rand d MISONIQAZOlE: hypoxi c cell radiosensitiser Review of oral stud ies so far .. . Studies on the use of hYPOlic cell radiosensitisers have centred on the nitroimidazoles and in particular on misonidazole (RO 01.0582, NSC 261 , 0)7 ; Roche). Phase I trials st udied optimum dose schedules o f mi sonidazole ranging from weekly and twice weekly doses for )·6 weeks to daily doses for 5-1 days . It was found that dose·limiting neurotoxi city occurred wit h a Iota] dose of about 128 / ml, but somt protection w.as afforded in those patients taking dexamethasone and ph enytoin si multaneously . Phase II studies have involved a total so far of 324 evaluable patients with glio mas. head and neck brain and hepatic metastases. and non-oat<eJllung cancers amongOl hers. Reducing the dosage from 2.Sg/ml weekly for 6 weeks to 2.0 g/ ml (lowering the total dose from 15g/ ml to 128/m2) reduced the incidence of neuropathy. Some good tumour clearances have been seen and the trea tment seems to be about as well tolerated as rad iatio n alone . There are 2 forms of acule toxicity. Gl toxicity - nausea a nd vom it ing - has occurred in 5S % of 226 pati ents, though radiation-induced toxicity is not easy to distinguish separately. Neurotoxi city, oo nsisting of peripheral neuropathy (23 % of 32 4 cases) and central neurotoxicity (9 % of 324 cases), begins to show as the total doses approac hes 10g/ ml, and manifests i!Self as sensory changes, paraesthesia and pain, or confu sion, lethargy and decreased mental function . Severe neurotoxicity oocurs in about 3 % of cases (peripheral) to I .S % (central). Toxicity appears more prevalent in the elderly and in the dehydrated. Ototox icit y, fever, rash and allergy have also been reported , but there is no evidence of liver, bone marrow or renal toxi ci tY ,:or loxi ci ty of any oUier organs so far. Development o r further analogues (s uch as Ro 05-996] the metabolite of misonidazole) wilh less toxicity is the future goal. si nce the dose required to prov ide good blood levels of 50- 1 OOf.l S/ml soon totals the upper cumula tive dose li mit , but in the meantime, ongoing clinical trials with misonidazole are ai ming to determine the efficaCY of the drug. Wusc rma n. T. II . d al. : Ca ncer Qin icaL Tr i.l1s 4: 7 (No 1. 1 98 L I ... and the advanta ge s of IV doses An IV form ofmisonidazole (5 00mg in I 9.7ml saline) has been given to 9 patients, as a s ingle IV infusion ofO. 5-S .0g , and to 10 patients as twice week ly doses of 1.5-2 .0g / ml for 5·13 doses. The distribution half-life was S.S min (with di str ibu tion volume equivalent to the bod y water volume). Elimination half-l ife was 9.3 ho urs . There was rapid metabolism to desmethylmisonidazole. constituting about 10 % of the total drug plasma l evel. Just ove r 25 % of the drug was recovered in the urine. about 15% as the metabolite and 10 % as intact drug. Bile levels never exceeded I %. Pea k plasma levels equalled 31 . 9)Jg / ml per gram on IV co mpared with 23 )Jg/ mJ for oral dosing. Tumour levels { in melanoma) 6 INPHARMA 9 Mav 1981 showed SO 96 of plasma levels. Five patients on multiple doses experienced nausea/vomiting and 2 others had to stop treatment because of periphera l neu ropathy and tinnitus, but no drug-related GI, haematolog icaI o r neurological effects were see n on Sing le doses. Two patients suffered a rash. The IV form has the advantage ofp rodueing th e same blood l evel as the oral fo rm at a lower dose, th us longer treatment can be given before reaching the toxic total dose . Schwadc. lG . a al .: Cancer O ini cal Trials 4: JJ(No t. 198 1) Desme thylmisonidazole: maybe be tter , may be not1 DesmethylmisonidazoJe is Jess li poph ili c than its parent oompound and its A UC in theCSF is red uced to a third that of misonidazole, yet the concentration in tumours remains si mil ar to that ofmisonidazol e. It wou ld seem li kely the n. that this drug might produce similar tumou r radiosens itisation, but Jess neu ro t ox icity. Of 13 patients given des met hylmisonidazole up to 12g /m' total dose, however, 5 patients developed peripheral neuropath y within 25-38 days of starting (moderate severity in 3. mild in 2), which was similar to that observed wit h misonidazole. Nevertheless. 10 of the 13 patients showed oomp lete reliefof primary tumour sy mp LOms and complete regression ofthe tumour. In th e] others. regress ion was partial. These results warrant a funher stud y. for they are considerably bener than th ose seen with mi so nidazol e., Dischc . S . et al. : lIril ish Jou rnal or H: r S6 (Feb 198 11 0 156 _2103/ 81 / 0509_0006 $00.50/ 0 %.I ADI S Press

MISONIDAZOLE: hypoxic cell radiosensitiser

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rand d

MISONIQAZOlE: hypoxic cell rad iosensit iser

Review of oral studies so far .. . Studies on the use o f hYPOlic cell radiosensitisers have centred

on the nitroimidazoles and in particular on misonidazole (RO 01.0582, NSC 261 ,0)7 ; Roche). Phase I trials studied optimum dose schedules of misonidazole ranging from weekly and twice weekly doses for )·6 weeks to daily doses for 5-1 days. It was found that dose·limiting neurotoxicity occurred with a Iota] dose of about 128 / ml, but somt protection w.as afforded in those patients taking dexamethasone and phenytoin simultaneously. Phase II studies have involved a total so far of 324 evaluable patients with gliomas. head and neck cance~, brain and hepatic metastases. a nd no n-oat<eJllung cancers

amongOlhers. Reducing the dosage from 2.Sg/ml weekly for 6 weeks to 2.0g/ ml (lowering the total dose from 15g/ ml to 128/m2) reduced the incidence of neuropathy. Some good tumour clearances have been seen and the treatment seems to be about as well tolerated as radiation alone . There are 2 forms of acule toxicity. Gl toxicity - nausea and vomiting - has occurred in 5S % of 226 patients, though radiation-induced toxicity is not easy to distinguish separately. Neurotoxicity, oonsisting of peripheral neuropathy (23 % of 324 cases) and central neurotoxicity (9 % of 324 cases), begins to show as the total doses approaches 10g/ ml, and manifests i!Self as sensory changes, paraesthesia and pain, or confusion, lethargy and decreased mental function . Severe neurotoxicity oocurs in about 3 % of cases (peripheral) to I .S % (central). Toxicity appears more prevalent in the elderly and in the dehydrated. Ototoxicity, fever, rash and allergy have also been reported , but there is no evidence of liver, bone marrow or renal toxici tY,:or loxici ty of any oUier organs so far. Development or further analogues (such as Ro 05-996] the metabolite of misonidazole) wilh less toxicity is the future goal. since the dose required to provide good blood levels of 50- 1 OOf.lS/ml soon totals the upper cumulative dose limit , but in the meantime, ongoing clinical trials with misonidazole are aiming to determine the efficaCY of the drug. Wuscrman. T.II . d al. : Cancer QinicaL Tr i.l1s 4: 7 (No 1. 198 L I

... and the advantages of IV doses An IV form ofmisonidazole (500mg in I 9.7ml saline) has been given to 9 patients, as a single IV infusion ofO.5-S.0g , and to 10 patients as twice weekly doses of 1.5-2 .0g / ml for 5·13 doses. The distribution half-life was S.S min (with distribution volume equivalent to the body water volume). Elimination half-life was 9.3 hours . There was rapid metabolism to desmethylmisonidazole. constituting about 10 % of the total drug plasma level. Just over 25 % of the drug was recovered in the urine. about 15% as the metabolite and 10 % as intact drug. Bile levels never exceeded I % . Peak plasma levels equalled 31 .9)Jg / ml per gram on IV compared with 23)Jg/ mJ for oral dosing. Tumour levels {in melanoma)

6 INPHARMA 9 Mav 1981

showed SO 96 of plasma levels. Five patients on multiple doses experienced nausea/vomiting and 2 others had to stop treatment because of peripheral neuropathy and tinnitus, but no drug-related GI, haematologicaI or neurological effects were seen on Single doses. Two patients suffered a rash. The IV form has the advantage ofprodueing the same blood level as the oral form at a lower dose, thus longer treatment can be given before reaching the toxic total dose. Schwadc. lG. a al .: Cancer O inical Trials 4: JJ(No t . 198 1)

Desmethylmisonidazole: maybe better, maybe not 1 DesmethylmisonidazoJe is Jess lipophilic than its parent oompound and its AUC in theCSF is red uced to a third that of misonidazole, yet the concentration in tumours remains similar to that ofmisonidazole. It would seem likely then. that this drug might produce similar tumou r radiosensitisation, but Jess neurotox icity. Of 13 patients given desmethylmisonidazole up to 12g/ m' total dose, however, 5 patients developed peripheral neuropathy within 25-38 days of starting (moderate severity in 3. mild in 2), which was similar to that observed with misonidazole. Nevertheless. 10 of the 13 patients showed oomplete reliefof primary tumour sympLOms and complete regression ofthe tumour. In the] others. regression was partial. These results warrant a funher study. for they are considerably bener than those seen with misonidazole., Dischc . S. et al. : lIril ish Journal or Rad ioLo~\' H : r S6 (Feb 198 11

0 156_2103/ 81 / 0509_0006 $00.50/ 0 %.I ADIS Press