Minutes of Regular Council Meeting May 27, 2013 Council Chambers, Town Hall, Arnprior, ON Present: Mayor David Reid Reeve Walter Stack Councillor Mark Willmer Councillor Ted Strike Councillor Lynn Grinstead Councillor Dan Lynch Absent: Councillor Lyle Anderson 1. CALL TO ORDER Also Present: Michael Wildman, CAO Maureen Spratt, Town Clerk Jennifer Morawiec, Director Corporate Services/ Treasurer Guy Bourgon, Director of Public Works Glenn Arthur, Director of Recreation Services Terry Dykens, Operations Supervisor Robin Smith, Town Planner John Steckly, Civil Eng. Technologist Jacques Benoit, Chief Building Official Kaila Bowen, Secretariat Services Assistant Mayor David Reid called the Council meeting to order at 6:30p.m. and welcomed those present. 2. ROLL CALL The Town Clerk called the roll, with all Members of Council being present, except Councillor Anderson. 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Resolution No. 208-13 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Walter Stack BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council dated Monday, May 27, 2013, be adopted. Resolution CARRIED 4. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Reeve Stack declared the following pecuniary interest: "1, Walter Stack, hereby declare that I have an interest in regards to item 10 (d), which was presented at the meeting of Council held on May 27, 2013. My interest is not pecuniary; however it may cause a perceived conflict as I have a family member who owns property adjacent to the Baskin Drive Project." 5. QUESTION PERIOD None

Minutes of Regular Council Meeting May 27, 2013 Council ...May 27, 2013  · Minutes of Regular Council Meeting May 27,2013 The Civil Engineering Technologist and Director of Public

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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

May 27, 2013

Council Chambers, Town Hall, Arnprior, ON

Present: Mayor David Reid Reeve Walter Stack Councillor Mark Willmer Councillor Ted Strike Councillor Lynn Grinstead Councillor Dan Lynch

Absent: Councillor Lyle Anderson


Also Present: Michael Wildman, CAO Maureen Spratt, Town Clerk Jennifer Morawiec, Director Corporate Services/

Treasurer Guy Bourgon, Director of Public Works Glenn Arthur, Director of Recreation Services Terry Dykens, Operations Supervisor Robin Smith, Town Planner John Steckly, Civil Eng. Technologist Jacques Benoit, Chief Building Official Kaila Bowen, Secretariat Services Assistant

Mayor David Reid called the Council meeting to order at 6:30p.m. and welcomed those present.

2. ROLL CALL The Town Clerk called the roll, with all Members of Council being present, except Councillor Anderson.

3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Resolution No. 208-13 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Walter Stack BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council dated Monday, May 27, 2013, be adopted.

Resolution CARRIED

4. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Reeve Stack declared the following pecuniary interest: "1, Walter Stack, hereby declare that I have an interest in regards to item 10 (d), which was presented at the meeting of Council held on May 27, 2013. My interest is not pecuniary; however it may cause a perceived conflict as I have a family member who owns property adjacent to the Baskin Drive Project."


6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Resolution No. 209-13 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded byMark Willmer THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council dated Monday, May 13,2013, be adopted.

7. AWARDS/ DELEGATIONS/ PRESENTATIONS Awards a) Terry Dykens- Retirement

Resolution CARRIED

Mayor Reid indicated that Terry Dykens, the Town's current Operations Supervisor will be retiring at the end of this week. He has worked with the Town for over 31 years. He was hired as a Facilities Operatorin March of1982 and was promoted to Operations Supervisor in 1997. Terry has always been looking out for his employees. He has also made a significant impact on the Town's Health and Safety Committee. Mayor Reid congratulated Terry on his retirement, on behalf of Council and the Town of Arnprior.

Mayor Reid presented Terry Dykens a token of appreciation from Council.

Terry Dykens thanked the Town, Council, Staff, and the Director of Recreation Services (Glenn Arthur), for all of the years of employment.

8. PUBLIC MEETINGS a) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBLA 3/13) 39 Winners Circle Resolution No. 210-13(6:35 PM) Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Mark Willmer THAT Council move into a Public Meeting regarding Zoning By-law amendment for lands municipally known as 39 Winners Circle Drive to allow a school as a permitted use in the Shopping Centre Commercial (SCC) Zone.

Resolution CARRIED

Mayor Reid called the public meeting to order at 6:35 PM and welcomed those present.

The Town Planner indicated requirements for oral or written submissions prior to adoption of the amending by-law for the purposes of the Ontario Municipal Board requirements.

Minutes of Regular Council Meeting May 27, 2013

At the Mayor's request, staff confirmed that notice of this Public Meeting was placed in the Arnprior Chronicle Guide and was sent out by first class mail to all property owners within 120m of the subject lands. All notification was done in accordance with the Ontario Planning Act and Ont. Regulation 545/06. No comments were received prior to the meeting.

The Town Planner explained that the subject lands are described as Part of Lot 3, Concession A, and are known municipally as 39 Winners Circle Drive. The proposed zoning amendment would rezone the lands from Shopping CentreCommercial (SCC) to Shopping Centre Commercial - Exception Three (SCC-E3). The exception will allow a school as a permitted use in the Shopping Centre Commercial zone for the subject lands.

The floor was opened to the public for comments and none were received.

The Town Planner explained that the by-law has been included on tonight's agenda for consideration. If Council wishes, the by-law can be deferred.

The Public Meeting was declared closed at 6:37PM.

Resolution No. 211-13(6:37 PM) Moved bylynn Grinstead Seconded by Mark Willmer THAT Council resume to the Regular Meeting of Council.


10. STAFF REPORTS a) Water Wastewater Master Plan Resolution No. 212-13 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Ted Strike

Resolution CARRIED

THAT Council adopt the Town of Arnprior Water and Wastewater Master Plan, prepared on behalf of the Town of Arnprior by Stantec Consulting Ltd. to be used as a basis for future infrastructure policy planning, and

THAT Council direct staff to include funding in future Capital Budgets to implement and maintain an annual monitoring program to update the Town's water and wastewater hydraulic models each year and adjust growth projections and forecasted flows accordingly.

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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting May 27,2013

The Civil Engineering Technologist and Director of Public Works provided an overview of the report and opened the floor for any questions Council may have on the Water Wastewater Master Plan.

On question of Council the following was clarified: • When it comes to monitoring and updating this plan it is a key document for the 1 0

year capital plan.

Mayor Reid indicated that there was an investment put forward to get this Plan done, and unless it is current and up to date the investment is not in good standing. It is important to keep this plan current.

A recorded vote was requested by Councillor Lynch, the Town Clerk called the vote:

Councillor Anderson Yes Councillor Grinstead Yes Councillor Lynch Yes Reeve Stack Yes Councillor Strike Yes Councillor Willmer Yes Mayor Reid Yes

b) Sewer Use By-law Resolution No. 213-13 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Mark Willmer

Report and Resolution CARRIED

THAT Council adopt a By-law to regulate the control of waste discharges to municipal sewers and sewage works, hereafter referred to as the "Sewer-Use By-law", and hereby repeal By-law No. 5758-09; and

FURTHER THAT Council adopt a By-law to amend By-law No. 6066-12, User Fees and Charges by including Schedule "L" in accordance with this report.

Resolution DEFERRED

The Director of Public Works provided an overview of the report and opened the floor for any questions the Council may have on the Sewer Use By-law.

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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting May 27,2013

On question of Council the following was clarified: • Article 17 and 18 dealing with swimming pools can be enforced; measures just

need to be put in place. It may be difficult to enforce however, thus an option may be for people to obtain a permit to discharge their pool water at off peak times, therefore still allowing pool water discharge in a controlled manner.

• The Director of Public Works will look into where the Nick Smith Centre is discharging their pool water.

• A grandfathering clause for weeping tiles going into the storm sewer system for houses built in 197 5 and earlier was raised. If this type of clause is not put in place there will be many homes already in non-compliance with this by-law. This type of clause can be discussed further and brought back to Council for consideration.

• The splash pad is only municipal water; it is not hyper-chlorinated like a swimming pool.

• Under one option, a water hauler would have to make arrangements with our Water Pollution Control Centre or a waste disposal to discharge pool water.

• The residents should not have to pay to dispose of the water they paid for. This does not have to be the case, the residents will just be limited as to the time they will be able to discharge the pool water, which is what the permit will indicate, there does not need to be a cost at all.

• Staff will also look into section 21 of the By-law.

The CAO indicated staff will look at clause 17 and 18 of the Sewer Use By-law; however the importance of having the ability to correct and respond to situations which cause negative impacts such as flooding and backwater is essential.

c) Road Maintenance Policy# PW-R-01 Resolution No. 214-13 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Walter Stack 1. THAT Council direct the Clerk to prepare a by-law to repeal Policy PW-R-01, Road

Maintenance Policy, dated April21, 2008, and replace it with Policy PW-R-01, Road Maintenance Policy dated May 2013.

2. THAT Council direct staff to implement Sidewalk Winter Maintenance Option 5 on a pilot basis for the 2013/14 winter control period.

3. THAT Council direct staff to implement Hydrant Snow Clearing Option A-1 on a pilot basis for the 2013/14 winter control period.

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4. THAT the Director of Public Works report to Council on both pilot programs at the end of the 2013/14 winter control period.

Report and Resolution CARRIED

The Director of Public Works provided an overview of the reportopened the floor for any questions the Council may have on the Road Maintenance Policy.

On question of Council the following was clarified: • In the event that the prices for Option 5 do not come in at budgeted amounts the

Director of Public Works would come back to Council. The CAO indicated that the Delegation of Authority By-law speaks to this.

• Contractual issues could be a cause for potential overage in price.

d) Baskin Drive/Fairbrooke Court Drainage Improvement Resolution No. 215-13 Moved by Ted Strike Seconded by Dan Lynch 1. THAT Council direct staff to enter into a cost sharing agreement with the County for

the completion of the Baskin Drive culvert removal and relocation, as per the cost sharing table appended to this report.

2. THAT Council direct staff to complete the Fairbrooke Court culvert extension and ditch re-grading along Baskin Drive as outlined in this report.

Report and Resolution CARR I ED

Reeve Stack vacated his seat at the Council Table (7:00 PM)

The Director of Public Works provided an overview of the report.

Mayor Reid indicated that the Town has reserves in place to cover the cost of this. The Town did try to get the County on board with completing this project in the past, and we were unsuccessful. There are a number of safety issues here, and it is great that the County is in support of completing this project now.

On question of Council the following was clarified: • The culvert that is going to be installed will allow for future development of an

urban standard in the future. • This culvert should not need to be replaced if the road is widened.

Reeve Stack took his seat at the Council Table (7:10PM)

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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

e) Capital Works in Progress Resolution No. 216-13 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Mark Willmer

May 27, 2013

THAT Council directs the Director of Corporate Servicesffreasurer to carry forward the identified 2012 Capital WIP Projects to 2013 and close all other capital projects prior to 2012,and

THAT the Director of Corporate Servicesffreasurer is authorized to transfer residual funding from the Marketing Strategy WIP to the Marketing & Economic Development Reserve, as well as the Landfill Development and Operations Plan WIP to the Landfill Reserve.

Report and Resolution CARRIED

The Director of Corporate Servicesffreasurer provided an overview of the report.

On question of Council the following was clarified: • The Fire Chief will report back to Council on the money being spent on equipment

replacement this year.

Mayor Reid indicated that prior to 2012 there were some managers that lost their pre­approved projects, and that he would like to see that these projects be brought forward again in the Capital Budget. The CAO indicated that any projects which remain a priority will appear in the 10 Year Long Range Capital Forecast.

f) Financial Update Resolution No. 217-13 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Ted Strike THAT Council receive the following financial update.

Report and Resolution CARRIED

The Director of Corporate Servicesffreasurer provided an overview of the report. On question of Council the following was clarified:

• There is no extra cost to the Town if Stantec is working on the weekend on Landrigan Street.

• The number for the balance of older items being written off can be provided at a later date.

• Reeve Stack indicated that historically the Recreation Department has been overspending in Programs, and a red flag needs to be raised in this area.

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• Some up-front costs, which are expended in the beginning of the year, (insurance payments, etc.) are reflected in this summary, however the Town is pretty much in line where we need to be at this time of year (approximately 33% of the year).

• Public Works winter control also resulted in some increase in percentage due to a heavy winter.

Reeve Stack commended staff for their great work.



13. REEVE'S REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCIL Reeve Walter Stack provided the following brief from County Council:

• The Finance and Administration Committee met on April 21, 2013. o The Provincial Offences Act Report - there are still 6 billion dollars of

uncollected fines across the province. o The workload summary was discussed.

• The County Humans Resources Department Health and Wellness Report will be available in the Clerk's Office.

• Bruce Mcintyre the County Grants Coordinator will be off for six (6) weeks.

14. CORRSPONDENCE & PETITIONS a) Correspondence Package No. 1-13-MAY-10 Resolution No. 218-13 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded by Lynn Grinstead THAT the Correspondence Package No. 1-13-MA Y -1 0 be received as information and filed accordingly.

Resolution CARRIED

Reeve Stack pointed out a letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on automatic rent reduction, to make the public aware of this.

Mayor Reid indicated the AMO Breaking News discussed mandatory sprinklers for certain residents by 2016. It is important to make sure these institutions are notified of these requirements.

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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

15. BYLAWS/ RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 219-13 Moved by Dan Lynch Seconded byT ed Strike

May 27,2013

THAT the following by-laws be and are hereby enacted and passed:

(i) By-law No. 6222-13 - Council Code of Conduct (ii) By-law No. 6223-13 -Appointment of Integrity Commissioner

Resolution DEFERRED

Mayor Reid indicated his areas of concern and suggested potential changes to the bylaw:

• He is not convinced that the rigor of this by-law should apply to the volunteer advisory committees. He agrees to have it apply to Council and the Statutory Committees and Boards. Not that there is not expectations for conduct from Advisory Committee Members, but the scrutiny of going through an Integrity Commissioner, as a volunteer, should not be necessary.

• Suggested that Advisory Committee Members be dealt with at the Council level, instead of through the Integrity Commissioner.

• The Town should not have jurisdiction over the Arnprior Airport Commission, and this shouldbe researched further and potentially be removed from the by-law.

• Personal use of the Town cell phone and office computer- with the current wording in the by-law the Mayor indicated he is already in non-compliance. The wording of this section should be looked at and changed if possible to be more realistic.

• Gifts, Hospitality & Other Benefits (Section 9)-Council Members all have personal lives and there is a potential for gifts and other items to be exchanged. Clause 9(c) is very black and white, and does not allow for any consideration of family and friends. Staff should look at removing this clause, as 9(b) covers this area enough, in the Mayors opinion.

The CAO followed up by stating:

• The Airport Commission will be researched further, and removed if possible. • The wording of Section 9(c) can likely be removed as 9 b) seems to address the

main concerns. • There should not be two sets of rules for Advisory Committee Members and

Council and Statutory Committee Members. Everyone should operate on an even playing field. At the Volunteer Committee level however, there should be no problem with matters being dealt with at the Council level, and wording can be changed in the by-law to reflect this.

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Reeve Stack and Councillor Grinstead indicated that taking the Arnprior Airport Commission out of the Code of Conduct bothers them slightly, as the Town does filter a significant amount of money to this Commission each year. This should be researched further and clarification made on this at the next Council meeting.

The CAO also clarified:

• Section 3.2(b )(iv) is in place for projects or requests that would interfere with staffs normal daily activities/ work schedule. This wording ensures that Council is being looked after and that requests are not delaying council priorities.

• Section 4.2(a) - Individual inquiries or complaints can be directed through Councilors to the CAO or by the individuals themselves to the CAO.

• Individual Councilors should not be directing staff activities. This is consistent with the Town existing by-laws and the Municipal Act.

• Staff will bring this by-law back in 2 weeks with the various amendments and will confirm any of the questionable items.

Resolution No. 219-13 Moved by Ted Strike Seconded by Walter Stack THAT Council defer By-law No. 6066-12 Sewer Use By-law (Repeal By-law No. 5758-09) until the next Regular Council Meeting.

Resolution No. 220-13 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Mark Willmer THAT the following by-laws be and are hereby enacted and passed:

Resolution CARRIED

(iii) By-law No. 6225-13 -Amend Zoning By-law 4990-01 (39 Winners Circle Drive)

(iv) By-law No. 6226-13- Repeal Policy PW-R-01 (April 2008) and Replace with PW-R-01 (May 2013)

(v) By-law No. 6228-13- Building (Repeal By-law No. 5477-06) (vi) By-law No. 6229-13 -Amend By-law No. 6066-12 User Fees and Charges

Resolution CARRIED

b) Proclamations i) Proclaim July 12-14 "ADHS Alumni Weekend"

Resolution No. 221-13 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded by Mark Willmer

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THAT Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to proclaim July 1 ih- 141h 2013

as "ADHS Alumni Weekend" in the Town of Arnprior.

WHEREAS the ADHS Class of 93' will be celebrating their 20 year reunion on July 13, 2013;and

WHEREAS sixty percent (60%) of the 93' ADHS Graduating Class live within close proximity to Arnprior, and have children, nieces and nephews who attend or will attend ADHS; and

WHEREAS ADHS Alumni can lay claim to a heritage of excellence in education; and

WHEREAS the Town of Arnprior is proud of the ADHS Alumni that are making a positive impact in their communities, whether they are keeping us safe, helping us connect, preparing our children for the future or simply facilitating our daily lives.

THEREFORE I David Reid, Mayor of Arnprior, do hereby proclaim the week of July11th to 141

h, 2013 as "ADHS ALUMNI WEEKEND" in the Town of Arnprior, and invite my fellow citizens to join in celebrating the successes and contributions of ADHS to this and surrounding communities.

Resolution CARRIED

16. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Grinstead announced that Priorpalooza is on June sth, 2013 from 11 :OOAM-11 :00 PM. There will be musical entertainment all day and night. It will be a great family day and event. The CHEO telethon is also that weekend (Saturday and Sunday), and there will be a BBQ on Sunday, June 91

h, 2013 on Madawaska Boulevard in front of the Cooperators, from 11 :00 AM - 2:00 PM.

Councillor Lynch indicated that tomorrow is the last day to register for the Renfrew County Senior Games. He also noted that there is now only one mailbox at all of the places to drop off your mail (no more local mail and out of town mail separation).

17. MEDIA QUESTIONS On question of the media the following was clarified:

• The college that could be going into the area being re-zoned is Willis College, nothing has been confirmed as of yet.

• Unless the matters are appropriate for the "in-camera" rules, the Integrity Commissioner will be reporting in open session, when he makes a finding. Certain privacy rules will have to apply to both Council and the Integrity Commissioner.

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Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

18. CLOSED SESSION Resolution No. 222-13(8:07 PM) Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded byMark Willmer

May 27,2013

THAT Council meet in closed session regarding one (1) matter pursuant to Section 239(2)(f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Property Standards) and two (2) matters pursuant to Section 239 (2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Staff).

Resolution No. 223-13(9:02 PM) Moved byWalter Stack Seconded byDan Lynch THAT Council resume to Open Session.

Resolution No. 224-13 Moved by Lynn Grinstead Seconded byMark Willmer THAT Council approve the closed session minutes of May 13, 2013.

Resolution No. 225-13 Moved by Walter Stack Seconded by Dan Lynch

Resolution CARR I ED

Resolution CARRIED

Resolution CARR I ED

THAT the CAO proceed with the direction provided by of Council with regards to Item 1 (Property Standards), Item 2 (Staff Matter), and Item 3 (Staff Matter).

19. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW Resolution No. 226-13 Moved byLynn Grinstead Seconded byMark Willmer

Resolution CARRIED

THAT By-law No. 6230-13 being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of Council held on May 27, 2013 and it is hereby enacted and passed.

Resolution CARRIED

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e adjourned at 9:03PM.

David Reid, Mayor Maureen Spratt, Town Clerk

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