1 Compilation of Union Catalogue of Serials for Major Libraries in Bangalore Minor Project Submitted during the training course on Information Technology Applications to Library and Information Services By S.Shravan Kumar National Centre for Science Information Indian Institute of Science Bangalore – 560 012 April 2001

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Compilation of Union Catalogue of Serials for Major Libraries in Bangalore

Minor Project

Submitted during the training course on

Information Technology Applications to Library and Information Services

By S.Shravan Kumar

National Centre for Science Information Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore – 560 012

April 2001

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This is to certify that the Minor Project entitled “Compilation of Union Catalogue of Serials for Major Libraries in Bangalore” is a bonafide work done by Mr.S.Shravan Kumar under my guidance in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Training Course on Information Technology Application to Library and Information Services, National Centre for Science Information, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560 012.

Mrs. K. T.Anuradha, National Centre for Science Information,

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560 012.

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I sincerely express my gratitude to Mrs. K.T.Anuradha,

Technical Officer, National Centre for Science Information for her

valuable guidance, encouragement and help during this project work.

I express my thanks to Prof.A.G.Menon, Chairman, National

Centre for Science Information, Indian Institute of Science and

Dr.T.B.Rajashekar, Associate Chairman, National Centre for Science

Information, Indian Institute of Science for providing me an

opportunity to carry out this project. My sincere thanks to all NCSI staff and also my colleagues for

their cooperation during my project work. Place : Bangalore Date : 03.04.2001 (S.Shravan kumar)

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TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1 Need for Resource Sharing 2 CHAPTER 2 Objective of the Project 6 Problems 6 CHAPTER 3 Methodology 7 Implementation 11 CHAPTER 4 Conclusion 12 Future Development 13


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Effective electronic resource sharing is critical to library

information services of the 1990s. Explosion of data and increased

cost of information force libraries to work together, and technological

advancements present the library service profession a platform for

resource sharing, like providing contents, abstracts or full texts of

current journals, as well as providing organised and searchable

access to locally-held information about serials and to provide access

to this collection of journals for document delivery purposes.

Cooperative endeavors among library boards owning journal

collections make these resources available to participating libraries in

the most cost-effective manner and provide comprehensive collection

development to expand the periodical resources. To improve

efficiency in the ILL workflow and enhance interlibrary loan


Resource sharing, according to Allen Kent, denotes "a mode of

operation whereby library functions are shared in common by a

number of libraries. The goals are to provide a positive net effect:

(a) On the library user in terms of access to more materials or

services, and/or

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(b) On the library budget in terms of cost, or much more services

at less cost than if undertaken individually."

As an important means to improve the services to information

users, electronic sharing of journals has increasingly become the

focus of library information professionals. Currently many efforts are

being made in this direction at local, regional and state-level.

Need for journal’s sharing : The need for journal sharing stems from three underlying trends

of a modern society: the growth of all forms of journal literature;

increasing reliance on information to enable society to function

effectively; inflation in the cost of journals coupled with increasing

availability of technology. These trends have made it economically

imperative to consider sharing journals.

Resources sharing has two bases:

The effectiveness of technology and the need to


(1) The technology to link libraries and to make the users of one

library aware of the collections of others is available and getting

better all the time, and

(2) Economics are forcing us to cooperate. No single library can

be self-sufficiency any longer; and, no longer can libraries

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afford to build up huge collections in anticipation of users'


Union Catalogue of serials will provide access to the list of journals

subscribed by the member libraries with the holding symbols of

journal’s and its availability among the participating libraries.

Major Benefits :

Improved Inter Library Loan Service (ILL) to the users.

Cooperative collection development. Planned acquisitions to

avoid duplication of other group member’s holdings. Increased

use of collections with instant local access. A way for all group

members to contribute, maintains, and access information.

From user’s point of view a union catalogue must be much

easier to operate and more consistent to make possible to achieve

more precise search results. Similarly the response time should be


From library’s point of view the use of union catalogue by a

library is two fold:

a) The union catalogue can increase the quality of cataloguing

and make it even less expensive.

b) The union catalogue provides access to the library holdings and

services. A central union catalogue may well serve as a shared

cataloguing utility. As long as there is a need of original

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cataloguing, the quality control available at the shared cataloguing

utility is very important.

NCSI hosts Union List of Journals subscribed by Major libraries

in Bangalore from 1997. This project was carried out to provide an

Interactive Search Interface to the updated Union Catalogue (2001),

with holding details of each journal with its library code. The Union

Catalogue of serials covers the following libraries.

1.Central Machine Tool Institute (CMTI) 2.Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) 3.Central Research Laboratory (CRL) 4.Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE/TIC) 5.Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) 6.Indian Institute of Management (IIM) 7.Indian Institute of Science (IISC) 8.Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) 9.Indian Statistical Institute(ISI) 10.Kirlosker Electrical Company (KEC) 11.MECON (I) Ltd (MECON) 12.National Aeronautical Laboratories(NAL) 13.Raman Research Institute (RRI) 14.WIDIA(WIDIA)

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This Union Catalogue of Serials provides the Title of journal,

Place of Publication, Library Code, Subject category, ISSN, and

Holding details of the journal. The Union Catalogues are prepared

with an objective to serve as a tool for sharing the resources among

the participating libraries.

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The foremost objective of networking is resource sharing. The

system should therefore evolve methods that would enable the

rationalization of subscription of journals among the participating


To update the NCSI union list of current serials by adding the

holdings details of each journal subscribed by the participating


Union list of Current serials should be updated each year to

reflect the changes that take place.

Problems Among the fourteen libraries covered under union list the

NUCSSI database matched with nine libraries giving the title and

holding details of journals.

Few journals doesn’t have ISSN numbers, Internet availability is

not present for all records, place of publication is not available for

some journals.

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STEP 1 :

National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India

(NUCSSI), which is produced by INSDOC, New Delhi. It contains

about 3 lakhs of titles information published from 114 countries held

in nearly 850 libraries of Scientific institutions. Extraction of holding

details among the list of journals listed library wise in alphabetical

order from the NUCSSI database.

Patterns followed for representing holdings data of serials,

‘+’ Indicates that the serial is being currently received, ‘/ /’ Figures with in strokes mean missing volume or year, ‘( )’ Figures with in brackets indicate incomplete volume or year, ‘[ ]’ Figures in square brackets indicate update year of the library. Eg : i) Analytical Chemistry, 1-10, 1970-79 /2/ (9-10) The volumes 1 to 10 of the serial have been received from

1970-79. The volume 2 is missing while volume 9 and 10 are

incomplete. The serial is no longer being subscribed.

Eg : ii) Nature, 18,1983+ The serial is being subscribed from volume 18, 1983 onwards.

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The NUCSSI database can be searched for City-wise, Region-

wise and Countrywide. One can search by Title, Subject keyword,

Individual Library Holdings and Library Holdings on a particular

subject of a library.

STEP 2 : Taking the list of journals from NUCSSI database, by using the

option of Individual library holding subscribed by the nine libraries

with holdings. The following is the sample list of journals subscribed

by IISC library downloaded from the database which is alphabetically

arranged. The title followed by holdings with a delimiter as a comma.



6, 1977+ /8,14/ ABSTRACTS OF MYCOLOGY, 6-8, 1972-74

STEP 3 :

For each library journal list downloaded from NUCSSI

database, a library code is given in the beginning of the title, to

identify the library that subscribes the journal. Later, combined all the

nine library journals list and sorted them title wise alphabetically

called as sorted list, which look like this

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Aa AICHE JOURNAL, 1, 1955+ (3,15) Ii ABB JOURNAL, 1988+ Ii ABB REVIEW, 1988 Gg ABB REVIEW, 1988+ (1988) Aa ABGILA, 1-3, 1949-53 Ff ABGILA, 1-3, 1949-53 Cc ABHIGYAN, 1983+ Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, and Ii are library code which

represents the library where that journal is subscribed, like IISC, NAL,

IIM, GTRE, CMTI, ISI, CPRI, MECON and KEC respectively

followed by title and holding details.

STEP4 : Union journal list hosted by NCSI provided the list of journals

subscribed by different libraries giving details of journal title, place of

publication, library code, issn and subject. All the records are

arranged alphabetically. The sample record is as follows which is

downloaded by using MySQL.

Title|Place of Publication|Library code|ISSN|Subject








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STEP 5 : Match the title of the journal of sorted list with union list and if

the title gets matched print journal title, place of publication, library

code, issn, subject and holdings in new line of the journal, in output

file this was done by using C programming, the source code of the

programme written for the project have been given in the Appendix.




STEP 6 : For those libraries, which do not contain the holding details

returned the library code in the library holding column.

STEP 7 :

The output file of all the records are imported into MySQL


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Title : ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSES Place of Publication : USA Library Code : CPRI,WIDIA ISSN : 0882-7958 Subject : MATERIALS SCIENCE Holdings : 131, 1987+ ; WIDIA

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STEP 8 : Access to this database is provided by CGI using Perl in the

following ways:

o Alphabetically (title wise)

o Subject category

o Interactive Search Interface

STEP 9 : Web page is created using HTML programming.

Web site : http://www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/ncsi/library/bnet/bnet.htm

IMPLEMENTATIONS Software Specifications : Operating System : Linux 5.0 Programming Language : C, HTML, PERL RDBMS : Mysql One more column of holdings was included for every record in

the output file and was uploaded into the database and updated.

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CONCLUSION The work done in the project is useful to both the users and the

participating library staff to known about the availability of a journal, in

the particular library and its collection details, by searching through

the title of the journal or by putting the keyword of the subject.

For the union catalogue of journals to serve as a gateway to

library holdings, it must contain not only the locations of documents

but also information of ability of a particular library to provide a

particular service in the range from the classical ILL to the most

advanced EDD (Electronic Document Delivery), it allows for the

delivery of documents (copies of journal articles or book chapters)

electronically in PDF format.

Interlibrary loans (ILL) are transactions in which library journals

are made available by one library to another. For the purpose of this,

they also include the provision of copies as substitutes for loans of

the original materials within applicable copyright restrictions.

Interlibrary loans are transactions solely between libraries and not

between libraries and individual patrons.

Document Delivery Service (DDS) is one of the most important

service in the library. The user wants the abstract or the full text

article of the citations mentioned under an article, and searches for

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the journal using the union catalogue by journal title and makes a

request to library staff for procuring the document from ILL.

The Future Development

Adding the library journal holdings of the remaining 5 libraries

ISRO, IIAP, CRL, RRI and WIDIA in the union catalogue of journals

and update.

Union catalogue and Union lists should provide an access to

the member libraries to make possible to append and edit the journal

holdings symbols via batch processing.

Union Catalogue should provide access to major resource

centers and document suppliers on on-line requests.

Building library collections should not go along with old way,

establishing regional document and information service center should

be considered as its total object for each individual library and the

collection of document should be in accordance with its specialized

subjects, key disciplines as well as its original advantage in collection.

The better way for this is to co-operatively establish networking

systems for the resource sharing among libraries through joint

acquisition and cataloguing, as well as inter library loan.

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1. ‘So you want to build a union catalogue?’ by Matthew J. Dovey


2. The Virtual Union Catalog : A Comparative Study by Karen Coyle


3. Workshop #5 Report (Virtual) Union Catalogue: Finale or Failure

by Bled, Slovenia


4. Library Electronic Resource Sharing Among Liberal Arts Colleges

by Wenxian ZHANG


5. The C programming language (ANSI C Version), 2nd Ed.

By Brain W.Kernighan and Dennis M.Ritchie

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APPENDIX /* PROGRAM TO WRITE AN OUTPUT OF HOLDINGS FOR EVERY RECORD THAT MATCHES WITH SORTED LIST AND ULIST */ #include<stdio.h> #define MAX_SIZE 1024 char *gettitle(char *); char *gethold(char *); char *getlib(char * ); main() { char line[MAX_SIZE],line2[MAX_SIZE],uline[MAX_SIZE],holdings[9][100], title[500],next_title[500],code[10]; int i=0,j=0,intcode=0; FILE *sorted, *ulist, *output; sorted=fopen("/data4/ucat/all.sort","r"); ulist=fopen("/data4/ucat/shravand.txt","r"); output=fopen("/data4/ucat/final.txt","w"); fgets(line,MAX_SIZE,sorted); line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; while( !feof(sorted) ) { strcpy(title,gettitle(line)); for(j=0;j<9;j++) { strcpy(holdings[j],"NA"); } switch( line[0] ) { case 'A': strcpy(holdings[0],gethold(line)); break; case 'B': strcpy(holdings[1],gethold(line)); break; case 'C': strcpy(holdings[2],gethold(line));

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break; case 'D': strcpy(holdings[3],gethold(line)); break; case 'E': strcpy(holdings[4],gethold(line)); break; case 'F': strcpy(holdings[5],gethold(line)); break; case 'G': strcpy(holdings[6],gethold(line)); break; case 'H': strcpy(holdings[7],gethold(line)); break; case 'I': strcpy(holdings[8],gethold(line)); break; } do { fgets(line,MAX_SIZE,sorted); line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; strcpy(next_title,gettitle(line)); switch( line[0] ) { case 'A': strcpy(holdings[0],gethold(line)); break; case 'B': strcpy(holdings[1],gethold(line)); break; case 'C': strcpy(holdings[2],gethold(line)); break; case 'D': strcpy(holdings[3],gethold(line)); break; case 'E': strcpy(holdings[4],gethold(line)); break; case 'F': strcpy(holdings[5],gethold(line)); break; case 'G': strcpy(holdings[6],gethold(line)); break; case 'H': strcpy(holdings[7],gethold(line)); break; case 'I': strcpy(holdings[8],gethold(line)); break;

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} } while( strcmp(title,next_title)==0 && !feof(sorted) ); rewind(ulist); while( !feof(ulist) ) { fgets(uline,MAX_SIZE,ulist); if( strstr(uline,title) ) { break; } } if( feof(ulist) ) { continue; } uline[strlen(uline)-1]='\0'; strcat(uline,"|"); printf(" "); strcpy(code,getlib(uline)); for(i=0;code[i+1]!='\0';i++) { if(code[i]=='W') { strcat(uline,"WIDIA;"); } else if(code[i]=='S') { strcat(uline,"ISRO;"); } else if(code[i]=='R') { strcat(uline,"RRI;"); } else if(code[i]=='A') { strcat(uline,"IIAP;");

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} else if(code[i]=='C') { strcat(uline,"CRL;"); } else { intcode=code[i]-48; if( strcmp(holdings[intcode],"NA")!=0 ) holdings[intcode][strlen(holdings[intcode])-1]='\0'; strcat(uline,holdings[intcode]); strcat(uline,";"); } } if(code[i]=='W') { strcat(uline,"WIDIA"); } else if(code[i]=='S') { strcat(uline,"ISRO"); } else if(code[i]=='R') { strcat(uline,"RRI"); } else if(code[i]=='A') { strcat(uline,"IIAP"); } else if(code[i]=='C') { strcat(uline,"CRL"); } else { intcode=code[i]-48;

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strcat(uline,holdings[intcode]); } fprintf(output,"%s\n",uline); fflush(NULL); } fclose(sorted); fclose(ulist); fclose(output); } char *gettitle(char *str) { int i=0,j=0; char *temp; temp=(char *)malloc(500); for(i=3,j=0;str[i]!=','; i++,j++) { temp[j]=str[i]; } temp[j]='\0'; return temp; } char *gethold(char *str) { int i=0,j=0; char *temp; temp=(char *)malloc(100); for(i=0;str[i]!=',';i++) ; i++; for(j=0;str[i]!='\0';i++,j++) { temp[j]=str[i];

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} temp[j]='\0'; return temp; } char *getlib(char *str) { int i=0,j=0,k=0; char lib[15]; char *code; code=(char *)malloc(15); for(i=0;str[i]!='|';i++) ; i++; for(;str[i]!='|';i++) ; k=0; do { i++; for(j=0;str[i]!=',' && str[i]!='|'; j++,i++) { lib[j]=str[i]; } lib[j]='\0'; if(strstr(lib,"IISC")) { code[k++]='0'; } else if(strstr(lib,"NAL")) { code[k++]='1'; } else if(strstr(lib,"IIM")) { code[k++]='2';

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} else if(strstr(lib,"GTRE")) { code[k++]='3'; } else if(strstr(lib,"CMTI")) { code[k++]='4'; } else if(strstr(lib,"ISI")) { code[k++]='5'; } else if(strstr(lib,"CPRI")) { code[k++]='6'; } else if(strstr(lib,"MECON")) { code[k++]='7'; } else if(strstr(lib,"KEC")) { code[k++]='8'; } else if(strstr(lib,"WIDIA")) { code[k++]='W'; } else if(strstr(lib,"CRL")) { code[k++]='C'; } else if(strstr(lib,"IIAP")) { code[k++]='A'; } else if(strstr(lib,"ISRO")) { code[k++]='S';

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} else if(strstr(lib,"RRI")) { code[k++]='R'; } } while(str[i]!='|'); code[k]='\0'; return code; }