Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag by Qi Yu A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto © Copyright by Qi Yu, 2018

Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag€¦ · Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Qi Yu Master of Applied Science Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto 2018 Abstract

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Page 1: Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag€¦ · Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Qi Yu Master of Applied Science Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto 2018 Abstract

Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag


Qi Yu

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science

Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto

© Copyright by Qi Yu, 2018

Page 2: Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag€¦ · Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Qi Yu Master of Applied Science Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto 2018 Abstract


Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag

Qi Yu

Master of Applied Science

Materials Science and Engineering

University of Toronto



An experimental study was carried out to recover metal values from a steelmaking slag through

air oxidation and magnetic separation. The oxidation of slag was carried out in both solid and

liquid states, attempting to optimize the conditions of each. The effects of oxidation time,

temperature, slag basicity, and magnetic field strength on recovery and grade of the concentrate

were investigated and optimized oxidation of iron mono-oxide (FeO) to magnetite (Fe3O4) and

other spinel ferrites in RO phase was observed. Solid state oxidation achieved overall optimum

results when roasted at 900 °C for 1 hour, and magnetically separated under 110 mT. Two products

were collected. An iron-rich concentrate containing 28% Fe, 3.9% Mn and an iron-lean tailing

containing 7% Fe and 0.4% Mn. In order to make the iron-rich product recyclable, its grade needs

to be improved. It was demonstrated that this is possible by grinding the roasted slag to a smaller

particle size. Liquid-state oxidation yielded poor results, likely due to rapid cooling of slag

following its oxidation that did not allow growth and segregation of iron-bearing minerals. It was

shown that slow cooling of such slag can improve the separation efficiency and grade.

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I must sincerely thank my supervisor and mentor, Prof. Mansoor Barati, who not only always

encouraged, guided and taught me in the academic and scientific fields, but also selflessly

supported me when I was lost and gave me enlightenments in life.

I am also earnestly thankful to Dr. Sina Mostaghel, who brings me the most interest to metallurgy,

and has always been a role model to me.

I must also offer heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Uwe Erb, who guided me in and outside the classroom

since undergrad. I wish I can always drink another beer with you.

I am indebted to all my colleagues in our research group, who tolerated all my shortcomings and

brought the two joyful years. I would like to particularly thank Dr. Karim Danaei for his

remarkable and selfless support in the technical and experimental aspects of this work.

I would also like to thank the colleagues from Department of Earth Science, Dr. Yanan Liu and

Dr. Mike Gorton for their technical supports of this work.

The financial support and technical advice from Hatch were elemental for completion of this study.

NSERC and OCE provided additional funding for this project and Arcelor Mittal Dofasco supplied

the slag samples and I would like to thank all of them for their support.

Lastly, I must thank my parents. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them.

Thank you!

Qi Yu

Page 4: Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag€¦ · Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Qi Yu Master of Applied Science Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto 2018 Abstract


Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................ III

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... IV

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................... VII

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................. IX

LIST OF ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................................... XIII

CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 3

LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................................. 3

2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3

2.2 SLAG PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION ................................................................................. 4

2.2.1 Ferrous Slags ........................................................................................................................... 6 Ironmaking and Steelmaking Slags ................................................................................. 6 Stainless Steel Slag ....................................................................................................... 10 Ferroalloy Slags ............................................................................................................ 11

2.2.2 Non-ferrous slag .................................................................................................................... 13

2.2.3 Slag Utilization ...................................................................................................................... 16 In-Plant Recycling of Slag ............................................................................................ 17 Slag as By-Product ........................................................................................................ 18 Recovery of Metals and Minerals from Slag ................................................................ 18

2.3 PHYSICAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES FOR METAL RECOVERY .................................................. 19

2.3.1 Cooling and Sizing ................................................................................................................. 19 Slag Cooling Methods ................................................................................................... 19 Effect of Cooling Conditions on Metal Distribution ..................................................... 20 Size Reduction .............................................................................................................. 21 Screening as a Concentration Method........................................................................... 21

2.3.2 Gravity Separation ................................................................................................................. 22

2.3.3 Floatation .............................................................................................................................. 23

2.3.4 Magnetic Separation .............................................................................................................. 23 Magnet Ordering ........................................................................................................... 24

Page 5: Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag€¦ · Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Qi Yu Master of Applied Science Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto 2018 Abstract

v Spinel Ferrite ................................................................................................................. 27 Magnetic Separation ..................................................................................................... 30 Magnetic Separation of Metal in Slag ........................................................................... 32

2.4 PYROMETALLURGICAL METHODS .................................................................................................. 34

2.4.1 Carbothermic Reduction ........................................................................................................ 34 Direct Reduction ........................................................................................................... 35 Selective Reduction....................................................................................................... 36

2.4.2 Slag Settling ........................................................................................................................... 37

2.4.3 Slag Fuming ........................................................................................................................... 39

2.4.4 Sulfurization ........................................................................................................................... 39

2.4.5 Magnetizing Roast ................................................................................................................. 40

2.5 HYDROMETALLURGICAL METHODS ............................................................................................... 44

2.5.1 Leaching ................................................................................................................................ 44 Effect of Various Parameters on Leaching Kinetics and Efficiency ............................. 44 Acid Leaching ............................................................................................................... 45 Alkaline Leaching ......................................................................................................... 47 Salt Leaching ................................................................................................................ 48

2.5.2 Metal Recovery ...................................................................................................................... 52 Solvent Extraction ......................................................................................................... 52 Precipitation .................................................................................................................. 52

2.6 SUMMARY OF METAL RECOVERY METHODS FROM SLAG ............................................................. 53

CHAPTER 3 .............................................................................................................................................. 55

EXPERIMENTAL ............................................................................................................................ 55

3.1 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................... 55

3.2 MATERIALS ..................................................................................................................................... 55

3.2.1 Slag ........................................................................................................................................ 55

3.2.2 Additives ................................................................................................................................ 58

3.3 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP ................................................................................................................... 58

3.3.1 Solid State Oxidation ............................................................................................................. 59 Oxidizing with CO2 ....................................................................................................... 60 Oxidizing with Air ........................................................................................................ 60

3.3.2 Liquid State Oxidation ........................................................................................................... 60

3.3.3 Magnetic Separation .............................................................................................................. 61

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3.4 EXPERIMENT PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................ 63

3.5 ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES ............................................................................................................. 65

CHAPTER 4 .............................................................................................................................................. 66

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 66

4.1 CHARACTERIZATION OF RAW SLAG ............................................................................................... 66

4.1.1 RO Phase ............................................................................................................................... 66

4.1.2 Response of Raw Slag to Magnetic Separation ..................................................................... 69

4.2 THERMODYNAMIC ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................... 71

4.3 SOLID STATE OXIDATION ............................................................................................................... 76

4.3.1 Roasting with CO2 ................................................................................................................. 76

4.3.2 Roasting with Air ................................................................................................................... 79 Effect of Magnetic Field Strength ................................................................................. 79 Effect of Roasting Time ................................................................................................ 81 Effect of Roasting Temperature .................................................................................... 82 Phase Evolution in Roasting of Slag ............................................................................. 83 Magnetic Separation of Slag Roasted Under Optimized Conditions ............................ 85 Manganese Recovery .................................................................................................... 91

4.4 LIQUID STATE OXIDIZATION .......................................................................................................... 92

4.4.1 Effect of Temperature and Time ............................................................................................ 94

4.4.2 Effect of Basicity .................................................................................................................... 97

CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 100

CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 100

CHAPTER 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 102

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK ....................................................................... 102

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 103

APPENDIX A .......................................................................................................................................... 114

APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................................... 116

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List of Tables

Table 2-1: Chemical composition (wt%) and production rate of ferrous and non-ferrous slags

[2][3][4][5][6]. ................................................................................................................................ 5

Table 2-2: Typical metal values (ppm) in ferrous and non-ferrous slags [4][5] ............................. 5

Table 2-3: Steel slag composition from literature ........................................................................... 9

Table 2-4: Stainless steel slag composition from literature. ......................................................... 11

Table 2-5: Summary of copper slag composition from literatures. .............................................. 14

Table 2-6: Mineralogy of copper slags. Slag # refers to those in Table 2-5. ................................ 16

Table 2-7:Comparison of calculated spin-only magnetic moments with experimentally

observed data for some common transition metals, where µB is theoretical Bohr magneton, and

µeff is the observed Bohr magneton [74]. ...................................................................................... 29

Table 2-8: Cation distribution, structure type and saturation magnetization of spinel ferrites[73].

....................................................................................................................................................... 29

Table 2-9: Magnetic susceptibility of selected rocks, minerals and BOF slag [76][77]. .............. 30

Table 2-10: Summery of pyrometallurgical methods investigated on metal recovery from slag. 42

Table 2-11: A summary of leaching studies on slag for metal recovery ...................................... 50

Table 3-1: Chemical compositions of steel slag sample (wt%) from XRF analysis provided by

AM-Dofasco ................................................................................................................................. 56

Table 3-2: Experimental variables and their ranges. .................................................................... 63

Table 4-1: XRF results comparison between Dofasco and U of T analysis. ................................ 66

Table 4-2: Summary of WDS analysis of RO phase in the raw slag (42 points) ......................... 68

Table 4-3: Recovery, grade, and S.E. of iron recovery from raw (B=110 mT). ........................... 69

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Table 4-4: Comparison of magnetic separation performance (via 110 mT) between raw slag and

optimally oxidized slag. ................................................................................................................ 86

Table 4-5: XRF result of separation products under optimum conditions, comparing with raw

slag (wt%). .................................................................................................................................... 90

Table 4-6: Summary of separation performance under optimum conditions, and the effect of

particle size. .................................................................................................................................. 90

Table 4-7: Effect of silica addition (change in basicity) on grade of feed and concentrate ......... 99

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List of Figures

Figure 2-1: Annual production of various slags. ............................................................................ 4

Figure 2-2: Thermodynamically predicted and actual loss of copper in smelter slag [1] ............... 6

Figure 2-3: Schematic of slag generation from general ironmaking and steelmaking process [4],

[13]. ................................................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 2-4: World annual production of iron and steel slags from 1970 to 2017 [14] ................... 8

Figure 2-5: Schematic of stainless steel production process and slag generation points. ............. 10

Figure 2-6: Flowsheet of ferrochrome production process. .......................................................... 12

Figure 2-7: Flowsheet of ferromanganese alloy production and slag generation points .............. 12

Figure 2-8: Slag generation points in production of non-ferrous metals [4] ................................ 16

Figure 2-9: Schematic diagram of jigging operation[67]. ............................................................ 22

Figure 2-10: Magnetization versus applied magnetic field strength for idealized (a) paramagnetic,

diamagnetic and (b) ferromagnetic minerals [70]. ........................................................................ 25

Figure 2-11: Schematic diagram of spin interaction of several common magnetism types, namely

(a) paramagnet, (b) ferromagnetic, (c) antiferromagnetic, (d) canted antiferromagnetic (or weak

ferromagnetic), (e) ferrimagnetic ordering. These schematic diagrams are 2D illustrations of 3D

phenomena. ................................................................................................................................... 26

Figure 2-12: (a)Schematic diagram of A2+B3+2O4 normal spinel [72] (b) Anion X2- in the spinel

structure with its nearest cation neighbors [73]. ........................................................................... 28

Figure 2-13: Simplified schematic diagram for magnetic separation [75]. .................................. 32

Figure 2-14: An AC slag-settling furnace. A furnace of this size cleans 1000–1500 tonnes of slag

per day[1]. ..................................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 3-1: SEM BSE image of steel slag sample ........................................................................ 56

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Figure 3-2: SEM-EDS elemental mapping of steel slag sample ................................................... 56

Figure 3-3: XRD spectrum of the steel slag sample. .................................................................... 57

Figure 3-4: Particle size distribution of the pulverized slag. ........................................................ 58

Figure 3-5: Scheme of the experimental steps .............................................................................. 59

Figure 3-6: Schematic diagram of the experimental setup in solid state oxidation of slag. ......... 59

Figure 3-7: Schematic diagram of the setup used in liquid state oxidation of slag. ..................... 61

Figure 3-8: Schematic diagram of the Davis tube magnetic separator. ........................................ 62

Figure 4-1: BSE image of raw slags with phases identification of: points A & E, RO phase, their

compositions are given in the table (balanced with O wt% and minor Ca wt%); point B & F:

C4AF phase; C: C2S and C3S phases; D: metallic iron. .............................................................. 67

Figure 4-2: Processed image for phase distribution of Fe-species in raw steel slag. .................... 68

Figure 4-3: Schematic diagram of magnetic separation. .............................................................. 69

Figure 4-4: XRD patterns for the magnetic (a) and non-magnetic (b) fractions of the raw slag. . 70

Figure 4-5: Phase diagram of slag (composition given above), calculated by FactSage 7.0.

C3MS2: Ca2MgS2O8; C2AF: Ca2(Al, Fe)2O5; C3MA4: Ca3MgAl4O10. ...................................... 72

Figure 4-6: Phase diagrams of synthetic slags (composition given) constructed by Semykina et

al.[102] using FactSage 6.4. (Temperature unit is K, pressure unit is log(Pa) and air atmosphere

is represented by line A) ............................................................................................................... 73

Figure 4-7: Proportions of different minerals in slag equilibrated with air against temperature. . 74

Figure 4-8: Proportions of different minerals in slag with 40 wt% FeO. ..................................... 75

Figure 4-9: Proportions of different minerals in slag against basicity (pO2=0.21, T= 1000 °C). .. 75

Figure 4-10: XRD patterns for selected CO2-roasted samples at (a) 600°C and (b) 700°C. ........ 77

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Figure 4-11: XRD patterns of raw slag and slag roasted with CO2. ............................................. 78

Figure 4-12: Concentrate fraction as a function of time and temperature for slags roasted in air

and CO2 and subjected to 100 mT magnetic separation. .............................................................. 78

Figure 4-13: Concentrate fraction (% magnetic fraction of feed) vs. magnetic field strength

(roasted in air at 900°C for 1hr). ................................................................................................... 79

Figure 4-14: Effect of magnetic field strength on iron grade and recovery as well as separation

efficiency (roasted in air at 900°C for 1hr). .................................................................................. 80

Figure 4-15: Effect of roasting time on grade, recovery and S.E. of iron in the concentrate (air

roasting at 900°C, B=110 mT). ..................................................................................................... 81

Figure 4-16: Effect of roasting temperature on iron grade, recovery, and separation (air roasting

for 1 hour, magnetic field strength=110 mT)................................................................................ 82

Figure 4-17: Calculated percentage magnetite formation based on mass gain vs. temperature

(roasting time = 1 h). ..................................................................................................................... 83

Figure 4-18: XRD patterns for 900 °C, 1hr slag sample (a) and its magnetic fraction (b) and

nonmagnetic fraction (c), separated via 110 mT. ......................................................................... 84

Figure 4-19: XRD patterns of raw slag, and slag roasted in air at different conditions. .............. 85

Figure 4-20: Grade of iron, manganese and magnesium in concentrate with magnetic field

strength from 55 to 125 (roasting in air at 900°C, for 1hr). .......................................................... 86

Figure 4-21: Different particles generated during size reduction[104]. ....................................... 87

Figure 4-22: BSE image (200 magnification) of magnetic fraction of steel slag roasted in air at

900°C, 1hr and magnetically separated under 110 mT. Type 1 to 4 particles are marked. 1a

particles: RO phase rich in iron; 1b particles: RO phase rich in magnesium. .............................. 88

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Figure 4-23: BSE imaging (200 magnification) for nonmagnetic fraction of steel slag roasted in

air at 900°C, 1hr and magnetically separated under 110 mT. A: C2S; B: C3S; C: C2F; D: Free

lime. .............................................................................................................................................. 89

Figure 4-24: Effect of roasting temperature on Mn grade, recovery and SE (air roasting for 1

hour, magnetic field strength 110 mT). ........................................................................................ 91

Figure 4-25: Cross-sections of slag containing crucibles after treatment at different temperatures

(holding time 30 minutes). ............................................................................................................ 93

Figure 4-26: XRD pattern comparison of air treated slag at 900°C and 1550 °C. 2θ ranges from

35 to 44 degrees. ........................................................................................................................... 94

Figure 4-27: Effect of roasting temperature (a) and time (b) on iron grade, recovery, and

separation efficiency (air roasting, B=110 mT, roasting for 30 mins for (a)). ............................. 95

Figure 4-28: BSE imaging (2000 magnification) for steel slag oxidized by air at (a) 1550 °C for

15 minutes; (b) 1550 °C for 30 minutes; (c) 1400 °C for 30 minutes and (d) 1500 °C for 30

minutes. A (light gray region): magnetized RO phase; B (black region): C2S, C3S; C (dark gray

region): C2F, C4AF region. .......................................................................................................... 96

Figure 4-29: BSE images for steel slags oxidized with air at 1550 °C for 30 minutes (a)

C/S=2.91, original slag; (b) C/S = 2.5; (c) C/S = 2 and (d) C/S = 1.5. ......................................... 97

Figure 4-30: Effect of basicity on % concentrate, grade, recovery and S.E. of iron (air oxidation

at 1550 °C for 30 minutes and B=110 mT). ................................................................................. 98

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List of Acronyms

BF = Blast furnace

BOF = Basic oxygen furnace

LD Slag = Slag from basic oxygen converter

EAF = Electric arc furnace

LF = Ladle metallurgy furnace

SAF = Submerged arc furnace

MOR = Manganese oxygen refining

C2S = Dicalcium silicate, 2CaO·SiO2

C3S = Tricalcium silicate, 3CaO·SiO2

C2F = Dicalcium ferrite, 2CaO·Fe2O3

C4AF = Tetracalcium alumino-ferrite, 4CaO·(Al,Fe)2O3

RO Phase = FeO–MnO–MgO monoxide solid solution

Page 14: Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag€¦ · Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Qi Yu Master of Applied Science Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto 2018 Abstract

Chapter 1


Metallurgical slags are produced at an immense rate of ~ 700 million tonnes annually. Traditionally

regarded as a waste, their disposal is increasingly difficult as a result of more stringent

environmental regulations, and the amount of valuable minerals that they contain. Metallurgical

slags can be divided into three large categories based on their composition and source: blast furnace

(BF) slags, steel slags, and non-ferrous slags.

Blast furnace slags constitute more than half of all the slag produced in the metals industry. Their

use in cement production however makes them less of a waste problem and more of a by-product.

On the other hand, due to the high value of non-ferrous metals and depletion of high grade ores of

such metals, slag is considered a secondary source of them. As a result, complex and costly

processes are becoming increasingly viable options to treat non-ferrous slags. However, effective

recycling of steel slags, as the second largest group of slags (after BF) remains a problem. On one

hand, sophisticated processes may not be economically justified for treating these slags and on the

other hand, presence of heavy metals, free lime, and iron oxide does not allow their use in typical

construction applications.

This research is part of a larger study on possibility and optimization of slag atomization as a

comprehensive method that not only fragments slag into small particles with little use of energy,

but also a facilitator to allow recovery of both heat and metallic values from slag. The present work

aims at understanding the oxidation of slag during air atomization and the effect on distribution of

iron species. In other words, it tries to answer the following question. Is it possible to manipulate

the atomization process, for example by controlling the atmosphere or cooling conditions, so that

iron species report to a magnetic phase, and can then be subsequently separated from the granulated

slag. The study explores this by oxidizing both solid and liquid slags, in an attempt to simulate the

atomization conditions where slag goes through a phase change.

This thesis contains five chapters. In Chapter 2, a survey of literatures with regard to production

and characteristics of slags, as well as methods of their processing is presented. The details of raw

materials and experimental procedures are discussed in Chapter 3. The results are presented and

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discussed in Chapter 4. Finally, in Chapter 5, the major findings of the work are summarized and

suggestions for future works related to the current study are made.

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Slag is a byproduct of metal extraction and refining processes. It is predominantly a mixture of

oxides generated in smelting or refining process, and originates from gangue materials of the ore,

added fluxes, products of chemical reactions, and erosion of refractories. There are mainly two

types of slags, distinguished by their primary metallic ore bodies: ferrous slags, generated in iron

and steelmaking processes or ferroalloy production processes; and non-ferrous slags, generated in

the extraction of other metals.

Pyrometallurgical processes produce massive amounts of slag, most of which are currently

stockpiled in slag dumps, pending on favorable economic condition and advancing technology for

utilization. Proper utilization of slag remains one of the major challenges of the metals extraction


In terms of minerology, slags contain valuable gangue materials: silicates, aluminosilicates, and

calcium-alumina-silicates, thus are an economical secondary feedstock to manufacture products in

cement industry and construction materials. In addition, many slags contain a quantity of metals,

which if recovered can constitute a valuable secondary resource. Thus, when it is practically

feasible, the metal values must be recovered before disposal or other recycling applications.

Over the years, an increasing number of studies have been carried out on the topic of metal

recovery from metallurgical slags. This report starts with reviewing chemical and mineralogical

characteristics of slags, followed by a discussion on the routes and scale of slag production

including ferrous and non-ferrous slags. The subsequent sections then summarize the major

processes and treatment options for metal recovery from slag. These treatments are generally

categorized into broader physical and chemical methods. The scope of this report is to discuss the

metal recovery methods for slags of steelmaking, stainless steel, ferroalloy, copper and nickel.

Blast furnace slags are not covered as there is little metal in such slags. Also, their complete

utilization in cement making is widespread.

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2.2 Slag Production and Characterization

This chapter presents an overview of metallurgical slags with respect to their production process,

production rate, and chemical and mineralogical constituents. The overall annual production rate

of slags is shown in Figure 2-1. Since slag is not a mined material, accurate slags production data

are usually unavailable. They are often estimated using the metal production amounts and specific

slag rate of the given process. Based on this analysis, the estimated global slag production is nearly

680 Mt per year. According to this chart, ferrous slags constitute 90% of the total slag generation.

In comparison, 74 million tonnes of slags are from non-ferrous processes. However, it is to be

noted that due to the greater slag rate for production of non-ferrous metals, the production per plant

in non-ferrous operations is comparable to ferrous ones, making them equally or even more

attractive from slag utilization perspective.

Figure 2-1: Annual production of various slags.

The typical composition and generation rate of slags for the major metal extraction processes are

provided in Table 2-1and Table 2-2. Besides the main components (CaO, SiO2, MgO and Al2O3),

metallurgical slags usually contain metals in compounds form, which are commonly thought as

losses of the target product. Metal values in slags are generally present in two forms: (a) metal

alloy droplets which are mechanically trapped in the slag phase, and (b) metals oxides or sulfides

chemically dissolved in the slag. Using the copper extraction process as an example, the Cu in

smelting and converting slags exists as dissolved Cu in the form of oxide or sulfide, or as entrained

200 Mt

356 Mt

610 Mt

66 MtSteel Slag

Iron Slag

Stainless Steel Slag

Ferroalloy Slag

Copper Slag



Ferrous Slag

Page 18: Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag€¦ · Metal Recovery from Steelmaking Slag Qi Yu Master of Applied Science Materials Science and Engineering University of Toronto 2018 Abstract


droplets of matte, as shown in Figure 2-2. The difference between operation data and chemical

copper loss is mechanically entrained copper matte or metals. The dissolved Cu is associated with

O2- ions (i.e., Cu2O), or with S2- ions (CuS) [1].

In the following sections, the slag generation points, annual production rates and applications of

slag from various metal extraction/refining processes are discussed.

Table 2-1: Chemical composition (wt%) and production rate of ferrous and non-ferrous

slags [2][3][4][5][6].

Slag Type CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO MnO FeOx

Typical Slagging Rate

(t slag /t crude metal)

BF Slag 34-43 27-38 7-12 7-15 0.15-0.76 0.2-1.6 0.3

Steel Slags

BOF 45-60 9-22 1-7 5-17 2-14 10-35 0.126

EAF 35-60 9-20 2-9 5-15 1-8 5-30 0.169

LF 30-60 2-35 5-35 1-10 0-5 0.1-15 0.030

Copper Slag 2-17 25-40 4-14 1-3 0.3-2 30-50 2.2

Ni-(Sulphide ore) 3 36 6 3 0.7 46 5.3

Ni-(oxide ore)/ FeNi - 54 2 32 0.06 11 14

FeCr 2 30 26 23 - 5 1.2

Table 2-2: Typical metal values (ppm) in ferrous and non-ferrous slags [4][5]

Slag Type Cu Cr Co Ni Zn

BF Slag 15.9 1032 9.5 3 79.5

Steel Slags 114 4798 8 153 748

Copper Slag 25088 445 3317 70.9 36314

Ni-(Sulphide ore) 140 - 1293 2762 187

Ni-(oxide ore)/ FeNi 2200 13400 700 6907 75.2

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Figure 2-2: Thermodynamically predicted and actual loss of copper in smelter slag [1]

2.2.1 Ferrous Slags Ironmaking and Steelmaking Slags

Figure 2-3 shows a simplified process flow diagram of iron and steelmaking processes. As seen,

slags are generated in each operating unit that handes liquid steel/iron. Figure 2-4 presents the

trend in global production of iron and steel slag from 1970s to 2017, calculated based on the World

Steel Association data. A rapid growth of slag generation was observed after 2000, as China’s

significant economic growth and development of infrastructure triggered high demand for iron and

steel. The total amount of iron and steel slag production adds up to more than 560 million tonnes


The future trends in production of iron and steel slag is not entirely certain due to rapid changes in

technology. While steel production will continue to rise, shift from BF-BOF to EAF will result in

lower slag generation per tonne of steel, a trend that has been seen in the US. A market report

titled “The Future of Ferrous Slag to 2022” from Smithers Apex in 2012 [7] shows an estimated

slag market of 447 Mt for BF, 140-145 Mt for BOF, and 50 Mt for EAF. The report comments that

the total output of ferrous slag is expected to increase slowly, or even to plateau or decline

marginally. The utilization of slag is however increasing due to stricter environmental regulations,

greater diversity in slag products, and more attractive economics. The ferrous slag market in 2014,

was estimated to be 30 billion USD.

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The difference in chemical composition of each slag presents different environmental risk and

utilization options. Due to the very reducing atmosphere, BF slag contains little metal value. In

contrast, steelmaking slags are typically rich in Fe, Mn and Cr, mostly as oxides due to the

oxidizing atmosphere, and intense mixing between slag and metal. The composition of steel slags

from a number of operations is given in Table 2-3. These represent metal in the oxide form, noting

that varying amounts of metallic Fe (7-30% steel by weight [6] [8] [9]) is also present in the steel

slag. Furthermore, nowadays, steelmaking process increasingly uses scrap as a charge material

which leads to higher concentration of alloying elements (Ni, Mn, Cr, etc) in the slag. When

treating high phosphorus ores, the converter slags may end up with high levels of P, making them

suitable for feedstock of fertilizer [10].

Because the chemical composition of steel slags is highly variable, the mineralogy of slag is not

consistent. Olivine ((Mg,Fe)2SiO4), merwinite (Ca3Mg(SiO4)2), dicalcium silicate or C2S

(2CaO·SiO2), tricalcium silicate or C3S (3CaO·SiO2), tetracalcium alumino-ferrite or C4AF

(Ca4(Al, Fe)2O7), dicalcium ferrite or C2F (Ca2Fe2O5), RO phase (FeO–MnO–MgO solid solution)

and free lime are common in steel slag [9]. The most common phases found in LD slags are

metallic iron, C2S, C2F and wüstite (FeO) [11] Iron oxides in steel slag is usually in the form of

magnetite (Fe3O4) or wustite [9]. The presence of C3S, C2S, C4AF, and C2F renders cementitious

properties to the steel slag. The reactivity of steel slag increases with its basicity. The C3S content

in steel slag is much lower than in Portland cement. Thus, steel slag can be regarded as a weak

Portland cement clinker [12].

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Figure 2-3: Schematic of slag generation from general ironmaking and steelmaking process

[4], [13].

Figure 2-4: World annual production of iron and steel slags from 1970 to 2017 [14]

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Table 2-3: Steel slag composition from literature

Slag Type Constituent (wt%)

Reference Fe Total FeO CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO MnO P2O5 TiO2 C/S


15.8 20.3 38.6 19.3 2.7 8.1 7.5 - - 2.0 [9]

18.2 23.5 45.0 11.1 1.9 9.6 3.1 - - 4.1 [15]

23.6 30.3 39.4 12.0 2.2 9.7 2.7 1.0 - 3.3 [16]

16.2 20.8 52.3 15.3 1.3 1.1 0.4 3.1 - 3.4 [17]

Low C 24.6 31.6 42.3 10.8 1.2 6.9 2.3 1.2 - 3.9 [18]

High C 15.9 20.5 44.7 14.2 3.4 8.2 1.8 1.7 - 3.1 [18]

21.9 28.2 36.7 13.1 4.6 8.7 5.4 1.1 0.5 2.8 [19]

14.3 18.4 52.4 12.8 1.4 5.2 2.9 2.3 0.7 4.1 [20]

19.0 24.5 42.2 9.3 1.4 10.8 4.0 0.5 - 4.5 [21]

High V 17.9 23.1 51.0 11.3 1.6 1.2 3.7 - - 4.5 [21]

21.2 27.2 40.1 17.8 2.0 6.3 6.5 1.1 - 2.3 [22]


12.5 16.1 40.8 17.8 4.2 8.5 9.8 0.7 - 2.3 [22]

19.2 24.6 38.8 14.1 6.7 3.9 5.0 - - 2.8 [15]

18.4 23.7 35.7 17.5 6.3 6.5 2.5 - 0.8 2.0 [23]


1.6 2.0 42.5 14.2 22.9 12.6 0.2 - - 3.0 [15]

16.0 20.6 52.7 12.6 1.4 6.1 3.0 2.7 0.6 4.2 [11]

0.6 0.8 58.1 9.5 15.7 4.8 0.1 - 1.2 6.1 [24]

17.0 21.9 47.7 13.3 3.0 6.4 2.6 1.5 0.7 3.6 [25]

12.3 15.8 44.3 6.9 1.2 1.0 4.5 1.9 1.0 6.4 [24] [27]

0.7 0.9 49.6 14.7 25.6 7.9 0.4 0.2 - 3.4 [20]

5.9 7.6 47.5 4.6 22.6 7.4 1.0 0.1 0.3 10.2 [16]

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10 Stainless Steel Slag

Global stainless steel production increased from 29.8 million tonnes in 2007 to 34.7 million tonnes

in 2014, and to 45.8 million tonnes in 2016 [14].The significant growth is mainly driven by the

Chinese demand and production. In addition to electric arc furnace, stainless steel production

process has a few extra refining units including AOD (argon-oxygen-decarburization furnace) or

VOD (vacuum-oxygen-decarburization furnace), as shown in Figure 2-5. Approximately one

tonne of stainless steel slag (SS slag) is generated per 3 tonnes of stainless steel amounting to ~ 15

million tonnes of SS slag is 2016.

Figure 2-5: Schematic of stainless steel production process and slag generation points.

Table 2-4 shows the analysis of several SS slags. High concentration of chromium in these slags

(or in ferrochrome slag) is a major environmental concern. Chromium is alloyed into stainless steel

to provide the corrosion resistance. Converter in stainless steel making uses oxidation reaction to

refine molten metal, resulting in oxidation of Cr into the slag [28]. Due to the carcinogenic effect

of Cr6+ and the leaching properties of Cr-containing slags, Cr content are tightly specified in many

industrialized countries. It is reported that there is almost no utilization of slags from stainless

steelmaking, due to this limitation [21]. Thus, many investigations have been carried out on

chromium extraction from stainless steel (or ferrochrome slags), to not only recover the metal

values, but also to address this concern and allow the use of remaining slag as cement or

construction materials [28]- [29]. Mineralogical studies of SS slags by Shen et al. indicate that SS

slag contains about 2 to 4 % Cr, 1 to 2.6% Mn and 0.2% Ni. About 70% Fe and Cr is in the form

of oxide, whereas Ni and Mn in SS slag are all in the form of Cr containing alloys[30].

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Table 2-4: Stainless steel slag composition from literature.

Constituent (wt%) Range

Cr2O3 2.66 1.72 3.4 2.9 1.8 6.74 0.81 0.8 – 2.9

FeO 5.2 0.93 0.8 1.4 1.7 2.31 0.54 0.5 – 5.2

CaO 44.57 42 42.1 46.9 54.1 38.8 56.0 38.8 – 56.0

SiO2 33.06 26 33.6 33.5 26.5 30.4 25.9 25.9 – 33.6

Al2O3 3.59 2.1 1.87 2.3 4.9 5.15 3.84 1.9 – 5.2

MgO 8.33 11 10.5 6.2 6.3 8.47 6.88 6.2 – 11.0

MnO 0.44 0.58 0.7 2.6 1.0 3.95 0.57 0.4 – 4.0

TiO2 2.15 0.83 1.23 0.2 1.0 - - 0 – 2.2

C/S 1.35 1.62 1.25 1.40 2.0 1.3 2.2 1.3 – 1.6

Reference [28] [29] [31] [32] [32] [21] [21] Ferroalloy Slags

Ferroalloys are iron based alloys with high content of various elements and include FeCr,

ferrochrome; FeMn, ferromanganese; FeSiMn, silicomanganese; FeNi, ferronickel; FeSi,

ferrosilicon; FeTi, ferrotitanium; and FeV, ferrovanadium. The global production of all ferroalloys

increased from 46.8 million tonnes in 2012 [33] to 57.6 million tonnes in 2014 [34]. Most of the

ferroalloys serve as alloy feedstocks in production of steel, stainless steel, and other grades of alloy

steels. As a result, ferroalloys production has been growing since a large market is opening for

high quality steels and alloy steels.

Ferrochrome slag

Ferrochromium like other ferroalloys is mainly produced by direct carbothermic reduction in

submerged arc furnace, as shown in Figure 2-6. It is categorized by its carbon content into three

groups: high, medium, or low carbon FeCr. The high-carbon ferrochrome (HC FeCr) including

charge chrome (produced from low grade ores) is the most dominant form of ferrochrome,

accounting for 95% of the total production [35][36]. It is reported that the global charge chrome

(HC FeCr) production was 11.1 million tonnes in 2014 [37]. Given the slag rate of 1.2 t slag/t

crude metal [5], the estimated HC FeCr slag production was greater than 13 million tonnes in 2014.

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Figure 2-6: Flowsheet of ferrochrome production process.

Ferromanganese slag

In the year 2014, world production of silicomanganese and ferromanganese production was 12.7

million tonnes and 6.7 million tonnes respectively [33]. Around 1.2–1.4 t of slag is typically

generated for every tonne of SiMn alloy produced; for FeMn this value is around 0.8 to 0.9 t of

slag for each tonne of FeMn alloy [38][39]. However, many conventional processes tend to recycle

Mn-rich slag back to the process. Thus, for slags of Mn alloys, only silicomanganese alloys are

considered, amounting to ~ 15 million tonne of slag in 2014. SiMn slag consists of oxides such as

SiO2, CaO, Al2O3, MgO and MnO. The MnO content of SiMn slag ranges between 6 and 10%.

The slags are mostly amorphous after solidification [38].

Figure 2-7: Flowsheet of ferromanganese alloy production and slag generation points

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Ferronickel slag

Ferronickel is commonly produced from nickel lateritic ores through pre-reduction in rotary kilns

followed by smelting in EAF, a process flow similar to Figure 2-6. As the laterite ores are not

upgraded before smelting, the slag generation rate is enormous at around 14 t slag/ t FeNi alloy.

With global ferronickel alloy production of 3.9 Mt, estimation of slag production is found to be 54

Mt. [33]

2.2.2 Non-ferrous slag

Figure 2-8 shows a simplified process flow diagram with slag generation points in non-ferrous

metal production processes. Flash smelting was developed by Outokumpu and has been used in

the copper industry since 1949. It has replaced most reverberatory furnaces, and is now known as

the “conventional” copper smelting process. According to the World Copper Factbook 2014, in

the year of 2013 world, the copper smelter production reached 16.8 million tonnes of copper.

Considering the typical proportion of 2.2 tonnes of slag per ton of blister copper, about 37 million

tonnes of copper smelting related slags including smelter slag and converter slag are generated

[40]. Table 2-5 shows the composition of copper slags in several operations, ranging from 0.2 to

3.35% Cu with an average of 1.5% Cu. Converter slag has a wide range of composition and

generally much higher Cu content than smelter slags [41]. It also contains large contents of Co,

Ni, and Zn (some contain as high as 4% Co or 8.9% Zn), appreciable amounts of precious metal

and large amounts of iron and silica. In some cases, the molybdenum content is up to 0.4%,

representing the most valuable elements in the slags[42].

Table 2-6 lists the major mineral phases in copper slags. The dominant phases are fayalite

(Fe2SiO4) and magnetite. Some slags contain mainly glass phase, due to different thermal history.

Many studies conclude that most of the copper (80%) was in the form of copper sulfides (or

bornite, Cu5FeS4), and cobalt, zinc and nickel were uniformly disseminated as ferrites and silicates

[43][44][41]. However, some report that copper is mainly dispersed within the iron and silicate

phases[45]. This shows large variety of slags’ mineralogy, mainly due to their thermal and

chemical history. The effect of different cooling rates on slag mineralogy will be discussed later.

The difference in the mineralogy can affect the separation process of metals as will be discussed


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Table 2-5: Summary of copper slag composition from literatures.

Constituent Composition (wt%) (Continue to Next Page)

Slag 1 Slag 2 Slag 3 Slag 4 Slag 5 Slag 6 Slag 7 Slag 8 Slag 9 Slag 10 Slag 11 Slag 12

Cu 1.22 1.61 1.43 1.53 1.76 1.35 0.60 3.35 0.2 1.42 1.40 0.98

Fe 32.24 35.80 20.70 39.09 46.46 28.43 42.80 50.20 21.0 41.51 22.54 51.47

Co - - 0.72 0.04 0.19 4.09 - - 1.7 0.70 2.00 0.49

Ni - - - 0.02 0.23 0.04 - - NR 0.01 - 0.004

Zn - - 8.90 - - 1.70 - - 5.0 3.00 8.03 0.23

Pb - - - - - 1.16 - - 0.8 0.19 0.46 -

S - - 0.59 1.24 - 0.11 - 0.58 0.4 0.68 0.60 0.67

Si - - 15.37 14.45 33.57 15.38 13.30 13.80 14.4 11.53 14.49 9.94

Ca - - 6.26 2.82 2.09 5.13 - 0.15 6.1 3.77 7.15 -

Mg - - 2.53 1.70 0.97 2.15 - - 3.4 0.56 3.02 -

Al - - 2.56 1.22 1.58 3.22 1.06 - 3.2 1.51 1.51 -

Type Smelter slag

Slag 1: Reverberatory slag, Refimet, Chile[46]; Slag 2: Flash smelter Slag ,Codelco Chile Chuquicamata Division[46]; Slag 3: smelter

slag from Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo[44]; Slag 4: Smelter slag, Birla Copper, India [47]; Slag 5: smelter slag, Copper

Complex, Ghatsila, India[48]; Slag 6: smelter slag, Guangdong, China [43]; Slag 7, India[45]; Slag 8: smelter slag, Chile [42]; Slag 9:

Smelter slag, water granulated, GCM, Congo[49]; Slag 10: Flash smelter slag, Yanggu Xiangguang Copper Co., LTD., China[50]; Slag

11: Smelter slag, Lubumbashi plant, Congo[51]; Slag 12: Smelter slag, Küre, Turkey [52]; Slag 13: Flash smelter slag, Chile [53]; Slag

14: mix of smelter and converter slag, Black Sea Copper Works, Turkey[41]; Slag 15: convertor slag, Copper Complex, Ghatsila,

India[48]; Slag 16: converter slag, Chambishi Copper, Zambia[54]; Slag 17: converter slag, Legnica, Poland [55]; Slag 18: converter slag

Atlantic Copper Company, Spain [56]; Slag 19: converter slag, Ergani Copper Co. of Etibank, Turkey [57]. “-” as not reported.

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(Table 2-5 Continued)

Constituent Amount (%)

Slag 13 Slag 14 Slag 15 Slag 16 Slag 17 Slag 18 Slag 19

Cu 2.27 2.64 4.03 22.87 1.70-5.60 9.13 2.40

Fe 41.30 47.20 38.32 32.35 30.40-

38.00 40.03 50.30

Co - 0.10 0.49 0.60 0.90-1.45 - 0.38

Ni - 0.07 1.97 - 0.045-

0.095 0.01 -

Zn - 0.67 - - 3.10-6.40 1.36 -

Pb - 0.13 - - 3.42-7.61 - -

S 0.83 1.30 - 3.49 0.17-0.78 1.07 2.92

Si 15.40 8.50 34.32 10.63 11.92-

15.35 - -

Ca 0.49 - 4.01 - 0.31-1.78 - -

Mg - - 2.66 - 0.13-1.17 - -

Al 1.60 - 0.08 - - - -

Type Smelter

slag Mixed slag Converter slag

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Similar conditions apply to nickel extraction, since most nickel is present in similar form with

copper in sulfide ores. Nickel sulfide extraction process typically has a much higher slag rate.

Twomillion tonnes of primary nickel is produced, while 60% output is from nickel sulfide smelters.

At slagging rate of 5.3 t slag/t nickel, the nickel slag annual production is estimated to be 6.4

million tonnes. The estimation might have some discrepancy as the two metal processes can have


Figure 2-8: Slag generation points in production of non-ferrous metals [4]

Table 2-6: Mineralogy of copper slags. Slag # refers to those in Table 2-5.

Slag # Major Phases

Slag 1 & slag 2 Amorphous: Silicate of Fe, Ca and K with Al, Ti, Zn and traces of Cu;

fayalite: Iron silicate with Ca, K, Al, Ti and Zn

Slag 6 Fayalite Fe2SiO4

Slag 7 Fayalite Fe2SiO4; magnetite Fe3O4

Slag 10 Fayalite Fe2SiO4; magnetite Fe3O4(Some copper detected lost in

magnetite as lattice substituents); augite Ca(Fe,Mg)Si2O4

Slag 12 Fayalite Fe2SiO4 (60-65%); wustite FeO (15-17%)

Slag 14 (water granulated) Amorphous (94-96%); crystalline (4-6%): hedenbergite, magnetite and


Slag 16 (converter slag) Fayalite Fe2SiO4, magnetite Fe3O4; metallic copper; chalcocite Cu2S

and quartz SiO2.

2.2.3 Slag Utilization

The traditional method of slags treatment is dumping which is not desired for several reasons: it

occupies land, is associated with loss of useful mineral resources, and damages the environment

[58]. For example, the exposure of non-ferrous slags of Penn Mine in Calaveras County

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(California) to the ground and flood waters has resulted in concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn in

surface waters in excess of USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) chronic

toxicity guidelines for the protection of aquatic life [59]. It is therefore clear that treatment of slag

for complete utilization or conversion it to environmentally-benign material is highly desired, and

is increasingly an obligation. This has driven numerous investigations in the past few decades on

slag processing options. There are three major directions for slag treatments: recycling within the

plant, recovery of valuable elements/minerals from slag, and reuse in other applications. In-Plant Recycling of Slag

The possibility of recycling slags inside metallurgical operations is an attractive proposition.

Ideally, if slag can be recycled at the source, i.e. the plant it is produced in, subsequent handling

and processing costs are minimized, also resource utilization is maximized. Slags from different

metallurgical extraction processes may be altered to make some low-cost substitute and secondary

sources for many other metallurgical processes. For example, steel slag contains valuable

components like iron, manganese, silica, magnesia and alumina. If containing low phosphorus, it

can be upgraded using gravity or magnetite separation to produce an iron concentrate which is then

recycled to sintering process and finally to the blast furnace. Due to the large content of basic

oxides in steel slags, such recycling process saves considerable amounts of iron ore, limestone and

dolomite. It has been suggested that using one tonne of converter slag in sintering process for pig

iron production, can save 300-480 kg iron-ore, 530-620 kg limestone, 110-120 kg dolomitic

limestone, 140-180 kg of manganese ore, and 80-120 kg coke[60]. However, particularlyin iron

and steel metallurgy, the viability of such method is limited by the acceptable phosphorus content

in the product.

Due to high copper lockup in copper converter slag, slag cleaning to increase Cu recovery is often

required. Some plants practice matte settling in electric furnace and charge coke as reductant to

lower the viscosity of slag. Recycling copper converter slag back to the flash furnace has also been

practiced in some plants, leading to an increase in matte grade. In the Black Sea Copper Works

(Turkey), slag is disposed of to a slag area and left to cool for 24 hours. The cooled slag is then

crushed and treated with flotation. The copper concentrate produced this way is then charged into

flash furnace. Metals such as Co and Zn are not recovered in the process and report to the tailings


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18 Slag as By-Product

Slags have found a wide range of applications outside metallurgical plants including cement

production, road construction, civil engineering work, fertilizer production, landfill cover, soil

reclamation etc. The utilization of slags varies with their type and physical or chemical properties,

as well as where they are produced. In the case of iron and steel slags, various metal and free lime

contents lead to different cementitious properties. It has been reported that BF slags are almost

100% utilized in various applications and about two thirds of them is granulated [1] [2] [58]. On

the other hand, the utilization of steel slags is more challenging due to their high content of iron

oxide and free lime. For example, the Chinese steel industry generated 100Mt of steel slags in

2014, of which only 10% was used. The unused portion has been accumulated in slag dumps

throughout the years and is estimated to be around one billion tonnes in this country [2]. Within

EU and the other industrialized countries, on average more than 70% of steel slags are utilized in

road building, cement production, and marine structures. However, there are still millions of tonnes

of discarded steel slags in the EU [21]. Nonferrous slags such as copper have been attempted for

several uses such as abrasive material, road base material, and in smaller amounts as insulating

material (slag wool) [42]. Nevertheless, their utilization is still low. Recovery of Metals and Minerals from Slag

Different techniques for recovery of the mineral/metal value of slags have been studied and utilized

over many decades. This report categories them into two main sections, physical methods and

chemical methods. In physical methods, the difference in one or several physical properties of slag

and desired metal/mineral (e.g. density, magnetic susceptibility and wettability) is used for their

separation. The chemical methods however involve at least one chemical reaction in the process

and can be divided to pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical methods. Since BF slag has

extremely low metal content, and has well-established uses such as cement feedstock, the report

will not investigate the opportunity of metal recovery from this type of slag.

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2.3 Physical Processing Technologies for Metal Recovery

Various phases in solidified slags possess different physical properties, which allows their

separation from one another, thereby recovering valuable metals/compounds. The current physical

separation methods include three common steps:

1. Cooling and solidifying the hot molten slag;

2. Size reduction and screening of solid slag;

3. Physical separation by gravity separation, floatation and magnetic separation.

2.3.1 Cooling and Sizing Slag Cooling Methods

Cooling of slag is ordinarily done in a slag yard by air cooling or water spraying, leaving large

solids lumps of slag behind. There are two major drawbacks for this process. First, in order to

recover metal from slag or use the slag as a by-product, certain size reductions are required with

significant energy consumption, dust generation and operational costs. Second, air cooling method

is very slow, increasing the land requirement, and water spraying method consumes large amounts

of water [6]. To address these problems, several more efficient cooling processes have been put

into practice. The dominant approach is to reduce the size during prior to or along cooling; smaller

particles cool faster, also the subsequent comminution needs are reduced [2].

Hot-state Scooping Process

ArcelorMittal Americas employs mechanical stirring in their cooling process [61]. Slags are

dumped and sprinkled with water for initial cooling. Front-end loaders are used to scoop up the

slag to disintegrate it and accelerate cooling, hence it is a hot-state scooping process. This method

produced slag with particle size of under 300 mm in size.

Instantaneous Slag Chill (ISC) Process

A wet cooling process, known as instantaneous slag chill (ISC) process [6], [62], has been

employed in the Japanese steel industry and adapted by many other steelmakers around the world.

In this process, the fluid slag is poured into a steel box, and rapidly cooled by spraying and

immersing in water to 700 °C. Size reduction is facilitated due to the creation of cracks in the

solidified slag. Two more water cooling steps further lower its temperature to 200°C and to 100°C.

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BSS Process

The BSS, also known as box tumbling method was developed by Russian Ural Steel and Chinese

Bao Steel. The process combines water spraying and steel ball cooling together, slag is poured into

a tumbling drum with high revolving speed, while water is sprayed into the drum. The inner

structure of the drum has a special design to release high pressure generated from steam formation.

Steel balls having high thermal conductivity are mixed in to accelerate the cooling process coupled

with the rotating drum, it also acts as a ball mill, introducing mechanical impact for size reduction.

Jin et al. [62] report that slags are broken into a small particle size with 90% of particles smaller

than 10 mm.

Wet and Dry Granulation Processes

The granulation methods employ a high-pressure jet of water or air to break up a falling stream of

slag into small granules, a few mm each. This creates a large surface area which significantly

improves the heat transfer from slag to water/air. Also, due to the small size of granules, their

handling is facilitated and subsequent grinding needs are minimized. Granulation has been applied

to many slag types, such as copper [47], ferroalloy [5][63], and steel [6][64], but widely used for

BF slags [65]. Wet granulation is an established method but it suffers from several disadvantages

including the consumption of an excessive amount of water (10 tonnes per tonne of slag) and

generating metal-contaminated effluent and gases such as H2S. For these reasons, in the recent

years dry slag granulation methods have gained a considerable attention and are being accepted by

industry [65]. Effect of Cooling Conditions on Metal Distribution

The cooling conditions of slag determine the slag structure and mineralogy of its constituents. For

example, BF slags are often quenched rapidly to produce amorphous slag which has proper

cementitious properties if used as cement feedstock. Forming an amorphous slag also often means

that the metals remain dissolved in a “glass” matrix, thus making their recovery difficult. In one

study [18], for example, four cooling conditions were tested for a BOF slag, namely water

granulation (rapid cooling), splashing (rapid cooling), air cooling (slow cooling), and furnace

cooling (slow cooling). The authors found that with slow cooling, more crystalline phases emerged

during solidification. For example, the XRD peaks of wustite became more prominent at slower

cooling rates indicating that more iron was concentrated into iron-containing phases. The study

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concluded that rapid cooling of slag should be avoided when recovery of iron (oxide) from the

slag is the objective. Also, when it comes to application as an aggregate, slag of crystalline

structure is preferred [60].

Chemistry has a strong effect on the slag structure. For example recent research by Esfahani and

Barati [66] has shown that slag system with lower basicity have more tendency to form an

amorphous structure during cooling. Size Reduction

Size reduction is necessary to liberate metal and metal-bearing minerals. This is traditionally

achieved by energy intensive processes of crashing and grinding. For example, there are two major

ways for pulverizing solid slag. One is multi-step crushing that may involve jaw crusher, cone

crusher, hammer/impact crasher, followed by grinding in ball or rod mills. Another approach

involves the one-stage dry autogenous grinding. Due to the uniform structure and hardness, slags

are generally tough (i.e. energy-consuming) to crush and grind. For example copper slag has the

grindability index of 26.8 kWh ton-1, [47] which is substantially higher than typical ores and

minerals (~10-15 kWh ton-1). Steel slags have shown high value in the Los Angeles abrasion test,

a test method indicating aggregate toughness and abrasion characteristics. All of these point to

difficulty of grinding slag to a particle size small enough for reasonable liberation of

minerals/metals. Any chemical or physical modification of slag to reduce the subsequent grinding

requirements can improve the metal recovery. These include growth of the mineral phases of

interest, size reduction of slag while liquid (e.g. granulation), and weakening the structure by

introducing cracks Screening as a Concentration Method

A combination of comminution and sizing is known as a cost-effective way of splitting materials

into lean and rich streams. This is because fracture of particles often occurs at the interface between

the phases and due to the different brittleness and/or crystallite/grain size of various phases, sizing

the crushed product results in fractions with various concentrations of different elements. For

example Ma et al.[61] found that iron grade and sulfur content in steelmaking slag fines (-12.5mm)

are strongly affected by particle sizes. Large particles contained high iron and low sulfur, whereas

small particles contained low iron and high sulfur. This was mainly associated with metallic iron

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droplets entrained in slag phase, which are more ductile, thus they remain as large particles. Sulfur

containing compounds, on the other hand, are more brittle and generate more fines. Therefore, a

simple screening treatment can produce two streams, one being rich in iron and low in sulfur,

which can then be recycled to the steelmaking vessels or sinter feed as a source iron.

2.3.2 Gravity Separation

Gravity separation has been applied to separate materials when phases have a significant density

difference. In slag recovery processes, gravity separation has been employed to separate suspended

metal alloys or high value minerals. Machines such as spirals, shaking tables and jigs have been

employed, the underlying principle in all these methods is the different sinking velocity of particles

with various density. In jigging operation, water is used as a carrier, the jigging action imparted

by water separates heavy and light minerals, as shown in Figure 2-9. The light tailing is lifted and

carried up with the tide generated by piston, while heavy concentrate passes through jig screen and

settles to the bottom of the tank.

Figure 2-9: Schematic diagram of jigging operation[67].

Indian researchers processed ferrochrome slags [60] by first crushing it to <10 mm and then

screening into 1-10 and <1 mm size fractions. The coarse fraction was subjected to jigging and the

fine fraction to tabling. The chromium recovery from jigging was 6.7% with a grade of 59%

chromium, while the tabling produced a 29% low grade chromium concentrate. In the late 1990’s,

a South African ferroalloy producer developed a process to recover ferrochrome from slag dumps

using pneumatic jigs [68]. The report showed metal recoveries of 76% and grades of over 90% for

FeCr and SiMn slags in the size range 0.15 to 3 mm. Tata Steel [69], another ferrochrome producer

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in India, crushed and separated its slag into coarse and fine size fractions, with the coarse fraction

(-10 +1 mm) being treated in a two-stage Duplex mineral jig, and the -1 mm, treated in shaking

tables. The recoveries exceeded 85% and the grade was +58% Cr. From its granulated slag with

12% Cr grade, employing magnetic and jigging separation, the company can recover 90% of Cr

into a concentrate with 59% Cr grade [63]. The disadvantage of gravity separation is massive

consumption of water. There are also concerns of heavy metal leaching. Trace of Cr6+ was detected

in plant water during ferrochrome slag jigging in South Africa, reported as 1.6 mg L-1.

2.3.3 Floatation

Flotation is a viable method to separate hydrophobic mineral (e.g. sulfides) from slag. As

mentioned earlier, the floatation process is commercially used in some copper plants to upgrade

converter slag, the obtained concentrate is fed into smelting furnace. It can also be used to upgrade

low grade copper smelter slag.

Kas et al. [47] demonstrated that in alkaline pH good selectivity is obtained for copper sulfide

minerals. With particle size of d80 = 75 µm, in the presence of sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIX,

concentration: 200 g/t), copper grade of 11 to 17% in the concentrates with 82% recovery was

achieved at pH 9. However, a research done in the same region drew a different conclusion. Panda

et al. [45] used sodium silicate, sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIX), and methyl isobutyl carbinol

(MIBC) as dispersant, collector and frother respectively. Their experiment showed a limited

recovery despite high dosage of collector (600 to 2400 g/t); recovery of 42-46%, with copper grade

of 2-3%. The reason for such a significant difference in response to flotation of slag is copper

phase association: in the former study, Cu was present as Cu2O, Cu2S, CuO and free copper,

whereas in the latter work Cu was finely dispersed within the iron and silicate phases, thus not

liberated. Cu content in feed to floatation are also different (Slag 7 and Slag 13 in Table 2-5),

1.53% and 0.60%. These two cases show that the feasibility of floatation must be based on the

chemistry and history of the slag.

2.3.4 Magnetic Separation

Magnetic separation is an important method in mineral dressing. It exploits the different magnetic

properties of minerals to produce a valuable concentrate or to remove magnetic contaminants.

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Since in the current study magnetic separation will be used for recovery of metals from steel slags,

the principles and applications of the technique are discussed in more detail. Magnet Ordering

Placing any material close to a magnet, the applied magnetic field creates an induced magnetic

field inside the material. The applied magnetic field strength, which induces lines of force through

a material, is the magnetizing force, H (A m-1). The intensity of magnetization or the magnetization

induced in the material, M (A m-1) can also be thought of as the volumetric density of induced

magnetic dipoles in the material. The magnetic response of a material to an external magnetic field

has a simple relationship as:

M = H (1)

The ratio of the magnetization (per unit volume) to the magnetic field, , is the magnetic

susceptibility for the material. The dimensionless volume magnetic susceptibility, which is often

shown as v. For mineral processing propose, mass magnetic susceptibility (m) is more frequently

used. Measured in units of m3kg-1, mass susceptibility is used to describe the ratio of the material

magnetization per unit mass to the external field intensity [70].

All materials are affected by external magnetic field; thus, all have a certain magnetic susceptibility.

The magnetic susceptibility is a material property and can either be positive (paramagnetic) or

negative (diamagnetic). As shown in Figure 2-10 (a), chromite is a paramagnetic material with a

positive slop on M vs. H diagram, while quartz behave as diamagnetic with a negative slop.

Diamagnetic materials are repelled by an external magnetic field. Diamagnetism is a universal

behavior to all matters, whereas electrons try to shield the material from external magnetic field

by generating an extra opposite magnetic moment towards the external magnetic field. This will

cause the material to move away from regions of high magnetic field. The magnetic susceptibility

for diamagnetic materials is usually small, but temperature independent. Due to its weak effect,

diamagnetic substances are often referred as “non-magnetic”[71].

A paramagnetic material must have unpaired electrons in the molecular orbitals, introducing a net

magnetic dipole moment in the material. In the absence of an external field, individual magnetic

dipoles are randomly orientated in all directions, cancelling out each other’s effect and resulting

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in a net zero magnetization. Application of external field promotes the relative orientation of

individual magnetic moments towards the same direction of the magnetic field, increasing the

magnitude of magnetization. At high value of magnetic field, all magnetic moments are aligned

parallel to the direction of field, and magnetization reaches its saturated value (Ms). However,

thermal energy works against the dipole alignment. With increasing temperature, the value of both

magnetization and susceptibility decreases[71].

(a) (b)

Figure 2-10: Magnetization versus applied magnetic field strength for idealized (a)

paramagnetic, diamagnetic and (b) ferromagnetic minerals [70].

In special cases of paramagnetic materials, magnetic moments can interact and couple with

neighbors and spontaneously form long range ordering magnetisms, or magnetic structures, such

as ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism.

Saturated ferromagnetic material has only one magnetic lattice, meaning its magnetic moments

(shown as little arrows in Figure 2-11) are spontaneously aligned in one certain direction. Such

material would maintain a certain degree of magnetization even in the absence of an external

magnetic field. The spontaneous magnetization is only maintained at low temperature and the

upper limit is Curie Temperature (TC); when the temperature is higher than TC the material shows

paramagnetic behavior. From Figure 2-10 (b), because of exchange coupling between cations

through their neighboring anions, ferromagnetic materials have much higher initial magnetic

susceptibility compared to paramagnetic materials. After all magnetic spins are aligned with the

applied magnetics force, the susceptibility decreases rapidly as a material reaching its saturated

magnetization (the slopes decrease from point 1 to point 3). Typical example of ferromagnetic

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materials are some metals and alloys, such as iron (Fe) and FeNi alloy, and many iron bearing

oxides [70], [71].

Figure 2-11: Schematic diagram of spin interaction of several common magnetism types,

namely (a) paramagnet, (b) ferromagnetic, (c) antiferromagnetic, (d) canted

antiferromagnetic (or weak ferromagnetic), (e) ferrimagnetic ordering. These schematic

diagrams are 2D illustrations of 3D phenomena.

Antiferromagnetic materials are considered to have two magnetic sub-lattices: MA and MB, of the

same magnitude. Each of them is ferromagnetic. But the magnetic sub-lattice MA is oriented in

opposite direction to MB (MA = MB). As a result, MA and MB cancel each other out, and the

material has a total magnetic moment of zero when no magnetic field is applied. The critical

temperature limiting spontaneous ordering is named Neel Temperature (TN). As T TN,

magnetization remains zero and is not affected by varying temperature. A special case of

antiferromagnetism is canted antiferromagnetic materials, where the opposite magnetic dipoles are

slighted tilted towards a direction, producing a net weak magnetic moment. One classic example

for anitiferromagnetism is Hematite (Fe2O3). Due to opposite Fe3+ cations’ magnetic moments

arrangement, hematite exhibits antiferromagnetism below 250K. It becomes a canted

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antiferromagnetic material at room temperature, and is usually described as weakly ferromagnetic


A ferrimagnetism material contains also two antiparallel magnetic sub-lattices. The difference is

that MA and MB have various magnetic moment (MA MB). As a result, it has a directional total

magnetic moment and behaves like ferromagnetic materials exhibiting a spontaneous

magnetization. Similar to ferromagnetism, the system loses spontaneous ordering above the Curie

temperature. A typical example is magnetite (Fe3O4). Most ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic

materials have strong magnetization at room temperature, and are considered “strongly magnetic

materials” [71]. Spinel Ferrite

The metals indicated as losses in slag mainly belong to the group of transition metals with

incompletely filled d orbitals. The unpaired electrons have low reactivity, which results in the

formation of compounds in many oxidation states, non-stoichiometric compounds, and compounds

with mixed valence. Thus, transition metal compounds also exhibit a range of magnetic behaviors.

In the case of iron oxides, the oxidation state dictates the crystal structure and magnetic behavior

as following.

• Highest oxidation state, Fe2O3 hematite has rhombohedral crystal system, and is a canted

antiferromagnetic material;

• Magnetite Fe3O4 has spinel crystal structure, exhibits ferromagnetic behavior and

possesses high magnetic susceptibility;

• Wüstite (ferrous oxide – FeO) has rock salt crystal structure, is a paramagnetic material;

and is prone to non-stoichiometry, where small portion of Fe2+ replace two thirds of Fe3+.

As one of the first magnetic material discovered by human, magnetite is well known to have the

highest magnetic susceptibility among all oxidation states of iron. Magnetite belongs to the spinel

group. The oxide spinel group is a class of minerals with a general formulation of A2+B3+2O4. As

shown in Figure 2-12(a), A and B are divalent and trivalent cations, respectively, where A cations

fill 1/8th of the tetrahedral sites (known as A site) and B cations fills ½ of the octahedral sites (B

site). The structure described above is a normal spinel structure. Another closely related structure,

namely inverse spinel exists in which A cations and half of the B cations switch place. Thus,

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inverse spinel is formulated as B[AB]O4. Finally, there are mixed spinels which are intermediate

states between the normal and inverse spinel structures with expression as: A1-xBx[AxB2-x]O4.

Magnetite is an inverse spinel, with half of Fe3+ occupying tetrahedral sites. When trivalent iron

forms spinel with other divalent metals, the oxides formulated as MeFe2O4 (Me = Fe, Mg, Mn,

Co, Ni, Zn), are named spinel ferrites. As iron is a major constituent of slag phase, magnetite is

expected in most ferrous slags. The magnetic properties of magnetite and other spinel ferrites

determine the possible recovery of each species in magnetic separation.

(a) (b)

Figure 2-12: (a)Schematic diagram of A2+B3+2O4 normal spinel [72] (b) Anion X2- in the

spinel structure with its nearest cation neighbors [73].

A ferrite spinel’s magnetic properties mainly depend on cation distribution (normal, inverse or

mixed), the nature of magnetic moment of cations, and exchange coupling between cations. Crystal

field stabilization energy (CFSE) determines cation distribution in A or B sites. Since Fe3+ ions

have no preference for octahedral or tetrahedral sites, ferrites can be normal, inverse or mixed

spinels, depending on the crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) of MII ion. At room

temperature, based on CFSE of Fe2+, Co2+, and Ni2+, these cations generally all have a strong

preference towards octahedral sites, resulting in inverse spinel structure. ZnFe2O4 on the other hand

is a normal spinel, where Zn2+ ions have a preference in tetrahedral sites. Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions have

no preference for either site due to their CFSE value of zero. Thus, MgFe2O4 and MnFe2O4 are

mixed spinels.

As shown in Figure 2-12(b), the nearest neighbors of an anion suggest the fashion of exchange

coupling in spinel structure: A-B interaction and B-B interaction. Due to reasons such as angular

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difference, A-B interaction is much stronger and predominant in spinel interaction, while B-B

interaction is much smaller and A-A interaction is negligible [73].

The comparison of spin-only magnetic moment with the effective magnetic moment for some

common transition metal cations are tabulated in Table 2-7. One can notice that Sc3+, Ti4+, Cu+

and Zn2+ have zero magnetic moment, and the highest value is found for Mn2+ and Fe3+.

Table 2-7:Comparison of calculated spin-only magnetic moments with experimentally

observed data for some common transition metals, where µB is theoretical Bohr magneton,

and µeff is the observed Bohr magneton [74].

Ion d shell electrons µB µeff(observed)

Sc3+, Ti4+ 0 0 0

Ti3+, V4+ 1 1.73 1.7-1.8

V3+ 2 2.83 2.8-3.1

V2+, Cr3+ 3 3.87 3.7-3.9

Cr2+, Mn3+ 4 4.90 4.8-4.9

Mn2+, Fe3+ 5 5.92 5.7-6.0

Fe2+ 6 4.90 5.0-5.6

Co2+ 7 3.87 4.3-5.2

Ni2+ 8 2.83 2.9-3.9

Cu2+ 9 1.73 1.9-2.1

Cu+,Zn2+ 10 0 0

This is shown in Table 2-8, transition metals induce various magnetic properties in the form of

spinel ferrites which is dependent on the element magnetic moment, cation distribution and

exchange coupling. As a way of modifying slag to improve metal recovery, some of these

transition metals can be added in to form oxide compounds with iron that have higher magnetic

susceptibility. The highest magnetic susceptibility is often associated with spinel structure, giving

the greatest chance for effective separation.

Table 2-8: Cation distribution, structure type and saturation magnetization of spinel


Cation distribution Type Ms (at 0 °K)

exp. (µeff)

MgFe2O4 Mg0.1 Fe0.9 [Mg0.9 Fe1.1] O4 Mixed 1.1

MnFe2O4 Mn0.8 Fe0.2 [Mg0.2 Fe1.8] O4 Mixed 4.6

FeFe2O4 Fe3+ [Fe2+ Fe3+] O4 Inverse 4.1

CoFe2O4 Fe [Co Fe] O4 Inverse 3.7

NiFe2O4 Fe [Ni Fe] O4 Inverse 2.2

CuFe2O4 Cu0.04 Fe0.96 [Cu0.90 Fe1.04] O4 Mixed 1.3

ZnFe2O4 Zn [Fe2] O4 Normal 0

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30 Magnetic Separation

Depending on the different magnetic orderings and distinct magnetic susceptibility of minerals,

separation can be achieved by varying the induced magnetic field. Since most processes are

operated near room temperature, spontaneous magnetization and susceptibility at room

temperature is crucial. Table 2-9 presents magnetic susceptibility of some selected rocks and

minerals. Categorized by their ability of magnetic separation, there are generally three groups of

minerals: strongly magnetic minerals, weakly magnetic minerals and nonmagnetic minerals.

Strongly magnetic minerals can be easily removed, even with weak magnetic induction, up to 0.2

T. The specific magnetic susceptibility of this minerals is usually greater than 5 × 10−5 m3kg-1.

This category includes ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic materials such as magnetite, maghemite,

magnesioferrite. Weakly magnetic minerals (mostly antiferromagnetic or weakly paramagnetic

materials) such as wüstite, hematite, ilmenite and chromiteare are those that can be separated in a

magnetic induction higher than 0.6 T. Their specific magnetic susceptibility typically falls into a

range from1 × 10−7 to 5 × 10−5 m3kg-1. Nonmagnetic minerals belong to the category that

cannot be recovered by conventional magnetic separation, such as calcite and quartz; their

magnetic susceptibility is lower than 1 × 10−7m3kg-1. However, such definition may change as

the innovation and developments in magnetic techniques come about [75].

Table 2-9: Magnetic susceptibility of selected rocks, minerals and BOF slag [76][77].

Mineral Magnetic Susceptibility (10-8

× m3


) Ref.

Calcite CaCO3 -0.3-1.4


Quartz SiO2 -0.5-0.6

Wüstite FeO 130

Magnitite Fe3O

4 20,000-110,000

Maghemite 𝛾-Fe2O

3 40,000-50,000

Hematite Fe2O

3 10-760

Jacobsite MnFe2O

4 500

Chromite FeCr2O

4 63-2,500

Magnesioferrite MgFe2O

4 8,030-80,700 [77]

BOF slag --- 24-136 [77]

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In mineral processing, in terms of the surface magnetic “strength”, magnetic separators are divided

into three categories: high-intensity magnetic field (Up to 2T or greater), and low-intensity

magnetic field (lower than 0.3T). While the actual magnetic field intensity is measured in H, Am-

1, the magnetic “strength” of separation refers to the magnetic flux density, measured in Tesla (or

Gauss where 1T = 104G). Magnetic flux density is proportional to the magnetic field strength

outside magnets, thus Gauss is often used to describe magnetic field “strength”, because of the

ease of measurement.

In magnetic separation, the force that separates magnetic particles from nonmagnetic particles is

the magnetic force 𝐹𝑚⃑⃑ ⃑⃑ , given by following equation [75]:

𝐹𝑚⃑⃑ ⃑⃑ =


𝜇0𝑉𝐵∇⃑⃑ 𝐵 (2)

where 𝑣 is the volumetric magnetic susceptibility of magnetic particle

𝑉 is the volume of magnetic particle

𝜇0 is the magnetic permeability of vacuum

𝐵 is the external magnetic induction

∇⃑⃑ 𝐵 is the magnetic field gradient of the magnetic induction

As shown in Figure 2-13, magnetic force is competing with gravity and hydrodynamic drag. In

most case, the hydrodynamic force 𝐹𝑑⃑⃑⃑⃑ acting on the particles may be written as [75]:

𝐹𝑑⃑⃑⃑⃑ = 6𝜋𝜂𝑑𝑣 (3)

where 𝜂 is the dynamic viscosity of flow

𝑑 is the radius of particle

𝑣 is the relative velocity of particle with respect to flow

Based on the above equation, many factors are affecting the result of separation. When the particle

size and flow rate is controlled, the main acting factors are magnetic susceptibility of the particle

and induced magnetic field intensity.

Increasing field intensity does not necessarily mean an improved separation, as higher field

strength may lead to increased capture of weakly magnetic minerals. For different minerals, there

is an optimum range for most efficient separation. There is a tradeoff between recovery and grade

in any separation process, the optimum affected by the magnetic field induction. Low magnetic

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field strength is beneficial to obtaining particles with more magnetic fraction (i.e. high grade), but

a higher magnetic field strength is required for a better recovery [78].

Figure 2-13: Simplified schematic diagram for magnetic separation [75]. Magnetic Separation of Metal in Slag

Direct magnetic separation has been utilized in some steelmaking plants as one step of slag

processing technology. Nippon Steel Corporation processes their converter and ladle slags to

separate iron values and improve their slag quality. The steel slag is crushed and the iron is

recovered by magnetic separation. To increase the recovery of metallic iron, the crushing and

magnetic separation process is repeated several times [6]. The corporation has annual slag

treatment capacity of 2 Mt, reclaiming 0.18 Mt iron particles with more than 95% Fe content yearly.

In China, Anshan Iron and Steel Company recycles 0.28 million tonnes of steel with 60%-65% Fe

(mixed with gangue) and 0.4 million tonnes of iron concentrate with approximately 50% Fe

content annually from steel slag through a combination of sorting-magnetic separation-gravity

concentration processes. Benxi Iron and Steel Company produces 78,000 tonnes of slag steel and

89,000 tonnes of iron concentrate with the advanced “hot slag disintegrating treatment technique”

through magnetic separation [8].

It is usually the case that both the concentrate and tailing can be useful products. Lin et al. [78]

produced an iron-rich magnetic fraction and phosphorus-rich nonmagnetic fraction from

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steelmaking slag. Adding reagents such as SiO2, Al2O3 and TiO2 increased P recovery rate. Under

optimum conditions, the phosphorus and iron recoveries were 80% and 60% respectively.

A combination of screening and magnetic separation can be very efficient at separating metallic

particles and metal bearing minerals from slags. ArcelorMittal Global R&D has developed a

technology of weak magnetic separation coupled with selective particle size screening for

recycling of steelmaking slag fines [61]. These materials are generated in routine slag processing

consisting of EAF, BOF, LMF slags and their particle sizes are usually smaller than 12.5 mm. The

study employed a pilot-scale magnetic drum separator, and found that effective separation of iron

from steelmaking slag fines occurs below 100 mT, and especially between 20 mT and 80 mT. The

slag fines (-12.5mm) are charged into a pilot-scale magnetic drum separator with 830G surface

magnetic field strength. The produced concentrate is than sized with 9.5 mm and 6.5 mm screens.

The +9.5mm product has an iron grade greater than 80%, which can be charged directly into EAF;

the 9.5-6.5 product has an iron content greater than 60%, which can be charged into blast furnace

for iron extraction; the -6.5 mm product with ~ 60% iron was deemed a suitable feed for iron ore

sintering process.

Menad et al. [11] studied and developed a magnetic separation operation for steel LD slag

consisting of dry and wet separation stages. LD slags were ground and divided into two size ranges:

+63 µm and -63 µm. Larger particles were charged into dry magnetic separator. The collected

magnetic particles were mixed with -63 µm slag powder and the mixture was subjected to wet

magnetic separation. In this system, both low intensity and high intensity magnetic separators were

employed. The recovered products of this integrated process were iron scrap, iron oxides,

paramagnetic materials and a non-magnetic fraction containing mostly calcium silicates.

Singh [79] designed a magnetic separation process for metal recovery from the ferrochrome slag.

Cooled slag was ground and screened into various particle size ranges: 0-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-6mm,

6-10mm and 10-25 mm. The obtained screen particles were separated in magnetic separation

process under various process conditions. He found that about 75% of metallic phases were in the

3-25mm size range. This optimized process can recover 87% of the metallic phases from the slag

achieving more than 90% purity. The recovered product is 48-60% Cr, 3-8% C, 4-9% Si and 26-

31% Fe.

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2.4 Pyrometallurgical Methods

To recover metal values from slag via pyrometallurgy, there are two major directions: slag

metallization and slag magnetization.

a) Slag metallization aims to convert compounds (often oxides) into metallic elements/alloys

or sometimes matte, and later recover them. It is mainly achieved by completely reducing

metal oxides into metallic forms, and separate them using their distinctive physical

identities, such as density and volatility. Sometimes, reduction takes place to lower slag

viscosity, and facilitate settling of metallic phases from slag.

b) Slag magnetization is intended to use the magnetic properties of spinel oxides, whereas the

target metal bonded in spinel oxide can be recovered employing magnetic separation.

These magnetic oxides (mainly magnetite) can be produced under controlled conditions

(e.g. atmosphere, additives, etc).

2.4.1 Carbothermic Reduction

To reduce slag to metallic phases, carbon in the form of coal or coke is the most commonly used

reducing agent. Other materials such as ferrosilicon (FeSi), calcium carbide (CaC2), and gaseous

reductants (methane) are used because of their cost or better performance in reducing the slag. The

overall reactions in a C-containing system may be presented as below [80].

C(s) + MeO(slag) = Me (l) + CO(g) (4)

C(s) + MeO(slag) = Me (l) + CO(g) (5)

MeO(slag) + CO(g) = Me(l) + CO2(g) (6)

Various additives can be used to facilitate the subsequent separation. For example, Pyrite (FeS2)

or pyrrhotite (Fe1−XS) are added as a source of sulfurizing agent to supply sulfur and form matte

(more discussion in Section 2.4.4 Sulfurization). Slag modifiers such as CaO, CaF and TiO2 are

used to change the slag chemistry and fluidity. They can affect the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio, and behavior of

iron, copper and other metals in molten slag. Lowering basicity decreases the solubility of copper

in the slag, also decreases the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. This promotes efficient copper recovery and low

slag viscosity, easing matte and slag separation [80][50][54]. Not only in on-site liquid-state slag

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cleaning, reduction of metallic compounds can also take place in the solid state. Many studies have

been carried out to investigate techniques with high metal recovery and selectivity. Direct Reduction

Direct carbothermic reduction of copper slag with coal was investigated in a laboratory scale

electric furnace by Maweja et al. [51], as shown in Table 2-10. The effect of coal-to-slag ratio on

recovery of Cu and Co showed a trade-off relationship: the reduction improves recovery of these

metals but also partially reduces iron oxide to iron which contaminates the metal phase. The lower

coal-to-slag ratio (0.0256) led to higher copper (35%) and cobalt (26%) contents in the metal

phases where the contamination by iron was kept low. The recovery was however low at less than

50% for copper and 60% for cobalt. These contents in metal phase dropped (12% for copper and

20% for cobalt) when the coal-to-slag ratio was 0.05, while the recoveries increased to 65% and

90% depending on the reduction time. The operating temperature is also a factor that enhances

the reaction kinetics at higher temperature and improves metal quality at lower temperature[1].

Maweja et al. [51] suggest that the temperature for carbothermic reduction should be under

1400 °C, as FeO reduction is favored at higher temperatures. In this study, zinc and lead were

recovered in dust phase. More than 90% Pb and 70% Zn could be reduced and vaporized under

optimum conditions.

Long et al. [93] introduced a carbothermic reduction method to produce an iron-chromium alloy

powder from chromium slag (metallic chromium production). Slag mixed with anthracite and

additives (Al2O3 and CaO) was heated to 1300 °C. The obtained solid was ground and underwent

magnetic separation, collecting a pulverized metal product of 72.5% Fe and 13.5% Cr. The

recovery was 80.3% for Fe and 80.7% for Cr.

Rudnik et al [55] reduced 900 kg of copper slag (Slag 17 in Table 2-5) in an industrial electric

furnace, as shown in Table 2-10. Fluxing agents (limestone 8.6%, dolomite 8.6%) and reducing

agents (coke breeze 2.7%, pig iron 2.0%) were added during the process. The reduction took place

at a temperature of 1425–1570°C for 90 mins, producing an alloy of Cu27–Co6–Fe64–Pb1.5.

A comprehensive study on reduction of steelmaking slag was carried out by Ye et al. [21] in a 3

MW DC furnace. Vanadium-rich BOF slag, normal BOF slag and SS slag were reduced in three

campaigns respectively. During the V-rich BOF campaign, various reductants (coke, pet-coke and

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anthracite), slag feeding rates (1.0 -1.75 tonne/h), and slag temperatures (1550–1650°C) were

tested. The optimum iron alloy contained 10%V, 4%Mn, and 0.6%P. In the normal BOF campaign,

various slag modifiers and operating condition were tested based on the target product: sand

bauxite for clinker raw material; bauxite for metallurgical powder; scrap residue and bauxite for

hydraulic binder. On average, an iron alloy containing 4% Mn and 0.5-1.5% P was obtained.

During the SS slag campaign, SS EAF slag and AOD slag were treated. A metal containing

typically15–20% Cr and 4–5% Ni was obtained. The leachability of SS slag reduction residue was

also analyzed.

In the 1960s, a process for recycling high carbon ferrochromium slag using an electric furnace was

studied by Charvat [81]. Carbothermic reduction was utilized for production and separation of

metallic impurities from magnesium-aluminum spinel. Cold ferrochromium slag was finely

pulverized into less than 8 mesh and mixed with carbon powder. Iron in the form of scrap was

added to the mixture. On heating to 1850 °C, carbon vigorously reduced silicates, iron and

chromium oxides. After reaction, the mixture was superheated to 2050 °C for separation of a lower

phase containing ferrosilicon with minor quantities of chromium and an upper phase that contains

non-metallic phases of Al2O3 and MgO. The lower and upper phase could both be recovered as

ferrosilicon and magnesium-aluminum spinel. Selective Reduction

To selectively reduce base metals (Cu and Co), CaO, CaF2 and TiO2 are the slag modifiers that

can be used. Banda et al. [80] tested the effect of three slag modifiers individually in a synthetic

copper slag system (2.5% Cu and 1.9% Co). The study suggested that TiO2 shows better selectivity

for Co recovery (higher Co/Fe recovery ratio), but lower overall recovery rate of cobalt compared

with CaO or CaF2. The selectivity of CaO and TiO2 was further investigated by Zhai et al [54], as

shown in Table 2-10. The group were looking at the possibility of selectively recovering Co and

Cu from the Chambishi copper smelter. The best result was achieved with 5% TiO2 addition. With

smelting temperature of 1350°C and time of 2.5 hours, a Co-Cu-Fe alloy (1.76% Co, 75.20% Cu,

and 12.85% Fe) was separated. The study reports recovery rates of more than 94% and 95% for

Co and Cu, and less than 18% for Fe.

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A similar approach was developed by Pan et al. for nickel slag recycling: selective reduction

followed by magnetic separation [82]. The process is controlled by adjusting basicity (addition of

lime) to 0.15. The effect of reductant dosage was also discussed: the reduction of iron can be

effectively controlled via the addition of reductant. At the optimum condition, the recovery rate of

Cu and Ni were 80% and 82%, while the recovery of iron was only 42%. The obtained metal alloy

contained 3.25%Ni, 1.20%Cu and 75.26%Fe.

A two-stage direct carbothermic reduction process developed by Busolic et al. [53] can selectively

recover copper and iron from copper slag, as shown in Table 2-10. The first stage is de-

copperisation aiming at removing copper; the second stage is iron reduction. CaO was added to

obtain a final basic slag with CaO/SiO2=1.5 to ensure fluidity. A copper-rich and an iron-rich alloy

were produced in these two stages respectively. The copper rich-alloy contained 51.0% Cu and

48.2% Fe, as the iron-rich alloy contained 98.9% Fe and 0.84% Cu.

Palacios et al. [42] reported a study on selective reduction of copper slag in a reducing environment,

as shown in Table 2-10. A mixture of coke and slag was heated in a closed crucible at 1260°C.

Copper in the final slag decreased from 3.35% to 0.35% after 30 minutes, a superior performance

than the conventional slag cleaning process. The metallic phase separated contained 61.6% Cu,

28.0% Fe and 2.67% Mo.

2.4.2 Slag Settling

Slag cleaning was first proposed in the copper extraction industry in 1960s, specifically for

cleaning smelting and convertor copper (or nickel) slags. This operation keeps molten slag inside

a bath-smelting unit (known as settling furnace) for long periods, allowing mechanically

suspended matte droplets to settle to a molten matte layer.

As seen in Figure 2-2, a significant amount of copper is chemically dissolved as CuO and CuS in

the slag phase, which cannot be separated through settling or other physical methods. To optimize

recovery rate, additives are charged to promote conversion of Cu oxide to suspended CuS or

metallic Cu drops [1]. Figure 2-14 shows a typical AC slag settling furnace, which can process

1000 to 1500 tonnes of slag every day. Little turbulence is generated, resulting in a calm

environment for settling. An electric settling furnace has a power consumption from 15 to 70 kWh

per tonne of slag, depending on the target cleanness of the final slag (typically 0.6 to 1.3% Cu)[1].

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Figure 2-14: An AC slag-settling furnace. A furnace of this size cleans 1000–1500 tonnes of

slag per day[1].

An alternative to electric furnace for slag cleaning is a fuel-fired slag cleaning furnace, where slag

is heated and melted using a fuel. In a Teniente slag-cleaning furnace for example [1], powdered

coke and air are injected to generate both heat and a reducing atmosphere. Operational data show

that it can clean the charged slag from 6 to 8% Cu to less than 1%, with a copper recovery of 85%.

Many innovations and improvements have been made. A Canadian invention by Degel et al. [83]

involves a two-step recovery of copper from molten slag, by charging slag into an AC and then a

DC furnace. The approach breaks the reduction process into half, thus shortening the reduction

time by half and increasing the operating capacity by two-fold. Slags are reported to be purified to

0.5% Cu and 4% magnetite after the two stages. The average power consumption is estimated to

be 107 kWh/t and the coke consumption is around 10 kg/t. Degel et al. claimed that this process

is suitable for recovery of metals in other processes such as those of ferroalloy industry.

The metallic alloys produced from previous processes often contains copper, iron and cobalt, thus

the isolation of metals has been of interest. For this purpose, Rudnik et al. [55] developed a process

that includes electrolytic dissolution of the alloy in an ammonia–ammonium chloride electrolyte,

ammoniacal leaching of the slime, and selective electrowinning of copper and cobalt. The products

are deposits of copper and cobalt with 99.9% and 92% purity respectively. Yin et al. [84] recovered

cobalt from Co-Cu-Fe alloys via magnetic separation and sulfuric acid leaching process. The main

cobalt bearing phase in the alloy is cobalt-iron alloy, which is a magnetic substance. After the

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process, 95.6% cobalt was extracted from the alloy, and the tailing from magnetic separation and

the residue from leaching were recycled into copper smelting for near-complete recovery of copper.

Targeting only iron value, a study on copper slag deep reduction followed by magnetic separation

was carried out by Li et al. [85], as shown in Table 2-10. The iron recovery reached over 91%

under optimized conditions, and the iron content was over 96%.

2.4.3 Slag Fuming

Metallurgical slags generated in smelting of non-ferrous concentrates contain metallic values such

as zinc, tin, lead, cadmium, indium, arsenic, antimony and geranium. These metals can be

recovered in the slag fuming process. A fuming furnace is like Isasmelt furnace, with a vertical

body and one long blow tube which directly injects air into melt. Slags are fed into a fuming

furnace and are reduced by oxygen of the blast, a fuel and reductant. Off-gas of the process will

contain volatile constituents from the slag, which can be condensed and used for metal recovery.

In one case the slag starting with 17% Zn contained only 2% Zn after such treatment [86]. Utilizing

high velocity tuyere(s) (80 to 115m/s) entrains more small bubbles of fuel/reductants where the

actual reduction reaction of metal values occurs. This increases process efficiency thus saves fuel

and reductants, resulting in a time saving of 20% of the main fuming cycle and reduction of coal

consumption by about 20%.

2.4.4 Sulfurization

Sulfurization is another form of slag metallization, which is more suitable for converting Ni and

Cu value of slag into a metal-rich matte. Reactants such as FeS and CaS can be used for this

purpose. However, the shortcoming of sulfurization is that Co and Zn tend to remain in the slag

matrix [51].

Li et al. [50] developed a process to overcome the above challenge by using another waste

materials to recycle copper slag. They roasted copper slag with CaSO4-rich gypsum waste. CaSO4

is a source of both calcium and sulfur, automatically replacing iron sulfides and lime (as slag

modification agent). The following reaction shows the overall process of sulfurizing. It is clear

that a reducing agent is required, and lime is formed as a product.

(Cu2O) + CaSO4 + 4C [Cu2S] + CaO + 4CO(g) (7)

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The optimum conditions for this process were found to be 12 wt.% coke, 20 wt.% CaSO4 at a

smelting temperature of 1350C for 3 h. The recoveries of Cu and Co were 92.0% and 95.6%

respectively. The concentrations of these metals in the matte were 13.6% Cu and 9.4% Co.

Selectivity ratios expressed as Cu/Fe and Co/Fe reached 6.00 and 6.24 respectively. Also, due to

the generation of lime, the cleaned slag showed an increase in basicity, from 0.21 to 0.36.

2.4.5 Magnetizing Roast

Magnetizing roast can be either oxidizing or reducing, depending on the initial and target oxidation

states of iron. When iron in the substance is mainly trivalent, partial reduction is used, which is

typically applied to upgrade iron ore. Its mechanism is to reduce hematite Fe2O3 to magnetite

Fe3O4. This allows easy separation of iron oxides from other oxides via magnetic separation with

low energy intensity. The reduction of hematite to magnetite is shown in reactions (8) and (9):

3Fe2O3 + C = 2Fe3O4 + CO (8)

3Fe2O3 + CO = 2Fe3O4 + CO2 (9)

When divalent iron is the dominant form of iron, oxidation is used to produce magnetite, as shown

in Eqs. (10) and (11):

4FeO + O2 = 2Fe2O3 (10)

FeO + Fe2O3 = Fe3O4 (11)

A study by Zhang et al. [87] developed a reducing roast process to recover iron concentrate from

pyrite process slag (the process to produce sulfur and sulfuric acid), as shown in Table 2-10. The

slag contains about 20% total iron mostly as Fe3+ and in the form of red limonite, magnetite, and

ferrosilite minerals. Under optimum conditions, the iron concentrate grade was 57% and recoveries

were up to 70%.

Semykina et al. [88] confirmed the possibility of recovering iron by oxidizing slag FeO to

magnetite in steelmaking slags. Steel slag in molten state is exposed to an oxidizing gas and then

quenched. Further study [89] by the same author demonstrated the feasibility of producing

nanoscale manganese ferrite from steel slag with high Mn content in similar oxidation conditions.

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In both cases, increasing basicity promoted the activity of FeOx and MnOx, which is a strong

driving force for the formation of spinel phases.

Edlinger [90] used oxidation to recover chromium and vanadium in spinel form from steelmaking

slags. In the process, oxygen was introduced to the liquid slag. The oxidization environment

allowed conversion of iron to iron oxide and about 5 to 20 wt% of the slag to magnetite. During

the formation of magnetite spinel phase, chromium in the slag is mostly associated with magnetite,

forming a mixed spinel (FeCr2O4.Fe3O4). It is essential to control slag basicity (CaO/SiO2) to

values greater than 2.5. The spinel phase could be magnetically removed from the cooled oxide.

The produced spinel comprises a high-quality chromium ore and may be recovered by

conventional reduction. This method is suitable for enrichment and recovery of Mn, Mg, Al, C, V

and Fe.

A study on oxidization behavior of copper smelting slags to selectively precipitate magnetite was

carried out by Fan et al. [91]. Oxidizing gas was blasted directly to molten copper slag. Under the

condition of lower oxygen partial pressure and lower gas flow rate, oxidation resulted in

precipitation of magnetite, rather than hematite. In the meantime, it was found that Cr and Zn tend

to be entrained in magnetite while Cu exhibits opposite phenomenon. The reaction mechanism

was analyzed, discussing that the mobility of O2- was relatively weak in the early stages and was

enhanced as oxidation progressed. The gas diffusion was assumed to be the “controlling step” in

the later stage of the reaction.

Ma et al. [92] carried out air oxidation followed by magnetic separation on nickel slag to produce

an iron concentrate, as shown in Table 2-10. Under optimum conditions, the final iron recovery

and grade reached 76% and 54.0%, respectively. During the study, they found that the average

size of the magnetite grains was 20 µm at 1350°C for 20 min oxidation. Air flow rate was related

to magnetite crystallite size, however when the injection rate exceeded 170 ml/min, the violent

stirring could break the dendrites and cause formation of tiny crystals.

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Table 2-10: Summery of pyrometallurgical methods investigated on metal recovery from slag.

Slag Type Mothed Optimum condition Result Ref.

Copper Slag Carbothermic

reduction (coal)

Coal/Slag: 0.035-0.04; Time: 1 hr; T: 1200-1250°C Recovery: 70+% Zn, 80+% Cu,

80+% Co



reduction (coke)

T: 1450°C; First stage: 100% of the coke required to reduce

Cu2O, CaO/SiO2 = 1.5, Time: 30 min; Second stage: 150% of

the coke required to reduce FeO, Time: 50 min

Two metallic alloy: 51.0% Cu and

48.2% Fe; 98.9% iron and 0.84%




reduction (activated


5% activated carbon; 5%TiO2; T: 1350°C; Time: 2.5 hr Recovery: 94% Co, 95% Cu, 18%

Fe; metallic alloy: 1.76% Co,

75.20% Cu and 12.85% Fe;

Residue slag: fayalite and hercynite



reduction (coke)

Closed crucible; Excess stoichiometric amount coke; T:

1260°C; Time: 30 mins

Residual slag: 3.35% to 0.65% Cu

and 48.3% to 42.12% Fe; Metallic

alloy: 61.6% Cu, 28.0% Fe and

2.67% Mo



reduction (coke)

coke 2.7%, pig iron 2.0%; electric furnace, voltages: 80–90

V, I: 900–950 A; T: 1425–1570°C; Time: 90 mins

Cu27–Co6–Fe64–Pb1.5 Metallic

alloy: 27% Cu, 6% Co, 64% Fe and

1.5% Pb



reduction (coke) +

magnetic separation

Coke:14%; Ca/Si=0.2; T: 1300°C; Time: 3 hr

Grind 20 mins; magnetic field strength: 76 mT

Recovery:91.82% Fe; grade

96.21% Fe


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reduction (anthracite)

+ magnetic separation

Slag:antheracite:Al2O3:CaO=100:30:4:3; T: 1300°C; Time:

60 mins

PS: D80 = 74µm; magnetic field strength: 120 mT

Metal alloy: 72.54% Fe, 13.54%

Cr; Recovery rate: 80.34% Fe,

80.70% Cr


Nickel Slag Carbothermic

reduction (coal) +

magnetic separation

Coal: 5%; Ca/Si = 0.15; 1200 °C; 20 mins

PS: -75 µm; magnetic field strength 165 mT

Recovery: 80% Cu, 82% Ni and

42% Fe; Metal alloy: 3.25%Ni,

1.20%Cu and 75.26%Fe


Nickel Slag Magnetizing roasting

+ magnetic separation

CaO addition; T: 1350°C; Time: 20 min; Air: 170 mL/min

PS: -38 µm; magnetic field strength 120 mT (3 steps)

Recovery:75.99% Fe; grade

54.08% Fe


Pyrite Slag Magnetizing roasting

+ magnetic separation

Coke: 5%, PS: 1mm; Time: 20 min; T: 850 °C

PS: -74 µm; magnetic field strength: 290 mT

Recovery:70% Fe; grade 57% Fe [87]

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2.5 Hydrometallurgical Methods

Hydrometallurgical methods are primarily employed for recovery of non-ferrous metals from

smelter/convertor or ferroalloy slags. In recovery of non-ferrous metals, iron is typically seen as

an impurity, thus its reporting to the product should be minimized. There are mainly two stages in

hydrometallurgical metal recovery processes: leaching and metal recovery.

2.5.1 Leaching

In the first stage of recovery process, lixiviants (such as strong acids) are employed to release

metals from solid material as ions into an aqueous solution. Many studies have investigated this

stage since the 1990’s. A summary of the leaching studies that is discussed in this section is shown

in Table 2-11. Effect of Various Parameters on Leaching Kinetics and Efficiency

Leaching efficiency and rate of reaction are often optimized by the type and concentration of the

lixiviant, pH value of the solution, temperature, agitation intensity, and particle size. Many studies

reported that particle size reduction (also known as mechanical activation) and operating

temperature have the most significant impacts on metal recovery [46].

Influence of Temperature

Temperature of metal digestion is known to affect the reaction rate. However, different elements

in the same system can be influenced to different extents. In a Cl2/Cl- leaching study [46], copper

dissolution rate was not significantly dependent on temperature contrary to iron, suggesting that

the operating temperature can be optimized for the selectivity.

Influence of Particle Size

Particle size has a significant effect on the rate and extent of metal recovery; smaller particles give

rise to a greater surface area that improves the kinetics and also brings more metal in contact with

the lixiviant, hence larger recovery.

In a study by Herreros et al. [46], it was found that most of copper in their copper slag is in the

form of metallic copper, chalcocite, bornite and other complex sulfides of very small size, mainly

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5–10 µm. On average, only 0.2–0.4% of the copper was present in dissolved form in the silicate

phases. This showed that no silicate reaction is needed for copper dissolution, and fine grinding is

beneficial for copper liberation. Carranza et al. [56] also confirmed this finding by leaching copper

slag in different size fractions. Their experimental results showed that high recovery rate of copper

(greater than 94%) is achieved for the -106 µm fraction.

Influence of Slag Cooling Rate

As discussed earlier, cooling rate affects the structure and mineralogical composition of the slag.

Tshiongo et al. [49] compared the response to leaching of several slags with a different thermal

history; water quenched slag, water granulated slag, air-cooled slag, slow-cooled slag. Leaching

of fast cooled slags, especially quenched slag in an ammonia solution (pH=12) shows a positive

impact on copper leaching (over 90% Cu extraction) and selectivity over Co, Zn, Pb and Fe. The

slow-cooled slag showed poor leaching of Cu and selectively. Acid Leaching

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is considered as an efficient agent for leaching of metals. Many experiments

performed in metal recovery of slag using sulfuric acid show high values of metal extraction. Bulut

[52] tested direct digestion of copper slag in sulfuric acid; 78% Cu and 90.2% Co were extracted

(optimum conditions are given in Table 2-11). However, it also comes with the problem of iron

co-extraction; 71.5% Fe was dissolved.

To selectively extract base metals such as Cu, Co, Ni, oxygen pressure acts as an important factor.

In order to enhance leaching in an oxidizing environment, oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide,

potassium dichromate, chlorine and sodium chlorate have been used [46] [44], [43] [94].

In a study carried out for nickel recovery from slag [94], high selectivity was achieved by

controlling oxygen partial pressure to 600 kPa. Recovery of >97% for cobalt and nickel, >95% for

copper and <0.4% for iron was obtained by sulfuric acid leaching at 200 °C for 80 min.

Herreros et al. [46] investigated leaching reverberatory copper slag under Cl2/Cl-. The Cl2/Cl-

system was established from the reaction between sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric or

sulfuric acid, as shown in reactions (12) and (13). Selective dissolution of 80 to 90% copper and

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5% iron were obtained at room temperature Cl- concentration of 3.010-2 M and particle size <

20m. The extraction was very rapid, with the above recoveries achieved in only 5 mins.

NaOCl + 2HCl Cl2 + NaCl + H2O (12)

NaOCl + NaCl + H2SO4 Cl2 + 2NaCl + H2O (13)

Citric and nitric acids were used to selectively dissolve P2O5 in calcium silicate matrix for

steelmaking dephosphorization slag [10]. Dissolution ratio of P2O5 reached 60% and 80% in citric

acid and nitric acid leaching respectively, at pH 5. However, citric acid was highly selective with

no iron oxides dissolution.

In sulfuric acid leaching, formation of silica gel (H4SiO4) is a problem, as shown in reactions (14)

and (15). Silica gel complicates metal extraction and filtration processes, and it also causes

operational difficulties (such as lower metal extraction and pulp filtration) in the subsequent steps

of metal recovery [43], [44], [95].

2MeO·SiO2 + 2H2SO2 2MeSO2 + H4SiO4 (where Me = Fe, Co, Zn Cu) (14)

H4SiO4 2H2O + SiO2 (gel) (15)

A few studies have been carried out to address the silica gel problem. Banza et al. [44] have

demonstrated that silica suspension does not occur when the pH value is higher than 2, although

low pH value is beneficial for leaching of copper, cobalt and zinc. A process of leaching copper

slag with sulfuric acid with pH value controlled at 2.5 and in the presence of hydrogen peroxide

revealed high and selective extraction of base metals: 80% Cu, 90% Co, 90% Zn and only 5% Fe.

Yang et al. [43] leached copper slag with sulfuric acid and sodium chlorate oxidant and neutralized

silica gel and Fe(III) with calcium hydroxide addition. After leaching, calcium hydroxide was

added slowly to maintain a low pH level at 2.0 for 1 hour. The final recoveries were 98% Co, 97%

Zn and 89% Cu with only 3.2% Si and 0.02% of Fe dissolved.

In some investigations, acid roasting of the slag prior to leaching was tested, aiming to improve

the kinetics and/or recovery. For example Arslan et al. [41] proposed acid roasting followed by

hot water leaching to extract Cu, Co and Zn from copper slag. In acid roasting, crushed slag was

mixed with different amounts of acid, heated to a temperature between 150-300 °C and then cooled

and leached in 70 °C water. With the acid:slag ratio of 3:1, roasting time of 2 h and temperature

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of 150°C, 87% of copper, 87% of cobalt, 93% of zinc, and 83% of iron were recovered. With

increasing roasting time to 3 h and temperature to 250°C, Cu recovery could reach 100%.

In another set of experiments [41], the same authors calcined the slag at 650°C for 2 h after acid

roasting, aiming to decompose metal sulfates, and then leached the product in hot water. The

recoveries were 79% Cu, 66%v Co, and 41% Zn with no iron extraction. Similar conditions were

tested by Bulut [52] for copper slag and the result agreed with Arslan et al. [38]. Ayala et al. used

acid roasting to leach Mn from SiMn slag. During water leaching stage, CaO and KOH were added

to control the pH value to 6, so as to inhibit the dissolution of silicon, aluminum and iron. Highly

selective recovery of 94% Mn was achieved

The oxidizing state of metals affects the solubility during leaching. For example, hematite and

magnetite show a low degree of leaching compared to wüstite. In Palacios et al.’s study [42],

molybdenum in copper slag was present as 2FeO.MoO2-Fe3O4 in magnetite. Molybdenum was

liberated from magnetite to a soluble phase by oxidizing roasting at 700°C in a fixed bed laboratory

roaster with O2/SO2 gas mixture, through the following reaction:

FeOx.MoO2 + yO2 Fe2O3 + MoO3 (16)

Leaching in a solution of 25 g/L H2SO4 was then performed to extract molybdenum, at room

temperature and L/S ratio of 10:1 in 2 hr. Molybdenum selective extraction has been increased

from 20% to 70% by the roasting which resulted in spinel decomposition.

In Mirazimi’s study [26], LD slag was roasted with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) to transfer

vanadium to a more soluble form. Vanadium in the form of Ca2V2O7 from original LD slag was

converted to NaVO3 after 2 hr roasting at 1000 °C with 20% sodium carbonate. The optimum

conditions were L/S ratio of 20, temperature of 70 °C, sulfuric acid concentration of 2.05 M and

leaching time of 1 hour. Vanadium recovery rate was 96%. Alkaline Leaching

Leaching of SS Slag for chromium extraction with alkaline lixiviant was investigated in multiple

directions by Kim et al [96]. One of their studies examined NaOH roasting of SS slag. They

reported 83% Cr extraction with limited dissolution of the matrix material (Al, Ca, Mg, Fe <0.01%,

Si 8.0%), while at optimum roasting condition (particle size <63 µm, 0.67 mass ratio of NaOH to

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SS slag, 400 °C, 2 hr). By adding NaNO3 as an oxidizing agent (0.067 mass ratio of NaNO3 to SS

slag), Cr extraction rate improved to 90%.

Investigation of pressure alkaline leaching of SS slag with NaOH and pressurized O2 was also

carried out by the same group [29]. In a sealed reaction chamber, the oxygen pressure builds up

with increasing temperature. The maximum Cr leaching was 46% at 1M NaOH, 36 bar O2, SS slag

particle size <125 µm, at 240 °C for 6 hours. Al (2.88%), Si (0.12%), and Ca (0.05%) were also

dissolved during this pressure leach.

Roasting of SS slag with sodium hydroxide in the presence of NaOCl as an oxidant, followed by

water leaching was also investigated, aiming to lower the roasting temperature [31]. The optimum

conditions for this system were found to be: 105 °C, 6 hr, SS slag particle size <63 µm, mass ratio

of NaOH to SS slag 0.13, and 3.3 mmol NaOCl to 1 g SS slag. A selective Cr leaching of 68%

was reached, while dissolution of matrix materials was low (Al 0.3%, Ca 2.0%, Si 0.4%). The

residual slag was examined for strength test, reporting a compressive strength of 104 MPa. The

strength is much higher than high density limestone (55 MPa), indicating good performance in

various construction applications.

New approaches have been proposed for separating the copper slag into silica gel and an iron-rich

residue [97]. The process consists of air oxidation at 800 °C for 2 hours; hydrothermal treatment

of the oxidized slag with sodium hydroxide solution (140 g/l) at 190 °C for 3 hours to extract

silicate; and silica gel formation was avoided by lowing the pH of the alkaline silicate solution.

The oxidation process decomposes fayalite into silicate and iron oxides phases. The leaching

residue contained 79.8% of iron oxides and 8.9% of SiO2, where 70% of SiO2 was extracted. Salt Leaching

Some methods use salts as lixiviants to extract metals from slag. One example is ferric chloride

(FeCl3) solution to dissolve sulfides and to some extent oxides of copper, nickel and cobalt (or

their metals if present) to give cuprous chloride [48]. Recoveries of copper 92.0%, nickel 28.0%

and cobalt 24.0% for converter slag (Slag 4 in Table 2-5), copper 54.0%, nickel 77.0% and cobalt

44.0% for smelter slag have been reported (Slag 5 in Table 2-5).

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Ferric sulfate (Fe2S3) leaching was examined to extract copper from copper slag by Carranza et al.

[56]. Under optimum conditions, 11.5g/L Fe(III) could extract more than 93% Cu in 4 hours.

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Table 2-11: A summary of leaching studies on slag for metal recovery

Slag Mothed Optimum conditions Result Ref.



#1: Acid leaching (H2SO4)

#2: Acid roasting (H2SO4) + hot

water leaching

#2: Acid roasting (H2SO4) +

Thermal decomposition + hot

water leaching

H2SO4: 120 g/ L; PS: <100 µm; T: 60 °C; LT: 2

hr; L/S = 10 mL/g;

H2SO4:Slag = 3:1; Acid roasting time: 1 hr, T: 200

°C; Water leaching time: 1 hr, T: 70 °C;

Thermal decomposition time: 2 hr; T: 600 °C

#1: Recovery: 78% Cu, 90.2%

Co and 71.5% Fe. Total

dissolution of slag: 72.2%.

#2: Recovery: 78.9% Cu, 73.7%

Co and 98.5% Fe. Total

dissolution of slag: 50%.

#3: Recovery: 63% Cu, 43% Co

and 4% Fe


Chlorine leaching (102 –103 M Cl2) PS: <20 µm; T: ambient; LT: 5 mins Recovery: 80 to 90% Cu and 5%



Sulfuric acid leaching + sodium

chlorate oxidant + calcium

hydroxide neutralization

Slag:H2SO4:NaClO3:Ca(OH)2 =

1:0.88:0.125:0.215; PS: <180 µm; T: 60 °C; pH=

2; Time: 3 hr (leaching) + 1 hr (neutralization)

Recovery: 98% Co, 97% Zn,

89% Cu, 3.2% Si and 0.02% Fe


Sulfuric acid leaching + hydrogen

peroxide oxidant

H2SO4: 500 kg/t; H2O2: 35 L/t; PS: <100 µm; pH:

2.5; T: 70 °C; LT: 3 hr

Recovery: 80% Cu, 90% Co,

90% Zn and 5% Fe


#1: Acid roasting (H2SO4) + hot

water leaching

#2: Acid roasting (H2SO4) +

Thermal decomposition + hot

water leaching

H2SO4:Slag = 3:1; Acid roasting time: 2 hr, T: 150

°C; Water leaching time: 1 hr, T: 70 °C;

Thermal decomposition time: 2 hr; T: 650 °C

#1: Recovery: 88% of copper

(100% when higher time and T),

87% of Co, 93%of Zn, and 83%

of Fe;

#2: Recovery: 79% Cu, 66%v

Co, and 41% Zn


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Slag oxidization + Alkaline

(NaOH) leaching

Air oxidization, T: 800 °C, time: 2 hr;

Leaching: NaOH: 140 g/l; L/S = 5 mL/g; T: 190

°C; LT: 3 hr

Residue: 79.8% of iron oxides

and 8.9% of SiO2

70% SiO2 extraction


Ferric chloride leaching FeCl3: 1.25 times stoichiometric for Cu; PS: <53

µm; T: 85, 100 °C; LT: 2.5, 6 hr (respectively)

Recovery: 92% Cu, 28% Ni and

24% Co for converter slag (Slag

4 in Table 2-5); 54% Cu, 77.0%

Ni and 44.0% Co for smelter

slag (Slag 5 in Table 2-5).


Ferric Sulfate Fe2O3: 11.5g/L Fe(III), pH (1.67); PS: D80 = 47.03

µm; T: 60 °C; LT: 4 hr; plup density: 2%

Recovery: 93% Cu [56]

Nickel Slag Acid leaching (H2SO4) + Oxygen


PS: -150 + 74 µm; H2SO4: 0.3 mol/L; S/L = 7

mL/g; oxygen partial pressure: 600 kPa; T: 200

°C; LT: 80 min

Recovery: 97% Ni and Co, 95%

Cu, <0.4% Fe, <2% Si


SiMn Slag Acid roasting (H2SO4) + hot water


H2SO4:Slag = 1:9 (10% excess stoichiometric for

Mn); Acid roasting time: 0.5 hr, T: 200 °C;

Leaching: L/S = 5 mL/g; lime slurry: 15 w/v.%;

KOH 1 w/v%to reach pH=6.

Recovery: 94% Mn.

Leach solution: 31.2 g/L, other

elements <0.2%


LD Slag Salt roasting (Na2CO3) + acid

leaching (H2SO4)

Roasting: T:1000 °C; 20% Na2CO3; time: 2 hr

Leaching: L/S = 19.99; T: 70 °C; H2SO4: 2.05 M;

time: 1 hr

Recovery: 96% V [26]

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2.5.2 Metal Recovery

Many well-established steps have been developed for recovery of the metals from the pregnant

leach solution, such as cementation and electrowinning. The solution may require purification and

concentration through solvent extraction prior to the recovery step. Solvent Extraction

In solvent extraction, an organic solvent is used to extract metal ions of the interest (absorption),

and later release them into a more concentrated solution using a strong acid (stripping). Through

this process, the organic solvent is regenerated and recycled. [95].

Banza et al. [44] used LIX 984 for copper and D2EHPA (di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid) for

cobalt and zinc extraction from a pregnant solution containing Fe. Copper was extracted and

stripped with LIX 984 and sulfuric acid (pH 1) at room temperature. More than 99% of Cu was

extracted with a less than 1% co-extraction of other metals. 200g/L CaCO3 was added to remove

99% of iron, with about 3% and 5% co-precipitation of Co and Zn. D2EHPA organic solvent was

then used to extract Co and Zn. Separation of Co from organic phase was achieved with sulfuric

acid at pH=2.5, followed by stripping Zn at pH=1. Extraction rate for Co and Zn were more than

96% and 99% respectively. Precipitation

The precipitation of metal from the rich solution can be achieved by electrowinning or

cementation. For example, aiming to selectively recover chromium from SS slags leachate,

BaCrO4 precipitation was used in Kim et al.’s study [31]. The result shows >99.9% Cr recovery

with minor impurities such as Mn and V. The reaction occurs by adding BaCl2 according to

Equation (17).

BaCl2(a) + CrO4

2- BaCrO4(s) + 2Cl- (17)

Sulfide precipitation is carried out for the separation of impurities such as Zn, Ni, Co and Cu from

manganese solution, via a Na2S solution at pH=5–7 [38]. The collected solution is then

electrolyzed to obtain Mn metal. Electrowinning involves applying a low DC potential in an

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electrolytic cell, resulting in deposition of metal in the cathode. This method is well established

and will not be reviewed here.

2.6 Summary of Metal Recovery Methods from Slag

Slag processing has numerous variants and can range from a simple comminution and sizing to

more sophisticated methods of chemical treatment. It is apparent that the processing methods are

evolving to yield higher metal recovery and produce less waste. The following is a summary of

overall findings in this literature survey.

Size reduction is an obvious but most important step of slag treatment. Not only the most valuable

slag products are always in the form of aggregates or pulverized materials, but also the subsequent

treatment steps, such as magnetic separation, flotation, solid state roasting or leaching, also require

a certain particle size. Convectional crushing and grinding of air-cooled slag consume a great

amount of energy. Innovative approaches to combine cooling and size reduction with much lower

energy intensity are emerging to replace the comminution methods.

Cooling is a crucial step in slag treatment, since it determines the thermal history of slag which

effects the slag structure (crystalline/amorphous) and the distribution of metal in various

mineral/phases. For applications such as cement feedstock, amorphous slag with a silicate matrix

is desired whereas for magnetic separation a higher degree of crystallinity is beneficial. On the

other hand, a mixture of amorphous and crystalline phases is most suitable for selective leaching.

The most common physical treatments for copper and nickel slags are size-reduction and floatation.

Slag cleaning is also commonly used for converter slags to recover Cu. Metal values such as Co,

Zn, Ni or Mo, usually cycle or remain in slags phase. To recover those valuable elements, deep

selective reduction or complicated hydrometallurgical processes are often a must. Volatile

elements such as Zn can be recovered by vaporization and subsequent condensation. Also, leaching

or a combination of leaching and roasting have proven very effective in recovery of certain metals

including Cu, Co, Ni and Pb.

Chromium recovery is primarily done to meet the environmental requirement pertaining to slag

disposal. A variety of methods such as gravity and magnetic separation, as well as alkaline leaching

have been successfully employed for this purpose.

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The ways to treat steelmaking slags mainly focused on separation of large metallic iron particles

through physical process. Microscale metallic iron and dissolved iron oxides are still reported to

waste. The status quo limits the usage of steelmaking slag. This research, as explained in Chapter

1, looks into oxidation treatment of steelmaking slags, aiming to investigate the feasibility of

converting the slag into two products, an iron-rich concentrate for recycling to sintering/pelletizing,

and an iron-lean product suitable for construction aggregate, cement, etc.

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Chapter 3


3.1 Objectives

The overall objective of the research is to investigate the feasibility of recovering an iron

concentrate from steelmaking slags using magnetic separation. A more specific objective is to

determine the conditions of slag treatment that leads to highest separation. This chapter will cover

the experimental aspects of the study including procedures, materials and equipment used.

3.2 Materials

3.2.1 Slag

The steelmaking slag used in this experiment, was obtained from ArcelorMittal Dofasco (AMD,

Ontario, Canada). The as-received slag arrived as gray aggregate with particle of ~2 cm in diameter,

with chemical composition given in Table 3-1 (provided by AMD). The composition is

comparable with steelmaking slags given in Table 2-3. Preliminary SEM imaging and elemental

mapping of slag are shown in Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2. Entrained metal droplets were observed,

ranging from a few µm to more than 300 µm. In the slag matrix, light and dark phases are present.

With the aid of energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) elemental mapping, it is seen that the darker

phases are calcium silicates (with lower atomic mass) and oxides such as FeOx, MgO, and MnOx

are the lighter phases. Although small magnification may imply that Ca, Fe, Si and Mg are

distributed uniformly in the slag matrix, at higher magnification the separation of phases is clear

at the scale of 100 µm or less. The important understanding from this is that for liberation of oxides

from slag, pulverization to the range of 100 µm is necessary. XRD analysis confirmed the phase

identification from SEM imaging (Figure 3-3). In addition to C3S, C2S, R-O phase, wüstite and

Ca2Fe2O5 appeared to be present. According to XRD pattern database, the position (2θ) overlaps

with the spinel phases such as magnesium ferrite and magnetite, which constitute the RO phase

Therefore, XRD alone cannot distinguish the individual oxides from spinel phases and techniques

such as elemental mapping should be used for that purpose. The elemental mapping results indicate

that the light region in the SEM image is a combination of Ca2Fe2O5 and RO phase.

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Table 3-1: Chemical compositions of steel slag sample (wt%) from XRF analysis provided

by AM-Dofasco

Total Fe FeO CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO MnO P2O5 TiO2 Cr2O3 C/S

18.9 24.3 43.6 15.0 4.4 9.0 3.7 0.9 1.2 0.5 2.9

Figure 3-1: SEM BSE image of steel slag sample

Figure 3-2: SEM-EDS elemental mapping of steel slag sample

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Figure 3-3: XRD spectrum of the steel slag sample.

The slag was pulverized in a jar rolling mill for two hours. The machine has 805 W power, which

sustains a rotation speed of 180 rpm. About 2 kilogram of steel slag sample was charged into the

cylindrical jar with 22 cm diameter and 20 cm length. The mill was also loaded with 10 kg of steel

balls of 3.5 cm in diameter (slag to ball ratio = 1:5).

The particle size distribution of the pulverized slag is shown in Figure 3-4, showing d80=133 µm,

d20=11 µm, and a mean size of 80 µm. A double peak distribution is seen which is an indication

of presence of at least two phases with significantly different grindability. This in in agreement

with studies done by Wang et al. [98][99], who investigated cementitious properties of the finer

portion of their steel slag powder. The group separated the two size fractions and analyzed them

by XRD. The results showed that the finer fraction was richer in C3S, C2S but lower in RO phase,

the opposite was true for the coarser fraction. Higher metal content in RO phase might contribute

to resistance to grinding.

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Figure 3-4: Particle size distribution of the pulverized slag.

3.2.2 Additives

For basicity adjustment (to CaO/SiO2 ratios of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5), proper amounts of +99% quartz

served as slag addition.

3.3 Experimental Setup

The general idea and experimental scheme of this research are shown in Figure 3-5. Through an

oxidizing treatment, this study aims to convert iron species into magnetic spinel phases, which are

later separated by magnetic separation. An iron-rich product is then recovered which may be

recycled as s source of iron to processes such as sintering, and an iron-lean residue which because

of its high CaO and SiO2 content is a suitable feedstock for making cement.

A thermodynamic study was performed (Section 4.2), aiming to narrow down the experimental

conditions that lead to maximum spinel phase formation. Both solid and liquid state slags were


1 10 100 1000

































Particle Size (μm)

Counts Cumulative counts

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Figure 3-5: Scheme of the experimental steps

3.3.1 Solid State Oxidation

Solid state oxidizing was carried out in a horizontal tube furnace (Figure 3-6). The reaction

chamber was an 8 cm alumina tube heated externally with molybdenum disilicide elements. The

temperature was measured using a type B thermocouple placed in the uniform-temperature hot

zone of the furnace close to the slag samples. The working tube was fitted with water-cooled

aluminum caps on both ends that allowed sealing of the tube and applying a controlled gas

atmosphere. The influence of type of oxidizing gas, roasting temperature and time were

investigated in these experiments.

Figure 3-6: Schematic diagram of the experimental setup in solid state oxidation of slag.

A typical experiment began with preheating the furnace to the target temperature. When charging

sample, aluminum cap on the side of gas outlet was removed, and a base made from alumina foam

that held three MgO crucibles (about 20 g slag per crucible) was positioned carefully in. The foam

board was placed in the hot zone of the furnace where the temperature was uniform for ~ 20 cm.

The cap was then put back to seal the tube. The samples were heated in argon atmosphere for 30

minutes to reach the target temperature. Afterwards, the gas was switched to the oxidizing gas with

a flow rate of 100 mL/min for a controlled dwelling time. After completing the reaction, the

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alumina foam base was pulled to the end of the tube for rapid cooling. The slag was then stored in

a desiccator for subsequent crushing and magnetic separation. Oxidizing with CO2

Oxidation with compressed CO2 was carried out at 600 and 650 °C and with dwelling time of 10-

60 minutes. Mass loss instead of mass gain of the product was observed after oxidizing reaction.

On average, about 3.5% mass loss was observed. This was interpreted as dominant effect of

moisture loss and decomposition of Ca(OH)2 and carbonates[11]. Oxidizing with Air

In these experiments air was used for the oxidizing roast. Preliminary experiments again showed

mass loss. Therefore, a pre-roasting treatment (i.e. calcination) was added to remove moisture and

CO2. For this treatment, the pulverized slag rested in argon atmosphere at 1000 °C for one hour.

The obtained product was cooled and stored properly in a desiccator and then subjected to

oxidation with air.

Compressed air was used for oxidation at temperatures between 600 to 1000 °C with step of 100

°C and dwelling times of 15 mins to 4 hours were applied.

3.3.2 Liquid State Oxidation

Liquid state oxidation was carried out in a vertical tube furnace. The furnace consisted of an 8 cm

diameter alumina working tube, molybdenum disilicide heating elements and type B

thermocouples, as shown in Figure 3-7. Compressed air was used as the oxidant and the influence

of roasting temperature, time and slag basicity (by addition of SiO2) were investigated in this phase.

A typical procedure was as following. After heating the furnace to the set temperature (of 1400,

1500 or 1550 °C), about 25 g of calcined slag sample was placed in an MgO crucible. The crucible

was slowly raised to the hot zone of the furnace from the bottom using an alumina foam pedestal.

This was done in approximately 15 minutes to reduce the risk of crucible cracking due to thermal

shocks. The slag would then be left to melt for 30 minutes. Air was then introduced into the top of

the crucible at the rate of 600 mL/min through a 6mm alumina tube. The air flow rate was increased

slowly to the target level in ~ 1 min to reduce slag splashing. After the experiments, the slags were

rapidly cooled by quenching the crucible into a water bath. The slag was then removed from

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crucible and dried in a muffle furnace. The obtained product was crushed to the same particle size

as raw slag by successive sieving (90% passing 150 µm and 60% passing 45 µm). The pulverized

slag was then subjected to magnetic separation.

Figure 3-7: Schematic diagram of the setup used in liquid state oxidation of slag.

3.3.3 Magnetic Separation

The magnetic separator used in this experiment was a Davis Tube (Figure 3-8), model CXG-

ZN50, by Tangshan Real and Pure Technologies Co. To separate magnetic content from slag,

about 10 g of slag sample was mixed with suitable amount of alcohol and 200 ml water. The

mixture was stirred thoroughly to fully wet the slag particles. The glass tube was filled with clear

water, about 5 cm above the magnetic poles, while turning on the electromagnet to a controlled

field intensity. Oscillating motion was applied to the tube using an electric motor. The slag slurry

was then slowly charged into the glass tube, while shaking the container to ensure the particles are

suspended. The magnetic particles adhere to the poles, nonmagnetic particles are washed away

with the discharging liquid. The magnetic fraction was washed with a gentle and constant-flow

stream of water until the discharge contained no visible solids. After filtration and drying, the iron-

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rich magnetic fraction and iron-lean nonmagnetic fraction were recovered. The mass of

concentrate was recorded as C. The obtained tailing and concentrate were analyzed by XRF and

examined in a SEM. The metal grade in the concentrate was reported as c.

Figure 3-8: Schematic diagram of the Davis tube magnetic separator.


Non-magnetic fluid mixture

Slag fluid mixture


Glass tube

Front viewSide view

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3.4 Experiment Parameters

The experiment variables and parameters are shown in Table 3-2. The effect of magnetic field

strength, oxidizing time, temperature and slag basicity were evaluated.

Table 3-2: Experimental variables and their ranges.

Variables Fixed

Solid State

Field Strength (mT)


1 hr, 900˚C









Roasting Time (hr)


110 mT, 900˚C







Temperature (˚C)


110 mT, 1hr 700




Liquid State

Temperature (˚C)


30 mins, 110 mT 1500


Blow Time (min)


1400 °C, 110 mT 30



1550 °C, 110 mT 30




1550 °C,30 mins, 110 mT 2.5



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From each magnetic separation, concentrate fraction is defined as following:

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =𝐶



where C = mass of concentrate,

F = mass of feed,

In the next chapter, the concentrate fraction is presented in % (=C/F x 100). The efficiency of the

oxidation and separation processes is typically evaluated by the recovery of the metal, Rm, and the

grade of iron in concentrate, c%. The calculation of Rm is shown in following equation:

𝑅𝑚 =𝐶 ∗ 𝑐

𝐹 ∗ 𝑓


where c = metal grade in concentrate,

f = metal grade in feed.

Although these are good indicators of the process performance for a given set of conditions, they

are inadequate when studying the effect of a variable. The reason is that generally grade and

recovery have an inverse relationship and one cannot simply decide between the better of high

recovery-low grade and low grade-high recovery scenarios. To address this, Separation Efficiency

(S.E.), introduced by Shukz [100], is used as a unified index that captures both the grade and

recovery. It is defined as:

𝑆. 𝐸. = 𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑔 =100𝐶𝑚(𝑐 − 𝑓)

(𝑚 − 𝑓)


where Rm = % recovery of the valuable mineral,

Rg = % recovery of the gangue into the concentrate,

m = percentage of target metal in the valuable mineral[101].

Calculated parameters according to experimental conditions are summarized in Appendix A

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3.5 Analytical Techniques

Hitachi SU3500 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and JEOL 6610LV Scanning Electron

Microscope both with Energy Dispersive X- Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) system were employed for

micro scale imaging and EDS elemental analysis. Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalyzer (EPMA)

was employed for quantitative spot analysis with its Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer (WDS)

system. Philips X-ray diffraction system (CuΚα radiation) was used for mineral phase analysis,

with slow scanning rate of 0.02 step size (2θ) and 2.0 s scan step time from 25° to 65°. X-ray

fluoroscopy (XRF) was employed for determining the slag composition (XRF analysis results are

summarized in Appendix B). The particles for both X-ray analyses should be very small, ideally

near 1 μm. Laser particle size analyzer (L-PSA) was used for particle size measurement.

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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

4.1 Characterization of Raw Slag

The chemical analysis of slag was performed using XRF and the results are compared with those

provided by the slag supplier, ArcelorMittal Dofasco. Table 4-1 shows the results, normalized to

100% total. The difference between the two analyses was around 0.1 to 0.2 percent and well within

the acceptable range of variation.

Table 4-1: XRF results comparison between Dofasco and U of T analysis.




Fe FeO CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO MnO P2O5 TiO2 Cr2O3 Balance C/S


Dofasco 18.4 23.7 42.5 14.6 4.3 8.8 3.6 0.9 1.2 0.5 0 2.9

U of T 18.3 23.6 42.3 14.8 3.8 8.5 3.0 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.0 2.8

4.1.1 RO Phase

As mentioned in the literature review. RO phase is commonly found in steelmaking slag. RO is a

solid solution of FeO-MnO-MgO in a cubic structure similar to MnO, CaO and MgO [12]. Exactly

one divalent iron ion and two trivalent iron ions are required to construct one magnetite molecular

(Fe3+ [Fe2+ Fe3+] O4). Accordingly, only RO phase contains Fe2+ ions in steel slag that is suitable

to form magnetite under proper oxidizing atmosphere.

According to the EDS elemental mapping in Figure 3-2 and XRD analysis shown in Figure 3-3,

iron species are mainly present as dissolved wüstite and spinel ferrites in the RO and dicalcium

ferrite (C2F) phases. A BSE image gives a clearer picture of phase distribution (Figure 4-1). Based

on EDS analysis of various phases, narrow white regions correspond to a small amount of metallic

iron (point D). The lighter gray smooth region is a mixture of C2F, C4AF (where Al3+ and Fe3+

ions can switch sites, points B & E), and the RO phase is the rough lighter gray region (complete

MgO-FeO-MnO solid solution, points A & E). It is difficult to differentiate the various phases in

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this region due to the mixture of constituents: Mg, Mn, Fe and Al, Ca, Fe sharing similar atomic

masses, giving the same grayscale contrast. The dark region (point C) is a mixture of C2S and C3S.

(wt%) Fe Mn Mg

Point A 35 9 20

Point E 47 10 13

Figure 4-1: BSE image of raw slags with phases identification of: points A & E, RO phase,

their compositions are given in the table (balanced with O wt% and minor Ca wt%); point

B & F: C4AF phase; C: C2S and C3S phases; D: metallic iron.

It was first thought that the RO phase will have a constant composition across. By comparing

points A and E in Figure 4-1, it is seen that Fe, Mn, and Mg can substitute one another in this

phase. As RO is the expected Fe-bearing phase for magnetic concentrate, WDS analysis was

obtained on 42 points in the RO phase with results provided in Table 4-2. The composition range

is quite wide with FeO varying from 21 to 77 wt%. In future analysis, when S.E. (defined on P63)

is to be estimated, the average Fe content of the RO phase obtained here (m=44.9 wt%) will be


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Table 4-2: Summary of WDS analysis of RO phase in the raw slag (42 points)

Mol% FeO MnO MgO

Average 48.2 8.2 40.3

Max. value 77.6 11.0 70.3

Min. value 20.9 4.5 13.4

STD 13.4 1.7 13.8

Grade (wt%) Fe Mn Mg

Average 44.9 7.4 16.5

Max. value 69.3 10.0 34.1

Min. value 23.3 1.9 3.2

STD 9.9 1.8 7.1

The distributions of RO phase and all iron-bearing species (RO + C2F phase), are shown in Figure

4-2, where the small amount of wüstite phase is considered to be RO. This image was obtained

based on EDS elemental mapping followed by image processing using ImageJ (by National

Institutes of Health). Between 18 and 23% of slag cross-section area (or approximately volume

percent) is occupied with RO phase (a), while RO and C2F phase (b) together comprise more than

46 vol% of steel slag sample. The remaining is calcium silicate phase. The average grain size for

the RO was also calculated to be 30 µm ± 10 µm.

Figure 4-2: Processed image for phase distribution of Fe-species in raw steel slag.

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4.1.2 Response of Raw Slag to Magnetic Separation

Magnetic separation was first performed on the raw slag sample, as a baseline for slag upgrading.

The initial magnetic field strength was selected to be 100 mT as a recommended value for

separating magnetite. This yielded a concentrate fraction of 8.4%, increasing the field strength to

110 mT raised this value to 9.0%. The recovery, S.E. and Fe grade of the produced concentrate are

presented inTable 4-3. The m value is obtained assuming iron is totally contained in the RO phase,

then m = 44.9%. Figure 4-3 displays a pie-chart distribution of iron and other species in the

magnetic and non-magnetic fractions of the slag. It turns out that less than 10% of magnetic

fraction can be separated from raw slag (with particle size d80=133 µm, d20=11 µm). The recovery

was 13.6%, more than 85% of iron went to tailing. This indicates that either iron was not in

magnetic form (magnetite or spinel from RO), the separation process was inadequate, or both.

Table 4-3: Recovery, grade, and S.E. of iron recovery from raw (B=110 mT).

Feed Concentrate Recovery



(%) Mass (g) %Fe Mass (g) %Fe

100 18.3 9 27.7 13.6 7.8

Figure 4-3: Schematic diagram of magnetic separation.

The XRD analysis for magnetic and nonmagnetic fractions are shown in Figure 4-4. The patterns

reveal that most of the spinel phase reported to the magnetic fraction with some wüstite carried

over, implying that spinel phase and small amount of RO phase are separated from the rest of slag.

Also, calcium silicates and calcium ferrites patterns are found in magnetic fraction but in small

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quantities. Iron is present in the non-magnetic fraction in the form of wustite and in RO and

calcium ferrites. Calcium carbonate is formed possibly from free lime during magnetic separation

process, where the slag is mixed with water and later dried in oven at 100 °C with access to CO2

in atmosphere. The strong CaCO3 peak is also contributed by overlapping peak with C3S phase.



Figure 4-4: XRD patterns for the magnetic (a) and non-magnetic (b) fractions of the raw


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4.2 Thermodynamic Assessment

A thermodynamic evaluation of the slag system oxidized under different conditions was carried

out in order to narrow down the range of experimental conditions. Based on the slag chemistry

obtained from XRF results, a phase stability diagram was produced using FactSage™ 7.0, Figure

4-5. The slag composition used to construct this diagram was obtained by normalizing the FeO,

CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO and MnO contents to make up 100% of slag. They constituted 96% of the

actual slag mass. On the diagram, a vertical line labeled as “Air Line” indicates logpO2 = -0.68 the

partial pressure of oxygen in air.

This slag solidus temperature is approximately 1100 °C. Along the air line, many familiar phases

that were previously found in XRD and SEM analysis, such as C2S, C2AF are seen. However, the

phase such as C3MA4 (Ca3MgAl4O10) was not observed. This is probably due to the unknown

cooling history of the sample. The diagram also shows that spinel formation is possible in air below

1100°C. once melting begins, spinel turns into liquid. This means oxidation can still happen and

magnetic phases could precipitate out on cooling.

The phase diagram is also compared with that produced by Semykina et al. for synthetic CaO-

SiO2-FeO(+MnO) slags [102]. The phase diagram here is very different from their CSF slag with

C/S=1 and high concentration of FeO (or FeO + MnO), due to compositional difference. In the

CSA system, Figure 4-6 (a), FeO can be fully oxidized to Fe2O3 in air. In the presence of MnO, as

Figure 4-6 (b) depicts, spinel formation is strongly promoted in the entire temperature range in air.

In general, for all slag systems discussed here, low oxygen partial pressure is conductive to spinel

formation. High oxygen potential (e.g. air) might be preferred because of ease of use, cost, and

possibly faster kinetics of oxidation.

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FeO CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO MnO

Wt% 23.6 42.3 14.8 3.8 8.5 3.0

Figure 4-5: Phase diagram of slag (composition given above), calculated by FactSage 7.0.

C3MS2: Ca2MgS2O8; C2AF: Ca2(Al, Fe)2O5; C3MA4: Ca3MgAl4O10.

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Figure 4-6: Phase diagrams of synthetic slags (composition given) constructed by Semykina

et al.[102] using FactSage 6.4. (Temperature unit is K, pressure unit is log(Pa) and air

atmosphere is represented by line A)

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The mass fractions of phases produced in air are plotted in Figure 4-7. Solid circles indicating

mixed spinel phase consist of free MgO, Mn2O3 and iron rich spinel phases. It is found that the

RO weight fraction is very low under equilibrium conditions, throughout the entire temperature

range. Moreover, the weight ratio between silicates, RO phase and C2AF phase are relatively

stable at low temperature. The melting of individual phases is related to their iron content: the iron-

rich spinel phase melts first, followed by C2AF. The calcium silicates remain solid until 1400°C.

This melting behavior of steel slag is confirmed in the literature [103].

Figure 4-7: Proportions of different minerals in slag equilibrated with air against


The effect of FeO content in slag was examined by increasing FeO to 40wt% while keeping the

ratio of other constitutes the same. The results are plotted in Figure 4-8. The spinel phase is much

greater here, reaching 20 wt% before melting. Adding FeO also significantly reduced the solidus

temperature to 900 °C.







600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600





t (%


Temperature (°C)

C2AF R-O Silicates Slag Liquid C3MA4

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Figure 4-8: Proportions of different minerals in slag with 40 wt% FeO.

The effect of basicity on phase evolution is shown in Figure 4-9. It is as expected that with decrease

in basicity decreases, CaO is unlocked from iron (C2AF), releasing FeO and Al2O3 which can then

form spinel phases. This is the reason for increase in spinel formation as basicity drops from 2.9

to ~ 2. Further decrease in basicity results in dissolution of FeO in the silicate slag, reducing the

spinel formation.

Figure 4-9: Proportions of different minerals in slag against basicity (pO2=0.21, T= 1000








600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600





t (%


Temperature (°C)

C2AF R-O Phase Silcates Slag liquid







1.4 1.7 2 2.3 2.6 2.9





t (%


Basicity C/S

C2AF Spinel Silicates MgO

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4.3 Solid State Oxidation

4.3.1 Roasting with CO2

A set of preliminary experiments on CO2 roasting of slag were conducted as the thermodynamic

evaluation showed favorable conditions for spinel formation established by pure CO2 (pO2 =10-20

to 10-10 Pa from 600 to 1000 °C). Calcine from roasting was submitted for XRD phase

identification, and the results are shown in Figure 4-10. The most significant transformation taking

place as a result of this treatment is extensive development of spinel phase. In the meantime, the

dominant wüstite in raw slag almost disappears in calcine, implying the source of spinel formation.

Another observation of this process is the evolution of calcium carbonate at low temperature range,

as a product of excess lime and CO2 reaction. The carbonate is not stable at high temperature.

The 2θ range from 42 to 44 degrees was further analyzed (as shown in Figure 4-11) to investigate

the transformation of wüstite to spinel from the RO phase. As seen, on roasting, the strong wüstite

peak of the raw slag’s pattern disappears and another peak on its right, where spinel must be,

emerges. The higher the roasting temperature, the more complete the transformation.

A quantitative determination of magnetic phases in the roasted slag could not be made using XRD,

although attempts were made. This is because the composition of individual grain varies, and there

is no pure RO phase available to make an internal standard for quantitative XRD. Therefore, XRD

was only used for phase identification and a combination of XRF and magnetic separation data to

yield information on the magnetic fraction of the material. This is perhaps more interesting from

the practical point of view as it shows the effective formation and separation of spinel phases from


Magnetic separation was carried out for CO2 roasted calcine under a 100 mT magnetic field

strength. The effect of operating time and temperature on concentrate fraction is plotted in Figure

4-12. The concentrate fraction presented at time zero is that of raw slag. Increasing temperature

and roasting time both result in improved formation (and separation) of magnetic phases. This

could be a consequence of dual effects of generating more magnetic phases, as well as larger spinel

crystals that are more responsive to magnetic separation.

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Figure 4-10: XRD patterns for selected CO2-roasted samples at (a) 600°C and (b) 700°C.

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Figure 4-11: XRD patterns of raw slag and slag roasted with CO2.

The results of a preliminary test on air roasting of slag is also presented in the plot, which shows

improved separation. It appears that in air roasting, the reaction almost reaches the equilibrium in

approximately 60 minutes, while the slope of CO2 roasting at the same time is still high, indicating

incomplete reaction. The conclusion here may be that oxidation in air is faster, which is expected

noting the larger partial pressure of oxygen.

Noting that air proved to be more effective than CO2, the bulk of experiments were carried out

using air as the oxidant.

Figure 4-12: Concentrate fraction as a function of time and temperature for slags roasted

in air and CO2 and subjected to 100 mT magnetic separation.

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4.3.2 Roasting with Air

The effect of roasting time and temperature as well as magnetic field strength on the formation

and separation of spinel phases was investigated and will be discussed in the following sections.

The particle size of the treated sample was fixed at d80=133 µm, d20=11 µm for all materials. Effect of Magnetic Field Strength

At first, the optimum magnetic field strength of the Davis Tube separation was determined. As

shown in Figure 2-13, during magnetic separation, magnetic force competes with hydrodynamic

drag and gravity. Assuming that particle size and fluid flow are similar, the hydrodynamic drag

and gravity will be fixed. Thus, magnetic field strength can be the most important factor that

influences the separation process. An optimum value of field strength can be first determined and

applied to the materials treated under other conditions.

Figure 4-13: Concentrate fraction (% magnetic fraction of feed) vs. magnetic field strength

(roasted in air at 900°C for 1hr).

The magnetic fields strength (B) was varied from 50 to 130 mT. The concentrate fraction (magnetic

product as percent of the feed) increased with the increase of field strength, as shown in Figure

4-13. There is a gradual increase in the concentrate fraction for B up to 100 mT, at which point

there is an abrupt increase, followed by a plateau. The gradual increase in the first part may be

because of increased separation of those particles containing lesser amounts of magnetic phases.







50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130







n (


B=Magnetic Field Strength (mT)

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The sharp increase between B=100-110 mT is likely because another phase with lower magnetic

susceptibility gains enough magnetic force and responds to the separation at this field strength.

The maximum concentrate fraction reached in these tests is 54% at B=110 mT.

Figure 4-14 shows the recovery of Fe to the concentrate, the concentrate grade, and separation

efficiency calculated based on % Fe in the spinel RO mineral of (m = 44.9). Interestingly, the iron

grade remained steady at approximately 28%, an increase of ~10% from the starting material (%

Fe in slag =18.7%). The recovery and S.E. both increase for B up to 110 mT and then remain

constant. The highest Fe recovery achieved is 81%.

Figure 4-14: Effect of magnetic field strength on iron grade and recovery as well as

separation efficiency (roasted in air at 900°C for 1hr).

The increasing Fe recovery while grade is constant points to an interesting feature in the separation

process. It indicates that while with increase of B, more Fe is recovered, proportional amounts of

gangue also report to the concentrate. In other words, each particle reporting to the concentrate can

be assumed to have a fixed ratio of Fe and gangue, showing fine dissemination of Fe in the treated

slag. To improve the grade further, fine grinding or providing conditions that allow growth of

spinel phases are required. Similar trends in recovery were observed by Ma et al. for oxidized

nickel slags [92].







55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125






Magnetic Field Strength (mT)

Iron Grade

Iron Recovery

Iron Separation Efficiency

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The optimum B for the conditions of these tests (particle size of d80=133 µm, d20=11 µm, 1 h

treatment in air at 900 °C) was selected based on the highest separation efficiency, being 48% at

B=110 mT. Effect of Roasting Time

The effect of roasting time to iron upgrading from steel slag was examined from 15 minutes to 19

hours. The results from 0 minutes (untreated raw slag) to 4 hours are shown in Figure 4-15. As

seen, iron grade of the concentrate remained constant, while iron recovery reached a maximum

within 15 minutes, and remained constant afterwards. The results of 19 hours roasting are not

presented in this figure but followed the same trend. Comparing the results with those in the

preliminary experiments at lower temperature (Figure 4-12) show that the greatest recovery is

established much faster at higher temperature. Roasting time of 1 h was selected for future


Figure 4-15: Effect of roasting time on grade, recovery and S.E. of iron in the concentrate

(air roasting at 900°C, B=110 mT).







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4






Time (hr)

Iron Grade

Iron Recovery

Iron Separation Efficiency

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82 Effect of Roasting Temperature

The effect of roasting temperature was tested from 600 to 1000 °C at 1 hour. The results are

provided in Figure 4-16. Increasing iron recovery and separation efficiency is realized with higher

roasting temperature while the grade is unaffected. As expected from the thermodynamic analysis,

roasting temperature below the solidus (~1100°C) should produce the highest amount of spinel

phases in steel slag, provided that equilibrium is reached. The amount of spinel phases based on

the system thermodynamics, as seen in Figure 4-7, should remain constant in the temperature range

of experiments (600-1000 °C). However, greater recovery at higher temperatures (Figure 4-16)

suggest that this is not the case. This could be due to faster oxidation kinetics at higher


Figure 4-16: Effect of roasting temperature on iron grade, recovery, and separation (air

roasting for 1 hour, magnetic field strength=110 mT).

The raw slag contained 23.6% FeO. If oxidized to Fe3O4, a mass gain of 1.77% should be

registered. Setting this as complete oxidation state to magnetite (100% of Fe species present as

magnetite), and measuring mass change of slag after oxidation, Figure 4-17 could be plotted. The

figure shows the effect of temperature on magnetite formation. Temperature has a strong effect on

the oxidation, pushing the magnetite formation to near completion at 1000 °C.







600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000






Temperature (°C )

Iron Grade

Iron Recovery

Iron Separation Efficiency

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Figure 4-17: Calculated percentage magnetite formation based on mass gain vs.

temperature (roasting time = 1 h). Phase Evolution in Roasting of Slag

The XRD patterns of slag roasted at 900 °C for 1hr and its magnetic, and nonmagnetic fractions

are shown in Figure 4-18. Comparing with raw slag sample, cleaner peaks and higher peak

intensities are observed, illustrating higher crystallinity and grain growth during roasting. Also, as

discussed earlier, RO phase peaks emerge and become stronger with further oxidation. It is also

evident from Figure 4-18 that on magnetic separation, magnetized RO phases are concentrated in

the magnetic fraction.

Complete transition from wüstite to spinel phase is shown in Figure 4-19. The effect of temperature

and oxidation time is also shown in this figure. It is seen that at 700°C and 10 min roasting, the

shift from FeO to spinel from RO phase is half complete (from the position of peaks between 42-

43 deg.). Extending the time to 1 h seems to have completed the conversion. Higher temperature

produced stronger spinel peaks which is an indication of greater amounts of spinel and larger

crystals. This latter mechanism however has a smaller effect, if any, as will be discussed later that

segregation and growth of RO phases during roasting is not pronounced.















600 700 800 900 1000


s In


se (










n (



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Figure 4-18: XRD patterns for 900 °C, 1hr slag sample (a) and its magnetic fraction (b) and

nonmagnetic fraction (c), separated via 110 mT.

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Figure 4-19: XRD patterns of raw slag, and slag roasted in air at different conditions. Magnetic Separation of Slag Roasted Under Optimized Conditions

Magnetic separation was carried out for raw slag and slag roasted under optimized conditions (1h,

900 °C). Particle size and magnetic field strength were the same for both materials. Table 4-4

shows the results. The calculation of S.E. can be made assuming that magnetite is the iron species

separated (m = 72.4%). However, as discussed earlier, most of iron is present in a mixed spinel

phase of RO with much lower iron grade (mave = 44.9%). Using this value, the calculated S.E. for

raw and roasted slag are 7.8% and 47.7% respectively. Recovery of Fe also increased from 13.6%

to 82.3%, showing a significant improvement. The iron grade of the concentrate is however

unaffected by the treatment. These data reveal the primary effect of roasting: it converts non-

magnetic iron species to magnetic phases but does not improve the segregation or growth of such

phases enough so that they form liberated particles on crushing. This is at first appearing as

contradicting the XRD patterns. The patterns of magnetic and nonmagnetic fraction show much

sharper peaks compared to raw slag separation, which might be an indication of strong phase

separation. In addition, the spinel/C2S peak intensity ratio for raw slag was 2.4, lower than 3.0 in

roasted slag. These all indicate transformation of iron species to RO, which is then dissociated

from other slag constituents. This phase dissociation (or separation) is however expected to be in

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microscale, too fine to allow sufficient liberation of the RO during grinding. In other words, iron

species become magnetic spinel phases, but their size and distribution are not affected so that on

separation, they still carry a large amount of gangue with them. As a result, more of such RO-

gangue “agglomerate” particles are separated (higher recovery) but the grade remains the same.

Table 4-4: Comparison of magnetic separation performance (via 110 mT) between raw slag

and optimally oxidized slag.

Mineral Sample Feed Concentrate

Fe Recovery (%) S.E. (%) Mass (g) %Fe Mass (g) %Fe

RO Phase


Raw Slag 100 18.3 9 27.7 13.6 7.8

900 °C, 1hr 100 18.3 54 27.9 82.3 47.7

The above conclusion is more clearly seen by studying the effect of magnetic field strength on the

grade of recovered metals in the concentrate, Figure 4-20. The average values stand at Fe=28%,

Mn=3.7% and Mg=7.4%. As seen, deviations for each metal are small, suggesting that similar

proportions of RO and gangue report to the concentrate, regardless of the field strength. This is

consistent with the previous conclusion and shows that with increasing magnetic field strength,

only larger amounts of materials are separated as concentrate, but mineral proportions remain the

same, i.e. poor liberation. How stronger field results in collection of more particles of the same

mineral complex is perhaps related to the particle size. Those fine particles that would flow out

with the water in the Davis Tube are more likely to be captured when the magnetic field is stronger.

Figure 4-20: Grade of iron, manganese and magnesium in concentrate with magnetic field

strength from 55 to 125 (roasting in air at 900°C, for 1hr).






55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125






Magnetic Field Strength (mT)

Iron Grade

Manganese Grade

Magnesium Grade

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For good liberation of minerals from gangues, Gaudin suggested d75 to be 1/10th of the size of

mineral grain size after comminution [104]. The RO grain size was estimated to be 30 µm ± 10

µm (from Figure 3-4), so the liberation size should be 3 µm indicating a relatively poor liberation

for the conditions of these experiments.

Further grinding of the slag should result in improved grade. In grinding, typically four types of

particles are generated, as schematically shown in Figure 4-21. Particles of type 1 have low-level

locking and are classified as concentrate. Particle type 4 would be classified as tailing. And

particles of types 2 and 3 are classified as middling, and might need further grinding. Figure 4-22

exhibits the magnetic fraction of roasted slag powder, which shows all 4 types of particles,

indicated as 1 to 4. In this figure, lighter region (white and light gray) are all RO phases, whereas

white regions (1a) are rich in iron and light gray regions (1b) are rich in magnesium. A small

fraction of type 4 particles was also carried over in this sample. A significant amount of middling,

especially type 3 with fine grains, was observed. This confirms why effective separation of RO

from other phases is difficult, they are highly intergrown, forming middlings that are carried to the

concentrate, hence the low grade.

Figure 4-21: Different particles generated during size reduction[104].

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Figure 4-22: BSE image (200 magnification) of magnetic fraction of steel slag roasted in air

at 900°C, 1hr and magnetically separated under 110 mT. Type 1 to 4 particles are marked.

1a particles: RO phase rich in iron; 1b particles: RO phase rich in magnesium.

Figure 4-23 shows BSE images of the nonmagnetic fraction of the oxidized slag. Compared to the

magnetic fraction, a large population of fine particles is observed. This non-uniform distribution

of particles between magnetic and non-magnetic fractions shows preferred fracture during

commination and agrees with the double peak distribution as shown in Figure 3-4. No RO phase

was observed in this image, while it is rarely found globally. This phenomenon is also shown in

XRF analysis of the nonmagnetic fraction in Table 4-5. As seen, the Fe content of tailings is

substantially lower than that of the feed, hence an iron-lean product. This could potentially be a

useful material in cement production as in cement clinker, up to 8% Fe is desired. Therefore, one

of the objective of the research which was dividing the slag into an iron-rich concentrate and iron-

lean by-product, both as useful materials is achieved. In addition, C2S (point A), C3S (point B)

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and free lime (point D) were observed as the abundant phases in this non-magnetic fraction. The

light regions were detected to be C2F phase (point C) with iron grade about 20%. This represents

iron loss to tailings. Based on thermodynamic analysis, C2F is always present at equilibrium and

the loss caused by C2F is inevitable. Enhanced presence of C3S, C2S. C4AF and C2F endorses

slag’s cementitious properties [12], implying the possibility of a Portland cement feedstock.

Figure 4-23: BSE imaging (200 magnification) for nonmagnetic fraction of steel slag

roasted in air at 900°C, 1hr and magnetically separated under 110 mT. A: C2S; B: C3S; C:

C2F; D: Free lime.

Based on previous results and discussion, one can conclude that the metal grade in concentrate are

independent of magnetic field strength, roasting time and temperature. Metal grades can be

optimized by further reduction of particle size which leads to higher liberation degree. Where

magnetic field strength controls the amount of magnetic fraction separated, roasting time and

temperature control the magnetic material formation. Under optimum conditions (roasting with air

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at 900 °C for 1 hour), Fe recovery of 84% and 28% Fe grade and Mn recovery of 91% and Mn

grade of 4% were achieved. The final concentrate and tailing compositions are shown in Table

4-5, where concentrate is rich in iron, magnesium and manganese oxides, and the tailing is lean in

metal content. A summary of separation parameters is provided in Table 4-6.

Table 4-5: XRF result of separation products under optimum conditions, comparing with

raw slag (wt%).

Wt% FeO CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO MnO P2O5 TiO2 Cr2O3 Balance

Raw Slag 23.6 42.3 14.8 3.8 8.5 3.0 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.0

Concentrate 37.6 28.9 9.2 3.3 11.9 5.0 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.4

Tailing 9.1 56.5 20.9 4.3 4.0 0.6 0.7 1.4 1.3 1.2

In an exploratory experiment and in order to confirm the effect of particle size, an oxidation test

was conducted under the optimized conditions and then the roasted slag was subjected to size

reduction to reach d90=45 µm (compared to d80=133 µm, d20=11 µm prior to grinding). The results

of this experiment are compared with the base case in Table 4-6. The iron content in the

concentrate is improved to 34%, but recovery has dropped from 82% to 59%. The inverse grade-

recovery relationship is well established and expected. Noting this, future works are required to

obtain an optimum particle size for achieving the desired grade.

Table 4-6: Summary of separation performance under optimum conditions, and the effect

of particle size.

Particle Size

(µm) Products



Fe Grade





Mn Grade







Concentrate 54 28 82 3.9 91

Tailing 46 7 18 0.4 9

d90=45 Concentrate 32 34 59 5.0 69

Tailing 68 11 41 1.0 31

Ma et al. in oxidation of Ni slag obtained iron recovery and grade of 76% and 54%, respectively.

A higher recovery rate was achieved in the present study but the grade is lower. Their nickel slag

contained 39% iron compared with 18% here, which can result in larger RO grains and higher

grade [92]. In another study, Li et al. attempted to recover RO phase from steel slag by super

gravity. They have achieved grades of Fe=31.6%, Mn=2.5%, and recoveries of 60.4% and 72.24%

for Fe and Mn, respectively[103]. At larger particle size, with slightly lower iron grade in the

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present study, the recovery values are significantly greater. With further reduction, the present

study is able to achieve similar recovery with higher iron grade. Noting the simplicity of solid

oxide roasting, a future study can look into optimizing the grade by for example fine grinding, and

establishing a cost-effective method of processing steel slags. Manganese Recovery

Manganese is another valuable metal that is mainly present in the RO phase. Its grade in raw slag

according to XRF results, is 2.3%, which is lower that other slags in the literature. The separation

of Mn into the concentrate is showing an identical trend to iron separation, with good recovery and

relatively low grade. Small difference is found on the effect of roasting temperature. Figure 4-24

shows the results of Mn grade, recovery and SE against roasting temperature. The S.E. was

calculated based on m = 7.4% (Mn grade in the RO phase). Under optimum conditions of roasting

(1000 °C for 1 hour) Mn recovery reached 94% and S.E. was 56%. Mn grade in the concentrate is

consistent at an average value of 3.8%. Since Mn is only present in the R-O phase, one can

calculate the approximate amount of RO phase in the concentrate. Based on this, the concentrate

contains 51 wt% of RO phase and the remaining is the gangue carried over, whereas the raw slag

containing approximately 29% RO.

Figure 4-24: Effect of roasting temperature on Mn grade, recovery and SE (air roasting for

1 hour, magnetic field strength 110 mT).







600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000






Temperature (°C )

Mn Grade

Mn recovery

Mn Separation Efficiency

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4.4 Liquid State Oxidization

Solid-state roasting experiments revealed that although conditions are favorable for the formation

of magnetic spinel phases, growth and/or segregation of this phase from other minerals is very

limited. This resulted in poor liberation and subsequently low grade in the concentrate. It was

decided that performing the reactions at a temperature where phase separation is facilitated might

solve this problem. Therefore, the present study also investigated oxidation of slag in liquid state,

aiming to allow growth and separation of iron-rich minerals from other species.

Liquid-state slag oxidization was carried out according to the experimental parameters in Table

3-2. Three temperatures were examined, from 1400, 1500 to 1550 °C. As the slag samples were

melted at high temperature and then quenched in water, a few difficulties were encountered.

Crucibles would crack during transfer in and out of the furnace, and liquid slag could corrode the

crucible and leak out (Figure 4-25: Cross-sections of slag containing crucibles after treatment at

different temperatures (holding time 30 minutes).). As a result of severe interaction of slag with

the crucible that sometimes causes slag penetration to the outside of the crucible, mass change

during oxidation could not be reasonably measured. The slag however could be subjected to

grinding and magnetic separation.

Gas bubbles were seen in the slag for all the temperatures examined (Figure 4-25), suggesting

good mixing and gas-liquid interaction. The differences are in the size and number of bubbles; the

1400 °C sample contains numerous small bubbles, 1500 °C contains less but larger bubbles, and

1550 °C sample had only one bubble as a large cavity. It is known that lower viscosity contributes

to smaller bubble size [105] and slag with higher temperature would have lower viscosity. The

contradiction could be explained by the bubble release during cooling. When slowly removing

slag from furnace away from the air nozzle, lower temperature slag has less time for the bubbles

to merge and escape. As quenched in water, small bubbles are frozen in place. On the other hand,

for the slag with higher temperature (and lower viscosity), bubbles have a greater chance to merge

and escape. Those large bubbles seen at higher temperature are frozen in place due to quenching.

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Figure 4-25: Cross-sections of slag containing crucibles after treatment at different

temperatures (holding time 30 minutes).

The XRD pattern of oxidized slag features characteristics of small grain size and low crystallinity

(Figure 4-26). The spinel phase exhibited a broad peak at 1550 °C, that according to Scherrer

equation is an indication of small grain size. Lower crystallinity of calcium silicate was also

revealed in the XRD pattern, with much lower intensity but broader peak. However, the intensity

of the spinel phase is strong and comparable to those slags oxidized at 900°C, pointing to

successful magnetizing treatment.

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Figure 4-26: XRD pattern comparison of air treated slag at 900°C and 1550 °C. 2θ ranges

from 35 to 44 degrees.

4.4.1 Effect of Temperature and Time

The effect of temperature and oxidation time was examined, and the results are shown in Figure

4-27. Increasing temperature seems to have a small and positive effect on recovery and S.E.

between 1400 and 1500 °C while grade remains constant around 22%. The increase in recovery is

expected as kinetics of oxidation reactions, hence spinel formation, are greater at higher

temperature, as also seen in another work [102]. The activity of FeO is also greater at higher

temperature which can lead to larger amount of spinel phase. The recovery is much greater at 1550

°C. Increasing the oxidation time seems to improve the recovery and S.E. but only to a small

extent. The optimum conditions are oxidizing at 1550 °C for 1 hour, with iron recovery of 71%

and grade of 22% Fe. However, these figures are far from desired, as it was expected that liquid

phase oxidation improves the grade and recovery. The trends seen here are believed to be caused

by the small size of magnetized RO grains due to rapid cooling of the slag, as seen in Figure 4-28.

The RO grains are essentially sub-micron at 1500-1550 °C temperatures and ~ 1-10 µm for the

1400 °C-30 min treatment, which is far too small for liberation with particle sizes produced here

(d90=150µm). An evidence to this is higher grade at 1400 °C, which is believed to have been caused

by the larger RO phase grain size, as shown in Figure 4-28(c). The magnetized RO grains in this

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sample are also more developed, i.e. separated from the matrix, which improves their liberation on

crushing. The larger grain size at 1400 °C might be an artifact of the rate of cooling of the slag: as

seen earlier, this slag contains a large number of air bubbles that decrease the overall thermal

conductivity of the slag and slow down the cooling of the slag on quenching. For slags at higher

temperature, such small air bubbles were not present, so a faster cooling and less time for growth

and segregation of RO phases is expected.



Figure 4-27: Effect of roasting temperature (a) and time (b) on iron grade, recovery, and

separation efficiency (air roasting, B=110 mT, roasting for 30 mins for (a)).







1400 1450 1500 1550






Temperature (˚C)

Iron Grade

Iron Recovery

Iron Separation Efficiency







15 25 35 45 55






Time (min)

1550 °C, Fe Grade

1550 °C, Fe Recovery

1550 °C, Fe S.E.

1400 °C, Fe Grade

1400 °C, Fe Recovery

1400 °C, Fe S.E.

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Figure 4-28: BSE imaging (2000 magnification) for steel slag oxidized by air at (a) 1550 °C

for 15 minutes; (b) 1550 °C for 30 minutes; (c) 1400 °C for 30 minutes and (d) 1500 °C for

30 minutes. A (light gray region): magnetized RO phase; B (black region): C2S, C3S; C

(dark gray region): C2F, C4AF region.

Comparing the results of liquid and solid state oxidations show lower recovery for the liquid state.

This can be explained as follows. The thermodynamic assessment of slag oxidation showed that

for oxidation in air, some iron should appear as non-spinel phases such as C2AF. Further, liquid

slag can dissolve some of Fe species, which when quenched, remain as non-magnetic phase. At

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higher temperature, approach of equilibrium is more likely, hence reporting of Fe to these non-

magnetic phases is more pronounced.

4.4.2 Effect of Basicity

Region A White Magnetized RO phase (~40% Fe)

Region B Black C2S or C3S

Region C Gray C2F or C4AF

Region D White Spinel Mixture of Fe, Mg, Mn and Al (~35% Fe)

Region E Black Mixture of Si, Ca and Al oxides

Figure 4-29: BSE images for steel slags oxidized with air at 1550 °C for 30 minutes (a)

C/S=2.91, original slag; (b) C/S = 2.5; (c) C/S = 2 and (d) C/S = 1.5.

The basicity of slag, defined as the CaO/SiO2 ratio was varied in the range of 2.9 (raw slag) to 1.5

by addition of silica. Figure 4-29 shows the BSE images of slag together with phase identification

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based on EDS analysis. The mineralogical compositions are consistent with the previous

thermodynamic assessment of the system. As silica is added, the solubility of calcium in the slag

increases, resulting in dissolution of free lime and C2F. With decrease in basicity, CaO in

dicalcium ferrite (C2F) started to form calcium silicate with silica, leaving iron and aluminum to

enter the RO phase as a mixed spinel (region D). As more silica was added, the solubility of

alumina in silicate was also increased. It is observed that in the slag with C/S =2, alumina is

distributed in both regions E and D. When the basicity was reduced to C/S = 1.5, most of alumina

is dissolved in the silicate matrix.

The results of magnetic separation on slags with different basicity oxidized at 1550°C are

presented in Figure 4-30. At lower basicity, the percent of feed reporting to concentrate

(concentrate %) is greater. Iron recovery follows the same trend, whereas grade and S.E. go

through a slight increase at higher basicity. The decrease in recovery at higher C/S is justified

using the thermodynamic assessment made earlier. As seen, with increase in basicity, the amount

of C2AF phase increases, resulting in less spinel formation, thus yielding less material to


Figure 4-30: Effect of basicity on % concentrate, grade, recovery and S.E. of iron (air

oxidation at 1550 °C for 30 minutes and B=110 mT).







1.5 2 2.5 3






Basicity (C/S)

Iron Grade

Iron Recovery

Iron Separation Efficiency

Magnetic Fraction

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The grade of iron in the feed drops with addition of silica because of dilution as Table 4-7 shows.

Consequently, the concentrate grade follows the same trend. In other words, the variation in grade

with basicity is an artifact of slag dilution and not a fundamental change in phase evolution or


Table 4-7: Effect of silica addition (change in basicity) on grade of feed and concentrate

Basicity Feed grade (%) Concentrate grade (%)

2.91 18.3 21.8

2.5 17.9 19.0

2 16.5 17.5

1.5 15.1 16.2

In summary, liquid-phase oxidation did not improve the recovery of Fe into an Fe-rich concentrate.

The recovery and grade were lower than in solid state oxidation. This is because of the very fine

grains of spinel phases which was likely caused by rapid cooling of the slag, as also reported by

other researchers [89], [106]. Improvements can be made by allowing slag to cool slowly or

grinding it further. For the RO grain sizes obtained under fast cooling conditions, grinding to a

particle size of -5 µm is required to have a reasonable liberation. For a process just to recover iron

and manganese from steel slag, intensive grinding is not economical. The alternative solution is to

have a slow cooling rate after slag oxidization, encouraging grain growth.

As a proof-of-concept and guideline for future research, slow cooling of one slag was attempted.

The slag was melted and oxidized under the optimized conditions (1500 °C for 1 hour), then cooled

at 5.3 °C/min (as opposed to quenching) and separated at B=110 mT while the particle size was

kept the same. The iron grade of the concentrate was 24.9% Fe and recovery was 57%. The

separation efficiency is improved to 25%. The increase in grade and S.E. both point to improved

segregation of the iron-bearing phases. This improvement is however not significant, indicating

that much slower cooling rates should be examined. In a comparable study done by Ma et al., the

cooling rate for oxidized nickel slag was 5 °C/min and they obtained magnetite grain sizes ranging

from 10 to 50 µm [92].

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Chapter 5


The present study focused on possible concentration of iron species from steel slags in air-

atomization processes into an iron-rich by-product for recycling into ironmaking processes. This

will also produce an iron-lean product suitable for applications such as cement making. In order

to simulate the conditions pertaining to slag atomized by air, oxidation of slag in both liquid and

solid states was investigated. Parameters such as oxidation time and temperature, as well as the

field strength in magnetic separation were evaluated and optimized. The characteristics of slag

prior to and after the treatment were studied. The following conclusions were drawn.

Solid State Oxidation

1. The RO phase of the slag is the only phase capable of being magnetized, where FeO is

transformed into magnetic spinel ferrites under air or pure CO2 atmosphere. The kinetics of the

transformation is faster in air atmosphere due to the higher oxygen potential.

2. Induced magnetic field strength has a significant effect on iron recovery rate. With increasing

magnetic field intensity, a larger magnetic fraction is obtained. For slag particles of d80=133

µm, the highest separation efficiency was reached at B=110 mT.

3. Increasing roasting temperature promotes magnetite formation, where at 1000 °C the

transformation is most complete.

4. Oxidizing kinetics was shown to be fast so that the reaction reached steady state in < 15 minutes.

Extending the reaction time beyond this time did not influence magnetic fraction or grade.

5. The grade of iron in the concentrate was essentially constant ~ 28% (compared to feed of 18%)

regardless of the oxidation conditions. This was attributed to the very fine particles of magnetic

phases and that with the particle size employed here, sufficient liberation could not be achieved.

6. Iron grade was found to be constant with increasing recovery rate under different conditions,

due to small size and embedding distribution of RO phase.

7. The optimum conditions for oxidation and separation of this slag (d80=133 µm, d20=11 µm)

were roasting in air atmosphere at 900 °C for 1 hour, and magnetic separating under 110 mT.

The grade of iron, and manganese in concentrate are 28% and 3.9%; the grade of iron and

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manganese in tailing are 7% and 0.4%. 82% iron recovery and 91% manganese recovery were


8. Grinding the roasted slag to d90=45 µm, improved the grade at the expense of lower recovery

(grades were 34% Fe, 5% Mn and recoveries were 59% Fe and 69% Mn).

Liquid Stage Oxidation

1. Magnetization takes place while oxidizing liquid slag. Increasing temperature and oxidizing

time show positive effect on separation efficiency. Decreasing basicity also promotes magnetic

phase formation.

2. Rapid cooling of slag limited the growth and segregation of magnetic iron phases, leading to

poor separation efficiency. This effect may have a negative impact on metal separation after air

atomization process.

3. The optimum conditions were oxidation at 1550 °C for 1 hour. Rapidly cooled slag (in water)

yielded a concentrate with Fe grade of 22% and recovery of 71%.

4. Slow cooling (5 °C/min) of a slag oxidized under the same conditions improved the grade to

25% Fe while the recovery dropped to 57%.

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Chapter 6

Recommendations for Future Work

The study here pointed to several interesting observations which can lead future research towards

improvement of the oxidation-separation process.

First, it was found that magnetized slag grains are very small (tens of microns), therefore their

effective separation requires further grinding of the slag. A study on the effect of grinding after

roasting can determine what the optimum particle size should be, how the performance of the

magnetic separation step changes with particle size, and whether it will be economical to grind the

slag to that size.

Second, a fundamental study on possible growth of spinel phases both in solid and liquid states

(effect of time, temperature, and slag composition) will be useful to explore the possibility of

producing larger magnetic grains, hence less demand for grinding.

The iron grade in tailings of the current work were relatively low. The effective utilization of this

material in cement making should be investigated in consultation with cement producers.

Finally, slag oxidation can take place even at room temperature but slowly, this is how iron ores

(hematite and magnetite) were formed in the first place. Although this was not investigated in the

present work, weathering of granulated slag in ambient for extended periods of time is suggested.

This can be a low-cost approach in which granulated slag is first weathered for long periods of

time by storing it in shallow beds, followed by grinding and magnetic separation.

Furthermore, similar recovery methods can be explored on copper/nickel slag, ferroalloy slags,

as well as their compatibility with air atomization technique.

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Appendix A

Experimental conditions and data obtained.

Conditions Data (iron recovery)

Variables Fixed Feed (F)

in gram


Grade (f)


(C) in gram




Grade (c)

Recovery Mineral

Grade (m)


Raw Slag Field Strength

(mT) 110 N/A 11.8 18% 1.1 9% 28% 14% 45% 8%

Solid State Field Strength


50 1 hr, 900˚C 8.3 18% 0.5 6% N/A N/A 45% N/A

55 8.5 18% 1.2 14% 28% 21% 45% 12%

60 8.3 18% 2.1 26% 27% 38% 45% 21%

70 8.4 18% 2.7 32% 27% 48% 45% 27%

80 9.2 18% 3.1 34% 28% 53% 45% 32%

100 8.8 18% 3.6 41% 30% 66% 45% 43%

110 8.1 18% 4.4 54% 28% 82% 45% 48%

120 8.4 18% 4.6 54% 27% 81% 45% 45%

130 8.2 18% 4.5 55% 27% 81% 45% 45%

Roasting Time


0.25 110 mT, 900˚C 8.7 18% 4.6 53% 27% 79% 45% 44%

0.5 8.7 18% 4.6 53% 28% 79% 45% 45%

0.75 8.4 18% 4.5 53% 27% 78% 45% 42%

1 8.1 18% 4.4 54% 28% 82% 45% 48%

2 8.7 18% 4.4 51% 27% 75% 45% 42%

4 9.3 18% 4.8 52% 28% 78% 45% 44%

19 10.1 18% 5.3 52% 28% 78% 45% 45%



600 110 mT, 1hr 9.8 18% 3.4 35% 29% 56% 45% 36%

700 8.9 18% 4.1 47% 28% 72% 45% 43%

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800 9.0 18% 4.5 50% 28% 77% 45% 45%

900 8.1 18% 4.4 54% 28% 82% 45% 48%

1000 7.6 18% 4.2 55% 27% 82% 45% 44%

Size Reduction

(µm) <45

110 mR, 900˚C,

1hr 9.22 18% 2.95 32% 34% 59% 45% 46%

Variables Fixed Feed (F)

in gram


Grade (f)


(C) in gram




Grade (c)

Recovery Mineral

Grade (m)






1400 30 mins, 110


7.6 18% 1.6 21% 24% 27% 45% 11%

1500 8.6 18% 2.8 33% 22% 39% 45% 10%

1550 8.9 18% 4.5 50% 22% 60% 45% 16%

Blow Time


15 1400 °C, 110


8.8 18% 1.7 20% 23% 25% 45% 9%

30 7.6 18% 1.6 21% 24% 27% 45% 11%

45 9.0 18% 1.9 21% 25% 29% 45% 13%

15 1550 °C, 110


10.1 18% 4.6 46% 21% 53% 45% 12%

30 8.9 18% 4.5 50% 22% 60% 45% 16%

60 10.0 18% 5.9 59% 22% 71% 45% 20%

S/C 2.91 1550 °C, 30

mins, 110 mT

8.9 18% 4.5 50% 22% 60% 45% 16%

2.5 8.7 18% 6.4 74% 19% 78% 45% 8%

2 10.4 16% 9.0 87% 17% 92% 45% 8%

1.5 10.6 15% 8.8 83% 16% 89% 45% 9%

Cooling Rate

(°C/min) 5

1550 °C, 1 hr,

110 mT 11.0 18% 4.56 42% 25% 57% 45% 25%

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Appendix B

XRF results for solid state experiments:

Variables Magenitic Filed Strength Temperature

Temp ( C ) 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 1000 900 800 700 600

Time (hr) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

MFT (mT) 55 60 70 80 100 110 120 130 110 110 110 110 110

comment M M M M M M M M M M M M M

Fe3O4 38.30 37.16 37.63 39.24 41.00 38.50 37.79 37.61 37.20 38.50 38.63 39.11 40.57

CaO 28.33 29.70 28.96 27.99 25.16 28.93 28.59 28.74 28.63 28.93 28.33 28.43 27.34

SiO2 9.95 10.58 9.97 9.73 7.72 9.22 9.43 9.97 9.52 9.22 9.81 9.93 9.86

Al2O3 3.71 3.62 3.84 3.47 3.38 3.25 3.29 3.41 3.09 3.25 3.39 3.43 3.46

MgO 11.65 11.17 11.72 11.55 14.49 11.94 12.90 12.53 13.90 11.94 11.95 11.47 11.02

MnO 4.61 4.32 4.50 4.54 4.89 5.05 5.03 4.96 4.89 5.05 5.04 4.93 5.08

P2O5 0.68 0.68 0.66 0.69 0.57 0.79 0.81 0.74 0.82 0.79 0.79 0.71 0.74

TiO2 0.86 0.88 0.83 0.80 0.78 0.91 0.84 0.76 0.73 0.91 0.82 0.78 0.74

Cr2O3 1.53 1.54 1.47 1.60 1.69 0.87 0.87 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.83 0.87 0.85

V2O5 0.18 0.19 0.22 0.21 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.16

SO3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1

Cl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Ni 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Cu 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Sr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Zr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Nb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

W 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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(Continued) Variables Duration

Temp ( C ) 900 900 900 900 900 900 900

Time (hr) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 2 4 19.5

MFT (mT) 110 110 110 110 110 110 110

comment M M M M M M M

Fe3O4 37.93 38.09 37.18 38.50 37.58 38.02 38.10

CaO 29.13 28.70 29.02 28.93 28.42 28.59 29.01

SiO2 9.86 9.57 10.31 9.22 9.62 9.55 9.59

Al2O3 3.29 3.28 3.31 3.25 3.25 3.27 3.61

MgO 12.00 12.67 12.48 11.94 13.21 12.81 11.85

MnO 4.92 5.00 4.89 5.05 5.01 4.96 4.89

P2O5 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.78 0.87

TiO2 0.82 0.75 0.81 0.91 0.85 0.78 0.85

Cr2O3 0.87 0.79 0.86 0.87 0.91 0.85 0.81

V2O5 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.17

SO3 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.21 0.09 0.10 0.14

Cl 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02

Ni 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.02

Cu 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00

Sr 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

Zr 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Nb 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04

W 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00

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XRF results for liquid state experiments:

Variable Temperature Duration Basicity

C/s 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.5 2 1.5

Temp ( C ) 1400 1500 1550 1550 1550 1550 1400 1400 1550 1550 1550 1550

Time (hr) 30 30 30 15 30 60 30 45 30 30 30 30

MFT (mT) 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110

comment M M M M M M M M M M M M

Fe3O4 33.08 30.06 30.16 29.32 30.16 30.35 33.08 34.64 30.16 30.16 28.12 26.45

CaO 33.97 32.95 36.47 36.41 36.47 37.18 33.97 32.62 36.47 35.69 33.06 31.22

SiO2 10.42 9.96 10.74 10.75 10.74 10.74 10.42 10.26 10.74 12.95 14.44 19.11

Al2O3 3.24 2.51 2.70 2.73 2.70 2.69 3.24 3.03 2.70 2.83 2.45 2.27

MgO 13.66 13.62 13.69 14.37 13.69 13.72 13.66 13.92 13.69 14.08 14.55 15.57

MnO 3.74 3.11 3.12 3.09 3.12 3.11 3.74 3.88 3.12 3.16 2.90 2.63

P2O5 0.89 0.72 1.08 1.04 1.08 1.02 0.89 0.85 1.08 0.98 0.90 0.78

TiO2 1.09 0.97 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.14 1.09 1.05 1.00 0.98 1.01 0.86

Cr2O3 0.77 0.57 0.60 0.55 0.60 0.60 0.77 0.51 0.60 0.56 0.53 0.50

V2O5 0.18 0.15 0.16 0.21 0.16 0.23 0.18 0.11 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.16

SO3 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

Cl 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

Ni 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Cu 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Sr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Y 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1

Nb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

W 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0