X9__^_JFINANCIAL \u25a0 Continued. SALARY LOANS TO EMPLOYES ON Plain notes, without security. Easier partial payments. Lower rates. RELIABLE. CREDIT CO., Sykes block, 256 Hennepin ay. Walk up one flight. 888888888888388*88 8288888888 S2 MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEO- *2 88 pie—We are prepared to loan reason- ji ki able amounts to salaried people hold- & 3*' Ing steady positions with responsible ~Zi concerns, ou easy weekly or monthly M ft payments. We conduct our business S strictly confidential. Lowest rates and S J.i lair treatment guaranteed. Room 306, p |g Bask of Commerce building. U**Z*U &&33858 ags&ftftCiS* 83*88888 8883888 QUICK LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. SAME DAY AS APPLICATION. On your own name without security or in- dorser; payment payable to suit yourself; those who contemplate borrowing can be as- sured of the confidential treatment that all persons of refinement and pride reel Is essen- tial in matters of this nature. Our offices are so arranged that you do not come in con- tact with other applicants and you can be waited on privately and quickly. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings until y. PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS. MINNEAPOLIS LOAN COMPANY, 601-602 Globe Building. HURRY, HURRY, HURRY. DO YOU WANT MONEYT DO YOU NEED HELP MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE On their plain notes At about ONE-HALF the RATES CHARGED BY OTHERS. Strictest privacy guaranteed. MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO., Room 408. New York Life Building. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS— PER~CENT for six months,: 3 per cent for three months and 4 per cent on book accounts. Minnesota Title Insurance & Trust Co. Capital. $250.000. 20 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSE advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when you leave th» ad. FOR RENT 90xi70 TENT. AMERICAN Tent and Awning, 125, 127, 129 Ist ay N, Min- neapolis. \u25a0 BB 88888888888888888 B B' B WE PLAN TO PLEASE THE B ! B PEOPLE. B B \u25a0 ON CREDIT B B FURNITURE ON CREDIT B B CARPETS ON CREDIT B j B STOVES ON CREDIT B , B CHINAWARE ON CREDIT B B REFRIGERATORS ON CREDIT B B BABY BUGGIES ON CREDIT B B RUGS ON CREDIT B B LACE CURTAINS ON CREDIT B ! B GLASSWARE ON CREDIT B j B OFFICE DESKS ON CREDIT B j B B 1 B AT B I B THE BRANCH. B 1 B COR. 2D AND WASH. AVS. SOUTH. B i B B B WE PLAN TO PLEASE THE B ' B PEOPLE. B j B •\u25a0\u25a0 B 8888888888888 B BB B BB COLFAX MINERAL WATER Will permanently cure constipation. "We guarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon cose. The Glenwood-IngTewood Co., 313 Hennepin. MATTRESSES MADE OVER; HAIR OR moss, $1.50: others $1; mattresses and furni- ture for sale. Rainville Bros., manufactur- ers, 17 Nicollet island. Both phones. WATCHES CLEANEDsl,mainsprlngssl; war- ranted 1 yr. Fink's, 17 S Wash.. Nic. Houne. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 237 Henn. a7— Sell, rent, repair all makes. Ask for prices. PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS, HIGH grade hose, screen doors, paints and oils. J. H. Smith. 214-216 Hennepin ay. HENRY DISTIN silver plated orchestra cor- net, $30. Max Kohen, 327 Washington ay S. PIANOS—BARGAINS IN USED UPRIGHTS; many good as new uprights, $80, $85, $90, j $100; Gabler, $145; Emerson, $135; Hallett & Davis, $145; two Behning pianos, $165, $190; I Fischer, $lßsu Chickering, $200; four square pianos, $25, 195, $40, $60. New pianos for rent, $3.50 and $4 a month. One year's rent allowed if purchased. Foster & Waldo, 40 6th st S, corner Nicollet. ° FOR SALE—BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES" out of registered stock; write for prices. Box 437, Mankato. Minn. FOUR NO. 6 REMINGTONS, CHEAP. ALSO several No. 2 and No. 5 models. Underwood Typewriter Office, 326 Hennepin a?. FOR SALE COMPLETE RENDERING plant; also one 60x16 boiler, full front. In- sured 100 pounds steam; one 36x10 boiler, cheap; pulleys and shafting; one SxlO Atlas automatic engine, at a bargain if sold this week; guaranteed in first-class condition. In fact, everything in second-hand machinery. Send us a list of machinery you want to sell. We will sell it. Eagle Machinery Co., 660 Tem- ple Court. one! 22 H] p! double cylinder, double drum; second-hand Ledgewood hoist- ing engine, cheap if taken quick; good condi- tion. Eagle Machinery Co., 6CO Temple Court. COUNTRY PRINTERS DURING FAIR week be sure to 3ee our large stock of new and second-hand printers' machinery and type. Printers' Electrotyplug Co., 20 4th st N. SAFES—ALL SIZES AND STANDARD j makes: large coffee mill and two Fairbanks j Agate scales, received on mortgage foreclo- j sure. Also all kinds of store and office fix- i tures for sale very cheap. At 223 3d st S. NEW BUTTER STORE HAS MOVED FROM '' 404 Ist ay S to 91 "ith st S, between Nicollet ! any Ist ay. j LADIES AVING troubles TO CALL or write Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New_book, 25c. CLOSING OUT— SECOND-HAND GOODS CM? all kinds; 200 showcases, from $2 and up- wards. 500 counters, shelving, wall cases, re- frigerators, safes, office furniture, cash regis- i ters, scales, coffee mills, saloon and restau- rant fixtures, butcher supplies, 1,000 stoves of every description, fron. $1 upwards; bed- steads and springs, 50c; lounges, $1; pianos, i $20; organs, $22; wagons, buggies, etc. 1027 Washington ay S. FOR SALE—NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, oil tank, pump and patent truck. 2230 Wash- ington ay N. FOR SALE—SMALL SAFE. APPLY 221 I Bank of Minneapolis building. FUR C SECOND-HAND, IN GOOD order. Call 600 Corn Exchange. \u25a0 ' I FOR CHEAP, \u25a0 ONE 9x12 ATLAS ' EN- gine, 50-horse-power; one 54x15 boiler and one 48x12 boiler, with fronts. Address 3110, Journal. . > WOOD, DRY. $1.75; TWO LOADS, $3; green, $1 up. Plymouth Lbr.. 4 Lum. Ex. Phone 717 PIANOS—THE FINEST LOT OF SECOND^ hand and shop-worn upright pianos in the city; Knabe, full size, fancy mahogany case, slightly used; Henry F. Miller, partially solid I mahogany case, used at five recitals; several \u25a0 other upright pianos, $85 upward; one Kim- j ball and one Emerson square in excellent I condition; $50 and $65. Minneapolis Music Co.. 606 Nicollet. . GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR RENT LOW for the winter. Address 3159, Journal. * YOUNG MEXICAN PARROTS, TALKING, isß; imported German canaries, Angora kit- tens, gold fish, cages, bird supplies, at bird store. 1713 2d ay S. - FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP, A 40-HORSE i boiler and engine; also heading saw; will i sell separately; , also residence property in ; Moorhead, Minn. George Ajax. MUST BE SOLD FRIDAY. HIGH ARM Singer sewine machine. $0; Wheeler & Wil- son, $5; White, $3. Elmer, 720 Ist ay S. OO'OD'SHOTGUN $12; SNAP; PISTOL grip, rebounding locks, etc.; cost $45; call quick. J. E. Tappan, 3105 Dupont ay S. ! $75 NEW ACETLENE GAS GENERATOR, i $25 steam radiators; 500 stoves, less than half price. Felix, 117 3d ay N. I FOR RENT STEIN WAY PIANO, WITH : privilege of buying; cheap. M. Lara, 513 Phoe- nix building. . HEADQUARTERS FOR RADIANT HOME heater and steel ranges: Stewart range, $10; Hub range, $7; reservoir cook, $5. 502 4th ay S. FOR RENT \u25a0••• 21 . UNFURNISHED HOUSES FREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSE advertising under this head. Be sure and ! call for them when you leave the ad. i 1501 PARK AY—FRAME DWELLING, 12 rooms, new heating plant, open plumbing, hardwood floors and finish, $45. ISII Park Ay—Brick dwelling, 12 rooms, new heating plant, fine finish,. open plumbing, good barn for three horses, $50. 1718 Nicollet Ay—Fine modern home, 12 rooms, in brick row, walking distance, $40. 226 Central Ay—Modern flat, 16 rooms, $35. 117 University ay SE—12 rooms, modern, $32. 2413 Nicollet Av—lo rooms, modern, $30. 1722 sth ay S, 11 rooms, modern, 30. 41 Highland ay, 9 rooms, modern, 25. 1400 Vine Place— rooms, modern, $24. 601 Plymouth ay, 9-room modern flat, $20. 2547 Ist ay S, Ist floor flat. 5 rooms, $9. GEORGE ODLUM. 309 Phoenix Building. HOUSE, TEN ROOMS, MODERN EXCEPT j heat, with barn; very choice location; desir- I able, reasonable. 2612 Dupont ay S. Owner I 2616, next door. 1805 4TH AY S. 8 ROOMS, ALL MODERN; (to small, careful : family), $27.50. 1807 4th.av*S,"9 rooms, all modern; (to small, careful family), $32.50. - Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet ay. room 2. 812 E 15TH ST, 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE", w|th chandeliers, storm sash and screens; $30. Henry Welskopf. . - HOUSE, •7, ROOMS, BARN, CITY WATER, storm screens; 1006 12th ay SE; $14. \u25a0•. ! \u25a0':... \u25a0 '- " I AGENTS WANTED OUR SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS ON COM- mission clear from $15 to $30 weekly above all expenses; groat premiums; easy work; we want agents for country fairs in Minnesota and adjoining states and for soliciting farm- ers In small towns; steady work all fail; references required. Northwestern Agricult- urtit. 1237 Guaranty building. 5 BUSINESS PERSONALS SWITCHES, SWITCHES, SWITCHES. •0 cents and up. Send for price list. Feely 6 Crocker. 515 Nlcollet ay. ( 5 BUSINESS CHANCES YOU CAN MAKE SPLENDID PKOFITS BY Judicious, systematic operations on the wheat market; $20 will margin 1.000 bushels 2 cents. Send for our free book, "Facts and Figures," explaining option trading. The Osborn Grain Co., 813 to 815 Phoenix building. Minneapolis. Members Chamber of Commerce. - HOW TO MAKE MONEY. Our new book, just issued, tells you how to make from $5 to $20 per day.with a small Investment in grain or stocks. Your name %on a postal card will bring it free. Write to-day. THE COE COMMISSION COMPANY, Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis. Minn. - THE SAVINGS FUND CO.. 110 TEMPLE Court, pays 4 and 5 per cent on deposit; capi- tal. $350,000; surplus. $30.000. GET YOUR FURNACE REPAIRED NOW; don't wait until you want to start a fire; re- pairs for all furnaces. Great Western Stove Repair Co. Tel. 161. 312 Hennepln ay. FOR BARBER SHOP. TWO CHAIRS, cheap if tak#n at once; in good town of 1,100 population; V>ing $20 to $30 per week. Ad- dre— 1704, Journal. FOR SALE—CLEAN DRY GOODS STOCK, about $4,000. Only small amount of fixtures. K. E. Burbridge. at George R. Newell & Co., Ist to 7th. FOR SALE—FINE restaurant and bakery. In town of 2,000, doing good business. Part cash, balance easy payments. A splen- did opening to make money. R. E. Bur- bridge. at George R. Newell & Co.'s, Ist to 7th. !&!t?££i:&'?.?3& *i »g£i!&;!i!&&8t&SS ?* ?s U NORTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTERS to Zi of & ?\u2666 COSMOPOLITAN* MANTLES. to) ?• Write for Catalogue. to . to ECONOMY GAS LAMP CO., to 1 £\u2666 238 Hennepin Ay. to ' aBBBSBSBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBB ft 88 888888888888888888888? i FOR GENERAL MERCHANDISE business, in good shape, fine crops; stock about $6,00 A; one-half cash, balance land or secured notes. R. E. Burbridge, at George R. Newell & Co.'s, Ist to 7th. ; WANTED—MAN TO BUY A GOOD STORE building, 24x52x14; twelve feet partitioned off j for dwelling rooms. Located in small town on 8., C. R. N. R. R., in eastern South Da- kota. For further information, write A. L. Moen. Flandreau, S. D. A SNAP; LUMBER AND MACHINE BUSl- ness in a live town of 700 people; profits will run $6,000 per year; prosperous country and desirable location; about $6,000 to $7,000 capi- tal required. Call on or address F. W. H., 700 Hennepin ay, city. FOR "SALE—HOTEL IN GROWING TOWN for $1,200; no competition; terms reasonable. Address Mrs. Jane Roberts. Pierpont, S. D. SMALL STOCK OF GROCERIES; WELL assorted; living-rooms overhead; reasonable rent. Snap it taken at once. 1842 E 24th st. WANTED— PARTNER TO HELP INTRO- duce a sure method of curing varicose veins. A good chance for the right party. 3022, Journal. FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS DAIRY, WITH hay enough to feed stock through winter. Address 3011, Journal. FOR SALE—CHEAP, FINE OAK FIXTURES, refrigerator, scales, etc.. at 400 Prior ay, Merrlam Park. WANT TO BUY A GOOD RUNNING j creamery of good location; not under 8,000 i pounds of milk at the present, or to put one in a suitable station of good country. Ad- dress George Bohnen. Plato, Minn. ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT AND WATER- works station for sale, in Minnesota; cheap If taken at once; $2,500 down, balance on time Address 3109, Journal. NEWSPAPER WANTED—COUNTRY NEWS- paper, in Minnesota. State price wanted, ! with full particulars. Address box 44, Fertile, Minn. \u25a0 . FOR SALE—ELEGANT SALOON AND RES- taurant, in the best business location of the city. Address 2297, Journal. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—IMPORTANT interests call me east. Must sell immediately. Business here very profitable; easily con- ducted and honorable. Less than $600 needed. 2933, Journal. FOR SALE—HALF~~INTEREST FIRE IN- i surance agency, $300. Want reliable, active man; guarantee $25 per month. Sawbrldge, Fergus Falls, Minn. WANTED—PORTER IN TAILOR STORE. SO9 Nicollet ay. , 7 BUSINESS SPECIALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PER- manently removed by electricity. Miss Hol- lister, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. g BICYCLES GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE OF HIGH : aad medium grade bicycles; Tigers, $25 up; \ Harvard & Snell, $17.50; second-hand wheels, ! #3, $5, $7 and $9. Good value. Haynes Cycle * Co., 627 Ist ay S. } 9 KIDNEY and LIVER MEDICINES \ \u2666:-:• »\u2666»»» \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666x~x~x* \u2666:-:-:-> \u2666> TOILET goods, perfumes, drugs and \u2666> j •> family medicines; highest quality and «J> ! •> absolute purity guaranteed; mail orders \u2666;\u2666 i \u2666;• solicited; send for printed matter. Hof- \u2666;\u2666 I •> flin's drug score, 101 Wash, ay S, Mpls. •\u2666• »x~x«*x»»x* <"X~x* *x~x~:* <~x««X"X« 10 BOARD and ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY HAVE ROOM. WITH board, for one or two ladies; modern house; one block from Hennepin. 1515 Laurel ay. LARGE, PLEASANT ROOM. WITH BOARD; steam heat; suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. 314 7th st S. 11 BOARD OFFERED BOARDERS WANTED. 915 15TH AY S. MRS. Stoep. 13 ~ cows SCREENING GOOD STUFF AT $9 THIS week. Cheap, did you say? Yes. We sell all kinds of feed. 257 9th ay S. _ _ CLAIRVOYANTS MRS MANEWELL GIVES READINGS DAI- ly, 9 to 5 p. m. 620% Nlcollet, room 14. SIME. CLAYMONT, wonderful clairvoyant and magnetic healer. 1028 Hennepin ay. LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly, 27 st S. New book, 25c. MADAME BATCH. CARD REA~DER~~AND palmist, will give double readings this week fur 50 cents. 520 sth ay S. IQ DYEING AND CLEANING THE MINNEAPOLIS DYE WOi KS A. HOKNUNG, PROP. FRENCH *DRY CLEANING. OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST , EQUIPPED DRY CLEANING ESTABLISH- MENT IN THE NW. OFFICE, 242 NIC TEL. 510; AND 522 NIC, TEL. 3156-J-2. * TWIN CITY DYE WORKS PRACTICAL ; dyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-town orders solicited; prices moderate. 420 Nlcol- l let. Telephone 1576. 17 HAIR DRESSING PARLORS" SWITCHES, 50c THIS WEEK; FACIAL blemishes removed; shampooing, 25c; hair- dressing, 25c; toilet articles half price this week. Mme. De Leo, '495 Syndicate Arcade. 19 FIN ANCIAL~~ WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEY to loan at ! 5 por cent on choice residence property. Thorpe Bros., Andrus bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AY LOWEST RATES; NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. LOANS from $100 upwards; city property pre- ferred; no delay. J. B. 'labour, 410 Ist ay S. MONEY TO LOAN; EASY TERMS; LOW rates. David P. Jones & Co., Oneida building. AT LOWEST RATES-MONEY TO LOAN. Hi D. Cone & Co.. 517 Guaranty Loan building. MORTGAGE LOANS—Rates~low; any sums; no delay; see us sure. Gale & Co., N. Y. Life. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SAL- ARIED PEOPLE, RETAIL MERCHANTS. TEAMSTERS, BOARDING-HOUSES. ETC., without security; easiest term*; forty offices In principal cities. Tolman, 920_N. Y. Life. $100,000 TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM : property; low Interest. Barnes 8r05.,104 S 4U>. 4% TO « PER CENT MONEY. WITH THE "on or before' 1 privilege, to loan on improved property in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M. Newport, 309-311 Phoenix building, 60 4th st S. Minneapolis. -r V ...- _•__ LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly. 27 4th st S. New book. 25c. " WANTED—S2,OOO AT 6 PER CENT, FROM private party, without commissions, on im- proved corner 13th st; value, $10,000. 3162, Journal. '.- " . ' THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAE. FOR RENT ; * Continued. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN EXCEPT furnace, $20; 12-room boarding-house, $25; both Southeast Minneapolis. Room 6, 313 Nie- ollet. \u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0- --S2O ONLY FOR NINE-ROOM PARTLY MOD- ern house; walking distance; fine neighbor- hood. W. H. Gibson, 420 Guaranty Loan. TEN-ROOM FULLY MODERN FURNISHED or unfurnished house and barn; good neigh- borhood; one block street car line. Inquire at' house, 3133 Ist ay S. \u25a0-..\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0- ..---.- FOR RENT—2S39 COLUMBUS AY, ELEVEN rooms, $20 a month. A. P. Wilson, 2627 E .22d at ';- .- ' . - CHADBOURN ft BRADEN, 21 4th st 8, can rent your property at once; reliabU'tenants. FOR TEN-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN conveniences; nice lawn,l4lo Stevens ay. EIGHT-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE; ONE block from Central high school; key at 334 E 14th st. Owner, 2409 Garneld ay. . 00 FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT, TO SMALL FAMILY, FUR. nlshed house, nine rooms, Oct. 1 to May 1; $50 per month. Address 2863, Journal. FOR RENT, A'FURNISHED NINE-ROOM modern house, for winter or longer. Apply 1610 2d ay 3. . 23 FURNISHED ROOMS FREE "FOR RENT" OR "FURNISHED Room" cards for those advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when leav- ing the ad. \u25a0 v'sV*.?.\u25a0/:\u25a0>.- \u25a0•\u25a0••- -\u25a0\u25a0 •; !- FOR RENT—TWO NICELY BURNISHED rooms; strictly modern flat; 15 minutes' walk from postomce; convenient to car line. Ad- dress 2231, Journal. NEAR UNIVERSITY7~STEXM~HEATrETC; 11116 sth tt SB. GRAND APARTMENTS FOR LADIES and gentlemen steam heat, hot water each room, free porcelain baths; $7 upwards; transients for fair, 50c day, with bath. - 620 7th_st_S. .- ,\u25a0...' FOR RENT TWO VERY DESIRABLE rooms, steam heat, gas, bath, telephone; pri- vate family. 1344 Ist ay S. FOR RENT— NICELY FURNISHED ROOM in strictly modern flat; use of bath; refer- ences required. Address 8074,. Journal. \u25a0\u25a0• FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, i steam-heated flat; bath, gas, Lot water; with- ! in ten minutes' walk -from postomce; private family; no children; gentlemen preierred; with board to right parties. No. 724 sth st flat L . NICELY FURNISHED LARGE PLEASANT front room, with alcove, on second floor; also large front room on first floor; gas, bath and furnace heat. 806 6th ay S. four OR FIVE ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; cellar, cistern, well, screens, storm sash; block to Plymouth cars. 909 14th ay N. . \u25a0 :. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS IN MOD- ern steam heated house, near public library; gentlemen only. 38 11th st N. SUITE OF ROOMS ELEGANTLY FUR- nished; strictly modern; front on Nlcollet, 711 Nicollet ay. New Albion. t YOUNG COUPLE HAVING A HANDSOME, ; modern corner flat, second floor, would rent spare room to a single gentleman; moderate ' price; walking distance; hot water heat; Al \u25a0 table board near $4.50 per week; references. 3178, Journal. - 24 UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUITE OF THREE VERY DESIRABLE rooms for light housekeeping to man and wife without children, with or without heat; Sept. 15. Call soon. 1908 Pleasant ay, near Frank- lin. . . TWO ROOMS, UPSTAIRS, FOR PHYsiC^Ex! dressmaker or agency business. 424 Nlcol- | let ay. $25. Two rooms, upstairs, for men. 813% sth st; ! N. $3. Three front rooms, upstairs, 629 Washington ay S; $7. \u25a0-^ \u25a0 FIVE ROOMS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT; first floor. 1302 3d ay S. ; THREE PLEASANT UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping on second floor, , modern except heat; location central. : In- quire 902 Hawthorn ay. 25 UNFURNISHED FLATS MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT, 834 E 18TH ST. first floor. Apply to janitor. AVON, 13TH AND"MARY PLACE, SIX rooms, $27.50; four rooms, $25; six rooms, $32.50. Normandie, Nicollet ay and 14th st, flat B, six rooms, $37.50. See the Janitors at the buildings, or Nickels & Smith, 311 Nlcol- let ay, room 2. ' FOR RENT— OF FIVE ROOMS, ALL modern; first floor. 1601 10th ay S. ELEGANT NEW~FLATS;~4tH ST SE AND Bth ay; now ready; see janitor; $40. AT STH AY FLATS, STEAM HEATED, EV- ery modern convenience; fine location; good service. See janitor, 527 sth ay SE. -\s NO HOUSEKEEPER NEED HAvITrOACH*- es in her house If she doesn't want them. "Klll-em-all" powder cleans them out; 50c per box at grocers' and druggiat3'. Convincing testimonials on each box. ..;\u25a0•\u25a0. \u25a0 PAY RENT? YES, IF YOU MUST, BUT why not buy one of those new seven-room houses on 22d st and Bloomington at $2,750; $300 cash, $30 per month, including interest at 6 per cent; you will save $200 to $300 per year out of your ordinary rental. Houses j have sewer, gas, open plumbing, hardwood i finish and floors, mantel, sideboard, cemented cellar, stone walks, hot water heat. W. W. ! Clark, 313 Nlcollet. N \u25a0 ' ' ' _ ONE APARTMENT IN THE IMPERIAL, corner Grant st and Vine place; on ground floor; ready immediately. Inquire 612 Nicol- let ay. FOR RENT—FLATS, FIVE, . SIX ROOMS, with bath; modern except heat; in good re- pair. 824 14th at S. R. Hall. FOR CHOICE SECOND FLOOR j flat, at the Holland; seven rooms; $45. See I owner at building. ; ELEGANT SEVEN-ROOM FLAT, MAHOG- j any finish, sideboard, Ice box, etc walking distance. 306 University ay SE. SIX-ROOM SECOND-FLOOR FLAT, DE- tached house; bath, gas range, heat, laundry; vegetable cellar, hot water; $24 per month Wyman & Plummer, 326 Nlcollet ay, room 4. ! SIX-ROOM MODERN, STEAM HEAT, ON ! first floor; 63 11th st N. Inquire J. W. Field j 1100_Chestnut ay. _J OAKWOOD, 1500 3D AY S, 7-ROOM STEAM- ; heated apartments; first, second or third floors: see janitor or W. P. Mealey, 413 Bank of Commerce. . $10, SMALL FLAT FOR FAMILY OF TWO j at 1G24 Lyndale ay N; city water, water closet sewer connection, fire places. A. B Latham 617 Guaranty building. ' 27 OFFICES j FOR WITHIN ONE BLOCK OF THE ! Chamber of Commerce you can rent room 7, j McMillan building, 3d ay S and 3d St. Room ' is 55x19 feet, steam .heated, well lighted, sec- j ond floor front. Just the room for grain i commission firm; blackboard, 35x9, ruled for j stocks and grain. Western Union cable in. ! Price of $15 per month and location cannot jbe duplicated. O. M. Lara way & Sons, 100 | Bank of Commerce. . , OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES $6 TO $20. Eastman block, 412 Nicollet. Inquire room 12. i i FOR OFFICES; BEST LOCATION iin city for young physician. F. G. McMillan, Central ay and 6th st SB. -1 ',:\u25a0'- -23 STORES ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. THORPE BROS.. ANDRUS BLDG. STORE—I222 WASHINGTON AY S. $10. ZZ Shop—For painter, carpenter or repairs. 237 10th ay S. $8. Shop—2l7 Ist st N. $5. Apply 221 Bank of Minneapolis building. FOR RENT—STORE, 913~NICOLLET, RE- frigerator all in; just the place for butter i and eggs. Come quick. Lane & Conrad, 513 j Phoenix. - \u25a0 \u25a0 \\u25a0 - - QQ MISCELLANEOUS RENT— OF THE BEST BAND ROOMS In the city. $2 per night. Call Journal office. FOR RENT—A "LARGE BARN,-WITH CITY water. 1010 Ist ay N. ' _ HELP WANTED— ~ WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAIN SPRINGS. $1; warranted one year. Paegel'a, 22 3d st 3. A TONIC, JUVENAL] HAIR FOOD restores natural color, prevents grayneas, 50c. Voege li. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED, 50c; pants recut into style or bicycle pants, 76c; suits steam cleaned and pressed, $1. An- I thony the Tailor. 119 Washington ay .N. WANTED— BOYS, AT ONCE! > •'-*• .... "- Apply A. D. T. Office. . - . . .. ,:; SALESMEN—THREE FIRST-CLASS SALES"- men, twin cities and the west, for high-class publication, on unusually good proposition. Must be of good address, strong personality, and able to approach the best business and professional men. Introductory edition; se- lected and prepared names; no miscellaneous canvassing. . Address, stating age, preference, previous experience and earning capacity, 2355, Journal. ' - ' \u25a0 WANTED—A RELIABLE MAN IN EACH county to run branch factory for the manu- facture of Ware's patent steel lever harrow 1 latest thing, superior to all others; great seller, cheaply made; large profits; on exhibi- tion in tent at state fair this week. Call there or write for circular and terms of agency J. L. Ware, 771 Raymond ay, St. Paul. '\u25a0 YOUNG MAN.VCALL-AT ; THE GREGG School: of Shorthand, 321 ; Kasota block, and investigate before going elsewhere. : It will pay you. " .\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0... \u25a0\u25a0...,:.. \u25a0 : :. ' . .. \u25a0. 31 ~\l HELP WANTED-MALE .. Continued. YOUNG MAN, FOR THOROUGH PREPARA- tion , for office work or; business, go to the Archibald college. Lake at, corner Stevens. WANTED WOOD-WORKING MACHINE hands at the J. R. Clark Co. 'a, Nieollet island. \u25a0 '" GOOD POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARIES are the reward of graduates of the Minnesota School of Business. 64 3d at 8. Enter-now. WANTED—RELIABLE PARTY (EITHER SEX) TO REPRESENT US IN EACH TOWN WITHIN 200 MILES AND SELL TO THE CONSUMER; $15 TO $20 GUARANTEED EARNED WEEKLY. -: JAVA COFFEE CO., IMPORTERS TEAS AND COFFEES, 58 7TH ST S. 7 WANTED THE NATIONAL METAL Trades - Association will pay 1 27Vic per hour as wages and, as additional compensation, 10c per hour bonus for competent machinists to take jthe place of strikers in i the city of Chicago.. Steady employment in the most modern shops. Address, for particulars, postofflce box 1007, Chicago, 111; WANTED—GOOD PANTS AND" VESTMAK~ er, at once; $1.75, $2; steady work. Address E. A. Cartler, Marshall, Minn., box 674. WANTED—SALESMEN OF ABILITY TO sell a meritorious window fixture; good com- sion; only first-class men need apply; refer- ences required; good side line; big seller. 20th Century Window Fixture Co., Spirit Lake, lowa. .\u25a0.\u25a0-'•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• WANTED—GOOD ALL-AROUND CANDY maker; one who thoroughly understands hard candy; steady Job and good wages to right party; write at once. Candy, 2958, Journal. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS QUICK BARBER; must be Al workman; wages $15 per week. Address P. O. Box 90, Cando, N. D. BARBER WANTED, AT ONCE; STEADY job and good wages. Address or telephone Michael Byrne, St. Cloud, Minn. . WANTED, EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, AC- acquainted -in Minneapolis and j St. Paul; splendid proposition; salary or commission.; call mornings, 8 to 9. Townsend, 123 Wes- tern ay. .'-'\u25a0' WANTED—BOX NAILERS AND CUTTERS at J. R. Clark Co.'s, Nlcollet Island. WANTED—SEVERAL GOOD VISE MEN AT once. Moore Carving Machine Co. / " , officeTboy, good chance for right party. Address 2861. Journal. . WANTED—AT ONCE, YOUNG MAN WHO has had experience in grocery store. Call at 2405 W 42d st, near Lake Harriet pavilion. WANTED^A COMPETENT MAN~TO OPER- ate a large farm. Must understand handling stock and all farm details. Best references required. Address 3075. Journal. BOY WANTED—TO WORK IN A DRUG store. Lane's drug store, 501 Hennepin ay. WANTED—BOY, AT MATHESON'S, 23 STH st S. -• \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0*-.. WANTED WAITERS, AT ONCE. MERCAN- tiIe Lunch Room, 246 Hennepin ay. WANTED—BOY FOR BEVELING SHOP". Apply to Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. BOY WANTED—IMMEDIATELY, TO WORK mornings. Apply at 517 4th ay SE, after 6 p. m. Bring references. , DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED FOR THE Union Men's Mutual Accident and Health In- surance Co. Call or write Carl C. Carlson, state agent. Hotel Beaufort, Minneapolis, Minn. . ...--\u25a0 WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY clerk, at once. Call at 1931 4th ay S. WANTED—MAN AND ~WI~FE~ON DAIRY farm. Man must be good milker. Good wages; steady work; no children; near city. 3034, Journal._ ._, __ . WANTED— ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Give references, age and salary wanted. Address 3029. Journal. WANTED—MESSENGER BOYS, AT N. D*. T. Co., Hennepin ay and 3d st. ' , WANTED*^STAtIONARY ENGINEER. TO go out of city. Must be reliable and com- petent; steady employment for right man. Address application, stating experience, to Journal. ' i :. ' \u25a0TAILORS WANTED—FIVE COATMAKERS. two pantsmaker3, one vestmaker. Call at once. L. O. Wilson, tailor, .265 E 7th st, St. Paul, Minn. __ ' BRICKLAYERS; OUT-OF-TOWN work; union wages and transportation. Ap- ply 806 Phoenix building. S. H. Troman- hauser. ' ' . ' \u25a0 •' SEND TO . CURTISS BUSINESS COLLEGE and Gregg Shorthand School, Boston block, Minneapolis, for prospectus showing how you can improve yourself. . SALESMEN FOR PEN CARBON COPYING books and other office specialties; fine side lines; easy sellers; liberal terms; catalogue free. j Model Mfg. Co., Dept. L, South Bend, Ind. - >• \u25a0• \u25a0:\u25a0-• \u25a0 ; --\u25a0• \u25a0* -' * -. > _ WANTED—GOOD SHOYELERS AND TEAMS i Friday morning,. sth st, between 2d and 3d ays N. Prlnz & Sacra',?.' r *, \ '['''' WANTED—A BRIGHT; BOY FOR OFFICE. Must live with his parents, own a wheel and be a good penman; $4 a week. George Odium, j Phoenix building. . . \u0084. WANTED— SOBER MEN TO WORK IN livery stable; good wages; steady work. Call aL 8!?_ 13 _._aJ__ . .| CARPENTER WANTED—AT ONCE. 3140; Humboldt ay S. _ WANTED—TWO SALESMEN TO SELL clothing to order; experience unnecessary. Must be good talker. Salary and expenses or commission. 304 Ist ay S. . WANTED—GOOD HORSESHOER; STEADY Job to right man. Address Lars Hanson, Aus- tin; Minn. _ __ - _____ YOUNG MAN, THE MUNSON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, Guaranty Loan building, Is the only exclusively shorthand and typewriting school in the city with an active professional reporter at the head. V- | WANTED—BOY~ TO WORK IN LABORA- tory. Lyman-Eliel Drug Co. __• MAN TO DO WORK AROUND HOUSE, TO cut lawn, attend heating plant, etc. give references. Address 3147. Journal. BOY WANTED; STRONG, RELIABLE, willing to work; good chance for advance- ment. Great Western Printing Co. GOOD TINNER FOR STEADY COUNTRY job; call at Janney, Semple, Hill & Co.'s for interview. . - . A REGISTERED PHARMACIST, who is a good'watchmaker, can get permanent work; state salary expected, with reference. 3143, Journal.- ' \u25a0 , . BOY OR YOUNG MAN WANTED; STEADY work. National Carpet Cleaning Co., Nlcollet island. WANTED—AT ONCE, GOOD MAN TO drive team; steady work. Call at 4001 3d ay S. WANTED CABINETMAKER; STEADY work. Apply to Minneapolis Office and School Furniture Co., corner Bth st and Bth ay SE. WANTED—IMMEDIATELY, AN HONEST, ambitious boy to care for horse and lawn; $2.50 week and board. 517 10th st S. WANTED—A MAN TO WORK IN LIVERY stable; wages,' $25 per month and board. 1719 4th_av_S. . . WANTED—A MAN WHO CAN SET GLASS, to work about three days. Apply at 503 Rus- sell ay N. " WANTED—YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED in bookeeping, to work half days. Address 3186, Journal. , .'- .. -- ' DO YOU WANT TO EARN FROM $3 TO $5 a day selling our Registry Accident Policies in your own town or city? $1,000 death ben- efit, $5; weekly Indemnity, including personal identification and key registration. Every cyclist, business man and traveler buys it. Good commission. Write E. H. Connor, 531 Andrus building. , ; . *.- WANTED—BRIGHT, INTELLIGENT BOY for general work in a wholesale house. Call at 15 4th st S. Minneapolis. Photo Materials Co.* - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 -. YOUNG MAN TO KEEP BOOKS AND AS- slut in sales department of large general store in country. Must .be thoroughly com- petent. One who speaks German, or Scandi- navian, or both, preferred. \ State experience, salary expected, first letter. 3047, Journal. WANTED—A~GENERAL REPAIRER FOR furniture store. One who ! understands some upholstering and picture framing. Call at Gangelhoff Bros., Friday evening, at 5 o'clock. WANTED—CARPENTERS. ALSO CAR- penter foreman. C. J. Weston, 58 12th st S. WANTED—PAINTERS. C. J. WESTON, 58 12th at S. .:-....\u25a0\u25a0 .•-.:.. \u25a0:-\u25a0 WANTED—A RELIABLE MAN TO DRIVE, care for horses. and carriage and milk a cow. Call at 24 10th st S. 32 help wantei^female" EXPERIENCED OPERATORS AND SEW- ing-girls to make shirt waists, wrappers, etc., on power sewing machines. i Good pay and steady work. Sterling Mfg. Co. corner sth ay N and 3d st, second floor, Heywood bldg. THE ECLECTIC Business College offeriTtbor^ \u25a0 ough i and practical courses. 4& Wash, ay 3, Mpls. Call, write or phone for particulars.- --10-YEAR gold-filled spectacles, ?I.6O; eyes ex- am inert free. Ostrem, 329 Nieollet., upstairs. WANTED—A CAPABLE WOMAN TO~REP- resent a thoroughly responsible house in each district, as manager. The duties are mainly office work and correspondence. $1,200 yearly. Manager Holiday Goods, 905 Star building, I Chicago. •\u25a0•-\u25a0'\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0". " - : \u25a0\u25a0.-:\u25a0- YOUNG WOMAN, CALL AT THE GREGG School of Shorthand, 321 Kaspta block, and i investigate \u25a0 before going elsewhere. It will pay you. ."". -. - ; ..... .•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0'\u25a0.,\u25a0,. -\u0084• >: \u25a0 : i WANTED—AT ONCE, FOUR DINING-ROOM < girls, wages $14 per month; one second cook, wages ' $15 per month;' one dishwasher, wages $12 per month. New Freeborn Hotel; Albert Lea, Minn. B. C. Morse, proprietor. TWENTY FIRST OR C SECOND; GRADE teachers { wanted % at.- once ,by the Westlacd Teachers' League. Free registration until Oct. 1. W. O. ; Crocker, manager, Lisbon, N.D. •'\u25a0 '\u25a0'*. '.\u25a0\u25a0•-• . - \u25a0\u25a0' . :\u25a0••.\u25a0... -"»5r 5-1 32 HELP WANTED-FEMALB ' . Continued. , . Vj WANTED—COMPETENT AND EXPERl- enced cook and housemaid. References re- qulred. Highest wages paid. 801 Grove land ay WANTED— CHOCOLATE DIPPER; WILL give steady employment and best wages to first-class dipper. Apply at Garland's, 36 6th st S. WANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; easy . place; good wages; new house; only two la family. 1724 Oolfax ay S. GOOD POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARIES are the reward of graduates of the Minnesota School of Business, 64 8d st S. - Enter now. LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly, 27 4th at S. New book, 26c. AT NO. 1224 CHESTNUT AY, A CAPABLE girl Is wanted to assist with housework. WANTED—A COOK OR SECOND GIRL. AP- ply to 1800 Ist ay 8. \u25a0 : . GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family and modern bouse. Call at No. 2501 Stevens ay. ' ~ WANTED—YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. No washing. 2625 Ist ay S. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED NURSE girl; pay $3.50 per week. Apply at 421 Grove- land ay, Lowry Hill. _____^ 711 E 17TH ST—GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; modern house; small family; good wages. _j * \ STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS DINING-ROOM waiter and second cook. The Willlston, 600 10th st S. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0• AT 634 E 14TH ST— GOOD COOK. WANTED—EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM girl. Quick Lunch, 616 Nlcollet ay. NIGHT COOK AND DISHWASH- er, at the Model Restaurant, 1021 Wash, ay S. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD place; good pay. 409 Nlcollet ay, upstairs. GOOD GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. 2712 Hennepln ay. - - ONE WOMAN TO WASH; A FIRST-CLASS lroner 09 ladles' clothes; steady work; good wages. 418 6th ay _S__ Mrs L Barry. SEND TO CURTISS BUSINESS" COLLEGE and Gregg Shorthand School, Boston block, Minneapolis, for prospectus showing how : you can Improve yourself. YOUNG LADY, ff~Ts~TIME AND MONEY wasted to learn shorthand and typewriting and then not be able to secure a position. THE MUNSON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, Guaranty Loan building, possesses facilities for placing all graduates in paying positions. Lessons by mail. , WANTBD—NEAT, STEADY, EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Appiy at 743 E 16th st. flat B. . ... . WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; small family; easy place. Sessions, 8451, Chicago ay. . \u25a0 - ONE FIRST-CLASS COOK; HIGHEST wages paid. Apply at Brookings House, Brookings, S. D. Win. Ritchie, proprietor. WANTED— . COMPETENT NURSE girl. Call 2815 Fremont av_S. ___ GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD PAY"; I comfortable quarters. Take 4th ay S car. 3248 Clinton ay. \u25a0 '. WANTED— FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; desirable place for a competent, rell- able girl. 5236 Park ay. _; WANTED—SEWING GIRLS AND~EXPERI- enced operators .on power sewing machines, making shirtwaists; day or piecework; steady employment. Also young girls to sew but- tons. D. Cohen & Co., 519 Ist ay S. GOOD SEWERS ON POWER MACHINES, on: pants, shirts and overalls; steady work. Robltshek, Frank & Heller, 18 9d st N. GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Call 3245 3d ay S. YOUNG LADY, OUR COURSE IN SHORT- hand and typewriting is thoroughly practical and adapted to your individual needs.% THE MUNSON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE. Guar- anty Loan building. . Lessons by, mall. Lady BOOKKEEPER AND STENOG- rapher with some experience; moderate sal- ary; business, real estate and fire insurance. C. A. Quist & Co., 109 4th st S. WANTED— ONCE, GIRL TO DO COOK- ing and laundry work; small family; good wages. 810 Irving ay N. 'WANTED—FIRST-CLASS COOK. 1002 HAR- mon place. WANTED—A GOOD COMPETENT GIRL for general. housework; good wages. Call at 729 10th ay SB. WANTED—GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK; family of three adults. 3406 Stevens ay. DINING-ROOM GIRL IN PRl- vate boarding-house; good wages. Call at once, 617 6th ay S. WANTED—YOUNG GIRL LIVING AT HOME to do . kitchen ' work in small home bakery; no work evenings or Sundays. 1024 Henne- pin ay. _ \u0084 . EXPERIENCED CARPET SEW- ers. New Store. °" ______________ WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; good pay to right party. 1605 3d avjS. \u25a0\u25a0.-.\u25a0 GIRL WANTED—FOR GENERAL HOUSED work. Must be good cook. Also second girl. Apply 1522 4th av_S. WANTED—NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO HELP wife and be company; small flat; easy place; good pay. Come quick. 27 Eastman ay, Nlcollet Island. . \u25a0 - WANTED—SECOND GIRL IN A BOARDING" house. 2014 18th ay S. WANTED—A GIRL OF 14 TO TAKE CARE of children. Must- be good and kind and such a girl can find a good home in a small family. Address Mrs. D. Hessian, Lake j Crystal., Minn. \u25a0 \u25a0 33 HORSESTCARRIAGES-SALE HORSE AUCTION. 200 HEAD OF \u0084 REJECTED CAVALRY horses, weighing from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds and from 4 to 8 years old, will be sold at auction Wednesday, Sept. the 4th and Satur- day Sept. the 7th, to the highest bidder with- out reserve and regardless of value, at Bar- rett & Zimmerman's Midway Horse Market, St. Paul, Minn. If you want a good driving horse at your own price, attend these sales. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUGGIES, wagons, surreys, phaetons, rubbor-tired run- abouts, horses, harnesses, all kinds; new work exchanged for old. Cash or time. 414 3d st S. \u25a0 , ' ' A CONSIGNMENT OF 500 HEAD OF HEAVY choice drafters, farm mares and drivers has been placed on Barrett & Zimmerman's Mid- way. Horse Market, St. Paul, Minn., to be sold at once. Speculator and consumer, avail yourself of this opportunity to buy horses at the low-base prices. LIVERY AN© BOARDING STABLE—M. D. Brown, 2811 Nicollet ay. A closed carriage to all parts.-Rubber tires for running about. Telephone 735 south J 2. "HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS! '\u25a0 Several hundred sets of T. M. Roberts' Supply House stock of harness, which we can sell cheaper than T. M. Roberts' former cheap price. Widmayer & Prendergast. 414 3d st S. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0>\u25a0 \u25a0-' "\u25a0 - HORSE, HARNESS AND THREE-SPRING wagon, $25; good sound saddle or driving pony, $15; two-seated buggy, $10. Call 010 2d st SE. ONE FULL LEATHER EXTENSION TOP cut-under two-seat, one Bangor buggy, both in good repair; must sell. 1401 Chicago ay. SMALL DRIVING' HORSE, GENTLE, KIND. good driver, cheap; one pony, weight 700 lbs, with buggy and harness, $15; leaving city. 2900 2d st N. _:i FOR SALE—A CAR LOAD OF DRIVING: and family horses, by Colonel Ireland, of Ap- pleton, Minn. He may be found at the Nicol- let Hotel. . ' FOR SALE—TEAM HORSES, 2,800 POUNDS; •pair mares, 2,400 pounds. Make me an offer; going away. 316 sth ay S. " * i GOOD WORK TEAM, 7 AND 9 YEARS OLD, weight 3,000; also nice single driver and good farm horses, cheap. 2316 4th 6t N. HARNESS SALE WE HAVE ABOUT 50 sets of light and heavy harnesses which must be sold within 15 days. Central Market Har- ness Co..' city. ; ' \u25a0 FOR SALE—NEW PNEUMATIC RUN- about, second-hand runabout, three-quarter top buggy, leather top two-seat buggy, one speeding cart, Bangor, Al phaeton. 606 11th st S. ' -- - PHAETON FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 2522 15th ay S. 34 HORSES.CARRIAGES— WANTED—FOR SHORT TIKE, HORSE AND buggy for driving Invalid lady; hors;; must be very quiet; best of care given. 168 17th !L____—______________________________ 3~S~___JNSI^UCTION PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN GRADE AND high school work. Careful attention given to special cases. Mrs. Bragdon, 2807 Pills- bury ay. ' MINNEAPOLIS AMATEUR CHORAL EV- ery^ Thursday, 4 p.m., Malta Temple, 243 Nicollet ay; best training In correct tone pro- duction. George H. Normlngton, Instructor. MISS ' FIRKINS ~WII_7~R_OPEN~HER~'KIN~ dergarten .as usual Monday, Sept. 9, at 1528 4th st SE. \u25a0\u25a0 - --\u25a0•:\u25a0. _"\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 _\u25a0 , _____ ADVANCED DRAMATIC ART. Blanche Booth Studio. 28 12th st N. 36 .* LOANS AND CHATTELS "~ RICE LOANS on all kinda of personal prcp- erty; charges reasonable. - 506 Globe hldg. PAWNBROKERS—ReIiabIe, reasonable; con- fidential. Harris ft Goldstein. 239 Ist ay "S. MONEY LOANED. ON CHATTEL SECURITY —Furniture, » pianos, - H diamonds, •; etc. ; - large loans -at specialty; % terms the best. Herbert i Williams, 916 . Guaranty building. | 36 LOANS AND CHATTELS '.»..-'; ; . Continued. - .;/..,. »:.. LOANS MADE- ON SAME DAY AS APPLl- cation, on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, fixtures, etc., goods to remain In your un- disturbed possession. ;. t \u25a0 PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS. Minneapolis Loan Co.. 801-2 Globe Building. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, furs In storage and warehouse receipts, at one-half the usual rates. Monthly Inatall- ment Loan Co., 825 Guaranty Loan. - QUICK LOANS MADE ON FURNITURE, pianos, etc., without removal; easy pa>mants, cheapest rates; business confidential. Minne- sota Mortgage Loan Co., room 306 Bank of Commeroe building, cor. Ist ay S and tth st. PRIVATE PARTY AT 604-6 GUARANTY Building will loan you any amount on any good security reasonably. Confidential. Easy monthly payments. 37 LOST AND FOUND LOST—ON MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS lake train Sunday, lady's black broadcloth Jacket, silk lined and white silk faced. Finder please notify P. D. Huber, 908 6th ay S, for reward. LOST OR STOLEN— BICYCLE, from Plymouth store bicycle rack, Saturday evening; liberal regard and no questions asked. L. D. Burwell, 1913 3d ay S. LOST—A COIN SILVER WATCH FOB ON 7th or Chicago ays, between 4th and 15th sts. Return to Harrison & Smith Co., 624 4th st S. LOST— GOLD HAIR BROOCH] IN going from Berkeley Hotel to courthouse and postofflce. Return to Journal for reward. LOST— BLACK PURSE. CONTAINING TWO $50 drafts, payable to Mrs. J. A. Rush. Find- er return and get regard. 304 Ist 'S. LOST— LYNDALE SCHOOL~A~GIRI7s Crawford bicycle. j Return to 3309 Ist ay S for reward. IF PARTY WHO FOUND PACKAGE IN grandstand at state fair, Wednesday after- noon, addressed to Miss M. C. Diamond, 800 Iglehart st, St. Paul, will return to that a«- dre3S, will be suitably rewarded. 39 MEDICAL ..'. •\u25a0 $500 REWARD—DR.TAYLOR'S TANSY PEN- ryola English Female Regulating Pills, the la- dies' friend and priceless boon; they are the original and only genuine; are sate and al- ways reliable; never fail. . Mailed anywhere for $1. Sold at all drug stores. Charles A. Drefs, Mfg. Chemist. Buffalo. N. Y. ELITE BATH PARLORS, 626 HENNEPIN ay; porcelain tubs; massage, cabinet and medicated baths; experienced lady atte-r^ant. LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book 25c. PILES—DR. H. WAITE. 25 YEARS' SPEC- lallst, cures every case; write for pamphlet, mailed free. 1219 Hawthorn ay. Minneapolis. 42 NOTICE ~~ NOTICE—THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I have lost note Geo. F. Thompson & Son Buggy Co., amount $240, given July 26, 1901, four months, and warn any one against pur- chase of same. S. H. Davis. WHEN YOU WANT YOUR CESSPOOL, vault and yard cleaned come to 300 2d st S. UNCLAIMED PICTURES TO CLOSE OUT at half price; pictures framed at big cut prices; artists' materials; mail orders filled. J. O. Braa, 509 Hennepin ay. NOTICE—PICTURE SALE, NEW AND UN- claimed pictures, oil paintings; framing pictures at deep cut prices. Zesbaugh, 11 sth st S. 44 PERSONAL " DR. B. SHEPARD, SPECIALIST; DISEASES of women; office, 620% Nicollet. Telephone 64 LI; residence. South 433 J2. Office hours, 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. B. Shepard. FEMALE DISEASES CURED By Dr. Wheeler, specialist; Irregular men- struation successfully treated. Office. Glebe building, Minneapolis. EXAMINATION FREE. A TONIC, JUVENALIS HAIR FOOD restores natural color, prevents grayneas. 50c. Voegeli. HAIR AND SCALP REMEDIES. Dandruff, falling hair or itching and ecxe- matous scalp and growing baldness ceases the day their uee has begun. Send stamp for particulars or 60c for trial course. O. K. Chance, 580 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis, Minn. T. H. BLY, M. D., SPECIALIST IN ALL diseases of women; all irregularities correct- ed; private home for women before and dur- tug confinement; new book 25c, all you need! to know. Office. 27 4th st S, third floor. LADIES—SSOO REWARD FOR AN ABNOR- maI, obstinate case of suppression, any cause, my Regulator fails to relieve in 24 hours; positively guaranteed; no- ergot or pills; many saved from suicide; ideal -safe home treat- ment; mail $3. Dr. Jackson, R. C. 812. 167 Dearborn at. Chicago. * FADE AWAY, GREATEST BEDBUG DE- stroyer known; at druggists and dept. stores. LADIES. Bradley* Face Wash removes moth, tan, freckles and pimples; 25c; sale Donaldson's, Olson's, Minneapolis Dry Goods. Agents ap- ply to Mrs. Bradley, 267 Dupont ay N. near Western. -. MINNEAPOLIS HEALTH PARLORS. 528 Nicollet ay, third floor, corner 6th st. Mrs. O. S. Fowler's method of electric treat- ment; magnetic and massage treatment. All nervous diseases cured. LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly. 27 4th st S. New book. 28c. HAIR DRESSING FREE; HAIR SWITCHES, hair chains, \ wigs for ladies and gentlemen, at great reduction. Brahl's Hair Bazaar, 409 Nicollet, upstairs. - A LADY WISHES THE CARE OF A CHILD or infant; good care and a good home. Ad- dress 3032 Journal. ... WILL THE TWO LADIES WHO SAW motorman killed on car between 20th and 19th avenue S, while passengers on car, the 29th of August, send their address to 3054. Journal. ASTHMA, HAY FEVER; IF YOU WHEEZE and short of breath or cough, you can be cured by doctors of Brazilian Asthma Cure, 2211 4th ay S.. Minneapolis. A TRAINED MALE NURSE AND MASSEUR, with several years' experience In institutions and private practice, would like to take care i of invalid or patient, either at home or travel- ! ing; very best of references. Address 3164, | Journal. 45 REAL ESTATE LOANS ~ I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $500 loans on city real estate; \u25a0 principal payable at any time. A. H. Polley, 501_Andrus bldg. PROMPT LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY property; current rates. Abstracts retained here. Charles S. Woodruff, 606 Guaranty building. . . .- \u25a0 4g PATENT ATTORNEYS WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT (JAMES F. Williamson and Frank D. Merchant), patent attorneys and solicitors; main office, No. 929- --935 Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis, Minn.: branch office, room 52 McGlll build- Ing, Washington. D. C. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE A"7 IMPROVED W. A. BARNES & CO., 300-302 NICOLLET, issue a rental bulletin and real estate list every Monday. Call or send and get one. FOR SALE—BY OWNER, NINE-ROOM, modern house and stable; fine location; 9th ay S, near 25th st; $2,800; cash payment, bal- ance on time; a snap. Address 012, Journal. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF BARGAIN* in houses, both for sale and rent. Lewis W. Campbell, Pillsbury building. , , ' % £ $4,500— SUNNYSIDE—IO ROOMS. US jjg New, east front, fully modern, good w *J£ barn, 58-foot lot; the improvements S 3 would cost to-day $6,000. This Is a $ \u26662 great bargain in an up-to-date home; *M •g fine lawn,. Must be sold In ten days. •£ «f GEO. H. HUTCHINS, 3 *J£ 504 Hennepin Ay. . J.« FOR SALE— OWNER, 7-ROOM HOUSE; I desirable location, in eighth ward; cash pay- ment down, balance on time; a snap. 1858, Journal. LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly, 27 4th at S. New book. 25c. WHY PAY RENT? WE HAVE HOMES from $700 to $3,500; $100 to $200 down and monthly payments. Lauderdale & Co.. 356 Temple Court $4,500— HOUSE, CORNER PORTLAND ay and Lake st; cost to build as follows: Contractor, $2,641; grading, $72.90; ce- menting cellar, $45; plans, $15; venti- lating, $27.60; decorating, etc., $16; plumbing, $357.60 (incomplete); heating (incomplete), $400. Total of house alone. Without lot, $3,633.90. I want to sell this house; it is new . ; and built by day labor on honor. Terms, $500 cash and $40 a month, with 6 per cent interest. ' ' \u25a0 .: V EDMUND G, WALTON, 300 Hennepin ay. LAUDERDALE & CO.. 355 TEMPLE COURT, will look after your property; we collect rents, sell and Insure for non-residents.' BARGAIN, TEN-ROOM HOUSE, GRAND AY. 3lst st; hardwood finish, furnace- heat; '<\u25a0 ar- ranged for one or two families; fine lot; good barn; $2,500 gets it; small payment down. Fitzgerald,. 8018 Aldrich ay 3. - FOR v THREE „> NEW MODERN houses in - eighth ward; \u25a0 prices from $2,800 to $4,500; also * new -10-room \u25a0*. residence \u25a0in - beet part of Kenwood. Dinette, builder, 401 Hen- nepin. 11 48 ':'\u25a0-'" , UNIMPROVED LAKE 3T FRONTAGE, NEAR NIOOLLET cheap; demand for stores, flats and well equipped hall investigate. E. H. i Bui 514 Guaranty building. \u25a0• \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0[' 49 1 FARM LANDS riches/pFne lands RICHEST PINE LANDS IN THE world. The United States government has just opened to settlement a marvelously rich tract of white pine and yellow pine land in the state of Idaho, which contains over 2,000,000 feet to the quarter section, and Is worth from 11,000 to |2,000 per quarter net We have Just procured accurate government descriptions of a great number of these sections, with guar- anteed minutes of the amount of timber on each quarter, on which we will locate at a very low figure any bona fide settler that wishes to embrace this opportunity. This in- cludes railroad far« to Boise City, Idaho, and transportation from Boise to any claim that the applicant takes, and return to Boise City For further particulars apply to Paris-Manning Land and Lumber Co ,; ; -.?-;i^ 417 Phoenix Building, Minneapolis. Minn. •'•'/'\u25a0'\u25a0' NORTHERN MINNESOTA FARM LAND— 100,000 acres of rich unimproved land In St. Louis county, $4 to $6 per acre; well tim- bered, well watered; adjacent to railroads and near the best markets in the northwest. No better land anywhere for dairying, stock- raising and general farming. Write for infor- mation. C. D. Rutherford, Floodwood, Minn. WE HAVE 90,000 ACRES OF UNIMPROVED land, as well as 600 Improved farms which, we will sell cheap; we also buy land at all times. Whiting & King, 225 Temple Court. $1,100 BUYS THE SW% 5-120-59, DAY COUN- ty. South Dakota; 120 acres broken and fine well, spring water; cheapest farm in county. Q. E. Clark, 226 3d st S. \u25a0 - FOR SALE—AN EXCELLENT INVEST- ment, 3,000 acres, or any part, of the choicest farm land in Wisconsin; hard wood land, fine black soil and well watered by springs and lakes; especially favorable for stock raising; two hours 1 ride from the twin cities on either the Omaha or Soo railroads; for full particu- lars as to location, description, price and making arrangements to personally inspect the land, address 8001, Journal, Minneapolis. FINE CLAIMS. Good farming and timber claims, government land, northern Minnesota. For locations, address F. A. Whlteley, Red Lake Falls, Minn. : - WE HAVE 25 IMPROVED FARMS FOR sale, with good improvements; prices from $20 to $25 per acre; all black loam, clay sub- soil land, that produced 18 bushels wheat, 60 bushels oats, 40 bushels corn. Write for term*. The Correll Land and Loan Co., Cor- rell, Big Stone county, Minn. SECTION IMPROVED LAND IN RED River valley, for rent or sale. M. R. Waters, 502 Guaranty Loan. A SECTION OF FINE PRAIRIE LAND, IN Deuel county. South Dakota, where crop fail- ures were never known; $15 per acre. Ad- dress lock box 139, Harris, lowa. \u25a0 000 ACRES OF TIMBER BRUSH AND meadow land in Case, Crow Wing, Altkin and Wadena counties, Minnesota; prices $2.50 to $8 per acre; no better lands in the state and present prices will double inside of three years. John L Smith, 110 Temple Court. SITUATIONS WANTED 51 MALE" A YOUNG MAN OF 18 WOULD LIKE POSl- tion with some well-established firm where there >is a chance for advancement. Have had first-class office experience and can fur- nlsh good references. Address 1943. Journal. DRUGGIST WANTS STEADY JOB; REGlS- tered; thoroughly understands laboratory, liquor and prescriptive department; will not work for less than $3 a day. Willing to work ninety hours a week. Address I. L. T , 209 Nlcollet ay. . ' -• ,\u25a0\u25a0 GROCERY CLERK, AGED 33. 16 YEARS' experience. Q., St. Vincent, Minn. YOUNG MAN, WITH"GOOD~CITY REFER- ences, wants to drive some kind of delivery wagon. Must be steady. 3157, Journal. YOUNG MAN \VANTS~A POSITION ll* grocery story or delivery wagon; well ac- quainted in city; or would prefer inside work; honest and willing; can furnish references. Address C. A. Peterson, 723 Madison at NE. city. - \u25a0 ' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: WANTED—POSITION AS CLERK OR TRAV- eling salesman; age 37 years; speaks five languages; married. Inquire of H. A. Han- son, Sleepy Eye. Minn.. Box 15., ' 52 FEMALE LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL OR write Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book, 25c. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A~POSl- tion as saleslady; have had experience. Ad- dress 2922 33d ay S. : \u25a0: \u25a0 WANTED—A POSITION BY A COMPETENT lady stenographer. Address 3068. Journal. IF YOU WANT A GOOD, NEAT. AMERr- can housekeeper, call second floor, 2627 7th st S, city. No trlflers need answer. A YOUNG LADY, ATTENDING CENTRAL high, would like to assist in some refined family for room and board. . Call or address 3241 4th ay S. 53 STORAGB^^^^^^^ THE^B^DY^TrR^kN^F^R^AND^U^L^Ca has unequaled facilities for moving and stor- ing household goods; packing for storage and shipment by experienced men. Office, 46 South 3d st. Telephone, Main 656. both exchanges. FIREPROOF STORAGE, New, Clean Rooms. REALTY CO.. 106 Ist ay N. Tel. Main 2062 J. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Furniture moved, stored, packed, shipped; best facilities; largest and finest transfer vans. Office 200 Nic. Tel 1208; res. Tel. 2234-L. 57 EXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUS A JOB PRESS, IN FIRST-CLASSCONDII tlon; worth $76; will trade In a good second- hand typewriter. N. J. Amble, Peterson, Minn. ' 53 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY diamonds or trade for new; we pay cash for old gold or make into new Jewelry. Jacobs Jewelry Co., 4] Washington ay 8. CASH PAID for all kinds of household goods. Don't sell before getting estimates from the Town Market. 25-27 6th st S. Tel. 1993. CAR-LOADS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS made up for Pacific coas: points, making a big saving In freight. Parties moving to the coast should not fall to consult us. The Boyd Transfer Co., 46 3d at S. . HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD and exchanged. Goodyear Book Co., 319 Hen. KINDERGARTEN, MATERIAL. Apply before Monday. 573 7th ay N. WANTED—GASOLENE ENGINE, 3-HORSE power, second-hard; will pay cash. Eureka Restaurant, 35 Washington ay S. . WANTED— BEST WATER-WHITE solitaire diamond that $100 will buy; give description. Address 3150, Journal. 50 WANTED TO RENT SwS HAVE A CONSTANT DEMAND . J2 \u25a0 ii for modern houses, fiats' and store*. 'IS $.' List your property with us for prompt 3 Si rental. -, "• - «5 8 THORPE BROS., S Z* Andrus Building. \u25a0""•*. S 8888888888 ;888S8ff?S8&88888888i88 88888885 D I HAVE FIRST-OLASS TENANTS 3 Q waiting for 7 to 10-room houses and 2 O modern fiats; if you have ' a house to 1, o rent, list it with me; I can get you a c D tenant. T. A. Jamieeon, 4 Loan and c 8 Trust building. ? WANTED—FLATS AND HOUSES TO RENT; good parties waiting.' List your property with me. Boise, 807 Phoenix. . WANTED FOR THE WINTER OR LONG- er, a furnished house. in good locality; state terms and address 3065. Journal. WANTED—SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE! at Minnetonka, near depot, for balance of season. Address 2110 James ay N. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 WANTED—TO RENT GOOD WARM STABLE with water connection, near 17th st and Portland ay; don't reply unless stable is good. Address 3174, Journal. . --. -:. \u25a0 AT WANTED—REAL ESTATE vv rE' >wisir?b^uTT?is?E^^A^TlSß3ns^ Clay or Norman county land; must be cheap. The E. A. Amundson Co.. Felton. Minn. WANTED—64O ACRES LAND, SUITABLE! for raising tame hay. Must be black soil, with clay subsoil, and good meadows, and net to exceed ten miles from railroad station and Inside of 125 miles from Minneapolis. State location and price. George N. Rupp, 628 6th ay N. Minneapolis, Minn. \u25a0 «23 BELGIAN HARES PEDIGRiSEtri®L^LVN~HAR^rF^OM*TI to $5, according to age and breeding. Benson Rabbltry, Benson. Minn. 55 MOVING * B^ETTBbIL^RtOKb^H^AWNMAB9fir cry moved; household goods moved and stored: or packed for shipment by expert packers. Boyd Transfer and Fuel Co., 46 24 st S. Telephone Main 686, both companies. - THE M. P. D. delivers package! In the otty, 10c; St Paul, 18c. 15 7th st 8. Tel. 1526-L MACHINERY AND ENGINES iW^WORkTEn^CnT^^ Machinery—Largest . stock hi the north Northern j Machinery Co., 317 So. i 8d : st, \u25a0 Mpl*»

Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn. : 1888) …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1901-09-05/ed...88 pie—We are prepared to loan reason-ji ki able amounts to salaried

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Page 1: Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn. : 1888) …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1901-09-05/ed...88 pie—We are prepared to loan reason-ji ki able amounts to salaried

X9__^_JFINANCIAL\u25a0 Continued.

SALARY LOANS TO EMPLOYES ONPlain notes, without security.Easier partial payments. Lower rates.RELIABLE. CREDIT CO., Sykes block,256 Hennepin ay. Walk up one flight.

888888888888388*88 8288888888S2 MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEO- *288 pie—We are prepared to loan reason- jiki able amounts to salaried people hold- &3*' Ing steady positions with responsible ~Zi5« concerns, ou easy weekly or monthly Mft payments. We conduct our business S5» strictly confidential. Lowest rates and SJ.i lair treatment guaranteed. Room 306, p|g Bask of Commerce building. 3¥U**Z*U&&33858 ags&ftftCiS* 83*88888 8883888



On your own name without security or in-dorser; payment payable to suit yourself;those who contemplate borrowing can be as-sured of the confidential treatment that allpersons of refinement and pride reel Is essen-tial in matters of this nature. Our officesare so arranged that you do not come in con-tact with other applicants and you can bewaited on privately and quickly. OpenWednesday and Saturday evenings until y.




At about ONE-HALF the RATES CHARGEDBY OTHERS. Strictest privacy guaranteed.

MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO.,Room 408. New York Life Building.

INTEREST ON DEPOSITS— PER~CENTfor six months,: 3 per cent for three monthsand 4 per cent on book accounts. MinnesotaTitle Insurance & Trust Co. Capital. $250.000.

20 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUSFREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSEadvertising under this head. Be sure andcall for them when you leave th» ad.FOR RENT — 90xi70 TENT. AMERICANTent and Awning, 125, 127, 129 Ist ay N, Min-neapolis. \u25a0



B COR. 2D AND WASH. AVS. SOUTH. B iB BB WE PLAN TO PLEASE THE B 'B PEOPLE. B jB • •\u25a0\u25a0 B8888888888888 B B B B B B

COLFAX MINERAL WATERWill permanently cure constipation. "Weguarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon cose.The Glenwood-IngTewood Co., 313 Hennepin.

MATTRESSES MADE OVER; HAIR ORmoss, $1.50: others $1; mattresses and furni-ture for sale. Rainville Bros., manufactur-ers, 17 Nicollet island. Both phones.WATCHES CLEANEDsl,mainsprlngssl; war-ranted 1 yr. Fink's, 17 S Wash.. Nic. Houne.TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 237 Henn. a7—Sell, rent, repair all makes. Ask for prices.

PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS, HIGHgrade hose, screen doors, paints and oils.

J. H. Smith. 214-216 Hennepin ay.

HENRY DISTIN silver plated orchestra cor-net, $30. Max Kohen, 327 Washington ay S.PIANOS—BARGAINS IN USED UPRIGHTS;many good as new uprights, $80, $85, $90, j$100; Gabler, $145; Emerson, $135; Hallett &Davis, $145; two Behning pianos, $165, $190; IFischer, $lßsu Chickering, $200; four squarepianos, $25, 195, $40, $60. New pianos forrent, $3.50 and $4 a month. One year's rentallowed if purchased. Foster & Waldo, 406th st S, corner Nicollet. °FOR SALE—BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES"out of registered stock; write for prices. Box437, Mankato. Minn.FOUR NO. 6 REMINGTONS, CHEAP. ALSOseveral No. 2 and No. 5 models. UnderwoodTypewriter Office, 326 Hennepin a?.

FOR SALE — COMPLETE RENDERINGplant; also one 60x16 boiler, full front. In-sured 100 pounds steam; one 36x10 boiler,cheap; pulleys and shafting; one SxlO Atlasautomatic engine, at a bargain if sold thisweek; guaranteed in first-class condition. Infact, everything in second-hand machinery.Send us a list of machinery you want to sell.We will sell it. Eagle Machinery Co., 660 Tem-ple Court.one! 22 H] p! double cylinder,double drum; second-hand Ledgewood hoist-ing engine, cheap if taken quick; good condi-tion. Eagle Machinery Co., 6CO Temple Court.COUNTRY PRINTERS — DURING FAIRweek be sure to 3ee our large stock of newand second-hand printers' machinery andtype. Printers' Electrotyplug Co., 20 4th st N.SAFES—ALL SIZES AND STANDARD jmakes: large coffee mill and two Fairbanks jAgate scales, received on mortgage foreclo- jsure. Also all kinds of store and office fix-itures for sale very cheap. At 223 3d st S.NEW BUTTER STORE HAS MOVED FROM ''404 Ist ay S to 91 "ith st S, between Nicollet !any Ist ay. jLADIES AVING troubles TO CALL orwrite Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New_book, 25c.CLOSING OUT—SECOND-HAND GOODS CM?all kinds; 200 showcases, from $2 and up-wards. 500 counters, shelving, wall cases, re-frigerators, safes, office furniture, cash regis-

i ters, scales, coffee mills, saloon and restau-rant fixtures, butcher supplies, 1,000 stovesof every description, fron. $1 upwards; bed-steads and springs, 50c; lounges, $1; pianos,

i $20; organs, $22; wagons, buggies, etc. 1027Washington ay S.FOR SALE—NATIONAL CASH REGISTER,oil tank, pump and patent truck. 2230 Wash-ington ay N.FOR SALE—SMALL SAFE. APPLY 221

I Bank of Minneapolis building.FUR C SECOND-HAND, IN GOODorder. Call 600 Corn Exchange. \u25a0


I FOR CHEAP, \u25a0 ONE 9x12 ATLAS'EN-gine, 50-horse-power; one 54x15 boiler andone 48x12 boiler, with fronts. Address 3110,Journal. . >WOOD, DRY. $1.75; TWO LOADS, $3; green,$1 up. Plymouth Lbr.. 4 Lum. Ex. Phone 717PIANOS—THE FINEST LOT OF SECOND^hand and shop-worn upright pianos in thecity; Knabe, full size, fancy mahogany case,slightly used; Henry F. Miller, partially solid

I mahogany case, used at five recitals; several\u25a0 other upright pianos, $85 upward; one Kim-jball and one Emerson square in excellentI condition; $50 and $65. Minneapolis MusicCo.. 606 Nicollet. .GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR RENT LOWfor the winter. Address 3159, Journal. *YOUNG MEXICAN PARROTS, TALKING,

isß; imported German canaries, Angora kit-tens, gold fish, cages, bird supplies, at birdstore. 1713 2d ay S. -FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP, A 40-HORSE

i boiler and engine; also heading saw; willi sell separately; , also residence property in; Moorhead, Minn. George Ajax.

MUST BE SOLD FRIDAY. HIGH ARMSinger sewine machine. $0; Wheeler & Wil-son, $5; White, $3. Elmer, 720 Ist ay S.OO'OD'SHOTGUN $12; SNAP; PISTOL grip,rebounding locks, etc.; cost $45; call quick.J. E. Tappan, 3105 Dupont ay S.

! $75 NEW ACETLENE GAS GENERATOR,i $25 steam radiators; 500 stoves, less thanhalf price. Felix, 117 3d ay N.

I FOR RENT — STEIN WAY PIANO, WITH: privilege of buying; cheap. M. Lara, 513 Phoe-nix building. .HEADQUARTERS FOR RADIANT HOMEheater and steel ranges: Stewart range, $10;Hub range, $7; reservoir cook, $5. 502 4thay S.

FOR RENT \u25a0••• •


FREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSEadvertising under this head. Be sure and

! call for them when you leave the ad.i 1501 PARK AY—FRAME DWELLING, 12

rooms, new heating plant, open plumbing,hardwood floors and finish, $45.

ISII Park Ay—Brick dwelling, 12 rooms, newheating plant, fine finish,. open plumbing,good barn for three horses, $50.

1718 Nicollet Ay—Fine modern home, 12rooms, in brick row, walking distance, $40.

226 Central Ay—Modern flat, 16 rooms, $35.117 University ay SE—12 rooms, modern, $32.2413 Nicollet Av—lo rooms, modern, $30.1722 sth ay S, 11 rooms, modern, 30.41 Highland ay, 9 rooms, modern, 25.1400 Vine Place— rooms, modern, $24.601 Plymouth ay, 9-room modern flat, $20.2547 Ist ay S, Ist floor flat. 5 rooms, $9.


j heat, with barn; very choice location; desir-I able, reasonable. 2612 Dupont ay S. • OwnerI 2616, next door.

1805 4TH AY S. 8 ROOMS, ALL MODERN;(to small, careful : family), $27.50.

1807 4th.av*S,"9 rooms, all modern; (tosmall, careful family), $32.50. -

Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet ay. room 2.812 E 15TH ST, 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE",w|th chandeliers, storm sash and screens; $30.Henry Welskopf. . -HOUSE, •7, ROOMS, BARN, • CITY WATER,storm screens; 1006 12th ay SE; $14.

\u25a0•. ! \u25a0':... \u25a0 '- "

I AGENTS WANTEDOUR SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS ON COM-mission clear from $15 to $30 weekly above allexpenses; groat premiums; easy work; wewant agents for country fairs in Minnesotaand adjoining states and for soliciting farm-ers In small towns; steady work all fail;references required. Northwestern Agricult-urtit. 1237 Guaranty building.


•0 cents and up. Send for price list. Feely6 Crocker. 515 Nlcollet ay. • (

5 BUSINESS CHANCESYOU CAN MAKE SPLENDID PKOFITS BYJudicious, systematic operations on the wheatmarket; $20 will margin 1.000 bushels 2 cents.Send for our free book, "Facts and Figures,"explaining option trading. The Osborn GrainCo., 813 to 815 Phoenix building. Minneapolis.Members Chamber of Commerce. -

HOW TO MAKE MONEY.Our new book, just issued, tells you how tomake from $5 to $20 per day.with a smallInvestment in grain or stocks. Your name

%on a postal card will bring it free. Writeto-day.THE COE COMMISSION COMPANY,

Bank of Commerce Building,Minneapolis. Minn. -

THE SAVINGS FUND CO.. 110 TEMPLECourt, pays 4 and 5 per cent on deposit; capi-tal. $350,000; surplus. $30.000.GET YOUR FURNACE REPAIRED NOW;don't wait until you want to start a fire; re-pairs for all furnaces. Great Western StoveRepair Co. Tel. 161. 312 Hennepln ay.FOR BARBER SHOP. TWO CHAIRS,cheap if tak#n at once; in good town of 1,100population; V>ing $20 to $30 per week. Ad-dre— 1704, Journal.FOR SALE—CLEAN DRY GOODS STOCK,about $4,000. Only small amount of fixtures.K. E. Burbridge. at George R. Newell & Co.,Ist to 7th.FOR SALE—FINE restaurant andbakery. In town of 2,000, doing good business.Part cash, balance easy payments. A splen-did opening to make money. R. E. Bur-bridge. at George R. Newell & Co.'s, Ist to 7th.!&!t?££i:&'?.?3& *i»g£i!&;!i!&&8t&SS?* ?sU NORTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTERS toZi of &?\u2666 COSMOPOLITAN* MANTLES. to)?• Write for Catalogue. to .to ECONOMY GAS LAMP CO., to 1£\u2666 238 Hennepin Ay. to 'aBBBSBSBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBB ft 88 888888888888888888888? iFOR GENERAL MERCHANDISEbusiness, in good shape, fine crops; stockabout $6,00A; one-half cash, balance land orsecured notes. R. E. Burbridge, at GeorgeR. Newell & Co.'s, Ist to 7th. ;

WANTED—MAN TO BUY A GOOD STOREbuilding, 24x52x14; twelve feet partitioned off jfor dwelling rooms. Located in small townon 8., C. R. N. R. R., in eastern South Da-kota. For further information, write A. L.Moen. Flandreau, S. D.A SNAP; LUMBER AND MACHINE BUSl-ness in a live town of 700 people; profits willrun $6,000 per year; prosperous country anddesirable location; about $6,000 to $7,000 capi-tal required. Call on or address F. W. H.,700 Hennepin ay, city.

FOR "SALE—HOTEL IN GROWING TOWNfor $1,200; no competition; terms reasonable.Address Mrs. Jane Roberts. Pierpont, S. D.SMALL STOCK OF GROCERIES; WELLassorted; living-rooms overhead; reasonablerent. Snap it taken at once. 1842 E 24th st.WANTED—PARTNER TO HELP INTRO-duce a sure method of curing varicose veins.A good chance for the right party. 3022,Journal.FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS DAIRY, WITHhay enough to feed stock through winter.Address 3011, Journal.FOR SALE—CHEAP, FINE OAK FIXTURES,refrigerator, scales, etc.. at 400 Prior ay,Merrlam Park.WANT TO BUY A GOOD RUNNING jcreamery of good location; not under 8,000 ipounds of milk at the present, or to put onein a suitable station of good country. Ad-dress George Bohnen. Plato, Minn.ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT AND WATER-works station for sale, in Minnesota; cheapIf taken at once; $2,500 down, balance on timeAddress 3109, Journal.NEWSPAPER WANTED—COUNTRY NEWS-paper, in Minnesota. State price wanted, !with full particulars. Address box 44, Fertile,Minn. \u25a0 .FOR SALE—ELEGANT SALOON AND RES-taurant, in the best business location of thecity. Address 2297, Journal.UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—IMPORTANTinterests call me east. Must sell immediately.Business here very profitable; easily con-ducted and honorable. Less than $600needed. 2933, Journal.FOR SALE—HALF~~INTEREST FIRE IN- isurance agency, $300. Want reliable, activeman; guarantee $25 per month. Sawbrldge,Fergus Falls, Minn.WANTED—PORTER IN TAILOR STORE.SO9 Nicollet ay. ,

7 BUSINESS SPECIALSSUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PER-manently removed by electricity. Miss Hol-lister, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand ofthe northwest. Exclusive specialist.

g BICYCLESGREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE OF HIGH :aad medium grade bicycles; Tigers, $25 up; \Harvard & Snell, $17.50; second-hand wheels, !#3, $5, $7 and $9. Good value. Haynes Cycle *Co., 627 Ist ay S. }

9 KIDNEYand LIVER MEDICINES \\u2666:-:• »\u2666»»» \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666x~x~x* \u2666:-:-:->

\u2666> TOILET goods, perfumes, drugs and \u2666> j•> family medicines; highest quality and «J> !•> absolute purity guaranteed; mail orders \u2666;\u2666 i\u2666;• solicited; send for printed matter. Hof- \u2666;\u2666 I•> flin's drug score, 101 Wash, ay S, Mpls. •\u2666•


10 BOARD and ROOMSPRIVATE FAMILY HAVE ROOM. WITHboard, for one or two ladies; modern house;one block from Hennepin. 1515 Laurel ay.

LARGE, PLEASANT ROOM. WITH BOARD;steam heat; suitable for two gentlemen orman and wife. 314 7th st S.



cowsSCREENING GOOD STUFF AT $9 THISweek. Cheap, did you say? Yes. We sellall kinds of feed. 257 9th ay S._ _

CLAIRVOYANTSMRS MANEWELL GIVES READINGS DAI-ly, 9 to 5 p. m. 620% Nlcollet, room 14.SIME. CLAYMONT, wonderful clairvoyantand magnetic healer. 1028 Hennepin ay.

LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly, 27 st S. New book, 25c.MADAME BATCH. CARD REA~DER~~ANDpalmist, will give double readings this weekfur 50 cents. 520 sth ay S.



TWIN CITY DYE WORKS — PRACTICAL; dyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-town

orders solicited; prices moderate. 420 Nlcol-l let. Telephone 1576.

17 HAIR DRESSING PARLORS"SWITCHES, 50c THIS WEEK; FACIALblemishes removed; shampooing, 25c; hair-dressing, 25c; toilet articles half price thisweek. Mme. De Leo, '495 Syndicate Arcade.

19 FINANCIAL~~WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEYto loan at ! 5 por cent on choice residenceproperty. Thorpe Bros., Andrus bldg.

MONEY TO LOAN AY LOWEST RATES; NOdelay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg.

LOANS from $100 upwards; city property pre-ferred; no delay. J. B. 'labour, 410 Ist ay S.MONEY TO LOAN; EASY TERMS; LOWrates. David P. Jones & Co., Oneida building.AT LOWEST RATES-MONEY TO LOAN. HiD. Cone & Co.. 517 Guaranty Loan building.

MORTGAGE LOANS—Rates~low; any sums;no delay; see us sure. Gale & Co., N. Y. Life.LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SAL-ARIED PEOPLE, RETAIL MERCHANTS.TEAMSTERS, BOARDING-HOUSES. ETC.,without security; easiest term*; forty officesIn principal cities. Tolman, 920_N. Y. Life.$100,000 TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM

: property; low Interest. Barnes 8r05.,104 S 4U>.4% TO « PER CENT MONEY. WITH THE"on or before' 1 privilege, to loan on improvedproperty in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M.Newport, 309-311 Phoenix building, 60 4th stS. Minneapolis. -r V ...- _•__LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly. 27 4th st S. New book. 25c.

" WANTED—S2,OOO AT 6 PER CENT, FROMprivate party, without commissions, on im-proved • corner 13th st; value, $10,000. 3162,Journal.

'.- " . '


Continued.SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN EXCEPTfurnace, $20; 12-room boarding-house, $25;both Southeast Minneapolis. Room 6, 313 Nie-ollet. \u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-

--S2O ONLY FOR NINE-ROOM PARTLY MOD-ern house; walking distance; fine neighbor-hood. W. H. Gibson, 420 Guaranty Loan.TEN-ROOM FULLY MODERN FURNISHEDor unfurnished house and barn; good neigh-borhood; one block street car line. Inquireat' house, 3133 Ist ay S. \u25a0-..\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0- ..---.-FOR RENT—2S39 COLUMBUS AY, ELEVENrooms, $20 a month. A. P. Wilson, 2627 E

.22d at ';- .- ' . -CHADBOURN ft BRADEN, 21 4th st 8, canrent your property at once; reliabU'tenants.FOR TEN-ROOM HOUSE. MODERNconveniences; nice lawn,l4lo Stevens ay.

EIGHT-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE; ONEblock from Central high school; key at 334E 14th st. Owner, 2409 Garneld ay. .00 FURNISHED HOUSESFOR RENT, TO SMALL FAMILY, FUR.nlshed house, nine rooms, Oct. 1 to May 1;$50 per month. Address 2863, Journal.FOR RENT, A'FURNISHED NINE-ROOMmodern house, for winter or longer. Apply1610 2d ay 3. .


FREE "FOR RENT" OR "FURNISHEDRoom" cards for those advertising under thishead. Be sure and call for them when leav-ing the ad. \u25a0 v'sV*.?.\u25a0/:\u25a0>.- \u25a0•\u25a0••- -\u25a0\u25a0 •; !-

FOR RENT—TWO NICELY BURNISHEDrooms; strictly modern flat; 15 minutes' walkfrom postomce; convenient to car line. Ad-dress 2231, Journal.NEAR UNIVERSITY7~STEXM~HEATrETC;

11116 sth tt SB.GRAND APARTMENTS — FOR LADIESand gentlemen steam heat, hot water eachroom, free porcelain baths; $7 upwards;transients for fair, 50c day, with bath. - 6207th_st_S. .- ,\u25a0...'

FOR RENT — TWO VERY DESIRABLErooms, steam heat, gas, bath, telephone; pri-vate family. 1344 Ist ay S.FOR RENT— NICELY FURNISHED ROOMin strictly modern flat; use of bath; refer-ences required. Address 8074,. Journal. \u25a0\u25a0•

FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, isteam-heated flat; bath, gas, Lot water; with- !in ten minutes' walk -from postomce; privatefamily; no children; gentlemen preierred;with board to right parties. No. 724 sth st

flat L .NICELY FURNISHED LARGE PLEASANTfront room, with alcove, on second floor; alsolarge front room on first floor; gas, bathand furnace heat. 806 6th ay S.four OR FIVE ROOMS, FURNISHED FORhousekeeping; cellar, cistern, well, screens,storm sash; block to Plymouth cars. 90914th ay N. . \u25a0 :.

PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS IN MOD-ern steam heated house, near public library;gentlemen only. 38 11th st N.SUITE OF ROOMS ELEGANTLY FUR-nished; strictly modern; front on Nlcollet,711 Nicollet ay. New Albion.

t YOUNG COUPLE HAVING A HANDSOME,; modern corner flat, second floor, would rentspare room to a single gentleman; moderate 'price; walking distance; hot water heat; Al \u25a0

table board near $4.50 per week; references.3178, Journal. -24 UNFURNISHED ROOMS

SUITE OF THREE VERY DESIRABLErooms for light housekeeping to man and wifewithout children, with or without heat; Sept.15. Call soon. 1908 Pleasant ay, near Frank-lin. . .TWO ROOMS, UPSTAIRS, FOR PHYsiC^Ex!dressmaker or agency business. 424 Nlcol-

| let ay. $25.Two rooms, upstairs, for men. 813% sth st;

! N. $3.Three front rooms, upstairs, 629 Washington

ay S; $7. \u25a0-^\u25a0

FIVE ROOMS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT;first floor. 1302 3d ay S.

; THREE PLEASANT UNFURNISHEDrooms for light housekeeping on second floor, ,modern except heat; location central. : In-quire 902 Hawthorn ay.


MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT, 834 E 18TH ST.first floor. Apply to janitor.

AVON, 13TH AND"MARY PLACE, SIXrooms, $27.50; four rooms, $25; six rooms,$32.50. Normandie, Nicollet ay and 14th st,flat B, six rooms, $37.50. See the Janitors atthe buildings, or Nickels & Smith, 311 Nlcol-let ay, room 2. '

FOR RENT— OF FIVE ROOMS, ALLmodern; first floor. 1601 10th ay S.ELEGANT NEW~FLATS;~4tH ST SE ANDBth ay; now ready; see janitor; $40.AT STH AY FLATS, STEAM HEATED, EV-ery modern convenience; fine location; goodservice. See janitor, 527 sth ay SE. -\s

NO HOUSEKEEPER NEED HAvITrOACH*-es in her house If she doesn't want them."Klll-em-all" powder cleans them out; 50cper box at grocers' and druggiat3'. Convincingtestimonials on each box. ..;\u25a0•\u25a0. \u25a0 •PAY RENT? YES, IF YOU MUST, BUTwhy not buy one of those new seven-roomhouses on 22d st and Bloomington at $2,750;$300 cash, $30 per month, including interestat 6 per cent; you will save $200 to $300 peryear out of your ordinary rental. Housesjhave sewer, gas, open plumbing, hardwood

i finish and floors, mantel, sideboard, cementedcellar, stone walks, hot water heat. W. W.

! Clark, 313 Nlcollet. •N

\u25a0 ' ' ' _ONE APARTMENT IN THE IMPERIAL,corner Grant st and Vine place; on groundfloor; ready immediately. Inquire 612 Nicol-let ay.

FOR RENT—FLATS, FIVE, . SIX ROOMS,with bath; modern except heat; in good re-pair. 824 14th at S. R. Hall.FOR CHOICE SECOND FLOORjflat, at the Holland; seven rooms; $45. See

I owner at building.; ELEGANT SEVEN-ROOM FLAT, MAHOG-j any finish, sideboard, Ice box, etc walkingdistance. 306 University ay SE.SIX-ROOM SECOND-FLOOR FLAT, DE-tached house; bath, gas range, heat, laundry;vegetable cellar, hot water; $24 per monthWyman & Plummer, 326 Nlcollet ay, room 4.

! SIX-ROOM MODERN, STEAM HEAT, ON! first floor; 63 11th st N. Inquire J. W. Fieldj 1100_Chestnut ay. _JOAKWOOD, 1500 3D AY S, 7-ROOM STEAM-; heated apartments; first, second or thirdfloors: see janitor or W. P. Mealey, 413 Bankof Commerce. .$10, SMALL FLAT FOR FAMILY OF TWOjat 1G24 Lyndale ay N; city water, water closetsewer connection, fire places. A. B Latham617 Guaranty building.

' 27 OFFICESjFOR WITHIN ONE BLOCK OF THE! Chamber of Commerce you can rent room 7,jMcMillan building, 3d ay S and 3d St. Room' is 55x19 feet, steam .heated, well lighted, sec-j ond floor front. Just the room for graini commission firm; blackboard, 35x9, ruled forj stocks and grain. Western Union cable in.! Price of $15 per month and location cannotjbe duplicated. O. M. Lara way & Sons, 100| Bank of Commerce. . ,

OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES $6 TO$20. Eastman block, 412 Nicollet. Inquireroom 12. i

i FOR OFFICES; BEST LOCATIONiin city for young physician. F. G. McMillan,Central ay and 6th st SB. -1 ',:\u25a0'-



10th ay S. $8.Shop—2l7 Ist st N. $5.

Apply221 Bank of Minneapolis building.FOR RENT—STORE, 913~NICOLLET, RE-frigerator all in; just the place for butter

iand eggs. Come quick. Lane & Conrad, 513jPhoenix. - \u25a0

\u25a0 \\u25a0 - • -QQ MISCELLANEOUS

RENT— OF THE BEST BAND ROOMSIn the city. $2 per night. Call Journal office.FOR RENT—A "LARGE BARN,-WITH CITYwater. 1010 Ist ay N. '_


WATCHES CLEANED, $1; MAIN SPRINGS.$1; warranted one year. Paegel'a, 22 3d st 3.A TONIC, JUVENAL] HAIR FOOD restoresnatural color, prevents grayneas, 50c. Voege li.SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED, 50c;pants recut into style or bicycle pants, 76c;suits steam cleaned and pressed, $1. An-

I thony the Tailor. 119 Washington ay .N.WANTED— BOYS, AT ONCE! >

•'-*• .... "-Apply A. D. T. Office. . - . . .. ,:;SALESMEN—THREE FIRST-CLASS SALES"-men, twin cities and the west, for high-classpublication, on unusually good proposition.Must be of good address, strong personality,and able to approach the best business andprofessional men. Introductory edition; se-lected and prepared names; no miscellaneouscanvassing. . Address, stating age, preference,previous experience and earning capacity,2355, Journal. ' - ' \u25a0

WANTED—A RELIABLE MAN IN EACHcounty to run branch factory for the manu-facture of Ware's patent steel lever harrow

1 latest thing, superior to all others; greatseller, cheaply made; large profits; on exhibi-tion in tent at state fair this week. Call thereor write for circular and terms of agencyJ. L. Ware, 771 Raymond ay, St. Paul. '\u25a0

YOUNG MAN.VCALL-AT ; THE GREGGSchool: of Shorthand, 321 ; Kasota block, andinvestigate before going elsewhere. : It willpay you. " .\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0... \u25a0\u25a0...,:..

\u25a0 : :. ' . .. \u25a0.

31 ~\l HELP WANTED-MALE.. Continued.YOUNG MAN, FOR THOROUGH PREPARA-tion , for office work or; business, go to theArchibald college. Lake at, corner Stevens.WANTED — WOOD-WORKING MACHINEhands at the J. R. Clark Co. 'a, Nieolletisland. \u25a0 '"GOOD POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARIESare the reward of graduates of the MinnesotaSchool of Business. 64 3d at 8. Enter-now.WANTED—RELIABLE PARTY (EITHERSEX) TO REPRESENT US IN EACH TOWNWITHIN 200 MILES AND SELL TO THECONSUMER; $15 TO $20 GUARANTEEDEARNED WEEKLY. -:


58 7TH ST S. 7WANTED — THE NATIONAL METALTrades - Association will pay 1 27Vic per houras wages and, as additional compensation,10c per hour bonus for competent machiniststo take jthe place of strikers in i the city ofChicago.. Steady employment in the mostmodern shops. Address, for particulars,postofflce box 1007, Chicago, 111;WANTED—GOOD PANTS AND"VESTMAK~er, at once; $1.75, $2; steady work. AddressE. A. Cartler, Marshall, Minn., box 674.WANTED—SALESMEN OF ABILITY TOsell a meritorious window fixture; good com-sion; only first-class men need apply; refer-ences required; good side line; big seller.20th Century Window Fixture Co., SpiritLake, lowa. .\u25a0.\u25a0-'•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•

WANTED—GOOD ALL-AROUND CANDYmaker; one who thoroughly understands hardcandy; steady Job and good wages to rightparty; write at once. Candy, 2958, Journal.WANTED—FIRST-CLASS QUICK BARBER;must be Al workman; wages $15 per week.Address P. O. Box 90, Cando, N. D.BARBER WANTED, AT ONCE; STEADYjob and good wages. Address or telephoneMichael Byrne, St. Cloud, Minn. .WANTED, EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, AC-acquainted -in Minneapolis and j St. Paul;splendid proposition; salary or commission.;call mornings, 8 to 9. Townsend, 123 Wes-tern ay. .'-'\u25a0'WANTED—BOX NAILERS AND CUTTERSat J. R. Clark Co.'s, Nlcollet Island.WANTED—SEVERAL GOOD VISE MEN ATonce. Moore Carving Machine Co. / " ,

officeTboy, good chance forrightparty. Address 2861. Journal. .WANTED—AT ONCE, YOUNG MAN WHOhas had experience in grocery store. Call at2405 W 42d st, near Lake Harriet pavilion.

WANTED^A COMPETENT MAN~TO OPER-ate a large farm. Must understand handlingstock and all farm details. Best referencesrequired. Address 3075. Journal.BOY WANTED—TO WORK IN A DRUGstore. Lane's drug store, 501 Hennepin ay.

WANTED—BOY, AT MATHESON'S, 23 STHst S. -• \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0*-..

WANTED WAITERS, AT ONCE. MERCAN-tiIe Lunch Room, 246 Hennepin ay.

WANTED—BOY FOR BEVELING SHOP".Apply to Pittsburg Plate Glass Co.BOY WANTED—IMMEDIATELY,TO WORKmornings. Apply at 517 4th ay SE, after 6p. m. Bring references. ,DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED FOR THEUnion Men's Mutual Accident and Health In-surance Co. Call or write Carl C. Carlson,state agent. Hotel Beaufort, Minneapolis,Minn. . ...--\u25a0

WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED GROCERYclerk, at once. Call at 1931 4th ay S.WANTED—MAN AND ~WI~FE~ON DAIRYfarm. Man must be good milker. Goodwages; steady work; no children; near city.3034, Journal._ ._, __ .WANTED— ONCE, AN EXPERIENCEDbookkeeper. Give references, age and salarywanted. Address 3029. Journal.WANTED—MESSENGER BOYS, AT N. D*.T. Co., Hennepin ay and 3d st. ' ,

WANTED*^STAtIONARY ENGINEER. TOgo out of city. Must be reliable and com-petent; steady employment for right man.Address application, stating experience, to

Journal. ' i :. '

\u25a0TAILORS WANTED—FIVE COATMAKERS.two pantsmaker3, one vestmaker. Call atonce. L. O. Wilson, tailor, .265 E 7th st, St.Paul, Minn. __ '

BRICKLAYERS; OUT-OF-TOWNwork; union wages and transportation. Ap-ply 806 Phoenix building. S. H. Troman-hauser. ' ' . ' \u25a0 •'

SEND TO . CURTISS BUSINESS COLLEGEand Gregg Shorthand School, Boston block,Minneapolis, for prospectus showing howyou can improve yourself. .SALESMEN FOR PEN CARBON COPYINGbooks and other office specialties; fine sidelines; easy sellers; liberal terms; cataloguefree. jModel Mfg. Co., Dept. L, South Bend,Ind. - >• \u25a0• \u25a0:\u25a0-• \u25a0 ; --\u25a0• \u25a0* -' * -. >

_WANTED—GOOD SHOYELERS AND TEAMS iFriday morning,. sth st, between 2d and 3days N. Prlnz & Sacra',?.'

r*, \ '[''''

WANTED—A BRIGHT; BOY FOR OFFICE.Must live with his parents, own a wheel andbe a good penman; $4 a week. George Odium, jPhoenix building. . . \u0084.

WANTED— SOBER MEN TO WORK INlivery stable; good wages; steady work. CallaL8!?_ 13_._aJ__ . .|CARPENTER WANTED—AT ONCE. 3140;Humboldt ay S. _WANTED—TWO SALESMEN TO SELLclothing to order; experience unnecessary.Must be good talker. Salary and expenses orcommission. 304 Ist ay S. .WANTED—GOOD HORSESHOER; STEADYJob to right man. Address Lars Hanson, Aus-tin; Minn. _ • __ • - _____YOUNG MAN, THE MUNSON SHORTHANDINSTITUTE, Guaranty Loan building, Is theonly exclusively shorthand and typewritingschool in the city with an active professionalreporter at the head. V-


WANTED—BOY~ TO WORK IN LABORA-tory. Lyman-Eliel Drug Co. __•MAN TO DO WORK AROUND HOUSE, TOcut lawn, attend heating plant, etc. givereferences. Address 3147. Journal.BOY WANTED; STRONG, RELIABLE,willing to work; good chance for advance-ment. Great Western Printing Co.GOOD TINNER FOR STEADY COUNTRYjob; call at Janney, Semple, Hill & Co.'s forinterview. . - .A REGISTERED PHARMACIST, who is agood'watchmaker, can get permanent work;state salary expected, with reference. 3143,Journal.- '

\u25a0 • , .BOY OR YOUNG MAN WANTED; STEADYwork. National Carpet Cleaning Co., Nlcolletisland.WANTED—AT ONCE, GOOD MAN TOdrive team; steady work. Call at 4001 3d ay S.WANTED — CABINETMAKER; STEADYwork. Apply to Minneapolis Office and SchoolFurniture Co., corner Bth st and Bth ay SE.WANTED—IMMEDIATELY, AN HONEST,ambitious boy to care for horse and lawn;$2.50 week and board. 517 10th st S.WANTED—A MAN TO WORK IN LIVERYstable; wages,' $25 per month and board. 17194th_av_S. . .WANTED—A MAN WHO CAN SET GLASS,to work about three days. Applyat 503 Rus-sell ay N. "

WANTED—YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCEDin bookeeping, to work half days. Address3186, Journal. , .'- .. -- '

DO YOU WANT TO EARN FROM $3 TO $5a day selling our Registry Accident Policiesin your own town or city? $1,000 death ben-efit, $5; weekly Indemnity, including personalidentification and key registration. Everycyclist, business man and traveler buys it.Good commission. Write E. H. Connor, 531Andrus building. , ; . *.-WANTED—BRIGHT, INTELLIGENT BOYfor general work in a wholesale house. Callat 15 4th st S. Minneapolis. Photo MaterialsCo.* - \u25a0

• \u25a0\u25a0 -.YOUNG MAN TO KEEP BOOKS AND AS-slut in sales department of large generalstore in country. Must .be thoroughly com-petent. One who speaks German, or Scandi-navian, or both, preferred. \ State experience,salary expected, first letter. 3047, Journal.WANTED—A~GENERAL REPAIRER FORfurniture store. One who ! understands someupholstering and picture framing. Call atGangelhoff Bros., Friday evening, at 5 o'clock.WANTED—CARPENTERS. ALSO CAR-penter foreman. C. J. Weston, 58 12th st S.WANTED—PAINTERS. C. J. WESTON, 5812th at S. .:-....\u25a0\u25a0 .•-.:.. \u25a0:-\u25a0

WANTED—A RELIABLE MAN TO DRIVE,care for horses. and carriage and milk a cow.Call at 24 10th st S.

32 help wantei^female"EXPERIENCED OPERATORS AND SEW-ing-girls to make shirt waists, wrappers, etc.,on power sewing machines. i Good pay andsteady work. Sterling Mfg. Co. corner sth ayN and 3d st, second floor, Heywood bldg.

THE ECLECTIC Business College offeriTtbor^\u25a0 ough iand practical courses. 4& Wash, ay 3,Mpls. Call, write or phone for particulars.---10-YEAR gold-filled spectacles, ?I.6O; eyes ex-am inert free. Ostrem, 329 Nieollet., upstairs.WANTED—A CAPABLE WOMAN TO~REP-resent a thoroughly responsible house in eachdistrict, as manager. The duties are mainlyoffice work and correspondence. $1,200 yearly.Manager Holiday Goods, 905 Star building,

IChicago. •\u25a0•-\u25a0'\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0". " - : \u25a0\u25a0.-:\u25a0-

YOUNG WOMAN, CALL AT THE GREGGSchool of Shorthand, 321 Kaspta block, and

i investigate \u25a0 before going elsewhere. It willpay you. ."". -. - ; ..... .•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0'\u25a0.,\u25a0,. -\u0084• >: \u25a0 :

i WANTED—AT ONCE, FOUR DINING-ROOM< girls, wages $14 per month; one second cook,

wages ' $15 per month;' one dishwasher, wages$12 per month. New Freeborn Hotel; AlbertLea, Minn. B. C. Morse, proprietor.

TWENTY FIRST OR C SECOND; GRADEteachers { wanted %at.- once ,by the WestlacdTeachers' League. Free registration untilOct. 1. W. O. ; Crocker, manager, Lisbon, N.D.

•'\u25a0 '\u25a0'*. '.\u25a0\u25a0•-• . - \u25a0\u25a0' . :\u25a0••.\u25a0... -"»5r 5-1

32 HELP WANTED-FEMALB' „ . Continued. , . Vj

WANTED—COMPETENT AND EXPERl-enced cook and housemaid. References re-qulred. Highest wages paid. 801 Grove land ay

WANTED— CHOCOLATE DIPPER; WILLgive steady employment and best wages tofirst-class dipper. Apply at Garland's, 366th st S.WANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERALhousework; easy .place; good wages; newhouse; only two la family. 1724 Oolfax ay S.GOOD POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARIESare the reward of graduates of the MinnesotaSchool of Business, 64 8d st S. - Enter now.LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly, 27 4th at S. New book, 26c.AT NO. 1224 CHESTNUT AY, A CAPABLEgirl Is wanted to assist with housework.WANTED—A COOK OR SECOND GIRL. AP-ply to 1800 Ist ay 8. \u25a0 : .GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK INsmall family and modern bouse. Call at No.2501 Stevens ay. ' ~

WANTED—YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITHhousework. No washing. 2625 Ist ay S.WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED NURSEgirl; pay $3.50 per week. Apply at 421 Grove-land ay, Lowry Hill.


711 E 17TH ST—GIRL FOR GENERALhousework; modern house; small family; goodwages. _j * \

STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS DINING-ROOMwaiter and second cook. The Willlston, 60010th st S. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0•AT 634 E 14TH ST— GOOD COOK.WANTED—EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOMgirl. Quick Lunch, 616 Nlcollet ay.

NIGHT COOK AND DISHWASH-er, at the Model Restaurant, 1021 Wash, ay S.GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOODplace; good pay. 409 Nlcollet ay, upstairs.GOOD GIRL WANTED FOR GENERALhousework. 2712 Hennepln ay. - -ONE WOMAN TO WASH; A FIRST-CLASSlroner 09 ladles' clothes; steady work; goodwages. 418 6th ay _S__ MrsL

Barry.SEND TO CURTISS BUSINESS" COLLEGEand Gregg Shorthand School, Boston block,Minneapolis, for prospectus showing how

: you can Improve yourself.

YOUNG LADY, ff~Ts~TIME AND MONEYwasted to learn shorthand and typewritingand then not be able to secure a position.THE MUNSON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE,Guaranty Loan building, possesses facilitiesfor placing all graduates in paying positions.Lessons by mail. ,WANTBD—NEAT, STEADY,EXPERIENCEDgirl for general housework. Appiy at 743 E16th st. flat B. . ... .WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; small family; easy place. Sessions,8451, Chicago ay. . \u25a0 • -ONE FIRST-CLASS COOK; HIGHESTwages paid. Apply at Brookings House,Brookings, S. D. Win. Ritchie, proprietor.WANTED— . COMPETENT NURSEgirl. Call 2815 Fremont av_S. ___GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD PAY"; Icomfortable quarters. Take 4th ay S car.3248 Clinton ay. \u25a0 '.

WANTED— FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; desirable place for a competent, rell-able girl. 5236 Park ay. _;WANTED—SEWING GIRLS AND~EXPERI-enced operators .on power sewing machines,making shirtwaists; day or piecework; steadyemployment. Also young girls to sew but-tons. D. Cohen & Co., 519 Ist ay S.GOOD SEWERS ON POWER MACHINES,on: pants, shirts and overalls; steady work.Robltshek, Frank & Heller, 18 9d st N.GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK.Call 3245 3d ay S.YOUNG LADY, OUR COURSE IN SHORT-hand and typewriting is thoroughly practicaland adapted to your individual needs.% THEMUNSON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE. Guar-anty Loan building.. Lessons by, mall.Lady BOOKKEEPER AND STENOG-rapher with some experience; moderate sal-ary; business, real estate and fire insurance.C. A. Quist & Co., 109 4th st S.WANTED— ONCE, GIRL TO DO COOK-ing and laundry work; small family; goodwages. 810 Irving ay N.'WANTED—FIRST-CLASS COOK. 1002 HAR-mon place.WANTED—A GOOD COMPETENT GIRLfor general. housework; good wages. Call at729 10th ay SB.WANTED—GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK;family of three adults. 3406 Stevens ay.

DINING-ROOM GIRL IN PRl-vate boarding-house; good wages. Call atonce, 617 6th ay S.WANTED—YOUNG GIRL LIVING AT HOMEto do . kitchen 'work in small home bakery;no work evenings or Sundays. 1024 Henne-pin ay. _


ers. New Store. °" ______________WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework; good pay to right party. 16053d avjS. \u25a0\u25a0.-.\u25a0GIRL WANTED—FOR GENERAL HOUSEDwork. Must be good cook. Also secondgirl. Apply 1522 4th av_S.WANTED—NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO HELPwife and be company; small flat; easy place;good pay. Come quick. 27 Eastman ay,Nlcollet Island. . \u25a0 -WANTED—SECOND GIRL IN A BOARDING"house. 2014 18th ay S.WANTED—A GIRL OF 14 TO TAKE CAREof children. Must- be good and kind andsuch a girl can find a good home in a smallfamily. Address Mrs. D. Hessian, Lake jCrystal., Minn. \u25a0 \u25a0


200 HEAD OF \u0084 REJECTED CAVALRYhorses, weighing from 1,000 to 1,200 poundsand from 4 to 8 years old, will be sold atauction Wednesday, Sept. the 4th and Satur-day Sept. the 7th, to the highest bidder with-out reserve and regardless of value, at Bar-rett & Zimmerman's Midway Horse Market,St. Paul, Minn. If you want a good drivinghorse at your own price, attend these sales.NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUGGIES,wagons, surreys, phaetons, rubbor-tired run-abouts, horses, harnesses, all kinds; newwork exchanged for old. Cash or time. 4143d st S. \u25a0 , ' 'A CONSIGNMENT OF 500 HEAD OF HEAVYchoice drafters, farm mares and drivers hasbeen placed on Barrett & Zimmerman's Mid-way. Horse Market, St. Paul, Minn., to besold at once. Speculator and consumer, availyourself of this opportunity to buy horses atthe low-base prices.

LIVERY AN© BOARDING STABLE—M. D.Brown, 2811 Nicollet ay. A closed carriageto all parts.-Rubber tires for running about.Telephone 735 south J 2.

"HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS! '\u25a0Several hundred sets of T. M. Roberts'

Supply House stock of harness, which we cansell cheaper than T. M. Roberts' formercheap price. Widmayer & Prendergast. 4143d st S. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0>\u25a0 \u25a0-' "\u25a0 - •HORSE, HARNESS AND THREE-SPRINGwagon, $25; good sound saddle or drivingpony, $15; two-seated buggy, $10. Call 0102d st SE.ONE FULL LEATHER EXTENSION TOPcut-under two-seat, one Bangor buggy, bothin good repair; must sell. 1401 Chicago ay.

SMALLDRIVING' HORSE, GENTLE, KIND.good driver, cheap; one pony, weight 700 lbs,with buggy and harness, $15; leaving city.2900 2d st N. _:iFOR SALE—A CAR LOAD OF DRIVING:and family horses, by Colonel Ireland, of Ap-pleton, Minn. He may be found at the Nicol-let Hotel. • . '

FOR SALE—TEAM HORSES, 2,800 POUNDS;•pair mares, 2,400 pounds. Make me an offer;going away. 316 sth ay S. " * i

GOOD WORK TEAM, 7 AND 9 YEARS OLD,weight 3,000; also nice single driver and goodfarm horses, cheap. 2316 4th 6t N.HARNESS SALE — WE HAVE ABOUT 50sets of light and heavy harnesses which mustbe sold within 15 days. Central Market Har-ness Co..' city. ; ' \u25a0

FOR SALE—NEW PNEUMATIC RUN-about, second-hand runabout, three-quartertop buggy, leather top two-seat buggy, onespeeding cart, Bangor, Al phaeton. 606 11thst S. ' -- -PHAETON FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN.2522 15th ay S.

34 HORSES.CARRIAGES—WANTED—FOR SHORT TIKE, HORSE ANDbuggy for driving Invalid lady; hors;; mustbe very quiet; best of care given. 168 17th!L____—______________________________

3~S~___JNSI^UCTIONPRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN GRADE ANDhigh school work. Careful attention givento special cases. Mrs. Bragdon, 2807 Pills-bury ay. 'MINNEAPOLIS AMATEUR CHORAL EV-ery^ Thursday, 4 p.m., Malta Temple, 243Nicollet ay; best training In correct tone pro-duction. George H. Normlngton, Instructor.MISS 'FIRKINS ~WII_7~R_OPEN~HER~'KIN~dergarten .as usual Monday, Sept. 9, at 15284th st SE. \u25a0\u25a0 - --\u25a0•:\u25a0. _"\u25a0 \u25a0




Blanche Booth Studio. 28 12th st N.


RICE LOANS on all kinda of personal prcp-erty; charges reasonable. - 506 Globe hldg.PAWNBROKERS—ReIiabIe, reasonable; con-fidential. Harris ft Goldstein. 239 Ist ay "S.

MONEY LOANED. ON CHATTEL SECURITY—Furniture, » pianos, -H diamonds, •; etc. ; -largeloans -at specialty; % terms the best. Herbert iWilliams, 916 .Guaranty building. |

36 LOANS AND CHATTELS'.»..-'; ; . Continued. - .;/..,. »:..

LOANS MADE- ON SAME DAY AS APPLl-cation, on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons,fixtures, etc., goods to remain In your un-disturbed possession. ;. t

\u25a0 PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS.Minneapolis Loan Co.. 801-2 Globe Building.LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS,furs In storage and warehouse receipts, atone-half the usual rates. Monthly Inatall-ment Loan Co., 825 Guaranty Loan. -QUICK LOANS MADE ON FURNITURE,pianos, etc., without removal; easy pa>mants,cheapest rates; business confidential. Minne-sota Mortgage Loan Co., room 306 Bank ofCommeroe building, cor. Ist ay S and tth st.PRIVATE PARTY AT 604-6 GUARANTYBuilding will loan you any amount on anygood security reasonably. Confidential. Easymonthly payments.

37 LOST AND FOUNDLOST—ON MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUISlake train Sunday, lady's black broadclothJacket, silk lined and white silk faced. Finderplease notify P. D. Huber, 908 6th ay S, forreward.

LOST OR STOLEN— BICYCLE,from Plymouth store bicycle rack, Saturdayevening; liberal regard and no questionsasked. L. D. Burwell, 1913 3d ay S.LOST—A COIN SILVER WATCH FOB ON7th or Chicago ays, between 4th and 15th sts.Return to Harrison & Smith Co., 624 4th st S.LOST— GOLD HAIR BROOCH] INgoing from Berkeley Hotel to courthouse andpostofflce. Return to Journal for reward.LOST—BLACK PURSE. CONTAINING TWO$50 drafts, payable to Mrs. J. A. Rush. Find-er return and get regard. 304 Ist 'S.LOST— LYNDALE SCHOOL~A~GIRI7sCrawford bicycle. j Return to 3309 Ist ay Sfor reward.IF PARTY WHO FOUND PACKAGE INgrandstand at state fair, Wednesday after-noon, addressed to Miss M. C. Diamond, 800Iglehart st, St. Paul, will return to that a«-dre3S, will be suitably rewarded.

39 MEDICAL ..'. •\u25a0

$500 REWARD—DR.TAYLOR'S TANSY PEN-ryola English Female Regulating Pills, the la-dies' friend and priceless boon; they are theoriginal and only genuine; are sate and al-ways reliable; never fail. . Mailed anywherefor $1. Sold at all drug stores. Charles A.Drefs, Mfg. Chemist. Buffalo. N. Y.ELITE BATH PARLORS, 626 HENNEPINay; porcelain tubs; massage, cabinet andmedicated baths; experienced lady atte-r^ant.LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book 25c.PILES—DR. H. WAITE. 25 YEARS' SPEC-lallst, cures every case; write for pamphlet,mailed free. 1219 Hawthorn ay. Minneapolis.


NOTICE—THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Ihave lost note Geo. F. Thompson & SonBuggy Co., amount $240, given July 26, 1901,four months, and warn any one against pur-chase of same. S. H. Davis.WHEN YOU WANT YOUR CESSPOOL,vault and yard cleaned come to 300 2d st S.UNCLAIMED PICTURES TO CLOSE OUTat half price; pictures framed at big cutprices; artists' materials; mail orders filled.J. O. Braa, 509 Hennepin ay.

NOTICE—PICTURE SALE, NEW AND UN-claimed pictures, oil paintings; framingpictures at deep cut prices. Zesbaugh, 11 sthst S.


DR. B. SHEPARD, SPECIALIST; DISEASESof women; office, 620% Nicollet. Telephone64 LI; residence. South 433 J2. Office hours,11 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. B. Shepard.

FEMALE DISEASES CUREDBy Dr. Wheeler, specialist; Irregular men-struation successfully treated. Office. Glebebuilding, Minneapolis.

EXAMINATION FREE.A TONIC, JUVENALIS HAIR FOOD restoresnatural color, prevents grayneas. 50c. Voegeli.

HAIR AND SCALP REMEDIES.Dandruff, falling hair or itching and ecxe-

matous scalp and growing baldness ceases theday their uee has begun. Send stamp forparticulars or 60c for trial course. O. K.Chance, 580 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis,Minn.T. H. BLY, M. D., SPECIALIST IN ALLdiseases of women; all irregularities correct-ed; private home for women before and dur-tug confinement; new book 25c, all you need!to know. Office. 27 4th st S, third floor.LADIES—SSOO REWARD FOR AN ABNOR-maI, obstinate case of suppression, any cause,my Regulator fails to relieve in 24 hours;positively guaranteed; no- ergot or pills;manysaved from suicide; ideal -safe home treat-ment; mail $3. Dr. Jackson, R. C. 812. 167Dearborn at. Chicago. *FADE AWAY, GREATEST BEDBUG DE-stroyer known; at druggists and dept. stores.

LADIES.Bradley* Face Wash removes moth, tan,

freckles and pimples; 25c; sale Donaldson's,Olson's, Minneapolis Dry Goods. Agents ap-ply to Mrs. Bradley, 267 Dupont ay N. nearWestern. -.

MINNEAPOLIS HEALTH PARLORS.528 Nicollet ay, third floor, corner 6th st.

Mrs. O. S. Fowler's method of electric treat-ment; magnetic and massage treatment. Allnervous diseases cured.LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly. 27 4th st S. New book. 28c.HAIR DRESSING FREE; HAIR SWITCHES,hair chains, \ wigs for ladies and gentlemen,at great reduction. Brahl's Hair Bazaar, 409Nicollet, upstairs. -A LADY WISHES THE CARE OF A CHILDor infant; good care and a good home. Ad-dress 3032 Journal. ...WILL THE TWO LADIES WHO SAWmotorman killed on car between 20th and 19thavenue S, while passengers on car, the 29thof August, send their address to 3054. Journal.ASTHMA, HAY FEVER; IF YOU WHEEZEand short of breath or cough, you can becured by doctors of Brazilian Asthma Cure,2211 4th ay S.. Minneapolis. •

A TRAINED MALE NURSE AND MASSEUR,with several years' experience In institutionsand private practice, would like to take care

i of invalid or patient, either at home or travel-! ing; very best of references. Address 3164,| Journal.


I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $500loans on city real estate; \u25a0 principal payableat any time. A. H. Polley, 501_Andrus bldg.PROMPT LOANS ON IMPROVED CITYproperty; current rates. Abstracts retainedhere. Charles S. Woodruff, 606 Guarantybuilding. . . .- \u25a0

4g PATENT ATTORNEYSWILLIAMSON & MERCHANT (JAMES F.Williamson and Frank D. Merchant), patentattorneys and solicitors; main office, No. 929---935 Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis,Minn.: branch office, room 52 McGlll build-Ing, Washington. D. C.



W. A. BARNES & CO., 300-302 NICOLLET,issue a rental bulletin and real estate listevery Monday. Call or send and get one.FOR SALE—BY OWNER, NINE-ROOM,modern house and stable; fine location; 9thay S, near 25th st; $2,800; cash payment, bal-ance on time; a snap. Address 012, Journal.WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF BARGAIN*in houses, both for sale and rent. Lewis W.Campbell, Pillsbury building. , ,

$£ ' %£ $4,500— SUNNYSIDE—IO ROOMS. USjjg New, east front, fully modern, good w

*J£ barn, 58-foot lot; the improvements S3 would cost to-day $6,000. This Is a $\u26662 great bargain in an up-to-date home; *M•g fine lawn,. Must be sold In ten days. •£«f GEO. H. HUTCHINS, 3*J£ 504 Hennepin Ay. . J.«

FOR SALE— OWNER, 7-ROOM HOUSE;I desirable location, in eighth ward; cash pay-ment down, balance on time; a snap. 1858,Journal.LADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly, 27 4th at S. New book. 25c.WHY PAY RENT? WE HAVE HOMESfrom $700 to $3,500; $100 to $200 down andmonthly payments. Lauderdale & Co.. 356Temple Court •$4,500— HOUSE, CORNER PORTLAND

ay and Lake st; cost to build as follows:Contractor, $2,641; grading, $72.90; ce-menting cellar, $45; plans, $15; venti-lating, $27.60; decorating, etc., $16;plumbing, $357.60 (incomplete); heating(incomplete), $400. Total of house alone.Without lot, $3,633.90.I want to sell this house; it is new

. ; and built by day labor on honor. Terms,$500 cash and $40 a month, with 6 percent interest. ' ' \u25a0 .: V

EDMUND G, WALTON, 300 Hennepin ay.

LAUDERDALE & CO.. 355 TEMPLE COURT,will look after your property; we collectrents, sell and Insure for non-residents.'BARGAIN, TEN-ROOM HOUSE, GRAND AY.3lst st; hardwood finish, furnace- heat; '<\u25a0 ar-ranged for one or two families; fine lot; goodbarn; $2,500 gets it; small payment down.Fitzgerald,. 8018 Aldrich ay 3. -FOR v THREE „> NEW MODERNhouses in -eighth ward; \u25a0 prices from $2,800 to$4,500; also * new -10-room \u25a0*. residence \u25a0in - beetpart of Kenwood. Dinette, builder, 401 Hen-nepin.

1148 ':'\u25a0-'" , UNIMPROVED

LAKE 3T FRONTAGE, NEAR NIOOLLETcheap; demand for stores, flats and wellequipped hall investigate. E. H. i Bui 514Guaranty building. \u25a0• \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0['


riches/pFne landsRICHEST PINE LANDS• IN THE world.

The United States government has justopened to settlement a marvelously rich tractof white pine and yellow pine land in thestate of Idaho, which contains over 2,000,000feet to the quarter section, and Is worth from11,000 to |2,000 per quarter net We have Justprocured accurate government descriptions ofa great number of these sections, with guar-anteed minutes of the amount of timber oneach quarter, on which we will locate at avery low figure any bona fide settler thatwishes to embrace this opportunity. This in-cludes railroad far« to Boise City, Idaho, andtransportation from Boise to any claim thatthe applicant takes, and return to Boise CityFor further particulars apply to

Paris-Manning Land and Lumber Co,; ;-.?-;i^ 417 Phoenix Building,Minneapolis. Minn. • •'•'/'\u25a0'\u25a0'

NORTHERN MINNESOTA FARM LAND—100,000 acres of rich unimproved land In St.Louis county, $4 to $6 per acre; well tim-bered, well watered; adjacent to railroadsand near the best markets in the northwest.No better land anywhere for dairying, stock-raising and general farming. Write for infor-mation. C. D. Rutherford, Floodwood, Minn.WE HAVE 90,000 ACRES OF UNIMPROVEDland, as well as 600 Improved farms which,we will sell cheap; we also buy land at alltimes. Whiting & King, 225 Temple Court.$1,100 BUYS THE SW% 5-120-59, DAY COUN-ty. South Dakota; 120 acres broken and finewell, spring water; cheapest farm in county.Q. E. Clark, 226 3d st S. \u25a0 -FOR SALE—AN EXCELLENT INVEST-ment, 3,000 acres, or any part, of the choicestfarm land in Wisconsin; hard wood land, fineblack soil and well watered by springs andlakes; especially favorable for stock raising;two hours 1 ride from the twin cities on eitherthe Omaha or Soo railroads; for full particu-lars as to location, description, price andmaking arrangements to personally inspectthe land, address 8001, Journal, Minneapolis.

FINE CLAIMS.Good farming and timber claims, governmentland, northern Minnesota. For locations,address F. A. Whlteley, Red Lake Falls,Minn. : -WE HAVE 25 IMPROVED FARMS FORsale, with good improvements; prices from$20 to $25 per acre; all black loam, clay sub-soil land, that produced 18 bushels wheat, 60bushels oats, 40 bushels corn. Write forterm*. The Correll Land and Loan Co., Cor-rell, Big Stone county, Minn.SECTION IMPROVED LAND IN REDRiver valley, for rent or sale. M. R. Waters,502 Guaranty Loan.A SECTION OF FINE PRAIRIE LAND, INDeuel county. South Dakota, where crop fail-ures were never known; $15 per acre. Ad-dress lock box 139, Harris, lowa. \u25a0

000 ACRES OF TIMBER BRUSH ANDmeadow land in Case, Crow Wing, Altkin andWadena counties, Minnesota; prices $2.50 to $8per acre; no better lands in the state andpresent prices will double inside of threeyears. John L Smith, 110 Temple Court.

SITUATIONS WANTED51 MALE"A YOUNG MAN OF 18 WOULD LIKE POSl-tion with some well-established firm wherethere >is a chance for advancement. Havehad first-class office experience and can fur-nlsh good references. Address 1943. Journal.DRUGGIST WANTS STEADY JOB; REGlS-tered; thoroughly understands laboratory,liquor and prescriptive department; will notwork for less than $3 a day. Willing towork ninety hours a week. Address I. L. T ,209 Nlcollet ay. . ' -• ,\u25a0\u25a0 •GROCERY CLERK, AGED 33. 16 YEARS'experience. Q., St. Vincent, Minn.YOUNG MAN, WITH"GOOD~CITY REFER-ences, wants to drive some kind of deliverywagon. Must be steady. 3157, Journal.YOUNG MAN \VANTS~A POSITION ll*grocery story or delivery wagon; well ac-quainted in city; or would prefer inside work;honest and willing; can furnish references.Address C. A. Peterson, 723 Madison at NE.city. - \u25a0 ' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:

WANTED—POSITION AS CLERK OR TRAV-eling salesman; age 37 years; speaks fivelanguages; married. Inquire of H. A. Han-son, Sleepy Eye. Minn.. Box 15., '

52 FEMALELADIES HAVING TROUBLES TO CALL ORwrite Dr. Bly, 27 4th st S. New book, 25c.A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A~POSl-tion as saleslady; have had experience. Ad-dress 2922 33d ay S. : \u25a0: \u25a0

WANTED—A POSITION BY A COMPETENTlady stenographer. Address 3068. Journal.IF YOU WANT A GOOD, NEAT. AMERr-can housekeeper, call second floor, 2627 7thst S, city. No trlflers need answer.A YOUNG LADY, ATTENDING CENTRALhigh, would like to assist in some refinedfamily for room and board. . Call or address3241 4th ay S.

53 STORAGB^^^^^^^THE^B^DY^TrR^kN^F^R^AND^U^L^Cahas unequaled facilities for moving and stor-ing household goods; packing for storage andshipment by experienced men. Office, 46 South3d st. Telephone, Main 656. both exchanges.

FIREPROOF STORAGE, New, Clean Rooms.REALTY CO.. 106 Ist ay N. Tel. Main 2062 J.CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE—Furniture moved, stored, packed, shipped;best facilities; largest and finest transfervans. Office 200 Nic. Tel 1208; res. Tel. 2234-L.

57 EXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUSA JOB PRESS, IN FIRST-CLASSCONDIItlon; worth $76; will trade In a good second-hand typewriter. N. J. Amble, Peterson,Minn. '53 WANTED MISCELLANEOUSWE BUY diamonds or trade for new; we paycash for old gold or make into new Jewelry.Jacobs Jewelry Co., 4] Washington ay 8.CASH PAID for all kinds of household goods.Don't sell before getting estimates from theTown Market. 25-27 6th st S. Tel. 1993.CAR-LOADS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODSmade up for Pacific coas: points, making abig saving In freight. Parties moving to thecoast should not fall to consult us. TheBoyd Transfer Co., 46 3d at S. .HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLDand exchanged. Goodyear Book Co., 319 Hen.

KINDERGARTEN, MATERIAL.Apply before Monday. 573 7th ay N.WANTED—GASOLENE ENGINE, 3-HORSEpower, second-hard; will pay cash. EurekaRestaurant, 35 Washington ay S. .WANTED— BEST WATER-WHITEsolitaire diamond that $100 will buy; givedescription. Address 3150, Journal.



ii for modern houses, fiats' and store*. 'IS$.' List your property with us for prompt 3Si rental. • -, • • "• - «58 THORPE BROS., SZ* Andrus Building. \u25a0""•*. S

8888888888 ;888S8ff?S8&88888888i88 88888885

D I HAVE FIRST-OLASS TENANTS 3Q waiting for 7 to 10-room houses and 2O modern fiats; if you have 'a house to 1,o rent, list it with me; I can get you a cD tenant. T. A. Jamieeon, 4 Loan and c8 Trust building. ?

WANTED—FLATS AND HOUSES TO RENT;good parties waiting.' List your propertywith me. Boise, 807 Phoenix. .WANTED FOR THE WINTER OR LONG-er, a furnished house. in good locality; stateterms and address 3065. Journal.WANTED—SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE!at Minnetonka, near depot, for balance ofseason. Address 2110 James ay N. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0WANTED—TO RENT GOOD WARM STABLEwith water connection, near 17th st andPortland ay; don't reply unless stable is good.Address 3174, Journal. . --. -:. \u25a0

AT WANTED—REAL ESTATEvvrE'>wisir?b^uTT?is?E^^A^TlSß3ns^

Clay or Norman county land; must be cheap.The E. A. Amundson Co.. Felton. Minn.WANTED—64O ACRES LAND, SUITABLE!for raising tame hay. Must be black soil,with clay subsoil, and good meadows, and netto exceed ten miles from railroad station andInside of 125 miles from Minneapolis. Statelocation and price. George N. Rupp, 628 6thay N. Minneapolis, Minn. \u25a0

«23 BELGIAN HARESPEDIGRiSEtri®L^LVN~HAR^rF^OM*TIto $5, according to age and breeding. BensonRabbltry, Benson. Minn.

55 MOVING *B^ETTBbIL^RtOKb^H^AWNMAB9fircry moved; household goods moved andstored: or packed for shipment by expertpackers. Boyd Transfer and Fuel Co., 46 24st S. Telephone Main 686, both companies. -THE M. P. D. delivers package! In the otty,10c; St Paul, 18c. 15 7th st 8. Tel. 1526-L

MACHINERY AND ENGINESiW^WORkTEn^CnT^^Machinery—Largest . stock hi the northNorthern jMachinery Co., 317 So. i8d : st, \u25a0 Mpl*»