AFFIRMING OUR BAPTISM On October 22 nd , six of our youth will be affirming their baptism. They will stand before the congregation professing their faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God, and in God the Holy Spirit. They will respond to the promises God has given them in their baptism. By water and the Holy Spirit, they were made members of the body of Christ. They became reborn children of God and inheritors of eternal life. And they were liberated from sin and death by being joined to Christ in death and resurrection. When these youth were infants or children in their baptisms, their parents and sponsors responded for them and gave their word in responding to God’s Word. Now these youth give their word in response to God’s Word as they promise to: live among God’s faithful people to hear God’s Word and share in the Lord’s supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people following the example of our Lord Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth. Yet as these youth profess their faith and give their word to God’s Word, our job is NOT done. Our job, our living out our promise, continues as a congregation. We welcomed these children into the Lord’s family at their baptism. We now continue to welcome them and receive them as fellow members of the body of Christ. As we continue to live among God’s faithful people ourselves, we affirm our baptism by intentionally reaching out in caring conversation and invitation to these young people. God did not give them to us just through 10 th grade; God gave them to us indefinitely. We have been entrusted with these youth to walk with them in discerning their gifts, to support them at church, school, and home, to help them in integrating into congregational life, and to listen and pray for them. There is no better way to celebrate the 500 th Commemoration of the Reformation then for us to affirm our baptisms continually, alongside our youth! Martin Luther led the Reformation, as he reminded us all of our vocation to speak, teach, and live our faith in our homes, communities, and churches. These youth have had quite a journey of faith formation for the last three years, but like us they will continue in a lifelong journey as they grow and live in faith for all their years to come. Reaffirm your baptism! Keep growing those seeds of God’s Word all your life long! In Christ’s Love, Pastor Sarah Messenger October 2017

Messenger - Luther Memorial Church · January – August, 2016 $183,773 $230,269 January – August, 2017 $187,189 $222,881 Difference +$3,416 Less $7,388 Thank you, Luther Memorial!

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Page 1: Messenger - Luther Memorial Church · January – August, 2016 $183,773 $230,269 January – August, 2017 $187,189 $222,881 Difference +$3,416 Less $7,388 Thank you, Luther Memorial!


On October 22nd, six of our youth will be affirming their baptism. They will stand before the congregation professing their faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God, and in God the Holy Spirit. They will respond to the promises God has given them in their baptism. By water and the Holy Spirit, they were made members of the body of Christ. They became reborn children of God and inheritors of

eternal life. And they were liberated from sin and death by being joined to Christ in death and resurrection.

When these youth were infants or children in their baptisms, their parents and sponsors responded for them and gave their word in

responding to God’s Word. Now these youth give their word in response to God’s Word as they promise to:

live among God’s faithful people to hear God’s Word and share in the Lord’s supper,

to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people following the example of our Lord Jesus,

and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

Yet as these youth profess their faith and give their word to God’s Word, our job is NOT done. Our job, our living out our promise, continues as a congregation. We welcomed these children into the Lord’s family at their baptism. We now continue to welcome them and

receive them as fellow members of the body of Christ.

As we continue to live among God’s faithful people ourselves, we affirm our baptism by intentionally reaching out in caring conversation and invitation to these young people. God did not give them to us just through 10th grade; God gave them to us indefinitely. We have been entrusted with these youth to walk with them in discerning their gifts, to support them at church, school, and home, to help them in

integrating into congregational life, and to listen and pray for them.

There is no better way to celebrate the 500th Commemoration of the Reformation then for us to affirm our baptisms continually, alongside our youth! Martin Luther led the Reformation, as he reminded us all of our vocation to speak, teach, and live our faith in our homes, communities, and churches. These youth have had quite a journey of faith formation for the last three years, but like us they will continue in a lifelong journey as they grow and live in faith for all their years to come. Reaffirm your baptism! Keep growing those seeds of God’s

Word all your life long!

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Sarah

Messenger October 2017

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“Thank you to everyone who participated in ‘God’s Work, Our Hands’!” It was great seeing all the young families joining in the festivities and all generations working together. Lunch was served by the Parish Ministry team and 4 gallons of ice cream from Dairy Chef was served to the volunteers at the end of the day. The ice cream was purchased with Thrivent Action Team Grants.

These were our accomplishments:

50 health kits & 55 school kits (supplied through Thrivent Action Team


12 fleece blankets tied, (purchased with Thrivent Choice Dollars)

5 picnic tables & benches painted for Williams Park

2 trunk loads full of food + $42 donated to the Food Pantry

20 Garden Rocks painted (by Younger Women's Bible Study) and

delivered by Confirmation Kids

2 big signs made by Sunday School kids delivered to Linden View &

Good Sam

45 minutes of hymns sung at Good Sam

A huge section of the creek cleared in Williams Park

The Lay Ministry team, on behalf of Luther Memorial, extends our thanks and appreciation to Pastor Sarah for her leadership in SOWING the seeds of our congregation. October is Pastor Appreciation Month, so join us in showing our gratitude for all Pastor Sarah does as we walk in faith.

Lay Ministry Team: Karen, Jenny, Joy, Fred, Andy & Kelly

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Remember in Prayer...

Pairidine Crum Mae Lang

Irving Stubbendick Russell Martinson Delton Eisenhauer

Charlie & Nadine Boyes Millie Harms Joe Hawkins

Robert Hallstrom, Sr. Victoria Martacho Kehlenbeck

Donita Rosenthal Lois Block

Phyllis Buesing Lucille Niebuhr Don Rosenthal LeeAnn Zeiger


Treasurer’s Corner - Ranae Hug, Treasurer

September is almost over, and fall is here. It is time to prepare for next year’s budget. Giving is up, expenses are down, and we are looking forward to an exciting year in 2018. The Financial Committee is working with all committees to review and build a

sustainable budget.

We ask that you pray for all of our leaders during this time to have wisdom, courage, understanding and perseverance to carry out God’s will here at Luther Memorial.

Please pray for God to light our path and shine his spirit upon us.

August, 2017 Giving: $22,769

Expenses: $31,581

Giving Expenses

January – August, 2016 $183,773 $230,269

January – August, 2017 $187,189 $222,881

Difference +$3,416 Less $7,388

Thank you, Luther Memorial!

We have sent $1853.00 to

Lutheran Disaster Response.

The gifts were designated for


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The Beckman Project Funds are now being added to the Youth Scholarship Fund. $216.00 was add-

ed this month.

BIRTHDAY Gladys Snyder

Patty Engelbrecht

ANNIVERSARY Greg & Vickie Huskey

Jim & Karen Danner


. .Within the Fold. . . July—September 2017


Kori Smith & Brad Tolliver, August 12

Ashley Owens & Travis Rudolph, September 23


Nora Suzanne, August 22, daughter of Brent & Kara Teten


Nora Teten

DEATHS Kathy True, July 27

Etta Dieken, September 10


German Fest Worship, July 9 VBS, July 10-13

Confirmation Camp, July 16-21 God’s Work, Our Hands, September 10

6th grade Milestone, September 13

On September 13th, 6th graders received their Acolyte Crosses, as they are starting Confirmation Classes and will be acolyting and helping with the power point at worship services. Those students are: C a l e b C a u d i l l , N a t h a n i a l C o r d r a y , Lyndsay Engelbrecht, Kya Halouska, Hailey Kirch-hoff, Connor Martacho, Emma Panko, Jacob Panko,

Jared Panko, Rylee Seelhoff and Navaeh Zeiger.


Trunk or Treat experience in the parking lot of Luther Memorial from 5 - 7 pm on October 31. Families are invited to decorate their trunks and park at LMC to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Kids, “trunk or treat” from car to car and then enjoy a hot dog, chips

and a drink!

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Youth & Family Happenings

The Youth Director Corner

With Faith Formation in full swing, it’s been such a pleasure to spend the last month with you! Thank you all for your part in God’s Work, Our Hands, Rally Sunday, and supporting the Ugandan Children’s Choir in September!

We look forward with excitement at October, which will highlight the receiving of Bibles for nursery and 2nd grade students, Affirmation of Baptism for our 9th graders, the start of ELCA Youth Gathering prep for our high schoolers, and Trunk-Or-Treat for the whole family!

Join us on a crazy, God-filled adventure this month! Blessings, Katie


This month, we celebrate with our 9th grade confirmands as they respond to God’s word in their lives, affirming their baptisms! We are excited to lift them up and have them join in Luther League as well.

Please join us for a reception between services on October, 22nd to celebrate and congratu-late these young people. The confirmation ser-vice will be during 10:15 worship.

Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 18 - Service hour at Good Sam Oct. 18 - Confirmation Rehearsal & Pictures Oct. 19 - 9th Graders present Faith Statements to Council Oct. 22 - Affirmation of Baptism, 10:15am

Sunday School

Trunk-or-Treat is coming up on October 31st! Come celebrate Halloween with us by eating a hot dog and chips and trunk-or-treating in the parking lot from car to car from 5-7pm. Stop by between Good Sam and LindenView trick-or-treating times, we’ll be looking forward to seeing you! (If you’d like to decorate a trunk, contact Katie!)

Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 4 - Nursery Bible Milestone, 6:15 PM Oct. 15 - 2nd Grade Bible Milestone Oct. 22 - Singing at Good Sam during Faith Formation Hour Oct. 31 - Trunk-or-Treat , 5-7pm

Luther League

What a joy to reconnect with Luther League in September. We gathered for ice cream, conversations about our summers and the start of school, and an intense game of Sardines.

As we continue to grow this year, we look forward to opportunities to learn, serve, and celebrate with one another! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this year!

Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 7 - Mini Golf & Cupcakes in Lincoln, 1pm Oct. 22 - Youth Group, 7-8pm Oct. 31 - Trunk-or-Treat (Youth Gathering fundraiser: help serve the meal)

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Eleven members were present for the meeting. Three members of the Financial Committee joined us for part of the


2018 Budget worksheets were given to each Committee chairperson to start budget preparation. Each committee chair will be paired with a member of the finance committee to review their budget and examine each line item. November 12

is the deadline for the budget to be completed.

All year-end reports are due in the office by November 30.

A MacBook Computer was purchased with Thrivent Choice Dollars for use in the fellowship hall. Worship & Music

Committee is researching necessary technology updates.

The Evangelism committee is working on their 2018 goals. Thrivent Choice Dollars were used to donate $500 to two Yeziti Refugee families through Catholic Social Services. The fleece blankets made at God’s Work, Our Hands Day were also delivered to social services. The Committee is working on a power point to inform members of the

congregation where their Thrivent Choice Dollars go.

The Nominating Committee will meet in October to fill the Council spots of the member’s whose terms expire.

The next meeting, with the confirmands, will be held October 19th at 6 pm.

Recorded by Deana Reichmuth

Council Secretary

Thanking God for all our Members

90 and older! Sunday, October 8th at the 8 a.m. service and fellowship hour to follow

Come join us as we do a special blessing for 22 of our church members who are 90 years or older at our traditional worship. We will also celebrate

Irving Stubbendick’s 100th Birthday as he will be with us. Cupcakes and coffee will follow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Bishop is Coming! The Bishop is Coming!

Wednesday, October 11th at 6 p.m. Dinner and conversation with Nebraska Synod’s Bishop Brian Maas

He will share about what we do together as the ELCA Lutheran church in Nebraska, as well as preach at the 7 p.m. worship service!

ALL ARE WELCOME! (Bishop Brian preached at LMC’s 100th Anniversary and is outstanding!)

A sign-up sheet will be available or you may call the church office to RSVP.

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W o r s h i p Assistants


1st Service – 8:00 am 2nd Service – 10:15 am ACOLYTES October 1 Kaytlin D Brady R Casey L Emily H October 8 Nolan W Jase V Noah P Kya H October 15 Mira R Jacob Panko Abby O Jared Panko October 22 Lyndsay E Jaylin Gaston Rylee S Caleb C October 29 Hailey K Neveah Z Emma P Jacob S READERS October 1 Glenna Bohling Sue Wellman October 8 JoDee Paulsen Kay Bremer October 15 Jenniffer Panko-Rahe Sheryl Gaston October 22 Rod Hespen Tami Husen October 29 Rod Hespen Larry Bartels USHERS October 1 Ron & Mary Meyer Brad & Bev Sporhase October 8 John & Dee Rudolph Lynn Lyon & Mary Stewart October 15 Jim & Pam Pfeiffer Wes & Terri Janssen October 22 Bob & Patty Engelbrecht Kurt Borer & Brent Harsin October 29 Wendy Werner & Madeline Roxy & Dannielle Schutz

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W o r s h i p Assistants

1st Service - 8 am 2nd Service - 10:15 COMMUNION October 1 Fred & Chris Bredehoeft Joy Stilmock ASSISTANT Arlis Steinhoff Karen Wolken Laurie Kuenning October 8 JoDee Paulsen Brandi Brinkman Aimee Johns Laurie Kuenning Bob Engelbrecht LaShelle Zimmer October 15 Jenniffer-Panko Rahe Joy Stilmock Aimee Johns Jon & Tami Husen Elaine Hofker October 22 JoDee Paulsen Laurie Kuenning Lacy Johnson Susan Wellman Cheryl Halvorsen Rick Kriefels October 29 Lacy Johnson Susan Wellman Karen & Dave Wolken Alice Perry Susan Thies AUDIO/VIDEO *POWER POINT October 1 Nick & Nathanial Cordray Nick Cordray & Steve Wellman *Lyndsay E *Jaylin G October 8 Andy Brace & Greg Huskey Nick Cordray & Cody L *Rylee S *Jayda G October 15 Arlin Rohlfs & Ron Wenninghoff Nick Cordray & Colton N *Mary Ann Wenninghoff *Jaylin G October 22 Jim Pfeiffer & Andy Brace Emily Holthus & Nick Cordray *Connor M *Kaytlin D October 29 Jim Pfeiffer & Andy Brace Nick & Nathanial Cordray *Nolan W *Lyndsay E VISITATION: Sharon Frederick


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Applications for distributions from the Luther Memorial Fund are available on the Welcome Center or in the Office. Applications must be postmarked no later than October 15th and funds will be awarded

approximately November 1st.

The by-laws list that distributions shall accomplish the following purposes:

a. Outreach into the community and synod, including but not limited to: grants to ELCA seminaries, colleges, or students attending such schools, social service agencies, institutions, and agencies to which this congregation relates, and to special programs designed for those persons in our parish area who are in spiritual and/or

economic need.

b. For missions of the ELCA on this continent and worldwide, including but not limited to: grants to the ELCA new development in North America, professional leadership, educational ministries, global mission, ecumenism, evangelism, social

ministries, and capital financing.

c. For capital improvements, debt reduction, or a building program of Luther

Memorial Church.

The Endowment Committee is Cindy Post, Chris Post, Pam Pfeiffer, Roger Kuenning and

Linda Liesemeyer.

Mary Blacker, Parish Administrator, was honored for 15 years of faithfulness & dedication on Sunday, September 24th. A “coffee & cake hour”

was held between services.

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Sunday, November 12th 5 p.m. at the Green Room

(No need to make dinner!)