Missed Shots John 3 vs.16

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  • 8/6/2019 Missed Shots John 3 vs.16


    Day I DevotionMissed Shots

    Romans 3:23

    1 Corinthians 15:57

    John 3:16

    Hand out Path to Victory N.T.

    - explain that it is Bible (Gods Word) N.T. tells about Jesus

    - explain basketball players (pictures and quotes)

    Activity: Pick 3 people to shoot last second shot while rest count down 3-2-1.

    Shoot from 3 different distances.

    Discuss: In basketball even best shooters miss more game winning shots than they make.

    Has anyone ever made all of his/her shots in their career? (no, just like us in life)

    Has anyone ever lived a perfect life and never sinned? (no, except Jesus)

    If we miss a shot in a basketball game it may cost us the game, but what does God say about

    sin? Has anyone ever lived a good enough life to deserve heaven? (No - look upRomans 3:23

    it says that all have sinned and fallen short.)

    So what is the Path to Victory in life? or how do we get to heaven? (Look up 1 Corinthians15:57- Victory comes through Jesus!)

    Lets find out how. Look up John 3:16

    God loved us and sent His only some to die for us to take away our sins! It is only through God

    given faith in Jesus that we are saved so we can have victory and go to heaven!


    - Thank you for camp, Your Word and most of all for sending Your Son.

    - Use your word to help us to see our need for your Son Jesus

    - Forgive us for all of our sins

    - Help us to always know your love and forgiveness that comes through your

    Son Jesus.

    - Grant us a faith that always trusts you and only looks to Jesus to take us to heaven