MISS MON 1010 IN SI. BARfflOLOMEW'S1 Wil! Be Married To-day to Eugene M. Sawyer.Miss Gayley Another Bride. BISHOP GREER OFFICIATES Cc;cniony Will Take Place in Chureh of the Ascension. MiM Lentilhon Gilford To Be Introduced. ... Landon, atdaal daughter of Henr) Hatton Landon. will .... Mit.h.ll Sawyer. of .pVM,l;, \ \i. thla aftaraoon in st. a ¦ Cburch. The bride will be tWO sisters, th. Miss.s Ita i.ard..n. Btepben i.. .ther, wiii ti tacan, "f Boetoa .. Waahlngton; Henry ¦;. !,r> Hutton Landon, ji.. wiii if ushera Follo' Ing the aaawaaony J|)fM . ... ptlofl at the haana of x(r and Mra i.andon. N<>. tt Eaal lld .,¦ ,Mlaa u, ¦.- Mali olm Mra Qardlaei Oay- MllHki n. nf thla ity. afternooii in 11»*=. lon. Tha Right Rev. David ahop Of N. B V..:k. wjU .. i>\ tha Rev. Percy After the ceremony a |] be held at tho home of Mrs Washington BQUBIU North. Oayley wlfl ba her sister's mhid ef li..nor. and Miss Jajiet P. l>an l and Mlaa Marla I* Kussell will be b-ides- maids >i Beth M. Milhken. Jr., brother! of |h« brideajriaoBa, arlfl he beat man, and 1(1<. uahera wiii be Bath NL atUUken, 2d. Hi i Match, Braatua T. Tefft, John j Qlllcepie, HaaaT) U Hattertnan. ReUflB Harth LHtncaa Btarlbag an.i A»>ei I Bmlth, jr ti entertabimeni of theJunlor 1 take pla.e in the giand ball- , Waldorf-Aatorla on the even- iar) 1''. and the afternoon and ,t Janoary 17. The Junlor vitable orpani/.ation coni- of young women promlnenl Ifl a<>- Ihe active work of which is arrled tta< aaaawi'a dabataatea who have .. ri M memberablp. ntiihon Ollford, debutante daugti- Mi ind Mrs. Joha P. dlford. will troduced t<« eoctety aarl) next month. |f, .! |... i.i bj varal >. ars in ahen ompleted her educa- and Mra Oeorge Uvlngston Ntcbola, Cbrlartlna M. Nlchota and Willlam Ruxton nav. closed AJderbrook, rountry home at Katonah, N, v. and l tbe Ootbara for tha season. Mra. u will glVB a reception at the Goth- .¦.. for her daughter. 990 ¦on'a debutaatea ., | -, Ba»| daughter i. pjaa, arill becomc tba Mlwortb on the f November 56 bi st. Thomas's Mme. Ibnri Bt Paul de S'.ncay '..,ni Englincl ...' 9eeli on th. etanla to ad « B*ater»8 a r honor. The brldeamaida will be Miss .. pro tOI aU*l Vudrey n. born. ... inor Lamaon an.i Misa Marcadeaj tcoata wiii.-1 d< Foreal laaalce aill beat tian, and th- ushers will b . tn, Lawrence C Bt . EV. Potter. Rufua B Tacker, Artbui Wlllete, >:<.. lon U Henry Bproul Bayard Rtvaa, rl i m k. .. Beth Barti n Prencb and n j ryBi ra H A reeaptlon win me Of Mrs [_Ogaa, No, ... Mr Mlwortb wiii glve ....;; :.:.< heli d flfler at the Bita- Novefllb. i fl. -,..;,... ga ;i luncheon .. bei home. No IM Baal I7tli eouetn Mbaa Qtm levi Cl. :k the debutante dauuhter of Speakei Champ CUrk Hei gueata Included Miss leine Edlaon, Mlaa Beatrla Buei. Mtaa hy Harvey, Mlaa Margarel Oolaate, ..,..., p teraon, Mlaa Agne: . \!-,. ard Mlaa Brandg Putnam Charlea Waldo iiaskins will cive a ai her home, No II Baal fBd .,, ,,. caaaber U to totraamca bei Miss Noellne iiaskins. Mn '. imai H Howard arill ghrea .. on [.... mbei 81 f'»r hei mi,.. Eiixabetn Howard, and ta th- flrat lefje. I; gcott. who are ,,.u,st.ad. Long IxUuxl- wil wn abOUt November 2- and aOflfl, ,,r Mi and MTB Ollve: No 11 Baal I2d atreet M nn wniiam Cburch Oakarrj day from tholr country gg, n aon, N v.. to the rity tox |jj .,, nn Thomas sh.eids CUrke wU aatl to-day foi abjropa, 9*aN tha) .he winter. H un v..-..,- i Rayaal nr- .,wd in t-.wn yeaterday from T9a their .out,try place, at White Y. and are at the Ootham. flhan Ihe] Wlll remain until January 1. bj, .. tfra geth LO* l'iene,,ont hav. ... -. isi i-ast I7tl atreel .M ,: Mra Alberl B Mit-hell. ot Conn., are at tha Vh>/M f"< B brlef m, .i Mrs Benjamla Buab aVaaaBatl Bwtored down yeaterda) from IValtevre- fen. thel, countgy pUca al <'a/enov,a. ., tha Ootham for several CONIM^TT. UNDERHIL.L. ra, maaaa CaawaajaflaBaat ,,, orange, N J.. Mev. k-Tbe ared- .r Mlaa Kathryn Underhlll. daugh- and Mra Harvey I. ind-rhtii. of So 11^ Turr.-il BVeflUO. Hoiilh '>range. V .'onn.it, ld, BOfl of Mr. and Mra. BuKena v. Connett, of Convont Bta- w uerly ol «"uth Orange. taoli place thla afternoon in the Chureh «.i tha .,,,.unioi, here. The Rev. «leor«. A. llanna, rector of tbe ehnreh, aar. f'.l ,,,e<| the «.< renioli.N Mis^ iiei.. Ceaneti. ^i>te. o< tba brwe- aroon., waa th- matd of aawar, and Mrs. .e L'aber «a» matron ot honor. MISS LENTILHON GILFORIX . *** *-*.*. William Brewer .'onnett was best man. The uahera were Andrew ITnderhUl, Rob ert Johnoon an.i Henry Orrtek, of Baltl* aiore; John Btover, of Germantown, I'enn.; t'arl Jon.-s, of St. Paul. and Austin MelgBi Of New York. all of whom w.-re alaaamatefl of Mr. ''onnett at Princeton. DENNISON.PUGH. . aph M Tti< Tril-uii.- Philadelphia, Nov. .".. Miss .'. EUaabeth I'ugh. daughter of the late Chariea Pugh, a former vice-president of tha Pannaylvanla Rallroad, was aaarrled ibis avenlng at ber hom.. ln O-verbrook, to Ethan A. Dennlaon, of New York. The ceremon) waa performed by the Hev. Harrlaoa B. \YriRht. asatated by tha Rev, john MeOaw Poater, of Hoston. Robert y. Dennlaon, of New york, was hi.«. brother s Ix-st man. MILLS.PATERSON. Bj Teleerai ii te 'i h< Trii Morrlatown, N J Nov. ,y--MK-» Jai-...- heth Patereon, dau*rhter of Alexander Pateraon, of Morrla Plalna, and V, Ray* mond Mllla bob af Qeeraa A Mllla, of Morrlatown, were married ln the Morrla Plalna Preabytartaa Chureb thla after- noon. 'I'l"* Rev. Dr. RTalter u Ham- niond performed the ceremony, Mia nea i; Pateraon araa tbe mald of honor. Robert D. Htpaoa was the beal man Mr and Mra Mllla Will llva «t Wo 141 Wasii- BtreH, Morrlatown MISS LORA STANDISH ENGAGED. ... .-. Tl:-- 1'ilbunH i: 11.11, _.- *. Maaa Woi .'. Ai ment was made to-lay of tha rMISBge* ment of Misi Lora Btandlah, daushtei ol Mr. and Mra Mylea Btandlah, ol Boaton, W llllam Henry vWaaton, |i a Btudenl Bt Harvard. Mi tfeatOU ls .*. .."ti of I»r. ai .i Mra *Y. II Weeton, of No MO Weal _M Btreet, Ni a foi k a AN ENGAGEMENT. M liel Boy. Booth, daughter of John N. Booth, "f No. U4 Ray atreet, Jamalra. to frank McClel* lan Housion was announced yeaterda: Mr. Houaton la a aon of Dr. Thomai I Houaton, paator of the United Preaby- terlan Ctaun b, of Darfdngton, Penn Mi Hooth waa aacretar) ef the Borougb of Queana IN THE BERKSHIRES. [Bj io The Trlbua. Lenox. Nov. 5. .Mr. and Mrs. Alexandei gedajwleh doead theh Btoehhrldsa boma to-day aad went to Boatea for tha winter. Mn i'-- ai laslgl a 111 leava here ahoi tl) for LoulavUk to vlall Mi aiid Mn arlll* i.nu Maisball Bullltl Mr and Mrs. Charlea Alha, of Londoni Mr and Mrs. H <;. Alha, of New York: Ebeii i- Jordan. Miss Dorothy Jordan Mi an.i Mra Joim Rlchardaon and the Mlaeea loiikw C, ami cn_artotta Rlehard- aon, of Boatoo. arrived to*day al tha Red Uon Inn, Btoekbrldge. prederlch B. DelafleM waa alected a in'-Miber «f the Maaaachuaetta Legiatatura from the Ith Berkahlra Diatrld yeaterday, Tha Rev. and Mn Anaon >*ii* ii-n Btokea ar. goeeta of Mr. and Mra P7Ullam B Oaaaod Fleld at Hlgh Lawa Hoaaa Dr. Austin Ko\ Rlgga bas beea alected praeMent ..f tha towa dub of BtockhrMge. Mrs. Henry Lea KUaarna an.i LAwreaoe Mlnot, ef Beeten, aad Mr and Mra, C. C. Qleaaon, of Greenirtch, Coun., ara at tax <*urtls llot.l .\ii- Danlel Payna Grlawold an.i Mra lamea B. Ludloa returned io New rork to-day. Mrs J. Hopklna Bmith, of New *ioik. trrtved al lha Curtla Hotel to-dai Mr and Mra Bamuel Prothlngham ea* tarUlned a dlaaer partj al Orerlea to* night. The a-eea-ag of Miss Praneea oaelanea Polaom. dauahter ol Mr and Mra. OeoraB Wlnthrop Polaom. to Cleveland Bleelow, ol Boaton. will take plaea In Lenea oa Baturday. Decembei fl Mra. Robert Wlnthrop and QrenvllM u, Wlnthrop have gona 10 New York VANDERBILT TO SHOW HERE Will Exhibit Four of His English Horses for First Time. ... -, |< araph '.. 'r!" Wbei Newpert, Nov. L* Alfred O. Vanderblli will show for ihe t.rsi tlme four ot Mi j.._ii-h horae* al lha Mattoaal Heraa Show m N«w rork. Tha ataMea ef Md* ¦rcrd B McLeea aad ReghaaM C. Vaa- dcrblH aiso will ba repreaentad. Mr. Mc- ._Win drive some of hM own entrles. Mr and Mrs. Phdllps A. ilark have ;. ,,, gea Beaeh aad raturnad to New M,. andrew C. Durlea aad Mr. aad M*,s Kttor.- K. I'oniaiui. BBr soti-in-iaw aad daughter, arlll remaia la Newpeet a fortnlnbl befora .**-*** '" |Ntfladelpbla for lha arlnter. Mi aad Mra B. Rolllm Morai an ....- ^ Mr. and Mra R, T. wrUeoe al Bai* metto Bluffa, B *.'. Mr an.i Mra R Uvlngstoa Beeckmaa v.n. cloea Land'a Bnd next wee* and _- lo Provldenca foi ii><- winter Mux.inih_n AgasMzs honie. which ha- beea rioaed this Brason, wlll be opened m \t aummer, Alr.. l_orlltard Ipaacer ia Ib New Vork for a areek. Mra Thomai J. Bmory aad Mrs Charlea J, i.ivmgood have gOM to New Vork for B short stay before golng to I'inclnnati. Mrs Bmory la having astenaJva Improve- menU made to bei Middli town bonM Mrs Vand-il.ili gave a dinner thla l v-n- ii.^. ai The Breakera ln honor of h< r daughter, Counteea gaecbenyl, Mr. aad M, Alfred 0 l aaderblll wPI rei ua from the Adlrondacka ahortly. Tbe) arill he gueata of Mra. Vanderbtll befora gotng to New York. "SNOW BABY" NOT TO WED ^Rumored Engagemcnt to Donald McMillan Denied by Father. Miss Man.' ObfllghitO I'-ar. th- "SflOa Baby," b¦.'.'.mpaiii.-.i b) her mother, aaa ¦ paaaenger <>n ti>- Bteamer Kalaei v\ 11- I helm der Qrooae, whleh arrived Ifl port ytflterda) afternoon Bear Admlral Bob- '<n i; i'.ar> went down tba bay on the r< nu CUttar and :net hl l » Ifa and daughter at Quarantlne Mlaa Peary, he aald, had i.e. n attendlng achiol In Oen- lay. Bepoi ta I hai . Bgagi !),. ,,t to Donald McMII '¦¦ i k of tha 'rocker Land Expedkion, 9era h.. added. Tl Pi ar) i an al In n to M ai hington. i. - ... Ka Wil- .1. r .1 oaae I.,. iinl,-.) a bi Metropolitan Opera oi pan. noa^btera. o'i< of Ihem Maaa Lw aala Boi H Bori wax aceompanlad b) hei fathi - <.. m ral 11» nao taorjia, commandod the :_.i Bpantah Infaatr! ln Cuba In IM Thi othei _lna Ball, Dert-Alten, Pi auletn Chrl rtalll, Margarate .'¦¦ r and Herrun w II, ol tbe Mi ti..|. lit.m. and 'hau lea i».¦ the ('hlcago-Phlladi Iphta Op» b Mi and Mra Ormi Wllaon promlnenl ln Nea V..:. so. i) rre on boai d MISSES WILSON PLAY TENNIS Meet Secretary MtAdoo and French Ambassador on White House Courts. tVaahlngtoa, Nov. .'.. Tha daya .,i tbe Rooeevell "tennl ablw I were to-day at tha Whlte Houae, Julea i Juaae- rand, tbe Pran h ambaaaador, who often played aith es-Praafdeai Booaevelt. aa- BBgad in a tennia match wiii, Becretar) McAdoo, of the Treaaury Departraant, and the Mlaaea Jaaale and Blaaaai IVIIaon daugblera of tba Preaident. Over the origtaal tennia courta aiten- alona to tha aaecuttva ofBeea bava li bean i.i.ih. Tba ne9 ourta are In a »;r..\. ln the south giounda. VIEWS OF THE VICTORY MURPHY From Tba PMladelphla Inquirer (Rep.) If Murphy can hold Ofl t-> <v. n a flfl. Iblanca of power tn Tamman] after the Icnockoul bloa adralolatered raoterday he must lndeed own Tamman) body and o .1 .\N ANALTIlfl From Tba New Torfe Bvenlng Mall (Prog), The rictor) is not Republlcan .>, Pro a-faaatve; tba defaal la aol Pamocratle. Tha reaull h almpl) a elndleatJoa af the. eapaeit) of tbe people of tkls etty ioi tttt- |..ivfi nment u riA'i MIOHT HAV! BKEN. From Tha Bpriiigneld Bepublleaa <ind i. Tin; defaal ol tha Ta nman) caadldata for Mayor of Nea Torii la aocompllabed b> a Buhguatlal plurality. Tha paapla ara Irenoinded, however, ihat fallura t.. eon< centrata tha antt-Tammaaj rotera woutd have been daBBBtrOtta UOHT AIIKAl' I'n.Mi Tba Nea fort Bvenina Peal Not only ni thti dt« bui averywhara jtbroegbonl the eountrj aad bvob acrooa |tha sea will >est.n'i>'M Mp-aad-talgb jaiaugbter of TaaimaJ! ba haiied aa tho full dawnlng ot u»w day for mualdpal govararaenl in tnt Ifnli d Btai r. STil.l. WORK TO Bl i>. N'K i-'ioni tba Nea forti Ob»ba (R). .SuffUi-nt effort has B9BB mailc to wou Tatnanaay from evll praetJeaa by aoft- ¦pokofl baaaacbhaga Whal k a.led f.-i the work of Baal .xp .ision is th- niilltant Lplrit of tt.- n-w Mfyor NATIONAL BBJOICOia prom The PhlladelphlB Ledger (Ind i. The fflnggklng defaal ef Tamman) la 1X09 Vork Ctty, ** tha d:...: -ilt of tha sulzer Impegebmant, la aj rietory for ,.i governmenl ln whleh the nation may »,'.'. i rejolce. u k tka old atory of laao- ],,,. and Jobbery oveiTaa^lai Itaalf and hringtng oown «P0« .ts head raertted caatlgatlofl .gPLBNDlDLT INSIMKINU " l-rom Th- Haltiioor. Sun .Pem.i Vesterday's aleotleaa generall) Indteata .hal tha good .lov-rnrnenl movui.ent is BO ilo^-P-no. ^^tSS Lr Nea tforti Ika cH) arttk tke btggaat 'l,.«ro,..s, and mOBt -vii of ma. hm-s I, ipi. ndidi mapurlng. [ FOR WEDDING GIFI CaaUaaad from flr«.t paaje. knoa thlng aboul lt, as I've been in ... aince 1 >\as .. mth glrt. lan'l Mr. Mitchel rerj yoang? I've mct him on< .. aad a hen I heard he was alected, tba Brat I tbongbl of aaa his -roung api.arance. Give*. Tip on CoUectorship. ..ji,, you Ihlnk Dudley i-'u-i.i Malone *.,i! i><- appolnted Collector of tha Port? ... o'l loi man'a k- n-ln*law, lan'l ii- ' When ha Inted i||| .-,... :-.,..) <-f st..;. i beard he ,, m ,|. *i,il.-.Mr it Mr. Mltchi. ¦Aas .-le.ti '." Mlaa Stnckwell wh*i v-as present v. hen tbe reporter iraa tntervtewed, s;;,,j aha Ihoughl Malone w.*.s Becond aasistani Secretary "John _k_aaetl Moore la is' aaalatan ," ahe aald, v,, ;,.,i Mlaa Clark, "Mr Moore la counclllor. I'm aure Mr. Malona is Bral aaalata I Mr, Malone la i'nr.1 aaatatanl Becre- ta rj oi Btate. "You know." Mlaa Oarh wenl on, "I araa In Balnl Mortta. ¦wltaartand, when tha Bulaer ImpeachnSent, and Harr. Tha.. and 'ill thoee thlngi l,;.; ,.. ned, ami waa aori y to being h. n lo n ud about th. m. W III ihes .v.r-.-t Thav oul of Nea Hamp< :-l Ire, d"o *,'-ii tii Tha .-'ui,'.. impeechanent auggeated io Miss Btockwell lhal his aaactloa ta lha At-f-ernbly would add tO his ambition 1o "come back." "is n true," asked Mlaa «'iark. "tbat he's BO.Bg to run for the Senate? Rut b" eouMn't run, could be, for you haven't the dirr< t primaries here. ;incl the new Aaeembtp arlll ba Republican? Maybe ttie federal ad wiii be ln power when Mr. Root'a t<rm cxpires." M.nd Not Yet Made Up. Through tha hot flre of queetlona tba r. porter aai hoplng iiK.*.inM hope tbal Miss Clark would reveal just what stu- Ihoughl wouid be best for thi weddlag Kift And non in tiied lo revlva ins Inti r\ i.-w. .isn't your iniii.i i.ia.i.- up al all aboul tba Kifi"" ba aaked. . >!i no." replie.l Miss fl.itU. bm sre. I'll have lo have sket' lirs uia.b- if i 11 nt Rad ihe naaagn . amnt. and l niusi i.e \.-i- v.-r> careful Then, when I've Boen BVerj tliintr thi mlgbl do, rn co te Bfaahlngton and tell Mr, Mann what l!ier<' is. BO lhal lha HooaB of Reprea. ntal li aa an deddi Bo nntii Mr. Mann and the Houaa of Reprea. ntatlvea laara th< reaull of Mlaa Clark'a endeavora tha ktn.i of weddlng preaenl Bnd tha name of the bu. aaaf n j. w< ii.r or Bllveramlth arlll b.* in doubt. FIGURE 13 FACTOR IN WHITE HOUSE WEDDING la oi ni.,ii and Ho -. Jessie Wilson's Marriage to Fulftl Prophecy Mado bv Astrologer. . Ti in. Bm-. iu -. dr. d Ini ¦¦ lha w< ddlng ol Mlaa ''. ind daught. r -.( tha and Hn \\ || ion,' Franda Bowea Bayn wera aenl oul from tha White li. to-de) Thej made a for-* q idable ? aftei ha rlng .¦> n la* lotM -I ln iheli two envrlopea. 1*1. it. .>.!<¦.1 foi in- *abln. arera the Bral t-> 11 dell n red, whB. m. ¦>. :i t and ami ai mlnlatera foltowed. Othera latended for oflldalfl "i famll fi land wen out All <>f Ihcea ¦ '< .-. d to pei ln R'aahlngton whether ofBctal oi other* .ai... irara aenl b< il Whlti Houea |fl i if i,. '. ded i.in mambei ol tha i.im-'v gtoi were aenl b. them bad .. Bpadal Wftalta velopa. The queatlon of who la Includ In tha !ist of Invitations |fl oti. of tb>- mOBI ll I arhlcfa bas been preaented alnca tha Praaldenl took m> i.is reatdence ln tha wi.it- Iloua. \o oflldel Informa¬ tlon culd b.- gain. d on the Bahje. t. either ,s to name oi number, bul it is s.n.i thal ln order to boM tha llal al aii wlthln thi llrall pteecril --.i bj the brtde, who bai i,. ver aranted a Mg weddJne, 11 waa prntn'l tnn- an.l BBBln. II i,a, bi ii Btstad thal Ihe youna dauahtera of the Poatmaatar Oeneral, tha Burleaon foi Inatence, wera beM I,, ,i;i. uepenaa aa to whethei they ailghl be wlti.I thi hlatoi le av. nl At tha marriage >.i Mlaa Ulea Rooaevall _nd Nlcholaa Lonaworth it became necee* aary to divtde famlllea, and aven In tha (iipioiniiii. corpa thla vv..- done. young Raroneaa Bllaahatk Reeen, dauahter ol tt;, former Ruealan Ambaaaador, belng ao aadlj iii'i'1''1 becauaa she was not ln* ..it.,1 thal >b. never coneantad afterward to sp. n.I Bl b in-'th "f time ln th.- \i.a t leaa . apltal New it la --"'i on geod authorlty tbal ,., one bul tha Cahinel Baambera and their wlvea, or tha Blder daughter, If aha |.- h'r fatb-r's bost.-s. may b.- InVtted and thal onh tha dlred repreaeaUtlvea of foreaga powara and thelr wlraa ara on ... ]Mt Bven vvith nn tha prunli IMt reacbea llttla lem than four hundred Bul what la lachlng In gueeta la aaada .,, ui tbe waddlng party, for after ¦ km laarck it Boemfl to ba b) f.«r the largeal of tha doaan weddlnga preeleual) aolemn- laed ln lh. IVblta Houae ia Mlaa WNleon «ili be lha Ihlrteentfa brtde, m ahe arlll lri\,. thlrteen In bei waddiag party, ln- L.,g bereelf aad Mi Bayi When ,h. p t-idenl Kdiu Um partj lo kiv- hla dauahter awey, ha arlll ba tha lourteenth member. and wlB thua braah tha eharm whi'h tbe number thbrteen and tha en- ,, u.t . Mack eal al tha Ivnlta Houaa have *,.i.-d io threw a.it tha avenl v,,i,.,»o-. of tha Dumbar thlrtei n, m ./- tnU memberfl of a lermer Cablnet who .r, h- w/ashlnaton, reeaned te-day lhal lual afb r tha .-b-'iton of vTnUani How* .,-,i Taft Daoad, tha Aaayrlaa aatrologer a,,d Cactaaa t-n.-r, praaietad a tVhlta House bride for HB» Of eaurae everj ona ,,.)lu:lll . mual ba Mhw Hetoa Taft, who mu then a acHoolalrt and as thal avenl ,||,1 not .nat.rlalize before Man I. I ol th- fat.-d year, ti.-y at aoea saw bopa ahaad foi the s.-.-i- when I'l.sbbnt \V.I>..n Bnd »,!. thr.la-ghtera took paaanMoa al tbe Uhlt. House. To-day they ara eaaajratulatlnB Deoud on hi- feteaaat Mhw Oenevlevi Ctork'a frifMda ar.* uaylnK "J""t am what she es- ,;.,..,(¦ ..ud ana is lefl lo weader what miKht haea ba.ned bad eRher ol tha other .an.lidat.-s »-.-. n elected, laeteod el Mr. Wilson ROOSEVELTJN ARGENTINAj Colonel's Vessel Enters Harbori to a 21-Gun Salute. Buenoa Ayrea Bot, ... .oionei Theo- dore BOOBaVefl arrived h-re shortly after |18 o'cIock thU rnornbag on board tha Ar- ..ntinegimho.it UrugUB] from Montevl- jdeO. Th- ganbOBl \va< BBCQttad into the I,arhor h\ BBVCn t...:iis dr.ss-d with fiaga from Btem to stein. As slie ap- proachad aba llrad a aalata af tweaty-ona rana t<> whlcb ihe gunboat Roaarto 19- pneo. ¦everal oeiegatloaa cotnpoaed or promi-1 nent potttJcal pai bbimubb and representa- tlvea of leadlng inatitutiona went oal ta greal the dlatlngulahad rtaitor, Wbo, when he land-d at 1048, was m-t on tba ajuay by th Amerlcan Mlnlater, .John' W. Oarrett, the aidea-dp-camp of tbe Preaident, tba Argenllne Mlnlatera of Warl and Marlne, tbi . protocol, bt ¦ of tba fi .'- dlplomatlc coi pa and a number of ofil of tba army ami navy A mfhtary band played th. Amerlcan and Argentine national _n- thema and aa enormoaa crowd apptauded aa colonel Rooaevell itepped aabora Colonel Roo a .1 wenl arttli Mr Oar- reti io his realdence amM the acclama- tiona af thouaanda of people gathered in tbi tra. ta afl ... « hlcb he ealled an the Ictlng Praatdent Dr !». la Plaaa, v.ith whom he remalfted for nearii an hour, '>n his ,. iiiim .,, iha 1.. ratlon ba wa M b) Nve hundrei Boy Bcouta and ae- compa.>i h) greal erowda wbieb cbeered contln uoual) r... Rooaevell and the Unltad Btatea Prom tha baleony of the Legation ha theaked tha people for this mantfeeta- tif.n of bi rnpath] 'or hi. country FREiMCH WGN7 FIGHT SUIT Wife Will Charge Non-Support in Petition for Divorce. n. Newport R I Nov. i Whlla it is ua- deratood thai Amoa Tueh Preach arill not eontest Ihe action for divorce batflg brought by hla wife. Mrs. Paullna La Boy french, ha haa retalaed counaal hara to look oul for his totereeta I'harles H. Koabna, Jr., who. lt is said, wiii repreaenl \fr. Prencb, refaaad to dls- euaa iha aaa to-nlght. Mra Prench wlll eharge non-aupport, nnd in her petltlon Wtll ask the rourt to gBBBl her tha CUatOd) Of three minur flOna and BUPPOtl f'T th. 10 and for he.- self. WILL RUN BACK TO DANCE Pavlowa Canccls Date to Spend Week at the Manhattan. lt is announced thal Pavlowa tha R ib- .-.mn dancer and her rompanj wlll return io New forh for inothei engagement. The) wlll a peai al the .Manhattan Opera Hou 1 aeeh from Mo ida for a week Th arrangei nl waa haatllj made yeo- t-i.i.i 11 >.. ;. oi other cltlea waa lled to b bai h to Nea Yoik Aaothei apeclal appearance haa baea ar- rangad ... Madlaon Bcjuara Oarden on the night ol Dacembar 18, when Pavlowa and her antlra compaa) and orcbeatra aill mn Into tba rit. to appear at tha 'Pavlowa irnlval," whleh la t>. ba h.id indei thi ... pl< 1 of a ommlttea of prominenl men ano mom< TOKENS OF QUEENIF/S HIDE Purses To Be Made from Famous Elephant. The laal ol Qooi nle, thi famoua eh»- I phant. whlcb died almoal t«" yeara ago and Sisr >,. hietad dlatinctlon a 11 n aha 1 ri> ii attraction of Jumbo, «iii probabl] aorti In amall s by faahlona la women In thi form fbooka trlmmed wlth I allvei it ifl Bflnounead thal her hlde, I which had 1.n preaarved for .1 muaeum, IflU h--li soal to fl j.-v.-l!.. ,,. th: Queeait waa ab >ul ¦¦. . hui dred and Hft) yeara 0 d a hen ln died, and was l alephani ro 1 to Amerd a. TO PRODUCE DRAMA OF MORALS. Tha Bbuberta annouuee tbal 1 nea play b) Rachal Crowthei "Ouraelvea, wlll have ita :it-t New Vork weeentatlofl al the 1.yra Theatre on Wedneada) evanlng, n -i i_ ¦.(»111 Hlvva" is .-.,iu to ,t inatructive U-aaoa, ahowing tha |reformatlon uf a woman, and ih> need af foi in moi .1! itandard for both aeai 1 Thi eaal Im id< Irai Klil iton, s. .. na Johnaon, Jobyna Howland. Oeoffrej C Btcln, Thurloa Bergen Btanle) Dark, | Mlnei ami Mattla Keene . PITCHER ACTS FOR CRITICS. 'ii,- atholk Protector) Band marchad down Broadwa) laat nlghi and uato tha I'.ii... Theatre ln honoi ..1 Rube" Mar- qjuanJ, a ber ol tha Oianta, and bia ** ra B .». v. ho ne appearing ¦1 ln b aketch, "Tba Buffragettej i'h. i:. i.' Laal bIi .1 wa« Has. ball \\ 1 M- Nlghi and thi tbaatra waa decoratad arlth Ihe champlonahip |>annanta v\..n by] the Olani Man. of thi leading baaeball ui itera ol Ihe Baal nei praei nt, and durlng the IntermWalon the Protectory] bapd played evi ral ai [-< tionf THEATRICAL NOTES. i|ga n.i!- raola a 111 preeeal a ne« flkcl h "Tha Laat Bcene of th< f*lay," by Mrs,. W. k Cllfford, for the Kret tlme at Ihe Colonial Theatre thla afternooa The i'i.i-t deala arlth tba dlvoroa quaatloa Ifl RngUnd ki.iw .v Brlangai will praaant Blaia Parguaon In "Tha Itraaga Woman," a Mn ,..igj b) Wllllam Hurlbut, at lha Lyceura Theatra a weak from bobI Mon¬ day, Novemhei 11 11 11 rrata-f announced yeaterday thal he had Bflgaged Rahsrt Pltitta t>> repiaea Ralph Hara la tha prtactpal comed) rola '¦,,, 1,101 iierh.it s nea aonalo opera "The Madcap Ducheaa, wbieb, wltk Aaa gwlnburna ln lha tltla part. wlll have it» \Hem Voik premlera ln tba Qlobe The- Htre u-xt 'ii- Bda) evealng. Henr) B gavaga haa oboaen "Barl" an the name for tha operetta which wtll he h,< Bral nea productlon of thla laaoon. and he iias aflgagad MIbbI HaJoB lo play ,... ,,1 tba Importanl rolea. The place aill .,p. n in Cbriatmaa week. "Barl" is the operetta b) Bmmerich Kalman which, Bfldar tha tltla "Dar Blgeunarpriiaaa" haa bean currant ln Irienna and otbar riUaa al Europe for man) montha Tba I'ifth Avaaua Tbaatra announoaa io. November iu thr deimts of Baaaaet Carrlgaa and l.awi.ne, geaaon. The for- mar «iu praaaal the lAtaahar Gamboi Ipfcaylet, "An ::><. for an Kye,'- while the latt-r wiii do a eartaofl act Uoiio. May llaaahwout, reader and eio [cutkuuat, win .iv.. .. readlng ..1 Maeter* iim k'a falrj pla] "Tha Blue Btrd," at tha lattie Tbaatra aa Prida) aftaroaaa She haa divtdad tha plaj mto threa parta, witi- many Bubdlvlaiawa, m order to Kive th- play as inuch raoJInfl aa poaBlbIa "KaiirnaBhift" aill ba gtvea al tha Oermaa Irvtng l*aaea Theatra on Kriday .,t a apanial pawfi aatowal raattaei MaM Hairiet l.ahadie will _r.- B dra- matk mterpreutrofl ol Perey Maekaye'a IdaaJkrtlc draasa, ^o-Mavrow/' at the Berkele) Tbaatra lo-aJghi FUNERAL AT COPENHAGEN Body of Price Collier To Be Oremated in Denmark. .'npenhaRen. ttt/V, '..-The body of I'rire .'olller. the American author. WhOBB death CK-rurred on Monday at Wedlesborg rastle. on tha island of Funen. was bioughl hara to-niuht. it was aeeea-<-| panled by .\lr*>. Colller and | er son. Wur- ren l>. BebMna thlrd Becretary of the; Ameii.-an Bmboaao i'i Parta. A brief service had prevlously been held ln the castle rhap.-l The funeral party WBB irtet at t'open- hagen by the American Mlnlster to Pen- mark. MaurtCB V. F.ffan. the members Of his Btafl an.1 several friends. AccordlnR to Mr. Robblaa, 'is atepfather had ea-| prtmrd a wish that his body be cremated. and his famlly has declded to follow out his deetrae, ti,.- crematloa wiii t-.k<- placa al Cdpen* hagen. OBITUARY. MICHAEL T. DALY. Michael T Daly, hief <-b rk Board <>f Bleetloaa, dled yeaterday raiorn- int. at his home. No. IS* LaBtnftOB ave- . Mr. Daly waa deputi to Cen* trolier Mir.i s Ceter. Ha waa born In Ireland In 1811, Ha anv to amerl ¦ wh.-n he vvas t.-n \ -nrs oJd BBd attended tbe pubUc s.hoois of ihla city. He baa been an ofBcaholder Binca WW. whan lha then Mayor. A. Oakey Hall. appototed him Becond rnawhal to th.- Mayor In UM ha bacarea hief derk of the City Court in IBM ba was appototed Coramli- si.-i. r if Accounta, and when Mayor 011* roy took offlce he was made Commla* | Bkmer ol Public Wprtm. Ha araa removed Uayoi Fstroiuj ¦* CAPTAIN G. W. SCHA-FER. .'aptain .leorge WashinRto-i BchBefer died at his home, No. 27 Ceatral avenue. Coroan, Queena. yesterday afternoon. His death was catised by pneumonia. Captain Schaefer, who was flfty-nine -..ars old, waa formerly the captalB of Company I, 47th R.ffiment, N. '!. N. V. He was ln the real estate bumncsa. with Bfl offl.-e in Flushinjr. He I.-avcs a wife iind a son. MRS. MARY F. R. SILLIMAN. I By Tel* graph t'1 Thfl Trfbeae ] Morristown. N. J Nov. .".. MlU, Mary Handolpfa Bllllman dled yeaterday frem neumonle nt her home la Kermandy i'ark after aa Blaam of thrae daya Bha araa 67 yeara old. Her buaband, Colonel William Silliman, eornniaiuier of the UStfa Reglmenl of Negro Volunteera, vvas ahol ln the Clvll Wor, Mrs. BilHmaa made her home for many yeara In .Morristown with her cnusln, the late .lohn I" CaaBetd. WILLIAM B. GOULD. Bouth <>ran_*e. N .!.. Nov. ... -William B. Qould, aaventy*flva ;. .-ars ..ui. of Ho. i-*> Montroaa avenue, dled to-day at hla from heart .ii bbm. Born bi Nearark, Mr. .jouid Uved thera untll thlrtj yeara .i~". vvhi n he took np hla realrt'^nce in this vll- l.-.re. He had been a B-BBUfaCtUTQr of bardware. aith » factorj In Hewark, arhlch n,-i» eetabllahad by hla father. Mi- haei Qould, ln UBS. BaaMm a wife. Mr. . loniii leavea a dauahter. Mr1- Bdarla Baylea, and .-. son. Ciifftord A. OoaM, both of South Orange, nt"' a brother, "rTeder- lek m Qould, of Hew rork. Tba funeral arlll ba held al tha houaa Siituidiiyjafternoon. Tha Rev. <:<'jrge P. ESastman, paator "t tha Oranga Vaii.-y Conaregatlonal Church, will cdBctate. Tbe burtal w ii ba In Pairmounl Cemetery, RECEPTION IN REFORMATORY Social Hygiene Laboratory To Be Open at Bedford Hills. The new laboratory of aocta! hyslena .it Kiizi.i- tb r.v Hall, al Bedford UUia. -.viii be opeaad Tueaday. A receptlon >vni be glven !>. tbe board of Biaaagara of the \. v fora sitiit.- Reformatorj foi and tha Bureau of Bocial Hj .*.. n<. The board of manaaara of tha refor* ii ator) Includea Mlm Katherlne Bemenl t v ?-. nuperintendent; Jamea Wood, presldent: Mra Henry MarQuand, aecre* !.,,'.; William <; Barrett, treaaurer; D.-ivld Cromweil, Charlea n Turner, Mr-3. .1 Rorden Harriman and Mlm Marj Oar* |.-i M,iv SPRING RICE RECOVERING British Ambassador on His Way to Washinifton. fi Aft. r ip. ndlng a fea diivs here, tbe Brltiah Ambaaaador, Mr Cecll Arthur Sprlnc-Rlce, left to-ntghl for Waahlngton. Tha ambaaaador baa Improved In bealth recently, but bis phyatdani Inalal thal ha apare hlmaelf as mii.l. a< pOBBtble Untll be has full) ro ivered Lad) Bprtne*Rtce had pre* ,. ded hlm to the capital Tha ai-ih.is--a.ior eame bera Baturday. foii.-win.- b cold rmap tiiat made tbe aum* baaa) tl Dublln, M. H uncom* fortaMe. Ha waa accompanied t-> P/aeh* Intton b) sir William Tyrrell. private ecretary lo the Brltiah Becretary foi Poretgn Aifair*. Blr Rdarard Orey, arha wiii ba tha fitesl of Mr CecU for aaothi month ¦ DR. BERNARD TAFT AT COLUMBIA \)t h. nard Taft, ¦'. r"i a . h ra lologial ,Ui.i rmvellet, arlll Bhra to-nlaht al I I the lirst of a stias of l-'ren. h levturea at Columbia Unlveralt) Hla Bubject wiii bo "Anatola 9\ ince, Boawnderde la Bevotu* tlon." Amonfl Bernard Taft'a worka are "Lea Vamnis de la Ololre." "Marriage hui- b- Tard" and "La Oranda ImpUca- hh." Bovela dealtni arlth problema of ao* (i.-ty. in. Thil apaaha aataaapBranaaaal'i BBd pr:i.-ii.'ally Wlthoet prei.iitatioii. ¦ WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. j ,1, || ilofl IO' tl v,ii. ., i:. M ... IIBI 11| Natui-I Hlatery, Metropollun Meaeum af Art and ti»* A.|ii«iiii'"- Mllltan Bhow, MadkMW aqaan Oerdt ., ai th>* Bo. ntfl dea i'- .ni\ arti u ald< ii- Utorlfl, n"".i Meetlaa "f tba i.e*,i*i;.tive Leaaue, "dTaMerf* Asto. ia. -' l>. "I- Diaaet al th.- iBteraatlonal Commll. Un- )fOUB| M n K t'liiUt.Mli AflBOelfltlOM, \\ ..i.iurf Astn. ia. .! |. m. ..< lha at, Aadn i Be. tety. B ..i rt»rf-\»t.>rla s p. ni pehiie laeimaa --t uih Baard af Bdaeatloa. B:1S i- ... .Muiihaii.n. IVaeblBBtoe irv- Ina Hlfll. School, No io ir.ii.a Ptoc-*, ..Corn is Kii.,; "f Crepa" i»i Oeerfa Donfttdaen: Public Behool zi. tM nr.-n. blrd ,. .' i.ii-. "The >l.-al. o of '¦¦ o ,ii, Dr l>. F. Bmith; i*uviii. srho,,i :c*.. iis \\*. ii mth Btreet, "D_alel **Vebeter. ln TbonMfl lleTleraaB; PuMI. Bebeel *.>. 150th itreel and Bt. Wlcholai Bvvaue, .¦Hemik Ib-*n.'' li Baaaell Herta; ruallc Behool 50, Na tM Baal Wth atrajrt, Bountlful BraBll." i.< <.*-'»f.f B. \ande. Public Behool ii-'. Beat. r Bnd Bas. * -Uf. wlth the l'.ilt.-l Staiea Klsh- ..,...»..' 1)r. rrancla it-.:t Whoaler; PuMI. K,hool IOU, l3Bth BtW '. v\hsI "f Kifth av- aue "Folkaonga o* BcotUnd." Mr*. Roaora liounom. Pebllc aehoel IM, \OtAh atrijet. u.-a ..f ..iiiMt-r.i.iin Bveaue, i.i-tnt Phe- noruena " Dr. J r_orlr_B Araeld; lAatltuU l'lill N'.i 211 Krtat KMllh Btreet, Ouliilh." John c rarteni Leboi Templa 14th Btreel an.l Becond uv-.-n.i,-. "Around tho Emernld l.io" William .-tiariea ODonnell.jr.: Pab- ii,. Library tio, 11__ K,<"i aath Btreet, "Thfl PhlllppUwa." Themaa lt. BrldfcB; Bl l.ukea Hui1- Hodaan Btraet. aoutii ,,f . hrla- topher Btreet, "Oreal Brltala an.i H.-i _-:m- plie," Vr. Bda ard M. Pelt T ON H. Nl. FUGLER ESTATE Justice Pendleton Directs A. Freedman as Committee to Retain Oil Stock. WIDOW IN SANATORIUM Property Which Was Worth $2, - 532.478 in 1908 Now Valued at $4,039,229.Expert Evidence Figured. Justice fvndletou contirm'd yegterlay tl.e aeoonataag of Andrew Proodaaaa, committee ot' the property of Mra Ida M. Flagler, wlfe ol the late Henry M. Flag- ler, Standard Oil Company omH.il. who obtalnad a dlvorea in Plorida on th« ground of inaanlty, Mra Plagk la n<>w an Inniate of Dr. Cfllioa P. Ma iDoflflM'8 ¦aaatorium at Ceatral Pellay, N. v. The report of Mr. Freedman Bbowa ihat/ the property of *>Jrs. Plagler, whleh araa worth $2.:w.C^ Ifl Maa. is B09 valued at M^aajJB. The property lactadad J.600 Bharea <>f Standard Oil slock. whlcb has bean aachaaged for shares of tha subsidi- ary raanpanliia <>f the standard OU t'om- paay. 'I'h'' court's a-tlon was made ne- cessary when the I'mt-.l States Suprcme 1'ourt dlaaolved tbe Standard. Mi. Freedman Bubmlttad expert <\i- dence ;.s to tha ralue of tbi all Mot k. Ilt said ha had OOBaUlted with Ml Flagler befora hla death, and since then had -bn- ferrcd with Judge Ktiard*Uy, attorney for Mr. Plagler, and that they had advised him to keep the Standard <>il stock be- longing to Mrs. Flagler. Mr. Preedraaa said th- demand for 011 was in< reasing, ar.d ihat the prevalllng prices of the Standard oil se-urltiea ln the last year did not represent the real value of tlie stocka. He aiso asserted be had been advised to retain all the securl- tles except the stock of the Water»- I'lerce company. Under an order of the BBUri Mr. Freed¬ man paid J.!:.y.!i to relatlves of Mrs Flag¬ ler from ih- in-om- on her property an-l s|«'nt MltlM m the la.-t y. ar lor h-r inuii- tanan >. Ma aatd the pneartal condition of Mrs. Plagler was the same as it waa a yaar ago, although her age was affecting bar somewhat. Her health is good, and she often accotnpanies Mra. MacDonald. the wlfe of the alienlst, to the theatre and op. ra. Mr. Freedman asked tlie IflBtrUCtloa of tha COUrt as to keeplng the oil sto. k, and Jttotict Pendleton algned an order yest-i- day dtractlng the cotninltteeinaii to retain th- BtOCk untll further order of the court. Tba Juatlce awarded Mr, Preeatraaa a eoe- Ctal allowan - of IJo.'K.", ili aildltlon to the ommission of ..'.'il, due him. BID UP HAMILTON ART Mrs. F. A. Vanderlip Extensive' Buyer of Alienist's Terra Gottas Under the direction of Thomas K. Klrhy the Amerlcan Art Gallorics opened Its .eason yesterday afternoon wlth the flrat session of the sale oi the antl'iue fur- nlture and other art objecta COUOObtd hy Dr. Allan M. 1498 Hamllfon <>f the 1t:> lots offered. a palT of Inuui 89898. sold to K. H. LoreBfl as BgOBt, hrought the top priea of not, 'fhe embelUahineat of the vasea cooatata of tbrea dragooa, the craata of the Bmperor and thiee howo hlrds. the erests of th* l-:mpress and of mandartna, T'ue pahf were awarded a gold medal at tba Louaaaaaa Furchase BshlbltlOfl at St Louis in MM, Mra P. A. Pandertlp was an extensive buyer Of Qreek and Roman Kla>s aad terra .ottM gba gava iZ\ for a terra cotta itgurlne antltled "SuppUcatlng for Tribute' from Boeotla, third century. U. <'. Th- total ot this aOBBlon was 11.05. 30. LODGE HEADS HARVARD ALUMNI Fi< an, Nav, .'. Unlted states Benator II. m; CabOt Lodge, class of '71. has baeo aiacted praaldeal of the Harvard Alumal Aaaoclatloa for the ocmlng yeai. Thi nea dce-prealdenta of the asaodatlon 1- Marcua C Bloaa, ''.'. ... Ban Prandaco, Judge ol th- Callfornia Bupreme Court, and Prancla R Appleton, '7., of Boaton. The latter was re-elected. 4> MARRIED. TAYLOR.M'CAFKRET- On w adneadajr, November 5, at th- City of New York. ii ¦. mi Taylor and Harrletl MaiKuerite Mi Caffrey. Notlrr. r>f mnr.-l-.r« ..n.i >¦'« rr.ii*. ba ir, om|iHiilf<l bj lnll name and addreaa. DIED. riark. Kiiiah i'. Kaklane, Wllllam H. ., uier. I' i"- Murphy, Mai y Q Collln. Grace l. HUllman, Mary R. Could. \\ illiain I). \\'-ii.i, ISdtth K. CLARK ESUJah F. Clark, ou Tue*day. Vovember 1 Funeral at hla real* denee, Panafly, N. J gervieaa anl Interment prival COLL4ER.- Buddenly <>» hearl failure, at Tybrlnd Btatlon, BJtfy, near odense. i'-nmaik, ou Monday, Novamber W Price Colller, of Tuxi .1... Park, B. 1 % COLL1N.On November 5, aged ¦ yeara Qraoi Lathrop Collln, daughter >>' Charlea A Collln an.1 Kmiiv Lathrop Etlpley, Kuneral at Norwlch, Conn., No» reraber k. at :. p. m OOIJI.D I- Wedneaday. November ".. !'i:, after a brlef lllneaa. Wllllam 11 Uould. husband of \i urgan ; Allen ..'io oldaal si n ot th- lat- Mlt. hei; and u,a Ward Oould. Funeral aarvlea al hla iai. realden .-. N'o. IM Moi t-. ava Bouth Orange, N. J., on Saturday. No- .ember t. ..' '''¦¦" a m., or. arrival of l. di W. Iraln laavlng Hoi»"ken at in¦'..) (nternu nl it conventenca of nJljr. HALDANE Al hla realdence. Rock .;,.., ;h .'.d.i Spi'lng-on- Hudson 01. Weoneada. . Noyember a, Wllllam Henn Hablane. ln the >M year ol Ma ag* I.-..,,,...: s-i \ i.s at the Chureh of St v.',1:, ...;.,;,..iii^hian.- ("old SPrlng- on-Hudaon. Frtday Noven.he, ..«."¦»; rival of iraln laavlaa Orand l entiau Termlnal al Uae a u miitiiv Mary Ooodllff. daughter af MV£PUt.WlllUD Murphrr., at Jaj S^t!^'-,T::rK.'¦;;>. ;.,,'; secm - lllhth yeir. Funeral aervicea at tha 7'tl, a\ ,.ue Baptlal Chureh Thuraj i..,- mnrnint: November 8, al w ovlock Kl%»y omit nowera. Iater- ;;;,.., i;, enwood Cemeury. Privata. uniiMW.At Moiilstown. N. J-. on K I'le^laV November 1. ItlS. Mary R«ndolph Bllliman. Fun.-r.l « W Hie realdence. Normandy Para. Mar- riatown N. J od Thuraday. Novem- [.., 1 i*gia ai 10:M a. m InteraaeBg at eonvenlenca of tbe taarilv, wvin.At Oouverneur, N. v.. on Novem* heri. IM. aflaa Edlth K. Wald. Paaarad ai Oouverneur I 'KMKI'KKIKH. THK WOOI1I.AWN (KMKTKKV. 23M si n> Harlem I ala aad by Trolley. Ofgce M Baal SM st.. N. Y. OFFICKS. m UM MKi'M'K- No. IM Bnuaea atreet. UPTOWM UI'FH E-N'u. 130. Broacl»:iy, or ,ti 1 .ni n- m Dlatrjel "ei-arapii onic*. ¦ H.-HI-KM OFKH'K.No. 15T Eaat llata n r.-.-t. No _«¦ Waa. lJOth atr«4.t anU >4». 818 Weat Uiib »ir«ia.


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Page 1: MISS BARfflOLOMEW'S1 ROOSEVELTJN ARGENTINAj IN SI. …MISS MON1010 IN SI. BARfflOLOMEW'S1 Wil! Be Married To-day to Eugene M. Sawyer.Miss Gayley Another Bride. BISHOP GREER OFFICIATES


Wil! Be Married To-day toEugene M. Sawyer.MissGayley Another Bride.


Cc;cniony Will Take Place inChureh of the Ascension.MiM Lentilhon Gilford

To Be Introduced.... Landon, atdaal daughter of

Henr) Hatton Landon. will.... Mit.h.ll Sawyer. of

.pVM,l;, \ \i. thla aftaraoon in st.a ¦ Cburch. The bride will be

tWO sisters, th. Miss.s

Ita i.ard..n. Btepben i..

.ther, wiii b»ti tacan, "f Boetoa

.. Waahlngton; Henry¦;. !,r> Hutton Landon, ji..

wiii if ushera Follo' Ing the aaawaaonyJ|)fM . ... ptlofl at the haana ofx(r and Mra i.andon. N<>. tt Eaal lld

.,¦ ,Mlaa u, ¦.- Mali olmMra Qardlaei Oay-

MllHki n. nf thla ity.afternooii in 11»*=.

lon. Tha Right Rev.

David ahop Of N. B V..:k.wjU .. i>\ tha Rev. Percy

After the ceremony a

|] be held at tho home of MrsWashington BQUBIU North.Oayley wlfl ba her sister's

mhid ef li..nor. and Miss Jajiet P. l>an l

and Mlaa Marla I* Kussell will be b-ides-

maids >i Beth M. Milhken. Jr., brother!of |h« brideajriaoBa, arlfl he beat man, and

1(1<. uahera wiii be Bath NL atUUken, 2d.Hi i Match, Braatua T. Tefft, Johnj Qlllcepie, HaaaT) U Hattertnan. ReUflBHarth LHtncaa Btarlbag an.i A»>ei I Bmlth,jr

ti entertabimeni of theJunlor1 take pla.e in the giand ball-, Waldorf-Aatorla on the even-

iar) 1''. and the afternoon and

,t Janoary 17. The Junlorvitable orpani/.ation coni-

of young women promlnenl Ifl a<>-

Ihe active work of which is arrledtta< aaaawi'a dabataatea who have

.. ri M memberablp.

ntiihon Ollford, debutante daugti-Mi ind Mrs. Joha P. dlford. will

troduced t<« eoctety aarl) next month.|f, .! |... i.i bj varal >. ars in

ahen ompleted her educa-

and Mra Oeorge Uvlngston Ntcbola,Cbrlartlna M. Nlchota and Willlam

Ruxton nav. closed AJderbrook,rountry home at Katonah, N, v. and

l tbe Ootbara for tha season. Mra.u will glVB a reception at the Goth-

.¦.. for her daughter. 990¦on'a debutaatea

., | -, Ba»| daughteri. pjaa, arill becomc tba

Mlwortb on the

f November 56 bi st. Thomas'sMme. Ibnri Bt Paul de S'.ncay

'..,ni Englincl ...' 9eeli on th.

etanla to ad « B*ater»8 a

r honor. The brldeamaida will be Miss.. pro tOI aU*l Vudrey n. born.

... inor Lamaon an.i Misa Marcadeajtcoata wiii.-1 d< Foreal laaalce aillbeat tian, and th- ushers will b

. tn, Lawrence C Bt. EV. Potter. Rufua B Tacker, Artbui

Wlllete, >:<.. lon U

Henry Bproul Bayard Rtvaa, rli m k. .. Beth Barti n Prencb andn j ryBi ra H A reeaptlon win

me Of Mrs [_Ogaa, No,... Mr Mlwortb wiii glve

....;; :.:.< heli d flfler at the Bita-Novefllb. i fl.

-,..;,... ga ;i luncheon.. bei home. No IM Baal I7tli

eouetn Mbaa Qtm leviCl. :k the debutante dauuhter of Speakei

Champ CUrk Hei gueata Included Miss

leine Edlaon, Mlaa Beatrla Buei. Mtaahy Harvey, Mlaa Margarel Oolaate,

..,..., p teraon, Mlaa Agne:. \!-,. ard Mlaa Brandg Putnam

Charlea Waldo iiaskins will cive a

ai her home, No II Baal fBd.,, ,,. caaaber U to totraamca bei

Miss Noellne iiaskins.

Mn '. imai H Howard arill ghrea.. on [.... mbei 81 f'»r hei

mi,.. Eiixabetn Howard, andta th- flrat

lefje.I; gcott. who are

,,.u,st.ad. Long IxUuxl- wil

wn abOUt November 2- and

aOflfl, ,,r Mi and MTB Ollve:

No 11 Baal I2d atreet

M nn wniiam Cburch Oakarrjday from tholr country

gg, n aon, N v.. to the rity tox

|jj .,, nn Thomas sh.eids CUrkewU aatl to-day foi abjropa, 9*aN tha)

.he winter.

H un v..-..,- i Rayaal nr-

.,wd in t-.wn yeaterday from T9a

their .out,try place, at White

Y. and are at the Ootham.

flhan Ihe] Wlll remain until January 1.

bj, .. tfra geth LO* l'iene,,ont hav.

... -. isi i-ast I7tl atreel

.M ,: Mra Alberl B Mit-hell. ot

Conn., are at tha Vh>/M f"< B


m, .i Mrs Benjamla Buab aVaaaBatlBwtored down yeaterda) from IValtevre-fen. thel, countgy pUca al <'a/enov,a.

., tha Ootham for several

CONIM^TT.UNDERHIL.L.ra, maaaa CaawaajaflaBaat

,,, orange, N J.. Mev. k-Tbe ared-.r Mlaa Kathryn Underhlll. daugh-

and Mra Harvey I. ind-rhtii.of So 11^ Turr.-il BVeflUO. Hoiilh '>range.

V .'onn.it, ld, BOfl of Mr. and

Mra. BuKena v. Connett, of Convont Bta-w uerly ol «"uth Orange. taoli

place thla afternoon in the Chureh «.i tha

.,,,.unioi, here. The Rev. «leor«.

A. llanna, rector of tbe ehnreh, aar.

f'.l ,,,e<| the «.< renioli.NMis^ iiei.. Ceaneti. ^i>te. o< tba brwe-

aroon., waa th- matd of aawar, and Mrs.

.e L'aber «a» matron ot honor.


. *** *-*.*.

William Brewer .'onnett was best man.

The uahera were Andrew ITnderhUl, Robert Johnoon an.i Henry Orrtek, of Baltl*aiore; John Btover, of Germantown,I'enn.; t'arl Jon.-s, of St. Paul. and AustinMelgBi Of New York. all of whom w.-re

alaaamatefl of Mr. ''onnett at Princeton.

DENNISON.PUGH.. aph M Tti< Tril-uii.-

Philadelphia, Nov. .".. Miss .'. EUaabethI'ugh. daughter of the late CharieaPugh, a former vice-president of thaPannaylvanla Rallroad, was aaarrled ibis

avenlng at ber hom.. ln O-verbrook, toEthan A. Dennlaon, of New York. Theceremon) waa performed by the Hev.Harrlaoa B. \YriRht. asatated by tha Rev,john MeOaw Poater, of Hoston. Roberty. Dennlaon, of New york, was hi.«.brother s Ix-st man.

MILLS.PATERSON.Bj Teleerai ii te 'i h< Trii

Morrlatown, N J Nov. ,y--MK-» Jai-...-heth Patereon, dau*rhter of AlexanderPateraon, of Morrla Plalna, and V, Ray*mond Mllla bob af Qeeraa A Mllla, ofMorrlatown, were married ln the MorrlaPlalna Preabytartaa Chureb thla after-noon. 'I'l"* Rev. Dr. RTalter u Ham-niond performed the ceremony, Mianea i; Pateraon araa tbe mald of honor.Robert D. Htpaoa was the beal man Mrand Mra Mllla Will llva «t Wo 141 Wasii-

BtreH, Morrlatown


i: 11.11, _.- *. Maaa Woi .'. Aiment was made to-lay of tha rMISBge*ment of Misi Lora Btandlah, daushtei olMr. and Mra Mylea Btandlah, ol Boaton,

W llllam Henry vWaaton, |i a BtudenlBt Harvard. Mi tfeatOU ls .*. .."ti of I»r.

ai .i Mra *Y. II Weeton, of No MO Weal_M Btreet, Ni a foi k



Booth, daughter of John N. Booth, "f No.U4 Ray atreet, Jamalra. to frank McClel*lan Housion was announced yeaterda:Mr. Houaton la a aon of Dr. Thomai IHouaton, paator of the United Preaby-terlan Ctaun b, of Darfdngton, Penn MiHooth waa aacretar) ef the Borougb ofQueana

IN THE BERKSHIRES.[Bj io The Trlbua.

Lenox. Nov. 5. .Mr. and Mrs. Alexandeigedajwleh doead theh Btoehhrldsa bomato-day aad went to Boatea for tha winter.Mn i'-- ai laslgl a 111 leava here ahoi tl)

for LoulavUk to vlall Mi aiid Mn arlll*i.nu Maisball BullltlMr and Mrs. Charlea Alha, of Londoni

Mr and Mrs. H <;. Alha, of New York:Ebeii i- Jordan. Miss Dorothy JordanMi an.i Mra Joim Rlchardaon and theMlaeea loiikw C, ami cn_artotta Rlehard-aon, of Boatoo. arrived to*day al tha RedUon Inn, Btoekbrldge.prederlch B. DelafleM waa alected a

in'-Miber «f the Maaaachuaetta Legiataturafrom the Ith Berkahlra Diatrld yeaterday,Tha Rev. and Mn Anaon >*ii* ii-n Btokea

ar. goeeta of Mr. and Mra P7Ullam B

Oaaaod Fleld at Hlgh Lawa HoaaaDr. Austin Ko\ Rlgga bas beea alected

praeMent ..f tha towa dub of BtockhrMge.Mrs. Henry Lea KUaarna an.i LAwreaoe

Mlnot, ef Beeten, aad Mr and Mra, C. C.Qleaaon, of Greenirtch, Coun., ara at tax<*urtls llot.l

.\ii- Danlel Payna Grlawold an.i Mralamea B. Ludloa returned io New rorkto-day.Mrs J. Hopklna Bmith, of New *ioik.

trrtved al lha Curtla Hotel to-daiMr and Mra Bamuel Prothlngham ea*

tarUlned a dlaaer partj al Orerlea to*

night.The a-eea-ag of Miss Praneea oaelanea

Polaom. dauahter ol Mr and Mra. OeoraBWlnthrop Polaom. to Cleveland Bleelow,ol Boaton. will take plaea In Lenea oa

Baturday. Decembei flMra. Robert Wlnthrop and QrenvllM u,

Wlnthrop have gona 10 New York


Will Exhibit Four of His EnglishHorses for First Time.

... -, |< araph '.. 'r!" Wbei

Newpert, Nov. L* Alfred O. Vanderblliwill show for ihe t.rsi tlme four ot Mij.._ii-h horae* al lha Mattoaal Heraa

Show m N«w rork. Tha ataMea ef Md*¦rcrd B McLeea aad ReghaaM C. Vaa-

dcrblH aiso will ba repreaentad. Mr. Mc-._Win drive some of hM own entrles.

Mr and Mrs. Phdllps A. ilark have

;. ,,, gea Beaeh aad raturnad to New

M,. andrew C. Durlea aad Mr. aadM*,s Kttor.- K. I'oniaiui. BBr soti-in-iaw

aad daughter, arlll remaia la Newpeet a

fortnlnbl befora .**-*** '" |Ntfladelpbla forlha arlnter.Mi aad Mra B. Rolllm Morai an ....-

^ Mr. and Mra R, T. wrUeoe al Bai*

metto Bluffa, B *.'.

Mr an.i Mra R Uvlngstoa Beeckmaav.n. cloea Land'a Bnd next wee* and _-

lo Provldenca foi ii><- winter

Mux.inih_n AgasMzs honie. which ha-

beea rioaed this Brason, wlll be openedm \t aummer,Alr.. l_orlltard Ipaacer ia Ib New Vork

for a areek.Mra Thomai J. Bmory aad Mrs Charlea

J, i.ivmgood have gOM to New Vork forB short stay before golng to I'inclnnati.Mrs Bmory la having astenaJva Improve-menU made to bei Middli town bonMMrs Vand-il.ili gave a dinner thla l v-n-

ii.^. ai The Breakera ln honor of h< rdaughter, Counteea gaecbenyl, Mr. aadM, Alfred 0 l aaderblll wPI rei uafrom the Adlrondacka ahortly. Tbe) arillhe gueata of Mra. Vanderbtll befora gotngto New York.

"SNOW BABY" NOT TO WED^Rumored Engagemcnt to Donald

McMillan Denied by Father.Miss Man.' ObfllghitO I'-ar. th- "SflOa

Baby," b¦.'.'.mpaiii.-.i b) her mother, aaa

¦ paaaenger <>n ti>- Bteamer Kalaei v\ 11-I helm der Qrooae, whleh arrived Ifl portytflterda) afternoon Bear Admlral Bob-'<n i; i'.ar> went down tba bay on the

r< nu CUttar and :net hl l » Ifa and

daughter at Quarantlne Mlaa Peary, heaald, had i.e. n attendlng achiol In Oen-

lay. Bepoi ta I hai . Bgagi!),. ,,t to Donald McMII '¦¦ i k of tha

'rocker Land Expedkion, 9erah.. added. Tl Pi ar) i an al In nto M ai hington.

i. - ... Ka Wil-.1. r .1 oaae I.,. iinl,-.) a bi

Metropolitan Opera oi pan. noa^btera.o'i< of Ihem Maaa Lw aala BoiH Bori wax aceompanlad b) heifathi - <.. m ral 11» nao taorjia,commandod the :_.i Bpantah Infaatr!ln Cuba In IM Thi othei _lnaBall, Dert-Alten, Pi auletn Chrl rtalll,Margarate .'¦¦ r and Herrun w II, ol tbeMi ti..|. lit.m. and 'hau lea i».¦

the ('hlcago-Phlladi Iphta Op» b

Mi and Mra Ormi Wllaon promlnenlln Nea V..:. so. i) rre on boai d


Meet Secretary MtAdoo and FrenchAmbassador on White House Courts.tVaahlngtoa, Nov. .'.. Tha daya .,i tbe

Rooeevell "tennl ablw I were r«

to-day at tha Whlte Houae, Julea i Juaae-rand, tbe Pran h ambaaaador, who oftenplayed aith es-Praafdeai Booaevelt. aa-

BBgad in a tennia match wiii, Becretar)McAdoo, of the Treaaury Departraant, andthe Mlaaea Jaaale and Blaaaai IVIIaondaugblera of tba Preaident.Over the origtaal tennia courta aiten-

alona to tha aaecuttva ofBeea bava libean i.i.ih. Tba ne9 ourta are In a »;r..\.ln the south giounda.


MURPHYFrom Tba PMladelphla Inquirer (Rep.)

If Murphy can hold Ofl t-> <v. n a flfl.

Iblanca of power tn Tamman] after the

Icnockoul bloa adralolatered raoterday hemust lndeed own Tamman) body ando .1

.\N ANALTIlflFrom Tba New Torfe Bvenlng Mall (Prog),The rictor) is not Republlcan .>, Pro

a-faaatve; tba defaal la aol Pamocratle.Tha reaull h almpl) a elndleatJoa af the.

eapaeit) of tbe people of tkls etty ioi tttt-|..ivfi nment

u riA'i MIOHT HAV! BKEN.From Tha Bpriiigneld Bepublleaa <ind i.Tin; defaal ol tha Ta nman) caadldata

for Mayor of Nea Torii la aocompllabedb> a Buhguatlal plurality. Tha paapla ara

Irenoinded, however, ihat fallura t.. eon<

centrata tha antt-Tammaaj rotera woutdhave been daBBBtrOtta


I'n.Mi Tba Nea fort Bvenina PealNot only ni thti dt« bui averywhara

jtbroegbonl the eountrj aad bvob acrooa

|tha sea will >est.n'i>'M Mp-aad-talgbjaiaugbter of TaaimaJ! ba haiied aa tho

full dawnlng ot u»w day for mualdpalgovararaenl in tnt Ifnli d Btai r.

STil.l. WORK TO Bl i>. N'K

i-'ioni tba Nea forti Ob»ba (R)..SuffUi-nt effort has B9BB mailc to wou

Tatnanaay from evll praetJeaa by aoft-¦pokofl baaaacbhaga Whal k a.led f.-i

the work of Baal .xp .ision is th- niilltant

Lplrit of tt.- n-w MfyorNATIONAL BBJOICOia

prom The PhlladelphlB Ledger (Ind i.

The fflnggklng defaal ef Tamman) la1X09 Vork Ctty, ** tha d:...: -ilt of

tha sulzer Impegebmant, la aj rietory for

,.i governmenl ln whleh the nation may»,'.'. i rejolce. u k tka old atory of laao-],,,. and Jobbery oveiTaa^lai Itaalf and

hringtng oown «P0« .ts head raerttedcaatlgatlofl


l-rom Th- Haltiioor. Sun .Pem.i

Vesterday's aleotleaa generall) Indteata

.hal tha good .lov-rnrnenl movui.ent is BO

ilo^-P-no. ^^tSSLr Nea tforti Ika cH) arttk tke btggaat'l,.«ro,..s, and mOBt -vii of ma. hm-s

I, ipi. ndidi mapurlng.

[FOR WEDDING GIFICaaUaaad from flr«.t paaje.

knoa thlng aboul lt, as I've been in... aince 1 >\as .. mth

glrt. lan'l Mr. Mitchel rerj yoang?I've mct him on< .. aad a hen I heard hewas alected, tba Brat I tbongbl of aaahis -roung api.arance.

Give*. Tip on CoUectorship...ji,, you Ihlnk Dudley i-'u-i.i Malone

*.,i! i><- appolnted Collector of tha Port?... o'l loi man'a k- n-ln*law,

lan'l ii- ' When ha Intedi||| .-,... :-.,..) <-f st..;. i beard he

,, m ,|. *i,il.-.Mr it Mr. Mltchi.¦Aas .-le.ti '."Mlaa Stnckwell wh*i v-as present

v. hen tbe reporter iraa tntervtewed,s;;,,j aha Ihoughl Malone w.*.s Becondaasistani Secretary "John _k_aaetlMoore la is' aaalatan ," ahe aald,

v,, ;,.,i Mlaa Clark, "Mr Moore lacounclllor. I'm aure Mr. Malona is Bralaaalata I

Mr, Malone la i'nr.1 aaatatanl Becre-ta rj oi Btate.

"You know." Mlaa Oarh wenl on, "Iaraa In Balnl Mortta. ¦wltaartand, when

tha Bulaer ImpeachnSent, and Harr.Tha.. and 'ill thoee thlngil,;.; ,.. ned, ami waa aori y to

being h. n lo n ud about th. m. W IIIihes .v.r-.-t Thav oul of Nea Hamp<:-l Ire, d"o *,'-ii tii

Tha .-'ui,'.. impeechanent auggeated io

Miss Btockwell lhal his aaactloa ta lhaAt-f-ernbly would add tO his ambition 1o

"come back.""is n true," asked Mlaa «'iark. "tbat

he's BO.Bg to run for the Senate? Rutb" eouMn't run, could be, for youhaven't the dirr< t primaries here. ;inclthe new Aaeembtp arlll ba Republican?Maybe ttie federal ad wiii be ln powerwhen Mr. Root'a t<rm cxpires."

M.nd Not Yet Made Up.Through tha hot flre of queetlona tba

r. porter aai hoplng iiK.*.inM hope tbalMiss Clark would reveal just what stu-

Ihoughl wouid be best for thi weddlagKift And non in tiied lo revlva insInti r\ i.-w.

.isn't your iniii.i i.ia.i.- up al all aboultba Kifi"" ba aaked.

. >!i no." replie.l Miss fl.itU. bmsre. I'll have lo have sket' lirs uia.b- ifi 11 nt Rad ihe naaagn . amnt. and lniusi i.e \.-i- v.-r> careful Then,when I've Boen BVerj tliintr thi mlgbldo, rn co te Bfaahlngton and tell Mr,Mann what l!ier<' is. BO lhal lha HooaBof Reprea. ntal li aa an deddiBo nntii Mr. Mann and the Houaa of

Reprea. ntatlvea laara th< reaull of MlaaClark'a endeavora tha ktn.i of weddlngpreaenl Bnd tha name of the bu. aaaf n

j. w< ii.r or Bllveramlth arlll b.* in doubt.


la oini.,ii andHo -.

Jessie Wilson's Marriage toFulftl Prophecy Mado bv

Astrologer.. Ti in. Bm-. iu


dr. d Ini ¦¦ lha w< ddlng ol Mlaa''. ind daught. r -.( tha

and Hn \\ || ion,' FrandaBowea Bayn wera aenl oul from thaWhite li. to-de) Thej made a for-*q idable ? aftei ha rlng .¦> n la*lotM -I ln iheli two envrlopea.1*1. it. .>.!<¦.1 foi in- *abln. arera

the Bral t-> 11 dell n red, whB.m. ¦>. :i t and ami ai

mlnlatera foltowed. Othera latended foroflldalfl "i famll fi land wenout All <>f Ihcea ¦ '< .-. d to peiln R'aahlngton whether ofBctal oi other*.ai... irara aenl b< il Whlti Houea

|fli if i,. '. ded

i.in mambei ol tha i.im-'v

gtoi were aenl b.them bad .. Bpadal Wftaltavelopa.The queatlon of who la Includ In tha

!ist of Invitations |fl oti. of tb>- mOBI llI arhlcfa bas been preaented alnca

tha Praaldenl took m> i.is reatdence lntha wi.it- Iloua. \o oflldel Informa¬tlon culd b.- gain. d on the Bahje. t. either,s to name oi number, bul it is s.n.i thalln order to boM tha llal al aii wlthln thillrall pteecril --.i bj the brtde, who baii,. ver aranted a Mg weddJne, 11 waa

prntn'l tnn- an.l BBBln.II i,a, bi ii Btstad thal Ihe youna

dauahtera of the Poatmaatar Oeneral, thaBurleaon foi Inatence, wera beM

I,, ,i;i. uepenaa aa to whethei theyailghl be wlti.I thi hlatoi le av. nlAt tha marriage >.i Mlaa Ulea Rooaevall_nd Nlcholaa Lonaworth it became necee*

aary to divtde famlllea, and aven In tha(iipioiniiii. corpa thla vv..- done. youngRaroneaa Bllaahatk Reeen, dauahter oltt;, former Ruealan Ambaaaador, belngao aadlj iii'i'1''1 becauaa she was not ln*..it.,1 thal >b. never coneantad afterwardto sp. n.I Bl b in-'th "f time ln th.- \i.a t

leaa . apltalNew it la --"'i on geod authorlty tbal

,., one bul tha Cahinel Baambera andtheir wlvea, or tha Blder daughter, If aha|.- h'r fatb-r's bost.-s. may b.- InVttedand thal onh tha dlred repreaeaUtlveaof foreaga powara and thelr wlraa ara on

... ]Mt Bven vvith nn tha prunliIMt reacbea llttla lem than four hundredBul what la lachlng In gueeta la aaada

.,, ui tbe waddlng party, for after ¦ kmlaarck it Boemfl to ba b) f.«r the largealof tha doaan weddlnga preeleual) aolemn-

laed ln lh. IVblta Houae ia Mlaa WNleon«ili be lha Ihlrteentfa brtde, m ahe arllllri\,. thlrteen In bei waddiag party, ln-

L.,g bereelf aad Mi Bayi When,h. p t-idenl Kdiu Um partj lo kiv- hladauahter awey, ha arlll ba tha lourteenthmember. and wlB thua braah tha eharmwhi'h tbe number thbrteen and tha en-

,, u.t . Mack eal al tha Ivnlta Houaahave *,.i.-d io threw a.it tha avenl

v,,i,.,»o-. of tha Dumbar thlrtei n, m ./-

tnU memberfl of a lermer Cablnet who

.r, h- w/ashlnaton, reeaned te-day lhallual afb r tha .-b-'iton of vTnUani How*.,-,i Taft Daoad, tha Aaayrlaa aatrologera,,d Cactaaa t-n.-r, praaietad a tVhltaHouse bride for HB» Of eaurae everj ona

,,.)lu:lll . mual ba Mhw Hetoa Taft, who

mu then a acHoolalrt and as thal avenl,||,1 not .nat.rlalize before Man I. I ol th-

fat.-d year, ti.-y at aoea saw bopa ahaadfoi the s.-.-i- when I'l.sbbnt \V.I>..n Bnd»,!. thr.la-ghtera took paaanMoa altbe Uhlt. House.To-day they ara eaaajratulatlnB Deoud

on hi- feteaaat Mhw Oenevlevi Ctork'afrifMda ar.* uaylnK "J""t am what she es-

,;.,..,(¦ ..ud ana is lefl lo weader what

miKht haea ba.ned bad eRher ol thaother .an.lidat.-s »-.-. n elected, laeteod elMr. Wilson

ROOSEVELTJN ARGENTINAjColonel's Vessel Enters Harbori

to a 21-Gun Salute.Buenoa Ayrea Bot, ... .oionei Theo-

dore BOOBaVefl arrived h-re shortly after

|18 o'cIock thU rnornbag on board tha Ar-..ntinegimho.it UrugUB] from Montevl-

jdeO. Th- ganbOBl \va< BBCQttad into theI,arhor h\ BBVCn t...:iis dr.ss-d withfiaga from Btem to stein. As slie ap-proachad aba llrad a aalata af tweaty-onarana t<> whlcb ihe gunboat Roaarto 19-pneo.¦everal oeiegatloaa cotnpoaed or promi-1

nent potttJcal pai bbimubb and representa-tlvea of leadlng inatitutiona went oal

ta greal the dlatlngulahad rtaitor,Wbo, when he land-d at 1048, was m-t on

tba ajuay by th Amerlcan Mlnlater, .John'W. Oarrett, the aidea-dp-camp of tbePreaident, tba Argenllne Mlnlatera of Warland Marlne, tbi . protocol,

bt ¦ of tba fi .'- dlplomatlc coi paand a number of ofil of tba armyami navy A mfhtary band played th.Amerlcan and Argentine national _n-

thema and aa enormoaa crowd apptaudedaa colonel Rooaevell itepped aaboraColonel Roo a .1 wenl arttli Mr Oar-

reti io his realdence amM the acclama-tiona af thouaanda of people gathered intbi tra. ta afl ... « hlcb he ealled an theIctlng Praatdent Dr !». la Plaaa, v.ithwhom he remalfted for nearii an hour,

'>n his ,. iiiim .,, iha 1.. ratlon ba waM b) Nve hundrei Boy Bcouta and ae-

compa.>i h) greal erowda wbieb cbeeredcontlnuoual) r... Rooaevell and the UnltadBtatea Prom tha baleony of the Legationha theaked tha people for this mantfeeta-tif.n of bi rnpath] 'or hi. country

FREiMCH WGN7 FIGHT SUITWife Will Charge Non-Support

in Petition for Divorce.n.

Newport R I Nov. i Whlla it is ua-deratood thai Amoa Tueh Preach arillnot eontest Ihe action for divorce batflgbrought by hla wife. Mrs. Paullna La Boyfrench, ha haa retalaed counaal hara tolook oul for his totereetaI'harles H. Koabna, Jr., who. lt is said,

wiii repreaenl \fr. Prencb, refaaad to dls-euaa iha aaa to-nlght.Mra Prench wlll eharge non-aupport,

nnd in her petltlon Wtll ask the rourt togBBBl her tha CUatOd) Of three minurflOna and BUPPOtl f'T th. 10 and for he.-self.


Pavlowa Canccls Date to Spend Weekat the Manhattan.

lt is announced thal Pavlowa tha R ib-.-.mn dancer and her rompanj wlll returnio New forh for inothei engagement.The) wlll a peai al the .Manhattan OperaHou 1 aeeh from Mo ida for a weekTh arrangei nl waa haatllj made yeo-t-i.i.i 11 >.. ;. oi other cltlea waa

lled to b bai h toNea YoikAaothei apeclal appearance haa baea ar-

rangad ... Madlaon Bcjuara Oarden onthe night ol Dacembar 18, when Pavlowaand her antlra compaa) and orcbeatraaill mn Into tba rit. to appear at tha'Pavlowa irnlval," whleh la t>. ba h.idindei thi ... pl< 1 of a ommlttea ofprominenl men ano mom<


Purses To Be Made from FamousElephant.

The laal ol Qooi nle, thi famoua eh»-I phant. whlcb died almoal t«" yeara agoand Sisr >,. hietad dlatinctlon a 11 n aha

1 ri> ii attraction ofJumbo, «iii probabl] aorti In amall

s by faahlona la women In thi formfbooka trlmmed wlth

I allvei it ifl Bflnounead thal her hlde,I which had 1.n preaarved for .1 muaeum,IflU h--li soal to fl j.-v.-l!.. ,,. th:Queeait waa ab >ul ¦¦. . hui dred and

Hft) yeara 0 d a hen ln died, and was

l alephani ro 1 to Amerd a.

TO PRODUCE DRAMA OF MORALS.Tha Bbuberta annouuee tbal 1 nea play

b) Rachal Crowthei "Ouraelvea, wlllhave ita :it-t New Vork weeentatlofl althe 1.yra Theatre on Wedneada) evanlng,

n -i i_ ¦.(»111 Hlvva" is .-.,iu to,t inatructive U-aaoa, ahowing tha

|reformatlon uf a woman, and ih> need affoi in moi .1! itandard for both aeai 1

Thi eaal Im id< Irai Klil iton, s. .. naJohnaon, Jobyna Howland. Oeoffrej CBtcln, Thurloa Bergen Btanle) Dark,

| Mlnei ami Mattla Keene.

PITCHER ACTS FOR CRITICS.'ii,- atholk Protector) Band marchad

down Broadwa) laat nlghi and uato thaI'.ii... Theatre ln honoi ..1 Rube" Mar-

qjuanJ, .« a ber ol tha Oianta, and bia** ra B .». v. ho ne appearing

¦1 ln b aketch, "Tba Buffragetteji'h. i:. i.' Laal bIi .1 wa« Has. ball \\ 1 M-

Nlghi and thi tbaatra waa decoratadarlth Ihe champlonahip |>annanta v\..n by]the Olani Man. of thi leading baaeballui itera ol Ihe Baal nei praei nt, anddurlng the IntermWalon the Protectory]bapd played evi ral ai [-< tionf


i|ga n.i!- raola a 111 preeeal a ne«flkcl h "Tha Laat Bcene of th< f*lay," byMrs,. W. k Cllfford, for the Kret tlme atIhe Colonial Theatre thla afternooa Thei'i.i-t deala arlth tba dlvoroa quaatloa IflRngUndki.iw .v Brlangai will praaant Blaia

Parguaon In "Tha Itraaga Woman," a

Mn ,..igj b) Wllllam Hurlbut, at lhaLyceura Theatra a weak from bobI Mon¬day, Novemhei 11

11 11 rrata-f announced yeaterday thalhe had Bflgaged Rahsrt Pltitta t>> repiaeaRalph Hara la tha prtactpal comed) rola

'¦,,, 1,101 iierh.it s nea aonalo opera"The Madcap Ducheaa, wbieb, wltk Aaagwlnburna ln lha tltla part. wlll have it»

\Hem Voik premlera ln tba Qlobe The-Htre u-xt 'ii- Bda) evealng.Henr) B gavaga haa oboaen "Barl" an

the name for tha operetta which wtll he

h,< Bral nea productlon of thla laaoon.and he iias aflgagad MIbbI HaJoB lo play,... ,,1 tba Importanl rolea. The place aill.,p. n in Cbriatmaa week. "Barl" is the

operetta b) Bmmerich Kalman which,

Bfldar tha tltla "Dar Blgeunarpriiaaa" haa

bean currant ln Irienna and otbar riUaa alEurope for man) monthaTba I'ifth Avaaua Tbaatra announoaa

io. November iu thr deimts of BaaaaetCarrlgaa and l.awi.ne, geaaon. The for-mar «iu praaaal the lAtaahar Gamboi

Ipfcaylet, "An ::><. for an Kye,'- while the

latt-r wiii do a eartaofl actUoiio. May llaaahwout, reader and eio

[cutkuuat, win .iv.. .. readlng ..1 Maeter*iim k'a falrj pla] "Tha Blue Btrd," at

tha lattie Tbaatra aa Prida) aftaroaaaShe haa divtdad tha plaj mto threa parta,witi- many Bubdlvlaiawa, m order to Kiveth- play as inuch raoJInfl aa poaBlbIa"KaiirnaBhift" aill ba gtvea al tha

Oermaa Irvtng l*aaea Theatra on Kriday.,t a apanial pawfi aatowal raattaeiMaM Hairiet l.ahadie will _r.- B dra-

matk mterpreutrofl ol Perey Maekaye'aIdaaJkrtlc draasa, ^o-Mavrow/' at the

Berkele) Tbaatra lo-aJghi

FUNERAL AT COPENHAGENBody of Price Collier To Be

Oremated in Denmark..'npenhaRen. ttt/V, '..-The body of

I'rire .'olller. the American author. WhOBBdeath CK-rurred on Monday at Wedlesborgrastle. on tha island of Funen. was

bioughl hara to-niuht. it was aeeea-<-|panled by .\lr*>. Colller and | er son. Wur-

ren l>. BebMna thlrd Becretary of the;Ameii.-an Bmboaao i'i Parta. A briefservice had prevlously been held ln thecastle rhap.-lThe funeral party WBB irtet at t'open-

hagen by the American Mlnlster to Pen-

mark. MaurtCB V. F.ffan. the members Ofhis Btafl an.1 several friends. AccordlnRto Mr. Robblaa, 'is atepfather had ea-|prtmrd a wish that his body be cremated.and his famlly has declded to follow out

his deetrae,ti,.- crematloa wiii t-.k<- placa al Cdpen*



Michael T Daly, hief <-b rk

Board <>f Bleetloaa, dled yeaterday raiorn-int. at his home. No. IS* LaBtnftOB ave-

. Mr. Daly waa deputi to Cen*trolier Mir.i s Ceter. Ha waa born InIreland In 1811, Ha anv to amerl ¦

wh.-n he vvas t.-n \ -nrs oJd BBd attendedtbe pubUc s.hoois of ihla city. He baabeen an ofBcaholder Binca WW. whan lhathen Mayor. A. Oakey Hall. appototedhim Becond rnawhal to th.- Mayor InUM ha bacarea hief derk of the CityCourt in IBM ba was appototed Coramli-si.-i. r if Accounta, and when Mayor 011*roy took offlce he was made Commla* |Bkmer ol Public Wprtm. Ha araa removed

Uayoi Fstroiuj ¦*

CAPTAIN G. W. SCHA-FER..'aptain .leorge WashinRto-i BchBefer

died at his home, No. 27 Ceatral avenue.

Coroan, Queena. yesterday afternoon.His death was catised by pneumonia.Captain Schaefer, who was flfty-nine-..ars old, waa formerly the captalB of

Company I, 47th R.ffiment, N. '!. N. V.He was ln the real estate bumncsa. withBfl offl.-e in Flushinjr. He I.-avcs a wifeiind a son.

MRS. MARY F. R. SILLIMAN.I By Tel* graph t'1 Thfl Trfbeae ]

Morristown. N. J Nov. .".. MlU, MaryHandolpfa Bllllman dled yeaterday fremneumonle nt her home la Kermandy

i'ark after aa Blaam of thrae daya Bhaaraa 67 yeara old. Her buaband, ColonelWilliam Silliman, eornniaiuier of the UStfaReglmenl of Negro Volunteera, vvas aholln the Clvll Wor, Mrs. BilHmaa made herhome for many yeara In .Morristown withher cnusln, the late .lohn I" CaaBetd.

WILLIAM B. GOULD.Bouth <>ran_*e. N .!.. Nov. ... -William B.

Qould, aaventy*flva ;. .-ars ..ui. of Ho. i-*>

Montroaa avenue, dled to-day at hlafrom heart .ii bbm. Born bi Nearark, Mr..jouid Uved thera untll thlrtj yeara .i~".vvhi n he took np hla realrt'^nce in this vll-l.-.re. He had been a B-BBUfaCtUTQr ofbardware. aith » factorj In Hewark,arhlch n,-i» eetabllahad by hla father. Mi-haei Qould, ln UBS. BaaMm a wife. Mr.

. loniii leavea a dauahter. Mr1- BdarlaBaylea, and .-. son. Ciifftord A. OoaM, bothof South Orange, nt"' a brother, "rTeder-lek m Qould, of Hew rork.Tba funeral arlll ba held al tha houaa

Siituidiiyjafternoon. Tha Rev. <:<'jrge P.ESastman, paator "t tha Oranga Vaii.-yConaregatlonal Church, will cdBctate. Tbeburtal w ii ba In Pairmounl Cemetery,


Social Hygiene Laboratory To BeOpen at Bedford Hills.

The new laboratory of aocta! hyslena.it Kiizi.i- tb r.v Hall, al Bedford UUia.-.viii be opeaad Tueaday. A receptlon >vnibe glven !>. tbe board of Biaaagara of the\. v fora sitiit.- Reformatorj foiand tha Bureau of Bocial Hj .*.. n<.The board of manaaara of tha refor*

ii ator) Includea Mlm Katherlne Bemenlt v ?-. nuperintendent; Jamea Wood,

presldent: Mra Henry MarQuand, aecre*!.,,'.; William <; Barrett, treaaurer;D.-ivld Cromweil, Charlea n Turner, Mr-3..1 Rorden Harriman and Mlm Marj Oar*|.-i M,iv


British Ambassador on His Way toWashinifton.

fi Aft. r ip. ndlng a feadiivs here, tbe Brltiah Ambaaaador, MrCecll Arthur Sprlnc-Rlce, left to-ntghlfor Waahlngton. Tha ambaaaador baaImproved In bealth recently, but bis

phyatdani Inalal thal ha apare hlmaelfas mii.l. a< pOBBtble Untll be has full)ro ivered Lad) Bprtne*Rtce had pre*,. ded hlm to the capitalTha ai-ih.is--a.ior eame bera Baturday.

foii.-win.- b cold rmap tiiat made tbe aum*

baaa) tl Dublln, M. H uncom*

fortaMe. Ha waa accompanied t-> P/aeh*Intton b) sir William Tyrrell. privateecretary lo the Brltiah Becretary foiPoretgn Aifair*. Blr Rdarard Orey, arhawiii ba tha fitesl of Mr CecU for aaothimonth


DR. BERNARD TAFT AT COLUMBIA\)t h. nard Taft, ¦'. r"i a . h ra lologial

,Ui.i rmvellet, arlll Bhra to-nlaht al I Ithe lirst of a stias of l-'ren. h levturea at

Columbia Unlveralt) Hla Bubject wiii bo

"Anatola 9\ ince, Boawnderde la Bevotu*tlon." Amonfl Bernard Taft'a worka are"Lea Vamnis de la Ololre." "Marriagehui- b- Tard" and "La Oranda ImpUca-hh." Bovela dealtni arlth problema of ao*

(i.-ty. in. Thil apaaha aataaapBranaaaal'iBBd pr:i.-ii.'ally Wlthoet prei.iitatioii.


WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY.j ,1, || ilofl IO' tl v,ii. ., i:. M ... IIBI 11|

Natui-I Hlatery, Metropollun Meaeum afArt and ti»* A.|ii«iiii'"-

Mllltan Bhow, MadkMW aqaan Oerdt., ai th>* Bo. ntfl dea i'- .ni\ arti

u ald< ii- Utorlfl, n"".i

Meetlaa "f tba i.e*,i*i;.tive Leaaue, "dTaMerf*Asto. ia. -' l>. "I-

Diaaet al th.- iBteraatlonal Commll.Un- )fOUB| M n K t'liiUt.Mli AflBOelfltlOM,\\ ..i.iurf Astn. ia. .! |. m.

..< lha at, Aadn i Be. tety. B ..irt»rf-\»t.>rla s p. ni

pehiie laeimaa --t uih Baard af Bdaeatloa.B:1S i- ... .Muiihaii.n. IVaeblBBtoe irv-

Ina Hlfll. School, No io ir.ii.a Ptoc-*,..Corn is Kii.,; "f Crepa" i»i OeerfaDonfttdaen: Public Behool zi. tM nr.-n.

blrd ,. .' i.ii-. "The >l.-al. o of '¦¦ o,ii, Dr l>. F. Bmith; i*uviii. srho,,i :c*..

iis \\*. ii mth Btreet, "D_alel **Vebeter.ln TbonMfl lleTleraaB; PuMI. Bebeel *.>.

150th itreel and Bt. Wlcholai Bvvaue,.¦Hemik Ib-*n.'' li Baaaell Herta; ruallcBehool 50, Na tM Baal Wth atrajrt,Bountlful BraBll." i.< <.*-'»f.f B. \ande.

Public Behool ii-'. Beat. r Bnd Bas. *

-Uf. wlth the l'.ilt.-l Staiea Klsh-..,...»..' 1)r. rrancla it-.:t Whoaler; PuMI.K,hool IOU, l3Bth BtW '. v\hsI "f Kifth av-

aue "Folkaonga o* BcotUnd." Mr*. Roaoraliounom. Pebllc aehoel IM, \OtAh atrijet.u.-a ..f ..iiiMt-r.i.iin Bveaue, i.i-tnt Phe-noruena " Dr. J r_orlr_B Araeld; lAatltuUl'lill N'.i 211 Krtat KMllh Btreet, Ouliilh."John c rarteni Leboi Templa 14th Btreelan.l Becond uv-.-n.i,-. "Around tho Emernldl.io" William .-tiariea ODonnell.jr.: Pab-ii,. Library tio, 11__ K,<"i aath Btreet, "ThflPhlllppUwa." Themaa lt. BrldfcB; Bll.ukea Hui1- Hodaan Btraet. aoutii ,,f . hrla-topher Btreet, "Oreal Brltala an.i H.-i _-:m-

plie," Vr. Bda ard M. Pelt

TON H. Nl. FUGLER ESTATEJustice Pendleton Directs A.Freedman as Committee to

Retain Oil Stock.


Property Which Was Worth $2, -

532.478 in 1908 Now Valuedat $4,039,229.Expert

Evidence Figured.Justice fvndletou contirm'd yegterlay

tl.e aeoonataag of Andrew Proodaaaa, a«

committee ot' the property of Mra Ida M.Flagler, wlfe ol the late Henry M. Flag-ler, Standard Oil Company omH.il. whoobtalnad a dlvorea in Plorida on th«ground of inaanlty, Mra Plagk la n<>wan Inniate of Dr. Cfllioa P. Ma iDoflflM'8¦aaatorium at Ceatral Pellay, N. v.The report of Mr. Freedman Bbowa ihat/

the property of *>Jrs. Plagler, whleh araaworth $2.:w.C^ Ifl Maa. is B09 valued at

M^aajJB. The property lactadad J.600Bharea <>f Standard Oil slock. whlcb hasbean aachaaged for shares of tha subsidi-ary raanpanliia <>f the standard OU t'om-paay. 'I'h'' court's a-tlon was made ne-

cessary when the I'mt-.l States Suprcme1'ourt dlaaolved tbe Standard.Mi. Freedman Bubmlttad expert <\i-

dence ;.s to tha ralue of tbi all Mot k. Iltsaid ha had OOBaUlted with Ml Flaglerbefora hla death, and since then had -bn-ferrcd with Judge Ktiard*Uy, attorney forMr. Plagler, and that they had advisedhim to keep the Standard <>il stock be-longing to Mrs. Flagler.Mr. Preedraaa said th- demand for 011

was in< reasing, ar.d ihat the prevalllngprices of the Standard oil se-urltiea lnthe last year did not represent the realvalue of tlie stocka. He aiso asserted behad been advised to retain all the securl-tles except the stock of the Water»-I'lerce company.Under an order of the BBUri Mr. Freed¬

man paid J.!:.y.!i to relatlves of Mrs Flag¬ler from ih- in-om- on her property an-ls|«'nt MltlM m the la.-t y. ar lor h-r inuii-

tanan >. Ma aatd the pneartal condition ofMrs. Plagler was the same as it waa a

yaar ago, although her age was affectingbar somewhat. Her health is good, andshe often accotnpanies Mra. MacDonald.the wlfe of the alienlst, to the theatreand op. ra.

Mr. Freedman asked tlie IflBtrUCtloa oftha COUrt as to keeplng the oil sto. k, andJttotict Pendleton algned an order yest-i-day dtractlng the cotninltteeinaii to retainth- BtOCk untll further order of the court.Tba Juatlce awarded Mr, Preeatraaa a eoe-

Ctal allowan - of IJo.'K.", ili aildltlon to theommission of ..'.'il, due him.

BID UP HAMILTON ARTMrs. F. A. Vanderlip Extensive'Buyer of Alienist's Terra GottasUnder the direction of Thomas K. Klrhy

the Amerlcan Art Gallorics opened Its.eason yesterday afternoon wlth the flratsession of the sale oi the antl'iue fur-nlture and other art objecta COUOObtd hyDr. Allan M.1498 Hamllfon <>f the 1t:>lots offered. a palT of Inuui 89898. soldto K. H. LoreBfl as BgOBt, hrought the toppriea of not, 'fhe embelUahineat of thevasea cooatata of tbrea dragooa, thecraata of the Bmperor and thiee howohlrds. the erests of th* l-:mpress and ofmandartna, T'ue pahf were awarded a

gold medal at tba Louaaaaaa FurchaseBshlbltlOfl at St Louis in MM,Mra P. A. Pandertlp was an extensive

buyer Of Qreek and Roman Kla>s aadterra .ottM gba gava iZ\ for a terracotta itgurlne antltled "SuppUcatlng forTribute' from Boeotla, third century.U. <'. Th- total ot this aOBBlon was11.05. 30.

LODGE HEADS HARVARD ALUMNIFi< an, Nav, .'. Unlted states Benator

II. m; CabOt Lodge, class of '71. hasbaeo aiacted praaldeal of the HarvardAlumal Aaaoclatloa for the ocmlng yeai.Thi nea dce-prealdenta of the asaodatlon1- Marcua C Bloaa, ''.'. ... Ban Prandaco,

Judge ol th- Callfornia Bupreme Court,and Prancla R Appleton, '7., of Boaton.The latter was re-elected.


MARRIED.TAYLOR.M'CAFKRET- On w adneadajr,November 5, at th- City of New York.

ii ¦. mi Taylor and Harrletl MaiKueriteMi Caffrey.

Notlrr. r>f mnr.-l-.r« ..n.i >¦'« rr.ii*. bair, om|iHiilf<l bj lnll name and addreaa.

DIED.riark. Kiiiah i'. Kaklane, Wllllam H.

., uier. I' i"- Murphy, Mai y QCollln. Grace l. HUllman, Mary R.Could. \\ illiain I). \\'-ii.i, ISdtth K.

CLARK ESUJah F. Clark, ou Tue*day.Vovember 1 Funeral at hla real*denee, Panafly, N. J gervieaa anlInterment prival

COLL4ER.- Buddenly <>» hearl failure, at

Tybrlnd Btatlon, BJtfy, near odense.i'-nmaik, ou Monday, Novamber WPrice Colller, of Tuxi .1... Park, B. 1

%COLL1N.On November 5, aged ¦ yearaQraoi Lathrop Collln, daughter >>'Charlea A Collln an.1 Kmiiv LathropEtlpley, Kuneral at Norwlch, Conn., No»reraber k. at :. p. m

OOIJI.D I- Wedneaday. November "..!'i:, after a brlef lllneaa. Wllllam 11Uould. husband of \i urgan ; Allen ..'io

oldaal si n ot th- lat- Mlt. hei; andu,a Ward Oould. Funeral aarvlea al hlaiai. realden .-. N'o. IM Moi t-. -¦ avaBouth Orange, N. J., on Saturday. No-.ember t. ..' '''¦¦" a m., or. arrival of!¦ l. di W. Iraln laavlng Hoi»"ken atin¦'..) (nternu nl it conventenca of

nJljr.HALDANE Al hla realdence. Rock

.;,.., ;h .'.d.i Spi'lng-on- Hudson 01.

Weoneada. . Noyember a, Wllllam HennHablane. ln the >M year ol Ma ag*I.-..,,,...: s-i \ i.s at the Chureh of Stv.',1:, ...;.,;,..iii^hian.- ("old SPrlng-on-Hudaon. Frtday Noven.he, ..«."¦»;rival of iraln laavlaa Orand l entiauTermlnal al Uae a u

miitiiv Mary Ooodllff. daughter afMV£PUt.WlllUD Murphrr., at JajS^t!^'-,T::rK.'¦;;>. ;.,,'; secm -

lllhth yeir. Funeral aervicea at tha7'tl, a\ ,.ue Baptlal Chureh Thuraj

i..,- mnrnint: November 8, al w

ovlock Kl%»y omit nowera. Iater-;;;,.., i;, enwood Cemeury. Privata.

uniiMW.At Moiilstown. N. J-. onK I'le^laV November 1. ItlS. Mary

R«ndolph Bllliman. Fun.-r.l « WHie realdence. Normandy Para. Mar-riatown N. J od Thuraday. Novem-[.., 1 i*gia ai 10:M a. m InteraaeBgat eonvenlenca of tbe taarilv,

wvin.At Oouverneur, N. v.. on Novem*heri. IM. aflaa Edlth K. Wald. Paaaradai Oouverneur


THK WOOI1I.AWN (KMKTKKV.23M si n> Harlem I ala aad by Trolley.

Ofgce M Baal SM st.. N. Y.

OFFICKS.m UM MKi'M'K- No. IM Bnuaea atreet.UPTOWM UI'FH E-N'u. 130. Broacl»:iy, or

,ti 1 .ni n- m Dlatrjel "ei-arapii onic*.¦ H.-HI-KM OFKH'K.No. 15T Eaat llata

n r.-.-t. No _«¦ Waa. lJOth atr«4.t anU >4».

818 Weat Uiib »ir«ia.