366-380 -1- Created 2/13 Mikuni Carburetor Kit Installation Instructions For MGB 1962-1974.5 PART # 366-380 440 Rutherford St. Goleta, CA 93117 1-800-667-7872 )$; ZZZPRVVPRWRUVFRP Tools required: :RUN VKRS PDQXDO 7LPLQJ OLJKW &DUEXUHWRU V\QFKURQL]LQJ WRRO RU LI \RX GR QRW KDYH RQH )XHO OLQH FODPS RU ORFNLQJ QHHGOH QRVH SOLHUV ZUDSSHG LQ WDSH PP ZUHQFK [ PP ZUHQFKHV PP ZUHQFK ´ QXWGULYHU ´ ZUHQFK ´ ZUHQFK 3KLOOLSV VFUHZ GULYHU )ODW VFUHZ GULYHU 3OLHUV +RVH FXWWHU RU XWLOLW\ NQLIH Notes: 7KHVH 0LNXQL FDUEXUHWRUV UHTXLUH SVL RU OHVV IXHO SUHVVXUH ,I \RX DUH UXQQLQJ KLJKHU SUHVVXUH \RX ZLOO QHHG WR DGGUHVV WKLV E\ HLWKHU FKDQJLQJ \RXU IXHO SXPS RU UXQQLQJ D IXHO SUHVVXUH UHJXODWRU 7KH VWRFN VW\OH 68 IXHO SXPSV LQ WKH 0*% W\SLFDOO\ UXQ EHORZ SVL If you run higher than 4 psi fuel pressure, the carburetors will leak fuel! 7KLV LV QRW VDIH DQG PXVW EH DGGUHVVHG SVL WR SVL LV GHVLUDEOH <RX PXVW SXUFKDVH DLU ILOWHUV VHSDUDWHO\ 0RVV SDUW QXPEHU <RX PXVW KDYH D FDUEXUHWRU KHDW VKLHOG WR FRPSOHWH WKH LQVWDOODWLRQ RI WKLV NLW ,I \RXUV LV PLVVLQJ RU GDPDJHG ZH VXJJHVW 0RVV SDUW QXPEHU 7KH KHDW VKLHOG QRW RQO\ NHHSV KHDW RII WKH FDUEXUHWRUV EXW DOVR DFWV DV D SODFH WR PRXQW WKURWWOH UHWXUQ VSULQJV 0*%¶V XVH D 3&9 YDOYH 7KLV FDQ DQG VKRXOG EH XVHG LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK WKLV NLW HDUO\ DQG 0*%¶V URXWH EORZ E\ JDVVHV LQWR D SRUW RQ WKH 68 FDUEXUHWRUV 7KH 0LNXQL¶V GR QRW KDYH D SRUW WR URXWH EORZE\ LQWR <RX ZLOO HLWKHU QHHG WR IDEULFDWH D URDG GUDIW WXEH RU D 8VH D VW\OH PDQLIROG DQG 3&9 E 2U PRGLI\ \RXU H[LWLQJ PDQLIROG WR DFFHSW WKH HDUO\ VW\OH 3&9 7KLV PHDQV GULOOLQJ DQG WDSSLQJ ´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arning: You will be disconnecting the fuel line and fire will be a hazard! Keep ignition sources away! Make sure you have a class B (gasoline rated) fire extinguisher near by just in case. Before you begin make sure your vehicle is in good running and driving order. Inspect your ignition system and replace any worn out parts. These carburetors will not cure any existing problems with your engine. Tuning the carburetors (if needed) will be a simple task if all other engine related parts functioning as intended. It is a good idea to label and bag parts as you remove them from the vehicle in case you ever reuse them. Read and understand these instructions before attempting the installation of this kit. This will help you to know if it is within your abilities to complete the job or if you should consult a professional. If you decide to move ahead on your own, reading through will help familiarize you with the kit. When you are performing the installation, it helps to read the entire step and sometimes the next few steps before doing the work described. It can help you now to know what is coming next.

Mikuni Carburetor Kit - mossmotors.com · 366-380 -1- Created 2/13 Mikuni Carburetor Kit Installation Instructions For MGB 1962-1974.5 PART # 366-380 440 Rutherford St. Goleta, CA

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366-380 -1- Created 2/13

Mikuni Carburetor KitInstallation Instructions For MGB 1962-1974.5

PART # 366-380440 Rutherford St. Goleta, CA 93117


Tools required:


If you run higher than 4 psi fuel pressure, the carburetors will leak fuel!

Warning: You will be disconnecting the fuel line and fire will be a hazard! Keep ignition sources away! Make sure you have a class B (gasoline rated) fire extinguisher near by just in case.

Before you begin make sure your vehicle is in good running and driving order. Inspect your ignition system and replace any worn out parts. These carburetors will not cure any existing problems with your engine. Tuning the carburetors (if needed) will be a simple task if all other engine related parts functioning as intended.

It is a good idea to label and bag parts as you remove them from the vehicle in case you ever reuse them.

Read and understand these instructions before attempting the installation of this kit. This will help you to know if it is within your abilities to complete the job or if you should consult a professional. If you decide to move ahead on your own, reading through will help familiarize you with the kit. When you are performing the installation, it helps to read the entire step and sometimes the next few steps before doing the work described. It can help you now to know what is coming next.

Installation Instructions

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Note: Store carburetors in upright position to avoid dashpot oil from leaking out.

Illustration 1

Illustration 2


Illustration 4

manifold sideidle mixture


float bowl

Illustration 5

Installation Instructions

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Illustration 5 cont.

front carb.

air filter sideof carbs

float bowls(bottom of carbs)

rear carb.

Illustration 6

Installing the carburetors and choke cables

Illustration 7

Illustration 8

Installation Instructions

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Illustration 9

Illustration 10

Illustration 11

Fuel hose assembly

3" 5/16" fuel hose

9" 5/16" fuel hose 5/16" brass tee

Illustration 12

Charcoal canister, carburetor bowl vents and anti run-on valve

Installation Instructions

366-380 -5- Created 2/13

Carburetor overflow

1/8" — 1/16" — 1/8"T-connector

4" carboverflow tubing

7" carboverflow tubing

24" 5/32" hose

Illustration 14

5" carb vent hose Carburetor Bowl Vent to Canister Assembly


9" of 5/32" vacuum hose

3/16"vacuum Tee

reducer 7/32" to 5/32"

reducer 1/4" x 5/16"

2" of 7/32" hose

2 pieces 1.5" of 5/32" hose

use one of these to connect to the canister hardline

11" of 5/16" fuel hose cut from the 52” provided

13" of 7/32" hose


Float Bowl Vents

Illustration 13

Installation Instructions

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Illustration 14 cont.

carb. overflow

Throttle cable and bell crank

Illustration 15

Illustration 16

Illustration 17

Installation Instructions

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Illustration 18

Illustration 19

Illustration 20

Choke cable

Illustration 21

Installation Instructions

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Illustration 22


Illustration 23

Starting the engine

Starting our test car at sea level:

Installation Instructions

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Synchronizing the carbs and setting idle speed

Test drive

Adjusting and trouble shooting

Adjustments & TimingCaution: Fuel will be present in the float bowl! It will drain out when the 17mm nut on the bottom of the float bowl, or the float bowl its self is removed! Do not remove this nut or the float bowl when the exhaust is warm do to its close proximity and potential for fire! Use a small bowl and rags to catch the fuel.

Idle mixture

idle mixture screw

idle speedknob

pilot jet

Idle Mixture

1/4 – 3/4 Throttle

Installation Instructions

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needle clip and plastic


needle retainer

Needle & Clip

3/4- Wide open throttle


Main Jet


Accelerator Pump


end of squirt adjustment

beginning of squirt


Accel. Pump

Installation Instructions

366-380 -11- Created 2/13


Accel. Pump cont.

Why do I need an accelerator pump?

Base carburetor specifications and settings

Note for idle mixture: If you have installed PCV kit 366-395, your base setting should be 3.5 turns out.


Engine will not start!

Installation Instructions

366-380 -12- Created 2/13

Long term storage and maintenance

No. Description Quantity Unit No. Description Quantity Unit

Kit Contents