Invitation Flyers Distributed All Over the City

Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

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Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

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Page 1: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Invitation Flyers Distributed All Over the City

Page 2: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Teams Go Out into the Streets to Invite People to the MeetingPeople to the Meeting

Page 3: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Ivette, Apopka, Fl idFlorida.

• I went to the doctor and he stated from the scan that I had an i bl Iincurable mass on my pancreas. I went back to the Doctor 6 months later and the mass was gone. g

• Also during the Miracle in America conference I encountered Jesus. He came to me and confirmed thatHe came to me and confirmed that I was healed and everything was okay.

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 4: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Jeanne, • I had pressure in my lower back for months. I have been believing and speaking healingApopka, Florida I have been believing and speaking healing to myself. But still I have been in pain.

• I came to the meeting still believing God for a healing And then on last night whena healing. And then on last night when Kevin McNulty prayed for me, I felt every joint in my body move back into place. Immediately, I knew I was healed. y,

• Last night I slept comfortable without any pain.

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 5: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Nancy, Apopka, Florida.

• I had a torn rotator cuff from a fall. I could not move my shouldercould not move my shoulder without pain for about a year.

• During the service God healed my g yshoulder. I can move it without pain. When I came to the meetings I• When I came to the meetings I expected nothing, but receive a lot.

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 6: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Diane, Zellwood, Florida.Diane, Zellwood, Florida.• I had pain in my lower back up to my neck, Arthritis, pain in

hip and hearing problems I have lived with this condition forhip, and hearing problems. I have lived with this condition for years.

• When I came to The Miracles in America conference I expected a Miracle. During the sermon I felt something in my body. I started crying.

• Now I can hear without my hearing aid and move without• Now, I can hear without my hearing aid, and move without pain.

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 7: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Lillie Zellwood FloridaLillie, Zellwood, Florida.• When I came to the meetings, I was walking with a cane. I had a knee

replacement and started using the cane after that. I also had a hard time picking up things and writing because of pain in my hand for about 3 years now.

• When I came to the crusade I expected to be healed. I wanted to receive many things from God. While the prayer was going on, I felt a warm, peaceful feeling in my body. I just felt that I had received healing. I turn my hand and it there is no pain I move my legs and I not need the canehand and it there is no pain. I move my legs and I not need the cane anymore. I can now lift my leg, and walk without a cane. My son is happy for me!

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 8: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Don, Apopka, Florida.

• I had high blood pressure, Diabetes, and numbness in my feet for 5 years now.numbness in my feet for 5 years now.

• I expected healing when I came to the Miracle Healing Service. During the

i I f lt th i l b dservice I felt the pain leave my body.

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 9: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Barbara, Apopka, Florida.

• I was in a car accident and had very bad neck problems, among many other illnesses. I am a member of Word or Life Church and I expectedmember of Word or Life Church and I expected to be healed in the Miracle Conference.

• During the prayer, I felt no pain in my neck. I g p y , p yknow I am healed. It is great!

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 10: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Mike, Leesburg, Florida., g,• I had Arthritis and could barely walk. I have been

living with this condition for 34 years. Two guys g y g yhad to take me up for prayer the first night. I receive a touch from God but I was not completely healed I came looking for a miracle Icompletely healed. I came looking for a miracle. I wanted to receive healing from God. I came back the next night and listened to the word. When I went home, I walked my dog and even ran!!!

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 11: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Marj, Zellwood, Florida.Marj, Zellwood, Florida. • Over the years, my memory and hearing was

deteriorating. I also had pain in my left eye,deteriorating. I also had pain in my left eye, and shoulder. My toes were also bent because of Arthritis.

• When I came to the Miracle in AmericaWhen I came to the Miracle in America conference, I expected a complete makeover.

• During the prayer nothing happen that I noticed, but on the way going home, I noticednoticed, but on the way going home, I noticed that I didn’t have to repeat myself to my husband and he didn’t have to repeat himself to me.

• Then I notice that my toes were also straightened out and the pain in my shoulder and my left eye was gone.

• I feel great, upbeat, secure, and happy. I feel that God is taking care of me.

Apopka MIA Healings

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Dick, Zellwood, Florida.

• I came to the Miracle in America conference expecting an improvement in my hearing. Over the years, I gradually lost my hearing, and it is restored atmy hearing, and it is restored at the conference.

• I can hear much better, and d i i i i Ieveryday it is improving. I

learned during this conference to stop and listened the God, to not p ,hurry in life but just to listened to God.

Apopka MIA Healings

Page 13: Miracle Moments in America Apopka, Florida

Robert, Apopka Florida.• Before the Miracle in America Conference, I

had knots on my arm. D i th i I f lt t h f th• During the service, I felt a touch from the Lord. Then Dr. Leslie said check yourself. I tried to check my arms but couldn’t pull my shirt sleeve up far enough. I did not know what exactly God was doing but I knew it was goodgood.

• 3 nights of Miracle services passed and on that last night when I went home I noticed that my knots on my arm were disappearing. It was improving!

• The Lord bestowed an awakening upon myThe Lord bestowed an awakening upon my spirit. He refreshed me with an anointing of fresh oil. Apopka MIA Healings