Mexico Call to First National Anarchist Monterrey

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  • 7/30/2019 Mexico Call to First National Anarchist Monterrey


    Mexico: Call to First National Anarchist. Monterrey, from 13 to 15 September


    This meeting will seek to create an anarchist organization that goes beyond

    communication networks and sectarian groups.

    Whereas in recent years, organizations, groups, collectives, and individuals

    anarchists, have been systematically repressed the natural enemy: the capitalist

    state, and have finished many fellows in prison sentences suffer dire laws of

    bourgeois state, it is urgent to call a National Anarchist.

    As is known, the government repression exercised against our and all social

    activist, attempting to legitimize the smear campaigns through the mass media,

    as des-reporters do Televisa, TvAzteca, Millennium , and other media (newspaper

    Reforma, among others). The work of these means is to denigrate the vindictive

    nature of the protest and of our struggle, reducing the ideas of anarchism in

    plain vandalism, as it has been doing the bourgeoisie and its lackeys from

    emerging anarchism.

    So great is the manipulation of the media on people's consciousness, actions and

    even some statements made by some fellow anarchists in some demonstrations, end

    up being frowned upon by other colleagues who claim to be anarchist ideas.

    Unfortunately, these differences in time to help spread the anarchist ideal,

    cause confusion to people who want to win for the cause, as are sterile debates

    that arise in public events. All this leads to many peers into the abyss of

    inaction and the government seizes the opportunity to showcase as people

    maladaptive honestly colleagues who risk their physical and moral integrity in

    the fight against the bourgeois system. Hence, many people think that anarchists

    do not know what we want and that we are able to organize, being that is the

    opposite, as we have years fighting an organized, that keep alive thanks to that

    anarchist ideas libertarians defending our spaces where we organize and prepare,

    and where we hold meetings as convened today to continue spreading the anarchist

    ideal, because we know that difficult times lie ahead.

    With this meeting we intend to add and not subtract, hence there is a duty to

    give priority to respect for all currents of anarchism, for it is necessary to

    get rid of prejudices. Also in this meeting we prepare to become aware of both

    the theoretical and practical understanding, otherwise we will be announcing our

    failure in the field of social struggle.

    This meeting will seek to create an anarchist organization that goes beyond

    communication networks and sectarian groups. Urge an organization such that

    tomorrow economic power groups feel the weight anarchist, and that if they

    return to repress a colleague or organization, you know that our response will

    be stronger.

    So let us leave aside the grievances, if any, and show that we are able to uniteto overthrow tyrannical governments, and honor the memory of all social

    libertarians who exemplify dedication, sacrifice and selflessness. To all fallen

    by the libertarian ideal, our black flag is the mantle that blanket into eternal

    rest. And make no mistake, we are the revolutionary force that never betrays his

    ideal for office of any government, we know the facts demonstrate that utopia is

    possible to live in difficult times.

    Want to be part of this meeting?

    The doors are open!, You just have to write to get in touch.

    [email protected]


    Those wishing to attend the meeting must register electronically, recording

    their personal data should belong to any organization or group must also record

  • 7/30/2019 Mexico Call to First National Anarchist Monterrey


    it. The deadline to RSVP is Sunday September 8.

    Individuals, groups or organizations wishing to participate with a paper should

    send from August 1 to September 2 at the following address: [email protected]

    for allocation program.

    The final program will be updated on September 3

    It is important to advise if for paper submission will require a projector,

    computer, board, or some other means.

    You are cautioned that any paper may not exceed 40 minutes exposure.

    Given the climate of insecurity in which we live today, all attending the

    meeting will go through a security filter, particularly to attendees from other

    states of the republic. Only then can we be confident of being among peers and

    not having government infiltrators.

    Each filter security peers will integrate with the state (and recognized by the

    Organizing Committee), from which the applicant or to participate in the

    Meeting. You will not have any trouble who want to participate, because the

    filter may deny access only to those of dubious origin.

    As libertarians we are, it is obvious that we have no funding from governments,

    political parties, religious sects, or NGOs, or anything like it.

    So, all expenses will be borne by the participants to the meeting. Hence, the

    Organizing Committee has established the ask every attendee minimal cooperation

    from $ 50 per person to cover food expenses, stationery, copier rental,

    projector, sound, etc..

    The Organizing Committee shall provide to outsiders of place to sleep, and only

    asked to come with sleeping bags or blankets, etc..

    For safety the place of the meeting will be communicated in the coming days tothe event.


    (PENDING PROGRAM foreign participation)

    Friday the 13th

    12:00 Check

    13:00 Lunch

    14:00 Welcome and introduction of participants

    15:00 Recent History of Anarchist Organization in Monterrey

    16:00 Talk By asingar

    17:00 Talk By asingar

    18:00 Space projection

    19:00 Anarcho Syndicalism: Is it possible today in Mexico? With space for

    foreign participants

    20:00 Anarcho Syndicalism: Is it possible today in Mexico? Round of questions

    and answers

    21:00 Dinner / Coordination

  • 7/30/2019 Mexico Call to First National Anarchist Monterrey


    Saturday 14th

    10:00 Breakfast

    11:00 Talk By asingar

    12:00 Talk or Workshop For asingar

    13:00 Garage or cultural presentation asingar

    14:30 Lunch

    15:30 Anarchism and violence? With space for foreign participants

    17:00? Anarchism and violence? Round of questions and answers

    18:00 Talk to allocate

    Cultural space asingar 19:00

    20:00 Cultural Space Monterrey

    21:00 Dinner

    Sunday 15

    10:00 Breakfast

    11:00 How to organize? (The great task of anarchism in Mexico) p1 With space for

    foreign participants

    14:00 Lunch

    15:00 How to organize? (The great task of anarchism in Mexico) p2 With space for

    foreign participants

    18:00 Cultural space to be allocated

    19:00 Cultural Space Monterrey

    20:00 Closing??

    MONDAY 16

    12:00 pm Can Action, fellowship or both? A defined based on invited response

    [email protected]