MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIES Caries: Localized destruction of the tissues of the tooth by bacterial fermentation of dietary carbohydrates A multifactorial, plaque-related chronic infection of the enamel, cementum or dentine

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    Localized destruction of the tissues of thetooth by bacterial fermentation of dietarycarbohydrates

    A multifactorial, plaque-related chronicinfection of the enamel, cementum or dentine

  • Traces of plaque


    decaying enamel

  • Enamelpenetrated by bacteria

  • Early enamelcaries seen by polarized light microscopy

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESKey factors in the development of caries:

    HostSusceptible tooth surfaceSaliva

    Plaque bacteria

    DietFermentable carbohydrates

  • Interplay of major etiologic factors in dental caries

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESSpecific plaque hypothesis:

    mutans streptococci are important in cariesinitiation

    Non-specific plaque hypothesis:

    Heterogeneous groups of bacteria are involvedin caries initiation

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESEcological plaque hypothesis:

    Cariogenic flora found in natural plaque are weaklycompetitive and comprise only a minority of thetotal community

    Increase in fermentable carbohydrates results inprolonged low pH, promoting the growth of acid-tolerant bacteria and initiating demineralization

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESEcological plaque hypothesis:

    The balance in the plaque community turns in favorof mutans streptococci and lactobacilli

    There is a dynamic relationship between the bacteriaand the host, and changes in major host factors suchas salivary flow can affect plaque development

  • Ecological plaque hypothesis

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESProperties of cariogenic flora that correlate withtheir pathogenicity:

    Ability to rapidly metabolize sugars to acids(acidogenicity)

    Survival and growth under low pH conditions(aciduricity)

    Ability to synthesize extracellular and intracellularpolysaccharides

  • n-sucrose glucosyltransferase(Glucan) n + n-fructose

  • n-sucrose fructosyltransferase(Fructan) n + n-glucose

  • Primary enemy of the teeth Lennart NilssonThe Body Victorious

    Streptococcus mutans

  • CARIOGENICITY OF STREPTOCCUS MUTANSSignificant correlation between S. mutans counts insaliva & plaque with the prevalence and incidenceof cariesPrevalence: The number of cases of a disease presentin a specified population at a given timeIncidence: The frequency of occurrence of anydisease over a period of time in relation to thepopulation in which it occurs

    S. mutans can be isolated from precise sites on thetooth surface before the development of caries

  • CARIOGENICITY OF STREPTOCCUS MUTANSCorrelation between the progression of cariouslesions and S. mutans counts

    Produces extracellular polysaccharides from sucrosewhich facilitates microbial colonization

    Most effective Streptococcus in experimental cariesin animals (rodents & non-human primates)

    Ability to initiate and maintain growth and continueacid production in sites with a low pH

  • Formation of end products of metabolism bymutans streptococciGlucose-6-phosphate Fructose-1,6-diphosphate Phosphoenolpyruvate Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

  • CARIOGENICITY OF LACTOBACILLUS SPECIESPresent in increased numbers in most cariouscavities affecting enamel & root surfaces

    Numbers in saliva correlate with caries activity

    Some strains produce caries in gnotobiotic rats

    Initiate and maintain growth at low pH (aciduric)

  • CARIOGENICITY OF LACTOBACILLUS SPECIESProduce lactic acid in conditions below pH 5(acidogenic)

    However:Affinity for the tooth surface is lowNumbers in dental plaque in early carious lesionsare usually lowTheir population size is a poor predictor of thenumber of future plaquesTheir numbers in saliva increase only aftercaries develop


    Lactobacilli are not involved in the initiation ofdental caries

    They are involved in the progression of thelesion deep into enamel and dentine

    They are pioneer organisms in the advancingcarious process

  • DEMINERALIZATIONLow pH causes demineralization by reducingthe concentration of the tribasic phosphate (PO43-)which is needed to form hydroxyapatite

    10Ca2+ + 6PO43- + 2H2O ---> 2H+ + Ca10 (PO4)6(OH)2 hydroxyapatite

  • DEMINERALIZATIONLow pH tends to reduce the concentration oftribasic phosphate by adding H+ to phosphate

    6PO43- + H+ ----------> 6HPO42- + H+ ----------> 6H2PO41- pK= 7.0 pK= 4.0

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESStrategies to control or prevent caries:

    Sugar substitutes Fluoridation (to increase enamel hardness) Fissure sealants Control of cariogenic floraAntimicrobials Passive immunization?Replacement therapy?Vaccines??

  • Fluoride ions

    Substitute for the hydroxyl groups in hydroxyapatite (Fluoroapatite less soluble in acid)

    Promote remineralization of early carious lesions

  • Fluoride ions

    Interfere with bacterial membrane ion permeability

    Reduce glycolysis(inhibition of enolase: phosphoglycerate -> phosphoenolpyruvate)

    Inactivate key metabolic enzymes by acidifying bacterial cell interior

    Inhibit synthesis of polysaccharides

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESStrategies to control or prevent caries:

    Passive immunizationAntibodies against antigen I/II of mutans streptococci inhibit recolonization after chlorhexidine treatment

    Monoclonal antibodies produced in transgenic plants prevented recolonization for 4 months

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESStrategies to control or prevent caries:

    Sugar substitutesXylitol inhibits sugar metabolism of mutans streptococci as well as glycolysispH is maintained at 7, vs reduction to 5 by sucrose

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESStrategies to control or prevent caries:

    Replacement therapyLow virulence mutants of mutans streptococci deficient in GTF or lactate dehydrogenase activityMore competitive S. salivarius that can displace S. mutans

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESStrategies to control or prevent caries:

    Antimicrobials ChlorhexidineInhibits sugar transport in streptococciInhibits amino acid uptake and catabolism in S. sanguisInhibits a protease of P. gingivalisAffects membrane functions, such as ATP synthase and maintenance of ion gradients in streptococci

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESStrategies to control or prevent caries:

    Antimicrobials TriclosanInhibits acid production by streptococciInhibits a protease of P. gingivalisEnhanced by co-polymer or zinc citrateSubstantive : binds effectively to oral surfaces, like chlorhexidine

  • MICROBIOLOGY OF DENTAL CARIESMicrobiological tests:

    To identify caries risk factors in patients withextensive or recurrent caries, prior to deliveringdental care (e.g. extensive crown and bridgetreatment)

    High salivary counts of mutans streptococci(> 106/mL) and lactobacilli (> 104/mL) indicatehigh risk of disease

  • Culture slide test to detect mutans streptococci in saliva

    Flourappatite is much less likely to be degradedKnow the general mechanism for this.