27th-28th November 2015 MINDFULNESS MATTERS Living in the Moment Hilton Hotel, inchicore Road, Kilmainham Dublin 8 St. Nicholas Montessori Teachers’ Association Supporting Montessori Education in Ireland 1970-2015

MINDFULNESS MATTERSmontessoriireland.ie/Conference-Programme-143529_SNMSI_A... · 2015. 11. 19. · MINDFULNESS MATTERS LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Shane Martin Reg.Psychol., Ps.S.I. Shane

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Page 1: MINDFULNESS MATTERSmontessoriireland.ie/Conference-Programme-143529_SNMSI_A... · 2015. 11. 19. · MINDFULNESS MATTERS LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Shane Martin Reg.Psychol., Ps.S.I. Shane

 27th-28th November 2015


Hilton Hotel, inchicore Road, KilmainhamDublin 8

St. Nicholas Montessori Teachers’ Association

Supporting Montessori Education in Ireland1970-2015

Page 2: MINDFULNESS MATTERSmontessoriireland.ie/Conference-Programme-143529_SNMSI_A... · 2015. 11. 19. · MINDFULNESS MATTERS LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Shane Martin Reg.Psychol., Ps.S.I. Shane

SATURDAY 28TH NOVEMBER9.00am Registration

9.15am Welcome&OfficialOpening Dr Margaret Rogers National Manager of Better

Start -The National Early YearsQualitySupportService.

9.45am Anne Twohig ‘Mindfulness Tools for Daily Life’.

11.00am Coffee Break

11.30am Anne Twohig ‘Falling Awake Inside the Mindfulness Practice’

Comfortable clothing for the Mindfulness session along with bringing a blanket/sleeping bag and a yoga mat recommended.

12.45pm Raffle

1.15pm Lunch

2.15pm Workshops

Workshop One - TheCreativeSelfPresenter: Orla Kelly

Workshop Two - Lift Your Voice, Raise YourSpirit.Presenter: Jennifer Grundulis

Workshop Three - Yoga: Mindful MovementandBreathworkPresenter: Lara Dunlea

3.45pm Closing Ceremony

FRIDAY 27TH NOVEMBER7.00pm Registration

7.15pm Welcome

7.20pm The Psychology Of Bouncibility: HowToBuildResilienceWithinOurselves Speaker: Shane Martin Reg.Psychol., Ps.S.I.

Lifeisanimperfectjourneyandcrisisisguaranteed.Resilienceistheabilitytoadapttothechallengesofworkandlife.It’saboutbouncingbackratherthanfallingapart.It’saboutstayingstandingduringthestormsoflife.Ifyouarestronginresilienceyouhavethis‘bouncibility’andcanharnessyourinnerstrengthsandcopingmechanisms.Throughongoingcutbacksandchangestheintensityofeverincreasingchallengesisveryreal.Morechallengesmaylieahead.Sciencehasuncoveredspecifictraits/factorsthatcanbeutilisedatworkandinourlivesingeneral.Thisseminarwillexplorethescienceofresilienceandhighlightevidence-basedstrategieslinkedtobetteroutcomesduring changes and challenges.


Page 3: MINDFULNESS MATTERSmontessoriireland.ie/Conference-Programme-143529_SNMSI_A... · 2015. 11. 19. · MINDFULNESS MATTERS LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Shane Martin Reg.Psychol., Ps.S.I. Shane

Shane Martin Reg.Psychol., Ps.S.I.ShaneMartinisapsychologistdedicatedtoteachingthe very best self-help psychology to empowerpeople to enhance the quality of their lives. His‘Moodwatchers’ self-help psychology course hasbeen delivered at community venues throughoutthe length and breadth of Ireland. He has beena keynote speaker at numerous national andinternational conferences onarangeoftopicsaroundempowerment,recoveryandhappiness. He is a leading psychologist within the area ofeducation having visited hundreds of educationalinstitutions nationwide working with management teams, teachers/lecturers, students and parentspromoting a psychology of health, happiness andresilience. 

Helecturespart-timeinDCUandhasprovidedtrainingto many of Ireland’s leading business organisationswithinthepublicandprivatesector.Hehasdeliveredtrainingtohealthprofessionalsofvariousdisciplinesthroughout the country.

Shane is a published poet of two collections - TheDark Room and Stilling the Dance of Time. He is currently working on his third collection entitled Thin Lines. His first self-help psychology book entitled‘Your Precious Life - How to Live it Well’ is due tobe published January 2016 by Orpen Press. Moreinformationavailableon www.moodwatchers.com

Anne Twohig Centre for Mindfulness Ireland Anne Twohig is a Teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress ReductionProgrammes(MBSR)forthepast10years.She trained with the Center for Mindfulness, (CFM), UniversityofMassachusettsMedicalSchool(UMass).She is the first MBSR Teacher in Ireland to achieveCertificationfromUMassandisnowaFacultyMemberontheirprofessionalTeacherTrainingTeam. Centrefor Mindfulness Ireland is the host organisation for CFM Teacher Trainings in Ireland.

Teaching Mindfulness and MBSR has brought Annein contact with a variety of areas within society,business, health care and education. These areasinclude corporate business, primary and secondary

education, health care professionals and providers,recoveringaddicts,theIrishPrisonServiceandmanyother organisations. She has a special interest inself-careforhealthcareprovidersandsheincludesteachers in this. Anne is an awardee with Social EntrepreneursIrelandforherworkinMindfulnessinEducation.

Prior to becoming a Mindfulness Teacher, Annefoundedand ran twobusinesses specialising in golfeventmanagementand internationalcorporategolftours to Ireland. Her work is now fully dedicated to teaching mindfulness and in training and mentoring futureMBSRteachersbothinIrelandandabroad.

Workshop One The Creative Self Presenter: Orla KellyImagination is something thatwe are all bornwith.Creativityishowweengageourimagination.Throughour everyday commitments we can forget that wehave an immense capacity to invent, imagine andcreate. This leads us, sometimes, to feel that we arenotcreativeandapologisefornotbeingso.Thisinteractiveandcreativesessionaimstoleadusbacktoourcreativeself,givingusfoodforthoughtandfuelforcreativeengagementswithchildren.

Orla Kelly is the co-founder and director of Early Childhood Creativity, an initiative that aims tostimulate creative thinking in early years childrenand their parents, and to support artists andeducationaliststodevelopspecificandcreativewaysofworkingwithearlyyearschildren(0-6years).

Orlaisavisualartist,creativeeducationalistandartsmanager. She has worked with children for overfifteenyearscreatingworkinIrelandandEurope.OrlaiscurrentlyworkinginpartnershipwithFingalCountyCouncil and Scoil Bhride Cailini in Blanchardstown, as artist-in-residence inRoom 13. Room 13 is a uniqueArts inEducationprogrammethataims toestablishart studios and encourage intellectual diversity inprimary schools. Orla’s own education includes aDiploma in Psychology from Maynooth, a Degreein Fine Art from Limerick College of Art and Design and a Masters in Management of the Arts from Anglia RuskinUniversity,Cambridge.


Page 4: MINDFULNESS MATTERSmontessoriireland.ie/Conference-Programme-143529_SNMSI_A... · 2015. 11. 19. · MINDFULNESS MATTERS LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Shane Martin Reg.Psychol., Ps.S.I. Shane

Hilton, Inchicore Road Kilmainham,Dublin,IrelandTel:+353-1-4201800Fax:+353-1-4201866

Hotel Rates (B&B):€119(SingleOccupancy)€179(DoubleOccupancy)Car Parking: €5perday

Montessori Suppliers will be attending the conference

Speaker Workshop Two- ‘Lift Your Voice, Raise Your Spirit.’ Presenter: Jennifer GrundulisThisworkshopexplorestheabilityofmusicandsingingtoimprovemoodandoverallhealth.  Participantswillbeencouragedtovocaliseandsingwiththefacilitatorand given tips on improving their breathing andprojection(importantforallteachers!)inapositive,andnon-judgmentalenvironment.  Nosingingexperiencenecessary. Comeasyouare!

JenniferGrundulisisaSpeechandLanguageTherapistbyday and a choir director bynight.  Jennifer is thedirectoroftheall-femalegospel/inspirationalchoirAGlórGospelandtheMove4Parkinson’sVoicesofHope. She has over 10 years’ experience directing choirswith a focus onmusicwith postive, life empoweringmessages.  

Speaker Workshop 3 “Yoga: Mindful Movement and Breathwork” Presenter: Lara DunleaIn thisworkshop, participantswill be invited toworkwith movement and breath in a gentle, nurturingexploration of yoga techniques aimed at quietening

the mind and bringing about a sense of peace andwell-being at every level - physical, emotional andspiritual.

Lara Dunlea  is a certified adult and children’s yogateacher with a background in Psychology and inMontessorieducation. Havingcompletedanhonoursdegree in Applied Psychology in UCC in 1993, Laraworked in the publishing industry for several yearsbefore attending St. Nicholas Montessori College,Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, in 1999 to undertake apostgraduate diploma in Montessori education. Hersubsequentexperienceteachingchildrenatpreschoollevel and students at third level at St. NicholasMontessori deepenedherunderstandingand respectfor thewisdomof theMontessori philosophy and itssimilaritiestoaspectsofyogaphilosophythatshehasstudied down through the years.

Since2009,Larahasreceivedqualificationsinawiderange of yoga disciplines from such bodies as YogaTherapyIreland,YogaWorksandRadiantChildYoga,andshe has now made yoga her full-time career, teaching classesandworkshops to individualsofall agesonaweekly basis and participating on teacher trainingprogramsasaguestlecturerinyogaphilosophy.