MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

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Page 1: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1


D. Moore

On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios


a) NH3 updates from GEOS-Chem model

04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

Page 2: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

IG2 updates for Phase F

• New version called IG2 V5.1

• Delivered to P. Raspollini and A. Dudhia on 02/09/2015

• Includes updates (2002-2012) for OCS, HCFC-22, COCl2, CFC-113, CCl4, HOCl, HCN, CFC-14, SF6, COF2, C2H6.

– also includes propane (which Anu requested) in the delivery.

04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 2

Page 3: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

Ammonia update

• Updates for NH3 IG2 are also required

– Evidence of NH3 overestimation for 2 of the HNO3 microwindows and CFC-11 microwindows (both FR and OR)

Images provided by P.Raspollini

Page 4: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1
Page 5: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

OR MW : F11_0331 polar summer day at 9 Km (Large residuals from 851.25 to 851.5 and from 851.625 to 851.75 ; cm-1)

NH3 overestimated

CFC-11 microwindows FR MW : F11_0511 polar summer day at 9 Km (747.425 cm-1)

Page 6: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

Ammonia update

• All pre-v5.1 IG2 versions contained ammonia data from standard atmosphere profiles as very little other data were available

– Echle et al., 1992 - Measurements of atmospheric parameters with MIPAS, Final Report, ESA Contract 9597/91/NL/SF, 1992. 9975, 9981, 9982

– Anderson et al., 1986 - AFGL Atmospheric 5 Constituent Profiles (0–120 km), AFGL-TR-86-0110, Environ. Res. Papers No. 954 (1986), ADA175173. 9975, 9981

• Data combined from 1) Arije, E., Nevejans, D. and Inples, J. (1982) Stratospheric positive ion composition measurements, ton abundances and related trace gas detection, J. Atmos. Terrestrial Phys. 44, 45-53. 2) Farmer, J.C. and Dawson, G.A. (1982) Condensation sampling of soluble atmospheric trace gases, J. Geophys. Res; 87, 8931-8942.3) Oelhaf, H., Lenpolt, A. and Fischer, H. (1983) Discrepancies between balloon-borne IR atmospheric spectra and corresponding synthetic spectra calculated line-by-line around 825 cm-1, Appl. Opt; 21, 674-649.

Figure and table from Anderson et al., 1986 showing and NH3 profile

and values between 0-120 km.

Page 7: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

New Ammonia profiles

• Geos-Chem provided by Daven Henze at the University of Colorado for 2011

– NH3 emissions are not well-known globally

– Model not evaluated in UTLS

– Is increase of NH3 with altitude above the tropopause real

• Data sent to Piera for further testing of CFC-11 and HNO3 residuals

• Oscillations in Northern Hemisphere data. Are these “real”?

• Previous version of IG2 shown in cyan

– No latitudinal variation


Page 8: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1

April July October

New Ammonia profiles

Page 9: MIPAS QWG # 40...MIPAS QWG # 40 D. Moore On behalf of D. Moore, J. Remedios Overview: a) NH 3 updates from GEOS-Chem model 04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 1


• IG2 v5.1 updates delivered 02/09/2015

• Species updated - OCS, HCFC-22, COCl2, CFC-113, CCl4, HOCl, HCN, CFC-14, SF6, COF2, C2H6

– Propane also included

• Significant ammonia updates taking into account regional and seasonal variability

– Use GEOS-Chem model data provided by University of Colorado

– We would like to compare to profile measurements (aircraft) to check consistency of NH3 feature around the tropopause

• “Tracking table” produced which will aid further updates, if required:

– Target species?

– Interfering gases?

– Updates provided by Leicester, IFAC and Oxford

04/11/2015 MIPAS QWG #40, Florence 9