Mi Zapravo Zivimo u Dva Sveta

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"Mi zapravo zivimo u dva sveta nevidljivom nultom univerzumu UZROKA, i vidljivom univerzumu EFEKTA. Osetili smo EFEKTE i verovali smo u stvarnost. Ali nikada nismo upoznali univerzum UZROKA. Vreme je da pocnemo da upoznajemo Bozji nevidljivi univerzum koji apsolutno kontrolise vidljivi univerzum. Covek nikada nece resiti zagonetku univerzuma sve dok potpuno ne spozna i razume nulti univerzum koji ne moze nikako videti ili cuti. Medjutim, on moze da ga spozna, i u toj spoznaji, on moze spoznati i Boga. On cak moze dokazati sveprisutnost Boga u svojoj laboratoriji.Niti ce covek ikada resiti zagonetku svog Sopstva identiteta, dok sam ne spozna da je on vecan kao sto je i Bog vecan. Kada covek zna da je on Um i da je njegovo telo Kreacija njegovog Uma, kao sto je telo univerzuma Kreacija Bozjeg Uma, on ce onda znati sta je savrsen mistik pre dve hiljade godina mislio kada je rekao: "Ja i Moj Otac smo JEDNO. Walter Russell, Atomic Suicide"Actually we live in two universes the invisible zero universe of CAUSE, and the visible universe of EFFECT. We have sensed the EFFECT and believed in its reality. We have never yet known the universe of CAUSE. It is time that we begin to know Gods invisible universe which is in absolute control of the visible universe. Man will never solve the riddle of the universe until he fully knows and comprehends the zero universe which he can in no way hear or see. He can know it, however, and in so knowing he can, likewise, know God. He can even prove the fact of the omnipresent God in his laboratory. Nor shall man ever solve the riddle of his own Self his own Identity, until he knows that he, himself, is as eternal as God is eternal. When man knows that he is Mind and that his body is his Mind-Creation, as the whole universal body is the Mind-Creation of God, he will then know what the consummate mystic of two thousand years ago meant when He said: I and My Father are ONE. Walter Russell, Atomic Suicide