Trailer analysis – Mission Impossible III Every trailer we see on the different types of mediums except TV, they always have to be approved by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) this tells us that this trailer can be viewed by all types of This particular shot is an establishing shot as well as being a dolly shot this shot basically sets the scene and the location of the film, which is based in city. The camera movement for this particular shot could also be a POV shot from a helicopter, as the These two particular which is an extreme long shot which fades into a full body shot. Both of these shots are the put together with a fade which indicates that something is mysterious about this man who we established is Ethan Hunt. The Mise-en-scene especially the man clothing is very suspicious as wearing black in the middle of the night, and being on the rooftop


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Trailer analysis – Mission Impossible III

Every trailer we see on the different types of mediums except TV, they always have to be approved by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) this tells us that this trailer can be viewed by all types of audiences. This only shows up on Internet based sites such as Youtube.

This particular shot is an establishing shot as well as being a dolly shot this shot basically sets the scene and the location of the film, which is based in city. The camera movement for this particular shot could also be a POV shot from a helicopter, as the camera movement looks like it is coming from a plane or helicopter. This particular shot fits in the genre of Spy/Action. These two particular which is an extreme long

shot which fades into a full body shot. Both of these shots are the put together with a fade which indicates that something is mysterious about this man who we established is Ethan Hunt. The Mise-en-scene especially the man clothing is very suspicious as wearing black in the middle of the night, and being on the rooftop could indicate that this particular man is going to do something. Also yet again his whole attire fits into Spy/Action genre

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This shot is a medium close up of the man on the roof; this basically introduces the audience to the main character of this film which is starring Tom Cruise who is a big profile actor.

This shot is very interesting, as it an extreme close up of someone (maybe the protagonist) eye, but its not just about the eye I am interested in it the red line that goes with it. Red can connote many different emotions, and moods such as red could mean love or passion, it could also symbolize horror or blood, but in this case as it’s a Spy/Action film I am going to associate red with danger. As most spy films are full of danger and excitement. The red line is also a laser which indicates that this man is very important to have his eye scanned into a machine. This immediately tells the audience that this is going to be a spy film as most spy films have advanced gadgets.

This next shot is a text on screen where they have confirmed the protagonist’s name which tells the audience that this is the name to remember. Text on screen makes it look like his name is part of a government database which fits in with the Spy/Action genre, as most spy films are connate to the government of some sort. The non-diegetic sound is used the voice says ‘Agent Confirmed’ this tells the audience that this man is an agent and he is very important.

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The next couple of scenes are important as these particular scenes introduces the supporting actors in ‘Mission Impossible 3’ I have noticed that the first two characters that are shown are more likely to be important through out the film for example ‘Phillip Seymour Hoffman’ and ‘Michelle Monaghan’ are important, as we find out that Phillip Seymour Hoffman is the villain and Michelle Monaghan is the damsel in distress. Most of the scenes with the supporting characters, the actors are shown through either a big close-up, Close-up, or medium shot, this is to ensure the audience is able to be familiar with these characters and these faces. The editing in these shot are fast paced with cuts which indicates that this film is full of action and drama it could also indicate danger. During these shot there is a non- diegetic sound which count down to zero this indicates that this movie is faced paced, and also something is going to happen, also the countdown could also symbolises a bomb which is about to go off.

The next couple of shots are carefully put together to make the audience want more, how is it done? When the countdown has reached to zero the editing put in place is a fade to black, and then goes on to the next scene is where the audience has establish that this man is the villain, the camerawork is a close-up which shows his emotions which is clearly nothing. The diegetic sound is used and the man says this ‘Then I am going to kill you in front of her’. Then another fade to black is there which is making the audience wait for the action to happen.

The next scene after the fade to black is where the audience has established that the woman is the damsel in distress, from what the last scene has showed. This particular is scene is very quiet and the only thing you can her is her speaking she says this ‘What are you not telling me’, this tells the audience that she doesn’t know about Ethan Hunts and what he does for a living. This indicates that she is in the dark.

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The next scene after the fade to black is very important as the scene before is not connected to the scene at all, but putting these two scene together gives the audience excitement, as the damsel in distress located the question to him, the next scene is where the camera an medium close-up he also has serious face and not saying anything, but in the non-diegetic sound adds affect to that and makes the audience suspicious of Ethan Hunt and asking questions to themselves as ‘Why cant her tell her he is an agent? And ‘What is he hiding from her?’ During this time the audience hasn’t seen any explosion or gun fire which also tells the audience to wait and keep them on their toes. The next scene after the fade to black is a

text on screen shot which is very important as this tells the audience when the film is coming out this summer. The formatting of the text especially the colours used. The colour red is often used in action films as they symbolises danger, love, passion and death which sums up the type of genre the film has attained. There is Non-diegetic sound used which sounds like a heart beat from a machine. This connotes that this film is action packed and full of danger.

This particular clip is very significant, why? Because the audience is waiting for the explosion and gunfire to happen. So this scene basically tells the audience that it’s going to happen. The diegetic sound that the protagonist character says is ‘Execute’ which means to carry out or to accomplish which instantly tells the audience that something big is going to happen.

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Then this is where the audience is finally going to get what they are looking for, which is the action such as explosions, car chases and so on. This camera angle is a long shot which show the intense of the explosion which gives the audience the thrill of the explosion. This is also where we hear the official theme song, from the soundtrack which is non-diegetic sound/

We also see the same explosion but in angle which is a dolly shot or a crane where the audience can see the car flip over and how high this particular explosion is and also the colour contrast between the water which is blue and the orange/ yellow and the explosion.

This particular shot is an extreme long shot with the camera movement of a tracking shot, this indicates that the protagonist is running away from something or trying to find something or someone. Then the tracking shot instantly turns into a fade and brings up the same scene but to a medium shot which shows that he is carrying a phone which implies that he is trying to reach someone.

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These particular shots are put in these sequences because it raises questions that the audience will think about such as ‘Why Ethan Hunt is in Thailand or in an exotic place? And ‘Why is Ethan Hunt running?’ However besides the fact that the is running the scene immediately cross cuts to the two shot where the guy is also on the phone which could imply from the last scene where Ethan Hunt is running that he could be possibly talking to this guy particular man who seems to be wearing suit which could be he is part of the government or some agent organization.

This shot is an overview shot (also known as a birds-eye-view shot) this basically emphasis how far the man is falling down, this also emphasise the danger the man Is in. This shot also shows how skilled the man is, this shows that he has done this before.

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This is also a low angle shot this shows how the scene is very dangerous and shows how strong the main character and is. This also makes the audience feel fear as they don’t know if he is going to makes it, and putting slow motion gives the audience tension and anticipation of what is yet to come.

This is an screen on text shot. This tells the audience what the film is called abbreviated, which is ‘Mission Impossible 3’.

This is also screen on text, this basically tells the audience that the film is a PG-13 therefore children over the age of 13 can watch the film only with their parents present. Also who the actors for this films and telling the audience that this film belongs to ‘Paramount Studios’.