NAMA : ASEP KAMALIA RIZQI KELAS : ME – 1F NO. : 04 METHOD OF TEACHING ENGLISH 1. Direct methods Direct means direct. Direct method or the direct model is a way mengajikan foreign language subject matter in which the teacher directly using a foreign language as the language of instruction, and without using any language learner in teaching. If there is a word that is difficult to understand by students, then teachers can interpret by using props, mendemontstrasikan, describe, and others. This method is based from the understanding that the teaching of foreign language teaching is not the same as the exact sciences. If you teach science, students are required to memorize certain formulas, think, and remember, it is in language teaching, the student / students trained langsunng practice saying the words or specific phrases. Even if the words or sentences are initially unfamiliar and not understood the students, but little by little the words and sentences that will be spoken and can also interpret it. Similarly if we consider a mother teaches her children wet directly with teaching him, led him to say it word for word, sentence by sentence and his son obeyed terihat though still funny. For example she taught "Father" then the child is called "Aah" and so on. But over time the child to recognize words and finally he understood also the point In principle, the direct method (direct method) is very key in teaching foreign languages, because through this method can directly train students to skills of the tongue without the use

Method of Teaching English

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1. Direct methods

Direct means direct. Direct method or the direct model is a way mengajikan foreign language subject matter in which the teacher directly using a foreign language as the language of instruction, and without using any language learner in teaching. If there is a word that is difficult to understand by students, then teachers can interpret by using props, mendemontstrasikan, describe, and others.

This method is based from the understanding that the teaching of foreign language teaching is not the same as the exact sciences. If you teach science, students are required to memorize certain formulas, think, and remember, it is in language teaching, the student / students trained langsunng practice saying the words or specific phrases. Even if the words or sentences are initially unfamiliar and not understood the students, but little by little the words and sentences that will be spoken and can also interpret it.

Similarly if we consider a mother teaches her children wet directly with teaching him, led him to say it word for word, sentence by sentence and his son obeyed terihat though still funny. For example she taught "Father" then the child is called "Aah" and so on. But over time the child to recognize words and finally he understood also the point

In principle, the direct method (direct method) is very key in teaching foreign languages, because through this method can directly train students to skills of the tongue without the use of mother tongue (language environment). Although at first seem difficult to menuirukannya protege, but it is attractive to students.

The characteristics of this method are:Subject matter first of all given word for word, then sentence structureGrammar is taught only in passing, and students are not required to memorize the formulas grammar, but that utam are students able to pronounce the language properlyIn the teaching process constantly using aids (props) props either directly, indirectly (bnda artificial) as well as demonstration through symbols or certain movementsOnce inside the classroom, students or students truly are conditioned to accept and converse in a foreign language, and are prohibited from using other languages.

The goodness of the direct method (Direct)

Direct method (direct) in terms of its effectiveness has advantages such as:Students are motivated to be able to say and understand the words of a sentence in a foreign

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language is taught by his teacher, especially teachers use props and all sorts of fun mediaBecause these methods are usually teachers initially teach the words and simple sentences that can be understood and known by the students in everyday language for example (pen, pencil, table, chair, etc.), then the student can easily capture the symbols of foreign languages taught by the teacher.This method uses a relatively large variety of props: if the video, film, radio cassette, tape recorders, and berbagaimedia / props are made yourself, then this method to attract students, because they feel happy / interested, then the lesson was not difficultStudents gain direct experience danpraktis, though initially pronounced the sentence was not yet fully understood and understoodSaid tool / tongue student / protege become trained and if they receive the original sayings often heard and spoken

Shortcomings of the direct method (Direct)Teaching can be a passive, if the teacher tidakdapat motivate students, maybe even once students feel bored and feel dfongkol because words and phrases that are spoken teacher was never able to understand, because it only uses a foreign language teacher without translated into the language of children.At the beginning stages of this method was apparently difficult to implement, because students do not have a material (vocabulary), which is understandableAlthough this method is basically the teacher may not use everyday language in conveying a foreign language teaching materials, but in reality are not always consistent way, for example, teachers are forced to translate the difficult words of foreign languages into the language of students.

This method actually used exactly once at the beginning and the upper level because the student felt he had to have material for conversation / cercicara and of course that the students really feel challenged to speak / communicate; then sanctions can be set for those who use ordinary language the day.

2. Berlitz Method

Berlitz Method (Berlitz Method) is there any direct method (Direct Method) is always used in Berlitz schools as the main method.

All the Berlitz schools using the direct method (direct method) is in teaching foreign languages at school and again bnyak other schools in America and Europe who routinely apply this method.

They have been convinced that the method is the most suitable and most successful for teaching foreign languages in order to achieve more harmonious and active foreign language capabilities.

Because of this direct method is also called the Berlitz method, because the Berlitz schools more popularized the use of this method is continuous and they did indeed work very well.

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3. Method of Natural

Natural methods (Natural Method) so called because in the learning process, students are taken to the natural as well as their own mother tongue lessons

In the implementation of this method is not much different from the direct method (direct) in which the teacher presents the subject matter directly in a foreign language with no translation at all, except in certain cases where the students dictionaries and language can be used.

Natural feature of this method include:Sequence of lessons initially provided through listening / listening (listening) and then the conversation (speaking), reading (reading) or write (writing) a new JAR grammarLessons are presented initially to introduce simple words known by students, then introduce objects from existing objects in the classroom, at home and outside the classroom, even knowing abroad or foreign countries, especially East the middle.Props and dictionaries that can be used at any time is necessary, for example, to explain and interpret difficult words in foreign languages, and expand vocabulary or enrich Vocabulary as a key condition to master a foreign languageBecause of the ability and fluency of reading and conversing very preferred in this method the grammatical subject (grammar) less attentionGoodness Natural Methods

The goodness of this method include:At the advanced level of this method is very effective, because each individual student was brought into the real atmosphere for active mendnegarkan and use the conversation in a foreign languageTeaching reading and conversing in a foreign language is preferred, while the grammar lessons are taught at any timeTeaching becomes meaningful and easily absorbed by the students, because every word and sentence taught by a context (relationship) with the world (daily life) student / protégé

Shortcomings in terms of this method include:Students find it difficult to learn if it does not have basic supplies, especially in foreign languages at beginner levels, so the use / use of native language students can not be avoided. Thus the goal of all of these methods to read and converse in a foreign language is always difficult to implement in a pure, but must be applied consistentlyIn general, students and teachers to be the traditional first priority to grammar must be an active speaking in foreign languages, then students will be able also active in the learning (practice) language.

4. Method of Conversation and conversation rather than reading the wrong things very naturally need to be changedIn general, foreign language teaching in our schools is very pronounced shortage of all kinds of media / props are needed; that teachers should have to actively makeTeachers who lack the ability and practical experience in a foreign language is a difficulty factor and successfully applied in both methods. Teachers

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Ie teach a foreign language like English, Arabic or other languages that invites direct way bercakap-cakap/berbicara students in foreign languages are being taught this. Of course begins with the words or phrases or regular expressions that apply to the activities of everyday life, such as: Good Morning, How are you? What are you doing? Can you speak Bahasa? And so on; or sentences, conversations in classrooms around the school, at home in the office and so on; more and more widespread and diverse.

Whose name it is spoken language (as a principal function of language); role both before reading / writing or understanding the book.

So the primary function of learning a foreign language it is the active language skills, oral communication or conversation. That's the main goal or target of the principal learning a foreign language, followed by the ability to read and understand or mastery passive.

Therefore, the main method and first in the foreign language teaching and learning activities that are appropriate methods Conversation (Conversation Method). This method disejalankan with the Direct Method and the Natural Method, the implementation by applying the functions and principles of the provisions of each of these methods.

In developed countries like the U.S. and Europe, the third to apply this method as the main practice coupled with props / audio-visual aids are sufficient and harmonious so that within a half have been able to visit the country of the language of the learned, learn and practice during 1 year has been directly able to write with in the foreign language.

So in addition to a matching method, the medium and the books are complete, teachers have high kepabelitas, students also need to earnestly learn and intelligent. Without the four conditions are met then the person for years and even teens learn a foreign language.

5. Listening and Spoken

This method prioritizes training ear training and speak the foreign language the way it presents lessons through listening exercises, followed by exercises to say the words and phrases in a foreign language being studied.

This phonetic method can be said to be a combination of the two methods above Natural and Reading. Where at first according to the method of this class begins with listening exercises and exercises followed by words or phrases in a foreign language. Then followed the exercises read (reading and conversation).

Step-by-step implementation of this method of doing this:Teachers read passages foreign language in front of the class, or open / turn on a radio show readings cassette / video, students are listening and watching a good show this passage carefully, seriously (no kidding when reading it), students should pay attention to correct style and intonation, and gestures of certain forms of expression in literatureSeries in the literature it should be structured in such a way that it becomes the perfect reading

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material / sustainableTeachers can stop a particular series if the series of lessons is considered finished and mastered by students, then can proceed to the session / next seriesAfter reading the lesson is completed, then the conversation exercises can be done. For example conversations that are at first simple, then headed on a complex conversation / more difficultTo clarify speech and conversation, then this method is recommended to use props / teaching mediaAt each end of the subject matter, teachers should provide practical exercises to read and converse larihan on each students, and do not forget the teacher can memberikn various special notes, the conclusions and advice in the form of encouragement (to give motivation for students) to study in earnest, diligent and regular daily exercise (PR)Phonetic method meritsThis method teaches students the ability to read fluently and eloquently as well as conversational skills, lots of dialogue exercises and writing (dictation)Students listen to readings and conversations fault of teachers or classmates, to then be changed and corrected his error lies liesDeficiencies of the phonetic methodThis method requires sincerity and expertise (professional) from the teacher. Besides planning and time must be ripeAt these levels of novice (first) method is still difficult to implement, especially for children who do not have stock (basic) with adequate foreign language, because it is necessary to motivate students and teach communicativelyIf the series of lessons are not organized and planned in such a way, the lessons and mastery of the material for students to be floating; eg read given the subject matter a little, well-paced conversation responsibilities. Therefore, the timing and content should be regulated in such a way that both are controlled

6. Method of Practice - Theory

The method is as the name suggests, more emphasis on the practical ability of the theory. Comparisons can be a practical material 7 units and 3 units of theoretical material. Learning a foreign language first and give priority to practice, then accompanied by the theory (grammar).

So here is overlooked is how the student / students may be able to speak a foreign language is a practical rather than theoretical. Therefore, teaching should be directed at communicative or conversational skills, grammar can be taught while passing.

At the early stages of practical teaching materials can be selected and applied to the simple things, whether it is through everyday conversation that has to do with the world of school students or domestic environment and the wider community, or can also mention the details of the names object and the word monkey as a basis for the formation of spoken language.

While at an advanced level of subject matter is more extensive and complex developed through conversations theoretical and scientific reasoning.

Advantages Practice-Theory Methods:

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Students acquire a direct or practical skills in a foreign languageStudents do not feel troubled by the rules or the rules of grammar because grammatical subjects are taught only in passing, as Penajam understandingTeaching can be dynamic (live) and fun, especially occasional teachers can intersperse with funny conversations and the media show an interestingAt least according to the natural purpose of language teaching: it is called the language spoken, oral communication

Deficiencies Ptactice Theory MethodsRequire a teacher who truly proficient and active foreign-languageAt these levels of basic (initial) method is still difficult to implement because the vocabulary and language of students is still limited, even stiff. Teachers must reproduce the patterns memorized a good sentence to studentsIn general, the ability of foreign language students applied is determined by factors besides motivation of the teacher's personality style and sympathetic teacher. And this is rarely held in a private teacher. Teachers need to motivate their students are often on the sidelines of teaching foreign languages (English / Arabic)Lack of media as an amplifier of perception and visual memory could be a shortage of the other side of this method

7. Reading Method

Method of reading (Reading Method) which presents the subject matter by reading the first priority, namely the teacher first read the passage topics, later followed by the student protégé. But sometimes the teacher can point to direct students to recite certain lessons first, and of other students watched and followed.

Mechanical methods of reading (Reading Method) this can be done by directly reading the subject matter teachers and students told to pay attention / listen to the readings with a good teacher, after which the teacher pointing to one of the students to read, by changing (rotating) .

After each student gets a turn to read, then the teacher to repeat it once again with the reading followed by all students it is mainly on the levels of the first; and then the teacher records the words difficult or unknown new students on the board to note record book to enrich the vocabulary and so subsequently, to complete the topics that have been defined / determined.Goodness Methods Reading / Reading

When compared with other methods, then this method has advantages in terms of / the virtues of, among others:Students can fluently read and understand the readings in foreign languages fluently and correctlyStudents can use intonation reading a foreign language in accordance with the rules of the correct readingOf course with the student should be able pelajaranmembaca also translate words or sentences to understand a foreign language is taught, with such knowledge and mastery of the language the child to be whole

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Lack Reasing Methods / ReadingOn this reading method, for the beginner levels seem a little difficult to implement, because each is a foreign student to get his tongue, so it must sometimes be forced to repeatedly lead and repeating words and sentences are difficult to duplicate by the tongue of students who are not of the foreign language being taught. And thus this method is relatively time-consuming.In terms of language acquisition, methods of reading is more focused on students' ability to speak / pronounce the words in a foreign language sentences are true and smooth. As for the meaning and the meaning of words and sentences are sometimes less preferred. This can mean teaching too is VerbalismeTeaching often feels memboankan, especially if the teacher who teaches unsympathetic / methods applied are not attractive to students. In terms of tension suarapun sometimes enough to saturate because each teacher and student constantly reading the lesson topics. Therefore, this method has shortcomings in terms of meaning, it is necessary to note the following things:Points of the material should be presented continuously adjusted to the level of development and abilities of students at a certain level. Select a topic and an interesting subject matter for students / in accordance with the wishes of their soulsTo avoid verbalisme in teaching the teachers should be able to interpret / translate words or sentences that do not understand / comprehend the students in the readingsIn general props / teaching media in the form of loudspeakers, radio tape / cassette, video and similar tools greatly help speed up / slow down the tongue / literature students. Besides, with props, teaching becomes interesting and not boring.Reading books can be selected and arranged in such a way that is interesting / fun students. In general, the reading of novels, short stories (stories), proverbs, wisdom-lessons in foreign languages, science and other very interesting reading material, especially at beginner levels; at advanced levels of readings can directed at a scientific / thoughts.

8. Method of Talk Oral

This method is similar to the phonetic method and the reform method, but the scrambled method is focused on oral exercises or narrative-penutuan by mouth. Train to be able to fluently speak (fluently), harmony and spontaneity

Train oral / mouth to the pronunciation of foreign languages could be right sound, not to sound weird. These exercises sound system through the lips, train exactly throat discharge letters, the letters at the end or at the base of the tongue and so on

Exercises to arrange the words to make their own sentences and so on, all done by activating the oral speech, oral, speaking

Targets to be achieved through this method is keammpuan and oral language fluency or oral talk or communicate directly as a primary function of language

The principle of this method is: Teach the language, do not teach only about the language.

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9. Practice methods of sentence patterns

The most important application of this method is to train students in the practice of directly saying the sentence patterns that have been composed either completely, or work as meant by the sentence pattern.

So the sentence patterns that contain a sense, had already provided or arranged in harmony with the obvious, is berangsung slowly until hard; and material vocabulary of simple to complex. The disciples had to be active to say, do until it becomes a habit, so appreciate the patterns of the sentence until entrenched.

Supposedly it is a Bilingual teacher (who mengusai two or more languages to be lived), which is a foreign language is taught and the Indonesian language, with a genuine ability. First of all teachers to compare the two languages, eg Arabic language with the Indonesian language, about the same words, ways of pronunciation system of grammar, meaning, sound and so on and give explanations. From the language of the bilingual (bilingual) are described and selected sentence patterns with certain sounds for the mater of drill or training materials intensive. Arrange the patterns of a good sentence, and added continuously vocabulary, so that something menggarkan situation or story. Practice repeatedly and until every student had a turn. The students are trained to pronounce sentence patterns to really understand and appreciate the meaning / intention, and smoothly without a memorized-thoughtfully develop its own sentence.

After that the students need to be trained well to reach the auditory sensitivity Listening (Listening, etc.).

So speaking exercises (speaking drills) for the smooth talking, reading drill to achieve the correct readings, and the Drill Writing writing exercises correctly, avoiding wrong-wrong in spelling or writing letters. The exercises listening, speaking, reading and writing is very necessary accompaniment to almost all kinds of methods of teaching foreign languages, especially English and Arabic.

This method as practiced in the textbooks of English, among others, Classic 900, Classic 901 and so forth and is considered as the most appropriate to the nature of foreign language teaching.