1 Children’s Ministry Handbook SUNDAY WHITE TEAM Feb May 2018 Northern Virginia Church of Christ

Ministry Handbook - irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com · "Let the little children come to me….. for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." -- Mark 10:14 (NIV) OUR MISSION • Instill

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Page 1: Ministry Handbook - irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com · "Let the little children come to me….. for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." -- Mark 10:14 (NIV) OUR MISSION • Instill



Ministry Handbook


Northern Virginia Church of Christ

Page 2: Ministry Handbook - irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com · "Let the little children come to me….. for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." -- Mark 10:14 (NIV) OUR MISSION • Instill


"Let the little children come to me…..

for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." -- Mark 10:14 (NIV)


• Instill in the children a deep understanding and belief in God and the


• Foster deepening friendships with peers

• Open and safe environment for all types of questions

• Make the bible fun and applicable

• Build on praying and singing to our Lord

• Knowing the bible – memory scripture

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Welcome Letter

Welcome brothers and sisters to the Children’s Ministry of the North Virginia Church of Christ!!! Thank you again so much for your willing hearts to serve the wonderful children of God’s kingdom. We know the sacrifice that is involved in this service, but this service presents an incredible opportunity for you to have an everlasting impact on the hearts, minds and souls of these young, curious and ever questioning children. As we all know, children were a vital part of the Jesus’ ministry (Mark 10:13-16), and we pray that, as we serve in this capacity, we will grow in the likeness of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We hope this handbook will provide adequate guidelines and information to make your time in the Children’s Ministry an easy and informed one. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let us know and we will try our best to accommodate them. Thank you again so much for serving in this capacity and we look forward to working with you during this rotation. Your brothers and sisters in Christ, The Children’s Ministry Coordinators

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Different Rotations

Sunday Services: 3 teams (4 months each team)

• White Team: February, March, April, May

• Red Team: June, July, August, September o (School age kids move up 1 grade level at the beginning of this rotation)

• Blue Team: October, November, December, January

Children’s Ministry Gus & LeAnne Anies (Blue Team) Sunday Coordinators: Gus: [email protected]; 202-503-6676

LeAnne: [email protected]; 202-409-7513

Nate & Angela Brooks (White Team) Nate: [email protected]; 703-864-3744 Angela: [email protected]; 703-864-3088

Edison & Alisa Rolle (Red Team) [email protected]; 703-433-9766

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WHITE Team Sunday Teachers: Infants: 9 – 23 months ____________ Ratio 1:2(+1) (Avg Kids 5 Teachers Needed = 3) 1. Lead Teacher: Mary Bea Bouchet (703-895-6135) [email protected] 2. Assistant: Sarah Simmons (919) 902-9948 [email protected]

3. Robbie Bauder (March, April) (210) 838-5722 [email protected]

Sarah Lew (Feb, May) (571) 241-4350 [email protected] 2 & 3 yrs. old __ _ Ratio 1:4(+1) (Average Kids 10, Teachers Needed = 3) 1. Lead Teacher Nadine Templer (703) 268-9689 [email protected]

John Do (SUB for Nadine) (714) 658-3806 [email protected]

2. Assistants: Mitsuyo Sprague (703) 475-2613 [email protected]

3. Anca Payne (571) 274-0034 [email protected]

4 & 5 yrs. old Ratio 1:7 (+1) (Average Kids 18, Teachers Needed = 3 + SRM) 1. Lead Teacher: Margo Diego (650) 520-1111 [email protected] 2. Assistants: Tracey Paige (703) 728 5602 [email protected]

3. Jilliane Hill (571) 214-2803 [email protected]

4. SRM Kate Koeppen (631) 702-3262 [email protected]

Kindergarten ___ _____ Ratio 1:7(+1) (Avg Kids 12, Teachers __Needed = 2 1. Lead Teacher Tommy Banner (703) 599-3329 [email protected]

2. Co-Leads: Billie Banner (571) 278-1923 [email protected]

1st Grade ____ _____ Ratio 1:10(+1) (Avg Kids 20, Teachers Needed = 2) 1. Lead Teacher: Eugene Krofah (703) 868-3381 [email protected] 2. Assistant: Esther Krofah (301) 275-6609 [email protected]

3. Extra helper: Campus Rotation helper 2nd Grade ____ Ratio 1:10(+1) (Avg Kids 14, Teachers Needed = 2 + SRM) 1. Lead Teacher: Brian Valencia (703) 338-3558 [email protected]

2. Assistants Yasmin Valencia (571) 217-7740 [email protected]

3. SRM Liz Rivera (703) 507-9915 [email protected] 3rd Grade ___ __ _ Ratio 1:10(+1) (Avg Kids 8, Teachers Needed = 2) 1. Lead Teacher: Barry Bradshaw (703) 945-7776 [email protected]

2. Assistants: Pilar Bradshaw (703) 945-7772 [email protected]

4th Grade _____ ____ Ratio 1:10(+1) (Avg Kids 17, Teachers Needed = 2) 1. Lead Teacher: Michael Ezewoko (703) 505 9700 [email protected]

2. Assistants: Christiane Ezewoko (703) 505 9700 [email protected]

3. Extra helper: Teen Helper Rotation Preteen Class __ Ratio 1:12(+1) (Avg Kids 25, Teachers Needed = 3 + 3 SRMs) 1. Lead Teacher Manny Myles (703) 445-1674 [email protected]

2. Co-Lead: Marcia Myles 703-455-1674 [email protected]

3. Assistant: Naomi Turner (703) 455-2494 [email protected]

4. SRM 1 James Loaiza (571) 216-0970 [email protected] 5. SRM 2 Jenny Loaiza (703) 403-1769 [email protected]

6. SRM 3 Joe Arredondo (703) 835-4385 [email protected]

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• Attempt to get a substitute as soon as possible! You are responsible for making sure that

the class is successful. Below is the list of substitutes.


Landy Delva (wants to be a permanent sub for all rotations) 561-603-2527; [email protected] Patsy Lowe - (703) 598-8440; [email protected] Johnné Jones - (571) 606-9067; [email protected]

Freedom Asihel - (703) 965-9334; [email protected]

Amery Stapleton – ( 914)4393729; [email protected] Nina Crenshaw - (615) 713-9483; [email protected]

• All teachers need to have gone through the screening process to be eligible to teach.

• If you have no luck with the list above, ask someone in your family group who has

already been screened.

• Please let the other teachers in your class know of the substitution.

• If unable to get a substitute, after trying all the above, call the coordinators.

Volunteers during Teacher’s Communion

Meredith Marshall

[email protected]

(703) 229-7991

Curriculum Lessons and Handbook Scroll to the bottom of the following webpage to access the lessons & handbook


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Forms & Procedures Child Safety

o Know where every child is at all times and follow the 2-person rule at all times.

o Potty Breaks: (plan 2 potty breaks for the younger kids)

• Kids ages 4 and up - Teachers remain in the hallway with the class and send 3 kids at a time

into the girls’ and boys’ restrooms respectively.

• Kids ages 2 and 3: All kids (both boys & girls) with the teachers can be in the same restroom

at the same time. If during the class, one kid needs to go unexpectedly to the bathroom, take

the entire class to the bathroom.

Food Allergies

o All classrooms are to be nut free – absolutely no foods containing nuts should be allowed into the

classroom. Be aware of all kids that have any food allergies in your class.

o Special birthday treats that are brought in by parents should always be checked to ensure that it is

safe for the kids with allergies by verifying with their parents. Alternative treat suggestions for

parents may be stickers, small toys, etc.

o If a child carries an Epi-Pen, please ask the parent to show you how to use it. If the Epi-pen is used

during class, call 911 and please contact coordinator to get the parent.

Drop-off and Pick up

o Please welcome all kids regardless of the time they are dropped off.

o All students need to be signed in by their accompanying adult. Please fill in attendance sheets

completely, sign and date them and return them at the end of class.

o Ensure that only an authorized person (with wristband on wrist) picks up each child at the end of

each class.


o Please leave classrooms the way which you found them.

• Desks and chairs exactly in place

• White boards or chalk boards erased if you used them

• Leave teachers’ desks alone and keep kids away from the teachers’ desks

o Empty the classroom trash bins into the hallway bin, especially the infants’ class. Take out soiled

diapers to the garbage can provided in the hallway.

o Eating and drinking are not allowed in the classrooms, please use the hallways

Children’s Ministry shirts

o Please use them, as they help to make us identifiable

o Can be obtained thru the coordinators.

“Graduating” from class:

o Pre-K classes– Kids move to the next class at the beginning of the rotation, if their birthday falls

within that time period

o School age – These kids move to the next grade level in the June rotation to coincide with their

rising school grade level in September

Early morning communion and Contribnution

o 9:00 am. Please be on time. Room 147 – Far end of the kids’ hallway

o Led by the teachers in the current rotation – see schedule on last page.


o Snacks will be provided dependent on the coordinators


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TV usage is NOT allowed – please plan alternative games/activities in its place.

Craft Supplies

o Some craft supplies are available via the coordinator.

o If you need to purchase craft materials, please keep your receipts for reimbursement. You can

request a reimbursement form from the church administrator ([email protected]).

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• Disciples who have been a part of the church for 6 months, and who are doing well

spiritually and attending all services, are eligible to serve as teachers. This is to ensure the

spiritual wellbeing of all our members.

• Background screening needs to be done on each candidate before they can volunteer.

• Updated background screening is required every 3 years for each teacher for the Sunday and

Wednesday classes. For all teen volunteers, background screenings need to be done once a


• At least 2 teachers should always accompany the children at all times. There should never be

an instance where it is only one teacher with a child. If there is only one teacher at sign in

time, sign in needs to wait till another teacher is available.

• Discipline – Never touch a child in an assertive way. Give time outs after initial warnings.

Do not allow the class to be disrupted by any one child. Encourage and expect good

behavior. Often just writing their name on a white board will curtail their behavior. Use the

3 – strike method.

• Should anything be revealed in the background check that may impact an individual’s ability

to serve in this capacity, the Children’s Ministry screener (currently Marcia Llorens) will

advise the lead coordinator who will in turn discuss the matter with the individual. All

background screening and forms are highly confidential and the individual’s privacy is


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Ideas & Suggestions

• Before preparing for your class – ask “what do I want the children to leave with?”

• Divide the class materials up among the teachers. Have each teacher prepare and be

responsible for one of the centers (Craft, Life Application & Bible Story). One person

should not be doing most of the work.

• Look at preparatory materials early in week and think about them for a few days. Get

your creative juices going… if it is fun and interesting to you, it will be for the kids too.

Be open and vulnerable yourself. How does lesson apply to you?

• Spend some time praying about the class in the morning and welcome the kids and

parents with warmth, attention and love. Get in the mindset

• Wear name tags so that parents and kids get to know you. For younger kids – place

nametags on the children until you know their names.

• Look into eyes and get on their level physically (i.e. kneel down) when talking directly to

a child.

• Communication with parents

o E-mails

o Hard copy of the class’ outline

o Find out the kid’s birthdays and special accomplishments and make sure you

celebrate together

o Kids’ written report at end of class – be positive and gracious.

• Plan activities outside of the classroom

o Helps foster the kids’ friendships

• Sleep-over, feed poor together, swimming, lunch after church, etc.

o Helps foster the parents’ relationships

• Use internet to get ideas for class:












o Many other excellent sites exist for games, activities to use in class

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Sunday Class Curriculum

• Each Sunday you need to plan a class. These need to be instructional and help the

children know and understand our God in a better way. Please no pure “game days”

unless it is the last day of the rotation or you have talked to the coordinator.

• The overall organization of the materials will cover two full years, Q1 – Q8.

• Each lesson is comprised of the main lesson and a supplement (Wednesday)

• Parts of the curriculum include:

o Pre-class activity

o Bible story

o Life Application

o Memory Scripture

o Craft

• Depending on size of class – can have separate centers at a time and switch.

• Class responsibilities to be divided among the teachers

• Is only a Guideline – can use as is or modified to suit the class’ needs. Please stay with

the same lesson topic/scriptures if you choose not to use the curriculum. Each week each

class needs to have Biblical teaching. What lesson do you want the kids to leave with?

• Infants’ Class – Cradle Roll (songs and activities). Laminated copy and paper copies can

be found in the Infants’ bins.

Suggested Sunday Class Outline

1. Welcome each child with a smile!

2. Have a fun activity for early arrivals.

3. Circle time: introduce guests, share good news, and review class rules.

4. Sing 2 or 3 songs. The kids love to act out. This is especially true at the younger ages. They

love energy!

5. Pray!!!

6. Present a Bible story – make it as dynamic as possible. Draw the kids into it. Always focus

on the application to their lives.

a. The younger children have very short attention spans. You need to provide

constant change for them.

7. Follow with “let’s pretend” to act out the story.

8. Bathroom break – Never be the only adult in the bathroom with the kids. For 4 years and

older, the teachers can remain outside in the hallway with the majority of the class and send 3

kids at a time to the girls’/boys’ bathrooms respectively.

9. Have a snack.

10. Do a craft related to the Bible story. Feel free to make the craft simple if desired.

11. Work on the memory scripture. Expect more as the kids get older. Work in memorizing the

books of the bible too.

12. Have fun – active games, board games, puzzles, play outside (weather permitting). We have

a bin of board/indoor games available.

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Sunday 2 & 3 Year-Old Class

CORE - Sunday Unit Lesson Special Note

Winter 2 = Q6

Feb 4 18. Moses N/A 3 Regional Services

Feb 11 N/A Women & Kids Service/ Men’s Retreat

Feb 18 1. The Burning Bush

Feb 25 2. Moses Listens to God

March 4 N/A 3 Regional Services

March 11 N/A Men & Kids Service/ Women’s Retreat

Spring 2 = Q7

March 18 19. Disciples of Jesus 1. Follow Me

March 25 2. Jesus’ First Disciples

April 1 N/A 3 Regional Services/ Easter

April 8 3. Jesus Chooses 12

April 15 4. I Follow Jesus

April 22 5. God Gives New Life 2

April 29 20. Jesus Cares 1. Do Not Be Afraid

May 6 N/A 3 Regional Services

May 13 2. Jesus Cares for Me Mother’s Day

May 20 3. Ask Jesus for Help

May 27 N/A 3 Park Services

The lessons are named by quarters (Q), unit number (U) and lesson number (L).

In the above chart, the first lesson for this rotation is, “The Burning Bush”

The first class lesson for this rotation will be labeled as Q6 U18 L1

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Sunday 4, 5, K Class

CORE - Sunday Unit Lesson Special Note

Winter 2 = Q6

Feb 4 N/A 3 Regional Services

Feb 11 N/A Women & Kids Service/ Men’s Retreat

Feb 18 15. Serving 1. Giving My Best

Feb 25 2. The Golden Rule

Spring 2 = Q7

March 4 N/A 3 Regional Services

March 11 N/A Men & Kids Service/ Women’s Retreat

March 18 16. Joseph 1. Dreams

March 25 2. Mistreatment

April 1 N/A Easter - 3 Regional Services

April 8 4. Reunion

April 15 17. More Miracles 1. Healing the Leper

April 22 2. A Widow’s Son

April 29 3. A Sick Woman

May 6 N/A 3 Regional Services

May 13 4. Jarius’ Daughter Mother’s Day

May 20 18. Missions 1. God Loves Paul

May 27 N/A 3 Park Services

The lessons are named by quarters (Q), unit number (U) and lesson number (L).

In the above chart, the first lesson for this rotation is, “Giving My Best”.

The first class lesson for this rotation will be labeled as Q6 U15 L1

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Sunday 1st & 2nd Grade Class

CORE - Sunday Unit Lesson Special Note

Winter 2 = Q6 Feb 4 N/A 3 Regional Services Feb 11 N/A Women & Kids Service/ Men’s Retreat Feb 18 16. God’s Awesome Victories 3. Ezekiel Feb 25 4. Elijah March 4 N/A 3 Regional Services March 11 N/A Men & Kids Service/ Women’s Retreat Spring 2 = Q7 March 18 17. Jesus Defeats Satan 1. Jesus is Tempted March 25 2. The Last Supper April 1 N/A 3 Regional Services/ Easter April 8 3. Gethsemane April 15 4. The Cross April 22 5. He's Alive! April 29

6. Jesus Says “Go!” May 6

N/A 3 Regional Services May 13

18. Early Church and Missions 1. Pentecost Mother’s Day May 20 2. The Church Grows May 27 N/A 3 Park Services

The lessons are named by quarters (Q), unit number (U) and lesson number (L).

In the above chart, the first lesson for this rotation is, “Ezekiel”.

The first class lesson for this rotation will be labeled as Q6 U16 L3

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Sunday 3rd & 4th Grade Class

CORE - Sunday Unit Lesson Special Note

Winter 2 = Q6

Feb 4 N/A 3 Regional Services

Feb 11 N/A Women & Kids Service/ Men’s Retreat

Feb 18 16. Who is Jesus? 1. Lord, Liar or Lunatic?

Feb 25 2. Man Who Understands

March 4 N/A 3 Regional Services

March 11 N/A Men & Kids Service/ Women’s Retreat

March 18 17. The Early Church 1. The Church Begins

March 25 2. The Church Grows

April 1 N/A 3 Regional Services/ Easter

April 8 3. The Church Scatters

April 15 4. Samaria Receives the Word

April 22 5. Gentiles Enter the Kingdom

April 29 6. Persecution and Prayer

May 6 N/A 3 Regional Services

Spring 2 = Q7

May 13 18. The Ministry of Paul 1. The Conversion of Saul Mother’s Day

May 20 2. The First Missionary Trip

May 27 N/A 3 Park Services

The lessons are named by quarters (Q), unit number (U) and lesson number (L).

In the above chart, the first lesson for this rotation is, “Lord, Liar, Lunatic”

The first class lesson for this rotation will be labeled as Q6 U16 L1

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Sunday Preteen Class

CORE - Sunday Unit Lesson Special Note

Winter 2 = Q6

Feb 4 N/A 3 Regional Services

Feb 11 N/A Women & Kids Service/ Men’s Retreat

Feb 18 16. Abundant Living 6. The Talents

Feb 25 3. Jeremiah: One Purpose

March 4 N/A 3 Regional Services

March 11 N/A Men & Kids Service/ Women’s Retreat

March 18 17. Power to Change 1. Into All The World, Part 1

March 25 2. Taking Responsibility

April 1 N/A 3 Regional Services/ Easter

April 8 4. Cornelius

April 15 5. Philippian Jailer

April 22 6. Into All The World, Part 2

Spring 2 = Q7

April 29 18. Unity in the Church 1. Keep the Unity

May 6 N/A 3 Regional Services

May 13 2. The Body of Christ Mother’s Day

May 20 3. No Fakeness

May 27 N/A 3 Park Services

The lessons are named by quarters (Q), unit number (U) and lesson number (L).

In the above chart, the first lesson for this rotation is, “Friend at Midnight”

The first class lesson for this rotation will be labeled as Q6 U16 L6

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Children’s Songs in Song Book (900 – 933)

• We Are Soldiers in the Army (#901)

• Deep Down in My Heart (#903)

• Jesus Loves the Little Children (#910)

• In My Father’s House (#911)

• I tried and I tried (#906)

• This Little Light of Mine (# 908) • I’m Gonna View that Holy City (#909)

• I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy (#912)

• Love, love. Love (#913)

• Oh, Be Careful (# 915)

• Roll the Gospel Chariot Along (#917)

• Peace Like a River (# 920)

• Whose Side Are You Fighting On? (# 921)

• Rise and Shine (#922)

• New Testament Song (#924)

• Show Me the Way (#925)

• The Sea of Galilee (#926)

• This is the day that the Lord has made (#927)

• The Wise Man (# 929)

• I’m in The Lord’s Army (# 931) • Building Up the Kingdom (# 932)

• Blue Skies and Rainbows (# 933)

• Father Abraham

• Jesus Loves Me

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Sunday Teachers’ Communion Schedule

• If you desire to change dates, please arrange switch from amongst the group

• Please be prepared to lead songs or arrange for someone else to help

• Preteen Leaders – please bring in the song book bin

• ALL need to be on time so that we can be finished by 9:40am sharp

Date Time & Location In Charge Comments

Feb 4 9:00 am– Room 177 N/A 3 Regional Services

Feb 11 9:00 am– Room 177 N/A Women & Kids Svc / Men’s Retreat

Feb 18 9:00 am– Room 177 Nate Brooks

Feb 25 9:00 am– Room 177 James Loaiza

March 4 9:00 am– Room 177 N/A 3 Regional Services

March 11 9:00 am– Room 177 N/A Men & Kids Service/ Women’s Retreat

March 18 9:00 am– Room 177 Manny Myles

March 25 9:00 am– Room 177 Aaron Jackson

April 1 9:00 am– Room 177 N/A 3 Regional Services

April 8 9:00 am– Room 177 Barry Bradshaw

April 15 9:00 am– Room 177 Eugene Krofah

April 22 9:00 am– Room 177 Brian Valencia

April 29 9:00 am– Room 177 Stephen Little

May 6 9:00 am– Room 177 N/A 3 Regional Services

May 13 9:00 am– Room 177 Tommy Banner Mother’s Day

May 20 9:00 am– Room 177 Michael Ezewoko

May 27 9:00 am– Room 177 N/A 3 Park Services

Page 19: Ministry Handbook - irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com · "Let the little children come to me….. for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." -- Mark 10:14 (NIV) OUR MISSION • Instill