H MEMP BAILY AWEA1L. ESTABLISHED 1840. MEMPHIS, TENK., THUESJD A Y, MAEOH 4, 1S8Q. VOL. XXXIX-NUMB- ER 55 lNUICATIOKB. WH1NGTO.D.CMarch4-la.- m. A o r Tennessee and f ohio valley, occa- sional rnn, folhrej clearing weather, tenuis mdnly.- - , , s,rv wmrfs, stifion- - gher barometer. VATtlKU OBSKKVATlOil. Wa imp'T.flr'iMtl, aBVICB. D. 8. ARMY, I Wini'at. Mnich :i. I HHP, 10.OS p. in. f Place ol . Wind. Weatu-D- r. p Tti.r. I Kara. ) or. S. Gentle. Lt. r'n. tin 8 8. imltv fair. I ;M!rn... :;M If ( 8. RrUk. Fair. LvitU'S.'u.. 7; ti: S. Fresb, Cloudy. J'B i t ... 9 Mo III! f. Brisk. Cloud J. a it HI S. Uaiille. Clear. :n).i H'.l . Gentle. Hazr. j'irevijpurt... 70 r. Kresb. Vle.tU'K... .iii.nl 71 8. Kresu. Clear. Lltlie Hock.. J'.l MH 7 8 W. Fresb. civer. " D. T. FLAKNKHY. Corp. Signal CorpsTlj, sTaT" Trie total of fuUcripfim t, the Herald Iritt leiicf fund up (he t rtnty-nint- h of February was $i"A 0)S1 8.5. Thk IalOrf idea ia Doston, city of notion. . ii tint h;.fth-hoe- l b fleet injuriously the tight of la jit wbo indulge in them. . The Upublica Members 0f the Georgia 1 !(iHlutarj yeiitr, jay s jlocteo two delegate to tha N4ii'jnal II ptillicA convention. Brick Tomkiioy's gang of Grcenbackers in t ia Si. Louis yesterday ia "national con- vention," and will continue their count-y-a.wir- .g labors to day. I'rno.i. w, at SpnogCe! J, ULu)o"i", latt night, and wsj entbusiasScr.lij. received, Cilloclioos r.rd receipts at the door amounted ta n.'a jy oao thousand dollars. Evkht citizen of Memphis should make it point to do bin duly to-da- acd vote for the bet,t wan 'who otter for magistrate to iko tLi v'tare t f the lata George Crockett. Thk Lojisiuna legislature haa ordered an investigation into the charge of bribary pre- ferred by the mayor of New Orleans against Jid'jiihwicr, a member of the ll OUe. 'ToTUASTKit (jK.vtiiAL Kkt says that on-Ii- ) the word "fraudulent" is stricken out of .options 392'J ncd 4011 revised statutes, it will b impossible to stop registered letters aJJrw;d to lotti-r- y 'manager. Jakes Hiltoh iinooics, cf the New York Keening Express, denita tho truth of the rumor that hj 1ms sold that paper to the friends of Mr. I'ildea, cor will it be con- trolled in tho iir rt'sk of that gentleman. rROUAUi.Y will: a view to coonidcrio ways and iDe.ms of st;fT:-'nin- ? tho backbones of oma of the backward Presidential candi- dates, the starch manufacturers ol the United crates ciut ia convention at Circiunati yes- - tcrd.iy. Tub liulu-i- ) of Miinliis wbo attend the luntiLei vcforuisipce at the Theater to day 'fill do two coramcnjablo things pay John irOullough h coniphmeitt that be deserves, and contribute ti the relief of the etatvir p'jor of Ireland. l)Kr,uoATE8 from Georgia to tho Notional Greenback Lilor party's convention, which U'.eets in Sj. s Thursdny, in interviews kUte tii&t tbey will advocato the claims of Hendricks, of IodUtia, for President, and Wright, ot iViiuK-'vaoia- , for the second Vbm oa the tirk.f. Onb thousand men find women were from tho eovccrtu.ent printiog-cdic- e yesU.'rd iy bocaine of the t xbautition of the ?prof,riaiiOQ ucoa which they depended for psy. The cedur.tioii m the forco will con- tinue uutil the di Gcietcy till now before the iKMue lwHtaln,4 . The t'tal nmou.it received np to date for tho land-lea.-ru- o relic! fund and land-leagu- e political fund, uh fur ns can be ascertained at tLe crlioo of tha fund, is one hundred thou- sand ono hundred and twenty-fou- r dollars. There in no deSuite Recounts of tho amounts held by Ibe local treasurers throughout the country, but it is believed they aggregate tbout seventy-Bv- o thousand dollars. Scaiicklt has MelikolT, the new military dictator ot lVihsiu, tuFuined the duties of his prmitioo Voan he become tbe target of tbe vevolve's of t!io tiiiilists. The telegraph fells uh that tlio war wa-- i opened upon him yesterday utterriotn by a yoims man, armed, vrtibtbly, with Ra ini;rovod Smith Jt Wesson. The dictator escaped injury, and his would- - be RMt.vxiiu was captured by tbe Cossack gltrdi. Thb State Democratic executive committee of Mississippi bas called a State convention, to meet ou tho second of June next, for the selection cf delegates to the National 1) 'uiocrotio convention, called to nominato a Presidential electoral ticket, and they invite alt Demccrat:c-Conaervati- v citizens of Mis' sunippi, irrrs; rctive of past political afccia tions and tbilVreuces, who can unite with them in the effort for pure, economical and constitutional government,' to jjln in sending delegates to tbo convrtotion. When a nejjro in New York or Washing- ton brutally outrages or murders a white woman in cold bleed, scciety makes a pet of him as witness tho case of Chaatalne Cox. The chattily of a pure young white girl or tho lifo of a cultivated white woman are as volbing in tho scalps with tho fanatical love of tbe negro. The v.ai J of the nation may tearsround lika a ?ild bettat; laws in tbe "land cf culture" are tot made for his "The land of tho free and the home of the biai-e.- " Gen Kit al Boykton Ulegraphs tae Cm-cino- Gui, tie, from Washington, that tha publication by Dm xrats of a speech cf Sen- ator Bayard in ISO I, made in Delaware, on tbe q lestion of secession, ia not injuring him among Djiuocra's. "As a matter cf fact, it is known that, whutevfr bis sentiments might have been ia the opeuing days of tbs rebel- lion, ho exerted himso.f actively and with irreat ff.xt to prevent Delaware from going out of the Union." Tub New York Herald i attain hammer- ing away at tho authoiiiies of that city on account of diriy rtreets, filthy and doath- - Irocdiog sowers, and a con Jit ion of Hastiness that may bo matched in Constantinople but nowhere else. Wo feel sorry for New York We recommend the people of that city to get Dr. BilliccN to fiirvev their premises and thin hiM Colonel Waring t.J put things to ritthU'. Wo exteud our sympathies lo the dirt-curf- citizens of the metropolis of the world. The Mississippi river commission have niade a report to congress that, we trust, will Le adopted and without delay enacted into law, no that tho wuik it recommends may be U'gun this year and prosecuted lo a conclusion at as early a date as possible. The gentlemen composing tho commission are thoroughly intelligent as to tbe Mississippi river and what U needed to relieve the bot lorn lands f.s much as posMblo Irotn over- flow, and secure a depth of channel that will make the transportation of freights possible all the year rotiml. If congress will do this, and pass the K:itfui bill restraining railroad combinations, we shall, indeed, have reason to be thankful. NATIONAL LEGISLATURE. Army Record Since 1S78 Amendment to the Kevlsjd Statutes Star Konte Malls Introduction of I ills For the Keller or Taylor's Granddauhterf. Senator Logan Gives his Hearers the L'eBefU or Another Chapter or his Continaed Story on the Fitz John Tortcr Case Honse Proceedings, "Washington, March 3 Senate A com- munication was received from the eccietary of war, frivinir tJ0 number, axe, rank, etc., of pacers retired from the army since the act of judo, 13, 1878. Senator Tharman, from the judiciary com- mittee, reported adversely ou the hous? bill for the removal of o'.itical disabilities of in- dividuals. On motion of Senator M'Donald, the com- mittee on judiciary were discharged from furtbor consideration ot the memoruil of John li. M Lean, relating fees in the United circuit court of th southern district O Ohio, and prayijf; for the appointment of a committee on the subject. Oa motion of Senator Btyard, the sn.le pissed the house bill to amend sect ion M0 of the revised statute to read as follows; Section 30W, vrhefe ft rearms, 50nle, balances, sbovels. spwiD, axes, batcacs, bammeri), .lows, cultintot. mowln-fnshln- and nwtoeni, uinuu-factutv- d with stocks or bandies made of wood gnrtvu In tbe United States, are mwrted tor tbe bent tit of the drawback under the precfdlna section, suehenl-ele- s shall be entuixd to such drawbacks In all ce&ta where tbe ImDoned tnatortnl eteneii one-ha- lf or tbe value ol tbe matt rial nsd-- , and where the csns m Aho'iS or In part of Iropoitsd roatenaK Oiled with product grown or produced la the United mates, are exported for tbe benefit ot such drawback, tbe name shall In all eases be entitled to tbe drawback provided fur in the preceding section where the Imported material Used in tbe manufaclme of such cans shall be not less than seventy per cent, of the value of all materia1 used in tbe manufacture thereof. Senator Wallace, from tna ooiSuiittee on appropriations, rerortei with amendments the house bill to provide for the deficiency in tho appropriations lor tha trannpcnatio.n of the mails on star routes for the fUcul year ending June 30th. Ordered printed and placed on tbe calendar. By Senator Vest : For thn erectin cf a pubiio building at Hannibal Mittfiouri. By Senator Jonas t f'nt toe relief of Mrs. Betty Taylor and Mrs. Knox Wood, daughter and granddaughter of Zictiary Taylor. Senator Harris asked unanimous c insect to have taken up house bill to provide for the construction of a marine hospital in Mem- phis, Tennessee. Senator Hamlin objec-cq- . .Senator Cnrpcmtar itiba-.it'.- a J a rolution instructing tho committee on judiciary to in- quire whether congrets has the rufbfc to ctiake the Indian Territory a separate judicial dis- trict, and to organiza a court or orttrta there- in; and if so, what jurisdiction onsbt to be conferred upon said courts, and to report by biii or otherwise. Ltid over wader the rules. Tbe senate proceeded to cons der tbe calendar bill foe the relief cf certain actual settlers on the Kmsaa trust and diminished revenue lands in Kansas. P.ssed. The bill restoring J'o the public domain part of the Fort Iltpley (Minnesota) military reservation passed. The bill lor the relief of Kdward Corselias and seven other persons, late msmbers of the First Michigan cavalry veteran volunteers, was reached The Mil was adversely reported Dy the committee on military aff.ui. Senator Baldwin advocated the bill na an extension ot tbe principle of amnesty. Senator Cockrell held that it wiu merely a question of removing the record of desertion, which cou'd be done by tbe war department without special legislation. The morning hour having expired, Senator Logan resumed his speech on the Porter bill. At half-pa- st three o'clock Sonator Lgan suspended his remarks, to resume agnin to- morrow. After an executive session tho tenet a ad- journed. WHAT WAS DONE IN THK HOUSE. Fernando Wood moved to dispense with the morning hour for the purpose of moving to go into the committee ot the whole on the refunding bill. The house, however, refused to difDenso with the morning hour and resumed consid eration of the bill regulating the rtmuv. 1 v. nf r t1m S'sln In Mprol .rli I kiiieiu 'IL. I.' ... .. ,..1 ... , , L , , final I action on the bill, and the senate resolutions j Virginia and Georgia It would be regard to late Mr. Houston, of Ala- - well for Louisville and Nashville mana-bam- a taken I pers examine their maps and wera pronounced Messrs. Fer- - j clanger ahead. have tbe nando Wood, Wright. Cox, Forney Lie, i wralh of a railroad Herbert, Sm- - ford, Shelley, Henry, Atkins and Harris. I a talk with newcomb. The house then, as a of res ad- - I The sutwance of the above dispatch was lourned. t I CURUBNT LlTEKATUi.' ; - i Mr. Bkn Perlet Toohe, of Washin-tca- , i has wntien a vry reaaable historv iu brief I of the Life and Services of John Sherman. tha for and to honors tbe meeting dressing the secretary of the Sherman club, Cincinnati. Again the Calif ornian comes to us laden with a choice freight of literature. "Sand," the serial story, becomes more dra matic, and the other papers are timely una evince scholarly culture ia their composition. "Our Relations with Mexico," "Ireland Her Past and Present Condition," "The Wild Flower Season," commend themselves to those who desire to keep pace with current events in this busy world. An interesting and unique brochure, en titled Dawning of a Sew Civilization, comes to us from Auburn, New York, where tbe author. Dr. Blanchard Foster, at one tim served the State in the capacity of physician to the penitentiary. A wide rango of thought is opened np by a perusal of the table of co- ntent, and the advent of the work itself will be looked forward to with interest ail wh.i know Hught of the tame of tbe author. The March-Apr- il number of the Western, an excellent magazine, published at ot. Lrmi-- s U of more than usual interest, loe tablo, of contents embraces "A Ghost's Adventure," "Civilisation," "Glimpses of Voiture, "Spelling Reform," "Frederic Hohenstauf- - fer, a translation Irom llerbirt s rcycao-log- "Book Reviews" and "Current Notes," Oae of the latter ia devoted to the "Yellow-lev- er in Memphis," C. A.Todd, M. D., ad tells over sgin the terrible talo ot endured here last yem. The West em is puoissnea cy u. i. jones .v uj., c. at two dollura per annum. I. K. Funk & Co.. Nos. 10 12 D.-- y street. New York, have issued a series of standard works, the latest of which are The Manliness of Christ, by Thomas Huirues, the well-know- n author ot Tom Brown's School Days, and MacauJeu's Essats. These works, thcueh published at the low price of ten cents per copy, are printed from nsw type on wbite paper end pound in a brown paper cover so that they can be lor years if need be. Macaulen's Essays nothing need be said at this late dar. Tbey will live na Innar as Htstoru of Enaland which Macaulev slaked bis tarn;. No well inform-- . d man should der.v himself the pleasure ot reading and owning these essays that for strength and brdliancy have never been d. 2'a Manliness of Christ is the work of a manly mm who, however, haa marred an otherwise production by the in troduction of a di-- ot cu t about John Brown, who was justly hanged for in citing an insurrection who had no affini ties with the Man of Peace, who cume not to destroy but to make whole, and wbo bad bis disciple to put up sword. Havana, March 3: A larire Gro is reported in the canetields of K.'sulta's pi intatiou, near bagua Urande. London, March 3: The Dublin castle au thorities have representations to the government iu favor of renewal of the peace preservation a.t of 1875, which expires year. Madrid, March 3: The army for 1SS0-8- 1, has been fixed at ninety thousand wen tor Spain, thirty-eigh- t thousand for Cuba, teu thousand lor the Philippine Islands, aud three thousand ttree hundred aud ninety- five for Porto Rico. London. March 3: In reference to the al location six vacant seats in tbe houst of commons, that of Dublin, Cork county. Bristol, Sheffield and the metrooliUn constituency will each receive addition, members. The cluims of Yorkshire are being considered for tbe sixth aeat. London, March 3: Grisaell, arrested during tbs last session ot parliament tor declaring that he was able to bribe a parliamentary committee, was brought to the bar of the house of commons read an humble apology, and then, on motion of tbe chancel lor of the exchequer, was committed to New- gate. London, March 3: The duchess of Marl- borough's relief fund received two thousand pounds from James K. Keene. London, March 3: The various engineers and mechanics employed in the construction of the Tay bridge testify to the thoroughness of the work. Constanta ople, March 3: Colonel Comma-rof- f. shot recently while in company witi the chief dragoman of the Russian embassy, baa died ot his -- wouiKfsr--Th assassins es- - caped. Paris, March 8: The Globe asserts that Franca has entered into negotiat ons with Eoiilaart and tbe United States with the view of terminating the war b rjjjjjj and Peru. LonH ij- - . , . t Bii,an haa been road. in the tbo were np. to see their Eulogies by They provoked giant. Williams, Herndoo, Lewis. mb mak . , magazine by by the Louis, onciuded between Ct teat Britain and Ger- many, eturiiig the of wair ves- sels in the suppression of the si?' traSio. Dpb'.ia, ir.arch 5i At the meeting of the Mansion house relief committee it was an- nounced that the total subscriptions to the fund to date were eight hundred and seventy-si- x thousand seven hundred and thirty-thre- e pounds. London, Mirch 3: At Ashton-on-Tyn- e, ten thousand cotton weavers struct work ia consequence of the refusal of their employers to grant an advance of five per cent, in their wages, which advance the sptannrs (recently obtained. . - - ton don, biarch 3: ' A Paris dispatch says the French cabinet are divided on the ques- tion of surrendering Hartmann. The Mot d'Ordre announces tha a it!pa lo th9 chambers ai?air t!lo extradition of Hart-ma-ss U being prepared, . London, Oat.t March 3: Cook Hovey, tate city clerk of Urbana, Ohio, an alleged defaulter to too amount of sixty thousand dollar", s been aireste.d teesr, Wl "fty. and t?kea to Bt. Tno!Has rH a preliminary ex- amination neit Tuesday. Ottawa, Match 3: Sir John M'Donald stated in the house of commons, to day, that it was at one time feared the recent injury to Princess Louiee wouldftirove'ifatal, and, that tbe consequences of the accident are not yet altogether removed, though considered out of dauger. Paris, March 3: Private adv:ces from Prlia itate that Emperor Wilhelm, while at dinner with Count de Vallier, expressed the most friend'y sentiments toward the am- bassador of the French government, and said there was no ground for anxiety as to a continuance ot good reJatiens between the two countries London, March 3: The metropolis water bi'.l Creates a trutt empowered to create three and a half per cent, stock, which the water companies have agreed to receive as compen- sation for their net cpital. The sura to be given for the franchise of companies is twenty-t- wo milliea pij'nup, with six or seven mil-lioi- in more to be spread over twelve years for Unearned increment on the value of exist- ing shares. Tbe water truet will consist of thirfy-on- o members, including the lord mayor of Lrn lou and tbo president of the Metropoli- tan board oa works. The object of the trust is to be for the suppf; of wholesome for domestic use and for watering streets and extinguishing fire with a constant supply at high pressure. The trust is to come into operation on the first of October. WHAT COLE CONTROLS And Fropoaea to Control or tbe Ball-roa- ds of the Bowth De Hay yd 93ake tbe lonlsTille Ho4 ftovrl. lie ia Bas ins? the Memphis and Charles- ton Mtock with a View to a Sew and tttrOBar Hoathcra Com- bination. Nashville special to the Louisville Post and Keice: " majority of stock of the Nash- ville and Djcatur road Is beld in Tennessee, acd when the present lease expires Cole can obtain this road if be so desires. It is secret here that Cole acd his friends, Nashville men, are buying Memphis and Charleston roud stock. Orders are going out of Narhvil'.e every day for the purchase of it. The stock of this com- pany U about five million four hun- dred thousand dollars, and the control of th-- : same can be had at not over six hundred thousand dollars, but they commenced buy- ing when it was as low hb seven cents. Cole con'io's the Western and Atlantic, and so his line is complete, and Dot over a hundred miles longer than was at first contemplated, t h'.s is cot all. Cole has been offered th "7 presidency of LUJ u , rt:M . . A I.- - --- J atllBCe Wlltt Mee8I8. 1 , V1 ' P,UA btated to Mr. Newcomb this afternoon by a Post and News representative.- - It tailed to create a sensation. Mr. Newcomb said that it is true that Colonel Cole and some of tbe N.iishviila and Chattanooea directors are coming up: that it was arranged that they should do so tit tbe meeting; in Nashville last Thursday; that their purpose is to cfl'er As to tbe Nashville and J'eca-tu- r road, the lease of the Louisville and Nashville road haa thirty years to run from July 1, 1872, and is renewable forever; so Colonel Cole can hardly take that line. As to the purchase of the Memphis and Charles ton rond, Mr. Newcomb said he had heard that Colonel Cole bad such a project in mind. but he seemed to apprehend no danger there. In resard to the matters mentioned in the special, Mr. Newcomb said that they were not important enough to require com merit irom him. Heeded for tbe IStervInc Poor of Ire land Tbe Want to Come JL Cry for Blankets and Clothtnc. Dublin. March 3. Much larger contribu tions will be needed to meet the distress the next five mouths. The Mansion house com mittee Hre in the expression of the opinion tbat the most serious distress is yet to lie met, principally during tne montnsot May, June and July. are now ea- - r.iblished tor the reception acd distribution of donations of seeds of all suitable descriptions, blankets and clothing, and any kind ot food. 31 A INK' fflUDDLK. IVhite Mweara That Be Sever Bribed Nov Attempted to Bribe Any-ote-- A Lie Out Somewhere. AudfSTA, Me, March 3. Wallace R. White, tie person charged with attempting to bribe Swau and Uarriman to vacate their seats in the fusion legislature, was examined before the legislative committee to day and denied in toto the statements that he paid money eitueir bwan or Uarriman to in- duce the said resignation of tbeir seats in the l.'im'.at.ure. He-ha- had interviews with both ot them iu wbich they intimated their in ten tioo to resign their positions. White com mended them highly on their intentions, as sistiag iu tho preparation of papers in their case, but neither gave nor offered money as aa inducement tneretor or for any other pur pose. Ursat in Mexico. Galveston, March 3 The News special from tbe City of Mexico, twenty-secon- d ulti mo, says President Diaz gave a banquet in bouor ot Oeneral Grant the night previous in tbe National paiace. All the members of the cabinet, the diplomatic corps and many other p Tiions we-- e present. After the banquet a festival, already announced, took place. The pL-t- i wan tastefully adorned, brilliantly and crowded with people. lion. J. M. Foster presented his letters of recall to day. Lt t tie Koekete. Little Rock, March 3. Three storehouses were burglanz-- d last nigbt, tnose ot W. A. Hern, Maxwell & Edmnndson, and A. San dereou 1 ne hrht annual commencement exercises of tho Arkansas medical college took place last nigbt. and was quite a notable occasion. The graduating class was addressed by Gov- ernor Miller and Dr. Bentley, surgeon United States army. A banquet followed at the arsenal. Vlrzluia ita Her Neatroea. Dakvili.k, March 3. Judge Rives to-d- remanded Reynold, the negro sheriff of Pat rick c uinty, 10 accordance with the decision ot tue Unittd State supreme court. t'onvleted of Knbtsilesteit Danville, Va., March 3. M. II. Tread way, acpuiy-coueci- oi internal revenue. was convicted ot embezzlement to-da- y ia the L nited states those desirous ot lecoiuiug better acquainted St. Louis and Southeastern and Owens-wit- h the antecedents o! this aspi. ant j horn Nashville roads the Louisville and Presidential will be gratilkd by ad- - Nushvilla at of the directors and especially and preserved Of the on creditable and tbe la made this of unanimous to court. SENATOR MILL, OF GEOKGIA. Relieved from the Stigma Cast npon Him An Absolute and Unqualified With- - -- drawal or the Charge Against Him by the Woman, Raymond. to Other Items of News and Gossip from tne Manorial Capital Secretary of Italian Legation Dead The Chis-Uob- n Murder LeDnc's Wants So"InaHoiti Washington, March 3. Count Slta,"first secretary ot the Italian legation, is dead, ( ASKING THAT DUTIES BE REMOVED. . , A hearing was given by tha. Wars and means committee, this morning, upon a mem- orial, signed by two hundred or more mer- chants and manufacturers, praying? that tbe prohibitory datio how levied tipott chrome iron Ore and blcbrvmats of potash may be removed.. -- - THB "DUTY ON tJUtNINB, The honse committee on wa-- sad mbans gave heaeTt td-iu- to the manufactures ot Cjuinine, technicslly known as sulphate of quinine, which was removed by an act of congress during a special session, to be re- stored. They presented a memorial numer- ously to signed by drnggists and dealers of forty-eig- citief) "Vaucrts parts of iha country, :aV("L;ng in 1 in port duty on foreign of quinine of at least ten per cent, advalorem, NOMINATIONS, CIVIL AND MILITAKT. The senate confirmed the following nomi- nations : United Slates Marshals Joseph Kerns, for the eastern district of Fenhsylrania; E. S. earpey; dislrifit of tj.egou. Postmasters Miss M. Huston. Millers-bur- g. Obi"; N. K. Mackenzie, Wellsville, Ohio; M. D. Kirk, Sturgis, Michigan. Indian Agent. Charles Belknap, Tu!e riv- er agency, California. Army Promotions. Lieutenant-Colone- l Elwell S. 0:is to be colonel of the Twentieth regiment of infantry; Major A. J. Dallas to be lieotenant-colone- ! of the Twenty-secOn- d infantry; Uaptain J. S. Fietcher to be major of the Twenty-thir- d infantry. THE CHISHOLM MURDER. The trial of Virgil Gully for the murder of Ex State Senator John P. Gilmer, one of the victims of the (Jbioholui massacre, will com mence at DKalb, Mississippi, on Monday next. District Attorney Ford will conduct tbe prosecution, assisted by Judge Ware, United States district attorney tor the south ern district ot Mississippi. Mrs. Uilmer, widow of the murdered man, leaves Wasa-ingto- b. to attend the trial as a witness. SOME OF LB DUCS WANTS. Commissioner LeDuc, in a letter to Repre sentative LeFevre, says that the wants oi the agricultural department nre many and urgent. A suitable building is needed lor the accom- modation of emploves, for storage and handling of seeds, and for continuous exhi bition of Agricultural produce cf this great nation. Tbe commissioner urgently recom- mends the addition of a division Of forestry. meteorology and a veterinary division. Sum ming up tbe needs in a single phrase, tbe commissioner says that the department needs opportunity. RETRACTING THE CHABGE AGAINST HON. BEN H. HILL. Jessie Raymond, in whose bshalf Mrs. Belva Lockwocd yesterday filed papers in this city in a suit against Senator B. H. Hiil for alleged seduction, furnishes to-d- the following statement: Whereas, a salt has been filed br Belva Lockwood. an attoroej-at-la- In the District of Columbia. In mr name, aga nst Benjamin H. Hill, tbe same be- ing an action of damages for seduction and the sup port or a child, now, oi mr own iree will and eon- - sent, wltbout pay or reward or promise thereof, I declare tuat I have no cltlm whatever against Ben- jamin H BHI, and that be Is not my secucer. Tbat the papers tiled by said Lockwood were filed without my Knowledge or consent ano against my solemn protest. That they were never read over to me or by me. and their eo.itenti were unknown to me. and no onto, was t ut to me or taken by me In said case. SETTLING THE UTE8. The secretary of the iuterior had a :onfer- - ence with Chief Ouray, the Uncompahsgrs and White river Utea this afternoon, at which tbe Indians virtually agreed to accept the terms of the government and cede their r!a?iiuigHIsnreached the secretary will submit the details of the agreement to congress. It is thought that the White river Utes will be removed to Mintab reservation in Utah, acd that Ouray and the Uncompahagres will be settled in severalty on land on the Grand river in Utah. At a previous interview the southern Uce delegation consented to give np their present reservation. Tney will probably bt located in a strip ot land bounded by the La Pi at to river in New Mexico and near the Varri--j oe reservation. Killed by a Cowardly Hnaband. Carthaoe, N. C, March 1. Last night George M'Faden, living in Richmond coun- ty, about forty miles southeast of this place, shot and fatally wounded his wife, a young girl about eighteen or twenty years old. He entered his bouse acd on perceiving a young boy seated near the fire be began accusing her of inconstancy, at the same time threat- ening her life. Becoming alarmed at his threats, she made an Rttempt to get under the bed out of his reach, but while she was in a stooping position, he seized her and threw her down, find, drawing his revolver, placed it against her side and fired, the ball passing through the loer lobe cf the right lung and pasting through the diaphragm Indued in tho lett side. The enraged man then tu.red and fired to shots at tbe young man by the, hre, but fortunately neither took effect. He then told his wife, who lay gasp ing on the floor, that if that did not kill her he won d return and complete tne job, and then fled ont the open door and made good his escaroe. although he was pursued by a number of his neighbor, who it was said were determined to lynch him on sight, lhe young wife died a few hours after she was shot, m aden baa only oeen married a lew weeks. The girl was highly respected by all of her neighbors. It is cot believed that the inhuman husband had any cause to eueprct the woman of infldeiitv in her relations with tho boy touud in her room on tbe night ot tne traced v. or any one else. Her conduct had always been remarkably modest aud unas aumiog. Had dnleide An Unrequited Love. Syracuse. March 1. The pretty village of Cortland, some tony miles south ot Syracuse, is shocked bv the suicide ot Miss Jalia ii-'- n linim, a young lady ot vane- - accompusn- - raents acd acsnowieagca personal oeaury, For sometime pubt Miss Benjamin has been laboring ULder mental depression, occasioned by an ati'idr ot the heart. She is understood to have deeDlv loved a voung man. resident in tbe village, who pretended to return her anectioa. lceir engagement had been an nnuncM and congratulations accepted. Re cently, however, th8 oooject of Miss Benja- min's love beet' mo estranged from her, a state of affairs which caused her "reat nn easiness, tor which her friends bad been una ble to account, see having been ot an un commonly light-hearte- d disposition. Oa Thursday she secluded herself from the rest of the household. Lite in the evening it was discovered that she bad taken strychnine with suicidal latent. Physicians were called in. but their efforts proved unavailing. Death ensued at one o'clock this morning. She left a note addressed to her father. which was as follows: "Please let me have a funeral at the Methodist church, as 1 am a member and was once a christian. God for sive. This is terrible. Falsehood is wretch ed when told by tbe man one loves." Miss Benjamin was the daughter cf Mr. Wesley Ber jamin, or the brm ot .Benjamin Brothers Her lather is one of the most respected resi dents of the village. The girl was a great social favorite. Her Ege was twenty years ab In Bess's Time. Pall Mall Gazette: In good Queen Bess's reign. A. V. 1 hnd a paragraph in tne Queen's sroetca which reads oddly at the present morar-nt- : "Her highnes thinketh it not meet thdt any sholde have further liber- tie to speke or talke yu tbat howse ot any matter other than that wich is there to be pro-non- and that thev sholde leave to talke rhetorics and speke logice; to leave longe tales, which is rather an ostentacion of wytt than to any e fleet e, and to dealt with those thiugs are herewith to be proponed; tbat go- - ynge effectually to the matter they might disuatche tbat they were sent for, and that they might the sooner returne home." And at tbe close of the speech tbe queen rose, "wUhinge the wolde be more quiett than they were at the last tyuie." A Dying Woman Olaowned br Her at unhand. Leadville Chronicle: 'A sadjetory comes from the Sister a hospital, which, if true, stamps oue of the principals as the basest of men. A couple of days ago a woman died there of pneumonia, wbo gave her name as Mrs. James Crow, and stated that her bus- - band was one of the furnace men at Grant's smelter. Before dying she stated by way of explanation as to wbv she was not with her husband that it li on ficcoiint cf his exces- sive cruelty. Tbey were married in Ireland some years ago, and the fruits of that mar- riage were two children. He sometime ago emigrated to this country, and in due season found his way to'Leadville and;his present po- sition. His wife was very anxious to come to him, and something lite three months ago, m&i.aed La rake and scrape money enough bring herself met. and leavinsr her chil- - tier nrotiSer came on and joined her husband. He was not overly rejoiced to see her, and in a few days disowned her. She went out doinffsvork as a servant girl, and taking sick died as above described. He was notified of bet deafa, but refused to take any action in the matt in simply soy ins that the dead Woman was not his wife. She will be given a christian c jrrjaj by the corinty." . "t STATISTICS VOF STATESMEN Cempoaln- - the LecleUtare of Hlsaia. lppl A Pleitts of JeAVreon llavla iXw Mm Dorae. Measdrloc Sew-I-oa- s and other Work In Bvtb Heoae Anethe? Row Penitentiary Bin. i ,. r Special to UjelppeaU r ., Jack'oh, March Senate A concurrent resolution was adopted unanimously express- ing thanks to Mrs. Sarah A. Dorsey for a crayon portrait of Jeffjrson Davis, of this State, representing him in actual garb when captured, and instrocting the State librarian plane the pietura in a suitable place along with the fietograbh ;ettSr It-a- Mt. Davis. Fasted : An act to amend charter of board trustees to establish a publishing house to print hooka ia raisett letters for the blind; an act to establish a rule of measurement for saw-log- s and square timber. the The senate ret used to concur in t he house amendments to the bill to reqniro the cf convict orl warlrs cf internal the The bouse can have another fight over it. House. All local bills of minor interest. Both houses held two sessions durirg the day and another to night. A strong effort will be made to get through Saturday. a As a matter of curiosity, tbe report shows that of the oae hundred and twenty officers and members, forty-sig- ht are native Missis-sippia- ns ., slid the balance all eouthern-bor- n. The farmers and planters number eixty-on- lawyers; thirty-two- ; editors, two. the Forty-five- - are Methodists, twenty Baptists, Te nineteen Presbyterians, and the balance very much divided. One hundred and ten are married; how many have their wives with them is not mentioned. Now, who wonders that they want to go home ? by by ess In the State larlc the Teu 1879 the jVaets and jTisrnree Complied by IS tate Iisirute Commis- sioner Folk. the C lonel M. T. Polk, State insurance com- missioner of Tennessee, has just concluded all the compilation of the appended tacts and figures, showing the receipts and losses in Tennessee during the year 1879 by fire and of marine insurance companies of other States: Amount Premiums Losses Wrtitm. Received. Ineurr'd. Aetna Fire, of Hartford .... 1,947,94 0 24,83 J 08 7,321 42 American Cen tral, ol St. Louis...'. .... 373,408 CO 6,035 5t! 827 55 Boylston, Mutu- - al, of Miss... 63,400 00 933 35 none Commonwealth of Mass 125,042 00 1,057 90 765 00 Coonecttc't Fire of Hartford.. 840,912 00 9,439 50 1,974 67 Continental, of New York 845,577 00 8.082 84 2,820 71 Franklin Fire, of Pdlla .... 509,80400 7,99501 9,367 45 Fire Association of Pblla 1,080,629 00 18,373 03 686 54 Fireman's Fund of Cal. 241,589 00 3.07180 551 72 flermnn Fire, nf NewYork.... 299.219 50 433476 2,199 93 Gtrard. F. & L. of Pblla 58,065 00 702 20 697 09 Hanover ,of New York 299,219 50 4,334 76 2,299 94 Hnrt!nrd Klra.of Hertford 1,057,252 00 20,913 93 12,406 77 Home, of New York ..2,288.089 00 27,147 53 37,052 44 Insurance Co.. o: N.Amrc a. 743 985 00 11,584 69 5,2o4 63 Manhattan, of New York... 195.140 00 2.378 02 8,085 14 I Haoufactuieis', F a, M.of Bos- ton 202,377 00 2.758 40 1,653 07 National, of "rtford. 203,125 00 2,431 02 57S 92 ?57Br.r."..v wu,mw North'n, ol Now OK York 96,337 00 1.873 69 none, I Northw'strn Na- tional. of Wis. 539,569 00 5.513 26 6,276 65 Orient Mutual, of NeYork.. 986,281 00 4.432 38 none. Phmnli. Brrok-- l,n. N. Y 1.120,810 00 14,418 25 7.651 12 PbiBDlx.of Hart-- lorn i,ii,eauu iu.oouz 8,637 00 Stand am jrire.oi ny liu.uzauu 2,372 46 1,080 50 Springfield F & M, or mass., zrto.ooo uu 2,713 39 1,549 34 Traders, of Cbt- - easo 411.010 33 8.347 29 3,196 76 Westchester, of n x oau.wzu uu 5.159 19 5.588 24 FOREIGN COMPANIES. British America Assurance, ot Canada 506.198 00 7.179 67 2,484 83 La Cnlsa9 en- - erai iie,oi rar- - Is iru 3,921 98 3,175 33 Jommerclal Un f ion, ol Lon- don 215,926 CO 2,632 62 1.689 72 Hamburg - Bre men, or uer-- mnj j4l.tz uu 10,00- - a 6.122 60 Hamburg -- Had- Kenburg, 01 liermahv.... 168,507 66 2.075 80 Imperial, cf , Lonaon ftio.viouu o.o&iuu 3.371 00 r.nMlhlM Af Maocnester. .. woo.woo iu iawiu n.iro Liverpool and uiooe. or Lon-rin- filobe of Liverpool.. 1.569.443 00 19.607 48 5.262 46 London Assur ance, 01 Lon- don 634,610 00 9,467 52 5,358 11 Northern Assur ance, ol Lon- don 476,076 00 6,511 00 3 371 00 Nortn German, of Bam burg, GsrmanT. 213,675 00 3,877 25 18411 North British 4 Mercantile ot London. .1.579,330 00 21,508 65 8.924 58 nneen- - nr Liver- - pOOl l,l(HiDWW LQlODQ ll,uuol nn,, nf T.lvr. liool 1.86758 00 27.633 18 19,184 86 BC 01118 D COm- - meve I ft I nr Glasgow 462.322 00 7.47417 6,384 14 VmI.ph a ..nr. anee, ot can. twu.obo uj lo.otw ao o,w HOME COMPANIES. Bluff City, Ot MemDbis .... no report. Commercial, of Nashville TJ n 11 t ft hie nf . . . n nn . . . n nn no ia A AO , TO Q O A ( nasnvuie 2 ui,4io uu 111,400 u Hern ando. 01 Memphis norenon. num. nf VCam. nbls iu,i90 0 8,900 71 Knoxvllle Fire, of Kooxvuie.. H.ovi 20 813 50 Memphis City re ana gen- eral Ins. Co. . 9,544 17 1,209 22 Mi... VKllev. of Memphla no report. Planters, of Memphis..... no report. Peoples.ofMem- - pnis. l.s.j, latt uu zzizoi 40 6,591,22 Pbtienlz,ofMem phis. 19,893 62 4,81199 State, of Nash- - Villa. 2,382.48 UO .S4lfl W 9,532 21 ferocity of the Nihilists. New York Sun: "The ferocity of the Russian nihilists is equaled only by the most degraded Spanish and Italian assassins. Tbe crimes committed by the French com munists are acts ot valor when compared witb tbe misdeeds of these criminals. The p.nmmnnista foueht ODenlv. and exposed tbeir own lives on tbe barricades ana the torts, while the nihilists stab in the dark and from behind. It would not be at all surprising to nee. one ot tnese nne aav. tne xvussian pens- ants rise like one man throughout the leng'h and breadth of the whole empire and exter minate all the students, professors, doctors. la wvers and other educated men. Ine Kus- - siaa Deasant. as well as the Russian soldier, is a truly loyal brute. Both know it is in the universities and schools tnacniniusm is orea. and thev mav easily make up their minds to put a stop to this plague tbe same way they nnra tripd ta nut a atoD to the cbolera to- - wit, by murdering all the medical men and chemists, whom they suspected of spreading tbat disease." Chicago Water. Indianapolis Journal: "Chicago water possesses another quality that renders it un desirable for purposes of consumption ia its raw state. A physician told me to-d- ay tbat it contains, to a disgustingly great extent, the germs of the tape-wor- and that any person who saturates nis system mteraauy with the vile stutl is naoie to accumulate one of those luxuries, which none but persons ot wealth can support. Made a Hole la the Water. Columbus, March 3. Mrs. Julia Ann Jenkins suicided at Mt. Vernon this morn- ing. She tied her lower limbs together and jumped into a cistern, while ber husband and children were aoeenii. vuc 1. ungucu, MURDER OF MELIKOFF Attempted by tbe Fanatics of the Kusslan Capital An Idiotic, Hair-Drunk- Tool of the Nihilists Capture of trie Lunatic by tbe Cossacks. Hot After Hartmann 1 Russian Officer Seeking Him in Paris Melikon Congratulated by the Poten- tates on his Escape Tbe Kaiser! Letter. St. Petersburg, March 3. There is much reason to h pe that with the appointment of General MelikctT, the course of Russian lite will be gradually to me a back to its normal channels of development without the em ployment of any more hnrsh or incompete .t measures. Valiejett, the president ot tue council of ministers, has been created count. AT THE RISK OF E1S LIFE. General Melikcff, chief of tho new supreme executive commission,', was fired at by a young man with a revolver thio afternoon when alighting from his carriage at bis resi dence, in Grand Maskaia street. General Melikon was not Hurt. The man was imme diately seized by the CoBsacks. Tbe bullet passed through the back folds ot vienerai Melikoff's cloak. Tbe would-b- e assassin fired vhen tuite clso ti Meukoff. The assassin attempted to Erb a eecond shot at General Melikcff before he was seized, but waa prevented by a blow from general. The city is again illuminated. DRUNK WHEN ARRESTED. The man who shot at General MelikotT is a ssmi-idhti- o person, and was probably a tool in hatds of the nihilists: He seemed to be drunk when be was arrested. DETAILS OF THE CELEBRATION ON TBE SECOND OF MARCH. After tbe morning serenade the czir held reception, at which the tfheers of the im perial iutte and of the higher grades of the army were present. At halt-pa- eleven o'clock the members of the council and civil functionaries were received. At noon there was a solemn precession to the palace church, cfcar escorting the .csarina. After the Deitnt had been su he ceir received the diplomatic body on the throne. This was followed by a brilliant assembly, at which four thousand guests were present. At three o'clock in the afternoon a cantata, composed Prince Pct-ero- of Oldenburg, was sung six hundred school ihiidren, the perform ance concluding with the national anthem and bymn. honi Lire the Ctar. lhe Duch of Edinburgh officiated tor the c farina at assembly, lhe Date ol .iioburgb was present at all the ceremonies, wearing tbe uniform of the duchess's regiment of lancers. The publication of Emperor Wilhelm s letter of congratulations to the czar, with countersignature of Prince Bismarck, has created a very favorable impression in the European capitals. HUSTIHO BABTUAKS . .. Paris, March 2. A super cr functionary tbe Russian ministry cf justice has ar rived here end delivered to Prince Urioa sup- - DlemeDtarv documents criminating Hart mann in the Moscow explosion. CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES. The Duke of Edinburgh, all the high offi cials and others, have congratulated General a Melikcff on his escape Irom assassination to day. Reports from the interior descnoe tbe festivities acd rijo'cing a general, mere were fttes on a grand scale at Moscow, Caar- - koff, Warsaw, Rega, T flm and other large towns. No disturbance. to LAW REPORTS. Uniu-- d tte Courfe Hon. Juki Bx- - t-- r end F. S; Htnmocil.aatci, rre-idi- sc It The tollowinc business wis trsnsac'ed on yesterday: Mtmphis and V;ckiburg packtt company vs steamer tjaariPS uoatnan, cear- - mg ot testimony conciuaea, argument to commence this morning; K-ir- r vs steamer Illinois argument to be resumed this morn- ing: Doited States vs Julius Bdbr, perjury. jury verdict of not fcuilty. cirrult Conrt Hon. Jamee O. Fierce, j naste. Cdccdar for to dav: 417. Heatbman va White; 5613. Berlin vs Terrell; 5672, Weaver, trustee,, vs Curry; W uD?vle vs Barpfti ?allff;'?Kr?. Armuo a Trobaugh; 6865, Es(1 srai,h. I11K1. LOMBA8D Wednesdsy morning, March 8. 1880, Mrs Jolia A. Lombard, mother of Mrs. T. B. Treze- - vant and Mrs. S P. Walker. Funeral from the residence ot S. F. Walker, No. 364 Potf'otnc. (THUKSDAY). at 8 o'clock. Societa di L'nione e Fratellanza Italians. members of tbe Societa dl Unlone e Fratel THE Italian will m?et at tbeir h ill, 260 Sec- ond street, this (THURSDAY) night, at 7 :30 o'clock, March 4tn. A lull attendance 1 requesieo, es Bus- iness of importance will be transacted. A. a. VAWJ.au, jrrenaenk E. Piehotti. Secretary. Masonic Notice. A TEMPHIS ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. IVi No. 95. F. and A. M.. will work this. t HITRSDA Y evenlr-g- . at 7:30 o'clock, at the lodge-roo- Masonic Temple. In the' Past Masters Degree. A lull aesireu. Visiting P. M.'s tmlernMlv Inilted. ey order w. o. nAiiii&no, t. r. Jobs D. Hush, Secretary. THK PCBIilC WILL TlKR NOTICE Tbat tbe order of the Poximseter-tien- - eral aaainet tbJIallsor the juonl.lana State i.etteryCempnny la REC1N1BI. Rexistercd Letters and Honey Urdro eon be seat tbroush tbe nialla as for- - merly. REPORT OF THE COS s IT ION OF THE State National Bank, At Memphis, In the State ot Tennessee, at tte close or DU'iness, reDruaryzi. lonu. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .$587,155 73 Overdrafts 2.K11 05 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation . 250,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. . 6,856 25 Due from approved re- - nerve airents S 1 19 Due from other National Bantu Z Due from State banks and bankers 12.684 87 58,684 87 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures. .. 57,030 88 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,505 22 Premiums paid 5.000 00 Exchanges for clearing- - house? $35,294 86 Bills of other Banks 34,500 00 Specie (Including gold Treasury ceruucawj vi T.ul Tender notes 75.000 00 146.294 36 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 percent. 01 circulation j 1,010 ou Total. ..SI, 125,918 61 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 5250,000 00 Surplus fund..,.. SM.OOO 00 Undivided proms ir,ioi 00 an,inj aa N itional bank notes outstanding 222,720 00 Dividends unpaid 652 00 Inriivl.liinl flenoHlu sun- - ieet to check S499.121 22 Demand certificates of de- posit 52,001 95 Due to other Nat'nl Banks 5 1 ,406 2 1 Due to State banks ana bankers -- - zu,z oa ozvj,jow zd Total $1,125,913 61 State of Tennessee, County of Shelby ss. I, J. A. Hayes, jr., iaauier ui uie auuvo-unuic- bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. A. UAIIL9. Jit, ittamer. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this teenty-elgbt- h day of February 1KX0. M. B. TREZKVANT, Notary Public. Correct Attest: A. WOODRUFF. T. J. LA HAM, H. L. COFFIN, Directors. 10,000 VI3il0 FOSt SALE LOW, AT COLE A CO.. 5,000 DOORS-F- OB SALE LOW, AT eofuK m cu.'s. PA IB KLIN ON 3,000 FOR SALE LOW, AT COLE A 4 O.'t Notice to Shippers of Cotton-See- d consequence of the great and continued decline IN in the price of Oil and Cake, tbe Memphis Cot- ton Seed Association is compelled t reduce the price of seed or work them at a loss. On and after the 10th of March, they will pay per Ten for CJood. Monud Heed, delivered at Memphis. Our friends are again r quested to ship none but sound seed, es unsound ones are not worth tbe cost of frel'ht 4 JOHN T. FLYNN. Secretary Memphis Cotton Set d Association. CLIFFORD'S FEBRIFUGE THE GREAT MALARIAL ANTIDOTE. ' It eared me of Chills and Fever." Cfcaa. I. Waller, Qulney. EL "It eared me of Billons Ferer." jTnuutGAQse. St. Loot It eared me of Fever and Arae." OUver Smith, Sprlusaeld. Mo. "It eared me of periodical headache." Com. JL. UOaiMUar, JLuuitUIo, Bl. "It eared me of Dumb Ajrae. it. r. Snot, Dead wood. IX T. " It eared oar child of Chills. Be. i. Cbaee, St. Loot. "It eared me of Dumb Arae. B-- O. JUn&bSrr, FooOac, Mich. " It und my life." H. W. Pool New Tark CKy. " It Is a superior medicine.' Dr. Tm. O. Hubbard, Clnrtnntrf It baa eOeeted wonderful euree." Oempoell McNeil, MocuejTlue. Hi. "It UnSoeeeea. J. B. Dicker, Newton, Kansas. "It rives great aatlafaetlon.n Uu'l Uenr. Carml, BL " It never folia te ear." W. jr. jtpmeler, Xraasrllle. lad, " It ia a valuable remedy." 'm OTiill. Mn"K-V-- ". "It rave immediate Relief." Wm. A. rood. St. Joseph. Mo. " It la very nllable.'' L. W. Roes, Bavana, BL " It boa saved hundreds ." Boyce a Qetrflider. Chilli nnthe. Mix "It pro-re- d a Soeeese. T. JT. Baahro, Green Tills. Tom. " It to aa excellent Tonle. na, 8. Mono. St. Louis. its alTeeU are weftderfot.' Oea S. Wriht, IfMUanmolla "ItaoiMtaetwyuutum.'' ... i. i. Moilaulay, KksliTUle, 111. - It U the beet In ue. tt. 8. Fuller, Keokuk, Iowa. " It takes the lead." Psal G.Schuh. Cairo, BL "ItUthe beet known." i. K. Somes, Terre Bsute, Ind. It eared me when Docto'ni f aihvi ." Z. S. r:"t""'"i MkaonaSter, N. H. "It effects remarkable Cnrej ." isA.X. Bsllsrd, Vlnceanes, Ind. " It Is infallible." W.E. Smith, Bsrtferd, Oonn. "Ule safe and speedy." ' B. Hoffksmp, St Louis. " Ite merits recommend It." i. JL JOuuUiU, M.D, Bockdxle, Texas. J. C. RICHARPSOM, Proprietor. GENERAL, AGENTS I RICHARDSON & CO., WTholesole Dragarlats. St. lionls. Fabrifore is Sold by all Drurrlsta. Public SaleReal Estate "CAMP MARKSJ FOR SALE. OX SITU CD AT, FEBRUARY 28, 1880, AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M., tying on both sld"6 of t .e Mississippi and Ten- nessee R llroad for known as PKTEB MITCHEL S SPRIa TRACT. Three (tprlaas or ucver-railln- c water. The best timbered upland in West Tennessee. Beautiful Solid-te- s Mitea. end well ohaderf. Two ridges run para 'lei to the 1 allioad one on either side with aradual slope to the road-be- All those who spent be summer at Camp Harks can tell iou of ine nat- ural beauty of th s tract. It will be sola in lotsof from 20 to 50 acres. In addition to this tract. I bave another to be sold same day. lying lust north of Nonoonnah Crtek and east of M. and T. R B. Forty acre of this tract In cleared; balance In good timber. This land Is equal Mississippi river bottom, and has beutltul build- ing site on It. This tract will not be divided. M ps can be seen at the office of fccales ft Win- chester, Attorneys, No. 39 Mailson street. Mr. Peter Mlt?nei will iae pleasure m those over the land who go to look at It. Trains run every day io the lftnd, so that those who desire can go out ai 6:H0 a m. aud 2-- 30 p.m. and come mat 10 am. ano 6 Din. No such has evei been eHered to men of nmall means who want sotrurbao boaies. Tkhms of 6 alb Half cash; balance In twelve mooins; lien retained on land. Placb or Salb Corner of Main and Madison streets. Memphis. Tenn. 'rmTCEEU Scales ft Winchester, AU'js, 39 Madison st. Thle Sale was postponed oa aeeoant of tbe weetner. lt will take plaee on THl'RSDAY, March 4t.li, Man, witb ont fall. PKTKK HlfCHKL NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. m r it. rne nnnminiM commissioners annnmuKI V V by the Ccuoty Couri cf Shelby county. Tennes see, to nave ine Dnnge ouui bctusb aihicuuiihu creek, oa tbe Cow Island road, will receive sealed proposals up to 91 area SO, IseO, at 1 o'clock an.. at which tlms we will open all bids and award tbe building or said Dnage. hi me oiuce ui ,. v mh, tbe County Survetor. Planand aicclflcattons can h. Men Ht lhe oftise or C. C. Burk. County Surveyor. Tbe Commissioners reserve the right to reject any anl all Olds, mis rtoruarj 10. insu. C. E. SMTTH, R. H. WKAYER, E. ENSLbY. Commissioners. UI CO 03 S C2 S3 r5 CD a o in o oa us 1 CO UJ ca SsherilTi SSali of Real Kstat- - NOTICE Is hereby given that byvlrtueof PUBLIC to me directed from tbe Honor- able Circuit Court of Shelby county. Tennessee, In pjuia nf A H Doui lass vs. James Cornell el al ludg-- ment rendered March 29. 1878. for the sum of two hundred end Otty-fo- dollars and ten cents, with Interest and costs ol suit; and also by virtue of two writs of venditioni exponas to me directed fmm the Honorable Circuit Court of saldcountyln the cases of Fannie iCirk, assignee, etc , vs. James Cornell. Judgments rendered on the 21st day of Au- gust, 1871. for the aggregate sum of t.o hundred and "eventeen aorrars ana araiiriuur ku -- im Interest and costs ot suits; to satisfy said Judgments, etc., I will, on Tuesday, the 61b. day of April. IttHO, in levai hnnrs. in front of the Courthouse in the Tax of Shelby county. Tennessee, proceed to sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fallowing described property, Part of lot No. 217, being the north h Uf of said lot fronting on Main street vl feet, running back between parallel lines along lhe alley 74 feet, being the southeast corner of Main street and the alley between Adams and Washington streets, covered by a threeetorj brick bouse or store known as No. 206 Main street. In tbe city of Memphis, rtwlbj county, Tennessee, und now oreunled ss a. tobacco and clear store by A. 8. Myetit, and tne same lot convey ea Dy iotoudb a. ocuiroirr to James Cornell by deed duly registered In teed Book No. 127, page 160 In the Register's office of fihelhv county. Tennessee, to which reference Is itinrin fnr h fun deMdintlnn. Levied on as 1 he property of defendant, James Cor.iell, to satl.-r- y said judgment, interest ana costs. Memphis, 2d cay of Haieb. 1880. E. L. M'GOWAN, sheriff Shelby county. By Ban lei U. Shelby. Deputy auenn. M. D. L. Stewart. Attorn'y for PlHlntlff. thn HEW fine eooosi Largest Assortment! Fine Qualities! All (Shapes! Beaver, Felt and Silk HATS! Opposite Conrt Mqnare. Non-Ueside- nt Notice. No. 891, R. D. In the Probate Court of bhelby county. Tenn.-- T. C. Shelby vs. W. I. eigler et aL appearing from tbe orgtnlal bill In tnls cause, IT which Is sworn to, tbat the defendants. A. L. Roy vi 1 Dm .m ot the Slate of Tennessee,' and residents of lhe State Ar7na7hAMrnM oamri That thev make tbeir of ap bereln, at the courthouse of our said Pro-bi-te court. In the Taxing-Distri- of Shelby county (Memphis). Tennessee, on or before the brat Mon- day in April. 1SS0. and plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same will be taken for conlessea as vo mem .....raiw, and tbat a copy of this order tie published once a week, for four successive woe., m uie nempuis Weekly Appeal. This 1st day of Msreh. 18H0. A copy aitest - " m i w 1 u, x, iwrs . By Hugn n. ouiieu, ikvuh vivrft. t. D. L. Stewart, esoi, tor commu nis. inu MENKEN We are now prepared to 8how the most Superb aiul ExtensiTe Assortment CT Choice Goods which has ever been displayed in this city . Our resident buyers In the East Messrs J. A . & J . S. Menken, with a corps ot assistants furnish, us from day to day with the freshest from the Looms of this country and the most striking novel- ties as they arrive from Europe. Silks, fine Dress Hoods, House Fur- nishing Goods, Gloves, Laces.and Embroideries in the great est variety. ON THE SECOND jVLUOII VK DIS1Mj4Y everything useful and new in Ladies' and Children's Heady-Mad- e Gar- ments, Corsets, Infant-- ' Outflts,Etc. COS!. 5JAIN" AI1 COUBT GrfOnr Prices must naturally be the Lowes?, hariog1 purchased heavily before the Advance, as evidenced byflnr crowded Establishment and Warehonae I & , BROTHERS n! i f Mteilf til Bny nt The Balance of the Stock of Walker Bros. & Co. must be Closed Cut within the next THIRTY DATS. The Entire Stock is of- fered folly 50 per cent, below present value. SiOEE FOtt UE-V- FIXTURES FOR SILK. .V4LKKK IIKOS. CO 229 . J.. MKAr W K. K. HKACHAX. JT. B. IroVOW. W XX5XjsJgt,A.TCEr : : : : p X. K. late I - to of aod flne our lame rtc or the bsst or this Oar We have no use for false the of the cause Bad Is and JL s An with a ripe old pure we be lino or of acd all j. t ST.,CIay Hnildicc Kates', Ffaer Co.1 GrocerSb Cotton factors, AND SikiT AGENTS, aLoO UMijra street. Iptsi hiH.JTr- - KSTKf. Kates. "OAS, H.-thl.- Tcn BSTES.DOAN & CO Maccesisars Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors Aud CommItiion 51ercfaanta. una Ut Union Street. JfTeini hi Bourlion Tonic combination Boncset other tonics, Entarky Wblsky. From select purpose. Ten.e mnet pretenses. ForDjs-lepsl- a. Debility, Feebleness Delicate Women, ibePrce-tratio- n Clergymen, morbid tecretlona which Bronchial Weakneis,.tt adeltdous reliable remedr. BonGSSt elegant wbLskles, nothing:. Malaria, Overworked Breath, jt. REClSTERETii WllOLiVj t3 ft? if I rftftups and Nos. 371-37- 3 Main street, Memphis. J, M. fwlkes, W. .4,atbr?ath. 1W.BJH1BREATHHO0 COTTON ra-U- ur Warebonse (Mnlnal Storage Company) Is now open, ready to rece i v tii mi which we BIT" i37HF J. AS. Moore. 351 Jno. W. Ol Hard. Factors .1. SS.. Arbucltie. J. fV. stock of in MAIV Flier!' dk3 OO.y MB Ai ESTS. heupbu BURT Oil & 80b . 4 n Lotion r actors - FACTOR will make liheral tih artvano. J.B. ALDRICH & CO. Wholesale and JRetall Dealers in all kinds SEWING MACHINES! And Sewins-Machin- e (ioods. GENERAL AGENTS FOR E. BUTTERICK & CQ.'3 PATTERNS And KAHHIOS PTJBl-ICATIOXe- J, Ko. 254 SECOJSD ST., IRVING BLOCK. HTemnliio. . .Tenneee ji. X. liHNHf 11- - his IZ. La. Cofiin. ri 4. Him RiOORE, B AS SETT k Doalor w lxx oors, Sash, Blinds, Ivloldings, lumber, Isath and Shingles, recoTMl street. : !?nemT,1iiw. Tenn. TABU Cotton and tOtftPPTPf ft C?fl Wholesale Grocers, tticttartlson. J. lOWfilll. ARBU CKLE.RICHARDSON & Co Wholesale Grocers & Cotton Factors, . . . PHOST MTBKIW IKeel k 1o d twwi W Ktli'H I i1ANUFACTUREitS OF CIGAHS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Tobacco. Pi -- es and Smoker'a Articles. 286 Main street, rVSemphis and 310 East 54th street, New York. Respectfully their friends and the trad, that they e V , """L""r.. cited, m -- JIHnreed: the market. uroniin so goods

Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1880-03-04 [p ].suspended his remarks, to resume agnin to-morrow. After an executive session tho tenet a ad-journed. WHAT WAS DONE IN THK

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Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1880-03-04 [p ].suspended his remarks, to resume agnin to-morrow. After an executive session tho tenet a ad-journed. WHAT WAS DONE IN THK



A or Tennessee and f ohio valley, occa-sional rnn, folhrej clearing weather,tenuis mdnly.- - , , s,rv wmrfs, stifion- -

gher barometer.

VATtlKU OBSKKVATlOil.Wa imp'T.flr'iMtl, aBVICB. D. 8. ARMY, I

Wini'at. Mnich :i. I HHP, 10.OS p. in. fPlace ol . Wind. Weatu-D- r.p Tti.r. I Kara. ) or.

S. Gentle. Lt. r'n.tin 8 8. imltv fair.

I ;M!rn... :;M If ( 8. RrUk. Fair.LvitU'S.'u.. 7; ti: S. Fresb, Cloudy.J'B i t ... 9 Mo III! f. Brisk. Cloud J.

a it HI S. Uaiille. Clear.:n).i H'.l . Gentle. Hazr.

j'irevijpurt... 70 r. Kresb.Vle.tU'K... .iii.nl 71 8. Kresu. Clear.Lltlie Hock.. J'.l MH 7 8 W. Fresb. civer."

D. T. FLAKNKHY. Corp. Signal CorpsTlj, sTaT"

Trie total of fuUcripfim t, the HeraldIritt leiicf fund up (he t rtnty-nint-h ofFebruary was $i"A 0)S1 8.5.

Thk IalOrf idea ia Doston, city of notion.. ii tint h;.fth-hoe- l b fleet injuriously the tightof la jit wbo indulge in them. .

The Upublica Members 0f the Georgia1 !(iHlutarj yeiitr, jay s jlocteo two delegateto tha N4ii'jnal II ptillicA convention.

Brick Tomkiioy's gang of Grcenbackersin t ia Si. Louis yesterday ia "national con-vention," and will continue their count-y-a.wir- .g

labors to day.

I'rno.i. w, at SpnogCe! J, ULu)o"i", lattnight, and wsj entbusiasScr.lij. received,Cilloclioos r.rd receipts at the door amountedta n.'a jy oao thousand dollars.

Evkht citizen of Memphis should make itpoint to do bin duly to-da- acd vote for

the bet,t wan 'who otter for magistrate toiko tLi v'tare t f the lata George Crockett.

Thk Lojisiuna legislature haa ordered aninvestigation into the charge of bribary pre-ferred by the mayor of New Orleans against

Jid'jiihwicr, a member of thell OUe.

'ToTUASTKit (jK.vtiiAL Kkt says that on-Ii- )

the word "fraudulent" is stricken out of.options 392'J ncd 4011 revised statutes, itwill b impossible to stop registered lettersaJJrw;d to lotti-r- y 'manager.

Jakes Hiltoh iinooics, cf the New YorkKeening Express, denita tho truth of therumor that hj 1ms sold that paper to thefriends of Mr. I'ildea, cor will it be con-trolled in tho iir rt'sk of that gentleman.

rROUAUi.Y will: a view to coonidcrio waysand iDe.ms of st;fT:-'nin-

? tho backbones ofoma of the backward Presidential candi-

dates, the starch manufacturers ol the Unitedcrates ciut ia convention at Circiunati yes- -


Tub liulu-i-) of Miinliis wbo attend theluntiLei vcforuisipce at the Theater to day'fill do two coramcnjablo things pay JohnirOullough h coniphmeitt that be deserves,and contribute ti the relief of the etatvirp'jor of Ireland.

l)Kr,uoATE8 from Georgia to tho NotionalGreenback Lilor party's convention, whichU'.eets in Sj. s Thursdny, in interviewskUte tii&t tbey will advocato the claims ofHendricks, of IodUtia, for President, andWright, ot iViiuK-'vaoia- , for the secondVbm oa the tirk.f.

Onb thousand men find women werefrom tho eovccrtu.ent printiog-cdic- e

yesU.'rd iy bocaine of the t xbautition of the?prof,riaiiOQ ucoa which they depended for

psy. The cedur.tioii m the forco will con-tinue uutil the di Gcietcy till now before theiKMue lwHtaln,4 .

The t'tal nmou.it received np to date fortho land-lea.-ru- o relic! fund and land-leagu- e

political fund, uh fur ns can be ascertained attLe crlioo of tha fund, is one hundred thou-

sand ono hundred and twenty-fou- r dollars.There in no deSuite Recounts of tho amountsheld by Ibe local treasurers throughout thecountry, but it is believed they aggregatetbout seventy-Bv- o thousand dollars.

Scaiicklt has MelikolT, the new militarydictator ot lVihsiu, tuFuined the duties of hisprmitioo Voan he become tbe target of tbevevolve's of t!io tiiiilists. The telegraphfells uh that tlio war wa-- i opened upon himyesterday utterriotn by a yoims man, armed,vrtibtbly, with Ra ini;rovod Smith Jt Wesson.The dictator escaped injury, and his would- -be RMt.vxiiu was captured by tbe Cossackgltrdi.

Thb State Democratic executive committeeof Mississippi bas called a State convention,to meet ou tho second of June next, for theselection cf delegates to the National1) 'uiocrotio convention, called to nominato aPresidential electoral ticket, and they invitealt Demccrat:c-Conaervati- v citizens of Mis'sunippi, irrrs; rctive of past political afcciations and tbilVreuces, who can unite withthem in the effort for pure, economical andconstitutional government,' to jjln in sendingdelegates to tbo convrtotion.

When a nejjro in New York or Washing-ton brutally outrages or murders a whitewoman in cold bleed, scciety makes a pet ofhim as witness tho case of Chaatalne Cox.The chattily of a pure young white girl ortho lifo of a cultivated white woman are asvolbing in tho scalps with tho fanatical loveof tbe negro. The v.ai J of the nation maytearsround lika a ?ild bettat; laws in tbe"land cf culture" are tot made for his

"The land of tho free and the homeof the biai-e.-"

Gen Kital Boykton Ulegraphs tae Cm-cino-

Gui, tie, from Washington, that thapublication by Dm xrats of a speech cf Sen-

ator Bayard in ISO I, made in Delaware, on

tbe q lestion of secession, ia not injuring himamong Djiuocra's. "As a matter cf fact, it isknown that, whutevfr bis sentiments mighthave been ia the opeuing days of tbs rebel-lion, ho exerted himso.f actively and withirreat ff.xt to prevent Delaware from goingout of the Union."

Tub New York Herald i attain hammer-ing away at tho authoiiiies of that city onaccount of diriy rtreets, filthy and doath- -

Irocdiog sowers, and a con Jit ion of Hastinessthat may bo matched in Constantinople butnowhere else. Wo feel sorry for New York

We recommend the people of that city to getDr. BilliccN to fiirvev their premises andthin hiM Colonel Waring t.J put things toritthU'. Wo exteud our sympathies lo thedirt-curf- citizens of the metropolis of theworld.

The Mississippi river commission haveniade a report to congress that, we trust,will Le adopted and without delay enactedinto law, no that tho wuik it recommendsmay be U'gun this year and prosecuted lo aconclusion at as early a date as possible. Thegentlemen composing tho commission arethoroughly intelligent as to tbe Mississippiriver and what U needed to relieve the botlorn lands f.s much as posMblo Irotn over-flow, and secure a depth of channel that willmake the transportation of freights possibleall the year rotiml. If congress will do this,and pass the K:itfui bill restraining railroadcombinations, we shall, indeed, have reasonto be thankful.


Army Record Since 1S78 Amendment

to the Kevlsjd Statutes Star KonteMalls Introduction of I ills

For the Keller or Taylor'sGranddauhterf.

Senator Logan Gives his Hearers theL'eBefU or Another Chapter or his

Continaed Story on the FitzJohn Tortcr Case Honse


"Washington, March 3 Senate A com-munication was received from the eccietaryof war, frivinir tJ0 number, axe, rank, etc.,of pacers retired from the army since the actof judo, 13, 1878.

Senator Tharman, from the judiciary com-mittee, reported adversely ou the hous? billfor the removal of o'.itical disabilities of in-dividuals.

On motion of Senator M'Donald, the com-mittee on judiciary were discharged fromfurtbor consideration ot the memoruil of Johnli. M Lean, relatingfees in the Unitedcircuit court of thsouthern district O Ohio, and prayijf; for theappointment of a committee on the subject.

Oa motion of Senator Btyard, the sn.lepissed the house bill to amend sect ion M 0of the revised statute to read as follows;

Section 30W, vrhefe ft rearms, 50nle, balances,sbovels. spwiD, axes, batcacs, bammeri), .lows,cultintot. mowln-fnshln- and nwtoeni, uinuu-factutv- d

with stocks or bandies made of wood gnrtvuIn tbe United States, are mwrted tor tbe bent tit ofthe drawback under the precfdlna section, suehenl-ele- s

shall be entuixd to such drawbacks In all ce&tawhere tbe ImDoned tnatortnl eteneii one-ha- lf ortbe value ol tbe matt rial nsd-- , and where the csns

m Aho'iS or In part of IropoitsdroatenaK Oiled with product grown or producedla the United mates, are exported for tbebenefit ot such drawback, tbe name shall In alleases be entitled to tbe drawback provided fur in thepreceding section where the Imported material Usedin tbe manufaclme of such cans shall be not lessthan seventy per cent, of the value of all materia1used in tbe manufacture thereof.

Senator Wallace, from tna ooiSuiittee onappropriations, rerortei with amendmentsthe house bill to provide for the deficiency intho appropriations lor tha trannpcnatio.n ofthe mails on star routes for the fUcul yearending June 30th. Ordered printed andplaced on tbe calendar.

By Senator Vest : For thn erectin cf apubiio building at Hannibal Mittfiouri.

By Senator Jonas t f'nt toe relief of Mrs.Betty Taylor and Mrs. Knox Wood, daughterand granddaughter of Zictiary Taylor.

Senator Harris asked unanimous c insectto have taken up house bill to provide for theconstruction of a marine hospital in Mem-phis, Tennessee.

Senator Hamlin objec-cq- .

.Senator Cnrpcmtar itiba-.it'.- a J a rolutioninstructing tho committee on judiciary to in-quire whether congrets has the rufbfc to ctiakethe Indian Territory a separate judicial dis-trict, and to organiza a court or orttrta there-in; and if so, what jurisdiction onsbt to beconferred upon said courts, and to report bybiii or otherwise. Ltid over wader the rules.

Tbe senate proceeded to cons der tbecalendar bill foe the relief cf certain actualsettlers on the Kmsaa trust and diminishedrevenue lands in Kansas. P.ssed.

The bill restoring J'o the public domainpart of the Fort Iltpley (Minnesota) militaryreservation passed.

The bill lor the relief of Kdward Corseliasand seven other persons, late msmbers of theFirst Michigan cavalry veteran volunteers,was reached The Mil was adversely reportedDy the committee on military aff.ui.

Senator Baldwin advocated the bill na anextension ot tbe principle of amnesty.

Senator Cockrell held that it wiu merely aquestion of removing the record of desertion,which cou'd be done by tbe war departmentwithout special legislation.

The morning hour having expired, SenatorLogan resumed his speech on the Porter bill.

At half-pa- st three o'clock Sonator Lgansuspended his remarks, to resume agnin to-morrow.

After an executive session tho tenet a ad-journed.

WHAT WAS DONE IN THK HOUSE.Fernando Wood moved to dispense with

the morning hour for the purpose of movingto go into the committee ot the whole on therefunding bill.

The house, however, refused to difDensowith the morning hour and resumed consideration of the bill regulating the rtmuv. 1 v.nf r

t1m S'sln In Mprol .rli Ikiiieiu'IL. I.' ... .. ,..1 ... , , L , , final I

action on the bill, and the senate resolutions j Virginia and Georgia It would beregard to late Mr. Houston, of Ala- - well for Louisville and Nashville mana-bam- a

taken I pers examine their maps andwera pronounced Messrs. Fer- - j clanger ahead. have tbe

nando Wood, Wright. Cox, Forney Lie, i wralh of a railroadHerbert, Sm- -

ford, Shelley, Henry, Atkins and Harris. I a talk with newcomb.The house then, as a of res ad- - I The sutwance of the above dispatch waslourned. t



Mr. Bkn Perlet Toohe, of Washin-tca- ,i

has wntien a vry reaaable historv iu brief I

of the Life and Services of John Sherman.tha

for and tohonors tbe meeting

dressing the secretary of the Sherman club,Cincinnati.

Again the Californian comes to us ladenwith a choice freight of literature."Sand," the serial story, becomes more dramatic, and the other papers are timely unaevince scholarly culture ia their composition."Our Relations with Mexico," "IrelandHer Past and Present Condition," "TheWild Flower Season," commendthemselves to those who desire to keep pacewith current events in this busy world.

An interesting and unique brochure, entitled Dawning of a Sew Civilization, comesto us from Auburn, New York, where tbeauthor. Dr. Blanchard Foster, at one timserved the State in the capacity of physicianto the penitentiary. A wide rango of thoughtis opened np by a perusal of the table of co-ntent, and the advent of the work itself willbe looked forward to with interest ail wh.iknow Hught of the tame of tbe author.

The March-Apr- il number of the Western,an excellent magazine, published at ot. Lrmi-- s

U of more than usual interest, loe tablo,of contents embraces "A Ghost's Adventure,""Civilisation," "Glimpses of Voiture,"Spelling Reform," "Frederic Hohenstauf- -

fer, a translation Irom llerbirt s rcycao-log-

"Book Reviews" and "Current Notes,"Oae of the latter ia devoted to the "Yellow-lev- er

in Memphis," C. A.Todd, M. D., adtells over sgin the terrible talo ot

endured here last yem. The Westem is puoissnea cy u. i. jones .v uj., c.

at two dollura per annum.I. K. Funk & Co.. Nos. 10 12 D.-- y

street. New York, have issued a series ofstandard works, the latest of which are TheManliness of Christ, by Thomas Huirues, thewell-know- n author ot Tom Brown's SchoolDays, and MacauJeu's Essats. Theseworks, thcueh published at the low price often cents per copy, are printed from nsw typeon wbite paper end pound in a brown papercover so that they can be lor yearsif need be. Macaulen's Essays nothingneed be said at this late dar. Tbey will livena Innar as Htstoru of Enaland whichMacaulev slaked bis tarn;. No well inform-- . dman should der.v himself the pleasure otreading and owning these essays that forstrength and brdliancy have never been d.

2'a Manliness of Christ is thework of a manly mm who, however, haamarred an otherwise production bythe in troduction of a di-- ot cu t aboutJohn Brown, who was justly hanged for inciting an insurrection who had no affinities with the Man of Peace, who cume not todestroy but to make whole, and wbo bad bisdisciple to put up sword.

Havana, March 3: A larire Gro is reportedin the canetields of K.'sulta's pi intatiou, nearbagua Urande.

London, March 3: The Dublin castle authorities have representations to thegovernment iu favor of renewal of the peacepreservation a.t of 1875, which expiresyear.

Madrid, March 3: The army for 1SS0-8- 1,

has been fixed at ninety thousand wen torSpain, thirty-eigh- t thousand for Cuba, teuthousand lor the Philippine Islands, audthree thousand ttree hundred aud ninety- fivefor Porto Rico.

London. March 3: In reference to the allocation six vacant seats in tbe houst ofcommons, that of Dublin, Cork county. Bristol,Sheffield and the metrooliUn constituencywill each receive addition, members. Thecluims of Yorkshire are being considered fortbe sixth aeat.

London, March 3: Grisaell, arrested duringtbs last session ot parliament tor declaringthat he was able to bribe a parliamentarycommittee, was brought to the bar of thehouse of commons read an humbleapology, and then, on motion of tbe chancel

lor of the exchequer, was committed to New-gate.

London, March 3: The duchess of Marl-borough's relief fund received two thousandpounds from James K. Keene.

London, March 3: The various engineersand mechanics employed in the constructionof the Tay bridge testify to the thoroughnessof the work.

Constanta ople, March 3: Colonel Comma-rof- f.

shot recently while in company witithe chief dragoman of the Russian embassy,baa died ot his --wouiKfsr--Th assassins es- -caped.

Paris, March 8: The Globe asserts thatFranca has entered into negotiat ons withEoiilaart and tbe United States with theview of terminating the war b rjjjjjjand Peru.

LonH ij-- . , .t Bii,an haa been

road.in the tbo

were np. to see theirEulogies by They provoked

giant.Williams, Herndoo, Lewis.

mbmak . ,





onciuded between Ct teat Britain and Ger-many, eturiiig the of wair ves-sels in the suppression of the si?' traSio.

Dpb'.ia, ir.arch 5i At the meeting of theMansion house relief committee it was an-nounced that the total subscriptions to thefund to date were eight hundred and seventy-si- x

thousand seven hundred and thirty-thre- e

pounds.London, Mirch 3: At Ashton-on-Tyn- e,

ten thousand cotton weavers struct work iaconsequence of the refusal of their employersto grant an advance of five per cent, in theirwages, which advance the sptannrs (recentlyobtained. . - -

ton don, biarch 3: ' A Paris dispatch saysthe French cabinet are divided on the ques-tion of surrendering Hartmann. The Motd'Ordre announces tha a it!pa lo th9chambers ai?air t!lo extradition of Hart-ma-ss

U being prepared,. London, Oat.t March 3: Cook Hovey,tate city clerk of Urbana, Ohio, an allegeddefaulter to too amount of sixty thousanddollar", s been aireste.d teesr, Wl "fty. andt?kea to Bt. Tno!Has rH a preliminary ex-

amination neit Tuesday.Ottawa, Match 3: Sir John M'Donald

stated in the house of commons, to day, thatit was at one time feared the recent injury toPrincess Louiee wouldftirove'ifatal, and, thattbe consequences of the accident are not yetaltogether removed, though considered outof dauger.

Paris, March 3: Private adv:ces fromPrlia itate that Emperor Wilhelm, whileat dinner with Count de Vallier, expressedthe most friend'y sentiments toward the am-bassador of the French government, andsaid there was no ground for anxiety as to acontinuance ot good reJatiens between thetwo countries

London, March 3: The metropolis waterbi'.l Creates a trutt empowered to create threeand a half per cent, stock, which the watercompanies have agreed to receive as compen-sation for their net cpital. The sura to begiven for the franchise of companies is twenty-t-

wo milliea pij'nup, with six or seven mil-lioi- in

more to be spread over twelve yearsfor Unearned increment on the value of exist-ing shares. Tbe water truet will consist ofthirfy-on- o members, including the lord mayorof Lrn lou and tbo president of the Metropoli-tan board oa works. The object of the trustis to be for the suppf; of wholesome

for domestic use and for wateringstreets and extinguishing fire with a constantsupply at high pressure. The trust is to comeinto operation on the first of October.


And Fropoaea to Control or tbe Ball-roa- ds

of the Bowth De Hay yd93ake tbe lonlsTille

Ho4 ftovrl.

lie ia Bas ins? the Memphis and Charles-ton Mtock with a View to a Sew

and tttrOBar Hoathcra Com-bination.

Nashville special to the Louisville Post andKeice: " majority of stock of the Nash-ville and Djcatur road Is beld in Tennessee,acd when the present lease expires Cole canobtain this road if be so desires. It is secrethere that Cole acd his friends, Nashvillemen, are buying Memphis and Charlestonroud stock. Orders are going out ofNarhvil'.e every day for the purchaseof it. The stock of this com-pany U about five million four hun-dred thousand dollars, and the control ofth-- : same can be had at not over six hundredthousand dollars, but they commenced buy-ing when it was as low hb seven cents. Colecon'io's the Western and Atlantic, and sohis line is complete, and Dot over a hundredmiles longer than was at first contemplated,t h'.s is cot all. Cole has been offeredth "7 presidency of LUJu , rt:M . .

A I.- - --- J atllBCe Wlltt Mee8I8.1 , V1 ' P,UA

btated to Mr. Newcomb this afternoon by aPost and News representative.- - It tailed tocreate a sensation. Mr. Newcomb said thatit is true that Colonel Cole and some of tbeN.iishviila and Chattanooea directors arecoming up: that it was arranged that theyshould do so tit tbe meeting; in Nashville lastThursday; that their purpose is to cfl'er

As to tbe Nashville and J'eca-tu- rroad, the lease of the Louisville and

Nashville road haa thirty years to run fromJuly 1, 1872, and is renewable forever; soColonel Cole can hardly take that line. Asto the purchase of the Memphis and Charleston rond, Mr. Newcomb said he had heardthat Colonel Cole bad such a project in mind.but he seemed to apprehend no danger there.In resard to the matters mentioned inthe special, Mr. Newcomb said that theywere not important enough to require commerit irom him.

Heeded for tbe IStervInc Poor of Ireland Tbe Want to Come JL Cry

for Blankets and Clothtnc.

Dublin. March 3. Much larger contributions will be needed to meet the distress thenext five mouths. The Mansion house committee Hre in the expression of theopinion tbat the most serious distress is yet tolie met, principally during tne montnsot May,June and July. are now ea- -

r.iblished tor the reception acd distribution ofdonations of seeds of all suitable descriptions,blankets and clothing, and any kind ot food.

31 A INK' fflUDDLK.

IVhite Mweara That Be Sever BribedNov Attempted to Bribe Any-ote-- A

Lie Out Somewhere.

AudfSTA, Me, March 3. Wallace R.White, tie person charged with attemptingto bribe Swau and Uarriman to vacate theirseats in the fusion legislature, was examinedbefore the legislative committee to day anddenied in toto the statements that he paidmoney eitueir bwan or Uarriman to in-duce the said resignation of tbeir seats in thel.'im'.at.ure. He-ha- had interviews with bothot them iu wbich they intimated their in tentioo to resign their positions. White commended them highly on their intentions, assistiag iu tho preparation of papers in theircase, but neither gave nor offered money asaa inducement tneretor or for any other purpose.

Ursat in Mexico.Galveston, March 3 The News special

from tbe City of Mexico, twenty-secon- d ultimo, says President Diaz gave a banquet inbouor ot Oeneral Grant the night previous intbe National paiace. All the members of thecabinet, the diplomatic corps and many otherp Tiions we-- e present. After the banquet afestival, already announced, took place. ThepL-t- i wan tastefully adorned, brilliantly

and crowded with people.lion. J. M. Foster presented his letters of

recall to day.

Lt t tie Koekete.Little Rock, March 3. Three storehouses

were burglanz-- d last nigbt, tnose ot W. A.Hern, Maxwell & Edmnndson, and A. Sandereou

1 ne hrht annual commencement exercisesof tho Arkansas medical college took placelast nigbt. and was quite a notable occasion.The graduating class was addressed by Gov-ernor Miller and Dr. Bentley, surgeon UnitedStates army. A banquet followed at thearsenal.

Vlrzluia ita Her Neatroea.Dakvili.k, March 3. Judge Rives to-d-

remanded Reynold, the negro sheriff of Patrick c uinty, 10 accordance with the decisionot tue Unittd State supreme court.

t'onvleted of KnbtsilesteitDanville, Va., March 3. M. II. Tread

way, acpuiy-coueci- oi internal revenue.was convicted ot embezzlement to-da- y ia theL nited states

those desirous ot lecoiuiug better acquainted St. Louis and Southeastern and Owens-wit- h

the antecedents o! this aspi. ant j horn Nashville roads the Louisville andPresidential will be gratilkd by ad- - Nushvilla at of the directors




the on












Relieved from the Stigma Cast npon HimAn Absolute and Unqualified With- - --

drawal or the Charge AgainstHim by the Woman,


Other Items of News and Gossip fromtne Manorial Capital Secretary of

Italian Legation Dead The Chis-Uob- n

Murder LeDnc's WantsSo"InaHoiti

Washington, March 3. Count Slta,"firstsecretary ot the Italian legation, is dead,



A hearing was given by tha. Wars andmeans committee, this morning, upon a mem-orial, signed by two hundred or more mer-chants and manufacturers, praying? that tbeprohibitory datio how levied tipott chromeiron Ore and blcbrvmats of potash may beremoved.. -- -

THB "DUTY ON tJUtNINB,The honse committee on wa-- sad mbans

gave heaeTt td-iu- to the manufactures otCjuinine, technicslly known as sulphate ofquinine, which was removed by an act ofcongress during a special session, to be re-

stored. They presented a memorial numer-ously tosigned by drnggists and dealers offorty-eig- citief) "Vaucrts parts of ihacountry, :aV("L;ng in 1 in port duty on foreign ofquinine of at least ten per cent, advalorem,


The senate confirmed the following nomi-nations :

United Slates Marshals Joseph Kerns,for the eastern district of Fenhsylrania; E.S. earpey; dislrifit of tj.egou.

Postmasters Miss M. Huston. Millers-bur- g.

Obi"; N. K. Mackenzie, Wellsville,Ohio; M. D. Kirk, Sturgis, Michigan.

Indian Agent. Charles Belknap, Tu!e riv-er agency, California.

Army Promotions. Lieutenant-Colone- l

Elwell S. 0:is to be colonel of the Twentiethregiment of infantry; Major A. J. Dallas tobe lieotenant-colone- ! of the Twenty-secOn- d

infantry; Uaptain J. S. Fietcher to be majorof the Twenty-thir- d infantry.


The trial of Virgil Gully for the murder ofEx State Senator John P. Gilmer, one of thevictims of the (Jbioholui massacre, will commence at DKalb, Mississippi, on Mondaynext. District Attorney Ford will conducttbe prosecution, assisted by Judge Ware,United States district attorney tor the southern district ot Mississippi. Mrs. Uilmer,widow of the murdered man, leaves Wasa-ingto- b.

to attend the trial as awitness.

SOME OF LB DUCS WANTS.Commissioner LeDuc, in a letter to Repre

sentative LeFevre, says that the wants oi theagricultural department nre many and urgent.A suitable building is needed lor the accom-modation of emploves, for storage andhandling of seeds, and for continuous exhibition of Agricultural produce cf this greatnation. Tbe commissioner urgently recom-mends the addition of a division Of forestry.meteorology and a veterinary division. Summing up tbe needs in a single phrase, tbecommissioner says that the department needsopportunity.RETRACTING THE CHABGE AGAINST HON.

BEN H. HILL.Jessie Raymond, in whose bshalf Mrs.

Belva Lockwocd yesterday filed papers inthis city in a suit against Senator B. H. Hiilfor alleged seduction, furnishes to-d- thefollowing statement:

Whereas, a salt has been filed br Belva Lockwood.an attoroej-at-la- In the District of Columbia.In mr name, aga nst Benjamin H. Hill, tbe same be-ing an action of damages for seduction and the support or a child, now, oi mr own iree will and eon--sent, wltbout pay or reward or promise thereof, Ideclare tuat I have no cltlm whatever against Ben-jamin H BHI, and that be Is not my secucer. Tbatthe papers tiled by said Lockwood were filed withoutmy Knowledge or consent ano against my solemnprotest. That they were never read over to me or byme. and their eo.itenti were unknown to me. and noonto, was t ut to me or taken by me In said case.

SETTLING THE UTE8.The secretary of the iuterior had a :onfer- -

ence with Chief Ouray, the Uncompahsgrsand White river Utea this afternoon, atwhich tbe Indians virtually agreed to acceptthe terms of the government and cede theirr!a?iiuigHIsnreached the secretary will submitthe details of the agreement to congress. Itis thought that the White river Utes will beremoved to Mintab reservation in Utah, acdthat Ouray and the Uncompahagres will besettled in severalty on land on the Grandriver in Utah. At a previous interview thesouthern Uce delegation consented to givenp their present reservation. Tney willprobably bt located in a strip ot land boundedby the La Pi at to river in New Mexico andnear the Varri--j oe reservation.

Killed by a Cowardly Hnaband.Carthaoe, N. C, March 1. Last night

George M'Faden, living in Richmond coun-ty, about forty miles southeast of this place,shot and fatally wounded his wife, a younggirl about eighteen or twenty years old. Heentered his bouse acd on perceiving a youngboy seated near the fire be began accusingher of inconstancy, at the same time threat-ening her life. Becoming alarmed at histhreats, she made an Rttempt to get underthe bed out of his reach, but while she wasin a stooping position, he seized her andthrew her down, find, drawing his revolver,placed it against her side and fired, the ballpassing through the loer lobe cf the rightlung and pasting through the diaphragmIndued in tho lett side. The enraged manthen tu.red and fired to shots at tbe youngman by the, hre, but fortunately neither tookeffect. He then told his wife, who lay gasping on the floor, that if that did not kill herhe won d return and complete tne job, andthen fled ont the open door and made goodhis escaroe. although he was pursued by anumber of his neighbor, who it was saidwere determined to lynch him on sight, lheyoung wife died a few hours after she wasshot, m aden baa only oeen married a lewweeks. The girl was highly respected by allof her neighbors. It is cot believed that theinhuman husband had any cause to eueprctthe woman of infldeiitv in her relations withtho boy touud in her room on tbe night ot tnetraced v. or any one else. Her conduct hadalways been remarkably modest aud unasaumiog.

Had dnleide An Unrequited Love.Syracuse. March 1. The pretty village of

Cortland, some tony miles south ot Syracuse,is shocked bv the suicide ot Miss Jalia ii-'- n

linim, a young lady ot vane- - accompusn- -

raents acd acsnowieagca personal oeaury,For sometime pubt Miss Benjamin has beenlaboring ULder mental depression, occasionedby an ati'idr ot the heart. She is understoodto have deeDlv loved a voung man. residentin tbe village, who pretended to return heranectioa. lceir engagement had been annnuncM and congratulations accepted. Recently, however, th8 oooject of Miss Benja-min's love beet' mo estranged from her, astate of affairs which caused her "reat nneasiness, tor which her friends bad been unable to account, see having been ot an uncommonly light-hearte- d disposition. OaThursday she secluded herself from the restof the household. Lite in the evening it wasdiscovered that she bad taken strychninewith suicidal latent. Physicians were calledin. but their efforts proved unavailing.Death ensued at one o'clock this morning.She left a note addressed to her father.which was as follows: "Please let me have afuneral at the Methodist church, as 1 am amember and was once a christian. God forsive. This is terrible. Falsehood is wretched when told by tbe man one loves." MissBenjamin was the daughter cf Mr. WesleyBer jamin, or the brm ot .Benjamin BrothersHer lather is one of the most respected residents of the village. The girl was a greatsocial favorite. Her Ege was twenty years

ab In Bess's Time.Pall Mall Gazette: In good Queen Bess's

reign. A. V. 1 hnd a paragraph in tneQueen's sroetca which reads oddly at thepresent morar-nt- : "Her highnes thinketh itnot meet thdt any sholde have further liber-tie to speke or talke yu tbat howse ot anymatter other than that wich is there to be pro-non-

and that thev sholde leave to talkerhetorics and speke logice; to leave longetales, which is rather an ostentacion of wyttthan to any e fleet e, and to dealt with thosethiugs are herewith to be proponed; tbat go- -

ynge effectually to the matter they mightdisuatche tbat they were sent for, and thatthey might the sooner returne home." Andat tbe close of the speech tbe queen rose,"wUhinge the wolde be more quiett thanthey were at the last tyuie."

A Dying Woman Olaowned br Herat unhand.

Leadville Chronicle: 'A sadjetory comesfrom the Sister a hospital, which, if true,stamps oue of the principals as the basest ofmen. A couple of days ago a woman diedthere of pneumonia, wbo gave her name asMrs. James Crow, and stated that her bus- -

band was one of the furnace men at Grant'ssmelter. Before dying she stated by way ofexplanation as to wbv she was not with herhusband that it li on ficcoiint cf his exces-sive cruelty. Tbey were married in Irelandsome years ago, and the fruits of that mar-riage were two children. He sometime agoemigrated to this country, and in due seasonfound his way to'Leadville and;his present po-sition. His wife was very anxious to come tohim, and something lite three months ago,m&i.aed La rake and scrape money enough

bring herself met. and leavinsr her chil- -

tier nrotiSer came on and joined herhusband. He was not overly rejoiced to seeher, and in a few days disowned her. Shewent out doinffsvork as a servant girl, andtaking sick died as above described. He wasnotified of bet deafa, but refused to take anyaction in the matt in simply soy ins that thedead Woman was not his wife. She will begiven a christian c jrrjaj by the corinty."

. "t


Cempoaln- - the LecleUtare of Hlsaia.lppl A Pleitts of JeAVreon llavla

iXw Mm Dorae.

Measdrloc Sew-I-oa- s and other WorkIn Bvtb Heoae Anethe? Row

Penitentiary Bin.i ,. r

Special to UjelppeaU r .,

Jack'oh, March Senate A concurrentresolution was adopted unanimously express-ing thanks to Mrs. Sarah A. Dorsey for acrayon portrait of Jeffjrson Davis, of thisState, representing him in actual garb whencaptured, and instrocting the State librarian

plane the pietura in a suitable place alongwith the fietograbh ;ettSr It-a- Mt. Davis.

Fasted : An act to amend charter of boardtrustees to establish a publishing house to

print hooka ia raisett letters for the blind; anact to establish a rule of measurement forsaw-log- s and square timber. the

The senate ret used to concur in t he houseamendments to the bill to reqniro the

cf convict orl warlrs cf internalthe

The bouse can have another fight over it.House. All local bills of minor interest.Both houses held two sessions durirg the

day and another to night. A strong effortwill be made to get through Saturday. a

As a matter of curiosity, tbe report showsthat of the oae hundred and twenty officersand members, forty-sig- ht are native Missis-sippia- ns

., slid the balance all eouthern-bor- n.

The farmers and planters numbereixty-on- lawyers; thirty-two- ; editors, two. theForty-five- - are Methodists, twenty Baptists, Tenineteen Presbyterians, and the balance verymuch divided. One hundred and ten aremarried; how many have their wives withthem is not mentioned. Now, who wondersthat they want to go home ? by


essIn the State larlc the Teu 1879 the

jVaets and jTisrnree Complied byIS tate Iisirute Commis-

sioner Folk.

theC lonel M. T. Polk, State insurance com-

missioner of Tennessee, has just concluded allthe compilation of the appended tacts andfigures, showing the receipts and losses inTennessee during the year 1879 by fire and ofmarine insurance companies of other States:

Amount Premiums LossesWrtitm. Received. Ineurr'd.

Aetna Fire, ofHartford .... 1,947,94 0 24,83 J 08 7,321 42

American Central, ol St.Louis...'. .... 373,408 CO 6,035 5t! 827 55

Boylston, Mutu- -al, of Miss... 63,400 00 933 35 none

Commonwealthof Mass 125,042 00 1,057 90 765 00

Coonecttc't Fireof Hartford.. 840,912 00 9,439 50 1,974 67

Continental, ofNew York 845,577 00 8.082 84 2,820 71

Franklin Fire,of Pdlla .... 509,80400 7,99501 9,367 45

Fire Associationof Pblla 1,080,629 00 18,373 03 686 54

Fireman's Fundof Cal. 241,589 00 3.07180 551 72

flermnn Fire, nfNewYork.... 299.219 50 433476 2,199 93

Gtrard. F. & L.of Pblla 58,065 00 702 20 697 09

Hanover ,of NewYork 299,219 50 4,334 76 2,299 94

Hnrt!nrd Klra.ofHertford 1,057,252 00 20,913 93 12,406 77

Home, of NewYork ..2,288.089 00 27,147 53 37,052 44

Insurance Co..o: N.Amrc a. 743 985 00 11,584 69 5,2o4 63

Manhattan, ofNew York... 195.140 00 2.378 02 8,085 14 I

Haoufactuieis',F a, M.of Bos-ton 202,377 00 2.758 40 1,653 07

National, of"rtford. 203,125 00 2,431 02 57S 92?57Br.r."..v wu,mw

North'n, ol Now OK

York 96,337 00 1.873 69 none, I

Northw'strn Na-tional. of Wis. 539,569 00 5.513 26 6,276 65

Orient Mutual,of NeYork.. 986,281 00 4.432 38 none.

Phmnli. Brrok--l,n. N. Y 1.120,810 00 14,418 25 7.651 12

PbiBDlx.of Hart--lorn i,ii,eauu iu.oouz 8,637 00

Stand am jrire.oiny liu.uzauu 2,372 46 1,080 50Springfield F &

M , or mass., zrto.ooo uu 2,713 39 1,549 34Traders, of Cbt- -

easo 411.010 33 8.347 29 3,196 76Westchester, of

n x oau.wzu uu 5.159 19 5.588 24FOREIGN COMPANIES.

British AmericaAssurance, otCanada 506.198 00 7.179 67 2,484 83

La Cnlsa9 en--erai iie,oi rar- -

Is iru 3,921 98 3,175 33Jommerclal Un fion, ol Lon-

don 215,926 CO 2,632 62 1.689 72Hamburg - Bre

men, or uer--mnj j4l.tz uu 10,00-- a 6.122 60

Hamburg -- Had-Kenburg, 01liermahv.... 168,507 66 2.075 80

Imperial, cf ,Lonaon ftio.viouu o.o&iuu 3.371 00

r.nMlhlM AfMaocnester. . . woo.woo iu iawiu n.iroLiverpool anduiooe. or Lon-rin-

filobeof Liverpool.. 1.569.443 00 19.607 48 5.262 46

London Assurance, 01 Lon-don 634,610 00 9,467 52 5,358 11

Northern Assurance, ol Lon-don 476,076 00 6,511 00 3 371 00

Nortn German,of Bam burg,GsrmanT. 213,675 00 3,877 25 18411

North British4 Mercantileot London. .1.579,330 00 21,508 65 8.924 58

nneen- - nr Liver- -pOOl l,l(HiDWW LQlODQ ll,uuolnn,, nf T.lvr.liool 1.86758 00 27.633 18 19,184 86

BC 01118 D COm- -meve I ft I nrGlasgow 462.322 00 7.47417 6,384 14

VmI.ph a ..nr.anee, ot can. twu.obo u j lo.otw ao o,w


MemDbis .... no report.Commercial, of

NashvilleTJ n 11 t ft hie nf

. . . n nn . . . n nn no ia A AO , T O Q O A (nasnvuie 2 ui,4io uu 111,400 u

Hern ando. 01Memphis norenon.num. nf VCam.nbls iu,i90 0 8,900 71

Knoxvllle Fire,of Kooxvuie.. H.ovi 20 813 50

Memphis Cityre ana gen-

eral Ins. Co. . 9,544 17 1,209 22Mi... VKllev. of

Memphla no report.Planters, of

Memphis..... no report.Peoples.ofMem- -

pnis. l.s.j, latt uu zzizoi 40 6,591,22Pbtienlz,ofMem

phis. 19,893 62 4,81199State, of Nash- -

Villa. 2,382.48 UO .S4lfl W 9,532 21

ferocity of the Nihilists.New York Sun: "The ferocity of the

Russian nihilists is equaled only by the mostdegraded Spanish and Italian assassins.Tbe crimes committed by the French communists are acts ot valor when comparedwitb tbe misdeeds of these criminals. Thep.nmmnnista foueht ODenlv. and exposed tbeirown lives on tbe barricades ana the torts,while the nihilists stab in the dark and frombehind. It would not be at all surprising tonee. one ot tnese nne aav. tne xvussian pens-

ants rise like one man throughout the leng'hand breadth of the whole empire and exterminate all the students, professors, doctors.la wvers and other educated men. Ine Kus- -

siaa Deasant. as well as the Russian soldier,is a truly loyal brute. Both know it is in theuniversities and schools tnacniniusm is orea.and thev mav easily make up their minds toput a stop to this plague tbe same way theynnra tripd ta nut a atoD to the cbolera to- -

wit, by murdering all the medical men andchemists, whom they suspected of spreadingtbat disease."

Chicago Water.Indianapolis Journal: "Chicago water

possesses another quality that renders it undesirable for purposes of consumption ia itsraw state. A physician told me to-d- ay tbatit contains, to a disgustingly great extent,the germs of the tape-wor- and that anyperson who saturates nis system mteraauywith the vile stutl is naoie to accumulate oneof those luxuries, which none but persons otwealth can support.

Made a Hole la the Water.Columbus, March 3. Mrs. Julia Ann

Jenkins suicided at Mt. Vernon this morn-ing. She tied her lower limbs together andjumped into a cistern, while ber husband andchildren were aoeenii. vuc 1. ungucu,


Attempted by tbe Fanatics of the KusslanCapital An Idiotic, Hair-Drunk-

Tool of the Nihilists Captureof trie Lunatic by tbe


Hot After Hartmann 1 Russian OfficerSeeking Him in Paris Melikon

Congratulated by the Poten-

tates on his Escape TbeKaiser! Letter.

St. Petersburg, March 3. There is muchreason to h pe that with the appointment ofGeneral MelikctT, the course of Russian litewill be gradually to me a back to its normalchannels of development without the employment of any more hnrsh or incompete .tmeasures. Valiejett, the president ot tuecouncil of ministers, has been created count.

AT THE RISK OF E1S LIFE.General Melikcff, chief of tho new supreme

executive commission,', was fired at by ayoung man with a revolver thio afternoonwhen alighting from his carriage at bis residence, in Grand Maskaia street. GeneralMelikon was not Hurt. The man was immediately seized by the CoBsacks. Tbe bulletpassed through the back folds ot vieneraiMelikoff's cloak. Tbe would-b- e assassin firedvhen tuite clso ti Meukoff.

The assassin attempted to Erb a eecondshot at General Melikcff before he wasseized, but waa prevented by a blow from

general. The city is again illuminated.DRUNK WHEN ARRESTED.

The man who shot at General MelikotT is assmi-idhti- o person, and was probably a tool in

hatds of the nihilists: He seemed to bedrunk when be was arrested.DETAILS OF THE CELEBRATION ON TBE

SECOND OF MARCH.After tbe morning serenade the czir heldreception, at which the tfheers of the im

perial iutte and of the higher grades of thearmy were present. At halt-pa- eleveno'clock the members of the council and civilfunctionaries were received. At noon therewas a solemn precession to the palace church,

cfcar escorting the .csarina. After theDeitnt had been su he ceir received the

diplomatic body on the throne. This wasfollowed by a brilliant assembly, at whichfour thousand guests were present. At threeo'clock in the afternoon a cantata, composed

Prince Pct-ero- of Oldenburg, was sungsix hundred school ihiidren, the perform

ance concluding with the national anthemand bymn. honi Lire the Ctar. lhe Duch

of Edinburgh officiated tor the c farina atassembly, lhe Date ol .iioburgb was

present at all the ceremonies, wearing tbeuniform of the duchess's regiment of lancers.

The publication of Emperor Wilhelm sletter of congratulations to the czar, with

countersignature of Prince Bismarck,has created a very favorable impression in

the European capitals.HUSTIHO BABTUAKS . ..

Paris, March 2. A super cr functionarytbe Russian ministry cf justice has ar

rived here end delivered to Prince Urioa sup- -

DlemeDtarv documents criminating Hartmann in the Moscow explosion.

CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES.The Duke of Edinburgh, all the high offi

cials and others, have congratulated General aMelikcff on his escape Irom assassination today. Reports from the interior descnoe tbefestivities acd rijo'cing a general, merewere fttes on a grand scale at Moscow, Caar--koff, Warsaw, Rega, T flm and other largetowns. No disturbance. to

LAW REPORTS.Uniu-- d tte Courfe Hon. Juki Bx- -

t-- r end F. S; Htnmocil.aatci, rre-idi- sc


The tollowinc business wis trsnsac'ed onyesterday: Mtmphis and V;ckiburg packttcompany vs steamer tjaariPS uoatnan, cear--mg ot testimony conciuaea, argument tocommence this morning; K-ir- r vs steamerIllinois argument to be resumed this morn-

ing: Doited States vs Julius Bdbr, perjury.jury verdict of not fcuilty.

cirrult Conrt Hon. Jamee O. Fierce,j naste.Cdccdar for to dav: 417. Heatbman va

White; 5613. Berlin vs Terrell; 5672, Weaver,trustee,, vs Curry; W uD?vle vs Barpfti?allff;'?Kr?. Armuo a Trobaugh; 6865,Es(1 srai,h.

I11K1.LOMBA8D Wednesdsy morning, March 8. 1880,

Mrs Jolia A. Lombard, mother of Mrs. T. B. Treze--vant and Mrs. S P. Walker.

Funeral from the residence ot S. F. Walker, No.364 Potf'otnc. (THUKSDAY). at 8 o'clock.

Societa di L'nione e Fratellanza Italians.members of tbe Societa dl Unlone e FratelTHE Italian will m?et at tbeir h ill, 260 Sec-

ond street, this (THURSDAY) night, at 7 :30 o'clock,March 4tn. A lull attendance 1 requesieo, es Bus-iness of importance will be transacted.

A. a. VAWJ.au, jrrenaenkE. Piehotti. Secretary.

Masonic Notice.A TEMPHIS ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER.IVi No. 95. F. and A. M.. will work this.tHITRSDA Y evenlr-g- . at 7:30 o'clock, at

the lodge-roo- Masonic Temple. In the'Past Masters Degree. A lull aesireu.Visiting P. M.'s tmlernMlv Inilted.

ey order w. o. nAiiii&no, t. r.Jobs D. Hush, Secretary.

THK PCBIilC WILL TlKR NOTICETbat tbe order of the Poximseter-tien- -

eral aaainet tbJIallsor the juonl.lanaState i.etteryCempnny la REC1N1BI.

Rexistercd Letters and Honey Urdroeon be seat tbroush tbe nialla as for--merly.REPORT OF THE COS s IT ION


State National Bank,At Memphis, In the State ot Tennessee, at tte close

or DU'iness, reDruaryzi. lonu.RESOURCES.

Loans and discounts .$587,155 73Overdrafts 2.K11 05U. S. Bonds to secure circulation . 250,000 00Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. . 6,856 25Due from approved re- -

nerve airents S 1 19Due from other National

Bantu ZDue from State banks and

bankers 12.684 87 58,684 87Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures. . . 57,030 88Current expenses and taxes paid 4,505 22Premiums paid 5.000 00Exchanges for clearing- -

house? $35,294 86Bills of other Banks 34,500 00Specie (Including gold

Treasury ceruucawj viT.ul Tender notes 75.000 00 146.294 36Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer

(5 percent. 01 circulation j 1,010 ou

Total. ..SI, 125,918 61

LIABILITIES.Capital stock paid In 5250,000 00Surplus fund..,.. SM.OOO 00Undivided proms ir,ioi 00 an,inj aaN itional bank notes outstanding 222,720 00Dividends unpaid 652 00Inriivl.liinl flenoHlu sun- -

ieet to check S499.121 22Demand certificates of de-

posit 52,001 95Due to other Nat'nl Banks 5 1 ,406 2 1

Due to State banks anabankers -- - zu,z oa ozvj,jow zd

Total $1,125,913 61State of Tennessee, County of Shelby ss.

I, J. A. Hayes, jr., iaauier ui uie auuvo-unuic-

bank, do solemnly swear that the above statementis true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

J. A. UAIIL9. Jit, ittamer.Subscribed and sworn to before me, this teenty-elgbt- h

day of February 1KX0.M. B. TREZKVANT, Notary Public.

Correct Attest: A. WOODRUFF.T. J. LA HAM,H. L. COFFIN, Directors.

10,000 VI3il0FOSt SALE LOW, AT



SALE LOW, ATeofuK m cu.'s.


COLE A 4 O.'t

Notice to Shippers of Cotton-See- d

consequence of the great and continued declineINin the price of Oil and Cake, tbe Memphis Cot-ton Seed Association is compelled t reduce the priceof seed or work them at a loss. On and after the10th of March, they will pay

per Ten for CJood. Monud Heed,delivered at Memphis. Our friends are again rquested to ship none but sound seed, es unsoundones are not worth tbe cost of frel'ht

4 JOHN T. FLYNN.Secretary Memphis Cotton Set d Association.



' It eared me of Chills and Fever."Cfcaa. I. Waller, Qulney. EL

"It eared me of Billons Ferer."jTnuutGAQse. St. Loot

It eared me of Fever and Arae."OUver Smith, Sprlusaeld. Mo.

"It eared me of periodical headache."Com. JL. UOaiMUar, JLuuitUIo, Bl."It eared me of Dumb Ajrae.

it. r. Snot, Dead wood. IX T."Iteared oar child of Chills.

Be. i. Cbaee, St. Loot."It eared me of Dumb Arae.

B-- O. JUn&bSrr, FooOac, Mich."It und my life."

H. W. Pool New Tark CKy.

"It Is a superior medicine.'Dr. Tm. O. Hubbard, Clnrtnntrf

It baa eOeeted wonderful euree."Oempoell McNeil, MocuejTlue. Hi.

"It UnSoeeeea.J. B. Dicker, Newton, Kansas.

"It rives great aatlafaetlon.nUu'l Uenr. Carml, BL

" It never folia te ear."W. jr. jtpmeler, Xraasrllle. lad," It ia a valuable remedy."

'm OTiill. Mn"K-V-- ".

"It rave immediate Relief."Wm. A. rood. St. Joseph. Mo.

"It la very nllable.''L. W. Roes, Bavana, BL

" It boa saved hundreds ."Boyce a Qetrflider. Chilli nnthe. Mix

"It pro-re- d a Soeeese.T. JT. Baahro, Green Tills. Tom.

" It to aa excellent Tonle.na, 8. Mono. St. Louis.

its alTeeU are weftderfot.'Oea S. Wriht, IfMUanmolla

"ItaoiMtaetwyuutum.'' ...i. i. Moilaulay, KksliTUle, 111.

- It U the beet In ue.tt. 8. Fuller, Keokuk, Iowa.

" It takes the lead." Psal G.Schuh. Cairo, BL

"ItUthe beet known."i. K. Somes, Terre Bsute, Ind.

Iteared me when Docto'ni faihvi ."Z. S. r:"t""'"i MkaonaSter, N. H.

"It effects remarkable Cnrej ."isA.X. Bsllsrd, Vlnceanes, Ind.

" It Is infallible."W.E. Smith, Bsrtferd, Oonn.

"Ule safe and speedy." 'B. Hoffksmp, St Louis.

" Ite merits recommend It."i. JL JOuuUiU, M.D, Bockdxle, Texas.


RICHARDSON & CO.,WTholesole Dragarlats. St. lionls.

Fabrifore is Sold by all Drurrlsta.

Public SaleReal Estate



tying on both sld"6 of t .e Mississippi and Ten-

nessee R llroad for known as PKTEBMITCHEL S SPRIa TRACT. Three (tprlaasor ucver-railln- c water. The best timberedupland in West Tennessee. Beautiful Solid-te- s

Mitea. end well ohaderf. Two ridgesrun para 'lei to the 1 allioad one on either side with

aradual slope to the road-be- All those who spentbe summer at Camp Harks can tell iou of ine nat-ural beauty of th s tract. It will be sola in lotsoffrom 20 to 50 acres.

In addition to this tract. I bave another to be soldsame day. lying lust north of Nonoonnah Crtek andeast of M. and T. R B. Forty acre of this tract Incleared; balance In good timber. This land Is equal

Mississippi river bottom, and has beutltul build-ing site on It. This tract will not be divided.

M ps can be seen at the office of fccales ft Win-

chester, Attorneys, No. 39 Mailson street.Mr. Peter Mlt?nei will iae pleasure m

those over the land who go to look at It. Trainsrun every day io the lftnd, so that those who desire

can go out ai 6:H0 a m. aud 2-- 30 p.m. and comemat 10 am. ano 6 Din.

No such has evei been eHered to menof nmall means who want sotrurbao boaies.

Tkhms of 6alb Half cash; balance In twelvemooins; lien retained on land.

Placb or Salb Corner of Main and Madisonstreets. Memphis. Tenn. 'rmTCEEU

Scales ft Winchester, AU'js, 39 Madison st.

Thle Sale was postponed oa aeeoantof tbe weetner. lt will take plaee onTHl'RSDAY, March 4t.li, Man, witbont fall. PKTKK HlfCHKLNOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS.

m r it. rne nnnminiM commissioners annnmuKIV V by the Ccuoty Couri cf Shelby county. Tennes

see, to nave ine Dnnge ouui bctusb aihicuuiihucreek, oa tbe Cow Island road, will receive sealedproposals up to

91 area SO, IseO, at 1 o'clock an..at which tlms we will open all bids and award tbebuilding or said Dnage. hi me oiuce ui ,. v mh,tbe County Survetor. Planand aicclflcattons canh. Men Ht lhe oftise or C. C. Burk. County Surveyor.Tbe Commissioners reserve the right to reject anyanl all Olds, mis rtoruarj 10. insu.





03 SC2 S3


CD aoin ooa us1


SsherilTi SSali of Real Kstat- -

NOTICE Is hereby given that byvlrtueofPUBLIC to me directed from tbe Honor-able Circuit Court of Shelby county. Tennessee, Inpjuia nf A H Douilass vs. James Cornell el al ludg--ment rendered March 29. 1878. for the sum of twohundred end Otty-fo- dollars and ten cents, withInterest and costs ol suit; and also by virtue of twowrits of venditioni exponas to me directedfmm the Honorable Circuit Court of saldcountylnthe cases of Fannie iCirk, assignee, etc , vs. JamesCornell. Judgments rendered on the 21st day of Au-

gust, 1871. for the aggregate sum of t.o hundredand "eventeen aorrars ana araiiriuur ku --imInterest and costs ot suits; to satisfy said Judgments,etc., I will, on

Tuesday, the 61b. day of April. IttHO,

in levai hnnrs. in front of the Courthouse in the Taxof Shelby county. Tennessee, proceed to

sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fallowingdescribed property, Part of lot No. 217,being the north h Uf of said lot fronting on Mainstreet vl feet, running back between parallel linesalong lhe alley 74 feet, being the southeast cornerof Main street and the alley between Adams andWashington streets, covered by a threeetorj brickbouse or store known as No. 206 Main street. In tbecity of Memphis, rtwlbj county, Tennessee, und noworeunled ss a. tobacco and clear store by A. 8. Myetit,and tne same lot convey ea Dy iotoudb a. ocuiroirrto James Cornell by deed duly registered In teedBook No. 127, page 160 In the Register's office offihelhv county. Tennessee, to which reference Isitinrin fnr h fun deMdintlnn.

Levied on as 1 he property of defendant, JamesCor.iell, to satl.-r-y said judgment, interest ana costs.

Memphis, 2d cay of Haieb. 1880.E. L. M'GOWAN, sheriff Shelby county.

By Banlei U. Shelby. Deputy auenn.M. D. L. Stewart. Attorn'y for PlHlntlff. thn

HEWfine eooosi

Largest Assortment!Fine Qualities! All (Shapes!

Beaver, Felt and Silk


Opposite Conrt Mqnare.Non-Ueside- nt Notice.

No. 891, R. D. In the Probate Court of bhelbycounty. Tenn.-- T. C. Shelby vs. W. I. eigler et aL

appearing from tbe orgtnlal bill In tnls cause,ITwhich Is sworn to, tbat the defendants. A. L. Roy

vi 1 Dm .m ot theSlate of Tennessee,' and residents of lhe StateAr7na7hAMrnM oamri That thev make tbeir


bereln, at the courthouse of our said Pro-bi-te

court. In the Taxing-Distri- of Shelby county(Memphis). Tennessee, on or before the brat Mon-

day in April. 1SS0. and plead, answer or demur tocomplainant's bill, or the same will be taken forconlessea as vo mem .....raiw,and tbat a copy of this order tie published once aweek, for four successive woe., m uie nempuisWeekly Appeal. This 1st day of Msreh. 18H0.

A copy aitest - " m i w 1 u, x, iwrs .By Hugn n. ouiieu, ikvuh vivrft.t. D. L. Stewart, esoi, tor commu nis. inu


We are now prepared to 8how the most Superb aiul ExtensiTeAssortment CT Choice Goods which has ever been displayed in thiscity . Our resident buyers In the East Messrs J. A . & J . S. Menken,

with a corps ot assistants furnish, us from day to day with thefreshest from the Looms of this country and the most striking novel-

ties as they arrive from Europe. Silks, fine Dress Hoods, House Fur-

nishing Goods, Gloves, Laces.and Embroideries in the great est variety.ON THE SECOND jVLUOII VK DIS1Mj4Y

everything useful and new in Ladies' and Children's Heady-Mad- e Gar-

ments, Corsets, Infant-- ' Outflts,Etc.

COS!. 5JAIN" AI1 COUBTGrfOnr Prices must naturally be the Lowes?, hariog1 purchased heavily before the

Advance, as evidenced byflnr crowded Establishment and Warehonae

I& ,



ifMteilf til BnyntThe Balance of the Stock of Walker Bros.

& Co. must be Closed Cut within the nextTHIRTY DATS. The Entire Stock is of-fered folly 50 per cent, below present value.



W XX5XjsJgt,A.TCEr

: : : : pX. K. late I -


of aod flneour lame rtc or

the bsst or this OarWe have no use for false

the of

the cause Bad

Is and

JL s


with a ripe oldpure we

be lino or


acd all



ST.,CIay Hnildicc

Kates', Ffaer Co.1

GrocerSb Cotton factors,AND SikiT AGENTS,

aLoO UMijra street. Iptsi hiH.JTr- -

KSTKf. Kates. "OAS, H.-thl.- Tcn

BSTES.DOAN & COMaccesisars

Wholesale Grocers, Cotton FactorsAud CommItiion 51ercfaanta.

una Ut Union Street. JfTeini hi

Bourlion Toniccombination Boncset other tonics,

Entarky Wblsky. From

select purpose. Ten.e mnetpretenses. ForDjs-lepsl- a.

Debility, Feebleness Delicate Women, ibePrce-tratio- n

Clergymen, morbid tecretlona which

Bronchial Weakneis,.tt adeltdous reliable remedr.







t3ft? ifI

rftftups andNos. 371-37- 3 Main street, Memphis.

J, M. fwlkes,W. .4,atbr?ath.


ra-U- ur Warebonse (Mnlnal Storage Company) Is now open, readyto rece i v tii mi which we

BIT" i37HF

J. AS. Moore.

351Jno. W. Ol Hard.


.1. SS.. Arbucltie. J. fV.

stock of in



dk3 OO.yMB Ai ESTS. heupbu

BURT Oil & 80b

.4 n

Lotion ractors-


will make liheral tih artvano.

J.B. ALDRICH & CO.Wholesale and JRetall Dealers in all kinds

SEWING MACHINES!And Sewins-Machin- e (ioods.





HTemnliio. . .Tenneeeji. X. liHNHf 11--


IZ. La. Cofiin. ri 4. Him

RiOORE, BAS SETT kDoalor w lxx

oors, Sash, Blinds, Ivloldings,lumber, Isath and Shingles,

recoTMl street. : !?nemT,1iiw. Tenn.

TABUCotton and

tOtftPPTPf ft C?fl

Wholesale Grocers,

tticttartlson. J. lOWfilll.


Wholesale Grocers & Cotton Factors,. . .PHOST MTBKIW IKeel k 1o d twwi W Ktli'H I


Tobacco. Pi -- es and Smoker'a Articles.286 Main street, rVSemphis and 310 East 54th street, New York.

Respectfully their friends and the trad, that they e V ,"""L""r.. cited, m -- JIHnreed:the market. uroniin sogoods