Ministry Action Plan

Ministry Action Plan - Home - White Springs Baptist Churchwhitespringsbaptist.org/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/… · The Ministry Action Plan is a living document. As

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Page 2: Ministry Action Plan - Home - White Springs Baptist Churchwhitespringsbaptist.org/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/… · The Ministry Action Plan is a living document. As

What is a “Ministry Action Plan”? The Ministry Action Plan (or MAP, for short) is our annual church

budget. As always, it reflects thoughtful and prayerful work by

our various committees and teams.

The new term “Ministry Action Plan” emphasizes that budgeting

is bigger than assigning numbers in a spreadsheet and expect-

ing the money to arrive in the offering plate. Budget planning in

church involves:

1. Discerning what God is calling us to do in the next year,

2. Determining what resources will be needed to carry out

the ministries to which God calls us, and

3. Deciding together to give what is needed.

Few ministries that we plan can be enacted at no cost. God

summons each of us to return a portion of the resources given to

us so that God’s vision for this church can be realized. Moreover,

when we are faithful to give, God has a way of multiplying what

we surrender. (Luke 9:10-17)

Working together and seeking God’s guidance, we have

already discerned the broad strokes of what White Springs

Baptist Church will do in 2015. Our committees and teams have

also determined what resources will be needed to carry out this

plan. Now comes a moment of decision, as we are invited to

approve this plan and pledge our personal support to seeing it

enacted in 2015.

What do we want for White Springs? What does God want? Do the two align? A new preacher came to the church and everyone was

excited. The first Sunday he stood up to deliver his message and

said,” If I’m gonna be pastor of this church, it’s gonna walk.”

And the people replied with an enthusiastic, “AMEN, let her

walk, brother, let her walk.” He said, “And furthermore, if I’m

gonna be pastor of this church, she is gonna run.” And the

people replied, “Amen, let her run brother, let her run.” He said,

“More than that, if I’m the pastor of this church, it’s gonna fly.”

The people replied, “Amen, brother, let her fly, let her fly.” Then

the pastor said, ‘if this church is gonna fly, then it’s going to take

money.” The people replied,” Let her walk, brother, let her walk.”

Visions and plans can garner a lot of enthusiasm when they are

first formed. Everyone seems to know the wisdom of Proverbs

29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

But you and I want more than “not perishing.” Surviving is better

than perishing to be sure, but thriving is what God wants for us.

And if we want to thrive, then… you guessed it… it’s going to

take time, talents, and resources.

Of course, it takes a lot more than money to do all the things

God has planned for us. But a glance at our annual budget in

years past wouldn’t show that. Showing only the dollars and

cents and line items and sums would demonstrate that our

committees and teams have done their jobs and planned a

sensible budget. But that old way of presenting a budget

doesn’t do two key things. First, it doesn’t communicate our

vision and values. Second, it doesn’t inspire anyone.

If you are anything like me, spreadsheets make your eyes glaze

over. But we hope that this booklet will be different. Perhaps it

will connect some dots, light up some new thoughts, inspire new

dreams, and encourage greater generosity.

What we are presenting is more than a budget, but a PLAN for

MINISTRY ACTION. To carry out this plan in 2015, we will need the

time, talents, and treasures of our membership put into action.

Whether we want to walk, run, or fly is firmly in our hands.

I’m so grateful for our leaders in our committees and teams, who

have done a good job discerning a plan for 2015 and

determining what resources are needed to act on it.

What committees, teams, and staff cannot do, however, is the

action of decision. And so we entrust this plan into the hands of

you, the congregation.

Pastor Abel Garcia

What guides our planning? The Ministry Action Plan is a living document. As in the past, the

details will still change from year to year. However, the core of

our plan always emerges from our unique identity as a church,

especially as expressed in our mission statement:

We exist as a family of believers UNITED to SHARE our

faith in Christ, to EQUIP believers to live their faith, and to

EXPRESS our genuine love to God and all people so that


Who developed this plan? Our Bylaws direct the Stewardship Team along with input from

the various committees and teams to prepare and submit to the

church for approval an inclusive budget, indicating by items the

amount needed and sought for all local and worldwide ministry

expenses; and also to educate the church in giving, money

management, mission support and church budgeting. The 2015

Ministry Action Plan fulfills both of these directives. The leaders of

our Stewardship Team are:

Brett Watts, Chairman Karen Benson, Treasurer

Misti Fairchild Janice Greenshaw

Judson Hamilton Matt Mabrey

Kay Lee Jim New

Ken Pike Jim Walker

What if I would like to see more detail? The M.A.P. index, a line-item listing of accounts and amounts is

available in the Proposed Budget-2015 document that is

available in the Church Office for your review upon request.

Members of the Stewardship Team are prepared to handle

inquiries and direct you to more information.

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Help the Hurting $48,466

The walls of our church do not place boundaries on the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are sent out to bless and love

our neighbors in ways that recognize holistic needs of body, mind, and soul. White Springs has a strong partnership

with those doing essential ministry in the community, and our members reach out in countless ways throughout the


Helping Hands Food Ministry (Jerusalem) Once a month, White Springs has the opportunity to provide needy households with fresh and non-perishable

food items. During 2014, an average of 240 households were served through this ministry which was primarily

funded by monthly generous donations.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,

to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” - Luke 4:18-19 (NIV)

Our vision is for White Springs Baptist Church to be a vibrant fellowship of believers who:

Go Global With The Gospel $82,944

Making disciples has been in the DNA of White Springs ever since we began more than a century ago. We want to be

a haven for the hurting and a guiding light for the lost, whether they live down the street or around the world. Events

like Vacation Bible School, Family Fun Nights or block parties for the community move us into relationships with others

so that we can share our own experience of God’s grace: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one

who takes refuge in him.” - Psalm 34:8

In 2015, we will reach out to our community through events like Tailgating for Missions, Game Day Sunday, White

Springs Night, and local school outreach. White Springs also cooperates with other churches through the Etowah

Baptist Association, the Alabama Baptist Association, and the Southern Baptist Convention to make a global

impact together. In addition, we will also be providing for the following mission endeavors:

Honduras Medical Missions (Ends of the Earth) Providing medical and dental care along with gospel is the focus for teams who make the journey to Honduras.

Through the support of White Springs, team will be equipped with Bibles, medicine, and medical supplies.

Guatemala Missions & Pastor’s Conference (Ends of the Earth) Central American pastors are hungry to learn more of God’s Word and how to be a more

effective leader of their congregations. Through the generous support of White Springs,

pastors will be able to receive training and support.

Cowboy Church of Lee County, Auburn (Judea) The Auburn/Lee County area is a hot bed of opportunity to share the gospel and minister to people and

families steeped in the cowboy way of life. Through the support of White Springs a new church start is able

to continue preaching and teaching the Good News.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. - Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

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Impact the Next Generation $87,445

God has commissioned the church, not to make converts or mere worshippers, but disciples—men and women who

are being made in the image and likeness of God by following Jesus Christ daily. Spiritual formation is not a solo effort;

maturing in life and growing into Christ-likeness is something we do together. Knowing

the Bible and how to freely read, interpret, and apply God’s Word into daily life is the

key objective of our spiritual formation activities.

We believe God’s plan for growing our church in 2015 includes growing

ministries for all age groups: from children and youth to empty nesters

and senior adults. This next year shows great promise for growth in

ministry with children and youth. Sunday School small group is always

a great way to reach many new families, some for the first time, with

the basic message of God’s love and wisdom as shown in Jesus.

Our desired outcome in this area is an increase of

50% in average Sunday School attendance in 2015. We can accomplish this objective by inviting existing members and regular

worship attendees to join a Sunday School small group while we continue to

connect new guests with appropriate groups.

(Includes respective staff compensation; Sunday School literature and supplies for adults, youth,

and children; Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Senior Adult Ministry; stewardship promotion; etc.)

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you,

you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” - John 15:5 (NIV)

Etowah Crisis Pregnancy Center (Jerusalem) The Center is a crisis pregnancy center dedicated to serving young women in our area. They serve women

through pregnancy tests, counseling, education for pregnancy and maternity, referrals for counseling, housing,

job assistance, and adoption.

The Work of the Carpenter (McDougal Family/Samaria) Greg McDougal and his family are in full time music ministry and evangelism. What began as a

special cause and need in their lives, God has turned into a great desire for them to go and tell of

His mercy and grace in the midst of it all. Three of their four children have been diagnosed with

Cystic Fibrosis. Because of God’s blessing on their lives, they now are helping other families who are

going through similar situations.

Local Benevolence/ Etowah Baptist Mission Center (Jerusalem) On a weekly and sometimes daily basis, White Springs receives calls and visits from people in our

community who are seeking help during tough financial times. Most are requesting assistance for rent,

utilities, and/or food. Determining who to help and how much assistance to provide can be a daunting

task. Beginning in 2015, White Springs will refer all such request to the EBA Mission Center for determina-

tion of assistance which will be funded by White Springs.

Etowah Disaster Relief (Judea) Disaster Relief assist people affected by weather related catastrophes. Specially trained teams help with

the following: Cleanup/Recovery, Chainsaw Operators, Mass Feeding, Childcare, Shower Unit, as well as,

Chaplaincy. The Disaster Relief Ministry is a unique blend of Missions and Evangelism. As emotional and

physical needs are met, there’s opportunity to share The Gospel.

Our desired outcome in these ACTS 1:8 areas is an increase in mission awareness and

opportunities for service, plus the enlisting, training, and involvement of more volunteers.

(Includes respective staff compensation; giving through Southern Baptist channels; public relations; special events; support of mission efforts.)

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“The opportunity to IMPACT THE FUTURE of White Springs is before us”

Gather for Worship $104,528

Everything we do as a church arises from our experience of God’s grace and glory in our

lives. Together, we worship the triune God who created us in His divine image, recreates

us in Christ Jesus, and gifts us with the Holy Spirit. We gather each and every week to hear

and respond to God’s Word in worship. Many gifted people lead us in worship through

singing, playing instruments, reading scripture, preaching, and yielding other talents.

So much of life gains its shape from events we hold in our sanctuary: faith decisions

made, children dedicated, believers baptized, communion, weddings, funerals,

and more. People’s lives are changed by our weekly encounters with God in worship,

and we aim to see more lives changed in 2015 as our worship time is renewed by

deeper engagement from God’s people and a generous embrace of new


Our desired outcome in this area is an increase of 50% in average worship attendance in 2015.

(Includes respective staffs compensation; music, A/V equipment and maintenance; and supplies for ordinances, decorations, flowers, etc.)

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship,

to the breaking of bread and to prayer...praising God.” - Acts 2:42,47 (NIV)

Do Life Together $31,748

The ministry of Jesus was always rooted in God’s great love for people.

Therefore, whether we are caring for children, saying thank you to our

volunteers, or providing a meal at a funeral, we want to be known for

our love. Even our giving is an expression of our love for God and other


In 2015, we want to continue our support of fellowship

events such as our small group Christmas gatherings,

Mother’s Day breakfast, Men’s Ministry & Women’s Ministry

outings and our weekly Wednesday Family

Dinners. We want our men to be mobilized to care for

practical needs in our congregation and community.

And we will continue to screen and train all volunteers

with children and youth to keep White Springs a safe place

for all.

Our desired outcome in this area is the development of

new volunteers working in the nursery, extended care,

and children’s church. Training and mobilizing these volunteers will

not only reduce costs in other areas, but will engage our members in actively showing love to others. (Includes respective staffs compensation; background checks, supplies for hospitality and bereavement events; nursery salaries and supplies; etc.)

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love,

I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1 (NIV)

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In order to carry out our Church Vision as outlined, we must also commit to:

Increasing Our Ministry Capacity Equipping Ministry (Administration) $27,608

Our ministry teams and all of our volunteers depend on basic materials to get their jobs

done. Whether the equipment needed is a ball-point pen, a computer, or a copy

machine, we provide the basics and they do a wonderful job of minimizing waste and

maximizing ministry.

(Includes office supplies; equipment and software; postage)

Facilitating Ministry (Properties) $129,500

Woven throughout White Springs’ story are testimonies to God’s provision of a place

to worship, grow, and serve. Being good stewards of our resources means being good

stewards of our space. Every one of our ministries benefits from our facility, as do other

ministries and community groups.

(Includes mortgage; building and grounds maintenance; vehicle maintenance; supplies; insurance; utilities,


“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,

to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” - Ephesians 4:11-12 (NIV)

“God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times,

having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” - 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)

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Why We Need To M.A.P. is a calling for our church family to move spiritually

to action in fulfilling the mission of White Springs Baptist


We exist as a family of believers UNITED to SHARE

our faith in Christ, to EQUIP believers to live their

faith, and to EXPRESS our genuine love to God

and all people so that GOD will BE GLORIFIED.


When you move to action personally, you can GROW in


PRAYER LIFE by an unhurried talk

with God each day (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

DISCIPLESHIP by reading and

studying the Bible each day

and in weekly study and wor-

ship with other followers (2 Timothy 2:15-16; Hebrews 10:25)

TIME and the handling of DAY-TO-DAY ACTIVITIES by

eliminating the time wasters and focusing on the

things that will matter in eternity (Philippians 1:27; Romans 15:19)

MANAGING the POSSESSIONS God has entrusted to

you by setting aside at least 10% of God’s BLESSINGS

of your whole income and prayerfully dedicating it to

God’s work through His

church at White Springs (1 Corinthians 16:2; Leviticus 27:30)

All of which can lead to a

more fulfilled life now as you

LIVE OUT the teachings of

Christ and carry the presence

of God with you wherever you may go and in what-

ever you do, bringing glory, praise, and honor to His

name. (Philippians 2:3-4:7; Ephesians 5:25)

As A Church Family

When you move to action as a church family, we

become a healthier, more united church through:

SHARING our faith in Christ through missions (Galatians 3:26-28; Ephesians 1:4-5, 3:10; Romans 10:13-14)

EQUIPPING people as disciples (Hebrews 6:1; Ephesians 4:11-13)

EXPRESSING our love to God by serving each other

and our community through ministry (John 13:25; 1 John 3:16-17; Matthew 25:34-40)

GLORIFYING God (Matthew 4:10; John 4:23-24)

Let’s Look At The Possibilities

How are YOU being called to take ACTION?

Wait! Don’t answer that yet! M.A.P. is a big deal...and just

as with any big-deal decision, it’s good to spend a little

time on it.

Think about it. Pray about it. Read about it. Talk about it.

As you’re walking this faith journey with us, we have a

hmmmm-generator* for you. We tend to think about

generosity in terms of what we’re giving to—like our kid’s

school PTO fundraiser, the next BBQ for charity, or church.

What would happen, though, if we had ourselves a

paradigm shift? What if instead of thinking about giving

TO, we start thinking about giving FROM . . .gratefulness,

obedience, compassion, joy, commitment?

What difference might that make?

*Something thought-provoking and maybe even a little challenging that

causes you to say or think, “Hmmm.” (You probably figured that out.)

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ALL IN That phrase might very well become a defining characteristic of White Springs Baptist Church.

There are three facets of going ALL IN:

Our ministries are ALL IN. ALL IN for sharing our faith, ALL IN for equipping believers and ALL IN for expressing our

love to God and all people so that God will be glorified.

Second, M.A.P. will require us to be ALL IN on a personal level. Each of us needs to be fully committed and

surrendered to God to go to ACTION.

Finally, we’ll need 100% participation in M.A.P. Our entire church family will need to go ALL IN so we can move

from baby steps to giant leaps forward in sharing our faith, equipping believers and expressing our love to God

and all people so that God will be glorified.

Want the nutshell version?

ALL OF US Only you can assess how you’re doing with ALL OF ME. (Be still. Pray. And listen. If you’re truly seeking God’s direction,

He’ll provide it!) But you might be curious to know how our church family—as a whole—is doing with the ALL Of US



$ 7,501 and higher 12

$ 5,001 $ 7,500 9

$ 2,501 $ 5,000 42

$ 1,501 $ 2,500 18

$ 1,001 $ 1,500 19

$ 501 $ 1,000 16

$ 101 $ 500 37

$ 2 $ 100 35

$ 0 $ 1 164

This table shows the number of households giving at each level*. Now, going ALL IN isn’t only about a dollar figure,

and we’re not comparing people at “the bottom” to people at “the top.” In fact, some of those households sitting in

the three—figure range are truly ALL IN, and some sitting in the higher range just . . .aren’t.

*Why, yes. Yes, it really IS bottom-heavy, isn’t it? Or could it be untapped potential—and M.A.P. is the catalyst for greater participation?

100% ALL IN!

So what’s it mean for YOU ? How does God want YOU to go ALL IN ?

“If anyone would come after me he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.”

- Luke 9:23 (NIV)

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TITHE @ 10% - - - 876,186 9% - - - 788,567

8% - - - 700,948

7% - - - 613,330

6% - - - 525,711

5% - - - 438,092

4% - - - 350,474

3% - - - 262,855

2% - - - 175,237

1% - - - 87,619

Based on the number of families who call White Springs their church home (157) and the

median annual income of southern Etowah County ($55,808), we can reasonably

“guess”timate that God has entrusted our church family with nearly $ 8.7 million in financial


By looking at current giving trends, we can estimate that by the end of 2014 White Springs

will have received approximately $557 thousand toward the annual ministry budget—which

represents about 6.4% of our church family’s collective income.

(10% would be nearly $876 thousand.)

Yes, there’s a lot of numbers on here ! To get closer and closer to a 10% congregation, we’re encouraging our entire church family to

take at least ONE STEP in their financial giving.

One step may sound kinda wimpy, but let’s think about it for a sec. If each step represents an

increase of one percent, and if every single family took even one step, we’d have nearly $91

thousand in additional resources for ministry!

Now, one percent on this chart looks big and fat and scary. So move on over on the next

page and take a look at the individual monthly giving chart. You’ll be surprised at how smallish

1% might be for you!

6.4 % = $557,413

7.4 % = $648,377

ONE STEP = A potential of

$90,964 MORE for MINISTRY

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Hey! Read this before you freak out! Taking even one financial step may feel a bit unnerving, and we’re hoping this chart will help un-unnerve you.

Try this: Round your annual salary to the nearest amount in the far left column. Find your current monthly giving

amount on that line, and see what percentage of your income that represents. Now, scoot your eyes to the right

just one number. It’s not that much bigger, is it?

Here’s a for-instance: Let’s say your annual salary is about $50,000, and you’re currently giving 2%, or $83/month. If

you feel God nudging you to increase by 1%, that’s a difference of $42 each month . . . or about $10 each week.

What’s $10/week? A couple of frappuccino with extra whipped cream. . . a lunch out. . . a premium cable chan-

nel that you rarely watch.

(No, we’re not asking you to give up everything in your life that you enjoy.) But if you’re feeling a tug to trust God

with more of your finances, and you’re trying to figure out exactly how to swing that, this chart may actually offer

some encouragement.

1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15%

$20,000 $17 $33 $50 $67 $83 $100 $117 $133 $150 $167 $183 $200 $217 $233 $250

$30,000 $25 $50 $75 $100 $125 $150 $175 $200 $225 $250 $275 $300 $325 $350 $375

$40,000 $33 $67 $100 $133 $167 $200 $233 $267 $300 $333 $367 $400 $433 $467 $500

$50,000 $42 $83 $125 $167 $208 $250 $292 $333 $375 $417 $458 $500 $542 $583 $625

$60,000 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 $550 $600 $650 $700 $750

$70,000 $58 $117 $175 $233 $292 $350 $408 $467 $525 $583 $642 $700 $758 $817 $875

$80,000 $67 $133 $200 $267 $333 $400 $467 $533 $600 $667 $733 $800 $867 $933 $1,000

$90,000 $75 $150 $225 $300 $375 $450 $525 $600 $675 $750 $825 $900 $975 $1,050 $1,125

$100,000 $83 $167 $250 $333 $417 $500 $583 $667 $750 $833 $917 $1,000 $1,083 $1,167 $1,250

$110,000 $92 $183 $275 $367 $458 $550 $642 $733 $825 $917 $1,008 $1,100 $1,192 $1,283 $1,375

$120,000 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 $1,100 $1,200 $1,300 $1,400 $1,500

$130,000 $108 $217 $325 $433 $542 $650 $758 $867 $975 $1,083 $1,192 $1,300 $1,408 $1,517 $1,625

$140,000 $117 $233 $350 $467 $583 $700 $817 $933 $1,050 $1,167 $1,283 $1,400 $1,517 $1,633 $1,750

$150,000 $125 $250 $375 $500 $625 $750 $875 $1,000 $1,125 $1,250 $1,375 $1,500 $1,625 $1,750 $1,875

How much should I give? As a church, we’re aware that there are hurting and helpless people all around us. There are great needs in our

city. There are millions around the world lost and dying without Christ. We are rescued, and we have been given

much… Each of us should prayerfully consider how to respond.

In 2015, make it a goal to step out in faith and take action in your giving. Maybe that means giving for the first

time… Maybe that means giving differently. Whatever the step is for you, we believe that God wants to move

each of our hearts to respond generously.

“When someone has been given much, much will be required in return;

and when someone has been entrusted with much, even… more will be required.” - Luke 12:48

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If giving/tithing is not a part of your

current budget, make it a priority to

give to the church first. Some people

use scheduled reminders on payday;

others auto-draft their offering with

each paycheck.


Consider brown-bagging your lunch

for a while. Skip the season tickets

and catch a few games on TV. Opt

for a 7 day adventure instead of the

10 day excursion.


Consider donating land, a house, a

car, jewelry, stocks, etc. Perhaps you

could have a yard sale and donate

the profits.


If every family at White Springs gave

just 1% more, we would easily surpass

our 2015 proposed budget goal. A

small change makes a big

difference! See the chart on the

opposite page.


Make a fun container and drop

change in it everyday. As you head

out the door each Sunday, empty

the container to give during a

worship service.


Many families and businesses are

able to make generous donations at

the end of the year because of

bonuses or distribution of company


How can I give? Your tithes and offerings help us fund the entire Ministry Action Plan. Giving can happen in simply one of the following ways:

Putting cash or checks in the offering plate. We encourage regular givers to use the offering envelopes provided.

Swiping a debit or credit card at one of the Welcome Center kiosk

Setting up automatic payments to White Springs through your financial institution

Mailing contributions to White Springs Baptist Church, 4411 Rainbow Drive, Rainbow City, AL 35906

In 2015, We’re asking every White Springs family to prayerfully consider taking the next step in their giving.











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Go Global with the Gospel 16 ¢

Help the Hurting 10 ¢

Impact the Next Generation 17 ¢

Gather for W

orship 20 ¢

Do Life Together 6 ¢

Increase Our Ministry

Capacity 31 ¢

WHITE SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH 4411 Rainbow Drive, Rainbow City, AL 35906

256.442.2638 whitespringsbaptist.org