OF OUR HOUSE AT NEW ORLEANS TO MEET THE VV wnnt. "f our trade, and consignment of cotton will have careful atntlon. UL41 CLOSING teljctiort " We are selling off our Entire S tocf-Good- s. Etc, at EASTERN COST, T ' less than cost. Our Goods must I order to quit business within the next BLANK BOOKS! ALLEN, promptly Stock of tsPLB AND FANCY DRi montI Jannarj offer IlCElffl Dress i Wds. At 12 Yntswortn 20 cents 20 ijyts, worth 30 cents 35 cdts, worth 75 EnglisliVaslomere, At 25 cejPi worta 40 cents 30 ceri, worth 50 cents Black CjlWs Hair, At$l7Wth$l 50. $1 50orth$2 25. $1 75-Urt- h KKOCCKI, OUT' SALE! V SCHOOL Bl S. VENDIG. PrtOP'K. for the Foundry and Maehltte-ano-p Una WILLIAM FRANK 249 Main Street. - CLAPP & TAYLOR, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIOK Blank Book Manufacturers and Job Printers, ' 31G Malnstreet, s i TSIoxn.xDlalja. WB would Inform the Trade that onr Stock of Blank Hcliwol Husks, and Oflll atatlonerv Is tbe largest In oil' city. ATTKNTION TO 4 ASSIGNEE'S SALE! X 8. VESD1G. the assignee of Walker Bros. A Oo., will oflV-sal- e at his Store, 220 MAIN 8TKEET, retailius at wholesale p Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, lofi ixOSIEttY, CLOAKS, ETC. All should amil themselves of this opportunity! FTerythlng to he disposed of! Don't forget the number, 22C MAIN sTREETI CTnll at once while Wfoek Is complete ami ween re liargalns! Ann o "uncement ! SECOND STOCK FOB THI3 8IASON 13 NOW IN AND COMPLETED. MEN'S VftTTTTTS' PlWH' STTTTS Klj X UUXJUU I JJJ X KM hJKJKJf Children's Suits, Overcoats. Ulsters. TJlterrettes, Ut ALL THE LATEST STYLES, COLORS. CUT 3 AND COMBINATION. PRICES LOWER THAN XTERI Bluff City Clothing House, 259 Main Street. TH03. B. JOE T. BHODI3, 1 A. LEVY. DICK BOLES. ( 3 - : cents 3. CH work PBCIA'L The Star Shirtmaker and Gents' Fur.iisher, HAS BEMOTED TO NO. 293 MAIX STREET, 3 DOORS hOUTH OF MlDISOJf, (Former!, occupied by German National Bank.) FIRST-CE.AS- 8 GOODS AT IiOlV PBICES. mmmmmmmmmmmmtmimmimmmmm Chickasaw Iron Works! nancilo dts Jjivormoro, lxrotp's 08 Second St., opp, Market Sgnare, Memphis. BTIL.L, OFEH-UA- VE NOT BEEN CEiOM ftn Have on band A stock of Xlsbot, Urssns, Albert son. and ether standard and are prepared to fill all orders In 1879 1 FALL AND WINTER 1 1880 MURRAY & RID GELT, Merchant Tailors 38 Madison. Take pleasure In notifjln their friends and the public generally, that they are in receipt of a Kreeh and Complete Assoitmcnt of rALL jaBI H1KTEH UOOne.l embracing; the very latest Styles snd finest makes ot English, Kronen and (ierman Manufactures. Tbey reuuest those who contemplate ordering Winter Clothing to give them a calL FKIUKs HUDEKATK. fW Orders solicited and Saotnlwiami on appllcarJon..aEt 1879 j FALL AND WINTER1880 v. .

Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1880-01-08 [p ].jdinlnlx,.raiors SiIp! ATTHS ATlNGLD PLACE, Six mlios from Memphis, on the Horn Lake KoatL Tafttliy, Juooary, 19. 1HHO. At

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Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1880-01-08 [p ].jdinlnlx,.raiors SiIp! ATTHS ATlNGLD PLACE, Six mlios from Memphis, on the Horn Lake KoatL Tafttliy, Juooary, 19. 1HHO. At

jdinlnlx,.raiors SiIp!ATTHS ATlNGLD PLACE,

Six mlios from Memphis, on the Horn Lake KoatL

Tafttliy, Juooary, 19. 1HHO.

At ten n'e'tyk. a.ni., twill sell t auction, to thelilKhet blil'W, tw following named articles belong-i-u

tntli' e.ttntent r . M. Air.o ii, deceased. Threehorses. J env. : chIws lobeml of hoys, 1 two-lior-

wnon. tarinlntr nlfnsils. 1 chest c.r(Mir'stools some ,'M or i'(H tnilils or corn. Mini IihTur.H t,i,iMr iiirw or lour stands or Ik. householdmi., I kltrhun lurtdtur" imd (owls. Terms of

. tale cull. i.KOlt tH rKKKMAN.. M. Arfmid. dtiiise,!

l'Hl N.l IMS LtiANK.. v mult mi. an n Well Imnroved. In a high)U slut of ctilnvn'.lon. ut lillls Station, 2V4

miles from cllr. on V. unci c. K. R. APt'iJ w.1. A. KOI HKST A CO 111 Monroe st,

MTUAYCI) I 8TOLKSI.urwaud-Tw- o claihank or yel

jVL low mure mules; atx ut 15l hands blub. TheBtwve reward will te fidd on their delivery toI.JHu"bT .t or t'liwrig .loin's.


EVIDENCE - A commodious anil desirable resi-denceK la Bolivar. Tenn., for like prorwrty In

Memphis. . . u3.s. i.

5V15 Main street.

i:kvai:i.BONr--10- hKWAHO-T- he following

C"tITV of Memphis Bonds hive been stolen, viz:No. Itt.l. HIBI. :i.'ill, rtiCJ, 4d oiw, imiii irw.i H.--.ii Mir-rt- vii.ui. 7h7. ',! 1. H0H4 and :i04W. nlas tlie are istt due, parties de.iilli'K n bonds woulddo well to make a note of this. One hundred dollar, reward for their return t ine ptni

C. M'CA LL bes removed his law ofllce to No.H . 41 Msdlson street

"TR. J. H. POWELL can be found at all hours atI ) Nj. 'J7 South t street.

R. L. LA-- has removed his residence andDR. MAIN ST.. between Monroe andVnlon. ov- -r Beitr" loae s ore

TON--- ? 20( ) R F. W A R D from M. andL R ROIT 24, 1 x7W, Nine B'i Cotton: B. It.over W. T. vv.. ; ciia"oiid M-- L. ., 2; diamondM 9. J.I: fllnmon-- M-- W. C , 1 ; dlamnnt M I.

1 ; uiHiiiowl M - U . 1: i. T. K.. 2. The aoovereward will lie i hIiI for ai-- loroiiuatlon that willlead to the reeoT-r- of the cotton and conviction ofthieves, or a proiiorlloriHie amount for what Is

Sulci coi'ori wm loaded on a dray and awUKQii, and not delivered at destination.


OOM9 Knmlfhed rooms and board; also day- -boMnlliiK, at 12S Court street.

A Hit ft KK iN T H" ,oM Kumlshed or unfnr-Jnlshe-

I dresslr k room attache-- i if desired. Termsto suit. ta b anlers wanted. 77 MARKET ST.

OARD Klratla:S d and one niceroom, at juu. m. ii. imhho,

Nn, im MHcilson street.o Miiy f uriiisiitil ruin, win board, at

2IH 1iiHsii street Heierences reijuirea."liiao.NT kimi.H lundshrd, at No. 104JD Court street. tHiltable lor (tentleman and wlte,or two single Ketttleineti. RHteienc ?s;

-- Nice turnlahel rooms, cheat", atn . m ain pthkft.

COLT f'ne bay mare, 12 or 1 4 year old,MARE mare nmM coll. H months old, from Kor- -

rest fill I, Tenn. SlO reward will be paid for deliveryof them to J. A. torre-- t t Co.'s si able, HI MonroeSt., Memphis. T. B. ALLEY, rorrest hiu

A COWS AND CALVES One red anil white cow,h wit 11 yellow or pale red, nnd white-spotte- calf.

One dark brlinlle cow, with white face; calf red.One wr .le ow, with some small red pldes; calf

white and red pools.One heller, white Willi red sreeks. If tnken up willplease deliver to HKAKfK. HI'UlH t C.

Carriage Klarksmltb. AddressSITUATION-A- sI. .1. K-- , Aptx-a- l ollloe.

AOS. IKON, METALS, and all (trades of Cotton.Orders liy mall piomptiy attended to.

S. HA HA V, Agent,Nos II, l.tend loBeale street.

1 1 ot)l CoOK To (to to wittMnirg, Arkaraas, toJT ocok anil do general household woik In a small

family. White woman preferred, but would take agood colored woman Address it . Appeal ofllce.

ol ruiTIO.nATiituiflfist of twenty years expertO ence: good e ilejuian: w,ints a situation In acountry ton or store, taiaiy mol-rat- e. Relerenoestint-clas- Address .lAHUa MONROE, caretihroyerft 10., N. 1 I ourt street.Oil I' A IK IN tij a young iiMn ot business habits,O who wrl'.es a gootl ban 1, and Is a graduate of theVa. A. and M. College, desires a sltuallou as clerk,or some ptiics wh-r- e he call earn ait honest living.Address W W. K KKANKUN, Ihls ofllce.

I-- Or room and toard,jy at mh Madison st

inaHSU MII.K COW rf Fox's wood-- Jyard. Poplar st., ijetwoen Third and Kourtu.

,TY KAi'M itl( r.cres cf No. 1 land; all abovei.L ovetllow; 4oi) neres umler gool fence; thirtymiles up the Mlssisrippl rlvr; one mile ftom Sex-ton's Landing. Crluenden countv, Arkansas; all InNo. I conoltlon: core e'.ongh on thu place for theseason; will sell 011 time or exchange fur city prop-erty, or rent lor live )ears.

. Ij. WARNRB. 2n0 Front s'.J ALtX)N With Cxtiirej,

At If-r- t MAIN PTRKET.4D acres, six miles south of Memphis,very

LAND for cash, it upylled for very aoon. Apply toW. C BROWN,

Corner Looney and Ewlng slreet.hejsea.HINf I NtTMTT E tT A U AnXTbINDERY Having

pun based the Typ". Pre.ses i lloe, Campbelland tiordoin. Botk lllixlery and Machinery of thelate "Boy te Prlntltii: Cuiiipany," w-- j will sell thesame lu ouanlllles to rult (i.iirhasers. Ad tress

S. C. TlQK ft CO.. Memphis.Two well nn d Mlodle Tennessee Jacks;JACKS hands: well broke; pedigree furnished.

J. A. FOKItt Sr A CO.,f. I ai d 7:1 Monroe stre:L

T OTM-T- mi unimproved--io s oil tieorla street.

Joseph's Church. T J. LATH j,XllMO0llsi, I Nr. a nrsi I'mss ei yuie, tl home iower,K cheap. JOHN M ANOHI'E. Ptl Main, Memphis.A tCtl KU MAHHn -- one plr; rockaway andM nee-i- buvny, louroesxs, two

Iron safes spleialld uilli-- table, letter press, and oneupright millinery showcase. O. Wo ILDHIDHK,

.No. lt Planters los. Building. Madison street.N tlVS KCH Kt -- 0110 power engine

'j nnd boiler (or will tiade (or f mailer one or otherproperty). doulile-oti.c- o l esk Stove.

IT. A VANAOli ft 'O..HW Main at.iThicK B nvrr .r r.ul. y i.ir.tity and ijiialityJ Kiiaranteeit 1,. e oroers ,ti Jolin A Denle's,Hn-- J V rout street, or W. Cliase Co.'s, 1'J MainSt reel. o. n. P. VIPKK

."."tint ooe.sior, nonhea-- t comerC"liTTAiB---

:and Hioadwiy; six or seven rooms,

;;uod cistern. an I nil cin.venl'iicen. Rent low10 good tena.-- . II. kH:''JltWI),SH MadlsonL

Vance sTreet. now occupiedKKtDFACK-T'o4t-f; Uvii m.pij friiiue, wilh all modern

csvnvenlences; stab.o atai carnt-g- h'uise. Po. ses-sion gUen at onco. Apply lul'H A.i T. PATEltdON,illlee liiiMlers cooipiiiiT. 41 Mnillson St.

rnilH CO IS RK.ilDi'.Ni'M.-2- 7i Lltiilen street. APX. ply to CLAoKK, JOU.NSn.N ft CJ.,

870 Front street.f LA NT AVION-T- he i.undy PI ten miles south

..L of Memphis, oonl oiling HOO aces of goodclearrd laud lor rem tor one or mora years; plentyor water and line utock rantre. At ply to U. DiulieyKrajscr, No. 9 Mmilou stre-- or

Zr.NO T. HARRI3,at JA h He II .tve 1. Tenn.

yrXjff XTITTn - Oneof too iii. est plantations onthe Mississippi river acre-.- i cleared, steam

vtn, tine ilwi'ltlngand place lull) stocked with haiuls.will rent or lease lor a term pf ytu.rs. Address,L. H. C. care Appeal.


Kor the coming yrar-th- e Lons--",alo Place; a story house, contain-ing fourteen to sixteen rooms, a short distance d

the corporation line. The lut contains fouracres, well Improve 1, with shade trees, msgtiollasand other everp'wns, wilh a good garden; two

lmt cisterns ami a well, s'eMcs, bams and otherV HI lr reti ei low 1 a good tenant.

Apply to .'I. Kll'UM l.NI 20 ,Madioiiat1 (.iu.1tXaive on 'in' nulled front nana, with small

X room ivntii-- ' Ui (,rai tie h oJ.with gotd board,lit 72 Court stnet. References required.

hurt ilie.rr"uiiiuinl-hel- , single or InLyooMS- -wiiiiunt tM'ind: m artiueiiUi suited lor

Uttlit liooeki e.l!i,'. at liMjInTersoii streeUitwllb;iK At,d lots st tail's stailou.MX J LI RAYNER.

' f otiilH l 'nlurnisiitd; In a 1 mate family; uuex--ceptloliHb.e ivlerences tenulred. Address

"K," this office.

f Itwo lillH K t'.s-U- ti Hernando slriHst. Nos.L 2SH and 2s; Its 7 iihiius eai'h. In exi'tlliut or

rli-- newly papert Apply to I uotnaa HUor 1.. (oiloo, limit. il Agent, Iw Madisou St.

1OOMS-l"priil.sl'-id rtanns, Stl toSS per moiilh,

Jelii ison "tteet."iL.--n KMK.s- -- Two s'lean. eimir.udloua resl-XTt- v

deoiH-s- . ltee f.om fver liifeclioti.MINiitt ilEhlW KlliK.lt. 24.1 IVcond sL

AM ItouViS-l- u the PlantersOKHCKSHtilMlog, a few s olllces andsleplng-rooiiis.a.- i i.ll nonlrr-- i Improvements, andthoioi'i'lil s"d nlfssl sii-e- the ei.lilinl'..


French iinl Stick Caiuly,Assorted Nuts, Kaisins,

izs, Currauts,Citron, lite,

At mi:ciajli-- y imw rricesTHI3JWEEK.

- Ai.isuFancy AipIos aiul Oranges,r lain and Fancy Crackers,3Ia)lo Sugar ami JSyrun,tjeir-rlssiii- g Uuckwheat,Self-risin-g Flour,M'llOLEs) tliK ASU RETAIL


r' KI BBIK'M TIIKATKK.A ( Kormerly Memphis Theater.)

DAVEY & BUOOkb i'ropilelors hud Managers.


Commencing Monday. January 5th.MILEVS 4LVKMLE TlXaFORE CO.

40 CHILDREN 40In their great success.


Heals ou s.tle al Ibillenbeig's.January 15. lit. 17 Air. JUriKI'FI M1RP1IY.

9ir.lt II AN 3II MKI M,i V f.a. an 91 ill n street.Oieu from a.m. to 10 pm.,wltti performanceseach hour. The Egyptian Mystery.or London GhostShow. School of Trained Animals. Largest 15-ee- nt

show In the world, over ."K Curiosities-Bchoo- l

children admitted for 5 cents on Saturdays.

1CfclL.H-a.lHm- BIUI4BUU!



And all kinds of Sporting Goods.





PEABODY HOTEL.Exact weltfht of Horse Shoe, fl lbs. 14 unices. No

107 guessed H2l lb . and took the oO bond. No

r'l Kiiecsed H3 Itn., and took the EOld watch. N'os.not! and21H messed W) lbs Tie for third. No.7:t( guessed iriM) ounce, or HJlIbs. 12 ounces; alsoa tie for thlro prize Ut prize has been paid overto Walter Ekj.; 2d to Mr. Ben. Marsh, andthe ;id Is still unsettled, and waits fur claimants.

I. I. CU9IAWAY,No. Bladlmoa utreet.

Proierty Rented, Collections Made, Taxes 1'ald,Interests carefully watched and cared for.

Mrs. I. D CONAWAY (for the past four lears In theofllce of the late principal) assisted by J. F. M'KEPN,

an active, experienced collector, will give r roinpt at-

tention to business committed to her care. Generalcollections made without delay, on best terms. Froceeds promptly turned over or remitted.

BIRDS !....5I5JiIS!- - . IUKDM I




Bplemlld Singers S 8 00Choice Select Slngerj 3 25Kemale Canaries 1 F()Caues ...IromilScents to 5 00Presentation Cages from $7 to 60 00

Also, a fine selection of Fancy Grasses, Bouquets,HtPglng-Basket- s, Vases, Goldllsli, Aquari-

ums, etc.such as Garden-fencin- g anil Wlre-guard- a

for doors and at


TO SKXCSIANUK.LOT A Rood comer lot, nearCORNER an.l Tennensee for wagin and

or horse nod bmttry. Call at No. rl Muiherrr st.

Hoaste d CoffeeI l'OUNl) TACKAGES- -

Vith the best known and latestIinprovrtl machinery, we are dailyrousting- - an A 1 grade of CcfTee andpatlioar it up In POUND PACKAGES,under the "SILVER MOOS" brand ofRest Golden Rio Coffee. The wrap-per is neat and showy, sealed air-tight and packed in cases of 30 andoO pound?.

We nell the same Coffee loose, citherglossed or plain roasted, put up incleuu new barrels made for the pur-pose.

We also liOAST PEAXOTfj, nicelyand evenly, which can be shippedeither In Rajrs or Uarrels.

Merchants wishlus their own Cof-U- n

roastf d and put iu tight new bar-

rels, caa have It done by sending tons.




&0 card about Dun & Co.'s Reference

Southern fruiU are Kollint? in our marketat low prices.

Joe Murphy will be the attraction at the1 boater utxt week.

. Setts, of inu J cin be found in every streetand alley ut present.

The Miss'Bippi continues to advanceupon Lith-wat- er mark.

l'hmfor by tbo Juvenile oprcra troupeat tbe Theater

The' ruin, mud and gloomy weathercontinued rfp to lute last nigbt.

A white femala barbershop will open upnext SjuJay, with fivo lady barbers.

The catton stiiple coutioui s to bail themutkt t; it is on the upward movement.

The police should haul in some of tbomii!ci;ht diBturbira, politely called seren-ade.

The time is arriving when every citizenwill have, his own telephone and electricliKht.

Impassable cropsinps, deep mud-hol- es

and aloppy streets describes Memphis atpresent.

The regular meeting of the legislativecouuti! will lake place this afternoon at threeo'clock,

A well-know- n blende printer of this citywill soon lead to the altar one of the fairestdaughters ot Memphis.

Washinston sheet bayou bridge neefsanother putcb, and there is a dangerous holenear it that aHo needs tilling.

Tho United Slates marshtl has thesieoiuer H n id Transit, in custody ior claimsfor wages and supplies furnihhed,

Motqtiitoes are as lively an evsr in nianyroouis and builuings throughout the city.Tips indicates an cpen, warm winter.

To-nig- at the Greenlaw Operahouse, nr.ieetiug of those who oppose the privy-vau- lt

t.!ing-u- health ordinanL-- will bo held.At the probnto court yesterday, Thomaa

Owning took out ins first papers declaring hisintention to become an American citizen.

Tho meetings for prayer in tha Courtstreet Cumberland I'resbyteiiun church com-mence precisely at three o'clock every attcr- -

tOJD.We are requested ft say what tho oiiy

school teaelv ra will delight to hear that thebal.tr.ee of their November salary is readyfor tiieta.- -

Dr. G. B. Thornton, president cf theMemphis board of health, is now a memberot tho State board of heaith, vie Dr. Maury,resigned.

A dark sky, with lambent lightuiag andmuttering thunder iu the tar away, were theprevailing weather symptoms at one o'clockthis morning.

Mr. John Taylor, of Brownsville, is in-f- or

med that he can pet a copy of the Masterof Red Leaf by writing to Ciapp & Taylor,OOv'ks,. Iters, of this city.

At the criminal court yosterd iy and lastniht the case of Tno State va. CharleyWoods, indictment for the murder of Airs.Foster, was progressing in argument of coun-sel.

Tho M'Clelland Guards yesterday senttheir bond to tho governor for tho musketsnow in their possession. Hon. Casey Youngand General Colton Greene are the bonds-men.

The county quarterly court was engagedyesterday in acting on accounts and petitionslor reduction of luasssiuents. Court adjournedover to cine o'clock on Monday morningceil.

Tbe Theater matinee yesterday was notlargely attended. It is a dillicult matter iuMemphis to run ono play or opera througheight prcsenU:t.c-a- s in one week and havego J house.

Tho opponenU of filling (up privy-vault-s

and the temporary eaith-cloK- system areclamorous to have Mr. John Overton as suc-

cessor to Dr. l'orter aa president of the Taxi-

ng- I hatricLTbe city engineer should take a survey of

I'oplar street and nil up a lew, it not all, thet'eep holes. Cili'ca ot the eighth waul liv-n- g

along the line talk of holding an indigna- -

Iuuu Aboveiucuiiuk.

the mouth of Wolf river is an

THEMEMPHM DAILYchored a scboouer-buil- t revenue cutter, theproperty of the United States government.She presents rather a piratical appearancewhen viewed from the bluff's.

The Taxing-Distric- t offices will be closedto-da- from ten until cce o'clock, out of re-

spect to the memory of the firemen who werekilled at tbe fire on Tuesday night, and whowill be buried to-da- y at Calvary cemetery.

The county quarterly court yesterdaypassed a resolution inKtrncting the countyBuperintendent of education to call a meetingof the (IntrictEchool directors and discuss theadvisability of rcdinlricticg the school dis-tricts.

In the thirteenth, district y an elec-tion will be held for magistrate, to till thevacancy caused by tbo death of William H.Ltoegel. Five white men and three coloredmen are said to be aspirants for the vacantposition.

The only topic of public conversation atpresent is the vault-filling-u- plan. It is anunsanitary battlefield, and one disagreeableto many people who desire to discuss litera-ture, politics or religion from a polite societypoint of view.

As was said yesterday by a Memphian:"There are people who think that Dr. Porteroufcht cot to resign, but that he Bhould holdthe bag which five members of the councilmade while they escaped on the snipe-hun- t

ing expedition. Even small boys know thisgame.

At ten o'clock y the funeral servicesol the dead firemen, Peter Meath and Ed-ward Leonard, will take place from St. Pat-rick's church. The remains will be escortedto Calvary cemetery by the members of thefire deoartment and a detachment Irom thepolice force.

At a regular meeting of Memphis lodge,.No. 6, Knights of Pythias, held last night,the following effiser were elected for the en-

suing term: A. Atkeson. C. C; D. Powers,V. C ; II. W. Furnam, P,; M. Cohen, M. ofE ; S. W. Alien, M. Ot F.; W. H. Atkinson,K. R. S.; M. A. Frcst, M. at A.; Henry Co-

hen, I. G.; A. J. Carlson, O. G.Yesterday afternoon C. O. Dawson, watch-

man on board the steamer J. D. Parker, wasarrested by the police authorities on tbecharge of shooting a negro on board the boatwhile at Cairo. Dawson eays that the negrowas only grazed by tbe bullet, and that bewis committing a nuisance on board the boatwhen he (Dawson) shot at him.

Said a merchant yesterday: "The manwho succeeds Dr. Porter must remain hereeven though the yellow-fev- er breass out inour city next summer. If be runs away, hewill be forever disgraced, just as a genetalwould who would desert his army when thebattle began, or the captain of a ship whenh.s poor passenger.) remain on board."

The following marriage licenses wereifRued by the county court clerk yesterday:Colored Thomas Williams and Miss Caro-line 15id, Squire Veeon and Miss LulaLove, John Bealo and Miss Ellen Norwood,Howard Winchester and Miss MaliudaThompson, Isaao Rowlings and Miss LueilaKelly. White William R. Weight andMiss Fanrve M. Bojd, Presley S. Smithwickand Miss Bertha Graham, Isaac Harris acdMiss Cora Williams, A. T. Bll andMies Laura II. Firth, L. G. Wells add MissM. E. Tucl r.

At the Shelby circuit court yesterdayTherefa Stein filed a petition for divorceagainst Andrew Stein. The petition showsthat they intermarried in this city in July,1870, by Ktv. Dr. Witherspoon, pastor of theSecond Presbyterian church, but in 1S72 de-

fendant became an habitual drunkard, andremained so for many years; that he beatand treated her inhumanly, and in January,1379, beat and cujsed her; but in June, li?79,petitioner was forctd to leave him; thereforeshe asks for a divorce, and to be restored toher former name, Theresa Yaeger, etc.


Mr. Ben Eiseman, of St. Louis, is at thePeabody.

Mr. Theodore Winkisoham, of the barot Kansas City, Missouri, is in the city.

Major G. A. Mortimer, of New Yotk,agent ot the Joe Murphy combination, is atthe Peabody.

Mr. W. W. Hoskiss, of the Lexington,Holmes county (Miss.) Adartlser, is in tbecity on business.

G. W. Naill is selling off a very largestock of window-shade- s and at 3i2and 354 Main street.

Colonel James Montgomery, superin-tendent ot the Memphis and Louisville rail-road, is at the Peabody.

Miss Helen e A. Thiers, the celebratedlady aeronaut, is here, and will no doubt givean exhibition of her skill.

A magnificent military ball is shortly tocome off at Helena, Arkansas. Tracy & Co.have orders to get up euperb invitations.

Messrs. W. S. Hughes, W. E. Dab'os, W.S. Cock, and W. B. Grady, of Forest City,Arkansas, are la the city, guests of thePeabody

Mr. Roescher, of the Jet Palace, requestsus to state that he will be ready for businessin a few days, and will announce location indaily papsrs.

A magnificent military ball comes off atHelena in a few days. Tracy & C). have or-

ders to get up the invitations, which will bedono in the highest style of art.

Prof. Harry Gilbert, the well-know-

aeronaut, is in our city, and will endeavor tomake a balloon ascension, if he can make ar-rangements with our citizens to that effect.

In another column appears the card of Mr.Roth, of the New York carpet renovatingcompany, who has opened out for business at2ol Second street, and is prepared to restorecarpets to their original color.

Tub St. Paul Pioneer and Press, of Fri-day, contains the foil. wing item of semi-Memph- is

news: "The marriage of Mr. GusItees, of Minneapolis, and Sliss Mihus, ofMemphis, is announced to take place on Jan-uary 20th."

Dr. and Mrs. J. C. P. Hammond are inthe city at the residence of tueir sou, JudgeHammond. The friends of Dr. Hammond inthis city, where he formerly resided, willregret to bear that he is confined to the houseby

Captain James Montgomery, superin-tendent of tbe Memphis division ot the Mem-phis and Louisville railroad, arrived in thecity yesterday for the purpose of supervisingthe construction cf the draw in Ha'.ehio riverbridge, near Brownsville, which work beginsto day.

On yesterday, the seventh instaut, at theresidence of the bride, CC4 Vance street, aninteresting marriage ceremony occurred, thegroom being Mr. Lyttleton F. Hall, of Poco-mok- e

City, Maryland, and the bride beingMis: Lizzie Piper, of this city. The cere-mony was performed by R-- v. T. F. Gailor.


Theater.Yesterday afternoon the Miles Juveniie

Pinafore opera troope presented Pinafore be-

fore an audience that was amused andpleased. Last night it wm again presented.Pinafore will be rendered by the little folkseach night during thi week, and at tbe nr.it-iae- o

on Saturday. The ptrformanc-- j is wellworth witnessing. It is amusing and enjoy-able throughout.


Criminal Court IXorrlcao. Judge.Ctiminnl court calendar for Thursday, Jan-

uary t, 1880: 59, Henry Harm-- ; 202, StephenPetty; 1:30, Walt Polk; 14, Henry Saiitb.

Circuit Court linn. James O. Pierre,J uitire.Calendar for y: 6193, Mrs. A. F.

Dod vs W. P. Miller; 6212, John Kirkup etal vs Thomas Fox et al; 6213, Firman &Chandler vs W. H. P. Mattox; 6214, NK.Bjwman va P. Wickersham; 6215, JamesLagtill vs Ella Renrdoa; 6217, J. B. Saiat vsM. Blessing et al; 6218, Fred Voikruar vsGcjrge BMow; 6219, A. Lacomarsino vsCharles tjuentel; 6220, T. U. Maxley vs C.A. Srilmao; (5222. George T. Tweedy vs F.U. Finnie; Glfe, Bluff City terra cotta worksvs F. H. Finnie; 6224, Catharine Fergusonvs Owen Dlveney; 6227, J. J. Busby A: Co.vs Charlia Warden; 6228, Thomas Moffat tvs Kelly & M'Cadden; 6229. sitae vs same;62o2, J. R. Godwin t Co.vs J. M. Sanderhu,administrator; 6128, M. C. Epparsoa & Bro.vs Arbiiekle iV Tucker.

Sim Xlenochsberg; & .?o.,Will icopen a new and fresh stock of goodsas soon as they cun arrive. Mr. Henochsbergwill go cast and will have a Gne

stock on exhibition at 375 Main street in avery short lime, and asks his patrons towithhold purchases until they see his newstock.

Urowa & Joue.H.Pittsbarz, Hhotwell and Cancel C'ua'.

Mata strett.French Steam Dye-Work- a,

Ladies' sud gentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at Louis Reigel's, 62 Jefferson street.

Uave You Seen TheDauntless sewing-machine- ? Ob, yes; it islike the Domestic, only more so. I iound itat Aldrich Je Co.'a, Second street.

Pride of tii e WcatBeer faucet retains the strength, puri-ty ana freshness to the last drop.

ft'rits rremrert A Co.. Mole Agents.


AppeA nee of the Ruins of Tuesdaykt's Klre Curiosity-Hunter- s7 at Work.

lAHt, of Insurance ou BaUilat andMtoel-- s funeral or the Deaai firemen.

An Atpeal reporter yesterday visited thescene of tbe fire which occurred at Henoch-berg- 's

on Tuesday night. The entire block,an old two-stor- y brick, containing fourstores, was in ruins. It looked like a rookery,which it was. The walls were death traps,and no firewalls were between the storesonly thin partitions. The rookery was builtduring the war upon the cheapest possibleplan, and a spark of fire was liable at anytime to set it in a blaze. During yesterday,notwithstanding the efforts of the solitarypoliceman on guard, curiosity hunters whitemen, negroes snd children were prowlingaround among the dbris, searching for relicsor valuables. At Henochberg's store, pic-tures that, a few days since, won the admira-tion ot street-lounger- were crisped andburned so as to defy identity. There wasone exception, however; that waB a paintingcf the "Virgin and Child," in a large gildedframe, which was in the front window. Thissurvived the wreck of matter, acd shone outstrangely beautiful amid the smoking andcharred ruins. Tbe fire had scorched thepainting in such a manner that a crisped haloappeared above the head ot the mother ofChrist. The gilded frame was blackened bytbe fire and but tbe painting wasintact, and in its smoked state resembled theworks of tbe old masters. It was a curiousthing in a strange place, surviving the

heat and crumbling ruins of the firethat burled two brave firemen to death.

LOSSES AND INSURANCE.The block was owned by the heirs of the

late Colonel James T. Leath. The insuranceou the building and the stocks of goods con-tained in the stores is as follows: Insuranceon building, 14600; of this $2000 was in theBluff City, of Mempb's; $1300 in the Bom",of New York, and $1300 in the Imperial, o!London, the two latter being in CarringtonMason's agencies. The house No. 3S3 Mainstreet, was occupied by Leu s Lange as a cor-set factory, and the loss is given at $2000; in-

sured for $1000 in the Qaeen's, of London.House No. 385, occupied oy I. Koescher as ajewelry stand, was not insured. Loss statedto be about $1000. House No. 387. wherethe fire originated, was occupied by M. Hen-ochsberg. The loss is claimed to be near$5000; insurance. $4000; divided, $3000 inthe Qaeen's, of London, and $1000 in tbeMississippi v'alley, of Memphis. Total in-

surance, as far as heard, $4600, of which$2000 is in local companies.

THE DEAD FIREMEN.The remains of the late Peter Meath and

Ed Leonard will be taken to St. Patrick'schurch this morning at nine o'clock, and atten o'clock tbe funerals will take place fromtbe church. The bodies of the dead firemenwill be interred at Calvary cemetery, andwill be escorted to the grave by the membersof the fire department and a detachment ofthe police force.

THE WOUNDED FIREMAN.Pat M'Carty, who was one of the pipemen

of the No. 2 engine company, andwho was covered up ia the wreck of the fall-ing wall, was in a fair way of recovery lastnight. He received cumeioas external andsome internal injuries, but bis physician is ofopinion that he is all right and will soon beable to resume his duties in the department.


Annual Meeting Last Night --Report ofSuperintendent Kates ou the

condition or the Exchange,

Tribute or Respect to the Memory ofDeceased Members of the ,Kx-ehan- ge

Otfcer Business.

Last night the annual meeting of the cot-ton exchange was held, at which quite anumber ot members attended. President D.P. Hadden occupied the chair and called themeeting to order. Secretary acd Superin-tendents. M. Gates read the following re-port upon the financial and other conditionsof the exchange:

THE SUPERINTENDSNT'8 BEPORT.Cotton Exchange. Room, 1

Memphis, Tbnn , January 7, 1880. I

Mr. President and Gentlemen of Memphis CottonExchange:In accordance with article 2 of tbe s of the

exchange It is directed Uiat an annual mee lng shallbe hela on the Wednesday preceding the election ofofficers and boar.ljof directors for the succeedingyear at sevea o'clock In tbe evening, at which meet-ing shall be presented by the board of directors ageneral statement ot tue ailalrs and li nances of theexchange, together wltb an estimate of the expensefor the next year. It Is a source ot deep regret toyour secretary and superintendent that jour board otdirectors have not seen Ut to appoint, as has beenusual hitherto, one of Its members tn make presentation to you of the Qnanclsl condition of your ex- -cnange, us general workings as wen, out nave ae-v- o

ved that, to him unpleasant duty, upon your sec-retary. He accepts tbe duty wUb mu. h dlflldenee forthe reason that to him Is confided the chief andgeneral execution of its workings, and largelytue financial Interests of the exchange, ami befeels that the Interests of your exchangeshould have required this presentation at otherhands. In making this annual report, you will bearIn mind, that it Includes In its exhibit of expenses$422 '20 for the month ot November. 1878. not be-longing 10 the past fiscal year. My predecessor, Mr.Toof. having letlred on the eleventh of that mouth,his settlement with the treasurer at that date wastbe one upon which the report of the previous yearwas predicated. At that date there was a balance Inthe bands of your treasurer ot 1081 8d. Fromthat date to December 1 , 1 8711. there was paid Intotbe hands of your treasurer 884 10. Ot this amount$100 was received from Captain Joseph Lenow,owner ot the exchange rooms, as a donation to theexchange. Eighty members palu full annualdues, amounting to S8000; 8 members paiddues for fractional parts of the year, amounting to

and 810 10 was paid as an arbitration fee,thus making the total resources of the exchange, forthe period mentioned. SH4H1 86. The expendi-tures of the exchange during tbe same period havebeen t !0'28 88. subdivided as follows, as shown byexhibit, accompanying this report, viz : Salaries,$:il 1 2 rttt; telegrams, S30t7 08; rent of exchangerouins. 1704; printing account (which Includes anew set u( reooru books), S'Jrtl .'8; postage account,$104 74; stationery, S24 20; fuel, SoO; gtS.SiCt HO;ice. 2 05; street car tickets, $.'!; repalrs,$188 75;Incidental, SKCt 22; making tbe total of &'.ii)28 KM,

of which amount, as already staled, $422 20 belongsto the liscal years ot 1877-8- . leaving tbe actual ex-penditures for the years 1878-- to be SwtiOtt KJ. Ofthis expeuditure there was $434 H7 tba' may prop-erly be termed extraordinary, v z., $54 47 out of tbeIncidental account paid fcr charges on a premiumbale of cotton exhibiled at Amsterdam, SI 14 forfurniture, ano St'O 10 for new record books, leavingthe actual sura paid out for ordinary expenses of theexchange durlcg the year to be $8161 10. The totalexpenditures as reported at your last annual meet-I- n

for the year J 877 8 were$7nll 86, to whichshould be added $422 20 In part of expenses of pre-ceding November, which amount would have madethe normal expenditures for that year $8:i:i4 06.

It is made Incumbent upon your board of directorsIn furnish you with an estimate ot expenses for tbeeurreti" jear. In response to this, i would say thatwithout any Increase of your present facilities forInformation or other expenditures,my maxlum estimate - of expenditures ofthe exchange for the current year IsS80OO To meet this you had In tbe bands ofyour treasurer at tbe close of the past liscal year abalance or S4f:i 0:1. You have an member-ship of elghty-bv- e, giving an Income of $8500; totill-- , you may reasonably estimate $200 for member-ship of fractional parts of tbe year, which estimate.If approximately true, will give you a total resourceof 5riHtl:i for the current year, which, without an In-

crease ot present routine expenses, should leave atthe close of tbe year a balance of about $600 In thebands of your treasurer. At tbe close of this reportseventy Ave ot your members have paid their annualdues, and your secretary conlldently believes that allwill bsve been paid In another week. Thus farmembers have shown an unusual alacrity In makingsettlement Ileretolore a collector has had to beein-I'kije- il

to this end, which 1 ain quite coi.uuent will beavolued this year, thus saving an item of expense.On January 2d. of last year, your board of directorsinstructed your treasurer to discount end cancel thethen eight remalnlrg rent notes for tbe year, of $150each, which was done at a saving ot $:pi.

The material changes from the usual routine ofprevious years have been the adoption of a resolutionallowing each firm membar but one visitor, to be atM title employe; also, extending tbe courtesies ofthe exchange to the crucial reporters of our newspa-pers, the agent ot tbe Associated Press, ofiisers ofthe United states signal service, of the telegrapholtlce and Its messengers. A resolution declaringail the employes of your exchange having salaries,to be conslderej as employed by the month Insteadof by the year, as heretolore. The subject of renew-ing our membership with tho national cotton ex-

change has been discussed on several occasions byyour boaid or directors, but wltbout at any time se-

curing favorable action. Tbe question of better pro-tection of cotton tn handling and from espionagewas brought fonnally before your board on thethirsty-firs- t ultimo, and resulted In the appointmentof a committee of three to draft suitable resolutionsrelative thereto, which will doubtless receive earlyaction. At tbe same time, In response to a commu-nication troni a number of your leading members,relative to the dilatoriness of telegraphic com-munications between this city and easternpoints, your secretary was Instructed to com-municate with Mr. Ludwtg. the generalagent of tbe Gold and Stock telegraphcompany, relative thereto, and toflnclose a copy ofthe communication with the object of remedyingthe evil. This has been done, your secretary addinghis strongest testimony as to the facts ot the exist-ing evlL

on the twenty-fourt- h of November yonr secretarycommunicated to your board of directors the demiseof tour of Its most worthy members during theyear, namely: Mr. Albeit T. Wooley, of Manchester,England; Major W. W. Guy of tbe late firm of Guy,Dlllard & Collin; Albert T. Harris, of the late firm ofHarris, Mallory & Co.. and W. A J. Slaughter, ofthe late llrm of W. A. 1. Slaughter & Co. In ac-cordance with resolutions adopted, your presidentappoluled a committee of three, consisting ofMessrs. C. P. Hunt. John W. Dlllard and RobertWoolienden, to prepare for reooid a suitable me-morial to be presented for your consideration. Thatcommittee will report at this meeting.

Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Ex-changeI should Indeed prove recreant to myselfwithout adding my own testimony to that of yours, asto the fidelity and indefatigable efforts on part ofyour assistant secretary, Mr. Henry Hotter, In thepromotion of the Interests of your exchange, ner canI pas your young protttr, Phillip Btrrow. who hasexhibited unusual energy nnd capacity for one ofbis age In the discharge of his duties. To you, Mr.President, tbe board of directors, and the membersenerali; of this exchange, I tender thanks for unl-ot- m

f jO'ioesles to mjsslL Very respectfully.. SAM M. tATES.

Secretary and Superintendent.The report was, on motion of Mr. John S.

Toof, received and adopted.The report of the committee to draft a

suitable memorial, as to the deaths of members of the exchange during the past yearwas called for and read, as follows;

IN MEMORl AM.Mr. President and Gentlemen ot the Memphis

Cotton Exchange:Since our last annual meeting death bas once

again invaded our ranks and taken from among us

A T. Wooley, ol Townaend, Wooley Jc Co.; W. W . I

THUESDlY. JANUARY S. lSSO.Our. of Guy, Dlllard A Coffin; A. L Harris, ofHarris, Mallory & Co.. and W. A. J. Slaughter, ofW. A. J. Slaughter A Co., have paid the penaltywhich, sooner or later, all of us must pay, and havegone from our midst to be seen no more amongmen. While It Is with sadness we refer to their "un-timely cutting oft," yet It Is a pleasing duly to beartestimony to their many virtues and sterling iiuall-tle- s.

In all the walks of lire they were honest,manly and sincere. As cltlz-ns- ,- merchants andgentlemen they ha. J few equals, and as friends, hus-bands and lathers they, who were nearest and dear-est to them who mos: miss their kindly smiles andcheery word- s- can best tell the estimation In whichtbey were held and bow sadly they are missed. Toall of them we say, God help ye, and In behalf ofthe exchange your behalf beg leave to offer themour most tender sympathies and heartfelt condol-ence Let us hope that time, tbe gentle assurer ofall the Ills and pains of life, may in its fliKht miti-gate the grief it can never entirely heal. arm lend tosorrowing memories only I be pleasing recollectionof vhtues which shall have survived their posses-sors. C. P. HUNT, -

BOBKRT WOOLFENDEN.The memorial was unanimously adopted."President I). P. Hadden ado'reased the

meeting at some length. He relet red to thereport of the secretary, Mr. Gates, his oner-ous duties, and his bravery during the pastyellow-fev- er epidemic, In attending to thebusiness of the exchange, and keeping up thebooks and reports as nsual, for which he de-

served the thanks of the exchange, in view ofhis faithfulness ia tbe peiformance of hisduty. He also referred to the quality of thecotton quotations iu this market, and urgedthe protection of cotton received here formarket.

Mr. John S. Toof said he admired the re-port of tbe secretary, Mr. Gates, and he wasglad to know that the fiuancial condition ofthe exchange was in so prosperous a condi-tion. He said they owed a debt of gratitudeand a vote cf thanks to Mr. Gates for hisfidelity to I ho exehane during the past epi-demic, acd he moved that a vote of thanksbe extended to him and the president andcommittee of quotations, which latter com-mittee he regarded as the most importantconnected with the exchange. He believedthat supervision of cotton was indispensablein our great market. The vote of thanks, asproposed by Ai r. Toof, was adopted unani-mously by the meeting.

Mr. J. R. Godwin stated that the telegraphquotations did not a' rive at the proper timeand that soma measures were necessary toremedy the evil.

Pro dent Hidden explained that a com-mittee had been appointed for that purpose,to investigate, eta., but that the committeehad not yet bad time to make a report ; thatit was believed that all unnecessary delaywould be avoided, as a memorial had beensent to the superintendent ot the telegraphcompany so as to secure direct messages here-after.

There being no other basinest before themeeting an ar'jjurameat was moved andcarried.

When the Hps are dry orsctrred.When the teeih are dark or dull.

When the tongue Is hot and hard.And fills the tainted mouth t :o full.

The mai:l3 sozoctont supply.And all tnose ills Oelore it t,;.

Which ia the Cheapest,A package of Duke's Djritam, containing

twenty pipe fulls of the best tmoiing tobaccomade, or one common cigar? Eich coststj,i cents.

Seel strain.Black, White, and Ked Seed Oatc,

low to the Trade.JB. C. BICHAJTAV A CO.,

IO ami IN Union street.Keceitt lliscoyeries.

The discoveries and inventions of the pastfew years have been among tbe most remark-able in the history ot tbe world, and firstamong those for the removal ot disease areWarner's safe kidney and liver cure, safediabetes cure, gale bitters, safe tonic, safepills and safe nervine.

A. Sensible Canadian.Mr. Gadboss, of Brocsville, Canada, after

being cured of a prostrating malarial disease,contracted in Texas, by means of Warne r'ssafe pills and sale bitters, writes to us: "Ishall never travel in that climate with outyour safe pil's and safe bitters as a part of myoutfit."

Nan Ue Wright's Orange Pnraam.Floyd's Candle".

For the old; for the young; and everybodyeats Floyd's candies.


Kidredge, Ilowr , Klnger, Domestic,Dauntless, American, St. Jshn,

Wilson, Wheeler A Wilson, White andWeed.

J. B. ALDRICH A CO., 254 Second streeL

Thirty fears Experience of an Old Xurse.Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup is the pre-

scription of one of the best female physiciansand nurses in the United States, and hssbeen used for thirty years with never-faifia- g

saibty and success by millions ot mothersand children, from the feeble infant of oneweek old to the adult. It corrects acidity oftho stomach, relieves wind colic, regulatesthe bowels, and gives rest, health acd com-fort to mother and child. We believe it tbebest and surest remedy in the world, in allcases of dysentery and diarrhea in children,whether it arises horn teething or froct anyother cause. Fall directions for using willaccompany each bottle. None genuine unlessthe facsimile of Curtis Perkins is on theoutside wrapper. Kold by all medicine deal-er- a.

25 cents a bottle1

Steamed oysters at John 8tarla'a, cor-ner Main and Union- -

Removal.The Southern boopskirt and corset manu-

factory will be in full operation within twodays, at 355 Main street.

Gents' boote, saltern , and. slipperscheap at Adler A Bro.'g,6Q Beale street.

Save One Dollar!By buying your hat from Wilder Clark's

marble block.

Dr. G. It. Thornton,Has novel his ofllce to 9!o. 4 SI ad Isonstreet.

tumoke Wright's Orange Inrham.Flojd's Ue,taurant.

The only place for ladies. Dinner partiesa specialty. AH fine desserts mid 3 audserved at Fioyd's.

Htyllsh and cheap boots and shoes.John Condon', 333 Wain, near Union.

For Thirty Days!Lidies' custom-mad- e goat and kid side-lac- e

shoes at two dollars, at Wilder's, 292 Main.

Sew and cheap boots nnd shoes. JohnCondon's, SH3 Main, near ITniou.

LOCAJb SOTiCES.For finest flavor, smoke Wright's Or-an- ge

llsrhim. It excel all.Invalids requiring a stimulant made from

pure grain and free from f usd-o- il should pur-chase Green Brier.

Our home manufacturers ere all busy.Latting's soaps are having a great run sincethe fever. Their quality is superior to allothers.

Lynn Haven Bay shell Oysters re-ceived dully per express ut HenryLaelirnaaa's, call anil try them.

Cesar covered his bald head ar.d grsybair with a laurel crown. Ayer's hair vigorcovers gray heads with the still more wel-come locks of youth.

Klexant and cheap boots and shoes'John Condon's, 333 Main, near Union.

Floyd's Jce-Crea- ui.

Made every day of pure cream, and deliv-ered to any part ot the city. Nothing nicerlor dessert.

Fresh Oyster and CeleryReceived Dally, by express.

VICTOR D. ITCGtM,Nos. S0 Bad 4 1 Jefferson Htreet.

Smoke Wright's Orange Durham.Dr. W. C. Cavcnash.

Residence 179 Union street, where he canbe found at night. Office 247 Second etreet,near Court square. -

Multitudes of Teople Keqnire an Al-

terative to restore the healthy action of theirsystem and correct the derangements thatcreep into it. Ayer's sarsaparilla tones andvitalizes the blood, and restores the vigor ofhealth.

Shell oysters cooked by steam at Johnifnrla'e, corner wml "Uwiku.

MasonicTempIc BondsTHE January. 1880, Coupons of the Masonic

Bonds will be pal l by W. W. Thacher, treas-urer, at the First National Bank, on and after Jan-uar- y

10th. R. C. WILLIAMSON. Becretaiy.




Horses and Mules.til Sc C3 Monroe St uear Peabody Hotel.

Wl are receiving dally a large assortment oiHORSES and MULES. Persons wanting

stock will save money by calling before purcbasimtelsewhere. Everything sold by us fully guaranteed.Oiders solicited..,

To Sell Ont the entire Stock of W1NTEK GOODS, we- have concluded to ltedo.ee. the Prices of same to fally

One-Hal- f of their Value?, and to facilitate this Impor--tan t Sale we will have AND A FT 13 If,onrSfock arrangrd a follow:

COUATLK 1 An immense lot or IrKESS ti(MH, embracing' all kinds and finalitiesin Worsted, Silk and Velvet r fleets, costing heretofore from 7 oc to

1 ftu per yarn, ail at tne100 GS0SS VIOLETS


C'OUAXEK 11 An Immense Jot or UK ESS WOODS, embracing loads or Elegant(roods, w.irth from $1 50 to $2 50 per yard, all at the nniformprice of SI per yard.

WHOLE FIELDS ol Beautiful but Artificial ROSES at 5c APIECE.C0U3TEK 111 A very, very lar.re and beautiful line or TKiMtltD 11 ATS, worth

from S5 to 87 50, all at the nniform price or 82 50.$nFNCRYl MeanoULUHIUU3 wrl

COU-Vifci-K IV 25U handsomely THIHBED HATS, worth from 87 50 to 810,

all at the nniform price oi 8-- .

0E THOUSAND ORNAMENTSTfcJi TUOUSAM) Kilt One grand and mighty kingdom B1KUS, worth rrom

SI to 8-- i ach. yonr choice for any at 5Qc each.1,000 ORNAMENTS, worth 25c to 5c each, for 10c APIECE.USE LOT or LtlUK ' J tCKETS CLOAKS Worth rrom 87 50 to 810, all at

the nniform price or 85 each.PERIN0T 2 BUTTON KID GLOVES A

151 or

JSK OF THK E1A1SI A.TT1E KUTIONS!ONE COUNTER WITH HOLIIUY GOODS, embracing many, many useful and lovely tilings for the

ornamentation of our homes, at on tbe Dollar of their present marked prices understand uswell, at just one half of what the thine are now marked and our Roods all mai ked tn plain Romanfurures. nicies ma'ked. for instance, 50c SI. or 81 50. and well worth It everywhere else In mar-ket, will b sold at 25c. 50. 75c. eta. The sale ot this Soeclal Line of Hoods will be continued for ONEWKK ONLY, at tie expiration of which rime we will park the goods.

The Idea of this Sale Original, New and Kxtraordinarv!

253 and 255STEAMBOATS.

Memphis & Ohio River&PACKET COMPANY.

roKCairo, Louisvilis and Cincinnati



Mondays, Wednesdays, FridaysAT 6 OCLOCK P.M.,

Connecting at Cincinnati with Ballroads and Steam-ers for all

Eastern, Northern and Western Point;,Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS,



Eastern toorlsts will find the La Belle River Rou eSale, Delightful and Economical. Kates by this lineCheaper than any otber firvt-cla- route. Meals andStaterooms Free e checked through.

For lull information, apply toR. W. LIGHTBCRNE,

General Freight and Ticket Agent.No. 7 Monroe s'reet, Memphis.

t37"Passenger8 can rely on a d trip by thisHue, as the steamers are all flrsl-c'as- having beenexpressly built for tbe accommodation of passen-eer- s.

Each stesmer carries a full Band.

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.Memphis and Pine Bluff U. S. Mall Line. For Fine

Bluff, Little Bock, and through to Kort Smith-S- tr.

liatle Elouper, 3&Ed. Nowland master I J. N. Thomson clerkLeaves as above SATURDAY, Jan. 10th, at 5 p.m.

For li eight or passage apply toJOH N N. HAHBLN. aup't. 1Q2Vt Front st

FOR VICKSBURG.1st. lionts and ViekMbnrc Anchor lAne

United Mtntes Mall For Vlcksburg.

City of Helena,M!'Kft6 ..... m&stcr

Will leave tbe Anchor Line wharfboat THIS DAY,Jan. 8th, at 5 p.m. For freight or passage applyto AD STORM. Sup't. on wharfboat.

Adams United Mtates Mall Llae-T- heelegant steamer

Coaiiomn, ,1E. O. Banks master Wm. Smither cierkLeaves Memphis as ab3V3 every TUESDAY, at 5p.m. Ofllif. io. H Madison st.

ARKANSAS CITY aud PINE BLUFF RR.Adams Stml-uffkl- v 11. M. Mall Line

For Arkansas City, Pine Bluff Railroad and all waylandings The elegant steamer '

nacnita lielle,Mark R. Cheek... master I A. L. Cummins. ..clerkLeaves as above every MONDAY and THURSDAYat 5 p m. Ollice, No. 3 Madison street.

LEE LINE STEAMERS.For lendBje. Helena, ead Krlars Point

Jame JLee.Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow. ..clerk

Will leave as above on everyMONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P.m.

Office Ko. 3 Martlson street.

FOK COMMERCE AND THE BENDS.jr men is and coniiKatK.


The elegant aid new passenger steamer

Wm. Ashford master I Ed, W. Crowell clerkLEAVES MEMPHIS DAILY. AT 5 P.M.,

for Commerce and the bends.For frelent or passage pply on bnard

FOR OSCEOLA.Keiaptiis ana Osceola 17. S. Stall racketRetmlar ly U. S. Mall Packet for Baidolpt,

Fuitoo. Osceola and all way landings The ele-gant passenger steamer

Osceola Helle, jg2J. 3. Andrews Master I B. O. Mlchell Clerk.

Leaves Memphis everyMONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 p.m.

For freight or oaasagn uppiv on hoard.


nemshls tVbttn River and KlurB liitctV. H- - ai all I'arkets.For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall's

Bluff, Des Arc, Augusta, .laeksonport, Wfot Point,Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, aud Pocahontas.The new steamer

ote Marry,Sf. R. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, cierk.

Leaves "Memphis oa and after November 2d, ever,SATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with thenew Black river U. S. mail packet MILT HARRY forPowhattan end Pocahontts, and with Dally Packetsto Batesvill i and Upper While river.

Through lates to all points.Freight ccnigned to Milt Harry Line, Memphis ot

Terrenft wl'l be promptly forwarded. Freight wll'be at nil times on the R. E. Lee Wharfboat

J. T- - WASH1NHTOV, AtMt, Lee wharfboat.R. W. LIGHTBURNB. Jr . scent, 5 Madison st


Kcznlar Asbport and Hales &otat PktFor Osceola. Ash port. Hales Point and all Interme-

diate landings The elegant passenger steamer

ieo. W. Cliccli,Henry Cooper master I Nell Becker clerkWill leave as above on MONDAYS aod WEDNE-i-DAY-

for Afbport; and on FUIDaYS for HalesPoint, riving special attention to ail way busintas.

For freight or passage npplv on


RSemphis & White River Packet.Reenlar Independent Memphis and

Wnlte River Packet For Augusta, JacksonportSearcy, and way points. The regular independentPacket

HAKB CASH, 2Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal clerk

Will leave Memphis EVERY WEDNESDAY, at5 P.m. For freight or passage apply to

R. W. LIUH TBURNB,Ko. 7 Monroe St., opp. Peabody hetoL

H. P. UI.RNN. on Whsrfhwt

FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER.SleiUDhtH and St. rraaels ttlvcr U. ts.

JMnil B.Snt The light-dra-ft steamerBA'S'jasvii.riK,O.K. Joplln master! A. L. Banning clem

Will leave Memphis EVERY TUESDAY ANDFRIDAY EVENINGS, at 5 p.m., for Marlanna, theCut-o- ff and all intermediate landings. For freightor passage apply ou board, or to

1. D. RANDALL. Sttp'f.

Ilf) ntinn MAY UK FOUNT) ON

1 1 V a Wl tnil ltOH"ELLrO'8IVewspaper Advertising Bureau 10 iSPBCCRTRKET. WHKKB AD-- W fmm g m Jft M IfVKKI ISINO CONTRACTS V I Ft Umay be made tor it lu i6nl WllUl

Memphis Floral Co.ARE growing the largest stock of Bedding and

Plants ever grown In tbe south. Bed-ding Flan's and Roses a specialty. Imported Hy-

acinths, Tulips, Crocus and Narcissus Bulbs, andFlower Seeds fresh and reliable. Send for pricesand save time aud money.


Vaults Emptied!nnnan

AUOKLKKM KXCAVATINtr CO. OF--vtlev,4S Madison street.and 192 Wellington.

uniform price or auc yard.AT 5c PER DOZEN.

of I'bO W KKH, the Kewtst .sd I'reliiMt,from ?nt. 1 aorar, frrttn xfK W








HERZOG & CO.Main Street.

n mmfoir ' Ac CORNER

'ain Madison,

stoetc of Boots and Shoe this season IsOUR large and well selected. We assure ourpatrons that they wIU get better suited at our estab-lishment and save from 16 to 25 per cent, beside.Come and see for yourselves. Mall Orderspromptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.Send for our Order-slips- . We are also Soit Agenttfor cblldrens' "Aski Hnpporters," an Inval-uable Invention for weak ankles.

ZKI.LNKK A' V.U.. SSS Wain at.


Practical BuilderOF

LightGarriagesI KEEP A SELECT STOCK (cxcinslvelr or

ray own muafsrtarr) CONSTANTLYON HAND. I am also prepared to build (TO OR-DER) any er all or tbo naodern styles ofHassle, and Family Carriages now hi use. Iuse nothing but theVEBY BEST MATERIAL, andemploy strictly first-cla- ss mechanics.

BEPA1BISG,In all Its branches, done promptly and tn tbe bestmanner. OWKN t,IL,l.V 44 Allans at.


oo 0

oH3 3





Mississippi Bottom.Tbe attention of all who sbtn Cotton seed to

Memphis is called to the following quotation fromtbe Ledger, of the 31st of December:

" A rich reward Is enjoyed this season by tbe Cot-ton --sed oil men. The raw material costs no morethan last year, freights are aa cheap, or cheap r,and their productions are largely advanced In value.Crude oil is now worth at New Orleans 87?3HC pergallon, aud reuned at 4Kt?4ic per gallon. Seed-me-al

is $15 to O 50 per too, and cake 822 to2S 50 per ton."These figures, we are assured, are substantially

correct, and In view of the low prices paid In Mem-phi- s

for Cotton seed an arbitrary price being fixedall the season round by the Cotton-see- d Associa-tion we feel that some action should be taken forour common protection. So safe are tbehere In tbe price iiied, that no changes were madeon account of fluctuations In tbe oil market. It Isan absolute monopoly, by an understanding wltb asimilar association In New Orleans, from whichthere la no appeal exeeiit by the united action ofthoee who produce the teed. We, the undersigned,therefore unite in calling for a convention of thePlanters of tbe Mississippi Valley who sbip seed to

to be beld In this city, at the PEABODYHOTEL, at 10 o'clock, on Monday. JannaryIttih. to take Into consideration our Interests aodthe best means for their protection.T. H. Allen x Sons, A. J. Foster.E. E. Clarke, Jefferson A H'igbes,F. M. White 4 Co.. C. P. Hunt Co,E. M. Appersoa 4 Co., J F. M'Elnney,J. R. slatlbews, Frank M'Connel,Russell Huibert, W. K. Scan'.an,Clarke Brewejr, Joe Earle,Fox Bros., West Harris.Barney Armstrong,- - Henry Grider,Pete Burgett. Collins Bios., Robert Ward.

JENNINGS' SANITARY DEPOT,A. u. ,uius, .Hanocer,94 Beekman SL, New York.



PLUMBERS' GOODShaving for their object cleanliness,

durability, mA .relation of SEWER OAS.

2E5 iEX 5. 3Farm in North Alabama.

I HAVE one of the most desirable farms In NorthAlab una, containing 50 acres, which I will sell

In a body, or In two tracts ot nearly equal size. Itadjoins Tuscumbta on the northwest. Spring Creekruus through it. and It lies along the Tennessee riverfor nearly a mile. There Is a fine Steamboat Land-ing on It, with a good Warehouse. While speciallyadapted to cotton, tbe land produces all kinds ofgrain and grasses remarkably well. Never-fallin- g

springs and an abundance of timber and firewoodnn it. and Is one ot tbe most healthful localitiesIn North Alabama. Only offered to raise money fora special purpose, and a great bargain may be badby a cash buyer within the next thirty days.



Memphis, Tknn., December 11, 1879.rnSifrffv0? Wl" be,h.eld 8t Ue,r Banklnghouse onJanuary 18, 18H0, between the hours of.liSnii Pm" ,or.tne PUfPoe of electing

serve tbe ensuing year.W. C. M'CLURE. Cashier

KOT1CJK.rTVH K undersigned has been appointed admlnls--- L

trator ot toe estate of Josephs Duttllnger, de-ceased. All persons having claims against saidestate are hereby notified to tile same with me, prop-erly probated, within tbe time required by law; andall persons Indebted to. said estate will savecoslaby a prompt settlement. JOSEPH UHL.


I LulljL.T --V

In order to reduce our ImmenseGOODS, we ivill during the


Dress Goods,At 10 cents,worth 15 cents

15 cents, worth 2 5 cents25 cents, worth 50 cents

Alpaca,At 15 cents, worth 25 cents

2 5 'cents, worth 40 cente

BIk FrenchCaslimereAt 40 cents, worth 60 cents

50 cents, worth 65 cents60 cents; worth 75 cents



1500 Remnants of SILK, exceedingly cheap. Great Reduction on Cloaks, Dolmans, Suits, Circulars, Ulstersand Shawls. Handsome Calico Wrappers at SI. Handsome Worsted Wrappers at S3. Ladles' andGenu' Woolen Underwear. Ladles' and Children's Muslin Underwear. Great Drives In Hosiery, F.annels.Comforts, Blankets, Felt Skirts. BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS.

B"ffe mean to make it LI i'KA.Y THIS 9f OSTH, belar determined to redaeeoar Immense stocks.

B. &

JfHMlMIMsnWsnVsynOTHt-BMMHs-asnVsVsMs- H



J. T. FARGflSOtJ ft Bp...Wholesale Grocers and Cotton IFactors.

369 Front street, Npmphla. Tennessee,aidCotton Factors and Commission Merchants190 Uravler street, Aw llnrans, la.I TE HAVE OPENED A PERMANENT BRANCH OF OUR HOUSE AT NEW ORLEANS TO MEET THE

VV wnnt. "f our trade, and consignment of cotton will have careful atntlon.





We are selling off our Entire S tocf-Good- s.


less than cost. Our Goods must I

order to quit business within the next




Stock of tsPLB AND FANCY DRimontI Jannarj offer

IlCElfflDress i Wds.

At 12 Yntswortn 20 cents20 ijyts, worth 30 cents35 cdts, worth 75

EnglisliVaslomere,At 25 cejPi worta 40 cents

30 ceri, worth 50 cents

Black CjlWs Hair,At$l7Wth$l 50.

$1 50orth$2 25.$1 75-Urt- h






for the Foundry and Maehltte-ano-p Una


249 Main Street. -


Blank Book Manufacturers and Job Printers, '

31G Malnstreet, s i TSIoxn.xDlalja.WB would Inform the Trade that onr Stock of Blank Hcliwol Husks, and Oflll

atatlonerv Is tbe largest In oil' city. ATTKNTION TO 4

ASSIGNEE'S SALE! X8. VESD1G. the assignee of Walker Bros. A Oo., will oflV-sal- e

at his Store, 220 MAIN 8TKEET, retailius at wholesale p

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, lofiixOSIEttY, CLOAKS, ETC.

All should amil themselves of this opportunity! FTerythlng tohe disposed of! Don't forget the number, 22C MAIN sTREETICTnll at once while Wfoek Is complete ami ween re liargalns!




Bluff City Clothing House, 259 Main Street.TH03. B. JOE T. BHODI3, 1









PBCIA'LThe Star Shirtmaker and Gents' Fur.iisher,


(Former!, occupied by German National Bank.)FIRST-CE.AS- 8 GOODS AT IiOlV PBICES.mmmmmmmmmmmmtmimmimmmmmChickasaw Iron Works!

nancilo dts Jjivormoro, lxrotp's08 Second St., opp, Market Sgnare, Memphis.BTIL.L, OFEH-UA- VE NOT BEEN CEiOM ftn Have on band A stock of Xlsbot, Urssns,Albert son. and ether standard

and are prepared to fill all orders In

1879 1 FALL AND WINTER 1 1880


Merchant Tailors 38 Madison.Take pleasure In notifjln their friends and the public generally, that they are inreceipt of a Kreeh and Complete Assoitmcnt of rALL jaBI H1KTEHUOOne.l embracing; the very latest Styles snd finest makes ot English, Kronenand (ierman Manufactures. Tbey reuuest those who contemplate ordering WinterClothing to give them a calL FKIUKs HUDEKATK. fW Orders solicited

and Saotnlwiami on appllcarJon..aEt

1879 j FALL AND WINTER1880v. .