Imagine the possibilities MHIF 2007 Annual Report

MHIF Annual Report 2007

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Imagine the possibilities MHIF 2007 Annual Report

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Imagine a world without heart disease...

Imagine the possibilities

a world filled with new medical possibilities in the form of more effective diagnostic techniques

and treatment protocols – a world where individuals live healthier, more productive lives by

addressing cardiovascular risk factors before they become a problem.

This is the vision of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. Through ground-breaking

clinical research, education initiatives and health behavior change programs, we are making a

tangible impact on improving individuals’ health and reducing the mortality rate associated with

cardiovascular disease. We invite you to join us in envisioning the possibilities. With your support,

together we can create a world without heart disease.

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Dear Friends,

2007 signaled significant investment by the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation in people, programs and processes. As you’ll see in the pages that follow, we achieved substantial program and financial outcomes, including successful research and education initiatives, new leadership and team-building, and development and expansion of external relationships.

Our research programs grew in the past year, with approximately 60 studies actively recruiting and a total of 130 open studies. At the same time, the Foundation assumed responsibility in 2007 for Continuing Medical Education, conducting the Grand Rounds program each Monday morning and sponsoring a well-attended Vascular Masters CME program. Publications of articles and reports in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at national scientific meetings and organizational leadership have achieved an all-time high, again reinforcing the standing of MHIF among the top ten cardiovascular clinical research and education centers in the nation.

Financially, the year resulted in positive unrestricted net assets for the first time since 2003, with significant and positive operating results. Audited total liabilities and net assets show a balance of $22,976,891, up from $21,236,362 in 2006. Total support and revenue was $9,312,014 and unrestricted revenue was $7,951,136, with expenses of $6,928,915.

More funds were contributed than ever before. Special events such as the Golf Event, the 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner and house parties set new records. Leadership gifts from the Jon Holden DeHaan Foundation, Medtronic, Piper Jaffray & Company, Mr. A.W. Cherne, Mrs. Judy Dayton, Mrs. Beverlee Dorn, the Charles F. Koplen Estate and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lowe set the momentum for a financially strong year. We wish to thank our very generous sponsors and donors for their support of our pioneering cardiovascular research and education programs.

Many individuals and organizations assumed major leadership roles to reach a record $1.6 million in annual gifts. Special thanks to Jerry Johnson, Chair of the Development Committee; Ray and Shirley Bentdahl, Chairs of the 25th Anniversary Gala; Kevin and Irene Graham, Physician Chairs of the 25th Anniversary Gala; and Andrew Kiernan, Chair of the Annual Golf Event. We extend our thanks to these individuals and all of the wonderful volunteers who helped ensure unprecedented success this past year.

At the Annual Meeting in April, Marna Fullerton and Emily Anne Tuttle were elected to the Board of Directors, representing the Board of the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation. Sid Mallory, Executive Vice President of the Allina Office of Philanthropy, and Rich Meyer, President of the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation, have joined as Ex-Officio members. MHIF Board members Ann Bentdahl, Frazier Eales, MD and Thomas A. Keller, III were similarly elected to the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation Board as part of an agreement between Allina, ANWF and MHIF.

Brigid Bonner and Archie Smith completed two terms on the Board in April and Katherine Hiyane-Brown resigned from her position in June. To them we offer our deepest thanks for their energetic service and contributions to our growth.

Jackie Boucher, Vice President for Education and Joseph Cosico, Vice President for Research Operations, began their work in spring of 2007, bringing new dynamism and experience to the leadership team of MHIF.

We wish to extend our personal appreciation to all of you who contributed to this success with your time, knowledge and resources. Special thanks to our Board of Directors for their oversight, wisdom and 100% participation in our Annual Fund; to the Minneapolis Heart Institute® physicians and staff who contributed generously to our programs in many valuable ways; to our dedicated, talented and loyal staff; to our Research Partners for working with us to achieve remarkable results; and to our many wonderful donors for joining us in our drive to create a world without heart disease.

We look forward to continued growth and success in 2008.


Stuart Nolan James V. Toscano Chair of the Board of Directors President

Imagine the possibilities...

Stuart Nolan

James V. Toscano

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Developing Emergency Cardiac Service Protocols toReduce Mortality

When an individual is experiencing heart attack symptoms, every second counts. That’s why optimized emergency cardiac service protocols are so critical.

Dr. Timothy Henry, Director of Research at the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, has led efforts to define a standardized protocol and integrated transfer system to move heart attack victims within a 210 mile radius to a qualified emergency cardiac treatment facility in under 90 minutes. This Level One protocol has resulted in a 50% reduction in mortality rate and the Foundation has trained over 50 hospitals around the country to leverage this life-saving team approach. In August, the Wall Street Journal featured a front-page article on the program’s potential to shorten treatment time and save tens of thousands of lives.

Dr. Michael Mooney’s extensive research on therapeutic hypothermia has advanced the Level One protocol by immediately lowering the body temperature of heart attack victims to prevent the onset of serious neurological damage. Foundation researchers have also extended Level One principles to more quickly diagnose and treat other life threatening conditions such as aortic dissection – a potentially catastrophic occurrence in which 1-2% of patients die each hour surgery is delayed.

Fact: Brain damage can occur just 4-6 minutes after the heart stops pumping blood, making time and temperature critical in successfully treating cardiac arrest.

The Face Of Heart Disease...is not who you expect.

Cardiovascular disease is not always predictable. Such was the case when Sarah – a physically fit nurse and mother of two teenage children – arrived at the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Emergency Room after collapsing in her own backyard. When the paramedics arrived, Sarah was in cardiac arrest and not breathing. They revived her and rushed her to the hospital.

Completing a CT scan upon admission, physicians quickly diagnosed Sarah with a coronary artery dissection. She was quickly transferred to a cath lab where her body temperature was lowered as an emergency angioplasty was performed. The immediate application of therapeutic cooling prevented irreversible brain damage.

After just two and a half months, Sarah is back working full time as a nurse and enjoying quality time with her children. “How blessed I feel to live in a community where such advanced cardiovascular practices are available.”

“ As a cancer survivor, I had beaten the odds – until I collapsed from a ruptured artery. Thanks

to the innovative therapeutic hypothermia program and the wonderful care I received, I’m

back to 100% and able to see my kids grow up.”

It’s through generous contributions like yours that new success stories are being told every day.

Sarah, 32

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One in 500 people currently have a genetic predisposition for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a leading cause of sudden death – and don’t even know it. An estimated 600,000 Americans live with HCM, more than multiple sclerosis and cystic fibrosis combined, and 6,000 die each year from this genetic disorder.

Dr. Barry Maron, Director of the HCM Center at the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, is a clinical research pioneer in the diagnosis, treatment and management of HCM. Based on his research, he was the first to recommend managing HCM with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) and has developed leading-edge guidelines for the effective care of individuals living with this condition. Dr. Maron was honored with the American Heart Association’s Heart & Stroke Hero Award in 2007.

The HCM Center plays a leading role in learning how to prevent sudden death in athletes, a growing public health concern resulting in 125 deaths each year. The HCM Center is gathering information critical to scientific investigation. Preliminary statistics from its National Registry for Sudden Death in Athletes show that HCM is responsible for 5-10 times more deaths than originally predicted and indicate that women and African Americans are not receiving adequate levels of diagnosis and treatment.

Identifying Risk Factors and Creating Guidelines to Save Lives

Fact: Out of the 1,000 individuals in the HCM Center’s patient registry, over 150 have already received a life-saving shock from their ICD.

“My first brother died from HCM at age 20 and another died at age 34. Ten years ago my Dad was diagnosed and then my son after passing out before a basketball game. In 2003, I was told that I had the disease as well.”

Karen, a kindergarten teacher in Duluth with five adult children, fully understands that HCM can strike without notice. She knows this genetic predisposition is hereditary and apt to affect many members within the same family. She counts on the guidelines developed by the HCM Center to ensure that her family is managing their condition in a way that will prolong their lives.

After being diagnosed with HCM, Dr. Maron recommended that Karen have an ICD implanted. Shortly thereafter, she was awakened at 5:30 am with a jolt. Her quarterly check-up indicated that her ICD had delivered this life-saving shock. Last August, again while she was asleep, the device saved her a second time. Karen repeatedly expresses her gratitude for being given a longer lease on life.

“ I feel like the guy on the cell phone commercial who has all those people standing behind him.

All the folks at the HCM Center ensured that I received the highest level of care. I am truly

grateful for them.”

...could be a family member.The Face Of Heart Disease

Karen, 49

Your contributions have a direct impact on reducing mortality, improving health and increasing quality of life.

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Pioneering Research to Improve Health and Quality of Life

What do you do when heart disease negatively impacts your health and quality of life – and you’ve been told that your condition cannot be controlled with medications and that you are not a viable candidate for open heart surgery?

Current research being conducted by the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation has yielded highly promising results using a patient’s own stem cells to grow new blood vessels and heart tissue. The Foundation’s OPTIMIST Program is applying these ground-breaking research protocols and is tracking 1,200 patients from more than 30 states in its database. Led by Dr. Timothy Henry and Dr. Jay Traverse, the National Institutes of Health has designated the Foundation’s collaboration with the University of Minnesota, the Veteran’s Administration and the Hennepin County Medical Center as one of five Centers of Excellence in cardiovascular stem cell research in the country. The other four centers include Cleveland Clinic, University of Florida at Gainesville, Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Hospital and Vanderbilt University.

Led by Dr. Wesley Pedersen, the Foundation is sponsoring the national RADAR pilot study which employs balloons led by catheters and applies radiation therapy to open aortic heart valves. This protocol allows older patients suffering from debilitating chest pain to regain a high quality of life without the risk of surgery or need to enter a long-term care facility.

...might be standing next to you.

Robert, a retired minister who lives in Northfield with his wife of 62 years, was suffering from memory loss, insomnia, coughing and loss of breath. His physical condition prevented him from undergoing invasive valve surgery, so he sought other solutions that would improve his health and offer him the same quality of life he previously enjoyed.

A Minneapolis Heart Institute® cardiologist in an outreach clinic informed Robert about the new research procedure called RADAR being piloted by the Foundation. In lieu of open heart surgery and the difficult recovery period that follows, Robert elected to undergo this catheterization and radiation procedure. After a few days, he was able to return home and soon resume his daily activities.

Robert is now back singing with the Troubadours, a community men’s chorus, as a first tenor. His blood flow has greatly improved, allowing him to walk more, sleep better and enjoy conversations with his friends – the simple things that most of us take for granted truly make a difference for Robert.

“ I was told that I was not in good enough physical condition to undergo surgery. This new

research procedure worked wonders and now I’m back singing with the Troubadours.”

There’s still so much left to discover. Your gifts improve cardiovascular health in our community.

The Face Of Heart Disease

Robert, 84

Fact: MHIF has conducted more adult cardiovascular stem cell transplants than any other center in the U.S.

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Ensuring Accurate Diagnosis for Appropriate Cardiovascular Care

More women die each year from heart disease than men, yet a much lower percentage of women are diagnosed and given treatment in a timely and effective manner. This is due to a knowledge gap among the general public and medical communities regarding the unique heart health risk factors and disease symptoms experienced by women.

The Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation is committed to discovering the most effective methods of heart disease diagnosis and treatment specific to women. Historically, women have comprised only 25% of participants in all heart-related clinical research studies indicating that more investigation is necessary. To this end, the Women’s Support Group was piloted as an approach for reducing feelings of isolation in women recovering from a heart attack, which is a serious risk factor. Another current pilot study is testing the efficacy of three stress intervention techniques including social support, web-based strategies and the practice of mindfulness meditation.

By adding to the body of cardiovascular disease research specific to women, the Foundation is directly improving the health and quality of life for mothers, daughters and their entire families.

Fact: 8,000,000 American women are currently living with heart disease and 6,000,000 of them have already experienced a heart attack or angina.

As a supporter of Foundation research and education, you are helping change the face of heart disease.

...is female, 51% of the time.

A competitive college swimmer and physically active mother of four, Kim at age 36 knew something was wrong when she experienced long-lasting flu-like symptoms and felt winded after climbing a flight of stairs. She went for a stress test and was told that her negative results were probably anxiety driven. Given her elevated cholesterol levels and state of distress, Kim’s husband insisted on calling a cardiologist who diagnosed that Kim was indeed suffering a heart attack.

After her recovery, Kim found it difficult to find support from other young women who shared her experience. She felt alone and unprepared to deal both mentally and emotionally with her heart disease. Six years later, she had another severe cardiac arrest, after which she joined the Women’s Support Group – a pilot program offered by the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. This care group provided the support she had been seeking, as well as education from experienced cardiologists.

Today, Kim is enjoying her active life and has become an activist for educating others about the unique heart disease risks and symptoms associated with women.

“ They thought it was just anxiety – but it proved to be a heart attack. We all need to better

understand how heart disease affects women.”

The Face Of Heart Disease

Kim, 44

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Innovating the Next Level of Cardiovascular Treatment

The Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation is identifying and educating the professional community about less costly and less invasive clinical practices to enhance quality of life and reduce mortality associated with heart disease.

Having created the country’s largest database of patient CT angiogram images, the Foundation is helping to construct protocol guidelines, train physicians and write board examinations for using advanced imaging techniques to diagnose and treat cardiovascular risks before they become disabling. The financial impact of these new medical practices is significant. Dr. Robert Schwartz, Director of Pre-Clinical Research and Imaging, estimates that heart scans and preventative actions range from $800 to $2,500 per patient, versus the average $50,000 spent on post-heart attack surgery and care. The Foundation is working to identify and prevent cardiovascular disease at the earliest possible stage.

Dr. Alan Hirsch is leading a 20 site clinical trial (the CLEVER study) evaluating the benefit, risk and economic impact of leveraging angioplasty, exercise and pharmacologic therapies in lieu of more invasive surgical practices to treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD) – a condition which can cause pain and, in severe cases, result in the loss of a limb. Clinical research and education initiatives like these are changing the way that heart disease is prevented, diagnosed and treated.

Fact: Peripheral arterial disease affects 8,000,000 Americans. Diagnosis is critical and those with PAD have a 4-5 times higher risk of heart attack or stroke.

Many donors like you are creating a lasting legacy by making endowed gifts.

...is being treated in new ways.

Don, a widower of seven years, is accustomed to taking care of his daily needs. When severe leg cramps made it no longer possible to go shopping or do yard work, he sought medical treatment. Twice, cardiovascular procedures targeted at alleviating the pain had to be aborted due to his physical condition.

Then, Don met Dr. Alan Hirsch and learned about the CLEVER trial he was conducting for individuals suffering symptoms similar to his own. Don joined the program and began a regular regimen of cardiac rehab therapy that included walking an hour on a treadmill three times a week in combination with taking a drug to dilate his femoral arteries, allowing the blood to flow more freely to his feet.

After just six months, stress tests showed that Don had increased his ability from walking just four minutes on a level grade to over 14 minutes on an incline. He no longer experiences leg pain and is now able to enjoy yard work, fishing and playing with his four grandchildren. Don continues to walk on his treadmill and is grateful for regaining the ability to once again be pain free.

“ My leg cramps prevented me from doing the daily activities that allowed me to live

independently. The CLEVER trial helped me realize that simple exercise and

medication could make a huge difference.”

The Face Of Heart Disease

Don, 70

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Education Improves Our Future

At the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, research and education practices inform one another and in concert, improve the health and care of individuals with cardiovascular disease. In 2007, the Foundation added new professional education offerings to its already strong base of community education initiatives. The Foundation educated hundreds of health professionals on the latest cardiovascular research protocols and findings through national Level One trainings, a national satellite symposium on refractory angina and numerous local programs.

At the same time, the Foundation conducted screenings and health presentations at over 260 sites and reached nearly 5,000 4th graders across the state of Minnesota through the HiTECH Heart program. Development of an interactive electronic curriculum for K-12 students is underway, as well as a new web-site providing online communities and health behavior change programs. Moving forward, the Foundation’s educational approach is to develop programs that reach more people, have greater impact and significantly improve the overall health of our community.

Planned Giving Enhances Your Impact

What do you want your legacy to be? What will be your impact on heart disease?

At the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, we aim to understand your needs first and then match your wishes with the goals of the Foundation. Our role, in collaboration with your advisors, is to help you integrate personal planning and philanthropic goals with tax and financial planning objectives.

This is the role that Michael Schroeder fulfilled for Dick Haag, a generous life-long donor who expressed an interest in endowing the research of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. This interest grew out of a friendship with the late auto dealer Rudy Luther. Both Dick and Rudy set plans in place to strengthen the financial base for future cardiovascular research.

Dick, with the assistance of his attorney and accountant, established a Charitable Gift Annuity that pays an income to him during his lifetime. At his death, the annuity will distribute the assets to the Foundation to perpetuate its clinical research.

We look forward to assisting you as you define your own personal legacy plan. To better understand how a planned gift might be structured to benefit you and provide a lasting legacy at the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, please contact us at 612-863-3833.

Financial Highlights

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Audited Summary of Revenue and Expenses - 2007

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Audited Balance Sheet Summary - 12/31/2008

Contributions $1,801,165

Sponsorships $884,982

Research Study Revenues $2,689,025

Licensing Fees $684,816

Income from Services $692,631

Investment Gains $1,115,510

Temporarily & Permanently Restricted Revenues


Sources of Revenue $9,312,014



Program Services

Education $593,354

Research $4,764,548

Total Program Services $5,357,902

Supporting Services

Administration $849,647

Fund Raising $721,366

Total Supporting Services $1,571,013

Change in Net Assets $2,383,099


Cash and Equivalents $1,314,014

Investments $17,963,684

Contributions Receivable $385,687

Pledges Receivable $1,679,858

Other Receivables $1,414,340

Other Assets $18,395

Fixed Assets (net) $200,913

Total Assets $22,976,891


Accounts Payable $330,181

Accrued Payroll $378,338

Accrued Pension $297,614

Other Accrued Expenses $205,235

Annuity Payment Liability $183,509

Deferred Revenue $155,921

Total Liabilities $1,550,798

Net Assets

Unrestricted $522,316

Unrestricted - Board Designated Endowment $5,837,730

Temporarily Restricted $2,908,921

Restricted $12,157,126

Total Net Assets $21,426,093

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $22,976,891

Contributions 19%

Sponsorships 10%

Research Study Revenues 29%Licensing Fees 7%

Income from Services 7%

Investment Gains 12%

Temporarily & Permanently Restricted Revenues 16%

Education 9%

Research 69%

Administration 12%

Fund Raising 10%

Fact: In 2007, MHIF coordinated Grand Rounds and the Vascular Masters Program to promote continuing medical education in the field.

Imagine the possibilities...

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The men, women, corporations and foundations whose names appear below have made an important financial contribution toward creating a world without heart disease.

The Foundation is thankful for their contributions and is pleased to recognize their generosity. The inclusion and spelling of your name is important. Please call the Foundation at 612-863-3958 if you notice any errors. Thank you.

Legacy CircleEstate Provision

These individuals and couples have committed to ensuring that the future of the Foundation is financially secure through an estate designation:

Thelma Aaby*Evelyn Inger Anderson*Ward and Linda AndersonRolf Andreassen, M.D.Conley Brooks, Sr.Ellen Daufney*Mary Durda-KnappDorothy Ewing*Willard Goltz*Richard HaagM. Leonore Hannon*C. Charles Jackson*Joyce A. Johnson*Viola Johnson*Patricia Kelsey*Harold Kiecker*Jerry Kiernan*Charles* and Shirley* KoplenCharolette Krueger*Eleanor Larson*Grace Idella Mahlberg*Rose Mallinger*Ivan Mathes*J. Donald MeyerA. Louis and Dorothy NesteGordon OlsonAleck Ostrow*Donald and Lucile PearsonRalph J. PetersonIlene Saunders*Margaret Schaefer*Alyce Scholten*Paul J. SeyerMary Smith*Roger Smith*Elva Spillane*George Steponovitz*Lois E. Thompson*Frank Wallace*Lucille Wellington*

Founders Society

The Founders Society recognizes pledges and cumulative giving of $25,000 and greater. The Founders Society includes the four giving levels denoted below:

Principals$1,000,000 and aboveAbbott Northwestern HospitalMrs. Beverlee DornTom and Mari LoweRudy* and Shirley* Luther Fund of

The Minneapolis FoundationMedtronic, Inc.

Benefactors$250,000 - $999,999Boston ScientificCommunity Health Charities MinnesotaKenneth* and Judy DaytonGeorge Family FoundationMr. Richard HaagJon Holden DeHaan FoundationMr. William A. Ross/William Ross

FoundationMr. and Mrs. W. Shelley Walsh

Guardian$100,000 - $249,000Ames Construction, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John BacichMr. B. John Barry and

Mrs. Cheryl SandeenDr. and Mrs. Ford BellMr. and Mrs. Ray BentdahlBerger Transfer & Storage, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks Sr.Mr. and Mrs. William R. DircksDr. and Mrs. Frazier EalesExcel BankFrederick O. Watson FoundationGreat Clips Inc.Great River EnergyGuidantDr. and Mrs. Robert HauserHolmes/CSM Family FoundationHormel Foods CorporationMs. Elizabeth H. HowellJames F. Bell FoundationMr. and Mrs. James JundtJerry* and Linda KiernanMr.* and Mrs.* Charles F. Koplen EstateDr. John Lesser and Dr. Julie Knier-LesserM&I Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis MathisenMinneapolis Cardiology AssociatesJohn W. Mooty and Jane N. Mooty

Foundation TrustMr. and Mrs. Stuart NolanOld Dutch Foods, Inc.Paul G. Allen FoundationSciCom Data ServicesSit Investment Associates, Inc.Spell Family FoundationSpring Lake Park LionsSt. Jude Medical, Inc.Thrivent Financial for LutheransDr. and Mrs. Robert Van TasselJean and Sheldon Wert William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Founders$25,000 - $99,999Abbott LaboratoriesAbbott Vascular DevicesMr. and Mrs. Mike AllenAllianz Life Insurance CompanyAllina Health SystemDr. and Mrs. Adrian AlmquistMrs. Jeanne AndersonMr. and Mrs. Lee R. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Lowell AndersonMr. John E. Andrus IIIApache FoundationApogee Enterprises, Inc.Applied Power ProductsArbor Capital Management, LLCArk FoundationDr. and Mrs. Kit AromArrowHead Capital Management, LLCBacoustics, LLCThe Baker FoundationMs. Constance BakkenMr. and Mrs. Earl BakkenTimothy and Marque Ann BartonMr. and Mrs. Paul BaszuckiMr. Craig Bentdahl and

Ms. Stephanie SimonMrs. Patricia BergstromMr. and Mrs. Ivan BowenMr. and Mrs. Wayne BoysenDr. Robert* and Maryann BrandenburgMr. and Mrs. Frank J. BrennanIrving* and Beverly BrooksMr. and Mrs. Thomas BrosigDr. M. Nicholas Burke and

Susan Slattery-BurkeDr. and Mrs. Durand BurnsDr. and Mrs. Charles Burnside

Mr. and Mrs. Ron M. BurtonMr. and Mrs. Rodney BurwellBusiness Data Record ServicesMr. Billy ByeC.H. Carpenter LumberCardiac Surgical AssociatesTed* and Katy CarlsenMr. Jeffrey CarlsonCeridian Corp.Mr. James ChafouliasDr. and Mrs. Ivan ChavezMr. A. W. CherneMr. Lloyd G. Cherne*Mr. and Mrs. Jack ChestnutMr. and Mrs. Richard CohenMr.* and Mrs.* Sidney CohenCommunity CreditMrs. Marilyn ConlonConsulting Radiologists, LTD.Mr. and Mrs. Rodney CoopermanMr. and Mrs. James R. CoteD.J. Kranz Company, Inc.David* and Dorothy DalquistDr. James Daniel and Mrs. Judy McMahonCol.* and Mrs.* Thomas DavisMr. and Mrs. Bruce DaytonDeCare DentalDeikel Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Yale T. DolginowMr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Dorn, Jr.Mrs. Lucia DuffMr. Jaye F. DyerEagan Lion’s ClubMr. and Mrs. William J. EdlefsenDr. and Mrs. Robert EmeryErnst & YoungMr. and Mrs. James FetterlyMr. and Mrs. Gary FinkFirst Bank National AssociationDr. and Mrs. Thomas FlavinDr. Bjorn Flygenring and Mrs. Vala HafstadMs. Barbara L. ForsterMrs. Marna FullertonGeneral Mills FoundationDr. and Mrs. Fredarick GobelMr. and Mrs. Robert GoldbergerMr. and Mrs. Herbert R. GoldenbergDr. and Mrs. Irv GoldenbergMr. and Mrs. Don GoldfusMr. John B. GoodmanDr. and Mrs. Charles GornickDr. and Mrs. Kevin GrahamMr. James GrantmanThe Greater Metro Auto Dealers

Association of MN

Greystone FoundationGroves FoundationMr. and Mrs. John F. GrundhoferDr. Kevin and Ila HarrisMr. and Mrs. Howard J. HawkinsHawkins, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Richard HazenMr. and Mrs. Douglas HeltneMr. Larry HendricksonDr. Timothy HenryDr. William T. HessionMr. and Mrs. Al Hilde, Jr.Mr. Louis F. HillHoechst Marion Rousel, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Michael HorovitzHorton, Inc.Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc.Dr. David and Stacey HurrellInternational Dairy QueenJack J. Jorgensen Charitable TrustMr. C. C. Jackson*Jacobs Management Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. JaffrayMrs. Patricia JaffrayThe James & Jane Welch FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jim JenningsDr. and Mrs. Randall JohnsonJoseph Durda Family FoundationDr. and Mrs. Lyle JoyceThomas A. Keller III and Victoria H. KellerPatricia Kelsey* EstateMr. Andrew KiernanMrs. Janet KingDr. and Mrs. Michael KingDr. and Mrs. Joseph C. KiserMr. and Mrs. Robert Klas Sr.Dr. Thomas Knickelbine and

Mrs. Heidi ChenMr. and Mrs. David A. KochDr. Vibhu Kshettry and

Dr. Sharon KshettryLake Region MedicalMr. and Mrs. John F. LamoureuxMr. Joseph LangerMr. and Mrs. Harold W. LarsonMr. and Mrs. Dan LastavichDr. Casey Lawler and

Dr. Royce LawlerMr. and Mrs. Larry Le JeuneMr. and Mrs. Don C. LeinMr. and Mrs. Stephen E. LiebermanLifetouch, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Dale LindquistDr. William LindsayDr. and Mrs. Daniel Lips

Dr. and Mrs. Terrence LongeMr. and Mrs. Donald J. LuckerMr. and Mrs. Bruce LundeenWalt* and Jan* Lundeen LundsLupient Automotive GroupMr. and Mrs. Dan LutherMr. and Mrs. David LutherLuther Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. John H. LynchMr. and Mrs. Harvey MackayDr. and Mrs. James MadisonMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. MadisonMr. George A. Mairs IIIMs. Rose Mallinger* EstateMarbrook FoundationMary A. Smith Estate*Robert* and Cynthia McGarveyMr. and Mrs. Burton J. McGlynnMr. Richard F. McNamaraMr. and Mrs. William McReavyMeritex FoundationMidway National BankMidwest Vending, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Simon MilsteinThe Minneapolis Foundation /

Ankeny Family FundThe Minneapolis Foundation /

James and Chriss RenierMinnesota Thoracic Associates, P.A.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. MitchellDr. and Mrs. Michael MooneyMr. and Mrs. John MorrisonMr. Michael T. MulliganMr. and Mrs. Robert O. NaegeleMr. and Mrs. William NaegeleDr. and Mrs. Richard R. NelsonMr. and Mrs. El Roy NernessDr. Demetre* and Arde F. NicoloffMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. NobleDr. and Mrs. William Northrup IIINorthwest Anesthesia, P.A.Mr. Earl B. OlsonMr. and Mrs. Vance OppermanDr. John Overton and Dr. Ann LowryDr. Luis Pagan-CarloPaper Warehouse, Inc.Parke-DavisMr. and Mrs. Donald R. PearsonDr. and Mrs. Wesley PedersenPfizer, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. PhillipsPiper Jaffray & CompanyMr. Raymond N. PlankMr. Carl Pohlad / Carl and Eloise*

Pohlad Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Ronald PooleJohn* and Margaret PotterDr. and Mrs. Anil PouloseDr. Marc PritzkerProtective InsuranceMr. William A. PurcellMr. and Mrs. Noel RahnJerry* and Lillian RauMr. Tom RedmondMr. and Mrs. Thomas RempferRichard M. and Sandra J. Schulze

Family FundMr. and Mrs. Harold RoitenbergMr. and Mrs. James SafleyMargaret R. Schaefer* TrustSchneider (USA), Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Richard SchneiderDr. and Mrs. Robert SchwartzRay* and Marie* Schweigert

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. SennesethLeonard* and Zetta ShapiroDr. and Mrs. Scott SharkeySieff Family FoundationSiemens Medical Systems, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Archie SmithMary A. Smith Estate*Spell Family FoundationMr. Dan J. SpiegelMaurice* and Mitz* Spiegel

Family Philantropic FundJack and Elva* SpillaneMr. and Mrs. William H. SpoorMr. and Mrs. Gary St. MarieDr. and Mrs. Peter StokmanClair* and Gladys StrommenMr. and Mrs. Lee N. SundetDr. and Mrs. Chuen TangTapemark CompanyTCF FoundationMr. and Mrs. Bruce TelanderThelma E. Aaby*Mr. and Mrs. Jack ThesengaDr. Jay and Sarah TraverseUBS Financial Services, Inc.Varitronic Systems, Inc.Virchow Krause & Company, LLPViroMed Company, LTD.Vital Images, Inc.Thomas J. Von Rueden, MDMr. John von SteinbergsWallin FoundationWalter G. Anderson, Inc.Mr. William F. WannerMr. David WeinerLucille S. Wellington Estate*Wert Family FoundationMr. Dewey White*Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. WiknerMax* and Helen* Winter FoundationMr. and Mrs. David M. WintonWipfli, LLPMr. Michael WrightMr. and Mrs. Lowell Zitzloff

The following gifts and pledges were received between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007

Paul Giel Endowment For Cardiovascular ResearchMs. Diane AnderesMr. and Mrs. Dean R. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Joseph C. ArbeiterMs. Katherine L. ArbeiterB & A, Inc.Mr. B. John Barry and

Mrs. Cheryl SandeenMr. and Mrs. Dean M. BauerlyMr. and Mrs. Donald R. BergstromMr. and Mrs. Harold G. BergstromMr. and Mrs. Earl L. BlaylockBranch Landscape NurseryMs. Zoe Ann BrandbergMr. and Mrs. Matthew C. BristolMs. Patricia D. BrooksDr. M. Nicholas Burke and

Susan Slattery-BurkeDr. and Mrs. Durand BurnsMs. Phyllis L. CarricoDr. and Mrs. Ivan ChavezMs. Yvonne M. ChristensenMr. and Mrs. Frederick D. ConradMrs. Judy DaytonDr. and Mrs. Frazier Eales

Estate of Eva G. Holmes*Excel BankMr. and Mrs. Keith L. FlomMr. and Mrs. Edward FongFrank Mastoloni & Sons, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Ivan A. GelabertGerilyn, Paul, Jr., Tom and Sarah GielMr. and Mrs. Jeffery C. GleasonMr. and Mrs. Stanley B. GoodmanDr. and Mrs. Charles GornickDr. Elizabeth Grey and Dr. Martin AsisMs. Joan M. HarperDr. Kevin and Ila HarrisMr. and Mrs. Paul R. HartigDr. and Mrs. Robert HauserDr. Tim HenryWilliam T. Hession, M.D.

in memory of Brendan Hession

Historic Plymouth BuildingDr. and Mrs. Morrison HodgesMs. Barbara M. HoweDr. David and Stacey HurrellMr. and Mrs. Alan IngberIV Corp.Ms. Lenore JacobsonMr. and Mrs. Charles P. JernellMr. and Mrs. Harry B. JohnsonMs. Karen L. JohnsonMs. Joan D. JorgensenMr. and Mrs. Herb KahlerM.B. Kaplan, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Alvin KaufmanMr. and Mrs. Stanley KerberMr. and Mrs. Robert Klas Sr.Dr. Thomas Knickelbine and

Mrs. Heidi ChenMr. and Mrs. Charles F. Koplen*Mr. Gerard W. KranzMr. and Mrs. Allan KrejciMr. and Mrs. William S. LappLarkin, Hoffman, Daly & LindgrenMr. and Mrs. Stanley J. LarsonDr. Casey Lawler and Dr. Royce LawlerDr. John Lesser and Dr. Julie Knier-LesserMr. and Mrs. E. Thomas LietzkeMr. and Mrs. David G. LillieMs. Karen A. LindgrenDr. and Mrs. Daniel LipsMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. LoweMr. and Mrs. Peter LuporiMr. and Mrs. James W. MarshallMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. MartynMr. and Mrs. William J. McGloneMr. and Mrs. Daryl S. McLindenMedtronic, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Robert MielkeMs. Laverne H. Mitby

Dean I. MooreMr. and Mrs. John MootyMs. Jolene C. MorganMurphy Insurance AgencyMr. and Mrs. Steve MusserMr. and Mrs. Michael J. NelsonMs. Lorraine W. NeugerMr. and Mrs. Richard E. NordstromMs. Joan E. NounMr. and Mrs. Jerry V. NoyceMs. Ellen M. OlsonMs. Doris OverbyDr. Luis Pagan-CarloMs. Rebecca A. PatientMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. PaulsonMr. and Mrs. Donald R. PearsonDr. and Mrs. Wesley PedersenPeter Storm, Inc.

Pikovsky Management, LLCMs. Ruth A. PochuchaDr. and Mrs. Anil PouloseR. William and Mary Ann Reilly

FoundationMr. Clifford M. Roberts Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William C. RollefsonRoyal Pearl CompanyMr. and Mrs. David J. RudbergMr. and Mrs. Arthur H. SchoenbornMs. Lory A. SchoffmanMr. N. Theodore SeglemDr. Scott and Patricia SharkeyMr. and Mrs. James H. SmithDr. and Mrs. Peter StokmanDr. and Mrs. Chuen TangMr. and Mrs. Jack ThesengaMr. and Mrs. David ThomasMr. and Mrs. Onan A. ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Richard A. TickleMr. and Mrs. David TollefsonMs. Ardith B. TomanDr. Jay and Sarah TraverseMr. and Mrs. Gerald UtterbergDr. and Mrs. Robert Van TasselVenture BankWilliam & Stuart Jewelry Co.Mr. and Mrs. Douglas WillsMr. and Mrs. Donald W. WilsonMr. John F. Woodhead, IIIMr. and Mrs. Robert Zagaros

The following gifts were received between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007

Fredarick Gobel/Robert Van TasselEndowment for Research in CardiologyMr. and Mrs. Thomas De Fore

Demitre NicoloffEndowment for Research inCardiovascular SurgeryMrs. Beverlee DornMrs. Sheiva Kudishevich

$100,000 and aboveMrs. Beverlee DornMrs. Judy DaytonJon Holden DeHaan FoundationMr. and Mrs. Charles F. Koplen*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. LoweMedtronic, Inc.

$25,000 - $99,999Abbott LaboratoriesAllina Health SystemApogee Enterprises, Inc.

Arbor Capital Management, LLCBacoustics, LLCMr. B. John Barry and Mrs. Cheryl

SandeenTimothy and Marque Ann BartonMr. and Mrs. Ray BentdahlBusiness Data Record ServicesMr. A. W. CherneCommunity Health CharitiesMr. and Mrs. Bruce DaytonDeCare DentalDr. and Mrs. Frazier EalesExcel BankMs. Barbara L. ForsterGreat Clips Inc.Lake Region MedicalLuther Family FoundationM&I BankMr. George A. Mairs IIIPiper Jaffray & CompanyCarl and Eloise Pohlad Family

FoundationMr. William A. Ross / William A. Ross

FoundationSpell Family FoundationMr. Dan J. SpiegelSt. Jude Medical, Inc.ViroMed Company, LTD.Wert Family Foundation

$10,000 - $24,999Mr. and Mrs. Michael AfremovAlfred W. Erickson FoundationArrowHead Capital Management, LLCAtritech, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John BacichBankFirstBoston Scientific CorporationMr. and Mrs. William R. Dircks

“Our community and the wider world is uniquely fortunate to have Dr. Robert Schwartz and his team exploring the cutting-edge of technology, research and treatment for the human heart at the outstanding Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation.”

Judy Dayton

Fact: MHIF researchers published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented their findings at over 125 lectures & poster talks in the past year.


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Frederick O. Watson FoundationGeneral Mills FoundationGreystone FoundationMr. Richard HaagMr. and Mrs. Roger HeadrickMr. Richard B. HirstHubbard Broadcasting, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. JaffrayThe James & Jane Welch FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jim JenningsMarbrook FoundationMr. and Mrs. Stuart NolanOld Dutch Foods, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. PearsonMs. Lory A. SchoffmanSciCom Data ServicesMr. and Mrs. John D. SeabergSiemens Medical Systems, Inc.Spring Lake Park LionsDr. and Mrs. Robert Van TasselVital Images, Inc.

$5,000 - $9,999AccentureAGA Medical CorporationMr. and Mrs. Andy AndersonAstellas Pharma US, Inc.AstraZenecaMs. Ann BentdahlBiotronik, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Ivan BowenDr. M. Nicholas Burke and

Susan Slattery-BurkeDr. and Mrs. Durand BurnsCampbell FoundationMr. and Mrs. James CampbellDr. and Mrs. Ivan ChavezConsulting Radiologists, LTD.Crown BankDr. James Daniel and Mrs. Judy McMahonMr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Dorn, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul EhlenMr. and Mrs. Mark FleischackerMr. Joe FleischhackerMr. and Mrs. James GiertzGlaxoSmithKline FoundationDr. and Mrs. Charles GornickMr. James GrantmanGreat River EnergyDr. Elizabeth Grey and Dr. Martin AsisHaag Family FoundationDr. Kevin and Ila HarrisDr. and Mrs. Robert HauserHawkins, Inc.Dr. Tim HenryDr. William T. HessionDr. Alan Hirsch and Dr. Laurie CurtisMr. and Mrs. Michael HorovitzMs. Elizabeth H. HowellDr. David and Stacey HurrellJohnson & JohnsonJoseph Durda Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Thomas G. KampThomas A. Keller III and

Victoria H. Keller

Mr. Andrew KiernanMrs. Linda KiernanMr. and Mrs. Robert Klas Sr.Dr. Thomas Knickelbine and

Mrs. Heidi ChenDr. Vibhu Kshettry and

Dr. Sharon KshettryMr. and Mrs. Harold W. LarsonDr. John Lesser and Dr. Julie Knier-LesserMr. and Mrs. Stephen E. LiebermanLifetouch, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John LindahlDr. and Mrs. Daniel LipsMr. and Mrs. Donald J. LuckerMr. and Mrs. Bruce LundeenLyman Lumber CompanyMr. and Mrs. Charles Maxwell Jr.McCarthy-Bjorklund FoundationMr. Peter McNerneyMedicines CompanyMeristemMetropolitan Dental ManagementMr. and Mrs. John MootyMoss & Barnett, LLPNorth American Banking CompanyMs. Ellen M. OlsonDr. and Mrs. Wesley PedersenPfizer, Inc.Pierce Family Fund of

The Minneapolis FoundationDr. and Mrs. Anil PouloseMr. and Mrs. Thomas RempferRobins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi, LLPMr. and Mrs. James SafleyDr. and Mrs. Robert SchwartzDr. Scott and Patricia SharkeyMr. and Mrs. Michael SillSit Investment Associates, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Archie SmithSonoSite, Inc.Stereotaxis, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Peter StokmanStone Pier FoundationStuart ManagementDr. and Mrs. Chuen TangMr. and Mrs. James V. ToscanoDr. Jay and Sarah TraverseMr. and Mrs. W. Shelley Walsh

$1,000 - $4,999Dr. and Mrs. Adrian AlmquistAmeriprise FinancialMr. Steven AndersonAngioScore, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. AnkenyApplied Power ProductsATG Corporation/Alora AmbianceDr. and Mrs. Richard BaeThe Baker FoundationMr. and Mrs. Walter BarryMrs. Kelly A. BelliniMr. Craig Bentdahl and

Ms. Stephanie SimonDr. and Mrs. John BernhardsonMr. Ted Bigos

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. BirchenMs. Patricia BlackMrs. Brigid Bonner and Mr. Tim McCarthyMr. and Mrs. Frank J. BrennanBromley Printing, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks Sr.Mr. Brian BuhlMr. and Mrs. Roger E. BunkerDr. and Mrs. Charles BurnsideMr. and Mrs. Ron M. BurtonMr. and Mrs. Walter BushC.H. Carpenter LumberMr. and Mrs. George CarischMr. and Mrs. Gary CarpenterCelebration Music EndeavorsMr. and Mrs. Bradley ChapinMr. and Mrs. Jack ChestnutMrs. Siobhan ClearyMrs. Angelina M. CollianderConceptus LLCMr. and Mrs. Harris CooperMr. and Mrs. Rodney CoopermanMr. and Mrs. Burt CorwinMr. and Mrs. James R. CoteMrs. Beatrice CowleCulp Family FoundationD.J. Kranz Company, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeForeDr. and Mrs. Timothy DirksMr. Raymond J. DittrichMr. and Mrs. Yale T. DolginowMs. Patricia DonovanMr. and Mrs. David DovenbergMr. and Mrs. Dan DryerEagan Lion’s ClubMr. Tim EickhoffMr. and Mrs. Ronald A. EricksonEstate of Eva G. Holmes*Executive Health Care, P.L.L.C.FAF AdvisorsJack and Bessie FitermanDr. Bjorn Flygenring and Mrs. Vala HafstadMr. and Mrs. George FoxDr. and Mrs. James A. FurdaMr. Dan GladneyMr. and Mrs. Don GoldfusDr. and Mrs. Kevin GrahamMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Graiziger, Jr.The Greater Metro Auto Dealers

Association of MNGroves FoundationMr. and Mrs. Thom GundersonMr. and Mrs. Jim A. HallsMr. and Mrs. Alfred HarrisonMrs. Janice HazenHealth Fitness CorporationCarol Heen, PhD and Charlie BooneMs. Patrice HenningMr. Brian F. HillMrs. Dorothy HillMr. and Mrs. J. Howard HillDr. and Mrs. Morrison HodgesMr. and Mrs. Thomas HoltzDr. and Mrs. Mark HoughlandMr. and Mrs. Russell Huffer

Ingenix, Inc.Jack J. Jorgensen Charitable TrustJerry’s Floor Store, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Stan JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Herb KahlerDr. and Mrs. William KatsiyiannisMs. Katharine L. KellyMr. Brady KiernanMr. Spencer KiernanKing PharmaceuticalsKoch CompaniesMr. and Mrs. Richard C. KrierMr. Joseph LangerDr. Royce and Dr. Casey LawlerMr. and Mrs. Donald H. LeavenworthLeJeune Family FoundationThe Lerner FoundationDr. and Mrs. Terrence LongeMr. and Mrs. John H. LynchMarna Fullerton Revocable TrustDr. and Mrs. Barry MaronMarsden Holding, LLCMr. and Mrs. John MartinsenMrs. Jane K. MauerMr. Robert McDonaldMs. Judith McGrannMedivance, Inc.Metro Mitsubishi/HyundaiMidwest Vending, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. David E. MilbrathMinnesota Distance Running AssociationMr. and Mrs. William NaegeleMinnetonka Moccasin Co., Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. MitchellMSP CommunicationsMr. George W. Nelson Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James W. NelsonDr. and Mrs. Richard R. NelsonOwen J. and Doris Jean NewlinMr. and Mrs. Charlie NolanMr. Joseph NovogratzMr. Moe S. NazariMr. Gordon OlsonMr. and Mrs. Ronald OlsonMr. and Mrs. Phil OrdwayOsiris Therapeutics, Inc.Dr. Luis Pagan-CarloMr. David ParryThe Patch FoundationMr. and Mrs. Ronald PooleMr. and Mrs. Octavio P. PortuPreferred OneProtective InsuranceQuadion FoundationMr. and Mrs. Gary RappaportMr. and Mrs. Darwin ReedyRosemount Inc.Sabes Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Corey SargentMr. and Mrs. Steven SchachtmanMr. and Mrs. Gerald SchwalbachMr. and Mrs. Thomas O. SchwalbeMr. and Mrs. Marvin E. SeiboldMr. and Mrs. Dennis L. SennesethMr. Jerry Seppala

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory SilvestriMr. Ronald Simon and Ms. Karen SheenanMr. Tim SkajaMr. and Mrs. Edson Spencer Jr.Mr. David StassenMr. Paul SteinerSteve and Michelle Hoyt FundMr. and Mrs. Michael StewartMr. and Mrs. John StielowMrs. Ruth StrickerMr. Timothy C. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Donald F. SwansonMr. and Mrs. Charles B. Sweatt Jr.Symbology, Inc.Tapemark CompanyMr. and Mrs. Bruce TelanderThe Integra Group, Inc.Dr. Norma ThiessenMr. and Mrs. Richard A. TickleMr. and Mrs. Frank TonnemakerMr. and Mrs. Edward TothUBS Foundation USA Matching Gift

ProgramUMI Company, Inc.United PropertiesVascular Solutions, Inc.Dr. Yale Wang and Dr. In-Zu TuanMrs. Susan WarmkaMr. Stan WeinerMs. Ellen WellsMr. and Mrs. Clark WinslowMr. and Mrs. Rufus WintonWipfli, LLPMr. Michael WrightMr. and Mrs. Lowell Zitzloff

$25 - $999Mrs. Mavis A. AasMs. Maxine AasMr. Thomas R. AbelMrs. Grace AberleMr. and Mrs. Jay AbramovitzMr. and Mrs. Kent AdamsMrs. Mary A. AderinkomiMs. Christine R. AertsMrs. Sylvia J. AhlgrenMrs. Jolene Ahlstrand-weberMrs. Rohini AhluwaliaNobuhiko Akimoto, DDSDr. and Mrs. Patrick C. AlcornMr. Saleem E. Al-hakeemMr. Mir M. AliMr. Burton Allen Jr.Mrs. Elizabeth J. AllenMr. and Mrs. Lester G. AlsethMr. Peter AlthoffMrs. Donna R. AmannMr. and Mrs. Jack W. AmellMr. and Mrs. Donald W. AnderbergMrs. Joy A. AnderbergMr. Kenneth AndersenMrs. Ardell AndersonMr. and Mrs. Arthur L. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Charles AndersonMrs. Darrolee Anderson

Mr. Donald AndersonMr. Donald M. AndersonMr. Douglas AndersonMr. and Mrs. Garith AndersonMr. and Mrs. Gordon AndersonMr. and Mrs. Harold AndersonMr. and Mrs. James D. AndersonMrs. Jeanne AndersonMr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. AndersonMrs. Lynn M. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Paul W. AndersonMr. Robert AndersonMr. Walton AndersonMr. and Mrs. Edward AndlerMr. Ottar AndreasenMr. and Mrs. Peter AnsonMr. and Mrs. Joseph C. ArbeiterMr. Peter H. ArchibaldMr. and Mrs. A. W. ArendtMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey ArendtMr. Richard A. ArensArk FoundationMs. Georgeann R. AroMr. Karim AsemiMs. Donna M. AskeMs. Lynda AxbergMrs. Susan R. BachMr. and Mrs. Scott W. BaderMr. Ben BadinerDr. and Mrs. Russell BagleyMr. and Mrs. Robert BakerMr. and Mrs. Brian BaliaticoMs. Gladys BankeMrs. Linda J. BanksMrs. Evelyn BarnhillMrs. Gena M. BartletteMr. and Mrs. Warren L. BartzRoger Baumgartner, DDSMr. and Mrs. Robert BealkaMrs. Mary F. Bear DukesMrs. Shirley A. BechtelMr. Peter BeckMr. William BedardMrs. Lorraine BeesonMr. and Mrs. Harold D. BeetschMr. and Mrs. Melvin BehnenMrs. Judith BelterMr. Michael BenderJames and Linda BendtMrs. Betty BengtsonMr. Timothy L. BenjaminMr. Cordell A. BennettMr. and Mrs. Gilbert BennettMr. and Mrs. Howard W. BennettMr. Beverley BensonMr. Bradley E. BentsonMr. and Mrs. Brian W. BenzMrs. Margo BerdassMr. and Mrs. Harlow E. BergMs. Mary L. BergMr. and Mrs. Curtis O. BergeMs. Krista BergertMr. and Mrs. Donald R. BergstromMr. and Mrs. Harold G. BergstromMrs. Wendy J. BerryMr. and Mrs. David BesselMs. Patricia BickMrs. Anne D. BiernatMs. Kathy BiqueMrs. Rachel Bird-AndersonMrs. Lynn BisekMr. Barry BishopMrs. Lynn C. BjorkmanMr. and Mrs. Gary D. BlackfordMr. and Ms. Michael Blake

Ms. Patricia K. BlanchMr. Kenneth E. BlatzMs. Helen V. BlockMs. Ann BloomMr. and Mrs. Dennis E. BloomDr. and Mrs. Phillip BloomMrs. Marilee BluhmMs. Peggy BlumenthalMs. Marie BoederMs. Helen M. BoernerMr. Otte M. BoersmaMr. and Mrs. Douglas L. BohnMrs. Hazel BohnMr. Orville BohnenMs. Cynthia S. BoisenMr. Otto G. BonestrooMr. Richard L. BonifaceMr. and Mrs. John S. BonnesenMr. David A. BoothMs. Eve R. BorensteinMr. Delmond W. BorgMr. and Mrs. Donald C. BorrmanMr. David E. BosancoMr. and Mrs. Dan BoulayMs. Kimberly T. BoursierMs. Sherry R. BowieMs. Jeannett BoxrudMr. Loren P. BoyumMs. Jane BrackneyCrystal BradleyMr. and Mrs. Darryl BragetMrs. Jane N. BramanMr. and Mrs. Robert B. BrammerBranch Landscape NurseryMr. and Mrs. John BrandauMr. Patrick C. BrandtMr. and Mrs. Larry B. BranscombMs. Laura BratlandMr. Craig A. BratschMrs. Martha BrayMr. and Mrs. Wesley D. BremerMs. Julie L. BrennanMr. and Mrs. Terrence J. BrennyMr. Timothy M. BridgesMr. Keith M. BringsMr. David R. BrinkMr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. BrisbinMr. William E. BrittonMr. and Mrs. Russell BrodenMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Broder Sr.Mr. Herbert BrokeringMr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks Jr.Ken BrooksMs. Linda M. BrooksMs. Patricia D. BrooksMr. Brian W. BrownMr. and Mrs. Charles BrownMr. and Mrs. Melvin E. BrownMr. and Mrs. Richard S. BrownMs. Carolyn S. BrowneMrs. Karen A. Brown-heppMelanie BrownleeMr. Swetto BruichMrs. and Mrs. Napoleon BruneauMr. and Mrs. Wallace BrunnellMr. and Mrs. Francis BrunnerMs. Janette D. BryantMrs. LaVonne BuckentineMr. and Mrs. Dennis W. BuhlMr. Robert BunkersMr. and Mrs. Wallace BunnellMr. Larry BurandtMrs. Patricia A. BurgraffMrs. Carol A. BurkeMrs. Esther Burke

Mr. Keith P. BurkeMr. and Mrs. G. William BurkhardtMr. and Mrs. Wilmer BurmeisterRev. and Mrs. Daniel BurowBurt Investment Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. BurtMr. Robert D. ButhMs. Vera ButterworthMs. Norma L. BuxtonMrs. Sandra A. CadmanMr. Marc W. CameronMrs. Ruth A. CameronMr. Gerald L. CampbellMrs. Jacqueline CampbellMr. and Mrs. W. R. CantwellMr. Allen CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Arthur M. CarlsonMr. Paul E. CarlsonMr. Truman B. CarlsonMrs. Elsa CarpenterMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. CarricoMr. Vernon L. CarverMr. and Mrs. Benton J. Case Jr.Mr. Michael S. CassidyMr. Robert CatronMs. Adeline CellottiMr. and Mrs. Martin P. CeminskyMs. Gloria M. CessnaMr. and Mrs. Eapen M. ChackoMr. and Mrs. Ellard ChamberlainMr. and Mrs. John R. ChamberlainMs. Margaret R. ChangMs. Margaret C. CharmoliMr. Stuart ChazinMr. and Mrs. William H. CheesemanMs. Audrey ChenMrs. Marian C. CherwienMs. Sally T. ChicosMr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. ChipmanMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. ChristensenMs. Jane ChristensonMr. Allen ChristiansMr. Charles ChristopherMr. and Mrs. David ChristophersonMs. Vicki K. ChrystMrs. Nicole CinaMr. and Mrs. Richard M. ClarkDr. Margaret L. ClausenMr. and Mrs. Charles H. ClayConnie ClaymanMr. Michael ClearyMr. William ClemensMr. and Mrs. Charles ClendenenMs. Phyllis M. CliffordMr. and Mrs. Christopher C. CloseMr. and Mrs. Roland G. ClouseMs. Janice L. CloutierMr. and Mrs. Neal CohenMr. and Mrs. Fred W. CollerMr. and Mrs. Thomas ColwellMr. and Mrs. Donald J. CombsCommunity Shares of MinnesotaMr. Gerald CompartConceptus LLCMrs. Rebecca CondonMr. James J. Connolly Jr.Mrs. Ann M. ConserMr. John G. ConserMr. John M. ConwayMrs. Eva E. CookMs. Jennifer CoombsMrs. Diane CoplandonohueMr. Mark S. CornellMr. and Mrs. Lawrence CossMrs. Suzanne M. Costello

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin CounihanMr. and Mrs. Lewis R. CraditDr. and Mrs. James CraigMs. Katherine F. CranneyMr. Geoffrey T. CravenMr. and Mrs. Harold R. CrewsMrs. Dawn CrosbyMr. and Mrs. Maurice J. CrownhartMr. and Mrs. Gerald J. CunniffMs. Barbara S. CyrusMr. and Mrs. Allen B. CziokMs. Sharon K. CziokMr. Clifford DahlMrs. Ellen DahlMr. and Mrs. Paul E. DahleMr. and Mrs. Keith R. DahlenMr. John H. DahlmeierMrs. Gail Y. Dahlstrom

Mrs. Nancy R. DaleMs. Jane DalrympleMr. and Mrs. Jack F. DalyMs. Susan W. DammenMr. and Mrs. John D. DanielsonMs. Suzanne M. DankersMr. and Mrs. Norm DannMrs. Barbara DansonData Recognition CorporationMs. Gertraud DaughertyMs. Kari B. DavisMr. and Mrs. Keith C. DavisonMr. and Mrs. Edward N. DaytonMr. and Mrs. Roderic De VoeMr. Randall DebruynMrs. Sarenja M. DecandiabetzMr. James L. DecheneMs. Julie R. DeferMrs. Herbert DeGenereMr. and Mrs. Dennis DegrisellesMrs. Vicky DeigmanMr. and Mrs David DemingMr. and Mrs. Keith DesJardinsMrs. Begeh L. DibbaMrs. Carol J. DickisonMr. and Mrs. Everett DickmeyerMr. Jim DicksonMs. Marie DietelMs. Nancy K. DieterMrs. Linda J. DietzlerMr. and Mrs. Richard E. DillonMr. and Mrs. Daniel A. DimondMr. Lawrence DirlamMs. Kay H. DixonMs. Mae DobbsMr. and Mrs. Gregory T. DobeshMr. and Mrs. Howard P. DobleMr. James E. DollMrs. Carol Domke

Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. DonohueMr. and Mrs. Ronald D’OrazioMr. Victor W. DornMr. Wesley DorrMr. James R. DorseyMrs. Sarah J. DoudMr. Fred W. DouglasMs. Kathryn M. DoyleMr. and Mrs. Timothy DoyleDSD FoundationMr. Everett Beson and

Mrs. Dolores S. Du ToitMs. Roberta M. DuchesneMs. Betty DuddlestonMr. Gerhard DuesterhoeftMr. and Mrs. Leroy DuininckMr. and Mrs. Gary DungeyMr. Philip Dunlap

Mrs. and Mr. Patricia M. DziedzicMrs. Doris EckhartMr. and Mrs. William N. EdbergMr. Donald J. EderMr. and Mrs. William J. EdlefsenMr. and Mrs. Gerald EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Miles E. EfronMs. Alice B. EhresmanMrs. Virginia D. EidenMs. Ann ElfstromMr. Andrew J. EllisMs. Lisa ElmoreMr. and Mrs. H.D. ElverumMr. and Mrs. David EmmonsMrs. Laesha M. EmmonsMr. and Mrs. Perlon EngelbyMr. James P. EngelhartMrs. Marlys L. EnglerMr. Russell F. EngstromMr. Roger EnosMr. and Mrs. Ronald C. EnroothMr. and Mrs. Gerald EricksonMrs. Kay O. EricksonMr. and Mrs. Merle L. EricksonMr. and Mrs. Robert V. EricksonMs. Tamra M. EricksonMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. EricksonMr. Gary H. ErlanderMr. Larry D. EspelMr. Daniel W. EstersMrs. April A. EstesMr. and Mrs. John L. EstremMs. Diane EvansMr. Lawrence J. EvansMrs. Rachel EvansMs. Cheryl L. EvelandMr. Paul J. EwingMr. John H. FaberMr. and Mrs. Michael Faber


“My dad died of a heart attack at 52 and I had a heart attack at 38. MHIF is on the frontier and I am proud to partner with them. With the research they are doing, there is no limit to the amount of good that can be accomplished.”

Jon H. DeHaan


Fact: Thanks to our generous donors, the 2007 Dinner and Gala raised over $1 million for cardiovascular research and education.

Page 12: MHIF Annual Report 2007

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FairIsaac CorporationMs. Mary T. FajackMs. Bonnie J. FarbMrs. Suzanne FattahMr. and Mrs. Dean FaulksMrs. Luba FeinsteinMrs. Arlene FellowsMr. and Mrs. John FellowsMr. and Mrs. Jennings G. FeroeMs. Aldora M. FerrianMr. Jeremy J. FerrisDr. and Mrs. Robert FetzMr. and Mrs. Fred FeyMr. and Mrs. James A. FideldyMs. J. Marie FiegerMrs. Linda F. FieldmanMr. David FinkMr. and Mrs. James FinkMr. and Mrs. Kenneth FischerMs. Dolly J. FitermanMr. and Mrs. Steve FitermanMr. and Mrs. Donald F. FitzsimondsMr. and Mrs. George P. FlanneryMr. Dennis FlavinDr. and Mrs. Thomas FlavinMr. Thomas P. FlemingMr. and Mrs. Dale FloMr. and Mrs. Keith L. FlomAlbert G. Flor DDSMr. and Mrs. David FlorenMr. Joseph FlynnMr. and Mrs. Robert J. FordMr. and Mrs. Bradley A. ForrestMs. Vickie L. FosterMs. Ella FoulkrodMs. Paula L. FowkeMr. David FoxMr. and Mrs. Francis X. FraserMr. Harold C. FratzkeMr. Alan FreconMrs. Barbara E. FredricksonMr. Raymond A. FredricksonMr. and Mrs. John O. FrenchMr. and Mrs. Harlen R. FrickeMs. Mary B. FricksonMr. Jack E. FriedlineMr. and Mrs. Barry FritzMr. Jeffrey R. FritzMrs. Jennifer L. FritzMr. and Mrs. Urban FritzMrs. Jacqueline K. FullerMs. Brunilda H. FullertonMr. David E. FunkMr. Charles W. GaillardMr. Gene F. GainesMrs. Rebecca GalliganMr and Mrs. Frederick R. Gamble Jr.Mr. Donald GamboniMs. Robin J. GastMr. Russell R. GaulMr. and Mrs. Daniel GauthunMr. Robert J. GaylordMrs. Mary R. GelhornMr. and Mrs. John C. GeorgeMr. and Mrs. Tim Gephart

Mr. and Mrs. Mike GerendMs. Rosa GerrelsMr. Richard J. GiambroneMr. and Mrs. Ed GielGerilyn, Paul, Jr., Tom and Sarah GielMr. and Mrs. David L. GieseMr. and Mrs. Donald GieselmanMs. Hulda W. GilbertMs. Margaret GilbertMrs. Erin I. GilbertsonMr. Scott GilbertsonMr. Tad A. GilbertsonMrs. Loretta GilesMr. James D. GillundMr. and Mrs. Thomas GilsonMs. Elaine L. GingoldMr. and Mrs. William H. GjetsonMr. and Mrs. Jeffery C. GleasonMs. Verna A. GlessingMr. Joel H. GlotterMr. and Mrs. Ronald GloverGMAC ResCap Community RelationsMr. Thomas L. GodlewskiMr. and Mrs. Ronald C. GolbergMrs. Kaye GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Herbert R. GoldenbergMr. and Mrs. Arnold GoldmanMs. Wendy GoodchildMr. and Mrs. Robert GoodmanMr. and Mrs. Donald GornowichMs. Mary R. GouldMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. GradyMr. Chris GrahamMs. Phyllis A. GraikowskiMr. Melvin N. GranosGrant Thornton LLPMr. and Mrs. William F. GraperMr. and Mrs. Albert J. GrazziniMr. David L. GreenMr. Mark A. GreenawaltMr. and Mrs. Morton GreenbergMr. and Mrs. Paul GretenMr. and Mrs. Nathan GriverMr. and Mrs. Robert V. GroeMr. and Mrs. Henry GroenRandy GroffMr. and Mrs. Theodore R. GromekMr. and Mrs. Al GrossHerman and Judith GrossMrs. Laura M. GrossMr. and Mrs. Linden GrossMr. Charles GrossmanMr. John GrudnowskiMr. and Mrs. Edward G. GrundMs. Shari L. GuentherMr. Chris GuillemetteMr. Donald F. GumphreyMr. and Mrs. Richard A. GundersonMr. Peter HafizMr. and Mrs. Milo HagenMrs. Ardyce HaglundMs. Eleanora HahnMr. Richard HainsMr. and Mrs. Howard W. HallMr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Hallberg

Carolyn HallinMr. and Mrs. J. S. HallinMr. Robert HandMr. and Mrs. Donald HandahlMr. and Mrs. Brad L. HaneyMrs. Mary L. HankinsDr. and Mrs. James H. HannemanMr. Michael P. HannonMr. Stanley E. HannonMrs. Kristi M. HansenMr. Norley HansenMr. and Mrs Richard R. HansenMr. Wayne R. HansenMrs. Bernice A. HansonMs. Doris HansonMr. and Mrs. G. Calvin HansonMr. and Mrs. and Mrs. G. C. HansonMr. Howard B. HansonArlyce HarmsMrs. Julie M. HarmsMs. Myia L. HarrerMr. and Mrs. Murray P. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Kenneth HatchMr. and Mrs. Phil HatlieMr. Charles HauckMr. and Mrs. Donald J. HaugenMs. Ethel HaugenMr. Raymond HauglandLloyd and Barb HauriMr. Joseph F. HavelMr. Clay HaverkampMr. and Mrs. Wayne C. HawesMr. and Mrs. Jeff A. HawkinsMrs. Laura J. HawkinsonMr. Allen HayesMr. Dave HebertMr. Eugene HeckMr. and Mrs. Melvin HecktMs. Charlotte HedMr. John W. HedbergMrs. Rose Mary HednerMrs. Hedwig G. HeebMr. and Mrs. David HeegaardMr. David H. HeffronMr. Bruce T. HeidtkeMr. Earl HeldtMr. Osmond J. HellenMs. Desiree J. HellerMs. Verna A. HemmersbaughBitsy Henderson and Sid MalloryMr. and Mrs. John T. HendersonMs. Murlane D. HendersonMr. Harley N. HendricksonMr. and Mrs. Larry HennemanAnthony and Patti HenryMr. Brian HeppMr. and Mrs. Glen HerfurthMr. and Mrs. Larry D. HermanMr. Ed HerrMr. Elliot J. HersteinMr. and Mrs. Raymond E. HertausMrs. Kathryn L. HertensteinMr. Edward T. HesseMr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hessevick

Mrs. Jay M. Hester PayneMr. Thomas W. HewettMr. Cline HickokMr. David HicksMs. Elizabeth V. HicksMr. David HiivalaGeorge O. HilgermannMr. and Mrs. David HillMr. and Mrs. Glenn K. HillMs. Jane HillMrs. Vera HillstromMr. John HirschMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. HirschHistoric Plymouth BuildingHLB Tautges Redpath, Ltd.Ms. Thuy HoangMr. and Mrs. Leonard C. HoeftMr. Joseph HoehnPaul W. Hoffmann, MDMr. and Mrs. Harry J. HofmeisterMr. and Mrs. Bernard HofschulteMr. Mark S. HolasekMr. and Mrs. Wayne C. HollerMs. Cathy A. HolmanMr. William HolmbeckMr. and Mrs. Donald R. HolmgrenMr. and Mrs. Daniel HolmgrenMs. Hazel I. HoltMr. J.G. HoltzMr. Robert HolzMr. and Mrs. Johannes HoogenraadMrs. Ruth HopperstadMr. John HorschMr. and Mrs. Kenneth HorstMr. Andrew HorstmanMrs. Carolyn J. HosfordMr. Frederick J. HostoMr. Robert G. HougenMr. Richard HoustonMr. and Mrs. Robert HowardMs. Barbara M. HoweMr. and Mrs. Richard L. Howell Sr.Mr. Robert L. HowendoblerMr. and Mrs. Donald F. HowitzMr. and Mrs. David A. HuberMr. and Mrs. Louis J. HuberMrs. Louise H. HuffMr. Robert HuffmanMs. Jeanette HughesMs. Phyllis K. HullettMr. and Mrs. John C. HultMrs. Lucille HultgrenMr. and Mrs. Don HuntleyMrs. Anne HussianMr. Terry L. HutchinsonMrs. Colette IlliesINGIowa Heart CenterMr. and Mrs. Robert IrelandMs. Mindy IsaacsMs. Sandra A. IsaamanMs. Ann JacksonMr. James J. JacksonMr. Emil JacobsonMr. David E. Jaeger

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. JahnMr. and Mrs. Blair L. JennessMs. Mary JensenMr. Bruce JohnsonMrs. Doris F. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Duane E. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Duane V. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Gerald L. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Howard B. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Howell JohnsonMrs. Jean A. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Jerome JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Mark W. JohnsonMs. Marlene JohnsonMr. Orland R. JohnsonMr. Orvel E. JohnsonMrs. Paulette M. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Robert L. JohnsonMs. Shirley M. JohnsonMrs. Tara C. JohnsonMr. Craig D. JonsonMr. and Mrs. James JungMr. and Mrs. Jim JunkerMrs. Marjorie JurkovichMr. and Mrs. Todd JuttingK.C. Drywall, Inc.Mr. Vijay KadamMr. and Mrs. Steven A. KahnMr. James J. KalaherMs. Dorothy L. KalkhoffMr. Gerald T. KaplanMr. Albert KarelsMr. and Mrs. Ronald KargMrs. Paula KatzenmeyerMr. Edwin KauffmanMrs. Donna KavanaughMr. Donald J. KeenanMs. Karin KeitelMr. Richard G. KelleyMr. and Mrs. Stanley KerberMr. and Mrs. David KerkowMr. John GiffordMrs. Marilyn KetterMr. and Mrs. Fred E. KeupMr. Darryl W. KieserMrs. Marianne I. KilkerMr. and Mrs. Truman A. KingsleyMr. Donald KinterMr. Alan R. KircherMs. Laurel C. KirschbaumMr. Robert N. KischMr. and Mrs James W. KissingerMrs. Gracia L. KitelingerMr. and Mrs. Donald I. KjellmanMr. Richard C. KlaseusMs. Bernice L. KlaskMs. Deborah KlattMr. and Mrs. Edwin A. KlauseMrs. Anne E. KlawiterMrs. Jennifer KlevenMr. James KlobucharMrs. Ordell KlucasMr. and Mrs. David L. KnudtsonMr. and Mrs. Dennis KohlsMrs. Mary Kohn

Mr. and Mrs. William KolbMr. Jerome KollMs. Irina I. KolovaMr. John A. KoltesMs. Krisha J. KomarecMr. Owen G. KornkvenMr. Thomas KortschMr. and Mrs. Rodney KoserMs. Charlotte KoshiolJoe and Muriel KoskovichMr. and Mrs. John KosmanMr. Mauri E. KotilaMr. and Mrs. Duane KottkeMr. and Mrs. Paul J. KovarikMs. Ellen KozelMr. Karl J. KozumplikMr. and Mrs. Charles KraemerMr. and Mrs. Jeff KraftMrs. Lauri M. KraftMr. Bernie KramerMr. Dan KramerMr. Gerard W. KranzMr. and Mrs. Jake KrasnikMs. Barbara KrellMr. Richard E. KremerMs. Renee KringlenMr. David A. Kristal and

Ms. Cristiana GiordanoDr. and Mrs. Timothy KroshusMr. William J. KryzdaRev. Michael KudanovychMr. and Mrs. Yakov KudishevichMr. and Mrs. Reuben D. KvidtRita LaddMs. Violet C. LadwigMr. Amine LahmeurMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey LaingLakeville Lakeside Lions ClubMr. and Mrs. Lee LambrechtMrs. Katherine A. LammMs. Janice L. LamphierMr. Donald J. LandMr. and Mrs. Wesley LandsmanMr. William LaneMs. Cheryl LangeEdward and Lois LangerakMr. Robert D. LangfordMr. and Mrs. M. J. LapenskyLarkin, Hoffman, Daly & LindgrenMs. Ann M. LarsonMr. Charles LarsonMr. George LarsonMr. and Mrs. Gordon H. LarsonMr. and Mrs. James W. LarsonMr. and Mrs. Lee LarsonMr. and Mrs. Merle LarsonMr. and Mrs. Stanley J. LarsonMr. Thomas C. LarsonHeather and Gregory LassaleMr. and Mrs. Dan LastavichMr. Jaime W. LaughlinMr. and Mrs. Arthur LavintmanMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. LawrenceMrs. Nancy E. LaymanMrs. Thunguyet LeMr. and Mrs. James R. LeachMr. Kenneth W. LeafMs. Janis A. LeafgrenMr. James H. LecocqMs. Cathy J. LeeMrs. Hilda LeeMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. LeeDr. Walter LeeMr. and Mrs. Donald J. LeechMr. and Mrs. Gene Lenning

Mrs. Margaret H. LeppMrs. Judith J. LesakMs. Ann LeschisinMr. and Mrs. Bruce R. LesterMs. Rena M. LeveringtonMr. Albert LevinMr. and Mrs. Sheldon LevinMr. Jack R. LewisMr. and Mrs. Richard L. LewisMs. Patricia J. LibbyMr. and Mrs. Heiner LichtenbergerMrs. Jody C. LiddicoatMr. Ben LimanMr. and Mrs. Richard LinckMrs. Sheila M. LindMs. Clarice LindgrenMs. Michelle M. LindgrenMs. Mary LindnerMr. and Mrs. Martin F. LindquistMr. John G. LinnMr. Alan LinoffMrs. Jane LiskoMs. Emily LitellLen and Pamela LittleMr. and Mrs. Robert I. LittlefieldMr. Robert I. LittlefieldMs. Andrea LiuMrs. Beverly LocheMr. and Mrs. A.W. LocherMrs. Deborah LocketzMr. and Mrs. Lester J. LodewyckMr. Theodore P. LoescherMr. and Mrs. Douglas LofgrenLois B. and Jonathan S. Bishop

Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationMr. Donald LokenMr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. LongMr. and Mrs. Ellsworth LorentzenMr. Raymond LorenzMrs. Ruth A. LotsofMr. and Mrs. Robert J. LoughreaMrs. Rebecca A. LoweMrs. Hazel D. LueMr. and Mrs. David H. LundMs. Judith A. LundMrs. Phyllis LundMr. Richard T. LundMr. and Mrs. Terry R. LundebyMr. John M. LundstenMr. and Mrs. Peter LuporiMs. Barbara L. LykkenMr. John LynchMr. and Mrs. Richard LynchMr. Timothy J. LynchMs. Ruby L. LynkMr. John C. LyonMrs. Leslie G. MachoMr. and Mrs. Donald D. MackdanzMs. Aleta S. MaconDr. Robert F. MaddocksMr. Manuel MadeirosMrs. Surinder MadhokMr. Gerald F. MadisonMr. and Mrs Kenneth A. MadoleMr. and Mrs. Steve MadrinichMr. and Mrs. Joseph MaertensMr. and Mrs. Terrance J. MaglichMaguire AgencyMr. Gregory R. MaiersMr. Craig A. MakiMs. Corey B. MalechaMrs. Sharon L. MalloryMalta Township Combined FundMr. and Mrs. John D. ManeyMrs. Patricia K. Margarit

Mr. LeRoy C. MarinMr. Edward C. MarkgrafMr. Jay MarkstromMr. Jay D. MarkstromMr. Herbert MarthMs. Dorothy MartinMs. Pauline MartinsonMr. Ronald C. MawbyMs. Malini MaxeyMs. Monique M. MaxwellMr. Robert MaxwellMr. and Mrs. Randy A. MayerMr. and Mrs. Sevren D. MaynardDr. and Mrs. D.P. McCormickMs. Phyllis McCoyMr. and Mrs. M.E. McElrathMrs. Marjean C. McelrathMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. McGrathMr. Thomas M. McgrawMs. Tonjia M. McintoshMr. and Mrs. Bruce A. McIntyreMs. Jacqy A. MckayMs. Mary MckenzieMr. and Mrs. Omar E. McMillanMrs. Paula M. McmullenMr. Robert B. McwhiteMs. Georgia J. MeathMr. Dennis A. MedranoMr. and Mrs. Michael J. MeentsMr. Richard R. MeierMs. Charlotte A. MelinMs. Elizabeth MelquistMr. and Mrs. Bernard R. MelterMs. Della R. MeschuresMetro Assemblies, Inc.Mr. and Mrs Dennis C. Meyer

Mr. J. D. MeyerMr. Richard MeyerMr. Lyle Meyer WMr. James P. MichelsMidwest Medical InsuranceMr. and Mrs. Valdis MikelsonsMrs. Velta H. MikelsonsMr. Steven T. MilesMr. George D. MillardMr. and Mrs. Bernard H. MillerMrs. Bridget MillerMrs. Elin K. MillerMr. and Mrs. Henry W. MillerMr. and Mrs. James A. Miller Jr.Marcia MillerMrs. Mildred H. MillerMr. Raymond MillerSteven and Penny MillerMr. and Mrs. Willard MillerMr. Robert MillessMrs. Angela Mills

Ms. Bernadine M. MillsMrs. Rita M. MinarsMs. Frances MitshulisMr. and Mrs. Donald MobergMr. and Mrs. Winton E. ModinMr. and Mrs. Bill MoellerMr. William A. MoellerMr. Tom MogrenMs. Marilyn A. MohrMs. Ada G. MolineMr Lawrence R. MolsatherMr. and Mrs. Bruce R. MonickMr. and Mrs. Allen D. MonsonMr. Theodore A. MonsonMs. Rosemarie Montagna-GloverMr. and Mrs Dale B. MontgomeryJames MontgomeryMr. and Mrs. Donald MoonenDr. and Mrs. Michael MooneyMrs. Katherine Moore LilyMr. James A. MooresMr. Mark MooresMs. Alice K. MoormannMrs. Katheryne J. MoranMrs. Christy J. MoreyMr. John E. MorganMr. and Mrs. James J. MoriartyMr. and Mrs. Philip MorrowMr. and Mrs. Earl H. MosimanMr. and Mrs. Ryan MosleyDr. and Mrs. Donn G. MosserMrs. Janet MosserMr. James MossmanMrs. Yer MouaMr. John E. MracekMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mueller

Mr. and Mrs. Tom MukinaMr. Donald A. MullenbachDr. and Mrs. Robert W. MundtMr. Michael MunnsMurphy Insurance AgencyMary D. MurphyMr. Timothy S. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. MurrayMr. Stephen R. MurrayMr. Fred M. MuschenheimMr. Michael NagelMs. Myra NagelMr. and Mrs. Dennis P. NagleDr. and Mrs. V. G. NagobadsNashville Township Community ChestMr. Michael A. NehmzowMrs. Kathleen L. NeirbyMr. and Mrs. William NellisMr. and Mrs. Allan NelsonMr. and Mrs. Clyde R. NelsonMs. Diane L. Nelson

Mr. Donald A. NelsonMr. Greg NelsonMr. and Mrs. Herbert E. NelsonMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. NelsonMr. and Mrs. N. D. NelsonMr. and Mrs. Newell N. NelsonMr. and Mrs. Norman C. NelsonMr. Robert E. NelsonMr. and Mrs. William F. NelsonMrs. Elaine NerhaugenMr. and Mrs. A. L. NesteMr. and Mrs. Robert W. NettestadMs. Berniece A. NeubergerMs. Lorraine W. NeugerMr. Ellsworth E. NeumannMs. Kathryn M. NeversMs. Kathyrn NeversMs. Cynthia NewsomMs. Karen L. NewstromMs. Karen NewstromMr. Loc T. NguyenMrs. Ardelle F. NicoloffMr. and Mrs. Donald NieceMr. Robert H. NiederkornMr. and Mrs. William R. NiemiMr. Edmund NightingaleMrs. Barbara C. NillesMr. Richard C. NixMr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. NoelMr. and Mrs. Noah E. NohlMs. Marion G. NordMr. and Mrs. Michael NormanMr. James NorwickMs. Joan E. NounMr. and Mrs. Joseph NovakRichard A. Novak, PhD

Mrs. Irma NovotnyMs. Edith M. NowickiMs. Elysa L. NowlingMs. Patricia K. NuttMrs. Katarina NyindombiDr. Eugene O’BrienMr. Kevin O’BrienMrs. Nichole M. OconnellMrs. Dianne L. OdonnellMrs. Stella T. OelfkeMr. and Mrs. Michael OerterclarkMr. Kurt T. OkermanMs. Betty L. OlsonMs. Debra OlsonMr. and Mrs. Donald E. OlsonMr. and Mrs. Ernest L. OlsonMr. and Mrs. Howard OlsonMr. Jeffrey F. OlsonMr. and Mrs. Joseph L. OlsonMr. Kenneth M. OlsonMr. Lawrence E. Olson


Fact: At the TCT annual meeting, one of the top international cardiovascular conferences in the world, MHIF cell therapy protocols were presented live via telecast to over 4,000 cardiologists.

“Dr. Maron deals with HCM all day, every day. He is the best source of information on this condition and he is constantly asking new questions. I am glad I can support his research.”

Marque Ann Barton


Page 13: MHIF Annual Report 2007

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Mrs. Marjorie R. OlsonMrs. Marlys OlsonMrs. Norma C. OlsonMr. Ross A. OlsonMr. Chris OmdahlMr. and Mrs. Timothy M. O’NeilMs. Ann E. OppenheimerMs. Patricia S. OrcuttbakerDr. and Mrs. Quirino OrlandiMrs. Joan F. OrourkeMr. Stan OrrLula OsmanMr. and Mrs. Julius OstMs. Ann OsterhusMrs. Charlotte OswoodMr. Melvin OtteMs. Sabrina C. OtteMr. and Mrs. Jed OttesonMr. William B. OttingMr. and Mrs. Harold A. OttoMr. Charles B. OverbyMs. Doris OverbyMr. and Mrs. Timothy P. OwensMr. Harvey R. OzmunMr. and Mrs. Mark PalenMr. Kurt B. PalmerMrs. Judy M. PalmgrenMs. Janet S. PaperMr. Jeff ParellMrs. Mary R. ParkerMr. and Mrs. William ParpartMr. and Mrs. Arthur PaskeMrs. Kathryn L. PattersonMrs. Kathryn PattonMr. and Mrs. Derek PatzmanMichael PaulMs. Betty J. PaulsenMr. Richard J. PaulyMrs. Dorothy J. PawlcynMr. and Mrs. Roger PearsonMs. Marjorie M. PeckhamMr. Alvin L. PeetschMr. Bryant A. PeltierMr. and Mrs. Richard PeperMr. and Mrs. Richard H. PerreaultMs. Mary M. PerryMr. Daniel F. PerschauMs. Carla Z. PetersenMr. Keith D. PetersenMr. Arnold PetersonMr. Brett PetersonMrs. Carol M. PetersonMr. Donald PetersonMs. Doris J. PetersonMr. Edsel W. PetersonMr. James L. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. PetersonMr. Ralph J. PetersonRussell and Joyce PetersonMr. and Mrs. Russell L. PetersonMr. Thomas PetersonMr. Dale PetitMr. Ralph PettyjohnMrs. Patricia M. PfeiferPfizer Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramMr. Robert PicheMr. Lynn E. PierceAndrea and Jason PigheMs. Phyllis PilgramMr. Robert K. Pillsbury Jr.Pillsbury United CommunitiesMr. Joel R. PoeschlMr. Andrew PogolerStephen and Ceil PoindexterMr. William A. PolakMr. Donald PomplunMr. and Mrs. Alvin PorteMr. and Mrs. John PouchnikMr. Carl L. PowersMrs. Kristin M. PrajkaMr. and Mrs. Michael J. PrayMr. and Mrs. Joshua PremackMr. and Mrs. Lawrence PressnallMrs. Stacy N. PriceMr. Norman PriebeMr. and Mrs. David L. PrinPrivate Trading Group, LLCMr. and Mrs. Robert ProebstleMrs. Lois L. ProppMr. and Mrs. David C. ProsserMr. and Mrs. David C. ProsserMr. and Mrs. Charles O. ProvostMr. and Mrs. Carlton PyeMr. and Mrs. Ray J. QuastR&S Rappaport Family FoundationR. William and Mary Ann Reilly

FoundationMr. and Mrs. Thomas RademacherMs. Joann J. RamigMs. Maryann RampiMr. Charles RamsbacherMr. and Mrs. Gerald RamsdellMs. Delores L. RandbyMr. and Mrs. James RarickMr. Jay B. RasmussenMr. and Mrs. Walter B. RasulaMr. James ReamesMrs. Tamara G. ReckardMs. Leah ReevesMr. and Mrs. Larry ReidMr. and Mrs. Francis ReiffenbergerMs. Roberta ReillyMr. and Mrs. Steven ReinecciusMrs. Lorraine ReinekeMr. and Mrs. Jon M. ReiningerMr. and Mrs. Ervan RekowskiMr. and Mrs. Thomas Rempfer Jr.Mrs. Sara RemsbottomMs. Beth C. RenierMr. Steve RensenbrinkMr. and Mrs. Howard Rethemeier

Mr. Elton RhodaMr. Loren RichardsMr. and Mrs. Chester J. RichardsonMs. Lori J. RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Robert RinekMr. and Mrs. Henry R. RinesBoyd RingMr. and Mrs. Ward RingMs. Patricia S. RingerMs. Teresa M. RisteMs. Michele RiveraMr. Jim RobbinsMr. and Mrs. Ken RobertsMs. Janis RobinsMs. Marcia S. RobinsonMrs. Violet E. RocekMr. and Mrs Robert J. RockMs. Lavern RodMr. and Mrs. Clifford RohdeMr. David J. RolekMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. RomeMr. and Mrs. Thomas RootnessMr. and Mrs. Elmer RoseMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. RoseMr. Gary RosenbergMr. Justin L. RosenblattMs. Robyn M. RosenfieldRoseville Properties Management CompanyMr. and Ms. Paul A. RoskowitzMrs. Anita L. RossMr. and Mrs. Robert L. RossingMr. and Mrs. Richard RothMs. Ruby RothMrs. Margaret M. RoubinekMr. and Mrs. Roger L. RovickRoyal Pearl CompanyMr. and Mrs. Dudley M. RuchMs. Marian C. RudMr. and Mrs. Delbert R. RudolphMrs. Elizabeth R. RuedyMr. and Mrs. Wayne RuedyMr. and Mrs. Kurt RuefenachtMr. Allen D. RuehmannMrs. Gail F. RuhlandMs. Pearl E. RunyanMr. and Mrs. Thomas W. RutterMr. and Mrs. Jim RutzickMr. and Mrs. David RyerseMs. Marion M. RysMr. and Mrs. Clifford SabinMrs. Patricia Y. SaksaMs. Joan M. SaleckMr. Louis SallowayMr. and Mrs. Steven A. SallstromMr. and Mrs. Urban SalonekMr. John SammonMr. Charles W. SampsonMr. and Mrs. Ernest SandsMr. Karl SassenbergMrs. Mary A. SauerbreyMr. Edward G. SaumMs. Mary D. SauterMr. Thomas A. SavoieMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. SawvelMr. Nardi C. Saxon

Sayer Charitable Foundation / Mr. George W. Sayer III

Scanlan InternationalEileen and Ed SchaeferMs. Hilda SchafbuchMr. and Mrs. Daniel SchaitbergerMs. Fannie S. SchanfieldMr. Herb SchaperMr. and Ms. Jim SchellMs. Faye M. SchillingMrs. Janine G. SchimmelmanJudge and Mrs. J. W. SchindlerMs. Tracie D. SchirmerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. SchlasingerMs. Ruth SchlegelMr. Lloyd SchleicherMrs. Carolyn M. SchlenerMs. Jean SchlenkerMr. and Mrs. John SchleyMr. and Mrs. J.E. SchlinkMs. Beverley L. SchmidtMr. Bruce D. SchmidtMr. and Mrs. Elmer E. SchmidthuberMr. and Mrs. John SchmisekMr. James SchmuckMr. and Mrs. Louis SchnedlerMrs. Delma SchneewindMr. Kent SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Mahlon C. SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Arthur H. SchoenbornMr. Mark SchommerMrs. Jane SchosbergRev. and Mrs. Norman W. SchrammMr. Harold L. SchroederMr. Willis D. SchroederMs. Sandra SchuehleMr. Charles S. SchulerMr. John W. Schultz Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Lavere E. SchultzMr. and Mrs. Roman V. SchultzMr. Terrence L. SchultzMr. Jeffrey A. SchutzMr. Alvin M. SchwabMr. Ronald M. SchwalboskiMr. Charles R. SchwartzMr. and Mrs. Gary G. SchweckeMr. Denis L. SchweitzerMs. Lou ScoreMrs. Anne G. ScottMr. Daniel J. ScottScott International, LLCMr. Milan J. SedioMrs. Pamela SeenananMr. and Mrs. Abraham R. SeitelMrs. Julie S. SelbergMr. and Mrs William D. SelfridgeMr. Elliot SellnerMr. and Mrs. James SeltzMs. Ladonna A. SelzerMs. Alice R. SenechalMrs. Rebecca G. SenkyrMs. Muriel G. SennMr. Frank D. SerratoreMrs. Ingabritt SerticMr. Marshall L. Sether

Mr. Siri R. SethiMr. and Mrs. Doug SeylarMr. and Mrs. Stephen ShakmanMr. and Mrs. Bruce ShallesMs. Marion M. SheaMr. and Mrs. Jim ShegstadMs. Mildred J. ShermanMr. and Mrs. William B. ShermanMs. Barbara J. ShinMr. John E. ShogrenMr. and Mrs. Robert H. SiefertMrs. Phyllis SieveMr. Morton SilvermanMrs. Karen M. SilversteinMr. and Mrs. Nakhaya SimandyevMr. Ronald SimblistMrs. Kelly SimerBob & Linda SimmonsMrs. Marilyn A. SindelarMr. and Mrs. James L. SinetteMr. and Mrs. Robert A. SingerMr. and Mrs. Gene SipeMr. and Mrs. David SipprellMr. and Mrs. David SkeldonMrs. Carol J. SlaterMr. Michael SmallMr. and Mrs. Roy SmalleyMr. and Mrs. Alan SmileyMs. Shannon D. SmileyMr. William Y. Smiley Jr.Mr. Kenneth E. SmiraMs. Bernice S. SmithMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. SmithMs. Gloria M. SmithDr. Nadine W. Smith IdeMs. Jessica L. SmithMr. and Mrs. Leland SmithMr. and Mrs. Leslie O. SmithMs. Lorraine P. SmithMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. SmithMr. and Mrs. Emery N. SolbergMrs. Heather L. SolbergJerald SolbergMr. and Mrs. Raymond C. SollerMrs. Deloris M. SolsethMs. Malinda J. SomersMr. Russell SonsMr. L.S. SoremMr. and Mrs. Gordon D. SorensonMr. Arnold SoskinMr. and Mrs. John SpaljMr. Kenneth J. SpanglerMr. and Mrs. Dennis SpenceMr. Jack SpillaneDr. Maria Spinak and Dr. George SpinakMr. and Mrs. Gordon SprengerMs. Edna I. SprinkleMr. and Mrs. William B. SquireMr. and Mrs. Ronald C. SquiresSt. Johns’ ELCA WomenMs. Joan C. StanishaStanton GroupMr. Herbert B. SteadMs. Gloria SteahrRoger and Rachel Stearns

Mr. Clifton H. StedjeMr. and Mrs. Eugene SteinMr. Jolyon SteinMr. and Mrs. Robert E. SteinMrs. Eva SteinerMr. and Mrs. Lloyd StenbeckMrs. Jane SternbergMs. Esther M. SteuckMr. and Mrs. James E. StevensMr. and Mrs. Thomas StevensMrs. Margaret A. StoneMr. and Mrs. James D. StoneburgMs. Kathleen M. StraitonMr. and Mrs. Richard E. StrandMs. Rebecca M. StrangeMr. and Mrs. Harold C. StrobelMrs. Gladys StrommenMs. Kim M. StroutMr. and Mrs. James StueberMr. and Mrs. Gerald J. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Michael D. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Lee N. SundetMrs. Fikre Y. SundsethMrs. Nicole SundtMs. Bernice C. SutliffMr. and Mrs. Matthew A. SuttonMr. Sigvald SvendsenMr. and Mrs. Glen L. SwansonMr. and Mrs. H.R. SwansonMr. and Mrs. Loren E. SwansonMrs. F. J. SwartzendruberMr. Fred E. SwensonDr. and Mrs. James A. SwensonMr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. SwensonMr. and Mrs. Sarojini TallapragadaMs. Colleen TateMr. Bruce A. TatgeMr. and Mrs. Archie E. TaxdahlMing L. TchouMr. Harry S. TempleMr. Peter TennefosMr. Kenneth R. TennessenMs. Andrea M. TennisMr. Terry TermanMr. Marvin J. TheisMr. and Mrs. Henry B. ThiemanMs. Luella ThiessenMr. and Mrs. James F. ThoermerMrs. Nancy A. ThomMr. Donald C. ThomasMr. and Mrs. Robert F. ThomasMs. Kayla L. ThomassonMr. and Mrs. Edward J. ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Onan A. ThompsonMs. Phyllis M. ThompsonMr. Richard A. ThompsonRev. and Mrs. Tenner ThompsonMr. and Mrs. A. S. ThorpeMr. Laverne TibbettsMr. and Mrs. Juleen TillerMr. Ralph TillittTimco Construction, Inc.Ms. Marilyn J. TisserandMrs. LaDean TitusMs. Ann E. Tobin and Mr. David A. BoothMr. Lawrence E. TorellMrs. Mildred A. TosoMrs. Jennifer A. TourvilleMr. and Mrs. Tim TraffDr. Larry TraynorMr. Jack TrippMr. Thomas L. TrostMs. Mary K. TruemanMs. Ruby A. TudahlMr. Francis T. Tuma

Judy TurnerMr. and Mrs. F. Owen TurnlundMr. and Mrs. John P. TutewohlMr. and Mrs. Gedney TuttleMr. and Mrs. Tom TwissUBS FinancialMr. Francis O. UkoMs. Jean UldrychMr. Corey J. UlrichMr. and Mrs. Richard UlrichUnited CommunitiesUnited Way of Minneapolis AreaMr. and Mrs Todd UrnessMr. Manuel UrsiniUS BankMr. Stephen VajgrtMs. Sandra L. ValleyMs. Susan ValoMr. and Mrs. Dennis Van DoverMr. and Mrs. L. K. Van MeterMrs. Carol Van OrtMr. Robert VandendriesscheMr. Alden VanderpolMrs. Joyce VannMr. Gregory J. VaraMr. and Mrs. Edward F. VennewitzMr. Willard VetschMr. Roque VillarrealMr. and Mrs. Jorgen ViltoftMr. and Mrs. Stanley VipondDr. and Mrs. Peter A. VogtMrs. Joanne K. VoltzMr. Eli Von BankMr. and Mrs. Rodney Von OhlenMr. Keith B. WaatajaMr. Richard A. WacholtzMr. John WaetjenMr. and Mrs. David WagnerMr. and Mrs. Michael J. WaldenDr. and Mrs. Donald WaletzkoMs. Dorothy M. WaletzkoMs. Maggie WallnerMr. and Mrs. Loren W. WalterMr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. WalzMr. John T. WannerMr. and Mrs. James WanshuraMs. Dolores J. WardMr. and Mrs. Richard J. WarrenMr. and Mrs. Wayne WeathersMr. and Mrs. Allie J. WeberMr. and Mrs. Marshall WeberMr. David WeberMr. and Mrs. Eldon J. WeberMrs. Margaret A. WebingerMr. and Mrs. William B. WebsterMr. Charles C. WefelMr. Channing M. WeinerMs. Carol WeinzierlMr. and Mrs. Gerhard H. WeissMr. Verne E. WeissMr. and Mrs. and Mrs. William WeissMr. and Mrs. Howard WeisskopfDr. and Mrs. Barry WelgeMr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh Jr.Ms. Tricia L. WendorfMrs. Victoria WenksternMr. and Mrs. Eugene WenzelMrs. Audrey M. WerlingerMr. and Mrs. Jacob WertMr. and Mrs Meldon E. WesleyWest Union Township Combine CharitiesMr. and Mrs. Arden L. WesterlundMs. Violet WestmanMr. and Mrs. Knute WevleyMrs. Aryel Wheeler

Ms. Mary J. WheelerMr. Thomas R. WherleyMr. and Mrs. Robert B. WhitcombMr. and Mrs. James P. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Michael G. WhiteMs. Halene WhitfieldMr. and Mrs. Harold G. WhitfieldMrs. Leona WhitmerMrs. Stacy L. WicklundMr. Charles WiedlMr. and Mrs. Leo WienerMr. and Mrs. Ronald WifallMrs. Irene C. WikenMr. Marvin D. WikstrandMr. and Mrs Kurt L. WildMr. and Mrs. Frank WilkinsonMrs. Rita WillertMr. and Mrs. Paul D. WilletteMrs. Anne M. WilliamsMr. Daniel WilliamsMr. and Mrs. James A. WilliamsMs. Norma J. WilliamsMs. Phyllis L. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Charles F. WilsonMr. David G. WilsonMrs. Jolene M. WilsonMrs. Sara-Jane WilsonMr. and Mrs. Steve WilsonMs. Victoria P. WilsonMr. Warren E. WilsonMr. William E. WilsonMr. and Mrs. A. M. WinczewskiMr. and Mrs. Duane T. WindahlMr. Bruce WinslowMrs. Eleanor C. WinstonMr. and Mrs. Frederick WinstonMrs. Robinette L. WinterfeldtMs. Sarah M. WirthMs. Olga WiseMrs. Tammy WiskusDr. Osmund WisnessMr. Michael D. WitteMs. Shirley D. WolfeMs. Anita WolffMs. Ellen L. WolffMr. Steven WolnerMr. and Mrs. Lowell J. WolterWSB & AssociatesMr. Joseph H. WyersMs. Karen YaegerMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. YlitaloMr. and Mrs. Barry YocomYork United Fund DriveMr. Solomon YosiefMr. Kenneth R. YoungMr. and Mrs. Rodney A. YoungDr. and Mrs. James ZachmanMrs. Celesta A. ZachowMr. and Mrs. Monte L. ZehringerMs. Barbara J. ZgodavaMs. Irene ZiebarthMrs. Betty ZieglerMs. Lisa L. ZihlkeMr. and Mrs. Melvin ZimmermanMs. Rose M. ZobitzMr. Clement ZottaMr. and Mrs. Philip Zwieg

Memorials and Tribute Gifts Over $25January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Cedric Adams Mr. and Mrs. Kent R. Adams

Margaret Alverson Werlyne G. Keeler

Gordon Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Milton V. Anderson

Clyde Asbell Jeffrey S. Huxford

Mary Batzli Dr. and Mrs. George Hilgermann

Stanley Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meyer

Concietta Rose Bay Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maki

Glenn Bergstrom Gerilyn, Paul, Jr., Tom and Sarah Giel

Merlin Belland Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Alan J. Berg Mrs. Kathryn Hertenstein

Jim Berman Ms. Florence Hanson

Dr. Ronald Berry Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schwimmer

Herb Bissell Dr. and Mrs. Robert Van Tassel

Beatrice Blackwell Robert Blackwell

Florence Burns Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

James Canine, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gingold

Milton Chazin Mr. Harlan Blumenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brody, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmeisser, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Serber, Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Stein, Barb, Todd, Eli and Sam Striker

Alfie H. Clarke David E. Jaeger

Dol Lores Classen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Timgren

Earl L. Clemants Mr. and Mrs. Virgil E. Oltmans

Lena Cooperman Ms. Maria Spinak

Guy DeLambert Mavis and Rix DeLambert

Dr. Ken Dirlam Shauna, Carly & Philip Dirlam

Jeffrey Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harris

Candace F. Dow Ms. Barbara O. Dow

Scott Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Delores Edgar Mr. and Mrs. John D. Varco

John Emmer Dr. and Mrs. David Carlson, Michael O’Toole, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Phillips, Irvin Sanders

Millard Evak Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rieman

Darlene Eye Eugene Timgren

Deanna M. Faber Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faber

Rick Farnhorst Ms. Valeria E. Zirbres

Dr. James Finstad Ms. Sandra Lee McCollum

Dennis Floren Mr. and Mrs. David Floren

Kay Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeFore

Dorothy Gimmestad Gordon Olson

Bev Glass Mr. and Mrs. Delroy G. Bruss

Louis Grefe Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cowing

Floanne S. Hanson im Berman

Marilyn Hays Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski

Grant Hendricks Thelma Hendricks

Harvey Hopps Mr. and Mrs. James Nomeland

Lionell R. Iverson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hopps, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nomeland, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nomeland

Robert Katzmarek Mr. and Mrs. James Bias, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanson, Mrs. Nancy Katzmarek, Schmit Towing, Inc.

John F. Kircher Alan R. Kircher

Al Koch Ms. Dona M. Allshouse, Larry Norder and Family

Ted Larson Mr. and Mrs. David Mogck

Marian Laurel M.J. Laurel

Arthur Lehman Ms. Debra L. Lehman, Richard C. Swanstrom

Wilfrid Leitschuh Edward D. Orenstein

Joan Lindquist Mr. and Mrs. Bob Axberg

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Madison Gerald F. Madison

Dick Mahaffey Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Lillian Martyn Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, III

Dick Mahaffey Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Lillian Martyn Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, III

Ted Matsuyama Ms. Joan Carlson

John A. Mayer Ms. Ruth A. Kopnick and friends

Ruby Melcher Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Jeffrey Meling Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Bertness, Burnsville Volkswagen, Inc.

Memory of Loved Ones Ms. A.M. Hill

Lila Meshke Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fister

Harold Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCallum, Mrs. Irene M. Miller, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc.

Sherilyn Miller Eugene Timgren

Marlene Morse Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Swenson

Obert Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James Rieman

Florence Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly, Ms. Mary Seipp

Hildur Norell Norell Family


Fact: Dr. Robert Hauser was instrumental in creating a patient registry and research protocol following HCM patients with a recalled ICD lead implant.


Page 14: MHIF Annual Report 2007


Board of DirectorsPhil AnkenyRaymond Barton+

Ann BentdahlM. Nicholas Burke, MD, Vice ChairJeanne CarpenterBradley ChapinYale DolginowFrazier Eales, MDMarna FullertonTamarra GiertzKevin M. Harris, MD, Secretary+

Alan T. Hirsch, MDMorrison Hodges, MDElizabeth Howell, Treasurer+

David G. Hurrell, MDBenjamin Jaffray+

Randall K. Johnson, MD+

Thomas A. Keller, III+

Vibhu R. Kshettry, MDCasey M. Lawler, MDSid Mallory, Ex-OfficioRichard Meyer, Ex-OfficioStuart Nolan, Chair+

Octavio PortuColleen SargentJohn SeabergWilliam SpellFrank TonnemakerJames V. Toscano, PresidentEmily Anne TuttleRobert A. Van Tassel, MDSheldon Z. Wert, Past Chair

+Executive Committee

Development CommitteeAnn BentdahlBradley ChapinJerry Johnson, ChairElizabeth HowellRick LeggottArchie Smith

Education CommitteeJackie Boucher, MS, RD, CDESusan CahoonBeth Cairns, ANP, MACheryl DassonElizabeth Grey, MDTimothy D. Henry, MDAlan T. Hirsh, MDWilliam T. Katsiyannis, MDThomas A. Keller, IIIOctavio PortuColleen SargentScott W. Sharkey, MDNancy Sherwood, PhDSusan White, RDRaymond Yu, PhDEllie Zuehlke, MPHJay H. Traverse, MDYale Wang, MD

Governance CommitteeM. Nicholas Burke, MD, ChairFrazier Eales, MDKevin M. Harris, MDRobert G. Hauser, MDBen JaffrayOctavio Portu

Frank TonnemakerJames V. Toscano

Investment CommitteeAnn BentdahlElizabeth HowellBenjamin Jaffray, ChairStuart NolanJames V. ToscanoSheldon Z. Wert

Research CommitteeCharles C. Gornick, MDElizabeth Grey, MDKevin M. Harris, MDRobert G. Hauser, MD, ChairTimothy D. Henry, MDAlan T. Hirsch, MDMorrison Hodges, MDJohn R. Lesser, MDBarry J. Maron, MDMichael R. Mooney, MDWesley R. Pedersen, MDRobert S. Schwartz, MDScott W. Sharkey, MDJay H. Traverse, MD

Physician EducatorsAdrian K. AlmquistM. Nicholas BurkeIvan J. ChavezTimothy G. DirksJames FurdaKevin J. GrahamElizabeth Grey

Kevin M. HarrisRobert G. HauserTimothy D. HenryAlan T. HirschDavid G. HurrellRandall K. JohnsonWilliam T. KatsiyiannisThomas KnickelbineVibhu KshettryCasey M. LawlerKen LeeJohn R. LesserDavid LinTerrence F. LongeJames D. MadisonBarry J. MaronMichael R. MooneyWesley R. PedersenRobert S. SchwartzScott W. SharkeyPeter StokmanNorma L. ThiessenJay H. TraverseRobert A. Van Tassel

Physician ResearchersAdrian K. AlmquistM. Nicholas BurkeIvan J. ChavezCharles C. GornickKevin J. GrahamElizabeth GreyKevin M. HarrisRobert G. HauserTimothy D. Henry

Alan T. HirschDavid G. HurrellRandall K. JohnsonWilliam T. KatsiyiannisVibhu KshettryCasey M. LawlerKen LeeJohn R. LesserDaniel LipsJames D. MadisonBarry J. MaronDaniel P. MelbyMichael R. MooneyMaria-Teresa P. OlivariQuirino G. OrlandiWesley R. PedersenAnil K. PouloseRobert S. SchwartzScott W. SharkeyNorma L. ThiessenJay H. TraverseYale Wang

2007 Staff

Theresa Arndt, RNRhonda BeaneRichard BirkettCharlene Boisjolie, RNJackie Boucher, MS, RD, CDEDeanna BulthuisDavid Chose, RNJoseph Cosico, MA, CRA, CCRCAnna Mae CrottyGary CroweCheryl DassonPeg Demmer, RNDeborah DiskerudJackie DosmannAlison DummerJoAnne Goldman, RTTammy Haas, RNTeresa HansonKaren Harvey, RN

Timothy D. Henry, MDNatalie HicksMorrison Hodges, MDEmily JacobsKristen JohnsonBeth Jorgenson, RNMargaret KarppinenSam KirsteinJennifer KrechDean KruegerShari LarsenHolly MacDonald, RNBarry J. Maron, MDKaren S. Meyer, RNPatricia Mitchell, RNJill MorganAnne NelsonRachel Olson, RNSara Olson, RN

Gretchen Peichel, RNAlicia PhillipsVictoria Pink, RNMichael SchroederRobert S. Schwartz, MDWilliam SnowKathryn SowellDaniel Stennes-RognessCarol L. StoneBrenda ThompsonJames V. ToscanoDesiree TrebeschMary Beth UndemTeresa WalshDeborah WilderKari WilliamsBetsy Wilson, RNDenise Windenburg


Anne M. Olsen (Stockey) Susan and Roger Hart, John E. Longton, Louise F. Monahan, Mr. and Mrs. John Stockey

Bill Olson Ms. Del Peterson

Roy Orr Mr. and Mrs. Stan Orr

Don Otten Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Milfred Pauly Chaska Lion’s Club, Ms. Marcella Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Liebrenz, Mr. and Mrs. John Pelzman, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Schmidt

David Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Lenny Pelto Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Behm

Helen Peterson Stuart and Jacqueline Lindman

Marilyn Peterson Allene Edelstein, Mrs. Marjorie Forte, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Grund

Elaine Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Ralph Petter Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Mildred Lorraine Roberts George W. Roberts

Dick Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Tom DeFore

Norma Rueckert Ms. Donna Triebenbach

Patrick Ryan Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis

Sylvia Sandstrom Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Feldman

Robert Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Tony Swenson

Robert Schultz Chris Nimmer, Tom LaSalle & Associates

Leon Schwecke Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Schwecke

Shirley, Mother of Ann Orlaska Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Simblist

Fritz Sikorski Mr. and Mrs. Dan Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Awend, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Barland, Ms. Ilene C. Gasner, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hansen, Ms. Doris E. Hanson, Ms. Marlene L.Hoffenbrodel, Ms. Debra A. Hoffman, Mr. Donald E. Houck, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Jilek, Ms. Sheila M. Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Lochel, Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Oberg, Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Roesler, Mr. Wiley H. Sharp, Ms. Cheryl L. Shonkwiler, Mr. and Mrs. Devan Stoltenow, Ms. Doris Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. David O. Thiede, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wells

Marshall Sipkins Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shapiro

Nina Sjoberg Mr. and Mrs. Gene Philipps

Margaret Skarupa Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Ruth Springer Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harris

Dahlia Spivey Mr. and Mrs. David Storvick

Jean St. Mane Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thesenga

Henry Stein Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Strobel

Joan Stolz Dr. and Mrs. Robert Van Tassel

Don Stuber Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

Charles Sweatt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Jewett, C.B. Sweatt Foundation

Gordon Torkenson Mr. and Mrs. William M. Weinberger

Melvin Turner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearson

John Ubel Shirley Braun

Sylvia Uggla Mr. and Mrs. DeRoy Linnebur, Ms. Mildred Skurdalsvold

Judy Van Putten Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Knopf

Doris VanTassel Dr. and Mrs. Robert Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sprenger

Betty Weigel Roy Weigel

Lawrence Whitmore Ms. Antoinette Beyan, Ms. Sally G. Butler, Ms. Linda Gese

Elizabeth Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bensing

Shirley Youngbloom Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Timgren

William Yungner Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Timgren

James A. Zvorak Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harris

Honor and Tribute

Rolf Andreassen, M.D. Norma Neumann

Frank Berman Ingber Family

Joel Bloom Ms. Judy Bloom

Pam Brin Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shapiro

Durand Burns, M.D. Family of Hildur Norell

Steve Dahl & M.M. McGregor Ms. Hope Esparolini

Candace F. Dow Ms. Barbara O. Dow

Rick and Jeanne Engler Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tepper

Thomas Flavin, M.D. Frank E. Burst

Michael Flynn and Mary Golen Ms. Lillian Semrad

Drs. Kevin Graham, Robert Hauser and Lyle Joyce and Cardiac Nurses Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thrane

Phyllis Hastings Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mitchell

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Ms. Anne Sawyer Aitch

Gary Holmes Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Graham, Roy Smalley, Sheldon and Jean Wert, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Young

Ben Jaffray Eric Bergerson, Laura Thorpe

David and Donna Kerkow Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Olson

Jim and Barbara Lupient Jean and Sheldon Wert

Barry Maron, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tepper

John and Susan Morrison Mr. and Mrs. George Carisch

John Morrison Fellowship Mr. and Mrs. George Carisch, Mr. Charles Gaillard, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hauser, Barbara Forster and Larry Hendrickson, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rappaport, Mr. and Mrs. John Stielow, Mr. Michael Wright

Laura Owens Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Sundet

Karen and David Pedrinski Ms. Marjorie Mikesell, Mr. and Mrs.Myron Pedrinski

Max and Linda Rutman Jean and Sheldon Wert

Bob Ryan Mrs. B.L. Seal

Tim Sawyer Ms. Anne Sawyer-Aitch, Edward D. Sawyer

Sherry Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shapiro

Dr. Melvin Sigel Ms. Kaye Goldberg

Shelia Steiner Paul Steiner

Chuen Tang, M.D. Family of Hildur Norell

Robert Van Tassel, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Tom DeFore

2007 Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation

Aastrom BiosciencesAbbott LaboratoriesAGA MedicalAtritech, Inc.ATS Medical/3FBaxter HealthcareBeaumont HospitalBerlexBioheart, Inc.Boston Scientific CorporationBridgepoint Medical

Brigham and Women’s Hospital (TIMI)CardioDx, Inc.Cardium TherapeuticsCaritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical CenterConor Medsystems, Inc.Corautus Genetics, Inc.Cordis CorporationCrofessionals, LLCCryocath

CV TherapeuticsEvalve, Inc.GenzymeGuidantHarvard Clinical Research InstituteHennepin Faculty AssociatesIngenixMedicines CompanyMedtronicMyocor, Inc.Neuronxy, Inc.

Northwestern UniversityOmnicareOsiris TherapeuticsParexel, Inc.Partners HealthcarePhilips UltrasoundPPD DevelopmentQuintiles/InnovexRhode Island HospitalRoche DiagnosticsSanofi Aventis

St. Jude MedicalUnited BiosourceUniveristy Of MinnesotaUniveristy Of RochesterUniveristy Of ToledoUniversity Of WashingtonVia PharmaceuticalsViromedWyeth PharmaceuticalsYale University

Research Partners

Fact: MHIF had over 100 on-going clinical studies in 2007 investigating better methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Writing and Design: Vetta-ZeloPhotography: Heidi Ehalt

Page 15: MHIF Annual Report 2007

920 East 28th Street, Suite 100 • Minneapolis, MN 55407

(612) 863-3833 • www.mplsheartfoundation.org