An Introduction To Silverlight

Microsoft Silverlight – Introduction to its properties

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Microsoft Silverlight is a deprecated application framework for writing and running rich Internet applications, similar to Adobe Flash. A plugin for Silverlight is available for some browsers, but not for Chrome due to Silverlight's use of the old and insecure NPAPI framework.

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  • An Introduction To Silverlight

  • In this presentation

    What SL is capable of

    How it is different

    Learning curve overview

    Why use SL

    Non-traditional way

  • What is Silverlight?

    Rich Internet Application (RIA) platform

    Capabilities are similar to Flash Java FX

    Web-based subset of WPF

  • Flash vs Silverlight

    Flash Silverlight

    Animation model Frame-based Time-based

    Language ActionScript CLR-compilant (VB.NET, C#)

    Platform All major Limited Linux (Moonlight)

    Multithreading No (from programmer perspective)


  • Flash vs Silverlight

    Flash Silverlight

    Image support Most formats JPG and PNG

    Video, audio Multiple formats, low-level APIs

    VC-1 codec, WMW, WM, no low-level APIs

    Streaming More cost-effective

    Other More mature Deep Zoom

  • Flash vs Silverlight

    Features: almost identical

    Development environments


    Mobile: ?

  • WPF

    Descendant of Windows Forms

    Built on .NET 3.5

    XAML: descriptive markup language

  • WPF / Silverlight features

    Vector graphics & bitmap effects

    Data binding & UI update


    Rich content: videos, images, sounds

    Styling, templates

  • Silverlight: lightweight WPF

    CLR within Browser

    Limited CLR: Not all libraries Local filesystem limited Networking limited

  • XAML

    Separate UI and logic

    XML markup, clean syntax

    XAML and code behind files

    Does not support generics

  • XAML: a simple example


  • UI Basics

    Layout Grid, Canvas, StackPanel

    Controls Button, HyperLinkButton, ComboBox etc

    Text, images TextBlock, Image, MediaElement

    Brushes Solid, linear, radial, image, video

    User Controls

  • UI Basics: Example

    VideoBrush Example

    Use MSDN/references to look up UI elements

  • Styling and templating

    Defining styles: TargetType Setters that are valid on the target

    Templates Customize controls Uses ControlTemplate class

    Easy to define in XAML

  • Dependency Properties

    Extend CLR properties Property changed notification Data Binding Animating Default value and ClearValue

    Has to inherit DependencyObject

  • Dependency Properties: example

    Registering, default value, Property Changed


    Data Binding

  • Attached Properties

    Global property that can be set on any object element

    Static Dps

    Used by the owner, defined on the child

    E.g. Canvas.Left, Grid.Column

  • MVVM

    How to effectively build large applications in WPF

    Lots of UI markup, lots of data binding

    Variation of MVC

  • MVVM

    Model BL, UI independent

    View Visual elements + input processing

    Data binding View and model can be bound directly Usually direct binding is not possible

  • MVVM

    ViewModel Model of a View Abstraction of the view: contains state and

    behaviour Data binder/converter:

    Model information View information View commands Model

  • MVVM in Silverlight

    Worth using on larger projects Frameworks

    MEF Official

    Prism Non-official, but MS

  • Summary

    Similar to WPF XAML Styling & templating DPs Attached properties MVVM for larger applications

  • Effort learning SL

    Project structure: small

    UI: significant

    Media: moderate

    Data binding: moderate

  • Effort learning SL

    Network: moderate

    Events: moderate

    Other: moderate - significant Dependency Properties, Attached Properties MVVM Navigation Framework Out of Browser applications

  • Why It's Worth It

    Things you couldn't do before!

    Good looking controls & pages


    Video & vector graphics

  • An Introduction To SilverlightIn this presentationWhat is Silverlight?Flash vs SilverlightSlide 5Slide 6WPFWPF / Silverlight featuresSilverlight: lightweight WPFXAMLXAML: a simple exampleUI BasicsUI Basics: ExampleStyling and templatingDependency PropertiesDependency Properties: exampleAttached PropertiesMVVMSlide 19Slide 20MVVM in SilverlightSummaryEffort learning SLSlide 24Why It's Worth ItPowerPoint Presentation