depauperate Prepared for: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna Assessment August 2015 Final Report

Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna Assessment · Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna BHP Billiton Iron Ore 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview of Mining Operation Mining

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Page 1: Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna Assessment · Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna BHP Billiton Iron Ore 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview of Mining Operation Mining


Prepared for:

BHP Billiton Iron Ore

Mining Area C, Life of Project:

Stygofauna Assessment

August 2015

Final Report

Page 2: Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna Assessment · Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna BHP Billiton Iron Ore 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview of Mining Operation Mining
Page 3: Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna Assessment · Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna BHP Billiton Iron Ore 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview of Mining Operation Mining


Mining Area C, Life of Project:

Stygofauna Assessment

Bennelongia Pty Ltd

5 Bishop Street

Jolimont WA 6913

P: (08) 9285 8722

F: (08) 9285 8811

E: [email protected]

ACN: 124 110 167

Report Number: 226

Report Version Prepared by Reviewed by Submitted to Client

Method Date

Draft 1 Andrew Trotter

Michael Curran Stuart Halse email 3 November 2014

Draft 2 Andrew Trotter Stuart Halse

Danilo Harms email 8 December 2014


Andrew Trotter

Michael Curran

Stuart Halse

Stuart Halse email 16 February 2015

Final2 Andrew Trotter

Michael Curran Stuart Halse email 26 August 2015

K:\Projects\B_BHPBIO_56\Stygofauna Report\Final_BEC_Mining Area C Life of Asset Stygo Report_final_26viii15

This document has been prepared to the requirements of the Client and is for the use by the Client, its

agents, and Bennelongia Environmental Consultants. Copyright and any other Intellectual Property

associated with the document belong to Bennelongia Environmental Consultants and may not be

reproduced without written permission of the Client or Bennelongia. No liability or responsibility is

accepted in respect of any use by a third party or for purposes other than for which the document was

commissioned. Bennelongia has not attempted to verify the accuracy and completeness of

information supplied by the Client. © Copyright 2014 Bennelongia Pty Ltd.

Page 4: Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna Assessment · Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna BHP Billiton Iron Ore 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview of Mining Operation Mining




Mining Area C is located approximately 100 kilometres (km) north-west of Newman in the central

Pilbara region of Western Australia. The Northern Flank Valley is an active mining operation in the

north-eastern corner of the mining lease and comprises 14 deposits, namely the Marra Mamba Iron

Formation deposits A, B, C, D, E, F and R, the Brockman Detrital Deposit and six Brockman Iron

Formation bedrock deposits (P1-6) on the Packsaddle Range.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was conducted in 1997 via the Public Environmental

Review (PER) process. The PER presented BHP Billiton Iron Ore’s proposal to mine 14 iron ore deposits

identified in the Northern Flank Valley at Mining Area C (i.e. deposits A, B, C, D, E, F, R, P1, P2, P3, P4,

P5, P6 and the Brockman Detrital Deposit).

The PER was assessed by Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Bulletin 913 in 1998 and a

Ministerial Statement of Approval (MS 491) was issued by the Minister for the Environment in

December 1998 under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

Two deposits were assessed in the PER – C Deposit and the Brockman Detrital Deposit. In addition to

the specific assessment of these two deposits, MS 491 provided an on-going mechanism for the

development of the remaining 12 deposits subject to the Mining Area C Environmental Management

Plan (EMP) being reviewed and updated to the requirements of the EPA as the other deposits came on

line. MS 491 also required that each new version of the EMP be made available for public review to

the requirements of the EPA.

Deposits A, B, C, D, E, F, P1, P3, P4 and the Brockman Detrital have been described and assessed in

previous versions of the EMP. EMP Revisions 1 through to 5 describe the current extent of mining

below the water table (A, C, E, F, P1 and P3 deposits) and above the water table (B, D, P4 and

Brockman Detrital deposits) at Mining Area C.

Project Description

BHP Billiton Iron Ore is seeking access to the remaining deposits at Mining Area C through the

development of a Life of Project EMP (Revision 6). A preliminary project scope includes:

access to the P2, P5, P6 and R deposits;

current and planned pit boundaries (including extensions to all approved pits) and

Overburden Storage Area (OSA) boundaries;

below water table mining of all deposits and placement of overburden in mined out voids;

construction and use of haul and access roads;

out-of-pit topsoil, Run-of-Mine and low grade ore stockpiles;

continued groundwater abstraction and usage of this water to meet operational demands;

additional infrastructure required to support the future mine plan; and

closure and progressive rehabilitation.


This report provides information about the potential effects on stygofauna of the developments

proposed in the Life of Project EMP (Revision 6). Potential effects on stygofauna were assessed using

available information on the stygofauna species present within the area where changes in

groundwater volume are predicted to occur. This area is referred to in the remainder of the report as

the Groundwater Assessment Area.

The specific objectives of this assessment were:

(1) To identify the stygofauna species present in the Groundwater Assessment Area.

(2) To assess the potential impacts of the Life of Project EMP on the stygofauna species present in

the Groundwater Assessment Area.

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Two areas within the Groundwater Assessment Area, namely the Weeli Wolli Spring Priority Ecological

Community (PEC) and the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC, were seen as most likely to contain

conservation-significant stygofauna communities that might be adversely affected by decreases in

groundwater levels. The Weeli Wolli Spring PEC consists of two separate areas around Weeli Wolli

Spring and Bens Oasis.


Stygofauna surveys in the Groundwater Assessment Area and associated Reference Area were

conducted in accordance with the recommendations of EPA Environmental Assessment Guideline 12

and Guidance Statement 54A. Altogether, 386 stygofauna samples were collected from within the

Groundwater Assessment Area under the Regional Subterranean Fauna Sampling Program. A further

393 stygofauna samples were collected from the Reference Area. Additional data on stygofauna

occurrence that were obtained by-catch during troglofauna sampling were also used in assessment,

together with significant data from the Pilbara Biodiversity Survey for the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC.

Of the 51 stygofauna species collected during sampling, 37 species were found in the Groundwater

Assessment Area. Three of these species (nr Epactophanes sp. B01, Dussartcyclops sp. B10, and nr

Notobathynella sp. S01) are considered to be known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.

While habitat connectivity appears to be high, the range of nr Epactophanes sp. B01 is unclear and

potential threat to the species is uncertain because of its occurrence as a single animal. The range of

Dussartcyclops sp. B10 is also unclear because it has only been recorded at one site and therefore the

level of threat to this species is unclear. nr Notobathynella sp. S01 occurs only 77 m from the edge of

the Groundwater Assessment Area and its range almost certainly extends into areas that are classified

as undisturbed. Consequently, the level of threat to nr Notobathynella sp. S01 is likely to be low.

Proposed groundwater drawdown within the Groundwater Assessment Area is expected to reduce the

area of undisturbed calcrete within the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC and its buffer by approximately 10%

from 38 to 34 km2. The area of undisturbed calcrete immediately upstream of Weeli Wolli Spring itself

will be reduced 56% from 6.2 to 2.8 km2. However, these reductions in the area of undisturbed

calcrete are unlikely to threaten stygofauna conservation values in the PEC because of the abundant

stygofauna habitat downstream of the Groundwater Assessment Area. Previous investigations suggest

it is likely that all stygofauna species in the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC also occur downstream of the

Groundwater Assessment Area in the Lower Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment or within the Marillana Creek

Catchment. No restricted stygofauna species have been found at Bens Oasis.

Groundwater drawdown in the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC is unlikely to impact on stygofauna

conservation values because this community is comparatively depauperate and consists entirely of

species that are more widespread in the Coondewanna Catchment. Therefore, the impacts on

stygofauna at the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC from the proposed groundwater drawdown in the

Groundwater Assessment Area are considered to be negligible.

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CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. VII 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Overview of Mining Operation .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Approvals History ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3. Current Proposal ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.4. Report Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.5. Survey Program ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

2. BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Stygofauna .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1.1. Habitat Requirements.............................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.2. Principal Impacts of Mining on Stygofauna ................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3. Other Impacts of Mining on Stygofauna ......................................................................................................... 5

2.2. Legislative Framework .................................................................................................................................................... 6 3. GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT AREA ................................................................................................... 7 4. HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 8

4.1. Geology of the Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment ...................................................................................................... 8 4.2. Hydrogeology of the Upper Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment ............................................................................ 8 4.3. Geology of the Coondewanna Catchment ............................................................................................................. 8 4.4. Hydrogeology of the Coondewanna Catchment ................................................................................................. 9

5. STYGOFAUNA SURVEYS .......................................................................................................................... 9 5.1. Stygofauna Surveys in the Vicinity of Mining Area C ......................................................................................... 9 5.2. Stygofauna Occurrence and Abundance .............................................................................................................. 11 5.3. Species Known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area .................................................................... 11 5.4. Richness of the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC ................................................................................................................. 11 5.5. Richness of the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC ........................................................................................................ 20

6. IMPACT EVALUATION .......................................................................................................................... 20 6.1. Habitat Connectivity ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 6.2. Future Conservation Status......................................................................................................................................... 20

6.2.1. Impacts on the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC .......................................................................................................... 21 6.2.2. Impacts on the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC ................................................................................................. 22

6.3. Mine Closure ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 7. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................... 23 8. LITERATURE ........................................................................................................................................... 23 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................... 27

Appendix 1 - Field and Laboratory Methods ........................................................................................................... 28 Appendix 2 - Drill Holes Sampled in the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Areas ........ 29 Appendix 3 - Stygofauna Records from the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area .... 34 Appendix 4 - Widely Distributed Amphipods and Isopods Known Only from the Weeli Wolli Creek

and Coondewanna Catchments .................................................................................................................................... 40


LEASES. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 FIGURE 2. THE GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT AREA AT MINING AREA C, APPROVED GROUNDWATER DRAWDOWN AREA,


UPPER WEELI WOLLI AND COONDEWANNA CATCHMENTS. ............................................................................................. 10 FIGURE 4. SPECIES KNOWN ONLY FROM THE GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT AREA. ................................................................ 19

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AREA. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 TABLE 3. STYGOFAUNA SPECIES COLLECTED WITHIN THE GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT AREA AND REFERENCE AREA. .... 12 TABLE 4. STYGOFAUNA IDENTIFIED ONLY TO HIGHER LEVELS (IMMATURE OR DAMAGED SPECIMENS). .................................. 17

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore



1.1. Overview of Mining Operation Mining Area C is located approximately 100 kilometres (km) north-west of Newman in the central

Pilbara region of Western Australia (Figure 1). The Northern Flank Valley is an active mining operation

in the north-eastern corner of the mining lease and comprises 14 deposits, namely the Marra Mamba

Iron Formation deposits A, B, C, D, E, F and R, the Brockman Detrital Deposit and six Brockman Iron

Formation bedrock deposits (P1-6) on the Packsaddle Range.

Iron ore is mined at Mining Area C using conventional open pit methods, whereby iron ore is crushed,

screened and loaded onto trains at the Mining Area C ore handling facilities for transport via rail to

Port Hedland. Mining Area C operates under Ministerial Statement 491 (MS 491) within the Area C

Licence Boundary (Figures 1B, 2).

1.2. Approvals History An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Mining Area C was conducted in 1997 via the Public

Environmental Review (PER) process. The PER presented BHP Billiton Iron Ore’s proposal to mine 14

iron ore deposits identified in the Northern Flank Valley (i.e. deposits A, B, C, D, E, F, R, P1, P2, P3, P4,

P5, P6 and the Brockman Detrital Deposit).

The PER was assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in 1998 (Bulletin No. 913 ) and

a Ministerial Statement of Approval (MS 491) was issued by the Minister for the Environment in

December 1998 under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).

Only two deposits were specifically assessed in the PER – C Deposit and the Brockman Detrital

Deposit. In addition to the specific assessment of these two deposits, MS 491 provided an on-going

mechanism for the development of the remaining 12 deposits. This involves the Mining Area C

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) being reviewed and updated to the requirements of the EPA

as the other deposits came on line. MS 491 also required that each new version of the EMP be made

available for public review to the requirements of the EPA.

Deposits A, B, C, D, E, F, P1, P3, P4 and the Brockman Detrital have been described and assessed in

previous versions of the EMP. EMP Revisions 1 - 5 describe the current extent of mining below the

water table (A, C, E, F, P1 and P3 deposits) and above the water table (B, D, P4 and Brockman Detrital

deposits) at Mining Area C.

1.3. Current Proposal BHP Billiton Iron Ore is seeking access to the remaining deposits at Mining Area C through the

development of a Life of Project EMP (Revision 6). The preliminary project scope includes:

access to the P2, P5, P6 and R deposits;

current and planned pit boundaries (including extensions to all approved pits) and

Overburden Storage Area (OSA) boundaries;

below water table mining of all deposits and placement of overburden in mined out voids;

construction and use of haul and access roads;

out-of-pit topsoil, Run-of-Mine and low grade ore stockpiles;

continued groundwater abstraction and usage of this water to meet operational demands;

additional infrastructure required to support the future mine plan; and

closure and progressive rehabilitation.

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Figure 1. Location of Mining Area C in relation to other BHP Billiton Iron Ore projects and exploration


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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Figure 2. The Groundwater Assessment Area at Mining Area C, approved groundwater drawdown area, Weeli Wolli Spring and Coolibah-Lignum Flats PECs.

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


1.4. Report Objectives This report provides information about the potential effects on stygofauna of the developments

proposed in the Life of Project EMP (Revision 6). Potential effects on stygofauna were examined in the

area where reductions in groundwater levels are predicted to occur. This area of lowered

groundwater levels is referred to in the remainder of the report as the Groundwater Assessment Area

(Figure 2).

The objectives of this assessment were:

(1) To identify the stygofauna species present in the Groundwater Assessment Area.

(2) To assess the potential impacts of the Life of Project EMP on the stygofauna species present

in the Groundwater Assessment Area.

1.5. Survey Program The stygofauna surveys undertaken at Mining Area C, on which this report is based, were mostly part

of a broad-scale subterranean fauna survey known as the Regional Subterranean Fauna Sampling

Program (RSFSP) that began in November 2007. To date, the RSFSP has resulted in survey of more

than 30 mining and exploration areas across the Pilbara, including Mining Area C and nearby locations

in the Weeli Wolli and Coondewanna catchments. More recently, baseline subterranean surveys have

been conducted to the west and east of Mining Area C.


2.1. Stygofauna Stygofauna are aquatic animals that live in groundwater. They are predominantly crustaceans,

although stygofaunal worms, snails and water mites also exist. In addition, groundwater contains

nematodes, bdelloid rotifers and some other groups with taxonomy so poorly resolved that stygal

species cannot be reliably distinguished from surface forms. In general, stygofauna are characterised

by the loss of eyes and skin pigmentation and the development of a vermiform body shape and more

elongated appendages than surface relatives, although some species retain reduced eyes and not all

have a vermiform shape.

Stygofauna species are a focus of environmental assessment because a high proportion of them have

restricted distributions (Gibert and Deharveng 2002). According to Eberhard et al. (2009), about 70%

of Pilbara stygofauna species are likely to be short range endemics (SREs) as defined by Harvey (2002),

with many of them having much smaller ranges than Harvey’s criterion of 10,000 km2. Species with

restricted ranges are vulnerable to extinction following habitat destruction or environmental changes

(Ponder and Colgan 2002; Fontaine et al. 2007).

Studies to date suggest that the Pilbara region contains the richest stygofauna communities in

Australia, with up to 54 species collected from individual bores and a total of about 350 species

known from the region (Halse et al. 2014). New species are constantly being discovered (Finston et al.

2008; Karanovic and Hancock 2009) and it has been estimated that 500-550 species of stygofauna will

eventually be found (Eberhard et al. 2009). Thus, the Pilbara is not only rich in stygofauna at an

Australian level; it also has outstanding richness by global standards (Halse et al. 2014).

2.1.1. Habitat Requirements

Stygofauna occur in an array of different groundwater habitats including porous, karstic and

fractured-rock aquifers, springs and the hyporheos of streams (Eberhard et al. 2005). Calcrete and

alluvium are typically considered to be productive habitats for stygofauna, although mafic volcanics

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


support rich stygofauna communities compared with the moderate abundance of communities in

banded iron formation (Halse et al. 2014). Both lateral and vertical connectivity of fissures and voids

are important for the occurrence of stygofauna. Lateral connectivity enables animals to move about

underground, while vertical connectivity through to the surface enables recharge of carbon and

nutrients to the stygofauna community. There is a clear correlation between transmissivity of an

aquifer and its suitability for stygofauna.

Stygofauna have mostly been recorded in fresh to brackish groundwater but may occur in salinities

(expressed as conductivity) of up to 55,000 µS/cm (Watts and Humphreys 2006; Schulz et al. 2013).

Apart from salinity, the physicochemical tolerance of stygofauna to different groundwater parameters,

especially in the Pilbara, has been poorly defined (see Halse et al. 2014).

2.1.2. Principal Impacts of Mining on Stygofauna

Only impacts causing direct habitat loss are likely to threaten the persistence of stygofauna species.

Two activities lead to most of the stygofauna habitat loss associated with mining. These are:

(1) Groundwater drawdown. Drawdown of aquifers from dewatering of mine pits or the

abstraction of groundwater for ore processing is likely to threaten the persistence of any

stygofauna species restricted to the area of drawdown.

(2) Pit excavation. Removal of stygofauna habitat when excavating mine pits is likely to threaten

the persistence of any stygofauna species restricted to the mine pit. This impact can be

assessed when considering groundwater drawdown because the mine pits are contained

within the area of drawdown.

In the Pilbara, a modelled drawdown of ≥2 m over and above natural climatic fluctuations is

considered to have potential impacts on stygofauna because it represents the point where the scale of

anthropogenic change exceeds the extent of natural fluctuations (see Johnson and Wright 2001).

2.1.3. Other Impacts of Mining on Stygofauna

There has been little research into the impact of reduced habitat quality, rather than direct habitat

removal, on stygofauna. Factors potentially reducing habitat quality include water quality changes,

changed habitat structure, reduced energy sources, or ingress of pollutants (see Humphreys 2009). In

this assessment, it is considered that reduced habitat quality is more likely to result in lowered animal

densities than to threaten species persistence. Possible consequences of some factors reducing

habitat quality are summarised below:

(1) Water quality changes. In most situations, water quality changes occupy relatively small areas

(Rosner 1998; Zhu et al. 2001), although increases in groundwater salinity may be more

extensive (Commander et al. 1994; Sharma and Al-Busaidi 2001) and salinity changes may

potentially threaten some species in the Pilbara, where stygofauna occur mostly in fresh water

(<1,000 mg/L). The tolerance of stygofauna species in the Groundwater Assessment Area to

increased salinity is unknown but based on surface studies it is likely that overall stygofauna

species richness will decline sharply if groundwater salinity reaches 2,000 mg/L (Pinder et al.

2010). Changes of this magnitude have been observed in parts of the Pilbara as a result of

mining (Commander et al. 1994).

(2) Percussion from blasting. Blasting may have a direct effect on stygofauna through percussion

and indirect detrimental effects through altering underground structure (usually rock

fragmentation and collapse of voids) and causing transient increases in groundwater turbidity.

Subterranean fauna have been collected adjacent to areas where blasting is occurring

regularly (Bennelongia 2008), suggesting that impacts are experienced only over short


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BHP Billiton Iron Ore


(3) Overburden stockpiles and waste dumps. These artificial landforms may cause localised

reduction in rainfall recharge and associated entry of dissolved organic matter and nutrients

because water runs off stockpiles rather than infiltrating through them and into the

underlying ground. The effects of reduced carbon and nutrient input are likely to be

expressed over many years and are unlikely to significantly impact on stygofauna as lateral

movement of groundwater should bring in carbon and nutrients.

(4) Aquifer recharge from run-off over disturbed ground. Quality of recharged water within mine

sites is often poor because of rock break-up and soil disturbance (e.g. Gajowiec 1993;

McAuley and Kozar 2006). Impacts will be minimised through management of surface water

and installing drainage channels, sumps and pump in the pit to prevent recharge though the

pit floor. While poor quality of recharge water may reduce population densities, it is unlikely

to affect species persistence.

(5) Contamination of groundwater by hydrocarbons. Any contamination is likely to be localised

and will be minimised by engineering and management practices to ensure the containment

of hydrocarbon products.

2.2. Legislative Framework The EPA has recently updated its advice on assessment of stygofauna with the release of

Environmental Assessment Guideline 12 (EPA 2013), which supersedes the framework provided in

Guidance Statement 54 (EPA 2003). The recommendations regarding sampling methods in Guidance

Statement 54A remain in place (EPA 2007). The surveys that contributed to this assessment were

conducted according to the general principles laid out in these documents.

Legislative protection of species and communities in Western Australia is provided at two levels. The

Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (WC Act) operates at the state level, while the Environment Protection

and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) operates at the national level. No stygofauna

communities or species listed under the EPBC Act occur at Mining Area C or nearby areas

(Department of Environment 2014). Similarly, no stygofauna species listed under the WC Act occurs at

Mining Area C or in the vicinity (Department of Parks and Wildlife [DPaW] 2013). Communities are

not listed under the WC Act but a list of threatened communities prepared by the DPaW is endorsed

by the Minister for the Environment. No threatened stygofauna community occurs in the vicinity of

Mining Area C.

There is a further, informal process whereby priority species and priority ecological communities

(PECs) are listed by DPaW. Two PECs occur in the Groundwater Assessment Area (Figure 2). They are:

Weeli Wolli Spring PEC

The Weeli Wolli Spring PEC comprises Weeli Wolli Spring and Bens Oasis (Figure 2). The two areas are

considered to support a unique community of animals and plants, including endemic species of

stygofauna (van Leeuwen 2009). The richness of stygofauna species in the PEC is attributed to the

large-scale calcrete and alluvial aquifer system associated with the two areas (van Leeuwen 2009;

DPaW 2014). Two species of stygofauna are considered by DPaW to be endemic to Weeli Wolli

Spring itself: the water mite Arrenurus sp. nov. 1 (PSS) and the oligochaete Ainudrilus sp. WA26 (PSS)

(van Leeuwen 2009).

Coolibah-lignum Flats PEC

The other PEC occurring within the Groundwater Assessment Area is the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC in

the Coondewanna Catchment (Figure 2). These flats are characterised by Eucalyptus victrix growing

over Muehlenbeckia floruenta (lignum) on red clays in run-on zones. Extensive areas of sub-surface

calcrete are known to occur in the Coondewanna Catchment, including within the Coolibah-Lignum

Flats PEC, and these areas of calcrete may support stygofauna communities.

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


3. GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT AREA Mining Area C is in the Hamersley Range. It lies within the catchment of Weeli Wolli Creek, which is a

tributary of the Fortescue River (Figure 2). The Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment is divided into three sub-

catchments: 1) Upper Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment (1877 km2); 2) Marillana Creek Catchment

(2050 km2); and 3) Lower Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment (210 km2) into which 1 and 2 flow. The Weeli

Wolli Creek Catchment is flanked by the Coondewanna Catchment (862 km2), which is part of the

Ashburton River (Figure 2). Groundwater sometimes flows across the catchment divide between the

Upper Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment and Coondewanna Catchment (URS 2014).

Assessing the likely impacts on stygofauna as a result of the dewatering associated with the Life of

Project EMP (Revision 6) is a complex process. The existing mining operations and associated de-

watering at Mining Area C and Hope Downs have led to considerable amount of approved

groundwater drawdown in the vicinity of Mining Area C (Figure 2). This approved drawdown is

located within the Upper Weeli Wolli and Coondewanna Catchments. The Hope Downs mining

operation is approved to partially dewater the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC and also to discharge water into

the PEC. The groundwater model included scenarios with or without the backfilling of pit voids at A

and E Deposits for the purpose of the groundwater modelling assessment. The Camp Hill area was

also included as a potential future reinjection site in order to model potential impacts from managed

aquifer recharge to support ongoing Mining Area C dewatering requirements.

In this report, we refer to the additional area experiencing groundwater drawdown of ≥2 m as a result

of the Life of Project EMP (Revision 6) as the Groundwater Assessment Area. It reflects the maximum

spatial extent of modelled groundwater drawdown ≥2 m during the proposed life of mine operations,

irrespective of whether there is backfilling of pit voids at A and E Deposits. The Groundwater

Assessment Area is predicted to cover 468 km2 (Figure 2). The full spatial extent of drawdown

associated with the Life of Project EMP (Revision 6) is considerably larger because it overlaps much of

the 420 km2 of approved groundwater drawdown (Figure 2). Together, the Groundwater Assessment

Area and area of approved groundwater drawdown comprise the cumulative impact of mining

operations in the Upper Weeli Wolli Catchment (888 km2).

A small part of the Groundwater Assessment Area lies within the buffer area of the Weeli Wolli Spring

PEC, which is considered to be the most ecologically significant stygofauna receptor within the area of

cumulative groundwater drawdown associated with the operations of Upper Weeli Wolli Catchment

mines. Information on the predicted depth and duration of drawdown at the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC

and other known ecologically significant receptors is summarised in Table 1. Proposed groundwater

drawdown will reduce the area of undisturbed calcrete within the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC and its buffer

by approximately 10% from 38 to 34 km2 and the area of undisturbed calcrete immediately upstream

of Weeli Wolli Spring itself will be reduced by 56% from 6.2 to 2.8 km2.

In addition to drawdown in the Groundwater Assessment Area, the modelled high case production

output predicts there will be groundwater mounding at Camp Hill (see Figure 1) as a result of

reinjection of excess dewatered groundwater from the Project Area at this location. This groundwater

mound is likely to be used later in Project life, with the watertable being drawn down by the end of

mining (2054). This drawdown is already approved and does not form part of the assessment for the

Table 1. Groundwater drawdown at selected receptors as a result of abstraction from Project

development and as a result the cumulative effect of Hope Downs and Project abstraction.

Time to full recovery of groundwater levels after mining ceases, with voids back-filled, is also shown.

Cumulative drawdown Project drawdown Recovery time

Coondewanna Flats 8-10 m 8-10 m 100s y

Weeli Wolli Spring 4-6 m <1 m <50 y

Bens Oasis 2-5 m (extrapolated) <1 m (extrapolated) >100 y

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Groundwater Assessment Area. It is considered that mounding is highly unlikely to have any adverse

effect on stygofauna and therefore it will not be discussed further.


4.1. Geology of the Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment The geology of the Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment is dominated by the Hamersley Group and Tertiary

Detritals valley-fill successions. Mining Area C contains Marra Mamba Iron Formation in the Jirrpalpur

Range and Brockman Iron Formation in the Packsaddle Range. Tertiary Detrital successions occur in

the Northern Flank and other valleys to depths of up to 200 m. Calcrete also occurs in these valley-fill

successions, formed because of fluctuating water table settings during the Tertiary to recent periods

(Johnson and Wright 2001).

4.2. Hydrogeology of the Upper Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment The local hydrogeology in the Upper Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment has been described in RPS (2013)

and the information is summarised here. Weeli Wolli Creek and its tributaries flow along valleys

confined by hills of Marra Mamba and Brockman Iron Formation. Preferential weathering of the

Wittenoom Formation between these outcrops resulted in a low lying area that has since been filled

with Tertiary deposits comprising alluvium sourced from the surrounding outcrop and chemically

precipitated calcrete. Tertiary sediments are up to 75 m thick upstream of the spring and

approximately 20 m thick at the spring.

In the bedrock under Weeli Wolli Spring and the calcrete aquifer immediately upstream of it


Wittenoom Formation. The Paraburdoo member farthest from the spring has a high

permeability whereas the Bee Gorge member, stratigaphically higher than the Paraburdoo

member and closer to the spring, is of low permeability. The Wittenoom formation occurs at

depths of between 40-70 mbgl and gets shallower closer to the spring as the more

weathering resistant Bee Gorge member subcrops.

Mount Sylvia Formation (low permeability).

Mount McRae Shale (low permeability).

Brockman Iron Formation (unmineralised and of low permeability).

The Brockman Iron Formation and Mt McRae Shale are particularly resistant to erosion and form a

prominent ridge (Wildflower Range) along the northern extent of the catchment. Weeli Wolli Creek

flows through this ridge (across the regional geological strike) in a narrow fault-controlled valley.

Under the creek, the erosion-resistant Brockman Iron and Mt McRae Formations rise to shallow

subcrop (i.e. they form a rock-bar).

The Tertiary sediments contain an extensive calcrete deposit that has a saturated thickness of around

5 m and is vuggy and permeable. Based on the morphology of Australian groundwater calcrete and

because the base of the calcrete sits just below the water table, Weeli Wolli Spring is likely to be an

area of active calcrete formation. The calcrete is incised by the creek channel which is in-filled with

Quaternary alluvium. The calcrete is underlain by poorly sorted alluvium of clay, sands and gravels that

overlies the bedrock.

4.3. Geology of the Coondewanna Catchment The Coondewanna Catchment lies adjacent to the Jirrpalpur Range and is dominated by the

Wittenoom Formation stratigraphic units, while Tertiary Detrital valley-fill successions reside in low-

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lying topographic areas. Areas of calcrete occur across the valley-fill, ranging in thickness from 3 m to

14 m. Dolomite is also present within the catchment, persisting below the Tertiary boundary of the

detrital sequence. Based on drilling data, the dolomite is likely to occur across the entire catchment

area. Dolerite dykes occur in the southeast areas of the catchment.

4.4. Hydrogeology of the Coondewanna Catchment The local hydrogeology in the Coondewanna Catchment has been described in URS (2014) and is

summarised below.

The Coondewanna Catchment operates as an internally draining system. However, it is hydraulically

connected to the regional aquifer systems and overflows to the east during extreme flood events.

According to site specific data and modelling, except during flood events the local aquifers in and

around Coondewanna mostly act as discrete or semi-discrete compartments controlled by structure

and stratigraphy.

The key hydrogeological units present within the Coondewanna Catchment include:

Tertiary Detrital valley-fill;

Calcrete/silcrete; and


Overall, the structure of aquifers in the Coondewanna Catchment is highly variable and not well

documented. Weathered, vuggy and karstic formations associated with hydrated zones, dolomite

within the Wittenoom Formation and alluvial successions may act as locally significant aquifers.

Calcrete/ silcrete horizons show only small cavities and vugs, which may mean the upper detrital zone

contains perched aquifers with which calcrete is associated.

The northeast to southwest striking dolerite dykes in the southeast of the catchment form hydraulic

barriers and impede groundwater flow, causing local mounding and shallow water tables upstream of

the dykes. The water table is around 18-23 mbgl in most of the catchment. There is a drop of around

30 m in groundwater levels (to 50+ mbgl) in the southeast.


5.1. Stygofauna Surveys in the Vicinity of Mining Area C A total of 386 stygofauna samples were collected in the Groundwater Assessment Area (Table 2). Of

these samples, 155 were collected at Jirrpalpur Range, 83 at Packsaddle Range, 79 at Upper Weeli

Wolli Catchment, and 69 Coondewanna Catchment (Figure 3). Some stygofauna were also collected

as by-catch during troglofauna sampling.

Totals of 201 and 192 samples, respectively, were collected from the Reference Area covering parts of

the Upper Weeli Wolli Catchment and Coondewanna Catchment (Table 2 and Figure 3). These

samples provided information on the wider distribution of stygofauna outside the Groundwater

Assessment Area.

Details of sampling methodology and a complete list of bores sampled (with coordinates) within the

Groundwater Assessment Area and the Reference Area are provided in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.

Additional information on species ranges was obtained from other RSFSP sampling, previous surveys

by Eberhard and Humphreys (1999), Biota (2004a, 2004b), Pilbara Biodiversity Survey (Halse et al.

2014), and surveys of Hope Downs (Biota 2006) and Yandicoogina Project (Biota 2005; Biota 2010).

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Figure 3. Stygofauna samples collected in the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area in Upper Weeli Wolli and Coondewanna catchments.

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5.2. Stygofauna Occurrence and Abundance During the RSFSP and recent baseline surveys, 2816 specimens of stygofauna were collected from the

Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area (Table 3, Table 4, and Appendix 2). These

specimens represent at least 51 species of stygofauna and belong to 10 higher level groups: flatworms

(1 species), nematodes (treated as 1 species, but potentially more), rotifers (4 species), oligochaetes (7

species), mites (3 species), ostracods (8 species), copepods (13 species), syncarids (5 species),

amphipods (8 species) and isopods (1 species).

The numerically dominant groups and species were rotifers (Bdelloidea sp. 2:2 and Bdelloidea sp. 2:3),

nematodes (Nematoda sp.), oligochaetes (Dero nivea, Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS), Enchytraeidae sp.) and

amphipods (Paramelitidae sp. B03 and Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02). All of these species were

represented by more than 100 specimens. Twenty-three species were represented by fewer than 10

specimens (Table 3).

Of the 51 stygofauna species collected in the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area, 37

species were recorded in the Groundwater Assessment Area and 38 species were recorded in the

Reference Area. Thirteen species were recorded only in the Groundwater Assessment Area during

sampling (although most of these species have been recorded more widely beyond the Reference

Area in other sampling programs, including the RSFSP: see Table 3). Fourteen species were recorded

only in the Reference Area.

5.3. Species Known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area Three of the 13 species recorded only in the Groundwater Assessment Area are currently known only

from that area (Table 3). They are, the copepod nr Epactophanes sp. B01, collected at Packsaddle

Range (P4 Deposit) and represented by a single specimen, the syncarid nr Notobathynella sp. S01,

collected from South Boundary Ridge in the Coondewanna Catchment and represented by 21 animals

collected in five samples from three sites in close proximity, and the copepod Dussartcyclops sp. B10

known only from three specimens in one sample from the Coondewanna Catchment (Figure 4).

5.4. Richness of the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC Stygofauna richness in the Upper Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment is considered to be centred on the

Weeli Wolli Spring and this richness is recognised as one of the values of the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC

(DPaW 2014). The abundance of stygofauna in the PEC has been attributed to the presence of a

large-scale calcrete aquifer (Eberhard and Humphreys 1999; DEC 2014) and at least 29 species of

stygofauna have been collected previously in the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC (Bennelongia 2013).

Table 2. Numbers of stygofauna samples collected in the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2014 2015 Total Samples

Groundwater Assessment Area

Jirrpalpur Range at Mining Area C 2 5 10 138


Packsaddle Range at Mining Area C 1 69

8 5 83

Upper Weeli Wolli Catchment

23 26 2 24

4 79

Coondewanna Catchment 2 17 6 2

21 21 69

Total Samples


Reference Area

Upper Weeli Wolli Catchment

59 79 22 35

6 201

Coondewanna Catchment 1 50 85 34

14 8 192

Total Samples


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Table 3. Stygofauna species collected within the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area. Note: Includes specimens collected as by-catch during troglofauna sampling (see Appendix 2 for details). Blue highlight indicated species known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.











e o

f th






r A






Other Occurrences, Comments Jirr













Weeli W









Weeli W




Turbellaria sp. 5 Not


in EIAs¹

Probably widespread²


Nematoda sp. 5 15 4 2 315 6 Not


in EIAs¹

Probably widespread²




Bdelloidea sp. 2:2 3 500 Not


in EIAs¹

Probably widespread²

Bdelloidea sp. 2:3 101 Not


in EIAs¹

Probably widespread²

Rotaria sp. 1 Not


in EIAs¹

Probably widespread²



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Table 3. Stygofauna species collected within the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area. Note: Includes specimens collected as by-catch during troglofauna sampling (see Appendix 2 for details). Blue highlight indicated species known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.











e o

f th






r A






Other Occurrences, Comments Jirr













Weeli W









Weeli W


Filinia sp. 2 2 7 1 Not


in EIAs¹

Probably widespread2




Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 2 41 1 Yes Pilbara-wide2,3

Phreodrilidae sp. S06 1 Yes Elsewhere in Pilbara⁴

Ainudrilus sp. WA26 (PSS) 11,


Yes Known only from these records

Dero nivea 180 Yes Cosmopolitan5


Enchytraeidae sp. S01 18 Yes Packsaddle Range in approved drawdown; Yarrie3

Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 3 169 1 Yes Pilbara-wide2,3

Enchytraeus sp. 2 (PSS) Pilbara 1 1 Yes Pilbara-wide2,3





Arrenurus sp. B03 (sp. nov. 1 (PSS)) 1² Yes Marillana Creek⁶

Halacaridae sp. B01 1 1 Yes Known only from these records

Recifella sp. P1 (nr umala) (PSW) 1 Yes Elsewhere in the Pilbara2



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Table 3. Stygofauna species collected within the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area. Note: Includes specimens collected as by-catch during troglofauna sampling (see Appendix 2 for details). Blue highlight indicated species known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.











e o

f th






r A






Other Occurrences, Comments Jirr













Weeli W









Weeli W



Areacandona cf. mulgae 1 Yes Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution

Gomphodella yandi 78 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Lower Weeli Wolli³

Meridiescandona facies 1 54 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Central/

eastern Fortescue⁷

Meridiescandona marillanae 16 Yes Lower Weeli Wolli, Yandi³

Notacandona boultoni 2 45 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Lower Weeli Wolli, Yandi³

Notacandona modesta 2 20 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Marillana Creek⁴

Origocandona grommike 8 Yes Camp Hill in approved drawdown; Newman, Ophthalmia, Whaleback³

Cypretta seurati 15 Yes Cosmopolitan8,9,10



Stygoridgewayia trispinosa 1 1 Yes Jirrpalpur Range in approved drawdown; Elsewhere in Pilbara11


Diacyclops cockingi 10 85 Yes Pilbara-wide2,12

Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 8 5 39 Yes Pilbara-wide2,13

Dussartcyclops sp. B10 3 No Known only from this record

Fierscyclops (Fierscyclops) sp. B03 (nr


1 2 Yes Whaleback; Elsewhere in Pilbara 3,4

Mesocyclops brooksi 7 2 Yes Western Australia2,12

Microcyclops varicans 1 Yes Cosmopolitan14

Pescecyclops pilbaricus 1 13 Yes Central Pilbara3,12 (previously known as Metacyclops pilbaricus)

Thermocyclops sp. 1 Yes Considered almost certain to be Thermocyclops decipiens (Pilbara-wide and


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Table 3. Stygofauna species collected within the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area. Note: Includes specimens collected as by-catch during troglofauna sampling (see Appendix 2 for details). Blue highlight indicated species known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.











e o

f th






r A






Other Occurrences, Comments Jirr













Weeli W









Weeli W



Australocamptus sp. 1 25 Yes Specimens in Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area are

considered to be conspecific. Considered likely to occur only in the Weeli Wolli

and Coondewanna catchments

Gordonitocrella trajani 2 74 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Lower Weeli Wolli; Elsewhere in


Schizopera sp. B02 1 7 Yes Known only from these records³

nr Epactophanes sp. B01 1 No Known only from this record³



Atopobathynella sp. B04 15 Yes Marillana Creek³

Bathynella sp. 1 Yes Considered likely to occur only in the Weeli Wolli and Coondewanna


Notobathynella sp. 2 2 Yes Specimens Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area are considered

to be conspecific. Considered likely to occur only in the Weeli Wolli and

Coondewanna catchments

nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae

sp. S03)

46 11 15 Yes Mindy, Yandi³

nr Notobathynella sp. S01 21 No Known only from these records³


Chydaekata sp. B01 4 Yes Camp Hill in approved drawdown³

Chydaekata sp. E 4 33 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Lower Weeli Wolli³

Maarrka weeliwollii 1 4 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Lower Weeli Wolli, Yandi³

Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 48 9 4 49 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli, Packsaddle Range in approved drawdown; Lower Weeli

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Table 3. Stygofauna species collected within the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Area. Note: Includes specimens collected as by-catch during troglofauna sampling (see Appendix 2 for details). Blue highlight indicated species known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.











e o

f th






r A






Other Occurrences, Comments Jirr













Weeli W









Weeli W


Wolli, Yandi³

Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B03 5 Lower Weeli Wolli³

Paramelitidae sp. B03 4 15 174 8 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown³; Iron Valley and Yandi4

Paramelitidae sp. B04 1 Yes Known only from a single drill hole³

Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 7 54 Yes Known only from these records³


Pygolabis weeliwolli 4 16 Yes Upper Weeli Wolli in approved drawdown; Lower Weeli Wolli3,16,17 ¹EPA (2007); ²Halse et al. (2014); ³Regional Subterranean Fauna Sampling Program; ⁴Bennelongia unpublished data; ⁵Pinder and Brinkhurst 1994; ⁶Biota (2010); ⁷Karanovic (2007); ⁸Reeves et al. 2007; 9Okubo 1973; 10Martens and Savatenalinton (2011); 11Tang et al. (2008); 12Karanovic (2006); 15Karanovic and Hancock (2009); 13Pesce and De Laurentiis (1996); 14Sars (1863); 16Keable and Wilson (2006); 17Finston et al. (2009).

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Table 4. Stygofauna identified only to higher levels (immature or damaged specimens). Note: Includes specimens collected as by-catch during troglofauna sampling (see Appendix 2 for details).




















Weeli W









Weeli W


Likely Species




Bdelloidea sp. 11 Bdelloidea sp. 2:2 of Bdelloidea sp. 2:3




Phreodrilidae sp. 1 3 5 8 2 Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae or Phreodrilidae sp. S06

Ainudrilus sp. 1 27 Ainudrilus sp. WA26 (PSS)


Enchytraeidae sp. 11 1 47 72 8 One of the three Enchytraeida listed in Table 2

Oligochaeta sp. 10 9 Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution





Candonidae sp. 1 2 Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution

Meridiescandona sp. 1 Meridiescandona facies or Meridiescandona marillanae

Cypretta sp. 16 Cypretta seurati



Stygoridgewayia sp. 1 Stygoridgewayia trispinosa


Diacyclops sp. 1 1 Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution

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Table 4. Stygofauna identified only to higher levels (immature or damaged specimens). Note: Includes specimens collected as by-catch during troglofauna sampling (see Appendix 2 for details).




















Weeli W









Weeli W


Likely Species

Mesocyclops sp. 3 Mesocyclops brooksi

Copepoda sp. 1 2 Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution



Atopobathynella sp. 1 Atopobathynella sp. B04


Amphipoda sp. 2 1 Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution

Paramelitidae sp. 5 2 36 3 Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution

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Figure 4. Species known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.

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Weeli Wolli Spring itself appears to be the more important area for stygofauna of the two parts of the

Weeli Wolli Spring PEC intersected by the Groundwater Assessment Area (Figure 2), Thirteen

stygofauna species were recorded in the 19 samples collected from four bores in the Groundwater

Assessment Area at Weeli Wolli Spring. All of the species collected at the spring occur more widely

but the richness of the samples highlights the importance of Weeli Wolli Spring for stygofauna.

Bens Oasis was recognised as potentially important for stygofauna by DPaW in 2011 on advice from

members of the Threatened Ecological Communities Scientific Committee (Val English, DPaW, pers.

comm., August 2013). However, existing data suggest Bens Oasis supports fewer stygofauna species

than Weeli Wolli Spring. The three samples collected from the Groundwater Assessment Area yielded

a single species (the relatively widespread amphipod Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02). The 15 samples

collected in the wider area of Bens Oasis yielded only three species (Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02,

the amphipod Chydaekata sp. E which is widespread in the Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment, and the

oligochaete Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae which is widespread in the Pilbara; Appendix


5.5. Richness of the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC The Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC was densely sampled for stygofauna during surveys undertaken in

2014 and 2015 but yielded only eight species. These were three amphipods (Paramelitidae sp. S04,

Paramelitidae sp. B03, and Genus 2 sp. B02), two rotifers (Filinia sp., Bdelloidea sp. 2:2), one syncarid

(nr Billibathynella sp. B02), one oligochaete (Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae) and one

nematode. All of the species collected are relatively widespread within the Weeli Wolli Creek

Catchment or, in some cases, the wider Pilbara. Consequently, the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC appears

not to have high stygofauna conservation values. This is a somewhat unexpected finding, given that

extensive areas of sub-surface calcrete are known to occur in the Coondewanna Catchment. A

possible cause for low richness may be the hydrogeology of the region. Unlike Weeli Wolli Spring, the

calcrete / silcrete horizons of the Coondewanna Catchment are characterised by comparatively small

cavities and vugs (URS 2014).


6.1. Habitat Connectivity The considerable extent and habitat connectivity of the alluvial aquifers (and to a lesser extent the

calcrete deposits) of the Tertiary Detrital valley-fill successions in the Weeli Wolli Creek and

Coondewanna catchments probably provide for easy dispersal of stygofauna species between the

Groundwater Drawdown Area and surrounding aquifers. For example, the amphipods Paramelitidae

Genus 2 sp. B2, Chydaekata sp. E and Maarrka weeliwolli occur both in the Groundwater Assessment

Area and surrounding catchments, as does the isopod Pygolabis weeliwolli (Appendix 4). This

suggests there are few, if any, physical barriers to restrict the ranges of species occurring in the

Groundwater Assessment Area.

6.2. Future Conservation Status Only three of the stygofauna species collected have known ranges that make them potentially

vulnerable to groundwater drawdown within the Groundwater Assessment Area. These are the

copepods nr Epactophanes sp. B01 and Dussartcyclops sp. B10 and the syncarid nr Notobathynella sp.


In assessing whether groundwater drawdown is likely to threaten the conservation status of the three

species, it should be recognised that the ranges of all three species are likely to have been

underestimated because of the low numbers of records of each species. It usually requires at least 25

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positive samples to define the full range of a species, even when environmental data are used to assist

in delimiting the range (Hernandez et al. 2006; Wisz et al. 2008). There has been only one positive

sample of nr Epactophanes sp. B01 and Dussartcyclops sp. B10 and five positive records of nr

Notobathynella sp. S01 at three sites. A further constraint on fully documenting the ranges of the

three species is that large parts of their potential ranges outside the Groundwater Assessment Area

could not be sampled owing to lack of bores (Figure 3).

Details of the likely distributions of each of the three species are discussed below.

nr Epactophanes sp. B01

nr Epactophanes sp. B01 was recorded as a single specimen (Figure 4). The specimen was dissected

and slide-mounted for identification, so genetic analysis is not possible. It belongs to the harpacticoid

family Canthocamptidae, which is commonly collected as stygofauna in the Pilbara (Karanovic 2006;

Halse et al. 2014). Some canthocamptid species have been observed to have considerable ranges

(tens of kilometres), while others appear to have tightly restricted distributions (<5 km). While there is

evidence of broad habitat connectivity for species of amphipod between the collecting site and the

Marillana Creek catchment to the north (Appendix 4), the range of nr Epactophanes sp. B01 may be

determined by intrinsic characteristics of the species, water chemistry or other factors. At present, the

likely range of nr Epactophanes sp. B01 is unclear and whether the proposed development poses a

threat to the species is unknown.

Dussartcyclops sp. B10

Dussartcyclops sp. B10 is known from three specimens from one drill-hole (Figure 4). It belongs to the

family Cyclopidae, which is very commonly collected as stygofauna in the Pilbara (Karanovic 2006;

Halse et al. 2014). The genus Dussartcyclops has been collected a number of times in the Pilbara, with

Dussartcyclops mortoni having a range of 12 km and Dussartcyclops sp. B11 having a range of 16 km,

while other species appear to have more tightly restricted distributions. Despite some evidence of

habitat connectivity between the collecting site and other parts of Coondewanna Catchment

(Appendix 4), the likely range of Dussartcyclops sp. B10 is currently unclear and whether the proposed

development poses a threat to the species is unknown.

nr Notobathynella sp. S01

nr Notobathynella sp. S01, which was collected during the RSFSP by Subterranean Ecology is likely to

have a small range because small ranges are typical of syncarid species (e.g. Abrams et al. 2013). The

fact the species has been recorded in five samples that come from three bores within 1.5 km of each

other fits into the expected syncarid pattern. However, the easternmost bore in which the species has

been collected is only 77 m from the edge of the Groundwater Assessment Area and there appears to

be no hydrological barrier preventing the species range from extending eastwards into the area of no

impact (Figure 4). Therefore, the threat to nr Notobathynella sp. S01 is likely to be low despite the fact

its range may be small.

6.2.1. Impacts on the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC

Groundwater monitoring data indicate that almost all of the calcrete to the south of the Weeli Wolli

Spring has been significantly drawn down as a result of dewatering associated with current mining

operations. The dewatering occurring around the Hope Downs mine is predominantly responsible for

the drawdown in the calcrete (RPS 2013).

The additional dewatering predicted to occur at Weeli Wolli Spring PEC as a result of the proposed

development will reduce the area of undisturbed calcrete within the PEC and its buffer by about 10%

from 38 to 34 km2 and will reduce the area of undisturbed calcrete immediately upstream of Weeli

Wolli Spring itself by 56% from 6.2 to 2.8 km2. However, it is considered unlikely that stygofauna

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conservation values will be threatened because of the abundant stygofauna habitat downstream of

the small Groundwater Assessment Area at Weeli Wolli Spring.

It should also be noted that some changes in groundwater chemistry are occurring downstream of the

area of mine water injection at Weeli Wolli Spring, with chloride concentrations having almost

doubled since 1998 (Dogramaci et al. 2014). However, this level of salinity increase is considered

unlikely to affect persistence of stygofauna species based on comparisons with surface water species

(see Pinder et al. 2005 for a review of aquatic invertebrate salinity tolerance).

The two stygofauna species that van Leeuwen (2009) considered to be restricted to the Weeli Wolli

Spring PEC, the water mite Arrenurus sp. nov. 1 (PSS) and oligochaete Ainudrilus sp. WA26 (PSS), have

since been recorded outside of the Groundwater Assessment Area (and also the area of cumulative

groundwater drawdown). Forty specimens belonging to Ainudrilus sp. WA26 (PSS) have been

collected from the Reference Area at Upper Weeli Wolli Creek (Table 3) and additional specimens

were collected during the Pilbara Biodiversity Survey. The water mite Arrenurus sp. nov. 1 (PSS) has

been recorded from Marillana Creek (Biota 2010). All other species collected within the Groundwater

Assessment Area at Weeli Wolli Spring PEC occur more widely.

The limited sampling to date at Bens Oasis suggests this area does not have high conservation values

for stygofauna. All species collected in the vicinity of Bens Oasis occur more widely in the Weeli Wolli

Creek Catchment and beyond the Groundwater Assessment Area. The impacts of the proposed

groundwater drawdown on stygofauna conservation values at the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC, including

Bens Oasis, are expected to be low.

6.2.2. Impacts on the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC

This PEC was listed for its vegetation characteristics. It supports a depauperate stygofauna community.

Only eight species were collected from the PEC and all species are known to be more widespread in

the Coondewanna Catchment (Table 3). For some species, the PEC represents less than 5% of their

known range (e.g. Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02; see Appendix 4). Therefore, the impacts of the

proposed groundwater drawdown on stygofauna at the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC are considered

likely to be negligible.

6.3. Mine Closure After mine closure, there will be a slow (50-100+ years) recovery of groundwater levels in the Mining

Area C area to pre-mining conditions if mine pits are back-filled (Table 4). If the mines pits at A and E

deposits remain open, groundwater levels will settle at a new equilibrium that is lower than current

conditions and groundwater salinity may increase downstream of these voids. The likely extent of this

salinity increase is unknown (see Commander et al. 1994) and, hence, the degree of possible impact

on stygofauna is unknown. Discharge of mine water into Weeli Wolli Spring to maintain water levels

has approximately doubled salinity of Weeli Wolli Creek downstream of the spring (Dogramaci et al.

2015). Based on Commander et al.’s (1994) data, salinities in mine pits at Mt Goldsworthy in the

northern Pilbara (near Goldsworthy in Figure 1) are likely to have increased more than five-fold since

mining ceased 30 years ago. Whether similar increases in concentrations might occur at A and E

deposits is unclear.

Detailed consideration of the possible effects of any salinity increases on stygofauna in and around

the Groundwater Assessment Area requires better information about future salinities than is currently

available but it appears that the threat to stygofauna from salinity is likely to be low.

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7. CONCLUSION Stygofauna surveys in the Groundwater Assessment Area and associated Reference Area were

conducted in accordance with the recommendations of EPA Environmental Assessment Guideline 12

and Guidance Statement 54A. Altogether, 386 stygofauna samples were collected from within the

Groundwater Assessment Area under the RSFSP and recent baseline surveys. A further 393

stygofauna samples were collected from the Reference Area. Additional data on stygofauna

occurrence that were obtained by-catch during troglofauna sampling were also used in assessment,

together with data from the Pilbara Biodiversity Survey for the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC.

Of the 51 stygofauna species collected during sampling, 37 species were found in the Groundwater

Assessment Area. Three of these species (nr Epactophanes sp. B01, Dussartcyclops sp. B10, and nr

Notobathynella sp. S01) are considered to be known only from the Groundwater Assessment Area.

While habitat connectivity appears to be high, the range of nr Epactophanes sp. B01 is unclear and

potential threat to the species is uncertain because of its occurrence as a single animal. The range of

Dussartcyclops sp. B10 is also unclear because it has only been recorded at one site and the level of

threat to this species is unclear. nr Notobathynella sp. S01 occurs only 77 m from the edge of the

Groundwater Assessment Area and its range almost certainly extends into areas that are classified as

undisturbed. Consequently, the level of threat to nr Notobathynella sp. S01 is likely to be low.

Proposed groundwater drawdown within the Groundwater Assessment Area is expected to reduce the

area of undisturbed calcrete within the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC and its buffer by approximately 10%

from 38 to 34 km2. The area of undisturbed calcrete immediately upstream of Weeli Wolli Spring itself

will be reduced 56% from 6.2 to 2.8 km2. However, these reductions in the area of undisturbed

calcrete are unlikely to threaten stygofauna conservation values in the PEC because of the abundant

stygofauna habitat downstream of the Groundwater Assessment Area. Previous investigations

suggest it is likely that all stygofauna species in the Weeli Wolli Spring PEC also occur downstream of

the Groundwater Assessment Area in the Lower Weeli Wolli Creek Catchment or within the Marillana

Creek Catchment. No restricted stygofauna species have been found at Bens Oasis.

Groundwater drawdown in the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC is unlikely to impact on stygofauna

conservation values because this community is comparatively depauperate and consists entirely of

species that are more widespread in the Coondewanna Catchment. Therefore, the impacts on

stygofauna at the Coolibah-Lignum Flats PEC from the proposed groundwater drawdown in the

Groundwater Assessment Area are considered to be negligible.

8. LITERATURE Abrams, K.M., King, R.A., Guzik, M.T., Cooper, S.J.B., and Austin, A.D. (2013) Molecular phylogenetic,

morphological and biogeographic evidence for a new genus of parabathynellid crustaceans

(Syncarida : Bathynellacea) from groundwater in an ancient southern Australian landscape.

Invertebrate Systematics 27, 146-172.

Bennelongia (2008) Troglofauna Survey: Area C Mine – E and F Deposits. Report 2008/39, Bennelongia

Pty Ltd, Jolimont, 38 pp.

Bennelongia (2013) South Flank Iron Ore Project; Evaluation of Potential Impacts on Subterranean

Fauna. Report 2013/166, Bennelongia Pty Ltd, Jolimont, 74 pp.

Biota (2004a) Area C Mine stygofauna assessment: subterranean fauna sampling compliance report

Project 142. Biota Environmental Sciences, Mt Hawthorn, 35 pp.

Biota (2004b) BHP Orebody 18, 23, 25 and Mining Area C Expansion Stygofauna Assessment. Biota

Environmental Sciences, North Perth, 25 pp.

Biota (2005) Yandi Junction South East (JSE) Expansion, baseline stygofauna assessment. Biota

Environmental Sciences, North Perth, 27 pp.

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Biota (2006) Hope Downs Iron Ore Project Subterranean Fauna Assessment. Project No. 048, Biota

Environmental Sciences, North Perth, 47 pp.

Biota (2010) Yandicoogina Subterranean Fauna Assessment Phases I – V. Project No. 541, Biota

Environmental Sciences, Leederville, 138 pp.

Commander, D.P., Mills, C.H. and Waterhouse, J.D. (1994) Salinisation of mined-out pits in Western

Australia. In: 'Water Down Under 94, Adelaide, November 1994', Adelaide, pp. 527-532.

DEC (2010) Priority Ecological Communities for Western Australia, Species and Communities Branch,

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DEC (2014) Priority Ecological Communities for Western Australia, Species and Communities Branch,

Department of Environment and Conservation, 25 November 2014, 23 pp.

Department of Environment (2014) Accessed 24 October 2014, http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-


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ephemeral dryland stream using a hydraulic model and water, chloride and isotope mass

balance. Journal of Hydrology 521, 520-532.

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Western Australia: a review. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88, 167-176.

Eberhard, S.M., Halse, S.A., Williams, M.R., Scanlon, M.D., Cocking, J.S. and Barron, H.J. (2009) Exploring

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fauna in the Pilbara region, Western Australia. Freshwater Biology 54, 885–901.

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Australia. Guidance Statement 54. Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, pp. 12.

EPA (2007) Sampling methods and survey considerations for subterranean fauna in Western Australia

(Technical Appendix to Guidance Statement No. 54). Guidance Statement 54A. Environmental

Protection Authority, Perth, pp. 32.

EPA (2013) Consideration of subterranean fauna in environmental impact assessment in WA.

Environmental Assessment Guideline 12, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, 20 pp.

Finston, T.L., Francis, C.J. and Johnson, M.S. (2009) Biogeography of the stygobitic isopod Pygolabis

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colonisations of the groundwater. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52, 448-460.

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stygofauna: deep groundwater of an arid landscape contains globally significant radiation of

biodiversity. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 78, 443-483.

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Oligochaeta of Australian Inland Waters. Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology,

Albury, New South Wales.

Pinder, A.M., Halse, S.A., Shiel, R.J. and McRae, J.M. (2010) An arid zone awash with diversity: patterns

in the distribution of aquatic invertebrates in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Records

of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 78, 205-246.

Pinder, A.M., Halse, S.A., McRae, J.M., and Shiel, R.J. (2005) Occurrence of aquatic invertebrates of the

wheatbelt region of Western Australia in relation to salinity. Hydrobiologia 543, 1-24.

Rösner, U. (1998) Effects of historical mining activities on surface water and groundwater - an example

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van Leeuwen, S. (2009) Biodiversity values of Weeli Wolli Spring: A priority ecological community.

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Appendix 1 - Field and Laboratory Methods

Sampling Technique

Stygofauna sampling followed the methods recommended by EPA (2007). At each drill hole, six net

hauls were made using a weighted plankton net (three hauls with a 50 µm mesh net and three with a

150 µm mesh net). During each net haul, the net was lowered gently to the bottom of the drill hole,

agitated briefly to stir benthic and epibenthic stygofauna into the water column, then retrieved slowly.

Contents of the net were transferred to a 125 ml polycarbonate vial after each haul and the contents

were preserved in 100% ethanol.

Nets were washed when moving from one drill hole to the next to prevent contamination between


Species Sorting and Identification

In the laboratory, samples were elutriated to separate out heavy sediment particles and sieved into

size fractions using 250, 90 and 53 µm screens. All samples were sorted under a dissecting

microscope. Stygofauna were identified to species or morphospecies using available keys and species

descriptions. When necessary, animals were dissected and examined under a compound microscope.

Morphospecies determinations were based on characters used in species keys.


EPA (2007) Sampling methods and survey considerations for subterranean fauna in Western Australia

(Technical Appendix to Guidance Statement No. 54). Guidance Statement 54A. Environmental

Protection Authority, Perth, pp. 32.

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Appendix 2 - Drill Holes Sampled in the Groundwater Assessment Area and Reference Areas

Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Groundwater Assessment Area

Coondewanna EXR0734 -23.037933 118.726856

EXR0746 -23.03744 118.720542

EXR0930 -23.051482 118.664183

EXR0932 -23.046627 118.669844

EXR0933 -23.044815 118.669794

GWB0037 -22.97809 118.756183

GWB0039 -22.981841 118.783134

GWB0041 -23.012317 118.833605

HCF0006 -23.001043 118.794338

HCF0009 -23.008022 118.81195

HCF0011 -23.015898 118.780664

HCF0014 -23.00109 118.794311

HCF0016 -22.993695 118.794139

HCF0018 -22.993793 118.787247

HCF0019 -23.002615 118.766362

HCF0023 -23.033047 118.792946

HCF0027 -23.013025 118.830971

HCF0031 -23.016508 118.813097

HCF0032 -22.979726 118.786224

HCF0036 -23.033571 118.800104

HCF0040 -22.979773 118.786178

HCF0041 -22.993728 118.78724

HCF0042 -23.012997 118.83097

HCF0043 -23.016506 118.813123

HCF0044 -23.032938 118.793001

HCF0045 -23.002592 118.766324

Jirrpalpur GB0001R -22.941527 119.010774

GB0002R -22.941752 119.010497

GB0010R -22.942031 119.008122

GB0012R -22.940145 119.008098

GB0019R -22.944569 119.007395

GF0112R -22.939989 118.871744

GFR0018 -22.942418 118.879805

GSR0013 -23.00516667 118.9643

GSR0014 -23.00613333 118.9643833

SF0026R -23.005344 118.929916

SF0027R -23.005747 118.929925

SF0028R -23.006163 118.92995

SF0029R -23.006632 118.929938

SF0030R -23.007031 118.929939

SF0031R -23.007514 118.929935

SF0032R -23.008022 118.929958

SF0033R -23.005355 118.953325

SF0034R -23.005887 118.953342

SF0041R -23.005752 118.847971

SF0080R -23.005537 118.94161

SF0091R -23.005269 118.923917

SF0106R -23.005461 118.947451

SF0108R -23.006369 118.947492

SF0109R -23.006893 118.947497

Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Groundwater Assessment Area

SF0111R -23.007769 118.947505

SF0115R -23.004847 118.853804

SF0123R -23.012094 118.84806

SF0124R -23.011641 118.848031

SF0152R -23.003213 118.865535

SF0153R -23.00362 118.865542

SF0167R -23.003988 118.847967

SF0173R -23.005767 118.959034

SF0175R -23.006709 118.959112

SF0183R -23.005845 118.964949

SF0191R -23.006004 118.970784

SF0192R -23.006573 118.970777

SF0193R -23.007468 118.97086

SF0196R -23.003806 118.976998

SF0205R -23.007088 118.976689

SF0254R -22.999689 118.830332

SF0255R -22.998804 118.830339

SF0256R -22.997883 118.830349

SF0257R -22.996971 118.830303

SF0259R -22.996214 118.818565

SF0260R -22.995741 118.818533

SF0270R -22.98056 118.806592

SF0273R -22.988059 118.818403

SF0274R -22.987198 118.818387

SF0275R -22.986745 118.818426

SF0276R -22.986301 118.818433

SF0281R -22.982673 118.818382

SF0313R -22.999639 118.912172

SF0320R -22.997722 118.923855

SF0321R -22.997343 118.923871

SF0323RE -22.998964 118.923914

SF0336R -22.99465 118.947212

SF0337R -22.994229 118.947261

SF0338R -22.993766 118.947266

SF0389R -22.979175 118.806597

SF0406R -22.999244 118.830359

SF0407R -22.998357 118.830316

SF0408R -22.997305 118.830216

SF0409R -22.996619 118.830228

SF0410R -22.995321 118.818538

SF0482R -22.996 118.824554

SF0483R -22.996407 118.824498

SF0485R -22.997374 118.824573

SF0486R -22.997888 118.824595

SF0491R -23.000102 118.824602

SF0501R -22.984695 118.812477

SF0502R -22.984214 118.812472

SF0506R -22.981779 118.812464

SF0507R -22.981401 118.812434

SF0508R -22.981039 118.812452

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Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Groundwater Assessment Area

SF0510R -22.98011 118.812462

SF0512R -22.979106 118.812472

SF0520R -22.976549 118.800701

SF0523R -22.9752 118.800658

SF0537R -23.004154 118.906538

SF0654R -22.996531 118.818739

SF0655R -22.997014 118.818692

SF0656RE -22.997524 118.818695

SF0673R -23.002378 118.906457

SF0709R -22.99839 118.929888

SF0711R -22.999275 118.92988

Packsaddle PSC0086R -22.911383 118.95831

PSC0087R -22.910872 118.958148

PSC0134R -22.912633 118.96565

PSC0151R -22.910818 118.956792

PSC0152R -22.905185 118.955282

PSC0155R -22.906473 118.955347

PSC0189R -22.911112 118.95091

PSC0209DTM -22.910008 118.971112

PSC0211R -22.910516 118.965141

PSC0215R -22.910619 118.966606

PSC0216R -22.910928 118.966424

PSC0252DTM -22.911373 118.965454

PSC0256DTM -22.906041 118.953677

PSC0268R -22.910935 118.956947

PSC0269R -22.910929 118.95743

PSC0284R -22.904227 118.95645

PSD0030R -22.906861 118.99735

PSD0031R -22.908068 118.997394

PSD0034R -22.908643 118.996877

PSD0043R -22.907286 118.994514

PSD0044R -22.907728 118.994548

PSD0045R -22.908289 118.994463

PSD0049R -22.909754 118.989928

PSD0076R -22.909654 118.988667

PSD0083R -22.907811 118.98999

PSD0084R -22.907466 118.989977

PSF0016R -22.895776 119.055905

PSF0033R -22.895837 119.047214

PSF0043R -22.894821 119.035459

PSF0055R -22.895781 119.038282

PSF0056R -22.896184 119.038406

PSF0190R -22.895867 119.045856

PSF0191R -22.894861 119.048748

PSF0192R -22.894431 119.04869

PSF0193R -22.894095 119.048724

PSF0205R -22.893511 119.047138

PSF0216R -22.892877 119.04397

PSF0217R -22.89522 119.041654

PSW0021R -22.92741 118.80506

PSW0028R -22.931605 118.78752

PSW0039R -22.931438 118.781764

Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Groundwater Assessment Area

PSW0102R -22.928529 118.799202

PSW0104R -22.926709 118.799321

PSW0110RE -22.930063 118.793355

PSW0115R -22.938232 118.75836

PSW0152R -22.930999 118.769988

PSW0158R -22.935021 118.763637

PSW0159R -22.934004 118.764035

Upper Weeli Wolli GWB0017D -22.91869876 119.20246

GWB0017S -22.9187272 119.20246

GWB0018D -22.924353 119.196918

GWB0018S -22.924367 119.196923

JIN0004R -22.976064 119.254639

JIN0008R -22.979691 119.254651

JIN0032R -22.974658 119.285514

JIN0082R -23.018509 119.224703

JIN0100R -22.975724 119.258929

JIN0102R -22.973924 119.259105

JIN0141R -22.976631 119.250313

JIN0145R -22.975501 119.253221

JIN0201R -22.984791 119.250532

JIN0202R -22.979336 119.250457

JIN0203R -22.980241 119.250476

JIN0232R -23.013223 119.218775

JIN0233R -23.01302 119.22171

JIN0234R -23.012283 119.222129

JIN0244R -23.01664 119.221744

JIN0259R -22.981091 119.253379

JIN0260R -22.980181 119.253383

JIN0271R -22.974747 119.256841

JIN0277R -23.012286 119.218739

JIN0279R -23.014022 119.221344

JIN0280DM -22.976955 119.254565

JIN0281R -23.014834 119.221505

JIN0424R -22.974748 119.256841

JIN0427R -22.979284 119.250422

JIN0519R -22.97376967 119.255563

JIN0533R -22.980602 119.25191

JIN0533RDT -22.980542 119.25192

JIN0540R -22.977529 119.254607

JIN0543R -22.974195 119.256812

JIN0605R -22.974149 119.288451

JIN0609R -22.977488 119.251855

JIN0610R -22.977919 119.251799

JIN0645R -22.983454 119.249016

JIN0647R -22.984352 119.248964

JIN0665R -22.973765 119.255695

JIN0668R -22.975196 119.255699

JIN0679R -22.976104 119.251823

JIN0690R -22.978903 119.248955

JIN0692R -22.978527 119.248877

JIN0695R -22.976621 119.248951

JIN0721R -22.982446 119.250478

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Groundwater Assessment Area

JIN0850R -22.978886 119.250463

JNOB0011R -22.997114 119.232943

JNOB0012R -22.997071 119.233049

JPBC-2 -22.986451 119.247995

RC11RW001 -23.043601 119.172725

RC11RW002 -23.044094 119.18086

RC11RW003 -23.039936 119.174662

RC11RW020 -23.037213 119.21038

RC11RW021 -23.046055 119.220305

RC11RW024 -23.039388 119.220155

RC11RW026 -23.048129 119.230043

Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Reference Area

Coondewanna AJPB1 -23.064777 118.634965

BSP021 -23.03658 118.768277

EXR0718 -23.036426 118.773441

EXR0722 -23.037789 118.761937

EXR0737 -23.037891 118.732784

EXR0738 -23.038183 118.74523

EXR0739 -23.03942 118.745335

EXR0740 -23.03699 118.755982

EXR0742 -23.036162 118.768059

EXR0743 -23.036635 118.768171

EXR0748 -23.03846 118.75025

EXR0872 -23.062729 118.63471

EXR0877 -23.061727 118.641003

EXR0879 -23.061201 118.647263

EXR0881 -23.060194 118.64718

EXR0890 -23.072668 118.653703

EXR0891 -23.073486 118.653667

EXR0892 -23.074507 118.653342

EXR0925 -23.056664 118.652848

EXR0926 -23.049701 118.659099

EXR0939 -23.076111 118.658997

EXR0941 -23.077477 118.664817

EXR0944 -23.078451 118.66484

EXR0945 -23.079461 118.665023

EXR0952 -23.07977 118.671211

EXR0954 -23.078328 118.671319

GSL0020R -23.031963 118.809292

GWB0038 -23.018896 118.724126

GWB0040 -22.929496 118.606366

Number 5 Bore -22.87147222 118.7850833

PSW0006R -22.925244 118.816484

PSW0013R -22.927211 118.810905

PSW0015R -22.925319 118.810824

PSW0018R -22.92268 118.810862

PSW0026R -22.923134 118.80496

PSW0050R -22.932359 118.746624

PSW0056RE -22.92415 118.746557

PSW0057R -22.922364 118.746503

Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Reference Area

PSW0059RE -22.933323 118.740798

PSW0066R -22.919492 118.769667

PSW0068R -22.918384 118.793185

PSW0174R -22.928606 118.758269

PSW0175RE -22.929505 118.758298

PSW0187R -22.918899 118.781444

PSW0188R -22.920177 118.793161

PSW0197R -22.920325 118.769843

SF0003R -23.009493 118.877323

SF0007R -23.011309 118.877309

SF0010R -23.011262 118.883177

SF0015R -23.010739 118.889014

SF0016R -23.01165 118.889022

SF0047R -23.005675 118.859683

SF0049R -23.007897 118.85969

SF0096R -23.007753 118.871396

SF0116R -23.005753 118.853827

SF0117R -23.007085 118.853844

SF0119R -23.009352 118.853869

SF0120R -23.010273 118.853875

SF0150R -23.00932 118.859729

SF0151R -23.010694 118.859746

SF0158R -23.008294 118.865561

SF0160R -23.010004 118.865571

SF0161R -23.010974 118.865618

SF0162R -23.011887 118.865648

SF0168R -23.007125 118.847994

SF0170R -23.008041 118.848025

UI0024R -22.911889 118.636279

UI0078R -22.91279 118.601057

UI0113R -22.870679 118.632052

UI0200RD -22.894662 118.695112

UI0229R -22.888868 118.69314

UI0274R -22.888942 118.6903

UI0276R -22.886059 118.690174

UI0277R -22.884622 118.690139

UI0307R -22.893268 118.694167

UI0313R -22.888258 118.691252

UI0326R -22.889703 118.690195

UI0330R -22.886746 118.692146

UI0331R -22.886791 118.691117

UI0340R -22.888139 118.692158

UI0357R -22.895455 118.687337

UI0397RDT -22.888888 118.690286

UI0399RDT -22.89175 118.69292

UI0412RDT -22.890238 118.693144

UI0415RDT -22.893202 118.696099

UI0604R -22.893959 118.699033

UI0626RDT -22.893929 118.686525

UI0629RDT -22.896077 118.695196

UI0649R -22.885292 118.690149

UI0724R -22.896245 118.67961

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Reference Area

UI0726R -22.899206 118.679655

UI0744R -22.879009 118.677356

UI0745R -22.878163 118.677404

UI0754R -22.883368 118.674555

UI0755R -22.882641 118.67454

UI0756R -22.881863 118.674567

WBE001M -22.89389 118.692994

WBE002M -22.892821 118.69384

WBE002P -22.892995 118.69384

WBE003M -22.894347 118.686921

Upper Weeli Wolli EXP0088 -23.197241 118.949372

GSER0017 -23.098459 118.892599

GSER0029 -23.092101 118.85005

GSER0034 -23.090205 118.850024

GWB0016D -22.931664 119.184822

GWB0016S -22.931657 119.184846

GWB0032D -22.917545 119.205791

GWB0032S -22.917545 119.205791

HEOP0478 -22.903844 119.21411

HEPS0001 -22.909561 119.19339

JIN0009RD -22.980585 119.254676

JIN0015R -22.98605 119.254948

JIN0033R -22.975508 119.285597

JIN0034R -22.976475 119.2856

JIN0036R -22.97839 119.285588

JIN0040R -22.976206 119.299757

JIN0044R -22.975328 119.300055

JIN0050R -23.007854 119.240491

JIN0051R -23.008785 119.240427

JIN0057R -23.00652 119.269827

JIN0059R -23.008309 119.269824

JIN0070R -23.028355 119.255549

JIN0072R -23.031852 119.270257

JIN0080R -23.020343 119.224735

JIN0081R -23.019491 119.224754

JIN0085R -23.015774 119.225207

JIN0087R -23.014003 119.224654

JIN0088R -23.013256 119.224757

JIN0089R -23.012167 119.224709

JIN0090R -23.011269 119.224612

JIN0184R -23.021016 119.230563

JIN0186R -23.019293 119.230631

JIN0188R -23.017554 119.230522

JIN0198R -23.006518 119.249889

JIN0199R -23.007252 119.249838

JIN0237R -23.012142 119.227535

JIN0238R -23.012972 119.227561

JIN0239R -23.01549 119.227296

JIN0240R -23.014907 119.227497

JIN0254R -22.983827 119.253426

JIN0261R -22.985903 119.253419

JIN0274R -22.980003 119.265046

Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Reference Area

JIN0284R -23.023 119.22767

JIN0285R -23.022129 119.227705

JIN0287R -23.020264 119.227672

JIN0289R -23.019359 119.227652

JIN0292R -23.017627 119.227554

JIN0309R -22.999474 119.230226

JIN0310R -23.000359 119.230247

JIN0319R -23.004721 119.239082

JIN0325R -23.003905 119.236163

JIN0329R -23.005509 119.236055

JIN0330R -23.001202 119.233185

JIN0335R -22.9964 119.258623

JIN0339R -23.005263 119.26148

JIN0392R -23.011262 119.239109

JIN0396R -22.974454 119.273626

JIN0398R -22.976285 119.273708

JIN0400R -23.005526 119.249858

JIN0404R -23.005527 119.246913

JIN0409R -22.974471 119.276625

JIN0412R -22.97378 119.276588

JIN0413R -22.97512 119.27659

JIN0414R -22.976218 119.276641

JIN0415R -22.977228 119.27668

JIN0417R -22.978967 119.276732

JIN0418R -22.981629 119.276778

JIN0419R -22.980869 119.276777

JIN0421R -23.002663 119.258582

JIN0438R -22.995922 119.267575

JIN0449R -22.97854 119.303081

JIN0451R -22.979025 119.273754

JIN0452R -22.979917 119.273791

JIN0453R -22.98082 119.273829

JIN0454R -22.981612 119.273816

JIN0457R -22.979721 119.282515

JIN0459R -22.979793 119.279692

JIN0460R -22.98075 119.279751

JIN0461R -22.980702 119.282568

JIN0462R -23.001864 119.258489

JIN0463R -23.000983 119.258627

JIN0468R -22.997249 119.258393

JIN0481R -23.006214 119.261929

JIN0485R -23.000064 119.261503

JIN0491R -23.002093 119.262126

JIN0507R -22.976182 119.279575

JIN0508R -22.97712 119.279688

JIN0510R -22.974154 119.294171

JIN0514R -22.977739 119.294265

JIN0523R -23.003524 119.26443

JIN0529R -22.975899 119.282509

JIN0553R -22.974811 119.305708

JIN0600R -22.979348 119.303286

JIN0604R -22.975196 119.288368

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Area Drill Hole Code Latitude Longitude

Reference Area

JIN0617R -22.980464 119.259168

JIN0618R -22.979649 119.259192

JIN0704R -22.98427 119.253298

JIN0707R -22.986434 119.254708

JIN0772R -22.977758 119.265006

JIN0814R -23.000716 119.233197

JIN0882R -23.000328 119.234613

JIN0883R -22.999853 119.234603

JIN0895R -23.000017 119.236127

JIN0899R -23.008434 119.237723

JIN0914R -23.007849 119.248392

JIN0916R -23.007429 119.248432

JIN0917R -23.006935 119.2483

JIN1077R -23.006775 119.249865

Number 8 Bore -23.12075 119.1728333

RC11RW029 -23.058127 119.258734

RC11RW034 -23.063421 119.269304

RC11RW035 -23.061204 119.269416

RC11RW037 -23.054437 119.269201

RC11RW039 -23.065597 119.279131

RC11RW040 -23.072224 119.288985

RC11RW042 -23.076165 119.298859

RC11RW044 -23.063261 119.288849

RC11RW045 -23.048923 119.239781

RC11RW047 -23.052591 119.249612

RC11RW049 -23.047986 119.249576

RC11RW050 -23.045699 119.24948

RC11RW052 -23.058829 119.279009

RC11RW053 -23.072039 119.298747

RC11RW054 -23.067549 119.298783

SF0019R -23.009609 118.906573

SF0020R -23.010088 118.906585

SF0060R -23.011451 118.894884

SF0063RE -23.00969 118.900703

SF0064R -23.010148 118.900713

SF0065R -23.010594 118.900718

SF0067R -23.01149 118.900699

SF0072R -23.007855 118.912363

SF0074R -23.009061 118.912405

SF0102R -23.009008 118.918284

SF0103R -23.009887 118.918276

SF0128R -23.008543 118.924106

SF0658R -23.012407 118.895179

SF0660R -23.013251 118.895039

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Appendix 3 - Stygofauna Records from the Groundwater Assessment Area and

Reference Area Drill Hole Code Collection Date Sample Type Taxa No. of Specimens

EEX0685 03/03/2010 Scrape Bdelloidea sp. 1

EXR0087 03/03/2010 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. 1

EXR0718 04/10/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 3

EXR0720 02/04/2009 Scrape nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

EXR0722 04/10/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 1

EXR0722 28/11/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 6

EXR0727 02/04/2009 Scrape Filinia sp. 1

EXR0728 06/10/2008 Scrape nr Notobathynella sp. S01 1

EXR0729 14/03/2008 Scrape nr Notobathynella sp. S01 2

EXR0729 14/03/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 3

EXR0729 06/10/2008 Scrape nr Notobathynella sp. S01 14

EXR0729 06/10/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 2

EXR0729 02/04/2009 Scrape nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 4

EXR0729 02/04/2009 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. 1

EXR0733 14/03/2008 Scrape nr Notobathynella sp. S01 3

EXR0733 14/03/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 1

EXR0733 06/10/2008 Scrape nr Notobathynella sp. S01 1

EXR0733 02/04/2009 Scrape nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

EXR0733 02/04/2009 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. 2

EXR0734 04/10/2008 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

EXR0734 28/11/2008 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 3

EXR0734 02/04/2009 Scrape nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 2

EXR0738 15/03/2008 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 6

EXR0738 15/03/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 5

EXR0738 28/11/2008 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 3

EXR0738 26/03/2009 Scrape nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 2

EXR0739 13/03/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 13

EXR0739 19/06/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 11

EXR0740 19/06/2008 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

EXR0740 28/11/2008 Haul Phreodrilidae sp. S06 1

EXR0740 02/04/2009 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. 1

EXR0742 13/03/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 1

EXR0742 28/11/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 1

EXR0748 19/06/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 1

EXR0748 04/10/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 1

EXR0872 23/04/2008 Scrape Pescecyclops pilbaricus 11

EXR0872 18/07/2008 Haul Pescecyclops pilbaricus 1

EXR0872 13/02/2009 Haul Australocamptus sp. 25

EXR0872 13/02/2009 Haul Pescecyclops pilbaricus 1

EXR0930 14/02/2009 Haul Paramelitidae sp. 1

EXR0930 14/02/2009 Haul Pescecyclops pilbaricus 1

EXR0933 05/08/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. 1

EXR0933 14/02/2009 Haul Australocamptus sp. 1

EXR0933 14/02/2009 Haul Notobathynella sp. 2

EXR0933 14/02/2009 Haul Phreodrilidae sp. 3

EXR0954 13/02/2009 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 15

EXR1136 25/03/2009 Scrape Notobathynella sp. 2

GB0001R 05/03/2010 Haul Amphipoda sp. 1

GB0012R 05/05/2008 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 1

GB0019R 05/03/2010 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 3

GB0019R 24/05/2010 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 10

GF0112R 06/12/2007 Haul Stygoridgewayia trispinosa 1

GSR0013 14/07/2008 Haul Phreodrilidae sp. 1

GSR0021 21/04/2008 Scrape Filinia sp. 1

GSR0023 21/04/2008 Scrape Copepoda sp. 1

GWB0016D 09/05/2011 Haul Nematoda sp. 2

GWB0016D 02/11/2011 Haul Copepoda sp. 1

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Drill Hole Code Collection Date Sample Type Taxa No. of Specimens

GWB0016S 27/05/2010 Haul Bathynella sp. 1

GWB0016S 27/05/2010 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 2

GWB0016S 27/05/2010 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 3

GWB0016S 09/05/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 10

GWB0016S 09/05/2011 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 12

GWB0016S 09/05/2011 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 20

GWB0016S 09/05/2011 Haul Maarrka weeliwollii 2

GWB0016S 09/05/2011 Haul Nematoda sp. 3

GWB0016S 09/05/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 13

GWB0016S 12/07/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 1

GWB0016S 17/08/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 1

GWB0016S 17/08/2011 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 1

GWB0016S 17/08/2011 Haul Maarrka weeliwollii 1

GWB0016S 02/11/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 4

GWB0016S 21/03/2015 Haul Candonidae sp. 1

GWB0016S 21/03/2015 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 1

GWB0016S 21/03/2015 Haul Diacyclops cockingi 11

GWB0016S 21/03/2015 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 1

GWB0017D 18/08/2011 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 2 (PSS) Pilbara 1

GWB0017D 18/08/2011 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 2

GWB0017D 18/08/2011 Haul Schizopera sp. B02 1

GWB0017S 05/10/2002 Haul Arrenurus sp. B03 (previously sp. nov. 1 {PSS}) 1

GWB0017S 09/05/2011 Haul Ainudrilus sp. 1

GWB0017S 09/05/2011 Haul Meridiescandona facies 1

GWB0017S 09/05/2011 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

GWB0017S 09/05/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 1

GWB0017S 09/05/2011 Haul Notacandona modesta 1

GWB0017S 09/05/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B03 3

GWB0017S 09/05/2011 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 1

GWB0017S 12/07/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 1

GWB0017S 18/08/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 3

GWB0017S 18/08/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B03 2

GWB0017S 18/08/2011 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 3

GWB0017S 02/11/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 1

GWB0017S 22/03/2015 Haul Halacaridae sp. B01 1

GWB0017S 22/03/2015 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

GWB0018D 09/05/2011 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

GWB0018D 09/05/2011 Haul Notacandona modesta 1

GWB0018S 09/05/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 1

GWB0018S 02/11/2011 Haul Diacyclops sp. 1

GWB0018S 22/03/2015 Haul Areacandona cf. mulgae 1

GWB0018S 22/03/2015 Haul Diacyclops cockingi 10

GWB0032D 11/04/2003 Haul Ainudrilus sp. WA26 (PSS) 29

GWB0032D 27/05/2010 Haul Gomphodella yandi 3

GWB0032D 10/05/2011 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 8

GWB0032D 10/05/2011 Haul Gomphodella yandi 1

GWB0032D 13/07/2011 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 1

GWB0032D 18/08/2011 Haul Gomphodella yandi 1

GWB0032D 18/08/2011 Haul Meridiescandona facies 2

GWB0032D 18/08/2011 Haul Mesocyclops brooksi 2

GWB0032D 02/11/2011 Haul Diacyclops sp. 1

GWB0032D 02/11/2011 Haul Gomphodella yandi 2

GWB0032D 02/11/2011 Haul Meridiescandona sp. 1

GWB0032D 02/11/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 1

GWB0032D 02/11/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

GWB0032D 22/03/2015 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 1

GWB0032D 22/03/2015 Haul Diacyclops cockingi 50

GWB0032D 22/03/2015 Haul Gomphodella yandi 4

GWB0032D 22/03/2015 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 40

GWB0032D 22/03/2015 Haul Schizopera sp. B02 1

GWB0032S 27/05/2010 Haul Ainudrilus sp. WA26 (PSS) 11

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Drill Hole Code Collection Date Sample Type Taxa No. of Specimens

GWB0032S 27/05/2010 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 4

GWB0032S 27/05/2010 Haul Gomphodella yandi 6

GWB0032S 27/05/2010 Haul Meridiescandona facies 4

GWB0032S 27/05/2010 Haul Notacandona boultoni 8

GWB0032S 27/05/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 1

GWB0032S 27/05/2010 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 4

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Ainudrilus sp. 17

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 3

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 1

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Gomphodella yandi 20

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 1

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Meridiescandona facies 20

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 20

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Notacandona modesta 20

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 3

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 1

GWB0032S 10/05/2011 Haul Schizopera sp. B02 1

GWB0032S 13/07/2011 Haul Ainudrilus sp. 1

GWB0032S 13/07/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 2

GWB0032S 13/07/2011 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 2 (PSS) Pilbara 1

GWB0032S 13/07/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 1

GWB0032S 13/07/2011 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 1

GWB0032S 13/07/2011 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 3

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 3

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Diacyclops cockingi 4

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 1

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Gomphodella yandi 15

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 1

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Meridiescandona facies 4

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 2

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

GWB0032S 18/08/2011 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 3

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Diacyclops cockingi 5

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Gomphodella yandi 4

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 1

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Meridiescandona facies 2

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 1

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 2

GWB0032S 02/11/2011 Haul Schizopera sp. B02 1

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Ainudrilus sp. 9

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 6

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Diacyclops cockingi 15

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Gomphodella yandi 20

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Gordonitocrella trajani 6

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Halacaridae sp. B01 1

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Meridiescandona facies 3

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Notacandona boultoni 10

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 13

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Pygolabis weeliwolli 3

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Recifella sp. P1 (nr umala) (PSW) 1

GWB0032S 22/03/2015 Haul Schizopera sp. B02 4

GWB0037 24/02/2009 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 1

GWB0037 12/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 1

GWB0037 12/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

GWB0037 05/05/2010 Haul Nematoda sp. 2

GWB0037 23/02/2015 Haul Bdelloidea sp. 2:2 1

GWB0038 13/12/2007 Haul Atopobathynella sp. 1

GWB0038 13/12/2007 Haul Paramelitidae sp. 35

GWB0038 13/12/2007 Haul Phreodrilidae sp. 8

GWB0038 16/07/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 2

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Drill Hole Code Collection Date Sample Type Taxa No. of Specimens

GWB0038 06/10/2008 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 3

GWB0038 24/02/2009 Haul Paramelitidae sp. S04 (BR South) 6

GWB0038 25/09/2014 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 150

GWB0038 24/02/2015 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 2

GWB0038 24/02/2015 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 23

GWB0038 24/02/2015 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 3

GWB0039 05/05/2010 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 14

GWB0039 05/05/2010 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 1

GWB0041 26/02/2015 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

HCF0009 24/02/2015 Haul Dussartcyclops sp. B10 3

HCF0009 24/02/2015 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 1

HCF0011 24/02/2015 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 1

HCF0018 24/09/2014 Haul Amphipoda sp. 1

HCF0040 23/09/2014 Haul Bdelloidea sp. 2:2 2

HEOP0478 13/07/2011 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 2

HEOP0478 13/07/2011 Haul Maarrka weeliwollii 1

HEOP0478 13/07/2011 Haul Meridiescandona facies 15

HEOP0478 18/08/2011 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 1

HEOP0478 18/08/2011 Haul Gomphodella yandi 2

HEOP0478 18/08/2011 Haul Meridiescandona facies 4

HEOP0478 18/08/2011 Haul Meridiescandona marillanae 6

HEOP0478 18/08/2011 Haul Notacandona boultoni 2

HEOP0478 20/03/2015 Haul Chydaekata sp. E 4

HEOP0478 20/03/2015 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 8

HEOP0478 20/03/2015 Haul Meridiescandona marillanae 9

HEPS0001 20/03/2015 Haul Cypretta seurati 15

HEPS0001 20/03/2015 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

JIN0009RD 14/12/2008 Haul Phreodrilidae sp. 2

JIN0017R 02/04/2008 Trog Trap Bdelloidea sp. 10

JIN0072R 23/02/2009 Scrape Stygoridgewayia trispinosa 1

JIN0081R 17/12/2008 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 1

JIN0081R 30/06/2009 Haul Oligochaeta sp. 1

JIN0081R 01/07/2009 Haul Oligochaeta sp. 1

JIN0082R 30/06/2009 Haul Oligochaeta sp. 9

JIN0090R 02/10/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. B03 2

JIN0102R 20/02/2009 Haul Atopobathynella sp. B04 9

JIN0102R 06/09/2011 Haul Atopobathynella sp. B04 6

JIN0102R 06/09/2011 Haul Turbellaria sp. 5

JIN0164R 30/08/2011 Scrape Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

JIN0174R 24/09/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 1

JIN0202R 13/12/2008 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 41

JIN0202R 13/12/2008 Haul Phreodrilidae sp. 5

JIN0224R 14/08/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. 2

JIN0239R 02/10/2008 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. B03 5

JIN0239R 30/06/2009 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 1

JIN0259R 10/07/2008 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 6

JIN0279R 29/06/2009 Haul Oligochaeta sp. 1

JIN0377R 31/08/2011 Scrape Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 1

JIN0408R 24/09/2008 Scrape Candonidae sp. 1

JIN0413R 19/02/2009 Haul Oligochaeta sp. 7

JIN0413R 01/09/2011 Scrape Paramelitidae sp. 1

JIN0414R 19/02/2009 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 7

JIN0533RDT 13/12/2008 Haul Thermocyclops sp. 1

JIN1077R 02/07/2009 Haul Copepoda sp. 1

JIN1312R 30/08/2011 Scrape Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 3

Number 5 Bore 13/03/2009 Haul Bdelloidea sp. 2:3 100

Number 5 Bore 13/03/2009 Haul Dero nivea 180

Number 5 Bore 13/03/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 10

Number 5 Bore 13/03/2009 Haul Origocandona grommike 1

Number 5 Bore 13/03/2009 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 20

PSA1421R 18/02/2014 Scrape Cypretta sp. 16

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Drill Hole Code Collection Date Sample Type Taxa No. of Specimens

PSC0209DTM 13/04/2008 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. S01 1

PSC0256DTM 13/04/2008 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. S01 7

PSC0861R 25/06/2010 Scrape Fierscyclops (Fierscyclops) sp. B03 (nr frustratio) 2

PSD0010R 26/06/2010 Scrape nr Epactophanes sp. B01 1

PSD0113R 10/04/2010 Scrape Filinia sp. 1

PSD0193R 09/04/2010 Scrape Filinia sp. 1

PSF0016R 21/04/2008 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. S01 10

PSW0006R 22/09/2014 Haul Nematoda sp. 2

PSW0015R 23/09/2014 Haul Nematoda sp. 5

PSW0021R 25/02/2015 Haul Nematoda sp. 15

PSW0026R 23/09/2014 Haul Nematoda sp. 10

PSW0026R 25/02/2015 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

PSW0026R 25/02/2015 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 1

PSW0039R 25/09/2014 Haul Rotaria sp. 1

PSW0188R 23/09/2014 Haul Nematoda sp. 20

RC11RW002 17/08/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

RC11RW034 16/08/2011 Haul Meridiescandona marillanae 1

RC11RW039 15/08/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 3

RC11RW042 15/08/2011 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 1

RC11RW042 15/08/2011 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

RC11RW044 15/08/2011 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 1

RC11RW052 15/08/2011 Haul Paramelitidae sp. 1

SF0054R 20/03/2010 Scrape Microcyclops varicans 1

SF0158R 21/03/2010 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 3

SF0158R 15/06/2010 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 13

SF0173R 24/03/2010 Haul Amphipoda sp. 1

SF0183R 16/06/2010 Haul Nematoda sp. 2

SF0191R 28/03/2010 Haul Fierscyclops (Fierscyclops) sp. B03 (nr frustratio) 1

SF0193R 16/06/2010 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

SF0255R 14/06/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

SF0270R 19/03/2010 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 10

SF0270R 04/05/2010 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 10

SF0270R 04/05/2010 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 1

SF0270R 15/06/2010 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 19

SF0272R 14/06/2010 Scrape Filinia sp. 1

SF0336R 16/06/2010 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

SF0408R 14/06/2010 Haul Nematoda sp. 2

SF0415R 26/05/2010 Scrape Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 1

SF0484R 15/06/2010 Scrape Filinia sp. 1

SF0491R 15/06/2010 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

SF0491R 15/06/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 3

SF0501R 15/06/2010 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

SF0501R 15/06/2010 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 1

SF0512R 19/03/2010 Haul nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

SF0654R 17/03/2010 Scrape Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

SF0654R 04/05/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 12

SF0654R 14/06/2010 Scrape nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 2

SF0654R 14/06/2010 Scrape Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 14

SF0655R 17/03/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 3

SF0655R 04/05/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

SF0655R 04/05/2010 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 1

SF0655R 14/06/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 2

SF0655R 14/06/2010 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B03 1

SF0656RE 04/05/2010 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 7

SF1480R 18/04/2012 Scrape nr Billibathynella sp. B02(=Parabathynellidae sp. S03) 1

SF1714R 07/03/2012 Scrape Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 8

UI0024R 12/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 6

UI0078R 12/03/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 100

UI0078R 12/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 100

UI0113R 12/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 3

UI0229R 11/03/2009 Haul Mesocyclops brooksi 4

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Drill Hole Code Collection Date Sample Type Taxa No. of Specimens

UI0276R 11/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 25

UI0313R 11/06/2009 Haul Filinia sp. 3

UI0313R 11/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

UI0313R 11/06/2009 Haul Stygoridgewayia sp. 1

UI0326R 11/03/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 25

UI0331R 11/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 3

UI0340R 11/03/2009 Haul Mesocyclops brooksi 3

UI0340R 11/03/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 5

UI0340R 11/03/2009 Haul Origocandona grommike 6

UI0340R 11/06/2009 Haul Bdelloidea sp. 2:2 500

UI0340R 11/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 50

UI0340R 11/06/2009 Haul Mesocyclops sp. 3

UI0357R 11/03/2009 Haul Origocandona grommike 1

UI0412RDT 11/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 8

UI0412RDT 11/06/2009 Haul Filinia sp. 1

UI0415RDT 11/03/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 10

UI0415RDT 11/06/2009 Haul Filinia sp. 1

UI0604R 12/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 1

UI0626RDT 11/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 12

UI0629RDT 11/03/2009 Haul Bdelloidea sp. 2:3 1

UI0629RDT 11/03/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 20

UI0629RDT 11/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 3

UI0726R 12/03/2009 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 3

UI0726R 12/03/2009 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 1

UI0726R 11/06/2009 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 1

UI0726R 11/06/2009 Haul Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B02 1

UI0754R 12/03/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 50

UI0754R 11/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 60

UI0754R 11/06/2009 Haul Filinia sp. 1

UI0754R 11/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 8

UI0755R 11/06/2009 Haul Enchytraeidae sp. 1

UI0755R 11/06/2009 Haul Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 1

UI0756R 12/03/2009 Haul Chydaekata sp. B01 2

UI0756R 11/06/2009 Haul Candonidae sp. 1

UI0756R 11/06/2009 Haul Chydaekata sp. B01 2

UI0756R 11/06/2009 Haul Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 4

UI0756R 11/06/2009 Haul Maarrka weeliwollii 1

UI0756R 11/06/2009 Haul Paramelitidae sp. B04 1

WBE002P 12/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

WBE003M 11/06/2009 Haul Nematoda sp. 1

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Mining Area C, Life of Project: Stygofauna

BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Appendix 4 - Widely Distributed Amphipods and Isopods Known Only from the Weeli Wolli Creek and Coondewanna Catchments