Mini- Stage 1

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2 “whether it’s about the classic, original Mini or the new generation Mini from BMW, this is the story of an extraordinary motoring icon” (Laban, B. and Stroud, J. 2009. p)

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Research will venture into the Mini Brand and the relationship it has with its customers with a view to producing an inspirational scheme that will both promote and strengthen this relationship. The document will explore the UK car sales market and analyse weaknesses and strengths, 3

and investigate consumers’ car purchasing trends and experiences to get a feel for people’s attitudes and discover where improvements could be made. The report will endeavour to piece together a quest that will remind the British public just how thrilling the Mini brand was and still is.

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The Mini was introduced to the motor industry in 1959 and out of nowhere gained huge popularity. Asked to design a small functional car to cope with economical fuel shortages, car designer Alec Issigonis created the Mini. Before the first Mini rolled off the British Motor Corporation production line no one could have guessed that it would become one of the most legendary vehicles of the British motor industry.

It was during the 60’s that the success of the mini vehicle escalated and the Mini made its stamp as an iconic vehicle; everybody from celebrities to factory workers loved the Mini and it made an impact on the motor industry that would carry forward for at least the next 50 years.

fig 2

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5It gained added publicity and developed its reputation further when the Mini cooper S won the Monte Carlo rally in 1964, 1965 and 1967. It had the monopoly of the small car market with little else to challenge its authority.

“How do you make an object that changes the way people think about travel, a small metal box that inspires huge devo-tion in those who own it, a car that continues to make head-lines fifty years after its launch”. (GARFIELD, S. 2010)

fig 3

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7Since the origin of the Mini the British motor industry evolved and the manufacturers of the Mini changed between various institution and between 1986 and 2000 the production of the Mini was with the British Rover Group. However in year 2000 the Rover Group was bought out by the German vehicle manufacturer BMW.


With such a significant takeover and the shift to a German company one can’t help but wonder if the British legacy that makes the Mini so special and individual might become diluted and have a detrimental effect on the prestige of the car.

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8“There’s a reason it’s constantly voted the car of the 20th century... It’s iconic, just look at it, every kid grows up wanting one and they’re so much fun to drive, you feel everything... It’s the first car you’re dad, uncle, grandad and elderly neighbour had, there’s a tradition behind it, a story.” (Chadwick, 2012)


fig 5

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BMW have certainly taken the Mini brand forward into the 21st century. They have designed various new model cars based on the traditional shape and style of the Mini, however there is clear divergence in some respects. For example the quote above makes reference to the size of the new Mini model being slightly too big, but10 “BMW dismisses suggestions that the new Mini, which is 11 inches longer than the old one, lacks the Go-kart qualities of the original, made famous by the movie 'The Italian Job' during the 1960s.” (BBC. 2001)

fig 6

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One of the popular selling features of the Mini is its smallness,

11“Mini’s symbolic appeal, is based on its fun and sporty image” (SIMMS, C and TROTT,P, 2007)

“But it is not branded as a BMW and that is not the goal for us to do that,” (BICKMANN. 2001)

These quotes highlight to us how cautious BMW must be in not losing focus of these popular basic brand fundamentals as they continue to develop the Mini brand. There is the danger that the Mini brand could be lost to the BMW brand, but hopefully not because BMW themselves don’t want the mini to lose its individual identity, Rainer Bickman, assembly director at BMW,Oxford quoted

fig 7

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This would imply that if the Mini brand wants to remain reliant on this British legacy as a marketing feature then the brand needs to reaffirm this position towards the consumer in a successful approach. This is something we would need to consider in our implementation.

12fig 8

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13As a brand the Mini is perceived very British; over the years it has developed a real sense of British heritage. Linked to iconic British celebrities like George Harrison of the Beetles and Michael Caine in the infamous film the Italian job where it avowed itself as a top notch rally car. We learnt from research that the Mini as a brand relies on this British tradition to promote itself.

Images commonly used within promotional material include typical British symbolism like the British bulldog, union Jack, and the Beetles, and on the lifestyle accessory products the Mini logo is frequently displayed. As part of our research we took the images out on the streets of Nottingham to show to the public and hear from them what car they thought of when shown the images.

fig 9

fig 10

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14As part of our research we took the images out on the streets of Nottingham to show to the public and hear from them what car they thought of when shown the images. It was conceivably concerning that the results suggested that consumers don’t perceive the Mini brand quite as clearly as the promotional material would hope.

Only 10% answered Mini to the bulldog and 20% to the Beetles, what was more significant here was that people answered VW beetle more frequently. As well we displayed the Mini logo and only 51% related the actual logo to Mini brand. This would clearly suggest that the marketing symbols used by the Mini brand are reinvented or transmitted towards the consumer in a more memorable technique.

fig 11 fig 12

fig 13 fig 14

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Racing track 6%, The Beatles 20%, Union Jack 41%, Mini Logo 51%, Racing Flag 22%, Bull Dog 10% fig 15

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17“I feel as though I just have this bond with my Mini at the moment” (Twelvetrees, 2012).

Car owners often develop a connection with their cars and we learnt that this was very true of Mini owners

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18We chose to compare the adult bond with their car to the relationship that a child has with their toys. We’ve all heard the saying Boys and their Toys, and then there’s also “the difference between men and boys...the price of their toys” (DOW, A. 2006. P64)

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20 With this notion in mind we conducted a case study into the children’s brand “Build a bear”. Purchasing a bear in the bear factory is a little more intricate than just buying any teddy bear; it’s an enchanting experience for any child. The procedure involves the child making an initial choice of a bear type; and then the child gets involved in putting the bear together by stuffing it, adding a heart and creating its own birth certificate, it swiftly becomes so much more to the child than just another toy. The process allows a true bond to develop between buyer and seller and the child can then go on to purchase no end of products for their new best friend, in the form of all kind of clothes and accessories.

fig 18

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"Best New Concept for 1998" by Chain Store Age magazine. The National Retail Federation named Build-A-Bear Workshop the “Retail Innovator of the Year” for 2001. (CHARPENTIER J, 2004, online)

21The consumer of today is demanding, they want the whole shopping experience to be a stimulating occasion and the retail market of today is very aware of how significant this topic is. Shoppers want that much more when it comes to viewing and purchasing a new product.

Build-A-Bear Workshop was named

“Key trends and developments such as changing customer needs and increasing interest in the shopping experience…impact on the way large retailers do business in this new century…” (KRAFFT, M., & MANTRALA, M. K. 2006. P1)

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The above mentioned concept of the bear factory purchase balanced against a consumer purchasing a new Mini displays similarities. The purchase of a new Mini allows the customer to tailor their Mini to their own taste.

“No Mini is like another” (Mini, 2012)

The customisation process involves the buyer selecting certain features (from over 85 separate items) ranging

23 “from the rims to the trim” (Mini, 2012)

making the car individual. This process begins the evolvement of a bond between the buyer and the product and ultimately the brand. This practice of personalising your own Mini is nothing new, it used to be one of Mini’s unique selling point, but today lots of other car manufacturers do exactly the same thing. Therefore for Mini to stay at the forefront of the motor market the brand must channel new ideas into their selling and marketing sections.

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25Research during this project involved visits to both the Apple Shop and Audi showroom, London and both these retail environments display just how notable the above statements transmit. The Audi showroom displayed the most amazing technology and allowed for a total interactive experience with the Audi brand. The whole experience was extremely fulfilling that it made you feel a deep need of wanting for the brands products.

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This feature is comparable to Apples shopping experience; whereby the customer really gets to engage with the products hands on, and without the assistance of a sales person. Therefore the customer feels less intimated and comfortable to browse in private.

This circumstance allows for a connection to begin between the prospective buyer and the product. As and when the consumer wants to talk to a sales person plenty are available to conduct and make the sale.

26fig 22

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27 We visited the Audi showroom because research told us that the Audi a1 was one of the Minis major competitors, so we went along to see what they were up to and it was very enlightening. We had previously visited the Mini showroom in Nottingham, and although it’s not London the Mini selling environment had very much less to offer as a memorable retail experience. (a:17)

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29Only briefly mentioned so far but most worthy of recognition for this report is that of the Minis brand “lifestyle range”. Just as any leading car dealer provides accessories to support their brand so does Mini. The lifestyle range provides a variety of items from a Mini snow rocker to a valentine’s mug.

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30 This feature in my mind plays a huge role in any car dealers’ market strategy, but what was concerning during our research into the Mini brand was just how insignificant this stuff seemed to matter to some sectors. Whilst visiting the Mini dealership in Nottingham it became very apparent that the sales persons in the showroom had a very low apathy towards the lifestyle range; they were unable to comment on the bestselling items and alleged that the showroom do not measure the sale of lifestyle products in the store.

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It also became clear that the dealership didn’t use product placement to its best advantage. For example, there was a bike displayed on a bike rack on top of one the Mini’s. Mini has a bike range, which could have been placed here; instead the dealership used a different branded bike. (a: 14) This outcome suggests that the lifestyle range needs to be promoted in a more obvious style.

31fig 27

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33“The much expected recovery of the new car market following the recent recession has failed to materialise. Cautious consumers have in many cases opted to delay the purchase of a vehicle or buy used”(Mintel. 2012)

Our research has indicated that the second hand car industry is a growth area. The recession resulting in a poor economic climate has had an impact on the UK car market and

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34“The used car market edged up to a new high of £35.7 billion” (BCA. 2012. Online).

“Dealers, both independent and franchised, are typically used for new car purchases whilst private sellers have a stronger presence in the used car market”.(Mintel.2012)

There is lots of evidence to confirm that the used car market is definitely a growing sector, and that it’s worth evaluating with regard to there being the potential of a gap in the market. The car market for second hand cars offers more options than when choosing a new car. A new car would be typically bought from a main car dealer, whereas used cars can be bought from a main dealer, there is also the opportunity to purchase a used car from second hand car dealers, online through the likes of Auto trader ,eBay, car auctions or privately.

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35A consumer looking to buy a used car has a very different purchase criteria to the buyer of a new car. The purchase decision being based more on price and other financial related aspects like fuel consumption and insurance brackets. Another element a second hand buyer would consider is reliability, which would tie in with the brands reputation. Both BMW and the Mini brand hold good reputation within the car market, both brands being considered reliable cars.

“I heard that Mini’s were reliable cars. I felt I could trust it”(Questionnaire. 2012)

fig 30

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36For consumers the purchasing of buying a used car can be a stressful experience; A buyer purchasing a used car from a main dealer would feel more comfortable

“Carried out in early 2010, the study took a focused look at the second-hand car market. The study follows concerns about the large number of consumer complaints relating to the sector. Last year, nearly 72,000 consumers complained to Consumer Direct about issues with second-hand car sales”. (Oft.gov .2012)

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A buyer purchasing a used car from a main dealer would feel more comfortable in the knowledge that the sale will usually be backed by a year’s warranty, whereas when a used car is bought privately or from an auction there is usually no warranty. Whilst price plays a key factor in the purchase of a used car, an interesting quote from mintel researcher suggests

“For forty per cent of car buyers, the purchase of their next car will largely be an emotional decision where price will be less of a factor”. (Mintel. 2009)

37fig 31

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Main dealer showrooms don’t typically push used car sales; most probably due to commission percentages on the sale of new cars. This practise is clearly demonstrated by visiting any usual car showroom, where there is typically a display of used cars for sale on their forecourts, but as the potential customer enters the showroom itself they are presented by a magnificent display of brand new latest models. Very enticing to the customer compared to the used ones left behind on the forecourt.

38fig 32

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39In view of this factor but taking into consideration the recession and increase in used car sales maybe the main dealers should review their sales pitch and shift towards focusing on the sale of used cars as well as the new, especially while the recession continues. The results of the interviews with second hand car owners hinted that the reason for the purchase of a used car was because they couldn’t afford new.

“because the price was right I couldn’t afford a new one”(Jones. Interview)

fig 33

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40 “Current focus of consumers towards used cars. Used, as opposed to new cars are by far the most preferred potential purchase with little evidence that this will be reversed. Such a strong interest in used cars has clear implications in affecting demand for new innovations as well as the overall retail value of the car market.” (Mintel. 2012)

This quote backs up the fact that maybe the sale procedures of the used cars should be reviewed. Another aspect of this would be the fact that the dealer would be securing a new customer who at a later date might buy new. Our research confirmed that a high percentage of Mini owners remain loyal to the brand. (a:6)

“Mini for me was a good first car to have, so I would definitely buy another Mini”.(Questionaire. 2012)

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42Our research has led us to the fact that whilst the Mini car designs have been productively reinvented by BMW some of the brands unique traits might have been compromised. The early days of the original Mini laid down a personality for the car that made it what it is today, and these elements portrayed very frivolous characteristics, it was cute, fun and cheeky and verged on the edge of risky; being able to push boundaries within the motor industry and succeed.

“It's the small car everyone loves to eulogise because it oozes energetic fun, classless Minimalism and evergreen style”. (CHAPMAN, G. 2011)

fig 35

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43 I almost feel that the Mini brand has now incorporated a sense of nostalgia. It is therefore felt that as well as reconsidering the design of the Mini it could be said that the marketing side also needs reinstating. Many of Minis leading unique selling points like the customisation arrangement have been matched by competitors and the Mini brand needs to find some innovation to re-establish itself as the energetic brand it has relied on. Nonetheless any future marketing plans have to be within limits so as not to upset any existing loyal customers; and the old traditions must be retained.

fig 36

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45 We have already discussed the buying experience of a new mini and related it to be an exciting experience with some personal qualities, however the mini dealerships actually offer little significance or enthusiasm to the used car buyer. With a focus on the shopping experience we wanted to try and create something for the used car sales to match that of the new car sales.

Because of the present economic climate and until new car sales pick up again one of the areas that we felt could be reviewed was within the sale of the used Mini car market. Our research had suggested that this sector of the car market is presently very disconcerting for the buyer and that it’s an area requiring more ethics and a fresh approach, alongside some pioneering ideas.

fig 37

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46With this in mind and wanting to move this idea forward with something unique we took our thoughts back to the build a bear concept, which involved the Childs bear being given human attributes; you name it, dress it and love it. We came up with the idea of extending on the original customisation process offered on the new cars, and applying a similar idea to the used car sales. The idea was to take it to a new level, developing it with a little more depth, more profound.

fig 39

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Our research led us to the fact that a considerable number of drivers name their cars, implying the bond that an adult has with their car can be both responsive and emotional.

We therefore felt we could use more human attribution within the sales execution, and blending in more emotional value.

47Those were among the pet names six out of ten drivers confessed to having given their cars, in a survey by the NCP” (MASSEY R. 2011. Online).

fig 40

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48This led us to consider an idea based on a used Mini being sold with more personality and human attributes that allows the owner to instinctively have more of an intimate feel towards the car and consider it far more than just a motor on wheels to get them from a to b.

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50The “adopt a Mini” slogan stemmed from the fact that a used Mini cannot be customised the way a new Mini can, so instead the buyer will connect with their car by adopting it, kind of another way of the customer connecting with their new used car. Bearing in mind the used car already has a well looked after history backed by a reliable brand; the new owner would hopefully bond with this memoir and value it. The scheme would basically operate

with straightforward paperwork involving the creation of a birth certificate for the used Mini. The buyer would be involved in naming the car and so hopefully feel personal to it at an early stage. Cleverly working alongside all of this would be an after sales plan that would involve implications for the promotion of the lifestyle products.

fig 42

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51“Gifting your Mini” would follow inline to the adoption. Linking in with significant dates like the cars birthday, MOT, service dates. On the anniversary of these dates an aftersales scheme would maintain a connection with the Mini driver by sending them celebration cards linked in with other promotional material based on the lifestyle products, reminding the owner to treat themselves and their cherished car on these special occasions. In addition special Mini events could be linked in with seasons and other dates such as Easter and Christmas. To achieve motivation and encourage the owners to spend on the lifestyle products for these events discount vouchers could be offered for future purchase and also some kind of point system put into place with a view to establishing a loyalty scheme.

“The ultimate obtainment for marketers would be for complete brand loyalty, across all product ranges, from toothpaste to larger purchases such as a new car. Although without any brand loyalty, organisations could not survive…”(Customer Loyalty Schemes.2012)fig 44

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52 This whole plan would hopefully enhance a positive attitude towards the bond between the customer, product and brand.

As a working team that recognises the cheeky attitude the Mini brand has commendably achieved we felt that this whole personalisation of the Mini concept could be taken to even more fun levels, for example by developing an inventive and original campaign to advertise and promote the sale of used cars. The Mini brand has a great advantage of such a fun personality and before this persona is lost it needs to be relaunched. So as a group we’re suggesting an innovative campaign for used Minis along the lines of the “dating ads”. We want to introduce ‘dating ads’ for cars, similar to figure 45. (Jeffrey Campbell, cat dating advert inside box)fig 45

fig 46

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53Moving on further but still maintaining a focus on the human attribute feature, we talked about extending the dating ads into speed dating for the Mini car. This would bring into effect the whole popular social media platform that cannot be ignored in the digital world of today, and this would allow for Mini lovers to meet other Mini lovers and communicate their passion, consequently resulting in the Mini experience being successfully communicated across a union network.

fig 47

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54The report sums up what a great small car the Mini was to hit the motor industry. It has battled some tough times but has survived, and when BMW took Rover over it was the only car model that the prestigious BMW brand saw fit to carry forward into the 21st century. So let’s not give up on the brand just yet. BMW have created some great new designs for the Mini brand but as a group we feel the need for some intelligent marketing that portrays the Mini for what it truly is.

With the reinvention of the cars appealing attitude and a reminder of its heritage then this car will be around for at least another 50 years. The mini brand won over its consumer in the early days and is ready to repeat history.

“winning the customer is all about how to maintain and grow relationships…” (IMBRIANO, L. 2012. P20) The Mini car as little as it might be is so competent of this realisation.

fig 47

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Fig 5. MINI. 2012. RECONNECT OLD FRIENDS. [photograph] [online] Available at: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151188540883511&set=pb.115434098510.-2207520000.1359719877&type=3&theater

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Fig 14. LAMB. 2012. PICTURE BOARD 4. [Photograph] own image

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