MIA App 2.0 Publicity Estimated Advertising Value Equivalency $185,842.86 13,009 words / 35 = 371.68 column inches x $500 = $185,842.86 Week of May 5, 2016

MIA App 2.0 Publicity Estimated Advertising Value ... … · MIA App 2.0 Publicity Estimated Advertising Value Equivalency $185,842.86 13,009 words / 35 = 371.68 column inches x $500

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MIA App 2.0 PublicityEstimated Advertising Value Equivalency $185,842.86

13,009 words / 35 = 371.68 column inches x $500 = $185,842.86

Week of May 5, 2016

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Click here to view video: http://www.cnn.com/videos/living/2016/03/29/mias-new-app.cnn/video/playlists/most-popular-domestic/

MIA's New App

CNN’s Tomeka Jones shows us how to navigate through Miami International Airport using a new App.

Novo aplicativo do Aeroporto Internacional de Miami utiliza tecnologia de beaconsMonica Campi, 2016/03/18, 10:00

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A nova versão do aplicativo do Aeroporto Internacional de Miami traz agora tecnologia de geolocalização para simplificar as viagens dos usuários. A tecnologia do aplicativo móvel MIA Airport Official 2.0 leva o scanner do cartão de embarque e tecnologia de navegação bluedot diretamente ao dispositivo do usuário. Os passageiros do aeroporto viajarão de forma mais simples com a nova versão do aplicativo, que funciona como um assistente de viagem pessoal. Os mais de 500 dados beacon — aparelhos de proximidade que emitem informações, por meio da tecnologia bluetooth diretamente aos smartphones cadastrados — instalados no MIA permitem aos usuários escanear o cartão de embarque e receber uma estimativa do tempo de caminhada até o portão de embarque, ou os horários de voos em tempo real, sugestões de compras e lugares de alimentação mais próximos baseados no perfil do usuário. O MIA é um dos aeroportos pioneiros em utilizar esta tecnologia para oferecer aos usuários uma experiência de viagem personalizada. O MIA Aeroporto Oficial 2.0 está disponível gratuitamente para iPhone e Android. Os recursos do aplicativo requerem Bluetooth, serviços de localização e configurações de rede Wi-Fi para serem utilizados.

Aplicativo do Aeroporto de Miami facilita viagens ao destino

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on: 17, março de 2016

(Foto: divulgação) A tecnologia do aplicativo móvel MIA Airport Official 2.0 leva o scanner do cartão de embarque, tecnologia de navegação bluedot e muito mais ao alcance das mãos. Os passageiros do Aeroporto Internacional de Miami viajarão de forma mais simples e inteligente com a nova versão do aplicativo, que funciona como um assistente de viagem pessoal. Os mais de 500 dados beacon—aparelhos de proximidade que emitem informações, por meio da tecnologia bluetooth, diretamente aos smartphones cadastrados—instalados no MIA permitem aos usuários escanear o cartão de embarque e receber uma estimativa do tempo de caminhada até o portão de embarque, ou os horários de voos em tempo real, sugestões de compras e lugares de alimentação mais próximos baseados no perfil do usuário. O MIA é um dos aeroportos pioneiros em utilizar esta tecnologia para oferecer aos usuários uma experiência de viagem personalizada. O MIA Aeroporto Oficial 2.0 está disponível gratuitamente para iPhone e Android. Os recursos do aplicativo requerem Bluetooth, serviços de localização e configurações de rede Wi-Fi para serem utilizados. Para mais informações, visite www.miami-airport.com.

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E’ l’Internet delle Cose il futuro per 3,5 miliardi di viaggiatori

di Redazione Data Manager Online , 16 marzo 2016 Presentato il report “The Future is Connected” di SITA, specialista leader mondiale nella fornitura di servizi di comunicazione e di soluzioni IT per il trasporto aereo “Internet delle cose” o “IoT”: si disegna qui il viaggio del futuro, secondo quanto emerge dal report “The Future is Connected” presentato da SITA – Società Internazionale Telecomunicazioni Aeronautiche, lo specialista leader mondiale nella fornitura di servizi di comunicazione e di soluzioni IT per il trasporto aereo. Per compagnie aeree e aeroporti, “l’Internet delle Cose” significa gestire e far dialogare tutti gli “oggetti” reali e le infrastrutture virtuali che compongono l’ecosistema di un settore, il trasporto aereo, che ogni anno muove 3 miliardi e mezzo di passeggeri in tutto il mondo. Al centro della rivoluzione dell’Internet delle Cose è il “passeggero connesso”. L’83% viaggia infatti con uno smartphone, e l’IoT offre la possibilità di gestire e personalizzare il viaggio utilizzando il proprio device mobile, non solo a terra ma anche in volo. Secondo il report di SITA, Il 67% delle compagnie aeree ritengono che IoT stia già portando benefici e il 37% ha già allocato più risorse finanziarie per svilupparlo. Nel corso dei prossimi tre anni la maggior parte delle compagnie aeree e degli aeroporti sta pianificando investimenti in servizi mobile per i passeggeri e la maggior parte degli aeroporti finanzierà processi self-service. Secondo il Fast Travel Program di IATA (International Air Transport Association), entro il 2020 l’80% dei passeggeri del trasporto aereo gestiranno in modalità self-service le sei fasi del viaggio: check-in, etichettatura e imbarco bagagli, controllo documenti, imbarco automatizzato, rebooking dei voli e ritiro bagagli. Lo scorso anno la percentuale era del 29%, mentre l’obiettivo per il 2016 è del 40%. Nel report “The Future is Connected” SITA misura la prontezza di compagnie aeree e aeroporti a sviluppare queste tecnologie a ogni fase del viaggio e presenta una stima dei risultati che si otterranno entro il 2018 nel percorso per un viaggio sempre più “self-service”.

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Nigel Pickford, Director Market Insight, SITA, ha dichiarato: “L’industria del trasporto aereo ha già abbracciato la tecnologia self-service e ora si rivolge all’Internet delle Cose per offrire ai passeggeri un’esperienza più connessa. La metà delle compagnie aeree si aspetta di avere nei prossimi tre anni iniziative operative nell’ambito dell’Internet delle Cose; nel frattempo gli aeroporti lavorano alla realizzazione delle infrastrutture per supportare questa tecnologia. Insieme queste iniziative permetteranno un miglioramento delle operazioni e guideranno un cambiamento di passo nell’esperienza dei passeggeri”. “The Future is Connected” unisce i dati ottenuti da SITA tramite indagini condotte su scala globale a commenti e casi di studio in aeroporti e compagnie aeree che hanno avviato un percorso verso un viaggio totalmente connesso, come Changi Airport Group, Mumbai International Airport, Air New Zealand, Miami International Airport. Il report fa inoltre riferimento alle prospettive per il settore delineate da Airports Council International (ACI).

Bluvision provides for wayfinding in Miami International Airport By Gulli Arnason in Air and Travel · March 11, 2016 Bluvision has partnered with global IT provider SITA to equip Miami International Airport (MIA) with the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) hardware infrastructure required to facilitate wayfinding capabilities in the airport´s recently upgraded mobile app. The new localized app, MIA Airport Official 2.0, uses a network of over 550 Bluvision sensor beacons and Bluetooth-to-WiFi gateways (BluFis) installed throughout MIA. The sensor beacons and gateways identify the passenger´s precise location and use Blue-Dot beacon functionality to help them navigate through the airport. Bluvision´s beacons and BluFis are easy and quick to install, come with a low cost of ownership and are capable of delivering accuracy greater than one-meter. The combination of beacons and BluFis also allow for creating unique geofences so airports can recognize and greet repeat passengers and gain visibility into history of movement enabling predictive analysis and customized passenger experience.

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Bluvision Provides Hardware and BLE Infrastructure for Wayfinding in Miami International Airport FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 10, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Bluvision (www.bluvision.com), a complete IoT (Internet of Things) solution provider and the market leader in sensor beacons has partnered with global IT provider SITA to equip MiamiInternational Airport (MIA) with the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) hardware infrastructure required to facilitate wayfinding capabilities in the airport's recently upgraded mobile app. The new localized app, MIA Airport Official 2.0, uses a network of over 550 Bluvision sensor beacons and Bluetooth-to-WiFi gateways (BluFis) installed throughout MIA. The sensor beacons and gateways identify the passenger's precise location and use Blue-Dot beacon functionality to help them navigate through the airport. Bluvision's beacons and BluFis are easy and quick to install, come with a low cost of ownership and are capable of delivering accuracy greater than one-meter. The combination of beacons and BluFis also allow for creating unique geofences so airports can recognize and greet repeat passengers and gain visibility into history of movement enabling predictive analysis and customized passenger experience. "MIA Airport Official 2.0, our upgraded mobile app, is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever before," saidMaurice Jenkins, Information Systems and Telecommunications Director at MIA. "Thanks to Bluvision's sensor beacons and geo-fence technology, our mobile app built by SITA can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions." Ron Reed, Portfolio Director, SITA, said: "We chose to use Bluvision's beacon infrastructure at Miami International Airport because of the combination of accuracy, reliability and ease of installation. As we built this app for MIA we needed to incorporate accurate location readings to ensure that the information shared with passengers is relevant to where they are in the journey through the airport. Bluvision has met that demand and together we have delivered a truly location-aware app." Bluvision has been providing capabilities empowered by BLE and WiFi technology to help improve the passenger experience at airports around the world. Speaking of their recent involvement at MIA, Chance Fultz, VP of Business Development – Airports, Airlines & Transportation at Bluvision said, "Miami International Airport's decision to extend their infrastructure to the BLE layer represents a major milestone in North

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American airports. MIA has provided a clear path to improve the passenger's experience on their journey, and it is extremely satisfying that Bluvision is the IoT infrastructure on which this experience is built." To learn more about the use of beacon technology at airports, write to [email protected]

‘Internet of Things’ coming to airlines and airports worldwide Published on : Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Over the next three years passengers will be enjoying seamless self-service with airlines and at airports as the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) comes to travel. This is according to The Future is Connected, the latest industry report from SITA, the leading global IT provider to the air transport industry. Today, 83% of passengers carry a smartphone and this is now the unifying technology in transport that will provide a connected end-to-end experience. SITA’s report shows that smartphones are reshaping travel behavior and with growth rates of around 80% or more at the check-in and boarding pass stages it is clear passengers are keen to use their own technology. The groundwork by the air transport industry to establishing the infrastructure and processes that enable more seamless travel experiences is well under way and gathering further momentum. Over the next three years the vast majority of airlines and airports are planning to invest in mobile

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services for passengers and most airports will also be financing self-service processes. SITA’s analysis shows that during the same period the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Fast Travel Program will reach a critical threshold. IATA’s target is to achieve a self-service experience for 80% of global passengers by 2020. This covers six key stages in the journey: check-in, bags-ready-to-go, document scanning, self-boarding, flight rebooking and bag recovery. Last year the initiative reached 29% of passengers with the goal of 40% this year. In the report SITA presents a detailed analysis of the readiness of airlines and airports at each stage of the journey and the expectation of adoption by 2018 on the way to reach this vision. Nigel Pickford, Director Market Insight, SITA, said: “The air transport industry has already embraced self-service and now it is turning to the ‘Internet of Things’ to deliver a more connected experience to travelers. Half of airlines expect to have IoT initiatives up and running over the next three years meanwhile airports are building out the infrastructure to support IoT. Together these will deliver improved operations and will lead to a step change in the passenger experience.” The Future is Connected combines SITA’s global research with commentary and cases studies from airports and airlines that are moving to fully-connected travel. Those featured include Changi Airport Group, Mumbai International Airport, Air New Zealand, Miami International Airport, along with industry perspectives from Airports Council International (ACI).

Conoce la APP de ubicación del Aeropuerto de Miami por MiamiDiario / Agencias el 02/03/2016 a las 02:30 horas El Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami lanza una nueva aplicación móvil, MIA Airport Official 2.0, para que sus usuarios puedan recibir de manera detallada información sobre el terminal aéreo, como su puerta de embarque, horarios de vuelo y recolección de equipaje, así como puntos de venta y de alimentos, y hace sugerencias que clasifica por relevancia según su ubicación.

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La aplicación fue desarrollada por SITA y ofrece una interfaz fácil de usar y brinda actualizaciones, direcciones y tips personalizados para viajeros, basados en su ubicación y necesidades. La aplicación muestra mapas actualizados del interior del aeropuerto; cuenta con funcionalidades como la de ubicación con "punto azul", rotación de mapas, direcciones paso a paso, tiempo de caminata y "qué hay cerca de mí", que permiten a los pasajeros ubicar de manera veloz cualquier cosa dentro del aeropuerto. MIA Airport Official 2.0 es el ejemplo más reciente de la manera en que estamos impulsando las nuevas tecnologías para lograr que un viaje por nuestro aeropuerto sea más fácil que nunca. Nuestra aplicación móvil ya lo puede guiar con instrucciones personalizadas y amigables desde su hogar hasta la pista", explicó Emilio T. González, Director de Aviación de Miami-Dade. En tanto que Alex Covarrubias, Vicepresidente de SITA para Latinoamérica y el Caribe, dijo que "hay una multitud de aplicaciones de aeropuertos y viajes, pero en SITA tuvimos la iniciativa de desarrollar una que brinda una experiencia verdaderamente personal". La aplicación Mia Airport Official se puede usar en dispositivos móviles iOS o Android, y está disponible en Apple App Store y Google Play.


(Miaminews24).-Mia Airport Official 2.0 es el nombre de la aplicación móvil que lanza el aeropuerto internacional de Miami, para que sus usuarios reciban de manera detallada

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información acerca su puerta de embarque, horarios de vuelo y recolección de equipaje. La aplicación fue desarrollada por SITA, y será capaz de ofrecer actualizaciones, direcciones y tips personalizados para viajeros, basados en su ubicación y necesidades. Mia Airport Official 2.0 muestra mapas actualizados del interior del aeropuerto; cuenta con funcionalidades como la de ubicación con “punto azul”, rotación de mapas, direcciones paso a paso, tiempo de caminata y “qué hay cerca de mí”, que permiten a los pasajeros ubicar de manera veloz cualquier cosa dentro del aeropuerto. Miaminews24.

AEROPUERTO DE MIAMI ESTRENA APP DE UBICACIÓN DE SITA Escrito en Aeropuertos, SITA. 2 de marzo de 2016 El Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami lanzó su nueva aplicación móvil con la cual los usuarios pueden recibir información sobre el aeropuerto de manera detalla, como su puerta de embarque, horarios de vuelo y recolección de equipaje, así como puntos de venta y de alimentos, y hace sugerencias que clasifica por relevancia según su ubicación. Dicha aplicación, desarrollada por el proveedor de tecnología SITA, ofrece una interfaz fácil de usar y brinda actualizaciones, direcciones y tips personalizados para viajeros, basados en su ubicación y necesidades. La aplicación muestra mapas actualizados del interior del aeropuerto; cuenta con funcionalidades como la de ubicación con “punto azul”, rotación de mapas, direcciones paso a paso, tiempo de caminata y “qué hay cerca de mí”, que permiten a los pasajeros ubicar de manera veloz cualquier cosa dentro del aeropuerto. MIA Airport Official 2.0 es el ejemplo más reciente de la manera en que estamos impulsando las nuevas tecnologías para lograr que un viaje por nuestro aeropuerto sea más fácil que nunca.

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“Nuestra aplicación móvil ya lo puede guiar con instrucciones personalizadas y amigables desde su hogar hasta la pista”, explicó Emilio T. González, Director de Aviación de Miami-Dade International Airport.

Five cool technology leaps about to change aviation for good

By Maggie Hiufu Wong, CNN Updated 0301 GMT (1101 HKT) February 26, 2016

Singapore (CNN) Given the terrifyingly airline seat patents filed in recent years, the future of flying often looks bleak.

But last week's Singapore Airshow injects hope for an aviation world that we can actually look forward to.

The biggest airshow in Asia this year put emphasis on emerging technologies, with forums and a whole exhibition zone dedicated to the topic.

We asked the industry experts in attendance what we can look forward to over the next few years.

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More than 1,000 pieces of this plane is made by 3D printer. Airbus's development of the A350 struggled to keep pace with deadlines in its early days. To fix the problem, it turned to 3D printing. More than 1,000 parts of the A350 are now made by 3D printing -- more than on any other commercial aircraft. That's a trend that's going to keep on growing. "First it'll be the spare parts on an airplane that require replacement from time to time, like handles," says Ido Eylon, general manager of Stratasys in Southern Asia and Pacific. "It's already happening but on a smaller scale. We'll expect more interests from other sectors as well." In addition to non-critical plane parts, tools used in aviation manufacturing can also be printed. "By 3D printing, it significantly reduces the complexity to make some of the parts and save cost and time," says Eylon. It also saves weight. Parts created by 3D printing are 30-55% lighter and use 90% less raw materials than those made by traditional methods. Can we 3D print a whole plane? Still a wild dream at the moment, says Eylon.

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Now attention spans can be stretched in the air as well as at home. Seatback screen or tablet? "Both," says Giaime Porcu, media relations officer of for aviation technology firm Thales. "It's like when you're at home, you'll turn on the TV, at the same time work on your laptop and play with your smartphone." And Thales' new inflight entertainment system AVANT accommodates the habit. The gadget is controlled by an Avii, a smartphone-like remote with intuitive navigation, which will mainly be adopted in premium cabins. It acts as a second screen, allowing users to do things like browse the ratings of other movies while watching one on the main monitor. Personal smartphones can be synced with the system. Movies can be browsed and bookmarked ahead of boarding, while an unfinished movie can be saved and effortlessly picked up from the same place on the next flight, preserving every vital movie-watching second. Singapore Airlines has just signed up to the system and the carrier's new A350XWBs will be installed with AVANT in 2018. The deal also includes a new touch-screen system in economy class cabin -- the world's lightest seatback monitor -- and Ka-band -- currently the fastest inflight Internet. What Thales didn't bring to the show -- but warned us to watch out for -- was its eye-tracking technology. The next-gen inflight entertainment system is targeted at business or first class passengers whose seat monitors may not be at arm's length.

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Instead, monitors will be controlled by eye movements. As a passenger looks away -- say when the flight attendant comes to pour a glass of champagne, the screen will automatically stop the movie. It resumes when you the passenger sits back and stares at the screen again. We can expect to see the technology in five to seven years, according to Thales.

An all-in-one app for everything flying related. Turns out we've been carrying excess digital baggage. Developers are now working on adaptable apps that change according a user's location and need. "You don't want want 20 different airport apps on your phone, you want it to morph into a different app when you go to a different airport," says Ilya Gutlin, Asia Pacific president of aerospace information technology company SITA. Unlike most current airport apps based around static layout maps, the all-in-one version would use Bluetooth beacons to filter information before sending it to users at the right time. It could transform check-in processes and be used to track luggage. "If your baggage is lost, your app will be able to tell -- and you don't have to wait to find out at the baggage carousel," Gutlin adds. Miami International airport recently became the first to install beacons feeding data including walk-to-gate times, details of nearby food outlets and updates on baggage collection.

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Pilots trained by virtual reality headset The world is in dire need of more pilots, but one Singapore-based engineering company says it has a solution. Singapore Technologies Engineering used the airshow to debut a new virtual reality headset for pilot training. By wearing the goggles, students will be immersed in a virtual cockpit environment. They'll then be instructed step by step on aircraft operations, using a side stick controller or by motion sensors. The new technology can ease current constraints on space and mobility in training -- the theory is that pilots can be trained wherever there's a headset and a laptop, reducing the need for a full simulation room. It's also claimed that it will cut the cost of training as the system can easily be reconfigured to different plane models and requires fewer instructors.

New airport app for right information at the right time Published on : Tuesday, February 23, 2016

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Miami Airport launched its new mobile app, which is designed for passengers and all airport users. This is the first airport app in the USA to use the latest technologies, including Bluetooth beacons, to get the right information to the right people, when and where they need it. Developed by IT provider SITA, the app presents an easy-to-use interface and gives travelers personalized updates, directions and tips based on their location and needs. Described by the airport as “Your Personal Travel Assistant,” the MIA Airport Official app can be used on iOS and Android devices from anywhere in the world. When the user opens it, options are provided based on location, so a user in Miami will get a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York. As travelers make their way through the airport, the app provides information and support that is relevant to their individual journey, including updates on their gate, flight times and baggage collection, as well as nearby food and retail outlets, prioritizing suggestions based on their current location. The app beautifully presents the most accurate and up-to-date indoor maps. And with ‘blue-dot’ functionality, map rotation, turn-by-turn directions, ‘walk times’ and a ‘near me’ feature, they allow passengers to quickly locate virtually anything inside the airport. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,” said Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.” Matthys Serfontein, Vice President, Airport Solutions, SITA, said: “There are a multitude of airport and travel apps but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. We’ve incorporated the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA’s industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. “What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world’s most technologically advanced airport app.” Traditional airport apps do not know when you are flying or where you are, how you are getting to the airport or what you want to do once you arrive…they are passive. SITA’s Day of Travel Airport App is the smarter airport app. It recognizes the user and makes sense of the vast amounts of data that are available at the airport adding real-time business intelligence to create an outstanding user experience. It uses data delivered via SITA’s industry-leading APIs to present the user with a seamless experience on their device of choice. The MIA Airport Official app can be used on mobile devices running iOS or Android, and is available in the Apple App Store and in Google Play. Updates and new

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features will be made available over the coming months to further improve the day-of- travel experience in Miami. This app was designed to make use of the latest beacon technology based on the Common Use Beacon Registry standards. The registry was developed by SITA and is currently managed by the organization on behalf of the airlines and airports of the world.

SITA Technology Fuels New Miami Airport App By Benét J. Wilson February 19, 2016

Miami International Airport has partnered with air transport communications and information technology company SITA to launch a new mobile app for those traveling to and from the airport. The new app, designed foriOS and Android smartphones, offers an easy-to-use interface and gives travelers personalized updates, directions and tips based on their location and needs. Ron Reed, SITA’s director of product management, said “We’ve had a long-standing partnership with Miami Airport, providing common-use solutions and the passport kiosks there, so we have history.”

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The city of Miami is focused on being the technology hub for South Florida, and the airport shares that vision, said Reed. “The airport is the first and last place visitors see, so they want to be among the first to try out new technology. We’ve already deployed 500 beacons at Miami airport.”

Since then, SITA has been working with the industry to build the case for new technology, said Reed. “We were working with some airlines on this, but they were not progressing in beaconizing their apps,” said Reed. “We wanted to build out a use case on technology, so we built a demo app that was beacon-enabled. We showed this to Miami airport and they were impressed, so we started talking about the app and its technology,” stated Reed. This is a totally contextually aware app, said Reed. “Travel usually starts at home, the office or in a hotel. So we did research so that we could provide customers an app that covers the entire journey,” he explained. “Most apps are static. They provide information, but they don’t know where you are, so they can’t personalize it. We wanted to personalize it for customers going in and out of Miami.” One great feature of this app is that it knows where you are, said Reed. “The app is smart enough to know where you are and personalize your experience based on where you are. When you open the app from home, it asks if you’re going to Miami, then it gives you flight schedules at the airport,” he explained. “If you’re already in the city of Miami, it knows that you’re there and asks if you want driving directions to the airport or the rental car facility. It connects with the Waze, Apple Maps or Google Maps apps on your smartphone.”

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Image: Courtesy of Miami International Airport Upon arriving at Miami airport, the app starts with a personalized welcome message and asks how it can help, said Reed. “The Near Me feature allows you to find out what shops and restaurants are in walking distance. Once you choose a place, it guides you there using a blue dot with maps on your smartphone,” he said. “Once you’re headed in that direction, it provides dynamic walk times.” The app recognizes the user and makes sense of the vast amounts of data that are available at the airport, adding real-time business intelligence to create an outstanding user experience. It uses data delivered via SITA’s industry-leading APIs to present the user with a seamless experience on their device of choice. By downloading the app, travelers can get a better experience, said Reed. “It offers users better understanding of situational awareness and reduces stress and anxiety as you navigate the airport,” he said. “It’s a personal mobile assistant that you should never leave home without.” Cover image: Courtesy of Miami International Airport

New Miami Airport app uses beacons By Dan Booth Published: 19/02/2016

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Miami Airport (MIA) has launched its new mobile app, which is designed for passengers and all airport users. This is the first airport app in the US to use Bluetooth beacons to give travelers personalized updates, directions and tips based on their location and needs.

Developed by IT provider SITA, the app can be used on iOS and Android devices from anywhere in the world. Described by the airport as “Your Personal Travel Assistant,” the easy-to-use interface present a user in Miami with a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York.

As travelers make their way through the airport, the app provides information and support that is relevant to their individual journey, including updates on their gate, flight times and baggage collection, as well as nearby food and retail outlets. The app offers up-to-date indoor maps, ‘blue-dot’ functionality, map rotation, turn-by-turn directions, ‘walk times’ and a ‘near me’ features.

Mobile app hopes to cut wait times at US customsCurated by Alex ButlerFebruary 16, 2016 at 5:00 pm

Landing at your destination airport is a great feeling, but getting immediately stuck in a line-up for customs and immigration is not.

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A CBP app aims to help travellers get through customs. Image by William Hook / CC BY-SA 2.0 A new app from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is trying to manage growing volumes of travellers and get through customs faster. Mobile Passport Control is an authorised app from CPB that can be used on smartphones or tablets with iOS or Android. It allows US citizens and Canadians travelling to the US to use an automated process to head through primary inspection. Users can download the app, and then create a personal profile with their passport information. After landing, they create a ‘New Trip’ by filling out an electronic declaration form and uploading a selfie. The traveller submits their information through the app and is sent a QR code that is valid for four hours. They then bring their passport and mobile device with the QR code to be scanned by a CBP officer. It allows travellers to fill out their information while waiting and has the added benefit of allowing them to use a specific processing lane, hopefully getting through faster than those going through the old-fashioned way. However, anyone using the app will need data or Wi-Fi. According to CBP, this app is the first of its kind and was development by Airside Mobile and Airports Council International-North America. It can currently be used at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Miami International Airport, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and is now rolling out at airports around the country. CBP runs other programs to help travellers through administrative stops, but pre-approved systems like Global Entry, NEXUS and TSA PreCheck require applications from travellers and approval from CBP.

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MIA Launches New Mobile App BY CLAIRE COLE FEBRUARY 12, 2016 A 2.0 version of Miami International’s (MIA) mobile app is now available for download on iOS and Android devices. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,” says Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio González. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.” Developed by SITA, the app is meant for use by not only passengers, but all airport users. The app uses Bluetooth beacons, which can help travelers navigate the airport and deliver relevant information like updates on their gate, flight times, baggage collection and nearby food and retail. Plus, up-to-date indoor maps with turn-by-turn directions and walk times further guide passengers through MIA. “There are a multitude of airport and travel apps, but at SITA, we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience,” says Matthys Serfontein, vice president of airport solutions at SITA. “We’ve incorporated the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA’s industry [application program interfaces], to provide a context and location-aware experience.”

passengers personalised updates ۰۰:۴۹ تعاس ۱۳۹۴ نمهب ۲۳ هعمج : راشتنا خیرات 79531 :بلطم دک Aviatin news یربخ تياس : عجرم

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TIN news: Miami International Airport (MIA) has introduced its mobile app, which has been developed by IT provider SITA and is intended for passengers and all airport users. Claimed to be the first airport app in the US to use the latest technologies, including Bluetooth beacons, it provides information to people, when and where they need it. The app, called 'Your Personal Travel Assistant', offers an easy-to-use interface and provides travellers personalised updates, directions and tips based on their requirements and location. "What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful." The MIA Airport Official app can be used on iOS and Android devices from any destination across the world. When a user opens the app, they are provided with options based on location - this ensures that a user in Miami will find a different experience than someone opening the app in London, or New York. As passengers step into the airport, the app offers information and support necessary to their individual journey, including updates on their gate, flight times and baggage collection, and food and retail outlets. The app also presents accurate and up-to-date indoor maps. Due to 'blue-dot' functionality, map rotation, turn-by-turn directions, 'walk times' and a 'near me' feature, the app enables passengers to quickly locate anything inside the airport. Miami-Dade Aviation director Emilio T González said: "MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever. "Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalised, user-friendly instructions." SITA airport solutions vice president Matthys Serfontein said: "There are a multitude of airport and travel apps but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. "We've incorporated the latest technologies, including Miami's beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA's industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. "What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world's most technologically advanced airport app." SITA has designed this app by making use of the latest beacon technology based on the Common Use Beacon Registry standards.

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Last month, Menzies, a global supplier of passenger, ramp and cargo handling services, had signed a five-year deal with SITA to deploy the latter's ground handling management technology at close to 150 airports globally.

Airports: Uber at Newark, O’Hare gates, Atlanta pods, Miami appFebruary 13, 2016

In airport news, Uber drivers at Newark get an official warning; Chicago O’Hare will finally start to see new aircraft gates being built; and Miami International releases an updated smartphone app that uses geo-location to assist passengers.

With all of United’s transcontinental p.s. flights from the West Coast now flying into Newark instead of New York JFK, arriving passengers might just instinctively tap their Uber app for an airport pickup upon landing. But that could be a problem in a couple of weeks. According to local media in New Jersey, the chief prosecutor for the city of Newark has sent a letter to Uber headquarters setting a February 22 deadline for Uber’s drivers to stop picking up passengers at Newark Airport. If they don’t, they could have their vehicles towed by police and face “civil and criminal penalties,” the letter said. The same warning applied to Uber drivers working at Newark’s Penn Station. (Although Newark, LaGuardia and JFK airports are all operated by the New York/New Jersey Port Authority, the rules governing ground transportation are set separately by Newark for Newark Airport and New York City for LaGuardia and JFK. The two New York airports do permit Uber pickups if the driver is licensed by the city.) Last month, Newark’s licensed taxi drivers staged a big anti-Uber protest at the airport.

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Earlier this month, Chicago city officials announced plans for a huge infrastructure project at O’Hare Airport, including construction of a sixth runway, and some critics reiterated the complaints they made after the fifth runway was completed – namely, that building more runways to increase capacity isn’t going to do much good unless there are more places to park airplanes. But now the city is moving to start fixing the gate shortage, announcing a deal with American Airlines that will allow the carrier to build five new gates at O’Hare’s Terminal 3. The new gates, due to be finished by 2018, will be added to T3’s Concourse L. That will increase the total gate count for American at O’Hare’s Terminal 3 from 66 to 71. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, they represent the first significant construction of new gates at the airport since 1993.

It’s a new thing at Atlanta’s airport. Can you guess what it’s for? (Image: Mamava) Nursing mothers never have it easy when they travel, but Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is trying to give them a break. The airport has set up four “lactation pods” that mothers can use for nursing or breast milk pumping in privacy. The stations are located past the security checkpoints near Gates T-7, B-5, D-34 and F-5, and another one will soon be added pre-security in the airport’s Domestic Terminal. The pods, designed by a company called Mamava, can be locked form the inside and provide seating, a changing table, and an electrical outlet for pumps. Miami International Airport is going super high-tech with an upgraded version of its smartphone app, called MIA Airport Official 2.0. The airport has installed more than 500 Bluetooth data beacons so that app users can simply scan their boarding pass to get turn- by-turn directions to their departure gate or other locations, estimated walking times, real-time flight updates and shopping/dining suggestions, based on their personal profile. Users can also get weather information for anywhere in the world, and can use a “near me” feature that identifies the closest dining and shopping outlets. “Future enhancements will include notifications for special offers from the user’s preferred shops and restaurants at MIA, the ability to reserve parking, and estimated security checkpoint wait times,” a spokesman said. The app is available at the Google Play and Apple App stores. MIA has put up a Youtube video explaining the new app.

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MIA Mobile App Version 2.0 Uses GEO-Location Technology to Make Travel Easier February 12, 2016 Passengers at Miami International Airport can now travel easier and smarter with MIA Airport Official 2.0, the airport’s upgraded mobile app that is also your personalized travel assistant.

MIAMI-DADE AVIATION DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR EMILIO T. GONZÁLEZ. Thanks to more than 500 Bluetooth data beacons installed throughout MIA, users can now scan their boarding pass and immediately receive turn-by-turn, blue-dot navigation with estimated walk times, real-time flight updates, and shopping and dining suggestions nearby based on their customizable personal profile. MIA is one of only a handful of airports in the world to incorporate beacon technology with its mobile app to provide this cutting-edge, personalized travel experience. MIA turned Fat Tuesday into App Tuesday with a press conference and Mardi Gras-style celebration on February 9 to launch the new version. “Congratulations to the leadership team at MIA for not only continuing to set records in passenger growth and route expansion, but for also expanding its use of technology in proportion to that growth,” said Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez. “A world-class airport must integrate world-class technology into its customer service, and MIA is doing just that with version 2.0 of its mobile app.”

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MIA Airport Official 2.0’s location-aware technology provides options based on geography, so a user in Miami will get a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York. Passengers can also search the mobile app’s extensive database in English and Spanish for directions to whatever their travel needs are — with a single keyword. Whether its bagels or bathrooms, T-shirts or TSA checkpoints, MIA Airport Official 2.0 will find it and get you there. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,” said Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.”

Developed by SITA, the world’s leading specialist in air transport communications and IT solutions, MIA Airport Official 2.0 provides the following additional new features: • Scan your boarding pass or search for flights by destination, airline and flight

number; • Subscribe to flight notifications and receive updates for flight, gate and baggage

carousels changes, as well as an option to share your flight information; • Navigate airport maps with blue-dot beacon technology for detailed way-finding; • Powerful search engine with extensive database of amenities; • Visual directions with walk times to find your gate, restaurants and more; Location-

aware technology that pins your location and anticipates your needs; • Geo-fence technology that recognizes and welcomes you, whether you’re driving or

flying to MIA; • Customizable personal profile with the option to save your favorite shops and

restaurants; • Weather information in Miami and throughout the world; and, • “Near me” feature that provides the closest dining and shopping options. Matthys Serfontein, Vice President, Airport Solutions, SITA, said: “There are a multitude of airport and travel apps, but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. This is the first airport app in North America to incorporate all the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a

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selection of SITA’s industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world’s most technologically-advanced airport app.” Future enhancements will include notifications for special offers from the user’s preferred shops and restaurants at MIA, the ability to reserve parking, and estimated security checkpoint wait times. MIA Airport Official 2.0 is available for free at the iPhone and Google Play app stores. The app’s location-based features require Bluetooth, location services and Wi-Fi network settings to be turned on.


New MIA app provides travellers with personalised travel assistant By Future Travel Experience

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MIA Airport Official 2.0, available for both iOS and Android devices, features “blue-dot” wayfinding to help simplify airport navigation for passengers. Miami International Airport (MIA) has launched its new app, which has been designed to act as a personalised travel assistant for passengers flying from Miami. The app makes use of more than 500 Bluetooth beacons installed across the airport to provide a number of location-specific services. Among the most useful is the inclusion of “blue-dot” navigation. Passengers can scan their boarding pass to receive turn-by-turn directions to their departure gate with estimated walk times, real-time flight updates, and shopping and dining suggestions based on their customisable personal profile. The blue-dot wayfinding feature can also be used to navigate to various other points of interest across the airport. Passengers can also opt to subscribe to notifications for a specific flight, which proactively provides them with flight, gate and baggage carousel updates. In addition, they can opt in to receive special offers from their favourite airport shops and restaurants, and use the app to reserve parking and view estimated security checkpoint wait times. Commenting on the new app, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez said: “A world-class airport must integrate world-class technology into its customer service, and MIA is doing just that with version 2.0 of its mobile app. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever. Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalised, user-friendly instructions.” MIA worked closely with SITA on the development of the app and Matthys Serfontein, SITA’s Vice President, Airport Solutions, explained that the goal was to create an app

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that provides “a truly personal experience”. “We’ve incorporated the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA’s industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience,” he said. “What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful.”

February 11, 2016

SITA app takes Miami International Airport to new heights

Miami Airport launched its new mobile app, which is designed for passengers and all airport users. This is the first airport app in the USA to use the latest technologies, including Bluetooth beacons, to get the right information to the right people, when and where they need it. Developed by IT provider SITA, the app presents an easy-to-use interface and gives travelers personalized updates, directions and tips based on their location and needs. Described by the airport as “Your Personal Travel Assistant,” the MIA Airport Official app can be used on iOS and Android devices from anywhere in the world. When the user opens it, options are provided based on location, so a user in Miami will get a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York. As travelers make their way through the airport, the app provides information and support that is relevant to their individual journey, including updates on their gate, flight times and baggage collection, as well as nearby food and retail outlets, prioritizing suggestions based on their current location. The app beautifully presents the most accurate and up-to-date indoor maps. And with ‘blue-dot’ functionality, map rotation, turn-by-turn directions, ‘walk times’ and a ‘near me’ feature, they allow passengers to quickly locate virtually anything inside the airport. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,” said Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons,

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our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.” Matthys Serfontein, Vice President, Airport Solutions, SITA, said: “There are a multitude of airport and travel apps but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. We’ve incorporated the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA’s industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. “What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world’s most technologically advanced airport app.” Traditional airport apps do not know when you are flying or where you are, how you are getting to the airport or what you want to do once you arrive…they are passive. SITA’s Day of Travel Airport App is the smarter airport app. It recognizes the user and makes sense of the vast amounts of data that are available at the airport adding real-time business intelligence to create an outstanding user experience. It uses data delivered via SITA’s industry-leading APIs to present the user with a seamless experience on their device of choice. The MIA Airport Official app can be used on mobile devices running iOS or Android, and is available in the Apple App Store and in Google Play. Updates and new features will be made available over the coming months to further improve the day-of- travel experience in Miami. This app was designed to make use of the latest beacon technology based on the Common Use Beacon Registry standards. The registry was developed by SITA and is currently managed by the organization on behalf of the airlines and airports of the world.

MIA Mobile App Version 2.0 Uses Geo-Location Technology To Make Travel Easier Published on : Thursday, February 11, 2016

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Passengers at Miami International Airport can now travel easier and smarter with MIA Airport Official 2.0, the airport’s upgraded mobile app that is also your personalized travel assistant. Thanks to more than 500 Bluetooth data beacons installed throughout MIA, users can now scan their boarding pass and immediately receive turn-by-turn, blue-dot navigation with estimated walk times, real-time flight updates, and shopping and dining suggestions nearby based on their customizable personal profile. MIA is one of only a handful of airports in the world to incorporate beacon technology with its mobile app to provide this cutting-edge, personalized travel experience. MIA turned Fat Tuesday into App Tuesday with a press conference and Mardi Gras-style celebration on February 9 to launch the new version. “Congratulations to the leadership team at MIA for not only continuing to set records in passenger growth and route expansion, but for also expanding its use of technology in proportion to that growth,” said Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez. “A world-class airport must integrate world-class technology into its customer service, and MIA is doing just that with version 2.0 of its mobile app.” MIA Airport Official 2.0’s location-aware technology provides options based on geography, so a user in Miami will get a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York. Passengers can also search the mobile app’s extensive database in English and Spanish for directions to whatever their travel needs are – with a single keyword. Whether its bagels or bathrooms, T-shirts or TSA checkpoints, MIA Airport Official 2.0 will find it and get you there. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,” said Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.”

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Developed by SITA, the world’s leading specialist in air transport communications and IT solutions, MIA Airport Official 2.0 provides the following additional new features: •Scan your boarding pass or search for flights by destination, airline and flight number; •Subscribe to flight notifications and receive updates for flight, gate and baggage carousels changes, as well as an option to share your flight information; •Navigate airport maps with blue-dot beacon technology for detailed way-finding; •Powerful search engine with extensive database of amenities; •Visual directions with walk times to find your gate, restaurants and more; Location-aware technology that pins your location and anticipates your needs; •Geo-fence technology that recognizes and welcomes you, whether you’re driving or flying to MIA; •Customizable personal profile with the option to save your favorite shops and restaurants; •Weather information in Miami and throughout the world; and, •“Near me” feature that provides the closest dining and shopping options. Matthys Serfontein, Vice President, Airport Solutions, SITA, said: “There are a multitude of airport and travel apps, but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. This is the first airport app in North America to incorporate all the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA’s industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world’s most technologically-advanced airport app.” Future enhancements will include notifications for special offers from the user’s preferred shops and restaurants at MIA, the ability to reserve parking, and estimated security checkpoint wait times. MIA Airport Official 2.0 is available for free at the iPhone and Google Play app stores. The app’s location-based features require Bluetooth, location services and Wi-Fi network settings to be turned on.

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MIAMI USES BLUETOOTH BEACONS FOR APP posted February 11, 2016 / No Comments Miami Airport has launched a new mobile app, which is first in the US to use the Bluetooth beacons. Developed by IT provider SITA the app presents an easy-to-use interface and gives travelers personalised updates, directions and tips based on their location and needs.

Described by the airport as “Your Personal Travel Assistant,” the MIA Airport Official app can be used on iOS and Android devices from anywhere in the world. When the user opens it, options are provided based on location, so a user in Miami will get a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York. As travelers make their way through the airport, the app provides information and support that is relevant to their individual journey, including updates on their gate, flight times and baggage collection, as well as nearby food and retail outlets, prioritizing suggestions based on their current location. The app beautifully presents the most accurate and up-to-date indoor maps. And with ‘blue-dot’ functionality, map rotation, turn-by-turn directions, ‘walk times’ and a ‘near me’ feature, they allow passengers to quickly locate virtually anything inside the airport. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,” said Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.” Traditional airport apps do not know when you are flying or where you are, how you are getting to the airport or what you want to do once you arrive…they are passive. SITA’s

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system recognises the user and makes sense of the vast amounts of data that are available at the airport adding real-time business intelligence. This app was designed to make use of the latest beacon technology based on Common Use Beacon Registry standards. The registry was developed by SITA and is currently managed by the organisation on behalf of the airlines and airports of the world.

SITA app takes Miami International Airport to new heights Published on : Thursday, February 11, 2016

Miami Airport launched its new mobile app, which is designed for passengers and all airport users. This is the first airport app in the USA to use the latest technologies, including Bluetooth beacons, to get the right information to the right people, when and where they need it. Developed by IT provider SITA, the app presents an easy-to-use interface and gives travelers personalized updates, directions and tips based on their location and needs. Described by the airport as “Your Personal Travel Assistant,” the MIA Airport Official app can be used on iOS and Android devices from anywhere in the world. When the user opens it, options are provided based on location, so a user in Miami will get a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York. As travelers make their way through the airport, the app provides information and support that is relevant to their individual journey, including updates on their gate, flight times and baggage collection, as well as nearby food and retail outlets, prioritizing suggestions based on their current location. The app beautifully presents the most accurate and up-to-date indoor maps. And with ‘blue-dot’ functionality, map rotation, turn-by-turn

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directions, ‘walk times’ and a ‘near me’ feature, they allow passengers to quickly locate virtually anything inside the airport. “MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,” said Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.” Matthys Serfontein, Vice President, Airport Solutions, SITA, said: “There are a multitude of airport and travel apps but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. We’ve incorporated the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA’s industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. “What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world’s most technologically advanced airport app.” Traditional airport apps do not know when you are flying or where you are, how you are getting to the airport or what you want to do once you arrive…they are passive. SITA’s Day of Travel Airport App is the smarter airport app. It recognizes the user and makes sense of the vast amounts of data that are available at the airport adding real-time business intelligence to create an outstanding user experience. It uses data delivered via SITA’s industry-leading APIs to present the user with a seamless experience on their device of choice. The MIA Airport Official app can be used on mobile devices running iOS or Android, and is available in the Apple App Store and in Google Play. Updates and new features will be made available over the coming months to further improve the day-of- travel experience in Miami. This app was designed to make use of the latest beacon technology based on the Common Use Beacon Registry standards. The registry was developed by SITA and is currently managed by the organization on behalf of the airlines and airports of the world.

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Miami International Airport launches app to provide passengers personalised updates 11 February 2016

Miami International Airport (MIA) has introduced its mobile app, which has been developed by IT provider SITA and is intended for passengers and all airport users. Claimed to be the first airport app in the US to use the latest technologies, including Bluetooth beacons, it provides information to people, when and where they need it. The app, called 'Your Personal Travel Assistant', offers an easy-to-use interface and provides travellers personalised updates, directions and tips based on their requirements and location. "What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful." The MIA Airport Official app can be used on iOS and Android devices from any destination across the world. When a user opens the app, they are provided with options based on location - this ensures that a user in Miami will find a different experience than someone opening the app in London, or New York. As passengers step into the airport, the app offers information and support necessary to their individual journey, including updates on their gate, flight times and baggage collection, and food and retail outlets. The app also presents accurate and up-to-date indoor maps. Due to 'blue-dot' functionality, map rotation, turn-by-turn directions, 'walk times' and a 'near me' feature, the app enables passengers to quickly locate anything inside the airport. Miami-Dade Aviation director Emilio T González said: "MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever. "Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalised, user-friendly instructions." SITA airport solutions vice president Matthys Serfontein said: "There are a multitude of

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airport and travel apps but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. "We've incorporated the latest technologies, including Miami's beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA's industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. "What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world's most technologically advanced airport app." SITA has designed this app by making use of the latest beacon technology based on the Common Use Beacon Registry standards. Last month, Menzies, a global supplier of passenger, ramp and cargo handling services, had signed a five-year deal with SITA to deploy the latter's ground handling management technology at close to 150 airports globally.

MIA MOBILE APP VERSION 2.0 USES GEO-LOCATION TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE TRAVEL EASIER distributed by noodls on 02/09/2016 18:34 Passengers at Miami International Airport can now travel easier and smarter with MIA Airport Official 2.0, the airport's upgraded mobile app that is also your personalized travel assistant. Thanks to more than 500 Bluetooth data beacons installed throughout MIA, users can now scan their boarding pass and immediately receive turn-by-turn, blue-dot navigation with estimated walk times, real-time flight updates, and shopping and dining suggestions nearby based on their customizable personal profile. MIA is one of only a handful of airports in the world to incorporate beacon technology with its mobile app to provide this cutting-edge, personalized travel experience. MIA turned Fat Tuesday into App Tuesday with a press conference and Mardi Gras-style celebration on February 9 to launch the new version. Miami-Dade Aviation Department Director Emilio T. González, MIA Airport Official 2.0 and Mardis Gras-style parade. Hi-res images available upon request. 'Congratulations to the leadership team at MIA for not only continuing to set records in passenger growth and route expansion, but for also expanding its use of technology in proportion to that growth,' said Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez. 'A world-

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class airport must integrate world-class technology into its customer service, and MIA is doing just that with version 2.0 of its mobile app.' MIA Airport Official 2.0's location-aware technology provides options based on geography, so a user in Miami will get a different experience than someone opening it in London, Bogotá or New York. Passengers can also search the mobile app's extensive database in English and Spanish for directions to whatever their travel needs are - with a single keyword. Whether its bagels or bathrooms, T-shirts or TSA checkpoints, MIA Airport Official 2.0 will find it and get you there. 'MIA Airport Official 2.0 is the latest example of how we are leveraging new technology to make travel through our airport easier than ever,' said Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González. 'Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalized, user-friendly instructions.' Developed by SITA, the world's leading specialist in air transport communications and IT solutions, MIA Airport Official 2.0 provides the following additional new features: •Scan your boarding pass or search for flights by destination, airline and flight number; •Subscribe to flight notifications and receive updates for flight, gate and baggage carousels changes, as well as an option to share your flight information; •Navigate airport maps with blue-dot beacon technology for detailed way-finding; •Powerful search engine with extensive database of amenities; •Visual directions with walk times to find your gate, restaurants and more; Location-aware technology that pins your location and anticipates your needs; •Geo-fence technology that recognizes and welcomes you, whether you're driving or flying to MIA; •Customizable personal profile with the option to save your favorite shops and restaurants; •Weather information in Miami and throughout the world; and, •'Near me' feature that provides the closest dining and shopping options. Matthys Serfontein, Vice President, Airport Solutions, SITA, said: 'There are a multitude of airport and travel apps, but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. This is the first airport app in North America to incorporate all the latest technologies, including Miami's beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA's industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. What this means is that anyone who uses Miami International Airport will find this app incredibly useful. We have drawn on our decades of experience with airlines and airports and worked very closely with the team in Miami to deliver the world's most technologically-advanced airport app.' Future enhancements will include notifications for special offers from the user's preferred shops and restaurants at MIA, the ability to reserve parking, and estimated security checkpoint wait times. MIA Airport Official 2.0 is available for free at the iPhone and Google Play app stores.

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The app's location-based features require Bluetooth, location services and Wi-Fi network settings to be turned on.

Aeropuerto de Miami mejora su “app” con una nueva versiónAdemás de información sobre vuelos, estacionamiento y servicio bilingüe inglés y español, la herramienta virtual mejorada cuenta con un localizador de restaurantes y tiendas en la terminal aérea

TRANSPORTE | 09 de Febrero de 2016

MIA figura entre los aeropuertos más importantes de Estados Undios. (J.HDEZ.)

MIAMI.-JESÚS HERNÁ[email protected]@hesushdez

La aplicación móvil de Miami International Airport (MIA) tiene nueva cara y más opciones para aprovechar los servicios del aeropuerto miamense al máximo.

Además de información sobre vuelos, estacionamiento y servicio bilingüe inglés y español, la herramienta virtual mejorada, disponible en iTunes App Store y Google Play, cuenta con la localización en tiempo real de los aviones en vuelo yuna especie de localizador que informa sobre los restaurantes y tiendas disponiblesalrededor del punto exacto donde el viajero o visitante se encuentra dentro de laterminal.

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“Cuando estrenamos la primera aplicación hace apenas un año, sabíamos de antemano que tendríamos que actualizarla pronto”, comentó el director de la aviación en Miami-Dade, Emilio T. González, en franca referencia al constante desarrollo de los programas digitales. De hecho, el pasajero o visitante estará conectado a una red de 500 transmisores, instalados en la terminal aérea, que localiza posiciones y difunde información de último minuto. “Si llamamos a la primera versión 1.0, ésta es 3.0”, señaló González, al indicar que MIA ‘saltó’ la secuencia 2.0 al presentar cambios de última generación en esta nueva entrega. También resalta información detallada sobre los servicios de transporte, incluyendo acceso a los horarios de MetroRail, autobuses y MIA Mover que conecta la terminal con el metro. Consulte el portal Miami-airport.com para más información.

MIA to add shopping promotions to new app By Kevin Rozario | Tuesday, 9 February 2016 20:09 As exclusively previewed last week by TRBusiness, Miami International Airport’s upgraded mobile app, MIA Airport Official 2.0, launched today – with the promise that future enhancements will include notifications for special offers from shops and restaurants, the ability to reserve parking, and to check estimated security wait times.

The app acts as a personalised travel assistant and, with the help of more than 500 Bluetooth data beacons at MIA, users can access a number of useful features including searches – in

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English and Spanish – for retail products and brands and directions to get you to them. A powerful search engine has an extensive database of MIA’s amenities with visual directions and walk times to find the correct gate, shop or restaurant for example. “Thanks to the installation of data beacons, our mobile app can now guide you from your driveway to the runway with personalised, user-friendly instructions,” claims Miami-Dade Aviation Director Emilio T. González (pictured above).

‘WORLD’S MOST TECHNOLOGICALLY-ADVANCED AIRPORT APP’ The app was developed by SITA, a specialist in air transport communications and IT solutions. Matthys Serfontein, Vice President, Airport Solutions at SITA, says: “There are a multitude of airport and travel apps, but at SITA we have taken the initiative to develop one that provides a truly personal experience. “This is the first airport app in North America to incorporate all the latest technologies, including Miami’s beacon infrastructure and a selection of SITA’s industry APIs, to provide a context and location-aware experience. We have delivered the world’s most technologically-advanced airport app.”

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Click here to view video: http://www.local10.com/news/miami-international-airport-launches-upgraded-mobile-app

Miami International Airport launches upgraded mobile app Find flight times, order food through MIA Airport Official 2.0 app By Ben Kennedy - Reporter Posted: 1:13 PM, February 09, 2016Updated: 1:34 PM, February 09, 2016

MIAMI - Miami International Airport has launched its upgraded mobile app that will help make your travel experience easier. The app could change the way you fly out of Miami and it is free. With the app, there is no need to look at the big board as everything you need to know will be on your phone. Local 10 News got a tour of the terminal Tuesday to see how the mobile app works. Airport officials said 500 Bluetooth data beacons are installed throughout the airport, which will activate when you scan your boarding pass. The app will work like a personalized travel assistant and give you walk times, flight updates and even suggest nearby shopping and dining based on your profile. "We need to give our folks an opportunity to navigate through here in a seamless way," Emilio Gonzalez with the Miami-Dade Aviation Department said. "It will move people through here faster and efficiently." "I did almost miss a stop on the monorail because it wasn't quite clear where I was supposed to go," Alex Shepetovsky, who was traveling to Montreal, said. "The app would be a great addition." The MIA Airport Official 2.0 app is already being updated, and it will soon let you reserve a parking spot, and even order food and have it delivered to your terminal. The upgraded app provides the following new features:

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• Scan your boarding pass or search for flights by destination, airline and flight number;

• Subscribe to flight notifications and receive updates for flight, gate and baggage carousels changes, as well as an option to share your flight information;

• Navigate airport maps with blue-dot beacon technology for detailed way-finding; • Powerful search engine with extensive database of amenities; • Visual directions with walk times to find your gate, restaurants and more; Location-

aware technology that pins your location and anticipates your needs; • Geo-fence technology that recognizes and welcomes you, whether you’re driving or

flying to MIA; • Customizable personal profile with the option to save your favorite shops and

restaurants; • Weather information in Miami and throughout the world; and, • "Near me" feature that provides the closest dining and shopping options.

Miami Airport Becomes One of the First to Connect Consumers With Beacons Marisa Garcia, Skift - Feb 09, 2016 6:00 am

The launch of the “MIA Airport Official 2.0” app is a big step towards proof of concept at Miami International Airport. Now we wait to see whether passengers enjoy blue-dot way-finding, and the personalized shopping and dining features, as much as the industry expects. — Marisa Garcia

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Miami International Airport has announced the launch of its new fully localized app tomorrow, intended to make finding the gate, shopping, and dining at the airport easier for visitors and locals alike. Although there has been extensive talks of beacon technology at points of interest such as hotels and airports, Miami becomes one of the first places to put this technology directly into consumers’ hands — their smartphones, really. The app will capitalize on the investment Miami International Airport made installing a large network of more than 500 Bluetooth data beacons throughout terminals and at the airport’s various concessionaires. The upgraded app “MIA Airport Official 2.0” will function as a personalized travel assistant. Users will be able to scan boarding passes and receive turn-by-turn, blue-dot navigation guides to their gates which will include estimated walk times, real-time flight updates, even suggestions for nearby shopping and dining, based on a customizable personal profile.

The passenger experience at Miami Airport is our number one concern and iBeacon technology allows us make it even better,” said Maurice Jenkins, Division Director, Information Systems at Miami International Airport when the beacon installation plan was first introduced.

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The release of ‘MIA Airport Official 2.0’ marks a leap forward for the industry in building and capitalizing on Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to improve the passenger experience. Miami International Airport is only one few airports in the world incorporating beacon technology with a mobile application. MIA has invested in a large-scale framework, using SITA’s open standard Common-Use Beacon Registry, which allows all the airport’s airline customers, airport retailers and passenger service providers an easy interface to connect their services. Industry Adoption There has been some skepticism in the industry over whether Miami International Airport could put all those beacons to good use. Some airports, like Copenhagen Airport, have trialled beacons and found there was more room to study their benefit before moving forward with a large scale installation. Others are mainly planning small-scale trials. American Airlines had previously announced trials of iBeacons at Dallas/Fort Worth’s Terminal D. Hong Kong International Airport has also trialled beacons for way-finding and the project is moving forward. “These are the early days,” stated Jim Peters, Chief Technology Officer at SITA in a report for the air transport industry on IoT travel personalization, “but with the Iot becoming a reality, we can look forward to a game-changing and real-time revolution in the way we do things.” One impediment to progress at many airports around the world, however, has been deciding amongst the various systems for Bluetooth beacon communications. When Google introduced its open source Eddystone platform last year, it raised questions whether that platform might win over Apple’s iBeacon standard. But the open-source nature of Eddystone also raised questions over security risks. Google itself warns developers to use the power of open-source Eddystone beacons responsibly. Miami International Airport has opted for an iBeacon platform.

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The airport took a leap of faith that investing in over 500 beacons without a working application would pay off in the long-term. “The biggest thing that we wanted to do first was to ensure we had a common infrastructure,” Maurice Jenkins, director of information systems at Miami International airport told Passenger Terminal World Magazine last September. “That infrastructure had to be easily maintainable. Once we completed that, we decided to build capabilities around it.” He stated that airport customers and the industry would soon see how the beacon capability would be used, and seems to have delivered. The new ‘MIA Airport Official 2.0’ app is available free to passengers on Apple iTunes and Google Play stores.

Navigation tool added to Miami International Airport app February 8, 2016 Miami International Airport (MIA) in Florida, USA, is releasing the latest version of its smartphone app on Tuesday (February 9), which includes a new boarding pass scanner and blue-dot navigation system. The new app, coined MIA Airport Official 2.0, will utilize more than 500 beacons installed throughout the airport to provide passengers with step-by-step navigation instructions as well as a visual blue-dot representation on the screen of their mobile device. Passengers simply scan their boarding pass and then immediately receive turn-by-turn instructions with estimated walk times. Users will also be provided with real-time flight updates, and nearby shopping and dining suggestions based on their customizable personal profile.

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MIA app puts retail in passengers’ hands By Kevin Rozario | Friday, 5 February 2016 23:57

Next week passengers at Miami International Airport (MIA) will be among the first anywhere in the world to be guided by beacon technology to the shops and restaurants at the Florida gateway. On Tuesday the hub will unveil MIA Airport Official 2.0 which will automatically give passengers details of nearby shopping and dining – based on their customisable personal profile – and also acts as a boarding pass scanner and blue-dot navigation device, all in the palm of their hands. The upgraded mobile app – available free at the iPhone and Google Play app stores – is described by MIA as a “personalised travel assistant”. Thanks to more than 500 Bluetooth data beacons installed throughout the airport, users can scan their boarding pass and immediately receive ‘turn-by-turn’ blue-dot navigation to their gates, with estimated walk times, real-time flight updates, and information about nearby shopping and dining. MIA – the second busiest international airport in the US – is one of only a handful of air gateways in the world to incorporate beacon technology with its mobile app to provide a personalised travel experience on this level.

MIA announces new and improved mobile app

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Written by Carla Vianna on November 18, 2015

Miami International Airport has a new mobile application in the works, which will be a new and improved version of its existing app – MIA Airport Official – that launched last November. The second version of the app will be released early next year, airport officials said. The current app allows a user to search for flight information and record where he or she parked. It also shows the different parking fees associated with the airport’s various parking facilities. Additional features include a dining and shopping directory equipped with maps, ground transportation information, an airport map, and an “Around Me” portal that allows passengers to pinpoint their location and view all amenities within a five-minute walk. “We put out last year a way-finding app for the Miami International Airport, knowing that we were going to have to update it right away,” said the county’s aviation director Emilio T. González. Describing the app as “state-of-the-art” and “unlike anything at any other airport,” Mr. González said the mobile platform will be integrated with the airport’s beacon technology. Beacons, tiny location transmitters based throughout MIA’s terminals, can interact and send notifications to mobile devices. Miami’s airport has 500 beacons installed on its grounds. Beacons will be used to communicate with passengers via the new airport app, acting as a personal airport guide, Mr. González said. The new app will quickly inform passengers about flight delays, gate changes and the number of minutes they have before boarding commences. “If the first one was 1.0,” he said, “this is going to be 3.0.” The airport is skipping version 2.0 altogether. Within one year, the app’s first version was downloaded nearly 59,000 times. The airport director stressed that within two years, MIA went from an airport that

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lacked a social media presence to one with an award-winning social networking platform. Pushing forward with mobile solutions for its passengers is one way the airport is adapting current technology to operate more efficiently. MIA has also worked with the US Customs and Border Protection to make the department’s Mobile Passport available for its passengers. When the airport adapted the technology in February, it was one of two US airports to do so. Also a mobile application, the Mobile Passport expedited a passenger’s entry into the US. It allows travelers to enter and submit their passport and customs declaration information on their smartphone or tablet. When a traveler’s documentation is approved, he or she can move to the front of the line and scan their smartphone or tablet, Mr. González said, adding that about 50% of MIA’s passengers qualify to use the app due to legal restrictions regarding US citizenship and residency.